CC - Item 4B - Minutes of November 10, 2020 MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION REGULAR JOINT MEETING NOVEMBER 10,2020 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Armenta at 7:02 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Armenta, Mayor Pro Tem Low, Council hers Dang and Ly ABSENT: Council Member Clark PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE & INVOCATIO ,tnwasled by 'a or Armenta STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Molledassistant City Man ger Kim, City Attorney Richman, Chief of Police Lt. Duong, Direc ,.of Community Devi o e went Frausto-Lupo, Director of Public Works Daste, Interim Directe"r: of Finance Miller, Director of Parks and Avy Recreation Boecking, and City Cler 4liernandez 1. PUBLIC COMMENT vie Speaker StephanieGarcia, resideiitandBea f cation Commissioner, submitted a public comment via e01.' opco mend Cit `staff or it continuedJinuecf efforts during the pandemic by facilitating City events such as th= ;Leen Dim-thru. Ms. Garcia also expressed concern with ncrease orime on vehicles and home break-ins, especially on the south side of the City. S gge e increasio.So eriff's patrol in residential neighborhoods to ma e `amide is feel sa � 4ere being no ger speao s, Mayor''';r® enta closed the Public Comment period. 2. P' . TA ION- one -144 3. PUBLICHARING A. Public grin e eneral Plan Amendment 19-01, Zone Change 19-01, Planned Developm `'t101, and Tentative Tract Map 82875, 3133-3141 Willard Avenue Recommendation: That the City Council take the following actions: 1. Conduct a public hearing and receive public testimony; 2. Adopt City Council Resolution No. 2020-43 and introduce for first reading of Ordinance No. 997 for the approval of General Plan Amendment 19-01, Zone Change 19-01, Planned Development 19-01, and Tentative Tract Map 82875; and 3. Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2020 Page 1 of 9 AGENDA ITEM 4.B Reporting Program and file the Notice of Determination for the project. Planning and Economic Development Manager Valenzuela reported the proposed project consisted of two parcels totaling 1.2 acres of land and 31 residential townhome units from 1,232 square feet to 1,1698 square feet,and six different floor plans. The proposed development consists of 18,170 square feet of landscape and 14,377 square feet of hardscape. However, the Olson Company was requesting a zone amendment from a Light Multiple Residential (R-2) to a Plan Development Zone for land use designation of high-density residential. City staff verified the proposed development complied with the applicable development standards of the zoning code. In addition, there was no heighteequirement for residential projects in the Planned Development zone; the applic_an was complying with the height regulations of apartments and condomini*s. he Olson Company met parking requirements with two parking spaces inagarag and sixteen guest parking spaces. Wit The buildings are Spanish style.ane enhanced with-•decorative metal guards, decorative shutters, boxy winds, gable roofs, an® ,:sectional garage doors. Buildings 4, 5, and 6 will have a gable roof to ensure safe due to the nearby high voltage powerlines. ;{ .10 At a previous concept p 18 tation on a , 2019, the City Council requested the Olson Company�s®e. to Southek4 aallifornia Edison about creating a pedestrian or vehicular cess oad�througlih the,powerline easement. Southern California Edison stated it'was not f 131e. In addition,a traffic study and on-street parkin.. eva• tta c was completed w •e t e e add a ent school was in full session. The study conclu"o ed that the3k .ex si s ential o nhome units proposed were not considere® a substantial numbgaf units and was not expected to generate additiona ' school related pedestrian trips. The Olson Company retained Kirste pie Pubic Re a 'ons4se aces to ,ssist with neighborhood outreach within the e ty and eceived a Ie er of support from the Garvey School District. The Company aaddresse®other conce **,,that include incorporating a lot of landscaping and block W. is,around t e perimeter for added privacy. ayor Armenta o•ened the ublic Hearing for public comments. City Qtdrk Hernandez confirmed no public comments were received regarding the Public caring item. Mayor Pro Tem Low asked if the entranceway of the property met the requirements for fire truck access. Planning and Economic Development Manager Valenzuela confirmed the Olson Company met the requirements,and the Fire Department provided other conditions for the project. Mayor Armenta stated she worked at Willard Elementary School, near the project site, and a family had originally owned the property for many years. She expressed support for the project and putting the land to good use. She also indicated the Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2020 Page 2 of 9 project might bring families with school-age kids, which will benefit the Garvey School District. There being no other comments,Mayor Armenta closed the Public Hearing. City Attorney Richman read the first reading of Ordinance No. 997, by title only, for the approval of Zone Change 19-01 and Planned Development 19-01,amending the zoning map of the subject site from Light Multiple Residential(R-2)to Planned Development (P-D) Zone. The subject site is located at 3133-3141 Willard Avenue. ACTION: Moved by Council Member Ly and secoridedd°by Mayor Pro Tem Low to take the following actions: ` 1. Adopt City Council Resolutiono X2020 43and introduce for first reading of Ordinance No. 997 for theapproval of General Plan Amendment 19-01, Zone Change 19-01, Planned°''Development 9 i, and Tentative Tract Map 82875; and 2. Adopt the Mitigated Negative iD larati and Mitigation.Monitoring and Reporting Program and file the Notice of Determination for he project. Motion was carried out by thefo`Ilowmgroll call vote AYES: Armenta, Dang, Low, Ly ABSENT: Clark yr • 4. CONSENT CALENDAR -040 Mayor °oJem Lo gulled agenda Item 4E for separate discussion. �( ity�Attorney Richman read.to,the record agenda Item 4G,the second reading and adoption�of Ordinance No. 99 by title only, adding Chapter 8.38 to Title 8 of the ;;. Rosemead unicipal, .. >.ode Relating to Pool Maintenance. ACTION: Moved by .Council4 Member Ly and seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Low to approve Consent Calendar Items A through H, with the exception of E. Motion wrstOrried out by the following roll call vote AYES: Armenta, Dang, Low, Ly ABSENT: Clank.. A..•. 31 too A. Claims andemands • Resolution No. 2020-45 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $808,200.04 NUMBERED 107678 THROUGH NUMBER 107758 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2020-45. Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2020 Page 3 of 9 • Resolution No. 2020-17 SA A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD AS THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,097,076.59 NUMBERED 4732 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2020-17 SA. B. Approval of Minutes Itte Recommendation: That the City Council adopt,the regular meeting minutes of October 27, 2020. W C. Adopt Resolution No. 2020-.46-Approving the Certification of the City of erzor Rosemead 2013 Engineering d raffle Survey to be Effective for a Total of 10-Years, Until March 2023 as PermittedUnder.Vehicle CreeSection 40802 The City Engineer's certification of the =£ngineering and Traffic Survey will allow the Survey to be `dd for a total of 10 year,from March 2013 through March 2023. This extension will allow fo posted spec d emits in the City of Rosemead to be upheld by the courts and4 not bedeemed an impermissible "Speed Trap" as defined by�C- VC Section 40802. Y.3 Recommendation That the City C�:ouncil adopt Resolution No. 2020-46 approving the Certification of the City of Rosemead 2013 Engineering and Traffic Survey to X1.0 Years, effectiveluni1 March 2023 D: Consis eration of Vehicles Leases with Enterprise Fleet Management ,•pproval ofkthis item wiltauthorize the second-year implementation of the Vehicle ceasing and R placement Program and authorize the City Manager to execute vehicle leases with$Enterprise Fleet Management. sr�. Reco ezidationThat the City Council take the following actions: 1. Authorize:tithe City Manager to execute vehicle leases with Enterprise Fleet Management for eight(8)vehicles; and 2. Declare various City-owned vehicles displaced by the lease program as surplus and dispose of such vehicles as deemed appropriate. F. Extensions to Animal Shelter and Care Services Agreements The animal shelter and care services agreements with Rosemead Animal Hospital (RAH) and Volunteers in Defense of Animals (VIDA) are scheduled to expire on Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2020 Page 4 of 9 December 31, 2020. The proposed extensions would extend the RAH and VIDA Agreements in order to continue the ongoing animal control services operated by the Rosemead Public Safety Department. Recommendation: That the City Council take the following actions: 1. Execute the Second Amendment to the Agreement with Rosemead Animal Hospital with authority to negotiate and execute any contract amendments or extensions on behalf of the City; and 2. Execute the Second Amendment to the Agreement with Volunteers in Defense of Animals (VIDA) with authority to negotiate and execute any contract amendments or extensions on behalf of't1e.,City. G. Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance Ne:.996, Adding Chapter 8.38 to V.W.\ Title 8 of the Rosemead Municipal.gode Relating to Pool Maintenance iftefr On October 13, 2020, the San Gabel Valley Mosquito°anVector Control staff provided a presentation on a proposed Pool . aintenace eOrdinance. The City Council directed staff to bring back a ord e to address mosquito abatement and enforcement of swimming pool main chance. At the October 27th meeting the City Council introduced forrst reading Ordinance No. 996. Recommendation: That th`eeity Council approve; he second reading and adopt Ordinanc 996 by title only, entitled: ;` kNORDINNCE OF��T,SHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD CALIFORNIA, ADDING CHAPTER. 8.388 `=TO TITL8 OF THE ROSEMEAD ' UNIChIIiX CODE RELATING TO POOL NIA$INTENANCE , :,; H. Compensatio and Be 4tes Resolution for Part-Time Employees - Amending resolution No.<2Q20-40 Resolution No. 2020-40 established the compensation and benefits for Part-Time .. k2 Classifications:effective September 22, 2020, and January 1, 2021. The City Council wil consider the approval of a revision to the Salary Schedule for Part-Time Employees. Recommendation: That the City Council approve Resolution No.2020-47,entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 2020-40, WHICH ESTABLISHED THE ANNUAL SALARY RANGES AND BENEFITS FOR PART-TIME CLASSIFICATIONS IN THE SERVICE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2020 Page 5 of 9 ITEMS PULLED FOR SEPARATE DISCUSSION • E. Tyler Technologies Financial Software Hosting Agreement Approval The City currently uses the INCODE-10 Financial Accounting System from Tyler Technologies (Tyler) as the City's Official Accounting System of Record. The system was purchased over 10 years ago in May 2010 and is located on servers within City Hall. The City has been approached by Tyler Technologies about an opportunity to change the current City hosted system to an on-line Cloud-Based hosted system by Tyler. In the interest of being security conscious in sage of sophisticated hackers and data hijackers and in moving forward with aplan to allow 24/7 access to the City's financial information and systems, thegproposed f ve-year term agreement meets the needs of the City. The agreements afixed annual amount of$71,250 for the initial three years of the contractkwith a maximum;4% increase in years four and five. }4 ; Recommendation: That the City Council take the ollowing actions: 1. Approve a Five- earl greement th:Ty-er Technologies to host and maintain the City's Financial Softw, e for$71,25( a year for the initial three years; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the Agreement. Mayor Pro Tem tow inquired}show he cloud-based system would work with the current financi•al so ware and f mother cities w ere using the same cloud-base financials stem. ~ Interim Director of Financea iller explained the current 10-year-old financial *O system was on computer servers,at City Hall. The proposed new system would provide b��acces ihty. He added there are over 300 public agencies using the Tyler Technologies cloud base financial system. w Mayor Pro Tem Loow inquired if the current internet bandwidth and speed would wor,with the neW �loud-based system. City Manager Molleda affirmed the new online system would work with the City's current intern tvbandwidth. Mayor Pro Tern Low asked how the additional $20,000 cost for the new cloud- based system was budgeted and how the City will have a copy of the software application's code and licenses. Interim Director of Finance Miller explained that the City had money aside from saved funds from other projects that could be used for the new financial system's initial cost. After that, staff would budget the cost of the entire system annually. The contract will include that the City will have a copy of the system code and Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2020 Page 6 of 9 retain ownership. For example, if the company were to go bankrupt, the City will still have access to the software code through an escrow. As part of the contract, the City is also given updates periodically or on annual basis. Council Member Dang inquired if the purchase was like buying software, not hardware equipment that may require a bid process. City Manager Molleda clarified the current financial system had been used for the last 10-years and it had gone through a bidding process then. Council Member Dang reiterated the software's purchase would include professional security like ransomware and thing. of that nature. Mayor Armenta asked if the new syste,m •w ld be compatible with the current online payment system currently being used. „Mr, IP" City Manager Molleda assured'tlf'new cloud-base sys em would be compatible with the online payment system"and improve online payment 0services. ACTION:Moved by Mayor.Pro Tern Low an'dsecond by Council �ein er Dang to take the following actions: fi 1. Approve a Five-Year Agreement with TyleTechnologies to host and maintain the City's Financial Software fork$71,250 a ear or the initial three years; and 2. Autho ize the City Manager,to fi *14*-,xecute the Agreement. Motion was carried out by, 430 he followings oll call vote AYES: Armenta, Dang, Low, Ly ABS T: Clark . 5. kr •ITERS FROM CITyyMANAG -R&STAFF A. ,COVID 19 tpdate This/;is a recurring item that will be on the agenda to update the City Council on itemsrelated to C:OVID-19. .44 Recommendation: That the City Council discuss and provide further direction. City Manager Molleda reported no new changes to the current County Health Order from the last reporting. She shared the City has issued 143 COVID-19 test kits, and the recently confirmed positive COVID-19 cases for the City of Rosemead was at 1,035. Mayor Armenta expressed concern with the increase of confirmed COVID-19 cases and that a potential surge was expected. She commended City staff for their assistance in providing a site at the Garvey Community Center to allow Senator Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2020 Page 7 of 9 Susan Rubio's office to host a drive-thru COVID-19 testing event. She encourages the public to take a test when COVID-19 testing sites are occurring in the City. 6. MATTERS FROM MAYOR& CITY COUNCIL A. Council Comments Council Member Ly wished everyone a happy Veterans Day and a happy Thanksgiving holiday. Council Member Dang commended City staff for working during the pandemic. Thanked all the veterans for their service, heroism, and sacrifice to keep citizens w. safe and wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiv _-g. om,- Mayor Pro Tem Low inquired aboutth r request egarding Caltrans improvement project on the 60-Freeway. _x City Manager Molleda explained explainectiVf at Caltrans had cori 45,4 the project on the 60-Freeway was completed. She reiterated Citystaff would`pro de other options regarding her safety concerns of the 60-Freewayproject. Mayor Armenta interject 'a suggested a complaint could be filed with Senator Susan Rubio's office as well. Mayor Pro meow reitera• ed her of ty concerns of the narrow on-ramp merge lanes were dangerous. Mayor Armenta congratulated Parksand Recreation staff for their work on the first oHalloween D `e thruevent , he event was well attended and provided something n`Halloween nght for the public diming the pandemic. She also acknowledged *tat? Republic ServicesMunicipal Representative Tania Ragland for her response on bulky item p #ups. :Mrs. Armenta explained that Mrs. Ragland informed her that all residential customers have 215 free bulky item pick-ups per year, including duplexes and fourplexes. Largerapartment buildings that have commercial bin service have 16 free bulky, itenpick-ups during the year. She encouraged the public to utilize the free servicovided by Republic Services and schedule a pick-up. She further clarified the bulky item truck is different from the regular trash truck. Mayor Pro Tern Low asked for clarification that when the trash truck sees any bulky items on the sidewalk, is the hauler supposed to report it. Mayor Armenta agreed and stated that she was working with Mrs. Ragland since one truck is assigned to service the City. Mayor Pro Tern Low suggested that Parking Enforcement Officers follow the street sweeper truck and report bulky items on sidewalks. Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2020 Page 8 of 9 Mayor Armenta clarified Parking Enforcement Officers usually look for abandoned shopping carts. However, she did agree that the officers could take pictures of bulky items and report those to the waste hauler. City Manager Molleda stated the Parking Enforcement Officer following the street sweeper is moving continuously; however, she could look into how the officers could report bulky items on the sidewalk. She mentioned that staff would continue to work with Republic Services to further improve the bulky item pick-up service and added Public Services staff also picks up bulky items when they can. Mayor Armenta reiterated the importance of scheduling bulky item pick-ups and working together to keep the City clean. S emnentioned an incident where a furniture store left items on the sidewalk, ancd4a neighbor reported it. The City went out to pick up the items and cleaned the ew lk . City Manager Molleda stated Ctysyaff did speak oth- furniture business about the illegal dumping of bulky items Mayor Armenta also mentioned t at-Republic .Service wouldtitranslating their bulky item flyer in Chinese, Spanish,.a d A ;etnamese to prov awareness of services offered to the community. Lastly, Mayor Armenta thanked ai d-wished a;245th happy birthday to the United sae � �. States Marines; _ .wished a -h spy Th sgivingholiday to all; and adjourned the meeting me ory of Rose` ead longtime resident Diane Drange, who was marri=e;• o GarveySSchool Dis �ct sic teaches ichael Drange. 7. ADJOURNMENT `i' � yo A enta adjourned the meetin >n meno of Rosemead Resident Diane Drange ���� >g ,� D' ' 7:56 p.m. Thz hedu edl eeting ofNovember 24, 2020 is cancelled due to the Thanksgiving holiday.The next egular meeting will take place on December 8, 2020, at 7:z O p.m. in the Rosemead C%ty.Hall Council Chamber. • tit* Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk • APPROVED: Sandra Armenta, Mayor Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of November 10, 2020 Page 9 of 9