TC - Item 3A - Traffic Review of the Northwest Curb Ramp at the Intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett AvenueTRANSTEch TO: City of Rosemead, Department of Public Works FROM: Traffic Engineering, Transtech Engineers, Inc. DATE: January 18, 2022 SUBJECT: Traffic Review of the NW Curb Ramp at the Intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue IILlY1To]111111d M l The City of Rosemead received a resident request to evaluate the existing driveway access and curb ramp adjacent to the Wilson Complete Auto Repair shop, located at 8689 Garvey Avenue, at the northwest corner of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue. In response to this request and on behalf of the City, engineering staff has completed a traffic review of this location. The resident reported that drivers sometimes access the shop via the curb ramp and drive over the curb ramp thinking it is a driveway; appropriate improvements have been recommended to provide more visibility to the curb ramp indicating it is not a driveway and to deter vehicles from using it as such. The recommendations include installation of yellow railings behind the curb ramp and installation of red curb markings. The traffic review included an analysis of the existing roadway conditions, a review of approximately 5.5 years of available collision data, and an examination of the existing field conditions. Figure 1: Vicinity Map CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 1 of 9 Traffic Review of the NW Curb Ramp at the Intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue EXISTING CONDITIONS Garvey Avenue: Within the City of Rosemead, Garvey Avenue runs east and west and is considered a minor arterial road with a speed limit of 35 mph. Garvey Avenue is approximately 75 feet wide with two lanes in each direction. Garvey Avenue, through this section has intermittent landscaped medians. Time restricted parking is available on both sides of the street except where red curb is marked. On the north side and south side of Garvey Avenue, there is no parking on certain days of the week, as well as 2 -hour parking along the north side of Garvey Avenue. This segment of Garvey Avenue is primarily commercial zoning, per the Rosemead General Plan. Bartlett Avenue: Within the City of Rosemead, Bartlett Avenue runs north and south and is considered a local road by the California Road Functional Classification Maps with a posted speed limit of 25 mph. Bartlett Avenue is approximately 36 feet wide, with one lane of travel in each direction and no marked center line. Parking along both sides of Bartlett Avenue is permitted except where the curbs are marked red, and on street sweeping days. Bartlett Avenue is posted with no trucks weighing over 3 tons permitted signage. This segment of Bartlett Avenue is a mix use of commercial and residential zoning per the Rosemead General Plan with a mobile home park on the east side and a body shop and auto repair on the west side mixed in with residential units. Figure 2: Existing Conditions at Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue QsP ro 25 -all LEGEND aStop Sign (R1-1) SPEED LIMIT 25 -MPH Speed Limit (R2-1) 25 Sign M Commercial Vehicles Over 3 Tons Prohibited (R36) Sign I PARKING No Parking due to Street TOES04Y S SATURDAY Sweeping Sign 2AM-6AM :TPEfT MPING HOUR PARKING 2 Hour Parking & No Parking 1AM-6RM due to Street Sweeping Joint ' PARKING sign UESDAY & SATURDAY 2AM-6M STRO $Y O NG CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 2 of 9 Traffic Review of the NW Curb Ramp at the Intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue PICTURE SUMMARY Close Up View of the NW Corner of the intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue showing the existing curb ramp. A T O � � M �µ IIII IIIIIIIIIII � of ohauoe 39w I,II's View of the NW Corner of the intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue showing the existing curb ramp. Owner has posted a small DO NOT ENTER sign. 0 KOSCWEAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 3 of 9 Traffic Review of the NW Curb Ramp at the Intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue _1 Eastbound along Garvey Avenue at Bartlett Avenue Northbound along Bartlett Avenue at Garvey Avenue Westside sidewalk along Bartlett Ave /j'; O E„ AD Westbound along Garvey Avenue at Bartlett Avenue L_ Southbound along Bartlett Avenue at Garvey Avenue CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 4 of 9 Traffic Review of the NW Curb Ramp at the Intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue N lit, J' "II �Illlnlllun.. IIIIIIi����l����6�� rr�Mal( A Driveway along northside of Garvey Ave, just west of Bartlett Ave COLLISION INVESTIGATION A Collision History Analysis was conducted for the subject location. Collision data was obtained from the computerized collision records system maintained by the State of California called the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records Systems (SWITRS). An analysis was conducted of available collisions that were reported to SWITRS and that occurred within 250 -feet of the subject intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue. The collision analysis was conducted over approximately a 5.5 -year period between January 2016 through October 2021 (available data at the time of traffic review). Based on the information provided, a summary breakdown of the number of collisions within the studied segment are listed below and shown in Table 1. Total Collisions: 12 2021— 2 collisions 2020 —1 collision CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 5 of 9 Traffic Review of the NW Curb Ramp at the Intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue 2019 — 0 collisions 2018 — 5 collisions 2017 —1 collision 2016 — 3 collisions Table 1: Collision Summary for the Intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue Per the Collision History Analysis, there was a total of 12 collisions reported within the 5.5 -year period. According to the SWITRS reports 1 of the collisions involved a pedestrian. It is unclear from the available collision data if any collisions were a direct result of vehicles using the NW ramp for access to the business. Please refer to Figure 3 for a visual representation of the collisions at the intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 6 of 9 lnlule 4 3 DiTe,eernnme -mn Mom, VMi[b M1R NYrYPSI 4seWY MY dv. rme Oa'W,M ICInIR 10a'. muvnnl miury PMemian fdkm Famrme NxrYfalleim axi albW N wM NE44 Usl •. OX.Plein, of Il MaB psaytium Fatty Pam ^� INBDI WB THOU VEX HIT 1 B/U/ZOLI WRVETFVE BgILFIt RgVE 0 X. THU NIGHT HFIOIIER 3 FIXEOOBI FIXE0001 IMPPOPTURN ] OMVEP XBPNUI WBTIRU YEN HIT WNVET. WRTUTTAVE ll1YW E3:14 FRI NIGHT HTORRET 4 FIXE00X1 FIXED OBI IMPROPTURX 0 N/A IN IRTRX VEX 9 3/lvmo bWT£TTAVE G4RVEYAVE 14'4 ]]Lfi WED MLIGHT HFAOON 4 OTHER MV HIT NB FRI D0.VR AICI DRG 0 WYWNR VEX IMPY THRU VEX 4 1VWXT1B 0ANTLETTAVE GRPVEY AVE 33 N30 FNI WYLIGHT AUTO/PEO A WD HIT OR UX RED Pow FED ] MNDMNR 0 THRU VEH HIT WRVEY AVE XOROETTAVE ED ll50 SOT WYLIGHT BROAOMOE 4 OTHER MY Will THOU e1H LANE CHANGE 0 M40MNR EB CHRNGUN YEN 6 11/V— WRVEYOVE XO.. ]3SW 103B THU WYLIGXT 410ESWIPE 4 OTHER MY HIT ED THOU YEN IMPROPTIIRX 0 N/A XBIINTOP VEX ] EVUV 1H WRNETAVE BgRILLTIAVE 0 1150 WED WYLIGHT BROAWIOE 4 OTHER MV Xrt WOTXRU VEM R. A. 0 WA R W14'.. GARVEY. XOROETT. UseYX 1450 WED WYLIGHT 41DE4WIPE 4 OTHER MY Will CHANG W YEN IXNEOIANGE 0 N/A Hrt MWRUVEH 9 q,30/30ll GARVEY AVE MFTI£TTAVE W'E 17A THU DAi BXOUNDUIDE 3 BICYCIE EX THOU VEX NIT IMPROPTURN 1 N/q NX EMTPAF BICY 10 XL30/ID1G PARTETTAVE ORNE' AVE 2'N 1]ID TUE WYHGHT OTXE0. 4 OTHER MV IMP BB SMOKING VEx HIT BX MO 41 .IBTNG 0 WA IMP WB UN4 TRX 1] X/13/ID36 WRVEYMVE WRTLETTAVE IOE ]943 MON DAYLIGHT 41OFSWIPF 4 OTHER MV VFX HIT WB THOU IMPROVTIIRX 0 M40MNR VEH 12 6/]/NIIB BARTETT AVE GUIVEYAVE 0 X41 TUE Diel 41DF4WIPE 4 OTHER MV .�TRN WH IMPROPTURN 0 Bl40MN0. HITEB THOU YEN Per the Collision History Analysis, there was a total of 12 collisions reported within the 5.5 -year period. According to the SWITRS reports 1 of the collisions involved a pedestrian. It is unclear from the available collision data if any collisions were a direct result of vehicles using the NW ramp for access to the business. Please refer to Figure 3 for a visual representation of the collisions at the intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 6 of 9 Traffic Review of the NW Curb Ramp at the Intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue Figure 3: Collision Diagram, Intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue HANDRAIL INSTALLATION Caltrans has provided a Detail for the construction of a fence or handrail on the curb behind the wheel chair ramp. A handrail is provided to channel pedestrians to the sloping ramp that provide the greatest level of safety instead of crossing from behind the ramp. In this instance it will also aid in discouraging vehicles from using the ramp as an entry point to the garage behind it or to park overhanging into the ramp. Figure 4 below provides a detail of a handrail installation. Caltrans Standard Plans for Construction, Detail B, is a diagram of the standard set by Caltrans for handrail installation behind curb ramps. O E., ..A.__,. CONSTRUCT FENCE OR HANDRAIL PER CONTRACT PLANS (150 mm) RETAINING CURB ` PAVED SURFACE DETAIL B Figure 4: Hand Rail Installation Standard CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 7 of 9 Traffic Review of the NW Curb Ramp at the Intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue RECOMMENDATIONS After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the guidelines in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), and based on engineering judgement, it was determined that the intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue would benefit from the installation of yellow railings along the outside of the ADA curb ramp on the northwest corner of the intersection. As well as red curb as further reinforcement of no parking areas. The railing installation should be similar to the yellow railing installed at the intersection of Ramona Boulevard and Burton Avenue. Please refer to Figure 5 for a sample of the existing yellow railing installation at the southwest corner of Ramona Boulevard and Burton Avenue behind the curb ramp in the City of Rosemead. The handrail at this location is channeling pedestrians to the sidewalk and ramp and also serves to prevent cars from parking too close to the curb. Please refer to Figure 6 for a conceptual representation of the proposed yellow railing installation at the northwest corner of the intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue behind the curb ramp. Figure 5: Existing Yellow Railing at Southwest Corner of Ramona Boulevard & Burton Avenue Behind the Curb Ramp CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 8 of 9 Traffic Review of the NW Curb Ramp at the Intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue Figure 6: Conceptual Exhibit Showing the Proposed Yellow Railing Behind the Curb Ramp and Red Curb along the Northwest Corner of the Intersection of Garvey Avenue and Bartlett Avenue 0 KOSCWEAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 9 of 9 q V l O tin III ' - -1 'nui iu III.r7 r, IIIIIIIIIII 2 I 1 \ I •_ � I �.S T OInstallation of Yellow Railing behind the curb ramp along the entire elevated step as shown in the exhibit. The railing should follow Caltrans standards. (Exhibit is a Conceptual Illustration of the proposed recommendations.) 2 Installation of red curb on the curb ramp aprons starting at the back of curb return (BCR) to the slope in the ramp as shown in the exhibit. OInstallation of red curb on the curb ramp aprons starting at the back of curb return (BCR) where the STOP sign is to the slope in the ramp as shown in the exhibit. 0 KOSCWEAD CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 9 of 9