Civic SolutionsC I V I C S O L U T I O N S CITY OF ROSEMEAD PROPOSALFOR HOUSING ELEMENT UPDATE DECEMBER 10, 2008 CIVIC SOLUTIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................... ..............................2 2 - SCOPE OF WORK AND SCHEDULE ......... ..............................5 3 - QUALIFICATIONS AND PERSONNEL ........ .............................18 4 - EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES ............. .............................23 5 - COST ESTIMATE ..................................... .............................25 6 - FEE SCHEDULE ..................................... .............................26 CIVIC SOLUTIONS 1 IM UTIVE IARY CIyIC 1111.T1oNs SECTION 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CIVIC SOLUTIONS We understand that the City desires a qualified consultant to assist in an update the 2002 -2008 Housing Element for the next planning period, including conducting community workshops and preparing environmental documentation. The City desires completion of the update to allow for the Council's adoption of the Final Housing Element by June 1, 2009. Although the City's update timeframe exceeds State HCD's update schedule for the SCAG region by approximately one year, CIVIC SOLUTIONS is equipped to commit to an aggressive schedule to ensure adoption of the Housing Element by the City's June 2009 target. The update will need to address changes in state Housing Element law since adoption of the current Housing Element, including legislation pertaining to the need for homeless shelters (SB 2), analysis of housing needs for extremely low income households (AB 2634), inventory of sites for new housing and determination whether this inventory can accommodate the regional housing need (AB2348). The Housing Element update will need to address these challenges, but also confirm and modify, if necessary, existing programs in light of the current economic climate and their continuing effectiveness. Past and planned uses of the Redevelopment Agency's Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund will also be evaluated and integrated, as appropriate, into the Housing Element programs. The City's aggressive schedule will help to control costs. CIVIC SOLUTIONS will also contribute to controlling costs by delegating some technical tasks, as appropriate, to our Associate Planner team member. Finally, costs can be managed by adhering closely to the requirements of state law, without adding additional, optional analysis or programs. Environmental review will be conducted upon acceptance of a Preliminary Draft Element. Based on our previous experience with Housing Element updates, we anticipate preparing a Negative Declaration or Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project. Upon request, we would be pleased to provide you with examples of previous environmental documents prepared for projects of this type. We foresee the primary challenge to accommodating the RHNA (particularly the 309 units in the low- and very low- income categories), to be the City's essentially built -out environment. The land inventory will need to look at closely at development opportunities on underutilized sites. Close coordination with the City's Redevelopment Implementation Plan, including use of the low- moderate income housing fund, may be warranted. CIVIC SOLUTIONS is committed to providing the City with our highest skilled staff resources, and maintaining our excellent track record of providing our clients with timely and professional services. I believe our firm's experience working with a wide variety of jurisdictions throughout California on their General Plans, specific plans and other public policy documents enables us to help the City prepare a well- written Housing Element that meets your objectives and also receives state certification. Because CIVIC SOLUTIONS is headquartered in Los Angeles /Orange County area, and our project team members live in this region, our staff and services will be prompt and accessible to City staff. CIVIC SOLUTIONS 2 SUMMARY SHEET SERVICES Planning Services Discretionary Case Processing Permit Review Case Management Code Amendments Environmental Documentation Training Land Use & Policy Planning General Plan Updates Zoning Code Updates Specific Plans Environmental Planning CEQA Documentation Technical Studies Facilitation Public Outreach CIVIC S O L U T I O N S Firm Name: Civic Solutions, Inc. Firm Parent or Ownership: Corporation Firm Address: 31726 Rancho Viejo Road, Suite 223 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Firm Telephone Number: 949.489.1442 Firm Fax Number: 949.2240.8068 Years in existnce: 17 years Management Contact (person responsible for direct contact with the City of Rosemead and services required for this Request for Proposal): Name: Thomas G. Merrell, AICP Title: President Phone Number: 949.489.1442 x 12 Fax: 949.240.8068 Email: merrell@civicsolutions.com Project Manager (Person responsible for day -to -day servicing of the account): Name: Mark Tomich Title: Project Manager Phone Number: 949.489.1442 x 32 Fax Number: 949.240.8068 Email: mtomich @cox.net Civic Solutions, Inc. is a community development consulting firm that provides comprehensive planning and entitlement services to municipalities, special districts and other public agencies. The firm is established around the principle that community planning and development ultimately serve the public interest. Civic Solutions was established in 1991 and has maintained its focused commitment to serve public agencies for the last 17 years. We are a local business with company headquarters in San Juan Capistrano and satellite offices in the cities of Fullerton and Onterio. The company is a California Corporation, led by its founder Tom Merrell AICP, President and Chairman of the Board. Guided by the company philosophy that planning is for people, Civic Solutions is ideally equipped to successfully complete community development projects to the satisfaction of our clients and the communities we serve. CIVIC SOLUTIONS 4 JM E OF WORK 'CHEDULE CIVIC S it L U i I I) N 1 SECTION 2 SCOPE OF WORK AND SCHEDULE CIVIC SOLUTIONS Scope of Work and Schedule Task 1 Project Initiation Following authorization to proceed, the first step will be to meet with City staff to gain a complete understanding of the Housing Element update project, review the work program and make any necessary refinements, and refine the project schedule to meet the City's needs. Data needs and the respective expectations and responsibilities of City staff and the consultant team will be clarified. It is assumed that the City will provide us with an MIS Word document file of the 2002 -2008 Housing Element and related documents upon commencement of the project. Products 1 kick -off meeting with City staff List of data requirements for City staff and consultant Refined work program and schedule Task 2 Evaluation of the Current Housing Element This task involves the review and evaluation of the current (2002 -2008) Housing Element, including appropriateness of goals and policies, the effectiveness of programs, and the City's progress in meeting quantified objectives. It is important to identify any areas where policy or program refinements would be appropriate to make the Housing Element more effective in achieving the City's objectives. Since much of the information needed for this evaluation is contained in City files and documents, the budget assumes that City staff will assist CIVIC SOLUTIONS by gathering and compiling the following information. We will provide templates to assist staff in this effort. Units produced by type and income category Units demolished and replaced by income category Units rehabilitated or conserved Status of housing program actions. The effectiveness of the 2002 -2008 program actions in meeting the regional housing needs will need to be assessed. Units produced, demolished /replaced and rehabilitated /conserved within the City's Redevelopment Project Areas will also be tabulated and discussed. Products Analysis of the appropriateness of goals and policies, effectiveness of programs and progress in meeting objectives CIVIC SOLUTIONS 5 CIVIC SOLUTIONS Task 3 Research and Analysis This task encompasses the research, data compilation, and analysis necessary to update the required sections of the Housing Element, which include the Needs Assessment, Resources and Opportunities, Constraints, Goals, Policies, and Quantified Objectives. The findings from this analysis will be summarized in a Technical Report, and will play a key role in framing policy issues and developing the Housing Plan for the 2009 Element. Specific topics to be addressed in this task are described below. 3.1 Needs Assessment The needs assessment will include all of the items required by California Government Code Section 65583(a) and Department of Housing and Community Development guidelines. The 1990 Census data and projections in the current Housing Element will be updated with 2000 Census data. More recent, readily available public agency data will be incorporated where appropriate. Local real estate market data, including rental market data, will also be updated. Collaboration with state and local agencies is integral to the data collection and analysis process. The Assessment will address the following specific items: • Analysis of population and employment trends and existing and projected housing needs for all income levels, including extremely low income households pursuant to AB 2634. As indicated, data from the 2000 Census will be used, except where more recent data is readily available. Income characteristics specific to the City of Rosemead will also be discussed, provided that local data is available. • Analysis of household characteristics including level of payment compared to ability to pay, and housing characteristics, including overcrowding, affordability levels and housing stock conditions. • Analysis of special housing needs, including large families, elderly, female- headed households, persons with disabilities, and the homeless This analysis will also address how the City complies with the requirements of recent homeless facilities legislation (SB 2 of 2007). Sources for this data will include the Los Angeles County Consolidated Plan and the 2008 Homeless Count. • Analysis of "at -risk" assisted housing developments. The budget assumes that City staff will assist Civic Solutions by gathering information on locally assisted housing projects in the City and their eligibility to convert to market -rate. If it is determined that there are units at risk, the required analysis will be conducted as an optional task. • Housing conditions data — if sufficient information is not available from code enforcement staff and other existing sources, a targeted "windshield" survey may be required of selected neighborhoods to estimate the number of units in need of minor rehab, major structural rehab, or replacement. If necessary, this survey can be conducted by Civic Solutions' staff as an optional task with a supplemental budget. CIVIC SOLUTIONS 6 CIVIC SOLUTIONS 3.2 Resources and Opportunities The analysis of resources and opportunities will focus on the following topics. Potential sites for future housing and an evaluation of the relationship of zoning and public facilities to serve these sites. We recognize that the City of Rosemead is essentially built -out. Therefore, this analysis will focus primarily on underutilized sites to accommodate the regional housing needs. • Financial and administrative resources, including federal, state and local housing assistance programs. The City's current Down Payment Assistance and First Time Homebuyer Programs, and Rental Assistant Program will be discussed. The Redevelopment Agency Low- Moderate Income Housing Set -Aside Fund will also be discussed, including expenditure plans contained in the Implementation Plan. Analysis of opportunities for energy conservation /green practices. The City's current energy conservation programs will be summarized. Opportunities can be considered to revise energy efficiency standards for new housing development, remodeling, or as part of housing rehabilitation programs. Due to increased focus by state HCD on greenhouse gas emissions as part of its Housing Element review process, we suggest that implementation programs be considered to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions through housing project -level and subdivision -level design standards. The analysis of available housing sites is a critical component of the Housing Element. The budget assumes that City staff will assist CIVIC SOLUTIONS in gathering or updating the following information. • Parcel- specific matrix of existing land use by zoning designation (vacant /underutilized) suitable for housing development. • Map (provided by the City), showing vacant /underutilized parcels with the potential for housing development. If insufficient vacant or underutilized sites at suitable densities are not available to meet the current regional needs requirement, program options for making additional sites available will need to be evaluated. This may include an "adequate sites program" with commitments to regulatory changes and financial incentives to assist in accommodating lower income housing needs. 3.3 Constraints Constraints on the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing for all income levels will be studied, and organized as follows: Governmental constraints, including land use plans and regulations, zoning, development standards, improvement requirements, impact fees and processing procedures. The budget assumes that City of Rosemead staff will assist in this process by identifying any changes to City zoning, development standards, and other potential governmental constraints that have occurred since the 2002 -2008 Housing Element was prepared, including any subsequent amendments. CIVIC SOLUTIONS 7 ll rr� Non governmental constraints, including market contstraints ( i.e., land cost, construction cost, financing cost and availability, environmental conditions (e.g., earthquake faults, unstable slopes /landslide areas, floodplains, and infrastructure (particularly water and wastewater treatment capacity). The budget assumes that Planning, Building & Safety, and Engineering /Public Works Divisions will provide the information needed to assess infrastructure capacity constraints. 3.4 Goals, Policies, Programs and Quantified Objectives The foregoing analysis of needs, resources, opportunities and constraints, together with the evaluation of the current Housing Element, will provide guidance in identifying areas where previous policies and programs may need to be refined to better accomplish the City's objectives including accommodation of the City's 780 -unit RHNA. CIVIC SOLUTIONS will work with City staff and decision - makers to refine policies and programs as necessary. Consideration will also be given to current economic conditions, including the real estate and labor markets. In consultation with City staff and policy- makers, an updated Housing Plan will be developed taking into account all of the foregoing analyses and describing policies, programs, funding sources, responsible parties, and timeframes for the next planning period. 3.5 Technical Report A consolidated Technical Report with data and findings from Tasks 3.1 through 3.4, including a summary of the findings, will be prepared for review by staff. We also recommend that the Technical Report summary be reviewed by the Planning Commission and City Council at a joint workshop as early as possible during the update process. The purpose of this report is to present the key findings from the analyses in a format that allows the public and decision - makers to clearly understand the City's housing policy issues, options and legal constraints. The relationship between the regional housing needs and the City's capacity for future housing development based on land use plans, zoning, and development standards will be a key component of the report. A supporting slide (PowerPoint) presentation will also be produced. Products • Technical Report ' • Summary of Findings • PPT slide presentation for Planning Commission /City Council workshop Task 4 Housing Element Preparation Task 4 entails production of the Draft Housing Element document for review by City decision - makers, the public, and State HCD. This will be followed by revisions to the draft element in response to comments from state HCD. 1 Note: All public draft and final administrative review work products provided to the City of Rosemead will be produced in a format acceptable to the City. 1 unbound reproducible hard copy = 1 electronic file = 7 print bound copies. Public hearaing or study session documents will include 14 print bound copies. CIVIC SOLUTIONS 8 CIVIC S O L U T I O N S 4.1 Preliminary Draft and Public Review Draft Housing Element The Draft Housing Element will incorporate comments from staff on the Technical Report, and input from the Planning Commission and the City Council. A "Preliminary" Draft Element will incorporate City staff input technical data and analysis from the previous tasks, including updated on the Technical Report, including updated goals, policies, programs and quantified objectives describing the City's housing strategy for the 2008 -2014 planning period. Policies and programs will be based on the review of the City's progress in implementing the 2002 -2008 Housing Element, and where appropriate, refinements will be recommended. A consistency analysis of the updated Housing Element, the Redevelopment Plan and other General Plan elements will be included in the appendix. The budget assumes that all Planning Commission /City Council comments on the Preliminary Draft will be incorporated into a "Public Review" Draft. An Executive Summary will be submitted concurrent with the Preliminary Draft to assist staff and decision - makers in their review. The City Council will not adopt the Housing Element Update at this stage, but will authorize submittal of the Draft Housing Element to the State HCD and to the public. The Public Review Draft Housing Element submitted to state HCD will retain most of the chapter headings and general format of the 2002 -2008 Housing Element, with additional tables, income categories (e.g., extremely low income), and policies /programs, as appropriate. The budget assumes that CIVIC SOLUTIONS staff will submit the draft element to HCD for their review, as indicated by the RFP. It is assumed that the City will provide the required land inventory map exhibit. Products Preliminary Draft Housing Element document An Executive Summary of the Draft Housing Element for review by City decision makers Public Review Draft Housing Element 4.2 Preliminary Final Housing Element The ultimate goal of the Housing Element update process is to adopt and implement an element that both meets the City's objectives and also is certified by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). An HCD Finding of Compliance ( "certification') of the Housing Element is important for several reasons — to maintain eligibility for grant funds, to ensure a legally - adequate General Plan, and to maintain local control of the land use planning process. After HCD reviews and comments on the Draft Housing Element, (60 -day cycle), their comments will be analyzed and CIVIC SOLUTIONS will work with City staff to revise the element, as necessary, to address the state's concerns. The " "Preliminary Final" Housing Element, along with a summary of changes, will be presented to the City Council for final action. CIVIC SOLUTIONS 9 CIVIC S O L U T I O N 5 Our approach to obtaining certification is based on establishing and maintaining a cooperative working relationship with HCD's assigned reviewer and management. We expect to have conversations with HCD staff throughout the course of the project as questions and issues arise. This process of clarifying and resolving issues during the Housing Element preparation phase increases the likelihood of achieving certification and reduces delays. The practice of HCD in recent years has been to issue a letter of "conditional certification" when an element essentially complies with state law but follow -up actions are necessary to implement adopted policies or programs. While "full" certification is desirable (i.e., without requiring subsequent review and approval of implementation actions by HCD), in some cases required program actions cannot be completed within the timeframe of element adoption. Our commitment is to assist the City in achieving full certification to the extent feasible. However, if new or revised implementation actions are necessary in order to achieve full certification, we will assist the City in making these revisions and coordinating with HCD within budget limits. The resource allocation assumes a total of 32 planning hours for this task. If HCD comments require more time and effort than this budget allows, additional work will be done on a time - and - materials basis. Products • Review and analysis of HCD comments • Meetings /conference calls to review HCD comments with City and HCD staff (Note: Meeting with HCD staff are typically held via conference call). • Preparation of a "Preliminary Final" Housing Element for consideration by the Planning Commission and the public • Preparation of revisions to the "Preliminary Final" Housing Element, if necessary, for consideration by the City Council • Summary matrix of proposed changes to the Housing Element in response to HCD comments 4.3 Final Housing Element One cycle of further edits to the Element, if necessary, will be made to respond to any additional City Council direction during consideration and adoption of the Final Housing Element. The adopted element will then be resubmitted to HCD for a Finding of Compliance (certification). Products • City files: One unbound reproducible original + one electronic/ digital copy+ fourteen (14) print copies of the adopted Housing Element. Note: While our goal is to help the City produce a Housing Element that receives certification by HCD, it is possible that unresolved policy differences between City decision - makers and HCD could hinder certification effort. Civic Solutions cannot guarantee, nor is payment for our services contingent upon receipt of HCD certification. If additional revisions and /or public hearings are required, assistance can be provided on a time and materials basis.) CIVIC SOLUTIONS 10 r Task 5 Public Participation State Housing Element' law requires a proactive effort to involve interested persons and groups in the preparation of Housing Elements. The inherent community interest in land use and housing development — particularly affordable housing — ensures that the Housing Element update will receive a high level of public scrutiny. This scope of work assumes two community workshops, one public hearings by the Planning Commission and two by the City Council, plus one joint Planning Commission /Council workshop to review preliminary findings early in the update process. This task assumes that CIVIC SOLUTIONS will compile, with City staff's input and review, a mailing /invitation list of all appropriate individuals, agencies and interest groups. 5.1 Housing Element Notice CIVIC SOLUTIONS will prepare public notices in a format acceptable to the City for each workshop and hearing. CIVIC SOLUTIONS will be responsible for reproduction and distribution of all meeting notices. Each notice will describe the anticipated process, schedule and opportunities for public involvement. It is assumed that the City will be responsible for publication of public hearing notices, and posting in appropriate locations, including on the City's website. Copies of the notices and the distribution list may be included in an Appendix to the Housing Element describing public participation activities. Products Mailing list and four (4) Housing Element update meeting /hearing notices, including reproduction and distribution. 5.2 Community Workshops Two community workshops will be held during the early stages of the project to solicit information from residents, businesses, service groups, neighborhood associations, seniors, disabled, and other stakeholders regarding housing needs and potential policies and programs. CIVIC SOLUTIONS will organize and conduct the workshops, including a slide (PowerPoint) presentation describing Housing Element requirements, key issues, and the update process. Products Attendance and presentation at two PowerPoint slide presentation Workshop agendas, comment forms, warranted Summary discussion notes of issues 2 Cal. Gov[ Code Sec. 655831(C)(6) Community Workshops and additional handouts, as raised from the workshops CIVIC SOLUTIONS 11 CIVIC SOLUTIONS 5.3 Planning Commission and City Council Public Hearings and Workshops Upon completion of a Technical Report and Summary of Findings, we propose a joint Planning Commission /City Council workshop to ensure that critical concerns are being addressed early in the update process. As with the public workshops and all hearings, CIVIC SOLUTIONS will prepare, copy and mail public notices. Meeting presentation materials will also be prepared (including revised Power Point presentation, as needed). Prior to release of the Public Review Draft, it is assumed that one public hearing each will be held by the Planning Commission and City Council. The draft element will then be submitted to HCD for review. As noted in Task 4.2, after HCD comments are received, a revised draft Element ( "Preliminary Final ") will be prepared for consideration by the City Council. Following Council approval, the Final Housing Element will be submitted to State HCD for findings of compliance/ certification as required by state law. If further substantive changes to the draft element are required in response to HCD comments, additional public hearings may be necessary. If desired, CIVIC SOLUTIONS can prepare additional revisions to the Housing Element, on a time and materials basis. Products • Participation at one joint Planning Commission /City Council workshop • Participation at two Planning Commission public hearings (including notices and presentation materials) • Participation at two City Council public hearings (including notices and presentation materials) • Planning Commission and City Council staff report Task 6 CEQA Review CIVIC SOLUTIONS will prepare an Initial Study for the Draft Housing Element in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act. A Preliminary IS /ND will be submitted to City staff for review, and a Public Review Draft IS /ND will be prepared incorporating staff comments. The IS /ND will be submitted to the City staff for review, and a Public Review Draft IS /ND will be prepared incorporating staff comments. The IS /ND will conform to the City's procedures and format for CEQA documents. One round of review and revisions is budgeted. It is assumed that the initial Study will support the preparation of a Negative Declaration (or a Mitigated Negative Declaration). We have found that Environmental Impact Reports are not necessary for Housing Element updates, unless the update is part of a comprehensive General Plan update. This proposal assumes that CIVIC SOLUTIONS will distribute the Public Review IS /ND to the State Clearinghouse and Responsible Agencies. It is also assumed that CIVIC SOLUTIONS will prepare the Notice of Availability /Notice of Intent; however, this document will be filed by City staff. After the close of the comment period, CIVIC SOLUTIONS will prepare draft responses to comments for review by Planning Division staff. Final responses to comments, CIVIC SOLUTIONS 12 Ji CIVIC SOLUTIONS revisions to the IS /ND (if necessary), and a mitigation monitoring program (if necessary) will then be prepared incorporating staff comments for consideration by decision- makers. We assume that no separate scoping meeting will be necessary for the CEQA document, and that consideration of the IS /ND will be handled as part of the Housing Element review and adoption hearings. The budget assumes that the City will handle filing of the Notice of Determination with the County Clerk, and that the City will be responsible for any filing fees. (Note: Recent changes in state law may limit the City's ability to conduct CEQA review of "by right" multi - family housing approvals on sites that are rezoned to accommodate the VL /L income housing needs identified in the regional housing needs allocation. As a result, "project - level" CEQA review may be required for Housing Element implementation actions. This proposal assumes CEQA review of Housing Element policy issues only — if subsequent CEQA documentation is required for implementation actions or site - specific entitlements, it can be provided as an additional product with a supplemental budget.) Products • Preliminary Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration • Notice of Availability /Notice of Intent • Public Review Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration • Prelimiinary Responses to Comments (1 copy + electronic file) • Mitigation Monitoring Program, if necessary, per CEQA Section 21081.6 • Final Responses to Comments (including any revised text, tables, diagrams or maps for inclusion in the Housing Element) • Final Adopted IS/ND and Mitigation Monitoring Program, if necessary Task 7 Meetings and Project Management The CIVIC SOLUTIONS Project Manager will maintain regular contact with City staff to ensure a smooth working relationship and successful completion of the project. Consultant will participate in monthly progress /status meetings with the City project manager, or as needed, It is assumed that most coordination will occur via telephone and e-mail. Up to five (5) on -site working meetings with City staff are budgeted (in addition to the community workshops and hearings), to be held at an appropriate times during the process. Products Monthly status reports provided in an electronic format (e -mail) Regular informal communication with City staff via telephone or e -mail Five on -site meetings with staff. Additional on -site meetings will be provided on a time and materials basis CIVIC SOLUTIONS 13 CIVIC SOLUTIONS Other Optional Tasks If the Housing Element analysis determines that implementation actions such as zone changes, code amendments, or site plans are required, CIVIC SOLUTIONS can assist the City with these efforts as optional tasks. CIVIC SOLUTIONS 14 SCHEDULE The Civic Solutions team members have been terrific. "' Amanda Schachter City of Santa Monica CIVIC S O L U T I O N S The following timeline provides for the City Council's adoption of the Housing Element by mid -June 2009. We believe the keys to schedule (and budget control are 1) a clear understanding of the objectives. 2) close coordination between the consultant and City staff, and 3) an experienced consulting team. CIVIC SOLUTIONS' senior staff have managed numerous projects on behalf of local government and are committed to providing excellent service to the City of Rosemead. CIVIC SOLUTIONS 15 IM y 0 CIVIC S O L U T I O N S CIVIC SOLUTIONS 16 i ' � MEMMMM::M' "EM• •:: ONE ■ ■ ■ ■.o...'��::. ■■ NOON ■■■n�]I�mr■■ m ■■ .NOUN ■■■i i --MINI■ M■ ■ ■ . ■::■ OMMU11 i■i. .::PIN -WON ::9999IN no. ...� �......- .■■■■.■■■ MINI MUMMIN INN MEN ::■ : ■ : ■ ■9 01 is ■ ■O■W■ ■O ■O■M ■ ■ :�N :■ . ENE: ISM IN :8O ::9 : ■ ��.■ ::. NNo N 9: - :m ::9 : :: IN N0 0 . ■ ■:9■ :■ :: N 0 . 8 8800000000088000089001 y y - CIVIC SOLUTIONS 16 i IFICATIONS 'ERSONNEL CIVIC �OLurioes SECTION 3 QUALIFICATIONS AND PERSONNELL The experience & qualifications of our staff directly match the City's selection criteria. I'll � The project team will consist of Mark Tomich serving as Project Manager, assisted by Phillip Bacerra, Associate Planner. Mark Tomich, AICP Project Manager Mark Tomich has over 25 years of diverse planning experience, serving in both the public and private consulting sectors. His experience includes senior staff positions with the planning departments of the County of Orange, City of Irvine, and 5 years as Planning Director for Nevada County. Mark's broad professional expertise encompasses land use entitlement (including regulatory permitting), long -range policy development (including General Plans and Housing Elements), zoning (including Specific Plans), natural resource conservation and utilization, redevelopment, and military base reuse planning. He is currently completing work on housing element updates in the Southern California (SCAG) region. Mark has also managed public participation processes related to several projects. Phillip Bacerra Associate Planner Mr. Bacerra has 6 years of experience in municipal urban planning. He has held current and advance planning positions with the City of Westminster and the City of Los Angeles. Mr. Bacerra has also held planning positions with the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority and with the Southern California Association of Governments. His experience includes zoning ordinances, code compliance and discretionary case processing, environmental documentation, historic preservation, staff report writing, interdepartmental coordination, and preparing and making presentations. His current responsibilities include project management for discretionary case processing, plan review, research, environmental documentation, advance planning projects, staff reports, resolutions, public hearings, public assistance and interdepartmental coordination. He also serves as project manager for zoning code updates, GPAs, rezones, site plan review, and advance planning projects. His public agency work experience includes: City of Westminster, Assistant Planner City of Los Angeles Department of City Planning, Planning Assistant Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Transportation Planner I Southern California Association of Governments, Administrative Intern Professional resumes are included on the following pages. CIVIC SOLUTIONS 18 C I V I C SOLUTIONS org /viewpoints/ outsourcing. him) CIVIC SOLUTIONS 19 jj THOMAS G. MERRELL, AICP PRESIDENT HIGHLIGHTS Tom Merrell has been the Principal -In- Charge for the Civic Solutions contract Contract Oversight with the City of Irvine for the past thirteen years. He recognizes that the City of Irvine is a unique agency with a growing population, development community Planning and public and sophisticated process and constituency. Mr. Merrell brings his many years administration of experience working and managing in the public sector to his role with this client. Staff Training & Professional Mr. Merrell completed twenty -eight years of public service in March of 1991 when Development he retired from the City of San Juan Capistrano to establish Civic Solutions, Inc. In addition to his fifteen years as the City's Director of Community Planning and Development, he served in professional and administrative positions with Education the County of Orange and the City of Garden Grove. During his career, he has developed expertise in all aspects of planning and public administration. His Bachelor of experience includes long range physical and policy planning, development review, Arts, Business building and safety administration, urban design, zoning, citizen participation Administration, and consensus building, redevelopment, growth management and environmental California State preservation. University, Long Beach Mr. Merrell is a member of the American Planning Association and a charter Certificate in Urban member of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP). He has served Planning, University of as the president of the Orange County Planning Directors Association and on California, Irvine the APA Awards Judging Panel. In San Juan Cap - istrano, he has served on Certificate in numerous committees, such as the Downtown Merchants Committee, the Flood Community Planning Plain Management Committee, and the Sign Ordinance Review Committee. His Proce ss, University of Procernia, long association with public administration and professional planning has given Irvine him a broad range of capabilities in these areas. Highlights of Mr. Merrell's experience include: Affiliations Civic Solutions, Inc., Principal, 1991 - present. As Principal provides corporate management, staff development, and contract administration for the firm. Provides American Institute urban planning services to public agencies, homeowner associations, and expert of Certified Planners witness and research services to law firms for cases involving land use and (AICP) zoning. American Planning City of San Juan Capistrano, Director of Community Planning and Association Development, 1976 - 1991. Department head for City planning, redevelopment and building and safety functions; served as Secretary to the Planning Commission and Deputy Director of the Community Redevelopment Agency. Publications City of Garden Grove, Land Use Manager, 1970 - 1976. As Manager of the APA Viewpoints: Land Use Division, responsible for all current planning and code enforcement Outsourcing in the functions, served as Secretary to the Planning Commission. Planning Department County of Orange, Land Use Planner, 1963 - 1970. Staff level planning, and (http: / /www.planning. served as interim Administrative Services Officer. org /viewpoints/ outsourcing. him) CIVIC SOLUTIONS 19 jj C I V I C S O L U T I O N S CIVIC SOLUTIONS 20 0 MARK TOMICH, AICP URBAN PLANNING CONSULTANT Highlights Mr. Tomich brings over 25 years of urban and regional planning experience. He Planning Department has held responsible positions in several public agencies, and has been engaged Management in all aspects of municipal planning, redevelopment, economic development, and housing. Development Program Highlights of Mr. Tomich's experience include: Management Environmental Civic Solutions, Inc., Urban Planning Consultant, 2008 — Present. Duties Documentation include Interim Planning Department Management; including staff and program management, budgeting and strategic planning, current and advance planning General Plan /Housing administration. Housing and redevelopment program administration services are Element Updates provided as needed. Prepares housing element updates on behalf of public sector clients. Manages complex, multi- component land use projects, including Advance Planning zone changes, discretionary permitting and environmental documents. Project Management Independent Planning Consultant, 2006 — 2008. Managed preparation of Land Use & Zoning specific plans, master plans, revitalization plans and annexations for landowners Regulatory Compliance and jurisdictions in Riverside, San Bernardino and Kern Counties on behalf of the Planning Center. Prepared Housing Element Updates while serving as a sub - Education consultant (projects ongoing). Masters in Public City of Tustin Redevelopment Agency, Redevelopment Program Manager, Administration, CA 2005 — 2006. Provided key support for the Tustin Legacy redevelopment project State University, team (former Marine Corps Air Station). Managed all caretaker and security Fullerton, CA contracts, ground leases and licenses for Tustin Legacy. Bachelor of Arts, County of Nevada, California, Community Development Department, Planning Economics and Director, 1999 — 2004. Directed all aspects of County Planning Department Business, Westmont serving an unincorporated population of 65,000 persons with an annual budget College, Santa of $2.6 million and staff of 16. Built effective fully- funded and staffed planning Barbara, CA department for Nevada County after having been seven years without a planning director. Provided leadership for Nevada County's innovative natural resources study (Natural Heritage 2020), community design guidelines, creation of new park Affiliations and recreation districts, and comprehensive General Plan and Zoning Ordinance updates. Managed Code enforcement division of four officers, reducing multi - American Institute year backlog of cases. of Certified Planners (AICP) American City of Irvine, Community Development Agency, Principal Planner, 1989 Planning Association - 1999. Served in serveral division and plaanning roles, including current planning, policy programs, and planning services. Served as the City of Irvine's Urban Land Institure "Environmental Coordinator" and prepared the City's first CEQA Manual and Instructor training program. Supervised a team of current planners; responsible for major subdivisions, use permits, zone changes and general plan amendmnts. Managed California State the City of Irvine's role in the Central /Coastal Multi- Species Habitate Coordination University, Fullerton, Program, including representing the City on the Bored of Directors for Nature Urban Planning Reserve of Orange County. Represented the City's interests in the MICAS Tustin Certificate Program base closure and reuse planning process. (part -time) University of California San Diego — Extension, Certified Program in Urban & Regional Planning (part -time) CIVIC SOLUTIONS 20 0 Highlights Public Information Services Code Compliance Discretionary Case Processing Evironmental Documentation Zoning code update Education Bachelor of Science, Urban Planning and Development, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA Affiliations American Planning Association CIVIC SOLUTIONS PHILLIP BACERRA ASSOCIATE PLANNER Mr. Bacerra brings over five years of experience in municipal urban planning. He has held planning positions with the City of Westminster and the City of Los Angeles. He has also held planning positions with the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority and with the Southern California Association of Governments. His experience includes zoning ordinances, code compliance, discretionary case processing, environmental documentation, historic preservation, staff report writing, interdepartmental coordination, and preparing and making presentations. Highlights of Mr. Bacerra's experience include: Civic Solutions, Inc., Associate Planner, 2008 — Present. Duties include project management for discretionary case processing, plan review, research, environmental documentation, advance planning projects, staff reports, resolutions, public hearings, public assistance and interdepartmental coordination. Project manager for zoning code updates, GPAs, rexones, site plan review and advance planning projects. City of Westminster, Assistant Planner, 2007 — 2008. Project manager for discretionary case processing, with duties that included environmental assessment, code compliance analysis, and preparation of written and oral reports to Department and Division management, the Planning Commission, and written staff reports to the City Council. Assisted with the City's zoning code update by updating the list of uses that required a conditional use permit. Provided information and assistance to the general public, developers, and the business community on planning related matters at the public counter and on the telephone.. City of Los Angeles Department of City Planning, Planning Assistant, 2000 — 2003. Staffed various Historic Preservation Overlay Zones (HPOZ), which included plan review of building application within an HPOZ, prepared agenda for HPOZ Boards, attended HPOZ board meetings, prepared determinations on behalf of the Director of Planning, and made presentations on the initiation of HPOZ's to interested communities. Drafted design standards for districts with community design overlay zones and presented them to the community. Assisted with the update of the Hollywood Communty Plan component of the General Plan which involved compiling data on existing land uses, reviewing proposed zone changes and meeting with various departments to obtain their input on the plan update. Assisted the public with questions and interpretations of the Los Angeles Municipal Code and various other planning issues. Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Transportation Planner I, 1999 • 2000. Reviewed and assessed applications from variousjurisdictions withing Los Angeles County for funding from the Call for Projects. Project Manager for several regional surface transportationimprovements projects representing $5 million in Call for Projects funds, with duties that included exeuting Memorandums of Understanding with various project sponsors, processing invoice payments, coordinating with project sponsors to ensure efficient and timely expenditure of prograammed funds, preparing projects for audit and final close -out and developing and maintaining databases of extensive information on these projects. CIVIC SOLUTIONS 21 ON Phillip Bacerra CIVIC S O L U T I O N S LA County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Administrative Intern, 1999. Assisted staffwith a study to develop arterial bus lanes in Los Angeles COunty by compiling data, conducting site visits to subject corridors, and preparing presentations. Worked with Project Managers to administer grant - funded projects, with duties that included reviewing progress reports and processing payments. Organized and prepared data for biannial "Call For Projects" evaluation. ORganized and documented meetings for a subcommittee of the Technical Advisory Commitee. Developed and maintained databases of information on transportation projects located throughout Los Angeles County. Southern California Association of Governments, Administrative Intern, 1999. Served as a liaison between SCAG staff and elected officials from selected Southern California jurisdictions. Arranged task force and other committee meetings with civic representatives and technical experts. Researched and prepared reports for various SCAG studies and projects. Assisted with research and production of the Southern California Regional Transportation Plan. CIVIC SOLUTIONS 22 RIENCE AND RENCES CIVIC SECTION 4 EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES We have used the services of Civic Solutions for a wide variety of contract staff services, including City Planner Senior Planner, Associate Planner and recording secretary for the planning commission, and have been pleased with the professional quality and responsiveness of the firm." Jonathan Lan, City Planner City of Beverly Hills CIVIC S O L U T I O N S CIVIC SOLUTIONS Civic Solutions has provided consulting services for various aspects of Housing Elements to the following City and County Agencies: Nevada County — 2002 Housing Element update and needs assessment, Community Workshops, preparation of Draft Needs Assessment, and Draft Housing Element; submittal to State HCD and implementation of revisions of Final Housing Element document; environmental review; attendance at Planning Commission Hearings and Board of Supervisors hearings; submittal to State HDC of adopted Housing Element. Richard Haffey, Chief Executive Officer (530) 265 -1440 Note: Project was done when Mark Tomich was Planning Director City of Dana Point — 2003 Project Initiation, Needs Assessment, 2000 Housing Element Refinement, Attendance at Public Hearings. Eugenia Garcia, Former Director, City of Dana Ponit; currently Planning Manager, City of Aliso Viejo (949) 425 -2500 Rancho Santa Margarita — 2001 Project Management Consultant Services for the development and implementation of the City's first General Plan and Housing Element subsequent to incorporation on July 1, 2000. Kathleen Haton, Director of Development Services (949) 635 -1800 x6707 Civic Solutions has also provided Housing Element updates to the following agencies as subcosultants to the Planning Center: Fontana - 2001, Final Housing Element Riverside County - 2001, Final Housing Element City of Lake Elsinore - 2002, Update of draft Housing Element San Bernardino County - 2003, Final Housing Element County of Orange - 2002, Guidelines of Afordable Housing Ordinance CIVIC SOLUTIONS 23 'I have been pleased with the professional staff provided by Civic SoMions .. Their staff is very knowledgeable' Brent Cooper, AICP Former Planning Manager, City of Lake Forest MARK TOMICH Mark Tomich has served as a sub - consultant on several Housing Element Updates, including the following cities and counties: County of Orange - 200712008 Updated all sections of Housing Element including preparation of countywide land inventory of vacant and underutilized sites. Presented update at Planniing Commission hearings and public meetings. Project Manager: Ruby Maldonado, Chief, Special Projects (714) 834 -4414 Ruby.Maldonado @rdmd.ocgov.com County of Eldorado - 20071 2008 Prepared all section of comprehensive update and participated in public hearings and workshops. Project Manager: Shawna Purvines, Senior Planner (530) 621 -5362 spurvines @co.el - dorado.ca.us City of La Palma - 200712008 Updated all sections of Housing Element, including preparation of detailed land inventory of vacant and underutalized sites. Project Manager: Scott Hutter, Associate Planner (714) 690 -3336 scotth @cityoflapalma.org Mark has also updated all or portions of the following citys' housing elements during the 2007/2008 update cycle: Aliso Viejo Mission Viejo Lake Forest Laguna Niguel San Clemente Moorpark Santa Papula Culver City Hermosa Beach Diamond Bar Rolling Hills Estates Big Bear Lake Camarillo Thousand Oaks Rancho Santa Margarita CIVIC SOLUTIONS 24 1@ ESTIMATE cIvIC 111LU1111N1 SECTION 5 COST ESTIMATE CIVIC SOLUTIONS Per directive of the RFP the Cost Estimate detailing the assumptions used to determine costs for the proposal is being submitted in a separate, sealed envelope. CIVIC SOLUTIONS 25 R ;CHEDULE CIyIC COST ESTIMATE AND FEE SCHEDULE C I V I C SOLUTIONS Task Description PM AP GMP Total Hours Cost 1.0 Project Initiation 12 4 16 $2,180 2.0 Housing Element Evaluation 8 6 Postage /deliveries 14 $1,820 3.0 Research and Analysis I 3.1 Needs Assessment 24 32 56 $7,000 3.2 Resources & Opportunities 20 8 28 $3,780 3.3 - Constraints 22 18 40 $5,170 3.4 - Goals/Policies/ProgramsiQuantified Objectives 20 12 32 $4,220 3.5 -Technical Report 16 8 2 26 $3,330 4.0 Housing Element Preparation 4.1 Preliminary/Public Review Drag 34 18 8 60 $7,430 4.2 Preliminary Final (includes HCD review & certification process) 24 8 6 38 $4,750 4.3 - Final 6 2 4 12 $1,350 5.0 Public Participation I 5.1 - Notices, mailing list & mailings 3 6 1 10 $1,160 5.2 - Community Workshops 2 + materials 18 4 4 26 $3,310 5.3 -PC & Council Headings +joint workshop (incl. materials, Staff Reports) 30 4 6 40 $5,180 6.0 CEQA Documentation (including IS, ND, Mit. Monitoring, Responses to Comments, Final ) 16 22 38 $4,740 7.0 Project Management (including up to 5 meetings with City staff +HCD) 45 45 $6,525 Total Labor 298 152 31 481 $61,945 Hourly Rate $145 $110 $65 I Reimbursable Expenses (See table below) $995 1 GRAND TOTAL BUDGET $62,940 Optional Tasks At -risk Analysis $2,500 Housin Conditions Survey $3,200 PM = Project Manager AP = Associate Planner (Phil 8acerra) G/WP = Word Processing /graphics tech (Estimated Reimbursable Expenses I Travel /mileage (n /c) $0 Printing /graphics /supplies $775 Postage /deliveries $220 Total $995 CIVIC SOLUTIONS, 27 COST ESTIMATE AND FEE SCHEDULE CIVIC SOLUTIONS Task Description PM AP GMP Total Hours Cost 1.0 Project Initiation 12 4 16 $2,180 2.0 Housing Element Evaluation 8 6 Postage /deliveries 14 $1,820 3.0 Research and Analysis I 3.1 Needs Assessment 24 32 56 $7,000 3.2 Resources & Opportunities 20 8 28 $3,780 3.3 - Constraints 22 18 40 $5,170 3.4 - Goals/Policies/Programs/Quantified Objectives 20 12 32 $4,220 3.5 -Technical Report 16 8 2 26 $3,330 4.0 Housinct Element Preparation I 4.1 PreliminaryIPublic ReviewDraft 34 18 8 60 $7,430 4.2 Preliminary Final (includes HCD review & certification process) 24 8 6 38 $4,750 4.3 -Final 6 2 4 12 $1,350 5.0 Public Participation 5.1 - Notices, mailing list & mailings 3 6 1 10 $1,160 5.2 - Community Worksho s 2 + materials 18 4 4 26 $3,310 5.3 -PC & Council Hearings +joint workshop (incl. materials, Staff Reports) 30 4 6 40 $5,180 6.0 CEQADocumentation (including IS, NO, Mit. Monitoring, Responses to Comments, Final ) 16 22 38 $4,740 7.0 Project Management (including up to 5 meetings with City staff +HCD) 45 45 $6,525 Total Labor 298 152 31 481 $61,945 Hourly Rate $145 $110 $65 I Reimbursable Expenses (See table below) $995 GRAND TOTAL BUDGET $62,940 Optional Tasks At -risk Analysis $2,500 Housing Conditions Survev $3,200 PM = Project Manager AP = Associate Planner (Phil Bacerra) G/WP = Word Processing /graphics tech (Estimated Reimbursable Expenses I Travel /mileage (n /c) s0 Printing /graphics /supplies $775 Postage /deliveries $220 Total $995 CIVIC SOLUTIONS, 27 COST ESTIMATE AND FEE SCHEDULE Task Description PM AP GMP Total Hours Cost 1.0 Project Initiation 12 4 16 $2,180 2.0 Housing Element Evaluation 8 6 Postage /deliveries 14 $1,820 3.0 Research and Analysis I 3.1 Needs Assessment 24 32 56 $7,000 3.2 Resources & Opportunities 20 8 28 $3,780 3.3 - Constraints 22 18 40 $5,170 3.4 - Goals/Policies/Programs/Quantified Objectives 20 12 32 $4,220 3.5 Technical Report 16 8 2 26 $3,330 4.0 Housing Element Preparation I 4.1 Preliminary/Public Review Draft 34 18 8 60 $7,430 4.2 Preliminary Final (includes HCD review & certification process) 24 8 6 38 $4,750 4.3 -Final 6 2 4 12 $1,350 5.0 Public Participation I 5.1 -Notices, mailing list &mailings 3 6 1 10 $1,160 5.2 - Community Workshops 2 + materials 18 4 4 26 $3,310 5.3 -PC & Council Headings + joint workshop (incl. materials, Staff Reports) 30 4 6 40 $5,180 6.0 CEOA Documentation (including IS, ND, Mit. Monitoring, Responses to Comments, Final ) 16 22 1 1 38 1 $4,740 7.0 Project Management (including up to 5 meetings with City staff +HCD) 45 45 $6,525 Total Labor 298 152 31 481 $61,945 Hour Rate $145 $110 $65 I Reimbursable Expenses (See table below) $995 GRAND TOTAL BUDGET $62,940 Optional Tasks At -risk Analysis $2,500 Housinq Conditions Survey $3,200 PM = Project Manager AP = Associate Planner (Phil Bacena) GIWP = Word Processing /graphics tech (Estimated Reimbursable Expenses I Travel /mileage (nlc) $0 Pnntinglgraphicslsupplies $775 Postage /deliveries $220 Total $995 CIVIC SOLUTIONS, 27 COST ESTIMATE AND FEE SCHEDULE CIVIC S O L U T 1 0 N S Task Description PM AP GIWP Total Hours Cost 1.0 Project Initiation 12 4 16 $2,180 2.0 Housing Element Evaluation 8 6 Postage /deliveries 14 $1,820 3.0 Research and Analysis I 3.1 - Needs Assessment 24 32 56 $7,000 3.2 Resources & Opportunities 20 8 28 $3,780 3.3 - Constraints 22 18 40 $5,170 3.4 - Goals/Policies /Pr rams /Quantified Objectives 20 12 32 $4,220 3.5 - Technical Report 16 8 2 26 $3,330 4.0 Housing Element Preparation I 4.1 Preliminary/Public Review Draft 34 18 8 60 $7,430 4.2 Preliminary Final (includes HCD review & cedifcation process) 24 8 6 38 $4,750 4.3 - Final 6 2 4 12 $1,350 5.0 Public Participation I 5.1 - Notices, mailing list & mailings 3 6 1 10 $1,160 5.2 - Community Worksho s 2 i materials 18 4 4 26 $3,310 5.3 -PC & Council Headings + joint workshop (incl. materials, Staff Reports) 30 4 6 40 $5,180 6.0 CEQA Documentation (including IS, ND, Mit. Monitoring, Responses to Comments, Final ) 16 22 38 $4,740 7.0 Project Management (including up to 5 meetings with City staff * HCD) 45 45 $6,525 Total Laborl 298 152 31 481 $61,945 Hourly Rate $145 $110 1 $65 1 1 I Reimbursable Expenses (See table below) 1 $995 GRAND TOTAL BUDGETI 1 $62,940 Optional Tasks Al -risk Analysis $2,500 Housing Conditions Survey $3,200 PM = Project Manager AP = Associate Planner (Phil Bacerra) G/WP = Word Processing /graphics tech (Estimated Reimbursable Expenses I Travel /mileage (n /c) $0 Printing/graphics/supplies $775 Postage /deliveries $220 Total $995 CIVIC SOLUTIONS, 27 COST ESTIMATE AND FEE SCHEDULE CIVIC SOLUTIONS Task Description PM AP GMP Total Hours Cost 1.0 Project Initiation 12 4 16 $2,180 2.0 Housing Element Evaluation 8 6 Postage /deliveries 14 $1,820 3.0 Research and Analysis I 3.1 Needs Assessment 24 32 56 $7,000 3.2 Resources & Opportunities 20 8 28 $3,780 3.3 - Constraints 22 18 40 $5,170 3.4 - GoalslPolicies /Pf rams /Quantified Objectives 20 12 32 $4,220 3.5 - Technical Report 16 8 2 26 $3,330 4.0 Housing Element Preparation I 4.1 PreliminaryIPublic Review Draft 34 18 8 60 $7,430 4.2 Preliminary Final (includes HCD review & certification process) 24 8 6 38 $4,750 4.3 -Final 6 2 4 12 $1,350 5.0 Public Participation I 5.1 - Notices, mailing list & mailings 3 6 1 10 $1,160 5.2 - Community Worksho s 2 + materials 18 4 4 26 $3,310 5.3 -PC & Council Headings +joint workshop (incl. materials, Staff Reports) 30 4 6 40 $5,180 6.0 CEOA Documentation (including IS, ND, Mit. Monitoring, Responses to Comments, Final ) 16 22 38 $4,740 7.0 Project Management (including up to 5 meetings with City staff +HCD) 45 45 $6,525 Total Labor 298 152 31 481 $61,945 Hour Rate $145 $110 $65 I Reimbursable Expenses (See table below) $995 GRAND TOTAL BUDGET $62,940 Optional Tasks At -risk Analysis $2,500 Housinq Conditions Survey $3,200 PM = Project Manager AP = Associate Planner (Phil Bacerra) GIWP = Word Processing /graphics tech (Estimated Reimbursable Expenses I Travel /mileage (n /c) $0 Printing /graphics /supplies $775 Postage /deliveries $220 Total $995 CIVIC SOLUTIONS, 27 SECTION 6 FEE SCHEDULE Per directive of the RFP the Fee Schedule is being submitted in a separate, sealed envelope, CIVIC SOLUTIONS 26