BC - Item 3B - Discussion of the Annual Holiday Decoration Awards R OSEMEAD B EAUTIFICATION C OMMISSION S TAFF R EPORT TO:THE HONORABLE CHAIRANDCOMMISSION FROM:ERICKA HERNANDEZ,CITY CLERK DATE:OCTOBER 13, 2021 TH SUBJECT:9ANNUALHOLIDAY DECORATION AWARDS SUMMARY th The Beautification Commission will discuss the award categoriesand gift optionsfor the9 Annual Holiday Decoration Awards. DISCUSSION th To begin preparing forthe9Annual Virtual Holiday Decoration Awards, the Beautification Commission will discuss the awardguidelines (Attachment A) and gift options (Attachment C). The Holiday Decoration Awards invites Rosemead residents and local businesses to submit nominations to the BeautificationCommission, showcasing their civic pride and holiday spirit. The Beautification Commission will judge participants on four categories with the grand prize to be awarded the Marie Spadaro Christmas Castle Award.City staff will contact the winnersto inform them when they will be recognized. STAFF RECOMMENDATION th That the Beautification Commission discussand provide direction on the 9Annual Holiday Decoration Awardscategoriesand prize choices. FISCAL IMPACT The City does not fund the Holiday Decoration Awards event. The Commission will seek donations from local businesses toassistwith the ability to provide prizes to the winning participants. The event will be virtual this year; City staff anticipateaminimal expenseof $600 towards prizes. BeautificationCommissionMeeting October13, 2021 Page 2of 2 PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notificationprocess. Prepared by: ________________________ Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk Attachment A: 2020Holiday Awards Guidelines Attachment B: 2020HolidayDecoration AwardFlyer Attachment C:PrizeOrnament Ideas Attachment A 20 Holiday AwardGuidelines City of Rosemead Holiday Decoration Awards Guidelines Onlyresidencesandnon-residences,includingbusinessesand non-profits, excluding Cityfacilities, within the CityofRosemead are eligible for nomination. NomineesmusthavenoactivecodeenforcementorotherrelatedissueswiththeCityofRosemead. CityofRosemeademployeesincludingCouncilembers,appointedofficialsandtheirimmediate families are noteligible. Tobeeligible,aprospectivenomineemustnolaterthan5:00p.m.onthedesignatedduedate asdeterminedbythe Beautification Commission. Scoringandphotographywilltakeplaceonthedatesindicatedinthe announcement. Nominees shouldhavetheirdecorationscompletedandlit(asappropriate)from6:00p.m.to10:00p.m.on those days. Thewinnerswillbedeterminedbythehighestaveragescoreineachofthecategories,exceptfor theMarieSpadaroChristmasCastleAward,whichisnotscoredseparately,andwillbedetermined bythehighestoverallaverage among allothercategoriescombined.Intheeventofatieinany categorythewinnerwillbechosenbyamajorityvoteamongallBeautificationCommissionmembers presentattheDecembermeeting. No nominee shall win in morethanonecategory. . The Award categoriesand their descriptions shall beasfollows: EnchantedEntryway- lookingforinvitingdoorsand entryways thatsetthe tone fortheholidays. TheFestivityAward-Culturesaroundtheworldcelebratefestivalsoflightinwinter.Dazzleand delightuswith lights thatcapturethewarmglow of theholidays. ChristmaswithaTwist-Thiscategoryencouragesawhimsicalthemeespeciallygeared towardchildren.Becreative.Thinkaboutwhatwouldhavethrilledyouwhenyouwereachild. The Spirit Award (Marie Spadaro Christmas CastleAward)-Whobroughtouttheholiday spiritthebest?Thinksleighbells,candycanes,evergreenwreaths,CurrierandIves.Thisisour grand prize, basedon scores in all other categories. Attachment B 20 Holiday AwardFlyer Enchanted Christmas with a Entryway Award Twist Award t Marie Spadaro Christmas Castle Award (Grand Prize) F - 4D " Celebrating The Festivity Tradition Award Award F4���� GET INTO THE HOLIDAY SPIRIT BY NOMINATING YOURS, A NEIGHBOR'S, OR BUSINESS' PROPERTY THAT HELPS For more info, please contact Natalie Haworth MAKE R 0 S E M E A D A LITTLE MERRIER AND BRIGHTER! at (626) 569-2100 or visit www.cityofrosemead.org. Holiday Decoration Awards Categories Enchanted Entryway— Show your spirit with a warm holiday welcome to your home or business. We are looking for inviting doors and entryways that set the tone for the holidays. The Festivity Award — Cultures around the world celebrate festivals of light in winter. Dazzle and delight us with lights that capture the warm glow of the holidays. Celebrating Tradition — Winter celebrations worldwide make the season special. Delight us with decorations that honor cultural and religious traditions or your own personal twist. Examples include a manger scene, menorah or kinara. Christmas with a Twist — This category encourages a whimsical theme. Be creative. Think about what would have thrilled you when you were a child. Marie Spadaro Christmas Castle Award (Grand Prize) — Who brought out the holiday spirit the best? Think sleigh bells, candy canes, evergreen wreaths, Currier and Ives. This is our grand prize, based on scores in all other categories. Attachment C PrizeOrnament Ideas PRIZE ORNAMENT IDEAS Option 1: Option 3: :7 Option 2: City of Rosemead 0� Celebrating }� Tradition Award %, 2020 Option 4: Option 5: Option 6: NOTE: Options 1, 2, Sand 6, we can change the image (i.e. tree, snowman, candy cane, snowflake, gingerbread man, wreath) for each award.