CC - Item 5B - Minutes of February 11, 2020 MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL AND REGULAR JOINT MEETING FEBRUARY 11,2020 The special meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Clark at 6:05 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Clark, Mayor Pro Tern Armenta (arrived at 6:10 p.m.), Council Members Dang, Low(arrived at 6:10 p.m.) and Ly ABSENT: None 1. CLOSED SESSION tzati A. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFO'�,' °. CE EVALUATIO ted. Government Code Section: 54957 `. Title: City Manager ` City Attorney Richmananoun{ced that aneportable action taken by the City Council would be reported#"at then egular meeting.*7:00 p.m. Mayor lark"ece 'sed to Closed,Session CO ' xE P E TO REGULAR MEETING The ref :' eetin ®rf e City council was,,called to order by Mayor Clark at 7:59 p.m. or PRESEN Mayor Clark, Mayor Pro 'fem Armenta, Council Members Dang, Low and Ly ABSENT: Non- t 0:40 • STAFF PRESENT: C ty Manger Molleda, Assistant City Manager Kim, City Attorney Richman, Sergeant Fie er, ®hector of Public Works Daste, Acting Director of Finance Torrez, Director of Parks and RecrTea in Boecking, and City Clerk Hernandez PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council Member Low INVOCATION was led by Council Member Ly City Attorney Richman reported out of Closed Session for the Public Employee Performance Evaluation for City Manager; noted City Manager Molleda received a 4.9 out of 5.0 performance evaluation, which substantially exceeds expectations. Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of February 11, 2020 Page 1 of 16 AGENDA ITEM 5.B 2. PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Clark opened the Public Comment period. Speaker Mindy Yeh, President-elect and Rosemead Liaison, West San Gabriel Valley Association of Realtors, invited the City Council to attend the Five City Mega Chamber Mixer being held February 12th, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Speaker Tania Ragland-Castaneda, Municipal Relationship Manager, Republic Services, shared the following events: 1) Free Shred Day for Rosemead residents on March 28, 2020 and July 25, 2020, from 9#in. to 12 p.m., at the UFC Gym; 2) Encouraged Rosemead residents to apply fo the Republic Services Scholarship of $1,000 being awarded to five high s h seniors that are college bound. Mrs. Ragland-Castaneda introducedlesteCglmenares, Republic Services' newly hired Recycling Coordinator Who will beiworking with the business community on improving recycling e d decompose programs. Speaker Frances Chavez informed Council that the San Gabriel Mission will be turning 250 years old in September 2021; muted the community to participate in the upcoming fundraisers — History Da oz °p l 4 , 2020 held *the Old Derby which will include a dine'..and history qui iwithprizes, and a Historical Tour of the Savannah Cemetery, encouraged school age students to visit the Savannah Cemetery as it is rich in`history and learn of the Pioneers. •Therebei g c her comments May i Clark.cllosedithe Public Comment period. 3. PRESENTATIONS A. "Introduction o lie" 4y4thr,p4 Director of Community Development Angelica rausto-Lupo d. Comm ix iity Development Management Analyst Lucia • Medina °f ittaker N, 447 City Manage *, olleda introduced Director of Community Development Angelica Fraus a upo Dire&or. of Community Development Frausto-Lupo introduced Community Develop.renteManagement Analyst Lucia Medina-Whittaker. 4. PUBLIC HEARING-None 5. CONSENT CALENDAR ACTION: Moved by Council Member Ly and seconded by Council Member Low to approve Consent Calendar Items A through D. Motion was carried out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Clark,Dang,Low,Ly ABSENT: None A. Claims and Demands Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of February 11, 2020 Page 2 of 16 • Resolution No. 2020-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,534,227.48 NUMBERED 105451 THROUGH NUMBER 105545 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2020-04. B. Approval of Minutes4.4 Recommendation: That the City Councils a oye the special meeting minutes of • July 23, 2019. C. AIPAC's 2020 Policy Conference,February 29-Marchh3,2020—Washington,DC The City Council will consider aut orizing the rattendance okl Council Member who wishes to attend AIPAC's 2020 Policy Conference on February 29-March 3, 2020 in Washington,.:-Se‘ +� Recommendation: Thatte CityCo uncil authorize the attendance, at City expense, of any Council Member iereste• in¢attending A>PAC's 2020 Policy Conference on Februaryy22 arch 3, 20 0 in Washington, D r' D. Amendment to the Mana.em.en P and Operation Agreement with MV Transportation, Inc } < :gaitity of Roosemaa en e into '46e-year agreement with MV Transportation, Inc.,on January 14949,to provide transportation services to the City of Rosemead from Februay,� 16, 20 .9 and expiring on February 15, 2020. Knowing that the agreement would soontexpire, staff began a comprehensive Request for Proposal : (:RFP) proce sor Rosemead Transit services and advertised the RFP on o ember 25, 2 The proposal submittal deadline was January 7, 2020. Staff is currently evalu t ng the received proposals and soon will be coming before the City Cecil wt1 =a recommendation. While the proposals are being evaluated, the City requested a 45-day extension to the current agreement with MV Transportation Inc. MV Transportation agreed to the 45-day extension which enables the City of Rosemead to evaluate the submitted proposals and helps with a transition should a different company, other than MV Transportation, Inc., be selected by the City Council. Recommendation: That the Council authorize the City Manager to enter into a First Amendment professional services agreement with MV Transportation, Inc., for 45- days through March 31, 2020. Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of February 11,2020 Page 3 of 16 6. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER& STAFF A. One-Year Professional Services Agreement for City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with Transtech Engineers to provide City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and General Engineering Services and to execute a Professional Services Agreement for a one-year term. The Public Works Department has two distinct Divisions: The Engineering Division and Maintenance Division. Current`' he Public Works Department has a limited agreement with Transtech En inetring (Transtech) to provide the Engineering Division services due to ' vacancies within the Department. The Department also maintains thre Wether engineering services agreements (with Elie Farah, Inc., KOA Corporation, and Widan Engineering) to provide specific and limited support sere_ es on an as-needed ba 's. Director of Public Works Daste mcg ated the P blic Wor s°De•artment budgeted for three full-time positions — Publie: orkssInspector, Assoc ate Civil Engineer and a Civil En ineer A°sistant,at a con ine o ost of$352,000; opined at this time, staff feels it is in the best interests enter into a one-year agreement for engineering services,w th eKC 'ty continu s Assess the best direction to proceed in staffing the Engineenn=1 'D avis nin�the future. r.Daste stated the City released a Request wPr osal (RFP or engi e tering service,, and six (6) proposals were recei 4:q • deadline of �c, ober1, 0, 20 9 ,,fter reviewing and scoring each proposal, City . ager Mo d AssistantCity Manager Kim, and myself, intervievr�e®> nterwest,Onward, ranstech, and Willdan, to meet each firm's team of experts d asses.. wh'ch firm's strengths best matched the needs of the City; 4:0d at th- &oo e process, Transtech was selected based on the company's qualificaons, familiarity wit ec,iona1 issues of the San Gabriel Valley and understanding of t egpique challenges of Rosemead's aggressive CIP program. • Mr. Daste st ted Transie.ch's proposal for engineering services was quoted at a of-to-exceed amount of$142,000; requested for the approved budget adjustment o` nclude benefits for the three engineering positions and to transfer the residual of $24000 to correspond to other professional types account. Mayor Pro -� omenta requested a breakdown of the three positions. Director of Public Works Daste replied the Public Works Inspector at $98,870, Associate Civil Engineer at $137,723 and Civil Engineer Assistant at $115,421 with benefits included for all three positions totaling $352,014. Mayor Pro Tern Armenta reminded the City Council that they approved to allocate $229,800 in FY 2019-2020 comprised of the following breakdown: Public Works Inspector at $74,900, Associate Civil Engineer at $94,500, and Civil Engineer Assistant at $60,400; requested clarification on how each position was budgeted with benefits. Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of February 11, 2020 Page 4 of 16 City Manager Molleda responded these are the figures that were in the budget and verified by the former Finance Director before her departure. Council Member Ly explained if you multiply the allotted budget of $229,800 by 1.5, the amount equates to $344,700, which is in-line with PERS obligation and the total annual costs; opined the Associate Civil Engineer's base salary is relatively low. Mr. Daste clarified the three positions allocated in the 2019-2020 budget were base salary and did not include benefits. Mayor Pro Tern Armenta reiterated that tleCouncil is aware what has been budgeted and fluctuation of PERS;requested the 2019-2020 Budget book to further review the budget allotted for the three.posrtion ;inquired why the RFP changed from three-years to a one-year,contract and if there were negotiation with SES a� other companies. . Director of Public Works Daste stated staff did not feel comfortable proceeding with a three-year contract plus another Wo-years opined the ones year proposal was in the City's best interest so.that a better assessment could be conducted and then provide Council with amore adequate recoinnendation of the Department's needs; indicated negotiations began afters the interview process, once it was determined that Transtech;;best fit the needs of the City, noteddnegotiation with one company is commonsin theprocess • Ms. Armenta expressed concernth the transparency of the process, stating it is T not City pt tee to negotiate with one company only; emphasized this Council wor ss�hard to''be transparent '. City Manage Molleda apologized, stating she understands the City Council's ~ :normal RFP `rocess noted the Public Works Department encountered a lot of ) P "transition with t ieloss of the City Engineer and Public Works Director,thus having Transtech step in;to,assist the City during that time was crucial; explained it made sensefor,the City to continue with the same company instead of going through an un ecessary transition process with a new company who may not understand the City's needs: { Mayor Pro Tern Armenta concurred with Ms. Molleda that Transtech has stepped up and done a wonderful job meeting the City's needs; offered an apology to Transtech, clarifying there are no issues with Transtech rather concerns with how the bidding process is being done; stressed to Mr. Daste that each city goes about the bidding process differently and may not be the same in Rosemead. Council Member Ly affirmed this is the typical process;reminded the City Council of their experience with the contract for trash services ten years ago; noted once Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of February 11, 2020 Page 5 of 16 Republic Services was selected for the contract staff started negotiating lower commercial rates as they were significantly higher than the residential rates. Council Member Low asked to confirm that staff only negotiated with Republic Services once the plan was to enter a contract. Mr. Ly affirmed that once City Council selected Republic Services for the trash company, an exclusive negotiation was entered between the City and Republic Services;reiterated this confirms we are in line with the City's negotiation process; stated it was his understanding that unless a contract is related to a specific Public Works project (i.e., construction or CIP related), the Council has discretion in choosing a contractor that may not be thelowest bidder as there are other variables to take into consideration. ¢ City Attorney Richman concurred with Mr. Ly stating when it comes to professional services the law ends ions there are other than prices that you should be considering vers s ublic contracting which requires the lowest responsible bidder. Mayor Pro Tem Arrnentaxeminded Citt Council that Athens was not selected for the trash contractus they submitted'two bids in one, however recalled providing all bidders the4same opportnunity; emphasized the importance of being fair across the,board. ,fk, 440,, tze, CountliAMemberiiy stood by 4his _statemen that the vetting process was met; clarified only difference is'the Council vetted the trash contract as it was a controver is aly tem,andian interviewpanel consisting of the City Manager,Assistant SCityyAManagery andPublic1 Works Director, vetted the engineer contract, resulting `45- 6:40 win Transtech being recommended; noted all four firms that participated in the interview process worked with the City in the past; praised Transtech for stepping N1,,in multiple times when the city needed them during a transitional period and for "securing a $27 million Metro funding gap grant for the City; expressed support rn awarding the contract for engineering services to Transtech. Ms. Armenta;reiterated her issue has nothing to do with Transtech or their quality of work, ithas-to do with the process of how we got here; indicated to ensure transparency and that every bidder receives the same opportunity, the practice is to put any contracts that have been in existence of ten years out to bid regardless how small or large the contract is. Council Member Low stated the City issued an RFP for engineering services and these are the companies that submitted proposals, however staff is not selecting a company for a three-year contract,rather they are looking for a one-year extension to finish our current projects such as the Garvey Park restrooms; asked the City Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of February 11, 2020 Page 6 of 16 Manager to confirm if she is understanding this correctly, that if we do not have this extension in place,the projects cannot continue. City Manager Molleda confirmed that is correct as we currently do not have an in-house engineer to complete these projects. Council Member Low expressed support for the one-year extension with Transtech, reiterating their accomplishments and attesting to their qualitative service provided to the City the past couple of years; asserted that the City is essentially asking Transtech for a favor with this one-year extension to finish our current projects; stated she understands Mayor Pro Tem Arme t's concern with the proposal process, however does not see a problem as,C®uncil is not approving a three-year contract; indicated that staff can issue anpfhe RFP when time calls for it. City Manager Molleda asserted at some point, we tecl to determine if we want to continue contracting engineering se dices or increase salary as we have learned through this process that engineering services are very e pensive. te Council Member Lyyclarified that ayyor o Tern Armen d•correct as the numbers presentedis thezbase salary,n eluding benefits, however that staff is also correct as the threeositions includingbenefits totals $352,000; opined the combined amount is to 10 v foffthhese positions.malluding that low salary is part of why the C has gone through four u he WorkS4 Directors in the last six years. 44 Mr. L . stated that a one-yea'''contrac =s t°o short, however it is up to staff to do their ddingenc o;analyze and bring a recommendation to Council to proceed with cdn a ted or-it-house eng Bering services; emphasized this Department Bi eds stabilas quickly,as possible,and we are beginning to get there with this n di ector.°•Council Member Ly thanked Transtech for their continuous commit nt to community service engagement; implored Transtech to honor 40 ., their verba {ppromises'made at the League of California Cities event, that if selected %.11 the future,as part of ap o bono project they would provide staff to teach STEMS o the youth gro p/commissioners once the development of the Youth Center is estabkished at Garv..ey Center. Mayor Pq..,e rmenta asked Council Member Ly to check the FY 2019-2020 Budget boo of the allocation of the Public Works Management Analyst position. Council Member Ly responded that the Public Works Management Analyst is not reflected in the budget and will most likely be part of a budget amendment. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta inquired how will the three positions be backfilled if the Public Works Management Analyst was not budgeted. City Manager Molleda informed Council that the previously vacated Public Works Director funds will go toward the three positions, also that the Engineer position Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of February 11, 2020 Page 7 of 16 will be brought back as one position rather than being split in two,with a part-time Public Works Inspector. Council Member Low reiterated for the record that she wants reassurance that the existing projects, especially the Garvey Park restrooms, will be completed under this contract. Council Member Ly asserted in this situation, contracting for the engineering services will align with our Strategic Plan model which states, "when in doubt, contract out". Mayor Pro Tem Armenta inquired if thethree+p}ositions are part-time or full-time; expressed concern that we are incurring;>}an additional $800 in cost to include benefits while receiving less service hours. s'a) t`� ha r: `std i . Director of Public Works Daste4esponded that the positions are part-time with the following breakdown: City Engineer 2 hours per week ;Traffic Engineer - 8 hours per week, and Public Works Permit Inspector- 20 hoursrper week. Council Member Ly statedthe rStaff Reportrdicates the positions are based on a 20/80 model with the City Engineer}gat 3/4, TrafficZEngineer at 'A and Public Works Ne Permit inspector at V2 of the tune; emphasized thattFranstech's proposal is $10,000 less tharhat-vve"Would paylei we hire in house Engineering staff as the total cost wouldsl e $352,014k a s. Armenta;noted t e difference is that our internal staff would be full-time. City Manager Molleda noted ttlat;staff took Transtech's recommendation into consideration d at a full-time engineer is not needed; shared with Council that NK staff learned through thisprocess when contracting out other cities do not have :full-time engineers. NtiAN VP Counl$Memberr Ly indicated an Associate Civil Engineer PE base salary is between$120,000-$130,000 and with benefits is $190,000. Council Member Low concurred with Mr. Ly that the cost allocated in the budget will secure a very junior level of engineering experience. Council Member Dang asked the City Manager to clarify if the submitted proposal of$342,000 correlates to the one-year extension with Transtech. Ms. Molleda clarified the RFP was initially released in an effort to obtains quotes from different companies for a three-year contract; confirmed the $342,000 is for the one-year extension. Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of February 11, 2020 Page 8 of 16 Council Member Dang noting his experience on the hiring committee, stated a Civil Engineer Assistant cost inflated as it is roughly between$85,000-$90,000 and an Associate Civil Engineer is between $150,000-$160,000; indicated the individual itemized costs are off a bit, however the overall cost of $352,000 is correct. Mr. Dang expressed support to contract with Transtech simply because if the City were to hire its own Civil Engineer and Associate Civil Engineer, the manpower and experience level will not be the same as what Transtech provides; acknowledged we would not have most of these grants if Transtech had not initiated and obtained them on behalf of the City; opined even if we bring our own staff on board, they would not be able to absorb all 24 of these projects in the pipeline. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta requested to; hear from Transtech regarding their professional opinion of the City functioning properly with part-time consultants. Ahmad Ansari, Principal for Transtech Engineers, oted prior to Mr. Daste s arrival, he was the Acting Public Works Director/I t riim City Engineer and currently still serves as Rosemead vCity Engineer; indicated by contracting out, staff will be able to streamline and&ssessfro engineering`needs for the city; addressed Ms.Armenta s concern,stating alt ough it appears the services provided are only part-time, the .Engineering Divisionis very effective in delivering of Via projects; asserted in his p ofession opinion-there is no need for three full-time consulted posii ions, as the Inspector and Civil Erigmeer can complete the work within 20 25vhorssper weele4 r. Ansari concurred with Mr. Dang, affirming that Transte has over -100 staff awallable in the:main office to support and assist the Cii y;informed Council that itthe City were to hire in-house staff, they would be looking at#costs,between$240,000 h$250,000 for a City Engineer and a combined niAverg= $, � at, total of well-ov e $500,000 for an Associate Civil Engineer, Public Works Inspector and Traffic Engineer4,; Mayor Pro Tem Armenta thanked Mr. Ansari for his professional opinion; explained she requested Tr•"anstech to provide this information directly so that residents can understand the justification in staffs recommendation to proceed with partta`me consulting services and feel comfortable with Council's decision. Mayor Clark asked for clarification regarding how the benefits are different from the numbers provided in the Budget, also what benefits are included. Council Member Ly stated in the Budget book,page 177 shows only the base salary and page 216 shows the combined cost of salary and benefits;noted benefits include the normal benefit amenities. City Manager Molleda informed Council that the calculation for new employees is calculated at 2.0% at 60. Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of February 11, 2020 Page 9 of 16 Council Member Ly reiterated his concern that this contract is only for a one-year term which will not help the Public Works Department attain the stability needed; asked what the Department's goal is,emphasizing he does not want Council to have to revisit this conversation again in a year. Director of Public Works Daste responded the objective is to continue evaluating the Department's workload, needs, and recommendation from Transtech while comparing the market for in-house engineering staff; assured Council that staff's goal is aligned with Council's to attain stability within the Department. Mr.Ly inquired if the evaluation will be completed in time for the upcoming budget or be pushed until 2022. City Manager Molleda interjected that thekwillhaye it for the budget,noting staff was conservative with this one-yea—agreement sinceey were part-time positions; confirmed staff will bring back abucget adjustment toy llocate more money to the salaries for either in-house staffingor for contracted engineering services. • Mayor Pro Tern Arme..ta inquired to Pubic Works Departure= "this fully staffed besides these three positions, and if so, whatfs staff doing to ensure the workload is fairly distributed so that allte work is notpled onto Transtech. 714 Mr. Daste onfirmed the Public Wo"r ®e artment i fully staffed, asserting that each staff is ca ing out their resp ctiYe'•rponsibil ties (i.e., the Public Services Divisio'=maintaining the streets and parks); emphasized that Transtech will be specifically providing engineering services. 'Cops lem®e Dang s anzed that Engineering is responsible to get the new a construction built a d Public�Wo -s staff is responsible for maintaining existing buildings, noted the qty would need to invest in special software to conduct .engineering business that osts around $30,000 and ensure our in-house staff have the skills set to run software; noting the advantage of having Transtech provide engineering service, they have the software and experienced staff Council' e „ber y asked Mr. Ansari of Transtech, how confident is he with the proposedours and budget; noted he would like Transtech to continue writing more grants as they have successfully secured grant money for the City. Ahmad Ansari affirmed he is very confident the hours are aligned to meet the City's needs as the consulted working team proposed those numbers after their initial evaluation of the Department; stated hours to complete the current lists of CIP projects as well as new projects were taken into consideration and are accounted for; assured Council that while the proposed agreement is for engineering services, it will also allocate time for grant writing. Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of February 11, 2020 Page 10 of 16 Council Member Ly stated he prefers we enter a two-year contract with Transtech, which will allow staff a full year to analyze the Department's needs. Council Member Low concurred with Mr. Ly to enter a two-year extension with Transtech and to ensure the numbers are fair in terms of market value. Mayor Pro Tern Armenta opined that she would have been more comfortable had staff not issued an RFP and requested an extension from the get-go. City Manager Molleda responded staffs' intention of issuing an RFP was to examine our options, however engineering services being so expensive, we felt the extension was the best solution toy allow more time to evaluate the Department's needs. Mr. Ly reiterated that the vetting process was correctly followed as staff issued the RFP, evaluated the proposals, interviewed the firmsnegotiated, and are now presenting their recommendation o Council; expressed expressed4'hiI4oncern is not with the process rather the short-term of contract. r ^* Council Member Dang asked the City 1 ttorriey if it would be a"°issue if Council were to approve a two,i,kear4o tension evens hough staff's recommendation was 76• only for a one-year extension a City A o efiAWkiiman statedif that seouncil's desire it would not be an issue and isfreasonable a "two years; .ou still fall hin the range of the RFP calling t upon three=years. 440444,,, s .Armenta suggested no,i cluding'tthe RFPs for transparency purposes and to proceed ith only 1,pproving the.extension. +may:, . 3 Mr. Ly statect,Ihat hehiiderstands Ms. Armenta's request and will include that as x o art of the moils Mr.. ®yang highlighted that Transtech's proposal indicates they will provide four mak, engineers and one,inspector, where the other firms are providing three engineers and one in peetor expressed confidence that the City is in good hands as Transtech has the manpower, experience, and resources to help us succeed. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta inquired if Transtech's original contract included an option to extend the term. Council Member Ly responded the current contract is for on-call services. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta noted most of our contracts extended are for three years; stated she is comfortable approving this extension,however, also hopes other firms do not respond negatively to Council's decision. Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of February 11,2020 Page 11 of 16 Mr. Ly asked staff if two years is enough time for staff to analyze the Department's needs or if they think additional time is needed. City Manager Molleda stated staff is comfortable with the two-year extension and if needed, will bring back a budget adjustment to allocate more money to the salaries for either in-house staffing or for contracted engineering services. Council Member Ly motioned to stop the RFP process for engineering services, reject the bids submitted and come to an agreement with Transtech Engineers under the terms listed on page 5 of the Staff Report for a two-year contract with an option of a one-year extension. }: ':.. City Attorney Richman clarified we are of refecting the proposals submitted as the RFP was not a construction contract;furthercote e we are not extending the contract since it is on-call, rather we will b-jentering into Al ' agreement with Transtech. NI- . -: vt,Ms. Armenta asked that thetmc ion includes verbia - .referencing Transtech gra . Engineers as an"existing firm". � IDirector of Public W rks Daste noted that eneed to ensure we specify that the amount of money is annual=ly to the contracinception and not per fiscal year. b ACTIONMoved by Council Memb;Ly and sec� onded by Council Member Low to take the flowing action's ° x� 1 1. Finalize and terminate the pi`posal process f-or engineering services; and 2. Authorize�the oily Manager o.enter into an agreement with existing firm, ., ,; Txanstecl��'EngineersY to rovid' City Engineering, Traffic Engineering and .f"---'.Oe�,n-ral Engineering Se �c�,es and to execute a Professional Services Agreeni-nt form wo-year conte ct with an option of a one-year extension. '` ,yea otion was carried out `y the following vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang, 'tow, Ly ABSENT: None` 7. MATTERS FRO:;, MAYO D & CITY COUNCIL A. Discussion°o r='arks Supervision at City Parks Recommendation: That the City Council discuss parks supervision at City Parks. City Manager Molleda stated this item is presented to the City Council at the request of Mayor Pro Tem Armenta as she would like to discuss increasing park supervision at City parks. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta indicated she requested this item to share residents' concerns regarding the safety and lack of supervision at the parks; informed Council from her experience as Parks staff that there would be one supervisor between the hours of 10 a.m. to dusk(5 p.m. to 6 p.m.) walking around the park to Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of February 11, 2020 Page 12 of 16 keep an eye out for any illegal activities,monitor the restrooms,make their presence known and be available to assist park patronages if needed. Ms. Armenta noted in 2010, changes were made where one supervisor would split their time between two parks; emphasized that Rosemead Park, Garvey Park and Zapopan Park all need constant supervision so that residents are not discouraged to go to the park; asked the Council for solutions on how to best supervise the parks to bring back a sense of security for the residents. Council Member Ly concurred with Mayor Pro Tem Armenta's concerns, noting he has observed a significant increase of homelessness including their drinking activities at Zapopan Park; opined it is a shame the parks are not used more often as Council and staff have invested time'arid money to beautify the parks, however understood there is a safety concern: Ly suggested having an official City presence, not necessarily a deputy, ratl er person in uniform like a security guard, at our main facilities (i.e., City Hall, he three major parks and Jay Imperial) so that people feel safe. 44Mayor Clark echoed Ms. Armenia s and Mr. Lys concerns stating it has gotten worse due to homeless situations ' #`k• Ak Council Member DangFagreed with his olleagues the safety of our1 esidents is very important; opined having a City presen e 4perhaps staff wearing clothing with a Rosemead logo will helpresidents identify ago-to person in case of an emergency N and act as a deterrent for crminalrcactivities including vandalization. Mr. Ly,-Mated=i pis difficult to*close 'osemead'.ark despite having park hours. Ms. Armenta stated to park hours need to be visibly posted in multiple locations; thanked Council forseemg the importance in this issue as Council is elected to be hvo es for tthe� esidents 7*- Oe. Mr. Dangasked Sergeant Fiedlei o i the deputy's protocols on homeless issues and encampment; 4; 4-Segeant Fiedlereponded<-the Team conducts early morning patrols around 3 a.m. to*am.,aim., checking the parks and cite those violating the sunset to sunrise code. CouncilMembe ang inquired how a citation is sent to a homeless individual. Sergeant Fielder indicated typically they are regular offenders;noted the individual receiving the citation will have to appear in court, then after 60 days the citation turns into a warrant. Mayor Clark opened the Public Comment period. Speaker Le Don Lewin shared the following concerns regarding Rosemead Park: 1) Constantly sees dogs without a leash and causes fights with other dogs who are on a leash; 2) People are smoking and openly drinking at the park; 3) Abandoned vehicle left there; 4) Park patrons are riding their scooters, bicycles and skates on the trail. Mrs. Lewin requested additional signage be posted at the Park and Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of February 11, 2020 Page 13 of 16 verbiage should include -hours of the park; asked City staff why they removed the sign on Encinita Avenue in parking lot, emphasizing now there is only one sign on Mission Drive. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta asked City Manager Molleda to determine why that sign was removed and if it will be replaced. City Manager Molleda noted we will look into this and provide an update on the Council Weekly Update. Speaker Brian Lewin mentioned bicycles, skateboards, scooters, and roller skates will run down and damage the trails; opined extra supervision will help protect City's investment in expanding the trails. Mr =Lewin echoed the needs of some type of full-time supervision. Agood o tion would be a CSO or a full-time Parks p P k <. and Recreation staff; try out the optionand bring;it back in 6 months to see how things are looking and to work on additional signag ., There being no other comments,�Major Clark closed theRublic Comment period. Council Member Ly expressed hisdesire to have a CSOkatteach of the major facilities as staff will need time to analyze and udget for the fiscal year; inquired if there is CSO money budget for.CSOhours. City Manager Molleda sta ed e currently have eight CSOs who were recently hired and will need full-timeCode Enforcement officers to patrol the parks. In the meantime,,to have signs installed; assured there will4be Parks and Recreation staff and CSOs presence,at Rosemead Park. N (WY ViNtrge,Vet Mr. Ly asked are CSOs hours limited. A tant City Mre Assistant K m ponde CSOs work 20 hours a week. Mayor ProTTern Armenta suggest470 ed;splitting the shifts; Recreation staff patrol part of the time wyct.CSOstAty,91 during the most utilized park hours. Council Member Low opined it's best if we leave the scheduling for staff to handle; indicates she prefers if it is CSOs patrolling the parks rather than Parks staff as CSOs are in uniform and would be more equipped to handle public safety issues; suggested theposted signs include phone numbers to call for various needs; '11 asked for clarification if we are assigning one staff to each park every day or having CSOs monitor by walking around the park for 8 hours. Council Member Ly responded that was his vision to have the CSO monitoring the park for 8 hours; commented since the parks supervision is not currently budgeted, having CSO presence during peak hours will suffice for a short fix. Council Member Low agreed for CSOs to enforce and to ensure no one is drinking, smoking, and following the laws and rules are important. Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of February 11, 2020 Page 14 of 16 City Manager Molleda mentioned at Garvey Center a CSO has been stationed during pre-school hours for parents and children to have sense of safety and can implement the something similar at the parks with the CSOs. Ms. Molleda stated during budget, will be requesting for more CSOs as CSOs are currently doing more tasks. Assistant City Manager Kim stated CSOs are part-timers, which most are young and not as experienced; noted Code Enforcement personnel are more seasoned to do the actual enforcement. Council Member Low prefers CSOs to monitor the parks and call the Sheriffs Department for backup assistance. Council Member Dang concurred with Ms tow that the added signage should „ ` �� include the Public Safety Center's phone r;�;as well as a list of the prohibited activities(i.e.,drinking, smoking)an6 he pecif code along with the fine amount. . City Manager Molleda mentioned ere •are similar •signs our Community Garden stating the rules and such signs can be made for the p . to address all these concerns from tonight's dialogue 4 p Council Member Ly,advised staff to minimie the amount of information printed on the sign as people vui lea`s egard it and looe�interest fast. • Council Member Low stated the ighs,should hawthe right amount of information; reiterated4g4t,we should eave it up to taff s di tion. Mayoark suggested staff trate gically plate pictures throughout the trails to display, that nobicycles are allowed, etc., and then having one or two listing all t les. ", MayorP o Tem` a enta m Mimed den utilizing the CSOs presence at the park, they can g® todthe ® c room to do`their report writing while still having the doors open to park visitors. option will allow the CSOs to continue to their regular } work assignments and htp.during the entire 8 hours shift. Council Member proposed staff come back in two weeks with a short-term fix whether:that is to44fund CSOs for 5 or 8 hours or direction from Council to staff to alloca fundin°ryfor CSOs to patrol each major City facility or park. • B. Council Comments Council Member Ly wished everyone a happy Presidents' Day. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta thanked City Manager Molleda for continuing to do her due diligence in addressing residents' concerns that she forwards her way, such as handling the homeless encampment that was developing at Garvey Park. Council Member Dang requested staff provide an update of the traffic condition on Rosemead Boulevard for the community's reference. Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of February 11, 2020 Page 15 of 16 City Manager Molleda asserted CSOs were sent to ticket cars that are parking during rush hour. Director of Public Works Daste noted there has been ongoing City Council and public concerns regarding the traffic delays along Rosemead Boulevard, near the I-10 Freeway,which is entirely under Caltrans right-of-way and jurisdiction; stated City staff has contacted Caltrans maintenance and operations on numerous occasions to evaluate the current signal operation to see if any timing improvements or synchronization can be performed; informed Council while this effort has been underway,the City was awarded a total of$27 million under the LA Metro Mobility grant fund under Measure 710R. Mr. Daste affirmed there are 4 qualified Rosemead projects under this program, one is..thej:Kosemead Boulevard segments project which will consist of installation o 'adaptative traffic signals system for five traffic signals along this segment; sharedthat an adaptative system means the system adjusts its timing components baass d o pereived traffic flow in demand and real time; commented that the** also includes,interchange improvements at Rosemead Boulevard and I-11 to change to imps ye the geometry in traffic flow; recommended that we waitor the 710 funds to kick-in rather than trying to synchronization now; affirmed hill verify when the funds-;,will be released and report back to Council. Mayor Clark shared a es denta's concerIia n stated the homeless community are getting more aggressive as the, 4:Reared to ave set two cars on fire across the street from City Hall; requested io adjourn toms meeting in memory of Dave Perez, a to gtimne Mayor o the City o indu try. . 8. ADJOURNMENT ''' 1.4 Mayor Clark adjo d t egul r meeting at 10:20 p.m., in memory of Dave Perez, a 1 r ® me Ma or of the`City ofliVstry. Thea next City Council meeting is scheduled to OUT p ace on February 25,; ()20,at 7:00 p. in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. • • Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk APPROVED: Sandra Armenta, Mayor Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of February 11, 2020 Page 16 of 16