CC - Item 5B - Minutes of July 14, 2020 Regular MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL, SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION,AND HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION REGULAR JOINT MEETING JULY 14,2020 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Pro Tern Low at 7:02 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Armenta (teleconferencing from 94288 Olney Street), Mayor Pro Tem Low, Council Members Clark and Dang fi 4t44, ABSENT: Council Member Ly STAFF PRESENT:Assistant City Manager Kim,City Attorney Richman hief of Police Duong, • Director of Community Development Frausto-Lupo, Directtorof Public Vo 4,s Daste, Finance Consultant Miller, Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking.and City Clerks46rnandez PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led`boyyor Armenta,-, ' INVOCATION was led by Council Member Dang ` City Attorney Riich an reported,no reportable',abtion was taken at the 6:30 p.m. speceta Sessi�ou meeting° 1. PUBLIC COM ENT ��* Ma or Pro Tem Low opened the Public Comment period. City Clerk Hernandez read the following comments for the record received via email. Speaker Patricia Hashmi expressed concern about her family being exposed to secondhand smote'and her small children not able to enjoy the outside air due to this;�noted there`has been continuous attempts to compromise the situation which have beenunsucce sful; informed Council that "No Smoking" signs were placed along the fence n English and Chinese and a"No Smoking" sign was given to the neighbor to put in an outdoor seating area, which was not observed by the tenants. Ms. Hashmi indicated the garage is used as a smoking den (and possibly a living quarter) and exposes secondhand smoke to about 50 feet of her home; stated she has made calls to Code Enforcement and had no success in resolving the issue. Mayor Pro Tern Low asked staff to contact Ms. Hashmi to follow-up with her concerns. Speaker Sue Yamamoto, Los Angeles County Library Manager, stated that although the Library is closed, the public is encouraged to call the library Rosemead City Council, Successor Agency and Housing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2020 AGENDA ITEM 5.B Page 1 of 14 Monday-Friday, between 9:00 a.m. -6:00 p.m., regarding their Sidewalk Service, online services and virtual programs being offered. 2. PRESENTATION A. Proclamation Declaring July 2020 as "Parks Make Life Better Month" in the City of Rosemead Assistant City Manager Kim, spoke on behalf of the Parks and Recreation Department, about the "Parks Make Life Better Month"proclamation. Council Member Clark commended the Parks an Recreation Department and the critical role it plays in the community. Mayor Pro Tem Low stated she is impressed withhow the Parks and Recreation Department is adjusting during theCOVID-19 Pandemic and providing creative and fun activities for the community °^ Council Member Dang commended.'the Parks ang Recreation staff for putting effort into all their programs during the Pandemiclke the virtual games with the kids es and other creative actcit �" V. Mayor Armenta commended Parks and Recreaon staff for their creativity during the COVID 19 Pandemic.She praised staff for thee coordination of the Fourth of July flyovernd the new"Sports in a B program that provides sports equipment to yo�t residents to,remain active in recreational activities. B. InterwestVonsulting Group Scholarship Recipients of the 2020 Rosemead Scholarsh p Program Terry Rodrigue, Pres dent, Inter et Consulting Group,presented and highlighted the 2020 Interwesth°-Community Foundation Scholarship winners: Cathy Dang, � Matthew Do, unae Huynh and Leslie Lopez. Mayor Pro Tem Low congratulated the scholarship winners for their hard work and wished-them we 1.0.n their higher education. Mayor Armenta thanked Interwest Consulting for providing scholarship opportunities o allow scholars to advance in their education. Council Member Clark agreed with Mayor Armenta that encouraging students to participate in the program gives them an opportunity for a bright future. Council Member Dang thanked Interwest Consulting for sponsoring the scholarship program. He reiterated the positive impact on the community by providing an opportunity to Rosemead students. 3. PUBLIC HEARING Rosemead City Council, Successor Agency and Housing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2020 Page 2 of 14 A. Public Hearing on Accessory Dwelling Units-Municipal Code Amendment 20-01 On October 9, 2019, Governor Gavin Newsom signed several bills into law (Assembly Bill 68, Assembly Bill 881, and Senate Bill 13), which amended Government Code Sections 65852.2 and 65852.22 pertaining to the development of accessory dwelling units (ADUs) and junior accessory dwelling units (JADUs). These regulations became effective on January 1, 2020 and pre-empt all local ordinances that do not comply with the new standards. The proposed Municipal Code Amendment(MCA 20-01)is intended to bring Title 17 (Zoning) of the Rosemead Municipal Code up to compliance with State legislation regarding the development and coni er ion of ADUs in the City. The proposed amendment would adopt new star ards`for ADUs,in accordance with the provisions of Government Code Sections 2 and 65852.22. The amendment would also provide clarity and consistencyfor the regulation of ADUs throughout Title 17 (Zoning) of the Rosemead Municipal Code Recommendation: That the Cityleyuncil take the following actions: gLz 1. Conduct a public hearing and rete dye public testimony; and 2. Introduce the first ieading" by title only,OOrdinance No. 995, entitled: AN ORDINANCEOF THECITY COUNCIL OF THE � � � ., max:,�� C.ITYOF�ROSEMEAD, COUNTY.SOF LO.: ANGELES, ;STATE OF CALIFORNIA OR"THE> APPROVAL OF MCA 20-01;AMENDING TITLE 17 (ZONING) OF THE RO,SEMEAD.MUNICIPAL CODE TO COMPLY WITH NE WWNST„ATE PROVIST NS FOR ACCESSORY °DWELLING UNITS(`AADUs) Director of-444, ;ommutity Development Frausto-Lupo reported that on October 9, _ i 2019, Governor,Gavin Newsom signed several bills into law, which amended,two Government Codes section pertaining to the development of Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) and,fJunior Accessory Dwelling Units. These regulations became effectiveeJanuarya ,2020,and they preempt all local ordinances that do not comply with theiiiew standards. Therefore,the staff is proposing an ordinance to amend the zoning co The proposed Municipal Code amendment is intended to bring the zoning code compliance with the state legislation. Planning & Economic Development Manager Valenzuela reported and reiterated that the proposed Municipal Code amendments are to bring Title 17 in compliance with state law. Some of the key changes, include redefining the definition of an Accessory Dwelling Unit and adding a definition of a Junior Accessory Dwelling unit, allowing at least one ADU within an existing multifamily dwelling, not imposing standards related to Single Family Residential that would prohibit the creation of an ADU, reducing the interior side and rear yard setbacks to four feet, not limiting the number of bedrooms in ADUs; not requiring replacement parking for converted or demolished garages, and not requiring owner-occupancy for Rosemead City Council, Successor Agency and Housing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2020 Page 3 of 14 ADUs. City staff sent the draft ordinance to Housing Community Development for a cursory review and gave the City a clearance on the draft ordinance. Based on the analysis and findings staff recommends that the City Council conduct the public hearing receive all public testimony and introduce the first reading by title only Ordinance No. 995 approving Municipal Code Amendment 20-01. Mayor Pro Tem Low opened and closed the Public Hearing, there being no comments. Council Member Dang asked about a state bill referencing the 1,200 square feet that were reduced in the proposed ordinance for the ADU size. Planning & Economic Development Manager Valenzuela replied that state law allows an ADU to be a maximum of 1,200 square feet. In reviewing the proposed egvw ordinance and conducting surveys with other citiesad in reviewing what the intent of the state laws is, it's meant to beanaccessory use.For that reason, staff decided to reduce the accessory dwellin iunit A one-bedroom would be a maximum of 850 square feet; for two bedrooms ormore, it would be 1,000 square feet. Council Member Dangxexpressed support for the ',200 square feebecause it would allow for a three-bedroom�home; opinedia three-bedroom home'is typically ideal for modern families wand pping it at 1,09p7 square feet will force a lot of the designers to eliminate thatthirdbedroom Council Meml er Clark asked if we are allowing atwo-bedroom with a maximum of 1,00`O1quare feet could they. add a$third bedroom. PlanningPlanning-ekconomieDevelopmentManager Valenzuela replied they could do two ormore bedrooms as there are no limitations anymore. It was emphasized that with tl ese new state'laws,a 161'4flocal p wer would be taken away. We have to allow le so many,differentstandards tha prorcodes didn't allow. For example, setbacks have been educed to four feet. Council Member,=llang inquired about the four feet side and four feet rear setback. The state code gives.you a guaranteed minimum,which is embedded in that section that'talks about the four feet on the side and four feet in the rear setback. If an ADU cannot work for that parcel of land because of separation between buildings or landscaping requirements, you're guaranteed 800 square feet and to have it at 60 feet tall, four%feet on site and four feet in rear. Planning & Economic Development Manager Valenzuela explained City staff spoke to the state, and confirmed that is the set standard. Council Member Dang reiterated it was important to keep the 1,200 square feet because it allows for a three-bedroom community; indicated for a modern family, a boy and a girl should have their own rooms, and the third one will be reserved for the parents. Rosemead City Council, Successor Agency and Housing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2020 Page 4 of 14 Mayor Armenta agrees with staff's recommendation because it is an ADU and not the main house on a property; opined increasing the square feet for an ADU could prompt family rooms to be converted into additional bedrooms and there needs to be enough spacing between the homes.If they are limited to 1,000 square feet,there needs to be continuity and have enough open space on a small lot. Council Member Clark agreed with Mayor Armenta and asked if someone had a large enough lot, could they ask for a variance from the Planning Commission and have 1,200 square feet? Mrs. Clark stated if the property is large enough, there would not be a limit on open space, and they would have options. Planning & Economic Development Manager VValenzuela replied yes, but staff would have to meet the finding to recommendavariance. City Attorney Richman stated that staffwill havetto determine those findings for a variance as the details are unique and different to beach property applying for a variance. Council Member Dang expressed concern that the 1,000 squarerefeet limit will deter developers from developing an ADU on,smaller lots. Council Member Clark,reiterated that she sshe 4ilkhas concern and would like to keep the staffs recommendation,,of 1,000 square feet , .? 'P � � �f��' "•�' Council ember Danstated that tle.premised of tie ADU and the new bill the Governorsignedinto law was because theyrecognize it is impossible to put a secondtdwelling •unit a single-fami=ly zone. -Mayor Pro lem Low asked if thelity allows for only 1,000 square feet, does it eettlerequirement 44 from�the state since the state says 1,200 square feet; inquired what would be recommended Mora comfortable two-bedroom home or three- bedroom home Tanning&Economic Development Manager Valenzuela replied the state is saying up-too1,200 squareefeet; stated suppose the City wants to allow a two or more bedroom at 1,000square feet, it's okay and would depend on the developers; some choose'to:do a two,-bedroom, and some a three-bedroom with smaller rooms. t,> Director of C"ommunity Development Frausto-Lupo explained that part of the reason why staff recommends 1,000 square feet is that it's an accessory unit, not a second home or a second dwelling. It's an accessory to the primary house on the lot. Additionally, staff looked at the neighborhoods and considered the impact on the communities whether it's 1,000 square feet or 1,200 square feet,a building could have three or five-bedrooms. Planning & Economic Development Manager Valenzuela stated that the building code minimum bedroom size is 70 square feet. Rosemead City Council, Successor Agency and Housing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2020 Page 5 of 14 Mayor Armenta asked if other cities had concerns with developers building ADU's with the 1,000 square feet limit. Planning & Economic Development Manager Valenzuela replied that staff did not ask that specific question, but only the minimum and maximum size for ADU's when staff surveyed cities. Mayor Armenta stated that if other cities have implemented the 1,000 square feet requirement and have not had any issues, she was in support of staff's recommendation. Council Member Dang referenced item 4(a)4 the proposed ordinance that the narrative was not consistent with the tableon page 8, where it indicates a one- bedroom 850 and 1,000 for more than one�bedroom. Planning & Economic Development 'anager Valenzuela explained that state law says,if someone doesn't meet certain requirements,the City, must allow 800 square tg feet of one ADU that is allowed. Council Member Dang stated that those extra qualifiers were notisted in section 4(a) and asked for clarification. }• � Mayor Pro Tem Low clari-fied}the}narrative onpage 5 did not match the table on section 4(a) and directed staff to add therverbiage"S.ee Table" for clarification. CouncilMember. Clark asked�if it.seither onedetached new construction 800 square and one= roposed ADV within. � Plannning &sk55quareAkDeveellopment Manager Valenzuela replied a single-family •45, could have a JADUtand one detac ed,DU. Council Member Dangexpressed concerns about the maximum 17 foot height limit and how it mays restrict some architects designing an ADU. Planning&Economic Development Manager Valenzuela explained the state height requirement is 16;feet. However, the City Council had previously approved a 17- foot height�imit and staff did not change that requirement on the new ordinance. Council Member Dang asked for the Building Official and staff could come up with a more reasonable number to account for any construction restraints. Planning &Economic Development Manager Valenzuela suggested keeping it the way it's on the proposed ordinance and add an asterisk, in cases where it needs to be higher, it can be at the discretion of the Director of Community Development and the Building Official during the plan check process. Mayor Armenta reiterated her concerns that ADU's should no be higher than the primary home on a property. There are parameters that are conducive to a neighborhood. Rosemead City Council, Successor Agency and Housing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2020 Page 6 of 14 Mayor Pro Tern Low agreed that an ADU should be a secondary dwelling, not the primary home. Council Member Dang suggested that the verbiage could state that 17 feet is measured on the raised foundation, crawl space should count towards the 17 feet requirement. City Attorney Richman clarified the motion for the record. On the chart, the maximum height of 17 feet, will have an asterisk indicating 17 feet is measured from the habitable surface. On Item 4 (a)include a notation to see table 17.30190.1. AVA ACTION: Moved by Council Member Dane nd seconded by Mayor Armenta to introduce for first reading, by title only Ordnance No. 995 with the following amendments to add an asterisk on theclart, the maximum height of 17 feet will have an asterisk indicating 17 feetsmeasured from the habitable surface; and • include a notation to see table 17301901 on item 4(a) Motion was carried out by a role call vote AYES: Armenta Clark,Dang, Low ABSENT: Ly t 4. CONSENT CALENDAR , `` Council Member Clark asked fora,correctiont*the minutes of January 28, 2020, as the person's name in thi*djourrin,lent thesection w as misspelled, which should be 04, 4441N Averill. City Clerk Hernandez noted that the staff report for agenda Item 4.D - Annual Service Level Authorization with;Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, had anupdated�chart ofthe4cost as it was not reflected on the agenda when posted; a ified ou n, ti as 4. cl to the Cot uicil the c art of the cost was correct on the staff report. ACTION: Moved b'y Council1 Member Clark and seconded by Council Member Dang to approve Consent Calendar It ms through F,with correction on the minutes. Motion was carried�out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang,Low ABSENT: Ly A. Claims-and Demands • Resolution No. 2020-27 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $918,447.01 NUMBERED 106706 THROUGH NUMBER 106815 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2020-27. • Resolution No. 2020-28 Rosemead City Council, Successor Agency and Housing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2020 Page 7 of 14 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,490,911.71 NUMBERED 106816 THROUGH NUMBER 106966 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2020-28. • Resolution No. 2020-12 SA A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OFA=ROSEMEAD AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TOTHE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTCOMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD4AL OWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE S64.* $253,904.11 NUMBERED 10296 T440 UGH igER 10297 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt'Resolution No,2020-12 SA OA, 41 • Resolution No 2020 13 SA A RESOLUTIO OF E CITY OF ROSEMEAD AS THE SUCCESSOR AGED #Y TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT- COMMISSION OF AWE CITY.OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN ACL IMS SAND DEME„ S IN THE'`SUM OF $256.00 NUMBERED 40298 INCLUSIVELY uz . Recommendation. AAdopt;Resolution No. 2020-13 SA. • Resolution No w. 2020-07 RHDC A RES 4LUTION� OF THE ROSEMEAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ALLOWING CERTAINCLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF ";$204,80000 NUMBERED 1619 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2020-07 RHDC. B. Approval of Minutes Recommendation: That the City Council adopt the regular meeting minutes of December 10, 2019, regular meeting minutes of January 28, 2020, and Special meeting minutes of June 18, 2020. C. Fiscal Year 2020-21 Annual Rosemead Investment Policy Approval Rosemead City Council, Successor Agency and Housing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of July 14,2020 Page 8 of 14 The City is required by state law to formally approve its investment policy on an annual basis. Revisions include updating the policy,changing fixed dollar amounts to percentage limitations to allow for growth in the investment amounts, allowing State of California and Local Government bond investments with ratings of A+or above, and delete or replace federal government securities either no longer offered of newly offered, all of which are allowed under the State's Government Code Investment Policies. These recommended changes follow State Law and preserve the City's priorities of Safety first, Liquidity second, and Yield third. Recommendation: That the City Council approve the Fiscal Year 2020-21 City Investment Policy. 444 D. Annual Service Level Authorization w ® os Angeles County Sheriffs Department The Annual Service Level Authorization (ASLA) is provided annually and identifies the service levels 'anal ost under the Municipal Law Enforcement Services Agreement MLESA `Phe current MLESA was'a roved in 2019 and g ( ) ,��, �t p will expire in June 2024. The FY 2020 21 A5$LA maintainsthe:existing service levels of twelve (12) 56 hour patrol shi=fts,seven(7) special assignment deputies, one(1)motor deputy and a Sergeant. It shouldbe noted that the Lieutenant position was not listed on the authorization form in FY 2019-20 as the position was not 144 directly billed to the City as an itemized cost. However, the Lieutenant position is now includedn FY 202021 and o e supplemental Motor Deputy has been removed as a replacement pos tion The estimated cost tdiFY 2020 27 includes, a 5.5%increase in cost,plus an increase in the Liability Trust•Fund of 11% which translates in monetary funds to the `' following: N fit* ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED YEAR SERVICE LIABILITY EQUIPMENT TOTAL • COST TRUST FUND COST FY 2020-21 x$8,259,143.00 $844,737.96 $6,335.00 $9,110,215.96 FY 2019-20 $7,816,511.00 $832,582.41 $4,650.00 $8,653,743.41 DIFFERENCE $442,632.00 $12,155.55 $1,685.00 $456,472.55 Recommendation: That the City Council approve and authorize the City Manager to execute the Annual Service Level Authorization Forms and any additional necessary documentation. Rosemead City Council, Successor Agency and Housing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2020 Page 9 of 14 E. Homeless Prevention and Diversion Program Memorandum of Agreement with San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments The San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments(SGVCOG)is a regional planning entity comprised of thirty cities,the County of Los Angeles, and the water districts in the San Gabriel Valley. The SGVCOG advocates for regional and member interests and develops and manages regional programs to support its member jurisdictions. In Fiscal Year 2019-20, the SGVCOG received funding for the development and implementation of homeless programs. The SGVCOG was allocated$5,625,000 in the FY 2019-20 State Budget,included at the request of State Senator Susan Rubio. The SGVCOG was also allotted$1,541,876 b .the County of Los Angeles,through a newly developed Innovation Funds program,w ch allocated carry-over Measure H funding to the County's Councils of Go` ernments. 404, In January 2020,the SGVCOG o ked with staff from its member cities to identify regional homeless programs andto a ` develop a framework approach to distribute funding.The proposed programs andormulas were designed�to maximize regional programs in order to4take advanta a of eco omies of scale,~ensure equity, and provide cities with the to more='easily access funds that could be used to implement their homeless plans. Cities which already had homeless plans were provided the opportunity to receive fundingbased ona,population for the implementation of their plans. Cities that did not yet have a homeless plan,wore providedktheopportunity to develop a plan with the ass stance of consultant'procured by the=y SGVCOG. Each city was also allocated;tfunding to,,develop and(implement a homeless prevention and diversion program, andthose withexistinghomeless plans could apply for funding to implement an innovative pilo�progr a Finally,each city could opt-in to a regional 00 -io landlordkoutreach arnd incentive ogram. A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is required'between each city and the SGVCOG. 'Recommendation:That thezCity Council authorize the City Manager to execute the Memorandum of:Agreement (MOA) with the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments(SGVVCOG)for the development and implementation of a Prevention and Diversion,Program to prevent City residents from becoming homeless; and accept $15,000 funding to implement the Homeless Prevention and Diversion Program upon%notification of award from the SGVCOG. F. Approval of First Amendment to Construction Contract for Jay Imperial Crosswalk Installation(Project No. 28011) and Sidewalk Replacement(Project No. 24008) As part of the City's Fiscal Year 2018-2019 approved budget, the City Council approved the Capital Improvement Program that included the Crosswalk Installation at Jay Imperial Park and Sidewalk Replacement Projects. On February 26, 2019, a construction contract was awarded to FS Contractors, Inc. The first phase of construction consisting of concrete improvements was completed in August 2019. Staff completed the necessary coordination with Southern California Rosemead City Council, Successor Agency and Housing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2020 Page 10 of 14 Edison for new service to the proposed streetlight for a new crosswalk, and FS Contractors, Inc. is ready to commence with the second phase of construction to complete the crosswalk installation at Jay Imperial Park. Due to a long lead time material procurement(streetlight), and coordination with SCE for new service, the construction contract with FS Contractors, Inc. has expired. Staff is requesting to amend the construction contract term so that contractor can complete the second phase of construction. The total approved project budget is $110,099, which includes the contract amount and 10%contingency. There is no additional financial impact anticipated. Recommendation: That the City Council take the,following actions: dcw1. Approve First Amendment to Construction('ontract with FS Contractors, Inc. to extend the Contract Term to March elAW 2. Take such additional,related act o *that may be desrable. 5. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER,& STAFF A. COVID-19 Update 1 This is a recurring itemthawill be on the to update the City Council on items related to COVID1 Recommendation:,That the City Council discuss andlvovide further direction. Assistan City Manager Kirovided updates e on recent orders revised by Los Angeles Count Public Health to align with Governor Newsom's order to limit the transmission o CO A O J 9 cases he revised order requires immediate closure -4redflactaitipnal indoor operation for specific sectors, promoting the mixing of the population beyond households,which makes it adhere to physical distancing where ; . face covering-,4s diff cult The July revised order requires the closures of gyms, fitness centers, places ,;of worship, indoor protest, office for non-critical ve,infrastructure sect-ors, personal care services, including nail salons, massage parlors, tattoo parlors, hair salons, barbershops, and malls. He noted that recent regression of someof the COVID-19 indicators makes it appropriate to re-impose certain` restrictionsintended to limit person-to-person contact to slow community transmission. R{esidents, business owners, and employees must observe physical distancing requirements and prevention techniques outlined under the Safer at Home order. As a result, starting July 20th, City Hall will be closed to limit the person-to-person contact and protect the health of City employees and the public. Services will continue to be offered online,via email, and telecommuting. A notice with a list of services and programs will be provided to the public with contact information. All information will continue to be provided in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Vietnamese. The Great Plates Delivery program has been extended until August 9th, a 30-day extension. The program helps eligible seniors receive two meals per day. Rosemead City Council, Successor Agency and Housing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2020 Page 11 of 14 The Planning and Economic Development Division staff have received several inquiries on establishing outdoor dining areas to assist restaurants during this time. City staff developed a temporary outdoor dining program to expand operations by providing outdoor dining during the COVID-19 Pandemic. As part of the outdoor dining permit application, applicants must submit a detailed site plan, and acquire the property owner's approval. It is important to note that each application will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Some restaurants may not have sufficient space on private property and public right-of-way,including sidewalks or parking lot.The program was approved through an emergency order to expedite the process and help the restaurants in the City. Parks and Recreation staff is coordinating a"Camp in a Box"and"Sports in a Bag" program. The "Camp in a Box" will include Ivo weeks of activities that could be done at home and deliveries begin Monday,July 13th. The "Sports in a Bag" ow,wprogram will allow participants to register for axsooccer or a basketball bag. Each week, for a total of six weeks, Recreation staff will prorvide an instructional video that will assist the participants through the drills and ski'ls to focus on. Lastly, for the first time, a Drive-in movie event will be taking place on July 31st, at Rosemead Park. 1* 444 City Attorney Richman stated that the Governor again extended the City's ability v.to have eviction prote tion through Sep`Ce ber, unless the City decides to do something different. -‘1 .4"� Council Meurer Clark asked for astatus update�xon the grants for the food distribution request } 4.4,0 _ " $ Director ofComm n ty Development Frausto-Lupo reported the City received two proposals frommtheAsian Youth Center and Evergreen Baptist Church for food distributiioon services; noted both groups will be awarded a contract for food 47,tiA distribution,servies 6. MA ITERS FROMSWAYOW4tSITY COUNCIL A. Council Comments* ? 4 Mayor rmenta nquired on the status of the resident who had parking citations issued duetohe limited use of her driveway. Assistant City Manager Kim stated he would follow-up with the item and provide an update to the City Council. Mayor Armenta stated on the last week in June,the Garvey School District had two food distribution events at Bitely Elementary School and Sanchez Elementary School. The City did not provide traffic control at one of the food distribution events; indicated there were safety concerns of staff and drivers. The second food distribution event, the City assisted the school by providing traffic control, which made the event run smoothly. She hopes to continue the partnership between the City and the Garvey School District. Rosemead City Council, Successor Agency and Housing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2020 Page 12 of 14 Furthermore, she commended Public Safety Supervisor Mandy Wong for her ongoing work during the backpack giveaway. During the 7th Annual Back-to- School Resource Fair,500 backpacks were distributed to families.Lastly,she stated she had learned about relocating Ms. Wong out of the Public Safety Center to another City facility, which concerned her as she serves as the Supervisor for Emergency Preparedness and the Public Safety Center serves as the Emergency Operation Center. Council Member Clark agreed with Mayor Armenta. She noted, recently there was an earthquake that may be a precursor to the big.one. She also expressed concern about removing Ms. Wong from the Emergency peration Center and asked staff to reconsider. Council Member Dang requested an pda a allot outdoor dining and alcohol served outside of restaurants. He sit Cted that Fridays7Restaurant moved four dining tables outside the walkway, and people were eating. He opined there is a demand for outdoor dining and asked if--the,City could relax some zoning requirements to allow tables in parking areas. N t ` Director of CommunityrDe velopment Frausto Lupo stated that using parking space is part of the temporary,,outdoor.dining program. City staff has notified the property management group at Rosemead to apply fo outdoor dining on parking areas. As for alcohol served outside of a restaurant, Ci staff researched, and the state • ABC A enc and, -Iealth De partmentt have ovisions to allow alcohol outside the pr 3� y` p designated,'areas XGA y "t41,4,, Ott • • Council Member Dang asked if other establishments have been notified about the outdoor dining 40* pr gr m ,� , % - � Di• rector offComm�nity Develop hent Frausto-Lupo replied the City's executive order was dust signed on Thursday nd staff sent a mass email to all restaurants -,1about the temporary outdoor dining option. Council Member bang requested that his completed items be removed from the the vA Col ncil updates list to avoid confusion. Furthermore, inquired on the status of the small businesseloan program. He stated that a CEO of a bank is proposing to help, however, he wants the City to guarantee the loan. Mr. Dang reiterated he was not comfortable securing any loan. Finance Consultant Miller explained two proposals were received and were being vetted.When ready, staff will bring the proposals with recommendations before the City Council at a future meeting. Council Member Dang requested to agendize the small lot division discussion for an upcoming meeting. Rosemead City Council, Successor Agency and Housing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2020 Page 13 of 14 I Director of Community Development Frausto-Lupo confirmed to Council Member Dang the small lot division discussion was scheduled for the September 8th Council meeting. Council Member Dang also expressed concern with relocating Public Safety Supervisor Mandy Wong out of the Public Safety Center. City Attorney Richman reiterated that this topic should be addressed by the City Manager separately and not at a Council meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Low shared that a friend who.:.participates in the Great Plates was grateful for beingable to et two meals a day. She asked that program g� �� organizations reach out to the City if they pare 4°going to have a food distribution event, so the City could help with trafficcontrol g Mayor Armenta added that she rye i�ved compliments,from the public about the Fourth of July flyovers ;� 7. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Pro Tem Low adjournedthe meeting Fat- 843 p.m. The regular"scheduled City Council meetings for July 28 and"August 112020 will be dark. The next regular scheduled meeting will take plac`eongust 25, 2020"aty7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber ? `"4 Y`; .115 ir . 4,_ Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk APPROVED '- ; -' Sandra Arment'aMayor t Rosemead City Council, Successor Agency and Housing Development Corporation Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2020 Page 14 of 14