CC - Item 5F - Traffic Commission Recommended Street Improvements to the Intersection of Evelyn Avenue and Emerson Place E M f 5 '' 9 ° ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL CIVIC PRIDE STAFF REPORT eil itrt-' /�CORPORATED I° TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER 1.A DATE: MARCH 24, 2020 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC COMMISSION RECOMMENDED STREET IMPROVEMENTS TO THE INTERSECTION OF EVELYN AVENUE AND EMERSON PLACE SUMMARY On February 6, 2020, a traffic study with several recommendations was presented to the Traffic Commission which included adding two (2) additional streetlights at the intersection to improve the visibility of the crosswalk. After significant deliberation, the Traffic Commission voted 4-0 to alternatively recommend the installation of crosswalk signing, pavement markings, and red curbing at the subject intersection. The recommended work would be carried out by Public Works Field Services staff. The materials and supplies required to fulfill and complete the recommended work would utilize existing City inventory and if necessary, the approved Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Traffic Signs & Markers budget. BACKGROUND , On June 3, 2019, Task Order #2019-03 was initiated by staff to assess with the feasibility of installing an all-way stop sign at the intersection of Emerson Place and Evelyn Avenue to address concerns of speeding from area residents and members of the church adjacent to the intersection. Willdan Engineering submitted the lowest responsive proposal and was selected to perform the analysis and provide recommendations related to the task order. At the Traffic Commission Meeting on October 3, 2019, a petition was introduced to the Traffic Commission signed by 85 people requesting the installation of an all-way stop sign at the subject intersection (Attachment A). During the same meeting, Willdan personnel relayed to the Traffic Commission that the warrants did not meet the criteria for the installation of an all-way stop sign (Attachment B). The Traffic Commission, understanding that an all-way stop sign was not recommended, requested another study be commissioned that would provide an analysis on the lighting of the area and other potential mitigations that could be implemented at the intersection. AGENDA ITEM 5.F City Council Meeting March 24,2020 Page 2 of 3 DISCUSSION During the February 6, 2020, Traffic Commission Meeting, Farhad Iranitalab, Traffic Engineer for Willdan Engineering, gave a presentation of the traffic study regarding the installation of lighting at the intersection of Emerson Avenue and Evelyn Place (Attachment C and D). Mr. Iranitalab recommended the following improvements for the intersection: 1. Install two additional streetlights at the intersection, one on the northeast and one on the southeast corner, at an estimated cost of$5,000 per streetlight. 2. Install signing and pavement markings to improve the advanced awareness of the crosswalk for traffic on Emerson Place. The Traffic Commission, after significant deliberation, voted to amend Mr. Iranitalab's recommendation. The Traffic Commission had a concern that the cost estimate for the streetlights was too low and that the streetlights would do little to mitigate speeding. The Traffic Commission voted 4-0 to recommend the City Council authorize the following: 1. Install signing and pavement markings as shown in Attachment D to improve the advanced awareness of the crosswalk for traffic on Emerson Place. 2. Install red curbing on the southeast and northeast corners of Evelyn Avenue and Emerson Place (Attachment E). TRAFFIC COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION The Traffic Commission recommends to the City Council authorize the approval for the following mitigations to the intersection of Evelyn Avenue and Emerson Place: 1. Install signing and pavement markings as shown in Attachment D to improve the advanced awareness of the crosswalk for traffic on Emerson Place. 2. Install red curbing on the southeast and northeast corners of Evelyn Avenue and Emerson Place (Attachment E). FISCAL IMPACT The City of Rosemead Public Works Department maintains a limited amount of the materials and supplies required to complete the recommended work. If necessary, additional materials and supplies for the recommended work can be purchased at a minimal expense under the approved City Council Meeting March 24,2020 Page 3 of 3 Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Traffic Signs&Markers budget, account number 101-3010-5660. All labor will be carried out by City of Rosemead Public Works staff. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT Strategy three of the City of Rosemead's Strategic Plan states to enhance the City's public infrastructure and public right of way. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: Chris Das e Director of Public Works Attachment A: Petition- Request for a 4-way stop at Emerson Place and Evelyn Avenue Attachment B: October 3, 2019 Staff Report Attachment C: Lighting Distribution at the Intersection Attachment D: Proposed Signage and Markings Attachment E: Proposed Red Curbs Attachment F: February 6, 2020 Staff Report Attachment G: February 6, 2020 Minutes Attachment H: October 3, 2019 Draft Minutes iEllM '9 CIVIC PRIDE fy co • %0RPORA19y9 Attachment A Petition — Request for a 4-way stop at Emerson Place and Evelyn Avenue Vickie Sprout Dec 12, 2018 at 3:43 PM City of Rosemead (Public Works Department) Attention: Mr Chris Daste, Director of Public Works 8838 E. Valley Blvd Rosemead, CA 91770 Email: cdaste@cityofrosemead.org Subject: Request for 4 way stop at Emerson PI and Evelyn Hello Mr. Chris Daste Our new temple, Wei Mountain Temple, is at the corner of Emerson Place and Evelyn. I am writing to ask for your input on how do we go about requesting a 4 way stop at this intersection. There have been 2 automobile accidents recently, both resulted in fatality; one also caused damage to our property. On 10/28/18 a stolen car hit another car at this intersection. The,second car knocked down our fence and injured a homeless man who was sitting at the corner. He died in the hospital 10 days later. Then on 11/13/18, a neighbor came back home in a taxi and was run down by a car driving on Emerson and died in the hospital a few days later. This happened just across from Master's house which is next door to the temple parking lot. The major problem is that there's a stretch of several blocks on Emerson Place, where there are no stop signs and drivers race downhill going east(there's a slight decline)to get to the light at Del Mar. To complicate matters, there is now and will continue to be, additional foot traffic and cars coming into this intersection, as we move all of our activities to our new temple. We have limited parking available and people will have to park nearby on the residential streets and walk over. We need motorists in all 4 directions, to come to a full stop as people cross the road to worship. We are very concerned for the safety of our neighbors and our community and feel strongly that something must be done to curb reckless driving at this intersection. Could you please direct us as to how to proceed with our request? Thanks so much for your assistance. With our very best, Vickie Sprout on behalf of Master YongHua and Bodhi Light International PS: Please see attached list of name and signature of our concerned citizen in the City of Rosemead and from the surrounding city who comes to this temple for worship. ,- . , /' . . / � ' , / ��\ � ` / ' ' ' _____________ ,, ___ Wei Mountain Temple: Request for 4 way stop at Emerson PI and Evelyn Ave. City Rosemead Name Phone Signature Jus 4..4p._ , i � \J / | | O -kki, Cif ! 1 /14A,k17\ Lk I, 1 _ M a c 4 .,. . \-ir&K 4vi .14 TRIO 6.--kii„ , i itl-Ci) ) ^` . 9 ,_ ,I . egu, (,,,,,,_ _ ,_ ,,.. ,, _ j ., .,. ..-- � | | i�� / ^/� / / y' w/ { 14 0 .. ,44z6E 6\__ A Li / \ ' - &,A.,—,- AAAA ---'( --1 4,-,, ,, �/ � ,_ , , , LI/ A I Na P-- ..._ / ! ' � - ~ ' y6(„ 1 /N8,.,/ / ` | . _____ `' , •. „ • ' ... . _.___ . Wei Mountain Temple: Request for 4 way stop at Emerson PI and Evelyn Ave. City of Rosemead i Name i Phone Signature _ .. . j 1 A.., : GY k p Fi .„1IIli „..,..,,, ,...„. .... 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The request is for installation of Stop signs on the eastbound and westbound directions of Emerson Place at Evelyn Avenue. A study was conducted by Willdan Engineering at the location. The study included a Stop warrant analysis to determine if the installation of an all-way Stop control is appropriate. The intersection did not satisfy the warrants; it did not meet the minimum thresholds for the installation of an all-way Stop controlled intersection. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends utilizing both option 1 and option 2 which is: Option 1- Install fluorescent yellow green (FYG) Ped Xing signs at the crosswalk (WI1-2 with W16-7P signs) with Yield Here to Peds signs (R1-5 sign) and yield lines to help alert drivers of the pedestrian crossing. This installation would be for both the eastbound and westbound approaches of Emerson Place at Evelyn Avenue Option 2- Install FYG Ped Xing signs (W11-2) in advance of the crosswalk with PED XING pavement markings. These signs would provide advanced warning of the pedestrian crossing. This installation would be for both the eastbound and westbound approaches of Emerson Place at Evelyn Avenue. Option 1 could be implemented with this option. DISCUSSION Emerson Place and Evelyn Avenue is a residential intersection that is within walkable proximity to Duff Elementary School, Garvey Park, Emerson Elementary School and spiritual institutions. Traffic Commission Meeting October 3, 2019 Page 2 of 6 Emerson Place is approximately 36 feet wide and has a white crosswalk on the western leg of the intersection with Evelyn Avenue. This crosswalk is identified with yellow pedestrian crossing signs at the intersection of Evelyn Avenue. There is a double yellow centerline stripe on the east leg of Emerson Place while the west leg provides a single yellow skip striping. On-street parking is generally allowed on Emerson Place except during street sweeping times. The posted speed limit on Emerson Place is 30 miles per hour(mph). Evelyn Avenue is approximately 36 feet wide and is Stop controlled in both the northbound and southbound directions at Emerson Place. There is no pavement striping on Evelyn Avenue. On- street parking is generally allowed on Evelyn Avenue except during street sweeping times. The prima facie speed limit on Evelyn Avenue is 25 mph. There are sidewalks on both sides of the streets with ADA ramps on all four corners of the intersection of Emerson Place and Evelyn Avenue. Attachment 1 provides and aerial view of the intersection of Emerson Place and Evelyn Avenue. Warrant Study Analysis A field investigation and counts were conducted at the intersection of Emerson Place and Evelyn Avenue on May 30, 2019 while school was in session. Both turning movement counts and pedestrian activities were collected at the intersection. Based on the analysis of these counts, the peak hour of traffic movements are as follows: NB/SB Traffic on EB/WB Traffic on Total Approach into Time Evelyn Avenue Emerson Place(Major Intersection (Minor Approach) Approach) 12PM— 1PM 67 308 375 1PM—2PM 61 294 355 2PM—3PM 100 380 480 3PM—4PM 88 369 457 4PM—5PM 90 343 433 5PM—6PM 88 465 553 6PM—7PM 75 415 490 7PM—8PM 71 268 339 Pedestrians and Bicyclists Crossing Emerson Place at Time Evelyn Avenue Pedestrians Bicyclists Total 7:30AM—8:30AM 10 0 10 2:30PM—3:30PM 27 1 28 The following page summarizes the 2014 California MUTCD (CA MUTCD) Multi-way Stop guidelines as applied to the intersection of Emerson Place and Evelyn Avenue. • Traffic Commission Meeting October 3, 2019 Page3of6 MULTI-WAY STOP SIGN ANALYSIS 2014 CA MUTCD Rev. 4 (2019) Prepared by Willdan Engineering MAJOR STREET: Emerson Place POSTED SPEED LIMIT: 30 mph MINOR STREET: Evelyn Avenue (Stop) COUNT DATE: MAY 30, 2019 CRITERIA A— INTERIM MEASURE WARRANTED I-1 YES f1 NO If traffic signals are justified, stop signs can be installed as an interim.measure. CRITERIA B —COLLISION HISTORY WARRANTED fl YES Il NO Are there five or more reported collisions within a 12-month period of a type correctable by a multi-way stop sign? California Highway Patrol SW/TRS(2015-2018). 1 correctable collision: 10/28/2018. SB proceeding straight broadsided WB proceeding straight and collided with SB pedestrian(1 injury). CRITERIA C —TRAFFIC VOLUMES WARRANTED fl YES 6-]C NO If the 85th percentile speed of the major street exceeds 40 MPH, use 70% volume. o Hour/Volume Street Vo u I Ime 70% Co8mbo Avg. 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 _ PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM Major 300 210 240 355 308 294 380 369 343 465 415 268 Minor 200 140 160 108 95 89 128 116 118 116 103 99 Minor Street volume includes 28 pedestrians/bicycles crossing from Evelyn Avenue. This is not the actual number using the crossing during each hour but is an overly conservative analysis that still does not satisfy the warrants. And, does the minor street have an average delay of at least 30 seconds in the peak hour? Peak Average Delay Estimated Delay is Under 30 Seconds Based on Minor Street Volume CRITERIA D—80% COMBINATION WARRANTED IT YES f71 NO Are there four or more reported accidents within a 12-month period of a type correctable by a multi-way stop sign, and Average major and minor street volumes are at least 80% of the minimum values, and Minor street has an average delay of at least 24 seconds in the peak hour? The minimum collision, minor volume, and delay thresholds were not met. OTHER CRITERIA TO CONSIDER WARRANTED T YES E NO A. Need to control left turn conflicts DYES NO B. Need to control vehicle/pedestrian conflicts at high ped locations DYESENO C. Visibility obstruction after stopping on minor street approach DYESIENO D. Two similar neighborhood collector streets that would improve operation DYESENO Traffic Commission Meeting October 3, 2019 Page 4 of 6 Recommendation Options The intersection of Emerson Place and Evelyn Avenue did not satisfy the minimum volume, collision, nor other criteria that would warrant an all-way Stop control per CA MUTCD. Since the crosswalk on Emerson Place is used moderately with one reported pedestrian collision between 2015-2018,there are several options to consider: 1. Install fluorescent yellow green (FYG) Ped Xing signs at the crosswalk (W11-2 with W16- 7P signs)with Yield Here to Peds signs (R1-5 sign) and yield lines to help alert drivers of the pedestrian crossing. This installation would be for both the eastbound and westbound approaches of Emerson Place at Evelyn Avenue. 2. Install FYG Ped Xing signs (W11-2)in advance of the crosswalk with PED XING pavement markings. These signs would provide advanced warning of the pedestrian crossing. This installation would be for both the eastbound and westbound approaches of Emerson Place at Evelyn Avenue. Option 1 could be implemented with this option. 3. Remove the white crosswalk and yellow pedestrian crossing signs. Based on the number of pedestrians crossing the intersection, consideration could be made to remove this marked crosswalk. It should be noted, studies have shown that pedestrians are generally more aware of vehicles when crossing a street without a marked crosswalk. The removal of the crosswalk does require the City to notice the removal to the public for their input. See California Vehicle Code Section 21950.5. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process, as well as notifications to 117 property owners located within a 300-foot radius of the subject property. Presented By: Chris Daste Director of Public Works Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map/Proposed Signs and Yield Lines 2. Courtesy Notification Traffic Commission Meeting October 3. 2019 Page 5 of 6 Attachment l CITY OF ROSEMEAD ause.+✓_ ,. 1-12 't` •�_1_ .110 -1.„. �p �� ~ 1M 65-1 tet' « OP,11 W 1 II - V All t .. , , vi, , 1/ .,,,,,:. 1 t. . . . 1 4 ihtho-47.t. ..•• r id. . . 16- ' • . EXISTING ."" � ' r i- 10,...,. r . 0 • yk`f tW11-2 WI �-„III -1-5~' Emerson PI '- '0- r-' ,y i 4'.( :1 r 7 -1y ?ill 7 i NM ,.; _ ;... w ; - -- • !,..i t* . ` I I, 1 if Iii_ Z* I 1,A4 0 ' r -v r LEGEND IA) :, Proposed Sign 1”:75' VVVVV Proposed Yield Lines gi CITY OF ROSEMEAD ATTACHMENT OPTION 1 '4, PREPARED 81 WWI .,• Emerson Place and Evelyn r �� ^•a."�� Avenue Traffic Commission Meeting October 3, 2019 Page 6 of 6 :Attachment 2 41; KjE4) Traffic Commission Courtesy Notification NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Thursday,October 3,2019, at the hour of 7:00 p.m.,or soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the Rosemead Traffic Commission will hold a public meeting in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California 91770, for the purpose of reviewing the possible installation of traffic safety measures at the intersection of Emerson Place and Evelyn Avenue. The City received a request from a concerned resident that vehicles speed. making unsafe when pedestrians walk along the intersection. You are being notified of this meeting because your property is within close proximity to the location. We encourage your comments regarding traffic safety in this area. Citizens' wishing to comment may do so by either attending the Traffic Commission meeting, or by sending a comment letter by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday. October 3, 2019. Written comments must be addressed to: City of Rosemead Public Works Department 8838 E.Valley Boulevard Rosemead,California 91770 Attention: Mr.Chris Daste, Director of Public Works Written comments may be mailed to the above address, emailed to cdaste@cityofrosemead.org, or faxed to (626) 307-9218. Again,only letters received by 5:00 p.m.on Thursday,October 3, 2019,will be accepted. We appreciate your concern for traffic safety in the City of Rosemead. Should you have any questions regarding this letter,please contact the Director of Public Works. Chris Daste,at 626-569-2158. For information please call: Para obtener más informacion, favor de llamar al: fit.`AIM•t , C' : De biet them chi tier,xin pi: 626-569-2150 Proposed Signs and Yield Lines Intersection of Emerson Place and Evelyn Avenue Y r 1 ;0. VI F ' , .''41.a• � int - -LACE - a1 EXISTING - _.,.'y "�� . •1111. `. W11-2 WITH • , .Emerson - - 4. i�o� • ' - CO if:-4--' �'_`ate •. L7 ', • . E � -„i vS.- Lip W 16_,P� ,. 't - . MER[ 'TI I LEGEND ' + I "` S l': 4 N A. PProposal Sc =-r - l' . _ - 1 ,._ _. .?- 'ter` I E M F O k.= CIVIC PRIDE 114. --.1 'N (39 CORPORATV)Ns Attachment C Lighting Distribution at the Intersection ri Go cr 07-South Gale-2 A o R n AVG. 1.14 FC ,.,,1 r 0.82FC -1 I • AVC 1 0 FC P N MAX IC/MIN EC- 9.2 TO 1 33 O MAX FC/MIN FC- 5.7 TO I 5r • .1.45FC 0.36FCr t o Ln 2.23FC l AVG. 0. FC - lipa 0.39F MAX FOAM FC= 9.5 TO I I 4 co L• ", 121 4, e s = I CM% _ — •0. .�C •0.n`"� _ - 0.7ovC / 0.25FC QB7F� vi—t r� �.� e OCEI'CE0.31FC S O.52FC 1.82FC mow.--_--.*116411 OOLAI� a..-& ..rte arc CR a 0.39FC ...wows-, � t 2.30FC 432 1711:41 0 28F • - - [o ) 2 a O.os,c Asir W ''''-It '' ' ^ n ,• o o' 1 0.13FC m eDB MI 0.04FC `. AMC. 0.85 FC MAXO.OSFC 0.04FC • fCJM111 FO= 5.7 TO I p / eL CDI 1 0 FIELD OBSERVATIONS LEGEND ° ON EMERSON WB & ED VEHICLES STOP AT I EXISTING STREET LIGHT frAll INTERSECTION EVEN THERE IS NO TRAFFIC CONTROL IN THEIR RICHT OF WAY. THE LACK OF LIGHTING MAY MAKE THE STREET r MEASURED POINT N.T.S. FEATURES/DETAILS HARD TO SEE, WHEN ORIVINC UP TO AND THROUGH THE 0 DATA SET LIMIT INTERSECTION. EMERSON -DARKESTIS ON EVELYN AVE, SOUTH OF CITY OF ROSEMEAD ATTACF#IENT PREPARED eV ownta EMERSON PL & EVELYN I'inn OSE ,5•44,IAD AVE EXISTING LIGHTING TodAy' SHEET 1 OF 1 1E M S O t '9 l'i" 0 0 Ir ft. CIVIC PRIDE /NCORPORATED 1° Attachment D Proposed Signage and Markings 11) C M CY m fD2 r _ i ..: No 4 Mji1j €& __ ,, �IL 1 -5 r 131 V 11;W" 4 Ii. ik CD 5. /11, 4110(1):: I. L - / ' ,,. — - .1; ea-. ... 4 . . . .,,,,,,,„,i. - . • . -- ....a.. ".-'..... moi ; . , 1 - _ . !ate t,:.� ~ ....<i • Is f ii , . t to aII: .. rt _� ' •„`� _ _ _ 1 - _ 44 _+_ , o • • .al Eg y' •.r•.•--; •� ' .. `` 1 .moi �V *i , Qcll I eD N. LEGENDCONVENTOYLIMISUSIG ,gg, N 1 poi i•I IA.. .1'I I p I Cr fD 10 .D ,'PTSD >SFTFT ll:it :.T--II.- '•a. 1111'•I:-M.? •iLL]k a=::4AL- -U-J__I -4.,4:10.1: ;..., ='0F7:;11 'IEJ-:11E: . • M.T.S. CITY OF ROSEMEAD ATTACHMENT 10/yyILLpAN) O J E AD EMERSON PLACE AND EVELYN AVENUE 2 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS SHEET1Of1 i S E M 4 4 i&___., CIVIC VRIOE ir ,NCORPORATEA)1959 Attachment E Proposed Red Curbs Proposed Red Curb at Emerson Place and Evelyn Avenue .. _ e., 1 .< 0.i Vii ,.. • rAt - . Existing (E) Red Curb - 011110 Proposed Red Curb ,L_____ ci., ...s . N_____. Q ,on PI Tu W Emerson PI PIIIPT I" * jullirosietat. " woo, I - , IV" i II f Q _1Fv i >,a 40 w IlLaiitwom Ah. &ill 1 ..i IMPNINIIIMIN Ma 1111 ,INMENWPRIMPINIIMIIIIIIIIN Legend: Proposed Red Curb: Existing Red Curb: . E M F O t '9 ck l*, 0 () CIVIC PRIDE 4t ir . h 1 • s;- or /HCORPORATV ASV° Attachment F February 6, 2020 Staff Report S E M F 4. O *al: ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION A. ' 4t414 tklila STAFF REPORT .....: TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER DATE: FEBRUARY 6, 2020 SUBJECT: REVIEW OF TRAFFIC CONDITIONS AT THE INTERSECTION OF EMERSON PLACE AND EVELYN AVENUE SUMMARY Staff received requests to review the traffic conditions at Emerson Place and Evelyn Avenue. The request was for the City to install all-way stop Signs at the intersection in order to improve the safety. A Traffic Study was conducted by Willdan Engineering at the location and the results were presented to Traffic Commission on October 3, 2019. The study did not recommend the installation of all-way stop because it did not meet the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Device (MUTCD) requirements and was not warranted. At the October meeting the commissioners requested staff to expand the study to include analysis to determine if the lighting is adequate or it could be improved. Willdan Engineering evaluated the lighting conditions at the intersection and determined that the lighting can be upgraded to improve the visibility of pedestrians and bicyclists crossing the Emerson Place. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended the Traffic Commission hold a public hearing and discuss the findings and direct staff to install the following improvements at the intersection of Emerson Place and Evelyn Avenue: 1. Install two additional street lights on the northeast and southeast corners of the intersection, as shown on attachment 2. Street lights cost approximately $5000 a piece to install. 2. Install signing and pavement markings as shown on attachment 2 to improve the advanced awareness of the crosswalk for traffic on Emerson Place. DISCUSSION Emerson Place is a two-lanes (one lane in each direction) residential collector with a posted speed limit of 30 mph. Evelyn Avenue is a residential local road with a prima facia speed limit of 25 mph. The intersection of Emerson Place and Evelyn Avenue-is within walkable proximity to Duff Elementary Traffic Commission Meeting February 6,2020 Page 2 of 6 School, Garvey Park, Ralph Waldo Emerson Elementary and spiritual institutions. Both streets are 36 feet wide. Evelyn Avenue is stop controlled and has a crosswalk on the western leg of Emerson Place which pedestrians utilize in order to reach the amenities on either side of the intersection. The photo on the next page presents the existing conditions. As shown on the photo, there are three existing street lights that provide lighting at the intersection. Based on the industry standard,the recommended average-maintained illumination on the pavement at an urban intersection for this type of roadway ranges between 0.8- and 1.8-foot candle and uniformity of 6 to 1. Willdan Engineering analysis indicate that the average illumination are as follows: .1Ji t .,1 r .All ' ' ic r , b t IIP 111111 u Lt .1_ —` 4 . , - la it moi r_ 1 c II . . , it . , ii) . .11 iikis,„it., 101 , ' i • . , • In the middle of the intersection the average foot candle is 0.38 and uniformity is 9.5 to 1; • At the west leg of the intersection the average foot candle is 1.14 and uniformity is 9.2 to 1; • At the north leg of the intersection the average foot candle is 1.03 and uniformity is 5.7 to 1; • At the east leg of the intersection the average foot candle is 0.85 and uniformity is 5.7 to 1; • At the south leg of the intersection the average foot candle is 0.10 Traffic Commission Meeting February 6,2020 Page 3 of 6 Attachment 1 presents the illumination distribution at various points at the intersection. It should be noted that uniformity of lumens on the pavement is the key for a good lighting. We propose to install two additional street lights; one on the northeast corner of the intersection and one on the southeast corner of the intersection as shown on attachment 2. SUMMARY The intersection of Emerson Place and Evelyn Avenue does not meet the minimum criteria that would warrant an all-way stop control as per CA MUTCD. However,staff recommends installation of additional street lights, signing and pavement marking to improve the visibility at the intersection. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process, as well as notification to 65 property owners located within a 300-foot radius of the subject property. Prepared By: Chris Daste, Director of Public Works Attachments: 1. Lighting Distribution at the intersection 2. Proposed Improvements 3. Public Notification w CDD ti 07-Sown Gate-2 00 c a w e:9, a + p o a AVO. T.14 FC ~ t. MAX FC/1AIN FC. 9.2 TO t 0.82FC • AVO. IA}f.0 • p I MAX FC/Mw FCS 5.7 TO I Cilii 2.23FC ,AVG. 0. it 3 co ilFi} AIAxrc iwFC= 9.5TOt 1 co IA o ,.... 31 * 11:21 ' • I t J ' 4.....••• 1 / -= — •0. . C •0. 0 70FC A. ' 0.20FC 0.311C ....A,.., ? O. 0.52FC 1.82FC –*So _ - . 00 • 0.39FC 2.30FC alai 0.28FC t 313Cn_,_ � F ~' 1.37FC '\ ASO, �S +s o.13fc r salmi PIP • 0.04fc A . 0.e Fc .. it j 0.05FC _ 0.04FC • MAX FC/4 FC= 5.7 TO 1 �� I 0 1 14 eD `o FIELD OBSERVATIONS LEGENDCI —ON EMERSON WB & EB VEHICLES STOP AT T (./ ..... INTERSECTION EVEN THERE IS NO TRAFFIC I EXISTING STREET LIGHT 1 CONTROL IN THEIR RIGHT OF WAY THE LACK OF LIGHTING MAY MAKE THE STREET • MEASURED POINT N.T.S. FEATURES/DETAILS HARD TO SEE, WHEN DRIVING UP TO AND THROUGH THE 0 DATA SET LIMIT INTERSECTION. EMERSON PL. - TLREA IS ON EVELYN AVE. SOUTH OF EMCITY OF ROSEMEAD ATTACHMENT 41 PAOARED BY OSE AD EMERSON PL & EVELYN sWI AVE EXISTING LIGHTING AdaT f Small Ttnm America SHEET 1 OF I 1 'V 11 .--] 00 0- to t.ls 03 n .. - r 4, 1.... , . . . -, ,..T...1.) r '8 9 3' t.) m• o cA , >o< . .....i, — . .... . . .a. = .. ., . .. . .„1. ,., ,„.- 11$ i 41—---- . - •.,--,-— ' . >,. 8 fr, `, go JAIL4 ' 1 • v ..e«.' ; :It 4. .44 0.I.--- , 4. 444 • ., • 1. -.A.. ....C_:I 1C ,.....v / ,, , T . 1 1 • . t ri. r ,i .a...r..-1, , ..,... 4.. . r!‘44=0,?‘ (1Z) , 3 . . i iu _... r............*a .... ,.......V......-- '*...-1 TS . W ‘ #4'1 r ... 4401:. ,L3 1' . ...„ ........, , 4 ,,, . ....... 2.416........:- tripi..... i •-% - -,- 4-4:) •••••44.4 .,., ..--,...,--,. -4 '''J I Li • - kJ ..., .... i - • - i444. .,...,....... -I = :A > !f..::I ir"I,' - - —Ii..k, • kr 17 :-.... . - _,,-- . ... . . , .. . -.,- , . AI' 1117—- .'IP - -IV . ••••> 2 = r , _,.....42' 4, . •1/4,., ...art.- I.11k. .....::-. ...-.7-.aa......4.....ak a '"Z 2 • ..i et 1 - : - " ., 1.. t .1 .-.I • till 11' _. a C = LEGEND COWEN HONK 1171 1306 elr' iNi = , = .. J•I V. VI I II 1 I el C/1 , l& ''V 37:I) ;I; FT tr-it 4r .. .4-•:. - it i i 4 "IFIED: 1111 F A-1r ,AL3. , --it i_,..:1 J..-Jit li..1.....;•_,. IF 3....F.il 'IL: _:IIE: ll N.T.S. CITY OF ROSEMEAD ATTACHMENT Of 4 EMERSON PLACE AND EVELYN AVENUE 2 isi(WILLDAN I,T.". ' OSE AD PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS Ergtoriy 1.... hryr%Soul Invm'growl SHEET 1 OF 1 1 Traffic Commission Meeting February 6,2020 Page 6 of 6 Attachment 3 OSE A Traffic Commission Courtesy Notification iOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Thursday, February 6,2020, at the hour of 7:00 p.m., or soon thereafter as the matter may be heard,the :osemead Traffic Commission will hold a public meeting in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead,California 1770,for the purpose of reviewing the Traffic Conditions at the Intersection of Emerson Place and Evelyn Avenue. 'ou are being notified of this meeting because your property is within proximity to the location. We encourage your comments regarding traffic afety in this area. Citizens'wishing to comment may do so by either attending the Traffic Commission meeting,or by sending a comment letter by :00 p.m.on Thursday,February 6,2020. Written comments must be addressed to: City of Rosemead Public Works Department 8838 E.Valley Boulevard Rosemead,California 91770 Attention: Mr.Chris Dastt,Director of Public Works Vritten comments may be mailed to the above address, emailed to cdaste@cityofrosemead.org or faxed to (626)307-9218. Again, only letters eceived by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 6, 2020, will be accepted. We appreciate your concern for traffic safety in the City of Rosemead. .hould you have any questions regarding this letter,please contact the Director of Public Works,Chris Daste at 626-569-2158. For information please call: Para obtener más informaci6n,favor de hamar al: tib1t` t , Ct: De biet them chi tiet,xin gqi: 626-569-2150 Proposed Improvements At the Intersection of Emerson Place and Evelyn Avenue itilk ra r, `1► ... , tittito._, _400.- 0,1,--;4ii>"7-_, i.✓.".r:. _. r -- {4Mr' At .,---e...,L,*,ads'. • S KM E M o 4 4. * CIVIC PRIDE 'IPCORPORATED Ag59 Attachment G February 6, 2020 Minutes • Minutes of the • ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING • February 6,2020 • " - • • • • The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Masuda at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber,8838 E.Valley Boulevard,Rosemead,California. • FLAG SALUTE: Chair Masuda INVOCATION: Vice Chair Omelas PRESENT: Chair Masuda,Vice-Chair Omelas,Commissioner Lim and Commissioner Ly ABSENT: Commissioner Quintanilla STAFF PRESENT: Director of Public Works Chris Daste, Engineering Consultant Farhad Iranitalab, and Administrative Analyst Silvia Llamas 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS • Tom Dobashi, resident, expressed concern with unsafe condition for bicyclist riding south bound on Walnut Grove Avenue,between Valley Blvd and Hellman Avenue. lie also mentioned that the speed limit on Walnut Gove Avenue near Willard School is 25 mph,where at Walnut Grove Avenue and Marshall Street with the distance of less than a 100 yard from the entrance of Janson School the speed limit is 40 mph and thinks it's unreasonable. 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Chair Masuda motioned,seconded by Vice Chair Omelas to approve Item A(November 7, 2019 Minutes)from the Consent Calendar as presented. Votes resulted in: • Yes: Masuda,Omelas,Lim and Ly No: None • Abstain: None • Absent: Quintanilla • 3. NEW BUSINESS • A. REVIEW OF TRAFFIC CONDITIONS AT THE INTERSECTION OF EMERSON PLACE AND EVELYN AVENUE Staff gave the Traffic Commissioners a brief description of the item. Mr.Farhad Iranitalab presenting a Power Point presentation and recommended the following improvements: 1)Install two additional street lights on the northeast and southeast corners of the intersection,as shown on attachment 2. Street lights cost approximately$5,000 a piece to install. • 2) Install signing and pavement markings as shown on attachment 2 to improve the advanced awareness of the crosswalk for traffic on Emerson Place. Chair Masuda asked if the pavement markings being recommended will be white or yellow. Consultant Farhad lranitalab responded that they will be yellow. • • Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of February 6,2020 Page 1 of 3 • • Commissioner Lim asked what type of paint will be used for the pavement markings. Consultant Farhad Iranitalab informed the Commissioners that will be recommending thermoplastic for the pavement marking. Chair Omelas informed staff that there is a pedestrian sign east of Evelyn Avenue that is currently being obstructed by a tree. Staff will address the issue. Commissioner Lim also mentioned that on the south west corner near the church,there's a lot of trees that may affect lighting as well. Commissioner Ly wanted to confirm that there's no record on previous fatalities in this intersection. Consultant Farhad Iranitalali responded that there haven't been any fatalities in the last 5 years. Commissioner Ly asked Mr. Iranitalab for clarification on the lighting at the four corners of the intersection,along with what do the numbers mean that are being used to identify the lighting. Consultant Farhad Iranitalab responded that only three corners at the intersection have lights and the numbers being used are to identify the uniformity of the lighting,and the higher the number the brighter the light will be. Staff asked Commissioner Ly if he can confirm if his question is if there's legal requirements on how close a light can be to a street. Commissioner Ly confirmed that staff was correct on the question being asked. Consultant Farhad Iranitalab replied that there are no requirements. Chair Masuda asked for clarification on the locations for the new lights. Consultant Farhad Iranitalab responded that the lights shown on the Power Point presentation aren't permanent and when they do the design the permanent lights will be included. Commissioner Ly asked Mr.Farhad if the$5,000.00 estimate included the design,installation and materials. Mr.Farhad responded that it only included the installation and materials. Commissioner Ly also asked Mr.Farhad if he knew what type of light were going to be recommend for that location. Mr.Farah responded that they will be using 100-watt LED lights. Commissioner Lim asked if the tree that is on the southwest corner will affect the proposed. Mr. Lim also mention when traveling north or south on Evelyn Avenue itis hard to see oncoming traffic,he recommended painting red curbs on all four corners to improve visibility. Commissioner Ly expressed that he doesn't feel the extra lighting is necessary and doesn't think the estimate provided is reasonable for the work that is being proposed. Vice Chair Omelas motioned to approve. There was no second to approve staffs first recommendation to install two streetlights on the northeast and southeast corners of the intersection,the motion died. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of February 6,2020 Page 2 of 3 • • Commissioner Urn motioned,seconded by Commissioner Ly to recommend to the City Council to install signage and pavement markings as shown on attachment 2 to improve the advanced awareness of the crosswalk for traffic on Emerson Place. Votes resulted in: Yes:Lim,Ly,Masuda and Omelas No:None Abstain:None Absent Quintanilla Commissioner Lim motioned,seconded by Commissioner Ly to recommend to the City Council to install red curbing on the southeast and northeast comers of Evelyn Avenue and Emerson Place. Votes resulted in: Yes:Um,Ly,Masuda and Omelas No:None Abstain:None • Absent Quintanilla . 4. STAFF REPORT Staff provided the Traffic.Commissioners with a hard copy of the Bicycle Master Plan for their review and to discuss at next months meeting. 5. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Ly asked if staff can look at the sign at intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Fern Avenue. The traffic light sign on the northwest corner says"no left tum"but when going north bound there is a left turn lane. Commissioner Lim asked if the red curbs near Emerson Elementary School can be repainted. Mr. Urn also asked if the City uses thermoplastic for street markings and if it's reflective. • Commissioner Omelas stated that on Marshall Street between Muscatel Avenue&Bartlett Street,at the beginning of Marshall Street and Muscatel Avenue there's a No Parking sign and once you get over the wash parent are parking and cars must go around them. He requested on having a No Parking sign installed or installing a red curb(prefers a red curb)between Muscatel Avenue and Bartlett Street Mr.Omelas also mentioned that a resident asked if on Loftus Drive between Temple City Blvd &Baldwin Avenue, ifs hard to see cars coming over the wash and recommended adding red curbs to allow a bit of visibility when coming out of the side streets. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m.The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for March 5,2020 at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chamber at City Hall,located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard. • Howard Masuda Chair ATTEST: _c_v____ ___.-- r . Chris Dade Director of Public Works • Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of February 6,2020 Page 3 of 3 i-I MEill 4_ to O CIVIC PRIDE „ft AtoRPORATED As* Attachment H October 3, 2019 Draft Minutes Minutes of the ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING October 3,2019 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Masuda at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber,8838 E.Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Lim INVOCATION: Commissioner Ly PRESENT: Chair Masuda,Vice-Chair Ornelas, Commissioner Lim and Co 'ahissioner Ly ABSENT: Commissioner Quintanilla .s'+ 444th\i 'i+,•♦.. STAFF PRESENT: Director of Public Works Chris Daste,Engineengg ConssUlt-v.*,nt:Farhad Iranitalab and Administrative Analyst Silvia Llamas 44 4 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS *+ �•.,;� i None >.: �"+ ,, k.:h`,'':j,+\ :44v'.44'4,i4' ,�ftsi4 dig 2. CONSENT CALENDAR k .. 4::';,:':. k♦:w• ,;♦.��'�+> €ti*OP,. Vice Chair Ornelas motioned, seconded by Commission er Lim.to approve item A(August 1, 2019 Minutes)from the Consent Calendar as presented Votes resulted in: -kw :+,,, 4,. �v.4. ..,:,....:::',.:§.::z.,....., ; , Y,es: Ornelas Lim,4Ly and Masude,4 vos '` ,, o, None : . • ' ` t . 4.•'.'� Abstain: None 4, .',. :.+ Absentt,,Quintanill . 3. NEW4B'lU ,ESS qv''4, +4444 •4\\ ♦ \ :' .. SAT THE INTERSECTION OF EMERSON PLACE AND EVELYN A. REVIEW OF TRAFFIC`CO[VDITIONS, AVENUE. ` k` Vickie Sprout resides`a't3948 Californiah;,Avenue, Long Beach and is an active member at Wei Mountain Temple, Ms. Sprout expressed her concern with thereeing a lot of reckless drivers along Emerson Place and doesn't think drivers will stop if a yield sign is installed af�t the ntersection. Brady McBride resides at 10550 bVAVW nlap Cross Road #177, Whittier and is also in active member at Wei Mountain Temple. Mr. McBride also expressed his concern with vehicles speeding along Emerson Place. Mr. McBride asked staff if they knew how far in advance of the crosswalk will the signs be installed. Engineering Consultant Farhad.lranitalab, responded that the warning would be installed at least 100 feet from the crosswalk. Mr. McBride also asked if the signs will have blinking lights. Mr. Farhad informed Mr. McBride that the proposed signs don't have blinking lights, but City Staff can request to have the signs with blinking lights installed. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of October 3,2019 Page 1of4 Mr. McBride asked if there were certain height requirements when installing a new sign. Mr. Farhad informed Mr. McBride that height of a sign depends on the visibility. Nancie Chau, resides at 7701 Hellman Avenue and is concerned with vehicles driving fast on Emerson Place and asked if a stop sign can be installed. Thanh Ho,resides at 7719 Emerson Place and expressed concern with vehicles speeding along Emerson Place,along with drivers not paying attention when pedestrians are nearby and hopes safety improvements can be done. Xian Jie,resides at 7732 Emerson Place and mentioned that he is very concern with vehicles speeding along Emerson Place and recommends installing stop signs at that intersection or a traffic circle. ASO Feibi Xu,3207 Evelyn Avenue and expressed her concern with vehicles speed on Emerson Place,making it unsafe to 4.444�}'i4.'... cross the street. Ms.Xu also mentioned that there have been several times that animals have gotten ran over and the drivers don't stop. Ms.Xu also provided the Traffic Commissioners;with a petition that has 85 signatures in support of having a four-way stop at the intersection of Emerson Place:;attEvelyn Avenue' , Staff gave the Traffic Commissioner a summary on the item,along with recommending'utfli''ng both option 1 and option 2 which are: _ .vak, OPTION 1- 4 ,..-;. ; , ::>; ;:;. ;4'. Install fluorescent yellow green (FYG) Pedestna:` Crossing signs4atttf ecrosswalk (W11-2 with W16-7P signs) with Yield Here to Pedestrian signs (R1-5 sign) •and4yield lines to help aleith4rivers of the pedestrian crossing. This installation would be for both the eastbound and,westbound approaches offEmerson Place at Evelyn Avenue OPTION 2- �4�\:4,,t%.owi4 w. , A Install FYG Ped Xing signs(W11 2f i ad�rance of the crosswalk wP4D4XIith� NG pavement markings. These signs would provide advancedkkwarning of the\'pped�estrian crossuig This installation would be for both the eastbound and westbound approaches of Emerson Place:>atEvelyn Avenu :Option 1 can be implemented with this option. Commissioner Ly asked Mr Iranitalabfheknew the imes of`the`accidents. ��'�\ 44 Mr. Iranitalabdidn't have the'information I-fe i.formed the Commissioners� that he will do further research and provide them with thehtn ormation at the ne meeting Commissioner Ly•: sked someone in the:>audience4if'they knew the time when the accidents occurred. Ms. Ho responded thaeac tfcident occurred around 5:35 in the afternoon and the second accident occurred around 1:00 in the morning. Commissioner Lim also asked MsHo if she knew the date and time of the traffic collision with the young female. Ms. Ho responded that the accident occurred in November around 5:35 p.m. Commissioner Ly asked Ms. Ho what her opinion is on the visibility in that area. Ms. Ho responded that the visibility isn't that good in that area. Vice Chair Ornelas asked Mr. Iranitalab if the study conducted was a guideline or mandated by the state. Mr. Iranitalab responded that it was mandated by the state. Commissioner Lim asked Mr.Iranitalab how the residents are notified. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of October 3,2019 Page 2 of 4 Staff responded that residents within a 300-foot radius of the location are notified. Chair Masuda asked staff how many of the criterias must be met to approve a four-way stop. Mr. Iranitalab responded that all the criterias must be met. Commissioner Ly asked Mr. Iranitalab what it would take to install speed bumps. Mr. Iranitalab respond that installing speed bumps would not be a good idea, because if cars are speeding and going over the speed bumps,drivers can lose control. Chair Ornelas asked if a temporary four-way stop can be installed and see`'horit progresses. Staff recommended doing a study and bringing it back to the Traffic 4mmission for additional recommendations. Chair Masuda suggested on starting with basic recommendation and if additional mprovements need to be made,they can bring back the item 4iv?,`•U 4•nv 44 A +\ Staff agrees with Chair Masuda. •`" Commissioner Lim recommended painting red curbs on the east side;,ofinerson Place. .w.' Chair Masuda asked if they go with the initial`options can: they increase visibility by adding additional lights. Mr. Iranitalab suggested installing,an advanced flashing beacon\and a high visibility crosswalk. Chair Masuda also askedkif�itihcluded�eiltb,lines. * Mr. Iranitalab didn't include curb:lines. L`'ii Chair Masuda>asked;if=s kwould be ossibiel o adddelineator `�\ .AA� A�: p ��..., Mr. Irani al`eb doesn t recommend adding delineator,due toothe roads being narrow and a high volume of traffic pl g \ stop signlightedstop 9 Commissioner ,recommended re��aacm the eu' ..t with signs. Chair Masuda asked'staff to conduct a:m'ore enhanced study in terms of looking at improving visibility, along with any • other issues that can help nprove that intersection. Commissioner Lim motioned;seconded by Commissioner Ly, to have staff: 1) conduct a study during the morning between the hours of 7:00 a.mlektI 00 a.m., preferably during a school day,2)conducting a night study,3)enhance the existing crosswalks,4)replace the existing stop signs with lighted stop signs,5)obtaining any traffic collision reports from the Sheriffs Department on that intersection. Votes resulted in: Yes: Lim, Ly, Masuda and Ornelas No: None • Abstain: None Absent:Quintanilla 4. STAFF REPORT Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of October 3,2019 Page 3 of 4 Staff gave the Traffic Commissioners an update on future items that will brought to the Traffic Commission. 5. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Ly asked if the street work on Walnut Grove Avenue has been completed. Vice Chair Ornelas requested a lighted stop sign at the intersection of Bartlett Street and Marshall Street. He made an additional request to install a red curb or a no parking sign in between Muscatel Avenue and Bartlett Street,due to the street being to narrow and cars parking there. 6. ADJOURNMENT ti� The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.The next Traffic Commission meetilts scheduled for November 7,2019,at 7:00 p.m., in the City Council Chamber at City Hall, located at 8838 EastkkValle Boulevard. `'4;14 4.,,.k.i%4 ., ''4 4 4 .: ,, Howard><Masuda 44`�* : .: -,Chair4<k' ,,„ ATTEST: k<'� \\ti.t. Chris Daste ,; ,v Director of Public Works`.Lyk "U4k` w::,4:'•. 4v,, \ \:.:i.*: 45;` \ Va imN O• �'4 '..k.i ,jam. \C. k,..`:4 ' : 4 ft,tib'`~" -1's;v.`. „lt \\,.,..\:.\\ }'4\s' '. 4`"ti's' Av -\•-•.:-..,..\. .::::0 y Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of October 3,2019 Page 4 of 4