CC - 10-17-60 - Special Meeting•
Minutes of October 17, 1960
A special meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemead
was held in the Council Chambers; 3954 North Rosemead Boule-
vard. The meeting was called to order at 7:50 o'clock p.m.
by Mayor Andersen.
• In compliance with Government Code Section 54956, written
notice of such meeting was mailed to the Alhambra Post-Advocate
the only newspaper which has requested written notice, and to
all Councilmen.
1 The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Andersen.
The Invocation was delivered by Mayor Andersen.
2. Present:Councilmen: Andersen, Jackman, Phinney, Stead.
Absent: Councilman Lowrey.
Ex officio: Boyko, Stump, Pederson, Armstrong.
Mayor Andersen stated that this meeting had been called for
the purpose of ratifying the appointment of Commissioners to
the Traffic & Safety Commission and the Planning Commission.
Mayor Andersen stated further that one term of office had
expired on the Traffic & Safety Commission and two had ex-
pired on the Planning Commission and a letter of resignation
had been received from Planning Commissioner Frank Sam.
Mayor Andersen read in full Mr. Sam's letter of resignation.
It was moved by Stead, second by Phinney and unanimously
carried that Mr. Sam's resignation, as presented, be accepted.
It was moved by Stead, second by Jackman, and unanimously
carried that Mr. Sam be sent a letter of appreciation and
Mayor Andersen stated that the Council meeting in an executive
session following their regular meeting of October 11, 1960,
had agreed on the following recommendations.
1) That
of four
2) That
• mission
3 ) That
Lawrence Brownell be reappointed for the full term
(4)/on he Traffic and Safety Commission.
Joseph C. Wilt be reappointed to the Planning Com-
for the full term of four (4) years.
Charles G. Wearden be appointed to the Planning Com-
for the full term of four (4) years.
4) That Harry S. Buchanan be appointed to fill the unexpired
term of Mr. Sam.
It was moved by Phinney, second by Jackman and unanimously
• -arried that the Planning Commission and Traffic Commission
vacancies be filled in accord/with the foregoing recommendations.
Mayor Andersen expressed appreciation to the members who
served on the Commissions the past year for their fine work.
s. Councilman Phinney asked if it would be out of order to re-
quest permission to discuss a matter at this special meeting
as long as there was no action taken.
Attorney Boyko stated it would be out of order to discuss
any matter not specifically outlined in the notice of special
meeting without unanimous consent of the Council, or a 2/3 rds
majority vote that it be placed on the agenda.
It was moved by Phinney, second by Stead and unanimously
carried that Melvin Jones be allowed to address the Council.
Melvin Jones, 3953 North Gernert Street, addressed the Council
regarding acts of malicious mischief regarding his property
• and endangering his family. He requested that the law be
enforced as it is"written.
Councilman Phinney expressed his appreciation to the other
members of the Council for listening to Mr. Jones and stated
that he feels that a very real problem exists.
It was moved by Stead, second by Phinney and unanimously
carried that the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourned at
8:15 o'clock p.m.
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