CC - Item 3A - Chamber of Commerce UpdateRosemead Chamber of Commerce Quarterly Report March 24, 2020 Membership Drive The Chamber’s membership goal is 300 active members by June 2020, 53 new member account recruited since July 2017 and the current active membership account total is 215. The membership retention rate is around 90%, we are losing members due to close of business or ownership change. The membership drive is not limited to recruit new members but also maintain and strengthen the current member relationship. The new innovate Members Only Benefits (MOB)will be focus on helping local small business with limited marketing resources and budget to grow their online presence through Rosemead Chamber platform. Key messages: MEMBERSHIP MATTERS. Creating non-traditional and innovate membership outreach program to attract and recruit new members in the area. •Membership Drive Activities o Bring a Buddy Program –Each Board member is responsible for recruiting 2 new members per year. o Monthly Business Caravan –Planned and formal business visit to the local businesses to promote the Chamber and maintain active relationship with current members. The Business Caravan is scheduled on the 3rd Thursday of the month from 2pm –4pm. The Caravan program is led by the Chamber staff and Chamber ambassadors and board members required to join at least 1 caravan per year. First Quarter Business Caravan Schedule Jan. 23-Rosemead Plaza Feb. 20-Lucky Plaza / Walnut Grove & Valley Blvd. crossing Mar. 19-Square Market Plaza (Postponed due to COVID-19) o FREE Event Pass-Formalize the Free Event Invitation with a pocket size business card and invite prospect members to attend a Chamber mixers free of charge. The Free Event Pass will be giving out to board members, ambassadors for their community outreach. Current Chamber members will also receive 4 free event passes with the membership renewal invoice to share with their business contacts. o Welcome To Rosemead special pricing for new business, new business in Rosemead will receive 50% discount in membership for one year, the membership also included the grand opening celebration event planning. •Vision 2020 Member Benefits New member only benefits added to current member benefits o BLUE FACET –a newly launched small business referral app will be offered to all members for one year. This App. Created a platform for businesses who doesn’t have a company website or do not use social media (Yelp! IG, Facebook) to promote their business. This App is a great tool for professional services to book appointments directly, for example hair salon, CPA, small auto repair shops. The standard monthly rate for the BLUE FACET app is $49.99, Rosemead Chamber has created a partnership agreement with the Company and will be extend the new service at no cost to members. o Digital Marketing 2.0 the new Chamber staff will help members who doesn’t have in house graphic designers or marketing budget to design a 1/8 page color AD. This AD will later be used for Rosemead Report, weekly newsletter and social media or coupon book. Chamber will release the design work to member for them to use in different marketing material. Each member can request one free AD design per membership year. o Community Partner Rate to other business and professional associations, Rosemead Chamber members will enjoy the member rate at the following associations: Temple City Chamber, Monterey Park Chamber, Montebello Chamber, Hong Kong Association, Chinese American Real Estate Professional Association, Chinese American Construction Association and more. o Media advertising package-members will receive RCC Chamber discount at China Daily Newspaper, SingTao Newspaper and other local media outlets. o Free professional headshot (one per account) during their first year of membership. Attract New Members with New Programs With the Rosemead City Grant, Rosemead Chamber was able to create new programs to attract new business and members, the new programs are designed to fit the chamber member base in order to maximize the event impact. The new events created included (1)May 17, 2017 SGV Real Estate Synergy -partnered with Chinese American Construction Professionals Association. This half day conference was created to showcase the available land and commercial spaces, Garvey Specific Plan to the realtors and developers in the region. A 2020 SGV Real Estate Synergy is in early planning stage with Chamber members in Real Estate industry, WSGV Realtors Association and REMAX Agencies. (2)Jan. 12, 2018 First Time Home Buyer Fair- -This event provides 4 seminars to educate the first-time home buyers and a vendor expo with 15 booths from chamber member base. (3) Lunch N Learn-on going- -An industry focused lunch seminar hosted by the member, the attendees are selected and invited to generate high power networking and effective business networking purpose. 2020 sessions including EV Charger with SCE, Cal Saver and Business Insurance. (4) Rosemead Insider Couponbook- -Local deals to promote shop local and dine local (5) June 30, 2018 Taste of Rosemead-Flavor of Taiwan A new pilot test run event to feature Asian restaurants and eateries in Rosemead. The outdoor food festival with opening entertainment and children arts & craft booths attracted more than 1000 attendees in a few hours of time. Many food vendors under prepared for the over whelming event and sold out half way through the event. A new 2 week long Taste of Rosemead food festival is planned for mid-Summer 2020. We have been calling and meeting local restaurants owners to conduct in person survey and their feedback on this flagship event. Most of the businesses are in support of the event and willing to participate and also join the planning team. Women in Business The only Chamber that host business women focus event in the surrounding cities. The event was inspired by the City’s leadership and in coordination with the annual International Women’s Day. The purpose is to offer a new format of business networking platform and support system for the members, the vision is to grow the event to a full day conference with different tracks of professional development workshop, business expo and award dinner. This event is growing each year and we will be testing out expand the event from breakfast mixer to one session and a networking luncheon in 2020 White Paper/ Membership Study As a service provider, the Chamber is always interested in learning what do the members want? What do the members need? Only when we know the members need, we can then provide the assistance to meet their expectation. In 2018, we did a short survey about selections of workshop topics, the top 3 topics requested were marketing, social media and HR. That lead us to partner with SCORE in hosting a series of workshops on those topics in 2019. In 2020, the Chamber will be conducting a new business overview survey to the community, The goal is to gather 150 valid survey by May 31, 2020 for the first stage analysis. The result will be using as the Chamber strategic planning guide in creating services and programs. Human Resource / Staffing With the non-profit budgeting obstacles, we were unable to offer market rate or meet the applicants’ requests in hiring process. As an alternative solution, we have adopted the suggestions are the community and are working with interns, freelance contractors and part time staff to continue the current projects. Original offer hourly rate: $12~ $14 Current offer hourly rate $15 Original offer for membership manager/ event planning manager $40,000-$45,000 Current offer rate$50,000 -The average salary for "nonprofit event coordinator" ranges from approximately $22.53 per hour for Event Coordinator to $68,854 per year for Special Events Manager. (indeed website) The typical US Chamber of Commerce Manager salary is $65,139.Manager salaries at US Chamber of Commerce can range from $58,979 -$81,391. (The Glassdoor website) Soft Return Chamber has been actively promoting the member business and Rosemead as the business-friendly city through hosting events and partnering in professional workshops. With the generous support from City to allow Chamber host workshops in Rosemead Community Centers, Chamber has been requesting event partners to patron local eatery for catering order, attendees are often given restaurant coupons. Banquets and Gala referrals to other business associations including Latin American Chamber, Asian American Professional Association, Hong Kong Association, Chinese American Construction Professionals Association, Royal Services and more.