CC - Item 4D - Assignment of Professional Services Agreement to RRM Design Group for Updates to the Housing Element and Public Safety Element, and the Incorporation of Environmental Justice Policies in the General Plan E MC` F Q' O � O ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT /1 .°4PoRATED gy9 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER oq% ,,� DATE: SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 SUBJECT: ASSIGNMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT TO RRM DESIGN GROUP FOR UPDATES TO THE HOUSING ELEMENT AND PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT, AND THE INCORPORATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE POLICIES IN THE GENERAL PLAN SUMMARY The City's current Housing Element,which covers the planning period of 2014-2021,was adopted on November 12,2013,by the City Council and certified by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) in December of 2013. Per State law, the City is required to update its Housing Element every eight years, and HCD has established October 15, 2021 as the deadline for certification of the City's adopted Housing Element for the 2021-2029 planning period. The Housing Element shall demonstrate that the City has sufficient capacity to accommodate the number of housing units identified in the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA). In addition, a focused update to the City's Public Safety Element is required as part of this process to satisfy SB 379, as well as, the incorporation of Environmental Justice Policies throughout the General Plan are required pursuant to SB 1000, triggered by the amendment of more than one General Plan Element update. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council: 1) Authorize the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with RRM Design Group (Attachment A) in the amount of$190,290, to assist in the preparation of the 2021-2029 Housing Element, update to the Public Safety Element, and incorporation of Environmental Justice policies throughout the General Plan. 2) Appropriate $150,000 from the General Fund Reserve Balance for Fiscal Year 2020/21. The City has secured LEAP Grants in the amount of$150,000 as reimbursement. AGENDA ITEM 4.D City Council Meeting September 22,2020 Page 2 of 3 DISCUSSION The California Department of Housing and Community Development(HCD)has determined that the regional housing need for jurisdictions in the SCAG region is 1,341,827 units. The Draft 6th Cycle RHNA allocation for the City of Rosemead totals 4,601 units. The final RHNA allocation is anticipated in October 2020. As part of the process, the City must update its Housing Element as mandated by State law for the 2021-2029 planning cycle, with completed certification by the HCD. On July 28, 2020, the Community Development Department issued a Request for Proposal ("RFP") seeking qualified consultant services to assist with the preparation of the 2021-2029 Housing Element Update. On August 6,2020, an addendum to the RFP was released to reflect the additional tasks required by SB 379. The RFP was due on August 25, 2020 and one proposal was received. In an effort to understand why there was a deficiency in proposals received,staff reached out to several cities who recently released an RFP for updates to their Housing Element and was informed that they also received very few proposals, and in many cases received zero to one proposal like Rosemead. It was agreed that the 2021-2029 Housing Element Update is the most difficult update to date, which may be the reason why cities are receiving very few proposals. On August 25, 2020, the Community Development Department received a proposal from RRM Design Group (RRM) in the amount of $156,000 (Attachment B). After reviewing RRM's proposal, it was determined that additional tasks were required, such as incorporating the Environmental Justice Policies throughout the General Plan as required by SB 1000,and if needed, conducting additional meetings or tribal consultations as required by AB 52. On September 15, 2020, the Community Development Department received the revised scope of work, updated timeline, and revised fee schedule (Attachment C). The revised fee schedule with the additional tasks' totals $190,290. RRM excels at providing high-quality planning,urban design,landscape architecture,and strategic engagement services. In addition, RRM will collaborate with Veronica Tam and Associates (VTA), who has expertise in the areas of housing policy and community development planning. Staff has reviewed and determined that the proposal is consistent with staff's requested services. For this reason, staff is recommending that the City enter into a Professional Service Agreement with RRM Design Group to prepare the 2021-2029 Housing Element, update the Public Safety Element of the General Plan, and incorporate Environmental Justice policies throughout the General Plan. Based upon a preliminary time schedule, RRM Design Group anticipates that the updates will be completed no later than October 15, 2021. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT The preparation of the 2021-2029 Housing Element, update to the Public Safety Element, and incorporation of Environmental Justice policies throughout the General Plan is consistent with Strategy 1: Economic Development, to enhance local shopping and dining options and encourage new high quality and affordable housing stock; and Strategy 2: Public Safety,to continue to make Rosemead a safer and more secure community by combating crime and preparing for emergencies. City Council Meeting September 22,2020 Page 3 of 3 FISCAL IMPACT RRM has submitted a bid in the amount of$190,290. The Department received the 2020 Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) Grants Program Award from HCD for $150,000 (small localities with a population of 20,000-59,999 people). The Planning Division will utilize the funds from the LEAP Grant for the preparation of the 2021-2029 Housing Element, an update to the City's Public Safety Element, and the incorporation of environmental justice policies throughout the General Plan. Staff is requesting for an appropriation from the General Fund Reserve Balance from the Fiscal Year 2020/21 budget of$150,000. Staff will receive a reimbursement of$150,000 from HCD for the LEAP Grant and refund the General Fund Reserve Balance. The balance of the bid amount of $40,290, is already budgeted in the FY 2020-2021 annual budget under professional services. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared b : Lily Valenzuela, Planning and Economic Development Manager Submitted by: Angelica Frausto-Lupo, Director of Community Development Attachment A: Draft Professional Services Agreement Attachment B: Proposal by RRM Design Group, dated August 25, 2020 Attachment C: Revised Scope of Work, Timeline, and Fee Schedule, dated September 15, 2020 5 E M F � O i� (9, CIVIC PRIDE f -Mt 'NCORPORATEO 14° Attachment A Draft Professional Services Agreement PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THE PREPARATION OF THE 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT, AN UPDATE TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT, AND THE INCORPORATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE POLICIES THROUGHOUT THE GENERAL PLAN RRM DESIGN GROUP 1. PARTIES AND DATE. This Agreement is made and entered into this this 22nd Day of September, 2020 (Effective Date) by and between the City of Rosemead, a municipal organization organized under the laws of the State of California with its principal place of business at 8838 E. Valley Blvd., Rosemead, California 91770 ("City") and RRM Design Group a corporation with its principal place of business at 32332 Camino Capistrano, Ste. 205, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 ("Consultant"). City and Consultant are sometimes individually referred to herein as "Party" and collectively as "Parties." 2. RECITALS. 2.1 Consultant. Consultant desires to perform and assume responsibility for the provision of certain professional services required by the City on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Consultant represents that it is experienced in providing professional land use consulting services to public clients, is licensed in the State of California and is familiar with the plans of City. 2.2 Project. City desires to engage Consultant for the preparation of the 2021-2029 Housing Element, an update to the Public Safety Element, and the incorporation of Environmental Justice policies throughout the General Plan ("Services") as set forth in this Agreement. 3. TERMS. 3.1 Scope of Services and Term. 3.1.1 General Scope of Services: Consultant promises and agrees to furnish to the City all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, and incidental and customary work necessary to fully and adequately supply the professional consulting services necessary for the Project, herein referred to as "Services". The Services are more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. All Services shall be subject to, and performed in accordance with, this Agreement, the exhibits RRM Design Group Page 2 of 37 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations. 3.1.2 Term. The term of this Agreement shall be for an eighteen (18) month period from the Effective Date shown above, with a one (1) year extension at the sole and absolute discretion of the City, unless earlier terminated as provided herein. Consultant shall complete the Services within the term of this Agreement and shall meet any other established schedules and deadlines. 3.2 Responsibilities of Consultant. 3.2.1 Control and Payment of Subordinates; Independent Contractor. The Services shall be performed by Consultant or under its supervision. Consultant will determine the means, methods and details of performing the Services subject to the requirements of this Agreement. City retains Consultant on an independent contractor basis and not as an employee. Consultant retains the right to perform similar or different services for others during the term of this Agreement. Any additional personnel performing the Services under this Agreement on behalf of Consultant shall also not be employees of City and shall at all times be under Consultant's exclusive direction and control. Consultant shall pay all wages, salaries, and other amounts due such personnel in connection with their performance of Services under this Agreement and as required by law. Consultant shall be responsible for all reports and obligations respecting such additional personnel, including, but not limited to: social security taxes, income tax withholding, unemployment insurance, disability insurance, and workers' compensation insurance. 3.2.2 Schedule of Services: Consultant shall perform the Services expeditiously, within the term of this Agreement. Consultant represents that it has the professional and technical personnel required to perform the Services in conformance with such conditions. In order to facilitate Consultant's conformance with the Schedule, City shall respond to Consultant's submittals in a timely manner. Upon request of City, Consultant shall provide a more detailed schedule of anticipated performance to meet the Schedule of Services. 3.2.3 Conformance to Applicable Requirements: All work prepared by Consultant shall be subject to the approval of City. 3.2.4 Substitution of Key Personnel: Consultant has represented to City that certain key personnel will perform and coordinate the Services under this Agreement. Should one or more of such personnel become unavailable, Consultant may substitute other personnel of at least equal competence upon written approval of City. In the event that City and Consultant cannot agree as to the substitution of key personnel, City shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement for cause. As discussed below, any personnel who fail or refuse to perform the Services in a manner acceptable to the City, or who are determined by the City to be uncooperative, incompetent, a threat to the adequate or timely completion of the RRM Design Group Page 3 of 37 Project or a threat to the safety of persons or property, shall be promptly removed from the Project by the Consultant at the request of the City. 3.2.5 City's Representative: The City hereby designates the City Manager, or his or her designee, to act as its representative for the performance of this Agreement ("City's Representative"). City's Representative shall have the power to act on behalf of the City for all purposes under this Agreement. Consultant shall not accept direction or orders from any person other than the City's Representative or his or her designee. 3.2.6 Consultant's Representative: Consultant hereby designates RRM Design Group, or his/her designee, to act as its representative for the performance of this Agreement ("Consultant's Representative"). Consultant's Representative shall have full authority to represent and act on behalf of the Consultant for all purposes under this Agreement. The Consultant's Representative shall supervise and direct the Services, using his/her professional skill and attention, and shall be responsible for all means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures and for the satisfactory coordination of all portions of the Services under this Agreement. 3.2.7 Coordination of Services: Consultant agrees to work closely with City staff in the performance of Services and shall be available to City's staff, consultants and other staff at all reasonable times. 3.2.8 Standard of Care; Performance of Employees: Consultant shall perform all Services under this Agreement in a skillful and competent manner, consistent with the standards generally recognized as being employed by professionals in the same discipline in the State of California. Consultant represents and maintains that it is skilled in the professional calling necessary to perform the Services. Consultant represents that all employees and subcontractors shall have sufficient skill and experience to perform the Services assigned to them. Finally, Consultant represents that it, its employees and subcontractors have all licenses, permits, qualifications and approvals of whatever nature that are legally required to perform the Services, including a City business License, and that such licenses and approvals shall be maintained throughout the term of this Agreement. As provided for in the indemnification provisions of this Agreement, Consultant shall perform, at its own cost and expense and without reimbursement from the City, any services necessary to correct errors or omissions which are caused by the Consultant's failure to comply with the standard of care provided for herein. 3.2.9 Laws and Regulations: Consultant shall keep itself fully informed of and in compliance with applicable local state and federal laws, rules and regulations in any manner affecting the performance of the Project or the Services, including all Cal/OSHA requirements, and shall give all notices required by law. Consultant shall be liable for all violations of such laws and regulations in connection with Services. If the Consultant performs any work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, rules and regulations and without giving written notice to the City, Consultant shall be solely responsible for all costs arising RRM Design Group Page 4 of 37 therefrom. Consultant shall indemnify and hold City, its officials, directors, officers, employees and agents free and harmless, pursuant to the indemnification provisions of this Agreement, from any claim or liability arising out of any failure to comply with such laws, rules or regulations. 3.2.10 Insurance: Consultant shall maintain prior to the beginning of and for the duration of this Agreement insurance coverage as specified in Exhibit B attached to and part of this agreement. 3.2.11 Safety: Contractor shall execute and maintain its work so as to avoid injury or damage to any person or property. In carrying out its Services, the Consultant shall at all times be in compliance with all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations, and shall exercise all necessary precautions for the safety of its employees appropriate to the nature of the work and the conditions under which the work is to be performed. Safety precautions as applicable shall include, but shall not be limited to: (A) adequate life protection and life saving, equipment and procedures; (B) instructions in accident prevention for all employees and subcontractors, such as safe walkways, scaffolds, fall protection ladders, bridges, gang planks, confined space procedures, trenching and shoring, equipment and other safety devices, equipment and wearing apparel as are necessary or lawfully required to prevent accidents or injuries; and (C) adequate facilities for the proper inspection and maintenance of all safety measures. 3.3 Fees and Payments. 3.3.1 Compensation: Consultant shall receive compensation, including authorized reimbursements, for all Services rendered under this Agreement and shall not exceed One Hundred and Ninety Thousand, Two Hundred and Ninety Dollars ($190,290) and in accordance with consultant's fee schedule dated September 15, 2020. Consultant's scope of work, timeline, and fee schedule, and are hereby incorporated and found in Exhibit A. Extra Work may be authorized in writing, as described below, and will be compensated at the rates and manner set forth in this Agreement. 3.3.2 Payment of Compensation: Consultant shall submit to City a monthly itemized statement which indicates work completed and hours of Services rendered by Consultant. The statement shall describe the amount of Services and supplies provided since the initial commencement date, or since the start of the subsequent billing periods, as appropriate, through the date of the statement. City shall, within 45 days of receiving such statement, review the statement and pay all approved charges thereon. 3.3.3 Reimbursement for Expenses: Consultant shall not be reimbursed for any expenses unless authorized in writing by City. 3.3.4 Extra Work: At any time during the term of this Agreement, City may request that Consultant perform Extra Work. As used herein, "Extra Work" means any work RRM Design Group Page 5 of 37 which is determined by City to be necessary for the proper completion of the Project, but which the parties did not reasonably anticipate would be necessary at the execution of this Agreement. Consultant shall not perform, nor be compensated for, Extra Work without written authorization from City's Representative. 3.3.5 Prevailing Wages: Consultant is aware of the requirements of California Labor Code Section 1720, et seq., and 1770, et seq., as well as California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 1600, et seq., ("Prevailing Wage Laws"), which require the payment of prevailing wage rates and the performance of other requirements on "public works" and "maintenance" project, as defined by the Prevailing Wage Laws, and if the total compensation is $1,000 or more, Consultant agrees to fully comply with such Prevailing Wage Laws to the extent they are applicable to Consultant. City shall provide Consultant with a copy of the prevailing rates of per diem wages in effect at the commencement of this Agreement. Consultant shall make copies of the prevailing rates of per diem wages for each craft; classification or type of worker needed to execute the Services available to interested parties upon request and shall post copies at the Consultant's principal place of business and at the project site. Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its elected officials, officers, employees and agents free and harmless from any claim or liability arising out of any failure or alleged failure to comply with the Prevailing Wage Laws. 3.4 Accounting Records. 3.4.1 Maintenance and Inspection: Consultant shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to all costs and expenses incurred under this Agreement. All such records shall be clearly identifiable. Consultant shall allow a representative of City during normal business hours to examine, audit, and make transcripts or copies of such records and any other documents created pursuant to this Agreement. Consultant shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings, and activities related to the Agreement for a period of three (3) years from the date of final payment under this Agreement. 3.5 General Provisions. 3.5.1 Termination of Agreement. Grounds for Termination: City may, by written notice to Consultant, terminate the whole or any part of this Agreement at any time and without cause by giving written notice to Consultant of such termination, and specifying the effective date thereof, at least seven (7) days before the effective date of such termination. Upon termination, Consultant shall be compensated only for those services which have been adequately rendered to City, and Consultant shall be entitled to no further compensation. Consultant may not terminate this Agreement except for cause. Effect of Termination: If this Agreement is terminated as provided herein, City may require Consultant to provide all finished or unfinished RRM Design Group Page 6 of 37 Documents/ Data and other information of any kind prepared by Consultant in connection with the performance of Services under this Agreement. Consultant shall be required to provide such document and other information within fifteen (15) days of the request. Additional Services: In the event this Agreement is terminated in whole or in part as provided herein, City may procure, upon such terms and in such manner as it may determine appropriate, services similar to those terminated. 3.5.2 Delivery of Notices: All notices permitted or required under this Agreement shall be given to the respective parties at the following address, or at such other address as the respective parties may provide in writing for this purpose: CONSULTANT: RRM Design Group 32332 Camino Capistrano, Ste. 205 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Attn: Diane Bathgate Tel: (949) 361-7950 CITY: City of Rosemead 8838 Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 Attn: Lily Valenzuela, Planning and Economic Development Manager Such notice shall be deemed made when personally delivered or when mailed, forty- eight (48) hours after deposit in the U.S. Mail, first class postage prepaid and addressed to the party at its applicable address. Actual notice shall be deemed adequate notice on the date actual notice occurred, regardless of the method of service. 3.5.3 Ownership of Materials and Confidentiality. Documents & Data; Licensing of Intellectual Property: This Agreement creates a non-exclusive and perpetual license for City to copy, use, modify, reuse, or sublicense any and all copyrights, designs, and other intellectual property embodied in plans, specifications, studies, drawings, estimates, and other documents or works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, including but not limited to, physical drawings or data magnetically or otherwise recorded on computer diskettes, which are prepared or caused to be prepared by Consultant under this Agreement ("Documents & Data"). Consultant shall require all subcontractors to agree in writing that City is granted a non-exclusive and perpetual license for any Documents & Data the subcontractor prepares under this Agreement. Consultant represents and warrants that Consultant has the legal right to license any and all Documents & Data. Consultant makes no such representation and warranty in regard to Documents & Data which were prepared by design RRM Design Group Page 7 of 37 professionals other than Consultant or provided to Consultant by the City. The Documents & Data are intended for use solely with respect to the project for which they were prepared. Any reuse or modification by City shall be at City's sole risk. Confidentiality: All ideas, memoranda, specifications, plans, procedures, drawings, descriptions, computer program data, input record data, written information, and other Documents and Data either created by or provided to Consultant in connection with the performance of this Agreement shall be held confidential by Consultant. Such materials shall not, without the prior written consent of City, be used by Consultant for any purposes other than the performance of the Services. Nor shall such materials be disclosed to any person or entity not connected with the performance of the Services or the Project. Nothing furnished to Consultant which is otherwise known to Consultant or is generally known, or has become known, to the related industry shall be deemed confidential. Consultant shall not use City's name or insignia, photographs of the Project, or any publicity pertaining to the Services or the Project in any magazine, trade paper, newspaper, television or radio production or other similar medium without the prior written consent of City. 3.5.4 Cooperation; Further Acts: The Parties shall fully cooperate with one another, and shall take any additional acts or sign any additional documents as may be necessary, appropriate or convenient to attain the purposes of this Agreement. 3.5.5 Attorney's Fees: If either party commences an action against the other party, either legal, administrative or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, the prevailing party in such litigation shall be entitled to have and recover from the losing party reasonable attorney's fees and all costs of such action. 3.5.6 Indemnity and Defense. a. Indemnity and Defense To the fullest extent permitted by law, Consultant shall indemnify and hold harmless Agency and any and all of its officials, employees and agents ("Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses, including legal counsel's fees and costs, to the extent caused by the negligent or wrongful act, error or omission of Consultant, its officers, agents, employees or subconsultants (or any agency or individual that Consultant shall bear the legal liability thereof) in the performance of services under this agreement. Consultant's duty to indemnify and hold harmless Agency shall not extend to the Agency's sole or active negligence. b. Duty to Defend In the event the Agency, its officers, employees, agents and/or volunteers are made a party to any action, lawsuit, or other adversarial proceeding arising from the performance of the services encompassed by this agreement, and upon demand by Agency, Consultant shall defend the Agency at Consultant's cost or at Agency's option, to reimburse Agency for its RRM Design Group Page 8 of 37 costs of defense, including reasonable attorney's fees and costs incurred in the defense of such matters to the extent the matters arise from, relate to or are caused by Consultant's negligent acts, errors or omissions. Payment by Agency is not a condition precedent to enforcement of this provision. In the event of any dispute between Consultant and Agency, as to whether liability arises from the sole or active negligence of the Agency or its officers, employees, or agents, Consultant will be obligated to pay for Agency's defense until such time as a final judgment has been entered adjudicating the Agency as solely or actively negligent. In no event shall the cost to defend charged to the design professional exceed the design professional's proportionate percentage of fault. 3.5.7 Entire Agreement: This Agreement contains the entire Agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings or agreements. This Agreement may only be modified by a writing signed by both parties. 3.5.8 Governing Law: This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. Venue shall be in Los Angeles County. 3.5.9 Time of Essence: Time is of the essence for each and every provision of this Agreement. 3.5.10 City's Right to Employ Other Consultants: City reserves right to employ other consultants in connection with this Project. 3.5.11 Successors and Assigns: This Agreement shall be binding on the successors and assigns of the parties. 3.5.12 Assignment or Transfer: Consultant shall not assign, hypothecate, or transfer, either directly or by operation of law, this Agreement or any interest herein without the prior written consent of the City. Any attempt to do so shall be null and void, and any assignees, hypothecates or transferees shall acquire no right or interest by reason of such attempted assignment, hypothecation or transfer. 3.5.13 Construction; References; Captions: Since the Parties or their agents have participated fully in the preparation of this Agreement, the language of this Agreement shall be construed simply, according to its fair meaning, and not strictly for or against any Party. Any term referencing time, days or period for performance shall be deemed calendar days and not work days. All references to Consultant include all personnel, employees, agents, and subcontractors of Consultant, except as otherwise specified in this Agreement. All references to City include its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers except as otherwise specified in this Agreement. The captions of the various articles and paragraphs are for convenience and ease of reference only, and do not define, limit, augment, or describe the scope, content, or intent of this Agreement. RRM Design Group Page 9 of 37 3.5.14 Amendment; Modification: No supplement, modification, or amendment of this Agreement shall be binding unless executed in writing and signed by both Parties. 3.5.15 Waiver: No waiver of any default shall constitute a waiver of any other default or breach, whether of the same or other covenant or condition. No waiver, benefit, privilege, or service voluntarily given or performed by a Party shall give the other Party any contractual rights by custom, estoppel, or otherwise. 3.5.16 No Third Party Beneficiaries: There are no intended third party beneficiaries of any right or obligation assumed by the Parties. 3.5.17 Invalidity; Severability: If any portion of this Agreement is declared invalid, illegal, or otherwise unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect. 3.5.18 Prohibited Interests: Consultant maintains and warrants that it has not employed nor retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for Consultant, to solicit or secure this Agreement. Further, Consultant warrants that it has not paid nor has it agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for Consultant, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. Consultant further agrees to file, or shall cause its employees or subconsultants to file, a Statement of Economic Interest with the City's Filing Officer as required under state law in the performance of the Services. For breach or violation of this warranty, City shall have the right to rescind this Agreement without liability. For the term of this Agreement, no member, officer or employee of City, during the term of his or her service with City, shall have any direct interest in this Agreement, or obtain any present or anticipated material benefit arising therefrom. 3.5.19 Equal Opportunity Employment: Consultant represents that it is an equal opportunity employer and it shall not discriminate against any subcontractor, employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, national origin, handicap, ancestry, sex or age. Such non-discrimination shall include, but not be limited to, all activities related to initial employment, upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising, layoff or termination. Consultant shall also comply with all relevant provisions of City's Minority Business Enterprise program, Affirmative Action Plan or other related programs or guidelines currently in effect or hereinafter enacted. 3.5.20 Labor Certification: By its signature hereunder, Consultant certifies that it is aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the California Labor Code which require every employer to be insured against liability for Worker's Compensation or to undertake self- insurance in accordance with the provisions of that Code, and agrees to comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the Services. RRM Design Group Page 10 of 37 3.5.21 Authority to Enter Agreement: Consultant has all requisite power and authority to conduct its business and to execute, deliver, and perform the Agreement. Each Party warrants that the individuals who have signed this Agreement have the legal power, right, and authority to make this Agreement and bind each respective Party. 3.5.22 Counterparts: This Agreement may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original. 3.6 Subcontracting. 3.6.1 Prior Approval Required: Consultant shall not subcontract any portion of the work required by this Agreement, except as expressly stated herein, without prior written approval of City. Subcontracts, if any, shall contain a provision making them subject to all provisions stipulated in this Agreement. [Signatures on next Page] RRM Design Group Page 11 of 37 CITY OF ROSEMEAD RRM DESIGN GROUP By: Gloria Molleda, City Manager Date Name: Attest: Title: Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk Date [If Corporation, TWO SIGNATURES, President OR Vice President AND Secretary, AND CORPORATE SEAL OF CONTRACTOR REQUIRED] Approved as to Form: By: Name: Rachel Richman Date City Attorney Title: E M O '9 CIVIC PRIDE "4"; :•07 AtoRPORATEO X959 Attachment B Proposal by RRM Design Group Dated August 25, 2020 Proposal Presented to the City of Rosemead on August 25, 2020 2021 -2029 HOUSING ELEMENT & PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES „:„......,.....,..,, •-- s„,,...,„, .-„,,,,-,.„-•:.„..;. ,„, „,.... ..,...,...„,...., r _,„ ..: •,.......„. . ,,..... .. ...W , , „.•••,... 4 . ,7,' :,':::1.,,:i.,.,,,,,,`"„f. . , .c... ,r -� y •r lea w a., p P. ' l . 1 Trr f ,,,i,,,,f, a kQ y tet. � �-�:��� . d. ' II E i _______ .H _ _ ,,,.:, _ "f design group August 25,2020 RE: 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT& PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT LilyValenzuela,Planning &Economic Development Manager Dear Lily, City of Rosemead 8838 EValley Boulevard The Rosemead 2021-2029 Housing Element update (6th Cycle) is not only Rosemead,California necessary to meet State law, but also is an opportunity to support the City's 91770 2018-2020 Strategic Plan by facilitating an array of housing options and well- maintained residential properties.The 6th Cycle "Today's Small Housing Element will be one of the most challenging r r m Town America to date, with an estimated Regional Housing Needs - traditional yet Assessment(RHNA) allocation of 4,700 dwelling design diverse, a true units (4,098 more units than the 5th Cycle), stricter group neighborhood in site eligibility requirements focused on development an urban setting, feasibility,and a fast-paced changing housing legislation CREATING -Rosemead's2018-2020 landscape. In addition, the timeline is tight with Housing ENVIRONMENTS Strategic Plan Element adoption needed by October 2021. In addition, PEOPLE ENJOY Senate Bill 379 (SB 379) triggers companion focused updates to the City's www.rrmdesign.com Public Safety Element which will be addressed as part of this effort.With these challenges in mind, we have assembled a team uniquely positioned for 32332 Camino this assignment. Capistrano,Ste.205 San Juan Capistrano,CA We Offer Exceptional Housing Element Expertise... 92675 p:(949)361-7950 Recognized as a leader in Housing Element preparation, our outstanding f(949)361-7955 partner for this assignment, Veronica Tam +Associates, will bring expertise to strategically advise on State Housing Element law requirements, project process and schedule, and recent housing-related legislation.Veronica's work has been recognized as model Housing Elements by the California Department of Housing and Community Development(HCD). She will provide quality control and assistance in technical analysis/data sources and coordinate with HCD to discuss and negotiate difficult policy decisions. Veronica's expertise is supported by RRM's depth of bench and capacity with over 130 employees. We Know Housing Design and Feasibility... For 45 years, as a multidisciplinary design firm, RRM's architects, planners, urban designers, landscape architects, and engineers have worked extensively with public and private sector housing clients.We know what is feasible and we understand the realities that can stymie housing production. We know the constraints and guidelines of tax credit-funded affordable projects; we have designed them and worked with clients to ensure careful compliance.We know what market-rate developers are willing to do for inclusionary housing needs within their projects.We have planned and designed hundreds of affordable, multifamily, and mixed-use housing units in California. This unique ability allows us to create insightful site feasibility assessments and realistic housing policy, which is even more essential for 6th Cycle success. We Bring Local Knowledge... r r m Our current work on the Rosemead Freeway Mixed-Use Overlay provides a deeper understanding of local context, especially related to housing design opportunities and infill development. This will help us hit the ground running for group preparation of the 6th Cycle Housing Element. In addition, our work throughout the San Gabriel Valley including Alhambra, Temple City, El Monte, and other CREATING cities provides familiarity with local and regional context. Similarly, teammate ENVIRONMENTS Morse Planning Group's work on the Freeway Mixed-Use Overlay environmental PEOPLE compliance brings knowledge and familiarity for this effort. Rosemead is also ENJOY® part of Veronica Tam + Associates' home turf, with their office based in nearby Pasadena. We Love to Collaborate... RRM listens and responds in a collaborative manner employing the skills and experience of various professionals on each job, addressing the demands of the assignment.We have outlined a preliminary community engagement approach tailored for this effort and are prepared to accommodate the need for ongoing social distancing.We welcome further refinement with City staff. Our project manager, Diane Bathgate, has tackled complex projects within politically challenging environments with successful results. We are enthusiastic about working on a project of such importance to Rosemead, and to bring our experiences, resources, and lessons learned from other communities to help you, your civic leaders, and citizens achieve your goals. Our team enjoys working together, is available to begin work immediately, and is fully committed to dedicate time, key personnel, and resources for the duration of the project. If you need more information or have any questions regarding our capabilities, please feel free to contact us! Sincerely, RRM Design Group Diane Bathgate,AIC', 4 U-A . i Williams, CNU-A Principal/Project Manager 'rincipal-in-Charge PROPOSAL FOR 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT & PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Section Name I 1 Firm Profile 5 2 Recent and Relevant Project Experience and Skills Includes Relevant Experience and Skills -and- Documentation of Recent Projects 19 3 Project Approach and Scope of Services 37 4 Project Team and Resumes 49 5 Current and Accessible References 53 6 Cost Breakdown and Rates 61 7 Timeline CONTACT INFORMATION Diane Bathgate, AICP, CNU-A 32332 Camino Capistrano, Ste. 205 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 p: (949) 361-7950 e: dlbathgate@rrmdesign.com GRAPHICS & PHOTOGRAPHS: This document features images of RRM Design Group and its subconsuhant partners'projects,the graphics and photos of which are owned and copyrighted by our respective firms.There are no stock photos or images of any kind used in this proposal. ABOUT RRM DESIGN GROUP: 32332 Camino Capistrano,Ste.205•San Juan Capistrano,CA 92675 p:(949)361-7950•f(949)361-7955 •w:rrmdesign.com California corporation •Leonard Grant,Architect C26973•Robert Camacho,PE 76597•Steven Webster,LS 7561 •Jeff Ferber,PLA 2844 The written and graphic materials contained in this proposal are the exclusive property of RRM Design Group. The unauthorized use of any portion of these text or graphic materials without RRM's prior written consent is expressly prohibited. ©2020 RRM Design Group SITE RENDERING KateIla Platinum Gateway Mixed-Use Development,Anaheim, CA Iddilllib., r j 1 1: iii.L"' _ n , , 1ift:_t_ 111 [In_ _ _ s f I 7 „sl- _._ r ��� b .. r uV 4 t py R# M^ `+ «.,. ` e . /ice sY 4. r4i 4 - ,. .,„ .,,,. `''. y.' ^f' t!r s,l,.r4 [ i3 _ ... �." r _re e ----Lid s , 'w y .^<' r . ,tai" " -z r tori% ,-(i E° ` _. _.. •.:E r, ice • -:, '• } ,�„+�C 4 ' T 4 . _ "- `mo;1:"k. r, ` c WM r I. 6 -P 6 I 0 You'll notice several graphics and LLI t' t..) photos throughout our proposal _I '.. ;.. featuring housing projects cu LL. ,..e designed and implemented by 0 Ee RRM Design Group E = Oe w CI. .., Z c53 Ce Nimini._ — z • . , .. • LI— c'. Ir .4 N E , l _ 4.rii, , ,:3 rz:i `'" .,- ---- - . cz - , i' 7 - I I ______ ! , i. 'c'ilt' v-4 14‘.,.. ct, _ _ BC,'ilir N • s... .. . .r.... „ "ES , c,) 0 Z. •:.:* _-47:,..- ',.. .',. ,,,- P :-.-ti,:4*-.,..,',, -,- ••• ..... . . . .. • ,,...., ,..:.•.,..,,... ..„„ rit ..., . 4 ,..:„...,....:iiiii . .., _ ,.., . • _..i II isii ... ::,. ...:44.414 .1„, ,.... , , -14 , ,I ,... .. , ... .... , . , . .., : . ... . ,..74 ,.... _. . . _.... . T,, .... „....., t. .,.. ,. ... . .. ,, _,..,.. 4 .... . .,. . . . .:.. ..,: .. i Firm Profile I SECTION 1 FIRM PROFILE I RRM Design Group RRM exists because we love creating environments people enjoy. That is rrm what got us into the business over 45 years ago, and it is why we continue to thrive today. Our architects and landscape architects, engineers, design surveyors, and planners work with our clients and their communities to group create the parks our children play in, the roads we drive down on our way to work, the neighborhoods we come home to, and the fire stations that keep our communities safe. CREATING ENVIRONMENTS Our work culture emphasizes collaboration, frequent communication, PEOPLE and accessibility. We're a close partner with our clients, helping them ENJOY® understand and navigate through the project lifecycle.Whether your project is public or private, commercial or residential, we listen, we design, SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO and we deliver. On time. On budget. Since 1974. 32332 Camino Capistrano Ste.205 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 rep:(949)361-7950 �~' Nalik f(949)361-7955 r __ 1� :. . .". ,1W41 „1!,!.is "' ''. SAN LUIS OBISPO 3765 South Higuera St.,Ste. 102 PERSONNEL BY DISCIPLINE San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 6 p:(805)543-1794 134 professionals on staff at RRM Design Group in core disciplines: f(805)543-4609 SANTA BARBARA Landscap Architecture ;Planning 10 East Figueroa St.,Ste. 200 Architecture : l f . Santa Barbara,CA 93101 Civil Engineering Structural Engineering p:(805) 963-8283 Surveying f(805) 963-8184 19 California Licensed Architects SAN LEANDRO 26 Architecture Designers 325 Davis St. 12 California Licensed Civil Engineers San Leandro,CA 94577 2 California Licensed Structural Engineer p:(510) 751-4910 15 Engineering Designers f(510) 686-8831 16 California Licensed Landscape Architects ORGANIZATION TYPE 4 Certified Planners RRM Design Group is a 17 Planning and Landscape Architecture Designers California Corporation and I Licensed Surveyor 100%Employee Owned 4 Surveying Technicians 21 Administrative Support Staff RATES Our hourly rate 20 LEED®Accredited Professionals schedule can be 4 Congress for New Urbanism Accredited Professionals found in Section 6 City of Rosemead I PROPOSAL FOR 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT& PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES 3 SECTION 1 I Firm Profile FIRM PROFILE I Veronica Tam +Associates OFFICE LOCATION: Veronica Tam + Associates (VTA)was established in 2005 to provide housing 107 S. Fair Oaks and community development services. Their clients range from small rural Avenue, Suite 212 communities, medium-sized suburban cities, to large cities and metropolitan Pasadena, CA 91 101 areas. VTA's small, but dedicated staff brings together experience from both the public and private sectors and various disciplines.VTA provides a full PHONE: range of housing-related services, including: (626) 304-0440 • Housing Element updates • Zoning code amendments for housing-related issues • Affordable housing policies and plans • Community outreach • HUD Consolidated Plans, fair housing studies, and related reports • HUD grants management and technical assistance • Environmental clearance for housing-related plans and projects VTA works closely with clients to address difficult and sensitive issues.Their strengths include: • Excellent reputation in the area of housing policy planning in terms of the quality of our works and our client- oriented attitude.VTA's focus is to find practical solutions to complex issues. • Excellent relationship with staff at the State Department of Housing and Community Devel-opment(HCD) and at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).VTA's staff collaborates closely with HCD and HUD in designing innovative approaches to address specific issues. • Diversity and expertise of our staff.VTA has seasoned housing planners with experience in both the private and public sectors. FIRM PROFILE I Morse Planning Group OFFICE LOCATION: In May 2014, Collette L. Morse,AICP founded Morse Planning Group 145 North C Street (MPG),a Sole Proprietor, after 28 years of working for private consulting Tustin, CA 92780 firms. MPG provides a range of planning services, including staff support for public agencies, assistance to private sector clients in meeting governmental PHONE: agency requirements, and analysis, technical review, and management of (949) 466-9283 environmental documents for CEQA and NEPA compliance. PLANNING SERVICES: General Plans; Specific Plans; Community Participation Programs; Project Management and Coordination; Consultant Coordination; Governmental Agencies/ Public Liaison ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES: Environmental Impact Reports; Initial Studies, Negative Declarations/Mitigated Negative Declarations; Addendums, NEPA Document Preparation; Mitigation Monitoring Programs; Public Participation Programs; CEQA Document Review; Peer Review of CEQA and NEPA Documents, Noticing; Statements of Overriding Considerations; Findings; Subconsultant Coordination PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Client assistance to facilitate and/or manage projects, including project schedules, billing, and oversight of consultants and subconsultants 4 ��irrm SITE PHOTO Moylan Terrace Multifamily Development, San Luis Obispo, CA 2 ... ,..... (,) ,, .... .• u -1 '.'4'. .,, 0 ! Ce 44 Z Cs 4_ - L rrww -�C Tr ,.,.-.,•.I - '°tea` ! Ly W rkr 's'.. .,,,,,:,_,...,,-- � � „'—� - u lizzir --.111),03„,,04.41 ...I. --'41iti"P•r r•-•1 < LU Zi . '' C•L'' ,*.I il -•:•,_fri, '''''-'''7 1"-'1 0 I "„jr. 0 x' F. I cr ci° -7-4.-.- '.' 1-•''':;11. '',.Q.,.fi '''''' Z 7.0 ''- --,,----4etv.yr.v. ,‘,-tia# dM_ City of Rosemead I PROPOSAL FOR 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT& PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES 5 ® ®*® rr m Ycnoncw Twr•AnsocwT cs design group A NOTE ABOUT OUR RECENT AND RELEVANT PROJECTS The experience highlighted in this section begins with three Housing Element updates completed by Veronica Tam +Associates,followed by three relevant projects by RRM Design Group. We round out this section summarizing RRM's skills and expertise in policy planning, design, and built housing projects, which we feel amplify our qualifications for Rosemead. Recent and Relevant Project Experience and Skills I SECTION 2 NOTABLE INFO & STATS: nIJn II +® Client:City of Seaside 440 Harcourt Avenue,Seaside,CA 93955 VERONICA TAM & ASSOCIATES Contact:Gloria Stearns Director of Community Development, (831)899-6830 Dates:2016-2020 SEASIDE HOUSING ELEMENT 2016 SEASIDE, CA The City of Seaside is a small coastal community with limited vacant and underutilized land ; I(J 2 (except in the former Fort Ord). Seaside's future "E"' "" residential growth will occur primarily on small infill projects and redevelopment of underutilized high density residential and mixed-use properties, ., ' * i w a lg. particularly within the West Broadway Urban I I I Village Specific Plan area. I ', The fifth cycle Housing Element update was delayed due to lack of funding and the desire to ".,f4 coordinate with the comprehensive update to the General Plan. In 2016, the City initiated the Seaside General Plan 2040 program. The Housing 4 4 r. , Element must work hand-in-hand with the land "= t' use policies to create additional opportunities for housing and establish appropriate standards and f" incentives to facilitate housing. Ar,.• I 11 r4 IUJO t at s ka1 111 g LI City of Rosemead I PROPOSAL FOR 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT&PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES 7 SECTION I Recent and Relevant Project Experience and Skills MI +® NOTABLE INFO & STATS: I �nn� ll Client:City of Long Beach VERONICA TAM & ASSOCIATES 333 West Ocean Blvd.,Suite 3 Long Beach,CA 90802 Contact:Patrick Ure,Housing LONG B EACHOperations Officer,(831)899-6830 Dates:January 2013-February 2014 CONSOLIDATED PLAN, ASSESSMENT OF FAIR HOUSING, AND HOUSING ELEMENT IMPLEMENTATION LONG BEACH, CAII ., 1 N r VTA and the City of Long Beach worked together b ,I 1 fi to identify pressing fair housing and community - I. development issues present in the City, and create , ' , I l ,i 1 I :,+! L: 11 tangible goals and actions for implementation. HUD's 1���,�. ;m' �'1 %x ., new Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule explicitly directs jurisdictions to incorporate fair housing planning into existing planning processes. ,Mr4 Therefore, pursuant to HUD guidelines, in developing '"" ity the City's Consolidated Plan, VTA and the City T * 1� 11 worked to incorporate the City's AFH goals and - �1�111 �I , I II�IR. ���j il priorities, as well as align with other planning efforts n�'� 1 1 ', '' such as the Housing Element and specific plans, The ''' ' _ , r Long Beach AFH received high commendations from \ — !�►�"..4414 !' HUD as one of the best models in the nation. VTA is also assisting the City in developing ., implementation programs as a follow-up to its -.44,14"---_ , s Housing Element, Specifically, VTA is assisting the '.• /' .= City in updating its Coastal Housing Replacement and ; _ "4t Condominium Conversion Ordinances. r `�' r:S. st �} ,� ' - ��L `' , 't'• 1,'.3{ i - -, i r,„ ,__._ ., , i' 1 iii iiirrm Recent and Relevant Project Experience and Skills I SECTION 2 © *® NOTABLE INFO & STATS: Inllii(I VERONICA TAM & ASSOCIATES Client:City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino,CA 95014 Contact:Piu Ghosh,Principal CUPERTI NOPlanner,(760)777-3308 Dates:February 2014-March 2015 HOUSING ELEMENT 2014 CUPERTINO, CA The City of Cupertino is home to a diverse and politically engaged community. The 2014 Housing Element was developed in conjunction with an update of the City's General Plan Land Use ;g &, Element and sought to redesignate a number of potential sites for higher intensity residential or ti VA, j . . i; mixed-use development. VTA worked with City �` ~ ! : - to. staff to develop a detailed inventory of priority , . ; ittk\ , ' I T housing sites for the Housing Element as well as an alternative contingency plan to rezone/upzone - approximately 25 acres of residential land in ' order to meet the City's assigned 2014 Regional Needs Housing Allocation (RHNA). ;= �; ,,, �,n'n AA. ----- 1,--=." to" ' -- q ill . Because this rezoning was met with vigorous - „i community opposition, VTA and the City 11 ,,,, ., „� , IN ,,-1. engaged in an extensive and carefully crafted �- � ^ I 1 community outreach process comprised of over I„'t''' 'i � iLi \+� 20 community meetings and public hearings to h help navigate residents and stakeholders through the process of rezoning critical sites—successfully »t •- .,,,% , earning HCD certification of the Housing '. s Element along the way. - r,` III A ig' of , ,- ,._ j - , , - , A !E� . I!I'! ; , } ; 4 1 �- ,` .I,. la VI 7...- IN rB"�, , ' 19--r .1.- City of Rosemead 1 PROPOSAL FOR 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT&PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES 9 SECTION 2 I Recent and Relevant Project Experience and Skills 11 SEs /Aopir,;->,,,,_.----------.,,,,,,,, , I ....iii..... ,..,4,th..-0,,,,, '''''' .*".ii'41`--4 ,, 'I% -t- ;-1: :'''''•t,-,,,.,rt'i'14 4:.:''r ''i -.° -4 ;;;:.,„,7 rpltili.::ma.1.5 -1-1 r. . . .i,--z, -11 .:1 rrt 3 , r . '''''''''fr..p,Ai.-,..--t---• ' $.1. ..,,;-7.,. L L.,?....7,-- . ' 1 4*-; *tisig ,•.. . ,-gt ir. \A-AU- \ .1 la 1 \ IN f. fie- 11 te$$AVA.• Lemon Emets '... .., ,;i k' 0.--- j • ` TIO, -------"Z----;. a» ` 00.+...s. ;,I:-�: j d^sod -.: . ,j'„_'.. El,F f ° "'Y 8 lM1_rTN NiWrun.P.malw sa_� ..11111 if � � �� �;s- IyRezone Sees ! ... -... "� 1 J iii ;.!' "" I ' •4 r I ke:: - --_:._, u r LRecentand Relevant Project Experience and Skills I SECTION 2 1 Me ', + "� -----1—... ): -,i ,,, •, a A: ‘4 Igo-.Nil .!''''', .thgiLi � ,, � ; �yrs= �4 ' `l ' ° : ai 1i'� liJ q ye � a _,,,,.L.,::, 4 trwor 0 i �,f Tom' L �lj�Wf■ ,�// >.la ''' ' . ,.;�,,.. \1.11�r- � "Aar1iil 7 . ; SECTION I Recent and Relevant Project Experience and Skills VENTURA COUNTY b1 ail 2040 GENERAL PLAN UPDATE What is a General Plan and Award of Excellence: Public Outreach Why Does Ours Need Updating ? APA Central Coast,2020 State law requires General Plans are long- General Plans are General Plans must The County of Ventura a city and county to term plans for growth and updated periodically to accommodate General Plan was have a General Plaff community development, conform with shilling projected State originally written in 1989, T they are typically in effect needs and demands of population estimates. last"technical update' 0 I "AR for 20 to 30 years. the community. was in 2005. N I Community Outreach Outreach by the Numbers e ounty conducted extensive community outreach during \Plrlbel c`CpmmutdteWarvahops 12 summer 2016 to learn what people like most about the What is zoning and h o W is i t county.what challenges they see.and what ideas they rave Workshep Participants 254 to addressag these challenges To get feedback.staff from different from a General Plan? the County Planning Division held 12 cemmutdy wokPlops nubllC OYtrCMh RMpo^SES and Comms^. 4,725 throughout the county set up a booth at the Ventura County I-a Oueslorm.rePartluvants 135 alirlax.and rece veC,npo lr°i an onlne gr est°inane Zoning ordinances implement General Plan=_ ,, ,,,, sada and provide specifics on what can be built where. development standards,and parking requirements. Participant Distribution:by Location L°ckwootl Valley Santa Monica Mountains Dian 16 Valley con.,. Q VENTURA COUNTY!Din 2040 GENERAL PLAN UPDATE a^' nnh Oak Park 32 �•11•y 24 28 Central 1 2 Project Phases and Milestones Saticoy un &EI R Cu ,,mmun,uSanta Rosa Valley Heritage 40 Tierra v.. vanay 23 23 vall.y What have we done? You are here! 1.Initiate Project 3.Affirm 5.Prepare the i 7.Prepare Final the Vision General Plan i Documents and _Co-mpletedJ and Guiding I Adoption What We Heard from the Public Principles Winter 201910 j-Completed j Public Review Soap/Summer ....__ 2020 111111111 I MEM ME0©000 What ue Hort About Ventura County Aytumand Reach af « Community Engagement.4 dcWF•• '"'7 :: ur algpart CMMumaa Apdoutum and Fenn Whit peub make pur Cammunlly aatNr 't• �t••iOd i __ lam .rte;` 2 F-epare the 4.Evaluate I e.Conduct -aeneats symhes,or1,72.5 putter comments. • Background Alternatives Environmental • ReportReview i Completed'; Winter 2018 to Completed i Speng 2020 2 I Ventura County a,40u.n.ralpvn rrm The County of Ventura, Resource Management Agency, design Planning Division hired RRM Design Group to perform group professional planning work in support of its General Plan VENTURA COUNTY Update. As part of this effort, RRM developed a branded design and conducted a peer review of the 2040 General GENERAL PLAN CONTRACT Plan. Community engagement materials were developed in PLANNING English and Spanish to serve workshops and focus group VENTURA COUNTY, CA meetings, and a newsletter was produced to provide an NOTABLE INFO & STATS: lab overview of the project. RRM is also assisting the County Client:County of Ventura with affordable housing inventory methodologies and 800 South Victoria Avenue,L#1740 strategies for compliance with RHNA(Regional Housing Ventura,CA 93009 Contact:Susan Curtis,General Plan Needs Assessment) requirements. Future tasks may include Update Manager,(805)654-2497 data collection and analysis, report preparation, public Dates:2019-Present contact and assistance, public workshop logistics, planning administration assistance, and other related duties necessary RRM SERVICES PROVIDED: "' Planning to meet the General Plan Update preparation objectives of the Planning Division. 12 iii rrm i, 3 galaAl tet" Recent �- , ,.:^ f and Relevant Project Experience and Skills SECTION 2 1Ur • li` iik. Q 1 II j '' . •' '''... ..i.."%i ' :'';''•.' -.,triir>...'" '- i :42`...-,-;.;‹,":::---- „...7" #'''''''ile;44i /7 ,,,,,..f 4, 4:''''''7,.,,--- ,..1(' A 1,' S 1 " ';,.., ' \, ‘'f.,::„-- . ----.:-..„ ' ` — ''''' . ,r, ' /1.-'4 1'-'", 7. /' , Ity. `e.> . 't.0- Iii Ni ✓� i.�. l /` ;1 ,!I ,. , ' 4 :1 ..4 ,1.7',1 ''a .1 f _ . roti' /,it#5I ., �tit, t ,kill i :.1 • %% _ . • / ! 1:110„. � . a ,r. -„,-,4�� . ',•4. P� h e I. .. ,,,F....,_______—:, -: ,....,1. ill a''t4r , +A. ' :f' f 1 f-4 If y la r :1,,: /P , , , ' , _ iii II "': -';A • . •< x �` Iwo w til.r . i .' 1 I I ay t °3'i "C 76,;:...1_, ,,,,:;,,,,,,, :-r: • R" , 4. w rte"''.1".a .p -,,„4 , . .--' • 'L'• 7 .. F_ i i..._ ' ,x.- r 9� UP NEXT: One of the most important distinguishing factors between RRM and other consultants is the depth of our portfolio. We not only know how to develop advance planning documents, but we also design and implement projects within the framework they establish. Simply stated: we know how to get things built! The pages that follow provide samples of our policy planning, design work, and built housing projects. We have also provided information on our approach to community engagement, including outreach strategies specific to COVID-19. City of Rosemead I PROPOSAL FOR 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT&PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES 13 SECTION 2 I Recent and Relevant Project Experience and Skills I P O IL ICY oT NO 2.6 AREA-WIDE I ].6.1 SITE PLANNING AGE CONTAINERS ,._=7.,,i,nrvvly:..".w,e.rd=a uwu..v`.vnw,.,==. yy� 23.6 BARRIO PERIMETER SUPPLEMENTAL DISTRICT STANDARDS tete .neewwon x,umx xsnro a. Standard Int.,ptetMion— r'• �.� a.,,,P.e , . 11,$. s OP 2.6 AREA WIDE R'Min ....04, „?......A....... WO r _r t f ^ 2.6.2 PLACEMENT AND ORIENTATION == vaxmv.r. .� rr Standards Interpretutim L„,...,.,..../.. ...** tgi ' ="e==s;:e'''"'''' w.a.ae xmnn.e W ¢aim o ft.SERVICE AND DELIVERY as warn LTffi182 il tete_... iNG HEIGHT ` n. ISMed..-.1116. _ .e u.. erww L L, Xf,,,,"r mxi.w .re*Plme�m..e n IllItt : ".SUILDING MASSING -.00011111111101 1, i t _ r rr . .n..w z► RRM projects featured here: Santa Clarita A Community Character and Design Guidelines, Carlsbad Village and Barrio Master Plan, Yucaipa Citywide lat, ,........—....... t Design Guidelines, El Monte Downtown TOD Specific • Plan,Morro Bay Zoning Code Update i WHAT IS ZONING? • �. j Me Gene.Plan/Local Coastal Plan sets forth a wraera -� j CTigt yconae used term ad, o lder Fa.lath Cr. ns I property con nI u un In mngve mase VIP neS OCCpybuils the body lruga and rehvlaton,g controls,Tat aan anOne aracter a, tete well as Anal buildings and,Hes.tagng and also cl the loan and character of devekaornent,such as the dm and height oIbuMFhandalso nebd.povidonesl s5,5lint :�venebp�and uses vat It into e. ryneighborhoods by...hag the ragsrw being Fimke the adverse ellects that buMngs or ung one properly can have on a ,.antl MI,. How to enmp,aae op...e.BbpmeM patterns and acnvres within a community. as e`peued in panind Pottier. xan Saar SW U. • WHAT ZONING CAN DO ..rx......:.,..,,,, m�x used to Implement the ad noree, n a genera pla and otter otra use • . *a... •a-•* , plan rumens tonnhcmda b..mh. .do..... *d•••_• mee`�t» FSS a tp:mw'i>n -la .. ."....2..... J zonc,uses man _ e appropecte mh al m at mpue Wes,- �4.:.««.. "'""""'" clry of ”ebieoploppvmomiao Oa 11.,..• at tleyammentadde,�nman.. P... la o a,.an n vaa n 'noa w/Ia �oR�BAy « tett.. Ws*,tSanma ..pert potbH tete nedhnorhoc,or ser .rano eeta standards atlne �(!�/j' dtma ,tete • Prod...the p»rewlatbn,arra deyebpmenl .y.▪ ..ratter '"' Pr..n p m..°ammca at what land use.. ^p.......11, eN they may be developed Investors barrel,„amen. oeHV.bp�teotpM°°nand,`eduCedthe neatl tar maser MORRp pap WHAT ZONING CANNOT DO mUP Uj,There BAy wx.x,.....xe. ▪adarr�mord pins n a tAadd dInim gar. le Diff R, ..r...«. 5. aux such pea „s ...r.. .....,r Ix....,.te,:.:.„.,,.. •1,.....rr..w..a.11..aaa tete ., _-tete tete,- tete .�. • ..�. .......w .ate -b Sa'3 Ni ...*ext .:g�.r•ttt—. .r. tete tete.._ ,. r,+.! .-u....•..ar... r. ae.t lass aw 14 ilirrm Recent and Relevant Project Experience and Skills I SECTION 2 • .,„,. voi fR5LiIZ11i i limookang,fil. - .-,54.,„,„ 0..,:i ,' 1.[2Li ala [ 1�mil it "L- T-111:::11 �! I�� .. --_ _ _-_-. 1 °'` r1 . f v V'♦ .'.. - ./'1 E ,, , j,, .., , ..' -i, `tea. .. . ., , jail ,, _,,,... . -, ,.. ,, -_ r. 71. 1 / i„ ..,„i1 W. _ 1 • I by�•_... RRM projects featured here:Old Town `1� a,( r, '= z Village (Goleta),Arroyo Grande Collective t \ _ ` • �,'''' ,ti - Affordable Housing, Serra Meadows Affordable ,� �� ��,. `` -_ ; ' Housing(San Luis Obispo), Vistas at Pismo Village (Pismo Beach), Camarillo Commons,Marsh _ 1,1 'I u�� s Ap. Al �, . ,,, < Street Mixed-Use (San Luis Obispo), Emerald _ �,t u - + r '"�goy w Ridge Apartments Atascadero Johnson Court ire SAriggii MOM likiii t Y. Veterans Transitional Housing(Santa Barbara), a . _„ ��'M Casa Flores Multifamily(Santa Barbara) miaginimim' a ..seanii,,..--44,4,-. .. L -i.' ,.......- ,,, - - iftl jill mss` ,,, + mu - ''. , —.s- . 46 �► �•: At 1" ..,—` .•3® ��" ,,,,til ',. al'A . v 0111119i,.... / - f s w �r 1 x mm �' y ,' . .07'1 ,.� T,ff ,. 11 w.1-r.#* + iq , ,:','.1-1 ' p a 1 ; ; i 1 ly+t.!l� it I`' 1 •t+ l� .i+.i .1 1h.. _-.- w'.._ .,luif�l �• 11.1u*- Iat , • _ 'V, 1 ,,t S ' & 4: , , •..t....- • 1 .r' IIS r ;�"Irk'' v. City of Rosemead I PROPOSAL FOR 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT&PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES 15 SECTION I Recent and Relevant Project Experience and Skills } ', '- . w- - -,.•,.',,._,. N.- 114r" �° `'moi :_ 71111k. ? MINN,' iiihodo,: 1 U A 6r: 71ini-3 ✓ -•!....,,,, Yy • - 0• ' / ..„,.. . _ ...., ': El It - �� _ ________ 74: ,. - _-_ woe '-',i r ....%i ,,' � �• �- r Ie . i=4 -• a vj4t • ' u. R ye - , IMPLEMENTATION41.0" { RRM projects featured here:Bradley Studios 0 I � ;III�I (Santa Barbara), Balboa Remodel(Newport Beach),Moylan Terrace (San Luis Obispo), Rodney Fernandez Gardens (Santa Paula), Hancock Terrace(Santa Maria), Serra Meadows 3 ,f,, (San Luis Obispo), Casa Las Granadas (Santaij Barbara), Trillium (Arroyo Grande), Paseo ,. Chapala (Santa Barbara) " '''^ . • 4T 11 ,, • : y ., -� y-. ' iI '! • y i ti r . s '41:th i.___..., _ __________ .0 ,.,.. a, . 'IP ; - . . . . . imi ill .f �, ■•ice - y-- ' .. _..._ I 14°10\ _.. .... � aft rr . i fjpAl'. • � 1MO . - 1 - irgir, j 17 16 rrrn Recent and Relevant Project Experience and Skills I SECTION 2 A FRESH TAKE Communication in our modern era has become increasingly distant, making effective and thorough engagement with communities and stakeholders ON COMMUNITY more challenging.Our team utilizes a variety of methods to engage participants of diverse backgrounds, education levels,and abilities with ENGAGEMENT a cross-platform approach that gives agencies the ability to listen, offer remote participation,and collect feedback from all voices in the community. Hit the streets ata • tt safe social distance 4 Connect with stakeholders in V 1 . 411111LINI places where they already are •Pop-up engagement (4441/116, •Walking toursV iiiP .* •Stakeholder interviews •Student involvement NITY 9pEN "WSE y Get the word out vir . 4 Strengthen participation �• Bring people through education and notification together for 3 •Project website and branding II I conversation •Social media advertising ,,.' , t:t4k Virtual or in-person platforms •Newsletters and e-blasts iOr to engage a broad cross- •Mailers or flyers `.- section of stakeholders • Community ambassadors •Project committees • Youth organizations •Decision-maker input •Community workshops •, . Engaging with •Open houses .1. , online tools •Design charrettes ��� 'a► Engage with key demographics ' ` "'" that are traditionally not k: ' represented •Pre-recorded videos •Live streaming ., ; I •Mobile apps a Scan with 'r•� r T' �`0 , 5�. •Online and real-time surveys L.; camera app A; 7 :• f •Google/Microsoft forms - �r �y�' } or click icon .41,1 t iii e •Zoom meetings and polling ' "•:::.1--Tp.:.,..- • to learn more! r:i�+ •• .i City of Rosemead I PROPOSAL FOR 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT& PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES 17 SITE RENDERING Arlington Village Multi-Family Development,Santa Barbara, CA I. , I IF'. r \.\. off J1/ / ��,4 - 4� rte ,-� _ ` ,d' ♦,yam s. �•• s,-Mk ' , Jr 4... , ,,� ..,,,-_-_,----.---.7....--,~� . �-- - ` . - syr , r- _ ::: �.,' a{i # t -11)1 , 31;E `711117 ai r.. ' :. ?' r °� 1 r��. 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',-- - .- - •r, ,,J,,,,, li .,=,--- iifi., 5e,„ - rJ `L j.� 1.iti `v, _ '..�"y �; ' „„ , x o. saaln.1as.ivauraa£jaJns aggnd 78 auautaa 6u1snoy 6ZOZ-IZOZ..sof!nsodo.Jd rn S3 D IAI3 S JO 3d ODS a Ny H DVO dddV 1D31011d • .. ei i f ' E ,rI , . ,rt.,, E 'ae.: k F 1 • t I. dAy �r` I," , V �. . �: , • - TA- /- „.„..,,. ,,*„.4: \-- , . . - ......„.......„ ,-.. , ,-, _ 1 ao•• 1 .. �' '-�r .yam • � i rte+ , N.! r , '! • r +,. _. f - Project Approach and Scope of Services I SECTION 3 x r a ;.-:';';:::,4::::,..,:i.,-;,, d , s g '�+ ;" Own f - - t - � ......-!�. lis�+q•.,, ' �y. i ` -em. l' PROJECT APPROACH AND SCOPE OF SERVICES The City of Rosemead is poised to commence preparation of the 6th Cycle Housing Element.The Southern California Association of Governments has estimated a total of 4,604 dwelling units for Rosemead in the 6th Cycle Regional Housing Needs Assessment(RHNA) numbers.In contrast,the previous 5th Cycle Housing Element addressed a RHNA of 602 units.Key challenges that must be navigated for successful Housing Element adoption include not only an increased RHNA allocation,but also strict site eligibility requirements focusing on development feasibility and a fast-pasted changing housing legislation landscape.In addition,a focused update to the City's Public Safety Element is required as part of this process to satisfy SB 379. In preparing this scope of work,we carefully reviewed the issued RFP,the existing Rosemead Housing Element and General Plan,and other available City documents.In addition,the City has requested focused updates to the Public Safety Element in compliance with SB 379 relating to potential local climate change related risks. Proposed tasks follow those outlined in the issued RFP and subsequently issued addendum with City Council adoption of the updated Housing Element planned for October 202I.We have crafted the proposed work plan based on our knowledge of the project context and professional experience.However,we are prepared to refine tasks as necessary to best satisfy City objectives,budget,and timeframes. TASK1 : PROJECT (such as turnaround times) • Review and refinement of the public outreach ADMINISTRATION strategy TASK 1.1 PROJECT KICK-OFF MEETING Deliverables: RRM Design Group with Veronica Tam Associates • Meeting agenda and list of data needs (VTA) and Morse Planning Group (MPG) will • Meeting summary with project goals, objectives, and prepare for and conduct an initial kick-off meeting action items with City staff.This task is anticipated to be conducted as a conference call and include the following topics: TASK 1.2 PROJECT SCHEDULE • Identification of key project contacts and DEVELOPMENT information exchange The Project Team will work with City staff to • Review of project objectives, scope of work, and finalize a project schedule within ten (10) working project timeline days after the kick-off meeting and include tasks and • Discussion of issues to be focused on during the milestones for certification of the Housing Element project by State HCD no later than October 15, 2021.The • Identification of optimal working relationship refined schedule will address project milestones, City of Rosemead I PROPOSAL FOR 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT&PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES 21 SECTION 3 I Project Approach and Scope of Services review times, public outreach timing, environmental TASK 2: HOUSING ELEMENT documentation preparation and review, and EXISTING CONDITIONS anticipated State HCD review and certifications r timelines. ISSUES, OPPORTUNITIES Deliverables: AND CHALLENGES • Refined final project schedule TASK 2.1 CURRENT HOUSING ELEMENT TASK 1.3 PROJECT COORDINATION REVIEW Project management and coordination includes The Rosemead 2014-2012 Housing Element will be regular communication between the project evaluated to determine the revisions that must be manager and the City.The project manager, in made to comply with current State law and HCD conjunction with VTA, will coordinate the overall requirements.This evaluation will be submitted project schedule. This task is intended to allow for as a written outline with recommended changes necessary coordination between the project team (including relevant justification) and areas for members and City staff, including teleconferences, improvement, programs that should be considered, meetings, correspondence, record keeping, and any other relevant housing issues that might be electronic file management, and additional necessary included in this update. Obsolete sections shall be coordination. This task includes the review of identified for removal. In collaboration with City deliverables and coordination of strategy with VTA. staff, the Consultant Team will prepare an analysis of the City's progress toward meeting the identified Deliverables: goals, policies, and programs since the adoption of • Ongoing project management and coordination the 2014-2021 Housing Element. (assumes 2 hours per month over the course of 12 months) This task will include review of documents relevant • Meeting summaries with action items to the Housing Element update: • 2014-2021 Housing Element • All past communication with HCD, including any findings letters • Land Use Element • General Plan ar = • Housing Element Annual Progress Reports „ , � .11 • Adopted and draft specific plans and zoning + 1 amendments • Municipal code/zoning code 'rraes Deliverables: Evaluation of the existing Housing Element, General , � •, ` �( .r � ,.' Plan,Zoning Ordinance, and other supporting :r , materials in comparison to current State housing law t �da - • Evaluation of results from previous housing ;'; , t .` 4�. programs and policies implemented, and their '4”• ^t .sear•7 = effectiveness, including review and evaluation of the City's 2019 Annual Housing Progress Report L, 22 irrl l I Project Approach and Scope of Services I SECTION 3 • Memorandum summarizing the evaluation findings to determine which sites are still viable RHNA sites and recommendations to staff provided in electronic based on the following new state law requirements: format, formatted as a section for integration into • Conduct additional analysis for sites smaller the Housing Element update than one-half acre or larger than 10 acres • Conduct additional analysis for underutilized sites • Identify sites included in the past two housing TASK 2.2 HOUSING ASSESSMENT AND element cycles that are now required to allow NEEDS ANALYSIS affordable housing by-right A housing assessment and needs analysis will • Identify if sites are publicly owned be prepared pursuant to State housing law. • Indicate whether a site has available or planned The Consultant Team will obtain and analyze and accessible infrastructure demographic, economic, infrastructure and housing data needed to complete this task. The housing We will update the site selection criteria to identify assessment and needs analysis will contain the new sites and reevaluate sites identified for the following topics to satisfy Government Code 5th Cycle Housing Element land inventory. As part Section 65583(a) requirements: of the site selection process, we will consider the • Demographics, income, and employment trends General Plan policies and land use density range, • Household characteristics zoning, available infrastructure, and opportunities • Housing stock characteristics within approved specific plans. We will formulate • At-risk housing analysis; analysis of special General Plan and zoning strategies that will address housing needs additional housing unit capacity. • Affirmatively furthering fair housing analysis As part of the housing sites analysis, our multi- Deliverables discipline team will complete the following: • Housing needs assessment outline • Document potential sites -We will • Draft housing needs assessment, electronic format prepare an inventory, map, and analysis clearly • Final updated housing needs assessment, electronic illustrating the City's capacity to accommodate format, formatted as a section for integration into the 6th Cycle RHNA. In keeping with state law, the Housing Element update we will document the realistic development capacity of each site and prepare a map showing all identified sites. The sites inventory will be TASK 2.3 HOUSING PARCEL compiled using the HCD template. IDENTIFICATION ANALYSIS • Investigate alternative RHNA credits The Southern California Association of -This includes analyzing the capacity for Governments has estimated a total of 4,604 dwelling alternative RHNA credits for accessory units for Rosemead in the 6th cycle Regional dwelling units,guest quarters, preservation Housing Needs Assessment(RHNA) numbers: 1,151 of existing at-risk affordable housing projects, very low income, 636 low income, 685 moderate and other similar, nontraditional RHNA credit income, and 2,131 above moderate income.The opportunities. Draft 6th cycle RHNA is expected to be released on • Ensure sites affirmatively further fair September 3, 2020. housing-We will work with City staff to determine if the sites identified in the inventory The previous 5th Cycle Housing Element addressed are located throughout the community in a a RHNA of 602 unites. We will use the current sites manner that affirmatively furthers fair housing. inventory as a starting point and work with the City City of Rosemead I PROPOSAL FOR 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT&PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES 23 SECTION 3 I Project Approach and Scope of Services • Underutilized sites analysis -We will of factors that may potentially constrain the complete an analysis of nonvacant sites to development, improvement, and preservation address a portion of the RHNA. As part of this of housing in Rosemead. New housing element task, we will analyze the realistic development laws require the assessment of non-governmental potential within the planning period by constraints, including NIMBYism, lending practices, considering the extent that a nonvacant site's shortage of labor, and other economic factors.This existing use impedes additional residential work will include review of existing City regulations, development, the jurisdiction's past experience codes, and standards related to housing.Where converting existing uses to higher density constraints exist, strategies will be proposed to residential development, market trends and address them. conditions, and regulatory or other incentives or standards that encourage additional housing Deliverables development on any nonvacant sites. • Memorandum in electronic format summarizing • Analyze the feasibility of applicable the findings of the housing constraints analysis, densities to meet the lower-income formatted for integration into the Housing Element RHNA-Typically,this is done by reviewing update similarly situated built projects in the vicinity, calling local developers, and reviewing pro formas/development applications submitted to TASK 2.5 GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY the City to infer development feasibility. The Housing Element will be revised to ensure • Infrastructure analysis -With supporting consistency with other General Plan elements, GIS data provided by the City, we will work compliance with State law, and certification by to determine if parcels included in the October 2021.The updated Housing Element will inventory have sufficient water, sewer, and be prepared under Task 3.A list of recommended dry utilities supply available and accessible to revisions for other General Plan elements may be support housing development.This analysis provided for internal consistency is not required to be parcel-specific.We will review existing General Plan programs or Deliverables other mandatory programs or plans to secure • Memorandum in electronic format summarizing sufficient water, sewer, and dry utilities supply recommended General Plan revisions to support housing development on the site. Deliverables TASK 2.6 REVISED MAPS AND FIGURES • Draft Memorandum on methodology and summary Maps and figures in the Housing Element will be of analysis findings in electronic format(PDF and revised in accordance with recommended changes. Word) In addition, maps and figures in related General Plan • Final Memorandum elements may be amended as mutually determined to ensure consistency in the General Plan. TASK 2.4 HOUSING PRODUCTION Deliverables CONSTRAINTS ANALYSIS • Housing Element maps and figures, formatted for Potential governmental and non-governmental integration into the Housing Element update constraints to housing production will be identified, including environmental and infrastructural constraints.This analysis must contain a review 24 mrrrri Project Approach and Scope of Services 1 SECTION 3 TASK3: FACILITATION development of housing for all income levels. OF REVIEW OF DRAFT ' Analysis of housing opportunities, along with an inventory of suitable sites and the City's HOUSING ELEMENT AND capacity to meet regional housing goals. ' A Housing Element(2021-2029) implementation APPROVAL OF FINAL program including quantifiable objectives and HOUSING ELEMENT programs to address housing needs for all income levels and special needs populations TASK 3.1 ONGOING STAFF REVIEW (the elderly, veterans, and populations with DRAFT OF HOUSING ELEMENT SECTIONS disabilities, or experiencing homelessnes s). For A draft Housing Element and Implementation Plan each program included in the Housing Element, will be prepared in compliance with all applicable the time frame for implementation, specific State and federal laws, including all tables and maps, objectives, funding sources, and responsible and shall include the following: agencies will be identified.The programs will • Updated housing, population, demographic, satisfy requirements of Government Code and employment data to coincide with SCAG Sections 65583(b) and (c). growth projections, and ACS data. To the extent feasible, SCAG's HCD-preapproved The issued RFP suggests that drafts of each Housing data package will be used to update the needs Element section be provided for staff review as work assessment. progresses. In our experience, review of a complete • Assessment of the housing and market draft document provides for a more efficient and conditions and immediate needs within the City, productive review process and we look forward including special housing needs. to developing a mutually agreeable approach.We • Identification of actual and potential constraints ask that we receive one consolidated set of City on the maintenance, improvement, and comments electronically on the administrative draft. Mgt"0 ens liN 0:6* /nl1111/1i/111t ;4 _. E..),, _ ii : r ;7 . A ,,,... ,.' . 44.01d, _5i, Ip11;i.'t,'m; Sq All 1,e Ai r:: ,' iii• , 144 1111 # ,. �_' r r._, i r rte. City of Rosemead I PROPOSAL FOR 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT&PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES 25 SECTION 3 I Project Approach and Scope of Services Deliverables TASK 3.3 FINAL DRAFT HOUSING • Administrative Draft of Housing Element in ELEMENT electronic format(Word and PDF) Following the public review and comment period, the Project Team will prepare the final Housing Element in response to comments from State TASK 3.2 DRAFT HOUSING ELEMENT HCD, responsible agencies, City staff, the Planning HCD review of the draft Housing Element is Commission, City Council, and the public. mandatory. Addressing comments and revisions on the administrative draft, the Project Team will Deliverables prepare a public review draft Housing Element • Final Public Review Draft of Housing Element in and present it at a Planning Commission/City electronic format(Word and PDF) Council study session prior to submitting the draft Housing Element to HCD for its 60-day compliance review.VTA will act as liaison between HCD and TASK 3.4 STATE CERTIFICATION AND City staff and the Project Team will coordinate CITY ADOPTION conference calls and address HCD comments on After City Council preliminary approval, the the draft element.The goal is to achieve a Finding Housing Element must be submitted to HCD for of Substantial Compliance for the draft Housing its final review(90 days).VTA will follow through Element before proceeding to adoption. with assisting the City in achieving state certification of the Housing Element. Upon adoption of the Deliverables Final Draft Housing Element by the City Council, • Public Review Draft of Housing Element in electronic the Project Team will prepare a final version of format(Word and PDF) for distribution by City the document for inclusion in the General Plan staff to the City Council, Planning Commission, and document. CEQA-related filings are addressed in general public Task 5. • • uI1IN Le 26 rr 1 I Project Approach and Scope of Services I SECTION 3 Deliverables TASK 4: COMMUNITY • Final Housing Element in electronic format(Word and PDF) ENGAGEMENT AND PUBLIC HEARINGS TASK 3.5 PUBLIC NOTICING TASK 4.1 COMMUNITY OUTREACH In coordination with City staff, the Project Team To facilitate preliminary budgeting for the project, will prepare the appropriate public notices and we have outlined a general approach for the provide the required consultations and notifications Housing Element and Public Safety Element public for HEU per local and State regulations. Notice outreach process to inform and seek input. The posting and distribution will be provided by the budget estimate assumes a combination of web City and payment of posting or filing fees would be conferencing and online engagement, considering covered by the City. Tribal noticing and consultation the current context of the COVID-19 constraints. in accordance with statutory timelines is addressed This approach will be further refined with City staff. under Task 5—Environmental Analysis. The Project Team will consult with City staff to develop a tailored outreach approach that meets Deliverables HCD requirements and engages the communities • Electronic copy of notices in both PDF and Word throughout the City. For the Housing Element and Public Safety Element update process, we recommend the following potential activities for { outreach: ! • • Online housing needs survey • Stakeholder interviews (10) or focus groups (2) r• held over the course of one day • Community workshop (via Zoom or other acceptable platform) • Joint study session with Planning Commission AN, and City Council ,,,'. 10 4, , �� 1 Over the course of the project, this task also `' �l,W includes provision of materials for posting on the ; ' ' - City's website such as project scope, schedule, ~4.- r:. and completed products as they are developed. ". -� ` + .:iii;:;;' To support additional meetings staff may wish to • • —110 .40.:•� .;7• r• tip conduct with decision-makers or stakeholders, ' briefing materials would be provided under this . ; _' r task. It is assumed City staff will be responsible for h Roum••ll Blvd i -. meeting notification, facilities (if any), and logistics. - .,.• `M ' , Deliverables n. 9 . f . -., ,,,!r,j • Refine community engagement plan with City staff "N .4., ; and conduct agreed-upon activities „, ijoiloompoi" •*-adilli - • Electronic copies of all branded outreach materials .� ' _: •"' for distribution and communication/advertising purposes. City of Rosemead I PROPOSAL FOR 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT& PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES 27 SECTION 3 I Project Approach and Scope of Services TASK4.2 PUBLIC HEARINGS/ TASK 5: PUBLIC SAFETY PRESENTATION MATERIALS ELEMENT UPDATE The Project Team will support City preparation of staff reports, exhibits, and presentations for Housing Element approval and will attend up to Pursuant to Government Code Sections 65302 et four (4) public hearings. Errata sheets may be used seq. established by Senate Bill 379 (SB 379),the between public hearings to track recommended Public Safety Element must be reviewed and updated document edits and changes. as necessary to address the risk of fire hazards, climate adaptation and resiliency strategies. SB Deliverables 379 requires a set of goals, policies, and objectives • Support for staff reports, exhibits and presentations based on a vulnerability assessment. Public Safety • Attendance and support at up to two Planning Element tasks are planned to run concurrently with Commission hearings Housing Element tasks and review cycles. Reliance • Attendance and support at up to two City Council on existing available documentation is assumed for hearings this analysis and update, no new technical studies are proposed. In addition, with adding the update of a second General Plan element as part of the TASK 4.3 SUPPORTING GRAPHICS project, Senate Bill 1000 (SB 1000) may be triggered (OPTIONAL) requiring the development and adoption of an Design compatibility will be a key component to Environmental Justice element or environmental ensure potential housing projects are consistent with policies integrated throughout the General Plan. Rosemead's character and community expectations. Development of an Environmental Justice element Under this task, RRM's architects will develop up to five was not requested in the issued RFP and is outside (5)graphics to illustrate potential development, helping the proposed scope of services. However, if the community at large to better understand potential requested, RRM would be happy to prepare an changes from proposed new residential densities. additional services request for City review and approval to address this additional work program Deliverables component. • Up to five (5) conceptual graphics showing potential housing development concepts. TASK 5.1 CURRENT PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT RRM will review the current Rosemead Public Safety Element to determine its compliance with State law and provide a memorandum addressing findings, including identification of deficiencies, topics for policy development, and list of potential resources/data for use in the update process.This task will rely on existing available information at the local, regional, State, and federal level relating to vulnerability and risks that climate change pose to the local jurisdiction, preliminarily including: • Rosemead Public Safety Element and overall General Plan 28 1 rrl 1 1 Project Approach and Scope of Services I SECTION 3 • Rosemead Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (2018) • Locations of new essential public facilities • California Adaptation Planning Guide outside of at-risk areas • Internet-based Cal-Adapt Tool • Designation of adequate and feasible • California Office of Planning and Research infrastructure located in an at-risk area (OPR) resources: • Guidelines for working cooperatively with • General Plan Guidelines relevant local, regional, state, and federal • SB 379 Survey Report agencies • Defining Vulnerable Communities in the • Identification of natural infrastructure that may Context of Climate Adaptation be used in adaptation projects State law allows for potential cross -referencing We ask that to receive one consolidated set of City of information from an adopted Local Hazard comments electronically on the administrative draft. Mitigation Plan and such strategies will be evaluated Up to 78 RRM hours are assumed for this task. as part of this task.This task assumes City staff provision of the existing Public Safety Element in Deliverables Word and an allocation of up to 58 hours of RRM • Electronic copy of administrative Public Safety time. Element for internal review in both PDF and Word. Deliverables • Electronic copy of memorandum in both PDF and TASK 5.3 FINAL PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT Word identifying Public Safety Element areas of UPDATE revision for State compliance. Based on consolidated City staff comments received on the administrative draft Public Safety Element, RRM will incorporate revisions and prepare a public TASK 5.2 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS AND hearing draft Public Safety Element for public review CONSISTENCY WITH GENERAL PLAN and hearing purposes. Any final edits following AND STATE REQUIREMENTS public review and hearings also will be captured RRM will prepare an update to the Public Safety under this task. Errata sheets may be used for Element addressing areas outlined in Task 5.1. proposed changes between public hearings and up Updates and modifications to goals, policies, to 26 RRM hours are assumed for this task. objectives, and graphics will be clearly identified in a mutually agreeable format. Review of Deliverables other Rosemead General Plan elements will be • Electronic copy of public hearing Public Safety conducted for potential consistency revisions for Element for public hearings in both PDF and the Public Safety Element.As noted in the issued Word. RFP, the scope of work does not encompass a comprehensive update to the Public Safety Element and only portions of the Element will be amended for General Plan and State compliance. Relying on existing available information, potential areas to be addressed include development of a set of adaptation and resilience goals, polices, and objectives and updated content relating to: • Methods to avoid or minimize climate change impacts associated with land use City of Rosemead I PROPOSAL FOR 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT& PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES 29 SECTION 3 I Project Approach and Scope of Services TASK 6: ENVIRONMENTAL part of this scope of work for either option. If ANALYSIS determined necessary, a separate scope and fee would be prepared. In addition, MPG assumes that the City will provide one set of consolidated City Morse Planning Group (MPG)will lead the comments on draft work products. environmental analysis task. As background, the City certified a Final Program Environmental Impact Report(EIR) for the General Plan Update 6.1 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION in October 2008 (General Plan EIR) and adopted Following preparation of the draft Housing Element, a Negative Declaration for the 2014-2021 Housing MPG will meet with the City staff and the RRM Element in October 2013. In addition, the City team to confirm the environmental review strategy certified a Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific and timeline. MPG will review the draft Housing Plan in February 2018 and is presently in process of Element and the General Plan EIR to identify any preparing the Freeway Corridor Mixed Use Overlay inconsistences or additional analyses required. Zone and associated CEQA documentation. If no changes to the General Plan EIR are necessary, a Negative Declaration/Mitigated Negative The General Plan EIR analyzed the following Declaration would be prepared. If changes to the projected General Plan growth: 6,047 dwelling units, General Plan EIR are necessary, a Supplemental EIR 7,310,000 square feet of non-residential uses, and would be prepared. A memorandum confirming the 22,816 new residents. The Garvey Avenue Specific environmental review strategy will be provided to Plan EIR identified the following projected growth the City. within the Plan Area: 1,048 dwelling units; 1,300,000 square feet of non-residential uses, and 2,710 Deliverables residents, which represent 17.33%, 17.78%, and • Memorandum confirming the environmental review 11,88%, respectively, of the projected General Plan strategy Growth. Based on preliminary analysis, the General Plan EIR has projected capacity to accommodate the 6th cycle RHNA numbers. vow VLF The City has requested two CEQA scopes of work: Option One—Mitigated Negative Declaration and Option Two—Environmental Impact Report. The appropriate CEQA document will be determined at — part of Task 6.1, Environmental Determination. In - both cases, it is assumed that the CEQA document will tier off the City of Rosemead General Plan Update Final Program EIR and any relevant adopted Specific Plan CEQA documents, including but not limited to the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Final EIR. These CEQA documents and other City r '`'• % and adopted CEQA documents allow for the use r ,73 of information relative to the identified housing opportunity sites or sites identified for rezoning • in the Housing Element, and applicable mitigation 111 y,, measures. No technical analyses are assumed as 30 Ji rr 1 1 Project Approach and Scope of Services I SECTION 3 A. OPTION ONE: NEGATIVE Upon receipt of the letter back from the City, DECLARATION OR MITIGATED MPG will transmit letters via email if available or NEGATIVE DECLARATION send letters to Tribes via U.S. Certified Mail or an overnight delivery service initiating the consultation process under AB-52 and SB-I8. MPG will follow-up A6.2 DRAFT OF ENVIRONMENTAL once with each group via e-mail or telephone. It is ANALYSIS assumed that City staff would meet with requested Initial Study/Environmental Assessment tribes in person or by telephone. MPG would not MPG will prepare an Initial Study in accordance attend any requested meetings. MPG would assist with CEQA, the CEQA Guidelines, and the City City staff in drafting a summary of the consultation of Rosemead's CEQA Guidelines. The Initial process. Study will include detailed explanations of all checklist determinations, discussions of potential CEQA Notices environmental impacts, and mitigation measures, MPG will prepare all CEQA public notices required if applicable.The Initial Study analysis shall be in for the proposed project for City review and accordance with all applicable sections of CEQA and sign: Negative Declaration/Mitigated Negative the CEQA Guidelines. The environmental document Declaration, Notice of Availability and Notice will be presented with the following sections: of Determination. MPG will be responsible for Introduction, Project Description, Initial Study transmitting notices and a CD/USB drive to Checklist, Environmental Analysis, and Initial Study designated reviewing agencies (State Clearinghouse Determination. MPG's approach to the analysis and up to 15 agencies). It is assumed that the City portion of the document is to provide thorough, will be responsible for public noticing to comply detailed, and conclusive impact analysis.The topics with City requirements, such as posting notices or to be reviewed include all topics included in the newspaper notices. most current version of CEQA Guidelines Appendix G. This scope of work excludes payment of any CDFW filing fees, if applicable. MPG will be responsible for Administrative Draft Initial Study filing notices with the State Clearinghouse and Los MPG will submit the Administrative Draft Initial Angeles County Clerk; however, the City will be Study for review and comment by City Staff. MPG responsible for the payment of any fees for such will also submit a Second Administrative Draft Initial filings. Study("check copy"),which will incorporate one complete set of comments received from City staff. Meetings MPG Staff will attend up to two meetings with City A6.3 ENVIRONMENTAL NOTICING, Staff.This task includes a budget of six (6) hours for OUTREACH, AND FILING meetings. Native American Tribal Consultation Per SB 18 and AB 52 A6.4 FINAL DRAFT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MPG will contact the Native American Heritage ANALYSIS Commission to provide the list of Native American Public Review Draft Initial Study tribes to consult. Upon receipt of the NAHC letter, MPG will submit the Public Review Draft Initial MPG will support the City by providing draft letters Study to the City,which will be distributed for for City review and to be put on City letterhead. public review. City of Rosemead I PROPOSAL FOR 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT&PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES 31 SECTION 3 I Project Approach and Scope of Services Draft Final Initial Study A6.5 ADOPTION Response to Comments- MPG will respond to Following City Council approval of the CEQA written comments received on the Public Review document, MPG will prepare a Final environmental Draft Initial Study during the public review period, document,which will consist of the revised Public and prepare thorough, reasoned and sensitive Review Draft Initial Study text, as necessary to responses to relevant environmental issues. MPG address the comments received during the public will prepare the Administrative Draft Responses review period, and the MMRP. to Comments for review and comment by City Staff. MPG will submit one"check copy" of the Deliverables for Tasks A6.2-A6.5 final Responses to Comments document, which • I electronic file (PDF and Word) of Administrative will incorporate one complete set of comments Draft IS received from City Staff on the Administrative Draft • I electronic file (PDF and Word) of"Check Copy" Responses to Comments. For budgeting purposes, of Draft IS/MND a maximum of 4 hours has been assumed for MPG • I electronic copy(PDF and Word) of Draft IS and to prepare the Responses to Comments. Should the ND/MND comments be excessive and require more than the • 35 CDs/USB Drives with PDF Files of Draft IS budgeted time, this task and associated costs would and ND/MND for City, State Clearinghouse, and be revisited. Reviewing Agencies • I electronic copy(Word) of Draft Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program - Monitoring Program MPG will prepare the mitigation monitoring and • I electronic copy(Word) of Final Mitigation reporting program (MMRP) pursuant to CEQA Monitoring Program Section 21081.6. MPG will submit a draft version for • I electronic copy(PDF) of Final IS and ND/MND City Staff review and will follow with a final MMRP. • I electronic copy(Word and PDF) of Native This task includes a budget of 4 hours. American Consultation Letters • I electronic copy(Word and PDF) of Native Public Hearings American Consultation Summary MPG will attend one public hearing each with the • I electronic copy(Word and PDF) of Native Rosemead Planning Commission and City Council. American Consultation Letters This task includes a budget of 8 hours for public • I electronic copy(Word and PDF) of Native hearings. American Consultation Summary — :44L,' )1 . r --..- 7. R "sem 4 1 "�1R' t ,. �4'�'i _ blii:,:i11fi, ,j; .{dill - ( � ' v TL1R•BUCNK,S COiFFE�E �. yAA' ' -.",,, - ", it 3,,a,.4 I 1 . ' \h. t: il itt n l'''' •• ti r r01 IP' ,7', ,:olli 32 rrm Project Approach and Scope of Services I SECTION 3 B. OPTION TWO: SUPPLEMENTAL the potential for a significant effect is identified, the ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Initial Study will refer to more detailed analysis to REPORT be included in the SEIR. It is anticipated that some issues may be eliminated from the need for further environmental analysis in the SEIR. B6.2 DRAFT OF ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS After City review of the Draft Initial Study and The City certified a Final Program Environmental Notice of Preparation (NOP), MPG will make the Impact Report(PEIR) for the General Plan Update necessary revisions.The Final Initial Study and NOP in October 2008.This scope of work assumes will be distributed to responsible agencies, the State that a Supplement to the 2008 PEIR (Supplemental Clearinghouse, and persons who have expressed EIR [SEIR]) rather than a Subsequent EIR will be interest in the project. prepared, as I) none of the conditions described in CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 require the MPG will summarize key comments received in preparation of a Subsequent EIR, and 2) only minor NOP comment letters for presentation in the additions or changes would be necessary to make Draft SEIR. Comment letters will be provided in an the previous EIR adequately apply to the project appendix to the SEIR. in the changed situation. Should the environmental review process identify that substantial changes per Public Scoping Meeting CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 would warrant A public scoping meeting, which can also involve the preparation of a Subsequent EIR, MPG will federal, State, or other local agencies, will be set notify City staff and discuss potential scope and fee up as a brief project overview presentation, so changes. that the community can gain an understanding of the proposed project and make comments based Project Description upon accurate knowledge of the proposed project. The development of the Project Description is Following the presentation,the meeting will be an important first step in the CEQA process and devoted to public participation, questions, and will be utilized throughout the process and for the comments. Written comment forms and sign environmental analysis. MPG will prepare a draft in sheets will be provided for this purpose, and project description for review by the City. Following these comments, along with verbal comments, will receipt of City comments, a revised project become a part of the administrative record. description will be prepared for use in the Initial Study and SEIR. MPG will assist and participate in a publicly noticed NOP Scoping meeting.This scope of work assumes Initial Study that the City will be responsible for scheduling, An Initial Study will be prepared for the proposed noticing, facilitating the meeting, and preparing the project.The Initial Study will contain a description agenda. MPG will provide materials for facilitating of the project,the project location, and a the discussion, including a PowerPoint presentation, description of the environmental setting of the handouts, boards, flyers, and other materials as project site.The main body of the document will needed. Following the meeting, MPG will provide a consist of a City-approved environmental checklist meeting summary with meeting notes. and an accompanying environmental analysis.The project will be analyzed for the potential to create Administrative Draft Supplemental EIR significant environmental impacts in the areas MPG will prepare a First and Second Administrative specified on the environmental checklist.Where City of Rosemead I PROPOSAL FOR 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT& PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES 33 SECTION 3 I Project Approach and Scope of Services Draft SEIR for submittal to the City.The SEIR document scoping procedures, provide a summary will focus on the issues that are identified to have of the SEIR format, provide a listing of responsible potentially significant impacts in the Initial Study. and trustee agencies, and provide a listing of The SEIR will include all contents required by City documentation incorporated by reference. requirements, CEQA statutes, CEQA Guidelines, and applicable court decisions.The SEIR will include Project Description a table of contents and maps and other graphics The Project Description section will detail the to clearly present the environmental analysis to project location, background, and history of the the decision makers, responsible agencies, and the project, discretionary actions, characteristics,goals public. and objectives, phasing, agreements, and permits and approvals that are required for the proposed Executive Summary project based on available information. The Executive Summary will include a project summary, an overview of project impacts, Basis of Cumulative Analysis mitigation measures, and levels of significance after In accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15130, mitigation, and a summary of project alternatives. this section provides a listing of cumulative projects The Executive Summary will be prepared and and actions under consideration for the analysis.The submitted as part of the Second Administrative purpose of this section is to present a listing and Draft EIR submittal to the City. This section will description of projects, past, present and anticipated include a summary table of all impacts and mitigation in the reasonably foreseeable future, even if those measures identified in the SEIR. projects are outside of the jurisdiction of Rosemead. It is anticipated that cumulative development Introduction and Purpose would be reported from the General Plan PEIR The Introduction will cite the provisions of CEQA, and subsequent General Plan Amendments, as the CEQA Guidelines, and the City of Rosemead applicable. MPG will consult with City Staff and CEQA Implementation procedures to which the other applicable local jurisdictions to define the proposed project is subject. This section will identify appropriate study area for the cumulative analysis. the purpose of the study and statutory authority, 1ti 11 1. ' � "11 .AV f � 1 1 ` . -� :- . c. ■s M t - �!'+ s iuse 34 rrm Project Approach and Scope of Services I SECTION 3 Environmental Analysis Team will work with the City to determine the The specific environmental topics to be analyzed will final selection of alternatives. For each alternative, be determined as part of the Initial Study and NOP the Team will provide an analysis of impacts to scoping process. environmental resources. One important element of the Alternatives section will be an impact MPG will evaluate the necessary information with matrix that will offer a comparison of the varying respect to the existing conditions, the potential levels of impact of each alternative being analyzed. adverse effects of project implementation (both This matrix will be prepared in a format to allow individual and cumulative), and measures to mitigate decision-makers a reference that will be easily such effects. Environmental issues raised during the understood, while providing a calculated, where scoping process (Notice of Preparation responses, feasible, accurate comparison of each alternative. Scoping Meeting comments, and any other relevant and valid informative sources) will also be evaluated. Additional Required CEOA Sections The analyses will be based upon all available data and The following additional sections will be included results from additional research. in the EIR to meet CEQA and City requirements including the following: The Environmental Analysis section will thoroughly • Growth Inducing Impacts. Potential growth- discuss the regulatory setting, existing conditions inducing impacts pursuant to CEQA Guidelines for each environmental topic, identify short-term Section 15126.2 will be analyzed in this section and long-term environmental impacts associated based on data from the City of Rosemead. The with the project, and their levels of significance. section discusses ways in which the proposed Feasible mitigation measures will be recommended project could foster economic or population to reduce the significance of impacts and identify growth, or the construction of additional areas of significant unavoidable impacts even after housing, either directly or indirectly, in the mitigation.This section will include analysis for surrounding environment. the environmental issue areas identified in the • Significant Irreversible Environmental Changes Initial Study and based on public and agency NOP That Would Be Involved In the Proposed comments received during the Scoping process. Action Should It Be Implemented. Changes in Thresholds of Significance will be based on CEQA the environment and uses on non- renewable Guidelines Appendix G, thresholds used in the resources that will occur as a result of the General Plan Final PEIR, and other City or applicable proposed project and that can be considered agency standards. irreversible or irretrievable will be evaluated and discussed within this section of the EIR. In accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15130, • Effects Found Not To Be Significant.The the SEIR will discuss cumulative impacts for all of the section will provide a qualitative explanation resource issues evaluated in the SEIR. of issues checked "No Impact" in the Initial Study in order to substantiate the conclusions Alternatives To The Proposed Action of the Initial Study, along with the"Less Than Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15126.6, MPG Significant Impact" and "Less Than Significant will provide an analysis of up to three alternatives, Impact with Mitigation" conclusions from the comparing environmental impacts of each alternative EIR. in each impact area to the project. Each alternative • Significant Unavoidable Impacts. This section will be selected in an effort to reduce any identified will be a comprehensive list of significant significant impacts to less than significant.The unavoidable impacts associated with the City of Rosemead PROPOSAL FOR 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT&PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES 35 SECTION 3 I Project Approach and Scope of Services proposed project. and up to 15 agencies). It is assumed that the City • Organizations and Persons Consulted/ will be responsible for public noticing to comply Bibliography. Any federal, state, or local with City requirements, such as posting notices or agencies, other organizations, and private newspaper notices. individuals consulted in preparing the EIR will be listed in this section, along with a complete list This scope of work excludes payment of any CDFW of reference materials used in preparation of the filing fees, if applicable. MPG will be responsible for EIR. filing notices with the State Clearinghouse and Los Angeles County Clerk; however, the City will be Following receipt of consolidated City comments responsible for the payment of any fees for such on the First Administrative Draft SEIR, MPG will filings. prepare the Second Administrative Draft SEIR for City staff review. Project Coordination Ms. Morse will assume primary responsibility for management and supervision of the Team, as well B6.3 ENVIRONMENTAL NOTICING, as consultation with the City Staff. She will be OUTREACH, AND FILING involved in all aspects of preparation of the EIR Native American Tribal Consultation Per SB for compliance with CEQA requirements and City 18 and AB 52 CEQA procedures. She will coordinate with all MPG will contact the Native American Heritage technical consultants toward the timely completion Commission to provide the list of Native American of the EIR. The budget assumes twenty(20) hours. tribes to consult. Upon receipt of the NAHC letter, MPG will support the City by providing draft letters Meetings for City review and to be put on City letterhead. MPG Staff will attend up to four meetings with City Upon receipt of the letter back from the City, Staff.This task includes a budget of sixteen (16) MPG will transmit letters via email if available or hours for meetings. send letters to Tribes via U.S. Certified Mail or an overnight delivery service initiating the consultation process under AB-52 and SB-18. MPG will follow-up B6.4 FINAL DRAFT OF ENVIRONMENTAL once with each group via e-mail or telephone. It is ANALYSIS assumed that City staff would meet with requested Draft Supplemental EIR tribes in person or by telephone. MPG would not Following receipt of consolidated City comments attend any requested meetings. MPG would assist on the Second Administrative Draft SEIR, MPG will City staff in drafting a summary of the consultation prepare the Draft SEIR. process. Draft Final Supplemental EIR CEQA Notices The Draft Final SEIR will consist of the Draft MPG will prepare all CEQA public notices required SEIR, Responses to Comments, Errata for Final for the proposed project for City review and sign: EIR (revised Draft EIR text, as necessary)and the Notice of Preparation, Notice of Completion, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Notice of Availability, and Notice of Availability and (prepared as part of Task B6.5). The level of effort Notice of Determination. MPG will be responsible required to prepare a Final SEIR is directly related for transmitting notices and a CD/USB drive to to the number and complexity of agency and public designated reviewing agencies (State Clearinghouse comments received on the Draft SEIR. 36 rrrrrm Project Approach and Scope of Services I SECTION 3 MPG will respond to comments received on the monitoring approach for mitigation measures Draft EIR during the 45-day public review period, included in the SEIR to address significant impacts. and additional comments raised during public The Findings will specify which mitigation measures hearings. MPG will prepare thorough, reasoned, and have been incorporated into the project and sensitive responses to relevant environmental issues. those measures that have not, and will explain why certain measures have been found to be MPG will review and respond to comments received infeasible. If applicable, the Findings will also identify during the Draft SEIR comment period and provide feasible project alternatives that could reduce the First Administrative responses to comments adverse environmental effects but are not being to the City for review. MPG will prepare the implemented, with an explanation as to why they Second Administrative responses to comments to are considered to be infeasible. The SOC will address City comments and submit to the City for describe any unavoidable environmental effects and review. Following receipt of City comments on the the considerations that warrant approval of the City, Second Administrative responses to comments, despite the unavoidable impacts. MPG will incorporate the revised responses into the Administrative Final SEIR and submit the MPG will prepare an Administrative Draft of Administrative Final SEIR to the City for review. the MMRP, Findings, and SOC and will submit MPG should assume a third review of the Responses (electronically) to the City for review and comment. to Comments following review by City Attorney. Once comments are received, MPG will incorporate comments and produce an electronic copy of the For budgeting purposes, responses to comments final MMRP, Findings, and SOC. are assumed to involve referencing commenters to existing analysis in the Draft SEIR, or clarification Public Hearings and explanation of the existing analysis and MPG will represent the Project Team at public conclusions.Analysis of new issues, alternatives, hearings and make presentations, as necessary. MPG or data is assumed to not be needed in responses will attend two (2) public hearings each with the to comments. Up to 40 hours of MPG staff time Rosemead Planning Commission and City Council. may be allocated to preparation of responses to This task includes a budget of 32 hours for public comments and up to another 40 hours to finalize hearings. the responses to comments and completion of the Final SEIR. ry�f Y� r. B.6.5 ADOPTION �r Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, Findings, Statement of Overriding rr Considerations In coordination with City staff, MPG will prepare '� the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP), Statement of Facts and Findings (Findings), I +I 1 t and a Statement of Overriding Considerations311 (SOC), if necessary. The MMRP will describe the implementation and K City of Rosemead I PROPOSAL FOR 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT& PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES 37 SECTION 3 I Project Approach and Scope of Services Deliverables for Tasks B6.1-B6.5 • I electronic file(PDF and Word) of Administrative Draft EIR • I electronic file (PDF and Word) of"Check Copy"of Draft EIR • 10 hard copies of Draft EIR and 3 hard copies of Draft EIR Appendices • I electronic copy(PDF and Word) of Draft EIR& Appendices • 35 CDs/USB Drives with PDF Files of Draft EIR &Appendices for City, State Clearinghouse, and Reviewing Agencies • I electronic copy(Word) of Draft Mitigation Monitoring Program • I electronic copy(Word) of Final Mitigation Monitoring Program • I electronic copy(Word and PDF) of Draft Comments and Responses • I electronic copy(Word and PDF) of Draft Final EIR(includes Comments and Responses,Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program) • I electronic copy(Word) of Draft Statement of Facts and Findings • I electronic copy(Word and PDF) of Final Statement of Facts and Findings • I electronic copy(Word) of Draft Statement of Overriding Considerations, if needed • I electronic copy(Word and PDF) Draft Statement of Overriding Considerations, if needed • 5 hard copies of Final EIR and 3 hard copies of Final EIR Appendices • 1 electronic copy(Word and PDF) of Final EIR • I electronic copy(Word and PDF) of Native American Consultation Letters 38 rrm SITE PHOTO Golden Inn and Village Affordable Senior and Multi-Family Development, Santa Ynez 4 - . v) ,, c.,LU E z �n I Lu w Tz 6f Z „, , r ,-.. _ _ 1.- ,. h J :I !!" n'nuu nun Mill' ,_' II IIll 3 0 0 0 III�i�j Mil II��IIIIIIIIIIZ / -_ — . w I I 'i in `III;... . i 9 ... I� X11 = ■��I I IN.- ►n111 ■ " ,. . k I!I.I ���.IMII MI "6 f 'sill IIIIIIiI `1j� lCN —- _________ a \ 0 -6.`°, ,, ,0 1 ce ,-, ... . ., . , . , .. ..„ . _ .., „......„,- a i ,, -- 14r1r I , � ,' .$ Z 1 ! 1 : - ;) '-: Ili . , • _ - 4 ,k$ - 1 i f , : 0 ,„,40 . . \ ai. ...., .; ., . _ . : ,,,, , liN '• ,. _ . : , „, ,. , . , City of Rosemead I PROPOSAL FOR 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT& PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES 39 Project Team and Resumes I SECTION 4 ASSEMBLING OUR TEAM RRM Design Group's team for preparing the Rosemead 2021-2029 Housing Element has been thoughtfully assembled and covers all the bases. RRM will lead the effort and draw on our multidisciplinary experience preparing the Rosemead Freeway Corridor Mixed-Use Overlay Zone as well as other Housing Element assignments. Veronica Tam with VTA will advise on State Housing Element law, project process, and recent related legislation. She will be instrumental in overseeing technical analyses and coordinating with HCD. Also part of the Freeway Corridor Mix-Use Overlay Zone team, Collette Morse with Morse Planning Group will be responsible for the management and preparation of the CEQA clearance documentation. Our integrated team is ready to commence work immediately. CITY OF ROSEMEAD RRM DESIGN GROUP JAMI WILLIAMS, CNU-A PRINCIPAL-IN-CHARGE DIANE BATHGATE, AICP, CNU-A PROJECT MANAGER BRADY WOODS* MATT OTTOSON BRET STINSON Policy Planner/Community CNU-A Senior Planner/GIS& Outreach Senior Planner Research Analyst SCOTT MARTIN AIA, LEED AP, CNU-A Architect SUBCONSULTANTS HOUSING ELEMENT CONSULTANT ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT VERONICA TAM + MORSE PLANNING ASSOCIATES GROUP Veronica Tam Collette Morse, AICP *Alternate Project Manager City of Rosemead I PROPOSAL FOR 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT&PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES 41 SECTION 4 I Project Team and Resumes JAMI WILLIAMS I CNU-A Principal-in-Charge Jami, with a Bachelor of Architecture degree and a Master of Business _"` Administration, possesses the qualities necessary to produce creative, realistic and business-conscious design solutions that will guide future 4110 improvements of Rosemead.With over 20 years of experience as an urban designer and project manager,Jami's unique perspective enables her to advance projects from the early community outreach and visioning stages to the development of urban design plans and policy documents that are \ I creative yet realistic and implementation focused. She is well-versed in smart growth, mixed-use and transit-oriented planning principles that maximize rrmCREATING ENVIRONMENTS quality design, minimize costs, and build on community consensus. She design PEOPLE excels in public outreach, identifying public concerns and preferences and group ENJOY translating them into cutting-edge workable designs and policy documents that can be easily understood by community members and implemented Experience by her public agency clients. Further, her strong communication and organization skills consistently ensure she delivers projects on time and on 24 Years of Experience budget with always a focus on client satisfaction. Education RELEVANT PROJECTS • Ventura County General Plan • Alhambra General Plan Update Contract Planning Master of Business Administration, 2015 • West Covina Architectural and Architecture Management Track, • Alhambra Zoning Code Update Urban Design Review California Polytechnic State University, • American Canyon General Plan • Yorba Linda Housing Element 2021- San Luis Obispo, CA Update 2029 • Arcadia Design Guidelines Update • Yorba Linda Housing Element Bachelor of Architecture, California • Azusa TOD General Plan/ Implementation Program (including Polytechnic State University, San Luis Development Code Update and Multi-Family Design Guidelines) Obispo, CA Specific Plan Semester Design Program, Ecole • Dublin Citywide Multifamily Design What is a General Plan a n d Des Beaux Art Americaines De Standards Why Does Ours Need Updating? Fontainebleau, France • El Monte Downtown TOD Specific .a;„, ,. �-,... Associate of Science, Cuyamaca PlanAlb College, San Diego, CA • El Monte Zoning Code and Design „; ry Guidelines Update °'" 'Ma ig • Encinitas Objective Development Accreditations, Standards . Licenses,and Affiliations • Long Beach General Plan Housing ram**mon*MI Ms anon nu w,..( What Element We Heard Congress for the New Urbanism • Long Beach General Plan Noise VIM t.. Element weell.4 Accredited(CNU-A) YawCzsunn • Long Beach General Plan Urban ® 4.sa' American Planning Association (APA), ��` Design Element and On-Call e •,. .o, Member to �00S-,r,»„„, a, „,..., Planning Services 6 �..aa ,�.,.w �.� L Wim- Urban Land Institute ULI,Associate • Pasadena Urban Design Consulting a .""'"°"•'"""`trawa, ” 01 .3m:were..runMember • Temple City Infill Residential Design Ventura County General Plan Guidelines Contract Planning 42 rdm rr rn Project Team and Resumes I SECTION 4 DIANE BATH GATE I AICP, CNU-A Project Manager With over 35 years of experience in planning for both the public and private sectors, Diane has managed a wide range of RRM's land use planning, urban design, and environmental assignments. Her background as the former mayor, city councilmember, and planning commissioner of San Juan Capistrano, and as a professional planning, urban design, and environmental ' consultant makes Diane a versatile strategist and project manager. She understands the importance of stakeholder support and the necessary resolution of the sometimes many layers of agency requirements. Diane's <: understanding of multiple perspectives and policy frameworks are vital elements in successfully addressing the unique challenges that each project rr m CREATING ENVIRONMENTS brings. She anticipates and resolves issues collaboratively with property design PEOPLE owners, developers, citizens, community organizations, and agency staff. group ENJOY RELEVANT PROJECTS • Temple City Infill Residential Design Experience • Alhambra General Plan Update Guidelines • Anaheim Center City Corridors • Ventura County General Plan 35 Years of Experience Vision Plan and Specific Plan Contract Planning • Arcadia Design Guidelines Update • Yorba Linda 2021-2029 Housing Education • Chula Vista Urban Core Specific Element Plan and Design Guidelines • Yorba Linda Housing Element Bachelor of Arts, Environmental • El Monte Zoning Code and Design Implementation Program (Multi- Studies and Psychology, University of Guidelines Update Family Design Guidelines) and Zone California, Santa Barbara, CA • Gilroy Downtown Visioning Changes Charrette, Specific Plan, and Design • Yucaipa Citywide Design Guidelines Graduate Studies, Public Guidelines Administration, California State • Hermosa Beach Zoning and ROSEMEAD INVOLVEMENT University, Long Beach, CA Subdivision Code Assessment • Rosemead Freeway Corridor Coursework, Planning Law, • Huntington Beach Downtown Mixed-Use Overlay Zone Environmental Design,Architecture, Specific Plan University of California, Irvine, CA • Long Beach General Plan Noise a,; Element • Long Beach On Call Planning -.1 ;0 ` Accreditations, Consultant Services (2015-2016) _?,.. Licenses,and Affiliations • Long Beach Urban Design Element and On-Call Planning Services �� Congress for the New Urbanism • Oceanside Mission Avenue ;' Accredited(CNU-A) Affordable Housing Vision and American Planning Association(APA) Strategic Plan • San Clemente Affordable Housing 1 i American Institute of Certified Concept Plan Planners (AICP) • Santa Clarity Design Review , — _. 111, A '' Association of Environmental Services Il Professionals (AEP) • Temecula Citywide Design — Guidelines Yorba Linda Housing Study City of Rosemead PROPOSAL FOR 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT& PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES 43 SECTION 4 I Project Team and Resumes BRADY WOODS Policy Planner/Community Outreach New to RRM Design Group, Brady brings over 19 years of land use planning experience from both the public and private sectors. He has - - worked as a city planning manager and land use consultant in California and Florida, with project experience that includes mixed-use and urban infill development, town center plans, large-scale residential communities, theme resorts/attractions, civic and institutional projects, and form-based •44 code. Brady strives to successfully integrate design development with • lib. community interest by leveraging his expertise in innovative placemaking, project management,government relations, and civic engagement. CREAING rr m ENVIRONMENTS T design PEOPLE RELEVANT PROJECTS • West Coast Sand& Gravel group ENJOYHead uarters, Buena Park* • Alhambra New Comprehensive 9 Zoning Code • Wilderness Creek Design Experience • Anaheim On-Call Architecture and Guidelines, Orlando, FL* 19 Years of Experience Urban Design Services • Dublin Citywide Multifamily Design ROSEMEAD INVOLVEMENT Standards • Rosemead Freeway Corridor Education • Encinitas Objective Development Mixed-Use Overlay Zone Standards Master of City and Regional Planning, . Santa Clarita Architectural Design ' Design and Development, Florida g ' ;'°Review(2018 Applicants) Atlantic University, Ft. Lauderdale, FL • Bradenton Form-Based Code, • Bachelor ofScience,Architecture, FL* Bradenton, Florida A&M Universit, Tallahassee, FL =` 114' ; r^T` y assee, • Dania Beach Urban Infill ' 31. Coursework,Architectural Design, and Redevelopment Plan, ?iy _ Wit. Urban Design, Washington Area Dania Beach, FL* T'# '' 40'' a ?r Architecture Consortium,Alexandria, VA • Hillsborough County Schools Public Bradenton Form Based Code Engagement, Tampa, FL* Accreditations, • Innovation Environmental Park, Licenses,and Affiliations Barstow,FL* so • Los Coyotes County Club - 1141 American Planning Association (APA) Development Plan-Development )� ' r American Planning Association- Standards & Design Guidelines, r Orange County Chapter Buena Park* • Promenade at Riverwalk = (j 11 IP I. *Work performed while with another Development, Bradenton, FL* Los Coyotes Development Standards firm, prior to joining RRM Design Group in 2020. ALTERNATE PROJECT MANAGER Brady will serve as RRM's alternate project manager in the event that illness or other occurrence prevents the project manager from overseeing the contract. 44 iiirrm Project Team and Resumes I SECTION 4 MATT OTTOSON I CNU-A Senior Planner Matt focuses his efforts on writing clear and concise plans, designing high- quality, easy to understand maps and graphics, and providing exceptional service for both public and private sector clients.With past experience 1 8 working as a planner in the public sector, Matt's knowledge of local governmental agencies' approach to plans and policy documents ensures.. delivery of effective plans that help communities and clients achieve their goals. As a key contributor to RRM's design review projects, Matt has assisted numerous cities in reviewing current planning projects for community-specific design consistency while balancing the realities of current construction methodologies. Matt serves on the Board of Directors rr m CREATING ENVIRONMENTS for the local USGBC chapter, educating and advocating in the community design PEOPLE for the advancement of green building best practices. group ENJOY. RELEVANT PROJECTS • Temple City Design Review and On- Experience • 855 North 4th Street Affordable Call Design Support Housing(Pismo Beach) • Ventura County General Plan 9 Years of Experience • Alhambra General Plan Update Contract Planning 2015 • West Covina Architectural and Education • Alhambra New Comprehensive Urban Design Review Zoning Code Master of Urban & Regional Planning, • Arcadia Design Guidelines Update ROSEMEAD INVOLVEMENT Emphasis in Land Use and Design, • Arcadia Design Review • Rosemead Freeway Corridor California Polytechnic State University, • Azusa TOD General Plan/ Mixed Use Overlay Zone Pomona, CA Development Code Update and Bachelor of Arts, Geography, Emphasis Specific Plan in Environmental Analysis, California • El Monte Downtown TOD Specific III Alhambra General Pian U datte Mcighlxrrha�xis State University, Fullerton, CA Plan 9.. nrlfcla,.�„ • El Monte On-Call Architectural and Landscape Review _;` e Accreditations, • �':.� El Monte Zoning Code and Design t�. ,., Licenses,and Affiliations Guidelines Update ��_•- 1r. II et.`t► �, • Long Beach Urban Design Element i •w'IV 1.0.. Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU) and On-Call Planning Services l Urbanist Member • Lower Hastings Ranch Residential American Planning Association(APA) Neighborhood Zoning Code Member Revisions (Pasadena) 1 I1t • Morro Bay Comprehensive General US Green Building Council(USGBC), Plan, Local Coastal Plan, and Zoning Central Coast Chapter,Board of Directors,2015-2018 Code Updates and EIR •n, mwnew.wn,nca„;k �' r ate .. • Quattrin Ranch Farmworker Urban Land Institute (ULI)Associate • Housing Due Diligence(Salinas) Member • Son of Triangle Senior Housing Alhambra General Plan Update 2015 (Orange) City of Rosemead PROPOSAL FOR 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT&PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES 45 SECTION 4 I Project Team and Resumes BRET STINSON Senior Planner/GIS& Research Analyst Bret is a senior planner with RRM Design Group and a vital member of the firm's urban revitalization team. Since joining RRM in 1996, Bret has w ,. 1 applied his talents to a wide variety of planning efforts, including Specific and Master Plans, land and site planning, feasibility studies, TOD and urban kir design, entitlement planning and zoning, and EIR coordination, serving both public and private clients. Bret also leads RRM's mapping group, combining GIS and mapping expertise gained from developing and managing RRM's local and regional mapping efforts. His experience and skill ensure all mapping and geographic information will be easily understood and rrmCREATING ENVIRONMENTS communicated to the project team, decision-makers, and community. design PEOPLE group ENJOY RELEVANT PROJECTS • Ventura County General Plan • Anaheim On-Call Architecture and Contract Planning Experience Urban Design Services • Yorba Linda Housing Element • Balboa Avenue Station Area Specific Implementation Program (Multi- 27 Years of Experience Plan, San Diego Family Design Guidelines • Balboa Village Design Guidelines, Education Streetscape Improvement Plan, and ROSEMEAD INVOLVEMENT __ Wayfinding Sign Program • Rosemead Freeway Corridor Bachelor of Science, Landscape • Buellton Community Design Mixed-Use Overlay Zone Architecture, California Polytechnic Guidelines State University, Pomona, CA • Calabasas General Plan Update • Camarillo General Plan Community Design Element Update ' til : , • Claremont Village West Specific " a ,_ ` � Plan and Design Guidelines ° � ;= I ,11 � "-� ,t • Fullerton Downtown Core & s �1r ` i,,_ -+_I' ? ._ . P Corridors Specific Plan ' � $, » .1 - .�, - • Long Beach Urban Design Element and On-Call Planning Services ' • Los Altos Downtown Vision 1 � • Missouri Flat Commercial District 1 Design Guidelines, Placerville ,* . p 641s ' • Pismo Beach Downtown Core St I Vision, Goals and Strategic Plan • San Ysidro Community Plan Update, San Diego • Santa Maria Downtown Specific Long Beach Urban Design Element and On-Call Planning Services Plan and Design Guidelines • Tehachapi Specific Plan and Design Guidelines 46 rlirrm Project Team and Resumes I SECTION 4 SCOTT MARTIN I AIA, LEED AP, CNU-A Architect Scott is a talented architect with a keen ability to be simultaneously innovative and sensitive to clients' needs. His project focus and experience is wide ranging;from illustration, master planning, urban design, needs �_ assessments, and design review, to the production and construction of :- facilities. Scott is a LEED Accredited Professional and has a high level 41140 of expertise in design and implementation of sustainable solutions. Scott's unique relationship with both public and private clients gives him understanding of the realities of development and the priorities of a community. He excels in working directly with owner and user groups to set project goals and priorities. Scott blends cohesive design rr m CREATING ENVIRONMENTS solutions with his strong technical skills to bring the vision of a project design PEOPLE to reality. Scott's experience in residential and mixed-use development group ENJOY provides valuable insights for RRM's housing policy assignments. Experience RELEVANT PROJECTS • Temecula Citywide Design • Anaheim On-Call Architecture and Guidelines 19 Years of Experience Urban Design Services • Yorba Linda Affordable • Arcadia Design Guidelines Update Housing Studies Education • Atlantis Gardens Housing • Yorba Linda Housing Element Analysis(Azusa) Implementation Program (Multi- Bachelor of Science,Architecture, • Balboa Village Design Guidelines Family Design Guidelines) California Polytechnic State University, • Camarillo General Plan Community • Yorba Linda Town Center San Luis Obispo, CA Design Element Update Specific Plan • Carson On-Call Design Review ROSEMEAD INVOLVEMENT Accreditations, • Cerritos Residential Design Manual Licenses,and Affiliations • Chula Vista Urban Core Specific • Rosemead Freeway Corridor n Guidelines Mixed-Use Overlay Zone Plan and Design Architect,CA,C32348 • El Monte Zoning Code and Design r a-- r � yfki , # • iiiA..,.,.et a i1i, Architect,CO,00405508 Guidelines Update • Gilroy Downtown Visioning ." I!' _' 24 ,- , „•„ Leadership in Energy and Charrette, Specific Plan, and _.�- c;41 ir,'-':=7,=,,....,„:-7---,:- Environmental Design Accredited ''' Professional(LEED AP) Design Guidelines ,,,� ��, `�'� '� � _ r ■^fir . • Huntington Beach Downtown ",a „ -,,,,,-i--,:,„, , Congress for the New Urbanism Specific Plan 1'1I1- Accredited(CNU-A) -711 • Long Beach Urban Design Element American Institute ofArchitects(AIA), and On-Call Planning Services if. RLL= `i. 421 San Luis Obispo Chapter • Norma Triangle Overlay District and _ ::..-._,. 11;wila !''1 t. 1"ck •AiUnited States Green Building Council, Design Guidelines, West Hollywood , .. ,,e2 0.4,. California Central Coast Chapter(C4), • Pasadena Urban Design Consulting ,,- I ,,' ' :' ,,14 Regional Council Board,2008-Present • Platinum Gateway Mixed-Use 6 , , Development,Anaheim = sa--' += Architecture for Humanity,Board • Santa Maria Downtown Specific --- --''' ' Member,2009-2012 Plan and Design Guidelines Chula Vista Urban Core Specific Plan City of Rosemead 1 PROPOSAL FOR 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT&PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES 47 SECTION 4 I Project Team and Resumes ' ..e.cgi VERONICA TAM ,, AV � Housing Element Consultant ir •1114S. ilk Veronica has expertise in the areas of housing policy and community Zdevelopment planning. She has over 20 years of experience preparing S,-, Ir � a range of housing and community development plans and studies for jurisdictions throughout California. Specifically, she has assisted with 7r: California Housing Element updates ranging from small rural communities 1460, WI A , to large metropolitan cities. She also assists jurisdictions with zoning issues �, ` related to housing. Veronica will play instrumental role in the proposed 11 ' . tF, assignment by providing housing element strategies, product oversight, and HCD coordination. RELEVANT PROJECTS III rl' +® • Alhambra Housing Element 2013 • Long Beach Housing Element 2013 VERONICA TAM & ASSOCIATES • County of Monterey Housing • Marina Housing Element 2015 Element 2015 • Maywood Housing Element 2013 • Cupertino Housing Element 2014 • Pinole Housing Element 2015 Experience • El Cajon Housing Element 2013 • Salinas Housing Element 2015 • Escondido Housing Element 2013 • San Clemente Housing Element 20+ Years of Experience • Fresno County Multi Jurisdictional 2013 and 2017 Midterm Update Housing Element 2015 • San Diego Regional Analysis of Education • Gateway Cities Council of Impediments to Fair Housing Government Housing Choice 2020 MA, Urban Planning, 1989, University Assessment 2019 of California, Los Angeles • Seaside Housing Element 2016 • Glendora Housing Element 2013 BES, Urban and Regional Planning (Economics Minor), 1987, University of Waterloo, Canada 0 AWARD$ I 1 2016 APACA 2016 APACA Award of Excellence—Opportunity Award of Merit—Best Practice:Fresno and Empowerment:2014-2015 Salinas Multi Jurisdictional Housing Element Housing Initiatives 2016 Northern Section,APACA 2014 APACA Award of Merit—Public Outreach: Award of Merit—Hard Won Victories: 2014-2015 Salinas Housing Initiatives 2013-2021 El Cajon Housing Element 48 ill rrm Project Team and Resumes I SECTION 4 COLLETTE MORSE I AICP Environmental Consultant Collette is a recognized leader in policy planning, CEQA and NEPA studies, and community involvement for public agencies and private developers. , -- She has considerable project management experience on a diverse range of projects, many of which were controversial and/or high-profile projects. Collette also has more than 25 years of active involvement in APA leadership (local, state, and national) and brings her knowledge of emerging trends and legislation to any project. In 2014 she founded Morse ,` Planning Group, and since then has teamed with RRM on many assignments. RELEVANT PROJECTS • Stanton General Plan Update EIR MORSE • Camarillo Safety Element Update • Valley Vision: Valley Boulevard P LA N NI I NI G and MND Neighborhoods Sustainability Plan • Duarte General Plan Update EIR Final EIR(Addendum) (San Gabriel) GROUP • Garden Grove General Plan Update and EIR ROSEMEAD INVOLVEMENT Experience • Huntington Beach General Plan • Rosemead Freeway Corridor Update Program EIR for New Mixed-Use Overlay Zone 30+ Years of Experience Research and Technology Zone (Addendum) ,a T; ---F;;----7.---„. 10. ; Education • Monterey Park Healthy& a r ; rs= ;, Sustainability Elements and EIR '� 4' '' ,'�y;` ''''Nr. 7 Bachelor of Arts, Geography/ (Addendum) u. .:14(1,11i, ,-t ' HellmamAve { Ecosystems, University of California . , i'f1 • Murrieta General Plan Update, EIR, , ` ' �s s: i �„ , {�F,L Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA �■,, Ti: 1 t . and Climate Action Plan ,t'* 1, ,, ,' • South Gate General Plan Update .. - k ;` Accreditations, EIR �' ' Licenses,and Affiliations x: .7: ` American Institute of Certified Planners ? �', "1'3; " (AICP) ►.;fix , " 7.x tii � e: .Whitmore St ` � t R•r. � ; American Planning Association(APA) '7, '< R.11 Commissioner,American Institute of ` ,-:_.,.t• Certified Planners (AICP) for Region VI, irr: et ,-�`.. -- 2006-2010 Rosemead Freeway Corridor Mixed- Use Overlay Zone President,California Chapter,APA, 2003-2004 Legislative Review Team Member, California Chapter,APA, 1990-Present City of Rosemead I PROPOSAL FOR 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT& PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES 49 SITE PHOTO Paseo Chapala Mixed-Use Development,Santa Barbara, CA . ....... .......„ • . _ A =. 1 .. ___ ........ -. . .. • ..,._._. .,..-- . 111 ,,,, _ _ 1 . ,.... .. ., ',_: '1 I _ . _ __........,... . ., , .•...-. . . . • • ;fatA. -, :t t;.i _ ...., -„, - ' I ,...„ .. ....... ... . •1 , ,.. t.Icialillsill-w .ii;i .... 1_,___ - -. F 1 , , ... ,ti . ._t__ . ' . illilr- IP „it t t ..” , _ ,... .„ ., , ., .„ , . ,,, . d ., i� 1 e F Ow _ - :*•,t ah ,III 11 s , eirtrivr._— ' * - Aii 0.. ..,A - - 41 ; - Wkdrklit1 f 11, i , . . ,„ r •-• - f :- 1.-7,... ..., : - , ,..... • ,..„ . .,.., I. . . A.,...z- '• • . . , . . _ _ . k • iW "+per s 1v' : 'i-' '-- }- t'C` { ', , • l • ,ter . y - N i K r_ J 5 e., • '11,2.,:'...r,e11-•• 4iitiAl.trt.: ::-• '''''.g,,, .,'-.-., ,, ..••.,'. . W .,.t :' i 1 I '' ' ': 4 % , i Z- , „. ::'J , W E. Ce 42,4' IP' . ._. , '';,-tilr'...:_ LJJ ,c4;, LJ-I ce Z.- ., ..., Ce z III . „.„,. • . 11 ...JI : co..: ... • .,. ..: ,,- ,.. Il• . tz, ._ _ . _... - -- a .' . _ . V) CS) 411... . .. LLJ , 11 74, '-- -'-"------..— ' low' 111011 t- ' .,.,. ' - • ,.. . ill ' ” U 'ci - -..-,,-4.-t. • ' N ... .. . . t.1...., ...,....,. .,, ''*-''3/4: ,,,=:;_i_ • . ' *rdt,.., „„,1 Z a k • . , F- - , .. - — . ., .., 1 l ,,, , o . 41 Z ...1..... : ._ UJ _ ..... Ce -- .. .1 — - , $'7.„.. ' . - Ce Alit- it, sl? . . , ..,... tfir+.1.,7‘-7,-itt&-R.,,... _ _....._ -,, . ,-,.........____.,. ......._. _. ... U ... „___,. „..„,..„-,........„,„..„,_....., 51 City of Rosemead I PROPOSAL FOR 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT& PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES ►i: FIP ` ', i `�. o.. ♦�' •S. '+i ���� • - A u t tit III , ,.. s„..... re - 0 '.• ' ..,Z-44;tif LALLii,.t , , i ; , ,, ‘,414;:.1t_Th.:( 1. ' : ''' li ' Illi 1 1,95,46 1 fk, It(f,j1 ...,; ‘i. • VII b lb ' it I i Ilti6 4.011 ''_ 111 • ‘ [ 1 rilj . is. Ilior z.. '8\4 •A. - a r t . . .R F' 1r ` Current and Accessible References I SECTION 5 REFERENCES RRM DESIGN GROUP VERONICA TAM + ASSOCIATES CHRISTOPHER KOONTZ, AICP GLORIA STEARNS Development Services Deputy Director Director of Community Development City of Long Beach City of Seaside (562) 570-6288 (831) 899-6830 christopher.koontz@longbeach.gov GStearns@ci.seaside.ca.us 411 West Ocean Blvd., Suite 3 440 Harcourt Avenue, Seaside, CA 93955 Long Beach, CA 90802 Project: Seaside Housing Element 2016 Project: General Plan Use, Engagement, and Urban Design MATT MOGENSEN Assistant City Manager DAVID BRANTLEY City of Marina Community Development Director (831) 884-1240 City of Yorba Linda (714) 961-7130 mmogensen@cityofmarina.org 211 Hillcrest Avenue, Marina, CA 93933 dbrantley@yorba-Iinda.org 4845 Casa Loma Project:Marina Housing Element 2015 Yorba Linda, CA 92886 Project:Housing Element and Implementation Program DAVID MANGO Director of Building and Planning SUSAN CURTIS County of Maywood General Plan Update Manager (323) 562-5721 County of Ventura David.Mango@cityofmaywood.org (805) 654-2497 4319 East Slauson Avenue, Maywood, CA 90270 susan.curtis@ventura.org Project:Maywood Housing Element 2013 800 South Victoria Avenue, L#1740 Ventura, CA 93009 Project: Ventura County General Plan Support MORSE PLANNING GROUP HAYDEN BECKMAN Senior Planner ABOUT OUR REFERENCES City of Huntington Beach (714) 536-5561 hayden.beckman@surfcity-hb.org The references provided can speak to 2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, CA experience working with the team of Project:Huntington Beach General Plan Update Program EIR professionals within Section 4 of this for New Research and Technology Zone (Addendum) proposal.All work was performed by individuals with their current respective firms. City of Rosemead I PROPOSAL FOR 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT& PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES 53 SITE PHOTO Avila Oaks Multifamily Development,Avila Beach, CA _Oil: .. ----, ail% it -- rr _--------_-_--:: 1111/0.11 • ' _ _ -_ . , . 1 . k� =___ - ...___ _. _ , I ,_ r_._ _ „..,„_. Yy _.__ , _________ , .,2„,,,,,,, , -- - .______ __ .40,,,,A-mip- ,... 0......„. r:-..L ,_____ ..., .._ _,______ _, .._ - ._ ___. y �_ __- 'rte J� VVI.}-' ,#.4.- »'_---,- " ,r-d;�' '- " _ tel ---. . s. .� ., ��' •, . 'fir •y . at............. .. _______----,Irs-4,, 1 i .,. _„,„„,...----- ,r,*,,/ . g '. fl+, t t e4_ U' �r r� e .;� 0 k <<' o '1- CO F a i i L O .. j' • r> ',.. o 7 , ,i;4 / ,, , i ' i i, ,.., D 1 o 0011 o - iiiiiiiii---- • N w'1 q ri ' a �` iii Z ... ._ r T' ;�'. - - , i, . 4 • i .f, . , iti,,, ....77.. _, -4' ' At T r rn m m Z -4 N rn 73C o N ni COST BREAKDOWN AND RATES C:I\ Proposal for 2021-2029 Housing Element&Public Safety Element Services th 610 v b N - ''' '1 I lir ,:)4t 1, a • ..,' tk, ilk lill1"°' 1:1' t !WM r a �_ h .. Ull f. 4 —3..�- a I i Reef _ „to 41001111L, 401111/ It ' A 4.4 vr 410,40p,--: 1 Cost Breakdown and Rates I SECTION 6 COST BREAKDOWN 4.m Dlane E Bis ty F Med Bret soon Veronica Tam Morse Planning ¢ W111ams o: Batngeta ¢ Wootla o: adawn p Sllneon ¢ Menlo Associates Group Page 1 of 2 - Policy Senbr Planner/GIS& Housing Element Environmental PnncipaHoGharge Project Manager planner/OWeaeh Senior Planner ResearchArelyst Architect Consultant Consultant 220 per how 210$per lour 1565per hew 135$per hour 135 Sper hour 206$per lour lump sum per task lump sum per Wk TASK 1:PROJECT ADMINISTRATION TYPE FEE ®Project Kick-Off Meeting 1111=111:1111111113 $440©IIMM©MEIE©MEEI- ECII- CI �- ®Project Schedule Development EMISIIIMIN111111111111-MIECI©MIECI- 11 -12 -1111=3-MMII �- Km Project Coordination 1=1$ 9,980 2, $440 Ezik i -'-f_minri-mizi Emccm1111. Task 1 Value: $ 12,520 TASK 2:HOUSING ELEMENT UPDATE-EXISTING CONDITIONS,ISSUES, FEE FEE OPPORTUNITIES,AND CHALLENGES TYPE ®Current Housing Element Review �®"i -0©0MIMIEE:- 11- 7:1-== - ®Housing Assessment and Needs Analysis 1111=311 ®Housing Parcel Identification Analysis EITIEI®"n ©®"' 11113=2131110®'IIECIIMEMIWI®'r'® =JEE=- IEEE Housing Production Constraints Analysis RICEIR®'" - 21:1M:11:13•11=13111•10 -MIEZINICI ®General Plan Consistency -- Km Revised Maps and Figures IMMEIE ZE -t_ IMI - IIMO - 1:1 - Task2 Value: $ 41,300 TASK 3:FACILITATION OF REVIEW OF DRAFT HOUSING ELEMENT AND APPROVAL OF FEE FEE FINAL HOUSING ELEMENT TYPE ®Ongoing Staff Review Draft of Housing Element Sections © LI MIDMEIMECIMMIMI $1,080 El37`r -M111 MIENN- ®Draft Housing Ekment 21 1 ' $660 ®Final Draft of Housing Element - CIMI ® -INE _MMII 1111NCE:= 1 in State Certification and City Adoption - Elm Public Noticing 1=13131A-11M11-®'1111:1M31:1-®-®-® Task 3 Value: $ 35,580 TASK 4:COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AND PUBLIC HEARINGS FEE FEE E am Community Outreach -®i $1,680 EZIMBEIMIM -M - mil Public Hearings/Presentation Materials Ii=11111111131111 $6 200 MI -11INECI_MEI INEEC=- rim Supporting Graphics(Optional) -!3•3MEIMEBEZIELIMIZE3-!:CIEZI -- Task 4 Value: $ 24,320 Nor including optional task ABOUT OUR PROPOSED FEE We have crafted the proposed work plan and corresponding fee based on our knowledge of the project context and professional experience.We have endeavored to be cost effective and efficient,however,we realize the proposed budget may exceed the anticipated LEAP grant allocation.Please know we are prepared to refine tasks as necessary to best satisfy City objectives,budget,and timeframes. City of Rosemead I PROPOSAL FOR 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT A PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES 57 Cost Breakdown and Rates I SECTION 6 COST BREAKDOWN I . • Page 2 of 2 TASK 5:PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT UPDATE TYPE FEE ®Current Public Safety Element -111111E11 M' -IZEI $5,400- 3:1 ME1=111— ®Proposed Amendments and Consistency with the General Plan&State Requirements - 1:1=1®'tt E1:1MIEBEI-IIIMII -1111111111 :1:111=— ®Final Public Safety Element update EZEIM®. r Task 5 Value: $ 23,580 TASK 6:ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS I ALTERNATIVE A FE FEE En Environmental Determination EZIM11101111111111•1=1 :11:1-=IECI- C1- 11_ 1:1 — 1233 Draft of Environmental Analysis 11310111t- ri-immin-mwri-mo-mmt-lmei $9,000 '.Environmental Noticing,Outreach and Filing �J- 1:1_ 1:1- 11-1•111:1-1•1113-1111111:1:1 En Final Draft of Environmental Analysis NO3111 En Adoption MEMO$ 900 -1111111111123-9-t- 111 $900 Task 6 Value: $ 15,900 TASK 6:ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS I ALTERNATIVE B FE FEE En Environmental Determination 1=11U- 11-MICI-MINNEI - C1- 1:1- 1 C.Draft of Environmental Analysis EZIMI ®"' - :13M3 $1,680 11131•1=11-1111•13- 1- 1 572.000 En Environmental Noticing,Outreach and Filing -111111MI1- 1:1- 3:1_1- 1:1_METI En Final Draft of Environmental Analysis EMMILMIIMEEEMI= 3:1= 1:1•13111111211131: 1:111• 1:1= 1:1 $12,000 En Adoption NEMO$ 15,000 _5-0-t-11111111ECI-IMIEI-I $10,000 Task 6 Value: $ 118,240 Fee Footnote Estimated fees for tasks shown as"Time and Materials-Not to Exceed"(T&M/NTE)are provided for informational FEE SUMMARY WITH TASK 6 ALTERNATIVE A purposes only.Amounts billed for these tasks,which will reflect actual hours,will not be exceeded without prior approval by the client. Subtotal $ 153,200 Reimbursable Expenses Reimbursable Expenses $ 2,800 Incidental expenses incurred by RRM Design Group or any subconsultant it may hire to perform services for this project are reimbursed by the client at actual cost plus 10%to cover its overhead and administrative expenses. ESTIMATED PROJECT TOTAL $ 156,000 Adjustment to Hourly Billing Rates RRM reserves the right to adjust hourly rates on an annual basis. FEE SUMMARY WITH TASK 6 ALTERNATIVE B Subtotal $ 255,540 Reimbursable Expenses $ 12,800 ESTIMATED PROJECT TOTAL $ 268,340 City of Rosemead I PROPOSAL FOR 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT a PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES 59 Cost Breakdown and Rates I SECTION 6 RRM DESIGN GROUP BILL RATE RANGES Subject to change effective March 1st each year ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN Architect $ 95 - $ 155 Designer I $ 55 - $ 85 Assistant Manager of Architecture $ 130 - $ 195 Designer II $ 65 - $ 115 Design Director $ 145 - $ 235 Interior Designer I $ 75 - $ 125 Designer I $ 70 - $ 100 Interior Designer II $ 90 - $ 150 Designer 11 $ 80 - $ 125 Intern $ 45 - $ 80 Designer III $ 90 - $ 150 Senior Interior Designer $ 110 - $ 195 Intern $ 45 - $ 80 Job Captain $ 90 - $ 150 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Manager of Architecture $ 145 - $ 255 Assistant Designer $ 70 - $ 110 Principal $ 180 - $ 350 Associate Designer $ 80 - $ 125 Project Architect $ 110 - $ 185 Designer $ 95 - $ 135 Project Designer $ 110 - $ 175 Intern $ 45 - $ 80 Project Manager $ 110 - $ 185 Landscape Architect $ 95 - $ 145 Senior Architect $ 135 - $ 220 Manager of Landscape Architecture $ 150 - $ 240 Senior Designer $ 135 - $ 210 Principal $ 180 - $ 350 Senior Project Manager $ 135 - $ 230 Principal Landscape Architect $ 135 - $ 230 Senior Designer $ 105 - $ 160 ENGINEERING&SURVEYING Senior Landscape Architect $ 110 - $ 175 Construction Inspector $ 105 - $ 155 Designer I $ 55 - $ 95 PLANNING Designer II $ 75 - $ 120 Assistant Planner $ 75 - $ 115 Designer III $ 90 - $ 135 Associate Planner $ 90 - $ 150 Engineer I $ 85 - $ 130 Intern $ 45 - $ 80 Engineer II $ 105 - $ 160 Manager of Planning $ 145 - $ 240 Land Surveyor $ 115 - $ 160 Principal $ 180 - $ 350 Manager of Engineering Services $ 170 - $ 280 Principal Planner $ 140 - $ 230 Manager of Surveying $ 150 - $ 230 Senior Planner $ 115 - $ 185 Party Chief $ 90 - $ 140 Principal $ 180 - $ 350 CORPORATE SERVICES Project Engineer $ 125 - $ 175 Accounting Specialist $ 60 - $ 110 Project Manager $ 145 - $ 230 Business Development Coordinator $ 85 - $ 135 Senior Designer $ 110 - $ 185 Chief Executive Officer $ 195 - $ 500 Senior Land Surveyor $ 130 - $ 195 Graphic Designer $ 80 - $ 135 Senior Party Chief $ 115 - $ 180 Marketing Manager $ 110 - $ 220 Senior Project Engineer $ 135 - $ 225 Marketing Specialist $ 90 - $ 150 Supervisor of Surveying $ 135 - $ 205 Office Coordinator $ 70 - $ 125 Survey Technician I $ 60 - $ 90 Project Accountant $ 65 - $ 135 Survey Technician II $ 75 - $ 115 Project Administrator $ 70 - $ 125 Survey Technician Ill $ 90 - $ 155 Receptionist $ 40 - $ 80 Surveying Crew Rates REGULAR One person w/GPS or Robotic Workstation $ 125 - $ 155 Two person $ 175 - $ 290 Three person $ 235 - $ 390 PREVAILING WAGE One person w/GPS or Robotic Workstation $ 150 - $ 180 Two person $ 225 - $ 340 Three person $ 325 - $ 490 City of Rosemead 1 PROPOSAL FOR 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT& PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES 61 SECTION 6 I Cost Breakdown and Rates VERONICA TAM + ASSOCIATES 2020 RATE SCHEDULE TITLE HOURLY RATE Principal $170 Senior Planner $125 Planner $100 Grants Specialist $110 MORSE PLANNING GROUP 2020 RATE SCHEDULE Hourly rates are reviewed at the beginning of each calendar year and adjusted as necessary. TITLE HOURLY RATE Principal/Project Manager $150 Environmental Analyst/Project Planner $110 Graphic Artist $100 Word Processing $75 Consultation Relative to Legal Actions $300 62 ;i1 1 I I 11 SITE PHOTO Marsh Street Brownstones Infill Development, San Luis Obispo, CA 7 W z ' W `I V R r t. �4 zli Ilb ;. li 1 'mt ii 4 ��Y 54 "Z yew , .. .04 �,.-.. f ` r1 ' t t , a vilt ".�'� Il i il;� f..._ N • /41,I;F'IIfIII 1 / 1 _ O swuw `'...., a l , I Caw ' ' ' -.?'',, „ ''*- • ) ,., ,..-41S4,,,,,,til 4....... . „ II ,s-ci . l... .,,,„ , - - -,:...!listitil... . t . ., - ... .. . .. -4•1.—i.0 ., ,'.' - "'`,,,,,,„ .; rte. T ,r E City of Rosemead 1 PROPOSAL FOR 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT& PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES 63 Timeline I SECTION 7 TIMELINE 2020 2021 Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct TASK 1 PROJECT ADMINISTRATION Subtask 1.1:Project Kick-Off Meeting -• Subtask 1.2:Project Schedule Development -•NI Subtask 1.3:Project Coordination TASK 2:HOUSING ELEMENT UPDATE-EXISTING CONDITIONS ISSUES OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALENGES Subtask 2.1:Current Housing Element Review •- Subtask 2.2:Housing Assessment and Needs Analysis •- Subtask 2.3:Housing Parcel Identification Analysis Subtask 2.4:Housing Production Constraints Analysis •_ Subtask 2.5:General Plan Continency Subtask 2.6:Revised Maps and Figures • TASK 3:FACILITATION OF REVIEW OF DRAFT HOUSING ELEMENT AND APPROVAL OF FINAL HOUSING ELEMENT Subtask 3.1:Ongoing Staff Review Draft of Homing Element Section • Subtask 3.2:Draft Housing Element • Subtask 3.3:Final Draft of Housing Element • Subtask 3.4:State Certification and City Adoption Subtask 3.5:Public Noticing •, TASK 4:COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AND PUBLIC HEARINGS Subtask 4.1:Community Outreach ••- • • Subtask 4.2:Public Hearings/Presentation Material • . S • S S TASK 5:PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT UPDATE Subtask S.I.Current Public Safety Element • Subtask AS.2:Proposed Amendments i Consistency with General Plan 6 State Requirement • Subtask A5.3:Public Safety Element Update • TASK 6:ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS(ALTERNATIVE Al Subtask 6.1:Environmental Determination • Subtask A6.2:Draft of Environmental Analysis • Subtask A6.3:Environmental Noticing,Outreach and Filing • busk A6.4:Final Draft of Environmental Analysis • Sobtask ASS:Adoption •■ • Meeting Memnon City of Rosemead I PROPOSAL FOR 2021-2029 HOUSING ELEMENT 8 PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT SERVICES 65 rrm "I designgroup S 9 M p � a \ -441,C'VIC PRIDE \.......s..... �, ►7 Ato,rpORAT.0,969 Attachment C Revised Scope of Work, Timeline, and Fee Schedule, dated September 15, 2020 PROJECT APPROACH AND SCOPE OF SERVICES The City of Rosemead is poised to commence the preparation of the 6th Cycle Housing Element.The Southern California Association of Governments has estimated a total of 4,604 dwelling units for Rosemead in the 6th Cycle Regional Housing Needs Assessment(RHNA) numbers. In contrast, the previous 5th Cycle Housing Element addressed an RHNA of 602 units. Key challenges that must be navigated for successful Housing Element adoption include not only an increased RHNA allocation but also strict site eligibility requirements focusing on development feasibility and a fast-pasted changing housing legislation landscape. In addition, a focused update to the City's Public Safety Element is required as part of this process to satisfy SB 379 and incorporation of environmental justice policies are required pursuant to SB 1000,triggered by the amendment of more than one General Plan Element. In preparing this scope of work, we carefully reviewed the issued RFP, the existing Rosemead Housing Element and General Plan, and other available City documents. Proposed tasks follow those outlined in the issued RFP and subsequently issued addendum with City Council adoption of the updated Housing Element planned for October 2021.We have crafted the proposed work plan based on our knowledge of the project context and professional experience. However, we are prepared to refine tasks as necessary to best satisfy City objectives, budget, and timeframes. TASK 1 : PROJECT ADMINISTRATION TASK 1.1 PROJECT KICKOFF MEETING RRM Design Group with Veronica Tam Associates (VTA) and Morse Planning Group(MPG)will prepare for and conduct an initial kickoff meeting with City staff. This task is anticipated to be conducted as a conference call and includes the following topics: • Identification of key project contacts and information exchange • Review of project objectives, scope of work, and project timeline • Discussion of issues to be focused on during the project • Identification of optimal working relationship (such as turnaround times) • Review and refinement of the public outreach strategy Deliverables: • Meeting agenda and list of data needs • Meeting summary with project goals, objectives, and action items TASK 1.2 PROJECT SCHEDULE DEVELOPMENT The Project Team will work with City staff to finalize a project schedule within ten (10) working days after the kickoff meeting and include tasks and milestones for certification of the Housing Element by State HCD no later than October 15, 2021. The refined schedule will address project milestones, review times, public outreach timing, environmental documentation preparation and review, and anticipated State HCD review and certification timelines. 1. Deliverables: • Refined final project schedule TASK 1.3 PROJECT COORDINATION Project management and coordination include regular communication between the project manager and the City. The project manager, in conjunction with VTA, will coordinate the overall project schedule.This task is intended to allow for necessary coordination between the project team members and City staff, including teleconferences, meetings, correspondence, recordkeeping, electronic file management, and additional necessary coordination.This task includes the review of deliverables and coordination of strategy with VTA. Deliverables: • Ongoing project management and coordination (assumes 2 hours per month over the course of I2 months) • Meeting summaries with action items TASK 2: HOUSING ELEMENT EXISTING CONDITIONS, ISSUES, OPPORTUNITIES, AND CHALLENGES TASK 2.1 CURRENT HOUSING ELEMENT REVIEW The Rosemead 2014-2012 Housing Element will be evaluated to determine the revisions that must be made to comply with current State law and HCD requirements.This evaluation will be submitted as a written outline with recommended changes (including relevant justification) and areas for improvement, programs that should be considered, and any other relevant housing issues that might be included in this update. Obsolete sections shall be identified for removal. In collaboration with City staff,the Consultant Team will prepare an analysis of the City's progress toward meeting the identified goals, policies, and programs since the adoption of the 2014-2021 Housing Element. This task will include a review of documents relevant to the Housing Element update: • 2014-2021 Housing Element • All past communication with HCD, including any findings letters • Land Use Element • General Plan • Housing Element Annual Progress Reports • Adopted and draft specific plans and zoning amendments • Municipal code/zoning code Deliverables: • Evaluation of the existing Housing Element, General Plan,Zoning Ordinance, and other supporting materials in comparison to current State housing law 2 • Evaluation of results from previous housing programs and policies implemented, and their effectiveness, including review and evaluation of the City's 2019 Annual Housing Progress Report • Memorandum summarizing the evaluation findings and recommendations to staff provided in electronic format, formatted as a section for integration into the Housing Element update TASK 2.2 HOUSING ASSESSMENT AND NEEDS ANALYSIS A housing assessment and needs analysis will be prepared pursuant to State housing law. The Consultant Team will obtain and analyze demographic, economic, infrastructure and housing data needed to complete this task.The housing assessment and needs analysis will contain the following topics to satisfy Government Code Section 65583(a) requirements: • Demographics, income, and employment trends • Household characteristics • Housing stock characteristics • At-risk housing analysis; analysis of special housing needs • Affirmatively furthering fair housing analysis Deliverables • Housing needs assessment outline • Draft housing needs assessment in both PDF and Word • Final updated housing needs assessment, electronic format, formatted as a section for integration into the Housing Element update TASK 2.3 HOUSING PARCEL IDENTIFICATION ANALYSIS The Southern California Association of Governments has estimated a total of 4,604 dwelling units for Rosemead in the 6th Cycle Regional Housing Needs Assessment(RHNA) numbers: I,15 I very low income, 636 low income, 685 moderate income, and 2,131 above moderate income. The Draft 6th cycle RHNA is expected to be released on September 3, 2020. The previous 5th Cycle Housing Element addressed an RHNA of 602 unites. We will use the current sites inventory as a starting point and work with the City to determine which sites are still viable RHNA sites based on the following new state law requirements: • Conduct additional analysis for sites smaller than one-half acre or larger than 10 acres • Conduct additional analysis for underutilized sites • Identify sites included in the past two housing element cycles that are now required to allow affordable housing by-right • Identify if sites are publicly owned • Indicate whether a site has available or planned and accessible infrastructure We will update the site selection criteria to identify new sites and reevaluate sites identified for the 5th Cycle Housing Element land inventory.As part of the site selection process,we will consider the General Plan policies and land use density range, zoning,available infrastructure, and opportunities within approved specific 3 plans.We will formulate the General Plan and zoning strategies that will address additional housing unit capacity. As part of the housing sites analysis, our multi-disciplined team will complete the following: • Document potential sites -We will prepare an inventory, map, and analysis clearly illustrating the City's capacity to accommodate the 6th Cycle RHNA. In keeping with state law,we will document the realistic development capacity of each site and prepare a map showing all identified sites. The sites' inventory will be compiled using the HCD template. • Investigate alternative RHNA credits-This includes analyzing the capacity for alternative RHNA credits for accessory dwelling units,guest quarters, preservation of existing at-risk affordable housing projects, and other similar, nontraditional RHNA credit opportunities. • Ensure sites affirmatively further fair housing-We will work with City staff to determine if the sites identified in the inventory are located throughout the community in a manner that affirmatively furthers fair housing. • Underutilized sites analysis -We will complete an analysis of nonvacant sites to address a portion of the RHNA.As part of this task, we will analyze the realistic development potential within the planning period by considering the extent that a nonvacant site's existing use impedes additional residential development, the jurisdiction's past experience converting existing uses to higher density residential development, market trends and conditions, and regulatory or other incentives or standards that encourage additional housing development on any nonvacant sites. • Analyze the feasibility of applicable densities to meet the lower-income RHNA- Typically, this is done by reviewing similarly situated built projects in the vicinity, calling local developers, and reviewing pro formas/development applications submitted to the City to infer development feasibility. • Infrastructure analysis -With supporting GIS data provided by the City,we will work to determine if parcels included in the inventory have sufficient water, sewer, and dry utilities supply available and accessible to support housing development.This analysis is not required to be parcel- specific.We will review existing General Plan programs or other mandatory programs or plans to secure sufficient water, sewer, and dry utilities supply to support housing development on the site. Deliverables • Draft memorandum on methodology and summary of analysis findings in electronic format in both PDF and Word • Final memorandum TASK 2.4 HOUSING PRODUCTION CONSTRAINTS ANALYSIS Potential governmental and non-governmental constraints to housing production will be identified, including environmental and infrastructural constraints. This analysis must contain a review of factors that may potentially constrain the development, improvement, and preservation of housing in Rosemead. New housing element laws require the assessment of non-governmental constraints, including NIMBYism, lending practices, shortage of labor, and other economic factors.This work will include a review of existing City regulations, codes, and standards related to housing.Where constraints exist, strategies will be proposed to address them. 4 Deliverables • Memorandum in electronic format summarizing the findings of the housing constraints analysis, formatted for integration into the Housing Element update TASK 2.5 GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY The Housing Element will be revised to ensure consistency with other General Plan elements, compliance with State law, and certification by October 2021.The updated Housing Element will be prepared under Task 3. A list of recommended revisions for other General Plan elements may be provided for internal consistency Deliverables • Memorandum in electronic format summarizing recommended General Plan revisions TASK 2.6 REVISED MAPS AND FIGURES Maps and figures in the Housing Element will be revised in accordance with recommended changes. In addition, maps and figures in related General Plan elements may be amended as mutually determined to ensure consistency in the General Plan. Deliverables • Housing Element maps and figures formatted for integration into the Housing Element update TASK 3: FACILITATION OF REVIEW OF DRAFT HOUSING ELEMENT AND APPROVAL OF FINAL HOUSING ELEMENT TASK 3.1 ONGOING STAFF REVIEW DRAFT OF HOUSING ELEMENT SECTIONS A draft Housing Element and Implementation Plan will be prepared in compliance with all applicable State and federal laws, including all tables and maps, and shall include the following: • Updated housing, population, demographic, and employment data to coincide with SCAG growth projections, and ACS data.To the extent feasible, SCAG's HCD-preapproved data package will be used to update the needs assessment • Assessment of the housing and market conditions and immediate needs within the City, including special housing needs • Identification of actual and potential constraints on the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing for all income levels • Analysis of housing opportunities, along with an inventory of suitable sites and the City's capacity to meet regional housing goals • A Housing Element(2021-2029) implementation program including quantifiable objectives and programs to address housing needs for all income levels and special needs populations (the elderly, veterans, and populations with disabilities, or experiencing homelessness). For each program 5 included in the Housing Element,the time frame for implementation, specific objectives,funding sources, and responsible agencies will be identified.The programs will satisfy the requirements of Government Code Sections 65583(b) and (c) The issued RFP suggests that drafts of each Housing Element section be provided for staff review as work progresses. In our experience, a review of a complete draft document provides for a more efficient and productive review process, and we look forward to developing a mutually agreeable approach.We ask that we receive one consolidated set of City comments electronically on the Administrative Draft. Deliverables • Administrative Draft of Housing Element in electronic format in both PDF and Word TASK 3.2 DRAFT HOUSING ELEMENT HCD review of the draft Housing Element is mandatory.Addressing comments and revisions on the Administrative Draft, the Project Team will prepare a public review draft Housing Element and present it at a Planning Commission/City Council study session prior to submitting the draft Housing Element to HCD for its 60-day compliance review. VTA will act as a liaison between HCD and City staff, and the Project Team will coordinate conference calls and address HCD comments on the draft element. The goal is to achieve a Finding of Substantial Compliance for the draft Housing Element before proceeding to adoption. Deliverables • Public Review Draft of Housing Element in electronic format in both PDF and Word for distribution by City staff to the City Council, Planning Commission, and general public TASK 3.3 FINAL DRAFT HOUSING ELEMENT Following the public review and comment period,the Project Team will prepare the final Housing Element in response to comments from State HCD, responsible agencies, City staff,the Planning Commission, City Council, and the public. Deliverables • Final Public Review Draft of Housing Element in electronic format in both PDF and Word TASK 3.4 STATE CERTIFICATION AND CITY ADOPTION After City Council preliminary approval, the Housing Element must be submitted to HCD for its final review (90 days).VTA will follow through with assisting the City in achieving state certification of the Housing Element. Upon adoption of the Final Draft Housing Element by the City Council,the Project Team will prepare a final version of the document for inclusion in the General Plan document. CEQA-related filings are addressed in Task 5. Deliverables • Final Housing Element in electronic format in both PDF and Word 6 TASK 3.5 PUBLIC NOTICING In coordination with City staff, the Project Team will prepare the appropriate public notices and provide the required consultations and notifications for HEU per local and state regulations. Notice posting and distribution will be provided by the City, and payment of posting or filing fees would be covered by the City. Tribal noticing and consultation in accordance with statutory timelines are addressed under Task 5— Environmental Analysis. Deliverables • Electronic copy of notices in both PDF and Word TASK 4: COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AND PUBLIC HEARINGS TASK 4.1 COMMUNITY OUTREACH AND MEETINGS To facilitate preliminary budgeting for the project,we have outlined a general approach for the Housing Element and Public Safety Element public outreach process to inform and seek input.The budget estimate assumes a combination of web conferencing and online engagement, considering the current context of the COVID-19 constraints. This approach will be further refined with City staff.The Project Team will consult with City staff to develop a tailored outreach approach that meets HCD requirements and engages the communities throughout the City. For the Housing Element and Public Safety Element update process, we recommend the following potential activities for outreach: • Online housing needs survey • Stakeholder interviews (10) or focus groups (2) held over the course of one day • Community workshop (via Zoom or another acceptable platform) • Joint study session with Planning Commission and City Council • Housing Sub-Committee meetings (up to four) Over the course of the project, this task also includes the provision of materials for posting on the City's website such as project scope, schedule, and completed products as they are developed.To support additional meetings staff may wish to conduct with decision-makers or stakeholders, briefing materials would be provided under this task. It is assumed City staff will be responsible for meeting notification, facilities (if any), and logistics. In support of outreach efforts, 32 hours are provided for VTA participation in the community workshop,joint study session and Housing Sub-Committee meetings. Deliverables • Refine community engagement plan with City staff and conduct agreed-upon activities • Electronic copies of all branded outreach materials for distribution and communication/advertising purposes. 7 TASK 4.2 PUBLIC HEARINGS/PRESENTATION MATERIALS The project team will support the City preparation of staff reports, exhibits, and presentations for Housing Element approval and will attend up to four (4) public hearings. Staff reports, resolutions, exhibits and presentation will be developed by RRM in collaboration with City staff with RRM preparing initial drafts of content and City staff finalizing and coordinating logistics. Errata sheets may be used between public hearings to track recommended document edits and changes. In support of public hearings, 16 hours are provided for VTA participation for up to four(4) public hearings. Deliverables • Support for staff reports, exhibits and presentations • Attendance and support at up to two Planning Commission hearings • Attendance and support at up to two City Council hearings TASK 4.3 SUPPORTING GRAPHICS (OPTIONAL) Design compatibility will be a key component to ensure potential housing projects are consistent with Rosemead's character and community expectations. Under this task, RRM's architects will develop up to five (5)graphics to illustrate potential development, helping the community at large to better understand potential changes from proposed new residential densities. Deliverables • Up to five (5) conceptual graphics showing potential housing development concepts TASK 5: PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT UPDATE & ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE POLICIES Pursuant to Government Code Sections 65302 et seq. established by Senate Bill 379 (SB 379), the Public Safety Element must be reviewed and updated as necessary to address the risk of fire hazards, climate adaptation and resiliency strategies. SB 379 requires a set of goals, policies, and objectives based on a vulnerability assessment. Public Safety Element tasks are planned to run concurrently with Housing Element tasks and review cycles. Reliance on existing available documentation is assumed for this analysis and update. No new technical studies are proposed. In addition, with adding the update of a second General Plan element as part of the project, Senate Bill 1000 (SB 1000) is triggered, requiring the development and adoption of an Environmental Justice element or environmental goals, policies, and objectives integrated into other Elements in the General Plan. Based on CalEnviroScreen data, Rosemead contains seven census tracts that meet disadvantaged communities' criteria. Therefore, additional policies are proposed to be developed for inclusion in the Housing Element and Public Safety Element, as opposed to the creation of a separate Environmental Justice Element. 8 TASK 5.1 CURRENT PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE SETTING RRM will review the current Rosemead Public Safety Element to determine its compliance with State law and provide a memorandum addressing findings, including identification of deficiencies,topics for policy development, and a list of potential resources/data for use in the update process.This task will rely on existing available information at the local, regional, state, and federal level relating to vulnerability and risks that climate change poses to the local jurisdiction, preliminarily including: • Rosemead Public Safety Element and overall General Plan • Rosemead Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (2018) • California Adaptation Planning Guide • Internet-based Cal-Adapt Tool • California Office of Planning and Research (OPR) resources: o General Plan Guidelines o SB 379 Survey Report o Defining Vulnerable Communities in the Context of Climate Adaptation State law allows for potential cross-referencing of information from an adopted Local Hazard Mitigation Plan, and such strategies will be evaluated as part of this task.This task assumes City staff provision of the existing Public Safety Element in Word and an allocation of up to 120 hours of RRM time. For the development of environmental justice policies, a summary of related State requirements and a review of available relevant data will be prepared. In general, environmental topics will focus on reducing compounded health risks in disadvantaged communities and address topics such as pollution exposure and air quality, public facilities, food access, safe and sanitary homes, physical activity, community engagement, improvements, and programs. Resources include the OPR General Plan Guidelines addressing environmental justice elements, SB 1000 Toolkit, Rosemead General Plan EIR, and regional air quality data, among others. Deliverables • Electronic copy of memorandum in both PDF and Word identifying Public Safety Element areas of revision for State compliance • Electronic copy of memorandum in both PDF and Word summarizing State General Plan environmental justice requirements, available data, and preliminary strategies TASK 5.2 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS AND CONSISTENCY WITH GENERAL PLAN AND STATE REQUIREMENTS RRM will prepare an update to the Public Safety Element addressing areas outlined in Task 5.I. In addition, environmental justice goals, policies and objectives will be prepared for inclusion in the Housing Element and Public Safety Element. Updates and modifications to goals, policies, objectives, and graphics will be clearly identified in a mutually agreeable format.A review of other Rosemead General Plan elements will be conducted for potential consistency revisions for the Public Safety Element and environmental justice policies. As noted in the issued RFP, the scope of work does not encompass a comprehensive update to the Public Safety Element, and only portions of the Element will be amended for General Plan and State compliance. 9 Relying on existing available information, potential areas to be addressed include the development of a set of adaptation and resilience goals, policies, and objectives and updated content relating to: • Methods to avoid or minimize climate change impacts associated with land use • Locations of new essential public facilities outside of at-risk areas • Designation of adequate and feasible infrastructure located in an at-risk area • Guidelines for working cooperatively with relevant local, regional, state, and federal agencies • Identification of natural infrastructure that may be used in adaptation projects We ask that to receive one consolidated set of City comments electronically on the administrative Draft. Up to 120 RRM hours are assumed for this task. Deliverables • Electronic copy of Administrative Public Safety Element for internal review in both PDF and Word • Electronic copy of Administrative Environmental Justice Policies for internal review in both PDF and Word TASK 5.3 FINAL PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT UPDATE AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE POLICIES Based on consolidated City staff comments received on the administrative Draft Public Safety Element and environmental justice policies, RRM will incorporate revisions and prepare a public hearing draft Public Safety Element for public review and hearing purposes. Any final edits following public review and hearings also will be captured under this task. Errata sheets may be used for proposed changes between public hearings, and up to 40 RRM hours are assumed for this task. Deliverables • Electronic copy of public hearing Public Safety Element for public hearings in both PDF and Word TASK 6: ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS Morse Planning Group (MPG)will lead the environmental analysis task. As background,the City certified a Final Program Environmental Impact Report(EIR) for the General Plan Update in October 2008 (General Plan EIR) and adopted a Negative Declaration for the 2014-2021 Housing Element in October 2013. In addition, the City certified a Final EIR for the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan in February 2018 and is presently in the process of preparing the Freeway Corridor Mixed Use Overlay Zone and associated CEQA documentation. The General Plan EIR analyzed the following projected General Plan growth: 6,047 dwelling units, 7,310,000 square feet of non-residential uses, and 22,816 new residents.The Garvey Avenue Specific Plan EIR identified the following projected growth within the Plan Area: 1,048 dwelling units; 1,300,000 square feet of non- residential uses, and 2,710 residents, which represent 17.33%, 17.78%, and 11,88%, respectively, of the projected General Plan Growth. Based on preliminary analysis, the General Plan EIR has projected capacity to accommodate the 6th cycle RHNA numbers. 10 The City has requested two CEQA scopes of work: Option One—Mitigated Negative Declaration and Option Two—Environmental Impact Report. The appropriate CEQA document will be determined at part of Task 6.I, Environmental Determination. In both cases, it is assumed that the CEQA document will tier off the City of Rosemead General Plan Update Final Program EIR and any relevant adopted Specific Plan CEQA documents, including but not limited to the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Final EIR.These CEQA documents and other City and adopted CEQA documents allow for the use of information relative to the identified housing opportunity sites or sites identified for rezoning in the Housing Element, and applicable mitigation measures. No technical analyses are assumed as part of this scope of work for either option. If determined necessary, a separate scope and fee would be prepared. In addition, MPG assumes that the City will provide one set of consolidated City comments on draft work products. TASK 6.1 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION Following preparation of the draft Housing Element, MPG will meet with the City staff and the RRM team to confirm the environmental review strategy and timeline. MPG will review the draft Housing Element and the General Plan EIR to identify any inconsistencies or additional analyses required. If no changes to the General Plan EIR are necessary, a Negative Declaration/Mitigated Negative Declaration would be prepared. If changes to the General Plan EIR are necessary, a Supplemental EIR would be prepared.A memorandum confirming the environmental review strategy will be provided to the City. Deliverables • Memorandum confirming the environmental review strategy A. OPTION ONE: NEGATIVE DECLARATION OR MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION TASK A6.2 DRAFT OF ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS Initial Study/Environmental Assessment MPG will prepare an Initial Study in accordance with CEQA, the CEQA Guidelines, and the City of Rosemead's CEQA Guidelines.The Initial Study will include detailed explanations of all checklist determinations, discussions of potential environmental impacts, and mitigation measures, if applicable.The Initial Study analysis shall be in accordance with all applicable sections of CEQA and the CEQA Guidelines. The environmental document will be presented with the following sections: Introduction, Project Description, Initial Study Checklist, Environmental Analysis, and Initial Study Determination. MPG's approach to the analysis portion of the document is to provide thorough, detailed, and conclusive impact analysis. The topics to be reviewed include all topics included in the most current version of CEQA Guidelines Appendix G. 11 Administrative Draft Initial Study MPG will submit the Administrative Draft Initial Study for review and comment by City Staff. MPG will also submit a Second Administrative Draft Initial Study ("check copy"),which will incorporate one complete set of comments received from City staff. TASK A6.3 ENVIRONMENTAL NOTICING, OUTREACH, AND FILING Native American Tribal Consultation Per SB 18 and AB 52 MPG will contact the Native American Heritage Commission to provide the list of Native American tribes to consult. Upon receipt of the NAHC letter, MPG will support the City by providing draft letters for City review and to be put on City letterhead. Upon receipt of the letter back from the City, MPG will transmit letters via email if available or send letters to Tribes via US Certified Mail or overnight delivery service, initiating the consultation process under AB-52 and SB-18. MPG will follow-up once with each group via email or telephone. It is assumed that City staff would meet with requested tribes in person or by telephone. MPG is available to attend meetings in support of the consultation process on a time and materials basis, estimated at$450 per meeting. MPG would assist City staff in drafting a summary of the consultation process. CEQA Notices MPG will prepare all CEQA public notices required for the proposed project for City review and sign: Negative Declaration/Mitigated Negative Declaration, Notice of Availability and Notice of Determination. MPG will be responsible for transmitting notices and a CD/USB drive to designated reviewing agencies (State Clearinghouse and up to 15 agencies). It is assumed that the City will be responsible for public noticing to comply with City requirements, such as posting notices or newspaper notices. This scope of work excludes payment of any CDFW filing fees, if applicable. MPG will be responsible for filing notices with the State Clearinghouse and Los Angeles County Clerk; however,the City will be responsible for the payment of any fees for such filings. Meetings MPG Staff will attend up to two meetings with City Staff.This task includes a budget of six(6) hours for meetings. TASK A6.4 FINAL DRAFT OF ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS Public Review Draft Initial Study MPG will submit the Public Review Draft Initial Study to the City, which will be distributed for public review. Draft Final Initial Study • Response to Comments - MPG will respond to written comments received on the Public Review Draft Initial Study during the public review period, and prepare thorough, reasoned, and sensitive responses to relevant environmental issues. MPG will prepare the Administrative Draft Responses to Comments for review and comment by City Staff. MPG will submit one"check copy" of the final Responses to Comments document,which will incorporate one complete set of comments 12 received from City Staff on the Administrative Draft Responses to Comments. For budgeting purposes, a maximum of 4 hours has been assumed for MPG to prepare the Responses to Comments. Should the comments be excessive and require more than the budgeted time, this task and associated costs would be revisited. • Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program - MPG will prepare the mitigation monitoring and reporting program (MMRP) pursuant to CEQA Section 21081.6. MPG will submit a draft version for City Staff review and will follow with a final MMRP.This task includes a budget of 4 hours. Public Hearings MPG will attend one public hearing each with the Rosemead Planning Commission and City Council. This task includes a budget of 8 hours for public hearings. MPG is available for additional public hearings on a time and materials basis for an estimated $600 (4 hours) per meeting. TASK A6.5 ADOPTION Following City Council approval of the CEQA document, MPG will prepare a Final environmental document, which will consist of the revised Public Review Draft Initial Study text, as necessary to address the comments received during the public review period, and the MMRP. Deliverables for Tasks A6.2-A6.5 • One (I) electronic file (PDF and Word) of Administrative Draft IS • One (I) electronic file(PDF and Word) of"Check Copy"of Draft IS/MND • One (I) electronic copy(PDF and Word) of Draft IS and ND/MND • Thirty-five (35) CDs/USB Drives with PDF Files of Draft IS and ND/MND for City, State Clearinghouse, and Reviewing Agencies • One (I) electronic copy(Word) of Draft Mitigation Monitoring Program • One (I) electronic copy(Word) of Final Mitigation Monitoring Program • One (I) electronic copy(PDF) of Final IS and ND/MND • One (I) electronic copy(Word and PDF) of Native American Consultation Letters • One (I) electronic copy(Word and PDF) of Native American Consultation Summary • One (I) electronic copy(Word and PDF) of Native American Consultation Letters • One (I) electronic copy(Word and PDF) of Native American Consultation Summary 13 B. OPTION TWO: SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT TASK B6.2 DRAFT OF ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS The City certified a Final Program Environmental Impact Report(PEIR) for the General Plan Update in October 2008.This scope of work assumes that a Supplement to the 2008 PEIR (Supplemental EIR [SEIR]) rather than a Subsequent EIR will be prepared, as I) none of the conditions described in CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 require the preparation of a Subsequent EIR, and 2) only minor additions or changes would be necessary to make the previous EIR adequately apply to the project in the changed situation. Should the environmental review process identify that substantial changes per CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 would warrant the preparation of a Subsequent EIR, MPG will notify City staff and discuss the potential scope and fee changes. Project Description The development of the Project Description is an important first step in the CEQA process and will be utilized throughout the process and for environmental analysis. MPG will prepare a draft project description for review by the City. Following receipt of City comments, a revised project description will be prepared for use in the Initial Study and SEIR. Initial Study An Initial Study will be prepared for the proposed project.The Initial Study will contain a description of the project, the project location, and a description of the environmental setting of the project site.The main body of the document will consist of a City-approved environmental checklist and an accompanying environmental analysis.The project will be analyzed for the potential to create significant environmental impacts in the areas specified on the environmental checklist.Where the potential for a significant effect is identified, the Initial Study will refer to more detailed analysis to be included in the SEIR. It is anticipated that some issues may be eliminated from the need for further environmental analysis in the SEIR. After City review of the Draft Initial Study and Notice of Preparation (NOP), MPG will make the necessary revisions.The Final Initial Study and NOP will be distributed to responsible agencies, the State Clearinghouse, and persons who have expressed interest in the project. MPG will summarize key comments received in NOP comment letters for presentation in the Draft SEIR. Comment letters will be provided in an appendix to the SEIR. Public Scoping Meeting A public scoping meeting, which can also involve federal, state, or other local agencies, will be set up as a brief project overview presentation so that the community can gain an understanding of the proposed project and make comments based upon accurate knowledge of the proposed project. Following the presentation, the meeting will be devoted to public participation, questions, and comments.Written comment forms and sign-in sheets will be provided for this purpose, and these comments, along with verbal comments, will become a part of the administrative record. 14 MPG will assist and participate in a publicly noticed NOP Scoping meeting.This scope of work assumes that the City will be responsible for scheduling, noticing, facilitating the meeting, and preparing the agenda. MPG will provide materials for facilitating the discussion, including a PowerPoint presentation, handouts, boards, flyers, and other materials as needed. Following the meeting, MPG will provide a meeting summary with meeting notes. Administrative Draft Supplemental EIR MPG will prepare a First and Second Administrative Draft SEIR for submittal to the City. The SEIR will focus on the issues that are identified to have potentially significant impacts in the Initial Study.The SEIR will include all contents required by City requirements, CEQA statutes, CEQA Guidelines, and applicable court decisions. The SEIR will include a table of contents and maps and other graphics to clearly present the environmental analysis to the decision makers, responsible agencies, and the public. Executive Summary The Executive Summary will include a project summary, an overview of project impacts, mitigation measures, and levels of significance after mitigation, and a summary of project alternatives.The Executive Summary will be prepared and submitted as part of the Second Administrative Draft EIR submittal to the City.This section will include a summary table of all impacts and mitigation measures identified in the SEIR. Introduction and Purpose The Introduction will cite the provisions of CEQA, the CEQA Guidelines, and the City of Rosemead CEQA Implementation procedures to which the proposed project is subject. This section will identify the purpose of the study and statutory authority, document scoping procedures, provide a summary of the SEIR format, provide a listing of responsible and trustee agencies, and provide a listing of documentation incorporated by reference. Project Description The Project Description section will detail the project location, background, and history of the project, discretionary actions, characteristics,goals and objectives, phasing, agreements, and permits and approvals that are required for the proposed project based on available information. Basis of Cumulative Analysis In accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15130, this section provides a listing of cumulative projects and actions under consideration for the analysis. The purpose of this section is to present a listing and description of projects, past, present, and anticipated in the reasonably foreseeable future, even if those projects are outside of the jurisdiction of Rosemead. It is anticipated that cumulative development would be reported from the General Plan PEIR and subsequent General Plan Amendments, as applicable. MPG will consult with City Staff and other applicable local jurisdictions to define the appropriate study area for the cumulative analysis. 15 Environmental Analysis The specific environmental topics to be analyzed will be determined as part of the Initial Study and NOP scoping process. MPG will evaluate the necessary information with respect to the existing conditions,the potential adverse effects of project implementation (both individual and cumulative), and measures to mitigate such effects. Environmental issues raised during the scoping process (Notice of Preparation responses, Scoping Meeting comments, and any other relevant and valid informative sources) will also be evaluated.The analyses will be based upon all available data and results from additional research. The Environmental Analysis section will thoroughly discuss the regulatory setting, existing conditions for each environmental topic, identify short-term and long-term environmental impacts associated with the project, and their levels of significance. Feasible mitigation measures will be recommended to reduce the significance of impacts and identify areas of significant unavoidable impacts even after mitigation.This section will include analysis for the environmental issue areas identified in the Initial Study and based on public and agency NOP comments received during the Scoping process.Thresholds of Significance will be based on CEQA Guidelines Appendix G, thresholds used in the General Plan Final PEIR, and other City or applicable agency standards. In accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15130, the SEIR will discuss cumulative impacts for all the resource issues evaluated in the SEIR. Alternatives to The Proposed Action Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15126.6, MPG will provide an analysis of up to three alternatives, comparing the environmental impacts of each alternative in each impact area to the project. Each alternative will be selected in an effort to reduce any identified significant impacts to less than significant.The team will work with the City to determine the final selection of alternatives. For each alternative, the team will provide an analysis of impacts to environmental resources. One important Element of the Alternatives section will be an impact matrix that will offer a comparison of the varying levels of impact of each alternative being analyzed. This matrix will be prepared in a format to allow decision-makers a reference that will be easily understood while providing a calculated, where feasible,accurate comparison of each alternative. Additional Required CEQA Sections The following additional sections will be included in the EIR to meet CEQA and City requirements, including the following: • Growth Inducing Impacts. Potential growth-inducing impacts pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15126.2 will be analyzed in this section based on data from the City of Rosemead. The section discusses ways in which the proposed project could foster economic or population growth, or the construction of additional housing, either directly or indirectly, in the surrounding environment. • Significant Irreversible Environmental Changes That Would Be Involved in the Proposed Action Should It Be Implemented. Changes in the environment and uses on non- renewable resources that will occur as a result of the proposed project and that can be considered irreversible or irretrievable will be evaluated and discussed within this section of the EIR. 16 • Effects Found Not to Be Significant.The section will provide a qualitative explanation of issues checked "No Impact" in the Initial Study in order to substantiate the conclusions of the Initial Study, along with the"Less Than Significant Impact"and "Less Than Significant Impact with Mitigation" conclusions from the EIR. • Significant Unavoidable Impacts.This section will be a comprehensive list of significant unavoidable impacts associated with the proposed project. • Organizations and Persons Consulted/Bibliography. Any federal, state, or local agencies, other organizations, and private individuals consulted in preparing the EIR will be listed in this section, along with a complete list of reference materials used in preparation of the EIR. Following receipt of consolidated City comments on the First Administrative Draft SEIR, MPG will prepare the Second Administrative Draft SEIR for City staff review. TASK B6.3 ENVIRONMENTAL NOTICING, OUTREACH, AND FILING Native American Tribal Consultation Per SB 18 and AB 52 MPG will contact the Native American Heritage Commission to provide the list of Native American tribes to consult. Upon receipt of the NAHC letter, MPG will support the City by providing draft letters for City review and to be put on City letterhead. Upon receipt of the letter back from the City, MPG will transmit letters via email if available or send letters to Tribes via US Certified Mail or overnight delivery service, initiating the consultation process under AB-52 and SB-I8. MPG will follow-up once with each group via email or telephone. It is assumed that City staff would meet with requested tribes in person or by telephone. MPG is available to attend meetings in support of the consultation process on a time and materials basis, estimated at$450 per meeting. MPG would assist City staff in drafting a summary of the consultation process. CEQA Notices MPG will prepare all CEQA public notices required for the proposed project for City review and sign: Notice of Preparation, Notice of Completion, Notice of Availability, and Notice of Availability and Notice of Determination. MPG will be responsible for transmitting notices and a CD/USB drive to designated reviewing agencies (State Clearinghouse and up to I S agencies). It is assumed that the City will be responsible for public noticing to comply with City requirements, such as posting notices or newspaper notices. This scope of work excludes payment of any CDFW filing fees, if applicable. MPG will be responsible for filing notices with the State Clearinghouse and Los Angeles County Clerk; however,the City will be responsible for the payment of any fees for such filings. Project Coordination Ms. Morse will assume primary responsibility for the management and supervision of the team, as well as consultation with the City Staff. She will be involved in all aspects of preparation of the EIR for compliance with CEQA requirements and City CEQA procedures. She will coordinate with all technical consultants toward the timely completion of the EIR. The budget assumes twenty (20) hours. 17 Meetings MPG Staff will attend up to four meetings with City Staff.This task includes a budget of sixteen (I6) hours for meetings. TASK B6.4 FINAL DRAFT OF ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS Draft Supplemental EIR Following receipt of consolidated City comments on the Second Administrative Draft SEIR, MPG will prepare the Draft SEIR. Draft Final Supplemental EIR The Draft Final SEIR will consist of the Draft SEIR, Responses to Comments, Errata for Final EIR (revised Draft EIR text, as necessary)and the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (prepared as part of Task B6.5).The level of effort required to prepare a Final SEIR is directly related to the number and complexity of agency and public comments received on the Draft SEIR. MPG will respond to comments received on the Draft EIR during the 45-day public review period, and additional comments raised during public hearings. MPG will prepare thorough, reasoned, and sensitive responses to relevant environmental issues. MPG will review and respond to comments received during the Draft SEIR comment period and provide the First Administrative responses to comments to the City for review. MPG will prepare the Second Administrative responses to comments to address City comments and submit to the City for review. Following receipt of City comments on the Second Administrative responses to comments, MPG will incorporate the revised responses into the Administrative Final SEIR and submit the Administrative Final SEIR to the City for review. MPG should assume a third review of the Responses to Comments following review by City Attorney. For budgeting purposes, responses to comments are assumed to involve referencing commenters to existing analysis in the Draft SEIR, or clarification and explanation of the existing analysis and conclusions.Analysis of new issues, alternatives, or data is assumed to not be needed in responses to comments. Up to 40 hours of MPG staff time may be allocated to the preparation of responses to comments and up to another 40 hours to finalize the responses to comments and completion of the Final SEIR. TASK B.6.5 ADOPTION Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, Findings, Statement of Overriding Considerations In coordination with City staff, MPG will prepare the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP), Statement of Facts and Findings (Findings), and a Statement of Overriding Considerations (SOC), if necessary. The MMRP will describe the implementation and monitoring approach for mitigation measures included in the SEIR to address significant impacts.The Findings will specify which mitigation measures have been incorporated into the project and those measures that have not and will explain why certain measures have 18 been found to be infeasible. If applicable, the Findings will also identify feasible project alternatives that could reduce adverse environmental effects but are not being implemented, with an explanation as to why they are considered to be infeasible.The SOC will describe any unavoidable environmental effects and the considerations that warrant approval of the City, despite the unavoidable impacts. MPG will prepare an Administrative Draft of the MMRP, Findings, and SOC and will submit(electronically)to the City for review and comment. Once comments are received, MPG will incorporate comments and produce an electronic copy of the final MMRP, Findings, and SOC. Public Hearings MPG will represent the Project Team at public hearings and make presentations, as necessary. MPG will attend two public hearings, each with the Rosemead Planning Commission and City Council.This task includes a budget of 32 hours for public hearings. MPG is available for additional public hearings on a time and materials basis for an estimated $600 (4 hours) per meeting. Deliverables for Tasks 86.l-B6.5 • One (I) electronic file (PDF and Word) of Administrative Draft EIR • One (I) electronic file (PDF and Word) of"Check Copy"of Draft EIR • Ten (10) hard copies of Draft EIR and three (3) hard copies of Draft EIR Appendices • One (1) electronic copy(PDF and Word) of Draft EIR&Appendices • Thirty-five (35) CDs/USB Drives with PDF Files of Draft EIR&Appendices for City, State Clearinghouse, and Reviewing Agencies • One (I) electronic copy(Word) of Draft Mitigation Monitoring Program • One (I) electronic copy(Word) of Final Mitigation Monitoring Program • One (I) electronic copy(Word and PDF) of Draft Comments and Responses • One (I) electronic copy(Word and PDF) of Draft Final EIR (includes Comments and Responses,Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program) • One (1) electronic copy(Word) of Draft Statement of Facts and Findings • One (I) electronic copy(Word and PDF) of Final Statement of Facts and Findings • One (I) electronic copy(Word) of Draft Statement of Overriding Considerations, if needed • One (1) electronic copy(Word and PDF) Draft Statement of Overriding Considerations,if needed • Five (5) hard copies of Final EIR and three (3) hard copies of Final EIR Appendices • One (I) electronic copy(Word and PDF) of Final EIR • One (I) electronic copy(Word and PDF) of Native American Consultation Letters 19 Rosemead Housing Element Update Timeline 2020 2021 September 15,2020 Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct TASK I:PROJECT ADMINISTRATION Subtask 1.1:Protect Kick-Off Meeting —•• Subtask 1.2:Project Schedule Development • Subtask 1.3:Project Coordination • TASK 2:HOUSING ELEMENT UPDATE•EXISTING CONDITIONS,ISSUES,OPPORTUNITIES,AND CHALLENGES Subtask 2.1:Current Housing Element Review —• Subtask 2.2:Housing Assessment and Needs Analysis Subtask 2.3:Housing Parcel Identification Analysis •— Subtask 2.4:Housing Production Constraints Analysis • Subtask 2.5:General Plan Consistency • Subtask 2.6:Revised Maps and Figure TASK 3:FACILITATION OF REVIEW OF DRAFT HOUSING ELEMENT AND APPROVAL OF FNAL HOUSING ELEMENT Subtask 3.1:Ongoing Staff Review Draft of Housing Element Sections • 111111.1.11 Subtask 3.2:Draft Housing Element Subtask 3.3:Final Draft of Housing Element • Subtask 3.4:State Certification and City Adoption — Subusk 3.5:Public Noticing •, TASK 4:COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AND PUBLIC HEARINGS Subtask 4.1:Community Outreach Strategy and Meetings •• EMIR. • • • • • Subtask 4.1 Public HearingePreenuti on Materials • • • • • • TASK 5:PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT UPDATE&ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE POLICIES Subtask 5.1:Current Public Safety Element and Environmental Justice Setting Subtask Al.l:Proposaed Amendments&Consistency with General Plan&State Requirements Subtask A5.3:Public Safety Element Update and Environmental Justice Policies •— TASK 6:ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS(ALTERNATIVE A) Subtask 6.1:Environmental Determination •— Subtask A6.2:Draft of Environmental Analysis •.....111.111 Subtask A6.3:Environmental Noticing,Outreach and Filing • Subtask MA:Final Draft of Environmental Analysis • Subtask A6.5:Adoption •■ • Meeting InDuration iii rrm groigp Rosemead Housing Element Update z Jaml Diensgae Brady Man ¢ &et 1 Scott Veronica Tem c Morse Planning :.Wllllams Bathtwoods Ottoson Ss Stinson Martln Associates Group Fee Schedule September 15,2020Principa$n Charge "eatManager Policy Saner Panner Senior Planner/GIS 8 Architect Housing Element Environmental Planner/OutreachResearch Analyst Consultant Consultant 220 S per hour 210$per tour 155$per hour 135$per hour 134 S per hpu 205$par hour lump sum per task lump sum per task TASK 1:PROJECT ADMINISTRATION TYPE FEE ®Project Kick-Oft Meeting MEIM®'' © © ©MM©MIESII- EI-M13 IMEIMIll ®Project Schedule Development IIIEMEM4- 1:1© -11111111(3-11M3-=11113- ®Project Coordination EMIR$ 9,980 •13i 0,i 0,. i=i- t1i-I $4,08a Task 1 Value: $ 12,520 TASK 2:HOUSING ELEMENT UPDATE-EXISTING CONDITIONS,ISSUES, FEE FEE OPPORTUNITIES,AND CHALLENGES TYPE 2.1 Current Housing Element Review TOM NTE $ 3,560 iiii♦IIMMEI©iECiI- CI- 11- 11 2.2 Housing Assessment and Needs Analysis TOM NTE $ 7,240 - EIMINIM - 1:1EZI -1•1111111 - 2.3 Housing Parcel Identification Analysis TOM NTE $ 18,500 ©iii MINEEMINI13i®'r 11CLIi ® MIRE= 2.4 Housing Production Constraints Analysis TOM NTE $ 7,600 - IIM®'I"r EM - 1:1MI •— 2.5 General Plan Consistency TOM NTE —$ 1,240 -•-t=1 -IMMI- I-I -- 2.6 Revised Maps and Figures TOM NTE $ 2,780 -ltl- 1:1MI®r- 2:1MICI®'r= 3 — Task 2 Value: $ 41,300 TASK 3:FACILITATION OF REVIEW OF DRAFT HOUSING ELEMENT AND APPROVAL OF FEE FEE FINAL HOUSING ELEMENT TYPE ®Ongoing Staff Review Draft of Housing Element Sections 1131111®"r © NI ®"r ECIMIZIM MM -I ®Draft Housing Element EZIMIN4- 2:1•10 MILI - IIMEI - 1:1 l ®Final Draft of Housing Element EMEMEIM11111211-IIIIMI®'"r® Lt rr- MO5-IIMEEI — State Certification and City Adoption EITE11==tEl-111NEE© 11E1 -MM-=E1-111111111111 — Elm Public Noticing IlitiMMIF!El 1:1i-i EIMO i-®-®-® Task 3 Value: $ 35,580 TASK 4:COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AND PUBLIC HEARINGS TYPE FEE on Community Outreach Strategy and Meetings Ii3151111:11111111•=1 MilINIMMIENIIIIII 06200 ME MI - 1:1 •Public Hearings/Presentation Materials EZCIMII II -®'r $6 200= $1,080 MIr- 1 �— Supporting Graphics(Optional) i� -�� = -®i ©i®i r -- Task 4 Value: $ 38,200 Not including optional task TASK 5:PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT UPDATE&ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE POLICIES TYPE FEE ®Current Public Safety Element and Environmental Justice Setting 1=111111Z11- 1:1•3EZI®i MIIH r ED $10,800-1 t- ®Proposed Amendments and Consistency with the General Plan&State Requirements 11:2153111:11111111==- 1:1®MIECIIII MIEZI $8,640-MMEI '1: ®Final Public Safety Element Update and Environmental Justice Policies 1=011$ 6,100 = 113M:1 $840®i®ir-MEIMIDi®'r- 11 Lli Task 5 Value: $ 43,990 I rr m design group Rosemead Housing Element Update ami Dana aretly Matt are SuetVa enie T Morse Plenn ng Fee Schedule waliams Ba hgae woods onoso tinson ',Martin Assooi tea Group September 15,2020 Principal-in-Charge Project Manager Polcy Senior Planner Senior Planner/GIS& Architect Housing Element Environmental Planner/Dutrexh Research Analyst ConaultaM Consultant 220$per hour 210$per Four 165$per hour 136$per hour 136$per hour 206$per tour lump sum per task lump aum per task TASK 6:ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS I ALTERNATIVE A FEE FEE •Environmental Determination �U_ 1:1-MMEI- ECI-®i - INE11-®i -®ir irm Draft of Environmental Analysis EZIMMS 11111 :1= 1/.111111M11= 13= 11= 1 $9,600 cm Environmental Noticing,Outreach and Filing EMIZEIl-�-�_�-�-�- En Final Draft of Environmental Analysis 163/1131111=11• 11= 1:111•1111111:11111• 1:1= C1 Exi Adoption BUM$ 900 $900 Task 6 Value: $ 15,900 FEE TASK 6:ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS I ALTERNATIVE B FEE TYPE Esi Environmental Determination �U- 1:1-=11111:1- 1:1-111=3-�-MINZI Ein Draft of Environmental Analysis EZEMIU-•1110MIMBEI-=111-111111=1- 1 $72,000 En Environmental Noticing,Outreach and Filing -�-�-�-�-�-� En Final Draft of Environmental Analysis Ell=111113:1 $12,000 Exi Adoption $ 10,606 -•-1- II- II- 1:1-=11E1 — 010,000 Task 6 Value: $ 118,240 Fee Footnote Estimated fees for tasks shown as"Time and Materials-Not to Exceed"(T&M/NTE)are provided for informational FEE SUMMARY WITH TASK 6 ALTERNATIVE A purposes only.Amounts billed for these tasks,which will reflect actual hours,will not be exceeded without prior Subtotal $ 187,490 approval by the client. Reimbursable Expenses Reimbursable Expenses $ 2,800 Incidental expenses incurred by RRM Design Group or any subconsultant it may hire to perform services for this project are reimbursed by the client at actual cost plus 10%to cover its overhead and administrative expenses. ESTIMATED PROJECT TOTAL $ 190,290 Adjustment to Hourly Billing Rates RRM reserves the right to adjust hourly rates on an annual basis. FEE SUMMARY WITH TASK 6 ALTERNATIVE B Subtotal $ 289,830 Reimbursable Expenses $ 12,800 ESTIMATED PROJECT TOTAL $ 302,630 rii rr m design group