GRC Associates, Inc.Proposal for the CITY OF ROSEMEAD HOUSING ELEMENT UPDATE December 10, 2008 Prepared by: GRC Associates, Inc. 858 Oak Park Road, Suite 280 Covina, CA 91724 GRC ASSOCIATES. INC. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..1 11. WORK PLAN ..2 Approach 2 Preparation of the Housing Element 3 Task 1: Project Management ...3 Task 2: Update Socioeconomic, Demographic, Housing, Employment and Information ...4 Task 3: Housing Resources ...6 Task 4: Constraints on Housing ...7 Task 5: Review and Evaluation of the Existing Housing Element ...8 Task 6: Preparation of the Housing Plan and Implementation Programs 9 Task 7: Draft Housing Element .10 Task 8: Final Housing Element .11 Task 9: Public Outreach Program .11 Task 10: Environmental Documentation .12 III. PROJECT SCHEDULE 13 IV. FIRM QUALIFICATIONS 14 V. PROJECT TEAM 17 VI. REFERENCES 19 VII. FEE SCHEDULE 20 VIII. INSURANCE 21 CITY OF ROSEMEAD - HOUSING ELEMENT PROPOSAL GRC ASSOCIATES, INC. 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY It is our understanding that the City of Rosemead ("City") is seeking to update its existing Housing Element to reflect current population's housing needs, to incorporate the Southern California Association of Governments' (SCAG) Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA), and to comply with State law. Since this is an update, the achievements of the existing Housing Element must be evaluated and existing policies and programs must be revised and augmented as appropriate to meet current and projected housing needs in the City. The Rosemead 2008-2013 Housing Element ("Housing Element") shall include: • Evaluation of the existing Rosemead Housing Element goals, policies and programs; Analysis of the City's population, housing and employment characteristics and trends; • Inventory of land suitable for residential development; • Analysis of existing and potential governmental, non-govemment and market constraints that may hinder the City from meeting its share of regional housing needs and the City's efforts to respond to the current downturn in the housing market; • Analysis of special housing needs; Update of existing housing goals and policies; Update of actions an&aLtivities.the City will-implement to achieve the goals; policies and, quantitative objects. The California Government Code requires that the City update its Housing Element by June 30, 2008. Since the Housing Element has exceeded the time deadline, GRC will make every effort to update the Housing Element for City approval by June 1, 2009. This includes City review, State Department of Housing and Community Development's (I-ICD) initial review and response to comments, a Negative Declaration as required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and an effective community outreach program. CITYOF ROSEMEAD - HOUSING ELEMENT PROPOSAL PAGE I GRC ASSOCIATES, INC. II. WORK PLAN Approach The goal of the Rosemead Housing Element effort is to develop a comprehensive housing program that addresses the housing needs of City's present and future residents by providing adequate and affordable housing. Criteria to be used by GRC in developing this Housing Element shall include: (1) satisfying State Housing Element law; (2) meeting the City's and region's housing needs; (3) consistency with the other General Plan Elements and planning documents; and (4) meeting the needs of the local community and decision-making bodies. The success in certifying the Housing Element depends on a number of key factors: • Project Management- Coordinating and communicating with all members of City staff and HCD staff. • Rosemead General Plan - Ensuring consistency with the General Plan policies. • SCAG RHNA - Identifying ways to meet the City's RHNA allocation of 780 household units by income distribution between in the 2006-2014 planning period. • Inventory of Suitable Housing Sites - Conducting a survey of vacant land, underutilized land and areas of potential infill and mixed-uses as required by AB 2348. Coordination with the Community Development Commission - Incorporating current and future Commission housing activities. • Public Outreach Process - Developing a community outreach program that provides easy- to-understand information on the Housing Element and update process, and soliciting input from the Rosemead community. • Environmental Process -Preparing all documents and notices required under CEQA. CITY OF ROSEMEAD - HOUSING ELEMENT PROPOSAL PAGE 2 GRC ASSOCIATES, INC. Preparation of the Housing Element John Oshimo will serve as Project Manager zoith the assistance of Robert Vasquez. The key tasks to be performed by GRC are organized to show the chronological progression of work and corresponding products required by State law. TASK 1 - Project Management A. Scheduling: At the start of the project, GRC will prepare a detailed schedule that highlights all the milestones up to the certification of the Housing Element. This schedule will identify the submittal dates of all draft and final products, meetings, mailings and notices. B. Staff Meetings: To ensure coordination with City staff and a continuous flow of information, GRC will meet with City staff at least five times during the update process or as frequently as needed to ensure a successful project. In addition, GRC will attend all City Council and Planning Commission meetings, study sessions and public hearings required by City staff and prepare all required staff reports. C. SCAG/FICD Communication: GRC will coordinate with SCAG and HCD staff throughout the process to avoid surprises and lengthy comments prior to certification of the Housing Element. In addition, GRC will meet, if necessary, with the HCD staff person responsible for reviewing Rosemead's Housing Element. GRC will also invite HCD on a tour of the City to illustrate the unique opportunities and constraints that exist. Direct contact with HCD and informal responses prior to the submittal of formal written responses will shorten the approval" period' Task Staff Schedule Product Project Management John Oshimo, During 1s` week Kick-off meeting, detailed project Project Manager schedule and list of required R b t V material o er asquez, Principal Duration of project Staff reports, resolutions, CEQA notices, community meeting presentations and handouts. CITY OF ROSEMEAD - HOUSING ELEMENT PROPOSAL PAGF. 3 GRC ASSOCIATES, INC. TASK 2 - Update Socioeconomic, Demographic and Housing Information According to the SCAG RHNA, Rosemead needs to add 780 units to its housing stock by 2014 and 56.4% of the units must be available for very low, low and moderate income households. The Housing Element will be updated with information from the 2000 Census, Census American Community Survey, Department of Finance (DOE), Employment Development Department (EDD), ABAG and from private data sources such as Claritas, Inc. and Dataquick. GRC will discuss the best means of remedying any data deficiencies with City staff. Housing data will be summarized in charts, and where appropriate, graphically depicted on maps to simplify the information being conveyed. The Housing Element will present the following information: A. Current information on the City's population, households, housing and employment 1. Population, housing and employment growth trends; 2. Demographic characteristics including age distribution, race and ethnicity, and gender; 3. Housing and household characteristics including household size, overcrowding, family, housing tenure, vacancy rate, and level of payment compared to ability to pay; 4. Comparison of median household and per capita income of Rosemead's residents to the region, persons living in poverty by subgroup i.e. female-headed households, elderly, children; and 5. Employment characteristics including labor force population and existing jobs by type. B. Current "for-sale" housing prices for the City. Housing costs will be compared with adjacent jurisdictions to-assess affordability. Comparable housing cost information wiB be obtained from Dataquick and from calls to local real estate companies. C. Current rents by unit size for the City. Rental information will be obtained from apartment owners associations; local realtors specializing in rentals, apartment management firms, and from the local paper. CITY OF ROSEMEAD - HOUSING ELEMENT PROPOSAL PAGE 4 GRC ASSOCIATES, INC. D. Current and projected number of households (where possible) with special housing needs. This analysis will include the following special needs groups: elderly, female-headed households, large family households, minorities, handicapped persons, and persons and families in need of emergency and transitional housing. E. Relationship of Rosemead's housing cost to household income. A statistical analysis will be conducted comparing existing household incomes in Rosemead with the availability of affordable rental and for-sale housing to residents. F. Projections of Rosemead's population, household, and employment growth. Based on the existing and designated land use, current housing growth trends and household formation trends, GRC will develop City forecasts targeted to the final RHNA figures. GRC will evaluate whether the City will be able to meet its future housing need, by income group, for the 2006-2014 planning period. Task Staff Schedule Product Update socioeconomic, John Oshimo, Months 1 thru 3 Profile of the city with text and demographic; housing Project Manager charts. and employment information Robert Vasquez, Principal Peter Chou, Planning Asst. CITY OF ROSEMEAD - HOUSING ELEMENT PROPOSAL PAGE.5 GRC ASSOCIATES, INC. AB 2348 requires the Housing Element to clarifij the relationship between the land inventory and adequate sites requirement, provide more specific guidance on the content Of an adequate land inventory, and provide greater development certainty. TASK 3 - Housing Resources State law requires an inventory of land suitable for residential development and site potential for redevelopment/recycling potential. GRC will examine the General Plan Land Use Element and work with City staff to identify areas within the City that could accommodate future residential growth, including vacant, underutilized parcels, surplus City sites, and areas of potential in-fill development. GRC will identify all developable vacant land within the City. To the extent the residential site inventory indicates a shortfall in meeting the City's affordable housing needs, GRC will conduct a survey of land suitable for residential development - all land designated for residential uses. This survey will identify: 1) vacant land; 2) recycling blighted residential units; and 3) underutilized parcels for higher density residential uses. Since the City includes redevelopment project areas, residential parcels within these areas that exhibit conditions of blight will be identified according to the Community Redevelopment Law (2007) criteria of physical blight. In addition, GRC will examine the Redevelopment Agency's current Five-Year Implementation Plan to determine affordable housing projects recently completed and anticipated for completion. CITY OF ROSEMEAD - HOUSING ELEMENT PROPOSAL PAGE 6 GRC ASSOCIATES, INC. GRC will examine. the various federal„ state and local funding, sources that are. available for the: maintenance, preservation, improvement and development of affordable housing in Rosemead. This list will include such funding programs as the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Redevelopment Housing Set-Aside Funds, and other potential funding programs. Task Staff Schedule Product Land use and housing John Oshimo, Months 1 and 2 List and map of available sites condition inventory to Project Manager including parcel number, property and identify adequate housing condition and size. residential sites Robert Vasquez, Principal Discussion of existing and potential funding sources. Peter Chou, , Planning Ass't ArcView GIS maps identifying parcels available for housing. TASK 4 - Constraints on Housing GRC will examine both governmental and non-governmental constraints that act as barriers to the maintenance, improvement and/or development of housing for all income levels. A. Review inclusionary housing policies, density bonus ordinance, land use controls, development standards, permitting and approval process, fees and other governmental constraints. B. Identify the location and extent of environmental and infrastructure constraints on future residential development. This will involve interviews with key City department staff to identify potential service and infrastructure deficiencies and environmental issues. CITY OF ROSEMEAD - HOUSING ELEMENT PROPOSAL PAGE 7 GRC ASSOCIATES, INC. C. Identify non-governmental constraints such as the existing construction market and the availability of financial resources. D. Identify opportunities for energy conserving design in residential construction, and analyze the potential reduction in long-tern housing costs. Task Staff Schedule Product Constraints on housing John Oshimo, Month 3 Analysis of the General Plan, zoning Project Manager ordinance, building code enforcement, development fees, Peter Chou, development requirements and Planning Asst. permit procedures. Analysis of infrastructure, environmental and market constraints. TASK 5 - Review and Evaluation of the Existing Housing Element GRC shall review the existing Housing Element to determine the effectiveness and appropriateness of the current goals and programs. This task will determine: 1) the appropriateness of the goals, objectives and policies in meeting the State's housing goals; 2) the effectiveness of the previous element's goals, objectives,.policies.and programs with respect to meeting regional=housing needs;: and 3) the progress in implementation what was planned and what actually was achieved. Task Staff Schedule Product ` Review of previous housing element John Oshimo, Project Manager Month 3 Evaluation of the existing Housing Element - what was accomplished. CITY OF ROSEMEAD - HOUSING ELEMENT PROPOSAL PAGE 8 GRC ASSOCIATES, INC. SB 2 (Cedillo) legislation require local jurisdiction to identify a zone or zones where emergency shelters are allowed as a Permitted use by right TASK 6 - Preparation of the Housing Plan and Implementation Programs GRC will work with the various departments of the City and incorporate planning, housing and redevelopment activities to develop a housing plan. GRC will meet with staff to explore potential policies and programs that will develop various housing types for all income levels, including rental housing, factory-built housing, mobilehomes, emergency shelters, and transitional housing to meet the City's identified housing needs. In addition, GRC explore possible measures/programs to respond to the current downtown in the housing market. These include: A. Foreclosures - Identify local, state and federal programs recently initiated to respond to the foreclosure crisis, such as the Federal Economic Recovery Act which will provide $4 billion of grant fimds for state and local governments for the purchase and redevelopment of abandoned and foreclosed homes. GRC will survey other communities that have programs to assist residents facing foreclosure. B. Zoning Ordinance Revisions - Based on the Housing Element's Governmental Constraints analysis, recommend revisions to the zoning ordinance to better facilitate the development of various of housing type. C. Private/Public Partnership - Identify partnership programs to promote higher density and affordable housing developments within the City. D. Sustainability - Examine the possibility of developing a Green Building.program which addresses the design, renovation, reuse, and operation of buildings within the City to enhance resource efficiency and sustainability. This could include establishing development and design standards to reduce water consumption, improve energy efficiency and reduce overall' environmental impacts. CITY OF ROSEMEAD - HOUSING ELEMENT PROPOSAL PAGE 9 GRC AssoCIATES, INC. In developing any housing program, there needs to be internal consistency with other general plan elements and community goals, and therefore, one recommendation may be to update/amend the General Plan and/or Zoning Ordinance: Task'.`: Staff Schedule Product Housing plan and John Oshimo, Month 3 List of goals, policies and a five-year implementation program Project Manager action program. Peter Chou, Implementation table summarizing the Planning Asst. policies, housing program, plan objective, funding sources, responsible agency and time frame. TASK 7 - Draft Housing Element Based on the analysis and evaluation conducted in Tasks 2 to 6, the Draft Housing Element will be prepared and submitted to City staff for review and comments. GRC will provide the City with seven copies and one digital copy of the administrative Draft Housing Element for City staff review and the same number of copies of the Draft for circulation among the City, State, and interested parties. GRC will be responsible for processing the Draft Housing Element through HCD. Task " :Staff rSchedule Product Draft Housing Element John Oshimo, Month 3 Administrative Draft Housing Project Manager Element for City review and Draft Housing Element for City staff, Planning Commission, City Council and HCD submittal CITY OF ROSEMEAD - HousiNG ELEMENT PROPOSAL PAGE 10 GRC ASSOCIATES, INC. TASK 8 - Final Housing Element Upon receipt of comments from HCD on the Draft Housing Element, GRC will assist City staff in conducting two Planning Commission and two City Council public hearing on the Draft Element. All comments and changes arising from these meetings will be prepared for incorporation into the final document. GRC, in cooperation with staff, will develop responses to all HCD comments on the Draft Housing Element to ensure compliance with State law. GRC will meet with HCD staff to adequately respond to their comments. Task Staff Schedule Product Final Housing Element John Oshimo, Project Manager Months 4, 5 and 6 Housing Element for City adoption and HCD certification. TASK 9 - Public Outreach Program As required by State law, all economic segments of the community will be provided an opportunity to review and comment on the Housing Element. In compliance with this requirement, GRC and the City will conduct at least two community meetings. The first community meeting will take place in the first.month and.will discuss the.update. process .and_ receive. input on.the community's concerns regarding housing. The first meeting will also serve as the environmental scooping meeting for the CEQA document. By the second meeting, copies of the Draft Housing Element will be made available for public review at City Hall and at the City's public library. Information on the Housing Element will also be made available on the City's website or other forms of public information to be agreed upon by the City. All community meeting materials will be translated by GRC staff into Spanish and Chinese. Robert Vasquez of GRC staff is fluent in Spanish and will translate material and participate in the community meetings as a Spanish translator and Peter Chou will assist in the translation of materials into Chinese. CITY OF ROSEMEAD - HOUSING ELEMENT PROPOSAL PAGE 11 GRC ASSOCIATES, INC. j „ Tasks „ Staff' Schedule Product Public Outreach John Oshimo, Months 1 and 3 Two community meetings. Handouts program Project Manager and presentations in English, Robert Vasquez, Spanish and Chinese. Principal Mailing list and mailing Peter Chou, Planning Asst. Assumes a Negative Declaration or Mitigated Negative Declaration to comply with CEQA requirements. TASK 10 - Environmental Documentation (CEQA) The adoption of the Housing Element is subject to the provisions of CEQA. GRC will prepare the Initial Study which will determine the need for a Negative Declaration, Mitigated Negative Declaration or Environmental Impact Report. Based on GRC's experience in Housing Elements and CEQA documents, we anticipate that a Negative Declaration or Mitigated Negative Declaration will be required. This assumes that the updated Housing Element will not require changes to the designated land uses in the General Plan. If a Mitigated Negative Declaration is prepared, then a mitigation monitoring program shall be prepared as well. GRC will conduct a scoping meeting prior to the Initial Study and prepare all required notices (Notice of Intent, Notice of Completion and Notice of Determination). In addition, GRC will receive confirmation from the Department of Fish. and. Game. that the project.will.have "no..effect" on.fish and wildlife. Both the NOD and No. Effect Form will be submitted"to the County and"to the State Clearinghouse within five clays after the adoption of the Housing Element. Task Staff Schedule Product' Environmental John Oshimo, Months 3 and 4 Environmental scoping meeting and documentation Project Manager distribution of a Negative Declaration or Mitigated Negative Declaration for a Peter Chou, 30-day public review period. Includes Planning Asst. NOI, Initial Study, NOC and NOD. CITY OF RoSEMEAD - HoUStNG ELEMENT PROPOSAL PAGE 12 GRC ASSOCIATES, INC. III. PROJECT SCHEDULE The timeframe for the adoption of the Housing Element is approximately five (5) months. This includes the preparation of the Draft and Final Housing Element, CEQA documentation and all public outreach meetings and public hearings. Although the level of HCD's comments is uncertain at this time, GRC feels that close coordination with HCD throughout the process will minimize a lengthy review period. PROJECT SCHEDULE TASKS January 2009 February March April May June 2009 TASK 1: Project Management TASK 2: Update of PHE Information TASK 3: Housing Resources TASK 4: Constraint to Housing TASK 5: Review of Existing Housing Element TASK 6: Preparation of Housing Plan TASK 7: Draft Housing Element TASK 8: Final Housing Element TASK 9: Public Participation X X TASK 10: Environmental Doc. (Neg.Dec.) NOD CITY OF RosrMEAD - HOUSING ELEMENT PROPOSAL PAGE 13 GRC AssoCIATES, INC. IV. FIRM QUALIFICATIONS Location of Headquarters: GRC Associates, Inc. 858 Oak Park Road, Ste. 280 Covina, California 91724 Contact Person: John N. Oshimo President (626) 331-6373 joshimo@ggcassoc.com GRC Associates, Inc. has provided urban planning, housing, redevelopment, economic development and environmental consulting services to over 60 cities and agencies in California. Continuous experience in these fields has kept GRC abreast of the ever-changing laws and legal interpretations that affect both present and future projects. GRC has provided consulting services to the clients listed below . Alhambra Cypress Long Beach Redondo Beach . Anaheim Downey Loma Linda Rosemead . Artesia Fullerton Los Alamitos San Bernardino County . Azusa Gardena Lynwood San Fernando . BakersftelcL Garden Grove. Mission. Viejo, .-Sanlacinto- . Baldwin Park Hawthorne Montebello Santa Clarita . Brea Hesperia Monterey Park Sierra Madre . Buena Park Huntington Beach Newport Beach Lawndale . Burbank Indio Norwalk Union City . Claremont Irwindale Orange Upland . City of Industry La Mirada Ontario Vacaville . Colton La Puente Pasadena Vallejo . Commerce La Verne Perris Visalia . Corona Laguna Hills Pomona West Covina . Costa Mesa Lakewood Rancho Cucamonga Yorba Linda CITY OF ROSEMEAD - HOUSING ELEMENT PROPOSAL PAGE 14 GRC ASSOCIATES, INC. GRC Experience City of Rosemead GRC has extensive experience in the City of Rosemead. In the last ten years, GRC has assisted the City and Community Development Commission in completing the following key projects: • Preparation of the Community Development Commission 2005-2009 Five-Year Implementation Plan (2004) • Construction management and grant administration of the Garvey Avenue Senior Housing and Community Center (2002) • Administration of the First-Time Home Owners program (2001) • Adoption of the Redevelopment Project Area No. 2. and certification of the EIR (2000) Planning, Housing and Redevelopment Experience Examples of GRC Associates' recent planning, housing and redevelopment projects: • Artesia: Preparation and certification of the Artesia Housing Element (2003), adoption of the Artesia Redevelopment Plan and two specific plans within the City. Costa Mesa:. Administration..and-implementation. of the. Single Family Housing Loan and Grant Rehabilitation Program (2006-2009). • El Dorado County: Preparation of a redevelopment feasibility study for the County to identify areas within the unincorporated county that could benefit from redevelopment. GRC conducted residential, commercial and industrial blight surveys and economic analyses for 1.0 communities in.the County based on the 2007 blight criteria. Gardena: Preparation of the 2008 Housing Element update and Negative Declaration. Preparation and adoption of the Gardena General Plan 2006 and certification of the FIR. CITY OF ROSEMEAD - HOUSING ELEMENT PROPOSAL PAGE 15 GRC ASSOCIATES, INC. Assisted the City in updating the zoning to conform to the General Plan and recently assisted in reducing their 2007 Draft SCAG RHNA allocation by 1,000 units. • Huntington Beach: Administration and implementation of the City's CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Loan Program (2006-2010) • Laguna Hills: Implementation of a housing program addressing the deficiencies at the 248-unit Aliso Meadows condominium complex. Tasks include implementing the rehabilitation effort using CDBG funds; assessing building conditions; providing technical construction assistance; monitoring adherence to labor standards; and inspecting project for completeness. • Lakewood: Currently in the final stages of the 2008 Housing Element update. Preparation and certification of the Lakewood Housing Element Update (2002). Preparation of the Housing Action Plan and Redevelopment Implementation Plan. • La Puente: Preparation and adoption of the City's first Redevelopment Plan and EIR. Additionally, GRC provided real estate and financial analysis service on a mixed-use project within the project area. • Montebello: Preparation of the Redevelopment Agency's Five-Year Implementation and Housing Plan. • Pomona: Preparation of the Redevelopment Agency's Five-Year (2007-2012) Implementation and Housing Plan Sierra Madre: Preparation of a senior housing project specific plan and negative declaration. • Stanton: Administration and implementation of the City's housing rehabilitation loan program. Adoption of the Stanton 2000 Redevelopment Project Area and numerous amendments including a consolidation of the project areas. Preparation of the Redevelopment Agency's Implementation and Housing Plan. CITY or ROSEMEAD - HO USING ELEMENT PROPOSAL PAGE 16 GRC ASSOCIATES, INC. V. PROJECT TEAM GRC will commit the staff members identified below for the duration of the project. John N. Oshimo will serve as Principal-in-Charge and Project Manager and will be responsible for all facets of the project. Other members of the team will include Robert G. Vasquez, Principal and Peter Chou, Planning Assistant. All persons identified on the project team are considered key individuals and will be available for the duration of the project. Community Input I Legal Counsel John N. Oshimo, Principal in Charge/Project Manager Housing Element and Environmental Documentation Robert G. Vasquez Socioeconomic Analysis Community Outreach Peter Chou Socioeconomic Analysis GIS Mapping Land Use Survey CITY OF ROSF.MEAD - HOUSING ELEMENT PROPOSAL PAGE 17 GRC ASSOCIATES, INC. John, N.. Oshimo;, President and, Project. Manager.,, has, 30, years of urban! planning;, housing,, redevelopment and environmental experience in California. He has served as project manager for preparation of the Artesia and Lakewood Housing Elements and associated environmental documents. In addition, Mr. Oshimo was the project manager in the development of the City of Gardena General Plan 2006 and EIR. He has prepared redevelopment plans for agencies in Yorba Linda, Placentia, Buena Park, Lakewood, La Puente, Rosemead and Claremont. For all the redevelopment plan projects, Mr. Oshimo prepared the environmental documents required under CEQA. He has also conducted numerous community meetings related to housing elements, redevelopment projects and land use plans. Mr. Oshimo holds a Masters in Planning from the University of Southern California and a Bachelor of Arts in Geography from the University of California, Los Angeles. Robert G. Vasquez, Principal, has prepared numerous economic and financial analyses for public and private organizations. In addition, he has extensive real estate development consulting work experience. Examples of some of the consulting services completed included development feasibility, financial analysis, site selection, appraisal reviews and preliminary valuation studies. The types of work completed included development of economic strategies, market research, project feasibility analysis, highest and best use, site location, retail leakage and preliminary valuation studies. Mr. Vasquez prepared numerous financial analyses for market and affordable. housing projects for the Cities of Hesperia, Lynwood, Lakewood, Pomona, Stanton and Yorba Linda. Mr. Vasquez is a graduate of the University of Southern California - Bachelor of Science, Columbia: University - Masters: of Business Administration; and Harvard University - Masters- Public Administration. Peter Chou, Assistant, has assisted in preparing the 2007 Housing Element Update for the City of Lakewood and Gardena. He has conducted blight surveys and has prepared environmental documents. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from the University of California, Riverside and a Masters in Planning from the University of Southern California. CITY OF ROSEMEAD - HOUSING ELEMENT PROPOSAL PAGE 18 GRC ASSOCIATES, INC. VI. City of Lakewood Jack R. Govsalves, Director of Community Development 5050 Clark Avenue, Lakewood, CA 90712 2002 and 2008 Housing Element Update Redevelopment Plans and EIR Five-Year Implementation Plan Redevelopment Consultants City of Gardena Yvonne Mallory, Economic Development Manager 1700 West 162nd Street, Gardena, CA 90247 2006 Gardena General Plan and FIR 2008 Housing Element Update Redevelopment Plan Feasibility Study REFERENCES City of La Puente Greg Yamachika, Community and Economic Development Director 15900 East Main Street, La Puente, CA 91744 La Puente Redevelopment Plan and EIR (562) 866-9771 (310) 217-9533 (626) 855-1501 CITY OF ROSEMEAD - HOUSING ELEMENT PROPOSAL PAGE 19 GRC ASSOCIATES. INC. VII. FEE SCHEDULE The hourly rates for GRC Associates, Inc. are as follows: Principal $160 Principal 1 $140 Senior Associate $100 Planning Assistant $70 Administrative Assistant $55 Out of pocket expenses include travel, lodging, and third-party data, but exclude printing, telephone and typical office expenses. Out-of-pocket expenses are billed at 120% of direct costs. CITYOF ROSEMEAD - HOUSING ELEMENT PROPOSAL PAGE 20 GRC ASSOCIATES, INC. VIII. INSURANCE GRC Associates, Inc. maintains insurance coverage that meets or exceeds the City's requirements and certificates will be issued to the City upon request. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance: $1,000,000 each occurrence $2,000,000 aggregate Automotive Insurance: $1,000,000 combined single limit Worker's Compensation Insurance: per State law CITY OF ROSEMEAD - HOUSING ELEMENT PROPOSAL PAGE 21