CC - Item 5A - FY 2020-21 Mid-Year Budget Review and Adoption of Resolution No. 2021-14 Amending the FY 2020-21 Operating Budget and Related Actions E MF
DATE: APRIL 13, 2021
On June 9, 2020, the City Council adopted the 2020-21 Operating and Capital Improvement
Program Budgets. As reported to the City Council at its September 22,2020 meeting,the COVID-
19 Pandemic is still having a significant negative effect on many of the City's revenue sources;
however, some of the City's main sources, namely Property Tax and Sales Tax are estimated to
exceed budgeted numbers while certain services to the community have been curtailed decreasing
operating expenses. This report summarizes the City's General Fund overall financial position for
the current fiscal year through December 2020, including a discussion on revenue sources and
expenditure trends. The estimates stated within are just that, estimates, and are subject to change
as the current fiscal year continues. This report will also cover recommended mid-year
adjustments, intra-fund transfers, and current staffing.
It is recommended that the City Council:
1. Receive and file the Mid-Year Budget Review
2. Approve Resolution No. 2021-14, approving various budget amendments and related
actions, and affirming the 5% `Special Assignment Pay — Coronavirus' pay afforded to
certain positions defined herein.
The adopted General Fund operating budget included appropriations of $24,743,200 against
revenue estimates of$21,866,200 resulting in a projected use of fund balance in the amount of
$2,877,000. At the time of adoption,staff was also tasked with reducing expenditures by$414,000
to offset some of the use of fund balance. As reported in the `Expenditure' section of this report,
staff estimates this savings goal will be exceeded through planned and pandemic related service
reductions / alternative funding. As shown in the following chart, FY 2019-20 revenues were
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nearly $2.1 million less than budgeted which was offset by $2.3 million less in expenditures
resulting in an addition to fund balance of over$900,000. Revenue for FY 2020-21 was estimated
$3.18 million less than FY 2019-20 but only $1.1 million less than actually received in that year.
Appropriations were nearly equal for the two years, with FY 2020-21 completing its cycle $2.3
million below appropriations. Based on a comparison of revenue and expenditures of the two
fiscal years, staff believes the anticipated deficit for FY 2020-21 will be greatly reduced or
Table 1
FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 %Rec'd FY 2020-21 %Rec'd
SUMMARY Total Final YTD Activity Thru FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 YTD Activity Thru
Budget Through Dec DEC Actuals Total Budget Through Dec DEC
Revenue 25,051,321 6,357,472 25% 22,955,755 21,866,200 5,262,580 24%
Approp/Exp 24,358,758 10,267,542 42% 22,042,229 24,743,200 9,300,085 38%
692,563 (3,910,069) 913,527 (2,877,000) (4,037,505)
As adopted, the City's FY 2020-21 revenue budget reflects $21.87 million in anticipated revenue.
Year-end estimates, as projected by staff, reflect $21.67 million, which is only $191,500 less than
the budgeted revenue amount; however, most fee related program revenue and some permit
revenue is underperforming due to the continued pandemic and the final outcome of those sources
is difficult to determine. The following narrative and projections, while accurate to the best of
staff's present understanding, must be viewed as subject to reconsideration as second half receipts
become known and pandemic conditions continue.
As shown in Table 2, General Fund revenue received as of December 2020 is only 24% of the
estimated revenue for FY 2020-21. This is typical due to revenue sources that are received in July
and August that are accrued back to the prior fiscal year and other large revenue sources that are
received on a quarterly, bi-annual, or annual basis. Actual year-end results are difficult to predict
at this time; however, as reflected in Table 2, overall General Fund revenues are trending in line
with the same reporting period (December) for some major categories.
Table 2
Revenue by FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21
Category Total YTD Activity %Rec'd FY 2019-20 Total YTD Activity %Rec'd Year End
Cate:o Bud:et Throu:h Dec Thru Dec Actuals Bud:et Throu:h Dec Thru Dec Estimate
Taxes 18,910,000 3,840,109 20% 18,503,951 17,740,700 3,577,332 20% 18,431,300
Intergovernmental 1,326,421 95,767 7% 209,360 179,500 91,932 51% 219,900
Licenses And Permits 2,566,000 1,193,751 47% 2,115,420 1,937,500 997,982 52% 1,802,000
Fines and Forfeitures 702,000 334,317 48% 612,079 645,000 332,120 51% 574,000
Use of Money and Property 299,400 305,881 102% 657,378 269,400 127,725 47% 418,000
Charges forSvcs-Public Won 62,000 11,439 18% 16,286 68,100 22,969 34% 25,700
Charges for Svcs-Recreation 883,900 405,611 46% 534,014 763,300 39,372 5% 61,100
ChargesforSvcs-CommDev 115,000 66,981 58% 134,208 105,500 61,106 58% 111,000
- Other Revenue 186,600 103,616 56% 173,059 157,200 12,042 8% 31,800
TOTAL-General Fund 25,051,321 6,357,472 25% 22,955,755 21,866,200 5,262,580 24% 21,674,800
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Tax revenue, as budgeted, represent 81% of all General Fund revenues followed by 9% in the
Licenses and Permits category. Based on year-end projections,with significant losses in fee-based
programs,the tax category increases to 85%of total year-end estimates and therefore,merit a more
detail discussion as presented below. Overall,taxes are budgeted at$17.74 million,and(although
based on preliminary information)are projected to end the fiscal year at$18.43 million,an increase
of over$690,000.
Table 3
Taxes FY 2019-20 YTD Activity FY 2020-21 YTD Activity
Total Through %Rec'd FY 2019-20 Total Through %Rec'd Year End
Tax Name Budget Dec Thru Dec Actuals _ Budget Dec Thru Dec Estimate
Property Taxes 2,910,000 1,154,495 40% 3,138,490 3,060,000 1,288,090 42% 3,310,000
Property Tax In Lieu/VLF 6,800,000 - 0% 6,877,753 7,097,000 - 0% 7,201,300
Sales and Use Tax 5,650,000 1,849,025 33% 5,430,222 4,603,200 1,749,819 38% 5,395,000
Transient Occ Tax 2,400,000 635,443 26% 1,785,219 1,800,000 348,909 19% 1,224,000
Franchise Fees 1,150,000 201,147 17% 1,272,267 1,180,500 190,514 16% 1,301,000
18,910,000 3,840,109 20% 18,503,951 17,740,700 3,577,332 20% 18,431,300
Property Taxes—Based on projections by the City's property tax consultant,HdL Companies,and
a review of other sources such as prior year payments, late fees, and residual RPTTF (Successor
Agency)revenue, staff estimates property taxes will complete the year at$3.3 million,a$250,000
increase over the budget.
Property Tax In-lieu—Based on growth in assessed value, this revenue is remitted to the City in
two equal payments in the third and fourth quarter of the year. Although no revenue was received
within the reporting period of this report, the first payment was received in January and indicates
the year-end receipt will be$7.2 million,$104,000 over the budgeted estimate and$323,000 more
than the amount received in FY 2019-20.
Sales Tax—Based on projections by the City's sales tax consultant,HdL Companies,the year-end
estimate is nearly $5.4 million which is an increase of$792,000 over the budgeted estimate and
nearly equal to the amount received in FY 2019-20.
Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT)—Receipts from TOT receipts have been significantly impacted
by the pandemic. Revenue received in both FY 2017-18 and FY 2018-19 topped$2.3 million and
was budgeted to receive $2.4 million in FY 2019-20. Due to the pandemic,receipts for FY 2019-
20 fell to $1.78 million with the budgeted estimated of$1.8 million set for FY 2020-21. As the
pandemic lingers, revenue in this source continues to fall and is now estimated at $1.2 million,
$576,000 less than the budgeted estimate. While receipts through December show as less than
$350,000, this represents only one quarter of revenue since first quarter revenue is accrued back
to the prior fiscal year,each year. Based on revenue received through mid-March,the$1.2 million
year-end estimate appears achievable.
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Franchise Fees—The largest contributors to this category (SCE and The Gas Co) are received in
the second half of the fiscal year and are not typically impacted by pandemic conditions. The year-
end estimate of$1.3 million is based on the FY 2019-20 year-end actual, current receipts, and a
remittance statement for the upcoming payment.
The following graph compares budget-to-budget, year-to-date through Dec, and the FY 2019-20
actuals to the FY 2020-21 year-end estimate.
7 _t IIIFY 2019-20 Budget
2 ■FY 2020-21 Budget
6 IN FY 2019-20 YTD Thru Dec
�FY 2020-21 YTD Thru Dec
5 `_.. . 111
— IN FY 2019-20 Actuals
u FY 2020-21 Year End Est
111 111 111
3 t 1 ■
Property Taxes Property Tax In Sales and Use Tax Transient Occ Tax Franchise Fees
The Licenses and Permits category include Business Licenses and Building Permits, Animal
Licenses, and various others. The largest source in this category is Building Permits which was
budgeted at $1.26 million, down from $1.8 million in FY 2019-20 and are now estimated to end
the year nearer$1.4 million based on final FY 2019-20 numbers and year-to-date numbers for FY
2020-21. Business License fees were reduced to 50%as a result of the pandemic and are on target
to complete the year at 50% of last year's revenue. The category has a whole, is estimated to
complete the year$135,500 under the budgeted estimate.
Fines and Forfeitures are on estimated to complete the year at$574,000, down from the budgeted
$645,000 based on FY 2019-20 final numbers and current actuals.
Use of Money and Property which consists of Interest Earnings and Rents and Royalties is
estimated at $418,000, up from the budgeted $269,400 based on final FY 2019-20 numbers,
against lower current investment interest rates for idle cash.
Charges for Services is the category most impacted by the pandemic. Parks and Recreation
revenue was budgeted at $763,300 but, at the mid-year point, has only received $39,000. In FY
2019-20, over $405,600 had been received at the same mid-year point. Based on the current
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numbers and continued pandemic, the year-end estimate has been reduced to $61,000. As the
current restrictions continue to lessen,there could be an improvement in this revenue. Charges for
Services in Public Works and Community Development together, are budgeted at $173,600 and
are estimated to complete the year at$136,700. Overall,the Charges for Services category could
see a reduction of over$700,000 by year-end.
Other Revenue is a catch-all category for miscellaneous type revenue. The largest source within
this category, is the reimbursement for the School Resource Officer. This service was estimated
at$110,000, but with schools closed,will not be received in the current year.
At the halfway point of the Fiscal Year(December 31,2020),overall General Fund appropriations
are only 38%expended. All categories are within an acceptable range of year-to-date expenditures
in relation to the total appropriation for the year. The Utilities/Insurance/and Allocation category
is 79%expended due to the required payment of annual insurance premiums in July each year.
Table 4
Expenses by FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21
Category Total YTD Thru %Exp'd Total Total YTD Thru %Exp'd
Category Budget Dec Thru Dec Activity Budget Dec Thru Dec
Salary and Benefits 7,680,993 4,090,722 53% 7,158,323 7,772,800 3,305,465 43%
Operations 5,703,556 2,008,939 35% 4,655,990 5,594,300 1,676,021 30%
Contract Police Svcs 8,660,000 2,844,548 33% 8,442,722 9,185,300 2,713,489 30%
Util/Ins/Allocations 1,814,309 1,279,049 70% 1,710,158 1,965,800 1,560,405 79%
Capital Assets/Projects 499,900 36,453 7% 75,036 225,000 44,708 20%
24,358,758 10,259,711 42% 22,042,229 24,743,200 9,300,089 38%
As reflected in Table 4, the category of`Salary and Benefits' is 43% expended as compared to
53% expended at the same point in the prior Fiscal Year. This is due to vacancies within
departments and reduction in part-time staffing in Parks and Recreation. At mid-point, salary and
benefits are $785,000 less than the same period in FY 2019-20 even though budgeted higher. If
the trend continues, savings in this category could near $1.0 million. Expenditures in the
`Operations' category are also below the 50% level and 7% lower than the same time period last
year as some costs have been reduced during the pandemic and others were covered by COVID-
19 reimbursements. The year-to-date total for Contract Police Services represents only four
months of billings at the mid-year point and is less than the prior year owing to $270,000 being
covered by the CARES Act and accounted for in the Grants Fund. Capital Assets were budgeted
at zero, but have carryover funding from prior years to fund the current expense. Overall, at the
mid-point of the Fiscal Year, expenditures are $960,000 less than the FY 2019-20 mid-point and
on target to complete the year under-budget.
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10 -
r 2020 Budget
8 _ _-- - _--___-_ 0 2021 Budget
- - Id 2020 YTD/Dec
7 ii
u 2021 YTD/Dec --
z1 - _
1I . I
1 n
Salary/Benefits Operations Police Svcs Util/Ins/Alloc Capital
Table 5 shows that most Departments are also below 50%expended at Mid-Year. It is anticipated
that all departments will complete the year within or under budget. The City Clerk Department is
currently at 78% due to the payment of insurance premiums discussed above. Finance is well
below the 50% mark due to the continued vacancy of a permanent Finance Director and an
authorized 3/4 Accountant. General Services is significantly below the mid-point due to the
budgeted $500,000 for contingency, for which only $72,000, for the City Council approved fee
study, has been committed. As previously discussed, the Parks and Recreation Department has
been the most impacted by the pandemic in terms of both lost revenue and reduced expenditures.
With all activities cancelled and facilities closed, as well as,the delayed construction of the special
events stage, savings have been realized in personnel, operational, and capital costs, resulting in
an expense underutilization of$760,000 over the same time period one year ago.
Table 5
FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2020-21
FY 2020 YTD Thru %Exp'd FY 2019-20 Total YTD Thru %Exp'd
Department Budget Dec Thru Dec Actuals Budget Dec Thru Dec
City Council/Commissions 421,200 208,838 50% 374,424 424,600 168,890 40%
City Attorney 244,800 82,380 34% 280,685 254,400 79,391 31%
City Clerk 936,121 616,812 66% 775,611 930,500 729,672 78%
Administration 934,000 493,697 53% 902,950 959,200 480,416 50%
Human Resources 365,151 126,825 35% 248,258 375,200 162,081 43%
Finance 483,914 252,075 52% 481,673 570,700 209,467 37%
General Services 590,200 323,409 55% 468,614 1,174,000 311,455 27%
Public Safety 9,920,300 3,383,952 34% 9,532,457 10,811,000 3,571,498 33%
Public Works 4,552,309 2,136,916 47% 4,237,787 4,077,800 1,988,604 49%
Parks&Rec 2,954,380 1,587,515 54% 2,640,440 3,387,400 827,616 24%
Community Development 2,511,383 1,018,440 41% 2,054,124 1,778,400 735,701 41%
TOTAL-GF Operating 23,913,758 10,230,859 43% 21,997,023 24,743,200 9,264,791 37%
Capital Projects 445,000 36,683 8% 45,206 - 35,294 0%
TOTAL-General Fund 24,358,758 10,267,542 42% 22,042,229 24,743,200 9,300,085 38%
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Included in the FY 2020-21 Operating Budget is funding for 56 full-time positions, 5-3/4 time
positions (3.75 FTE), and various part-time employees. There are no requests to amend the
authorized staffing list at this time. However, the vacant Management Analyst position in
Community Development has been transferred to the City Manager's office as of March 2021.
The duties of CDBG monitoring have been transferred along with the position.
On March 13, 2020, the City Council declared a local emergency in response to the Coronavirus
pandemic. Over the course of the ensuing months, various actions were taken to keep Rosemead
employees and the community safe from contracting or transmitting the virus. Actions included
closing City Hall and other public facilities to the public and allowing work-from-home with
alternating on-site work schedules for employees. For those positions that were unable to adopt
an alternate work schedule and continued in-person interaction with the public,a 5%pay incentive
was provided through a `Special Assignment Pay — Coronavirus' incentive. The positions
receiving the incentive are full-time Maintenance Workers, Maintenance Lead Workers, the
Facilities Technician, Code Enforcement Officers, Senior Code Enforcement Officers, the Public
Safety Manager and part-time Code Enforcement Officers, Parking Control Officer, Maintenance
Workers, and Community Service Officers. The `Special Assignment Pay' began on March 13,
2020 and is being funded with salary savings from vacancies. Adoption of the attached resolution
will reaffirm the `Special Assignment Pay—Coronavirus' compensation.
CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGET—This report covers only the Operating budget and
does not include the Capital Improvement Program budget or its carryovers. Staff is currently
reviewing all current projects and carryover appropriations to ensure accuracy in reporting fund
balances. A comprehensive report will be presented along with the FY 2021-22 Proposed Budget.
Staff is recommending the following amendments to the FY 2020-21 Operating Budget, some of
which have been previously approved by Council motion but are hereby incorporated to the
amendment resolution:
General Fund —Increase revenue estimates by
$174,200 for the carryover funding of the General Fund (F101) Revenue Approp
SB2 Planning Grant($160,000)and received Adopted Budget 21,866,200 24,743,200
SB2 Planning Grant(carryover) 160,000 133,000
funding for the U.S. Census Education and Census Education &Outreach 14,200 22,400
Outreach program ($14,200). Police Costs to CARES Grant (270,000)
Decrease appropriations by $124,600 by Unemployment Costsgto CARES (10,000)
Amended Budget 22,040,400 24,618,600
moving $270,000 of Police costs and
$10,000 of unemployment costs to the Grants
Fund for coverage by the CARES grant offset
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by increases in appropriations for carryover
expenses of the SB2 Planning Grant and the
Census Education and Outreach program.
Gas Tax and Clean Water — Decrease Gas Tax F201 Revenue
appropriations in the Gas Tax Fund in the Adopted Budget 1,417,700 998,300
amount of $80,000 and increase Moving eligible exp to F231 (80,000)
appropriations in an equal amount in the Amended Budget 1,417,700 918,300
Clean Water Fund to fund eligible street Clean Water F231 Revenue
sweeping services and release appropriations Adopted Budget 580,000 500,000
in the Gas Tax fund for future capital Moving eligible from F201 80,000
projects. Amended Budget 580,000 580,000 l
Proposition A—Increase appropriations to fund Proposition A (F215) Revenue Approp
vehicles approved in FY 2019-20 but not Adopted Budget 1,257,300 1,160,500
delivered by year-end. Carryover Vehicles 232,100
Amended Budget 1,257,300 1,392,600
Grants — Increase revenue estimates by
$886,700 and appropriations by $823,900 to Grants (F232) Revenue Approp
Adopted Budget 1,470,500 1,235,500
account for CARES Act funding, a LEAP CARESAct-Coronavirus Relief 671,300 608,500
Grant, and the Great Plate Delivered LEAP Grant 150,000 150,000
Program. The amounts are not equal because Great Plate Delivered Prog 65,400 65,400
some CARES Act expenses were paid for in . __-Amended Budget _ 2,357,200 2,059,400 ,
the prior fiscal year with the reimbursement
received in FY 2020-21.
CDBG Budget (F260) Revenue Approp
CDBG and HOME—Increase both revenue and Adopted Budget 1,723,200 1,714,200
appropriations to account for the CDBG CDBG COVID Grant 443,682 443,682
portion of CARES Act funding along with CDBG Corrections (230,492) (221,492)
corrections to both funds to be in line with Amended Budget 1,936,390 1,936,390
actual grant allocations. HOME Bud:et F275 Revenue
Adopted Budget 1,766,700 1,461,000
Corrections 345,060 650,760
Amended Budget 2,111,760 2,111,760
Measure H — This is a new fund beginning in
FY 2020-21 with an initial revenue estimate Measure H Revenue Approp
and equal appropriation of$15,000. Adopted Budget
qNew Program 15,000 15,000
Amended Budget 15,000 15,000
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Equipment and Technology Replacement — Equipment Replacement (F501) Revenue Approp
The increase in revenue (user charges) in Adopted Budget 200,000
Correction (See F505) 100,900
Equipment Replacement and the decrease in Amended Budget 100,900 200,000
revenue (user charges) in Technology
Replacement will correct an error within the Technology Replacement (F505) Revenue Approp
original adopted budget and bring the funds Adopted Budget 309,500 209,600
into balance. Correction(See F501) (100,900)
Amended Budget 208,600 209,600
The adoption of the attached resolution will increase budgeted revenue estimates by $1,634,150
for a FY 2020-21 total revenue estimate of $41,682,150 and increase total appropriations by
$1,819,350 for an amended FY 2020-21 Operating Budget of$42,097,050.
PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS — This item has been noticed through the regular agenda
notification process.
Prepared by:
/d7,4 L./-
Paula Chamberlain
Interim Finance Director
Attachment: Resolution No. 2021-14 Amending the FY 2020-21 Operating Budget
Q, O
- ;,ab4
Attachment A
Resolution No. 2021 - 14
WHEREAS,a fiscal review is a prudent method to ensure that the City maintains a healthy
financial structure; and
WHEREAS, the City routinely adjusts fiscal year revenue estimates and appropriations
throughout the fiscal year, and
WHEREAS,The City Council adopted the FY 2020-21 Operating Budget on June 9,2020,
NOW THEREFORE, by the City Council of the City of Rosemead, California, as
SECTION 1. That the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Mid-Year Budget Review has hereby been
received and reviewed by the City Council.
SECTION 2. That the City Council amends revenue estimates and appropriations for the
following funds within the Fiscal Year 2020-21 City Operating Budget as follows:
Fund Category Adopted Budget Amendment Revised Budget
General Revenue 21,866,200 174,200 22,040,400
Fund Appropriation 24,743,200 (124,600) 24,618,600
Gas Tax Revenue 1,417,700 - 1,417,700
Appropriation 998,300 (80,000) 918,300
Prop A Revenue 1,257,300 - 1,257,300
Appropriation 1,160,500 232,100 1,392,600
Measure H Revenue - 15,000 15,000
Appropriation - 15,000 15,000
Clean Revenue 580,000 - 580,000
Water Appropriation 500,000 80,000 580,000
Grants Revenue 1,470,500 886,700 2,357,200
Appropriation 1,235,500 823,900 2,059,400
CDBG Revenue 1,723,200 213,190 1,936,390
Appropriation 1,714,200 222,190 1,936,390
HOME Revenue 1,766,700 345,060 2,111,760
Appropriation 1,461,000 650,760 2,111,760
Equipment Revenue - 100,900 100,900
Repl Appropriation 200,000 - 200,000
Technology Revenue 309,500 (100,900) 208,600
Repl Appropriation 209,600 - 209,600
Total Revenue 1,634,150
Change Appropriation 1,819,350
SECTION 3. That the City Council retroactively affirms the creation and administration
of Special Assignment Pay—Coronavirus in the amount of 5%of base pay beginning March 13,
2020, to those positions identified by the City Manager as due such pay.
SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution,
and it shall thereupon be in full force and effect.
PASSED, APPROVED,AND ADOPTED this 13th day of April, 2021.
Polly Low, Mayor
Rachel Richman, City Attorney Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk
I,Ericka Hernandez,City Clerk of the City Council of the City of Rosemead,California,do hereby
certify that the foregoing City Council Resolution No. 2021-14, was duly adopted by the City
Council of the City of Rosemead, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 13th day of
April, 2021,by the following vote,to wit:
Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk