Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
CONSULTANT will perform the services outlined above according to the terms of payment outlined in the Agreement.
Specifically, CONSULTANT will bill on a Time and Materials basis according to their current hourly rates (attached) not to
exceed $214,119. The total fee, including labor and expenses, for this project will not exceed the amount specified above
without written authorization from the City.
Task X.lAllocation
An allocation expense will be charged at a rate of 5% of labor on a monthly basis. Allocation will be used to
account for direct costs that are part of the project but that are time consuming to itemize and audit. The use of
allocation is designed to reduce accounting demands for both the City and CONSULTANT. Allocation includes:
telephone, fax, in -house duplication, in -house blueprinting, postage, word processing computer time, and local
mileage (trips under 100 miles). None of these charges will be itemized on invoices but will be included in the
general allocation charge.
Task X.2 Computer Time
In order to recover costs directly attributable to the cost of computers, CONSULTANT will charge the City an
hourly rate of $20 for each hour an employee uses their computer for engineering analysis and design work
directly attributable to the project.
X.313irect Expenses
CONSULTANT will be compensated for direct reimbursable expenses not covered in allocation such as
subconsultant fees, delivery charges, plotting, application and processing fees, outside reproductions, mileage
over 100 miles per trip, etc. at a rate of 1.05 times cost.
❑ ❑ Kimley -Horn
and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc.
2009 Water Utilities Rate Schedule
(effective 1/1/2009 through 12/31/2009)*
Rate Titles
Hourly Rates [$1
*5% annual increase effective January of each year.
❑Kimley -Horn
and Associates, Inc.
• Sewer System
• Management Plan
• Proposal K
City of Rosemead A
December 23, 2008
• •
Lucien J. LeBlanc, P.E. 5550 Toparga Canyon Boulevard
• City Engineer Sude 250
• Public Works and Business Unit Woodland Hills, Califom a
City of Rosemead TEL 818 227 2790
8838 East Valley Boulevard FAX 818 227 2797
• Rosemead, CA 91770
RE: Proposal for a Sewer System Management Plan
Dear Mr. LeBlanc and Members of the Selection Panel:
• With public agencies now required to comply with the Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements for Sanitary Sewer Systems (GWDRs), the City
• of Rosemead is in need of a Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP). This places the City in a curious position. Although the City owns its wastewater
• collection system infrastructure, the Los Angeles County Sanitation District provides the operations and maintenance of the facilities. This means the City
• is responsible for only very specific elements of the GWDRs. In addition, the City is currently updating its General Plan and that process requires the City
provide sufficient infrastructure to meet the vision and goals laid out in that plan. The City is looking to capitalize on this compliance effort by developing
• and implementing an SSMP that satisfies its obligations under the GWDRs, but also provides a comprehensive planning guide for improving and upgrading
• the City's wastewater infrastructure to meet the General Plan Draft EIR mitigation requirements.
Knowing that the City is looking for a qualified consultant to provide assistance in developing a SSMP, we have prepared a submittal that demonstrates
our significant qualifications for providing this service and exemplifies a thorough understanding of how we can lead this project through to its successful
• completion. We know that the City is asking one extremely important question: why is Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. (Kimley -Horn) the very
• best consultant for this project?
• Extensive Experience with Similar Work— Kimley -Hom has worked on numerous SSMP development projects across the state. Many of those clients
• have also used their SSMP compliance effort to update their sewer master plan to meet changing City demographics, just as the City of Rosemead is
• contemplating here. In addition, our staff have been supporting our clients in this type of work since the EPA considered the implementation of the national
• Capacity, Management, Operation, and Maintenance (CMOM) regulations, which were the pre- cursor to the State's GWDRs.
• You Will Work with the Teachers and Not the Students — Certified by the California Water Environment Association (CWEA) as a SSO -WDR subject
• matter specialist and facilitator, Project Manager, Mike Fisher, PE., has led CWEA training classes across the state. He is the most qualified person to lead
our extremely capable team and will be personally involved in every aspect of the project by providing hands -on management, coordination, and production
' of each task.
• Proven Approach— Kimley -Horn will complete the City's SSMP utilizing our proven "phased" approach. Our approach ensures compliance with the
• GWDRs and General Plan mitigation requirements in a concise, timely, and cost - effective manner. Our approach includes development of the City's SSMP
•as "supplemental" to CSMD's, clearly defining responsibilities and setting accountability expectations for both parties. Kimley -Horn has already discussed
• this approach with Jim Fischer (the SSO GWDRs Program Manager for the State Water Board) and received his verbal agreement that it is an appropriate
approach. As you read our proposal, you can rest assured that we already have approval from regulators that our approach is solid.
• Kimley -Horn
• ❑�❑ and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
• Management Plan
• Proposal
City of Rosemead
• Client Satisfaction = Project Success — We take great pride in curability to meet and exceed our clients' expectations, and we are committed to helping
• you achieve your goals for the sewer system management plan. We want to be your consultant of choice, and we pledge to provide prompt, proactive, and
personal service. We encourageyou to contact our clients and ask them about their experiences and working relationships with our team members. In
addition, we have provided client reference letters in the back of this submittal for your review.
We look forward to the opportunity to partner with the City and are confident our team is the right choice to successfully meet your SSMP needs. We
• acknowledge receipt of Addendum 1 and have included a signed copy following this letter. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mike
• Fisher at mike.fisher@kimley- or (916) 797 -3811.
• Sincerely,
Bill Dvorak, AICP Michael J. Fis' her, P.E.
Principal -in- Charge Project Manager
❑Kimley -Horn
�❑ and Associates, Inc.
City of Rosemead
December 11, 2008
Request for Proposal
Development of Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP)
Notice is hereby given that the following section contained in the above referenced
Request for Proposal is being amended as follows:
• Under the "Scope of Work" Section of the RFP, page 5, the following
deadlines are hereby extended as follows:
1. "Mailing Addendum Addressing Requests for Clarification ": Date
extended from Dec. 9, 2008 to Dec. 16, 2008.
2. "Receipt of Consultant Proposals ": Date extended from Dec. 17,
2008 to Dec. 23, 2008.
3. Interviews/ Presentation: Week of January 12, 2009.
4. "Award of Contract by City Council" Date extended from Jan. 13,
2009 to Jan. 27, 2009,
This Addendum is hereby identified as Addendum No. 1 to the Request For
Proposal (RFP) for the Development of Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP).
THEREFORE: All proposers are required to note this Addendum No. 1, sign this
page, and submit this page with their sealed proposal.
Michael Fisher, Project Manager
Name, Title
Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc.
Company Name
December 23, 2008
"This form must be included with your bid proposal packet.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
n= Kirnley -Horn
❑ and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
The California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) has required all public entities to comply with the terms outlined in Order
No. 2006 -0003, Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements for Sanitary Sewer Systems (GWDRs). The goal of the GWDRs is to
reduce the number and frequency of sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) and thus decrease the risks to human health and the environment.
To accomplish this goal, the GWDRs require each public agency that owns or operates a sanitary sewer system with at least one mile of
sewer pipe meet the following three general requirements within the defined time schedule.
1. Apply for coverage under the general order by submitting the required Notice of Intent (N00 for coverage and paying the application
2. Report all SSOs in accordance with the GWDRs Monitoring and Reporting Program via the California Integrated Water Quality System
(CIWQS) on -line SSO reporting database (starting January 2, 2007 for Region 4 — Los Angeles)
3. Develop and implement a system- specific Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) and have that document "certified" by the
public agencies governing board
The City of Rosemead (City) owns its wastewater collection system infrastructure, which consists of approximately 81 miles of gravity
sewer pipe. As such, the City is obligated to meet the requirements of the order as outlined in the GWDRs. Although the City maintains
jurisdiction over the collection system, the operation and maintenance of these assets is provided by Los Angeles County Sanitation
District (LACSD) as part of the Consolidated Sewer Maintenance District (CSMD). Flow from the City system discharges to LACSD owned
trunk sewers at various locations throughout the City, is conveyed to County owned treatment works and treated at those facilities.
Because of this intertwined relationship between owner (City) and operator (CSMO), compliance with the GWDRs is a joint venture in
which certain elements are the responsibility of the City while others fall to CSMD.
In 2003, the City commenced a major undertaking to update its General Plan. The intent of this effort is to provide the City with a clear
vision of goals and policies through the year 2025. The General Plan is nearing completion and states the City's vision of "a City where
businesses create a strong economic foundation for high - quality municipal services ---and where the natural environment is protected
and enhanced. " The City's General Plan envisions modifications to the land use and zoning that may impact the City's infrastructure,
including its wastewater collection system. The draft General Plan Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) specifically states that to
mitigate the potential impacts of the proposed General Plan the City shall:
6 Update Rosemead's Sewer Master Plan, expanding it to cover the entire City.
6 Revise the capital improvements program to include any infrastructure, construction, modification, replacement, and /or repair
replacements called for in the updated sewer master plan.
The City intends to utilize its SSMP compliance process to develop and implement a comprehensive planning guide for improving and
upgrading the City's wastewater infrastructure in compliance with both the GWDRs and General Plan EIR requirements.
1 / WW920028.08
❑�❑ Kimley -Horn
and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
The City is soliciting proposals for the civil engineering services necessary to develop their SSMP. The City's goals for this project can be
summarized as follows:
6 Develop the SSMP in compliance with the GWDRs
e Have the SSMP certified by the City Council at a public meeting prior to August 2nd, 2009 (as required by the GWDRs time schedule)
6 Complete the sewer system master planning necessary to meet the mitigation requirements stated in the General Plan Draft Program
o Provide a guide for improving and upgrading the City's sewer system into the future
6 Obtain these services in a cost - effective manner by maximizing the use of existing documents and studies and contracting for only
the services deemed appropriate for the City specific compliance requirements, size, demographics, and budget limitations
Kimley -Horn will complete the City's SSMP utilizing our proven "phased" approach. Our experience in developing SSMPs for
agencies across the state tells us that during each phase of development new information is identified that can alter the next phase of
work. We start with a scope of services that conservatively assumes the level of effort necessary to complete your SSMP given the City's
specific goals and readily available information. Then, as we complete our services in each defined task (or phase), we present the City a
summary of the results and work with the City to identify modifications to the next phase of work based on the results. This often results
in a reduction of effort required by our team since we are able to identify efficiencies in the City's current practices that were not known
at the time of proposal development.
Why This is the Best Approach for the City
The unique relationship between collection system owner (City) and operator (CSMD) presents a challenge to GWDR compliance. CSMD
has taken the lead in the regulatory compliance effort, but they have taking considerable liberties in assuming the City's responsibility,
while only making limited attempts to communicate these responsibilities. The City is in need of a mechanism to hold CSMD responsible
for providing quality wastewater utility service to City residents.
The City's GWDR compliance effort provides a perfect opportunity to help ensure this service, while also meeting the future needs defined
in the City's General Plan update. The City's General Plan vision and goals go hand -in -hand with the stated goals and requirements of the
GWDRs. This SSMP development and implementation process provides the City an opportunity to meet all of the regulatory requirements
in conjunction with efforts that were already going to be required to implement the new General Plan. Kimley- Horn's "phased" approach
will help ensure compliance with the GWDRs and General Plan mitigation requirements in a concise, timely, and cost - effective
Kimley -Horn understands that this is not just a "master planning" effort. This project requires a consultant who understands the GWDRs
inside and out, just by reading them and has taught them and worked with them extensively, and will understand how they affect the
City given their unique relationship with CSMD. Our team already has the relationships with the state board representatives that
manage this program, and we have already presented and received positive feedback from those same regulators on the
approach we have presented herein. Himley -Horn has the proven approach, experience, and relationships to help ensure the success
of your project.
2 / WW920028.08
❑_❑ Kimley -Horn
and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
We propose the following tasks (or phases).
GAP Analysis/Records Research
Kimley -Horn will complete a gap analysis —with respect to the mandatory elements of the SSMP outlined in the GWDRs —to determine
the current standing of the City's management, operation, and maintenance (MOM) program for their sanitary sewer system. We
recognize that most of the requirements of the GWDRs are likely already being met through existing CSMD and City procedures currently in
place. To that end, we will review CSMD's SSMP and identify those specific portions of the SSMP that are the City's responsibility, as well
as identify ways for the City to hold CSMD accountable for their portions.
We will collect where available and review the City's existing documentation, sewer studies, and general plans, as well as interview select
City staff to identify the City policies and procedures that are already in place that can be utilized in the SSMP development.
SSMP gap analysis checklist with assigned ratings /or each element (PDFsent electronically to pertinent City staff)
City is responsible and no current procedure exists
City is responsible and current City procedures do not meet GWDRs
Meets minimum GWDRs, but not long -term City goals /ncluded in CSMD's SSMP
but City should set level of service for CSMD
Meets GWDRs and long -term City goalsfincluded in CSMD's SSMP no additional
CSMD communication with City necessary
Task 2
SSMP Development Plan and Implementation Schedule
Kimley -Horn will use the findings of the gap analysis to identify and verify the steps the City must take for compliance. We will identify
existing policies that meet the GWDRs, required enhancements to policies that are lacking, and completely new procedures that must be
implemented by the City to verity compliance. We will complete a planning level estimate of City staff annual person -hours (in the form
of "full time equivalents' or "FTEs ") required to meet the GWDR requirements. These estimates will be for additional City staff hours
required to implement the required SSMP elements that are the City's responsibility and should be in City budget.
The results will be summarized in a the form of a City Council Communication that will define the steps the City is going to take toward
compliance and the schedule in which those steps are going to be implemented. This Council Communication should serve as the City's
SSMP Development Plan and Implementation Schedule (plan and schedule), which is the first mandatory element of the SSMP that must
be approved by City Council at a public meeting.
Draft City Council Communication (PDF sent electronically to pertinent City staBJ
Kimley -Horn
and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
Task 3
Phase I SSMP Elements /City Council Approval
Our team will produce a working draft SSMP pamphlet that will sum madze and collate the results of the gap analysis into sections that
match the SSMP program elements. We will assist City staff with the development of the goals and organizational structure sections of
the SSMP, which are required program elements 1 and 2. The plan and schedule, goals, and organization structure make up the Phase I
SSMP Program Elements.
These elements were supposed to have been completed by agencies in the 10,000 to 100,000 population group by November of 2007.
Because CSMD's SSMP addresses these sections and they have already submitted for coverage of the City's system, the City would be
considered by the SWRCB to be in compliance with the Phase I time schedule. However, in order to obtain compliance and "buy -in" from
the City Council on how City staff intends to comply with the regulation, the Phase I elements (in particular the SSMP Development Plan
and Implementation Schedule) must be presented to the City Council for approval at a public hearing.
Many of the questions that often arise during the early stages of SSMP development can result in the public jumping to conclusions that
are subsequently addressed during the final SSMP development stages. Kimley -Horn proposes an informational presentation to the City
Council prior to the public meeting and approval of the Phase I elements (SSMP Pamphlet and Council Communication) as a City Council
"consent" calendar item. Although this approach meets the requirements of the GWDRs, should the City require a formal presentation of
the Phase I elements during a public meeting, we can meet that need and have successfully implemented such an approach with other
Draft SSMP Pamphlet (PDFsent electronically to pertinent City staf )
Final City Council Communication and SSMP Pamphlet (PDFsent electronically and 10 hard copies)
Task 4
Draft SSMP Development (PHASE II & III ELEMENTS)
The GWDRs do not actually require completion of compliance efforts for every element by the specified deadline in the time schedule;
it requires that every agency have the specific tasks for compliance defined and a schedule for completing those tasks developed and
included in the SSMP. Upon completion of Task 3, Kimley -Horn will review with the City the specific required enhancements, identified
in the gap analysis, for compliance with SSMP elements 3 -12. We will work together to quantify City staffing and budget availability to
complete these tasks internally, as well as update our scope of services to specify those specific enhancements that the City requests
Kimley -Horn to complete. This typically results in a reduction in effort proposed by Kimley -Horn, not an increase.
This approach will help to ensure that the County minimizes the cost of implementing the SSMP requirements by:
o Maximizing the use of current practices and staff resources to implement the required MOM enhancements.
o Minimizing the use of consulting services to only those elements that require specialized expertise or have implementation schedules
that cannot be met with the City's current resources.
After agreeing to the appropriate revision to scope of services (if any), Kimley -Horn will develop the remaining elements of the City's
SSMP. Kimley -Horn proposes that the City's SSMP be in the form of a "supplemental" SSMP to CSMD's. This will provide the most
cost - effective approach by maximizing the use of CSMD's SSMP development efforts. We will reference sections of their SSMP in your
"supplemental" SSMP and develop from scratch only those portions that are determined to be specifically the City's responsibility.
4 / WW920028.08
❑�❑ Kimley -Hom
and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System z
Management Plan .I\
Proposal ..
City of Rosemead �
One element that we know is the City's responsibility and will require significant effort is element 8, the System
Evaluation and Capacity Assurance Plan (SECAP). Our approach to developing this section will be to maximize the use of
the previous master planning efforts (1996, 1988, and 1994 reports) to meet the regulatory timeline. We have already
reviewed the 1984, 1988, and 1996 sewer master planning documents. These generally indicated that most of the
City's collection system had sufficient capacity to meet ultimate build -out conditions of the General Plan upon which
they were based. The 1996 report, however does reveal the first signs of pipes that were nearing their design capacity.
Some of these pipes were identified for additional analysis and repair. Kimley -Horn believes that the combination of the
1996 report, a summary of work that was completed since then, and an update to the City's schedule and trigger points
for completing additional capacity related projects will meet the requirements of the GWDRs. This section of the SSMP
will include a schedule for completing a new analysis to accommodate the General Plan update.
This approach will help ensure the development of the initial SECAP section of the SSMP to meet the August 2, 2009
deadline, while also providing the perfect jumping off point for subsequent analysis. This more comprehensive analysis
(detailed under subsequent task) will include an update to the City's SECAP element (or Sewer Master Plan) to meet the
mitigation requirements of the General Plan Draft EIR, but will allow a time schedule that is driven by the City's General
Plan implementation, not the GWDRs time schedule.
Our team has spent a significant amount of time reviewing CSMD's SSMP. We have already identified specific
elements of their SSMP where they reference the City as responsible for certain compliance requirements and
where they omit the City completely on elements where the City should be involved. Some examples include:
o CSMD's makes no reference to the City as part of its organizational structure or SSO reporting notification process,
yet they applied for coverage by naming the City of Rosemead as the responsible agency (According to the CIWQS
On -Line SSO Reporting Database, CSMD reported four SSOs within the City boundaries in 1007 alone, and
yet they have never communicated that fact to the City).
e CSMD's legal authority section makes no reference to the relationship between the individual Cities where it
operates, nor is there any agreement in place that defines that relationship.
0 CSMD's SSMP includes considerable CCTV condition assessment work in the City scheduled for 2007 -2009, yet
they do not coordinate those activities with the City (This can be a considerable issue when large scale traffic
disruptions and traffic control are required to complete their work, or they plan work inside a Caltrans
right -of -way without obtaining permission or even alerting them).
o CSDM references their standards within element 5, but indicates that City specific design requirements and
construction standards take precedence, and the City is responsible for construction inspection within City
boundaries (This could be an issue if City buildinginspectors do not know to review sewer collection
system related design and construction items required by the SSMP).
o CSMD specifically indicates that it is the City's responsibility to ensure the collection system pipelines have sufficient
capacity to carry the sewer flow load, and all hydraulic deficiencies shall be the responsibly of the individual City to
remedy. Yet they define no process by which these hydraulic deficiencies (if any) shall be measured or reported to the
City. (This is particularity important when determining the 'need" for completing a more comprehensive
capacity assessment, whether wet weather flow monitoring should be conducted, etc.).
• 5/WW920028.08
Kimley -Horn
and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
0 CSMD employs a "hot spot" list for priority pipes that require higher frequency of preventative maintenance, but
makes no attempt to let the City know whether lines in the City are on that list. (This information can be helpful to
the City when responding to problem calls or questions from City residents.)
CSMD describes a public outreach program for issues such as fats, oils and grease (FOG) mitigation, and indicates
that it is the City's responsibility to assist with enforcement, yet, three of the four SSOs in the City last year were
FOG related and the City was not made aware of this fact (Not to mention that CSMD may not be taking
into account the changing demographics of the Rosemead community, where language and style of
communication may be better suited for City staff to help them target their message in the appropriate
o CSDM has a whole list of performance indicators to measure the level of service they are providing, but they do not
indicate any process for the City to examine the level of service that is being provided to their citizens (This results
in the City having no way to hold the County responsible for meeting a defined service level for the City
Kimley- Horn's "supplemental" SSMP approach will define the specific responsibilities of the City, as well as define what elements are
CSMD's responsibility and the process by which the City can measure their performance and hold them accountable for a defined level of
service to their citizens.
We will work with the City to review CSMD's compliance matrix (found in section 12 of their SSMP) to verify that the dates and
responsibilities listed on that document are consistent with the City's understanding of responsibility. We will develop a "working draft"
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that the City can submit to CSMD for mutual signature in conjunction with the responsibility
matrix. This can serve as a vehicle for the two parties to define their relationship with respect to GWDRs compliance and set expectations
for both parties now and into the future. This will prove invaluable to the City because it can be used to limit the City's liability associated
with regulatory enforcement, fines, and non - governmental organizations (NGOs) lawsuits that may arise out of a spill.
"Working Draft" Memorandum of Agreement between City and CSMD (PDFsent electronically to pertinent City stall)
Draft "Supplemental" SSMP (PDFsent electronically to pertinent City stafl)
Task 5
SSMP Review, Revisions and City Council Certification
Our team will produce a draft version of the "supplemental" SSMP and submit it to the City for review. We will meet with City
administrative, management, and engineering staff and make the requested revisions. Our team will assist the City in presenting the final
SSMP to City Council at a public meeting and answer questions regarding its development and implementation. The final SSMP must be
"certified" by the City Council at a public meeting prior to August 2, 2009.
6 / WW920028.08
Final "Supplemental" SSMP (PDFand source files sent electronically and 5 bound hard copies)
❑—❑ KimleyHom
and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
Task 6
Sewer Master Plan/SECAP Update
F 'J
Once the SSMP is complete and certified by the City Council, you will have breathing room to complete the assessment of the new
General Plan with respect to SSMP SECAP requirements. Kimley -Horn will use the information gathered during the SSMP development
and approval phase, combined with the updated land use and zoning changes identified in the General Plan to complete a Sewer System
Master Plan Update. Kimley -Horn will complete this work in five distinct steps:
1. Develop a GIS based hydraulic model using pipe location and attribute data from CSMD's AutoCAD and GIS files, as well as ad-
ditional attribute data from previous City studies and record documents
2. Assign flows to the model using parcel maps, land use and zoning data from the General Plan with CSMD and City standard design
flows per equivalent dwelling unit (EUDs)
3. Run peak flow condition in model, analyze the results, and identify deficiencies
4. Develop a list of capital improvements projects that must be completed to support the City's General Plan Update
5. Update the City of Rosemead SECAP element of the SSMP to account for new information
Kimley -Horn does not see a reason to produce a stand -alone Sewer Master Plan document, but instead the SECAP section of your SSMP
can serve this purpose. We will update the SECAP section to describe the hydraulic model and how it was developed; defined a list of
identified deficiencies; and include a list of prioritized, time - phased improvements that the City is committed to completing (if any). The
updated SECAP section will define how the model can be used throughout the new General Plan implementation to verify capacity now
and into the future.
Kimley -Horn will develop the updated SECAP section to meet both of the mitigation requirements of the General Plan Draft Program, listed
Mitigation 1: Provide an updated Sewer Master Plan, covering the entire City
Mitigation 2: Define a capital improvements program that provides sufficient infrastructure
In addition, the implementation schedule of the SECAP section will be updated to identify any trigger points for additional analysis, such
as wet weather flow monitoring We recognize that the 1996 report already recommended wet weather monitoring, but we believe this
requirement should be verified using an updated model that is based on the new General Plan land use and flows. Wet weather flow
monitoring can be very expensive and may not be required based on the new General Plan. Lastly, the updated SECAP section serves as
an "affirmative defense' against enforcement actions, fines, and NGOs lawsuits that may arise out of a spill.
7 / WW920028.08
Model files, including GIS layer of pipes and nodes (model source files and ArcGIS 9.2 compatible shape file)
Final "Supplemental" SSMP with updated SECAP Section (PDF document and source file format documents sent electronically and 10 bound hard copies)
Kimley -Hom
and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
Project Administration
8 / WW920028.08
Kimley -Horn will keep the City project manager informed on the status of the project through a combination of verbal,
written, e-mail, and telephone correspondence. We will provide internal financial management of our budget and
schedule, in order to execute the project in accordance with the agreed upon schedule and budget. Kimley -Horn will
coordinate internally to identify, assign, and verify completion of tasks required to execute the project. Our team will
utilize our standardized correspondence and file maintenance procedures to maintain project records.
Our team will facilitate a kick -off meeting with the City's project manager and select staff. The purpose of this meeting
will be to identify the goals and expectations for the project, and to establish major milestones and tasks within the
process. Both City staff and our team will review the schedule for the project meetings, workshops, and deliverables.
Kimley -Horn and the City will review project scope and summarize the approach that will be used as the basis for
completing the work. City staff will identify to Kimley -Horn the appropriate individuals at the City who should be
contacted to give input on specific tasks. These staff members will be available to participate in workshops or interviews
as mutually agreed upon by the City and our project manager.
Kimley -Horn will participate in a maximum of three meetings, in addition to the kick -off meeting to complete the project.
Meetings will be held at the City offices. The timing of each meeting will be as determined appropriate by City and
Kimley -Horn based on project progression and will generally include discussion of project status, analysis of research
results, interviews with staff, and review of deliverables. If at the end of any meeting the City and Kimley -Hom agree
that the meeting's content warrants, Kimley -Horn staff will formalize notes and send them to all attendees to present
conclusions and action items.
Kimley -Horn will assist the City in developing a maximum of two presentations for the City Council. These presentations
will be held at a time mutually agreed upon by the City. One is anticipated to be at the end of Task 3 to deliver the SSMP
Pamphlet and SSMP Development Plan and Implementation Schedule and the second will be for approval of the "Final"
SSMP. The timing of each presentation will be as determined appropriate by City and Kimley -Horn staff based on project
progression and will generally include discussion of SSMP implementation status, analysis of research results, and
summary of document contents and its use.
Kimley -Horn will assist the City in developing one PowerPoint presentation with a maximum of 10 slides for each
presentation. Our team will assist City staff in developing speaking notes to coincide with each slide. City staff will
complete the presentation to City Board. We will attend the City Board presentation and support City staff in answering
questions regarding the SSMP Development Plan and Implementation Schedule.
Kimley -Hom
and Associates, Inc.
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Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
We will follow our internal quality control /quality assurance (OC /QA) procedures. The QC /QA procedures describe the
general process by which project work and deliverables are internally checked, corrected, and back - checked prior to
releasing them to the County. Such procedures may be modified by Kimley -Horn from time -to -time as appropriate to our
professional practice.
Kimley-Horn will assign a Project Quality Manager, who will coordinate adherence to the guidelines through periodic
participation in internal meetings and periodic review of the procedures' implementation. Kimley -Horn will utilize these
QC /QA procedures to the extent practical in rendering services in accordance with the standard of professional care.
SSMP Development Plan and Implementation Schedule Board Presentation (Microsoft PowerPoint)
"Final" SSMP Board Presentation (Microsoft PowerPoint)
Meeting agendas) (5 hard copies will provided at each meeting)
Meeting notes (PDF sent electronically to all documented attendees)
We have provided a detailed project schedule on the following page.
Following our detailed project schedule, we have provided a spreadsheet outlining our team members, project tasks, and their associated
hours to each task.
9 / WW920028.08
❑_❑ Kimley -Hom
and Associates, Inc.
With 10 California
offices, including three
surrounding the City of
Rosemead, you can be
confident our team will
be responsive to your
12 / WW920028.08
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
Kimley- Horn —a privately held, employee -owned corporation —celebrated 41 years of continued growth
and stability this year. Our employee owners are the sole stockholders of the company, and therefore are
the professionals who directly serve our clients. Since ownership is spread throughout key professionals
and transferred from retiring personnel to upcoming practice builders, no single individual or small group
owns controlling interest of the firm. This practice confirms the firm's position for long -term stability.
Founded in 1967, Kimley -Horn has demonstrated its ability to effectively provide innovative, high -
quality consulting services to a wide variety of clients. Today, Kimley -Horn is a full - service consulting
firm offering comprehensive and innovative planning, engineering, and environmental engineering
services. Nationwide, Kimley -Horn employs over 2,100 professional, technical, and support personnel
in 62 offices, including our local California offices in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Diego, Rancho
Cordova, Roseville, Stockton, Oakland, San Ramon, and San Jose. Our growth and stability is a direct
result of our commitment to provide quality services, professional integrity, and client satisfaction.
Our professional staff brings a multifaceted perspective to a broad range of engineering and planning
projects, applying effective and creative methods for ensuring technical excellence and public support.
Our clients receive the local knowledge and responsiveness of a small firm backed by the resources only
a national firm can provide. While we have more than enough local in -house staff to be immediately
responsive to any of your needs, should there be a need for additional experienced professionals to meet
a critical deadline, we have the ability to quickly share resources throughout the firm.
Our team has experience in all phases of project planning, design, and construction management of
wastewater projects, including wastewater treatment plant and collection system evaluation and design.
We have a growing list of collection system condition assessment projects including flow monitoring,
infiltration and inflow assessments, smoke and dye testing, hydraulic modeling rehabilitation/
replacement recommendation, capital improvement planning, master planning, rate studies, pipe lining,
pipe bursting, bypass pumping, trenchless construction, lift station assessment and improvements,
and odor and corrosion inspection and control. We have completed master plans, studies, and design
projects for major metropolitan areas. Our California experience includes:
e Regulatory compliance
6 Rehabilitation /replacement recommendation
o Construction plans, specifications, and cost
estimates (PS &E)
o Trenchless construction design
o Construction engineering
o Drainage /combined sewer system design
o Operation and maintenance planning
CIMFI Kimley -Horn
and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
At Kimley -Horn, we offer proven experience in asset management program analysis; operation and maintenance protocol development;
rate and budget planning; assessment and rehabilitation program development; capital improvement planning; regulatory compliance
evaluation; and odor, corrosion, and FOG control programs for wet utility systems of all sizes. We understand the challenges associated
with operation and maintenance and develop our designs to minimize those challenges.
Our engineering services related to management, operation, and maintenance of wastewater collection systems include:
0 Sanitary sewer management plans G Environmental permitting and compliance
6 Asset management and CMMS o Standardized 0 &M protocols (SOPS)
o Condition assessment o Standardized design and performance specifications
e Standardized defect coding (NASSCO -PACP)
Controls, instrumentation, and SCADA analysis
e Asset prioritization protocols
Life -cycle cost analysis/business case review
o Predictive failure modeling
Construction methodology analysis
e Closed circuit television (CCTV) inspection
Sewer ordinances
0 Lift station and manhole inspection
Capital improvement and master planning
0 Capacity assessment
Sewer system mapping and GIS data integration
0 Smoke and dye testing
Public outreach and notification programs
o Flow monitoring
Fat, oil, and grease programs
0 Sewer hydraulics and modeling
Odor and corrosion assessment and control
0 Infiltration and inflow assessment
Field data information management
0 Overflow emergency response plans
NEXGEN Utility Management was established as a result of the utility industry's demand for increase performance and efficiency
by improving utility management. The combinations of more stringent regulatory requirements, dynamic work force, better asset
management and competitive pressures have resulted in the utility management evolution in recent years. ND(GEN's wastewater and
water planning approaches combine the use of statistics, GIS and hydraulic models, and industry leading asset management tools to
provide our clients robust and sustainable solutions. NEXGEN is a California Corporation and has offices in Sacramento and Los Angeles.
13 / WW920028.08
❑ =❑ Kimley -Horn
and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
We have divided our relevant experience into the following categories: Sanitary Sewer Management Plans; Management, Operations and
Maintenance, and Field Assessment; Master Planning and Sewer Modeling; Sewer Inceptor and Collection System Rehabilitation and
Replacement Design; and Sewer Lift Station Rehabilitation and Replacement Design. It should be noted that just because a project is in
one category does not mean that it does not contain components of the other remaining categories. To further demonstrate the level of
service that our clients receive, we have not only provided references for every project, but have included letters of recommendation,
which can be found in the Appendix.
City of Woodland, California
Sanitary Sewer Management Plan
Kimley -Horn is providing comprehensive Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) development services
Jerry Gedatus
for the City of Woodland. We utilized our three phase SSMP development approach to GWDR compliance.
City of Woodland
(530) 661 -5850
At the end of each phase, the City and Kimley -Horn reviewed and updated the scope of services to help
ensure that the City was only utilizing Kimley -Horn for the tasks that they could not otherwise complete
themselves, providing the most efficient use of City resources and budget.
Population: 60,000
Over 400 miles of main line and
DATES OF SERVICE Kimley -Horn completed a "gap" analysis to determine the current standing of the City's management,
2006- current operation, and maintenance (MOM) programs for their sanitary sewer system with respect to the
mandatory elements of the SSMP. The gap analysis provided both Kimley -Horn and the City with
an overview of the future work required to complete the SSMP. Kimley -Horn utilized this multi -step
interactive process with the City to complete this work:
14 / WW920028.08
Step 1: Conduct a project kick -off meeting with City staff to explain GWDRs and collect readily available
documentation of current MOM practices.
Step 2: Develop and submit a questionnaire (SSMP Development Checklist) to the City for review that
identifies and guides City staff through the requirements and the information needed to analyze their
current MOM practices.
Step 3: Facilitate an SSMP workshop that utilizes the questionnaire as a guide for defining current MOM
practices, compiling documentation of those practices, and developing future long -term goals.
Step 4: Complete the gap analysis of current practices, rank current performance against GWDR
requirements, identify specific tasks (by GWDR section) that the City must complete to be compliant,
and define long -term goals.
❑_❑ Kimley -Hom
and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
- --
Kimley -Horn used the findings developed under the first phase of the gap analysis to develop detailed
task sheets for each separate SSMP element describing the specific enhancements to City programs
required for compliance. Each sheet included a description of the required task, timeline for compliance,
and cost for implementation in the form of staff hours. The results were summarized in the City's
SSMP Development Plan and Schedule —the first requirement of the GWDRs. The plan and schedule
effectively served as a work plan for the City to complete necessary tasks in concert with SSMP
��°• - - --•-
preparation tasks performed by Kimley -Horn.
15 / WW920028.08
The City is currently using the working draft of the SSMP in conjunction with the Development Plan
and Schedule as their Wastewater Collection System Operation and Maintenance Program Strategic
Plan. Kimley -Horn is assisting the City in implementing the enhancements to their current operating
procedures to meet the requirements of the GWDR. Kimley -Horn produced the complete text for each
section of the SSMP which describes each City MOM program and includes detailed standard operating
procedures (SOPs) that will enhance and streamline the City's execution of those programs. Some of the
enhancements to MOM procedures proposed by Kimley -Horn, agreed upon by the City, and incorporated
into the SSMP included:
o Detailed review of legal authority regarding easements and access for rehabilitation or replacement
o Thorough procedures for scheduling preventative work and documenting work orders using Cityworks
0 Use of Kimley- Horn's Condition Assessment and Capital Improvement Planning Software to analyze
CCTV data and schedule future rehabilitation and replacement projects
0 Policies for strong communication between Environmental Compliance personnel responsible for
grease control inspections and 0 &M personnel for effective source control and spill prevention
o Procedures for updating the City's sewer hydraulic model and ensuring physical changes to the col-
lection system are approved and documented in coordination with the model
0 Easy -to -use performance indicator tracking sheets including data collection procedures to gauge
MOM program performance
During development of each element of the SSMP Kimley -Horn continued to conduct ongoing meetings
with City Staff to help ensure that the proposed programmatic enhancements could be effectively
integrated into existing City staff workloads, and helped to prepare City staff in advance so that the
transition towards the implementation of the final SSMP is seamless.
CIMFI Kimley -Hom
and Associates, Inc.
Sewer _
Managemt Plan
City of Rosemead
County of Fresno, California
Sanitary Sewer Management
Kimley -Horn was selected by the County of Fresno to provide comprehensive SSMP preparation services
Baron Zerahian
for 10 County special districts and a County correctional facility. Kimley -Horn utilized the three - phased
County of Fresno
(559)262 -4259
approach to assess existing County MOM practices and to identify key programs requiring improvement
in order to produce a SSMP in compliance with the GWDRs. The geographically and operationally diverse
sites prompted Kimley -Horn to conduct an extended Gap Analysis interview, which included visits to
Population: varies
each district to determine site specific issues, such as: grease problems; system condition; preventative
11 separate service districts
200 miles of main line and
maintenance strategies; spill criticality; and access constraints. Kimley -Horn facilitated multiple
workshops with various County departments to help ensure issues related to their department were
100 lift stations
identified and addressed within the SSMP.
January 2008
- current
Kimley -Horn produced a highly detailed SSMP Development Plan and Schedule, with particular
emphasis on staffing levels. This was done in anticipation that the existing staffing would not be
adequate to support program enhancements required for compliance. The plan and schedule identified
specific tasks that could be handled by existing staff positions, as well as those that would likely require
outside contractors and the anticipated cost for those outside services. The County will use the plan
and schedule as supporting evidence before their Board of Supervisors when requesting funding for
additional staffing to meet the requirements of the GWDR.
Kimley -Horn is currently producing the County's SSMP for these facilities, with particular focus on the
operation and maintenance program; capital improvement program; and fats, oils, and grease control
program. Kimley -Horn is tailoring these programs to the unique problems that are encountered at
each facility. Kimley -Horn is helping the County navigate legal issues related to the implementation of
a grease control program that will require increased participation by food service establishments and
reduce the workload of 0 &M personnel. We are also implementing a simplified CMMS to help improve
work order documentation and performance indicator tracking, and looking at ways to link that to their
new GIS maps.
Because these districts are funded individually via local residents, sewer rate modifications require a
complete Proposition 218 process. Kimley -Horn is working interactively with County staff on a public
outreach program that explains the GWDRs, the required enhancements, and the benefit of their
implementation. This consensus building smooths a path for approval of rate increases that are likely
going to be required to meet the WDR provisions.
Kimley -Horn
❑�❑ and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System z
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
City of Lincoln, California
Sanitary Sewer Management
Kimley -Horn was selected by the City of Lincoln to assist the City to complete a "gap" analysis of the
Doyle Champlain
City's current MOM practices as compared to the GWDRs. This effort included comprehensive
City of Lincoln
(916) 645 -4010
informational workshops that involved multiple departments in an effort to build consensus between the
groups regarding the interaction that would be required to maintain compliance. The City and Kimley-
Horn reviewed the results and identified where the City could utilize Kimley -Horn to develop detailed
Population: 65,000
sections of their SSMP and what sections they would complete themselves. This phased approach help
250 miles of main line and laterals
ensured that the City was in compliance and that the available City resources were used to implement
the tasks that provided the City with the greatest protection against SSOs.
June 2007- July 2007
Providing ongoing implementation
City of Redding, California
Sanitary Sewer Management
Kimley -Horn was selected by the City of Redding to assist with the City's GWDR compliance effort.
Dennis McBride
Kimley -Horn utilized our three phase (gap analysis, plan and schedule, and implementation) SSMP
City of Redding
(530) 224 -6063
compliance approach to assist the City with meeting a fast approaching deadline. We facilitated multiple
informational and "gap" assessment workshops with City staff from multiple departments and wrote
Population: 95,000
their SSMP Development Plan and Implementation Schedule ahead of the WDR time frame. All of these
services were provided in a six -week period. Kimley -Horn continues to provide "as- needed" SSMP
Over 500 miles of main line
implementation services. As the City identifies a component or professional expertise that they do not
have internally, Kimley -Horn and the City work interactively to develop a scope of services that
September 2007 - October 2007
supplements their staff's capabilities. This focused approach provides the most efficient use of City
as- needed services
resources and budget.
City of Avena /, California
Sanitary Sewer Management
Kimley -Horn was selected by the City of Avenal to assist the City with development of a comprehensive
terry Watson
City of Avenel
SSMP. Kimley -Horn is developing the City's SSMP utilizing our three phase SSMP compliance approach
(559) 386 -5782
and is currently working through phase III services. At the end of each phase, the City and Kimley -Horn
review and update the scope of services to help ensure that the City is only utilizing Kimley -Horn for the
tasks that they could not otherwise complete themselves. This phased approach ensures the most
Population: 17,000
40 miles of main line and laterals
efficient use of City resources and budget. Kimley -Horn prepared the City's SSMP Development Plan and
Implementation Schedule, along with their Goals and Organizational Structure and presented to council
for certification. We submitted a Working Draft SSMP that the City is using as a guide to step them
June 2007-October
through their ongoing compliance effort.
Providing ongoing implementation
C:_❑ Kimley -Hom
and Associates, Inc.
• Sewer System
• Management Plan
974 g.
• City of Rosemead Am1h,
City of Woodland, California
• Hydraulic Model /Master Plan Update
CLIENT REFERENCE Kimley- Horn's completed a "gap" analysis of the City of Woodland current status with respect to
. Jerry Gedatus regulatory compliance with the SWRCB GWDRs. Subsequently, the City selected Kimley -Horn to develop
• Mark Cocke
City of Woodland a comprehensive SSMP in compliance with the regulations, including a complete wastewater hydraulic
(530) 661 -5850 (Jerry) model and master plan update, condition assessment of their large diameter trunk lines, develop capital
(530) 661 -5975 (Mark) improvement plan, and prioritize and design rehabilitation projects for their highest priority pipes. One of
• TYPE OF FACILITY the key components of this project is working with the City's to develop from scratch the City's SECAP
• Population: 60,000 SSMP section, as well as review and revise their Rehabilitation and Replacement SSMP sections to
Over 400 miles of main line and
capture relationships between the two.
Three lift stations
Kimley -Horn is in the process of completing the City's Collection System Master Plan Update, in
September 2008 - current
which we are salvaging much of the data from the 1999 and 2005 to develop an enterprise GIS
based hydraulic model. It is a 3,500 pipe dynamic flow routing model to evaluate system response
during 5 -year, 10 -year, and 25 -year frequency peak flow events. The project involves converting the
City's existing SAM model into a GIS compatible dynamic model, which is updated with new land use
information and flow data. The completed model will be turned over to the City for further use and
City of Folsom, California
Sanitary Sewer Evaluation
Study and Hydraulic Model
Kyle Ericson
Kimley -Horn was selected by the City of Folsom to complete an evaluation of more than 200,000 linear
City of Folsom
feet of existing sanitary sewer pipe. The team used results from the field study to identify deficiencies in
(916) 355 -7200
the existing sewer system and recommend rehabilitation approaches to address these problems. The
200,000 feet of pipe was identified as the City's highest priority pipe by analyzing the City's capacity
Population: 55,000
model as part of a modeling/capacity assurance effort. Kimley -Horn worked closely with the City
250 miles of main line and laterals
calibrating the model based on the results of the evaluation.
September 2004 - Current
Attributes for all sewers 8- inches and larger were inventoried, inputted into a GIS database, and
incorporated into the hydraulic model (1500 pipes). Existing land uses and flow monitoring data
from 18 flow monitors deployed around the City to calibrate the model. Doppler radar was used to
simulate design storm conditions (a 10 -year frequency storm, 4 -hour duration) and determine areas of
surcharging and overflows. The report provided a series of recommendations to reduce surcharging to
acceptable levels and expand system to handle build out of the City's General Plan.
Kimley -Hom
❑�❑ and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
City of Roseville, California
Wastewater Collection System Condition Assessment, Alternatives Analysis, and Improvement Recommen-
Kimley- Horn's team developed and assisted with implementation of the City of Roseville's SSMP
Operation and Maintenance Program. We were responsible for developing a comprehensive standardized
City of Roseville
(916)645 -8516
gravity pipeline and manhole condition assessment field protocol, actively participated in field activities
to facilitate accurate inspection, and then prepared a summary of conditions. We performed a
comprehensive condition assessment and prioritization program for approximately 150,000 feet of
Population: 115,000
pipelines greater than 75 years of age as well as pipelines currently on the quarterly maintenance
600 miles of main lines
400 miles of laterals
schedule, ranging in size from 4 to 30 inches. We also assisted the City in selecting a new CCTV
15 lift stations
software package (PipeLogix) that integrated with their Hansen CMMS through the Neztek interface. We
provided NASSCO PACP training to 12 City staff members and spent more than 500 hours in the CCTV
September 2005 - August 2006
vans training and assisting City crews in implementing the condition assessment protocol.
City of Roseville, California
Wastewater Collection System Condition Assessment and Capital Improvement Planning Module
Mike Zacharia
City of Roseville
(916) 645 -8576
Population: 115,000
600 miles of main lines
400 miles of laterals
15 lift stations
September 2007 - June 2008
19 / WW920028.08
Kimley -Horn developed and implemented a statistical analysis algorithm that utilized criticality and
probability criteria to calculate a "risk" of failure score for every pipe assessed. This protocol is the
center piece to the City's SSMP Rehabilitation and
Replacement Program. Probability criteria included
CCTV identified structural deficiencies (cracks, off-set
joints, intruding taps, voids, holes, etc), CCTV
identified 0 &M deficiencies (roots, grease, deposits,
etc), and maintenance history (number of emergency
and preventative maintenance work orders). Criticality
criteria included asset location (environmental, public
nuisance, 0 &M access), asset data (age, material,
size), and capacity W/D at ADWF & PWWF).
The algorithm is to be used in concert with the City of Roseville's Hansen CMMS on all future CCTV
investigations to predicatively guide the City's 0 &M department in its maintenance activities. In
addition, the algorithm is to be used to identify the highest priority repair and replacement activities.
Kimley -Horn has commenced training of City staff in the use of this tool to allow future assessment to
be completed by City staff with limited assistance from outside consultants. Kimley -Horn linked all of
the various data sources via the City's GIS platform, providing a user - friendly graphical analysis tool.
This streamlines the process and makes analysis of new data more efficient, saving the City time and
❑�❑ Kintley -Horn
and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
City of Woodland, California
Wastewater Collection System Condition Assessment and Capital Improvement Planning Module
Jerry Gedatus
City of Woodland
(530) 661 -5850
Population: 60,000
Over400 miles of main line and
Three lift stations
June 2008 - December 2008
Kimley -Horn tailored a version of its CA &CIP software module to live -link directly to Woodland's
Cityworks CMMS database and WinCan CCTV database. Cityworks is used by the utility 0 &M department
to store CCTV inspection data and work orders. The module was designed to function as both a
GIS- integrated and stand -alone application. The module runs using the Cityworks GIS interface, to allow
for simultaneous analysis of asset condition, work order, geographical, and CCTV inspection data.
The software module has capabilities that include querying and data sorting, activity scheduling, cost
estimation, creation of project groups, and report generation. The module will be used by the City to
enhance its enterprise GIS model, which has a goal of centralizing management and analysis of all
City infrastructure. The module provides real -time management of the City's SSMP rehabilitation and
replacement and SECAP capital improvement program. Recommended repair activities are grouped into
bundles based on risk of failure, funding limitations, geographic location, and coordination with other
City projects. The GIS functionality provides the user a graphical interface to see all pertinent data in
one location. Projects can be updated as often as the City sees fit, which will streamline the process of
analyzing CCTV data and assigning limited City resources with the highest priority assets.
Cities of Folsom and Lincoln, California
Standard Specifications and Design Manual Update
Kimley -Horn is providing services to the Cities of Folsom and Lincoln to review and update their design
Brian Reed
standards, construction specifications, and standards details. The services provided included providing
City of Folsom
(916) 355 -7200
a peer review of the design standards, construction specifications, and standards details and identifying
John Pedri
areas within the documents that needed more information such as specific additions required to meet
City of Lincoln
the SSMP Design and Performance and Legal Authority provisions. These efforts included facilitating
(916) 645 -8576
meetings with multiple City departments; gathering and organizing changes and additions from each City
division; updating the documents; adding new sections; formatting the documents; providing edits to
Population: 55,000
existing design details; and creating new AutoCAD details.
250 miles of main line and laterals
Population: 65,000
250 miles of main line and laterals
May 2006 - Current (Folsom)
January 2007 - March 2008 (Lincoln)
207WW920028.08 ❑�❑ Kimley -Horn
and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
City of Folsom, California
Standardized Utility MOM Protocol Development Assistance
Kimley -Horn assisted with the evaluation and enhancement of select portions of the City's MOM
Kyle Ericson
procedures with the objective of enhancing the level of service provided to the customers in support of
City of Folsom
their SSMP 0 &M Program. The City intends to achieve this through standardization of the field services
(916) 351 -3366
protocols (or SOPS) associated with their wet utilities condition assessment and repair programs. The
objective of these protocols is to define the procedures used by individual staff members to collect field
Population: 55,000
data, interrogate that data, develop appropriate repair and /or replacement recommendations, construct
250 miles of main line and laterals
the identified rehabilitation, and track the cost and labor effort required to complete the work.
City of Folsom, California
Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study and Alternatives Analysis
Kimley -Horn completed an evaluation of more than 200,000 linear feet of existing sanitary sewer pipe
Kyle Ericson
ranging in size from 4 -inch to 52 -inch in support of the City of Folsom's SSMP SECAP, 0 &M, and FOG
City of Folsom
(916) 351 -3366
Programs. We were responsible for developing a work plan, public notification program, and
communication plan to facilitate efficient coordination between our team, City staff, and local emergency
response agencies, as well as commercial and public entities.
Population: 55,000
250 miles of main line and laterals
21 / WW920028.08
Kimley -Horn completed statistical analysis of smoke testing and CCTV results to determine the most
cost - effective approach to addressing I &I deficiencies identified in the City of Folsom's collection
system. By comparing smoke test intensity results, CCTV structural deficiencies, ON repair history
and potential I &I quantities, we identified the repairs most likely to have the greatest reduction in I &I
for the amount of money spent on the repair. The City intends to incorporate this algorithm into their
GBA MasterSeries CMMS program and make modifications to their 0 &M preventative maintenance
frequencies based on the results.
❑�❑ Kimley -Horn
and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
City of San Diego, California
Sanitary Sewer System Assessment Group Jobs
Kimley -Horn was selected by the City of San Diego to provide preliminary engineering and design
Maali Mohsen
services for the analysis and replacement of sewer lines located throughout their collection system.
City of San Diego
(619) 533 -5406
Because the City's entire collection system could not be reviewed in one year, historical maintenance
issues, accessibility, and age of the facilities were used as a preliminary criteria for prioritizing
additional CCTV assessment. We completed sewer assessment on more than 50 miles of pipe and more
April 2002- December 2005
than 750 manholes. Pipes ranged from collection system and collectors to main trunk lines and
interceptors. The initial planning studies involved analysis by CCTV and hydraulic modeling. We
developed ranking criteria for each deficiency and recommended rehabilitation and replacement options
to eliminate these deficiencies. Work was prioritized based on "Risk" of failure criteria, with further
consideration of possible utility conflicts, construction moratoriums, access, and environmental
concerns. We also prepared planning studies describing the results and assisted in presenting these
results to City staff and council. Upon approval, we prepared final design plans for the recommended
sewer line rehabilitation and replacements of more than 15 miles of pipe and 250 manholes.
Construction methodologies included CIPP, pipe bursting, and traditional open cut, as well as a new
sewer pipe under an active rail line using traditional auger bore and jack construction.
City of Folsom, California
Effort /Budget Tracking Process
Kyle Ericson
City of Folsom
(916) 351 -3366
Population: 55,000
250 miles of main line and laterals
22 / WW920028.08
Kimley -Horn developed a data entry platform for tracking labor effort associated with field services
completed by the various groups in the utilities department. Kmley -Horn worked interactively with City
staff to develop reports which can track effort by individual, capital improvement project, budget fund,
as well as produce summaries that could be used to assist with quarterly and annual budget
development. The data entry platform allowed for direct interface with the City's GBA Master Series
CMMS and HTE financial software.
❑_❑ Kintley -Horn
and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
City of Lincoln, California
WW Collection System Master Plan
ND(GEN served as Senior Reviewer for the City of Lincoln's sewer master plan in 2006. The master plan
John Pedri
project consisted of an assessment and ranking of existing collection system components compiled into
City of Lincoln
(916) 645 -8576
a database and scheduled for maintenance or rehabilitation. Flow monitoring and an infiltration and
inflow study were coordinated through Kimley -Hom and ND(GEN.
designed as a regional destination, it is poised to revitalize the downtown core of Sacramento. The
Population: 65,000
project is quickly approaching ground breaking as funding sources become identified. It has an
250 miles of main line and laterals
Kimley -Horn has a long standing on -call relationship with the City of Lincoln and has worked closely
with their modeling consultant on several occasions. The City recently selected Kimley -Horn to conduct
2000 - Current
a "gap" analysis of their current practices in comparison to the GWDRs. This project will include review
and recommendations for enhancements to their SSMP SECAP and Rehabilitation and Replacement
City of Sacramento, California
The Railyards
The Sacramento Railyards development is a 238 -acre infill project situated on the old Union Pacific
Richard Rich
Railyards in downtown Sacramento. This project will practically double the size of downtown
Thomas Enterprises, Inc.
(916)329 -4500
Sacramento and turn the area into an urban mecca of mixed -use, residential, commercial, retail, hotel,
office, cultural /entertainment, parks and open space uses, and will include a mass transit hub. Being
designed as a regional destination, it is poised to revitalize the downtown core of Sacramento. The
238 acres
project is quickly approaching ground breaking as funding sources become identified. It has an
estimated construction cost of $6 billion over the next 15 years. Kimley -Horn is currently providing
June 2006 - Current
roadway and structure design, scheduling analysis, and design alternatives.
23 / WW920028.08
❑ =❑ Kimley -Hom
and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
Oakland Base Reuse Authority - City of Oakland, California
Infrastructure Design and Engineering Management Services /Pre - Development Activities at the former
Oakland Army Base
The Oakland Army Base (OAB) is a 422 -acre site located on the Oakland waterfront, about 2 miles
Alex Greenwood
northeast of downtown Oakland and the Oakland City Hall. It was a major Pacific port and shipping
Oakland Redevelopment Agency
(510) 238 -6124
center for the military from World War II through the first Persian Gulf conflict. It currently contains
approximately 50 buildings and structures (warehouses, offices, commissary, and military housing).
The OARB was closed September 30, 1999.
238 acres
July 2005 - Current
The site is bound on the north by the eastern approach of the Oakland -San Francisco Bay Bridge
(Caltrans), on the northeast by East Bay Municipal Utility District ( EBMUD) wastewater treatment
facility, on the east by the Union Pacific Railroad yard, on the south by P Street, and on the west by
Maritime Street and the Port of Oakland Outer Harbor. Redevelopment efforts require close and frequent
coordination with all these stakeholders.
The Oakland Base Reuse Authority (OBRA), which has taken the lead in creating several redevelopment
plans. The current area of focus is the 177 -acre portion of OAB known as the Gateway Development
Area (GDA), due to its close proximity to the Oakland end of the Bay Bridge. Kimley -Horn is on board to
help the OBRA redevelop this into some of the most valuable land in the already -dense Bay Area. Types
of development under consideration include retail auto sales, film production, truck service support,
amusement/theme park, hotel, eco- industrial park, office space, and R &D.
In July 2005, Kimley -Horn was selected for infrastructure design and engineering management services
in support of pre - development activities by the Oakland Base Redevelopment Authority (formerly the
Oakland Base Reuse Authority). The original contract is for on -call services with a not -to- exceed amount
of $500,000 within the contract award date. The contract has since then been extended to include an
additional $1.5M of funding, which was unanimously approved by the Board of Directors. The North
Gateway, the first of the four development areas, was fast - tracked to meet very aggressive schedules
to allow tenant move -in, and Kimley -Horn is providing infrastructure design through construction
documents while paralleling the Tentative Tract Map submittal process. The project is currently on hold
awaiting deliberation on EBMUD negotiations with the City.
24 / WW920028.08
❑�❑ Kimley -Horn
and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
City of Redding, Cali fornia
Parallel Boulder Creek Sewer Interceptor Project
John Abshier
City of Redding
(530) 225 -4421
Population: 95,000
500 miles of main line and laterals
August 2006 - Current
Kimley -Horn provided comprehensive design services to assess the condition and capacity of the
Boulder Creek Sewer Interceptor for the City of Redding. The interceptor is 20,000 feet long and ranges
in size from 6 -inch to 18 -inch Vitrified Clay (VCP) and Asbestos Cement Pipe (AC). This work is a direct
result of the City's SSMP SECAP and Rehabilitation program. The line is under -sized to carry current
peak wet weather flows (PWWF). We compared more than 25 separate new alignments against various
trenchless replace -in -place methods using a "risk" based financial analysis. We provided
comprehensive preliminary design investigative services, including survey, geotechnical investigation,
capacity modeling, condition assessment (CCTV using NASSCO PACP codes), construction
methodologies review, environmental, permitting, and right -of -way analysis. Criteria from each of these
categories were used to identify major and minor constraints, conduct financial analysis and select the
most appropriate alignment. Pipe Bursting/Reaming = 12,000 -LF (10 " -28 "); Cured -in -Place
Pipe= 650 -LF (12 "); Auger Bore and Jack =1100 LF- (36" casings); Microtunneling= 900 -LF (42"
casings); New Alignment= 6,000 -LF (12 " -28 ") The capacity assessment required Kimley -Horn develop
a stand -alone model of just the interceptor and then merge those results with the City's system model
City of Redding, California
Jenny Creek Elevated Sewer Inceptor
104M Gaa 34Str. Rss SK HOOF
Kimley -Horn provided emergency engineering design services for the City's Jenny Creek Sewer
Cord Zimmerman
Interceptor in support of the City's SSMP Rehabilitation and SECAP Programs. The existing line is a
City of Redding
(530) 245 -7120
12 -inch asbestos tape wrapped welded steel pipe that is elevated on concrete piers above an existing
creek in a canyon below multiple residential developments. A major line break resulted in a cease and
desist order from the Regional Board and requirements that the City immediately complete a condition
500 miles of f main line and laterals
assessment of the line and make all repairs necessary. Kimley -Horn assisted the City with the condition
assessment, which identified major structural issues along most of the exposed sections. Kimley -Horn is
developing a completely modified design which realigns the pipe out of the creek channel and uses
June 2007 - November 2008
current construction materials and coatings to further protect the pipe, while at the same time allowing
construction of the pipe without any costly by -pass pumping.
25/WW920028.08 Kirnley -Horn
❑� and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
• Management Plan
City of Rosemead
City of Woodland, California
Beamer Street and 48 -inch Trunk Lines Assessment
CLIENT REFERENCE Kimley -Horn assisted with comprehensive condition assessment and cleaning services for 36 and
• Jerry Gedatus 48 -inch diameter trunk lines immediately upstream of the City of Woodland's Water Pollution Control
City of Woodland
(530) 661 -5850 Facility (WPCF). Kimley -Horn worked closely with the City's Utilities Maintenance Staff to complete the
assessment in accordance with the City's SSMP Rehabilitation and Replacement program risk analysis
TYPE OF FACILITY protocol. The NASSCO certified Kimley -Horn team monitored the CCTV inspection of both trunk lines to
Population: 60,000
Over 400 miles of main line and facilitate the collection of structural and operation and maintenance data. A protocol was provided for
. laterals collecting data for sewer manholes and for assessing the consequence should a sanitary sewer overflow
Three lift stations occur at a specific location. The protocol introduced by Kimley -Horn during this project was developed
• DATES OF SERVICE into standard operating procedures that the City will continue to use for its condition assessment
January 2008- Current program.
The assessment of these trunk lines required significant coordination between various groups within the
City. The proximity of the trunk lines to the WPCF meant that the inspection activities could significantly
impact treatment plant performance. The Kimley -Horn team successfully facilitated the planning of the
. assessment activities with the Utilities Maintenance staff, WPCF staff and Environmental Compliance
• staff to minimize any adverse impacts to plant operations. The Kimley -Horn team also developed by-
pass pumping options for the assessment and later construction work for the City to use in combination
• with its Overflow and Emergency Response Plan (OERP).
Kimley -Horn evaluated the data collected during the condition assessment to identify the trunk line
• with the highest risk of failure. Technical specifications for three trenchless rehabilitation methods
• were developed for this project, and as standard trenchless specifications for future use. The technical
specifications were combined into the contract documents along with improvement plans and an opinion
of probable cost for use in bidding and construction of the selected segment.
City of Tracy, California
Grant Line Road Reconstruction, Parker Avenue to MacArthur Drive
CLIENT REFERENCE Kimley -Horn is providing civil and traffic engineering services for street widening and reconstruction and
Dan Pangilinan utility replacement along Grant Line Road from Bessie Avenue to MacArthur Drive. This project included
• City of Tracy
(209) 831 -4600 an evaluation of pavement conditions, surveying and mapping, curb, gutter, sidewalk and roadway
reconstruction, replacement of existing water and sewer lines, drainage improvements, street lighting,
• DATES OF SERVICE street trees, signal modifications. In addition, the project includes railroad and utility coordination and
July 2DO8 - Current major ADA and NPDES components.
26/WW92002s.0s Kinney-Horn ❑�❑ and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
City of Folsom, California
Kimley -Horn was selected by the City of Roseville to assist in assessing the condition of six separate
Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Program
Kimley -Horn provides ongoing engineering services in support of the City of Folsom's SSMP
Kyle Ericson
Rehabilitation Program. These projects include CCTV investigation, environmental investigation,
City of Folsom
(916) 355 -7200
geotechnical reports, surveying, utilities coordination, permitting assistance, public outreach programs,
crossings with concrete encasement covering the upper half of the carrier pipe. To minimize future
and design and construction management. Our work to date includes over 10,000 lineal feet of sanitary
sewer pipeline replacement at 10 locations throughout the City.
Population: 55,000
400 miles of laterals
250 miles of main line and laterals
15 lift stations
DATES OF SERVICE To address the unique issues associated with rehabilitation of older VCP that is nearing the end of its
September 2004 - Current useful life, we developed a construction -phase assessment protocol for identifying additional pipe
segments that were deficient and in need of repair. These pipe segments were typically laterals and
main lines in close proximity to lines identified for repair, but were not included in the original design
because exact condition could not be verified. The protocol defined a process for adding these lines to
the project at a pre- negotiated cost from the contractor.
City of Roseville, California
Saugstad Dry Creek Sewer Crossing
Kimley -Horn was selected by the City of Roseville to assist in assessing the condition of six separate
Mark Cossairt
creek crossings for their wastewater collection system. During recent storm events, these crossings
City of Roseville
(916) 774 -5771
were placed under increased stress due to high storm water runoff flows. The crossings varied in their
existing design from 6" to 12" pipe, but in general were 50 feet to 200 feet long, partially exposed
crossings with concrete encasement covering the upper half of the carrier pipe. To minimize future
Population: li
problems associated with these crossings during high flow creek conditions, we provided engineering
600 miles of main lines
400 miles of laterals
consulting services to assist with the assessment and design of options for replacing or rehabilitating
15 lift stations
the existing crossings.
April 2006 - August 2006
27/WW920028.08 ❑_❑ Kimley -Horn
and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
City of Roseville, California
surveyed existing layout to verify installed conditions, and evaluated options for replacing or
Linda Creek Sewer Crossing Rehabilitation Program
Kimley -Horn provides ongoing engineering services in support of the City of Roseville's SSMP
Mike Zacharia
Rehabilitation Program, assisting in assessing the condition of six separate creek crossings for their
City of Roseville
(916) 645 -8576
wastewater collection system. During recent storm events these crossings were placed under increased
generic enough to submit to the permitting agency to have all six sites permitted for replacement under
stress due to high storm water run -off flows. We reviewed existing CCTV data and record drawings,
surveyed existing layout to verify installed conditions, and evaluated options for replacing or
Population: 0
rehabilitating the existing crossings. We worked with the City's 0 &M staff to develop a standardized
600 miles of main lines
400 miles of laterals
creek crossing design that provided sufficient detail for City construction crews to complete work, while
15 lift stations
generic enough to submit to the permitting agency to have all six sites permitted for replacement under
one permit program.
Phase 1: March 2006 - October 2006
the City's OERP procedures, a dual submersible pump design to meet the City SSMP standard design
Phase II: January 2008 - May 2008
and performance program, and SCADA telemetry system and automatic transfer to on -site standby
City of Lincoln, California
Nicolaus Road Lift Station
Kimley -Horn assessed, designed, and provided construction phase services for the Nicolaus Road Lift
Doyle Champlain
Station Improvements project in support of the City of Lincoln's SSMP Rehabilitation and SECAP
City of Lincoln
(916) 871 -2001
Programs. Kimley -Horn developed a "value engineering" process based on risk and criticality to ensure
capital dollars were prioritized appropriately. Kimley -Horn made specific enhancements to the design to
meet SSMP specific requirements, such as: standardized by -pass pumping connections to comply with
250 miles of main lines and laterals
the City's OERP procedures, a dual submersible pump design to meet the City SSMP standard design
and performance program, and SCADA telemetry system and automatic transfer to on -site standby
power generation system to comply with the SSMP 0 &M Program.
June 2006 - December 2007
28/ww920028.08 Kimley -Hom
and Associates, Inc.
• City of Brentwood, California
Sellers Sewer Lift Station Replacement
Kimley -Horn provided pre- design, and design services for the replacement of the Sellers Sewer Lift
Paul Eldredge
Station. The existing lift station was badly corroded as a result of poor system hydraulics that caused
City of Brentwood
(925) 516 -5420
excessive turbulence and release of corrosive gasses. The new design included many design
Sewer System
improvements that have optimized hydraulics in an effort to reduce corrosion and associated odors. The
Management Plan
new duplex, submersible lift station site was designed with enough space for future odor control
City of Rosemead
City of Auburn, California
Lower Vintage Oaks Sewer
Lift Station Improvement Project
Kimley -Horn was selected to provide engineering design services for the rehabilitation of the Lower
Bernie Schroeder
Vintage Oaks Lift Station ( LVOLS) in Auburn. The project was initiated to resolve capacity issues
identified in Auburn's SSMP SEACAP analysis, as well as repair assets that have reached the end of
Population: 12,000
their useful life. The project includes reuse of existing facilities that are in good condition (force main
100 miles of main lines and laterals
and wet well) to minimize capital budget impact. Another key system design feature was providing
sufficient head (250 -FT TDH) to bypass and abandon another lift station that was operating in series
August 2008 - Current
with LVOLS, thus reducing the overall operational costs of maintaining two lift stations. The LVOLS
could not be taken off -line during construction, so the design includes development of a project specific
Kimley -Hom
construction phasing, flow by -pass and emergency overflow and response plan that allows for live
❑�❑ and Associates, Inc.
tie -in of the improvements. The final improved station includes a new 23 -foot deep; an 8 -foot diameter
concrete wet well and valve vault; rehabilitation of the existing 8 -foot diameter steel wet well for use
as additional active storage; two(2) 105 -hp submersible sewer pumps; new emergency generator,
odor control, and electrical equipment; site building; telemetry; and demolition of existing lift station
• City of Brentwood, California
Sellers Sewer Lift Station Replacement
Kimley -Horn provided pre- design, and design services for the replacement of the Sellers Sewer Lift
Paul Eldredge
Station. The existing lift station was badly corroded as a result of poor system hydraulics that caused
City of Brentwood
(925) 516 -5420
excessive turbulence and release of corrosive gasses. The new design included many design
improvements that have optimized hydraulics in an effort to reduce corrosion and associated odors. The
new duplex, submersible lift station site was designed with enough space for future odor control
City population: 50,000
equipment, a portable emergency generator, and space to accommodate parking for a temporary bypass
250 miles of main lines and laterals
August 2005 -May 2007
Kimley -Hom
❑�❑ and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
If selected, this will be the team that will serve you and will not be replaced without prior City approval. We believe the key ingredient
in developing a "useable" SSMP is incremental enhancements to existing City procedures. The City can be confident that the Kimley-
Hom team is experienced at solving complex design and planning issues for public clients, and that we will understand how to quickly
evaluate your needs and will develop innovative and cost - effective enhancements to verity WDR compliance. Our entire team is ready to
immediately start this project.
The success of any engineering project depends on the quality of the individuals who make up the project team. We have selected our
most talented SSMP professionals to serve the City. Our team brings the technical expertise, hands -on experience with similar SSMP
projects, and a shared commitment to high - quality deliverables and
client service. The organizational chart to the right represents our key
staff for your project. The table
below illustrates our team's
extensive experience and
x. _.
x - - -�
availability. Brief bios for our
team members can be found
on the following page. Full
resumes can be found at the GC/GA
Project Manager Principal -in- Charge
end of this proposal. Chuck Spinks, P.E.
Mike Fisher, P.E. Bill Dvorak, AICP
Sewer System
Management Planning
Eric Nielsen. P.E.
Joe Ziemann, EIT
I Master Planning
Derrick Williams. P.E.
Brian Valentine, P.E., LEED "AP
Michael Choi. P.E.. LEEOmAP
Dan Rich, P.E.
NEXGEN Uli /ay Management
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30 / WW920028.08
❑_FJ Kimley -Hom
and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
Mike Fisher has spent the last several years focusing on WDR compliance related projects. He is certified by the California Water
Environment Association (CWEA) as a SSMP-CWDRs subject matter expert and facilitator. Mr. Fisher has led CWEA training classes
across the state, including SSO -WDR Compliance Workshop: CIWQS Electronic Reporting & Requirement Tips; SSO -WDR Compliance
Workshop: Developing Your Plan; and SSMP: Map, Maintain, Measure & Modify classes. He is an active member of the CWEA State
Collection Systems Committee and is currently serving as their regulatory compliance liaison. Mr. Fisher has been working in this field
of civil engineering since its inception as the EPA's Capacity, Management, Operation, and Maintenance (CMOM) program.
Mr. Fisher has over 12 years of experience in managing all phases of planning, design, and construction management for new and existing
wet utility infrastructure. His experience includes considerable work in the development of management, operation, and maintenance
(MOM) programs, and design and construction management for sewer rehabilitation and replacement work. He is experienced in
trenchless construction methods and is certified in pipe- bursting and cured -in -place pipe (CIPP) best design and construction practices
by the National Association of Trenchless Technologies (NASTT). He has guest lectured for the Sacramento State University Civil
Engineering department in the field of pipeline rehabilitation and replacement. Mike is certified by NASSCO as a trainer for their
Pipeline and Manhole Assessment Certification Programs (PACP & MACP).
He has extensive experience in condition and capacity assessments and preparation of rehabilitation and replacement recommendations
for wet utility infrastructure. He led the development of Kimley- Horn's "risk" based infrastructure failure analysis protocol and has
utilized that protocol in the preparation of prioritized, time - phased, capital improvement plans for numerous existing water and sewer
systems. His experience includes information management and development of geo- referenced asset management systems and mapping
Chuck Spinks has over 32 years experience in the planning and design of water and wastewater systems. He has served as City
Engineer for multiple agencies in his career and has used this experience in his QC /QA role on our SSMP projects to help ensure
that we are developing "useable" plans that are consistent with the way in which municipal utilities operate. As City Engineer,
he was responsible for implementing grease control programs, managing sewer rehabilitation programs including flow monitoring and
cleaning, responding to sewer emergencies such as spills and blockages, reviewing and updating sewer service rates, and serving as a
representative for the Regional Wastewater District and the State RWQCB.
With Kimley -Horn, Mr. Spinks has managed the design of sewer rehab and replacement projects, including 14.9 miles of sewer
for the City of San Diego. These projects included CCTV inspections, hydraulics, design studies, prioritizing project elements, and final
design. For the San Diego Metropolitan Wastewater Department, Mr. Spinks prepared designs for the repairs to a 72 -inch force main
under the San Diego Bay. He also prepared plans for the rehabilitation of the 78 -inch and 84 -inch South Metro Interceptor, hazardous
materials containment structure, monitoring wells on Fiesta Island, and prepared odor studies at PS #1. For the San Diego CCDC project,
he prepared a sewer and water study and analyzed alternative ultimate populations and demands for the central city redevelopment area
expansion. In addition, he analyzed existing sewer and water systems, identified system deficiencies, and prepared a final report with
prioritized recommendations and cost estimates for sewer and water system replacement and expansion.
31 / WW920028.08
❑_❑ Kimley -Hom
and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
Bill Dvorak is Kimley- Horn's Woodland Hills office leader and brings to this project more than 24 years of experience in transportation
planning for communities in Southern California. He has managed large -scale multi -modal transportation plans, bicycle master plans,
traffic impact studies for a variety of land uses, transit studies, traffic signal system management plans, parking evaluations, and ITS
strategic plans. He regularly works to obtain local, state, and federal funding for projects including bicycle and pedestrian facilities. In
addition, he has managed long -term development and design efforts for land development projects, including institutional, commercial,
and medical center reconstruction projects.
Eric Nielsen's experience includes work in wastewater collection system condition assessment, rehabilitation /replacement design, asset
management, and development of SSMPs. He is certified as a trainer for the NASSCO PACP sewer inspection program and has
more than 400 hours of recent experience directing CCTV data collection as part of a wastewater collection system condition
assessment. He has worked closely with private and municipal CCTV crews to facilitate accurate collection of field inspection data and
has reviewed and produced rehabilitation recommendations for numerous projects. Mr. Nielsen has worked in the field with operation
and maintenance staff on bypass and diversion plans to complete pipeline assessments. He is also trained and well - versed with CCTV
inspection software such as flexidata, Granite -XP, WinCan and PicAx. Mr. Nielsen is proficient with multiple capacity modeling software
packages, including SewerCAD, StormCAD, HEC -RAS, HEC -HMS, HEC -1, and SWMM.
Mr. Nielsen's field work includes coordination with City staff to contact and inform residents regarding project impacts and locating
private services. In addition, he has experience in trenchless construction methods and is certified in pipe- bursting best design and
construction practices by the National Association of Trenchless Technologies. He has developed branchless rehabilitation specifications
for specific projects that were later used as standard specifications for agencies. Mr. Nielsen is also involved with professional
organizations such as the CWEA State Collection Systems Committee where his involvement currently includes the development of a
CCTV Best Practices Manual. Currently he is serving as one of the chairs for CWEA's 2008 Northern Regional Training Conference. He has
given multiple presentations at CWEA conferences on topics such as SSMP development and how to effectively incorporate condition
assessment into capital improvement planning.
Joe Ziemann is an integral part of Kimley- Horn's SSMP development project team. He has written several SSMP Development Plan
and Schedules and SSMPs. He works interactively with both management and operation and maintenance personnel to create SSMP
programs tailored to the client, while coordinating with the local RWQCB enforcement officer to verify the programs are consistent with
their interpretation of the WDRs. Mr. Ziemann is experienced at interacting with public agency personnel to efficiently collect pertinent
information and evaluate operation and maintenance activities. Mr. Ziemann has thorough knowledge of the various "best practices" for
preventative maintenance, condition assessment, and capital improvement planning established by both regulatory agencies and the
industry. Mr. Ziemann conducts condition assessment of sewer collection system infrastructure and is NASSCO PACP certified.
His field experience includes CCTV inspection, condition assessment, and manhole rehabilitation. Mr. Ziemann's unique database
development, GIS, CCTV, CMMS, and VBnet programming experience provides him with a strong understanding of the coordination
required to efficiently utilize the data collected by a range of asset management systems.
32 / WW920J28.08
❑_❑ Kimley -Hom
and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
Derrick Williams has design and condition assessment experiences in sewer, water, and stormwater related services. He is proficient in
condition assessment of sewer collection system infrastructure and is NASSCO PACP certified with significant field experience
completing CCTV inspection. He is experienced in trenchless rehabilitation construction methods and is certified by NASTT in Pipe -
Bursting and Cured -In -Place -Pipe best design and construction practices. Mr. Williams has completed multiple hydraulic capacity
modeling and transient analysis projects for sewer and drainage system force mains, pump stations, and gravity collection systems. He
assisted with the development of Kimley- Horn's Deficiency Identification and Repair Program that utilizes operational and capacity data to
provide reliability or "risk" assessment of wet infrastructure. He has completed detailed odor and corrosion control assessment of sewer
lines, and has experience analyzing the affects of fats, oils, and grease on collection system operations.
Brian Valentine has more than six years of demonstrated experience in water resources, land development, structural design, and
architectural /structural plan review. His expertise covers a wide range of design and analysis in private- sector projects that includes
roadway design, site grading, stormwater management, utility design, erosion control, and structural design. Brian is actively involved
in projects that require Best Management Practice (BMP), Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), and Storm Water
Pollution Plan (SWPPP).
Michael Choi is an experienced civil engineer with over 11 years of experience in water resources, land development, and transportation
engineering. His expertise includes a wide range of design and analysis of roadways, building structures, sanitary sewers, stormwater
management, and domestic water facilities. He has also performed cost estimates and solicited bids for construction, roadways, sanitary
sewers, stormwater management, utility connection, grading and erosion control, building structures, and domestic water facilities. His
responsibilities have specifically included the design of individual plans for restoring water, sewer, and stormwater mains.
Dan Rich is a Principal of NEXGEN Utility Management. Mr. Rich has 11 years of consulting experience and specializes in the
permitting, planning, and design of public water and wastewater facilities. He has completed over 20 water and wastewater master
plans for communities throughout California. Dan has relevant project experience with most of the hydraulic models used to assess sewer
and water system capacities.
33 / WW920028.08
Kimley -Hom
❑� and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System _
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
Special Qualifications
o More than 12 years of experience managing all phases of planning, design and construction
management for new and existing wet utility infrastructure, with particular emphasis on rehabilitation
and replacement utilizing trenchless construction methodologies
o Certified in pipe - bursting and cured -in -place pipe best design and construction practices
o Certified subject matter expert for Sanitary Sewer Management Plan (SSMP) development
o Operational field experience, including over 1000 hours of CCTV inspection
o Specializes in analyzing management, operation and maintenance programs (including regulatory
compliance) for municipal agencies
0 Experienced in rate studies, life -cycle cost analysis, business case decision making, level of service
and performance indicator development and other assest management fundamentals
o Well- versed in development and implementation of software solutions for streamlined workload and
data management
o Focused practical experience in all phases of system evaluation and capacity assurance plan (SECAP)
development and implementation
o Led the development of Kimley- Horn's "Risk" based infrastructure failure analysis protocol
Relevant Project Experience
Sanitary Sewer Management Plans (Cities of Woodland, Lincoln, Redding; Avenal, and County of Fresno, CA)
Bachelor of Science
Project Manager. Responsible for assisting in the development of all or select portions of agencies SSMP.
Typical services included GWDR gap analysis; SSMP development plan and schedule; SSMP development
California State Poytechnic University, San Luis
Obispo, 1996
workshop facilitation; staffing and budgeting impact assessment; SSMP procedures development and
implementation assistance; City Council and /or governing board presentation and workshops; as well
Professional Engineer in California
as public meetings and informational workshops. He was responsible for managing the development of
all elements of the SSMP, including goal setting; organizational analysis; legal authority verification and
Certified by the Califomia water Environment
ordinance development; operation and preventative maintenance planning; overflow and emergency
Association (CWEA) as a SSO -WDR subject
response planning; fats, oils, and grease assessment and programs; standardized design and performance
matter specialist and facilitator
provisions; SECAP and master planning updates; public outreach and communications; level of service
Statewide Collection System Committee,
setting and performance indicators; and standardized record keeping performance monitoring and
Regulatory Compliance Liaison
Hydraulic Model /Master Plan Update (Woodland, CA)
Guest Lecturer at CSU- Sacramento onTrenchless
As Project Manager, Mr. Fisher is responsible for Kimley- Horn's update to the City's sanitary sewer master
plan to meet SSMP -SECAP requirements and General Plan Update. The General Plan is contemplating
Certified NASSCO Pipeline and Manhole
higher proportion of mixed density development and some defined areas of increased density. Project
Assessment Trainer
includes flow monitoring; GIS based model development; current, 20 -year and ultimate build -out flow
and development of time - phased capital plan with specific triggers based on growth.
Certified NASTT Pipe Bursting and CIPP Design
Best Practices
Resume: Michael fisher, P.E.
Kinfley -Horn
and Associates, Inc.
W, WE-�
Sewer System _
Management Plan
Proposal a
City of Rosemead
Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study and Hydraulic Model (Folsom, ca)
As Project Manager, Mr. Fisher was responsible for completing an evaluation of more than 200,00 linear
feet of existing sanitary sewer pipe using smoke testing, dye testing, flow monitoring, CCTV and visual
inspection. He was responsible for coordinating the update to the Co's sanitary sewer master plan to
meet SSMP -SECAP requirements and incorporating the results of the field study into the model calibration.
The model is updated annually utilizing a GIS based model with the most current flow monitoring data
from permanent flow meters that are installed around the City.
Management, Operation and Maintenance and Field Assessment Efforts
o WW Condition Assessment (Roseville, CA) Project Manager. Responsible for 200,000 LF CCTV, condition
assessment and capital improvement plan development, developed comprehensive GIS based
condition assessment and capital improvement planning module.
o WW Condition Assessment and Capital Improvement Planning Module (Roseville and Woodland, CA)
Project Manager. Responsible for 10,000 LF CCTV, life cycle cost analysis, developed comprehensive
based condition assessment and capital improvement planning module that was a GIS based
software application that combined date from the City's CCTV, CMMS and hydraulic modeling software.
o Standard Specifications and Design Manual Update (Folsom and Lincoln, CA) Project Manager
responsible for oversight, review and complete update to the design standards, construction
specifications, and standards details for the City of Lincoln and Folsom.
o Standardized Utility MOM Protocol Development (Folsom, CA) standardized operating procedures for
preventative maintenance field activities, budget and life -cycle cost analysis.
o EBMUD - Upcountry Facilities CA & SECAP (Pardee and Comanche Reservoir, CA) comprehensive
condition assessment, system evaluation and capacity assurance plan, development of comprehensive
time -phase CIP and GIS based asset management system.
o Yosemite Valley and El Portal CA & SECAP (El Portal, CA) comprehensive condition assessment, system
evaluation and capacity assurance plan, and development of comprehensive time -phase capital
improvement program.
Other Master Planning and Sewer Modeling Efforts
o Master Plan Update (Lincoln, CA)
o Railyards Project (Sacramento, CA) — integration with existing model
o Oakland Army Base (Oakland, CA) — expansion of and integration with existing model
o Creek Crossing program (Roseville, CA) — replacement of existing line with new required running
modeling scenarios to verify sizing and integration of results into existing model
o Boulder Creek Sewer Interceptor (Redding, CA) — integration and review of existing model
Resume: Michael Fisher, P.E.
��❑ and Associates, ocates,Inc.
• Sewer System
• Management Plan
• City of Rosemead K>A '
• Sewer Interceptor and Collection System Rehabilitation and Replacement Designs
• Project Manager responsible for design alternatives analysis, construction methodology and alignment
selection, plans and specifications for public bid construction, and bid phase and construction phase
services for the following:
o Boulder Creek Sewer Interceptor (Redding, CA), 20,000 LF, 28" HOPE, Pipe Bursting, capacity related
upgrade driven by City SECAP -SSMP compliance.
o Jenny Creek elevated Sewer interceptor (Redding, CA), 3,000 LF, 16" DIP Replace in Place.
o Beamer Street Trunk Line (Woodland, CA), 3,000 LF, 36" RCP pipe lining, CIPP
• 6 48 -inch Trunk Line (Woodland, CA), 5,000 LF, 48" RCP, pipe lining, CIPP.
• o Grant Line Road Reconstruction (Tracy, CA), 5,000 LF, 30" Hobas, replace two existing parallel lines in
• extremely heavy traffic area, with significant existing utility density, maintain service to existing clients,
• capacity related upgrade driven by City SECAP efforts.
• 6 04 -05 Sewer Rehabilitation Phase I (Folsom, CA), 5,000 LF, 6 " -8 ", PVC, over 60 laterals
• o Orange Grove Rehabilitation (Folsom, CA), 7,000 LF, 6 " -8 ", PVC & DIP over 60 laterals
• o Saugstad Dry Creek Crossing (Redding, CA), 500 LF, 12 ", DIP under creek, permitting
o Linda Creek Sewer Crossings (Folsom, CA), 2000 LF, 8 " -12 ", DIP, 4 separate crossing replacements, 2
siphons, complete planning, design and environmental permitting
Sewer Lift Station Rehabilitation and Replacement Designs
Project Manager responsible for design alternatives analysis, construction methodology and alignment
selection, plans and specifications for public bid construction, and bid phase /construction phase services:
o Nicolaus Road Lift Station (Lincoln, CA), 4 MGD, dual submersible, rehab existing wet well and,
controls, instrumentation, SCADA, stand -by power generation, 1,500 LF of 12" PVC force main, and
site work.
o Sellers Sewer Lift Station (Brentwood, CA), 1 MGD, dual submersible, rehab existing wet well, controls,
instrumentation, SCADA, and site work.
o Lower Vintage Oaks Pump Station (Auburn, CA), 1 MGD, dual submersible, new wet -well, odor control,
rehab existing wet well for use as additional storage, control building, stand -by power generation,
controls, SCADA, site work.
o Cerritos Center lift Station (Cerritos, CA) , 125 GPM, dual submersible, new wet -well, stand -by power
generation, controls, SCADA, site work, 2,00 LF of 3" PVC force main, a completed as part of upgrade
to existing mall to replace existing Sears with new Nordstrom's, approval required to go through L.A.
County sanitation District.
Resume: Michael Fisher, P.E.
Kimley -Hom
❑�❑ and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
Special Qualifications
o More than 32 years of experience in the planning and design of water and wastewater systems
o Managed projects in planning and design of municipal facilities, flood control and wastewater facilities,
water supply facilities, water reclamation facilities, and hydroelectric facilities including dams, tunnels,
penstocks, and power houses
e Extensive experience throughout California in large trunk sewer design and collection system
assessment and rehabilitation /repair design
o Experience includes all types and sizes of lift stations, from small grinder pump stations for small
developments to large interceptor, self - cleaning wet/dry well designs
Relevant Experience
Master of Science
Civil Engineering/Water Resources
San lose State University, 1979
Bachelor of Science
Civil Engineering
San Jose State University, 1976
Professional Engineer in California
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Public Works Association WateReuse
Association of California
Sanitary Sewer Waste Discharge Requirements: Sanitary Sewer Management Plans
(Cities of Woodland, Lincoln, Redding, Avenal, and the County of Fresno, CA)
QC /QA. Mr. Spinks was responsible for the following sections: Legal Authority; Design and Performance
Provisions, Final SSMP, and the Communication Plan.
Wastewater Collection System Condition Assessment & Capital Improvement Planning Module
(Cities of Roseville and Woodland, CA)
QC /QA. Kimley- Horn's team developed and implemented a statistical analysis algorithm that utilized
criticality and probability criteria to calculate a "Risk" of failure score for every pipe assessed.
Parallel Boulder Creek Interceptor Project (Redding; CA)
QC /QA. Kimley -Horn was selected by the City of Redding to design a new sewer interceptor pipeline to
either parallel or replace the existing Boulder Creek Interceptor (BCID, which is undersized to carry current
peak wet weather flow (PWWF). The existing BCI is over 20,000 feet in length, ranges in size from 6 to 18
inches, and is constructed of a combination of vitrified clay (VCP) and asbestos cement pipe (ACP). The
new interceptor will require pipe ranging in size from 10 -inch to 28 -inch.
Jenny Creek Elevated Sewer (Roseville, CA)
QC /QA. Providing emergency engineering design services for the City's Jenny Creek Sewer Interceptor. We
assisted the City with the condition assessment and are developing a completely modified design, which
will realign the pipe out of the creek channel and will use current construction materials and coatings to
further protect the pipe, while allowing for construction of the pipe without any costly by -pass pumping.
Water Environment Federation Linda Creek Sewer Crossing Rehabilitation Program (Roseville, CA)
QC /QA. Providing ongoing engineering services in support of the City's SSMP Rehabilitation Program.
California water Pollution Control Association Kimley -Horn assisted in assessing the condition of six separate creek crossings for their wastewater
collection system.
Resume: Chuck Spinks, P.E.
❑_❑ Kimley -Horn
and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
Proposal _
City of Rosemead
Sewer and Water Group lobs (San Diego, CA)
Project Manager. Prepared preliminary engineering and design services for the analysis and replacement of
sewer and water lines located throughout the City of San Diego (six City Group lobs). The project included
a total of 14.9 miles of sewer line and three miles of water line.
Poinsettia Lane Pressure Reducing Facilities (Carlsbad, CA)
Project Manager. Prepared design for two adjacent pressure reducing facilities; one for water and one for
reclaimed water.
Metropolitan Wastewater Department — South Bay Pump Station and Force Main (San Diego, CA)
Project Manager for design of 15 -MGD wastewater pump station and over three miles of 30 -inch sewer
force main and 8 -inch sludge force main.
South Agua Hedionda Trunk Sewer (Carlsbad, CA)
Project Manager. Kimley -Horn performed the pre- design study and alternatives analysis forthe City of
Carlsbad for the installation of the 24" South Agua Hedionda trunk sewer.
Buena Outtall Force Main, Buena Sanitation District (vista, CA)
Project Manager. Provided the preliminary and final design of 6,000 feet of 24" force main in Carlsbad. The
project is re- routing of the existing outfall along a new roadway alignment replacing easement in the creek
Johnson Canyon Trunk Sewer (San Diego County, CA)
Project Manager. Kimley -Horn provided preliminary and final design of 12,000 feet of 18" trunk sewer in
East Otay Mesa. Project includes portion in future road alignment with extensive grading, and portion in
sensitive habitat along the canyon floor.
San Ysidro Border Station Sewer/Water Relocation (San Ysidro, CA)
Project Engineer. Kimley -Horn was retained by SANDAG to redesign the entire San Ysidro border station
area. This station is the busiest station on the entire San Diego LRT system. A substantial component of
this project was the relocation of the existing utilities including water and sewer mains.
Boeing Enclave Utilities Relocation, Boeing 111/C11 Manufacturing Facility (Long Beach, CA)
Project Engineer. The Boeing Company closed a portion of their Long Beach facility, which manufactured
MD80 /90 aircraft. Kimley -Horn was responsible for the project management, design, and construction
management of new and relocated wet and dry utilities to serve all three separate facility areas
that currently was fed through buildings identified for demolition. The design included 8 -inch gravity
sewer, 6 -inch and 12 -inch domestic water mains, 12 -inch fire protection main, over 2 miles of
telecommunications duct banks,l2kV power relocations (including hangar roof mountings), 8 -inch
compressed air, drainage (including pH and hydrocarbon sensors and gate valves), 8 -inch natural gas, and
horizontal directional drilling design.
• Resume: Chuck Spinks, P.E.
Kimley -Horn
and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
Special Qualifications
e More than 21 years of transportation planning experience in both the public and private sector
e First Project Manager for Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority's Signal Support
Group, which organized groups of City traffic engineers to improve signal timing and coordination
e Has presented transportation planning and traffic engineering project information to public and elected
officials in more than 35 jurisdictions throughout Southern California
Relevant Project Experience
On -Call Professional Engineering Services (Rosemead, CAI
Project Manager. Kimley -Horn is under contract with the City of Rosemead to perform engineering services
on an as- needed basis.
Resume: Bill Dvorak, AICP C]=❑ Kimley-Hom
WW9200128.08 and Associates, Inc.
Upper 21 Street (cos Angeles, CA)
Project Director. This project exemplifies the full -range of consulting design services that Kimley -Horn
provides to clients. In 1999, Kimley -Horn completed a funding application for City of Los Angeles
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) that was submitted to the MTA Call for Projects, in the Regional
Surface Transportation Improvement model category. The application was for the design and construction
of Upper 2 1d Street, an arterial segment in the Bunker Hill area of Downtown Los Angeles. The new 4 -lane
roadway, from Olive Street to Upper Grand Avenue, will provide direct access to the new Walt Disney
Concert Hall and additional capacity in the Bunker Hill area for passenger vehicles and buses.
Master of Arts
Transportation Planning
On -Call Services June to December 2008 (Riverside County, CA)
University of Kansas, 1987
Principal -in- Charge. Kimley -Horn is under contract with the County of Riverside to perform traffic
Bachelor of Arts
engineering and transportation planning review services on an as- needed basis. Assignments to date have
included review of site developments, providing traffic - related conditions of approval, technical review of
University of Michigan, 1985
striping plans, signal plans, and peer review of traffic impact studies, traffic signal design, roundabout
Studies on Traffic Engineering University of Iowa
design, and street light engineering services.
Land Development Courses University of
California, Los Angeles
On -Call Traffic Engineering Services aos Angeles County, CA)
Principal -in- Charge. Kimley -Horn provided as- needed traffic engineering services for Los Angeles County.
Projects involved preparation of PS &E for the upgrading, modernization, and interconnect of over 450
American Institute of Certified Planners
locations along 11 major arterials in Los Angeles County. The Kimley -Horn team was involved with the
design and preparation of traffic signal and interconnect improvement PS &E.
Institute of Transportation Engineers
Lake Avenue Traffic Signal Timing Project - Altadena Drive to California Boulevard
ITS lnterjurisdictional Task Force Committee
(Los Angeles County, CA)
Principal -in- Charge. Kimley -Horn developed time - space- diagrams for 23 intersections along Lake Avenue
American Planning Association
in the Cities of Pasadena and Altadena using Synchro and SimTraffic Simulation software. Coordination
ITS America
with Caltrans D -7 staff was also required to determine an acceptable cycle length and offset for freeway
Resume: Bill Dvorak, AICP C]=❑ Kimley-Hom
WW9200128.08 and Associates, Inc.
0 Relevant Experience
0 Sanitary Sewer Waste Discharge Requirements: Sanitary Sewer Management Plans
(Cities of Woodland, Lincoln, Redding, Avenal, and the County of Fresno, CA)
Project Engineer. Mr. Nielsen was responsible for the Overflow Emergency Response Plan; Operations and
Maintenance Plan; Fats, Oils, and Grease Program; Design and Performance Provisions; Final SSMP; and
Sewer System
Management Plan
Engineer. Kimley -Horn provided comprehensive design services to assess the condition and
City of Rosemead
Master of Science
Civil Engineering/Water Resources
Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project — Phase I (Folsom, CA)
Brigham Young university, 2005
Special Qualifications
Experience includes work in wastewater collection system condition assessment, rehabilitation/
replacement design, asset management and development of SSMPs
Civil Engineering
Brigham Young University, 2003
Worked closely with private and municipal CCTV crews to facilitate accurate collection of field
Project Engineer. Kimley -Horn was selected by the City of Roseville to assist in assessing the condition
inspection data and has reviewed and produced rehabilitation recommendations for numerous projects
Proficient with GIS platforms, including ESRI ArcMap 9.2
Professional Engineer in California
Utilized GIS to analyze assets based on criteria developed by Kimley -HOrn to identify trends in asset
in their existing design from six -inch to 12 -inch pipe, but in general were 50 feet to 200 feet long, partially
attributes to prioritize rehabilitation projects
Used global positioning system (GPS) receivers to collect field asset data and later incorporated that
problems associated with these crossings during high flow creek conditions, we provided engineering
data into existing datasets
Software experience also includes computer modeling including sewer collection system modeling
existing crossings.
(SewerCAD), onsite drainage analysis and storm drain design (StormCAD), floodplain limits and scour
analysis (HEC -RAS), airport drainage master plans and drainage analyses (HEC -HMS and HEC -1)
Resume: Eric Nielsen, P.E.
Kimley -Hom
0 Relevant Experience
0 Sanitary Sewer Waste Discharge Requirements: Sanitary Sewer Management Plans
(Cities of Woodland, Lincoln, Redding, Avenal, and the County of Fresno, CA)
Project Engineer. Mr. Nielsen was responsible for the Overflow Emergency Response Plan; Operations and
Maintenance Plan; Fats, Oils, and Grease Program; Design and Performance Provisions; Final SSMP; and
the Monitoring and Reporting Program.
Engineering Services for the Parallel Boulder Creek Interceptor Sewer (Redding CA)
Engineer. Kimley -Horn provided comprehensive design services to assess the condition and
capacity of the Boulder Creek Sewer Interceptor and develop PS &E to replace the line.
Master of Science
Civil Engineering/Water Resources
Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project — Phase I (Folsom, CA)
Brigham Young university, 2005
Project Engineer. Mr. Nielsen was responsible for the Operations and Maintenance Plan and
Communication Plan.
Bachelor of Science
Civil Engineering
Brigham Young University, 2003
Saugstad Dry Creek Sewer Crossing (Roseville, CA)
Project Engineer. Kimley -Horn was selected by the City of Roseville to assist in assessing the condition
of six separate creek crossings for their wastewater collection system. During recent storm events these
Professional Engineer in California
crossings were placed under increased stress due to high storm water run -off flows. The crossings varied
in their existing design from six -inch to 12 -inch pipe, but in general were 50 feet to 200 feet long, partially
Cert ied Trainer for the NASSCO PACP Sewer
exposed crossings with concrete encasement covering the upper half of the carrier pipe. To minimize future
Inspection Program
problems associated with these crossings during high flow creek conditions, we provided engineering
consulting services to assist with the assessment and design of options for replacing or rehabilitating the
existing crossings.
Resume: Eric Nielsen, P.E.
Kimley -Hom
��❑ and Associates, Inc.
• Sewer System
• Management Plan
Proposal r
• City of Rosemead
• Linda Creek Sewer Crossing Rehabilitation Program (Roseville, CA)
• Project Engineer. Providing ongoing engineering services in support of the City's SSMP Rehabilitation
Program. Kimley -Horn assisted in assessing the condition of six separate creek crossings for their
wastewater collection system.
• Wastewater Collection System Condition Assessment, Alternatives Analysis, and Improvement
Recommendations (Roseville, Cal
Project Engineer. Mr. Nielsen was responsible for the following sections: Operations and Maintenance Plan,
a System Evaluation and Capacity Assurance Plan, Communication Plan, and the Monitoring and Reporting
• Program.
Beamer Street and 48 -inch Trunk Lines Assessment (woodland, CA)
Project Engineer. Kimley -Horn assisted with comprehensive condition assessment and cleaning services
for 36 and 48 -inch diameter trunk lines immediately upstream of the City of Woodland's Water Pollution
• Control Facility (WPCF). Kimley -Horn worked closely with the City's Utilities Maintenance Staff to complete
• the assessment in accordance with the City's SSMP Rehabilitation and Replacement program risk analysis
Standardized Utility MOM Protocol Development Assistance (Folsom, CA)
• Project Engineer. Kimley -Horn assisted with the evaluation and enhancement of select portions of the
• City's management, operation, and maintenance (MOM) procedures with the objective of enhancing the
• level of service provided to the customers in support of their SSMP 0 &M Program.
Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study (Folsom, CA)
• Project Engineer. The project included smoke testing of over 200,000 linear feet of existing sanitary sewer
• pipe ranging in size from four inches to 52 inches. Results from the study were used to identify deficiencies
in the existing sewer system and recommend rehabilitation efforts to address these problems. Data from
the study was be uploaded into the City computerized maintenance management program for future data
Condition Assessment - Smoke Test (Folsom, CA)
Project Engineer. The City is continuously evaluating and enhancing their agency wide approach to
information management. The Utilities Department is in the process of making two such enhancements.
The first is the development of a time collection database that will store employee hours by City project
and the related associated budget fund. The second is the development of a work flow for continued
implementation of their sanitary sewer system smoke testing, condition assessment, and repair program.
Nichols Road Lift Wastewater Station (Lake Elsinore Valley, CA)
Project Engineer. Kimley -Horn is providing pre- design planning, detailed design, and construction
engineering of a 2.1 MGD wastewater lift station in support of the Alberhill Ranch development in the City
of Lake Elsinore. All design and construction must occur within 10 months to accommodate construction
schedules for the site.
Resume: Eric Nielsen, PE.
Kimley -Horn
❑�❑ and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
Special Qualifications
o Has written several SSMP development plans and schedules and SSMPs
o Works interactively with both management and operation and maintenance personnel to create SSMP
programs tailored to the client, while coordinating with the local RWQCB enforcement officer to verify
the programs are consistent with their interpretation of the WDRs
o Experienced at interacting with public agency personnel to efficiently collect pertinent information and
evaluate operation and maintenance activities
o Thorough knowledge of the various "best practices' for preventative maintenance, condition
assessment, and capital improvement planning established by both regulatory agencies and the
o Conducts condition assessment of sewer collection system infrastructure and is NASSCO PACP
o Field experience includes CCTV inspection, condition assessment, and manhole rehabilitation
Relevant Experience
Master of Civil Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Lehigh University, 2006
Bachelor of Science
Environmental Engineering
Lehigh University, 2005
Engineer -in- Training
Resume: Joe Ziemann, EIT
Sanitary Sewer Waste Discharge Requirements: Sanitary Sewer Management Plans
(Cities of Woodland, Lincoln, Redding Avenal, and the County of Fresno, CA)
Project Engineer. Mr. Ziemann was responsible for the Overflow Emergency Response Plan; Legal Authority;
Fats, Oils, and Grease Program; Design and Performance Provisions; System Evaluation and Capacity
Assurance Plan; Final SSMP; Communication Plan; and the Monitoring and Reporting Program.
Parallel Boulder Creek Interceptor Project (Redding CA)
Project Engineer. Kimley -Horn provided comprehensive design services to assess the condition and
capacity of the Boulder Creek Sewer Interceptor and develop PS &E to replace the line.
Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Phase I (Folsom, CA)
Project Engineer. Kimley -Horn completed engineering services for the rehabilitation /replacement of
portions of the City's sewer collection system. The project included CCTV investigation, environmental
investigation, geotechnical report, surveying, utilities coordination, permitting assistance, public outreach
program, and design and construction management of 5,200 lineal feet of sanitary sewer pipe at seven
locations. Services provided: wastewater, environmental, and construction management.
Linda Creek Sewer Crossing Rehabilitation Program (Roseville, CA)
Project Engineer. Kimley -Horn provides ongoing engineering services in support of the City of Roseville's
SSMP Rehabilitation Program. Kimley -Horn was selected by the City of Roseville to assist in assessing the
condition of six separate creek crossings for their wastewater collection system.
❑_FJ Kintley -Hom
and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System a
Management Plan
Proposal -.
'. City of Rosemead
Nicholas Road Lift Station (Lincoln, CA)
Project Engineer. Kimley -Horn assessed, designed and provided construction phase services for the
Nicolaus Road Lift Station Improvements project in support of the City of Lincoln's SSMP Rehabilitation
and SECAP Programs.
1. Wastewater Collection System Condition Assessment, Alternatives Analysis, and Improvement
Recommendations (Roseville and Woodland, CA)
1� Project Engineer. Kimley- Horn's team developed and implemented a statistical analysis algorithm that
utilized criticality and probability criteria to calculate a "Risk" of failure score for every pipe assessed.
Beamer Street and 48 -inch Trunk Lines Assessment (Woodland, CA)
Project Engineer. Kimley- Horn's team was selected by the City of Woodland to help with the assessment
of two of the City's sewer trunk lines immediately upstream of the City's Water Pollution Control Facility
(WPCF). The two trunk lines were identified for assessment and rehabilitation because both are unlined
reinforced concrete pipe that have significantly deteriorated over time in the presence of corrosive
elements and both are critical to the operation of the City's collection system. Three thousand (3,000)
feet of the 36 -inch Beamer Street trunk line and four thousand (4,000) feet of the 48 -inch trunk line were
analyzed so that the City's rehabilitation funding could be applied to the segment with the highest risk of
Standardized Utility MOM Protocol Development Assistance (Folsom, CA)
Project Engineer. Kimley -Horn assisted with the evaluation and enhancement of select portions of the
City's management, operation, and maintenance (MOM) procedures with the objective of enhancing the
level of service provided to the customers in support of their SSMP 0 &M Program.
Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study and Alternatives Analysis (Folsom, CA)
Project Engineer. Smoke testing to locate and prioritize defects in sanitary sewer collection system,
developed prioritized rating system for identified defects, developed database for storing defect
information, uploaded data into City Computerized Maintenance Management System - GBA MasterSeries.
Sellers Sewer Lift Station Replacement (Brentwood, CA)
Project Engineer. Kimley -Horn provided pre- design, and design services for the replacement of the Sellers
Sewer Lift Station. The existing lift station was badly corroded as a result of poor system hydraulics that
caused excessive turbulence and release of corrosive gasses. The new design included many design
improvements that have optimized hydraulics in an effort to reduce corrosion and associated odors.
The new duplex, submersible lift station site was designed with enough space for future odor control
equipment, a portable emergency generator, and space to accommodate parking for a temporary bypass
1. Resume: Joe Ziemann, EIT
� wwszooJZS.oa
❑ � and Associates, Inc.
❑ and Associates,
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
Special Qualifications
o Design and condition assessment experience includes sewer, water, and stormwater related services
o Proficient in condition assessment of sewer collection system infrastructure with significant field
experience completing CCTV inspection
o Experienced in trenchless rehabilitation construction methods and is certified by NASTT in Pipe-
Bursting and Cured -In -Place -Pipe best design and construction practices
o Completed multiple hydraulic capacity modeling and transient analysis projects for sewer and drainage
system force mains, pump stations, and gravity collection systems
o Specializes in hydrology and other water related services such as design of waterlines, sewer lines,
and storm drainage
o Completed detailed odor and corrosion control assessment of sewer lines, and has experience
analyzing the affects of Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) on collection system operations
e Proficient with a number of modeling and design programs, including AutoCAD, ArcView GIS, HEC -RAS,
HEC -2, HEC -HMS, RiverCAD, Terrain Navigator, Modflow, WaterCAD, StormCAD, SewerCAD, Hammer,
Flowmaster. and PondPack and StormNet
Relevant Project Experience
SSMP Development and Hydraulic Model /Master Plan Update (woodland, CA)
Project Engineer for Kimley- Horn's work completing a "gap" analysis of the City of Woodland current status
with respect to regulatory compliance with the SWRCB GWDRs.
Fresno County Sewer System Management Plans (Fresno, CA)
PROFESSIONAL CREDENTIALS Wastewater Collection System Condition Assessment, Alternatives Analysis, and Improvement
Professional Engineer in California Recommendations (Roseville, CA)
Project Engineer. Kimley -Horn was selected by the City to help with the preparation of a condition
assessment study for portions of the City's wastewater collection system.
Resume: Derrick Williams, P.E.
❑_FJ Kimley -Hom
and Associates, Inc.
Project Engineer. Kimley -Horn is providing engineering consulting services to analyze, develop, and
complete a comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Management Plan (SSMP) for each of the 11 special districts
operated by the Resource Division of the Fresno County Department of Public Works and Planning.
Master of Science
Saugstad Dry Creek Sewer Crossing (Roseville, CA)
Civil Engineering/Water Resources
North Carolina State university, 2003
Project Engineer. Kimley -Horn was selected to assist in assessing the condition of six separate creek
crossings for their wastewater collection system. During recent storm events, these crossings were placed
under increased stress due to high storm water run -off flows. To minimize future problems associated with
Bachelor of Science
Civil/Environmental Engineering
these crossings during high flow creek conditions, we provided engineering consulting services to assist
North Carolina State University, 2002
with the assessment and design of options for replacing or rehabilitating the existing crossings.
PROFESSIONAL CREDENTIALS Wastewater Collection System Condition Assessment, Alternatives Analysis, and Improvement
Professional Engineer in California Recommendations (Roseville, CA)
Project Engineer. Kimley -Horn was selected by the City to help with the preparation of a condition
assessment study for portions of the City's wastewater collection system.
Resume: Derrick Williams, P.E.
❑_FJ Kimley -Hom
and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
4 Wastewater Collection System Condition Assessment and Capital Improvement Planning Module
(Roseville, CA)
Project Engineer. Responsible for developing capacity related probability and criticality criteria for the
statistical analysis tool. Responsible for review of the City's existing hydraulic model, analysis of results,
running scenarios and integrating the results into the Capital Improvements Plan.
�• Jenny Creek Elevated Sewer (Roseville, CA)
Project Engineer. Kimley -Horn was selected by the City of Redding to provide emergency engineering design
services for the City's Jenny Creek Sewer Interceptor.
Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project— Phase I (Folsom, CA)
Project Engineer. Responsible for the Overflow Emergency Response Plan, Legal Authority, Design and
Performance Provisions and System Evaluation and the Capacity Assurance Plan.
4 Standard Specifications and Design Manual Update (Folsom and Lincoln, CA)
Project Engineer. Responsible for the following sections: Fats, Oils, and Grease Program and the Design
and Performance Provisions.
Engineering Services for the Parallel Boulder Creek Interceptor Sewer (Redding, CAI
Project Engineer. Kimley -Horn was selected to help design and construct a new interceptor sewer pipeline,
either along an alignment that is approximately parallel to the existing Boulder Creek interceptor sewer
pipeline, in place of the existing Boulder Creek interceptor sewer pipeline, or a combination of both.
Nichols Road Lift Wastewater Station (Lake Elsinore valley, CA)
Analyst. Kimley -Horn is providing pre- design planning, detailed design, and construction engineering of a
2.1 MGD wastewater lift station in support of the Alberhill Ranch development in the City of Lake Elsinore.
Beamer Street Sewer Interceptor Rehab Design (Woodland, CA)
Project Engineer/Modeler. Kimley- Horn's team was selected by the City of Woodland to help with the
4 assessment of two of the City's sewer trunk lines immediately upstream of the City's Water Pollution
Control Facility (WPCF).
Sanitary Sewer Waste Discharge Requirements: Sanitary Sewer Management Plans (Redding, CA)
Project Engineer. Responsible for the Design and Performance Provisions and the System Evaluation and
the Capacity Assurance Plan.
Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study (Folsom, CA)
Project Engineer. Project included smoke testing of over 200,000 linear feet of existing sanitary sewer pipe
ranging in size from four inches to 52 inches. Results from the study were used to identify deficiencies
in the existing sewer system and recommend rehabilitation efforts to address these problems. Data from
the study was be uploaded into the City computerized maintenance management program for future data
Resume: Derrick Williams, P.E. Kimley -Hom
(� WW9200128.08 ❑�❑ and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System _
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
Special Qualifications
o More than six years of demonstrated experience in land development, water resources, structural
design, and architectural /structural plan review
o Expertise covers a wide range of design and analysis in private sector projects that includes roadway
design, site grading, stormwater management, utility design, erosion control, and structural design
e Actively involved in projects that require Best Management Practice (BMP), Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design (LEED), and Storm Water Pollution Plan SWPPP).
o Computing Skills: Enercalc, TJ Beam, Microsoft Office, AutoCAD
Relevant Experience
Bicknell Avenue Street Greening Project (Santa Monica, CA)
Project Manager. This is an innovative design intended to improve water quality, reduce urban runoff, and
improve the street's aesthetics. For this pilot project, a combination of permeable pavements, underground
infiltration pits, and landscaped bio - swales are being proposed within the public right -of -way. Currently,
Bicknell Avenue is a street with a wide right -of -way and travel lanes. As a result, curbs on either side of
the street will be extended to reduce the travel lane width and allow for a depressed bio -swale /retention
area. Kimley -Horn is the prime consultant for the project that includes geotechnical, landscape architect,
public outreach, and survey subconsultants.
West Covina Plan Check Services (West Covina, CAI
Project Manager. Kimley -Horn provides on -call plan check services for the Engineering Division for the
City of West Covina. Our services involve the review of tract/parcel maps, site grading, and retaining wall
plans. SUSMP and SWPPP compliance is reviewed for site grading plans and other developments as well.
Sony Studios - Culver Office Project (COP), (Culver City, Cal
Project Engineer. Kimley -Horn is providing civil engineering services to Sony Picture Studios for the
demolition of existing buildings, roadways, entry gate and parking lots within their backlot. Services include
the design of new and relocation of some existing utility lines, the construction of two new office buildings,
two new sound stages, a new parking structure, and a new entry road and gate. Services include full civil
engineering during the planning, design and construction stages of the project.
Sustainable design elements associated with the project: over 95% of construction waste is being
Bachelor of Science
recycled; drought tolerant and native plants will create water efficient landscaping; low -flow toilets,
Civil Engineering
University of Colorado, 2002
waterless urinals, motion detector lights and low energy bulbs will save water and electricity; a new energy
efficient power plant will reduce CO2 emissions and other greenhouse gases; 100% non -toxic carpeting,
paint, sealants, adhesives and wall coverings are being used; Housekeeping" building maintenance
standards will be followed; an on -site filtration system will clean stormwater runoff; local and regional
Professional Engineer in California
building materials will be used, thus reducing pollution caused by transportation and supporting
LEED® Accredited Professional
indigenous resources; and building occupants will have reduced exposure to pollutants and particulates
through increased efficiency filtration systems.
Resume: Brian Valentine, PE., LEEDS AP
rI ❑ lWW9200128.08
te ndA Associates, Inc.
Resume: Brian Valentine, P.E., LEEDA AP
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
CarMax - L.A. Area Sites (durbanklrorrance, CA)
Project Engineer. Kimley -Horn worked with CarMax on projects in Burbank, Signal Hill and Torrance. For
all three sites, we prepared due diligence studies. For the Burbank and Torrance sites, we coordinated
with all the Cities' Public Works, Building, and Planning Departments and with all the utility providers in
the area to get their service requirement. We also provided full site design services, including off -site
road improvements, utilities, paving, grading, and drainage plans for the Burbank and Torrance sites.
Construction phase services consist of permit coordination, review of shop drawings and RFIs, and site
meetings for both sites.
Costco at Lakewood Center (Lakewood, CA)
Project Engineer. Kimley -Horn is providing civil engineering services to The Macerich Company for the
construction of a new Costco store and gas station at the Lakewood Center. Tasks include demolishing
an existing Macy's department store, driveways, and parking lots; relocating some underground utility
lines; and reconfiguring driveways and surface parking lots. We will also be providing construction phase
Agoura Hills Plan Check (Agora Hin,, cA)
Project Manager. Kimley -Horn provides on -call plan check services for the Engineering Division for the City
of Agoura Hills. Our services involve the review of tract/parcel maps, lot line adjustments, site grading,
and retaining wall plans. SUSMP and SWPPP compliance is reviewed for site grading plans and other
developments as well.
��❑ Kimley -Hom
and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
Michael Choi, P.E.,
Special Qualifications
a Over 11 years of experience in civil engineering design for land development projects, roadway
projects, and project management
o Expertise in public and private land development projects that include site feasibility, master planning,
grading and drainage design, stormwater management design, erosion and sediment control, roadway
design, sewer and water line design and construction support services
o Has built strong relationships with key officials with the Cities of Los Angeles, West Hollywood,
Camarillo, Burbank, Alhambra, and County of Los Angeles
Relevant Experience
Domain Apartments (West Hollywood, CAI
Project Engineer. The project involved a design of a 141 -unit mixed -use apartment and retail building
on Santa Monica Boulevard in West Hollywood. This project entailed 34,500 cubic yards of grading;
water, sanitary sewer, and storm drain design requiring City of West Hollywood approvals and permits;
and intensive coordination with numerous consultants involved in the project. This project also required
a preparation of a comprehensive sewer study for the project sewer tributary area updating the City's
previous report prepared for the site. The sewer study area included several city blocks crossing over to
City of Los Angeles' trunk sewer line further downstream. The study involved coordination with the City
of West Hollywood, City of Los Angeles, and County Sanitation District to provide recommended sewer
upgrade options and cost estimates.
Wattstar Theatre (Los Angeles, CAI
Project Manager. The Wattstar Educational/Entertainment Facility together with the Community
Redevelopment Agency of Los Angeles intends to develop a 1.3 -acre site located in a vacant lot at the
intersection of 103" and Graham Streets in the City of Los Angeles. The proposed site will contain an
educational and entertainment facility consisting of an approximate 34,000- square -foot building footprint
over an existing Los Angeles County Sanitation District's sewer main and associated street and parking
improvements. Sewer main protection and reinforcement will be coordinated with the Los Angeles
County Sanitation District. Our services include providing civil engineering, permitting and construction
administration services.
Camarillo Ranch Business Park (Camarillo, CA)
Bachelor of Science
Project Manager. The project involved development of 9.32 acres of a vacant site in Camarillo near
Civil Engineering Technology
Mission Oaks Boulevard and Camarillo Ranch Road. The project included 11 office condominiums and 1
Old Dominion University, 1996
lease office with a total of 440 surface parking spaces. Our services include providing civil engineering,
permitting and construction administration services. Civil engineering services included utility layout
Professional Engineer in California
design including storm, water, and sewer. A sewer study and analysis report was prepared for the onsite
sewer system for submittal and review by the City of Camarillo based on the individual building fixture
LEED Accredited Professional
counts and California Plumbing Code.
Resume: Michael Choi, P.E., LEED ®AP
❑ =❑ Kimley -Hom
and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System _
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
City of Hope Northwest Building Expansion Project (Duarte, CA)
Project Manager for the renovation and expansion project of this building for the Radiation Therapy
Department. The project entails the preparation of site grading, utilities, erosion control, horizontal control,
and driveway relocation plans along with processing with the City of Duarte. The project will require
a preparation of a sewer plan and profile for the sewer realignment due to the building expansion and
roadway realignment.
Avenue V Pumping Station, Force Mains (Brooklyn, New York)
Civil Engineer. The project involved a design of 3.5 miles of 42 -inch diameter force main and 2.5 miles
of 48 -inch diameter force main in the Borough of Brooklyn, NY. The force mains were designed to
serve the upgraded Avenue V Wastewater Pumping Station handling up to 80 million gallons per day
(mgd) of combined sanitary and storm flows. The estimated construction cost was $50 million. Design
responsibilities included development of plans, profiles, specifications and contract documents for
procurement of construction services; determination of specific pipeline alignments; hydraulic transient
analysis using surge modeling software; design of air release /vacuum valve manholes and blowoffs;
design of rehabilitation lining of 5,000 linear feet of existing 4' x 8' reinforced concrete sewer; preparation
of detailed cost estimates and schedule of bid prices; preparation of preliminary CPM schedule; design of
utility relocations and development of Maintenance and Protection of Traffic (MPT) plans. (Priorto Kimley-
Los Angeles Metro Downtown Master Plan (Los Angeles, CA)
Civil Engineer. The work associated with the project involved civil /site engineering services for developing
1 .
a master plan /urban design for a 10 to 11 acre site in the Los Angeles Downtown Metro area. Civil
engineering services included existing utility research; proposed wet utility layout design including storm,
sewer and water; and stormwater management to address LEED requirements. (Prior to Kimley -Horn)
Pentagon Heating and Refrigeration Plant, Condenser Intake and Outfall Lines and Structures
(Arlington, VA)
Civil Engineer. The Pentagon Renovation Office sought the construction of new intake /ouffall lines and
related structures for the existing Heating and Refrigeration Plant (H &RP) in support of the overall
modernization of the Pentagon. The H &RP Intake /Ouffall Project included the construction of new
condenser water systems, which provided condenser water to the HR &P chillers from new intake
structures located at Boundary Channel Lagoon. This structure was designed to draw water off the
bottom of the lagoon, which is cooler than the surface water. An intake line will transport condenser water
from an intake structure on Boundary Channel Lagoon to a screen house located just outside the H &RP.
Civil engineering services included permit submission, coordination, and tracking services as well as
geotechnical/foundation design input for the proposed pipeline and related structures. Part of the permit
review process involved coordination with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, U.S. EPA, National Parks
Service, Army Corps of Engineers, and DC Department of Health. Further coordination work was performed
with various local permitting agencies including obtaining waivers for the fish spawning season in order to
meet the project's construction schedule. (Priorto Kimley -Horn)
I. Resume: Michael Choi, P.E., LEED® AP
Kimley -Hom
I� WW9200128.08
❑= ❑
and Associates, Inc.
r 1
Sewer System
Management Plan
1111 City of Rosemead
Special Qualifications
6 17 years of consulting experience and specializes in the permitting, planning, and design of public
water and wastewater facilities
e Completed over 20 water and wastewater master plans for communities throughout California
16 Relevant Project Experience
Sewer System Evaluation and Capacity Assurance Plans 2003, 2005, and 2007 (Folsom, CAI
Project Manager for the development of a system -wide hydraulic model and master plan of the City of
Folsom's sewer collection system. In 2001, City of Folsom and OCSD were the first two collection systems
in the State that were issued Waste Discharge Requirements for their collection systems; this project
served as benchmark for establishing design storms and modeling approaches for sewer systems with
chronic overflows. In these projects, attributes for all sewers 8- inches and larger were inventoried,
lip inputted into a GIS database, and incorporated into the hydraulic model (3000 pipes). Existing land uses
I, and flow monitoring data from 18 flow monitors deployed around the City to calibrate the model. Doppler
radar was used to simulate design storm conditions and determine areas of surcharging and overflows.
The report provided a series of recommendations to reduce surcharging to acceptable levels and expand
system to handle build out of the City's General Plan. On an annual basis, Dan updates the model.
Sewer Master Plans and SECAP (woodland, CA)
Project Manager for the City's Sewer Master Plan and various updates. The project included constructing a
1,200 pipe dynamic flow - routing model of the City's system and calibrating the model with measured flows
throughout the collection system. Reviewed and selected modeling software and conducted training of City
Staff. The completed model was eventually turned over to the City for further use and modification. The
project identified capacity bottlenecks, severity of I &I, and developed a comprehensive (10 year) CIP. In
2004, Dan served as Project Manager for an update to the plan, which included additional flow monitoring
and an assessment of rezoning a 1,000 acre industrial park on the NE corner of the City. Dan is preparing
Master of Business Administration
a 10 -year update to the original Master Plan and SECAP analysis consistent with the State's WDRs.
University of California, Davis
Master Science
Sewer Master Plan and Update 2002 and 2007 (coerced, CA)
Environmental Engineering
Project manager for preparation of the City's Sewer Master Plan to serve build out of the City's General
University of California, Davis
Plan and the proposed UC Merced Campus. A GIS -based dynamic hydraulic model of the City's system
was developed to determine best routing options and an interim phasing plan and allowed developments
Bachelor of Science
to use existing trunk sewer capacity while sewers were constructed. Flow monitors were deployed for two
Civil Engineering
winters and one summer period to calibrate the model. The study identified $80 M in new sewers and
University of Colorado
pump stations. Model software used: INFOWORKS CS
Sewer Master Plan and SECAP (Auburn, CA)
Professional Engineer in California
Project Manager for the City of Auburn Sewer Master Plan and SECAP. The project involves flow monitoring,
surveying, and hydraulic modeling of current and buildout of the City's General Plan.
Resume: Dan Rich, RE. (NEXGEN)
= Kimley -Horn
❑ and Associates, Inc.
Sewer System
Management Plan
City of Rosemead
Sewer Master Plan (West Sacramento, CA)
Project Manager for a comprehensive sewer master plan for growth projected within the City of West
Sacramento's 20 -year General Plan. The project evaluated the impacts of abandoning the City's existing
WWTP and connecting the City wastewater conveyance system into the Sacramento Regional County
Sanitation District Lower Northwest Interceptor System
Trunk Sewer Master Plans (Placer County, CA)
Project Manager for Placer County's Sewer Master Plan to serve build out of the General Plan. A GIS -based
dynamic hydraulic model of the City's system was developed to determine the best means of eliminating
chronic overflow problems within the County's trunk sewers. The study identified a combination of parallel
sewers, pipe bursting of existing sewers, and I &I reduction methods. Model software used: INFOWORKS CS
Water and Wastewater Master Plans (wasco)
Project Manager for both Water and Wastewater Master Plan for the City of Wasco. Identified 20 -year
capital improvement plans to serve planned City growth, including $60 M of expanded water systems and
$45 M in new wastewater facilities. Specific emphasis was placed on how the City could phase in a new
1,800 -acre industrial park. The plans are being used to develop land -based financing agreements for
proposed annexations.
Sewer and Water Master Plan (Cotusa, CA)
Project Manager for a sewer and water system master plan for the City of Colusa. Project involves
surveying and inspection of all trunk sewers, flow monitoring (8 sites), hydraulic modeling, pump station
condition assessments, and CIP development. Model software used: INFOWORKS CS
Tertiary Upgrades Design and Construction (Auburn, CA)
Principal design engineer and construction manager for new flocculation basins and continuous
backwashing sand filters for the City of Auburn's Wastewater Treatment Plant. The project provided 6 mgd
of water suitable for unrestricted reuse for downstream agricultural users.
UV Disinfection and Nitrogen Removal Design (Auburn, CA)
Project Manager for an upgrade to include new aeration controls, nite /denite facilities, pond equalization
facilities, and ultraviolet light disinfection facilities. Project included successful pilot testing of adding
methanol to the plant's existing sand filters to both filter and denitrify the effluent.
Wastewater Treatment Plant Design (Reno and Sparks, NV)
Project Manager and principal design engineer for two high -rate nitrifying trickling filters for the TMWRF
(Cities of Reno and Sparks). The trickling filters are 88- foot - diameter towers containing high - density
plastic media. The facilities are designed to treat 18 mgd, and allow secondary effluent ammonia levels to
be reduced to below 0.5 mg/L.
Resume: Dan Rich, P.E. (NEXGEN)
Kimley -Horn
(� WW9200128.08
and Associates, Inc.
June 23, 2008
To Whom It May Concern:
of Fresno
Alan Weaver, DIRECTOR
• Since January 8, 2008, we have retained Kimley -Hom Associates, Inc. (KHA) to prepare Sewer
System Management Plans (SSMP) for ten special districts and the County's Juvenile Justice
Campus. KHA has completed the Gap Analysis Assessment, Development Plan and Schedule,
• and Phase I. They will soon be moving forward with Phases II and 111, with the goal of
completing all SSMPs within the mandated deadlines.
Because of our limited knowledge of what it would take to meet.the General Waste Discharge
Requirements, and the diverse conditions that exist in the eleven sewer systems, we knew we
needed to rely heavily upon a firm with a proven track record and great qualifications. We have
found that in KHA's staff. They are very knowledgeable. and have the experience that is guiding
us through the process. Mike Fisher, Joe Ziemann and Eric Nielsen have exceeded our
expectations, from coordinating meetings, developing detailed questionnaires (checklists),
conducting interviews with our operations and maintenance and administrative staff, evaluating
A ordinances, policies, standards and management practices to refining and delivering the
required documents.
Mike and his staff have listened carefully to our views and concerns and have addressed them
throughout the process. They have also made time and cost saving recommendations such as
• -- streamlining- preparation of- -plans - for - eleven- systems, - which they- successfully- received- approval— - --
• for.
They have delivered their work product on schedule and have conducted themselves in a
• professional manner. We would highly recommend them.
Please feel free to contact me if you would like more information.
i c ��
• Baron Zer an, Staff Analyst IIIA
• Special Districts Administration
• G:X4360Resourcres%Spedal Projeds%SSMPICorespondenceU& 062306 rimley- Hom.doc
. C: Patrick Hind, Interim Special District Administrator
2220 TulamStreet,SiMRFloor/ Fm sno_ Caliromia. 072tLPhone- (559)26232591_EAX262 -4286
Equal Employment Opportunity • Affirmative Action . Disabled Employer
C A t I F O A N I A
June 24, 2008
Environmental Utilities Department
Engineering Division
2005 Hilltop Circle
Roseville. Califomia 95747
Mr. Michael Fisher, P.H.
ICimley -I-lom and Associates, Inc.
1430 Blue Oaks Blvd. Ste. 120
Roseville, CA 95747
Dear Mike,
"11te City of Roseville Environmental Utilities Department has worked with your office and staff
since 2005 to create a c-ery successful wastewater collection system rehabilitation program. In that
time we have come to appreciate your personal management stele of quality and dependable service
to the project and us, the client-, the working relationships with your staff, specifically Laic Nielsen,
Joe Ziemann and Derrick Williams; and what seems to be the "KHA way" of an enjoyable working
relationship in a professional environment. You all have worked with engineering as well as
operations staff seamlessly and independently to achieve our goals.
Beginning in 2005 you and your staff were instrumental in developing the field procedures for our
collection system condition assessment and getting our team started performing comprehensive and
quality inspections. You developed sustainable procedures that were passed along to our team with
hands on interaction in the field so that we could continue the inspections with consistent criteria
and consistent interpretation of those criteria. It was important to us to create a legacy program for
condition assessment so that inspections performed months or years apart could be interpreted and
evaluated on the same platform and by different staff. With your team we achieved that goal.
In 2007, we began work on an assessment protocol to help us streamline the analysis of data
collected during CCIV inspections. You added a qualified programmer to your team, listened to
our needs and executed what looks like a quality product. Although we arc in beta testing we are
impressed with our product so far. Developing software is not difficult with today's tools; writing
software is a simple task for programmers. However, listening to the functional requirements of the
user is paramount and addressing those requirements is the real challenge. Again, with your team I
believe we are on our way to achieving that goal.
Please congratulate your team on a job (or series of jobs) well done and convey our appreciation for
both the working relationships that have developed as well as the quality products you have
Michael Zacharia, P.L.
Principal Fsnginecr
cc: Dale Olson, City of Roseville
(916) 774 -5750 Direct • (916) 746 -1750 Fax • (916) 774 -5220 TDO • • w
640 Fifth Street i Lincoln, California 95648 1 w
May 8, 2007
Mr. Steve Krahn. P.E.
City of Folsom, Community Development Dept.
City of Folsom
50 Natoma Street
Folsom, CA 95630
RE: Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. and City RFP for Standards Update
Dear Mr. Krahn:
Over the past several years, the City of Lincoln has been one of the fastest growing City's in the country. In
1998 we prepared our first significant revision in over a decade to our City's Improvement Standards and
Specifications in anticipation of several large projects that the City Council was approving including the Del
Webb project in Lincoln Hills. Assistance from Consultants proved invaluable as we addressed the myriad
issues associated with a small municipality growing very fast.
Dennis Clift, as a consultant to the City, worked with City staff and community stakeholders to review our
Standards and Specifications, consolidate comments, edit the documents and create entirely new sections in our
Standards. Additionally, we created a Design Standards document which had previously not been available in
the City of Lincoln.
We are currently updating our Improvement plans and Specifications again based on the field knowledge, new
regulations and changing technology. Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. (KHA) is again helping us through the
update process and now adds to our staff experience with their own history and knowledge of the City. KHA
acts as an extension of my staff and attempts to recognize and resolve potential issues from the process before
they become significant. They also provide feedback and take staff advice freely to achieve what we all agree
is a great final product.
I understand that the City of Folsom is going to be updating their Standards and Specifications throughout the
]d d h PD d h' = KHA d
• coming months, and I wou recommen t e sery ices o ennis an is sw at to anyone cons t enng
such an undertaking. They have proven to be responsive, resourceful and timely in their work and always
• professional.
• Please feel free to call me ([916] 645 -8576) to discuss particular questions you may have.
• Sincere( ,
• Jo edri, P.E.
Director of Public Works /City Engineer
Immunity ir) =_lopment
City Manager's Office
Fire Department
PoEce Delua ent
Public Works
Admire <t ry -; >2rdces
p: 976.545.3320
p: 916.645.3314
p: 916.645.4040
p: 916.645.4040
p: 916.645.8576
p: 316 04 :.3314
1 : 916.645.3652
f 1 916.645.8903
f: 916.645.8940
f: 916.645.8940
f: 916.645.6152
f : 91 d, F45.-FA)2
REO®IM15 P.O. BOX 496071
{ ®-4 REDDING, CA 96049.6071
�;:�.�� ii
June 27, 2008
A- 050 -165
To Whom It May Concern:
Re: Letter of Reference for Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc.
As Manager of the City of Redding Wastewater Utility, I have had the opportunity to work with
Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc. (KHA) on a few key projects. Mike Fisher was the Project
Manager on each of the projects. He and his staff provided excellent service in each phase of
each project. KHA were professionally managed, demonstrated outstanding expertise in the
areas that they provided services for. and their use of presentation tools and communication
were excellent in building the necessary consensus of the project team. Each of the projects
that KHA provided services for had an elevated degree of difficulty related to design and
regulatory compliance. KHA also demonstrated that they could keep difficult project schedules
on track.
KHA provided engineering services on the following projects:
Gap analysis assessment for the City of Redding SSMP requirements:
> KHA assisted the City in an evaluation (Gap analysis) of our operation and maintenance
program with respect to the SSMP requirements of the General Waste Discharge
Requirements. KHA also led our efforts to the completion of the Plan & Schedule, and
Goals & Organization requirements of the SSMP.
Boulder Creek Interceptor Rehabilitation proiect:
> This is a multi - phased project that KHA completed the design of and contract
documents for the upsizing of the interceptor. The estimated cost of construction of this
project is S15 million.
Jenny Creek above - ground sewer replacement project:
> KHA completed the design of and contract documents for replacement of an existing
2,400 feet of elevated 12 -inch sanitary sewer with 16 -inch ductile iron pipe, concrete
footings and piers, and manholes. The cost of construction of this project is
approximately $1.5 million.
I have found Kimley -Horn and Associates to be an excellent engineering services resource.
Their collaborative approach to projects has resulted in universally accepted and affordable
solutions to the needs of the City of Redding Wastewater Utility. I recommend Kimley -Horn and
Associates for any similar services as they have provided to the City of Redding.
Please feel free to contact me at 530 - 224 -6063.
Sincerely, _
Dennis McBride
Wastewater Utility Manager
SOLID WASTE 12755 ABERNAT14Y LANE I REDDING rA 96003 1 530.224.6201 - rAX 530.114.6111