CC - Item 4B - Regular Meeting Minutes of January 28, 2020MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL, SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION AND HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION REGULAR JOINT MEETING JANUARY 28, 2020 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Clark at 7:05 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Clark, Mayor Pro Tem Armenta, Cos 1 ;`Members Dang, Low and Ly (arrived at 7:07 p.m.) . ABSENT: NONE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by ' . `'ro Tem INVOCATION was led by Council Member STAFF PRESENT: City Manage leda, Assi4iCity Manager Kim, ° City Attorney Richman, Sergeant Fiedler, Director "Works D-lcting Director of Finance Torrez, Director of Parks and Recreation Boecicg,c Clerk Iandez A 1. PUBLIC CO t � 4' Mayon 1 rk open e Public dent perio flaunt of k=:Gs. fibra a er Sue Yamamoto provided the City c - upda even eb s Mrs. Yamamoto stated that during the reenac oft as Je': ` event on February 13, the Library would be closed." being no er cod -ii nts, Mayor Clark closed the Public Comment period. 2. PRESENTINMONS A. IntroductiSeRCETWorker ��wly hired Public Works Management Analyst Danielle Garcia and MamtMark Duran Director of Public Works Daste introduced Public Works Management Analyst Danielle Garcia and Maintenance Worker Mark Duran. B. Service Recognition of Former Rosemead Chief of Police, Lieutenant Chris Kusayanagi The City Council presented a plaque to recognize Former Rosemead Chief of Police, Lieutenant Chris Kusayanagi. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of January 28, 2020 Page 1 of 12 AGENDA ITEM 4.11 C. Los Angeles County Sheriff's Temple Station Department Annual Report Temple Sheriff Station Captain David Flores provided an update on Rosemead crimes for 2019. Captain Flores reiterated that overall crime had lowered in the City with a 23 percent increase in arrest, 50 percent increase in narcotics arrest, 12 percent decrease in preventable traffic collisions, and liability trust funds auto liability cost decreased by 43 percent. Temple Sheriff Station Sergeant Fiedler continued with the report and reiterated that crime involving arson continued as crimes have decreased. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta stated it was gi the community, however, that results in a Sergeant Fiedler reaffirmed that and shoplifting is about 1/3 of t] Mayor Clark interjected that and get a slap on the wrist. Sergeant Fiedler stat* those types of crimes probation parolee num national name retail stores in )ensity of shoplifting. of their service calls, 50 worth of items e people that are committing and stated a correction to the parolees are under the age 's question, Sergeant Fiedler explained that 4es' homes and believed they were adults oer na i interjected and confirmed that all the probation Angeles County Department of Probation handles inquired about the recidivism rate for sex register offenders in many repeat offenses there have been. responded that arrests are due to individuals failing to reregister. Sergeant Fiedler explained the Temple Sheriff Station Deputies are vigilantly working while conducting probation parole compliances, search warrants, attending community meetings, and having an active presence. Sergeant Fielder also indicated current crime trends are residential/commercial vehicle burglaries, grand theft autos, and larceny thefts. In addition, County of Los Angeles Temple Sheriff Station was piloting a new license plate camera program, resulting in retrieving 23 stolen vehicles with people behind the wheel, along with other multiple crimes. Traffic issues are lower than the previous years. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of January 28, 2020 Page 2 of 12 3. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta opined that more people are brazen in their driving and continue to speed near school sites. Sergeant Fiedler continued with the report. Council Member Low asked if police presence had an increase in the City as previously requested by the City Council. Captain Flores replied that law enforcement services are currently within the contract compliance that the City is requesting under the current service agreement. He stated that Temple Station was piloting twoIpTograms, a license plate camera program which the City is currently part of, e second is a station wide voice activated technology that can run licenseddresses and dictate reports. City Manager Molleda mentioned�thd Ri e Cif f dwirrently has a vacancy for a Rosemead Sheriff Deputy. Funds _gp, eing alloca -min giving current deputies overtime, which allows them tp , iro1 more while thejas saving money by not having to pay for the benefits.3, M-, Mayor Pro Tem Arm asked if Sri&Wi p rf budget requ for additional 'f�.. v equipment. z{ 011 Captain Flores responds"2, for more deuuties or hav% events., 0 4 er equipnfi Pf � Mayor o Tem Ad' nta re funding laii,enforc lent eq throughout cameras. PUBLIC HEARING A, get requft'would include additional funding x 3effQ, ell)W eak in crime for unforeseen anyy�4t aidsl running license plates. staff mf'estigate grants that may assist in t:�the��l�ock System Captain Flores referred to as a w e.A b trial basis and the City nor the Sheriffs for the services. She affirmed City staff was currently r for the Flock System once implemented. inquired on the locations of cameras being used for the responded there's currently 23 cameras strategically placed City. Once the program is implemented, the City will have 40 A. Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Action Plan The City of Rosemead is a federal entitlement grant recipient of Community Development Block Grant ("CDBG") and HOME investment Partnership funds ("HOME") from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD"). As part of the process to receive funding, the City must undertake Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of January 28, 2020 Page 3 of 12 preparation of an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice every five (5) years. Recommendation: That the City Council approve the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing choice and authorize staff to submit the plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Consultant Damien DelM from Michael Baker International presented the City Council with a presentation on the Impediments to Fair Housing Action Plan and goals. The 5 -year action plan goals include creating housing solutions for members of the protected class; increase affordable housing opportunities; support housing development initiatives that foster collaboraaproach between public/private housing to maximize the leverage of the fi increase home ownership; public awareness of fair housing laws and afbl me advocacy; and increase job training and job employment opportities. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta aE anything projected in the 5 - Council Member Ly explaii housing units are bul development type probe Assistant City Manager A from SB SOO,g> the Cot on thpedimeo Fair May Cl penese pu Br1Iftewln sug ted to Sacramen 6, o loo : o po ,Where being ncz ore sp Mate Bill 50 (SB Vss,d, would that change ion plan. ', ed that oiosed law that =,yld change how in the state pecifically ties to transient oriented {W Vit.'? rep i.h MU staff cb Zi address any effects resulting 67idated.l n l aweve�il here were no known effects for public comment. subletting single-family homes and lobby ity pertaining to SB 50. , Mayor Clark closed the public hearing. 1: Mov �by Council Member Ly and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem to appi. e the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing choice and s' ff�� ubmit the plan to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban e = otion was carried out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Danj; Low, Ly ABSENT: None Mayor Pro Tem Armenta stated there was a situation where a granddaughter could not do upgrades to a house because she was not the next of kin. There is an ordinance provision for who can renovate a house and requested staff to look into the matter. Assistant City Manager Kim explained the issue Mayor Pro Tem Armenta was referring to was resolved. The house was an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) situation and the current City ordinance passed the City Council, requires the main Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of January 28, 2020 Page 4 of 12 house or ADU house to be owner occupied. The new regulation that was approved by the state does not allow that anymore, therefore that situation will not exist. Mayor Clark asked if staff could continue monitoring any illegal Airbnb's and a potential birthing house in the city. B. Substantial Amendment to the Annual Action Plan In accordance with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the City of Rosemead's Citizen Participation Plan, the City of Rosemead is required to amend its 2015-2020„yonsolidated Plan and the 2019- 2020 Annual Action Plan. The reason for. ,�� ubstantial Amendment” is to reallocate funds to the CDBG program foL activities in land acquisition for affordable housing.;, Recommendation: That the City G t Cil take the f6110)0 ng actions: 1. Conduct a public hearing andeceive public 2. Approve the Sub tial Amend to 015-2020 CoK) dated Plan and the 2019-2020 . ction Plan. 4� Assistant City Manager rep?he Cityg,6ives HUD allocation annually in the form of CDBG and ho e funrx e Citd . cil approved the 2019-2020 ��� q . Annual A 1 on Ma 2019/'as stt fitted to HUD and approved. R ,x There= ; e been - stments t % counting the CDBG funding program with two dfnt ch ade. $1' . r(000 from theommercial Facade Improvement Program ? w av able. In addflh ,the staff has gone back to all prior CDBG motions �cand umocated approximately over $400,000 tied to pry CDB 'grams0 rF eroded. The result added a new line item for possid f -C ordable housing development or other new projects R Pro Teri ,' enta ended staff for their knowledge and hardworkon ng and utg City funds appropriately towards City projects before losing the Mayor Cloned the Public Hearing for comments. There being no public comments, cbsed the Public Hearing. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Ly and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Armenta to conduct a public hearing and receive public testimony; and approve the Substantial Amendment to the 2015-2020 Consolidated Plan and the 2019-2020 Annual Action Plan. Motion was carried out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang, Low, Ly ABSENT: None Mayor Clark requested agenda Item 5A Memorial Bench, Tree and Garden Nomination to be move up for discussion. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of January 28, 2020 Page 5 of 12 5. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF A. Memorial Bench, Tree and Garden Nomination The Parks and Recreation Department received an application on November 21, 2019 for the Memorial Bench, Tree and Garden Program. The application was submitted by the donor, Perry Poon, who would like to recognize his mother, Fenny Poon, by dedicating six garden locations around the clock just south of City Hall. On January 7, 2020, the Parks Commission approved the garden application and nomination. Administrative Policy 50-08 statesTthat "The Parks Commission shall have the authority to accept or deny memo ' bench or tree applications and ensures all guidelines are met. The City Cort Lwill ratify all approvals or denials the first year and will revisit therefore ., Recommendation: That the City Gil approve th" emorial Garden application to honor Fenny Poon.'., Director of Parks and Recreatio" nomination applicatio to honor the resident, active co mem employee. Donor Perl would the community by dedil g s Plaza. Administration Pol & 0-0$ 111 the no io �e Comms 'on i� the 1 °'tial GRUba=licas as i Mayor Cl`` ; o � ded the Y fir' , itv. tckmg taped the Po6lamily submitted a tnny Poon, a �'me Rosemead ler", erry P ongtime Garvey `School District like toy 5 ognize Mrs. Poon's contribution to rden plo�' ar the Civic Clock in the Civic t that th' ` ks Commission may approve estin`e City Council to approve for their contributions to the community all the things she did for the youth in the Council er L jt ted it was important to honor those that we love and Qptimally wartp recoge by honoring the work Mrs. Poon did for the youth in community r guidan e was instrumental and thanked the Poon family for eu vhing they one for the community. �f Mayor a ` Q;< Tei " ' enta shared with the Poon family they are a staple in communi" eir dedication to the Boy Scouts organization and City of Rosemead d not go unnoticed. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Ly and seconded by Mayor Clark to approve the Memorial Garden application to honor Fenny Poon. Motion was carried out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang, Low, Ly ABSENT: None Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of January 28, 2020 Page 6 of 12 4. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Member Ly requested to pull item C for separate discussion. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Ly and seconded by Council Member Low to approve Consent Calendar Items A and B. Motion was carried out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang, Low, Ly ABSENT: None Council Member Ly stated with most of the Council attending the National League of Cities 2020 Congressional City Conference, the March 10th would be cancelled. A. Claims and Demands • Resolution No. 2020-03 A RESOLUTION OF T CITY OF ROSEME . CERTAIN CLAIMS A $786,368.00 NUMB) NUMBER 105,450 INCL Recommendation: • Resolution No. GUTTY COUN` r,OF THE ALIFORNIA, A �,� WING EMANDS IN THE � w I OF )A, 10532-:4. THROUGH No. N OFA QCT I Y OTt SEMEAD AS '50R A sCY TO ROSEMEAD DEVEL MENT COMMISSION OF ,3W EME ,ALLOWING CERTAIN DDS TITHE SUM OF $2,793.75 z 10279 T t ,OUGH NUMBER 10280 No. 2020-02 SA. • "V R,esolutidA No. 2020-02 RDHC A'-�` UTION OF THE ROSEMEAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $340.00 NUMBERED 1615 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2020-02 RHDC. B. National League of Cities 2020 Congressional City Conference — March 8-11, 2020 — Washington, DC The City Council will consider authorizing the attendance of any Council Member Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of January 28, 2020 Page 7 of 12 and City Staff who wishes to attend the National League of Cities 2020 Congressional City Conference in Washington, on March 8-11, 2020. If the majority of the City Council wishes to attend the Conference the regular City Council Meeting scheduled on March 10, 2020, will need to be cancelled due to a lack of quorum. Recommendation: That the City Council take the following actions: 1. Authorize the attendance and finance of any Council Member and City staff that wishes to attend the National Leag,,of Cities Congressional City Conference in Washington, DC on Marc`f"1Vlarch 11, 2020; and 2. If the majority of the City Coun�s "the conference, authorize the cancellation of the March 10, 29, ,". City Co cil meeting due to a lack of quorum. �? C. Strategic Plan Progress Report The City Council wits review the so -goals and acfiJems that were established in the City�V p` }} ated Strategie'�n for 2018 — 2020. lis is a progress report for the two-year:N-V eriod. Recommendation. That tH V ity Cb . preview i �,Drovide feedback. No formal action iS t this times; �3 a� { x4 Co On ' ember sked for'fication on 'erns on the progress report. The first item' .klo imp ent all pof al tools available to develop vacant lots and d,main �' be repded upon bi-annually. Council Member Ly �� Tabo staf re are bt�i� is at are being analyzed on the item. tir Assistant Ct,ManagerI im responded yes and explained he purposely left it as a progress item l Pause e l there will always be better ways of doing things. Staff �' RI continually .rk witl�i a operty owners to try to get them to develop their lots. COW-Membe asked for clarification on line item, Expanding Technology and ori �1 � se m y �s to promote Economic Development, still show in progress and asked . sf s th� " 1 oking into other things. Assistant City Manager Kim responded that staff was still working on the system, and due to some of the programs being expensive, they would like to do it in phases. Council Member Ly thanked staff for including overlay zoning district for opportunity sites along the 10 freeway with freeway ingress and egress on the off ramps. He continues with item Public Safety, Evaluating creasing share of the department patrolling visibility by deploying no traditional patrol programs, these programs are completed by the Coffee with the Chief program along with the CSO's support. Asked if staff was looking at other programs was this item completed. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of January 28, 2020 Page 8 of 12 Assistant City Manager Kim responded that there is always room for improvement. Captain Flores had indicated if there's additional programs, they would like to incorporate them. City Manager Molleda stated that they are looking into revamping the Public Safety Connections meetings, Community Area Watch meetings, and Neighborhood Watch meetings. Council Member Ly referred to the line item, Development of Encampment Cleanup Schedule and Plan, knowing it's an ojgging part of the Quality of Life program; it was placed on the done file. He hat the rationale was for being put on the done file verse in progress. < Assistant City Manager Kim info theme city ` ncil that the Development of Encampment Cleanup Schedule an item wasx.the done file because the City has a program that meets oat. With the ongoirt6q uality of Life program, in addition to ongoing effort .staff and partners, tllOy ve done significant accomplishments. A_ t:�y� Council Member Ly progress for a line ite Policing, Fire Safety, ►w the staff defines done verses in Engagement through Community that implies that it's been Beautification and Infrastructure Action, >vement Master Plan, City Tree Master s Daste explained that West Coast Arborist presented { : , about the implementation plan in getting the urban ani`unning with the maintenance schedule. The Capital was being prioritize by staff and has begun some projects asked for clarification on the description of the New position in the Public Works Department. Director of Public Works Daste informed the Council that the new Management Analyst will be working with the Public Works Manager and looking into internal systems within the department to establish maintenance services for the city's infrastructure. Council Member Low interjected and asked what the projection for the completion on the Dog Park was. Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of January 28, 2020 Page 9 of 12 Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking informed the City Council the project should be completed in a year. Council Member Ly requested an update on item, Study and Evaluate the potential increase of park space by 25%, including the use of vacant Edison properties and looking at recreational development to include jogging, walking and bike paths. He reiterated that the City had applied for Prop 60A grants and asked what the status. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking replied that they are currently waiting for a response, the State Department received over 420 applications, and hope to hear something by March. A& Council Member Ly referred to line i facility upgrades have been made the requested for a timeline of the upgr44,51 Director of Parks and Recreati. the design phase, with renovate of completion for the renovation brought before Council for apprc Council Member Ly the Splash Zone says Youth Programs once the indicates its ongoing. He replied sta mid or late out to bid ing at proposals for The estimated time rye, once a design is A l i,roi ect. line itentudy and Evaluate the expansion of but no yhas been performed yet. a. he City Council that this item amount of space, the expansion ion for line item, Tracking and Reporting ed the City Council that it's being reported that it is tracking report has not been shared with the City inquired when staff was planning on bringing before the City xplore Bonding and Opportunities for Capital Improvement City Manager Molleda informed the City Council that staff had meetings with bonding companies to go over some possibilities and will scheduled a meeting with the City Council for discussion. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta asked Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking if participants are able to register for recreation classes online. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking replied the configuration between the registration software and the current financial software is not compatible. Staff is Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of January 28, 2020 Page 10 of 12 looking to upgrade the system to the current version or looking at a brand-new software. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta asked how the City is addressing complaints of individuals sleeping on the sidewalks or near residential areas. City Manager Molleda informed the City Council that staff is limited on what they can do. However, Code Enforcement Officers have built relationships with individuals and they voluntarily move when asked. Mayor Clark mentioned that the shopping cent�q�rat Jackson Avenue and Garvey Avenue's corner gets graffitied regularly but ,,,,at in different colors. She suggested staff ask the property owners toot < L"graffiti with the same color of the building. {� Council Member Ly stated the C9116n, rnts to enco � q business owners to paint over the graffiti. He sugges26A, nging back the to discuss further the possibility of requiring future pments to use graff stant paint. 6. MATTERS FROM MAYOR& CITY A. Council Comments Council Me ber L co` Ly mdedt Fie +fin the Temple Sheriff Station present` ` inded th�Citytl ;}they � ad approved funding for a Prob ffice focus ony' i ,kith ` gaff was to provide an alternative plan t could wo , o focus o isk youths in the City. He requested a plan to be drafte d pres l;ed to the CiN, Council as soon as possible. Secondly, asked nQompari =` 4. brceme% .esponse times with neighboring cities that 1 lar re t se times er�caes. Lastly, asked if City staff would apply for the" gran the Dep ` ent of Justice. yes, City staff was working in the COPS grant wlff `js due Mayes"fro Te enta asked about the graffiti issue on the skate park at Rose Armenta expressed there is a need for staff supervision presence day in the parks. City Manager Molleda responded that the graffiti occurred during the holiday break and staff had abated the graffiti. In addition, asked for further clarification on her request for additional staff to supervise parks. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta clarified using existing staff to supervise the parks. Council Member Ly asked for the item to be added to the next agenda. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta updated the City Council about a roundtable discussion hosted by Senator Rubio with SB 50 author Senator Wiener. Cities participating Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of January 28, 2020 Page 11 of 12 were able to express their concerns directly to Senator Wiener and hopes their concerns were heard. Mayor Clark asked to adjourn the regular meeting in memory of longtime resident Everill Mariam O'Brien. 7. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Clark adjourned the meeting at 9:20 p.m., in memory of Everill Mariam O'Brien. The next City Council meeting is scheduled to take place on February 11, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Cecil Chamber. City Clerk APPROVED: Sandra Armenta, Rosemead City Council, Housing Development Corporation and Successor Agency to the Community Development Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of January 28, 2020 Page 12 of 12