CC - Item 4B - Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2020MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL AND REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 13, 2020 The special meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Armenta at 6:00 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Armenta, Mayor Pro Tem Low, Council ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Molleda, City 1. CLOSED SESSION A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL I Initiation of litigation suant to (1 matter) B. CONFERENCE 54956 Mayor The regi*, meeting STAFF PC "' ' NT: City Assistant Ci ` :eager Clerk Hernandez PLEDGE OF to to Clark, Dang, and Ly and City Clerk Hernandez IPATEDTIGATION Section 5 %a9 (d)(4): CIPATED LITIGATION anent Code Section MEETING was caffi to order by Mayor Armenta at 7:03 p.m. ;r 1Vhoa, City Attorney Richman, Chief of Police Duong, Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking, and City led by Council Member Dang INVOCATION was led by', ouncil Member Clark City Attorney Richman stated there was no reportable action taken in Closed Session. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT Mayor Clark opened the Public Comment period. Speaker Alice Espinoza, Rosemead resident, called on 10/13/20 at 4:46 p.m., expressed concern of a homeless situation on the 3000 block of Earle Avenue, just north of Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2020 Page I of 9 AGENDA ITEM 4.11 Garvey Avenue; reported seeing approximately 10-15 transients setting up camp at the north-east side of Zapopan Park, stating these individuals lay out and store their belongings at the park; emphasized this is a public nuisance as the homeless participate in drug use, urinate and defecate on the streets. Ms. Espinoza indicated she along with multiple residents have reported the problem already on the City's website "Rosemead Round the Clock"; asked for staff to follow-up with her regarding the issue; opined the homeless encampment is affecting residential property value and overall safety in the community. Mayor Pro Tem Armenta requested staff follow-up with Ms. Espinoza; asked Code Enforcement and the Deputies to check for needles durtheir inspection. City Manager Molleda affirmed Code tomorrow. There being no other comments, Mayor 3. PRESENTATION - None 4. PUBLIC HEARING - 5. CONSENT CALENDAR I d Deputies will be out there closed tff(Q lic Comment period. ACTION: Moved b CouncilMS, ber seconds Council Member Clark to approve Conse t`� Itemd B ( s e ; ed). Motion was carried out ' am by the followi te�A : Arme d . Dan, , .y: ow, Ly ABSENT: None A. Claims } f •. =..Deman s ,• esolut o. 2020 A OLU- OF TIDE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIT ' T U R EAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERT " ; CLAIIV� A� � �, SAND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,452,3 23 NUMBERED 107482 THROUGH 'MB .107558 THROUGH NUMBER 107481 5. QL LY Rec q endation: Adopt Resolution No. 2020-42. B. Approval of Minutes Recommendation: That the City Council adopt minutes of the special and regular meeting of June 11, 2019, special joint meeting of November 12, 2019; regular meeting of November 12, 2019, and special meeting of September 22, 2020. Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2020 Page 2 of 9 6. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF A. Update on Garvey Park Dog Park This item is to provide the City Council a progress update for the proposed Dog Park at Garvey Park. At the direction of the City Council and as a part of the Rosemead 2016-2018 Strategic Plan, staff was asked to evaluate the development of a dog park. Staff identified a portion of Garvey Park as the project location. A grant application was submitted to the California State Parks Department. In October of 2019, staff was ft fied that the grant application was awarded. Staff received the fully etc contract from the State on January 21, 2020. Recommendation: That the City Director of Parks and RecreaUV west side of Garvey AvenueN;6,1, the parking lot on Emerson PI separated fenced areone for will also include a , d area as well as play amenia ; ai i to the City is responsibl r. noting the _ te's portio of is $580 r � ed that th PY requ'pitD'�or ofrevie,,q design ; Troposal fro company plan tenter into a to king stated the <" ignated area is on the the tennis co c cated just north of licateiat the do k will have two d the other o lrge dogs, and 1 21 t�'cover a portion of each dog area xre r. Boecking informed Council that 50% ;. the total cost of the project, $290; ;hand the total project amount � L.losedVb't by June 30, 2022 per State ecrea'i .Boecking stated that staff has al landsdape architect and park planning agreement; noted the design period will an initial design has been developed, staff emission before presenting it to the City response t i 9uncil 1gftber Clark, Mr. Boecking clarified the project must be Iswelly hed as ��,, all neceigary documents completed and submitted to the State e 30, 2022 Counc _IM, inquired if the grant was awarded and its funding was also allocated V ` ' iiry 2020, why has it taken staff ten months to present to Council; asked if staffA "as gathered potential names for the dog park. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking responded he has been looking into the project, however unfortunately it has not been on the forefront due to other priorities; assured Council that we are moving forward and hope to have the conceptual design finished within the next two months; indicated a discussion of potential names for the dog park will be brought to Council at a future meeting. Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2020 Page 3 of 9 Mayor Armenta asked since the tennis court and dog park are in proximity, what will happen when the dogs see the tennis balls rolling around. Mr. Boecking opined that will be an added amenity for the dogs. Mayor Pro Tem Low inquired if there will be dividers between the tennis courts and dog park so that patrons playing tennis are not distracted by the barking dogs. Mr. Boecking affirmed there will be added screening through the fences for privacy and safety purposes; emphasized there will b -separate entrances that do not conflict with each other as the tennis courts a:A, e north side and the dog park's is a little farther east. Mayor Armenta posed the question � see a pM 4 ility of having a dog park at Rosemead Park as well, if there ing available4A Mr. Boecking remarked it wouldvimli: reat to have more th e dog park, however it would depend on funding, the itself, d where w be the best fit for 1�� n that park location., Council Member Dari"` " � ted he and r ds the idea of separate areas for smaller and larger do€g� h e? _ _ iI co is he has encountered on his projects, no%g whenever, have 'tp nidal try, layouts become difficult as rt cr��i ead spac;1 Mugge t _ �mg `o rectangular shapes instead of a e�zoidal s iguratiori q = wh dimensions are for the walkway ad�ace the terourt as to a not notedn the displayed site plan. ctor of .�9��- hon cking affirmed he will be sure that Council WDang tiez'tanguh a 49,kestion is noted in the updated conceptual design; i ed£0. cil whN" are looking at is the initial conceptual that was submi th t ant; asserted once staff works with the park designer then s y���and as,�. design will be presented to Council. 9xact dimen � ang refered Mayor Armenta's inquiry of a dog park at Rosemead Park, rotin ere is aessional dog trainer that utilizes Rosemead Park; asked if there is a do1e?e park design's team. Mr. Boeckinstated the park design team only comprises of landscaping architects. Council Member Dang suggested collecting input from a dog trainer to help their design team in creating a fully functional dog park. Mayor Armenta inquired if we have background of the design team's experience in creating dog parks. Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2020 Page 4 of 9 Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking responded that they have quite the resume, noting they recently created two dog parks; indicated he would provide their resume to Council in the Weekly Update. Council Member Ly noted that the skate park was designed based off the users input; suggested conducting a virtual Parks Commission meeting, in which we invite residents to share their input as to what amenities they would like to see at the dog park. Mr. Boecking remarked staff will be happy to a survey for the community to respond to and discuss further at a Parks Com�1, Aon meeting. Council Member Clark queried if we that do not clean up after their dogs;; Mr. Boecking stated we will in be the residents' responsibilii Works Maintenance person at out; confirmed there vel be di `64%6�bags monitoring the park for patrons g will be made available. staff stationed vever there is and nicht. sui A a � dog park area as it will Par ` s gaff on site, a Public ervisid can keep an eye bags at thug park. person assigned to that park. k will be open or if the same :ing replied if we can budget for lights, park hours, however if not, then we will important to keep the tennis players in mind Garden Project ide the City Council a progress update on the 2„d Temporary Project. : That the City Council receive and file. Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking stated on June 11, 2019, the Council approved this project located at 3224 Del Mar Avenue, between Dorothy Street and Emerson Place; noted it is approximately double the size of our current community garden as it was three properties becoming one garden; expressed appreciation to the Public Works Department for their hard work over the last few months in prepping the location by bringing in dirt, leveling and grading the area, installing a fence and building the garden plots. Mr. Boecking discussed the site in detail: Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2020 Page 5 of 9 fencing around perimeter of property, a designated parking lot in the north area, twenty-five (25) 5x10 ft. garden plots, creation of a show garden and class area (this component will not be available until pandemic restrictions are lifted), decomposed granite walkways, and a small area for Public Works storage; opined we anticipate having the garden finished by mid-November, start advertising and accepting applications in December, and hold the grand opening in January 2021; shared that the cost of rentals will be prorated at $60 for the calendar year. Council Member Ly commented that he was happy we are moving forward with this project, especially as it can servr as a therapeutic outlet during these challenging times. In response to Mayor Pro Tem Low, e� replied that we are almost full at our current community garden, th�,NASdount & ,, was only four (4) open plots remaining; we advertise via sociata to attract rneople. Mayor Pro Tem Low Council Member the City's green Mayor Armenta stated this will hel� the stud( to the ss( mai o. ors, re,og] vacant City Na the schoo s to cut them, came this i or for classes being utilize this to enjoy g to the community. to increase educ-d.�41 component, particularly since ge Mfg r Academy located so closely +t . ova this area as it is one of our �mb0':�or initiating our first community or i; asked staff can look into utilizing the itional open area displayed in the site plan great to have a local one in our community. assertedfi Ahe plan was for Mr. Boecking to reach out to ,,tudents to plant the pumpkins and return when it was time ghat was not possible with the current pandemic. of Parr Viand Recreation Boecking indicated the ideal time to plant is in `l; affirmed staff will look in to having a pumpkin patch in the �. Wygarnext year. Council Meifber Clark expressed kudos to staff for their efforts. C. COVID-19 Update This is a recurring item that will be on the agenda to update the City Council on items related to COVID-19. Recommendation: That the City Council discuss and provide further direction. Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2020 Page 6 of 9 7. 0 City Manager Molleda reported that as of last week the Safer at Work Orders have been amended; stated as of today, the City of Rosemead has a total of 867 positive cases and the City has given out 106 home test kits; noted the following updates: • Nail salons and mall shopping centers can open indoor operations at a maximum of 25% indoor capacity; • Outdoor children playgrounds and fitness equipment located at City parks are open to the public; • Cardrooms are also open. Council Member Ly urged the residents aCity to be careful as more places reopen and to be cognizant of limiting they s as much as possible. Mayor Armenta inquired what playgrounds at the parks; exp following the County's guideli that retailers are in violation. City Manager Molled Angeles County to Council that the City to these specific retai City o of the g be c 4 acted as 3 � � 4 x 's sock �AYOR'CI7 fifes the VA z is taking to sanitize the concern tha`:;ny retail stores are not 3 what actions' MI., e taken if the City sees �4, Vowing specific s from the Los r 1 d restrooms once a day; informed orc' ; fte t and the Chief of Police to speak M of{ounty's guidelines. � domtheir due diligence to see that 10 '� w it is the County's Order, so the the violations. be happy to inform residents how to report COUNCIL by San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control on Pool The San � : 01 Valley Mosquito and Vector Control staff will provide a presentation reg ding a proposed Pool Maintenance Ordinance. Recommendation: That the City Council discuss and provide further direction. Jared Dever, District Manager, San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control, advised that mosquitos are the world's deadliest animal as they are responsible for more human death and disease than all other animals each year; noted the West Nile Virus is a constant threat as it occurs every year within the San Gabriel Valley, especially found in out of service swimming pools; asserted that there are approximately 193 non-functional pools identified in the City of Rosemead, Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2020 Page 7 of 9 77 of those owners have enrolled in the pool maintenance text verification program and are considered compliant with the pool maintenance standards — blue and functional or completely dry. Mr. Dever stated the Mosquito and Vector Control encourage their member cities to adopt a swimming pool maintenance ordinance to prevent stagnant sources of water from becoming breeding grounds for mosquitoes in unmaintained swimming pools. Mayor Armenta commended Mr. Dever and the Mosquito and Vector Control for their efforts, especially as the San Gabriel Valley has yet to have a human case of the West Nile Virus; expressed appreciatio:UIN ey are providing educational outreach ensured the communities are bein "'Kted. Council Member Clark emphasized this ordinance and remain vigilant a. Mayor Pro Tem Low requeste not low maintenance and ho, Mosquito and Vector Control. District Manager Devi program that occurs th uses aircrafts with can stamped) oools wi to M$ IA is extremely important to pass anyone. ever explain ho Oqq- BeU identify pools that are the City approving � ordinance help the thatp = e identified in the aerial surveyance end wee o pril, in which the aerial contractor Ao the bof€ hat takes pictures (date and time 54 ar to you would see in a Google os o� z Vec Control agency send letters e poo ° green or very dark colored and t withouever having to speak to or have a visit fro tec . r cans Mr. ver explained that residents can simply text ,acture o #< lationng with updated pictures of how they fixed 'ello in i d thi4-pce 0 ablishes administrative procedures which allowsi Vecte;ontrol indiate access along with the City's Code Enforceme x to th' w problematic owners' properties that refuse to comply to abate these- equa aintained swimming pools. ian informed Council that this item was agendized as a it can be presented by staff for first reading at the next City City Manage Molleda affirmed it will be agendized for the next Council meeting. B. Council Comments Council Member Ly wished everyone a safe holiday season. Council Member Dang expressed appreciation to staff for putting together the drive-thru flu clinic as it was a successful event; asked staff to reach out to the Wealth by Health agency to share photos of this partnership with the community; requested a Certificate to recognize Wealth by Health for their efforts. Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2020 Page 8 of 9 Council Member Low echoed thoughts on the successful drive-thru flu clinic. Mayor Armenta thanked Parks staff for providing family events to celebrate the holidays safely, noting she and her family had fun at the Fall Fiesta/Dia De Los Muertos drive-in movie event. Ms. Armenta stated she is working directly with Tania, our representative from Republic Services, to arrange removal of bulky items when reported to her by residents; emphasized the importance of keeping the City clean. City Manager Molleda informed Council to participate in our Community Area W; bulky item pick-up program; noted stafp up on our social media outlets. Mayor Armenta sent well was accosted. Mayor Armenta adjourned the_ 1 eetil meeting is scheduled to be helf ` ctx Hall Council Chamber. �r: Rosemead City Council Special and Regular Meeting Minutes of October 13, 2020 Page 9 of 9 a speedy 27, is Services has been invited to educate residents on the to promote bulky item pick - our female Deputy that , The next regular City Council :00 p.m., in the Rosemead City Clerk