CC - 02-23-60CITY OF ROSEMEAD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA February 23, 1960 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemead was held in the City Hall, 3964 North Rosemead Boulevard. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Buchanan at 8:00 o'clock p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was lead by Mayor Buchanan. Present: Councilmen: Buchanan, Cook, Horning, Lowrey, Stead. Absent: None. Ex officio: Woollett, Watson, Stump, Armstrong. 3, It was moved by Lowrey, second by Cook, and unanimously carried that the minlates of February 9, 1960 be approved as printed. /L, ORDINANCE NO. 15 AMENDING MUNICIPAL CODE ADDING SECTIONS TO ARTICLE III, CHAPTER I: FIREWORKS. CA Woollett reported that several individuals and organizations had con- tacted him to discuss this proposed ordinance. It was their feeling -that this was unenforceable due to the policy of surrounding cities. Gera Willard, Commander, John Guess American Legion Post 425, Rosemead, skated that the Legion still opposed this proposed ordinance. -t was moved by Cook that this ordinance be referred to the CA for further 7,_,dy. Councilman Lowrey stated he would like to see this motion amended o regnest the drafting of an ordinance which would permit the sale of _ela and sane fireworks. Councilman Cook withdrew his motion. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Horning that the City Attorney draw up ai ordinance allowing sale of safe and sane fireworks within the City of I -emead during the usually specified dates by non-profit organizations ;,-t=hin the city. Attorney Watson explained that this action would not constitute a first - ading, that he was merely being instructed to draft a proposed ordinance. T'_;e first reading would be at the next meeting if the Council approves tze ordinance he prepares. Gene Willard, Commander and Weaver Adams, Past Commander, John Guess American Legion Post 425, Rosemead, both went on record opposing per- ra:ssion be granted to non-profit organizations, both stating that ,'U.l.y 4th is a Veterants Holiday. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Cook, Horning, Lowrey, Stead. Noes: None. Absent: None. • RESOLUTION NO. 60-13 INDICATING INTENTION TO C91 AN ELECTION. (ANNEX- ATiTI NO. 6) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSTMEAD DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO CALL A SPECIAL ELECTION ON ANNEXATION ARFA N0. 6. Attorney Watson explained the present status of Annexation No. 6, inhabited. I-Ie explained that the Council has an option of passing a Resolution to call an election or (Government Code 35007) can terminate proceedings. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Horning and unanimously carried that the resolution calling a election be presented. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Stead and unanimously carried that Reso- 1?it_on . No. 60-13 be read in title only. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Horning that Resolution No. 60-13 be approved. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Cook, Horning, Lowrey, Stead. Noes: None. Absent: None. -1- 0 • 6. RESOLUTION NO. 60-14 ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS. RESOLUTION NO. 60-14 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSE- MEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,521.6(1 DEMANDS NUMBERS 183 THROUGH 200. It was moved by Cook, second by Lowrey aid unanimously carried that • Resolution No. 60-14 be read by title only. It was moved by Cook, second by Lowrey and unanimously carried that Resolution No. 60-14 be approved. Mayor Buchanan stated that the City Treasurer, Noah Stump had an announce- ment to make concerning our financial stituation. This first report is from August 4, 1959 to February 4, 19602 total receipts $37,418.45, total expenditures $29,848.36, balance on hand $7,570.09. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS. Councilman Stead requested that the last item on the Claims and Demands Resolution be explained as he felt that it would be quite interesting to the audience, as he was sure that some of this work had been necessitated due to the wind and rain. CA Woollett explained that there are 2,550 parkway trees in the City of Rosemead which are the responsibility of the City. The Parkway Tree Division initiated a two year program and this expenditure is due in part to carrying out this program as well as wind and rain damage. CA Woollett presented a resolution authorizing and directing the bank to recognize certain signatures. RESOLUTION NO. 60-15. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY ODUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSE- MEAD AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE FIRST CITY BANK OF ROSEMEAD TO HONOR ALL CHECKS, DRAFTS AND WARRANTS WHEN BEARING CERTAIN SIGNATURES OF CITY OFFICIALS. It was moved by Horning, second by Lowrey and unanimously carried that this resolution be read in title only. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Horning and unanimously carried that Resolution No. 60-15 be Epproved. CA Woollett stated a memo from the Rosemead Chamber of Commerce per- taining to the Mr. & Miss Rosemead Contest had been received. It was moved by Horning, second by Cook and unanimously carried that this communication be read in full. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Cook and unanimously carried that this • communication be received and filed. Dr. Stuart H. Maude, President of the Chamber of Commerce, explained that this communication is an addendum to the letter read at the last Council meeting. CA Woollett presented a communication from the California Clean-up, Paint- up, Fix-up Committee. CA Woollett read this communication in full. • Dr. Stuart H. Maude stated that the Chamber has already appointed a com- mittee to work on this in cooperation with the local Fire Department. It was moved by Cook, second by Lowrey and unanimously carried that the month of May be proclaimed Clean-up, Paint-up and Fix-up.month for Rosemead. CA Woollett stated he had received the written acceptance from the Souther:' California Edison Company of Franchise Ordinance No. 12. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Horning and unanimously carried that this written acceptance of Ordinance No. 12 be received and filed, and the CA be authorized to return the necessary letter. 2 - v City Attorney Watson stated he had drafted an ordinance as requested by minute order at the last meeting and wished to know if it were satisfac- tory to the Council. ORDINANCE NO. 22. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD MENDING THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE AND PROHIBITING CERTAIN DISPOSITION OF PRINTED MATERIAL ON LAMS, YARDS AND GROUNDS. • It was moved by Horning, second by Lowrey aid unanimously carried that this ordinance be read in full. It was moved by Cook, second by Lowrey that this ordinance be introduced. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Cook, Horning, Lowrey, Stead. Noes: None. Absent: None. Attorney Watson stated that the City had received a sewer easement sub- mitted by P.Melvin Knoll aid Betty L. Knoll, that the receipt of this document indicates that it has been constructed and inspected and is now in condition to be accepted by the City. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Cook and unanimously carried that the dedication of easere nt for sewer be accepted. Mayor Buchanan requested the Attorney to explain just what the Brown Act is, and its purpose. After a summary of the Brown Act by Attorney Watson it was moved by Cook, second by Horning and unanimously carried that the meeting adjourn. Next regular meeting March 8, 1966.. Meeting adjourned at 9:05 o'clock p.m. MAYOR - CITY CLER • u - 1+