CC - Item 4J - Authorization to Co-Sponsor "Think Earth" Curriculum for K-6 Classrooms in the City Rosemead t4 rr MyFy
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DATE: JANUARY 21, 1997
Attached is a letter from Ron Ketcham, from the"Think Earth"Environmental Foundation, inviting
the City of Rosemead to become an area sponsor in its curriculum program. "Think Earth"is offering
share costs with the City on a 50/50 basis in providing the Think Earth Program for all K-6
classrooms in the City of Rosemead. Think Earth addresses many of the environmental issues facing
cities today. In response to the solid waste diversion mandates imposed by AB 939,the program
covers residential recycling, composting and source reduction. Similarly, the program offers
information to young people that is pertinent to meeting current NPDES storm water runoff
requirements, as well as information on ride-sharing and congestion management.
Staff believes that this.program would assist the City in meeting the educational component of its
Source Reduction and Recycling Element (SRRE), which is reviewed annually by the California
Integrated Waste Management Board. In addition, it would serve as an solid introduction to the
City's efforts to educate residents on the new storm water runoff requirements. Currently,there are
363 K-6 teachers in both the Rosemead and Garvey School Districts working in the City of
Rosemead. Accordingly, the City's cost for implementing the program will run approximately
$7,260.00. The Think Earth Foundation is offering to match that amount to provide full-funding for
the program. However, it should be noted that several teachers in the District currently use the
curriculum and would be subtracted from that total, thus reducing the costs of the program.
Should the City Council approve funding for this project, the Think Earth Foundation will notify all
K-6 teachers in the City and provide information on the program. After the teachers have been
notified, and all of the program units have been distributed to those choosing to participate, the City
will be billed for Y2 the cost of the program.
JAN 2 81997
ITEM Nio.ff- .66-J
Think Earth -K-6 Curriculum
January 21, 1997
Page 2.
Attached for the Council's review is a copy of a letter from the Think Earth Foundation and a copy
of the organization's activity report dated June 1996.
Staff recommends that the City Council authorize an expenditure from unappropriated reserves not
to exceed$7,300.00 to provide funding for the"Think Earth"curriculum for all K-6 teachers working
in the City of Rosemead.
01 /21 /97 02 : 14PM S .C.A .Q. M.D . PAGE 002 OF 005
December 11, 1996
Frank Tripepi
City Manager
City of Rosemead
2R3R East Valley Boulevard
Rosemead, CA 91770
Dear Mr. Tripepi:
id like to invite the City or Rosemead to join niy agency and oilier environment-
related companies and agencies in a unique partnership that teaches children
good environmental habits to help secure a positive future for our communities.
By becoming an Area Sponsor firr the Think Earth Program, you can ensure
that all elementary schools in your city teach environmental education, thereby
(UI filling your public outreach/requirements and helping you meet your
environmental program goals.
The Think Earth Environmental Education Foundation created and distributes,
free-of-charge, the Think Earth Program, an exciting environmental education
curriculum !Or pre-school through sixth grade. Since 1991.22,000 teachers in
Southern Calilbniia have received Think Earlh units. The demand Ibr the
curriculum continues; this year the Foundation distributed units to 2.600
teachers. That's the good news. The bad news is that more teachers every year
would like the program than there are available finds. With your help, we can
lie sure teachers in Rosemead who want Think Earth can receive and teach
environmental education.
The Think Earth Program directly addresses many oldie environmental issues
facing cities. In response to AB 939, requiring a 50%waste reduction by 2000,
Think Earth covers residential recycling, composting, and source reduction.
The program also encompasses water conservation and storm-drain pollution, as
well as ride-sharing and other trip-reduction methods, which can help with
congestion management programs. From experience, we know that the results
of Think Ear/h instruction do not remain in the classroom; students take their
new habits--along with family information and activity sheets--home.
01 /21/97 02 : 14PM S .C.A . Q. M.D. PAGE 003 OF 005
The Think Earth Inundation would like to partner with the City of Rosemead to ensure that all-
teachers in your city receive ThinkF.arlh_ Our database will indicate which teachers already have
the program, and a return-postcard mailing to the remaining teachers can reveal which teachers
• would like Think Earth materials. The Foundation will match funds with your city to distribute
materials to all your teachers desiring the program. For example, if you contribute $2,000 (enough
firr 50 teachers)we'll add another$2,000 so that 100 teachers in your city can receive Think FAirth
units this spring.
included in each unit will be a letter to the teacher recognizing your contribution. And, your city
will be highlighted as an Area Sponsor in the Think Earth Times, a newsletter that is sent to
• elementary school teachers and administrators throughout Southern California.
The think Earth Environmental Education Foundation is a nonprofit foundation that includes both
public agencies and corporations as members. I have enclosed a copy of the Foundation's Activity
Report, which outlines our accomplishments and future goals.
Thank you for taking the time to consider this proposal. We would be pleased to have you partner
with us to help bring about a better environment through education. Please call me by January 15 to
ensure that matching kinds will he available firr your teachers to receive their Think Earth units in
time firr Earth Day in April. My phone number is(909)396-3213.
Ron Ketcham (909)396-3213
Treasurer,Think Earth Environmental Education Foundation
01 /21/97 02 : 15PM S .C.A .Q.M.D. PAGE 005 OF 005
• Following is how the process will work: •
• Once.a city decides to participate,the.City Manager or his or her designee will inform
Think Earth in writing that.the city has agreed to partner with the Foundation in
distributing Think Earth units to teachers within the city. To the letter the city will
indicate the level which the.City has agreed to example,a total of 200
teachers and a total of$4,000). In that letter, might indicate other conditions
(such as in-service training).
• The Foundation will than notify all.K-6 teachers within the city of the partnership and
how to receive the.unit..
• Billing: There are two ways to handle the transfer of funds. The.Foundation can hill the
city at the end of May for half the costs of units requested from teachers within the city.
Or,the city can transfer the funds at the beginning of the program and the Foundation
will report.hack to the.number of teachers who have participated. if the target
number has not been reached,the Foundation would either remit the balance hack to the
city or agree to continue the intensive program within untill the target.number of
teachers has been met_
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June 1`996 ; yt.• yy '
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THINK EARTH was created eight motivation for the activities of Advisory Committee for generously
years ago to forge a new generation middle-,and high-school environ- giving their time to help create a
of environmentally responsible mental clubs. sustainable environment through
citizens by educating young people The environment is our life education.
isi about their world and teaching them support system, and as the environ- '
new behaviors. ment declines,so inevitably does the Sincerely, ,a� `
We believe that we have already quality of life for all of us who are Joe Haworth .p 'c `m , F,4-
made a difference—since 1992,we dependent upon it.The depletion of Chair :' r K °� `
I have enabled more than 2 million our natural resources and damage , ,!. ,, :,
elementary school children to receive and pollution of our environment are s ' ,:,:qtr.r i "
hands-on environmental education. occurring at an ever accelerating � 0„1 '`r ” -
Today we are more committed than pace. ir/ ,,s ', ��(
ever to sharing our important mes- There is no better time for Think %i .�'sf: th. .,
xa`�� 3
sage with the citizens of tomorrow. Earth to act. With your support we
For the coming year,our goal is to will teach our children to "Think },, t• • ,
„ , • i
distribute our award-winning K-6 Earth —to conserve natural •..,c; ,;
environmental education curriculum resources,reduce waste,and mini- ` I'' .
Ito an additional 4,000 classrooms, mize pollution. Together,we can help N. '
throughout California and the nation. to ensure a positive future for our '''''..
safeguard the health
One of the most important new
directions initiated by Think Earth of our environment.
this year was to develop an online I want to take this opportunity to
program that can be accessed corn- thank the members of our Think
pletely free of charge by middle-and Earth Board of Directors and.
high-school students. Think Earth
Online will provide information and .
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' •1 ti . The first challenge in bringing about In the late 1980s,severe drought in
,lp �i , •
° :. '-.* r��.,• �£':• .' a healthier environment is producing Los Angeles resulted in a combina-
f e
8 •(ISr', `fix ,..,` • ,_. awareness about how valuable the tion of water use restrictions and
R " $ . ' ' ai �` �' ,, Altii,• ' 1 Earth's resources are and how fragile public education. Many of the
` <,-,.,-.'''',':<- t n •,•r the Earth really is° behaviors learned then have contin- '
;rte ued, despite the liftingof restrictions. r
y.rt Y�k � � ,� The second is to motivate peoplep
��� , ', 't to change their behavior. Even small Today, household water use remains
, . •'� x , ,. at least 20% lower than its pre- ,;
adjustments by individuals,such as ;{
r turning off the water faucet when drought level.
\ '" • +<t r `f' brushin our teeth,usin re ular For youngpeople,such changes
} ��c d« g Y g g P P
t, ,f. , t ". • {', plates instead of throwaway ones, in behavior will translate into a I.
i'"4/ _ r '``' avoiding the temptation to litter,and generation of adults who live in an fix..
1 • •-' �'h participating in recycling programs, environmentally responsible manner,
- ,?iHi
• 4„ r. :kk r p p g Y gP g
;'4: ,, f t ''' can have a dramatic effect when ensuring that the world will remain ,
' f�:r:,Alky • , . ` : :- adopted by large numbers of people. a beautiful place in which to live,
'�' ;" n5,t �'" Y`` and the Earth richly filled with ,,
1 .w Public education has been shown
' • fOUCtMISSION',° .
to significantly change behavior natural resources. 'S
' To help tomsnttftities • within the general population.
. For example, in 1970, only 7% of
ii1'S0l1tItC'Y►1•Cli�tf0i71ip � Ix
• and other regions of household trash was being recycled; ,,s � ' r t" 4 :;
,.'the countiij develop today, a more environmentally I' ^'*` .r'��
60 t�
''and maintain'a'0.:". aware public has increased that ,
sustainable environment'' � of;x
` figure to 25%. ,}�f
, '.,throttgh education.,' 4 i9' L
2 1
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Think Earth is a true educational Other awards have included the ,` ' +'' I.4”) r c. • t ,
partnership. Since 1989,more than 20 Environmental Pride Award from Los ,, '.1• , ,r • 'z' I ;' •
environmental agencies,companies, Angeles Magazine, the Clean Air ` ,/ a,x A ,�,. g;,: },,• 1\ t
and educational groups have worked Award from the South Coast Air ' c � `{ { ' ' :
together to develop and implement a Quality Management District,the y j, i 1 k.,,,` !& 1' t{
preschool and elementary school Award of Excellence from Y ',
curriculum and to develop an online Partnerships in Education Journal, �� ti i 4. tt • • �. , e i
program for secondary school envi- and the Excellence Award for K-12 k •^ ' �L ,,r•„ .
ronmental clubs. Curricula from the Solid Waste ...,;.j,..,..74.1
'` ' ” "
Representatives of our member Association of North America. < t`/ ill
� xE: R
organizations have met more than 60 ,; .. � ;times to plan our programs and to xr° °i } •
review all stages of development and .,� ty��,. •;y
implementation. <•e Y, d �'� RVrir°f
Our Award-Winning Efforts % ' F0 �ki sq
'40.1Our efforts have not gone unnoticed.
In 1992,we received the President's ^�k
Environment and Conservation ;f, 4
Challenge Award, the nation's high- .. Think Earth developer,Kay Ice,accepts the President's
est environmental honor,from the Environment and Conservation Challenge Award at
the White House.
President of the United States.
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Distributing Educational Units to During 1995,the Think Earth cur-
�.,...,'r ; , Students Pre-K to 6 riculum was expanded to include a
, ,'"''o 1r a �s , ,� N • ' Think Earth's environmental educa- pre-school unit to introduce basic
} y" y" j 5' '- ' tion curriculum for elementary environmental concepts to children
1 r ,� l. •i ._- `4a 1 students K-6 has been distributed as young as 3 and 4 years of age.
,t '`' —,11,,r, i 4t.,;,1:. t� � �,� ` r 9'� s free to more than 20 000 classrooms
a�• �• , � ) wa , �``��21.4:4A4,..
�y,,� ,��� �11_, There are many more classrooms
F .-c 2a' -. ,d®l IMIACJIL�^.AMI -teWit:4
a �,`ya k. I �� y throughout the 10 county Southern in Southern California and the nation
.�,t " •', SA California region.The program has that do not have the educational
r -._- �,t 2 , also beenprovided to as manyclass
,, ,.r^ .ur ,,,,;'-�, .i 3 k ,3 units—which means that millions of
° g,Y, ,•ta . ,ar e „ r `u rooms outside of Southern California children are missing this vital envi-
1.!;,:°Ay^'' ° " 1.'' ''' w b local environmental agencies and
taffy--, i ii; i,,`� " Y g ronmental education. If these chil-
, u ,
4 •� a : , .w, 4,,,. r -,xt a„I,Ittt/ ,. other sponsors. dren remain uneducated, they could
rt.f'' _� -'- tfi it it 'ri* r VI ' '. 1 Each of these seven units is contribute to the accelerating trend of
4\7,t.-:', 4,4„1,'14.4,-;041,
'' ; ;v,, '� designed to work independently, environmental degradation. We will
/417,13,4'.' '` ,h Ai a '` and the teacherguides provide all continue in our efforts to raise funds
the information required to present to enable us to serve these teachers
The ittu'dvdtivettfttts contain: to eight lessons about the envi- and students.
ronent.The content is comprehen-
+ a cOinprehensive teacher guide;
anittfoYnrtt"vc,yet:eitte�tanttg sive and includes such diverse topics
Vidett tailored to the students;
as water use,energy conservation,
•'eetctses attd'ctctizittes, pollution control,and air quality
$ management. These units have been
• illustrate r stories; ,
,u°color ftil,zttahostets; extremely well-received by teachers,
, ••evaluation for tis that help'.
as well as by the students them-
selves.Requests for the units from
feacliet s deteYltlittc the change , teachers continue to exceed available
:in stttdents'knowledge levels,,,"` funding each year.
•fat/ttlyactivities sheets °',C
,'.` ` `: 'r t+r as'`. ?n.,...; , ,."`4," ` ;t..
r ,.. : x a. , ,y. ". .. i. ...'"47{r 4a , ,." , ,,,,,,.a T , r'... ,;.. a.i, r �. ••.r,�d. F•, S ws •.r•..:fi.. ..r..
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Think Earth's Online Network for mental clubs to meet and plan joint ...7'141:1;
Environmental Clubs environmental projects that they can i '}, ''• f"..
Think Earth has been working with , , < 1g"„ 4r • <:::.,",$.;i1-4
implement in their community r l ,rg Es �,. x
{rr 4-%.1 /310-*
•a o d�
an online service provider,Earth Several projects were initiated by the {`' _s % y
Spirit, to develop a computer-based pilot council,includingan Earth Da ,/.3 :' —"` t t .• •
information exchange program for event,a beach clean up,and a peti- ,, , x :r (:,..
middle-and high-school students. tion drive topreserve a local ark. i t, `'' 'h 2
The new service,launched earlyin p - �"' , . Sfi 1
Activities conducted by the coun- 'ate'"
1996,is enabling students to access : n,r -: s •,.
cil s member clubs have included .. ; ° p ' flr,
information about the environment ,,.�
starting recycling centers at their t ,� ',c4
and network with other users. schools, initiatingsurveys of „,,,s-•"`- .t'`""r
y schoolJarA
Development of the online program ;: •.; ,y L'
energy use,and raising the profile of
was sponsored by Mitsubishi �� y
environmental issues in their corn- ��
Electric, at ,
munities by making presentations to "
student and community '" �== ~ "'�~
Coordinating Councils `k
Think Earth has also developed an Our goal is to launch coordinating - �”'
innovative concept to revitalize high- councils throughout Southern "e,"the environment's representative,
school environmental clubs and to California as a model for the nation. magically appears through the
encourage active participation and Through these councils,middle-and computer in Think Earth's video"e.
o . i
leadership in solving environmental high-school students will develop �
problems both in schools and in their new motivation and obtain the guid- ----.0 ® _ ,
communities. ance they need to lead their schools
Think Earth has introduced a lead- and communities in much-needed
ership development vehicle for high- environmental improvement projects.
school students at the regional level.
Fifteen schools in the San Gabriel
Valley, near Los Angeles, participated �P�
last year in Think Earth's first coordi- w� ,' ,, K? 3'
Hating council, a forum for student fi ,,��
leaders from high-school environ- r��'.,,r
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Enhancing Environmental environmental behaviors—energy
Education for Children use, water use,and recycling habits
Through Teacher Training —for students to complete at home.
To ensure that the environmental Using Think Earth software,students
units are used to their fullest extent, will input their survey data into
AD Think Earth will launch a teacher school computers and receive person-
training program in 1996 to train at alized reports, itemizing ways in
y .,16. least 60 "teacher trainers.” The pro- which their family could support the
gram will develop a cadre of trained environment even more.
1� .r ��f irnl
SS �. ,. professionals who will,in turn,con- Expand Online Network
rs:, �;x '” duct Think Earth environmental edu-
cation seminars for other elementary In the months ahead,Think Earth
school teachers. will further develop its online pro-
gram to enable students to post their
School Superintendents from each views on environmental issues and
of the 327 Southern California School ask questions of environmental
Districts will be invited to nominate experts. By the end of 1996,Think
a representative from their District to Earth Online will be accessible on the
receive this initial training free of World Wide Web.
charge. We hope to provide one-day
workshops at six sites in the 10- Northern California Expansion
county region, including San We plan to conduct an extensive
Bernardino, Los Angeles,San Diego, fundraising campaign to distribute
Ventura,Fullerton,and the San Think Earth in Northern California,
Fernando Valley. so that more students can benefit
from the Think Earth program.
Home Environmental Surveys
In the coming year,Think Earth will
expand the current curriculum by
adding a special survey of family
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. ot+v a . 6taz �m'$Y P �xa rken" 1 i � t„�'� � 5 N�� �' � .. LLd .:TQ�� C�� '._ r�i,,.L�
Income: Expenses: •
ARCO $74,500 Development of K-6 Curriculum $369,646
California Energy Commission 9,900 Distribution of K-6 Curriculum 456,686
Educational Development Specialists 44,000 Development of Online Program 22,747
GTE. 67,000 Consortium Business 21,346
L.A. City Department of Public Works 59,500
L.A. Department of Water&Power 59,500 TOTAL $870,425
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California 74,500 '
Operating Surplus: °:' 45,363
Mitsubishi Electric America 35,000 t
Orange County Sanitation Districts 59,500 �
Regional Interutility Network 10,000 .'.
Sanitation Districts of L.A. County 74,500 , :.':.;.:=;'''::::i.:::j
South Coast Air Quality Management District 82,000 ,..i.::.1" ••• ' a�
Southern California Edison 74,500
Southern California Gas 49,500 AL
Ventura County Air Pollution Control District 44,000
Ventura Regional Sanitation Districts 40,000
TOTAL $915,793
1 �i,r �i},;r+✓ -.' + �, :�5yi G 4•.i. >?�' n.�)E 4 s.},. . ,v.rr^. r+�' � .v r - ..t '
rd' .XFAa ... a., , ..�(!na.•.rf..u .,
Members of the Board include repre- Advisory Committee during 1995:
sentatives of public and private Kay Ice
companies and agencies in Southern Educational Development Specialists
California. Board members during Jeff Jones
1995 included: Glendale Unified School District
n Corinne Berenson,Co-Chair and the Sierra Club
Orange County Sanitation Districts Dr. Fred Niedermeyer
k Joe Haworth, Co-Chair Educational Development Specialists
Sanitation Districts of L.A. County Hal Robertson
Ron Ketcham, Treasurer Los Angeles Unified School District
South Coast Air Quality Dr. Darleen Stoner
Management District Environmental Education Resource
Russ Donnelly,Board Secretary Center, California State University,
Think Earth Environmental Education Metropolitan Water District San Bernardino
Foundation is a 501(c)(3)nonprofit agency. of Southern California
Yvonne Everett
David Fisher
David Tomlinson
L.A. City Department of Public Works
Walter Zeisl
L.A. Department of Water and Power
Colleen McKenna
Mitsubishi Electric America
Irene Oliva
Southern California Edison
Barbara Page
Ventura County Air
Pollution Control District