CC - Item 2B - Fiscal Year 2019-2020 End of Year Summary PresentationFiscal Year 2019/20 September 22, 2020 Presented by Dr. Scott Miller, Interim Finance Director/Treasurer 1 ITEM FY 19-20 Amended Budget FY 19-20 Estimated Budget(May 2020) FY 19-20 Unaudited Actual Revenues $25,051,000 $20,264,000 $22,944,000 Expenditures $23,925,000 $24,021,000 $22,034,000 Surplus/(Deficit) Forecasted $1,126,000 ($2,753,000)($910,000) GF Reserve Balance Forecasted $23,173,000 (June 30, 2019)$20,420,000 $24,083,000 (June 30,2020) 2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 Revenues Expenses CIP All Funds FY 19/20 (Unaudited) Revenues $35,459,000 Expenses $29,234,000 Surplus/(Deficit)$6,225,000 CIP Projects Budgeted $4,617,000 3 20.5 21 21.5 22 22.5 23 23.5 24 24.5 18/19 19/20 20/21 (Forecast) Revenues Expenses General Fund FY 19/20 Revenues $22,944,000 Expenses $22,034,000 Surplus/(Deficit)$910,000 4 FY 2019/20 5 General Fund Revenue FY 18/19 Actual FY 19/20 Estimated FY 19/20 Actual Property Tax & R.E. Transfer 9,559,500 9.699,000 10,016,000 Sales Tax 5,735,500 4,520,000 5,430,000 Transient Occupancy Tax 2,314,700 1,800,000 1,793,000 Bldg. Permit & Plan Check Fees 1,833,100 1,454,800 1,543,000 Franchise Fees 1,254,000 1,150,000 1,272,000 Recreation Fees 867,400 588,700 514,000 Public Safety 619,100 513,000 594,779 Public Works Permits 511,600 376,000 454,000 Grants 274,400 243,900 165,800 Other Fees & Revenues 1,754,200 910,500 1,756,000 TOTAL 24,723,500 21,264,900 22,944,000 6 The City’s Economic Environment did slump from projected increases inFY 18-19 to FY 19-20. Hardest hit revenues were Sales Tax, Transient Occupancy Tax and Building Permits/Plan Fees; average decreases of approx. 8%-22%. Sales Tax, while slumping, was better then anticipated due to an average 33% increase in pooled sales tax funds from internet sales through-outthe state. Property Tax, Franchise Fees and Public Safety Fees remained stable orslightly increased. Looking at FY 20-21, while Federal Aid from the CARES ACT Funds will help with some general fund issues-at this point, the COVID-19 Emergency is continuing to make accurate forecasting of revenues very difficult to predict. 7 Department FY 18/18 Actual FY 19/20 Estimated FY 19/20 Actual Council/Commission/City Attorney/City Clerk 1,660,100 1,611,400 1,437,900 City Manager/IT 829,600 948,400 903,400 Finance/General Services 1,104,700 1,132,400 949,900 Human Resources 305,100 367,400 253,400 Public Safety 9,062,900 9,933,200 9,541,700 Public Works 4,280,700 4,457,000 4,229,600 Parks & Recreation 2,326,300 3,021,400 2,675,000 Community Development 2,139,400 2,549,800 2,043,100 Total 21,708,800 24,021,000 22,034,000 8 9