CAV Consulting - RFP No. 2020-11 - Project Management Services Related to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement Projects i • CC 0 C CD' C� • 0 ■ CONSULTING V PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE PROPOSAL NO. 2020-11 Project Management Services Related To SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects PREPARED FOR Chris Daste Director of Public Works City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 SUBMITTED BY CAV CONSULTING Chris A. Vogt, PE I President/Owner 17130 Van Buren Blvd., Ste 526 Riverside, CA 92504 direct 951.616.4925 cvogt@cavconsultinggroup.com figy� CAV Consulting CONSULTING A V January 14, 2021 Chris Daste Director of Public Works City of Rosemead 8838 E.Valley Boulevard Rosemead,CA 91770 Re: Proposal to Provide Project Management Services to SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects Dear Mr. Daste: CAV Consulting is pleased to submit our proposal to provide Project Management Services for the SR-710 North Corridor Mobility Improvements Projects.We are proposing a team of experienced, professional staff who have the qualifications and skills to provide a variety of top-quality services to meet the City's needs.Our staff has the experience to work as an extension of City staff by working independently while providing the City with full communication so there are no surprises. CAV Consulting has teamed with Mark Thomas&Company(Mark Thomas)to provide additional project management services and diverse understanding of the design of complex projects to support project management and program management for the projects listed in the City's RFP. Mark Thomas will support CAV Consulting on as needed basis for project management, program management,technical and planning studies,constructability reviews,civil engineering design support,and contract development. They have extensive experience throughout the state providing – local agencies with a "tum-key" project management services that includ-• y1 program and construction management,civil and structural engineering review, landscape architecture, land surveying services and Right-of-Way acquisition. t11, 4 • We understand that the City of Rosemead is seeking a qualified firm to project management and program management services for the SR- ,„r:` ° �' ''>� 710 Mobility Improvement Projects. The services will be under the direction i�- of the Director of Public Works and will be from initial project development '~ through the end of construction and project closeout.The projects include the following: • 1-10/Rosemead Boulevard Freeway Westbound Ramp Improvements($6,000,000) • 1-10/Walnut Grove Avenue Freeway Westbound Ramp Improvements($6,000,000) • Adaptive Traffic/Adapted Traffic Responsive Control Project, Garvey, Valley, San Gabriel, Walnut Grove, and Rosemead($9,000,000) • Traffic Signal Improvements, San Gabriel,Walnut Grove at Mission, Rosemead and Valley($6,000,000) It is understood that this work will be completed on an"as-needed"basis. CAV Consulting provides expert services in areas including public works,city engineering, planning and building and safety. Our team has"hands-on"experience in Project Management,Program Management,CIP development and implementation, plan checking services, development conditioning and entitlement processes, development and oversite of Public Works Operations,Construction Management,Constructability Reviews, Public Works Inspection,and Traffic Engineering.We also Cr— Page 1 2 CAV Consulting provide interim Public Works Director/City Engineer, Community Development Director, Building Official, and City Traffic Engineer services.Our team has extensive experience as City employees as well as working for private industry,so we know what is expected on both sides of the counter. Mark Thomas is ideally suited for Project Management and Program Management to support complex transportation infrastructure projects involving Caltrans oversight. They have earned a reputation for providing their clients with quality deliverables and innovative project management on every project.They have delivered hundreds of similar projects requiring interchange improvements and modifications, signal modifications, and complex right-of-way and utility impacts. They are experienced in the development of technical studies,construction and design procurement documents,feasibility analysis, final PS&E,and overall program management. CAV Consulting's blend of extensive and diverse experience and certifications enables us to work effectively with all City departments for the successful delivery of projects.Our company consists of seasoned professionals,all experts in their respective fields,with a goal in ensuring the success of our client's programs and projects.The combined experience of our professionals,through years of working on both sides of the counter,enable us to assure the successful delivery of projects within schedule and budget.Being a smaller firm,we are able to focus on the City's goals and objectives.We are dedicated to consistency. Once an assignment has been made,we do not change staff unless directed by the City.There will be no"bait and switch"that tends to happen with larger, less connected firms. We view the keys to serving Rosemead as follows: ✓ Providing all services in a responsive and transparent manner ✓ Assigning high quality, experienced staff and maintain consistency ✓ Coordinating effectively with other city departments and outside agencies ✓ Providing a high level of customer care to ensure success for internal and external customers ✓ Full and open communication so there are no surprises The staff members proposed for this assignment were carefully selected based on our understanding of the Scope of Services. Mr.Chris A.Vogt,P.E. is the President/Owner of CAV Consulting and will serve as the Senior Project Manager and Key Contact to the City of Rosemead. He is the Principal-in-Charge and has the authority to sign all necessary agreements. Please don't hesitate to contact me directly if you have any questions or would like additional information about how we can assist the City. Chris A. Vogt, PE I President/Owner 17130 Van Buren Blvd, Suite 526 Riverside,CA 92508 direct 951.616.4925 cvogt@cavconsultinggroup.com • Thank you for the opportunity to serve the City of Rosemead. Sincerely, President/Owner Page 13 CAV Consulting Table of Contents Cover Letter 2 Section 1.Approach and Scope of Work 5 Section 2.Project Team,Key Personnel,and Resumes 10 Section 3.Company Qualifications 20 Section 4.References 28 Section 5.Standard Draft Professional Services Agreement and Insurance Requirements 29 Section 6.Addenda Acknowledgement 31 Page 14 CAV Consulting Section 1. Approach and Scope of Work Project Understanding CAV Consulting understands that the City is looking for an experienced and qualified Consultant Firm to provide Project Management and Program Management Services for the following four(4)SR-710 Mobility Improvement Projects: • 1-10/Rosemead Boulevard Freeway Westbound Ramp Improvements • 1-10/Walnut Grove Freeway Westbound Ramp Improvements • Adaptive Traffic/Traffic Responsive Control Project(Garvey,Valley, San Gabriel,Walnut Grove, and Rosemead) • Traffic Signal Improvements(San Gabriel,Walnut Grove at Mission, Rosemead and Valley) The services requested are for the overall project and program management from initial project development through the end of construction and project closeout.These services include but are not limited to the following: • Provide overall project and program management of the projects from initial project development thru the end of construction and project closeout. • Coordinate all projects and activities with involved agencies and stakeholders,including the City of Rosemead, adjacent local agencies that may be impacted by the proposed improvements or may have received funding from METRO in the adjacent areas, METRO,County,Caltrans,and any other agencies and organizations that have jurisdictional control, regulatory agencies, and stakeholders as necessary. • Prepare necessary request for proposals,notice inviting bids,agreements,and assist in the selection of various consultants. Services that will be provided by various consultants may include project design, environmental services, right-of-way acquisition, engineering services,geotechnical engineering services,traffic engineering services, surveying, and various other services to be determined as part of the project development as necessary. It is understood that these services will be provided under the direction of the Director of Public Works on an as-needed basis. Project Management The challenges in delivering Projects within the City's schedule and budget are ever increasing with diminishing resources within the City. We believe Project `' Management and Program Management starts with the complete understanding of the City's goals and the constraints of the project's funding sources and ! schedules. For these reasons,it is imperative that a strong project manager have Jr ti a full understanding of all aspects of each project and the potential hurdles that wJ 11 may be encountered. Our philosophy is to assign each project to a highly skilled and experienced project manager that will remain on each assignment from the beginning to its final completion. This means complete ownership of all project aspects including project development,funding/budgeting,oversite of consultants, coordination with staff, project delivery,and final closeout.This approach ensures the institutional knowledge and continues the momentum throughout the project by providing a consistent project manager. Our team is successful in delivering Capital Improvement Projects by fostering an environment of teamwork,collaboration,and cooperation with all stakeholders in a project. We have discovered that treating each of the participants in the project,from City staff through design team and ultimately the construction contractor, as part of the project team, creates an atmosphere of cooperation in obtaining a common goal. That goal is the successful completion of a project within budget and schedule with minimal claims. Too many times we have witnessed the failure of the project due to the"us against them"attitude between the contracting agency and the successful bidders on a project. We have been able to avoid this through partnering at the project beginning. CAV Consulting fully understands what is required for Project Management services since our staff has served a number of municipalities in Southern California in a similar capacity.We provide a seamless integration of municipal service professionals in support of public agencies. With increasing demands for project delivery, along with decreasing budgets and resources, Cities are faced with the challenge of providing capable and experienced individuals to manage and coordinate their projects Page 15 CAV Consulting and to ensure proper completion according to the local, state and federal policies and procedures. Full communication with all parties involved in each project is essential,as well as complete and accurate documentation. An understanding of the existing policies and procedures and positive working relationships with the key personnel is also essential for successful project delivery within schedule and budget. We propose to perform the following: Develop project descriptions and scopes to determine budgets and delivery schedules ✓ Assist in the identification and procurement of necessary regulatory permits ✓ Prepare necessary internal communications to provide the City with regular status updates regarding project schedule, budgets,potential issues, and other items of interest or concern ✓ If requested,prepare City Council staff reports, technical memoranda, or issue papers on projects ✓ Conduct project outreach to external stakeholders as directed by the City ✓ Manage the design team during the preparation of final plans, specification, and estimates ✓ Manage project bidding and oversee construction support and construction management/inspection • If required, ensure the process is performed in adherence to Federal, State, and Local Agenies(i.e. FHWA/FTA, Caltrans, City)guidelines ✓ Manage and coordinate with the Right-of-Way Team which handles rights-of-way negotiation and acquisition assistance We take the following approach to all projects: Review of the Original Project Scope,Budget,and Schedule:Many CIP projects do not begin until months,sometimes years, after they are originally developed. Items such as the original project cost estimates, municipal regulations and standards, and physical changes to the project site may have occurred prior to advertising the project for bid. We have even experienced times when utilities may not have been coordinated and soft-cost may not have been included in the project budget, requiring updates to the project scope, budget and schedule. CAV Consulting begins each project by reviewing the existing budget, schedule and goals of the City to minimize impacts to the project that may occur if the former listed issues are not addressed and resolved. We then work with the City to identify additional funding sources if necessary and address any of the project parameters that may have changed from the project inception. We will work with the City as directed to develop an outreach plan to ensure that the project addresses the community sensitivities,values,and needs. Request for Proposals(RFPs)for Professional Services: We will provide support services to the City during the Project Development and Design Process including the following: ✓ Draft RFPs for advertisement by the City ✓ Work with the City to Develop Criteria for Rating the Proposals ✓ Coordinate with the City to Form a Proposal Review and Rating Panel ✓ Coordinate the Review of the Submitted Proposals with the Selected Panel ✓ Coordinate and Conduct Interviews with the Top Ranked Proposers(if needed) ✓ Draft City Council Report(s)for Professional Contract(s)Award Bidding and Construction Support: We will provide support services to the City during the bidding process including the following: ✓ Coordinate with the Design Consultant to Review and prepare responses to RFI's ✓ Coordinate the Review of Contractor submittals and shop drawings for compatibility with design ✓ Coordinate the Bid Opening with the City and Bidders ✓ Review the Submitted Bids to determine the Low Responsible Bidder ✓ Check the Contractor's Credentials, Licenses, and References ✓ Draft a City Council Report for Project Award ✓ Work with the Construction Manager to Conduct the Preconstruction Conference Page 16 CX w CAV Consulting During construction,we will provide supplemental support to the City including: ✓ Attend weekly Construction Team meetings as the City Representative ✓ Review and provide recommendations of change order proposals as negotiated by the Construction Manager ✓ Performing final review and assisting with the preparation of punch list for work deficiencies ✓ Draft the City Council Staff Report to approve the Final Adjusting Change Order,Authorize the Filing of the Notice of Completion and Release of the Remaining Retention ✓ Assure the completion of the record drawings by the Design Consultant based upon the redlined set of as-built plans provided by the Contractor Communication with City:Complete communication with the City is critical to minimize surprises and deliver a project successfully within budget and schedule. We will continually bring urgent project issues to the City, along with recommended solutions.We also continually communicate with the Project team and the City as follows: ✓ Weekly meetings with the City to review staff report agendas, CIP procedural or program issues ✓ Weekly project status meetings with the Project Management staff to review project status ✓ Regular meetings of Project Development Teams on key capital projects ✓ Discuss and resolve conflicts in the field with the City and the Project Team Managing Project Budget and Schedule:Our Project Managers carefully monitor project budgets and schedules weekly throughout the project. We closely track the work of all members of the project team to ensure budgets and schedules are adhered to.The Contractor is directed to provide the schedule of work indicating the Project Critical Path items. After the schedule is secured, the Project Manager and Construction Manager review the schedule to determine its viability and coordinate issues that might arise that may be unknown to the Contractor. After approval of the schedule, and approval by the City, the Notice to Proceed will be issued to the Contractor. Our Project Manager monitors the team members to ensure the work is done within the scope of services and the Project remains within the approved budget and schedule. Work with Utility Agencies on laity Owner Relocations: CAV Consulting will - coorbtuion 30work with the Utilities that are �troa�non"' Design Conflict II44."'".)`on 65ign se<,-_anc7�aon Design tMaw/ Design affected by the Project to properly Prynd coordinate all parties' efforts. This will minimize project delays and cost ReplacementRights Utility over-runs during the construction Agent process. It will also protect newly Final Design Execution constructed infrastructure and ferlomsedWeelt teddy Owner minimize the impacts to the OR community. It is good practice to Approvalot Aamn Mbcation Pim, • Compensates .. start coordination with Utility Sd dui, nwnnrtt Utility Relocation nd Budget Perform work Companies during the early R/W ire Rephudinent development stages of a project and certification continue coordination and communication throughout all Issue Notice to Owner to Relocate project stages. This team is well versed in Traditional Caltrans Utility Coordination Process coordination with process. Some of the key elements we have utilized to help minimize the back-end risk with unforeseen relocations or liability of costs are to provide an early jump on the following: Positive Location—Ensuring the design consultant supplies the City with ample utility potholes, electromagnetic detection, GPR, and topographic survey to adequately depict the location of all utilities. ✓ Advance the Liability Determination—Typical coordination relies on the Utility Owners to determine prior rights after the relocation claim letters are sent to the owner. This is way too late as the design is often close to 65% and doesn't allow flexibility to change the design where the City might own costly relocation. This team will work with the City's design and real estate consultant during initial mobilization phases to pull record maps, as-builts, and title reports to analyze what facilities are in by franchise agreements, state encroachment permits, or may have prior rights. Page 17 4 CAV Consulting I p v Utility Owner Focus Meetings—Approaching the Utility Owners in pre-design meetings to discuss their facilities and the overall project to better understand the complexities of their relocation and identify tentative relocation options. As the design progresses, conducting either field walks or routine focus meetings with each of the Utility Owners with conflicts to ensure their relocation plans are compliant with the project design. ✓ Utility Agreements— Working with the City and the Utility Owners just after relocation claim letters and notices are sent to develop utility agreements. This team will work with the City legal staff to either adopt the Caltrans templates where appropriate or develop City templates outside of Caltrans Right of Way. These usually take 6 plus months from initiation to full execution due to two sets of legal entities reviewing the document and generally requiring City Council approval. Initiating these efforts is critical as they need full execution prior to achieving Caltrans R/W Certification and often impact the development of the relocation plans. Based on our initial research and review of the Project Environmental Document, SCE has potential conflicts to their overhead transmission lines crossing Interstate 10 at the Rosemead Boulevard interchange. Between both interchange projects, twelve (12) AT&T telecommunications poles and fifteen (15) overhead electric distribution/transmission poles will be impacted by the project. Prior to the development of design or acquisition services RFPs,this team will identify all ownership through Underground Services Alert, verify conflicts identified to date, and meet with utility owners as necessary to adequately scope utility coordination requirements. Additionally,we will continue coordination and research efforts through construction to ensure utility relocations are compatible with the project improvements and goals. Right of Way Acquisition Support: The Project Environmental Document identified up to thirty (30) private property acquisitions associated with the two interchange projects, including one full acquisition. Additionally, many of these are commercial retail/mall centers at the Rosemead Boulevard interchange which have high potential for severances damages and potential loss of business good will. This team has had great success conducting the following approach to managing projects with complex acquisition. 1) Prepare Property Impact Statements to establish purpose, need, and overall impacts then conduct Right of Way Focus Meetings to review the following elements and craft an acquisition strategy for each property: a. Lease/business operational impacts that could lead to full acquisition/relocation. b. Potential for unforeseen significant loss of business goodwill claims. c. City land use/zoning/setback conflicts/fire code required access conflicts. d. Impacted parcels not included within the Area of Potential Effect (A.P.E.)/Project Area Limits requiring NEPA/CEQA re-validation. e. Treatment Control BMP requirements for potential additional fee acquisition. f. Sound wall requirements, including temporary construction access and long-term maintenance access for potential footing/maintenance easements. g. ADA compliancy issues for width and obstructions at sidewalks and driveways for potential additional fee acquisition. h. Sign/Light/Signal Pole foundation and equipment conflicts for potential additional fee acquisition/easements. i. Side slope requirements per local agency/Caltrans requirements. j. Additional landscape/slope repair areas adjacent to improvements. k. Temporary work areas and construction easements for accessibility and constructability needs, including areas where restricting usage of the temporary easements could have substantial acquisition cost savings. I. Utility service relocation/clearance issues for potential easements. m. Potential areas for replacement rights for known utility conflicts. n. Identified impacts that cannot be acquired under the threat of eminent domain. 2)Strategize with project team in identifying opportunities to optimize the right of way footprint that will result in avoiding and/or minimizing impacts along the corridor. 3) Identification of post construction and potential cost to cure mitigation solutions, including: a. Driveway and access vertical and horizontal replacement existing/proposed sections b. Loss of parking replacement c. Horizontal/vertical layout alternatives to avoid long lead/high-cost parcels d. Building/structural modification opportunities to avoid full acquisition/relocation Pagej8 CAV Consulting I r 4) Development of a Risk Management Matrix illustrating suggested alternative approaches/risk management items per parcel and distribution to the Project Team. Providing a "surgical" approach yet very detailed and focused plan eliminates the surprises that often create delays or unforeseen costs. Carrying the focus meetings with the acquisition consultant,their appraisal team,and the design team through the appraisal process is also critical to ensure changes are captured and included and the acquisition team has a clear understanding of the rights necessary to acquire for the project. This strategy was recently utilized on the McKinley Grade Separation Project for the City of Corona involving 14 complex commercial retail properties similar to this project. City anticipated original acquisition budgets of approximately$25 million and through a series of value engineering efforts and right of way workshops,the"Surgical Approach" in our planning saved over$5 million in acquisition costs to the City of Corona. Keep the same Project Manager Assigned to a Project from "Cradle to Grave":This approach ensures institutional knowledge and consistency from the project development through construction completion and closeout. Other key steps in the process include: v Coordinate project advertisement in local media f Provide documents and plans to bidders v Keep track of all of those who have purchased or shown interest in the project Send out any and all addenda/correspondence as necessary. 4 . Provide pre-bid meeting services 4 v Coordinate the bid opening with the client(date, time and place) 4 v Create a staff report and resolution awarding the project to the lowest responsive/responsible bidder t v Coordinate with contractor to sign contract Coordinate with client to prepare fully executed contracts 4 .7 Submit a Notice to Proceed to the Contractor Grant Application/Funding Assistance:This team has supported local agencies throughout California secure additional 4 funding through numerous types of grants and funding programs. Mark Thomas assisted local agencies in securing over $150 million in state and federal funding programs in 2020. Based on an initial review of the two interchanges improvement projects,additional funding may be secured through the following programs: Local Partnership Program: LPP provides $200 million in SB 1 funding annually to local and regional transportation 4 agencies that have passed sales tax measures, developer fees, or other imposed transportation fees. The program is very flexible and can be used to fund roadway and highway improvements, active transportation facilities, transit improvements, and sound walls. Roadway maintenance improvement projects need to provide 15 years of useful life. A 4 Cal B/C model is required for each submittal. The program requires a 50% match of requested funding from the local 4 agency, approved environmental document prior to requesting the allocation of requested funds, and the project to demonstrate a net neutral or better for Vehicle Miles Traveled(VMT)in the after condition. Most recently, Mark Thomas 4 secured the following LPP funding through the completive Cycle 2: 4 V City of Sacramento—I Street Bridge:$15 million ✓ City of Eastvale—Limonite Gap Closure Project:$9.5 million Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission—Highway 1 Improvements:$14 million If any of the projects can multimodal incorporate bike lane improvements along South Walnut Grove Avenue consistent 4 with the City's General Plan or improvements that could enhance or improve the LACMTA Route 266 bus line would greatly enhance the potential to secure LPP funding. 1 Active Transportation Program: ATP provides funding bicycle and pedestrian improvements. The program is a mix of federal and state funds, including SB 1. There is no requirement for matching funds, but it is encouraged. 25%of funds 4 must go to disadvantaged communities. There are two opportunities for ATP funding; one at the State level and one • through the Metropolitan Planning Organizations(i.e. LACMTA).Given the proximity to the Savannah Elementary School and anticipated bike lanes along South Walnut Grove Avenue per the City's general plan,the City may be eligible for ATP funding for the next Cycle(Cycle 6 due in 2022). Most recently, Mark Thomas is awaiting initial results from the Cycle 5 ATP application to support the County of Orange for the OC Loop—Segments 0, P,&Q. Page 19 Cra CAV Consulting Section 2. Project Team, Key Personnel, & Resumes Based on the City's request, we have proposed the best suited staff led by a Senior Project Manager with the skill set aligned with the critical aspects of the specific need. Staff proposed will be experienced at working in a municipal environment, nurturing positive relationships with affected parties, and collaborating with both internal and external stakeholders to deliver the project on time and within budget.Given the wide range of possible projects,we have included a representative team of professionals ready to serve the City. City of Rosemead Chris Daste Director of Public Works Chris A.Vogt, PE Senior Project Manager Principal-in-Charge Project Management Project Management Chris A.Vogt,PE Darin Johnson,PE Viren Shah,PE Josh Cosper,PE Page� 10 CAV Consulting The majority of CAV Consulting Staff experience has been in the public sector as City Officials and City Staff. Since we have all left public service, we have continued to provide services exclusively to Public tr Sector Clients. Below are the cities and Counties we have worked in /' either as staff or as consultants: <= Chino Hills Beaumont Grand Terrace 4r- La rLa Quinta Palm Springs Laguna Niguel , Pomona Indian Wells San Gabriel Moreno Valley Rancho Mirage Monterey Park Wildomar Corona Rancho Cucamonga Bell San Bernardino Fontana `"‘ al West Covina Redlands Riverside County San Marino Yucaipa San Bernardino County We will provide highly qualified staff led by an experienced Project Manager to deliver projects and services to meet or exceed the City's expectations. Our staff has experience at working in a municipal environment, nurturing positive relationships with affected parties, and collaborating with both internal and external stakeholders to deliver the project on time and within budget.Given the wide range of possible projects,we have included the following team of professionals ready to serve the City. PROJECT MANAGEMENT Chris A. Vogt, PEI Senior Project Manager Chris has over 37 years of successful management, planning,implementing,and administering public works projects and programs. He brings a solid history of successful management with over 24 years as a Public Works Director/City Engineer for a number of Cities in Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and Riverside Counties. He brings an exemplary work ethic focusing on continuous process improvements while maintaining the ability to effectively navigate politically sensitive environments.Supporting cities in Southern California,Chris has a wealth of knowledge in project management, program management, budget preparation, infrastructure maintenance, professional and construction contract negotiations, organizational development, water, sewer and electrical utility operations and construction, engineering design, staff development,training and mentoring, complex engineering studies such as Development Impact Fees and assessment engineering, and public informational and collaborative meetings. Chris is a professional who brings solutions to our clients. He is flexible and his communication style fosters a teamwork atmosphere in resolving challenges. Viren Shah, PEI Project Manager I Plan Checker Viren has decades of expertise providing project management, program management, administration, management and engineering services on Capital Improvement Projects.This experience has made him familiar with the design and construction of projects including transportation facilities, public works, industrial, commercial and residential development. Viren is very comfortable providing contract administration, project scheduling,claims avoidance, quality assurance, reporting,engineering plan checking, specification review, request for proposals (RFPs), budgeting and bid preparation for both public works and private enterprises.His extensive background in the industry has also given him a working knowledge of related fields including environmental mitigation, drainage, soils, structures, surveying and land planning. Viren has been employed in a variety of capacities such as Senior Engineer,Design Engineer,Plan Check Engineer,Project Manager and Construction Manager.Over his career, he has honed his ability to effectively coordinate with owners,clients,consultants,contractors and public agencies. Page 111 CAV Consulting MARK THOMAS — PROJECT MANAGERS Darin Johnson, PE I Project Manager Darin brings more than 34 years of experience in transportation and municipal engineering, project management, and QA/QC reviewing for a range of complex transportation improvement projects including highways and interchanges,new bridges,bridge rehabilitations, replacements,and widenings, retaining walls and sound walls, interchange and roadway widenings,and traffic and operational improvement projects.He has delivered numerous transportation projects on Caltrans facilities and is intimately familiar with the Caltrans approval process and requirements. He also brings extensive experience with local agencies and has developed strong relationships with agency staff throughout Southern California. i Josh Cosper, PEI Project Manager Josh has more than 16 years of experience as a successful project manager on numerous transportation and roadways projects providing civil design, right of way engineering and land survey services. He has completed over 50 roadway, and drainage infrastructure projects in Southern California.Most recently,Josh has served(or actively serving)as program manager/technical lead for complex highway corridor and airport projects including the 1-405 Improvement Project for OCTA, SR 91 for RCTC, McKinley Grade Separation Project for Corona,Inglewood Transit Connector for the City of Inglewood,and the Landside Access Modernization Program for the Los Angeles World Airports where his innovative value engineering techniques have resulted in the saving of millions of dollars in acquisition costs. He has recently focused his efforts to program management of all phases of projects from the environmental documentation to final design with many years of relevant experience and relationships throughout the Los Angeles County area and Caltrans District 7. Page 112 CAV Consulting TEAM RESUMES Page 113 CAV Consulting Chris A. Vogt, PE Project Manager CONSULTING Chris has over 37 years of successful management, planning, implementing, and administering public works projects and programs. He brings a solid history of successful management with over 24 years as a Public Works Director/City Engineer for a number of Cities in Los Angeles,San Bernardino,and Riverside Counties. He brings an exemplary work ethic focusing on continuous process improvements while maintaining the ability to effectively navigate politically sensitive environments. He has managed an operational budget of over$39 million and a comprehensive Capital Improvement Program in excess of $1.6 billion. Supporting cities in Southern California, Chris has a wealth of knowledge in budget preparation; infrastructure maintenance; professional and construction contract negotiations; organizational development project management; water, sewer and electrical utility operations and construction; engineering design; staff development; training and mentoring; complex engineering studies such as Development Impact Fees and assessment engineering; and public informational and EDUCATION collaborative meetings. Bachelor ofScience,CivilEngineering Chris is a professional who brings solutions to our clients. He is flexible and his University of Pittsburgh communication style fosters a teamwork atmosphere in resolving challenges. He is Pittsburgh,PA committed to serving the needs of the client through strong leadership and a collaborative REGISTRATIONS approach. CERTIFICATIONS CA Registered Civil Engineer 144250 Specific Experience PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Executive Vice President I Public Works Director I City Engineer I Senior Project Manager 2019-2020 Annealta Group APWA-American Public Works Association,Southern California Chapter Chris provided project management, planning, developing, implementing, and President 2012 administering public works projects and programs for clients throughout Southern APWA-American Public Works California. His projects included: developing and implementing capital improvement Association,Coachella Valley Branch of programs and development impact fees; staff training, mentoring and management; Southern CA, direction and supervision of professional, technical and maintenance staff; program President&Creator,2000-2001 management over consulting contracts (design and construction management APWA-American Public Works professionals); completion of specialty projects; and coordination of issues with public Association,Inland Empire Branch of utilities. Southern CA, Board of Directors,1992—1997 Inland Empire/Coachella Valley Regional Manager I Public Works Director I City Engineer Project Manager City/County Engineers Association Inland Empire President,1996 2012—2019 Interwest Consulting Group Chris developed and managed the Inland Empire/Coachella Valley Regional office.His duties included: interim Public Works Director and City Engineer assignments, project management,planning,developing,implementing,and administering public works projects and programs for clients throughout Southern California. His projects included:developing and implementing capital improvement programs and development impact fees; staff recruitment, hiring, training, mentoring and management; direction and supervision of professional, technical and maintenance staff; program management over consulting contracts; completion of specialty projects; analysis of the purchase and conversion of private utility owned street lights;and coordination of issues with public utilities. Director of Public Works I City Engineer 2006—2011 City of Moreno Valley Managed a Public Works Department of 145 professional,technical,maintenance and clerical staff with an operational budget of$39 million and Capital Improvement budget of $180M (comprehensive $1.6B). Public Works included seven divisions: Administration, Engineering Land Development, Traffic, Capital Improvement Projects, Maintenance (solid waste, street, storm drainage, graffiti, and fleet), Special Districts, and the Moreno Valley Electric Utility. 1 1 Select Accomplishments: - Completed a$25 million electric sub-station project and participated on the City's bond team - Reorganized the new City Electric Utility CONSULTING - Completed a$1.6 million Veterans Memorial project within schedule and budget by working with a citizen design committee - Directed staff in the development of a comprehensive Capital Improvement Program that reflects all projects to ultimate build-out of the City($1.6 billion) - Coordinated City regional projects with Caltrans, Western Riverside Council of Governments, and the Riverside County Transportation Commission - Completed a$10 million regional soccer facility(synthetic turf) - Renegotiated the City's Solid Waste Contract resulting in enhanced services and full indemnification under AB 939 without additional costs to the City Director of Public Works I City Engineer 2001—2006 City of Pomona Supervised the Public Works Department of 97 professionals, which included Administration, Engineering, Development,Traffic, Capital Improvement Projects, Streets, Stormwater, Graffiti Abatement, Facilities Maintenance, Building and Safety, and City Communications. Select Accomplishments: - Developed a comprehensive Capital Improvement Program - Developed a bond issue with Gas Tax proceeds to complete$10 million worth of street rehabilitations and improvements - Completed$2 million White Avenue beautification project fronting L.A.County Fairgrounds - Established and implemented the City's Graffiti Abatement Program that improved removal time to 24 hours Director of Public Works I City Engineer 1996—2001 City of La Quinta Managed the Public Works Department of 20 professional,technical,and clerical staff.This included Administration, Engineering, Development, Traffic, Capital Improvements and Street Maintenance. Select Accomplishments: - Coordinated the development and implementation of La Quinta's first Development Impact Fees - Updated the City's$800K/year Lighting and Landscape Assessments to conform to Proposition 218 - Completed a$500K community pool and locker room/office facility project within schedule and budget utilizing the design/build process - Completed a$20 million assessment issue and coordinated the construction associated with the assessment for public sewers,street improvements,and a downtown beautification project Director of Public Works I City Engineer 1991-1996 City of Chino Hills Held multiple positions while serving the City of Chino Hills.Was appointed as the City's first Director of Public Works/City Engineer when the city incorporated in December 1991. Established and directed the Public Works Department of 55 employees under six divisions. These divisions included Administration, Engineering Design and Development,Traffic and Roads,Water,Sewer, Drainage, Utility Operations,and Facilities/Vehicle Maintenance and Operations,and the Parks and Landscape Maintenance Division Select Accomplishments: - Completed the$10 million extension of the ultimate improvements to Chino Hills Parkway - Developed the first Public Works Department for the City of Chino Hills afterincorporation - Supervised a$13M/year Water Utility operational budget for the City ' - Developed the first Pavement Management System for Chino Hills - Developed and Streamlined the Final Map and Developer Entitlement process Viren Shah, PE Project Manager CONSULTING Viren is a Professional Civil Engineer with over thirty-nine years of program and project Amanagement experience in public works and private construction. He is a dependable, initiative-taking and purposeful collaborator with a reputation for effective execution. Viren has a wealth of experience in Project Management and Plan Checking Services. He is also a past Planning Commissioner for the City of Corona. SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE Project Manager/Plan Check Engineer 2019—Present VAS Associates, Inc. tot Viren provides plan checking,project management and construction document review services on an as needed basis for City and County Clients. 11 Project Manager/Sr.Engineer/Plan Check Engineer 2015—2019 Interwest Consulting Group EDUCATION Viren provided Project Management services for the City of Palm Springs'and City of Eastvale's Capital Improvement projects including Design Management, Right-of-Way, Environmental University of Texas,Austin Masters of Science Clearance, Utility Coordination, Preparation of Bid Documents and Construction Construction Management Management. He also provided plan checking services for residential and commercial University of Bombay,India development projects for the County of Riverside and cleared a 13-month backlog of work in Bachelors of Science the County.The plan checks included grading,drainage,and hard-scape improvements. Civil Engineering Collaborated with the Developers,their engineers,and the County Staff/Departments in coordinating the plan checking services. REGISTRATIONS CERTIFICATIONS Project Manager 2006—2013 VAS Associates, Inc. CA Registered Civil Engineer 152790 Provided project management services to execute City of Moreno Valley Public Works Capital PROFESSIONAL Improvement projects with Design Management, Right of Way Acquisition, Environmental AFFILIATIONS Clearance, Utility Coordination, Bid Documents and Construction Management. The Planning Commissioner street projects he managed included the ultimate expansion of Nason, Cactus, Kitching, Iris, City of Corona Lassell,and Pigeon Pass Road. He was also Project Manager over the Aqueduct Bike Trail. Nason, Kitching Pigeon Pass (Honorable Mention), and the Aqueduct Bike Trail all Toastmasters Club Vice President received APWA Project of the Year Awards. Transportation Engineer 2001—2006 City of Corona Viren managed the Transportation division including Transportation Planning, Regional Transportation Coordination, Transportation and Transit Funding and Programming through Riverside County Transportation Commission (Measure A), Western Riverside Council of Governments (TUMF) and CALTRANS. He wrote Grants writing for ITS projects, Bicycle Transportation Account, Safe Routes to School, Hazard Elimination System, Community Based Transportation Planning, Office of Traffic Safety,Transportation Enhancement, and AQMD/MSRC programs. He also managed the City's Transit Program. Project Manager 1999—2001 Software Implementation Viren managed multiple projects for implementation of Oracle Corporation Enterprise Resource Planning software and the associated consulting services. 1 I I ' Associate Engineer 1996—1999 City of Fontana CONSULTING Viren implemented and Managed Pavement Management program. He also managed the Storm Drain and Sewer Capital Improvement Program including budgeting, design contracts, development of contract documents,and the delivery of construction projects. Assistant Engineer II 1994—1996 City of Corona 4 Viren managed the City's NPDES program including Permit negotiations. He acquired federal funding and managed FEMA and FHWA funded emergency repairs to City- Wide infrastructure damages. He coordinated updates to the City's Drainage Master Plan and FEMA Flood Maps. 4 Resident Engineer/Construction Manager 1993—1994 South Corona Developers Consortium 4 Viren managed the design and construction of Public Works Infrastructure to build$55 Million in master-planned streets,water,sewer and storm drain facilities for City of Corona. Assistant Engineer II 1989—1993 City of Corona Viren reviewed Development Applications and recommended conditions for the Planning Commission's consideration. He worked on the formation of Community Facilities Districts to raise $100 Million to build public infrastructure required to support the 4 development. He supported the management of the budgeting,design, and construction of the infrastructure. Branch Manager 4 1988—1989 Pacific Coast Building Products 4 Viren managed a Construction Contracting Branch location for the Company. He was responsible for Branch operations including sales and marketing, budgeting, cost accounting, estimating,project management,and field operations. I 4 Division Manager 1985—1988 Alpha Group of Companies Viren managed this construction contracting company. His responsibilities included company operations, sales and marketing, accounting, budgeting, cost accounting, estimating, project management and field operations. Project Manager/Corporate Cost Engineer 1980—1985 Sabine lndustries/ACMAT Corporation Viren developed and Implemented a "Corporation-wide" automated Construction Cost Accounting system for this Construction Contracting multi-branch operation corporation. He managed high-rise building construction contracts. 4 I I I 1 SSI MARK THOMAS / RESUME JOSH COSPER, PE, P LS,QSD Josh has more than 16 years of experience as a successful project manager on numerous transportation and roadways projects. His experience includes the program management of right of way/right of way engineering for over fifty(50) miles of highway projects within Southern California. He has served as either the program manager or technical lead responsible for various disciplines including civil design, utility coordination, right of way acquisition/engineering for numerous contracts. His expertise has been used on conventional, design-build, P3, CMAR, and CMGC project delivery contracts with transportation agencies including RCTC, SBCTA, LACMTA, and OCTA. REPRESENTATIVE PROJECTS PROJECT ROLE — -- — i Sr.Project Manager MCKINLEY STREET GRADE SEPARATION PROJECT,CORONA(2019-ONGOING): Program Manager responsible for management of the design and right of way EDUCATION consultant firms developing improvement plans for a grade separation over the BS in Civil Engineering, existing at-grade BNSF railroad crossing. Project includes management of complex University of California, Irvine,2005 partial property acquisitions,coordination with utility companies/CPUC/BNSF, review of all project deliverables, securing project funding, and developing a co-operative REGISTRATION agreement with the County of Riverside. Josh was responsible for developing value CA C71667 engineering efforts leading to substantially less impacts to properties and over$5 CA PLS 8774 million in savings to the City in acquisition costs. Josh was also responsible for utility CA QSD 00709 coordination, including the development of utility agreements, and coordination with ADDITIONAL PROJECT other jurisdictional agencies including BNSF and the County of Riverside. EXPERIENCE SR-91 Corridor LANDSIDE ACCESS MODERNIZATION PROGRAM, LAWA(2017-ONGOING): Improvement Project, Right of Way Program Manager responsible for all right of way engineering efforts and RCTC 115 Express Lanes,RCTC utility coordination/relocation planning support, including management of the land net Devore Interchange, boundary retracement survey for approximately 100 properties, preparation of the SBCTA entire program's acquisition documents, and curative site exhibits to support right of 1-10 Corridor way acquisition and appraisal efforts. He is also a senior advisor to LAWA's real estate Improvements,SBCTA and legal staff for all real estate transactions. Josh assisted in the development of 1-405 Corridor several engineering/construction procurement documents including P3 and Design Improvement Project, Build contracts to support the program. The project consisted of the construction of OCTA an automated people mover, widening improvements to the I-405/La Cienega Barton Road Interchange, Boulevard interchange, and utility/drainage/roadway infrastructure improvements SBCTA throughout the Los Angeles International Airport greater area. 1-605 PA/ED North and South Segments,LACMTA INGLEWOOD TRANSIT CONNECTOR, INGLEWOOD(2020-ONGOING): Centennial Corridor Right of Way Engineering Program Manager responsible for responsible for ROW Improvement Project, engineering and utility mapping deliverables for this 2 mile raised track automated Bakersfield people mover system that connects the LAX Transit through downtown Inglewood to Westside Parkway, Bakersfield the Los Angeles Rams/Chargers/Clippers sports stadiums. Josh is responsible for the preparation and oversight of all utility mapping, subsurface utility engineering, and positive location for approximately 2.5 miles of corridor. He is also responsible for supporting the City in the development of all right of way requirements necessary for the project. Josh is also leading key portions of the procurement documents for a public private partnership project to design, build,operate,finance and maintain the people mover system. ►A MARK THOMAS RESUME fr1DARINJOHNSON,PE Darin brings more than 34 years of experience in transportation and municipal engineering, proect management, and QA/QC reviewing. He brings knowledgee of a , � range of complex transportation improvement projects, including new bridges, complex structures,tunnels, highway interchange, and roadway widening improvement projects. He has delivered numerous transportation projects on Caltrans and railroad facilities and is intimately familiar with the CPUC approval Aft process and requirements. He has extensive experience with local agencies and has developed strong relationships with agency staff throughout Ventura County. REPRESENTATIVE PROJECTS PROJECT ROLE Sr.Project Manager MCKINLEY STREET GRADE SEPARATION PROJECT,CORONA(2019-ONGOING): Program Manager responsible for management for the overall project. Project includes EDUCATION management of complex partial property acquisitions, coordination with utility BS in Civil Engineering, companies/CPUC/BNSF, review of all project deliverables, securing project funding, North Dakota State and developing a co-operative agreement with the County of Riverside. Darin is the University, 1983 MBA in Management, direct point of contact to staff and the City Council for the major facets of the project. Georgia State University, 1989 He is also responsible for the coordination with Caltrans for approvals through a DEER REGISTRATION process. Darin is responsible for the development of all RFPs, RFQs, and NIBs to procure a construction management firm, construction contractor, and demolition CA C46405 contractor including evaluation of the bids/proposals and conducting interviews with ADDITIONAL PROJECT City staff. He is an extension of City staff and has provided all staff reports, EXPERIENCE programming requests, public outreach presentations and presentations to the City • I-10/Monterey Council throughout the PS&E phase of the project. Avenue Interchange Improvements,Palm SR-60 INTERCHANGE/POTRERO BOULEVARD, BEAUMONT(2018-ONGOING): Desert • I-405/Sand Canyon Senior project manager responsible for overseeing the preparation of PS&E Avenue Interchange, documents to construct a new SR-60 interchange connection.The project creates a Irvine new Type L-9 interchange that will provide full access to SR-60 at Potrero Boulevard. • I McCall Potrero Boulevard will be a six-lane facility between Willow Springs Parkway and Boulevard Interchange,Menifee Western Knolls Avenue.The existing eastbound SR-60/San Timoteo Creek Bridge Sand Canyon crossing is being widened to accommodate a two-lane off-ramp and a westbound Avenue Grade auxiliary lane to be constructed. Separation, Irvine • Limonite Gap Closure Project, SR 60/THEODORE STREET INTERCHANGE, MORENO VALLEY (2014-2018): Eastvale Engineering manager responsible for the design improvements and reconstruction of • I-15 Auxiliary Lanes, the existing SR 60/Theodore Street Interchange.The goals of this project are to Temecula correct existing geometric deficiencies, increase capacity, and improve operations at the interchange. Improvements include bridge structure removal, intersection reconfigurations,traffic signal construction, and gateway interchange aesthetics. I-10/JEFFERSON STREET INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS, INDIO (2013-2017): Engineering manager responsible for the preparation of PS&E documents for the I- 10/Jefferson Street Interchange improvements.This project balances several complex geometric constraints to eliminate the discontinuity of the arterial street through movements within the interchange.The modifications included replacement and relocation of the Jefferson Street/I-10 overcrossing, additional loop on-ramps, and realignment of Varner Road/Jefferson Street. Section 3. Company Qualifications CAV Consulting is committed to providing the expertise and resources required to support our clients with professional services to successfully meet or exceed their goals. We provide municipal services supporting public works, city engineering, planning and building and safety. Our team consists of professionals with years of service in the Public sector. We work well with staff in all City Departments, outside agencies,the development community, and the public to achieve your organization's goals and successfully navigate and overcome project challenges. By incorporating a "Customer Care"philosophy,we have a successful track record of the delivery of services and projects on time and within budget. Qualifications of CAV Consulting CAV Consulting has the experience, certifications, and expertise to assist our clients to successfully complete projects within schedule and budget. Our services include supporting and completing assignments in public works, city engineering, planning and building and safety. CAV Consulting's dedicated and professional staff bring a wealth of expertise in their respective fields with over 322 years of combined experience. Our diverse experience includes many years working as Public Employees and Officials.We also are fortunate to have many years of experience in the Private sector, enabling us to be well aware of the motivations and challenges from both sides of the counter. We know and understand the expectations of a City because we have had those same expectations throughout our respective careers. Customer Care is of high priority to achieve success for our clients as well as all of the City's clients, businesses, and residents. We provide the following services to cities/counties: ✓ Project Management I Construction Management ✓ Construction Inspection ✓ Program Management / F I Planning • ✓ Building Inspection - ' ! * ✓ Development Plan Review and Entitlements • r''' = t ✓ Capital Improvement Development and Implementation 66. I Engineering Plan Checking I Building Plan Checking I Permit Technician I Development Impact Fee Analysis ✓ Streetlight Conversion Cost Assessments I Development of Department/Division Policies and Procedures I Interim Public Works Director/City Engineer Services ✓ Interim Community Development Director Services ✓ Interim Building Official Services ✓ Organizational Assessments ✓ Traffic Engineering Services CAV CONSULTING STRENGTHS Cities are continuing to face staffing challenges; however, the demand for project delivery and services continues to increase. CAV Consulting can fulfill those City needs with our experienced professionals. More importantly, we can provide those services on an as needed basis. This provides much needed support to the Cities based on their current Page 120 demands without the additional liability the City would face with full time staff. We adjust service levels to meet the City's needs. All of our staff have held executive management, senior level, associate level, and staff positions with numerous California cities including former Public Works Directors, City Engineers, Projects Managers, Program Managers, Construction Managers,Senior Engineers, Public Works Inspectors, Community Development Directors, Chief Building Officials, Building Inspectors, Permit Technicians, and Management/Staff Analysts. Our experience, Licensing, Certifications,and training is important since serving in the capacity of a local agency representative requires credibility and expertise in working with the community and the City's customers. We bring the following philosophies and work ethic to our Clients: ✓ Customer Care Service.Our philosophy is that every person we have contact with is considered a customer. It is important that each person we come in contact with knows that we believe their project of issue is very important to the City. We pride ourselves in providing a level of service that will meet or exceed our client's expectations. ✓ Correct Staff Assigned for Services Needed. We provide experienced staff with the correct licensing, certifications,training and experience to effectively and efficiently deliver projects and top-quality services. ✓ Effective Coordination with all City Staff, outside Agencies, the Development Community and the Public. Our staff have effectively communicated and coordinated with other City divisions and departments and all City Clients including the public throughout our careers. The City staff is a team and should not have to deal with Departmental barriers. Our philosophy is the success of the Cit's customers results in the overall success of the City and the community. ✓ Project Controls.We closely monitor the projects and services we provide to the City to stay within the Local, State and Federal requirements, including but not limited to, the City's Municipal Code, California Contract Code, General Code,and City's Charter. Our experience and attention to details allows us to deliver projects within budget and schedule. We proactively communicate with the City Staff to head off any"surprises"that may occur during a project. As the City's needs arise, we will propose the experienced professional that is the best fit for the City and the duties required by the City.Our staff has the experience at working in a municipal environment,developing positive working relationships with affected parties, and supporting both internal and external customers to deliver projects and services within budget and schedule. Qualifications of Mark Thomas Mark Thomas provides program management, construction management, civil and structural engineering, landscape architecture, planning & urban design, and surveying services to clients throughout California. Since the company's founding in 1927, Mark Thomas has focused on providing excellent client service and delivering projects with a tailored approach to meet our clients' goals. We have been working closely with public agencies to deliver cost-effective transportation infrastructure enhancements. Our Southern California clients include the cities of Los Angeles, Los Angeles World Airport, Port of Los Angeles, Inglewood, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Orange County,and Corona. The Mark Thomas team is ideally suited for program management to support complex transportation infrastructure projects involving Caltrans Oversight.We have earned a reputation for providing our clients with quality deliverables and innovative project management on every project. We have delivered hundreds of similar projects requiring interchange improvements and modifications, signal modifications, and complex right of way and utility impacts. Our team is experienced in the development of technical studies, construction and design procurement documents, feasibility analysis,final PS&E,and overall program management. Page 121 Similar Services and Experience CAV Consulting has significant relevant experience in serving municipalities on a wide-range of assignments in a variety of roles. Our extensive experience, including serving in the management roles of Public Works Director, City Engineer, Planning Director, Building Official, Project Manager, Senior Engineer, Plan Check Engineer, Construction Manager and Inspector enables us to successfully deliver projects and provide valuable services to our clients. The following are some of the examples of our relevant experience: City of Indian Wells —Project Management, Engineering, and Building Services Ken A.Seumalo,PE ,;. e� :r Public Works Director/City Engineer .4+,i ; '%•. �; 44-950 Eldorado Drive Indian Wells,California 92210-7497 Direct(760)776-0237 4 ' ,j1Ri• 11414..., 1.9'''{te." ,. I CAV Consulting Staff provided Project Management and Engineering Support Services on projects that are in the current approved City's Capital Improvement Program(CIP). We also provided Building and Safety Services including Permit Technician and Counter Services,and Building Plans examiners services both over the counter and offsite. • Camino Del Rey Overlay Project 'Chris brings a wealth of experience and professionalism • Eldorado Drop Structure Improvements to every project. As a former Public Works Director/City • RFP Process for On-Call Design Services Engineer, he understands the importance of meeting the • Counter Permit Technician Services needs of the community to build a quality project that is on schedule and under budget" • Counter Plan Checking Services Christopher J.Freeland v Building Plan Check Services City Manager CITY OF BELL —Project Management and Engineering Services 0 .._ _ Joe Perez CITY , Former Community Development DM UliOP'eA N Director _» 'Y 6330 Pine Avenue A 'K Bell,California 90201 $ Cell(562)882-2706 —... 1w• .,- Page Page 122 CAV Consulting Staff provided Project Management and Engineering Support Services to aid the City in rebuilding its Public Works and City Engineering Department/Division after the City scandal.The projects and programs developed and implemented were as follows: • Project Manager and City Representative on the Gateway Technical Advisory Committee during discussions of the SR-710 project mitigations Developed specifications and bid/selected Public Works Maintenance Services • Developed specifications and bid/selected Facilities/Janitorial Maintenance Services • Completed City Streetlight Cost Analysis for purchasing Southern California Edison(SCE)owned streetlights and converting them to LED • Supported City in the Purchase of the Streetlights through negotiations with SCE • Drafted RFP and supported the City in the Selection Process for Streetlight Conversion and assumption of the Maintenance/Operations of the new City Streetlight System • Analysis,combining,and the re-bidding of the City's Landscape Maintenance Contracts Drafted the RFP and supported the City for the contracting of a new Graffiti Abatement Service • Completed Annual Engineers Assessment Reports • Project Management for the refurbishment of the Camp Little Bear Surfacing • Developed bid specifications and supported the City in selection of a Contractor for mobile home demolition and removal, including hazardous material abatement for six(6)mobile homes owned and operated by the Bell Community Housing Authority(BCHA) CITY GRAND TERRACE — Interim Public Works Director/ City Engineer, Project Management, and Building Services Alan French,PE Former Public Works Director/ City Engineer ,. 22795 Barton Road Grand Terrace,California 92313-6621 "1'!11111aa, _, }f Cell(951)275-4506 .!� CAV Consulting Staff provided Interim Public Works Director/City Engineering Services, Project Management. We also provided Building and Safety Services including Permit Technician and Counter Services, Building Plans Examiners and Assistant Building Official services.The projects and services we provided were as follows: • Interim Public Works Director/City Engineer "Chris has been a mentor to me for many years. His • Trained and Mentored the new Public Works Director/City Engineer extensive experience, work ethics, and collaborative and • Project Manager on the Commerce Drive Street Construction Project professional approach encourages staff to think outside of • Counter Building Permit Technician Services the box and fosters creative new approaches to solving • Counter Building Plans Examiner Services complex issues.° • Assistant Building Official Prem Kumar,PE City Engineer,City of Manhattan Beach Page 123 CITY OF LAGUNA NIGUEL — Project Management, Engineering Operations, Construction Management and Inspection Services V, Jacki Scott, PE,TE Afit �Y Public Works Director/City Engineer `_ 30111 Crown Valley Parkway Laguna Niguel,Califomia 92677 Direct(949)362-4385 r CAV Consulting Staff provided Project Management and Engineering Support Services on a number of projects as follows: • Drafted the Policies and Procedures Manual for the Streets Maintenance Division • Project Management,Construction Management,and Inspection Services for three(3)Park Improvement Projects • Project Manager, Construction Management and Inspection of the Alicia Parkway Reconstruction Project • Project Manager over a$37 Million New Community Center Construction Project(multi-prime) ✓ Development and implementation of a Citywide Seven Year Slurry Seal Program for all City Local Streets CITY OF CHINO HILLS — Director of Public Works/ City Engineer, Project Manager, Program Manager !r <-' Corm ,, j Robert Van Nort 1 Former City Manager(retired) L ' - ` I 14000 City Center Drive is• . - r` .. .. -E. x Chino Hills,California 91709 „': j: � Cell(775)291 2758 } Chris A.Vogt, PE was the first Director of Public Works/City Engineer for the City of Chino Hills. Prior to incorporation, he was the Project Manager in charge of all construction in the unincorporated area of Chino Hills. His major assignments were as follows: •- Public Works Director/City Engineer • Project Manager and Key City Representative on the SR-71 Ultimate Widening Project - Project Manager and Key City Representative for the Phillips Ranch Road Bridge Widening Project over the 60 Freeway • Project Manager and Key City Representative on the SR-71/60 Freeway Interchange Project Page I 24 CITY OF San Marino — Interim Public Works Director/City Engineer '� John T.Schaefer Former City Manager .4___.17;r , .J I gillin 2200 Huntington Drive San Marino,California 91108 CAV Consulting Staff provided Interim Public Works Director/City Engineer Services to the City of San Marino. Major accomplishments included: • Completed the RFP process for the completions of the City's Pavement Management System • Managed the day to day operations of the Public Works Department • Drafted Staff Reports and attended City Council Meetings ▪ Reviewed and signed Final Maps • Project Manager and City representative for the Huntington Drive Regional Beautification Project CITY OF BEAUMONT — Interim City Engineer Services p J+ r —,-.it 1 r • � / � .# q� N�,.i' 46 1 T T* r . ry ,�..- Kyle Warsinski flet, <v ,� � Development Services Director 550 E.6m Street _. :ter . ' 4 �: nt ;• Beaumont,Califomia 92223 �'}I I riir l Direct(951)769-8527 CAV Consulting Staff provided Interim City Engineer Services for the City of Beaumont. The services that were provided include the following: . Oversite of the Engineering Division • Review of a one-year backlog of professional invoices • Complete the RFP Process for Plan Check and Inspection Services • Review and condition development projects • Meet with the Development Community • Update Engineering Standards • Attend City Council Meetings • Analyze and complete recommendations of the City's Sewerage Treatment Plant Support the City on the recruitment of the City's permanent Public Works Director/City Engineer • Project Manager the Portrero Bridge Project over the 60 Freeway(Mark Thomas and Company design firm) Page 125 Mark Thomas teamed with Chris Vogt to jointly complete elements of the Potrero Bridge project for the City of Beaumont. Mark Thomas prepared PA&ED and PS&E documents to construct a new interchange connection to SR-60 at Potrero Boulevard.Work included preparation of a project report,environmental document and technical studies.The design includes roadway and freeway design, bridge structure design, retaining wall design,traffic signal and ramp metering design, hydrology and hydraulic analysis,storm water quality assessment, utility relocation coordination, right of way engineering,and field survey.This project was completed through coordination with Caltrans District 8 and Riverside County Transportation Commission(Federal, State,and Local Funding). CITY OF WEST COVINA — Interim Public Works Director/City Engineer irt - . Chris Chung Former City Manager ..: • 1444 West Garvey Avenue 3 West Covina,California 91790 - r Cell(909)732-3486 CAV Consulting Staff provided Interim Public Works Director/City Engineer Services to the City.These services included the following: "Chris'collaborative style,experience,and teamwork attitude are highly effective in delivering difficult assignments in a timely • Oversight of the Public Works Department and Operations basis.His professional demeanor is very effective in Public • Analysis of the City's streetlight costs Meetings and he provides high quality services.° ✓ Calculated monthly savings for conversion of SCE streetlights Supervised,trained and mentored Public Works Staff Mike Lee • Project Manager/City Representative: 1-10 corridor Improvements Former Assistant City Manager Moreno Valley City Manager CITY OF POMONA — Public Works Director/City Engineer - Project Manager I Doug Dunlap J m " - Former City Manager(retired) I $1iLi 11.4!I I.I 11!1 H i 505 S.Garey Avenue IPomona,CA 91766 N ` Cell(714)747-7338 . - CAV Consulting Staff provided Public Works Director/City Engineer Services to the City. Similar Projects worked on were as follows: • SR 71/Mission Blvd. Interchange Project(MTA Funding) • Widening and Beautification of White Street fronting the Pomona Fairgrounds Page 126 CITY OF MORENO VALLEY— Public Works Director/City Engineer - Project Manager r. ',!)i ,,_ •'4,:evi,- -- 4A */,-'- -— ' ‘4 . ira CITY HALL 5 , t ', Robert G.Gutierrez i.i.. Former City Manager '" 14177 Frederic Street :. A..�W� 7 P.O.Box 88005 4' • Moreno Valley,CA 92552-0805 y " - Cell(909)455-4304 r CAV Consulting Staff(Chris A.Vogt-Public Works Director/City Engineer and Viren Shah—Contract Project Manager) provided a number of services to the City of Moreno Valley including the following: • Project Management for the Nason Street Access Ramps at the 60 Freeway • Moreno Beach Blvd/60 Freeway Interchange—Phase I • City Representative and Project oversight of the 60/215 Interchange • Project Management for the Cactus Street Widening CITY OF CORONA —Project Manager, Program Management Services • - -.. , - _ - Rodger Bradley - r _`� _ Assistant City Manager t'L: _, •n. — --......&...„,w. _�� 400 S.Vicentia Avenue �� Corona,California 92882 ��` (951)739-4903 - Rodger.Bradley@coronaCA.gov Mark Thomas is providing comprehensive program management services for the City of Corona to construct a grade separation facility over the Burlington Northern Santa Fe(BNSF)tracks south of SR 91.The Grade separation includes the construction of a steel tied arch bridge structure to be built on-site and moved over the railroad crossing, numerous types of retaining wall facilities,and substantial impacts to commercially zoned private properties and utility facilities. Mark Thomas supports the City in the review/approval of all project deliverables and invoices,development of City council administrative reports and presentations,conducting public and private focus meetings,and day to day management of the project. Mark Thomas was instrumental in leading workshops and value engineering to minimizing risks/costs/impacts to adjacent property owners through commercially reasonable design changes. Page 127 Section 4. References Our staff has dedicated their careers to serving government agencies.The following are clients that are familiar with our staffs success in the delivery of services and projects. We encourage you to contact them. City of Grand Terrace Alan French ✓ Interim Public Works Director/City Engineer Former Director of Public Works ✓ Public Works Management 22795 Barton Road ✓ Project Management Grand Terrace,CA 92313 ✓ Building Permit Technician Counter Services Cell(951)275-4506 ✓ Building Plans Examiner Services afrench@ci.upland.ca.us ✓ Assistant Building Official Services City of Indian Wells Ken Seulmalo ✓ Project Management Director of Public Works ✓ Plan Checking 4-950 Eldorado Drive ✓ Permit Technician Services Indian Wells,CA 92210 ✓ Building Plans Examiner Services (760)776-0237 kseumalo@indianwells.com City of Bell Joe Perez Former Community Development Director ✓ City Engineering Services 6330 Pine Avenue ✓ Program Manager Bell,CA,90201 ✓ Project Manager (562)882-2706 jperez@jurupavalley.org City of West Covina Mike Lee ✓ Interim Public Works Director/City Engineer Former Assistant City Manager ✓ Public Works Management Current Moreno Valley City Manager ✓ Project Management 14177 Frederick Street Moreno Valley,CA 92552-0805 (951)413-3020 mike)anmoval.orq City of Moreno Valley Robert G.Gutierrez ✓ Public Works Director/City Engineer Former Moreno Valley City Manager ✓ Project Management 14177 Frederick Street Moreno ✓ Program Management Valley,CA92552 0805 Cell(909)455-4304 rgootz@verizon.net Page 128 AW CAV Consulting Section 5. Standard Draft Professional Services Agreement and Insurance Requirements We have reviewed the Draft Professional Services Agreement and Insurance Requirements that were included with the Request For Proposal No. 2020-11 issued by the City on December 3, 2020. The following are our comments: Green indicates an addition,and red-strilkethrough indicates a deletion. 3.2.8 Standard of Care; Performance of Employees: Consultant shall perform all Services under this Agreement in a skillful and competent manner,consistent with the standards generally recognized as being employed by professionals in the same discipline in the State of California. Consultant represents and maintains that it is skilled in the professional calling necessary to perform the Services.Consultant warrants that all employees and subcontractors shall have sufficient skill and experience to perform the Services assigned to them. Finally, Consultant represents that it, its employees and subcontractors have all licenses, permits, qualifications and approvals of whatever nature that are legally required to perform the Services, including a City Business License, and that such licenses and approvals shall be maintained throughout the term of this Agreement. As provided for in the indemnification provisions of this Agreement, Consultant 3.2.9 Laws and Regulations.Consultant shall keep itself fully informed of and in compliance with all local,state and federal laws,rules and regulations in any manner affecting the performance of the Project or the Services,including all Cal/OSHA requirements, and shall give all notices required by law. Consultant shall be liable for all violations of such laws and regulations in connection with Services. If the Consultant performs any work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, rules and regulations and without giving written notice to the City, Consultant shall be solely responsible for all costs arising therefrom. Consultant shall defend,indemnify,but not defend, and hold City,its officials,directors,officers,employees and agents free and harmless, pursuant to the indemnification provisions of this Agreement,from any claim or liability arising out of any failure or alleged failure to comply with such laws, rules or regulations. Grounds for Termination: City or Consultant may, by written notice to Consultant,terminate the whole or any part of this Agreement at any time and without cause by giving written notice-to-Ger}suitant of such termination,and specifying the effective date thereof, at least seven (7) days before the effective date of such termination. Upon termination, Consultant shall be compensated only for those services which have been adequately rendered to City, and Consultant shall be entitled to no further compensation. -.• _ .• • . •_ - •• . . •••••• - . - - •. recover from the losing party reasonable attorney's fees and all costs of such action. 3.5.6 Indemnification:To the fullest extent permitted by law,Consultant shall defend,indemnify,but not defend,and hold the City, its officials, officers, employees, volunteers and agents free and harmless from any and all claims, demands, causes of action. costs, expenses, liability, loss, damage or injury, in law or equity, to property or persons, including wrongful death, in any manner arising out of or incident to, but only to the extent actually caused by the negligent-any alleged acts, omissions or willful misconduct of Consultant, its officials, officers, employees, agents, consultants and Page(29 CAV Consulting contractors arising out of or in connection with the performance of the Services, the Project or this Agreement, including without limitation the payment of all consequential damages and attorneys fees and other related costs and expenses. Consultant's obligation to indemnify shall not be restricted to insurance proceeds,if any,received by the City,its directors, officials officers,employees,agents or volunteers.Consultant has no obligation to pay for any of the indemnitees'defense related cost prior to a final determination of liability or to pay any amount that exceeds Consultant's finally determined percentage of liability based upon the comparative fault of Consultant. 3.5.12 Assignment or Transfer:Consultant shall not assign,hypothecate,or transfer,either directly or by operation of law, this Agreement or any interest herein without the prior written consent of the City.Any attempt to do so shall be null and void, and any assignees, hypothecates or transferees shall acquire no right or interest by reason of such attempted assignment, hypothecation or transfer. City shall not assign, hypothecate, or transfer, either directly or by operation of law,this Agreement or any interest herein without the prior written consent of the Consultant. Any attempt to do so shall be null and void, and any assignees, hypothecates or transferees shall acquire no right or interest by reason of such attempted assignment, hypothecation or transfer. Page 130 AW ° CAV Consulting Section 6. Addenda Acknowledgement This statement is to acknowledge we have received and reviewed Addendum No. There have been no Addendums issued for this RFP. Page 131la CAV Consulting