CC - Item 4H - Authorization to Attend League of California Cities City Legislative Day, June 9, 1997, Sacramento 4 '' -S M F
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DATE: MAY 20, 1997
Attached for your consideration is information on the aforementioned event. The League is
sponsoring Legislative Day which includes meeting with your local legislators and attending a
morning briefing session on the following: Key City Issues;Legislative Leadership; Governor's
Office; and Effective Advocacy Tips.
It is recommended that the Rosemead City Council authorize the attendance of any
Councilmember,the City Attorney, the City Manager and staff designee.
MAY 2 71997
ITEM No. I . ed-if.
City Legislative Day
--11111•11111111' Sacramento Convention Center
`.111111.5' 1400 J Street
'••.11111 ! Sacramento, CA 95814
} 1E111111k •
Monday, June 9, 1997
League of Who Should Attend...
California Cities
4 Mayors
" • 4 Council Members
Intergovernmental Relations Officers
3 Those interested in state legislation affecting
-ng ,You Will Benefit B�•••
=t '4 Helping assure passage of legislation of interest
pp y to cities.
4 Taking a leadership role in crafting legislation
and policies.
ti 4 Nurturing good working relations with
legislators and key staff
- 4 Learning the most effective ways to influence
A key part of this Legislative Day is for you to meet with
your legislators and their key staff. We urge you to make
appointments with them now so you can be assured of time in
their schedules on Monday, June 9, 1997.
Then, at the end of the day, you are invited to the League's
office for an informal reception and to report back on your
meetings with your legislators and what commitments you
have obtained
Hotel Reservation Deadline: Monday, May 19, 1997
3 = Advance Conference Registration Deadline: Friday, May 30, 1997
® California Cities Work Together Headquarters-1400 K Street,Sacramento,CA 95814• (916)658-8200
,._ iii ;^.,• lea .. •a , 4.
The 1997 legislative session started with a strong focus on the primary problems with local
I government finance. As the session progresses, discussions on a local government finance .J _.
package are gaining intensity. Strong bipartisan supportexists in the Legi' ature for;a;finance
package that includes as its central element the return of property tax revenues shifted,.away from
z_ local governments in 1992-93 and 1993-94. Discussions also include-other nance opportunities
E: to address'the r of the eater loc . , '' h ' �. ``"" •••-- _ ."`;--.
p oblems gr �_ r
al government community: 4
i,; Will this momentum and strong bipartisan support in the Legislature contmuethrough the state '� �'
budget session'? What will the annual May Revision of Revenue Estimatestellus about possible:•:-,,,i.... y
'.A � r;b'.- moi'. gir,. 1
local government finance solutions'?Where will the Governor's office stand,:on_any local , :=T . `,' . ..-,'
government finance package during the summer budget deliberations?Willcity finance issues
still be on the legislative agenda in June'? i f ;: *_ t
This City Legislative Day will address these questions and keep the omentum fora local
m :,
government finance package going through the difficult days of state.budgetadehberations Peas
le r �''
set aside June 9.on your calendar and plan to come to Sacramento and vo eyour,support for cityT;,
issues. iE, d•
�Tentative Agenda F } 6N ti
9:00 am Registration :,-:....:.-z-,-.... ..:,•.',.-::----,..-..,-,:_. -
10:00 am General Briefing Session ' ".� Y
• Key City Issues
• Legislative Leadership
• Governor's Office a ;`"; %
• Effective Advocacy Tips X35
Noon Luncheon (informal or make lunch 3. -
.3 =
appointments with your legislators)
1:30 pm Afternoon for Appointments with Legislators n,.;
�. A k=
4:00 - 6:00 pm Informal Reception for City Officials and Report Back on Contacts!r
Registration Fee Only advance registration will be taken for this roF ra re istration will be-
honored on a first come,first served basis.No on site"re,,gistrationsplease �'h_.
registration fee of$75 includes program matenals,lunch,break and a 4 * :,_=.44,
reception.For any questions regarding registration,please contact the League•,Y '';
conference registration office at 510/283-2113 y a ` s NY '"' ' A Av4
r A ir.?•'3' ' +!7.. 5':g•r L,cyh s
No registration receipt will be sent for this workshop,phone contact will he rt=, rte.
made only if we are unable to confirm registration ` :? - : ,,t3. `3 z
f }.., `'ra °
Payment In order to process registration,payment in full must accompany the attached , �f. .,
form.You may pay your registration fee by checknoney,order;Visa ora r .,�, j
Mastercard. No purchase orders, American Express;or Discoverer :
cards please: If paying by-credit card,you are)velcomelo register h faxing `-V ,
510/283-7833. _ ._ - �`° f ".
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March 12, 1997
Room Member/District# Phone#
2187 Alpert, Dede (D-39) (Area Code 916) 445-3952
5108 Ayala, Ruben(D-32) 445-6868
5082 Brulte, James (R-31) 445-3688
4074 Burton, John(D-3) 445-1412
313 Calderon, Charles (D-30) 327-8315
5100 Costa, Jim (D-16) 445-4641
3070 Craven, William (R-38) 445-3731
5050 Dills, Ralph(D-28) 445-5953
2082 Greene, Leroy (D-6) 445-7807
2080 Hayden, Tom (D-23) 445-1353
4082 Haynes, Ray (R-36) 445-9781
5114 Hughes, Teresa(D-25) 445-2104
305 Hurtt,Rob (R-34) 445-5831
5061 Johannessen, Maurice (R-4) 445-3353
5087 Johnson, Ross (R-35) 445-4961
5066 Johnston, Patrick(D-5) 445-2407
3086 Karnette, Betty (D-27) 445-6447
3082 Kelley, David (R-37) 445-5581
2068 Knight, William (R-17) 445-6637
2057 Kopp, Quentin (1-8) 445-0503
5060 Lee, Barbara(D-9) 445-6577
4081 Leslie, Tim (R-1) 445-5788
3063 Lewis, John(R-33) 445-4264
205 Lockyer, Bill (D-10) 445-6671
5052 Maddy, Ken (R-14) 445-9600
3076 McPherson, Bruce (R-15) 445-5843
2048 Monteith, Dick(R-12) 445-1392
4062 Mountjoy,Richard (R-29) 445-2848
5035 O'Connell, Jack (D-18) 445-5405
5080 Peace, Steve (D-40) 445-6767
2032 Polanco, Richard (D-22) 445-3456
4090 Rainey, Richard (R-7) 445-6083
4070 Rosenthal, Herschel (D-20) 445-7928
4032 Schiff, Adam (D-21) 445-5976
2054 Sher, Byron (D-11) 445-6747
4039 Solis, Hilda(D-24) 445-1418
3056 Thompson, Mike (D-2) 445-3375
4061 Vasconcellos, John(D-13) 445-9740
4040 Watson, Diane (D-26) 445-5215
4052 Wright, Cathie (R-19) 445-8873
March 12, 1997
(Area Code 916)
Room Dist. Member Phone Room Dist. Member Phone
4167 72(R) Ackerman,Dick 445-7448 4015 15(R) Leach,Lynne 445-6161
5135 61(R) Aguiar,Fred 445-1670 2188 21(D) Lempert,Ted 445-7632
3098 5(R) Alby,Barbara 445-4445 2016 63(R) Leonard,Bill 445-8490
5144 22(D) Alquist,Elaine 445-4253 5136 17(D) Machado,Mike 445-7931
2163 14(D) Aroner,Dion 445-7554 4144 59(R) Margett,Bob 445-7234
4102 32(R) Ashburn,Roy 445-8498 2117 49(D) Martinez,Diane 445-7852
3120 62(D) Baca,Joe 445-7454 3123 6(D) Mazzoni,Kerry 445-7783
2002 77(R) Baldwin, Steve 445-3266 4153 38(R) McClintock,Tom 445-8366
2179 80(R) Battin,Jim 445-5416 2114 13(D) Migden,Carole 445-8077
4177 67(R) Baugh,Scott 445-6233 6027 60(R) Miller,Gary G. 445-7550
2176 33(R) Bordonaro,Jr.,J. 445-7795 3147 69(R) Morrissey,Jim 445-7333
4112 53(D) Bowen,Debra 445-8528 5164 73(R) Morrow,Bill 445-7676
2111 10(R) Bowler,Larry 445-7402 4126 47(D) Murray,Kevin 445-8800
2175 70(R) Brewer,Marilyn 445-7222 4005 58(D) Napolitano,Grace 445-0965
3013 7(D) Brown,Valerie 445-8492 4117 34(R) Olberg,Keith 445-8102
219 31(D) Bustamante,Cruz 445-8514 4116 4(R) 01ler,Thomas"Rico" 445-8343
6025 46(D) Caldera,Louis 445-4843 2148 9(D) Ortiz,Deborah 445-1611
5126 71(R) Campbell,Bill 445-2778 2130 64(R) Pacheco,Rod 445-0854
3126 39(D) Cardenas,Tony 445-1616 3173 19(D) Papan,Louis 445-8020
2141 26(D) Cardoza,Dennis 445-8570 3152 16(D) Perata,Don 445-7442
2174 24(R) Cunneen,Jim 445-8305 6031 29(R) Poochigian,Charles 445-2931
2013 76(D) Davis,Susan 445-7210 4017 30(R) Prenter,Robert 445-7558
6026 79(D) Ducheny,Denise Moreno 445-7556 3104 68(R) Pringle,Curt 445-8377
3146 50(D) Escutia,Martha 445-8188 2137 3(R) Richter,Bernie 445-7298
448 20(D) Figueroa,Liz 445-7874 4009 36(R) Runner,George 445-7498
2158 35(R) Firestone,Brooks 445-8292 5128 44(D) Scott,Jack 445-8211
4016 55(D) Floyd,Dick 445-3134 3091 12(D) Shelley,Kevin 445-8253
5175 28(R) Frusetta,Peter 445-7380 4098 1(D) Strom-Martin,Virginia 445-8360
6005 57(D) Gallegos,Martin 445-7610 4146 18(D) Sweeney,Michael 445-8160
4162 75(R) Goldsmith,Jan 445-2484 5160 37(R) Takasugi,Nao 445-7827
4164 65(R) Granlund,Brett 445-7552 2160 66(R) Thompson,Bruce 445-1676
5150 56(D) Havice,Sally 445-6047 4140 8(D) Thomson,Helen 445-8368
5016 40(D) Hertzberg,Bob 445-7644 . 2003 11(D) Torlakson,Tom 445-7890
5155 23(D) Honda,Mike 445-8243 320 45(D) Villaraigosa,Antonio 445-0703
3141 25(R) House,George 445-7906 5119 51(D) Vincent,Edward 445-7533
4130 74(R) Kaloogian,Howard 445-2390 2136 52(D) Washington,Carl 445-7486
4139 27(D) Keeley,Fred 445-8496 2170 78(D) Wayne,Howard 445-2112
2196 42(D) Knox,Wally 445-7440 4158 43(D) Wildman,Scott 445-8364
3160 41(D) Kuehl,Sheila James 445-4956 6011 2(R) Woods,Tom 445-7266
5158 54(R) Kuykendall, Steven 445-9234 6012 48(D) Wright,Roderick 445-2363
B-32 Bill Room 445-2323
3196 Chief Clerk 445-3614
Legislative Analyst 925 L Street 445-4656