CC - Item 4B - City Council Minutes of April 9, 2019 MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL AND REGULAR MEETING APRIL 9,2019 The special meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Clark at 6:17 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Clark, Mayor Pro Tem Armenta, Council Members Dang, Low, and Ly ABSENT: None ; / STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Molleda, Assistant City Manager,Tsujiuchi, City Attorney ce''L Richman, Chief of Police Kusayanagi, Director of Finanieu, Director of Community Development Kim, Public Works Director Alfonso, Director of Parks andRecreation Boecking, and City Clerk Hernandez - 1. PRESENTATIONS ,r `. A. Proclamation Declaring April as "DMV/Donate Life Month" in the City of • Rosemead Daniel Luevanos, representing dile-Legacy, commended��the City Council for their continued support on organ donation awareness ad,. issuing a proclamation. Mr. Luevanos invited the City Council arid"the community to the Annual Run-Walk event for April 27,`2019, which\promotesrgan;d'onor awareness. Incoming-Mayor 'Pro',Tern Armenta thanked Mr. Luevanos for his work on the Rosemead Parade float on behalf of`One�Legacy and recognizing families that have family members.donate-or are recipients of organ donation. ' — fJ Incoming 'Mayor;Clark shared that a friend of hers tragically passed and was (' honored"on\`'One Legacy_float as an organ donor. \\The City Council presented a proclamation declaring April as DMV/Donate Life \Month" on the City of Rosemead. • B. Presentation'bthe Los Angeles County Temple Sheriff Station on the Los Angeles Regional Crime Stoppers Sig Sheriff Justin Cham, from the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department, spoke about the Crime Stoppers program. The program is an extensive system of paid informants. It's a means for the public to earn some money in exchange for information about a crime while assuring their identity is kept secret and safe from retaliation. Crime Stoppers has two parts; one is the non-profit organization that raises money and pays the informants. The second part of Crime Stoppers is the detectives handling the information and making the arrest. Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting AGENDA ITEM 4.B Minutes of April 9, 2019 Page 1 of 11 Stoppers is an international program with agencies throughout the United States, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom that run independently. Every month there are tens of thousands of people arrested just based on Crime Stoppers tips. Los Angeles County has had Crime Stoppers since 2008, and most people still do not know that it exists. Therefore, it's essential to have local government agencies know about Crime Stoppers because they have a better understanding of their community. Each City needs to have an active involvement so that they can effectively get information into the hands of their community. Incoming Mayor Clark asked what happens to the pe,son,:that is arrested and then turns out not to be the perpetrator. Deputy Sheriff Cham explained tipsters are paid`'based on an arrest, not a conviction. If paid by a conviction,that would require thepresence of the informant in court,and protecting their identity is essential. In good faith We want to maintain the relationship with the informants, if it'ineans obtaining valuable information that leads to an arrest. / 2. CLOSED SESSION • A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL- EXISTING LITIGATION Pursuant to Govt. Code Section 549.56.9 (d)(1) Case Name: City of Rosemead and Cityof Temple City v. City of El Monte LASC Case No. 19STCP00254' B. PUBLIC/EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Government Code Section: 54957\`\ ti Title':City Clerk -;/ ..---City Attorney`Richman`announced'that any reportable action by the City Council • would,be reported,at'the regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. ". Incoming Mayor Clark)recessed to closed session at 6:37 p.m. .� \ \ \ ;� 7:00 P.M. The regular meeting,of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Clark at 7:10 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Clark, Mayor Pro Tern Armenta, Council Members Dang, Low, and Ly ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Molleda, Assistant City Manager Tsujiuchi, City Attorney Richman, Chief of Police Kusayanagi, Director of Finance Lieu, Director of Community Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of April 9, 2019 Page 2 of 11 Development Kim, Public Works Director Alfonso, Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking, and City Clerk Hernandez PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council Member Low INVOCATION was led by Council Member Dang City Attorney Richman reported out of closed session for the Public Employee Performance Evaluation for City Clerk. City Clerk Hernandez received a five out of five-performance evaluation, which substantially exceeds expectations. As a result, her contract would be brought back to be amended for a compensation increase. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Ly and seconded by Incoming Mayor Pro Tem Armenta Low to approving a five out of five-performance evaluation. A motion was carried out by the following.roll-call vote AYES:-Armenta, Clark, Dang,Low, Ly. f 3. PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Clark opened the Public Comment period., Speaker Gabriel Ramirez congratulated Incoming Mayor Clark and Incoming Mayor Pro Tern Armenta on their installation. 4. PRESENTATIONS-- - ., \' C. Administration of the'Oath of Office to Margaret Clark to Assume the Position of Mayor -Pastor-Tim Clark'adminnistered_the Oath of Office to Incoming Mayor Margaret • Clark.. • <- D.\, Administration'of the Oath of Office to Sandra Armenta to Assume the Position of \Mayor Pro Terri i • Ariana Morales�administered the Oath of Office to Incoming Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Armenta. N E. Recognition of Steven Ly as Outgoing Mayor The City Council thanked and commended Outgoing Mayor Steven Ly by presenting a picture frame honoring his military and public service to the City. F. Presentations and Commendations for Newly Appointed Mayor Margaret Clark, Mayor Pro Tem Sandra Armenta, and Steven Ly as Outgoing Mayor Cindy Lee, representative for Congresswoman Judy Chu's office, presented outgoing Mayor Steven Ly with a certificate of commendation. Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of April 9, 2019 Page 3 of 11 Giselle Sinz,representative for Senator Susan Rubio's office,presented certificates of commendation to outgoing Mayor Steven Ly,Mayor Margaret Clark,and Mayor Pro Tern Sandra Armenta. Chamber of Commerce Board Members commended and presented Outgoing Mayor Steven Ly a gavel plaque for his service to the City and the business community. Vice-Mayor Ross Maza,City of Alhambra,congratulated and presented certificates of recognition to incoming Mayor Clark, Mayor Pro Teni`Armenta, and outgoing Mayor Ly. '. ~" Mayor Pro Tern Tom Chavez, City of Temple City,‘congratulated and presented certificates of recognition to Mayor Clark, Mayor Pro Tem Armenta, and outgoing Mayor Ly. On behalf of the Garvey School District Board Members Vinhn Ngo'and John Nunez presented certificates of recognition to•,Mayor Clark, Mayor Pro Tern Armenta, and outgoing Mayor Ly. Board Member Ricardo Padilla, El Monte Union`High School District, presented certificates of recognitionto-Mayor_ Clark and•'Mayorr"'Pro Tern Armenta, and outgoing Mayor Ly. ti' 1 `, td Superintendent-Alex Ruvalcabd, .Rosemead'.School District, congratulated and presented'certificates of recognition to Mayor Clark, Mayor Pro Tem Armenta, and outgoing Mayor Ly. , •` Mayor Clark stated_the-Citywof San/'Gabriel and Los Angeles County Board of ,.-;Supervisors Hi1da:Solis-Office,,were not in attendance, but provided certificates of recognition,to Mayor Clark, Mayor Pro Tem Armenta, and outgoing Mayor Ly. Council Member Ly thanked everybody for their support during his tenure and Mayor. He stated it had been an amazing year working with the City Council cohesively and collectively on various projects. Thanked and commended staff for their•hard workasthey go beyond to make sure that the City runs efficiently. Mayor,Pro,Tem Armenta thanked the City Council and everyone who supported her during difficult times. She reiterated that during her last campaign, her mother passed away, and her Council colleagues encouraged her and helped her with her candidacy filing. She expressed gratitude to staff and looks forward to working with the City Council during her tenure as the Mayor Pro Tem. Vice Mayor Denise Menchaca and Council Member Chin Ho Liao, City of San Gabriel arrived and congratulated new Council Member Sean Dang for his election to the City Council and presented certificates of recognition to outgoing Mayor Ly, Mayor Clark, and Mayor Pro Tem Armenta. Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of April 9, 2019 1 Page 4 of 11 Representative Elizabeth Martinez, Republic Services invited all Rosemead students to enter their Scholarship Essay Contest and encouraged students to submit an essay for an opportunity to win a$1,000 scholarship. Mayor Clark thanked family, friends, City Commissioners, and constituents on their ongoing support to the City Council. Mayor Clark recessed the meeting for a brief reception at 8:17 p.m. and reconvened back to Open Session at 8:43 p.m. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS -None 6. CONSENT CALENDAR City Manager Molleda request item 6.D be remoyed\from the agenda. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Ly and`seconded''by'Cpuncil Member Low to approve Consent Calendar Items A, B and"Q.`A motion"was carried out by the following roll call vote AYES: Armenta,Clark,Dang,Low,Ly ABSENT: None N • A. Claims and Demands ' • Resolution No. 20.19-16 ` A RESOLUTION OF-THE--CITY COUNCIL--OF THE CITY OF t , .. r ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, AL-LOWING,CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM--O$1,344,581.50 NUMBERED 102862-THROUGH NUMBER 102973,INCLUSIVELY, WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO`AND MADE A PART HEREOF Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2019-16. `°i B. ,- Display..�of the Vietnamese American Heritage and Freedom Flag with the United ±' States\of America.,Flag Along Valley Boulevard as a Symbol of Freedom and Democracy _ \ The Vietnamese!Refugee Community of Los Angeles County is again requesting that the City Council support the Vietnamese American citizens of the Rosemead community, 17/authorizing the display of the Vietnamese American Heritage and Freedoin Flag'along with the United States of America Flag,as a symbol of freedom and democ'racy, on Valley Boulevard from Sunday, April 28, 2019, through Sunday,'May 5, 2019. The display of the flags together, side-by-side is consistent with the protocol specified in the United States Flag Code. Recommendation: That the City Council approve the request of the Vietnamese Refugee Community of Los Angeles County to display the Vietnamese American Heritage and Freedom Flag side-by-side with the United States of America Flag along Valley Boulevard from April 28, 2019, through May 5, 2019, in accordance with the protocol specified in the United States Flag Code. Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of April 9, 2019 Page 5 of 11 C. Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance No. 987 —Amending Sections of the Rosemead Municipal Code Relating to the Regulation of Nonconforming Uses, Structures,Lots and Parking Facilities and Minor Exceptions On March 26, 2019, the City Council introduced for first reading, by title only, Ordinance No. 987, amending sections of the Rosemead Municipal Code Relating to the regulation of nonconforming uses, structures, lots and parking facilities and minor exceptions. Recommendation: That the City Council approve the second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 987 by title only, entitled: • AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF' THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTIONS OF THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE REGULATION OF NON.CONFORMING\USES, STRUCTURES, LOTS AND/PARKING FACILITIES.. AND MINOR EXCEPTIONS D. City Hall Basement Improvement Project.-Contract Amendment On February 28, 2019, the-City Manager approved a construction contract with Dunwright Painting and Coating in,the amount o\f$29;912.00 to complete the removal and replacement of,the'ceiling-tiles and light fixtures in the basement hallways and Finance and Code.Enforcement offices; and painting of the basement hallways,main-stairwell, and office doors as part'of the overall City Hall Basement ImprovenientProject, Staff is requesting an amendment to Dunwright's contract to increase the contract amount from-$29,912.00 to $54,637.00 in order to complete additional.improvements to the FinancelDepartment's storage area and create new office space.for,the Human-Resources'Department. Recommendation:.That the City Council take the following actions: ` 1. Authorize the City'Manager to amend the contract with Dunwright Painting and • `•, Coating, and increase the contract amount from $29,912.00 to $54,637.00 for ,.\ the City Hall;Basement Improvement Project. 2. .Authorize;the Director of Public Works to approve change orders up to $5,500 61)40-0%. of contract amount) for this project. r� 3. Take such additional, related action that may be desirable. 7. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER& STAFF A. Consideration of a Vehicle Replacement and Maintenance Lease Program with Enterprise Fleet Management Approval of this item will authorize the implementation of a Vehicle Leasing and Replacement Program and authorize the City Manager to execute a Master Equity Lease Agreement, Maintenance Agreement, and Maintenance and Management Agreement with Enterprise Fleet Management. The item will also approve a free Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of April 9, 2019 Page 6 of 11 membership into a national purchasing cooperative known as The Interlocal Purchasing System. Membership in the system enables the execution of purchasing agreements in lieu of going through the City's bidding process by piggy-backing on existing contracts. Lastly, the item will authorize the auction of displaced vehicles and have the proceeds of the sales applied to offset the costs of the leasing program. Recommendation: That the City Council take the following actions: 1. Authorize the City Manager to process the necessary documentation to participate in The Interlocal Purchasing System. 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute the Credit'Application, Master Equity Lease Agreement, Maintenance Agreement; and„Maintenance/Management Agreement with Enterprise Fleet Management for the Vehicle Replacement and Maintenance Lease Program. 3. Declare various City owned vehiclesdisplaced by the lease progi am4as surplus and dispose of such vehicles as deemed,appropriate. 5 /' Assistant City Manager Tsujiuchi reported staff began assessing how to modernize the City's fleet program. Out of the 35 city vehicles, approximately 23 are 9 to 18- year-old models. Twelve vehicles are between 3 to 5-year-old models. Historically, the City purchases about three vehicles a year or none depending on funding, leading to some vehicles aging down to an 18-year model level. Staff looked into the feasibility of a lease program with Enterprise Fleet Management. It was determined that a structured vehicle replacement program that also supported a maintenance program, would be best achieved in reducing the funding for leasing of vehicles. .,Enterprises Fleet Management proposed a vehicle leasing program that would allow City vehicles to be leased over a five-year period, and eventually replace all the vehicles in the City. The initial cost for the first year for twelve vehicles would be about$169,000. The City budgets$303,000 per year.All leased vehicles will be '•equipped with the necessary safety features. The maintenance program includes the ,__fuse of a certified mechanic, ensuring proper auto repairs are done at a most cost- effective price.In addition,Enterprise Fleet Management will take old City vehicles to auction. Director of Finance Lieu explained there is a long term positive fiscal impact on the City's general fund budget. The expected savings are approximately $523,463 over the first five years and $907,840 over the ten-year period. The vehicle leasing and replacement work program will be funded by the Gas Tax Plan, AQMD Fund, and the Equipment Replacement Fund,which is funded by the City's General Fund. Mayor Pro Tern Armenta asked what will happen to the old vehicles and how old will the lease vehicles be. Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of April 9, 2019 Page 7 of 11 Assistant City Manager Tsujiuchi explained that twelve vehicles would be replaced and go to auction, which is estimated to sell for approximately $26,000. The funds received from the sale of old vehicles will be used toward the monthly payment of the leased vehicles. The nineteen leased vehicles will be the 2019 current models with all current features mandated by the manufacturers to have, such as anti-lock brakes, rearview camera mirrors, indicators for blind spot awareness, etc. Council Member Dang commended staff for bringing before the City Council a long-term plan that will reduce cost in the Fleet Management program and asked if the City is using AQMD Funds to offset the cost. Director of Finance Lieu replied the City qualified for $17,000 in AQMD Funds for the first year. As vehicles are transitioned for new vehicles that are hybrid or meet the AQMD specification, the City can use additional AQMD Funds. Council Member Low commended staff for implementing a cost-saving program to the City while providing staff with better vehicles. ACTION: Moved by Council Member'Ly and.-seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Armenta take the following actions: 1. Authorize the City Manager to enter into*an agreement to participate in The Interlocal Purchasing System; 2. Execute the Credit Application,'Master Equity Lease Agreement, Maintenance Agreement, and Maintenance/Management--Agreement with Enterprise Fleet Management for the Vehicle Replacement'and Maintenance Lease Program; and,``' 3. Declared the app)opriate city -owned vehicles surplus and dispose of such vehicles as,deeriied-appropriate. ; —-Amotion,was carried out by-the-following roll call vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, %r Dang,Low;• L Vy ABSENT: None 8. MATTERS FROM\MAYOR-& CITY COUNCIL A. `Resolution 2019 15 for Maintaining Local Control of Energy Solutions This item•is,presented to the City Council at the request of Mayor Clark.Mrs. Clark would like'to discuss the position in support of a Model Resolution for Maintaining Local Control of Energy Solutions. Recommendation: That the City Council Adopt Resolution No. 2019-15, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, SUPPORTING A MODEL RESOLUTION FOR MAINTAINING LOCAL CONTROL OF ENERGY SOLUTIONS Helen Romero-Shaw of SoCal Gas Company explained the resolution before the City Council is to support and promote the balance of energy and letting cities Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of April 9, 2019 Page 8 of 11 decide what type of energy their constituents continue getting for their homes or business. There are many businesses that cannot survive on only electricity; they depend on natural gas to remain in business.Natural gas is reliable and domestically produced in the United States. The issue is environmental laws that were passed that are forcing the gas company to go in a different direction and start buying renewable natural gas. SoCal Gas Company is requesting before the California Public Utilities Commission to allow the gas company to move into renewable natural gas,which comes from dairies, landfills, organic matter that decomposes to capture the methane gas, and it can go within a traditional fossil fuel, natural gas, and in the pipelines. SoCal Gas Company has been in business for over 150 years and has always purchased natural gas on the open market, which is then passed on to consumers at a low price. When approved by the California Public Utilities Commission, five percent of renewal natural gas will be purchased by 2033 and twenty percent by 2050. Mayor Clark stated that Assemblymember Laura Friedman's bill would mandate that everything should use electricity. Mayor Clark explained that from an environmental standpoint, everybody would have to get rid of their gas appliances, which would end up in landfills. There are ways to support clean energy but mandating the use of only electricity will be disastrous. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta added that going all-electric is not a good idea. For ,example, in an emergency, if there is no power available, all-electric vehicles may not be useful. Council Member Dang agreed with both Mayor Clark and Mayor Pro Tem Armenta and stated it's important having an alternative source of energy for emergency management purposes. ACTION:'Moved"by Mayor_Pro Tem Armenta and seconded by Council Member --Dangto.adopfResolut ii No. 2019-15. A motion was carried out by the following /•rvote AYES'':''Armenta,Clark, Dang,Low, Ly ABSENT: None <;�B.` • Mayor's Appointments,for 2019-2020 's .\Each year, a listing of City Council Member appointments to a variety of Regional and State committees and boards is prepared and submitted to the Mayor. To assist the Mayor in making the appointments,members of the City Council were provided-with a blank form, so that each Councilmember has an opportunity to list his/her preference for appointments to the various boards and committees. Once the appointments have been made, the City Clerk's office will prepare Form 806 as required by the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) and immediately file the form with the FPPC and post it on the City's website. Recommendation: That the City Council approve the Mayor's Appointments for 2019-2020 and direct the City Clerk to prepare and file Form 806. Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of April 9, 2019 Page 9 of 11 Mayor Clark stated there were some Council requests for appointments that overlapped. Council Member Ly suggested Council Member Dang be the alternate for the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments. Council Member Low stated she is requesting the JPIA appointment since she is unable to participate on other regional committees. Mayor Clark asks for suggestions on who should serve on the Commercial Task Force. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta suggested Council Member_ Dang take the appointment since her schedule was limited. , • ,Y3 Council Member Ly recommended to the City Council that best practice going forward, the Mayor Pro Tern should automatically be appointed as the alternate to a respective committee, when the Mayor is the required delegate. ., r` r Mayor Clark inquired about the LAX Community Noise Round Table. Council Member Ly suggested that if no one could attend,then leave it blank until someone can attend the LAX Community Noise Round Table meetings. ACTION: Moved by Council'Member'Ly and seconded by Council Member Low that the City-Council approve\the-2019 — 2020 Mayor Appointments with the following amendments: 1. Appointing Mayor Pro Tern Artneenta as an alternate to the City Selection • Committee; - • _2. Appoint Council Member-Polly Low as alternate to the League of Cities; `,3' 3. Appointi`Couneil Member Dang as alternate to the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments and Commercial Task Force; and .4. Appoint Council Member Low to the JPIA Board of Directors. I A,motion wasacarried out by the following roll call vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang,Low;L'y ABSENT: None C. City Council Comments Council Member Ly requested staff to bring at a future meeting a discussion on adding language to contracts that go out to bid on different projects that are beneficial to disadvantaged communities. For example, if a business is woman- owned,minority-owned, or veteran-owned,that that City gives extra consideration for those businesses that are liable, and by law. Secondly, requested staff to bring before the City Council,discussion on a policy for dedicating on behalf of someone. Third, asked to convene the Commercial Task Force meetings to prepare the Council and staff attending the ICSC Conference. Also, a second meeting to meet Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of April 9, 2019 Page 10 of 11 with all key developers that are currently developing on Garvey Avenue. Lastly, requested staff to work with the City's lobbing firms to coordinate lobby days for Council to meet with legislators in Sacramento and Washington, DC. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta requested that staff inspect a banner on Valley Boulevard, which only reads in the Chinese characters, which makes it difficult for first responders to identify a business when there is an emergency call. Also asked staff to check for any non-permitted banners and address those issues promptly. Lastly, commended City Manager Molleda, Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking and the staff for helping with the Contract Cities of California Association event conference scheduled for May. Council Member Dang requested that staff reach out to Caltrans and the developer of the high-rise building along Rosemead Boulevard and Garvey Avenue, on any traffic studies in the works. The traffic on Rosemead Boulevard after 4:30 p.m. is idle, and if a consultant is preparing a traffic study,the City could further look into other traffic matters that go up to Mission Drive. Mayor Pro Tern Armenta interjected and added that she agreed with Council Member Dang, and requested that staff look into installing a sign stating, "Do Not Turn on Red" on southbound Rosemead Boulevard at the intersection of Glendon Way, for vehicles turning right to get on the on-ramp of the I-10 freeway going westbound. She explained that the intersection gets congested because drivers are making a right from Rosemead Boulevard onto the on-ramp; it can be dangerous for other drivers crossing the intersection. Mayor Clark commended staff for addressing a missing street sign on Denton Avenue and Garvey Avenue in a timely manner. 9. ADJOURNMENT, ;' s ' Mayor Clark adjourned the meeting at 9:27 p.m. The next regular City Council meeting is ,scheduled to take,place on April}23,2018, at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Council m Chamber. // °°, Tr �, \ 1 ATTEST// Margaret Clark, Mayor Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of April 9, 2019 Page 11 of 11