CC - 06-27-61CITY OF ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA Minutes of June 27, 1961 A regular meeting of the City Vouncil of the City of Rosemead was held in the Council Chambers, 3954 North Rosemead Boulevard.. The meeting was called to order b/ Mayor Andersen at 8:05 o'clock p.m. 1. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Andersen. The Invocation was delivered by Reverend John Dew. 2. ROLL CALL. Present: Councilmen: Andersen, Jackman, Lowrey, Stead. Absent: Councilmen: Phinney. Ex officio: Watson, Farrell, Pederson, Stump, Armstrong. M 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. JUNE 13, 1961.. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Jackman, and unanimously carried that the minutes of June 13, 1961 be approved as printed. 4. TIME RESERVED FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO DESIRE TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL. ;done. Mayor Andersen advised the Council that representatives from Southern Pacific Railroad were in the audience and were inter- ested in the outcome of the request made by them at the last meeting regarding a proposed merger with Western Pacific Rail- road. Mayor Andersen further stated that this matter had not been placed on the agenda as he was unaware of the July 5th deadline facing the Company. Mayor Andersen stated that if • there were no objections, the rules would be suspended and this matter would be considered at this time. There were no objections. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Jackman that the City go on record endorsing Southern Pacific Railroad in its endeavor to merge with Western Pacific Railroad. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Andersen, Jackman, Lowrey, Stead. Noes: None. Absent:. Phinney. Attorney Watson advised the Council that it would be proper, in view of the foregoing motion, to authorize the Mayor to sign a petition and file with the Interstate Commerce Commission. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Jackman, and unanimously carried, that the Mayor be authorized to sign a petition in • behalf of the Southern Pacific Railroad and authorized to file same with the Interstate Commerce Commission.. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. 5. ORDINANCE NO. 70. AMENDING TRAFFIC REGULATIONS. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROHIBITING PARKING AT CERTAIN LOCATIONS AND AMENDING THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE. 6-27-61 R E V I S E D Page 2. Mayor Andersen stated if.there were no objections this ordinance would be read by title only. There were no objections. This ordinance was read by title only by Attorney Watson. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Andersen, that Ordinance No. 70 be introduced. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Andersen, Jackman, Lowrey, Stead. Noes: None. Absent: Phinney. 6. DEDICATION OF EASEMENT. GRAND AVENUE AND MISSION DRIVE. City Administrator Farrell advised the Council that the San Gabriel County Water. District has just had curbs and gutters installed and are dedicating the necessary right-of-way to the City. The portion on Grand Avenue is the cutoff for the corner. It was moved by Andersen, second by Stead, and unanimously carried that this offer of dedication be accepted. 7. PARK STUDY COMMITTEE. REPORT. City Administrator Farrell advised the Council that the Committee has requested that this matter be put over until the July 11, 1961 meeting. . 8. STREET IMPROVEMENTS. REPORT. City Administrator Farrell recommended that a tour be set up for the Council to tour the streets in the City to see first hand the problem of narrow streets. Mr. Farrell further stated he would recommend that the Council establish a minimum street width of 36' in all new street construction. Mayor Andersen requested City Administrator Farrell to arrange such a trip and if provisions could be made to include the Traffic Commission and Planning Commission and interested citizens. Mayor Andersen advised the Council that the meeting of June 23rd . was adjourned for lack of a quorum, and he would therefore request that an item 8A - Consideration of City Hall Site - be considered at this time. 8A. CONSIDERATION OF CITY HALL SITE. City Administrator Farrell advised the Council that he had met with Burk Kellogg of the First City Bank and had been informed that the building now occupied by the City is scheduled to be torn down in one year, but the bank would like to have the City remain until such time as the buildings are removed. The bank might postpone tearing down the buildings if the City would like to remain for a year and a half but since they are Banning this program they no longer feel they can spend $600 for air conditioning both offices but would spend approximately $300 to air condition the Council Chambers. • Mayor Andersen advised the Council that representatives of the Bank had informed him that no attempt will be made to rent the buildings if the City offices are moved. It was moved by Jackman, second by Lowrey, that the proposal of City Administrator Farrell be accepted and the City Hall and Council Chambers be moved to the Valley Boulevard location. After considerable discussion, Councilman Stead offered the substitute motion, that this matter be laid on the table until such time as a written report is available. Motion died for lack of second. 2 - R E V I S E D 9. 6-27-61 0 Roll call vote on the motion as follows: Ayes: Andersen, Jackman; Lowrey. Noes: Stead. Absent: Phinney. CONSIDERATION OF BUDGET. It was moved by Jackman, second by Lowrey, and unanimously carried that this Item be considered after Item 15 on the agenda. Attorney Watson advised the Council, that in view of the action to move the City offices that the Council should authorize the City Administrator to negotiate a lease and the Mayor to execute the lease and an ordinance should be adopted amending the Municipal Code regarding City meetings and offices. Mayor Andersen requested that the Council be polled regarding their feelings about a 1 year lease and month to month thereafter. Andersen, Jackman, and Lowrey indicated that they favored this suggestion. Councilman Stead abstained and Councilman Phinney was absent. Councilman Stead asked if Councilman Phinney had been informed that this item would be considered this evening. 40 Mayor Andersen stated that Councilman Phinney had been informed that this matter would be considered at the meeting of June 23rd which he did not attend and which was adjourned for lack of a quorum. This matter was not placed on this evenings agenda as this agenda was placed in the mail on June 23rd prior to that meeting, therefore it was logical that it would be considered this evening. Councilman Stead stated that he would like the record to show that he highly opposed action of this type and of this magnitude and of this importance being taken by introducing it at any stated meeting that would require action at the time. Mayor Andersen reminded Councilman Stead that the Council voted unanimously to consider this matter at this time. it was moved by Andersen, second by Jackman, that the City Administrator Farrell be authorized to negotiate a lease and 10 the Mayor be authorized to execute a lease for the location at 88)15 East Valley Boulevard, occupancy to be on August 1st and rent payments to start September 15th and that the City's present landlord be notified of termination on-August 1st. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Andersen, Jackman, Lowrey. Noes: Stead. Absent: Phinney. Attorney Watson advised the Council that he could submit an ordinance at this time regarding the moving of the offices. ORDINANCE NO. 71. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD DESIG+ NATING THE MEETING PLACE OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS AND LOCATION OF CITY OFFICES AND AMENDING THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE. . This ordinance was read in full by Attorney Watson. it was moved by Jackman, second by Lowrey, that Ordinance No. 71 be introduced. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes Noes: Stead., Absent: Phinney. Andersen, Jackman, Lowrey. - 3 - 6-27-61 NEW BUSINESS 10. COUNCIL DECISION. RE: PAUL'S LUNCHES, 9632 EAST VALLEY BOULEVARD. The report of the Hearing Officer was read in full by City Administrator Farrell. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Andersen, and unanimously carried that the Council approve the recommendation of the Hearing Officer and the license not be denied. 11. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS. A. ORDINANCE ON BILL BOARDS. ORDINANCE NO. 72. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 5 TO ARTICLE VIII OF THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO THE REGULATION OF OUTDOOR ADVERTISING DISPLAYS. This ordinance was read in full by City Attorney Watson. Councilman Lowrey requested Attorney Watson to revise a portion Section £3505 Subsections(b) and (c). After discussion, it was moved by Lowrey, second by Jackman, that Ordinance No. 72 be adopted. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Andersen, Jackman, Lowrey, Stead. Noes: None. Absent: Phinney. City Administrator Farrell advised the Council thatthe fore- going ordinance was necessary to assure the State's allocation of funds for landscaping on freeways in the City. B. ORDINANCE NO. 73. Ail ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AMENDING CHAPTER I OF ARTICLE IX OF THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAIN- ING TO OUTDOOR ADVERTISING. This ordinance was read in full by Attorney Watson. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Jackman, that Ordinance No. 73 be adopted. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Andersen, Jackman, Lowrey, Stead. Noes: None. Absent: Phinney. C. ORDINANCE REGULATING ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS. This proposed ordinance was read in full by Attorney Watson. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROiEMEAD PROVIDING FOR T 1 ORARY RESTRICTIONS ON BUILDING IN INDUSTRIAL ZONES ADJACENT TO RESIDENTIAL ZONES PENDING ADOPTION OF BUFFER REGULATIONS AND AMENDING THE TEMPORARY INTERIM ZONING ORDINANCE. Planning Commission Chairman Wilt advised the Council that the recommendation on buffer strips should be forthcoming in the near future. Planning Commissioner McCaffree advised the Council that he felt adoption of this ordinance would be breaking faith with the areas recently annexed to the City. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Jackman, that this ordinance be tabled. - 4 - 6-27-61 Councilman Phinney arrived at this time. (9:55 o'clock p.m.) Roll call vote as follows: Ayes:: Jackman, Lowrey. Noes: Andersen, Phinney, Stead. Absent: None. It was moved by Phinney that this ordinance be changed from 150' to-15' and adopted. Motion died for lack of second. • Commissioner Casares urged the adoption of this ordinance. Frank J. DiNoto, Chamber of Commerce President, advised the Council that adoption of this ordinance would appear to be a breach of faith.. Noah A. Stump, City Treasurer, expressed his opposition to this ordinance. It was moved by Andersen, second by Lowrey, that this ordinance be tabled. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Andersen, Jackman, Lowrey, Phinney, Stead. Noes: None. Absent: None. Planning Commissioner Casares stated that in protest against • this Council action he was submitting his resignation from the Planning Commission. 12. RESOLUTION NO.. 61-45. CLAIMS AND DEMANDS,. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $31,186.61 DEMANDS NUMBERS 948 THROUGH 964. Mayor Andersen stated if there were no objections he would order this resolution read by title only and a summary of expenditures presented. There were no objections. This resolution was read by title only and a summary of expenditures presented by City Administrator Farrell. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Jackman, that Resolution No. 61-45 be adopted. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Andersen, Jackman, Lowrey, Phinney, Stead. Noes: None. Absent: None. 13. COMMUNICATIONS A. UNITED STATES COMMITTEE FOR UNITED NATIONS. RE: UNITED NATIONS DAY . This communication was read in full by City Administrator Farrell. Mayor Andersen stated if there were no objections he would issue a proclamation designating October 24, 1961 as United Nations Day. There were no objections. B. SUPERVISOR BONELL'1,. RE: ROSEMEAD PARK. This communication was read in full by City Administrator Farrell. Mayor Andersen stated if there were no objections he would order this communication received, noted and filed. There were no objections. -5- 0 • • 14 15. • i 6-27-61 C._ LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES: RE: 63RD ANNUAL CONFERENCE. Mayor Andersen requested that this notice be placed in the circulating file and that councilmen make reservations with Deputy City Clerk Armstrong or the Mayor if they are planning to attend. City Administrator Farrell advised the Council that the notification of the League meeting for July 6th came in too late to be placed on the agenda. Councilmen Andersen, Jackman, Lowrey and Stead indicated they would attend this meeting. TIME RESERVED FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO DESIRE TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL. Marie Savoula, 3234 North Rosemead Place, made inquiry regarding possible rezoning of vacant lots. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS. Attorney Watson stated that contrary to Iris recommendation at the last meeting the present record is QQt adequate to authorize alternates for all required/sbngRC~LM' and therefore he recommended the adoption of Resolution No. 61-46. RESOLUTION NO. 61-46. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE FIRST CITY BANK OF ROSEMEAD TO HONOR ALL CHECKS, DRAFTS AND WARRANTS WHEN BEAR- ING CERTAIN SIGNATURES OF CITY OFFICIALS. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Andersen and unanimously carried that this resolution be read by title only. Attorney Watson read this resolution by title only. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Jackman, and unanimously carried that Resolution No. 61-46 be adopted. Mayor Andersen stated that the appointment of a Deputy City Treasurer would be necessary to make this workable. After a short discussion, it was agree that this matter would be held over for a personnel session. Mayor Andersen stated he would like for the City to send a certificate of thanks to the ministers who delivered the invocations during the past year. Mayor Andersen instructed the City Administrator, with the assistance of the City Attorney, to prepare and mail to each Clergyman who delivered the invocation during the past year, a certificate of thanks. Mayor Andersen advised the Council that he had received a communication from the Park Advisory Board. This communication was read in full by Mayor Andersen. Mayor Andersen ordered this communication received and fibd if there were no objections. There were no objections. - 6 - C C 6-27-61 0 C • 9 Attorney Watson advised the Council that the dedications required by the Council as a condition to the vacation of a portion of the Rubio Wash were ready for acceptance. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Jackman, and unanimously., carried that these dedications from the C & H Sales Company be accepted and recorded. After short discussion it was decided that no discussion of the budget would take place this evening. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Jackman, and unanimously carried that the meeting adjourn to Thursday, June 29, 1961 at 7:30 o'clock p.m. Meeting adjourned at 11:00 o'clock p.m. MAYOR CITY CLERK - 7 -