PKC - Item 3A - Rosemead Walking Trail ROSEMEAD PARKS COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIR AND PARKS COMMISSION FROM: CHRIS DASTE, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS DATE: MARCH 2, 2021 SUBJECT: ROSEMEAD PARK WALKING TRAIL SUMMARY At the January 26, 2021, City Council Meeting, the City Council discussed the recently completed replacement of the Rosemead Park Walking Trail. The City Council was responding to a petition (Attachment A) filed at the City of Rosemead. After discussion, the City Council directed staff to provide two (2) potential alternatives to the newly installed surfacing and to provide cost estimates for the alternatives. The City Council directed staff to bring the options to the Park’s Commission and for the Park’s Commission to make a recommendation to the City Council for discussion at a later date. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Parks Commission discuss this report and make a recommendation to the City Council. BACKGROUND The City Council approved replacement of the walking trail at Rosemead Park (9155 E. Mission Drive) in the 2019/2020 CIP budget (project #49007) for $285,000. In the 2020/2021 CIP budget additional funding in the amount of $150,000 was allocated to the project. The original half-mile synthetic surface was built in 2008. The replacement surface was selected following a thorough evaluation of available alternatives. A non-porous material (meaning water does not penetrate the surface) as shown in Image 1 of Attachment D was manufactured by Rubberway and was selected due to its rebounding capability and compatibility with the existing impermeable concrete base which underlaid the existing trail. The previous surface was manufactured by ProDek, Inc., which is no longer in business. While softer, the previous/existing surface was a porous (meaning water penetrates) playground surface Parks Commission Meeting January 7, 2020 Page 2 of 4 material that was incompatible with the solid non-draining concrete base it was installed over. In fact, the previous surface was able to easily be lifted off the concrete base and would allow for water to collect beneath the walking trail material surface due to the solid non-draining concrete base as shown in Image 2 (Attachment D). Porous materials were considered, but their installation require proper drainage. Drilling of drainage holes would weaken the existing concrete base while increasing the cost of installation. The replacement surface selected is designed for walking trails while also being compatible with wheel sports (which may occur on an incidental basis) as shown in Image 3 of Attachment D. City Staff awarded the construction contract to Access Pacific, Inc. of Pasadena, CA in the amount of $376,181.25. Construction was inspected twice per day during installation to ensure the surface was installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. The construction observation team indicated the contractor hand mixed and hand troweled the replacement surface material using methodology consistent with industry practices. The concrete base and headers abutting the walking surface were largely protected in place with few exceptions. A thorough walkthrough was conducted by City Staff with the Contractor and all corrections requested by City Staff were addressed by the Contractor. Following the trail’s reopening to the public, a small number of residents reported aesthetic concerns with the trail’s surface and that the surface was too hard. In response to those comments, the field observation team, the Design Engineer, and City Staff visited the site on January 5, 2021. The group walked the entirety of the trail’s replacement surface. From visual observation during the visit, the trail was found to have been constructed in accordance with the specifications and design intent for the project. Staff asserts that the newly installed walking trail material is specific to walking, while the previous surface was a playground surface which is softer. The material warranty is valid for a period of five (5) years. The installation is guaranteed against material defects in workmanship for a period of five (5) years from the date of completion. The labor warranty is valid for a period of one (1) year. DISCUSSION There are three options presented by the project design engineer: Option 1: Acceptance of the Completed Surface .................................................................$0.00 Overview. The City may choose to accept the recently completed surface as it is resilient and rebounding while being compatible with the existing subbase. Parks Commission Meeting January 7, 2020 Page 3 of 4 Cost Impact. As indicated in the Contract Change Order Memorandum prepared by others, the project was completed without a net change order impact. Acceptance of the new surface will not represent any additional cost impacts. Option 2: Additional Layer Over Completed Surface .............. $ $163,649 Approximate Cost Figure 1. Additional Layer Over Completed Surface Overview. The City may choose to add an additional one-inch (1”) layer of Rubberway Pervious Pavement (PP) 3000 (a porous material) atop the recently completed non-porous surface. The porous material contains more voids and entrains more air (when dry) which yields a “softer” surface. The raised layer above grade would allow diffusion of storm or irrigation water collected over its surface laterally through its pores. Accessibility. The raised layer would require transitions to “ramp” the longitudinal slope of the surface at the perpendicular crossings in locations like the paths to the playground areas. Meaning, the transitions in those areas would likely feel similar to the newly constructed surface in those areas. Aesthetics. Should this option be chosen, the final condition or aesthetic of the trail will not resemble the existing condition as the trail will appear raised. The unsupported edges not being flush-mounted between concrete headers may also be more susceptible to chipping or spalling at the edges. Rubberway can provide material samples for inspection by the City. Vehicles. The overlaid surface would be recommended for walking and jogging only as opposed to the multipurpose use of the newly constructed surface. The overlaid surface is not recommended for use by bicycles or by extension park maintenance vehicles known to drive over the Trail. Construction. The additional work for the project must be rebid. Cost Impact. A breakdown of the rough order of magnitude cost can be found in Attachment B. Parks Commission Meeting January 7, 2020 Page 4 of 4 Option 3: Demolish and Replace Rosemead Park Trail............... $984,463 Approximate Cost Overview. The City may choose to demolish and replace the entirety of the Rosemead Park Trail. Demolition and reconstruction of the Trail allows consideration of a wide variety of porous surface materials and the base would be designed to be compatible with the porous material. Accessibility. The newly constructed trail would be constructed to the prevailing California Building Code and its accessibility provisions. Aesthetics. The aesthetics of the existing trail may be maintained or enhanced. Community meetings may be held to receive input prior to selection of a new surface. Cost Impact. A breakdown of the rough order of magnitude cost can be found in Attachment C. The cost estimate is based on the construction of a half-mile trail. FISCAL IMPACT The fiscal impact of the subject item is dependent on the selected recommended course of action taken to address the existing newly replaced surface of the Rosemead Park Walking Trail: • Option 1: No Cost • Option 2: $163,649 • Option 3: $984,463 Prepared by: __________________________________________ Chris Dasté, Director of Public Works Attachment A: Petition Letter Attachment B: Additional Layer for Rosemead Park Walking Trail – Cost Estimate Attachment C: New Rosemead Park Walking Trail – Cost Estimate l( It"9 CIVIC PRIDE 4NCOppoRATE0 ASS Attachment A Petition from Rosemead Residents, Received January 14, 2021 9- t ` `? 1 CEIVED Z CITY OF''ROSEMEA© N'l 1 JAN 14 RECDRosemeadCityHall 8838 E Valley Blvd. CITY CI_-GRK'$OFFICE Rosemead, CA 91770 i By:,', /, ` c7 ;0/`n vv _ b Z6) TOO.er-4' sFc C ca ,( C7 U 95 q,333 -g o f-1-0 ii d o 0) S7 - /7al To whom it may concern, We are writing you in regards to the newly paved walkway at Rosemead Park 4343 Encinita Ave., Rosemead, CA 91770). As a resident of Rosemead City, we utilize this walkway everyday for our daily exercise. The new walkway was not paved well, poses a safety concern, and affects our feet and back immensely. There are parts of the new walkway (between the 4200 and 4300 block) across Encinita Avenue that is very sticky. There are also uneven parts of the walkway as well as no padding on the walkway. The previous walkway had the rubber patch which was taken away. We would like to petition to have the city fix the issues as soon as possible. As taxpayers we would like to request that the city utilize our tax dollars to benefit the city's residents. Sincerly, i c. q'7 )///d RosemeadRosemead Resident and Taxpayer t e 2 J 0 4 _ k :i:7 1, e_ . r 7-76:5-2-4--_-4_,_-_--reg, y , (i 0 l • I) s, k.,.- 7I tom` am itici &facto . N N ) C ti f- l'n7(trz-" ---- j ° vPrm 4 S - -'4 7- c_ J.I tri 1.._ 1, - . Ili 9FA. jt$ e. "--1 e..® i S- C.,' I i nIt9[ j t el a.„. 1 lid r 1 1 E I 1 I,ily. r a 1f Rough Order of Magnitude Cost Estimate Option 2: Additional Layer for Rosemead Park Walking Trail Revision No. 0; 2/14/21 No Item Unit Quantity Unit Price* Cost 1 Mobilization, Demobilization, and Miscellaneous Items of Work (Not to Exceed 5%)1.00 LS $ 4,633.50 $ 4,633.50 2 Clearing, Grubbing, and Miscellaneous Removals 1.00 LS $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 3 Work Area Protection (Includes Notification, Fencing, and Security)1.00 LS $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 4 Construct 1" PP3000 Wear Layer 58.00 CY $ 1,115.00 $ 64,670.00 $ 97,303.50 100 Topographic Survey 1.00 LS $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 101 Design/Construction Documents 1.00 LS $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 102 City Project Management/Inspection 1.00 LS $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 45,000.00 $ 142,303.50 $ 21,345.53 $ 163,649.03 Estimated Grand Total = In providing opinions or estimates of probable construction costs, CLIENT understands that ENGINEER has no control over costs, the price of labor, equipment or materials, or any contractor's method of pricing. Opinions or estimates of probable construction costs provided herein are made on the basis of ENGINEER'S qualifications and experience. ENGINEER makes no warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy of such opinions or estimates as compared to bid or actual costs. * : Costs presented include Prevailing Wages. Hard Costs Soft Costs Hard Costs Subtotal = Soft Costs Subtotal = Hard Costs + Soft Costs Subtotal = 15% Contingency Rough Order of Magnitude Cost Estimate Option 3: New Rosemead Park Walking Trail Revision No. 1; 2/14/21 No Item Unit Quantity Unit Price* Cost 1 Mobilization, Demobilization, and Miscellaneous Items of Work (Not to Exceed 5%)1.00 LS $ 35,376.17 $ 35,376.17 2 Clearing, Grubbing, and Miscellaneous Removals 1.00 LS $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 3 Work Area Protection (Includes Notification, Fencing, and Security)1.00 LS $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 4 Demolition, Hauling, Proper Disposal of Existing Surface 1.00 LS $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 5 Demolition, Hauling, Proper Disposal of Existing Concrete Headers and Base 1.00 LS $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 6 Construct 1" Wear Layer 58.00 CY $ 6,123.75 $ 355,177.50 7 Construct 1" Base Layer 58.00 CY $ 1,115.00 $ 64,670.00 8 Construct 4" Min. Thickness 3/4" Crushed Rock Sub-base 225.00 CY $ 171.72 $ 38,635.97 9 Construct 6"x6" Flush-mount Concrete Headers 6,052.00 LF $ 20.00 $ 121,040.00 10 Fine Grading 18,156.00 SF $ 1.00 $ 18,156.00 $ 761,055.64 100 Topographic Survey 1.00 LS $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 101 Construction Staking 1.00 LS $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 102 Geotechnical/Soils Testing 1.00 LS $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 103 Design/Construction Documents 1.00 LS $ 45,000.00 $ 45,000.00 104 City Project Management/Inspection 1.00 LS $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 95,000.00 $ 856,055.64 $ 128,408.35 $ 984,463.99 Estimated Grand Total = In providing opinions or estimates of probable construction costs, CLIENT understands that ENGINEER has no control over costs, the price of labor, equipment or materials, or any contractor's method of pricing. Opinions or estimates of probable construction costs provided herein are made on the basis of ENGINEER'S qualifications and experience. ENGINEER makes no warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy of such opinions or estimates as compared to bid or actual costs. * : Costs presented include Prevailing Wages. Hard Costs Soft Costs Hard Costs Subtotal = Soft Costs Subtotal = Hard Costs + Soft Costs Subtotal = 15% Contingency Attachment D Image 1. Construction of new walking trail surface using non-porous material Image 2. Collection of water due to non-draining base Image 3. New walking trail surface material compatible with occasion wheel sport activity