CC - 09-02-59CITY OF ROSEMEAD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA September 2, 1959 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemead was held in the City Hall, 3964 North Rosemead Boulevard. The meeting • was called to order by Mayor Stead at 8:00 p.m. 1. The Pledge of Allegiance was lead by Mayor Stead. 2. Present: Councilmen Buchanan, Cook, Lowrey, St6ad, Williamson. Absent: None. Ex officio: Woollett, Ferguson, Stump, Armstrong. 3. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Cook, and unanimously carried that the minutes of August 26 and August 27, 1959 be approved as written. 4. ORDINANCE N0. 6 AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE. PROVIDING FOR A CHANGE IN THE TIME OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETINGS AND PROVIDING THAT THE CITY HALL BE CLOSED FROM 12:00 NOON TO 1:00 P.M. DAILY. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AMENDING SECTIONS 2702 AND 2703 OF THE ROSBMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE WHICH SECTIONS SET FORTH THE HOURS THAT THE CITY HALL IS TO BE OPEN FOR PUBLIC BUSINESS AND THE DATES OF THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL. Being an urgency measure Ordinance 6 was read in full by CA Woollett. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Buchanan, that Ordinance 6 be approved. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Cook, Lowrey, Stead, Williamson. Noes: None. Absent: None. 5. COMMUNICATION FROM STATE DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS: PROHIBITING PARKING ON WEST SIDE OF ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD AT GLENDON WAY. This communication was read in full by CA Woollett. It was moved by Cook, second by Lowrey that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary documents to comply with this iequest. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Cook, Lowrey, Stead, Williamson. Noes: None: Absent: None. 6. COMMUNICATION FROM DIRECTOR, CALIFORNIA DISASTER OFFICE, HAROLD G. ROBINSON: SURPLUS PROPERTY APPLICATIONS. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Buchanan, and unanimously carried that this communication be received and filed. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Cook, that the Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary documents for the City' to participate in this program. Roll call vote as follows: Buchanan, Cook, Lowrey, Stead, Williamson. Noes: None. Absent: None. 7. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVE TO REGIONAL LIBRARY COUNCIL. • It was moved by Cook, second by Lowrey, and unanimously carried that this communication be read by title only. Mayor Stead suggested Councilman Lowrey as representative and Council- man Cook as alternate. It was moved by Buchanan, second by Cook, that the appointments as suggested by Mayor Stead be approved. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Cook, Lowrey, Stead, Williamson. Noes: None. Absent: None. -1- 0 r • 8. COMMUNICATION FROM INTERNATIONAL CITY MANAGERS ASSOCIATION: MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SERVICE. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Buchanan, and unanimously carried that CA Woollett study and make a recommendation at the next council meeting. 9. TIME RESERVED FOR THOSE IN THE AUDIENCE WHO DESIRE TO ADDRESS THE • COUNCIL. A. Roy Casares, 9513 East Guess Street, suggested that the East side of Rosemead Boulevard also be included in the approval of the no parking ban to be sent to the State Division of High- ways. Attorney Ferguson explained that it is necessary to have the prior approval of the State Division of Highways. Attorney Ferguson further stated that such a matter should be under the direction of a Traffic Commission. B. Mayor Stead stated that he felt CA Woollett's report on the food processing plant should be read at this time due to the number of residents present in the audience from the area affected. Kirk Schulkey, 9122 East Whitmore Stree, asked if he had under- stood correctly that no permit bad been issued. CA Woollett replied that no permit had been issued. He further stated that this is a jurisdictional problem and therefore we must cooperate with the city of E1 Monte. The city of E1 Monte is extending us every consideration in this matter. Mr. Schulkey asked if the residents should just sit and wait. Attorney Ferguson stated that this problem is the absolute right of the City of E1 Monte and that the City of Roseme^d has no right to interfer whatsoever. Friendly negotiations in this matter are necessary for the best public interest. J. B. Blue, 3866 North Rio Hondo Avenue, stated that he felt the Council should go on record opposing any construction and impos- ing load limits and no parking restrictions on the streets affected. Frank Foster, 8603 Zerelda Street, asked the Council to be entirely fair in this matter and invite the owner of the food processing plant to attend a Council meeting and discuss this problem and answer questions. . C. Lloyd Walters, 4211 North Rio Hondo Avenue, requested that the Council have a map on the wall to designate the locations of various places under discussion. Mr. Walters was informed that such a map has been made but some corrections are necessary and as soon as they have been made the map will be placed in the Council Chambers. 10. MATTERS FROM CITY OFFICIALS. • RESOLUTION NO. 45 ENDORSING THE STATE REAPPORTIONMENT PLAN ADVOCATED BY SUPERVISOR FRANK G. BONELLI. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ENDORSING THE STATE SENATE REAPPORTIONMENT PLAN ADVOCATED BY HONORABLE FRANK G. BONELLI, SUPERVISOR OF THE FIRST SUPERVISORIAL DISTRICT OF THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES. • This resolution was read in full by CA Woollett. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Cook, that the Rosemead City Council support this measure. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Cook, Lowrey, Stead, Williamson. Noes: None. Absent: None. -2- • • • 11. RESOLUTION NO. 46 ESTABLISHING A TRAFFIC COMMISSION FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL-OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A TRAFFIC COMMISSION AND SETTING FORTH THE DUTIES OF THE COMMISSION.' This resolution was read in full,by CA Woollett. • It wss moved by-Lowrey; second by.Cook, that this resolution be Opproved. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Cook, Lowrey, Stead, Williamson. Noes: None. Absent: None. 12. CA Woollet*_ reported the State Division of Highways method of signing the San Bernardino Freeway. CA recommended that we request the State Division of Highways-to post a sign on the south side of the Freeway for traffic proceeding Easterly at Walnut Grove Avenue and a sign on the north side of the Freeway for traffic proceeding Westerly at Temple City Boulevard, said signs to designate Rosemead City Limits, population and elevation. It was further recommended that this signing also include Valley Boulevard with directions to the business district and a request to alter the present sign on Temple City Boulevard at Loftus Drive which reads "Civic Center" without any clarification as to what civic center is referred to. It was moved by Lowrey, second by Cook that a resolution making S this request be prepared. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: l Buchanan, Cook, Lowrey, Stead, Williamson. Noes: None. Absent: None. Attorney Ferguson stated the Council has the right to make this request, but State Division of Highways approval is necessary. 13. J. B. Blue, 3866 North Rio Hondo Avenue, thanked the Council for the foregoing resolutions and reported at this time what he considered to be'numerous excessive speed violations on Valley Boulevard and Rio Hondo Avenue. Councilman Buchanan stated that the County speed limits are still in effect in Rosemead and perhaps a letter informing the Council of vunerable spots would be the best course of action. 14. COMMUNICATION FROM THE ROSEMEAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REGARDING THE CH11IST1W LIGHTING PROGRAM. CA Woollett read this communication in full. The Chamber of Commerce requests the City to assume responsibility for the Christmas lighting program. Councilman Lowrey recommended that the CA investigate and report at the next meeting what is considered common practice in our neig'_:boring cities. • Mayor Stead stated that requests such as this are for tax money and that the feelings of the residents should be made known. It was suggested that anyone who so desired should write to the Council expressing their views. 15. COMMUNICATION FROM J. B. BLUE TO MAYOR STEAD CONCERNING CLOSED COUNCIL MEETINGS. • Read in full by CA Woollett. City Attorney Ferguson stated that Mr. Blues views were correct in that secret meetings are prohibited with the exception of meetings held to discuss or settle personnel matters. The Brown Act provides that special meetings be open to the public and that newspapers and Councilmen must be notified 24 hours in advance. -3- • Bill Mayer, reporter for the Pasadena Star-News asked that;the Brown Act be clarified in regard to closed sessions concerning appointment to Planning Commission; Traffic Commission, etc; Attorney Ferguson stated that he felt this type of meeting met the personnel qualificat- ions, jr 15. Milton Brievogel, Direcioi,;Regional Planning Commission presented the. City with a zoning map;of the City, and!spoke briefly regarding the • services performed by`,tlie Regional Planning Commission for contract citiesi Mr. Brievogel w-as asked by Attorney Ferguson if the Regional Planning Commission would provide enforcement service if we have our own Ordinances. Mr, Brievogel replied, "Yes, it would." J. B,' Blue, 3866 North Rio Hondo Avenue, wished to have it appear in the record that he was opposed to the City having anything whatsoever to do with the Regional Planning Commission. Lloyd Walters, 4211 North Rio Hondo Avenue, stated that J. B. Blue had assisted the Regional Planning Commission in the original zoning of this area. 17. Roy Casares, 9513 East Guess Street, requested that the water cooler be made more accessable to the audience. is. Councilman Buchanan stated that Councilman Williamson had stated in his letter of resignation that he wished it to become effective as soon as possible, so he felt it only courtesy that it be accepted at this time to be effective as.of September 20, 1959. Councilman: Buchanan further stated that he regrets having to receive this resignation but wants Councilman Williamson to know that he has all the beat wishes of the Council and every wish for success and happiness in this new undertaking. . It was moved by Buchanan, second by Cook, that this resignation be: I(p accepted effective September 20, 1959. Roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Buchanan, Cook, Lowrey, Stead. Noes: None, Absent: None. . Councilman Williamson abstained from voting. . Motion to adjourn was made by Lowrey, second by Cook, and unanimously carried that the meeting adjourn to September 23, 1959; Meeting. adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Mayor 17, City Clerk- -4-