REHAB - Approval of Minutes 10-22-96 NOT OFFICIAL UNTIL. APPROVED BY THE ROSEMEAD REHABILITATION APPEALS BOARD MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING ROSEMEAD BUILDING REHABILITATION APPEALS BOARD OCTOBER 22, 1997 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Building Rehabilitation Appeals Board was called to order by Chairman Clark at 7:06 p.m. in the Conference Room of City Hall, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. The Pledge to the Flag and Invocation were waived as having been completed during the meeting just adjourned. ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: Present: Boardmembers Bruesch,Taylor, Vasquez, Vice-Chairman Imperial, and. Chairman Clark Absent: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: None I. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH The Board Secretary administered the oath to all persons wishing to address the Board. II. H NARINGS A. 3114 BARTLETT AVENUE The subject property consists of a tenant-occupied single family residence located in the R-1 zone. A "Please Letter" was mailed to the property owner on June 24, and a "bulky item" trash notice was sent on July 9, 1996. Inspection on July 24, 1996 revealed no visible progress, although a locked gate and large dog prevented access onto the property. The Building Official declared the property substandard and filed a Declaration of Substandard with the.Los Angeles County Recorder's office. A "Thirty Day" certified letter was mailed and posted on the property on July 31, 1996, requesting abatement of the substandard conditions. On August 20, 1996, Mr. Hy, the property owner, requested inspection for the following day. Accesswas gained onto the property and additional defects were noted. A revised list of defects was sent to Mr. Hy. Access inside the dwelling was gained on September 5, 1996. Further deficiencies were added to the list. Again,Mr. Hy was provided with an updated copy. Inspection on October 1, 1996 revealed the patio had been removed, the broken window glass had been replaced, and the rear landing repaired. However, no permits had been obtained and all other substandard conditions remained. the same. Inspection on October 3, 1996 revealed yard area cleanup. Another"bulky item" trash notice was sent to the owner on October 7, 1996. A Notice of Hearing was mailed and posted on the property on October 8, 1996. All interested parties have been notified. The City Building Official recommends that the Board find the property substandard and order all substandard conditions removed and/or corrected by December 2, 1996. However, if permits and approvals are obtained and sufficient progress is achieved by December 2, 1996, the abatement date may be extended to January 2, 1997. Benson Hy, 9112 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, the brother of the owner requested an extension. REHAB Page#1 MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRMAN IMPERIAL, SECOND BY BOARDMEMBER VASQUEZ that the Board find the property substandard and order all substandard conditions removed and/or corrected by December 2, 1996. However, if permits and approvals are obtained and sufficient progress is achieved by December 2, 1996, the abatement date may be extended to January 2, 1997. Vote resulted: Aye: Bruesch, Vasquez, Clark, Imperial, Taylor No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Chairman declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. B. 2222 CHARLOTTE AVENUE The subject property consists of a tenant-occupied single family residence located in the R-1-AP zone. A "Please Letter" was mailed to the property owner on February 5, 1996. On February 21, 1996, Mr. Wang,the property owner obtained a "Repair per Rehab" permit and advised staff that he was in the process of evicting the tenants. Mr. Wang phoned on March 20, 1996 to report that he was still involved in the eviction process. Inspection on April 10, 1996 revealed no apparent progress, although interior access was not gained. Inspection on June 26, 1996 showed the unit to be vacant and posted with "Warning -Keep Out" signs from Los Angeles County Hazardous Materials Division. Contact was made with their office and it was explained that a "meth lab" had been discovered on the property. On July 9, 1996, a "bulky item" trash notice was sent to the owner. On a follow-up inspection on July 29, 1996, contact was made with a new tenant who advised the building inspector that Mr. Wang was not proceeding with any repair work. The Building Official declared the property substandard and filed a Declaration of Substandard with the Los Angeles County Recorder's office. A "Thirty Day" certified letter was mailed and posted on the property on July 30, 1996,requesting abatement of the substandard conditions. Progress inspection on August 29, 1996, revealedno progress. Inspection on September 26, 1996 showed that the roof had been replaced without inspection, and interior electrical plumbing work had been performed without permits or inspections. A Notice of Hearing was mailed and posted on the property on October 8, 1996. All interested parties have been notified. The City Building Official recommends that the Board find the property substandard and order all substandard conditions removed and/or correct, and plumbing and electrical permits obtained by December 2, 1996. Calvin Wang, 1708 S. New Avenue, San Gabriel, was present and affirmed that he understood the conditions. MOTION BY VICE-CHAIRMAN IMPERIAL, SECOND BY BOARDMEMBER VASQUEZ that the Board find the property substandard and order all substandrad conditions. removed and/or corrected, and plumbing and electrical permits obtained by December 2, 1996. Vote resulted: Aye: Bruesch, Vasquez, Clark, Imperial, Taylor No: None Absent: None Abstain: None The Chairman declared said motion duly carried and so ordered. REHAB Page#2 C. 7626 COLUMBIA STREET The subject property consists of an owner-occupied single family residence and a vacant second unit. The property is zoned R-2. A "Please Letter" was mailed to the property owner on April 16, 1996. Inspection on May 16, 1996 revealed no progress. The Building Official declared the property substandard and filed a Declaration of Substandard with the Los Angeles County Recorder's office. A"Thirty Day" certified letter was mailed and posted on the property on June 19, 1996, requesting abatement of the substandard conditions. The letter was returned. "unclaimed", but a forwarding address was provided by the Post Office. The "Thirty Day" certified letter was sent to the new address, a post office box. It was also returned "unclaimed" and was sent again by first class mail. On July 8, 1996, a "bulky item"trash notice was mailed to the owner. On July 11, 1996, the property owner,Yun Kiang Chang, requested a thirty day extension and indicated the tenants would vacate by August 4, 1996. The extension was granted, however,follow-up inspections in August and September revealed no progress. The rental unit remains vacant. A second "bulky item" trash notice was mailed to the property owner on October 7, 1996. A Notice of Hearing was mailed and posted on the property on October 8, 1996.. All interested parties have been notified. The City Building Official recommends that the Board find the property substandard and order all substandard conditions removed and/or corrected by December 2, 1996. Leland Wong, 9444 Centennial Street, Los Angeles, representing his father-in-law, reported that a contractor has been obtained and corrections made; however, he may have had some problems with permits. James Guerra, Building Official, agreed that corrections have been done with the exception of a vent on the kitchen sink and that permits still need to be obtained. Discussion ensued whether or not the property should remain substandard as the owner has done an excellent job of correcting the conditions. Mr. Guerra explained that since a Declaration of Substandard has already been filed and cannot be removed until all'conditions are corrected, that this item be continued to the next meeting, and if inspection and permits are obtained then this case can be closed . Mr. Wong stated that all corrections will be completed and permits pulled by then. There being no objections, this item will be continued to the next meeting. III. STATUS REPORTS A. SUBSTANDARD BUILDINGS AND PROPERTIES No action required on this item. B. BUILDING REHABILITATION APPEALS BOARD No action required on this item. C. CITY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY REFERRAL UPDATE No action required on this item. IV. MATTERS FROM OFFICIALS -None REHAB Page#3 • V. ADJOURNMENT There being no further action to be taken at this time, the meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for November 26, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted: APPROVED: Board Secretary CHAIRMAN REHAB Page#4