PC - Item 3A - Exhibit C - Planning Commission Resolution No. 21-08
WHEREAS, the City of Rosemead is proposing the adoption of the Freeway Corridor Mixed-Use (FCMU) Overlay that encompasses six geographic areas within the City of Rosemead. The areas total approximately 60 acres (186 parcels) and were selected based on proximity to the Interstate (I-10) Freeway, location along primary City corridors and adjacency to public transit lines. FCMU Overlay areas are located along
Del Mar Avenue, San Gabriel Boulevard, Walnut Grove Avenue, Valley Boulevard, Temple City Boulevard, and Rosemead Boulevard. The FCMU Overlay identifies special provisions for land use, development standards, urban design, community benefits and by-right uses, in addition to those in the existing underlying base zone, to support appropriate mixed-use and residential development. The FCMU Overlay also identifies
public and private realm improvements that will further enhance the aesthetic and character of these areas. No base zones are proposed to be modified; and WHEREAS, the proposed FCMU Overlay is intended to provide new opportunities for housing, economic revitalization, and attractive placemaking at strategic locations
along primary City corridors that are in general proximity to I-10 Freeway. These areas have the potential to create attractive gateways into the City while also contributing to a more cohesive community aesthetic and development pattern for a more livable Rosemead. The FCMU Overlay establishes land use and urban design direction that will attract private investment to promote contextually appropriate mixed-use and residential
development in targeted areas of the City. The FCMU Overlay also identifies public and private realm improvements that will further enhance the aesthetic and character of these areas; and WHEREAS, the proposed FCMU Overlay is an overlay zoning district that is
voluntary in nature, meaning that the underlying base zoning designation for an individual property where the FCMU Overlay applies will remain in place. At the property owner’s discretion, a property may be developed under the existing base zoning designation or elect to apply the FCMU Overlay designation to guide the development of the property; and
WHEREAS, the proposed FCMU Overlay features designs and forms that together encourage high quality infill and mixed-use redevelopment of vacant lots and
underutilized properties to their highest and best use, activates and beautifies the streets to create walkable environments, implements tailored parking standards, and illustrates conceptual development scenarios. Standards vary within the two categories of overlay
zones appropriate for the intended type of development envisioned for the two FCMU Overlay districts addressing Corridor and Block contexts. The FCMU Overlay contains an Introduction (Chapter 1) that addresses the purpose, background and project goals, planning process, community engagement, opportunity sites analysis, and vision with supporting objectives, as well as conceptual development scenarios. Chapter 2 (Land
Use) of the FCMU Overlay describes the location, application, companion General Plan and zoning revisions, permitted uses, development standards, design standards, community benefits program, and density bonus provisions. Chapter 3 (Urban Design) provides guidance for the public and private realm, including policies related to sidewalks, street trees, streetscape furnishings, and sidewalk dining, to support an inviting
environment. Chapter 4 (Infrastructure and Public Facilities and Services) of the FCMU Overlay summarizes information related to infrastructure and public services within the overlay area. Chapter 5 (Administration and Implementation) of the FCMU Overlay describes the zoning authority, processing requirements, and administrative procedures required for amendments and/or modifications to the FCMU Overlay; and
WHEREAS, adoption of the Freeway Corridor Mixed-Use Overlay requires amendments to the Rosemead General Plan, which include Land Use Plan (Figure 2-1), Mixed-Use High Density Residential/Commercial land use definition to include additional geographic areas, General Plan and Zoning Ordinance Consistency (Table 2-5) and
Action 3.1 to include the addition of the FCMU Overlay with other existing mixed-use overlays. For the General Plan Land Use Plan, relevant properties will be revised to the Mixed-Use: High Density Residential/Commercial land use designation along Del Mar Avenue, San Gabriel Boulevard, Walnut Grove Avenue, Valley Boulevard, and Rosemead Boulevard. The existing Mixed-Use: High Density Residential/Commercial
land use designation applied to the Temple City Boulevard area will remain; and WHEREAS, adoption of the Freeway Corridor Mixed-Use Overlay requires approval of an amendment to the City’s Zoning Map for the affected properties within the Freeway Corridor Mixed-Use Overlay to add the mapping symbol for the Freeway
Corridor Mixed-Use Overlay overlaid on the respective base zoning districts. No base zones are proposed to be modified; and WHEREAS, adoption of the Freeway Corridor Mixed-Use Overlay includes amendments to Title 17 of the Rosemead Municipal Code with the addition of Sections
17.28.010.D (purpose) and 17.28.040 (applicability, approval procedure and permit requirements, permitted uses, development standards, design standards, community benefits program, and urban design provisions); and WHEREAS, Section 17.152.060 of the Rosemead Municipal Code provides the criteria for a General Plan, Zoning Code, and Zoning Map Amendments; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission is an advisory body to the City Council with regard to the approval of General Plan Amendments, Zone Changes, and Zoning Code Amendments; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the CEQA Guidelines, a Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (SCH No. 2007111090) for the Rosemead General Plan Update was prepared and certified by the City of Rosemead on October 14, 2008, by City Council Resolution No. 2008-66; and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemead acting as a lead agency has completed an environmental analysis and determined that there are no new significant environmental impacts or previously identified significant impacts made more severe by project modifications, new circumstances, or new information associated with the project. Therefore, the City has determined that an Addendum to the Rosemead General Plan
Update Final Environmental Impact Report is the appropriate CEQA document to address project modifications in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section15164. CEQA Guidelines Section 15164(c) provides that an addendum need not be circulated for public review; and WHEREAS, on July 22, 2021, notices were posted in six public locations and published in the Rosemead Reader, specifying the date, time, and location of the public hearing to consider the recommendation to amend the General Plan and Zoning Code, approve a Zone Change, and adopt the Freeway Corridor Mixed-Use Overlay pursuant to California Government Code Title 7, Planning and Zoning Law; and WHEREAS, on August 2, 2021, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed and advertised public hearing to receive oral and written testimony relative to General Plan Amendment 19-03, Municipal Code Amendment 19-02, Zone Change 19-03, and the Freeway Corridor Mixed-Use Overlay; and
WHEREAS, the City of Rosemead City Clerk’s Office shall serve as the custodian of the EIR document, Addendum, and all appendices, supporting studies, figures, and related documents which constitute the record of proceedings and are available for review at the Rosemead City Hall, City Clerk’s Office, located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California, 91770; and WHEREAS, the Rosemead Planning Commission has sufficiently considered all testimony presented to them in order to make the following determination. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City
of Rosemead, as follows:
SECTION 1. Environmental Review. The Planning Commission HEREBY FINDS AND DETERMINES that facts do exist as follows:
A. An Addendum to the Final Program EIR (SCH No. 2007111090) has been completed in compliance with CEQA, the CEQA Guidelines and the City’s environmental review guidelines.
B. The Planning Commission has reviewed and considered the information contained in the Addendum to the Final Program EIR prior to making a decision on the General Plan Amendment, Municipal Code Amendment, and Zone Change for the Freeway Corridor Mixed-Use Overlay.
C. The Addendum to the Final Program EIR reflects the independent judgment of the Planning Commission and contains sufficient information and analysis to allow the Planning Commission to make an informed decision, considering the environmental implications of the proposed project, mitigation measures and alternatives.
SECTION 2. The Planning Commission HEREBY FINDS AND DETERMINES that facts do exist to justify approving General Plan Amendment 19-03, in accordance with Section 17.152.060(A) of the Rosemead Municipal Code as follows:
A. The proposed amendment is consistent with the General Plan and any
applicable specific plan;
FINDING: The proposed amendment is internally consistent with all other provisions of the General Plan in that General Plan Amendment 19-03 is limited to updates to certain figures, tables, text, and terms to ensure consistency between the
City’s General Plan and the FCMU Overlay and does not amend Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the General Plan. General Plan Amendment 19-03 is consistent with the 2010 Rosemead General Plan and specifically implements Goals contained in the Land Use Element and Housing Element.
B. The proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the public interest,
health, safety, convenience or welfare of the City; and
FINDING: The proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience, or welfare of the City in that General Plan Amendment 19-03 is limited to updates to certain figures, tables, text, and terms within the 2010
Rosemead General Plan and does not directly result in physical improvements. Each individual development or redevelopment of parcels within the FCMU Overlay will be reviewed for compliance with the General Plan EIR and other City environmental policies as relate to any potential impacts to the public’s health, safety, convenience, or welfare. Further, the City of Rosemead acting as a lead agency has completed an environmental
analysis and determined that there are no new significant environmental impacts or previously identified significant impacts made more severe by project modifications, new circumstances, or new information associated with the project. Therefore, the City determined that an Addendum to the Rosemead General Plan Update Final
Environmental Impact Report is the appropriate California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA) document to address project modifications in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15164.
C. The proposed amendment is internally consistent with other applicable
provisions of this Zoning Code.
FINDING: The affected site is physically suitable as the physical area that is the subject of General Plan Amendment 19-03 encompasses the established commercial corridors of Rosemead where vacant and underutilized parcels can support development
of mixed-use development within the buildout assumptions of the existing General Plan. Although General Plan Amendment 19-03 does not directly result in development projects, implementation of provisions within the companion governing document, the FCMU Overlay, contains regulations and standards to ensure that each project developed or redeveloped does not endanger, jeopardize, or create hazards to properties or
improvements. SECTION 3. The Planning Commission HEREBY FINDS AND DETERMINES that facts do exist to justify approving Municipal Code Amendment 19-02 and Zone Change 19-03, in accordance with Section 17.152.060(B) of the Rosemead Municipal Code as
follows: A. The proposed amendment is consistent with the General Plan and any
applicable specific plan;
FINDING: The proposed amendments are consistent with the General Plan in
that the City Council approved General Plan Amendment 19-03 by separate Resolution and that amendment is limited to updates to certain figures, tables, text, and terms to ensure consistency between the City’s General Plan and the FCMU Overlay and does not amend Goals, Objectives and Policies of the General Plan. With the approval of General Plan Amendment 19-03; both Municipal Code Amendment 19-02 and Zone
Change 19-03 are consistent with the 2010 Rosemead General Plan and specifically implements Goals contained in the Land Use Element and Housing Element. B. The proposed amendment will not be detrimental to the public interest,
health, safety, convenience or welfare of the City;
FINDING: The proposed amendments will not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience, or welfare of the City in that Municipal Code Amendment 19-02 is limited to updates to the Zoning Ordinance text and Zone Change 19-03 updates the Official Zoning Map, neither of which directly result in physical improvements. Each
individual development or redevelopment of parcels within the FCMU Overlay will be
reviewed for compliance with the General Plan EIR and other City environmental policies as relate to any potential impacts to the public’s health, safety, convenience or welfare. Further, the City of Rosemead acting as a lead agency, has completed an environmental analysis and determined that there are no new significant environmental impacts or
previously identified significant impacts made more severe by project modifications, new
circumstances, or new information associated with the project. Therefore, the City determined that an Addendum to the Rosemead General Plan Update Final Environmental Impact Report is the appropriate California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA) document to address project modifications in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15164. C. Additional finding for Zoning Code Amendments. The proposed amendment
is internally consistent with other applicable provisions of this Zoning Code; and
FINDING: Municipal Code Amendment 19-02 will modify sections of the Zoning Code (Title 17) applicable to implementation of development or redevelopment of parcels specifically within the FCMU Overlay and are necessary to ensure consistency of regulations and development standards unique to the FCMU Overlay without creating inconsistencies for existing zoning districts, land uses and their respective development
standards. Further, the FCMU Overlay is an overlay tool that is voluntary in nature, meaning that the underlying base zoning designation for an individual property where the FCMU Overlay applies will remain in place. At the property owner’s discretion, a property may be developed under the existing base zoning designation or elect to apply the FCMU Overlay designation to guide the development of the property.
D. Additional finding for Zoning Map Amendments. The affected site is physically suitable in terms of design, location, operating characteristics, shape, size, topography, and the provision of public and emergency vehicle access, and public services and utilities and is served by highways and streets adequate in width and
improvement to carry the kind and quantity of traffic the proposed use would likely generate, to ensure that the proposed use(s) and/or development will not endanger, jeopardize, or otherwise constitute a hazard to the property or improvements in the vicinity in which the property is located. FINDING: Zone Change 19-03 amends the Official Zoning Map, which contains sites that are physically suitable to development or redevelopment as the physical properties encompass approximately 60 acres of established commercial corridors of Rosemead, where vacant and underutilized parcels can support development of mixed-use development within the buildout assumptions of the existing General Plan. Although
Zone Change 19-03 does not directly result in development projects, implementation of provisions within the companion governing document, the FCMU Overlay, contains regulations and standards to ensure that each project developed or redeveloped does not endanger, jeopardize, or create hazards to properties or improvements. SECTION 4. The Planning Commission HEREBY RECOMMENDS the City Council adopt Resolution 2021-29 and Ordinance No. 1001 for the approval of General Plan Amendment 19-03, Municipal Code Amendment 19-02, and Zone Change 19-03.
SECTION 5. This resolution is the result of an action taken by the Planning Commission on August 2, 2021, by the following vote:
SECTION 5. The Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and shall transmit copies of same to the applicant and the Rosemead City Clerk. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 2nd day of August, 2021.
________________________________ James Berry, Chair
CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a resolution adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemead at its regular meeting, held on the 2nd day of August,
2021, by the following vote:
Angelica Frausto-Lupo, Secretary
________________________________ Kane Thuyen, Planning Commission Attorney Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP