2400 - Los Angeles County Metropolitant Transportation - 710 Mobility Funding Agreement - Traffic Improvements MR4.3.2.20FTIP M LAMIPMR112 MEASURE R FUNDING AGREEMENT HIGHWAY PROGRAM (General) Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000MR43220 This Funding Agreement ("PA") is made and entered into effective as of September 1, 2020 ("Effective Date"), and is by and between the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority ("LACMTA") and City of Rosemead ("GRANTEE") for Traffic Signal Improvements (San Gabriel Walnut Grove at Mission, Rosemead and Valley), LACMTA Project ID# MR and FTIP# LAMIPMR112, (the "Project"). This Project is eligible for funding under Line 36 of the Measure R Expenditure Pian. WHEREAS, LACMTA adopted Ordinance #08-01, the Traffic Relief and Rail Expansion Ordinance, on July 24, 2008 (the "Ordinance"), which Ordinance was approved by the voters of Los Angeles County on November 4, 2008 as "Measure R" and became effective on January 2, 2009. WHEREAS, $780,000,000 in Measure R funds was identified in Line 36 of the Measure R Expenditure Plan for the I-710 North Gap Closure (tunnel) Project (SR -710 North). WHEREAS, the LACMTA Board at its May 25, 2017 meeting, reallocated the remaining Measure R Funds for the SR -710 North Project to new mobility improvement projects within the San Gabriel Valley subregion, if consistent with the purpose and need of the Gap Closure Project to relieve congestion on local streets along the SR -710 alignment between Interstates 10 and 210, with the highest priority for projects proximate to the Interstate 10 freeway. WHEREAS, the funding set forth herein is intended to fund the Project Approval/Environmental Document (PAED), Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PS&E), Right -of -Way, and Construction of the Project. WHEREAS, the LACMTA Board, at its September 26, 2019 meeting, programmed $6,000,000, in Measure R Funds to GRANTEE for PAED, PS&E, Right -of -Way, and Construction, subject to the terms and conditions contained in this FA; and WHEREAS, the Funds are currently programmed as follows: $200,000 in Measure R Funds in Fiscal Years (FY) FY 2020-21; $1,000,000 in FY 2021-22; $2,500,000 FY 2022-23; and $2,300,000 in FY 2023-24. The total designated for PAED, PS&E, Right -of -Way, and Construction of the Project is $6,000,000. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereby agree as follows: The terms and conditions ofthis FA consist of the following and each is incorporated by reference herein as if fully set for herein: 1. Part I — Specific Terms of the FA 2. Part 1I — General Terms of the FA 3, Attachment A — Project Funding 4. Attachment B — Measure R Expenditure Plan Guidelines 5. Attachment B-1— Expenditure Plan — Cost & Cash Flow Budget Rev: 02.20.2020 1 Measure R Funding Agreement — Highways — General FTIP #: LAMIPMR112 Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000MR43220 G. Attachment C — Scope of Work 7. Attachment D — Project Reporting and Expenditure Guidelines 8. Attachment D-1— intentionally omitted 9. Attachment D-2 —Quarterly Progress/Expenditure Report 10. Attachment E — Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP) Sheet 11. Attachment F — Bond Requirements 12. Attachment G-1— SR -710 North Mobility Improvement Project (MIP) 13. Attachment G-2 — Los Angeles County Regional ITS Architecture (Connect -IT) Consistency Self -Certification Policy Form 14. Attachment G-3 — Signal Synchronization, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), and Transportation Technology Improvements 15. Any other attachments or documents referenced in the above documents In the event of a conflict, the Special Grant Conditions, if any, shall prevail over the Specific Terms of the FA and any attachinents and the Specific Terms of the FA shall prevail over the General Terms of the FA. Rev: 02.20.2020 2 Measure R Funding Agreement — Highways — General FTIP #: LAMIPMR112 Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000MR43220 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this FA to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the dates indicated below: LACMTA: LOS ANGELES COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY By: Phillip A. Washington Chief Executive Officer APPROVED AS TO FORM: RODRIGO A. CASTRO-SILVA County Counsel By: I _L_ VA Deputy GRANTEE: CITY OF ROSEMEAD Date: Date: By�8. —LO& Dates Gloria Molleda City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: By. �V Rachel H. Richman City Attorney Rev: 02.20.2020 Date: 4 b7h_i Measure R Funding Agreement — Highways — General FTIP #: LAMIPMR112 PART I SPECIFIC TERMS OF THE FA Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000MR43220 1. Title of the Project (the "Project"): Traffic Signal Improvements (San Gabriel Walnut Grove at Mission, Rosemead and Valley) — Project Approval/Environmental Document (PAED), Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PS&E), Right -of -Way, and Construction. LACMTA Project ID# MR4.3.2.20, FTIP# LAMIPMR112. Grant Funds: 2.1 Programmed Funds for this Project consist ofthe following: Measure R Funds. 2.2 To the extent the Measure R Funds are available; LACMTA shall snake to GRANTEE a grant of the Measure R funds in the amount of $6,000,000 (the "Fund") for the Project. LACMTA Board of Directors' action of September 26, 2019 granted the Measure R Funds for the Project. The Funds are programmed over 4 years for Fiscal Years (FY) FY 2020-21, FY 2021-22, FY 2022-23 and FY 2023-24. 3. This grant shall be paid on a reimbursement basis. GRANTEE must provide the appropriate supporting documentation with the Quarterly Progress/Expenditure Report. GRANTEE Funding Commitment, if applicable, must be spent in the appropriate proportion to the Funds with each quarter's expenditures. LACMTA will withhold five percent (5%) of eligible expenditures per invoice as retention pending an audit of expenditures and completion of scope of work. 4. Attachment A the "Project Funding" documents all sources of funds programmed for the Project as approved by LACMTA. The Project Funding includes the total programmed funds for the Project, including the Funds programmed by LACMTA and, if any, the GRANTEE Funding Commitment of other sources of funding. The Project Funding also includes the fiscal years in which all the funds for the Project are programmed. The Funds are subject to adjustment by subsequent LACMTA Board Action. 5. Attachment B-1 is the Expenditure Plan- Cost & Cash Flow Budget (the "Expenditure Plan"). It is the entire proposed cash flow, the Budget and financial plan for the Project, which includes the total sources of all funds programmed to the Project, including GRANTEE and other entity funding commitments, if any, for this Project as well as the fiscal year and quarters the Project funds are anticipated to be expended. GRANTEE shall update the Expenditure Plan annually, no later than December 31, and such update shall be submitted to LACMTA's Senior Executive Officer of Construction & Engineering in writing. If the LACMTA's Senior Executive Officer of Construction & Engineering concurs with such updated Expenditure Plan in writing, Attachment B-1 shall be replaced with the new Attachment B-1 setting forth the latest approved Expenditure Plan. Payments under this FA shall be consistent with Attachment B-1 as revised from time to time. Any change to the final milestone date must be made by a fully executed amendment to this FA. 6. Attachment C is the "Scope of Work". The GRANTEE shall complete the Project as described in the Scope of Work. This Scope of Work shall include a detailed description of the Rev: 02.20.2020 4 Measure R Funding Agreement — Highways — General FTIP #: LAMIPMR112 Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000MR43220 Project and the work to be completed, including anticipated Project milestones and a schedule consistent with the lapsing policy in Part II, Section 9, and a description of the Project limits, if applicable. No later than December 31 of each year, GRANTEE shall notify LACMTA if there are any changes to the final milestone date set forth in the schedule or any changes to the Scope of Work. If LACMTA agrees to such changes, the parties shall memorialize such changes in an amendment to this FA. Work shall be delivered in accordance with the schedule and scope identified in this FA unless otherwise agreed to by the parties in writing in an amendment to this FA. If GRANTEE fails to meet milestones or delivery of the Project, LACMTA will have the option to suspend or terminate the FA for default as described in Part II, Sections 2, 9, 10 and 11 herein below. To the extent interim milestone dates are not met but GRANTEE believes and can show documentation acceptable to LACMTA supporting GRANTEE'S ability to make up the time so as to not impact the final milestone date, GRANTEE shall notify LACMTA of such changes in its Quarterly Progress/Expenditure Reports and such interim milestone dates will automatically be amended to the latest interim milestone dates provided in the Quarterly Progress/Expenditure Reports Attachment D-2. In no event can the final milestone date be amended by a Quarterly Progress/Expenditure Report. 7. No changes to this FA, including but not limited to the Funds, and any other source of funds from LACMTA in the Project Funding, Expenditure Plan or the Scope of Work shall be allowed without an amendment to the original FA, approved and signed by both parties. 8. Attachment D is the "Project Reporting & Expenditure Guidelines". GRANTEE shall complete the "Quarterly Progress/Expenditure Report". The Quarterly Progress/ Expenditure Report are attached to this FA as Attachment D-2 in accordance with Attachment D — Project Reporting and Expenditure Guidelines. 9. Attachment E, the "FTIP PROJECT SHEET (PDF)", is required to ensure that the Project is programmed correctly in the most up-to-date FTIP document. The FTIP PROJECT SHEET (PDF) can be found in ProgramMetro FTIP database under the reports section at hUp://program.metro.net. All projects that receive funding through Measure R must be programmed into the FTIP, which includes locally funded regionally significant projects for information and air quality modeling purposes. GRANTEE shall review the Project in ProgramMetro each year and update or correct the Project information as necessary during a scheduled FTIP amendment or adoption. GRANTEE will be notified of amendments and adoptions to the FTIP via e-mail. Changes to the FTIP through ProgramMetro should be made as soon as possible after GRANTEE is aware of any changes to the Project, but no later than October 1 of the year the change or update is effective. Should GRANTEE fail to meet this date, it may affect GRANTEE's ability to access funding, delay the Project and may ultimately result in the Funds being lapsed. 10. LACMTA anticipates it may need to avail itself of lower cost bonds or other debt, the interest on which is tax exempt for federal tax purposes and/or Build America Bonds as defined in the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act of 2009 or similar types of bonds (collectively, the 'Bonds") to provide at least a portion of its funding commitments under this Agreement to GRANTEE. GRANTEE shall ensure that the expenditure of the Funds disbursed to GRANTEE does not jeopardize the tax -exemption of the interest, the Federal subsidy payment or the tax credit, as applicable, as specified in the Bond Requirements Rev: 02.20.2020 5 Measure R Funding Agreement — Highways — General FTIP #: LAMIPMR112 Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000MR43220 attached as Attachment F to this Agreement. GRANTEE agrees to provide LACMTA with progress reports, expenditure documentation, and any other documentation as reasonably requested by LACMTA and necessary for LACMTA to fulfill its responsibilities as the grantee or administrator or bond issuer of the Funds. With regard to LACMTA debt financing to provide any portion of the Funds, GRANTEE shall take all reasonable actions as may be requested of it by LACMTA's Project Manager for the Project, to assist LACMTA in demonstrating and maintaining over time, compliance with the relevant sections of the Federal Tax Code to maintain such bonds tax status. 11. GRANTEE shall comply with the "Special Grant Conditions" attached as Attachment G, if any. 12. No changes to the (i) Grant amount, (ii) Project Funding, (iii) the Scope of Work (except as provided herein), (iv) Final milestone date or (v) Special Grant Conditions, shall be allowed without a written amendment to this FA, approved and signed by the LACMTA Chief Executive Officer or his/her designee and GRANTEE. Modifications that do not materially affect the terms of this FA, such as redistributing Funds among existing budget line items or non- material schedule changes must be formally requested by GRANTEE and approved by LACMTA in writing. Non -material changes are those changes which do not affect the grant amount or its schedule, Project Funding, or the Scope of Work, including the Work schedule. 13. LACMTA's Address: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority One Gateway Plaza Los Angeles, CA 90012 Attention: Shrota Sharma LACMTA Project Manager Mail Stop 99-18-2 Phone (213) 418-3058 E-mail sharmas@metro.net 14. GRANTEE's Address: City of Rosemead 8838 E Valley Blvd Rosemead, CA 91770 Christopher Daste Phone: 626-569-2158 Email: cdaste(a)cityofroseinead.org Rev: 02.20.2020 6 Measure R Funding Agreement — Highways — General FTIP #: LAMIPMR112 PART II GENERAL TERMS OF THE FA 1. TERM Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000MR43220 The term of this FA shall commence on the Effective Date of this FA, and shall terminate upon the occurrence of all of the following, unless terminated earlier as provided herein: (i) the agreed upon Scope of Work has been completed; (ii) all LACMTA audit and reporting requirements have been satisfied; and (iii) the final disbursement of the Funds has been made to GRANTEE. All eligible Project expenses as defined in the Reporting and Expenditure Guidelines (Attachment D), incurred after the FA Effective Date shall be reimbursed in accordance with the terms and conditions of this FA unless otherwise agreed to by the parties in writing. 2. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION Should LACMTA determine there are insufficient Measure R Funds available for the Project, LACMTA may suspend or terminate this FA by giving written notice to GRANTEE at least thirty (30) days in advance of the effective date of such suspension or termination. If a Project is suspended or terminated pursuant to this section, LACMTA will not reimburse GRANTEE any costs incurred after that suspension or termination date, except those costs necessary to: (i) to return any facilities modified by the Project constriction to a safe and operable state; and (ii) suspend or terminate the construction contractor's control over the Project. LACMTA's share of these costs will be consistent with the established funding percentages outlined in this FA. INVOICE BY GRANTEE Unless otherwise stated in this FA, the Quarterly Progress/ Expenditure Report, with supporting documentation of expenses, Project progress and other documents as required, which has been pre -approved by LACMTA, all as described in Part II, Section 6.1 of this FA, shall satisfy LACMTA invoicing requirements. Grantee shall only submit for payment the LACMTA pre -approved Quarterly Progress/ Expenditure Report Packets to the LACMTA Project Manager at the email address shown in Part I and to LACMTA Accounts Payable Department as shown below. Submit invoice with supporting documentation to: ACCOUNTSPAYABL9(bMETRO.NET (preferable) or mail to: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Accounts Payable P. O. Box 512296 Los Angeles, CA 90051-0296 All invoice material must contain the following information: Re: LACMTA Project ID# MR4.3.2.20 and FA# 9200000000MR43220 Shrota Sharma; Mail Stop 99-18-2 Rev: 02.20.2020 7 Measure R Funding Agreement — Highways — General FTIP #: LAMIPMR112 4. USE OF FUNDS Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000MR43220 4.1 GRANTEE shall utilize the Funds to complete the Project as described in the Scope of Work and in accordance with the Reporting and Expenditure Guidelines and the specifications for use for the transportation purposes described in the Ordinance. 4.2 AttachmentC shall constitute the agreed upon Scope of Work between LACMTA and GRANTEE for the Project. The Funds, as granted under this FA, can only be used towards the completion of the Scope of Work detailed in Attachment C. 4.3 GRANTEE shall not use the Funds to substitute for any other fiinds or projects not specified in this FA. Further, GRANTEE shall not use the Funds for any expenses or activities above and beyond the approved Scope of Work (Attachment C) without an amendment to the FA approved and signed by the LACMTA Chief Executive Officer or his Designee. To the extent LACMTA provides GRANTEE with bond or commercial paper proceeds, such Funds may not be used to reimburse for any costs that jeopardize the tax exempt nature of such financings as reasonably determined by LACMTA and its bond counsel. 4.4 GRANTEE must use the Funds in the most cost-effective manner. If GRANTEE intends to use a consultant or contractor to implement all or part of the Project, LACMTA requires that such activities be procured in accordance with GRANTEE's contracting procedures and consistent with State law as appropriate. GRANTEE will also use the Funds in the most cost-effective manner when the Funds are used to pay "in-house" staff time. This effective use of funds provision will be verified by LACMTA through on- going Project monitoring and through any LACMTA interim and final audits. 4.5 GRANTEE'S employee, officers, councilmernbers, board member, agents, or consultants (a "GRANTEE Party") are prohibited from participating in the selection, award, or administration of a third -party contract or sub -agreement supported by the Funds if a real or apparent conflict of interest would be involved. A conflict of interest would include, without limitation, an organizational conflict of interest or when any of the following parties has a financial or other interest in any entity selected for award: (a) a GRANTEE Paity (b) any member of a GRANTEE Party's immediate family, (c) a partner of a GRANTEE Party; (d) any organization that employs or intends to employ any of the above. This conflict of interest provision will be verified by LACMTA through on-going Project monitoring and through any LACMTA interim and final audits. 4.6 If a facility, equipment (such as computer hardware or software), vehicle or property, purchased or leased using the Funds, ceases to be used for the proper use as originally stated in the Scope of Work, or the Project is discontinued, any Funds expended for that purpose must be returned to LACMTA as follows: GRANTEE shall be required to repay the Funds in proportion to the useful life remaining and in an equal proportion of the grant to GRANTEE Funding Commitment ratio. 4.7 If the Project requires the implementation of an Intelligent Transportation Systems ("ITS") project, GRANTEE shall ensure the Project is consistent with the Regional ITS Architecture. Attachment H-1, the Los Angeles County Regional ITS Rev: 02.20.2020 8 Measure R Funding Agreement — Highways — General FTIP #: LAMIPMR112 Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000MR43220 Architecture (CONNECT -IT) Consistency Self -Certification Form, must be completed and signed for planned ITS projects and/or ITS projects that use local, state, or federal funds programmed or administered through LACMTA. Refer to www.laconnect-it.com to find information about the CONNECT -IT Service Packages. 4.8 If any parking facilities are designed and/or constructed using the Funds, GRANTEE shall coordinate with LACMTA parking program staff (see www.metro.net for staff listing) in the planning, design and management of the facility and shall ensure that its implementation is consistent with the LACMTA adopted parking policy. For the parking policy, see http:.//media.metro.net.1projects_studies/call projects/images/09%2OAl2pendix%20D%2OPa rking% 20Policy.pdf 5. REIMBURSEMENT OF FUNDS Funds will be released on a reimbursement basis in accordance with invoices submitted in support of the Quarterly Progress/Expenditure Reports. LACMTA will make all disbursements electronically unless an exception is requested in writing. Reimbursements via Automated Clearing House (ACH) will be made at no cost to GRANTEE. GRANTEE must complete the ACH form and submit such form to LACMTA before grant payments can be made. ACH Request Forms can be found at www.metro.net/projects /call projects/call —projects-reference- documentsl.. GRANTEE must provide detailed supporting documentation with its Quarterly Progress/Expenditure Reports. GRANTEE Funding Commitment, if any, must be spent in direct proportion to $ie Funds with each quarter's payment. 6. REPORTING AND AUDIT REQUIREMENTS/PAYMENT ADJUSTMENTS 6.1 GRANTEE shall submit the draft of Quarterly Progress/Expenditure Report (Attachment D-2) within sixty (60) days after the close of each quarter on the last day of the months November, February, May and August to the LACMTA Project Manager for review and pre -approval of the applicable report. LACMTA Project Manager shall review and respond in writing to the draft Quarterly Progress/Expenditure Reports within thirty (30) calendar days from receipt. Grantee shall submit the LACMTA pre -approved Quarterly Progress/ Expenditure Report no later than five (5) days after receipt of LACMTA's written approval. Should GRANTEE fail to submit either the draft or pre -approved reports within five (5) days of the due date and/or submit incomplete reports, LACMTA will not reimburse GRANTEE until the completed required reports are received, reviewed, and approved. The Quarterly Progress/Expenditure Reports shall include all appropriate documentation (such as contractor invoices, timesheets, receipts, etc.), and any changes to interim milestone dates that do not impact the final milestone date. All supporting documents must include a clear justification and explanation of their relevance to the Project. If no activity has occurred during a particular quarter, GRANTEE will still be required to submit the Quarterly Progress/Expenditure Reports indicating no dollars were expended that quarter. If a request for reimbursement exceeds $500,000 in a single month, then GRANTEE can submit such an invoice once per month with supporting documentation. Expenses that are not invoiced to LACMTA Accounts Payable Rev: 02.20.2020 9 Measure R Funding Agreement — Highways — General FTIP #: LAMIPMR112 Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000MR43220 within ninety (90) days after the lapsing date specified in Part II, Section 9.1 below are not eligible for reimbursement. 6.2 GRANTEE shall submit the Project expenditure estimates for the subsequent fiscal year by February of each year. LACMTA will use the estimates to determine the Project budget for the upcoming fiscal year. 6.3 LACMTA, and/or its designee, shall have the right to conduct audits of the Project as deemed appropriate, such as financial and compliance audits, interim audits, pre- award audits, performance audits and final audits. LACMTA will commence a final audit within six months of receipt of acceptable final invoice, provided the Project is ready for final audit (meaning all costs and charges have been paid by GRANTEE and invoiced to LACMTA, and such costs, charges and invoices are properly documented and summarized in the accounting records to enable an audit without further explanation or summarization including actual indirect rates for the period covered by the FA period under review). GRANTEE agrees to establish and maintain proper accounting procedures and cash management records and documents in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). GRANTEE shall reimburse LACMTA for any expenditure not in compliance with the Scope of Work and/or not in compliance with other terms and conditions of this F.A. The allowability of costs for GRANTEE's own expenditures submitted to LACMTA for this Project shall be in compliance with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-87. The allowability of costs for GRANTEE's contractors, consultants and suppliers expenditures submitted to LACMTA through GRANTEE's Quarterly Progress/Expenditures shall be in compliance with OMB Circular A-87 or Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Subpart 31 and 2 CFR Subtitle A, Chapter II, Part 225 (whichever is applicable). Findings of the LACMTA audit are final. When LACMTA audit findings require GRANTEE to return monies to LACMTA, GRANTEE agrees to return the monies within thirty (30) days after the final audit is sent to GRANTEE. 6.4 GRANTEE's records shall include, without limitation, accounting records, written policies and procedures, contract files, original estimates, correspondence, change order files (including documentation covering negotiated settlements), invoices, and any other supporting evidence deemed necessary by LACMTA to substantiate charges related to the Project (all collectively referred to as "records"). Such records shall be open to inspection and subject to audit and reproduction by LACMTA auditors or authorized representatives to the extent deemed necessary by LACMTA to adequately permit evaluation of expended costs. Such records subject to audit shall also include, without limitation, those records deemed necessary by LACMTA to evaluate and verify, direct and indirect costs, (including overhead allocations) as they may apply to costs associated with the Project. These records must be retained by GRANTEE for three years following final payment under this Agreement. Payment of retention amounts shall not occur until after the LACMTA's final audit is completed. 6.5 GRANTEE shall cause all contractors to comply with the requirements of Part II, Section 5, paragraphs 6.2 and 6.3 above. GRANTEE shall cause all contractors to cooperate fully in furnishing or in making available to LACMTA all records deemed necessary by LACMTA auditors or authorized representatives related to the Project. Rev: 02.20.2020 10 Measure R Funding Agreement — Highways — General FTIP #: LAMIPMR112 Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000MR43220 6.6 LACMTA or any of its duly authorized representatives, upon reasonable written notice, shall be afforded access to all GRANTEE'S records and its contractors related to the Project, and shall be allowed to interview any employee of GRANTEE and its contractors through final payment to the extent reasonably practicable. 6.7 LACMTA or any of its duly authorized representatives, upon reasonable written notice, shall have access to the offices of GRANTEE and its contractors, shall have access to all necessary records, including reproduction, at no charge to LACMTA, and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the terms and conditions of this FA. 6.8 When business travel associated with the Project requires use of a vehicle, the mileage incurred shall be reimbursed at the mileage rates set by the Internal Revenue Service, as indicated in the United States General Services Administration Federal Travel Regulation, Privately Owned Vehicle Reimbursement Rates. 6.9 GRANTEE shall be responsible for ensuring all contractors/ subcontractors for the Project comply with the terms of the Ordinance. GRANTEE shall cooperate with LACMTA Management Audit Services Department such that LACMTA can meet its obligations under the Ordinance. 6,10 GRANTEE shall certify each invoice by reviewing all subcontractor costs and maintaining internal control to ensure that all expenditures are allocable, allowable and reasonable and in accordance with OMB A-87 or FAR subpart 31 and 2 CFR Subtitle A, Chapter II, part 225, (whichever is applicable) and the terms and conditions of this FA. 6.11 GRANTEE shall also certify final costs of the Project to ensure all costs are in compliance with OMB A-87 or FAR subpart 31 and 2 CFR Subtitle A, Chapter II, part 225, (whichever is applicable) and the terms and conditions of this FA. 6.12 In addition to LACMTA's other remedies as provided in this FA, LACMTA may withhold the Funds if the LACMTA audit has determined that GRANTEE failed to comply with the Scope of Work (such as misusing Funds or failure to return Funds owed to LACMTA in accordance with LACMTA audit findings) and /or is severely out of compliance with other terms and conditions as defined by this FA, including the access to records provisions of Part II, Section 6. 7. GRANT This is a one-time only grant of the Measure R Funds subject to the terms and conditions agreed to herein. This grant does not imply nor obligate any fixture funding commitment on the part of LACMTA. Rev: 02.20.2020 l I Measure R Funding Agreement — Highways — General FTIP #: LAMIPMR112 Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000MR43220 8. SOURCES AND DISPOSITION OF FUNDS 8.1 The obligation for LACMTA to grant the Funds for the Project is subject to sufficient Funds being made available for the Project by the LACMTA Board of Directors. If such Funds are not made available as anticipated from Measure R Program revenues, LACMTA will have the right to adjust the cash flow accordingly until such funds become available. LACMTA shall have no obligation to provide any other funds for the Project, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by LACMTA. 8.2 GRANTEE shall fully fund and contribute the GRANTEE Funding Commitment, if any is identified in the Project Funding (Attachment A), towards the cost of the Project. If the Funds identified in Attachment A are insufficient to complete the Project, GRANTEE agrees to secure and provide such additional non-LACMTA programmed funds necessary to complete the Project. 8.3 GRANTEE shall be responsible for any and all cost overruns for the Project pursuant to Section 8.2. 8.4 GRANTEE shall be eligible for the Funds up to the grant amount specified in Part 1, Section 2 of this FA subject to the terms and conditions contained herein. Any Funds expended by GRANTEE prior to the Effective Date of this FA shall not be reimbursed nor shall they be credited toward the GRANTEE Funding Commitment requirement, without the prior written consent of LACMTA. GRANTEE Funding Commitment dollars expended prior to the year the Funds are awarded shall be spent at GRANTEE's own risk, or as delineated in a Letter of No Prejudice executed by the prospective GRANTEE and LACMTA. 8.5 If GRANTEE receives outside funding for the Project in addition to the Funds identified in the Project Funding and the Expenditure Plan at the time this grant was awarded, this FA shall be amended to reflect such additional funding. If, at the time of final invoice or voucher, funding for the Project (including the Funds, GRANTEE Funding Commitment, and any additional funding) exceeds the actual Project costs, then the cost savings shall be applied in the same proportion as the sources of funds from each party to this FA as specified in the Project Funding and both the Funds and GRANTEE Funding Commitment required for the Project shall be reduced accordingly. LACMTA shall have the right to use any cost savings associated with the Funds at its sole discretion, including, without limitation, programming the unused Funds to another project or to another grantee. If, at the time of final voucher, it is determined that GRANTEE has received Funds in excess of what GRANTEE should have received for the Project, GRANTEE shall return such overage to LACMTA within 30 days from final voucher. 9. TIMELY USE OF FUNDS REPROGRAMMING OF FUNDS 9.1 GRANTEE must demonstrate timely use of the Funds by: (i) Executing this FA within ninety (90) days of receiving formal transmittal of the FA fiom LACMTA, or by December 31 of the Rev: 02.20.2020 12 Measure R Funding Agreement — Highways — General FTIP #: LAMIPMR112 Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000MR43220 first Fiscal Year in which the Funds are programmed, whichever date is later; and (ii) Beginning Project Design, Preliminary Engineering -(PE) within six (6) months from completion of environmental clearance, if appropriate. (iii) Executing Contracts for Construction or Capital purchase within twelve (12) months from the date of completion of design; and (iv) Delivering Work in accordance with schedule; changes to the schedule will require an Amendment to Attachment C to reflect updated milestone dates. Meeting the Project milestone due dates as agreed upon by the LACMTA and GRANTEE in Attachment C (Scope of Work) of this FA; and (v) Submitting the Quarterly Progress/Expenditure Reports as described in Part II, Section 6.1 of this FA; and (vi) Expending the Funds granted under this FA for allowable costs within three years or 36 months July 1 of the Fiscal Year in which the Funds are programmed, unless otherwise stated in this PA. All Funds programmed for FY 2020-21 are subject to lapse by June 30, 2023, All Funds programmed for FY 2021-22 are subject to lapse by June 30, 2024. All Funds programmed for FY 2022-23 are subject to lapse by June 30, 2025. All Funds programmed for FY 2023-24 are subject to lapse by June 30, 2026. 9.2 In the event that the timely use of the Funds is not demonstrated as described in Part II, Section 9.1 of this FA, the Project will be reevaluated by LACMTA and the Funds may be reprogrammed to another project by the LACMTA Board of Directors in accordance with the Ordinance. In the event that all the Funds are reprogrammed, this FA shall automatically terminate. 10. DEFAULT A Default under this FA is defined as any one or more of the following: (i) GRANTEE fails to comply with the terms and conditions contained herein; and/or (ii) GRANTEE fails to perforin satisfactorily or make material changes, as determined by LACMTA at its sole discretion, to the Expenditure Plan, the Scope of Work, or the Project Funding without LACMTAs prior written consent or approval as provided herein. 11. REMEDIES 11.1 In the event of a Default by GRANTEE, LACMTA shall provide written notice of such Default to GRANTEE with a 30 -day period to cure the Default. In the event GRANTEE fails to cure the Default, or commit to cure the Default and commence the same within such 30 -day period to the satisfaction of LACMTA, LACMTA shall have the following remedies: (i) LACMTA may terminate this FA; (ii) LACMTA may make no further disbursements of Funds to GRANTEE; and/or (iii) LACMTA may recover from GRANTEE any Funds disbursed to GRANTEE as allowed by law or in equity. Rev: 02.20.2020 13 Measure R Funding Agreement — Highways — General FTIP #: LAMIPMR112 Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000MR43220 11.2 Effective upon receipt of written notice of termination from LACMTA, GRANTEE shall not undertake any new work or obligation with respect to this FA unless so directed by LACMTA in writing. Any Funds expended after termination shall be the sole responsibility of GRANTEE. 11.3 The remedies described herein are non-exclusive. LACMTA shall have the right to enforce any and all rights and remedies herein or which may be now or hereafter available at law or in equity. 12. COMMUNICATIONS 12.1 GRANTEE shall ensure that all Communication Materials contain recognition of LACMTA's contribution to the Project as more particularly set forth in "Funding Recipient Communications Guidelines" available online at http_//metro.net/partners-civic. The Funding Recipient Communications Guidelines may be changed from time to time during the course of this Agreement. GRANTEE shall be responsible for complying with the latest Funding Recipient Communications Guidelines during the tern of this Agreement, unless otherwise specifically authorized in writing by the LACMTA Chief Communications Officer. 12.2 For purposes of this Agreement, "Communications Materials" include, but are not limited to, press events, public and external newsletters, printed materials, advertising, websites radio and public service announcements, electronic media, and construction site signage. A more detailed definition of "Communications Materials" is found in the Funding Recipient -Communications Guidelines. 12.3 The Metro logo is a trademarked item that shall be reproduced and displayed in accordance with specific graphic guidelines. The preferred logo lock-up for Funding Recipients to use is included in the Funding Recipient Communications Guidelines. 12.4 GRANTEE shall ensure that any subcontractor, including, but not limited to, public relations, public affairs, and/or marketing firms hired to produce Project Communications Materials for public and external purposes will comply with the requirements contained in this Section. 12.5 The LACMTA Project Manager shall be responsible for monitoring GRANTEE's compliance with the terms and conditions of this Section. GRANTEE's failure to comply with the terms of this Section shall be deemed a default hereunder and LACMTA shall have all rights and remedies set forth herein. 13. OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS 13.1 This FA, along with its Attachments, constitutes the entire understanding between the parties, with respect to the subject matter herein. The FA shall not be amended, nor any provisions or breach hereof waived, except in writing signed by the parties who agreed to the original FA or the same level of authority. Adoption of revisions or Rev: 02.20.2020 14 Measure R Funding Agreement — Highways — General FTIP #: LAMIPMR112 Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000MR43220 supplements to the Guidelines shall cause such revisions or supplements to become incorporated automatically into this Agreement as though fully set forth herein. 13.2 GRANTEE is obligated to continue using the Project dedicated to the public transportation purposes for which the Project was initially approved. The Project right- of-way, the Project facilities constructed or reconstructed on the Project site, and/or Project property purchased, excluding construction easements and excess property (whose proportionate proceeds shall be distributed in an equal proportion of the grant to GRANTEE Funding Commitment ratio), shall remain dedicated to public transportation use in the same proportion and scope and to the same extent as described in this FA. Equipment acquired as part of the Project, including office equipment, vehicles, shall be dedicated to that use for their full economic life cycle, including any extensions of that life cycle achieved by reconstruction, rehabilitation, or enhancements. 13.3 In the event that there is any legal court (e.g., Superior Court of the State of California, County of Los Angeles, or the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California) proceeding between the parties to enforce or interpret this FA, to protect or establish any rights or remedies hereunder, the prevailing party shall be entitled to its costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees. 13.4 Neither LACMTA nor any officer or employee thereof shall be responsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or committed to be done by GRANTEE under or in connection with any work performed by and or service provided by GRANTEE, its officers, agents, employees, contractors and subcontractors under this FA. GRANTEE shall fully indemnify, defend and hold LACMTA and its subsidiaries, and its officers, agents and employees harmless from and against any liability and expenses, including without limitation, defense costs, any costs or liability on account of bodily injury, death or personal injury of any person or for damage to or loss of risk of property, any environmental obligation, any legal fees and any claims for damages of any nature whatsoever arising out of the Project, including without limitation: (i) use of the Funds by GRANTEE, or its officers, agents, employees, contractors or subcontractors; (ii) breach of GRANTEE's obligations under this FA; or (iii) any act or omission of GRANTEE, or its officers, agents, employees, contractors or subcontractors in the performance of the work or the provision of the services, in connection with the Project including, without limitation, the Scope of Work, described in this FA. 13.5 Neither party hereto shall be considered in default in the performance of its obligation hereunder to the extent that the performance of any such obligation is prevented or delayed by unforeseen causes including acts of God, acts of public enemy, and government acts beyond the control and without fault or negligence of the affected pal ty. Each partyhereto shall give notice promptly to the other ofthe nature and extent of any such circumstances claimed to delay, hinder, or prevent performance of any obligations under this FA. 13.6 GRANTEE shall comply with and ensure that work performed under this FA is done in compliance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), all applicable provisions of federal, state, and local laws, statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations, and procedural requirements including Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), and the Rev: 02.20.2020 15 Measure R Funding Agreement — Highways — General FTIP #: LAMIPMR112 Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000MR43220 applicable requirements and regulations of LACMTA. GRANTEE acknowledges responsibility for obtaining copies of and complying with the terms of the most recent federal, state, or local laws and regulations, and LACMTA requirements includuig any amendments thereto. 13.7 GRANTEE agrees that the applicable requirements of this FA shall be included in every contract entered into by GRANTEE or its contractors relating to work performed under this FA and LACMTA shall have the right to review and audit such contracts. 13.8 GRANTEE shall not assign this FA, or any part thereof, without prior approval of the LACMTA Chief Executive Officer or his designee. Any assignment by GRANTEE without said prior consent by LACMTA shall be void and unenforceable. 13.9 This FA shall be governed by California law. If any provision of this FA is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless continue in full force without being impaired or invalidated in any way. 13.10 The covenants and agreements of this FA shall inure to the benefit of, and shall be binding upon, each of the parties and their respective successors and assigns. 13.11 GRANTEE will advise LACMTA prior to any key Project staffing changes. Notice will be given to the parties at the address specified in Part 1, unless otherwise notified in writing of change of address. 13.12 GRANTEE, in the performance of the work described in this FA, is not a contractor nor an agent or employee of LACMTA. GRANTEE attests to no organizational or personal conflicts of interest and agrees to notify LACMTA immediately in the event that a conflict, or the appearance thereof, arises. GRANTEE shall not represent itself as an agent or employee of LACMTA and shall have no powers to bind LACMTA in contract or otherwise. Rev: 02.20.2020 16 Measure R Funding Agreement -- Highways -- General FTIP M LAMIPMR112 ATTACHMENT A - PROJECT FUNDING Measure R Program - Funding Agreement Projects - FA# 9200000000MR43220 Project Title: Traffic Signal improvements (San Gabriel Walnut Grove at Mission, Rosemead and Valley) Project#: MR4.3.2.20 PROGRAMMED BUDGET- SOURCES OF FUNDS SOURCES OF FUNDS Prior Years FY2020.21 FY2021.22 FY2012.23 PY2023.24 FY2024.25 Total Budget %ofIIu et LACMTA PROGRAMMED FUNDING hiRASURRRPUNDS $ - LAChtTAPROGRAMMED FUNDS E $ - YAARSURTOTAL $ 200,000 S 1,000,000 S 2,500,000 S 2,300,000 S 6,000,000 100% OTHER SOURCES OF FUNDING: LOCAL: 71 S 0 17 $ 056 1 1 FEDERALF S 09E PRIVATE ORO R: $ 09 OTHER FUNDING SUSTOTA S -I $ - $ . S - $ $ $ - 0% TOTALPROJECrPUNDSI S I S 200,000 S 1,000,000S 2,500,000 1 S 2,300,000 $ 3 6,000,000 100 Rev. 05.03.19 PAhleasureRHi sGenAttadimentAProjectFunds FTIP #: LAMIPMR112 Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000MR43220 ATTACHMENT B MEASURE R EXPENDITURE PLAN GUIDELINES PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY State Law Requires All Measure R Project and Program Sponsors to Submit an Expenditure Plan To be eligible to receive Measure R revenues, an agency sponsoring a capital project or program must by state law (AB 2321) submit an expenditure plan that is acceptable to the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA). Pursuant to this law, LACMTA cannot release Measure R funds to capital project or program sponsors until an expenditure plan containing the following elements is submitted, reviewed and deemed satisfactory by LACMTA. LACMTA staff will request that an expenditure plan be submitted before making a recommendation to the LACMTA Board to program funds to that project: o The estimated total cost for each project and program and/or each project or program activity; o Funds other than Measure R that the project or program sponsor anticipates will be expended on the projects and programs and/or each project or program activity; o The schedule during which the project sponsor anticipates funds will be available for each project and program and/or each project or program activity; and, o The expected completion dates for each project and program and/or project or program activity. Each of the above elements must be provided in enough detail to determine consistency with Measure R, the Long Range Transportation Plan for Los Angeles County, and the Los Angeles County Transportation Improvement Program (also a statutorily mandated function), as follows: o Project or program scope of work, including sufficient information to determine funding eligibility, including, but not limited to, the anticipated proportional use of current rail rights-of-way, state highways, and below-ground subways versus any other rights-of-way or above-ground work; o A current-year cost estimate breakdown of the major sub-elements of the project such as overhead, environmental and permit work, design and engineering, right-of-way, construction/installation (including maintenance facilities, rail yard, equipment and other major components), construction/installation support, interest costs, rolling stock, and other supporting components; o Any extraordinary project cost escalation issues, such as extraordinary commodity, right- of-way, surety, energy costs, etc.; o A specific and accurate description of the source, commitment, and anticipated annual availability of any federal, state, local, or private funding identified for the project if applicable including a 3% local funding contribution to rail projects if indicated in Measure R and necessary to meet project expenses, and if the source funds are in current or year-of-expenditure dollars; Rev: 11-1-14 1 FA Measure R Hwys Sub Attachment B Measure R Expenditure Guidelines FTIP #: LAMIPMR112 Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000MR43220 o An annual schedule, in current dollars, of anticipated costs by the cost estimate categories described above; and; o The expected completion by month and year of project or program completion. Below is an excerpt of AB 2321(2008, Feuer), the state legislation that requires the expenditure plan. What AB 2321 (2008. Feuer) Says About the Expenditure Plan: Section b (3) B (f) Prior- to submitting the ordinance to the voters, the MTA shall adopt an expenditure plan for the net revenues derived from the tax. The expenditure plan shall include, in addition to other projects and programs identified by the MTA, the specified projects and pz ogianis listed in paragraph (3) ofsubdivision (b), the estimated total cost for each project and program, funds other than the taxrevenues that the MTA anticipates will he expended on the projects and progzams, and the schedule during which the MTA anticipates funds will be available for each projectand program. The MTA shall also identifyin its expenditure plan the expected completion dates for each project described in subparagraph (A) ofparagraph (3) ofsubdivision (b). To he eligible to receive revenues derived from the tax, an agency sponsoring a capital project or capital program shall submit tote MTA an expenditure plan for its project or program containing the same elements as the expenditure plan that MTA is required by this subdivision to prepare. (k) No later, than 365 days prior to the adoption ofan amendment described in paragraph (1) to an expenditure plan adopted pursuant to subdivision (f), including, but not limited to, the expenditure plan adopted by the MTA board as 'AttachmentA "in Ordinance 1108-01 adopted by the board on July 24, 2008, and in addition to any other notice requirements in the proposing ordinance, the hoard shall notify the Members ofthe Legislature representing the County ofLos Angeles ofall of the following.- (1) A description of the proposed amendments to the adopted expenditure plan that would do any of the following.• (A) Affect the amount ofnetrevenues dezived f om the tax inrposed pursuant to this act that is proposed to he expended on a capital project or projects identified in the adopted expenditure plan. (B) Affect the schedule for the availability offunds proposed to he expended on a capital project or -projects identified in the adopted expenditure plan. (C) Affect the schedule for the estimated or expected completion date ofa capital project or projects identified in the adopted expenditure plan. (2) The reason for theproposedamendment (3) The estimated impact the proposed amendment will have on the schedule, cost, scope, or timely availability offunding for the capital project or projects contained in the adopted expenditure plan. Rev: 11.1-14 2 FA Measure R Hwys Sub Attachment B Measure R Expenditure Guidelines ATTACHMENT B-1- EXPENDITURE PLAN COST & CASH FLOW BUDGET Measure R Program - Funding Agreement Projects - FA# 9200000000MR43220 Traffic Signal Improvements (San Gabriel Walnut Grove at Mission, Rosemead and Valley), MR4.3.2.20 PROGRAMMED SOURCES OF FUNDS 11 SOURCES OF FUNDS FY 2020-21 I VY2020-21 I FY 2020.21 PY 2020.21 I FY 2021.22 FY 2021-22 I FY2021-22 I PY 2021.22 I TOTAL Otri Otr2 Otr3 Otr4 Otrl Otr2 Otr3 Qtr BUDGET 11 LACMTA PROGRAMMED FUNDS: MEASURE R FUNDS: PAED $500 $2,500 $5,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 S83,000 PS&E $10,000 $15,000 $35,000 $57,000 $150,000 $125,000 575,000 $467,000 R\V Support $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 575,000 Const. Su rt $25,000 $50,000 $50,000 $125,000 FTIP #: LAMIPMR112 ATTACHMENT C SCOPE OF WORK Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000 MR43220 PROJECT TITLE: Traffic Signal Improvements (San Gabriel Walnut Grove at Mission, Rosemead and Valley) PROJECT LOCATION: The project is located on the following intersections in the City of Rosemead, in the San Gabriel Valley subregion. 1. San Gabriel Boulevard at Hellman Avenue 2. San Gabriel Boulevard at Garvey Avenue 3. San Gabriel Boulevard at Graves Avenue 4. San Gabriel Boulevard at Rush Street 5. Walnut Grove Avenue at Mission Drive G. Rosemead Boulevard at Lower Azusa Road 7. Rosemead Boulevard at Valley Boulevard 8. Valley Boulevard at Muscatel Avenue 9. Valley Boulevard at Ivar Avenue 10. Valley Boulevard at Mission Drive PROJECT LIMITS: This project limits are at the intersections of above signalized locations, including any necessary improvements on the approaches required by signal design. NEXUS TO SR -710 OPERATIONAL AND MOBILITY IMPROVEMENTS: Rosemead Traffic Signal Improvements — Various locations (San Gabriel, Walnut Grove at Mission, Rosemead and Valley) is an eligible SR -710 North Corridor Mobility Improvement approved by the Metro Board of Directors on September 26, 2019. The project contributes to mobility and operational benefits in the SR -710 corridor between I-10 and I-210 consistent with the Purpose and Need of the 710 Gap Closure project. The project will upgrade the traffic signal system, and other components at major intersections to improve the traffic operations and mobility in the City. These improvements will be planned and developed in conjunction with adjacent cities to ensure that traffic operations are coordinated through major corridors within the SR -710 area. PROJECT BACKGROUND: The project was identified, and was awarded LACMTA Measure R funding, as part of a broader package of projects known as the SR -710 Mobility Improvement Projects (MIPS). The SR -710 MIPS are the result of reallocated Measure R Funds for the SR -710 North Project to new mobility improvement projects within the San Gabriel Valley subregion. These projects are consistent with the purpose and need of the Gap Closure Project to relieve congestion on local streets along the SR - 710 alignment between Interstates 10 and 210, with the highest priority for projects proximate to the Interstate 10 freeway. The project will improve traffic progression at these intersections in the City. These intersections currently operate at estimated level of service (LOS) D, and are forecast to operate at LOS E and F by 2040 without improvements. Rev: 05.03.19 1 FA Measure R Hwys Gen Attachment C Scope of Work FTIP #: LAMIPMR112 PROJECT BUDGET: COMPONENT PA/ED PS&E R/W Support R/W Capital Construction Support Construction Capital Total Budget AMOUNT $83,000 $467,000 $75,000 $400,000 $975,000 $4.000.000 $6,000,000 Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000 MR43220 SCOPE: The City plans to install left -turn phasing and overlapping right -turn phasing to improve traffic signal phasing and upgrade existing traffic signals to current standards at the following locations: 1. Intersection at San Gabriel Boulevard and Hellman Avenue Implement EB/WB protective left -turn phasing. An old traffic signal system exists at this intersection and may require the upgrade of existing traffic signal system to current standards, which will be determined during design development. Work includes coordination with Caltrans, encroachment permit and requirements. Additional potential improvements may be required as part of Caltrans encroaclunent pen -nit. 2. Intersection at San Gabriel Boulevard and Garvey Avenue Implement SB/WB right -turn overlap phasing. An old traffic signal system exists at this intersection and may require the upgrade of existing traffic signal system to current standards, which will be determined during design development. Intersection improvements may be subject to ROW availability, environmental impacts, and further studies in the design development, if found feasible, add additional SB left -turn lane. 3. Intersection at Gabriel Boulevard and Graves Avenue Iinplement EB/WB protected/permitted left -turn phasing. An old traffic signal system exists at this intersection and may require the upgrade of existing traffic signal system to current standards, which will be determined during design development. 4. Intersection at San Gabriel Boulevard and Rush Street Implement NB/SB left -turn protected phasing and EB/WB protected/permitted left -turn phasing. An old traffic signal system exists at this intersection and may require the upgrade of existing traffic signal system to current standards, which will be determined during design development. 5. Intersection at Walnut Grove Avenue and Mission Drive Implement protected/permitted left -turn phasing in all directions. An old traffic signal system exists at this intersection and may require the upgrade of existing traffic signal system to current standards, which will be determined during design development. 6. Intersection at Rosemead Boulevard and Lower Azusa Road Upgrade NB/SB protected left -turn phasing with new poles and left turn signals on mast arms to current standards. Currently IT poles are on medians and are not to current standards. An old traffic signal system exists at this intersection and may require the upgrade of existing traffic signal system to current standards, which will be determined during design development. Rosemead Boulevard is under Caltrans jurisdiction. Work includes coordination with Caltrans, Rev: 05.03.19 2 FA Measure R Hwys Gen Attachment C Scope of Work FTIP #: LAMIPMR112 Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000 MR43220 encroachment permit and requirements. Additional potential improvements may be required as part of Caltrans encroachment permit. 7. Intersection at Rosemead Boulevard and Valley Boulevard Implement NB/SB right -turn overlap phasing. An old traffic signal system exists at this intersection and may require the upgrade of existing traffic signal system to current standards, which will be determined during design development. Rosemead Boulevard is under Caltrans jurisdiction. Work includes coordination with Caltrans, encroachment permit and requirements. Additional potential improvements may be required as part of Caltrans encroachment permit. S. Intersection at Valley Boulevard and Muscatel Avenue Implement EB/WB protected left -turn phasing. An old traffic signal system exists at this intersection and may require the upgrade of existing traffic signal system to current standards, which will be determined during design development. 9. Intersection at Valley Boulevard and Ivar Avenue Implement EB/WB protected left -turn phasing. An old traffic signal system exists at this intersection and may require the upgrade of existing traffic signal system to current standards, which will be determined during design development. 10. Intersection at Valley Boulevard and Mission Drive Implement EB/WB protected/permitted left -turn phasing. An old traffic signal system exists at this intersection and may require the upgrade of existing traffic signal system to current standards, which will be determined during design development. At the completion of the design phase, the City shall inform the Metro Project Manager of the number of controllers and equipment needed to upgrade the traffic signal system, and the type of traffic control systern they will deploy. In addition, the City shall coordinate the system design through Metro staff and Los Angeles County Department of Public Works to coordinate with other Metro-fLmded traffic signal control projects in the immediate and surrounding areas and allow communication with the County of Los Angeles Information Exchange Network (IEN). DESIGN: Preliminary Design Tasks to be performed include, but are not limited to, the following: A. Conduct field visits of the project area to identify design issues. Record existing site conditions in photographs and/or video. B. Conduct survey of the project area, establishing horizontal and vertical control for the project as necessary. C. Identify and coordinate with all utilities in the project area to facilitate the final design of the Project. D. Verify if a geotechnical survey will be necessary. If yes, conduct geotechnical investigations as necessary. E. Verify if right-of-way (R/W) acquisitions and/or vacations will be necessary. At this point all work assumed to be within existing City and Caltrans R/W. F. Coordinate with Caltrans for work within Caltrans R/W and establish required environmental, review, approval and permitting process. G. Prepare construction cost estimate. Rev: 05.03.19 3 FA Measure R Hwys Gen Attachment C Scope of Work FTIP #: LAMIPMR112 if, Environmental Analysis Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000 MR43220 It is anticipated this project will be either an exempt project or a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND). Tasks to be performed include, but are not limited to, the following: A. Prepare Initial Study (IS), consistent with CEQA Guidelines. B. If IS results in any impacts, prepare MND or any other applicable environmental document as necessary. C. Prepare the Draft IS and Draft MND for public circulation as necessary, respond to questions and comments, and finalize the envirornnentai process. D. Coordinate with Caltrans for work within Caltrans R/W for required environmental review and approval. III. Final Design Tasks to be performed include, but are not limited to, the following: A. Prepare plans for the required improvements, consistent with City and/or Caltrans format. B. Assist the City for any Community Information Workshop if necessary. C. Prepare construction specifications. D. Prepare an engineer's construction cost estimate based on the itemized quantity take -off from the contract documents. E. Coordinate with Caltrans for work within Caltrans R/W and obtain required approval and permits. F. Complete Final Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PS&E) Bid Package. IV. Project Management Grantee expects to provide overall project and program management, funding management through its in-house staff, and consultant. RIGHT-OF-WAY: At this point, all work assumed to be within existing City and Caltrans R/W. CONSTRUCTION: The construction contract will be bid out per Public Contract Code and City requirements. Grantee expects to provide construction management, inspection, contract administration, finding management through its in-house staff and consultant. Rev: 05.03.19 4 FA Measure R Hwys Geis Attachment C Scope of Work FTIP #: LAMIPMR112 Project#: MR4.3,2.20 FA# 9200000000 MR43220 MILESTONES: The inipletnentation schedule for this project will be as follows: Rev: 05.03.19 5 FA Measure R Hwys Gen Attachment C Scope of Work START DATE COMPLETION DATE SOLICITATION BID PROPOSAL 01121 07/21 RFP Advertisement 03/21 04/21 Contract Award 06/21 _ 07/21 PLANNING _ T 01121 12/21 Coordinate with LA County for regional system compatibility and integration 01/21 Until end of project Review and Data Collection 08/21 10/21 Prepare Design Criteria/Requirements, including coordination with TACO for regional system compatibility and integration 10/21 12/21 PA&ED 07/21 06 /22 Prepare IS, if applicable MND, finalize environmental approval 07/21 06/22 PS&E 10/21 08/22 Preliminary PS&E 10/21 02/22 Final PS&E 02/22 08/22 JURISDICTIONAL REVIEW, APPROVALS, AND PERMITS 04/22 08/22 Local Agencies 04/22 08/22 Caltrans 04/22 08/22 CONSTRUCTION 08/22 12/24 PS&E Bid Package Advertisement 08/22 09/22 Contract Award 09/22 11/22 Construction 11/22 112/24 System Integration and Testing 09/24 12/24 Rev: 05.03.19 5 FA Measure R Hwys Gen Attachment C Scope of Work FTIP #: LAMIPMR112 ATTACHMENT C — Location Map ..111 %QIP^` V� �/} �Ivc� � .�,.4 � �! NYA 4�(•. {•'. / fA y`� n11 S11. ns �! y�.. `1• .+'�}1± 11~�'\�, r+l..ly'^'/. ......... YAl hA`�.11 �I 'f D, nlil � P�(Ahy..11 r c. el H�aO • f� o of nlei n����+ll �� .nu i WAIfl.1131'- li.li'll IiYal`�. Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000 MR43220 Ewvm of tf..i 613, 1 leW. HE Rev: 05.03.19 G FA Measure R I INvys Gen Attachment C Scope of Work 6 t tlllll irl Cf ��. fel � P [l r t' NCH � EYs � pal Ewvm of tf..i 613, 1 leW. HE Rev: 05.03.19 G FA Measure R I INvys Gen Attachment C Scope of Work FTIP #: LAMIPMR112 Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000MR43220 FA ATTACHMENT D PROJECT REPORTING & EXPENDITURE GUIDELINES REPORTING PROCEDURES Quarterly Progress/ Expenditure Report (Attachment D2) are required for all projects. The GRANTEE shall be subject to and comply with all applicable requirements of the funding agency regarding project -reporting requirements. In addition, GRANTEE will submit the Quarterly Expenditure Report to the LACMTA, after receiving LACMTA Project Manager's acceptance of the draft report, at ACCOUNTS PAYABLEa0METRO. NET or by mail to Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Accounts Payable, P. O. Box 512296, Los Angeles, California 90051-0296. Please note that letters or other forms of documentation may not be substituted for this form. • The Quarterly Progress/Expenditure Report covers all activities related to the project and lists all costs incurred. It is essential that GRANTEE provides complete and adequate response to all the questions. The expenses listed must be supported by appropriate documentation with a clear explanation of the purpose and relevance of each expense to the project. • In cases where there are no activities to report, or problems causing delays, clear explanation, including actions to remedy the situation, must be provided. • GRANTEE is required to track and report on the project schedule. LACMTA will monitor the timely use of funds and delivery of projects. Project delay, if any, must be reported each quarter. • The draft Quarterly Progress/ Expenditure Report is due to the LACMTA as soon as possible after the close of each quarter, but no later than the following dates for each fiscal year: Quarter Report Due Date July —September November 30 October - December February 28 January - March May 31 April - June August 31 LACMTA Project Manager shall review and respond in writing to the draft Quarterly Expenditure Report within thirty (30) calendar days from receipt. Rev: 02.13.2020 FA Local Attachment C Admin Guidelines FTIP #: LAMIPMR112 Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000MR43220 Upon completion of the Project a final report that includes project's final evaluation must be submitted. EXPENDITURE GUIDELINES • Any activity or expense charged above and beyond the approved Scope of Work (FA Attachment C) is considered ineligible and will not be reimbursed by the LACMTA unless prior written authorization has been granted by the LACMTA Chief Executive Officer or his/her designee. • Any expense charged to the grant must be clearly and directly related to the project. Administrative cost is the ongoing expense incurred by the GRANTEE for the duration of the project and for the direct benefit of the project as specified in the Scope of Work (Attachment C). Examples of administrative costs are personnel, office supplies, and equipment. As a condition for eligibility, all costs must be necessary for maintaining, monitoring, coordinating, reporting and budgeting of the project. Additionally, expenses must be reasonable and appropriate to the activities related to the project. • LACMTA is not responsible for, and will not reimburse any costs incurred by the GRANTEE prior to the Effective Date of the FA, unless written authorization has been granted by the LACMTA Chief Executive Officer or his/her designee. DEFINITIONS • Allowable Cost: To be allowable, costs must be reasonable, recognized as ordinary and necessary, consistent with established practices of the organization, and consistent with industry standard of pay for work classification. • Excessive Cost: Any expense deemed "excessive" by LACMTA staff would be adjusted to reflect a "reasonable and customary" level. For detail definition of "reasonable cost", please refer to the Federal Register OMB 01culais A-87 Cost Pzincipals foz• State and Local Goveinments, and A-122 Cost Principals fol• Nonprofit Organizations • Ineligible Expenditures: Any activity or expense charged above and beyond the approved Scope of Work is considered ineligible. Rev: 02.13.2020 FA Local Attachment C Admin Guidelines LACMTA FA M EASURE R ATTACH M ENT D-2 QUARTERLY PROGRESS / EXPENSE REPORT GRANTEES ARE REQUESTED TO EMAIL THIS REPORT TO ACCOUNTSPAYABLEMMETROMET or submit by mail to: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Accounts Payable P. O. Box 512296 Los Angeles, California 90051.4296 after the close of each quarter, but no later than November 30, Februa 2$, May 31 and August 31. Please note that letters or other forms of documentation may not be substituted for this form. Refer to the Reporting and Expenditure Guidelines (Attachment D) for further information. Grantee To Complete.:::..:..`':;.:.!: Invoice # Invoice Date FA# SECTIONREPORT Please itemize grant -related charges for tlus Quarter on Page 5 of this report and include totals in this Section. LACMTA Measure R Grant $ QuarterProject This Quarter Expenditure Retention Amount ,Net Invoice Amount (Less Retention) Project -to -Date Funds Expended to Date (Include this Quarter) Total Project Budget % of Project Budget Expended to Date Balance Remaining Rev: 05.03.19 1 FA Measure R Hwys Gen Attachment D-2 Quarterly Report SECTION 2: GENERAL INFORMATION Ni PA #: QUARTERLY REPORT SUBMITTED FOR: Fiscal Year; Quarter: DAFE SUBMITTED: LACMTA MODAL CATEGORY: [J2014-2015 ❑2015-2016 2017-2018 2018-2019 nQl: Jul - Sep F-�Q2: Oct - Dec nQ3: Jan - Mar F—IQ4: Apr - Jun RSTI ❑ Pedestrian F]TDM Bicycle Transit Name: LACMTA Project Manager I Phone Number: Project Sponsor Contact J Project Manager itact Name: Tide: g Address: Number: 2016.2017 2019-2020 ❑ Signal Synchronization 0Goods Movement Rev: 05.03.19 2 PA Measure R H%vys Gen Attachment D-2 Quarterly Report List all deliverables and rnilestones as stated In the FA, with start and end dates Calculate the total project duration. DO NOT CHANGB THE ORIGINAL FA MILESTONE STARTAND BND DATES SHOIVNINTHE2 ND AND 31tD COLUMNS BBLOTV Grantees trust make evefy eiFott to acauately portray milestone dates -in the original FA Scope of R -roe -k, since Phis will pry tide the basis for calculating anypinJect delal. if nrllcstone start and/or egad dates change from those stated in the OrigLial FA Scope of Work, Indicate the new dates under Actual Schedule below and re -calculate the Project duration. However, er, this does not change the original milestones in your FA. PER YOUR FA AGREEhIENT, ANY CHAArGES TO THE PRO/ECT SCHEDULE hIUST BE FORbIALLYSUBMITTED UNDER SEPARAIECOVER TO LACMTA FOR IVRIIT'ENCONCURRENCG FA Milestones Original FA Schedule in Scope of Work Actual Schedule Start Date End Date Start Date End Date Environmental Clearance Design Bid & Award Design [tight -of -Way Acquisition Construction Bid & Award Ground Breaking Event Construction Ribbon Cutting Event Total Project Duration (Months) 2.. PROJI~CT.COMPLETION.° ::. :......:.. A. Based on the comparison of the original and actual project milestone schedules above, project is (select only one) : mon schedule per original TA schedule 0 Between 12.24 months behind original schedule FILess than 12 months behind original schedule ❑ More than 24 months beMnd original schedule B. Was the project design started within G months of the date originally stated in the FA? D Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable C. Was a construction contract or capital purchase executed within 9 monfhs after completion of design ( specifications? R Yes [-] No F] Not Applicable Rev: 05.03.19 3 PA Measure R Hwys Gen Attachment D-2 Quarterly Report 13. TASKS/ MILESTONES ACCOMPLISHED::". List tasks or milestones accomplished and progress made this quarter. 14. -pRojEcr DELAY:..::--':: If project is delayed, describe reasons for delay (this quarter). Pay particular attention to schedule delays. If delay is for the same reason as mentioned in previous quarters, please indicate by writing "Same as Previous Quarter". . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15..ACT1QN.ITE *.To ........ If the project is delayed (as described in #4), include action items that have been, or will be, undertaken to resolve the delay. Rev; 05,03.19 4 PA Measure R lqwys Gen Attachment D-2 Quarterly Report SECTION OF P CHARGES THIS QUARTER All expenses and charges mast he itemized and Iisted below. Each item listed must be verifiable by an invoice and/or other proper documentation. The total amounts shown here must be equal to this quarter's expenditures listed on page 1 of this report. All expenses and charges must be reflective of the approved budget and rates as shown in the FA Attachment R, Scope of Work. Use additional pages if needed. '.:.ITBM`:.: IOTA EXPENSES CH .. 0 LACMTA.::.:MEASUR:.'R GRANT Note: All receipts, invoices, and time sheets, attached and included with this Expense Report must be listed and shown under the Invoice Number column of the Itemized Listing (above). Invoice Payment Information: LACMTA will make all disbursements electronically unless an exception is requested in writing. ACH Payments require that you complete an ACH Request Form and fax it to Accounts Payable at 213-922.6107. ACH Request Forms can be found at w%vw.inetro.net/callforprojects. Written exception requests for Check Payments should be completed and faxed to Accounts Payable at 213.922.6107. I certify that I am the responsible Project Manager or fiscal officer and representative of and that to the hest of my knowledge and belief the information stated in this report is true and correct. Date Rev: 05.03.19 5 FA Measure R Hwys Gen Attachment D•2 Quarterly Report ATTACHMENT E Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority 2021 Federal Transportation Improvement Program ($000) Project Description: Install left -tum phasing and overlapping right -tum phasing to Improve traffic signal phasing and upgrade SCAG RTP Project #: S1udy:N/A Is Model: Abdel M existing traffic signals to current standards at 10 intersections: l)San Gabriel Blvd/Hallman Ave; 2) San Gabriel Blvd/Garvey PM: Ali Cayer- (/14)883.8677 Ave; 3) San Gabriel Blvd/Graves Ave; 4) San Gabriel Blvd/Rush Sl; 5) Walnut Grove Ave/Mission Dr, 6) Rosemead Blvd/Lower Azusa Rd; 7) Rosemead BlvdAlalley Blvd; 8) Valley Blvd/Muscatel Ave; 9) Valley Blvdllvar Ave; 10) Vailoy BlvdlMission Dr. LS: N LS GROUPM Conformity Calagory. TCM System :Loral Hwy Route: Poslmile: Distance: Phase: No Project Activity Completion Date 0813012028 Lane # Exld: Lane # Prop: Impry Desm Air Basin: SCAB EnAr Doc: INITIAL STUDY/NEGATIVE DECLARATION - CEQA -1213112021 Toll Rate: Toll Colc Loc: Toll Method: Hov acs eq loc: Uza: Los Angeles -Long Sub -Area: Sub -Region: San Gabriel Valley 0.00 Beach -Santa Ana COG CTIPSID: EA #., PPNO: Program Code: NCNH2 - SIGNAL(S)-AT INTERSECTIONS (NON SIGNAL SYNCH) Stop Loc: PHASE PRIOR 20121 21122 22r23 23/24 24125 25128 BEYOND PROG TOTAL MR20H -Measure R 20% Highway PE $550 $0 $550 . ... ......... RW $475 $0 $475 CON $0 $4,975 $4,075 _._.- ............._......;_,-..:...;..._.,...........................,..... - --•- .,_........... ....;........,..:..:..,...:.... — -...._._...-'---- : ,..:.., :...................... SUBTOTAL:':.'.: :;::':::;:;:::51,025.::.:.$4,975::::.::.:::,::::':::•:`.:;::::1:::.....::::.::.:::.`..:..;:;:::::::::.::::;:::.::;:::: .:..;...;.:....:,,..._.: -:,, --.._.,.....,.......:.,....,,,.,.; .,.. 000:.': TOTAL PE: $550 TOTAL RW: $475 TOTAL CON: $4,975 TOTAL PROGRAMMED: $6,000 - General CommenL• - Modeling Comment: -TCM Commenl: - Amendment Comment: - CMP Comment: - Narmtive: Change reason:NEW PROJECT Total Project Cost $6,000 Page 1 Tuesday, November 24, 2020 FTIP #: LAMIPMR112 ATTACHMENT F BOND REQUIREMENTS Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000MR43220 The provisions of this Attachment F apply only if and to the extent some or all of the Funds are derived from LACMTA issued Bonds or other debt, the interest on which is tax exempt for federal tax purposes (collectively, the "Bonds"). GRANTEE acknowledges that some or all of the Funds may be derived from Bonds, the interest on which is tax-exempt for federal tax purposes or with respect to which LACMTA receives a Federal subsidy for a portion of the interest cost or the investor receives a tax credit. GRANTEE further acknowledges its understanding that the proceeds of the Bonds are subject to certain ongoing limitations relating to the use of the assets financed or provided with such proceeds ("Project Costs" or "Project Components") in the trade or business of any person or entity other than a governmental organization (any such use by a person or entity other than a governmental organization is referred to as "Private ,Use"). Private Use will include any sale, lease or other arrangement pursuant to which a nongovernmental person or entity receives a legal entitlement of a Project Component and also includes certain agreements pursuant to which a nongovernmental person will operate or manage a Project Component. Each quarterly invoice submitted by GRANTEE to reimburse prior expenditures (or to be received as an advance) shall provide information regarding the specific Project Costs or Project Components to which the Funds which pay that invoice will be allocated and whether there is or might be any Private Use associated with such Project Costs or Project Components. GRANTEE will, for the entire time over which LACMTA's Bonds or other debt remains outstanding, (1) notify and receive LACMTA' s approval prior to entering into any arrangement which will or might result in Private Use and (2) maintain records, including obtaining records from contractors and subcontractors as necessaiy, of all allocations of Bunds to Project Costs or Project Components and any Private Use of such Project Costs or Project Components in sufficient detail to comply and establish compliance with Section 141 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), or similar code provision then in effect and applicable, as determined by the LACMTA in consultation with its bond counsel. GRANTEE will designate one or more persons that will be responsible for compliance with the obligations described in this Attachment F and notify LACMTA of such designations. Rev: 05.15.19 1 FA Measure R Hwys Gen Attachment F Bond Requirements FTIP #: LAMIPMR112 ATTACHMENT G-1 SPECIAL GRANT CONDITIONS Project#: MR4.3.2.20 F'A# 9200000000MR43220 1. With regards to Part 11, Paragraph 7, the following shall also apply: a. Funds allocated for each SR -710 North Mobility Improvement Project [MIP] shall be on a one-time basis. LACMTA shall not fund any cost increase. Potential cost savings shall remain in the Corridor and shall be assigned to other projects consistent with the purpose of the program -as determined by LACMTA. b. Grantee is responsible for all cost overruns incurred. Under no circumstances will the total amount of money that LACMTA reimburses the Grantee exceed the amount of Funds approved by LACMTA. c. LACMTA shall reimburse Grantee up to a maximum amount of $6,000,000 as specified for the Project subject to the terms and conditions contained herein. d. LACMTA shall transfer the Funds to the Grantee on a reimbursement basis only. No advance of Funds shall be allowed. 2. With regards to Part II, Paragraph 8.2, the following shall also apply: a. LACMTA shall not be obligated to program additional funds to the Project. 3. Grantee shall conduct Before and After Studies to evaluate and document the results of project implementation in terms of congestion relief and air duality improvements. a. Grantee shall maintain proper records of the existing conditions before and after each MIP to assess the performance of the completed MIP as well as the overall program. b. A copy of the Before and After Study shall be submitted to LACMTA within six months of completion of the project construction. Measure R Funding Agreement -Highways FTIP#: LAMIPMR112 Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000 MR43220 ATTACHMENT G-2 SPECIAL GRANT CONDITIONS LOS ANGELES COUNTY REGIONAL ITS ARCHITECTURE (CONNECT -IT) CONSISTENCY SELF -CERTIFICATION POLICY FORM This Los Angeles County Regional ITS Architecture (CONNECT -IT) consistency self - certification form should be completed and executed for all ITS Projects or Projects with ITS elements. The form should be sent to LACMTA for any planned ITS projects or proposed funding involving Local, State or Federal funds programmed or administered through the LACMTA. 1. Project Title: Traffic Signal Improvements (San Gabriel Walnut Grove at Mission, Rosemead and Valley) 2. Name of Sponsoring Agency: City of Rosemead 3. Contact Name: Christopher Daste, Director of Public Works 4. Contact Phone: (626) 569-2158 5. Contact Email: cdaste a,cityoftosemead.org 6. Project Description: The City plans to install left -turn phasing and overlapping right -turn phasing to improve traffic signal phasing and upgrade existing traffic signals to current standards at the following locations: 1. Intersection at San Gabriel Boulevard and Hellman Avenue Implement EB/WB protective left -turn phasing. An old traffic signal system exists at this intersection and may require the upgrade of existing traffic signal system to current standards, which will be determined during design development. Work includes coordination with Caltrans, encroachment permit and requirements. Additional potential improvements may be required as part of Caltrans encroachment permit. 2. Intersection at San Gabriel Boulevard and Garvey Avenue Implement SB/WB right -turn overlap phasing. An old traffic signal system exists at this intersection and may require the upgrade of existing traffic signal system to current standards, which will be determined during design development. Intersection improvements maybe subject to ROW availability, environmental impacts, and further studies in the design development, if found feasible, add additional SB left - turn lane. 3. Intersection at Gabriel Boulevard and Graves Avenue Implement EB/WB protected/permitted left -turn phasing. An old traffic signal system exists at this intersection and may require the upgrade of existing traffic signal system to current standards, which will be determined during design development. 4. Intersection at San Gabriel Boulevard and Rush Street Rev: 04.28.2020 1 FA Measure R Hwys Gen Attachment G Special Grant Conditions FTIP#: LAMIPMR112 Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000 MR43220 Implement NB/SB left -turn protected phasing and EB/WB protected/permitted left - turn phasing. An old traffic signal system exists at this intersection and may require the upgrade of existing traffic signal system to current standards, which will be determined during design development. 5. Intersection at Walnut Grove Avenue and Mission Drive Implement protected/pennitted left -turn phasing in all directions. An old traffic signal system exists at this intersection and may require the upgrade of existing traffic signal system to current standards, which will be determined during design development. G. Intersection at Rosemead Boulevard and Lower Azusa Road Upgrade NB/SB protected left -turn phasing with new poles and left turn signals on mast arms to current standards. Currently LT poles are on medians and are not to current standards. An old traffic signal system exists at this intersection and may require the upgrade of existing traffic signal system to current standards, which will be determined during design development. Rosemead Boulevard is under Caltrans jurisdiction. Work includes coordination with Caltrans, encroachment permit and requirements. Additional potential improvements may be required as part of Caltrans encroachment permit. 7. Intersection at Rosemead Boulevard and Valley Boulevard Implement NB/SB right -turn overlap phasing. An old traffic signal system exists at this intersection and may require the upgrade of existing traffic signal system to current standards, which will be determined during design development. Rosemead Boulevard is under Caltrans jurisdiction. Work includes coordination with Caltrans, encroachment permit and requirements. Additional potential improvements may be required as part of Caltrans encroachment permit. 8. Intersection at Valley Boulevard and Muscatel Avenue Implement FB/WB protected left -turn phasing. An old traffic signal system exists at this intersection and may require the upgrade of existing traffic signal system to current standards, which will be determined during design development. 9. Intersection at Valley Boulevard and Ivar Avenue Implement EB/WB protected left -turn phasing. An old traffic signal system exists at this intersection and may require the upgrade of existing traffic signal system to current standards, which will be determined during design development. 10. Intersection at Valley Boulevard and Mission Drive Implement EB/WB protected/permitted left -turn phasing. An old traffic signal system exists at this intersection and may require the upgrade of existing traffic signal system to current standards, which will be determined during design development. At the completion of the design phase, the City shall inform the Metro Project Manager ofthe number of controllers and equipment needed to upgrade the traffic signal system, and the type of traffic control system they will deploy. In addition, the City shall Rev: 04.28.2020 2 FA Measure R Hwys Gen Attachment G Special Grant Conditions FTIP#: LAMIPMR112 Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000 MR43220 coordinate the system design through Metro staff to coordinate with other Metro- fitnded intersection projects and allow communication with the County of Los Angeles Information Exchange Network (IEN). 7. Identify the ITS elements being implemented and the relevant CONNECT -IT Sezvice Package(s), see Exhibit A. Adaptive Traffic Control System and CCTV Monitoring System (TM03 -- Traffic Signal Control, DM02 — Performance Monitoring); and Integration to RIITS (TM08 -- Traffic Incident Management System). 8. Outline of the concept of operations for the project. The exiting traffic signal equipment along the major corridors in the City of Rosemead may require upgrades to meet current standards. The existing 170 traffic controller does not support Advance Traffic Management System (ATMS) or NextGen connected vehicle technology. The proposed traffic signal improvements will allow the City to improve traffic signal coordination and monitoring along various arterials providing real-time solutions for the residents of the City. The proposed scope of work may consist of installing single -mode fiber optic interconnect; upgrading traffic controllers to the 2070 ATC NTCIP compliance controller and new traffic signal cabinets (as needed); CCTV camera system installation; communication equipment upgrades, integration of traffic signals to a new Traffic Management Center (TMC) in the City of Rosemead Public Works; and improved traffic signal timing updates. 9. Identify participating agencies roles and responsibilities. The City of Rosemead will be fully responsible for the design and construction of the project. Although their direct involvement is not required in order to implement this project, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (LACDPW) will be an active participant in this project with coordination of the City's overall traffic signal management system development and integration to the Countywide information exchange network (111N), Coordination with the LACDPW will maximize the regional arterials corridor traffic operational performance and minimize any potential conflicts. The primary contact for LACDPW is Ron Matsuoka (626-300-4822). By signing and self -certifying this form, the agency commits itself to follow the ITS requirements listed below during project design and implementation. Please be advised that your project may be subject to further review and documentation by Metro and the CONNECT -IT Maintenance Team during project design and implementation phases: Perform a lifecycle analysis for the ITS project elements and incorporate these costs into the Operations and Maintenance plan as part of the system engineering process, Rev: 04.28.2020 3 FA Measure R Hwys Gen Attachment G Special Grant Conditions FTIP#: LAMIPMR112 Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000 MR43220 • Maintain and operate the system according to the recommendations of the operations and Maintenance plan upon project completion, • Use the systems engineering process and document the system engineering steps, and • Use the CONNECT -IT interface standards, if required, and conform to the regional configuration management process. Signature: a J"1� on behalf of Christopher Daste Director of Public Works Rev: 04.28.2020 May 24, 2021 Date FA Measure R Hwys Gen Attaclnnent G Special Grant Conditions FTIP#: LAMIPMR112 Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000 MR43220 Exhibit A Arrhitectare Reference for CONNECT -IT Service Packages The table below is the architecture reference for the CONNECT -IT service packages. For additional information on the service packages below, to view interconnect diagrams for each service package or to suggest updates to CONNECT -IT, visit www.laconnect-it.com. Service Package Area Commercial Vehicle Short Name CV001 Name Carrier Operations and Fleet Management Operations CV002 _ Frei ht Adm- mistratron CV003 Electronic Clearance CV004 J CV Administrative Processes International Border Electronic Clearance CV005 CV006 Freight Signal Priority CV007 Roadside CVO Safety CV008 Smart Roadside and Virtual WIM CV009 Freight -Specific Dymmic Travel Planiring Freight Drayage Optimization CV011 CV012 --- — -- f HAZMAT Management -- .. - - - CV Driver Security Authentication CV014 CV015 Fleet and Freight Securi — Data Management DM01 _ ITS Data Warehouse DM02 Performance Monitoring Maintenance and MC01 Maintenance and Construction Vehicle and Equipment Construction I'llTracking MCO2 Maintenance and Construction Vehicle Maintenance MC05_ Roadw Maintenance and Construction _ MC06 Work Zone Management MC07 Work Zone Safety Monitoring MC08 Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination Parking Management PM01 Parling-Spa ce Management PM02 Smart Park and Ride Stem PM03 Parking Electronic Payment PM04 Regional ParkrngMarigg ment --- --_ ---- PM05 --- Loading Zone Management - Public Safety PS01 -. ..__.____--------- Emergent Call -Taking and Dispatch PS02 Routing Support for Emergency Responders PS03 - -- Emergency Vehicle Preemption --- — - PSO4 Mayday Notification PS05 Vehicle Emergency Response PS06 Incident Scene Pre -Arrival Staging Guidance for Emergency Responders PS07 Incident Scene Safety Monitoring PS08 Roadway Service Patrols PS10 Wide -Area Alert PS_11 Early Warning System PS12 Disaster Response and Recovery PS13 Evacuation and Reentry Management PS14 Disaster Traveler Information Rev: 04.28.2020 5 FA Measure R Hwys Gen Attachment G Special Grant Conditions FTIP#: LAMIPMR112 Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000 MR43220 Public Transportation PT01 Transit Vehicle Tracking PT02 Transit Fixed -Route Operations PT03 Dynamic Transit Operations j - Transit Fare Collection Management Transit Security PT04 1T05 PT06 Transit Fleet Management PT07Transit Passenger Counting _ Transit Traveler Information PT08 PT09 Transit Signal Priority - Intermittent Bus Lanes PT10 j PT11 Transit Pedestrian Indication PT14 ! Multi -modal Coordination P 1 Route ID for the Visually Impaired PT17 Transit Connection Protection PT18 Integrated Multi -Modal Electronic Payment Support SU01 Connected Vehicle System Monitoring and Management 5UO2 _ Core Authorization SU03 ._._..._ - ----- — -- Data Distribution SU04 -.._ ---- Map Management --._ SU05 Location and Time _ SU06 Object Registration and Discovery - S U07 Privacy Protection SU08 Security and Credentials Management SU09 Center Maintenance SU10 Field Equipment Maintenance SU11 Vehicle Maintenance SU12 Traveler Device Maintenance Sustainable Travel ST01 Emissions Monitoring ST02 Eco -Traffic Signal Timing_ ST03 - Eco-Tr.affrc_Metering ST04 Roadside Li Electric Charhtin ging Stations Management ST05 ST06 H - - - OV/HOT Lane Management ST08 Eco -Approach and Departure at Signalized Intersections ST09 Connected Eco Driving ---- Traffic Management _ TM01 -- _- Infrastructure -Based Traffic Surveillance TM02 Vehicle -Based Traffic Surveillance Traffic S i grial Control TM03 TM04 Connected Vehicle Traffic Signal System TM05 Traffic Metering_ TM06 Traffic Information Dissemination TM07 Regimnal Traffic Management ! TM08 Traffic Incident Management System TM09 Integrated Decision Support and Demand Management TM10 - Electronic Toll Collection TM11 Road Use Charging Dynamic Roadway Warning TMl2 TM13 Standard Railroad Grade Crossin Rev: 04.28.2020 6 FA Measure R Hwys Gen Attachment G Special Grant Conditions FTIP#: LAMIPMR112 Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000 MR43220 TM14 Advanced Railroad Grade Crossing TM15 Railroad Operations Coordination TM16 Reversible Lane Management TM17 Speed Warning and Enforcement TM19 RoadwayCIosure Management Variable Speed Limits TM20 TM21 Speed Harmonization TM22 Dynamic Lane Management and Shoulder Use Information TI01 Broadcast Traveler Information T102 Personalized Traveler Information TI03 Dynamic Route Guidance TI04 Infrasti•uctu_re-Provided Trip Planning and Route Guidance TI05 Travel Services Information and Reservation TI06 Dynamic Ridesharing and Shared Use Transportation Vehicle Safety TI07- In Vehicle Signage -- VW - -- -----_-----._------------------_-___. Autonomous Vehicle Safety Systems VS02 V2V Basic Safety_ VS 0-3 V2V Situational Awareness VSO4 V2V Special Vehicle Alert VS05 Curve Speed Warning VS08 Queue Warning_ VS09 Reduced Speed_Zone Warning / Lane Closure VS10 Restricted Lane Warnings VS11 Oversize Vehicle Warning VS12 - Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety VS13 Intersection Safety Warning and Collision Avoidance VS14 Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control VS15 Infrastructure Enhanced Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control --- — - VS16 Automated Vehicle Operations ffi VS17 Trac Code Dissemination Note. CONNECTITservicepackagesmay&fferfromserviccpackagesiden trSedin theItionallTB Reference Architecture (ARC -11). For anysei cepackagesnotrepresentedin CONNBCT-IT, refer to ARC-ITbyaccessing www.arc-it.net, Contact the admirustratoratsharmaspmetro.netforquestions CONNECT -IT — Rev: 04.28.2020 7 FA Measure R Hwys Gen Attachinent G Special Grant Conditions FTIP#: LAMIPMR112 Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000MR43220 ATTACHMENT G-3 SPECIAL GRANT CONDITIONS SIGNAL SYNCHRONIZATION, INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS (ITS), AND TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY IMPROVEMENTS 1. Grantee is required to attend the LACMTA Arterial ITS Committee Meetings quarterly. Grantee shall coordinate through the Arterial ITS Committee, the Coalition for Transportation. Technology and/or other appropriate and recognized forums to ensure consistency with local, subregional and regional ITS plans. Grantee shall provide the opportunity to LACMTA staff and other affected agencies to review, comment and participate on all aspects of the Project implementation to achieve multi -jurisdictional consensus, including, but not limited to, scope of work, consultant selection, PS&E, system design, bid documents and Project deliverables. Grantee shall coordinate with LA County DPW when applicable and shall not advertise the Project for bid to begin construction before all affected agencies have fully executed an agreement regarding the maintenance and operation of traffic signal synchronization system(s) along multi -jurisdictional corridor(s). Grantee shall deliver or email a copy of the fully executed agreement to LACMTA within seven (7) days from the date of full execution. 3. Grantee shall commit and/or secure non-LACMTA funds to maintain and operate the Project improvements. Operations and maintenance plans shall be developed for all ITS projects. For multi jurisdictional projects, multi -agency agreements shall be executed committing to the long-term operations and maintenance of shared project elements. 4. Grantee's Project shall not make major equipment or timing -plan changes on other Metro funded projects, within the first two years of Grantee's Project implementation/system. operation without LACMTA or lead agency prior written approval, S. For all central traffic control system projects, Grantee shall coordinate the system design through LACMTA staff to allow communication with the Los Angeles County Information Exchange Network (IEN) to facilitate multi -jurisdictional txaffic management and coordination. 6. Grantee shall ensure Countywide Signal Priority (CSP) capabilities are maintained when Grantee's Project is on an existing CSP corridor. 7. Grantee shall make available all data from the Project, including, without limitation, improvements and inventory data, to LACMTA upon request. Grantee shall: a. provide real-time traffic data from the Project, if available, to the County IEN Rev: 09.08.2020 I FA Measure R Hwys Gen Attachment G Special Grant Conditions FTIP#: LAMIPMR112 Project#: MR4.3.2.20 FA# 9200000000MR43220 b. allow for archiving through the Regional Integration of ITS (RIITS) Network or any regional ITS software to support regional transportation planning and operations c, populate ITS Field Inventory Resource Sharing Tool (ITS FIRST) with data upon completion of project 8. Grantee shall ensure that the project uses a generally accepted system engineering approach to maintain the integrity and quality of completed projects. 9. Grantee's project shall adhere to existing Metro guidelines for specific subprograms as applicable. The obligations set forth in this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement, Rev: 09.08.2020 2 FA Meastire R Hwys Gen Attachment G Special Grant Conditions