3.A - Item 3A - PP Presentation - Olson ProjectPUBLIC HEARING ITEM 3A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 19-01, ZONE CHANGE 19-01, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT 19-01, AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 82875 3133-3141 WILLARD AVENUE EXISTING SITE •Zone: R-2 (Light Multiple Residential) •General Plan Land Use Designation: Medium Density Residential 2 PROPOSED PROJECT •The subject site consists of two parcels totaling approximately 1.2 acres of land. •31 residential townhome units •The units range in size from 1,232 square feet to 1,698 square feet with six different floor plans. •The proposed development will consist of 18,170 square feet of landscape and 14,377 square feet of hardscape. ▪New landscaping is proposed throughout the site. ▪Two private pocket parks that are shared among the residents of the development. ▪Decorative hardscape incorporated into the driveway and pocket parks. 3 COMPLIANCE WITH DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Development Feature Required Proposed Total Lot Size of Development Site 43,560 square feet (minimum) 51,790 square feet Density 30 dwelling units/acre (maximum) = 35 dwelling units 31 dwelling units Front Setback (Adjoining Residential Zone)20 feet (minimum)20 feet Side Yard Setback (Adjoining Residential Zone) When side abuts side or rear of residential R zone,school or park a setback equal to side yard setback of residential R zone shall be required for building line of main structure.Setback area may be used to comply w/parking requirements. Greater of 5’-0” or 10% of Lot Width (8 feet) 8 feet to 13’-3” Rear Setback When rear abuts side or rear of residential R zone, school or park a setback equal to side yard setback of residential R zone shall be required for building line of main structure. Setback area may be used to comply w/parking requirements. Lesser of 20 feet or 20% of Lot Width >20 feet Height None 35 feet Parking Two Spaces per dwelling unit in an enclosed garage and Guest Parking at 1 space per 2 dwellings (31 garages required and 16 guest parking spaces) 31 attached two-car garages and 16 guest parking spaces 4 ELEVATION –3-D RENDERING (FRONT) 5 ELEVATION (FACING WILLARD AVENUE) 6 ELEVATION –BUILDING 200 7 ELEVATION –BUILDING 300 8 ELEVATION –BUILDING 100 (DUPLEX) Building Nos. 4,5, & 6 Building Nos. 3,7, & 8 9 CONCERNS RAISED AT CONCEPT PRESENTATION Traffic Concerns ▪A Traffic Study &On-Street Parking Evaluation was completed in September (Traffic Counts taken in February when school was in full session). ▪The study concluded that the 31 residential townhome units proposed are not considered a substantialnumberofunitsandisnotexpectedtogenerateadditionalschool-related pedestrian trips. ▪As requested by the City Council,The Olson Company also contacted Southern California Edison (SCE),torequestapedestrianandvehicularaccessthroughthepowerlineeasementlocatedattherearoftheproperty,however,were informed the connection was not feasible. Neighborhood Outreach and School Safety ▪The Olson Company has retained Kirste Ripley Public Relations to assist with neighborhood outreach within the community. ▪Received a letter of support from Garvey School District. Privacy and Building Height ▪No height requirement for residential projects in the P-D zone.However,the applicant is complying to the height regulations of apartments and condominiums,which is three stories at 35 feet. ▪To alleviate privacy concerns,the proposed development will incorporate a 4’-0”to 6’-0”high stuccofinishblockwallswithaflatstuccocapalongtheentireperimeterofthesubjectsite.In addition,multiple screening trees will also be incorporated along the perimeter of the project site. 10 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING •The public hearing for this project was presented to the Planning Commission on October 19,2020.After hearing all public testimonies, the Planning Commission recommended that the City Council approve the residential planned development. •The Planning Commission requested The Olson Company work with staff to improve the rear façade of Buildings 200 and 300. 11 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING (CONT.) Building 200 Building 300 12 STAFF RECOMMENDATION That the City Council: •Conduct a public hearing and receive public testimony; •Adopt City Council Resolution No. 2020-43 (Exhibit “A”) and Ordinance No. 997 (Exhibit “B”) for the approval of General Plan Amendment 19-01, Zone Change 19-01, Planned Development 19-01, and Tentative Tract Map 82875; and •Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and file the Notice of Determination for the project. 13 QUESTIONS? 14