CC - 03-15-60 - Adjourned MeetingCITY OF ROSEMEAD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA March 15, 1960 An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemead was held in the City Hall, 3964 North Rosemead Boulevard. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Buchanan at 7:38 o'clock p.m. • i. The Pledge of Allegiance was lead by Mayor Buchanan. 2. Present: Councilmen: Buchanan, Cook, Horning, Lowrey, Stead. Absent: None. Ex officio: Woollett, Watson, Stump, Armstrong. 3• APPROVAL OF MINUTES. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Stead and unanimously carried that the minutes of March 8, 1960, be approved as written. 4. TIME RESERVED FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO DESIRE TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL. Mrs. Helen HasSrouck,9429 East Guess Street, President of the Rosemead Park Advisory Board asked if the City had an ordinance concerning soliciF- tation in the community. Attorney Watson called attention to Section 4260 of the Rosemead Municipal Code which states "no person shall solicit any contribution for any char- itable purpose unless he exhibits a permit from the City Council." Mrs. HasBrouck stated that a letter had been sent out by the Rosemead Youth Association asking children to go out and collect funds or con- tribute $10.00 to the association. Mrs. Hasbrouck further stated that the park furnished equiprgent such as balls, etc., and although the Youth Association and Park Board are closely associated they are separate organizations. Mrs. HasBrouck stated further that a letter had appeared recently in the newspapers requesting contributions towards lights for the ball diamond and even though this is a very worthwhile goal it is simply one individual with an idea and not an approved program of the Park Board. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Stead that the CA be authorized to write the Charities Division of the County and to the various organizations within the City and inform them of this Section of the Rosemead Municipal Code. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Cook, Horning, Lowrey, Stead. Noes: None. Absent: None. 5. ORDINANCE NO. 15 AMENDING MUNICIPAL CODE ADDING SECTIONS TO ARTICLE 111, CHAPTER 1; FIREWORKS (2nd READING). • ORDINANCE NO. 15. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD RELATING TO THE SALE AND DISCHARGE OF FIREWORKS AND AMENDING THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE. It was moved by Horning, second by Lowrey and unanimously carried that Ordinance No. 15 be read by title only. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Stead that Ordinance No. 15 pass the • second reading and be approved. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Cook, Horning, Lowrey, Stead. Noes: None. Absent: None. 6. ORDINANCE NO. 22 AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE AND PROHIBITING CERTAIN DIS- POSITION OF PRINTED MATERIAL. (1st READING). ORDINANCE NO. 22. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AMENDING THE ROSE- MEAD MUNICIPAL CODE AND PROHIBITING CERTAIN DISPOSITION OF PRINTED MATER- IAL ON LAWNS, YARDS AND GROUNDS. It was moved by Lowrey; second by Horning and unanimously carried that Ordinance No. 22 be read in full. • Ordinance No. 22 was read in full by Attorney Watson. 'A'ttorney Watson stated the only significant change was the amendment for the 10 foot spacing adjacent to a door in the absence of the porch. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Horning that Ordinance No. 22 be introduced. Enos A. Roush, 8845 East Guess Street, wished to know how the screens and • windows of a house would be protected if the law requires throw-aways this close to the buildings. Selden Mitchell, 3766 North Strang Avenue, stated he was very unhappy when he moved to Rosemead and found that unsubscribed literature was permitted to be distributed at ail. He would prefer that throw-aways be banned. Robert C. Yarbrough, 3762 North Strang Avenue, stated you get a ticket if a paper falls off a truck, therefore citations should be issued for throwing papers all over town. After considerable discussion, roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Cook, Horning, Lowrey. Noes: Stead. Absent: None. 7. ORDINANCE NO. 23. CITY OF ROSEMEAD ANNEXATION AREA NO. 7 (2nd READING). AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY.OF ROSEMEAD APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESIGNATED "CITY OF ROSEMEAD ANNEXATION AREA NO. 7" TO THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Cook that Ordinance No. 23 be read in title only. Rollcall vote as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Cook, Horning, Lowrey, Stead. Noes: None. Absent: None. Title read by CA Woollett, it was moved by Lowrey, second by Horning that Ordinance No. 23 be approved. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Cook, Horning, Lowrey, Stead. Noes: None. Absent: None. Attorney Watson commented that this ordinance would be effective In thirty (30) days, would be certified by the Secretary of State at that time and this area would become a part of the City. 8. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS. A question arose concerning the County Regulatory Business Licensing Ordinance. Attorney Watson requested a few minutes to check the code concerning this matter. CA Woollett stated he had several communications, first being one directed to Councilman Lowrey from the Governor requesting him to attend the Gov- ernor's Conference on Public Library Service in Sacramento as a represent- ative of the City. It was moved by Cook, second by Horning that Councilman Lowrey be author- ized to represent the City of Rosemead at the Governor's Conference on Public Library Service in Sacramento on April 7 and 6, 1960, with necessary and actual expenses., When the vote was called there were no dissenting votes. The motion carried, Councilman Lowrey abstained from voting. • CA Woollett called to the attention of the Council the requested vacation of East Chestnut Street. He stated further that this matter had been before the Council previously and had been posted,with no dumping signs as requested by the Council. Attorney Watson explained that I.n order to vacate a Public Hearing must be held. Notices posted and the property in question must be found to be unnecessary for any present or future street development. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Stead that this matter be referred to the Planning Commission. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Buchanan,' Cook, Horning, - Lowrey, Stead. Noes: None. Absent: None. - 2 - • A communication from the Helen Keller World Crusade foi the Blind requesting cooperation from the City in declaring Sunday, June 26, 19$0, as Helen Keller Sunday. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Horning and unanimously carried that Sunday, June 26, 1960, be proclaimed by the Mayor as Helen Keller Sunday for the City of Rosemead. CA Woollett read in full a communication from Mr. 6 Mrs. Miles McManus, . 9307 East Ralph Street, expressing gratitude to the Fire Department Rescue Unit. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Horning and unanimously carried that this ammnunication be received and filed, and copies sent to the Fire Department. CA Woollett requested authorization from the City Council to purchase two 2 drawer file cabinets, one for the Planning Commission records and one for the Traffic Commission records, and a table for reporters.. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Cook and unanimously carried that the.purchase of this equipment be authorized. :kttorney Watson stated that the County Business Licensing Ordinance as previously introduced but has not been brought up for second reading. He stated that the code provides that there must be at least five (5) days between the introduction and the second reading there,is no outside limit. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Horning that Ordinance No. 18 be read in title only. ORDINANCE N0. 18. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ADOPTING BY REFER- ENCE ORDINANCE NO. 5860 OF THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ENTITLED " AN OR- DINANCE REGULATING AND LICENSING BUSINESSES IN THE UNINCORPO&tTED AREA OF THE COUNTY OF LOS,ANGELES" AND AMENDING THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE. Attorney Watson read the title of Ordinance No. 18. It was moved.by Lowrey, second by Horning that Ordinance No. 18 be adopted. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Buchanan,.Cook, Horning, Lowrey, Stead. Noes: None. Absent: None. Councilman Lowrey stated in looking over the new agreement.,drawn up bt the Attorney and approved at the last Council meeting was satisfactory with the exception of the date June 30, 1961. Attorney Watson stated this is a typographical error and should be corrected.to read June 30, 1960. Councilman Lowrey stated that the Council had received a proposed agree- went on garbage,disposal from Griegorian Disposal Company, and he felt it should be placed before the Council for consideration at this time. After considerable discussion it was moved by Lowrey that the CA be authorized to write a letter to.reliabie disposal companies requesting bids. Horning stated he would second this motion provided it was amended • to include a time limit, motion so amended. Attorney Watson stated that before bids could be called for; specific require- ments would have to be established so all bids would cover the same program.. utter considerable discussion Councilman Lowrey withdrew his motion with agreement of second. It was moved by Cook, second by Horning that the CA be authorized to collect information and prepare the necessary papers in reference to a garbage disposal program. . CA Woollett stated that one week would not be sufficient to prepare this report. At this time he read a communication from the Chamber of Commerce requesting the City to work with a Chamber Committee concerning this matter. Mayor Buchanan stated he felt this matter should remain in the hands of the Council. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Cook, Horning, Lowrey, Stead. Noes: None. .absent: None. It was moved by Cook,that the meeting adjourn. Mayor Buchanan stated if there were no objections the meeting would stand adjourned. Next regular meeting March 22, 1960. Meeting adjourned at 9:07 o'clock p.m. MAYOR , CITY CLERK