CC - Item 2A - Proclamation Declaring October 23-31, 2020 as "Red Ribbon Week" in the City of Rosemead 11.4 lit. C il 4,, PROCLAMATION 11 _ .. Declaring October 23-31, 2020 'ILI .II. r I I rill A il I- as "Red Ribbon Week" in the Cit of Rosemead Y Jr WHEREAS, the City of Rosemead values the health and safety of all our citizens; and WHEREAS, substance abuse is particularly damaging to one of our most valuable liarresources, our children, and a contributing factor in the three leading causes of death for teenager accidents, homicides, and suicides; and WHEREAS, there is hope in winning the battle against illicit drugs, and the hope lies in the hard work and determination of our communities to create a drug free environment; and t WHEREAS, October 23-31, 2020, has been designated National Red Ribbon Week,the theme for this year is "Be Happy. Be Brave. Be Drug Free". The red ribbon was chosen as a symbol commemorating the work of Enrique "Kiki" Camarena, a Drug Enforcement Administration agent, who was murdered in the line of duty and has come to represent the belief that one person CAN make a difference; and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemead, Rosemead's Public Safety CONNECTIONS, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department's STAR Program, and the Temple Sheriff's Station involve families, schools, businesses, faith based organizations, law enforcement agencies and service organizations in all aspects of the "Red Ribbon Week" Campaign and establishes an atmosphere that supports awareness, education and on-going initiatives to prevent illegal drug use and promote a healthy living, drug-free lifestyle. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rosemead City Council does hereby proclaim October 23-31, 2020 as "Red Ribbon Week," in the City of Rosemead and encourages all citizens, businesses, public and private agencies, and educational institutions, to show their support by wearing or displaying a red ribbon and participating in drug-free activities throughout the week, and joining the rest of the state in promoting the Red Ribbon Celebration and a drug-free America. 8-eimakoL Alnkr24* Sandra Armenta, Mayor '7;)/ 5 Z•41/4.) 7-27—a.4.1,0t—e—r-- C....4t-,—*— Polly Low;Mayor Pro Tern Margaret Clark, Council Member c-3----6_ _Z(. -----'-i---- , ii,,.. Sean Dang, Cd ncil Member Steven Ly, Council Member i IAN Ciztv o osemeeadA 41,1