CC - Item 5B - Minutes of July 9, 2019MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JULY 9, 2019 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Clark at 7:05 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Clark, Mayor Pro Tem Armenta, Council ABSENT: NONE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council VT6h ber L INVOCATION was led by Mayor Pro Tem STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Molleda, A' Richman, Chief of Police Kusayangj, Director Parks and Recreation Boecking, and Clerk f 1. PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor C�4rk opt d the Dang, Low and Ly Tsui 4, hi, City Attorney )pmen° im, Director of Speaker>I3rian Lei thanked Via` for the Fourth of July Parade and park 77 festivities Ike, expo sed concert "f illegal fireworks, opining that the Sheriff's Itment 'ed toa11s reporting illegal fireworks; suggested all-"aca n ,addition l resouf-644 next year so that more law enforcement presence is seen i}tt the comrriunty. 4efii -Ly c& rated that Code Enforcement staff is patrolling, noting )perties Teceive a,,Warning, and issuing citations to those who do not reque� d staff to report at the next City Council meeting the total If citat� issued for illegal fireworks on the Fourth of July. City Manag )X,lolleda responded that item will be included in the next Council's Weekly Update and agendized for the next Council meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta asked staff if they know how many individuals were cited. Director of Community Development Kim informed Council that 11 people were given warnings and were cooperative, so they were not issued a citation, and a total of 36 citations were issued. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 9, 2019 Page I of 14 AGENDA ITEM 5.11 2. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta indicated that when someone calls her to report illegal fireworks, she contacts the City Manager who forwards the request to the Chief of Police to dispatch patrol; opined for Mr. Lewin to say that residents should not even call because no one shows up is the wrong mentality to have and that needs to change as the City cannot do this without the community's help. Ms. Armenta further noted that it should be taken into consideration that it is difficult to issue a citation as Code Enforcement must see who lit the firework and that it dissipates; commended the Code Enforcement Officers and Deputies from the Sheriff's Station for striving to protect the City as best they can. There being no further speakers, Mayor Clark closed the Public Comment period. PRESENTATIONS A. Proclamation Declaring July 2qi City of Rosemead The City Council presented a Pro declaring July 2019 ast"Parks Make 3. PUBLIC HEARING - None 4. CONSENT CALENDAR ACTION: ed by f Cauneil Member,Lo approve Constf Calendar ems A anc� AYES: Armenta, Clark, Ding, Low, L T 4 to A, C1 ims end Demands x r • Resolution No.,2019-33 R. "Parks Malo `{Life Better Month" in the the Parks aid Recreation staff V#dpd by Mayor Pro Tem Armenta to �as'carried out by the following vote None A RLOLUTIOTt QF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY GE, ROSEIVIEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN, ;CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF ;$1,351,7931 NUMBERED 103528 THROUGH NUM BE.103683 : Adopt Resolution No. 2019-33. B. Federal Legislative Advocacy Day — September 17-19, 2019 — Washington, DC The City's Federal lobbyist David Turch & Associates is coordinating a federal lobby day for the month of September when the Senate and House of Representatives will be in session. Visiting while representatives are in session provides the maximum opportunity to meet with them face-to-face. The intent is to conduct meetings to discuss topics on Transportation, Public Safety, Economic Development, and various issues affecting the City of Rosemead. The City Council Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 9, 2019 Page 2 of 14 will consider authorizing the attendance of any Council Member who wishes to attend a Federal Legislative Advocacy Day on September 17-19, 2019, in Washington, DC. Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the attendance, at City expense, of any Council Member interested in attending the Federal Legislative Advocacy Day on September 17-19, 2019, in Washington, DC. 5. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF - None 6. MATTERS FROM MAYOR & CITY COUN A. City Council Appointment — Governments This item is presented to 1 Steven Ly to be appointed of Governments (COG). Recommendation: Mayor Clark opened Gabriel Valley Council of at the to the and provide of Council Member ?riel Valley Council direction. SpeakereBri,an Lewin inquire4 why thiisaittn Y bemgevisited so soon as it was just approy s part 9f'the Mayor e Qpomtmefit tree months ago; noted the Staff Report did; not indica that thefe,yere any issues"when first presented, asked why this change could not wait until th, xt update. There being no further speakers, Mayor Clark closed the Public Comment period. Council Nleber Ly 'responded that the City Council at any given point with majority It fCouncfl, change its appointees whether it is the Mayor's appointmentstoaegionaf'gency or a City Commission appointment; shared that after being on theme ity Council for ten years, he has never served as Rosemead's office relegate % has always been the alternate on the Council of Governments; expresshaving the opportunity to serve as the COG Delegate as he can contribute 1 acid spent the last ten years on this City Council trying to do right by the community, pushing prerogatives, projects, and developments that make sense for the community. Mr. Ly noted he requested this item be placed on the agenda for discussion amongst his colleagues. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta informed Mr. Lewin that the Mayor's appointments are based off what the region's current issue is and which member of the Council would have better insight or skills to address that matter. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 9, 2019 Page 3 of 14 Mayor Clark stated that she serves as the City's Delegate on the Council of Governments and has moved up chairs from Third Vice -President to First Vice -President, which was unanimously voted on last May; emphasized if Council Member Ly accepts this appointment, she would not only lose the position of Vice -President but also have to vacate her position on the Rivers and Mountains Conservancy as State law requires the COG Delegate to hold that position. Mrs. Clark indicated the constituents voted in support of Propositions 1 and 68, and cities are now being requested to submit their projects; noted that the City of Rosemead was able to receive a lot of money from the Rivers and Mountains Conservancy for the Jay Imperial Park and as adelegate, she was able to move it �b along as a liaison there; expressed she hopes t { he City Council will allow her to remain as a delegate to hopefully channel nice of this money to our city to get more park space. Mayor Clark stated out to Council Member Ly to share with him that there are COG con�rliittees tha(arq open, and made phone calls to Southern California Associatio ;,sof ('governments (CSG) to find out if there was a way to possibly get a presidentil�appointment to one dfjth e committees since that process has closed; informed Cecil that COG is givens hree at -large positions that they can appoint to committee ,,which oy two peoj'came forward for and COG had to pleador someone tp til t®lird position, so le did not think Council Member Ly' resteM�Mtd since hcdit not put his name in for the alternate position; noted Mr. Ly4lnol respond to lir'outreach effort, however is still open to working on other options siriee`hoe at-largeaositions are now closed. Council M4ezlbcx ray responded.that this 1Sn no disrespect to the work Mayor Clark has do eYfor COC x the Rive s, d1Vlounta Conservancy, at the same time must note that he is fpiroud of hid efforts which al`o demonstrates his love for parks such as ensixr ng thy;,Strategic Pl i ocuses on park and open space development, he��ing topufoe}Parks C�ision, seeing the Skate Park and Community ardenX; through, and the Jmgy ,4mperi l° Park which was not an easy project to complefie die to Mr Ly st4tod if you look at the Mayor's appointments list, he is not hoed hereJg the termsofbeing able to represent at a regional level; recalled havirg a, convcrson with Mayor Clark where he believes he expressed ion a reg�ibnal level and should an opportunity arise to serve on 1 rest in servinqg the SHAG that he Would be willing to withdraw from the COG. Mayor"Clark reeked that position is not open, and election of the representatives occurs every t ,years which passed in May, so that is not possible. Council Member Ly suggested that Mayor Clark could resign from that seat, which would cause a vacancy for that seat. Mayor Clark asked if Council Member Ly thinks the City of El Monte would vote for any members of Rosemead Council. Council Member Ly responded that he believes he could pull the eight votes needed to win the majority for the SCAG seat if he receives support from his Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 9, 2019 Page 4 of 14 colleagues in El Monte and South El Monte, and he is willing to try to win their votes over, but if that is something Mayor Clark is not amenable to then he has no other recourse than to look at COG. Mr. Ly stated he was part of the COG's Transportation Committee, however he stopped because he would have to waste gas driving to Irwindale for an hour meeting and then drive home, whereas almost all other representatives were able to stay as delegates for the COG meeting that met after; emphasized Mayor Clark has been the delegate for the last ten years, so maybe it is time to give someone else that opportunity to also represent the region; expressed that he will work hard to represent Rosemead and this region while trying to resolve regional issues that will benefit this community and region. Council Member Low asked Mayor and SCAG. she has served on the COG Mayor Clark responded that she 4,44* have that inf nation at this time, noting there was a few years gap whqg,06 did not serve on the COG. x t. Fy y Council Member Ly commented -that. SCAQ }is not on the list of the Mayor's appointments as SCAG works for tli Re o' I Council that s� clustered into groups, noting Roseme4Jdclustered Nlonte and South El`Vlonte; asserted that 15 Council Memb&r tg&t'tb ether every Q years to vote on its representatives for the two-year period N Ly i�c�eted the Iseection was when Luis Aguinaga, former South ,El Monte CQur}cil, wap againsayor Clark, and he supported her %ter Qualitite tir former State Senator's disapproval, opmed the neweenators Rubio is a breath of fresh air; expresse.�i,he has b n loyal to YIYTayor Clark `on the regional level and is just ifi4 asking fon a Ppporlimty. 1VTayQClark commented fht the always supports Council Member Ly, recalled advocati g or him o the Air Qu`# Ay Management District and receiving a lot of push -back fUojim individuals for doing so; opined supporting each other is not an issue to her, �"4cowle the work Council Member Ly has done, however eressed conce;,that 1,y would not be guaranteed a position on the Rivers and Mountains C servancy simply if he becomes a COG delegate and the City may brisking nitons of dollars; stated she hopes she can finish out her term as she has§butlt reh"t. nships, knows the Executive Director, and currently volunteers xu v to serve vitlbf'a stipend on three committees (the Homelessness Committee, the Water Committee, and the Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Committee), as these are issues she is passionate about. Mayor Clark suggested Council Member Ly serve on those committees and build relationships because the SCAG issue is not going to happen right now. Council Member Ly reiterated he is aware that he can participate in the COG's various committees as he used to be part of their Transportation Committee; asserted he has built relationships with COG at a regional level and has been part of other organizations and associations, noting he was a former Division President Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 9, 2019 Page 5 of 14 of the League of California Cities; commented that he is not in a position of a regional level where he can represent the City directly in a governing, multi jurisdictional planning body, emphasizing that SCAG and COG are those bodies which is why he is requesting this opportunity. Mayor Clark noted that Council Member Dang offered to step down as the alternate and there will be times in the nearest future where she will not be able to attend the meetings, so the alternate will be serving as the delegate. Council Member Low inquired why Mr. Ly is Council Member Ly replied he did not only attended one meeting over the pa Mayor Clark stated she does not if he wanted to remove her. Council Member Ly expressed th however, asked where on the opportunity to participate gn a re chance to find the eigeE that this is a fair co r'' seo willingto iv give up. there 's why to the alternate. of being the alternate as he has Mrs. Clark's absence. apply for that position was not hisfxtent to remove her, tments list arn< I provided the -rated that he iswilling to take a our cluster of the COG, opining ,nick one or the other that she is re is �oWIOW'a't g'uararitEeS for opportunities in SCAG, but in C�address regional issues and committees do the sroundwork for different bills such as Senator that bill has passed and is currently on the poio is that these are bills that are supported and discussed and are brought to the board level. explained that is his point that the governing board makes Mayor Clark pointed out that you will put more input at the committee's level than the board level. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta expressed concern that Mayor Clark tries to get appointed only to those regional groups that offer a stipend for attending their meetings; indicated she did not have Mayor Clark's support for the San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control, also that Mrs. Clark tried to remove Council Member Low from the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (JPIA) which meets once a year. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 9, 2019 Page 6 of 14 Mayor Clark responded she did not try to remove Ms. Low from the JPIA. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta asked Council Member Low if Mrs. Clark did try to remove her. Council Member Low affirmed she did. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta stated the following for the record, "I would like to address this term `taking out' as it has been brought to my attention by several sources that Mayor Clark told them the reason ,we are trying to `take her out' is because she voted no on the Los Angeles CoiTt is the one that brought that item to Council f&7 upon what the delegate will say on behWcif thO Dang, and Low voted that they did n,Qt`hve en'i personally take offense and ceve Mai sympathy from other people." Mayor Clark responded it was a lot of heat for that vote. Mayor Pro Tem Armonta_4expres automatically sit on t'gsq coftir longevity; read a list of thie4comm receives firervipg as the ,Cry's that MY4 darkpears to fglt t to the fan Gabriel lev Mose tnitation agreement. Mrs. Clark fission so that we could all agree ty. Also, Council Members Ly, � information to take a stand. I 04 is using this to try to get that she took s. Clark does not have the right to *,,,they belong to her because of id each ftipend amount that Mayor Clark rotative, commented that it is interesting on co�it ees with a stipend; noted prior VectOrtxControl, she has not served on a ved a"s#bend in a long time. Council Member'L ow opcped thatY Council Member Ly would do a good job represertm the City. and has ei patiently waiting for the opportunity serve in a regional 64,pa,Qity; 66&vrred that Mayor Clark has served for a long time and other Council MeAiters should lave an opportunity as well, however there is an annual process in placed does nbt want to set a precedence that any Council Member c"X..bring the Mayor's appointment list back to Council so freely throughout the year, ,Ms. Low rea erated at this time she does not want to make that switch; expres�Wd she 110 s Council Member Ly continues to voice his interest as he will have hers ,pori Yri next year's appointments. Council Member Dang stated to clear the record, it was not that Council Member Ly was not interested in continuing but rather graciously let him take the alternate seat as it would be a good learning environment and networking opportunity as a new Council Member, which he appreciated. Mr. Dang expressed support of Council Member Ly's endeavors as he is very passionate and chases his vision; opined ten years is a long time for the same Council Member to hold a seat on a regional group, however also agrees that things should not be changed midway; recommended allowing Mr. Ly to select which position he would like to serve in next year's appointments, assuring he would support whatever choice he makes. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 9, 2019 Page 7 of 14 Council Member Ly expressed that the City Council has its prerogative to proceed as desired and only needs three votes to do so; reiterated that the SCAG is a two-year seat and is conducted through a different election process where the COG will call an election and whichever Council Member can get eight out of the fifteen votes gets that seat. He stated this is being presented to the City Council as he approached Mayor Clark with the option of vacating her seat so that he can work for those eight votes, but she did not agree; explained if this is delayed until April the only thing left on the table is the COG seat as the SCAG conversation is not there. Mr. Ly reminded the City Council that this would not be the first time Mayor Clark has delayed an item just to push it back four;<time; referred to four years back when Mrs. Clark asked Council to support herih the appointment to the Water Quality Authority seat one more time,,,,"'-. g at that time Ms. Armenta was becoming a water policy expert herself rtirdugh her participation with Water Education for Latino Leaders; assertca 'h%Is. Arrputa indicated during a public meeting that she was interested in,g'b for that seat Qx;the following time period, then two years went by and Mrs,`Glark went for that seat again despite the promise made to Council. Mayor Clark stated sh%,did not Council Member Ly re poi de .that he gii that was his misunderstanding. Mayor Pro Tem record the meetings so that we can reference w e , eeded; indicated M# ,, claxk suggests not having open session Mayor Clk_proclals that she hnever said that. a> tncil, Memd¢ f ft City`Council wishes to lay within this prerogative, hewill�t>ind offense to ifs but dmphasized this will not be the first time nor will it be the last time that something was delayed to benefit tactfully Mayor Clark; opined it is unf4# for Mayyor Clark to state she will not be here forever, as neither ,,will he or the`rtof Couil as each of them have to survive an election every four' years. Mr. 1�'further explained Mayor Clark is not asking for a one-year delay until April, rathe, a.three-year delay for her time as Vice -President and additional two-yx. aerm a`S0-,-"COG President; indicated that is why he withdrew from the COG's Trafis 6rtation Committee five years ago because there is no avenue for , him to gro)k"e region, therefore decided to focus on making a difference in the City; asserted he is very proud of what he has done for the City and would love to do this at the regional level, but does not currently have that opportunity. Council Member Dang asked if COG is a two-year or three-year term. Mr. Ly replied that Mayor Clark is in the process of becoming the President of COG, although if he is not mistaken, she should have been the President this year; noted historically the President of COG serves two -years unless someone loses an election. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 9, 2019 Page 8 of 14 Mayor Clark stated there was a request to continue the present board, explaining the delay was not her fault. Council Member Ly stated he gave up the alternate seat in April as he thought Mayor Clark completed her two -years as the first Vice -President and would become the President in June, noting it would be wrong to knock that person off; informed Council after learning of this delay, he would actually have to wait twelve years to have the opportunity to serve at the COG delegate. Council Member Low reiterated they are talki4g dal April when the next Mayor's appointments are'r� die; is interested in serving on COG next year,-,J,14'n,therE Council from appointing him. Council Member Dang inquired 4th�y appoint Cd't then will Mayor Clark still be 0 r tiserve on Rivers Mayor Clark stated that is her`ffi, will remove her from-�the Executive A Conservancy; indicated tele is a lot she is requesting to postpene"this, until Council Member Low Ly's cqmr e %b ;;� Mrs. does rtQtmant to rh e which eyer position h holding, e�nphasizirig , Coufi ii Memb"r " in motioririnbvcT that he wo :City Atto ai make a itr gut waiting six months until stated if Council Member Ly is nothing stopping the City Member Ly to the COG Mountains Conservancy. i; removing h6r as the Delegate �11 as the Rive sw and Mountains out there for parks, which is why 1. dt`bst attests to Council Member Clad kdelaying, for li r benefit; stated although she this ch ge ne�v `she vuftsupport Council Member Ly with wants 164,­,pril no matter what position Mayor Clark is t will be af4b.. and clean run. dicated he;w6VW feel more comfortable if this was put into uld be appointed Rosemead's COG delegate on April Ist she does not know if the City Council is allowed to decision to an item that is not before you yet. asked why Council would not be able to as the decision is on discussion. City Attorney 1Zichman replied but the motion is going to state next April, and you cannot bind the future City Council action to something at this point. Council Member Ly commented it is the same City Council. City Attorney Richman stated it is not about the people meaning the future; suggested using the verbiage "I will consider it at that time", and if the City Council wants to take that motion then that's fine, but know that when the April meeting does come just know that Council Member Ly can change his mind. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 9, 2019 Page 9 of 14 Council Member Ly asserted the vacancy opens in April and asked how it is any different than when they appoint and fill a vacancy on a Planning Commission seat. City Attorney Richman stated what Council Member Ly does not have to follow what is decided this evening as he will have to make that decision again in April. Council Member Ly indicated the City Council can always override a motion. City Attorney Richman asserted if the City Council wants to do this, it is fine, but she wants to make sure they understand that yo4�qa'n still reconsider it. Council Member Ly stated at the same tu4.6'once motion, the motion stands, unless anothe rnW&/aci City Attorney Richman stated t4f eorrect but re even if this motion is made, it dbe snot mean come something different. Council Member Ly stated only otherwise it stands.. City Attorney in April. still the City Council votes on a ion overrides it. I for transparency that 9th that they cannot do Council ov6TIdes that motion is corret;but his appointment happened of this City Council and a motion this evening. iat is not a good practice, but if that is what e noted again so that the City Council time. y aske question again, if this can legally be done. Ley 14' an replied legally there are concerns with binding future you 4� hot know what will happen in the future, if all five Council 11„be here or if Council Member Ly will step down. Council Member Ly clarified that the action stands otherwise, so when it comes to April or whenever they have that meeting to make the appointment, they can leave that one as is. He continued they can make appointments for everyone else except for that seat, because we have a motion. City Attorney Richman replied that is correct if no one wants to reconsider it. Council Member Ly stated but it requires a reconsideration of the motion otherwise. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 9, 2019 Page 10 of 14 City Attorney Richman affirmed Mr. Ly's statement. Council Member Ly stated he wants to ensure that legally he is right. City Attorney Richman stated legally you should not make decisions for something that is not present or happened yet. Council Member Ly stated if City Attorney Richman does not think this is binding then he is willing to listen to another compromise. 0. :? City Attorney Richman stated it will not be ar�J;;more binding as Council Member Ly has pointed out. Council Member Low asked for c things change. F: City Attorney Richman responde Council Member Ly stated no it is or another Council Member overr City Attorney Richman asking for.s this irif�cat `on, uridlll ding that it is binding until Y� 40s until April for %t l ApO. tis binding urit l3otherwise noted les theio`ton or action. care -6 e motion if that's what you are a motion tonight if the City if Council Member Ly says tonight, I v Council can reconsider on their end. Council Member L 'recommended that it be put into the motion that it can be reconsidered at 5/5, how ;ould that change anything. ing asked if a motion and a second is needed to bring things need two people. Council lVfemb P`Ly replied Roberts Rules states that anybody can make the motion and can be seconded. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta asked if it must be a person that voted yes on any issue, they are the one that can bring it back. Council Member Ly replied in Roberts Rules it states yes but in Rosenberg's anyone can bring it back. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 9, 2019 Page I1 of 14 Mayor Pro Tem Armenta asked Council Member Ly if it is because of many times they are promised something, and things have changed. Council Member Ly stated the question is fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, so at this point after ten years of waiting, call him a sceptic, no offense to his colleagues on this Council, but he does not feel comfortable. Council Member Low stated she will feel comfortable making that motion because that is her full intent is to support Council Member Ly in April, and not at this time. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Low}'seconded by Council Member Dang to appoint Council Member Ly as,, ate of the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments in April. Mot".'...., a cried out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang, L Strategic Plan, refe wonderful Fourth o: to enjoy; expressed residents out there c None applies to the ff again for a Firework Show fog the community park as it is always fun to see the the park. df`July was a wonderful event, ;stivities; indicated she noticed street while passing through the [tbe presenting to the City Council at a future prior to the next Fourth of July. yenta &,hoed her colleagues praise for the Fourth of July Parade 3 eve Y od did a great job and appreciates all their hard work; rY=:� Y g J pp in to capping how many stipend meetings a Council Member all open meetings need to be held in the Council Chambers, ;side workshops. Council Member Dang reiterated the kudos for staff, it was a great Fourth of July, noted the stage, firework show, and carnival was well planned out; requested that the City Manager introduce the Interim Public Works Director. City Manager Molleda invited the Interim Public Works Director to the podium so that he may introduce himself. Ahmad Ansari, Transtech Engineers, stated he has 32 years of public service and is happy to be here as this is a great team to work with. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 9, 2019 Page 12 of 14 City Manager Molleda added that Ahmad has been a great help to her and the rest of the Department Heads; stated he is putting together a CIP Project List, which will be shared with the City Council. The City Council welcomed Mr. Ansari to the team. Mayor Clark stated she would like to clarify something about the stipend issue since it was brought up; addressed Council Member Ly, offering again to help him join a SCAG committee as the stipend is $60 an hour and they are two hour meetings so he would really be receiving $120; indicated�e only receives $24 an hour for being on the Executive Board compared to ;the y$60 an hour for a committee, emphasizing she volunteers for the otherthrecommittees with no stipend; opined if you calculate her hours, it does not add'o ery much so the accusation that she is just there for the money is not ,.,# e. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta said that. Mayor Clark responded, that Mayor because she wanted nends. Mayor Pro Tem Mayor Q4r a l d Mayor if you play baa`§k the video no one ever was greedy words in her mouth. was implying. MayorPyo Tem Airienta statedshe is implying that Mayor Clark never gives anyone a ehaoe at ,ave an exaixle of the past. 1VTayor£ Clark thated the Cifiyk�ouncilrsfor allowing her to go to the Conference of Y Mayors 'they talked,about trafi§ip tation and signal synchronization which she is very much �?,favor's indicated that if they could do signal synchronization everywhere it 0uld save fig==teen house gas emissions and she appreciates this idea. CotWcil Member>� stated before this meeting adjourns, he would like to state that he is nat wishing Lgrbe on these committees for the stipends and he is going for the COG G seat because he really wants to make a difference for the communid3region as the representative for that region; reiterated that he feels he works hair"d at the City level and would like the opportunity to serve at the regional level. Mayor Clark stated she understands that, but the implication was made that she was only doing it for that. Council Member Ly stated he gets the implication was made towards Mayor Clark but when she was offering that he would get $120 for the committee, he really does not care about the money. He added there is a $75 stipend for the COG meeting, Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 9, 2019 Page 13 of 14 7. and he has sat there as an unpaid Transportation Committee member sitting through those 3 to 4 hour meetings simply to learn. He is asking for the opportunity to go from learning to now applying and that is the opportunity he was asking for. Mayor Clark stated she totally understands that. Council Member Dang apologized and should have brought this up earlier but he would like to offer his seat as the alternate delegate. Council Member Ly commented he apprf Council Member Dang. He told him to enj as possible, noting you will discover that E authority to represent the city as the dale' closed session meetings. Council Member Dang stated stated she will be out for knee the delegate. Council Member L the alternate that is APPROVED: Sandra Armenta, Mayor Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 9, 2019 Page 14 of 14 I but there is no need for that the alternate and learn as much :nate you do not have the same and you will be excluded from Fering the alterr and during that because Mayor Clark alternate will become me the delegate and you are still member of the body. official delegate you do not get at it ;6p.m., in memory of Susan Martinez and Holly City Council meeting will take place on July 23, 2019, Sall Council Chamber. Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk