CC - Item 5B - Update on Garvey Park Dog Park & Founder's Park M F As9 E ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL � e STAFF REPORT CIVIC PRIDE og ,n---0-7/NCORPORATED 195 TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER 1 p( DATE: MARCH 9, 2021 SUBJECT: UPDATE ON GARVEY PARK DOG PARK & FOUNDER'S PARK SUMMARY This item is to provide the City Council a progress update for the proposed.Dog Park at Garvey Park and Founder's Park. At the direction of the City Council and as a part of the Rosemead 2016-2018 Strategic Plan, staff was asked to evaluate the development of a dog park and additional park space within the City. DISCUSSION Dog Park - The designated area is at the west side of Garvey Park around the tennis courts, which are located just north of the parking lot on Emerson Place. The City has contracted with David Volz Design Landscape Architecture, Inc. to develop a design and plans for the proposed dog park. Attachment A is the first draft of the conceptual design. The park will consist of a big dog area and small dog area separated by a fence. The park will be made of primarily turf and decomposed granite. A decorative fence will be placed along the existing tennis courts to limit distraction from the tennis players and dogs. Amenities will consist of three shaded areas, benches, drinking fountains, dog bag dispensers and a dog wash station. Founder's Park - Staff has identified a project that will best qualify for this grant opportunity. The potential project is a portion of the Southern California Edison (SCE) Corridor located between Mission Drive and Wells Street just west of Walnut Grove. The California Department of Parks and Recreation has announced the availability of over $395 million in this 4th and final round of funding of the Statewide Park Development and Community Revitalization Program. This round of funding completes the largest park related grant program in California's history, with over $1 billion in funding between the Proposition 68 and Proposition 84 Bonds Acts. The program will award grant funds to agencies whose eligible park and open space projects best meet the grant requirements. Grant requests can range from $200,000 to $8.5 million, with no match requirement. The City of Rosemead submitted an application for round 3 of this funding and, while the project did not receive funding, the City received feedback from the state on the application and believes AGENDA ITEM 5.B City Council Meeting March 9,2021 Page 2 of 2 that there is an opportunity for funding in round 4. Grant applications are due Friday, March 12, 2021. STAFF RECOMMENDATION That the City Council take the following actions: 1. Review the Garvey Park Dog Park conceptual design and provide feedback; and 2. Receive and file the Founder's Park update. FISCAL IMPACT Dog Park- The City is responsible for matching 50% of the total cost of the project. The State's portion cannot exceed $290,375. The total project amount is $580,750. The project must be closed out by June 30, 2022 per State requirements. Founder's Park - The cost of this project is estimated to be $7.1 million dollars. No matching funds are required if awarded. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT The proposed agreement is consistent with Strategy 4 (Parks and Recreation) of the 2018-2020 Strategic Plan. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: I • •Tom Boecki g, Director of Parks a d Recreation Attachment A: Dog Park Conceptual Design Attachment B: Founder's Park Conceptual Design dE MF 9 ,_,:, \\,. ____ CIVI__.,.__,,, C PRIDE N / . 'NCORPORATED\959 Attachment A Dog Park Conceptual Plan 1 REPLACING EXISTING FENCE TO MATCH TALL FENCE I I I ( EXISTING BALLFIELD - — -- x — I ` ----._— y DOG WASTE BAG DISPENSER y i a TURF . . y�—.. -DOMIE GATE J AIL f ' RIG DOG AREA /// X TRABN - ^ EXISTING RECEPTACLE r -— .*, NAF BUILDING 1 SHADE STRICTURES-- - :,. ... WI TARESMIA DECOMPOSED GRANITE , -. -X- — X — iir , y INURE GATE Nfr TRASH SIMS --. � / / RATUREWPTACIB -BENCH STRUCTURES - —BL•NCx —DOG WASTE SAO DISPENSER SNARE STRUCTURE WITH TABLES WI TABLES DRINKING FOUNTAIN _ 'J / 5FENCING w BASF BOARD SEPARATING&MAU DOG AND ESC DOG AREA BOULDERS 0 I Y GREGG EXISTING TENNIS COURTS BENCH DOG AREA BASE BOARD ALONG TENNIS COURT FENCING w I eea TURF a I X im BENCH • DRINKING FOUNTAINN S i..o.,^- ('`X 2 SIL '.. DRINKINGEUM SMALL DOG AREA ENTRANCE 1 F {r - •Y-' . if• TRASH RECEPTACLE ENTRANCE�' - BIG DOG AREA ENTRANCE - --- -- ` V" ,F 9]I .atarso I• DOG WASTE BAG DISPENSER COMMON AREA \\ �y _ iii DOG WASH STATIONz. �C �' /MIN ENiTUNCE _ I - ..._-..,.-0FENCRIG r_ ,s> Y ' i ce. 11 —cols RAMP _ '''- 'Itl"Ilei 2ACCESSES.PARSING SPACES Xr' IRIS`qI - _ .. ~ „ ipTio, C 'N''Iq�[,1 zl PARKING LOT I I— MRN CONCEPT PLAN . . I DOG PARK AT GARVEY PARK CITY OF ROSEMEAD MIDP1 AUMN 2022