CC - Item 3A - Attachment H - Appendix A. NAHC Sacred Lands and Consultation List STATE OF CALIFORNIA Gavin Newsom, Governor NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE COMMISSION Page 1 of 2 February 5, 2020 Joann Lombardo City of Rosemead Via Email to: joann@jalcps.com Re: Native American Consultation, Pursuant to Senate Bill 18, Government Code §65352.3 and §65352.4, Willard & Garvey Residential Project, Los Angeles County Dear Ms. Lombardo: Attached is a consultation list of tribes with traditional lands or cultural places located within the boundaries of the above referenced counties. Government Code §65352.3 and §65352.4 require local governments to consult with California Native American tribes identified by the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) for the purpose of avoiding, protecting, and/or mitigating impacts to cultural places when creating or amending General Plans, Specific Plans and Community Plans. The law does not preclude initiating consultation with the tribes that are culturally and traditionally affiliated within your jurisdiction. The NAHC believes that this is the best practice to ensure that tribes are consulted commensurate with the intent of the law. The NAHC also believes that agencies should also include with their notification letters, information regarding any cultural resources assessment that has been completed on the area of potential effect (APE), such as: 1. The results of any record search that may have been conducted at an Information Center of the California Historical Resources Information System (CHRIS), including, but not limited to: • A listing of any and all known cultural resources that have already been recorded or are adjacent to the APE, such as known archaeological sites; • Copies of any and all cultural resource records and study reports that may have been provided by the Information Center as part of the records search response; • Whether the records search indicates a low, moderate or high probability that unrecorded cultural resources are located in the APE; and • If a survey is recommended by the Information Center to determine whether previously unrecorded cultural resources are present. 2. The results of any archaeological inventory survey that was conducted, including: • Any report that may contain site forms, site significance, and suggested mitigation measures. CHAIRPERSON Laura Miranda Luiseño VICE CHAIRPERSON Reginald Pagaling Chumash SECRETARY Merri Lopez-Keifer Luiseño PARLIAMENTARIAN Russell Attebery Karuk COMMISSIONER Marshall McKay Wintun COMMISSIONER William Mungary Paiute/White Mountain Apache COMMISSIONER Joseph Myers Pomo COMMISSIONER Julie Tumamait- Stenslie Chumash COMMISSIONER [Vacant] EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Christina Snider Pomo NAHC HEADQUARTERS 1550 Harbor Boulevard Suite 100 West Sacramento, California 95691 (916) 373-3710 nahc@nahc.ca.gov NAHC.ca.gov Page 2 of 2 All information regarding site locations, Native American human remains, and associated funerary objects should be in a separate confidential addendum, and not be made available for public disclosure in accordance with Government Code §6254.10. 3. The result of the Sacred Lands File (SLF) check conducted through the Native American Heritage Commission was positive. Please contact the Gabrieleno/Tongva San Gabriel Band of Mission Indians and the Gabrieleno Band of Mission Indians – Kizh Nation on the attached list for more information. 4. Any ethnographic studies conducted for any area including all or part of the APE; and 5. Any geotechnical reports regarding all or part of the APE. Lead agencies should be aware that records maintained by the NAHC and CHRIS are not exhaustive. A tribe may be the only source of information regarding the existence of a tribal cultural resource. This information will aid tribes in determining whether to request formal consultation. In the event, that they do, having the information beforehand will help to facilitate the consultation process. If you receive notification of change of addresses and phone numbers from tribes, please notify the NAHC. With your assistance, we are able to assure that our consultation list remains current. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at my email address: steven.quinn@nahc.ca.gov. Sincerely, Steven Quinn Associate Governmental Program Analyst Attachment Gabrieleno Band of Mission Indians - Kizh Nation Andrew Salas, Chairperson P.O. Box 393 Covina, CA, 91723 Phone: (626) 926 - 4131 admin@gabrielenoindians.org Gabrieleno Gabrieleno/Tongva San Gabriel Band of Mission Indians Anthony Morales, Chairperson P.O. Box 693 San Gabriel, CA, 91778 Phone: (626) 483 - 3564 Fax: (626) 286-1262 GTTribalcouncil@aol.com Gabrieleno Gabrielino /Tongva Nation Sandonne Goad, Chairperson 106 1/2 Judge John Aiso St., #231 Los Angeles, CA, 90012 Phone: (951) 807 - 0479 sgoad@gabrielino-tongva.com Gabrielino Gabrielino Tongva Indians of California Tribal Council Robert Dorame, Chairperson P.O. Box 490 Bellflower, CA, 90707 Phone: (562) 761 - 6417 Fax: (562) 761-6417 gtongva@gmail.com Gabrielino Gabrielino-Tongva Tribe Charles Alvarez, 23454 Vanowen Street West Hills, CA, 91307 Phone: (310) 403 - 6048 roadkingcharles@aol.com Gabrielino 1 of 1 This list is current only as of the date of this document. Distribution of this list does not relieve any person of statutory responsibility as defined in Section 7050.5 of the Health and Safety Code, Section 5097.94 of the Public Resource Section 5097.98 of the Public Resources Code. This list is only applicable for contacting local Native Americans with regard to cultural resources assessment for the proposed Willard & Garvey Residential Project, Los Angeles County. PROJ-2020- 000622 02/05/2020 08:42 AM Native American Heritage Commission Native American Contact List Los Angeles County 2/5/2020