CC - Item 6A - San Gabriel Valley Superfund Site, El monte Operable Unit- West Side, Shallow Zone Expansion ProjectROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER ,� . DATE: MAY 26, 2020 SUBJECT: SAN GABRIEL VALLEY SUPERFUND SITE, EL MONTE OPERABLE UNIT — WEST SIDE, SHALLOW ZONE EXPANSION PROJECT SUMMARY The San Gabriel Valley Superfund site is divided into eight sub -areas or operable units. Of these, the El Monte Operable Unit (EMOU) is divided into two portions, based on the responsible parties involved in their remediation: the west and east sides of the EMOU. The West Side EMOU is situated within the city boundaries of the City of El Monte, the City of Temple City and the City of Rosemead. Within this portion of the EMOU, groundwater contains elevated concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), such as trichloroethene (TCE) and tetrachloroethene (PCE), perchlorate, hexavalent chromium, and 1,4 -dioxane. Over the past 25 -years, led by Hermetic Seal, a subsidiary of Ametek, there has been a significant amount of site investigation, sampling, planning, design, and construction to contain contaminated groundwater. These efforts culminated in 2012 when construction of a groundwater treatment system (GWTS) was completed and began operation. The GWTS includes a series of pumping extraction wells located to the west of the areas where contamination was released. Groundwater is pumped in buried pipes (located in the right-of- way) to above -ground treatment equipment that is located at the Ametek facility on Temple City Blvd. The treatment equipment removes contamination from the groundwater and then discharges the treated water into Eaton Wash in compliance with a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit issued by the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board. DISCUSSION When the system was first installed in 2012, groundwater flowed from east to west, so that contamination from the former release areas flowed to the extraction wells. The extraction wells would capture and contain the impacted groundwater and prevent it from migrating downgradient further west. However, the elevation of the groundwater table at the site has dropped over the years, perhaps as a result of drought and less recharge into the aquifer AGENDA ITEM 6.A City Council Meeting May 26, 2020 Page 2 of 3 compared to the amount removed. As the groundwater table has dropped, the direction of groundwater flow has also changed. Instead of flowing east to west, groundwater now flows from northwest to southeast, resulting in the contaminated groundwater flowing in a different direction than when the system was designed and installed. Because of this, additional groundwater extraction wells are needed to reestablish the containment of contaminated groundwater. Several additional extraction wells have already been installed in both Rosemead and El Monte for this purpose, but the wells have not yet been connected to the existing GWTS. The following work is needed to expand the GWTS to capture the contaminated groundwater. Locations of all proposed infrastructure have been selected to minimize the potential impacts to the community: - New flush -mounted precast concrete vaults at the new wells: these will be installed in the City ROW, over the top of the existing wells. These locations were approved by the cities and fall in parking lanes where access can be performed safely and without impacting traffic; and - New trenching (water pipes and electrical conduit): trenching will be conducted to connect the piping to existing pipes or the GWTP at Ametek's facility; and - New electrical vaults/handholes (for pulling wire): new electrical handholes will be needed to pull wire through the planned conduit. These will be located alongside the piping and conduit; and - New electrical power drop and pedestal (via SoCal Edison): one electrical power drop is planned on the east side of Rio Hondo Street, just south of Valley Blvd. This location is in front of the commercial lot (not a residence) and was selected to minimize the impact on pedestrians (i.e. on a wide sidewalk); and - Two new above -ground control panels for controlling the extraction wells: two above- ground control panels, similar to the one previously installed near the intersection of Arica Ave and Rose St or at the end of Abilene St east of Temple City, are planned. Control panels will be made as short and small as possible. o One will be installed at the same location as the new power drop o The other is planned on Lorica St, east of Temple City Blvd, on the north side of the cul de sac in front of the commercial lot. This is also not in front of a residence or in a place where it will restrict sidewalk width. Design drawings showing the extent of the work have been prepared and submitted to EPA for review (and to the City of Rosemead public works staff). Additional drawings with more detail are being developed for EPA approval. Following EPA approval, the drawings will be submitted for plan check by the Cities of Rosemead and El Monte. Once approved by the cities, the project staff will work with the EPA and cities to implement this project. As with the installation of the original GWTS, public outreach will be a significant focus to minimize the potential impact on the community. City Council Meeting May 26, 2020 Page 3 of 3 STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Review and file this information. FISCAL IMPACT There will be no fiscal impact. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT Strategy 3: Continue efforts to enhance the condition and general appearance of the City's public infrastructure and the public right-of-way. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared By: Michael Ackerman, P.E., City Engineer Submitted By: of Public Works Attachment A: Preliminary Pipeline Location Map, El Monte Operable Unit, Rosemead Attachment A Preliminary Pipeline Location Map El Monte Operable Unit, Rosemead -- -4 a +� m ry N C C N L A� y0 O N m C d w pip 0 J3 IL r' w c N .22 C V .•�_• N • C 41 L C 3 N C N L r O O N ON^ E 0 E fA E m^ a d m C a+ N Z Z m N w d v a O O Z (A N r m d O O ° �~ c c c _= �.�cc� �O W Q d W a Viva) > N N J a C L U 01 mUlf°H A O d w d X p C w 0 co m� w z s��� 5�� w5 C` LD 00a I I I s I ., an.40 trap oAG o' 0 si Cc !� s i ^-,C a W W w N I Q. O anU9AV,ulmpjB9 t O 04 Cl W... W1 ysom Umeg, rnr L ! f t'' co GI � 0 3 p�enaEnog'67E� aEdwal W ! N L) • -� !, w .. of W. d j ...,,,.,,,yam .....E �. enliany opuoH oEa LL 11100 Oi ip I I WjC W Im i 4.. N i � O r y m i •r I o E f ••M �............."' .. Qp�enaEnoglpeamasoy •- E Lo ,.. w' �m N U 0 c -H y �yy o v Q ' ZQm West Side EI Monte Operable Unit Groundwater Remedy Design Update City of Rosemead City Council Meeting May 26, 2020 9� '�� Agenda • Introductions • Meeting Objectives • Project Overview • 30% Design Review • Community Involvement • Schedule 0 Questions/Discussion 9� Meeting Objectives • Inform City Council on the Project Scope of Work • Inform City Council on Project Plan and Schedule • Answer Questions K1 Project Overview - San Gabriel Valley Superfund Sites PREA40U Donne ula,r� Raymond Baan �� ��� em oePr. mv,Ntt,Poa.,a• NPLAREAd mora / van mc•alm 9.YY� �/' KK <ml.n.Nrm Msa.•/ , RwyrO rrwn YCu.e.,0%YCm 0 `KK Cmt.mmaem FYNI Op cram l.EVMvy pbeMr • Ntl Nwe Nw.0.,•P ,� W�-pr,arwrrr $.in GaO,MI • Vvllay � . � n WN 1mobPOYe,Ow1M, r0.nw ''J MtlgOnuM NPLAR3'_ G �� • � - vo[-WP. f�iMU •IIY.xvnJCwernN.mx MEA3W I 4Y0•n: ou u.�vwx arw�ou - - :�:ooicmvarvaccaa,w.ren a Mme• e� � ` • _� I 1 dp � .i �I[/J `-� a YONrE W � MW(P.MG c'aaiNaM4Ra nEe �•m I WwmaR YRRLWaOU • ..Im. drN.mwnunr.v r�r�. MONTEBELLO / HILLS ua'v�..w•a..•PolmvotlYNe1YNF. �'r ry N� FIGURE M LG bcm of Area 4 Area 4 Remedial Inve,"ation 9� Project Overview (2) - EI Monte Operable Unit (EMOU) • 1999 - Interim Record of Decision (Cleanup Plan) — Prevent exposure of the public to contaminated groundwater; — Inhibit contaminant migration from the more highly contaminated portions of the aquifer to the less contaminated areas or depths; — Reduce the impact of continued contaminant migration on water supply wells; and, — Protect future uses of less contaminated and uncontaminated areas IN STgr�s T _ C 0 2$ Project Overview (3) — EMOU • Set performance based criteria to assess whether the remedial action is preventing groundwater migration in both shallow and deep zones. • EPA modified the 1999 Interim ROD in the 2002 ESD to address 1,4 -dioxane, perchlorate, hexavalent chromium, and N- nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA). C: Project Overview (4) — Implement EMOU 9� PRPs' Obligations to Interim Remedy • All work is being conducted pursuant to enforceable Consent Decree signed in 2004 that requires the West Side and East Side Performing Settling Defendants to design, construct, operate, maintain, monitor, and evaluate their respective remedial actions • EPA is the lead agency for the remedial action rA 9� Project Overview (5) - Current Status • All municipal supply wells within the EMOU serve drinking water that meet both state and federal requirements • Four independent groundwater extraction and treatment systems are constructed and operating. • Treated water from the two EMOU Deep Zone systems is used for municipal supply • Groundwater monitoring programs in place E:? 9� Project Overview (6) - Current Status • Hydraulic control/containment is not being achieved for the West Side Shallow Zone and Deep Zone Remedy • EPA has directed the WSPSD to take additional response actions to establish groundwater containment to meet the RAOs of the interim remedy • EPA continued coordination with the State on source property identification, investigation, and remediation within the EMOU 9 Project Overview (7) - (EMOU) — 9� EI Monte Operable Unit West Side • Shallow groundwater treatment system installed and started in 2012 — Extracts impacted groundwater — Removes contaminants — Discharges treated water to surface water (Eaton Wash) • Drop in groundwater basin water levels resulted in change to groundwater flow direction • Additional groundwater extraction necessary to prevent contaminant migration and protect drinking water supply 11 ��SED STgr�SFv S AO a� Project Overview (8) — West Side EMOU Remedy 419 n a 3 0 m Legend ® EMOU Boundary Groundwater Treatment Plant Ta Baldwin Avenue Boundary between West Side and East Site EMOU — Existing Pipeline New Pipeline (Preliminary) Interpreted Trichloroethene, 1 OX MCL (Shallow Zone, Water Table Interval) 0 Extraction Well (Shallow Zone, Water Table Interval) a RA Extraction Well (Upper Deep Zone, 160- to 190 -foot depth interval) EW19 EW19 EW22 EW20 EW21 EW31 a e° e ° Bridge Crossing Over Eaton Wash a m 3 m A EW23 EW30 k, m EW26 � c a �Southe Pacific Railroad ��SED STgr�s T _ C 0 2$ Project Overview (9) — West Side EMOU • In the City of Rosemead Right -of -Ways (ROWs) — New shallow zone extraction wells (installed) — New flush -mounted vaults and electrical handholes — New trenching (pipes and conduit) — New power drops and pedestal (via SoCal Edison) — Two new above -ground control panels • Treatment Plant Improvements — Minor improvements — Treatment facility at Hermetic Seal/Ametek facility on Temple City Blvd. 12 ��SED STgr�s T O a� West Side EMOU Shallow Design Modifications (1) • 30% Design Drawings and Basis of Design Report submitted to City of Rosemead Staff • February 26, Meeting with — Chris Daste 2020 Pre -Permit Design City of Rosemead Staff — Lily Valenzuela — Michael Ackerman 13 ��SED STgr�s T O a� West Side EMOU Shallow Design Modifications (2) • Construction will Involve Trenching and Electrical Equipment Installation including Extraction Well Control Panels (EWCPs) for Two Shallow Zone Extraction Wells (EW): — EWCP-3 on Rio Hondo Avenue, south of Valley Boulevard and near EW31 on Steele Street, — EWCP-4 on Lorica Street, near EW28 14 EWCP3 and EW31 Locations 8 EW19 EW22 EW29 i d EW20 Legend Ewzt EW23 EMOU Boundary e Groundwater Treatment Plant Baldwin Avenue Boundary between EW26 EW27 West Side and East Site EMOU EW31 EW25 Bridge Crossing — Existing Pipeline EWCP-3 Over Eaton Wash — New Pipeline (Preliminary) and EW31 Interpreted Trichloroethene, 10X MCL (Shallow Zone, Water Table Interval) � Extraction Well (Shallow Zone, Water Table Interval) e = t7 RA Extraction Well (Upper Deep Zone, a o a m ; a 160 -to 190 -foot depth interval) = a o 0 0 a ti Sa`n Beinardina Freeway - - Southern Pacific Railroad 9� Pre -Permit Design Meeting Summary for EWCP3 • City of Rosemead staff and the West Side EMOU PRP agreed that the proposed EWCP3 is acceptable, given the lot on the southeast corner of Rio Hondo Avenue and Valley Boulevard in being developed with a new commercial building. 16 EWCP4 and EW28 Locations Cg1 a m 3 0 m Legena EMOU Boundary Groundwater Treatment Plant Baldwin Avenue Boundary between West Side and East Site EMOU Existing Pipeline — New Pipeline (Preliminary) Interpreted Trichloroethene, 10X MCL (Shallow Zone, Water Table Interval) Extraction Well (Shallow Zone, Water Table Interval) a RA Extraction Well (Upper Deep Zone, 160- to 190 -foot depth interval) E W 18"" 2 m -ti EW19 EWCP4 EW22 and EW28 LW20 . EW21 )t `'EW2� c v EW31 $ Bridge Cross o Over Eaton W. EW23 EW26 m 9� Pacific Rallroad a 2 m m v c a m ¢ a S U c v Z $ o � C ti EW23 EW26 m 9� Pacific Rallroad a 9� 30% Design Review — Pre -Permit Design Meeting Summary for EWCP4 • City of Rosemead staff and the West Side EMOU PRP agreed to move EWCP4 to near end of Temple City Boulevard in front of the commercial lot, east of the apron entrance for the commercial yard on the north side of the street to avoid the residence at the originally proposed location. COO ��SED STgr�s T _ C 0 2$ 30% Design Review — Pre -Permit Design Meeting Summary for Community Involvement • Public Outreach is Important to City of Rosemead, EPA, and the WSPSD • Above -ground Equipment Installation Only in Commercial/Industrial Areas • Accommodation for Residents on Lorica Street Needed for the EW28 Location • Weekly Project Status Updates to be provided to EPA and the City of Rosemead 19 9� 30% Design Review — Pre -Permit Design Meeting Summary for Community Involvement • City staff requested a Workshop with the City Council prior to a City Council Meeting to Present the Project and Community Aspects • EPA and the WSPSD will coordinate to prepare and distribute community notification fliers in multiple languages 20 9� 30% Design Review — Pre -Permit Design Meeting Summary for Community Involvement • EPA will go Door -to -Door for Community Notification per COVID-19 Guidelines • The WSPSD/CDM Smith will: — Procure Encroachment Permits from the City of Rosemead — Prepare and submit Traffic Control Plans (TCPs) — Conduct traffic control during construction per the TCPs 21 IN STgr�s T _ C 0 2$ PROZF"GS sL Path Forward • Completion of 60% Design due to EPA on June 5, 2020 • EPA Review and Approval (expected in August 2020) • Drawing Plan Check • Public Outreach (14 days prior to start) • Southern California Edison Design • Contractor Bidding and Procurement • Permitting • Construction (fall 2020) • SCE Energization • Startup (late 2021) 22 a ill � I �r�'. � t I�.�: 4'. �:' �;' a � r w � ��byy � a �Sr ',a` � . �5c •,� s •� �_ i ter.. 1 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY AREA 1 SUPERFUND SITE COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT PLAN 9� Raymond Chavira EPA Remedial Project Manager (415) 947-4218 Chavira. Raymond(c�epa.gov Q!