CC - Item 1A - Small Lot Subdivision WorkshopSmall Lot Subdivision City Council Workshop September 8, 2020 What is a Small Lot Subdivision? No. A hybrid housing typology that looks and functions like row townhomes but where each unit is built independently on individual "small lots' ► Subdivision into individual lots at a density consistent with the zoning. No. No commonly owned areas or HOAs. No. Adopted in 2005 by the City of LA. 3 I Examples of Small Lot Subdivisions I � iazz sa.rt Examples of Small Lot Subdivisions Advantages ► Small lot developments encourage redevelopment of older structures. ► Small lot developments provide opportunity for homeownership at reduced costs. Small lot developments are fee -simple units that increase homeownership opportunities while working within existing land use designations. Because these units are fee -simple, homeowners acquire ownership of the housing structure, as well as the land on which it's built. Proponents argue that when the amount of land needed for housing construction is decreased, the savings in land costs can be passed on to the homebuyer. ► Small lot developments increase housing production. ► Small lot developments are easier to finance. Small lot developments do not require HOAs, they do not face mandatory additional insurance costs, which makes obtaining bank financing easier. ► Small lots provide for architectural creativity. Disadvantages ► Small lot developments may not require guest parking. In City of Los Angeles's Ordinance, guest parking requirements are triggered for all small lot subdivisions containing eight or more dwelling units at a ratio of 0.25 space per dwelling unit. This may add congestion to street -parking due to limited onsite parking. ► Small lot developments may have issues of privacy for both residents of the dwelling and neighboring properties as the tend to be developed vertically. Narrow side yards can pose problems of privacy and often tail to provide adequate access to air, light, and ventilation. ► Small lot developments have small setback requirements and less common open space areas. A typical multi -family lot would have larger setbacks and require more usable common open space. ► Small lot developments may not be family friendly. The size of the dwelling may only accommodate one or two people. ► Small lot developments may displace low-income and/or long-term renters, as they are priced beyond what existing residents can afford. In City of Los Angeles, some low-income communities can't afford a small lot. ► Small lot developments may not be compatible with the scale and character of older multi -family neighborhoods. It may add bulk to existing streetscape and reduce open space. Where are Small Lots permitted? ► In City of LA, small lots can only be developed in multi -family- or commercially -zoned lots. ► If the City Council adopts a Small Lot Ordinance, staff recommends only allowing it in Medium Multiple Residential (R-3) zone, as other residential zones like Single -Family Residential (R-1) and Light Multiple Residential (R-2) zones are established with single-family dwellings. R-3 Zones Dependent on Zone Restricted Density Multiple Dwelling (RD): RDD:0 Z unit/acre RN: 05 unit/acre RDb:0 J unit/acre RD:054 unit/acre R4:0 108 unit/acre 86:0217 unit/ acre Resiidential/Accesay t RPS): RPS3:O 54 unit/acre RAO:0 108 unit/acre Commercial C: OR: Same as RD Of Same as R3 Of .5 Same as RD OR Same as RD G: Same as RD C5: Same as RD GM: Same as R3 Parking D: The density of the subdivision shall comply with the minimum lot area per dwelling unit of the least restrictive abutting commercial or multi family residential zone is Notspecified OffStreetParking is located on a parking lot only: 036 unit/acre Off- Street Parking is located onsite: 0 26unit/acre Minimumboor area: 575 square feet 15 feet 5 feet 10 feet 35 feet and Mmsm9es loo square feet per unit Chas to be minimum 8 feet in any direction) One space per unit b under 780 square feet 2spaces for all other unit Iflot shares prsetba line with an Rl zone or more restrictive, the hoot, side, and rearsetbacls of the underlying zone apply.Aminimumfie- Pootside yard setback shall be required. Provisions of the underlying zone tallboog 5 feet 10 feet if rearyard abut an alley, Itis reduced to efeet ones and 38 feet Subject to property height district(Approximately rte ft.) Der unit Soo square feet Guest parking: required for lot with 8 or more dwelling unit, at 0.26 ices es per dwelling unit spaces per dwelling One space per Two dwelling unit Two spaces per dwelling unit OffStreetParking is located on a parking lot only: 036 unit/acre Off- Street Parking is located onsite: 0 26unit/acre Minimumboor area: 575 square feet 15 feet 5 feet 10 feet 35 feet and Mmsm9es loo square feet per unit Chas to be minimum 8 feet in any direction) One space per unit b under 780 square feet 2spaces for all other unit Alhambra NE No Arcadia No No EI Monte No No Montebello No No No Monterey Park No San Gabriel No No South EI Monte No No Temple City No No City Council Direction ► Should the City Council wish to proceed with the development of a Small Lot Ordinance, the next step would be to hire a professional land use consultant with small lot subdivision experience to (like City of LA): Identify parcels suitable for small lot developments Create Small Lot Ordinance Create Small Lot Design Guidelines Amend Zoning and Subdivision Codes Establish Review Process to Coordinate Subdivision Wth other Codes 11 QUESTIONS? 12