CC - 05-10-60CITY OF ROSEMEAD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA Minutes of May 10, 1960 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemead was held in the City Hall, 3964 North Rosemead Boulevard. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Andersen at 8:00 o'clock p.m. . 1. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Andersen. 2. Present: Councilmen Andersen, Jackman, Lowrey, Phinney, Stead. Absent: None. Ex officio: Boyko, Wocllett, Stump, Armstrong. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Councilman Lowrey called attention to the typographical error on page 1 of the mirites of April 26, item 4, paragraph 7, line 2, he should b: changed to we. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Jackman End unanimously carried that the minutes April 19 be approved as written and the minutes of April 26 as corrected. 4. TIME RESERVED FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO DESIRE TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL: Lloyd Walters, 4211 North Rio Hondo Avenue, asked the Council what had happened to ,theel,i.ght.in,g program approved by the previous Council . CA-Wotofl I'ett; stated, that a contract had not as yet been received from Sou`thern~'Ca7-ifernia Edison Company. 5. ORDINANCE NO. 26. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING MUNICIPAL CODE, RE: t", ISSUANCE OF SOL I C I TAT I,ON PERMITS i.:. Y~.al i11 (F.t C 4 i i.I i.✓ It~fl Ji AN`ORD'INANCE i0F THE CITY' OF ROSEMEAD'AMEND'ING CHAPTER; OF ART,I CL'E` 11/ • OF' THE' ROSEMEAD= MUN I C 1 PAL' CODE:` I,t was, moved by, Lowrey- and second by,: Jackmanr" that Ordinance 0: 126 be' n" t'i t`l e` on l'y. Counc rlman 'Stead"requested that since•thi,s.was the first reading that it be-read in .full.. - Ordinance No. 26 was `read` in fu1`l=by''Atto~rneyiBoykol." ' it was' moved bye L`owr'ey, second, b'y''~Stead'•`tha`t'' Ordi nance No. 26 be introduced., Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Andersen, Jackman; 'L6-wrey;1 Phinney, Stead, Noes: None. Absent: None. 6. RES'OLU'TION- Nb "-60=25 AL`L'OWING''-CERTA.1N CLAIMS AND''DEMANDS` J 1 f P~: A'RESOLUT'ION"OF'THE CtTY'COUNC'IL'OF_THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD'. • ALLOWING, CERTAI'Nr'CLA`IMS"AND'DEMANDS 'IN THE 'SUM OF'$26 851.27 DEMANDS-'NUMBERS"'337" THROUGH':360 n' _ as 170 r C .It..was moved,by"Lowrey, second by.,Jackman that Resolution,No.. 60~`25'66-46ad by ti'tle"oh'ly:'' it''wa's`point'ed' our that this'- ' Resolution contained over $2,000.00 for jail services and over $20,000.00 to pay(offrthe money `borrowed `Iwhen we became `iawCity. It wa's"moved' by'Lowrey,',second by Stead that Resolution,,., 60-25 • 6e approved Roll call ,vote as follows Ayes ,Andersen, Jackiean',, Lowrey ' Phi nn'e'y,`. Srf'ea'dr ''Noes: Norte • ' Absdhn-'"None` - I'NVOCAT`I ON AT C'OUNC 1 L MEET I NG: It was moved by Jackman, second by Lowrey,,and_unanimously carried that this(J tem,be tabled to"a later date.'( 'All faC• e'.O Oil (,7?0' ? f iri; 'ti°r 1 _ ti C F^❑ 1 r ?t> ~1t ( r}_ t! 1. ^r., tl *i 'vr",ir ..x,. 'c1'4.,F> ~%:~u uy.Atcord^ ~ C•.v~:r,, 8. COMMUNICATIONS: A. Los Angeles Boundary Commission: Proposed Annexation #60-1, City of San Gabriel, and Proposed Annexation #6, City of South El Monte. CA Woollett advised the Council that these communications were routine notifications of proposed annexations. It was moved by Jackman, second by Lowrey and unanimously carried that these communications be received and filed. • B. City of Huntington Park Resolution: Presentation of Salacious films. Councilman Lowrey requested that this communication be read in full. It was moved by Jackman, second by Lowrey and un- animously carried that the Rosemead City Council go on record supporting this resolution and indicating that a letter be sent to the Huntington Park City Council even though there is no theatre in this City. 19. TIME RESERVED FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO DESIRE TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL. James Clayton of the Rosemead Park Board, 9346 East Marshall Street, stated that a letter had been written but he did not see it on tonight's agenda. Mr. Clayton was advised that this matter would be brought up under matters from city officials. 10. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS. A. It was moved by Jackman, second by Phinney and unanimously carried that the CA be instructed to institute proceedings with the Post Office department for service in the Twin, Gaydon and Charlotte area within the city limits. B. Councilman Stead inquired as to the statis of the Valley Blvd. lighting program. CA Woollett advised the Council that i.` they are desirous of going ahead they might reaffirm the pre- vious Council's action and reactivate this matter. It was moved by Phinney, second by Lowrey and unanimously carried that the City Council reconsider this lighting contract from Southern California Edison Company in June. C. Mayor Andersen stated that an informal meeting before this Council and the El Monte Council had been held and the sugges- tion had been made that the CA of Rosemead and the CA of El Monte call on people in the areas concerned to determine their feelings regarding annexation. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Jackman that the CA be in- 40 structed to carry out this idea of a meeting by meeting with the CA of El Monte and going into the area and determining the feelings of people in the area. CA Woollett advised the Council that the City of E1 Monte had passed a similar motion at their meeting lastnight. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Andersen, Jackman, Lowrey, Phinney, Stead. Noes: None. Absent: None. D. Mayor Andersen advised the Council that Rosemead does not have • a Director to the League of California Cities. It was moved by Stead, second by Lowrey, and unanimously carried that Mayor Andersen be appointed as Director to the League of California Cities. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Jackman, and unanimously carried that Councilman Stead be appointed as alternate. - 2 - E. CA Woollett advised the Council that they had accepted the • resignation of Mildred Janson from the traffic Commission and he now had a request from the Traffic Commission that she be reappointed. It was moved by Stead, second by Lowrey, and unanimously carried that the Council concur with this recom- mendation. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Phinney, and unanimously carried that Harry S. Buchanan be appointed to fill the vacancy • on the Historical Committee. F. CA Woollett advised the Council that the Traffic Commission had approved the installation of 3 crosswalks adjacent to Marshall School and a limited parking sign to be installed. Since there is an expense involved this requires Council approval. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Jackman that this Traffic Commission recommendation be approved. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Andersen, Jackman, Lowrey, Phinney,.Stead. Noes: None. Absent: None. G. CA Woollett advised the Council that the Planning Commission had approved a subdivision at their last meeting and that it now required Council approval. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Stead, and unanimously carried that this subdivision be approved conditionally. Conditionally on compliance with recommendations and conditions set forth by the Planning Com- mission. H. CA Woollett advised the Council that a communication had been received from the Rosemead Park Board. At the request of Councilman Phinney this communication was read in full by CA Woollett. James Clayton, 9346 East Marshall Street, advised the Council that this program will end July 1, 1960, and therefore requested immediate action. After considerable discussion it was moved by Phinney, second by Stead that this item be the first item for consideration in our new budget and to see to it that this program is con- tinuted. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Jackman and un- animously carried that this item be tabled for further study. 1. CA Woollett stated that an additional communication had been received from the Rosemead Park & Recreation District and the RYA inviting the Council to attend the opening baseball game of the season on May 15, 1960. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Andersen and unanimously carried that the Council take note and that this communication be received and filed. J. Councilman Phinney requested a clarification from Attorney • Boyko concerning proper parlimentary procedure on tabling an item of business. Attorney Boyko stated that an item which had been placed on the table may be removed from the table at any time. It was moved by Phinney and second by Lowrey that the request from the Rosemead Park Board for additional funds for the school program be removed from the table and this item to be considered in the budget studies. Roll Call vote as follows: • Ayes: Andersen, Jackman, Lowrey, Phinney, Stead. Noes: None. Absent: None. K. CA Woollett stated that another Boundary Commission report had been received toolate to be placed on the agenda and was the routine notification of South El Monte Annexation No. 7. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Stead, and unanimously car- ried that this communication be received and filed. L. Attorney Boyko stated that he had an ordinance ready for pres- entation to enable the City to receive gas tax funds. - 3 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD RELATING TO THE CARE • AND EXPENDITURE OF MONEYS RECEIVED FROM THE STATE OF CALI- FORNIA UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 5, CHAPTER 1, DIVISION I OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAY CODE. It was moved by Stead, second by Lowrey, and unanimously car- ried that Ordinance No. 27 be read in full. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Jackman that Ordinance No. 27 be adopted. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Andersen, Jackman, Lowrey, Phinney, Stead. Noes: None. Absent: None. M. Councilman Lowrey stated he had received a call frcm a Mrs. Wallace on DeAdalena Street who just spent $35.00 to have her Por'-w 7 tree trimmed and now the county workman have trimmed it even more. Councilman Lowrey suggested that either the Deputy City Clerk or the CA contact Mrs. Wallace. N. Mayor Andersen stated that he had a request for an endorsement by the Council on Proposition A & B in the forth coming election. Proposition A if approved will authorize a bond issue for con- struction of hospital facilities desperately needed to provide for the sick. Proposition B if approved authorizes issuance and sale of general obligation bonds in the amount of $6,315,000.00. The proceeds realized from the sale of the bonds will be used for the construction of womens detention facilities for the confinement and detention of adult females. In Los Angeles County today there are women prisoners who have only 23 square feet of floor spece allotted to them, including that under their beds - if they have beds. Many female prisoners must sleep on mattresses in corridors with one shower for 32 women and one toilet for 18. These facilities must be provided by the people of Los Angeles County now and in the event the funds from bonds sales are not authorized, the costs of construction would necessarily come from current tax monies and cause an im- mediate raise in the tax rate. If bond sales are authorized the cost would be spread over the next twenty years and people yet to come to this area and some of whom will use these facilities would share the cost.. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Stead that this Council go on record endorsing Proposition A & B on the ballot at the June election. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Andersen, Jackman, Lowrey, Phinney, Stead. Noes: None. Absent: None. 0. Mayor Andersen stated that at this time the Council would • judge the slogans for the Chamber of Commerce slogan committee. He declared a recess-at 9:30 o'clock p.m.to complete this information. Meeting was reconvened at 9:40 o'clock p.m. The choice of the Council was slogan 33046. Dr. Stuart Maude invited everyone to be present at the Chamber of Commerce dinner on Saturday evening for the crowning of Mr. and Miss Rosemead and the awarding of the $500.00 bond to the winner of .*.'.a Slogan Contest. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Stead, and unan;~::iusly car- ried that the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourncd at 9:42 o' clock p.m. Next regular meeting May 24, 1960. MAYOR CIT CLERIC - 4 -