CC - Item 5D - Approval to Award the Purchase of Mobile Stage to Century Industries, Inc.ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER � ` DATE: FEBRUARY 8, 2022 SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO AWARD THE PURCHASE OF MOBILE STAGE TO CENTURY INDUSTRIES, INC. SUMMARY The Parks and Recreation Department is seeking to purchase a new mobile stage that staff will use for various programs and special events. After more than 25 years of use, the current stage has surpassed its life expectancy, and a replacement is necessary. As part of the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 budget, the City Council allocated $200,000 to purchase a new mobile stage. Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to approve a purchase order with Century Industries, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $199,550, including sales tax. DISCUSSION Staff from the Parks and Recreation Department investigated various stage options and manufacturers. As a result, a Request for Proposal (RFP) was drafted and published on November 4, 2021, with a due date of December 9, 2021. The RFP is provided as an attachment to this report. Only one company, Century Industries, Inc., responded to the RFP. Staff recommends purchasing the MSM3200 "ShowMaster" 3000 Series. This model of the ShowMaster is 32 feet in length and 14 feet wide. The mobile stage opens from three sides, leaving a solid wall as shown in Attachment C. The ShowMaster provides a self-contained hydraulic actuation system that permits a fast, easy, one-person push-button setup for a stage that is ready to go wherever needed. The stage also features a smooth, seamless shell, an all-weather stage deck, and a full-length canopy. The selected optional amenities are listed below: • Hydraulic leveling and support system • LED light package which includes eight (8) lights • Electrical upgrade system • Handicapped ADA Lift • Spare tire • Drum riser • Custom vertical banners and hardware for hanging AGENDA ITEM 5.1) City Council Meeting February 8, 2022 Page 2 of 3 • AV cabinet • 12,000 -watt generator • Decorative stage skirt • On-site training day with Century Industries, Inc. staff The lead time for the stage is approximately five (5) months. Staff will utilize the stage at a wide variety of special events, including the 4th of July Celebration, summer concerts in the park, Fall Fiesta/Dia de los Muertos event, and the Trunk or Treat. Historically, the City has lent the stage out to our community partners, such as the Rosemead Unified School District and the El Monte Union High School District. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council: 1. Authorize the City Manager to approve a Purchase Order with Century Industries, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $199,550, including sales tax, from account number 101-4040- 5981. FISCAL IMPACT The total amount for the mobile stage is $199,550.00. Funds are available in the adopted FY 21- 22 budget from the General Fund, account number 101-4040-5981. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT The project is consistent with the Strategic Plan's guiding principal for fiduciary responsibility of providing full transparency in the financial management of the City's finances and providing quality of life enhancement. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification. Submitted by: s Tom hoecling Director of Parks & 4creation City Council Meeting February 8, 2022 Page 3 of 3 Attachment A: Request for Proposal Attachment B: Century Industries, Inc. Quote Attachment C: MSM3200 ShowMaster 3000 Series Specifications Attachment A Request for Proposal City of Rosemead — Mobile Concert Stage Request for Proposal No. 2021-10 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 2021-10 MOBILE CONCERT STAGE SUBMITTALS: Three (3) bound copies and one (1) electronic PDF file on a flash drive of the proposal in sealed envelope(s) must be received by the City of Rosemead's City Clerk's Office no later than 10:00 am on December 9, 2021 CONTACT PERSON: Tom Boecking, Parks and Recreation Director City of Rosemead 3936 Muscatel Avenue Rosemead, California 91770 (626) 569-2161 tboecking@cityofrosemead.org PROPOSALS RECEIVED AFTER THE TIME AND DATE STATED ABOVE SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED. FACSIMILE AND E-MAIL PROPOSAL WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. INQUIRIES: Direct questions for clarification on Request for Proposal documents to Tom Boecking at (626) 569-2161 or tboecking@citvofrosemead.org MODIFICATIONS: Any modification of this Request for Proposal will be provided to CONTRACTORS who request notification of any modifications. ISSUANCE DATE: Thursday, November 4, 2021 City of Rosemead — Mobile Concert Stage Request for Proposal No. 2021-10 CONTENTS A. Overview..................................................................................................................1 B. Background..............................................................................................................1 C. Contractor Qualifications.........................................................................................1 D. Information To Be Submitted..................................................................................1 E. Time, Place, And Method for Proposal Submission.................................................3 F. Award of Contract....................................................................................................3 G. Right to Reject Quotes.............................................................................................3 H. Understanding of Requirements.............................................................................3 I. Questions/Clarifications..........................................................................................4 J. Bonding and Insurance............................................................................................4 K. City's Responsibilities........................................................................................................4 L. Proposal Evaluation And Criteria....................................................................:................5 M. Discretion and Liability Waiver.........................................................................................5 Attachment A: Mobile Stage Specifications Attachment B: Optional Equipment/Upgrades Attachment C: Distribution List City of Rosemead — Mobile Concert Stage Request for Proposal No. 2021-10 A. OVERVIEW Through this Request for Proposal (RFP) and evaluation process, the City of Rosemead is inviting proposals for a mobile concert stage, per bid specifications. Please reference ATTACHMENT A for base requirements, along with additional upgrade specifications. The mobile stage shall also be the most up-to-date type, symmetrically proportioned and designed to accommodate the load that will be sustained during use. Bidders shall review the specifications and requirements carefully before submitting a bid. Only those who demonstrate the capability to provide the requested product will be considered. B. BACKGROUND The City of Rosemead is a working-class suburb with a diverse population base. According to the 2020 Census, the City has a population of 54,615. The City hosts more than ten annual events per year, with a variety of activities and programs. The vast majority of events involve stage use, including several musical concerts and dance performances. C. CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS 1. The City requires proposals submitted by primary CONTRACTORs only. The CONTRACTOR will have complete and exclusive responsibility for satisfying all City conditions and requirements at all times during the life of the agreement. Any subcontractors mentioned in the RFP and/or used in the Agreement's implementation will have no formal relationship with the City. 2. The primary CONTRACTOR must be an authorized dealer for the specified equipment capable of selling, delivering, and servicing the item specified in ATTACHMENT A. 3. The manufacturer shall be the prime CONTRACTOR and shall identify the location of their facility in the bid. 4. The primary CONTRACTOR must have experience in providing similar work in at least three similar organizations. D. INFORMATION TO BE SUBMITTED Prospective CONTRACTORS must submit three bound copies and one electronic copy of their proposal. The electronic copy must be in searchable PDF format. 1. Proposal Summary: This section shall discuss the highlights, key features, and distinguishing points of the Proposal. A separate sheet shall include all the contact people on the Proposal and how to communicate with them. Limit this section to a total of one to three pages, including the separate sheet with contact personnel. 1IPage City of Rosemead — Mobile Concert Stage Request for Proposal No. 2021-10 2. Profile of the Proposing Contractor: This section shall include a brief description of the CONTRACTORs size and the proposed local organizational structure. Include a discussion on the CONTRACTORs financial stability, capacity, and resources. If applicable, include all other CONTRACTORS participating in this proposal, including similar information about the contractor/subcontractors. Additionally, this section shall include a listing of any relevant lawsuit and/or subcontractors' litigation and the result of that action resulting from (a) any public project undertaken by the Contractor or by its subcontractors where litigation is still pending or has occurred within the last five years or (b) any project where the CONTRACTOR or its insurers paid claims or settlements within the last fiveyears. 3. Qualifications of the Contractor: This section shall include a brief description of the Contractor's qualification and previous experience on similar or related projects. Provide a description of pertinent project experience with other public municipalities (maximum of four) and private sector (maximum of two) that includes a summary of the work performed, the total project cost, the percentage of work the CONTRACTOR was responsible for, the period over which the work was completed, and the name, title, and phone number of clients to be contacted for references. Give a brief statement of the CONTRACTORS adherence to the schedule and budget for each project. 4. Stage Specifications/Proposed Delivery: This section of the proposal shall establish the CONTRACTORs understanding of the City's needs and supply requirements and the Contractor's ability to satisfy those needs and requirements. Describe the proposed stage specifications, including specific safety features. Note that the award will be based on the "Base Unit" cost and not on optional equipment or upgrade options. As part of the electronic copy, supply a video clip or weblink exhibiting the mobile stage's operation and setup. This will also include the required safetyfeatures previously mentioned. Also included in this section will be an engineer's letter, drawings and dimensions and warranty information. 5. Optional Equipment and Upgrades: The Contractor may also suggest optional equipment and upgrade options to assist in fulfilling the City's needs. In this section, discuss any ideas, innovative approaches, or specific new concepts included in the Proposal that would benefit the City's assessment of the Proposal. Focus primarily on cost-saving or efficiency -enhancing innovations. 6. Proposal Costs Sheet and Rates: In this section, include the proposed costs to provide the equipment desired. Include any other expense and price information that would be contained in an agreement with the City. Please also include the costs of delivery and all taxes and fees. 21 Page City of Rosemead — Mobile Concert Stage Request for Proposal No. 2021-10 E. TIME, PLACE, AND METHOD FOR PROPOSAL SUBMITTION The City must receive three (3) sets of proposals from interested CONTRACTORs no later than 10:00 a.m. on December 9, 2021. Please submit all proposals to: Request for Proposal — Mobile Concert Stage ATTN: Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk City of Rosemead I City Clerk's Office 8858 E. Valley Blvd. Rosemead, CA 91770 Electronic, faxed, or late proposals will not be considered. RFP SUBMITTAL INFORMATION RFP Available DEADLINES November 4, 2021 Deadline for submittal of Questions November 18, 2021 Staff Responses to Questions November 30, 2021 Deadline for submittals of Proposal December 9, 2021 Agreement Presented to Council January 11, 2022 (Tentative) F. AWARD OF CONTRACT Staff, led by the Director of Parks and Recreation, will evaluate the proposals, and make their recommendation to City Council for approval. CONTRACTORS may be asked to make oral presentations to supplement their proposals. Staff will select proposals following the City's purchasing policy on Equipment, where selection is not bound by the lowest bid but made at the sole discretion of staff and City Council. The Contractor must guarantee proposals for 60 days after the quote opening on November 4, 2021. It is anticipated that a standard agreement contract will be signed subsequent to City Council review and approval of the recommended CONTRACTOR. G. RIGHT TO REJECT QUOTES The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or portions of any or all proposals. Non- compliance with any of the conditions and instructions stated herein may result in the rejection of the proposal. H. UNDERSTANDING OF REQUIREMENTS An authorized representative of the CONTRACTOR must sign all proposals accepted by the City. The submission of a signed proposal will be interpreted to mean that the company has thereby agreed to all conditions, instructions, descriptions, and specifications contained herein. All samples submitted by the CONTRACTOR in support of its quote shall become the property of the City. 3 1 P a g e City of Rosemead — Mobile Concert Stage Request for Proposal No. 2021-10 I. QUESTIONS/CLARIFICATIONS Please email any questions regarding this RFP to Tom Boecking, Director of Parks and Recreation, with the subject line "Mobile Stage RFP Questions" at tboecking@cityofrosemead.org. Questions must be received by 5:00 pm on November 18, 2021. Staff will collect all questions received before the RFP deadline and post responses to the City's website by 5:00 pm on November 30, 2021. J. BONDING AND INSURANCE The City will require the successful Proposer to provide Certificates of Bonding and/or Insurance evidencing required coverage types and the minimum limits. Without limiting CONTRACTOR's indemnification of AGENCY, and prior to commencement of Work, CONTRACTOR shall obtain, provide and maintain at its own expense during the term of this AGREEMENT, policies of insurance of the type and amounts described below and in a form satisfactory to AGENCY. Note: Verify minimum limit for each coverage with Risk Manager. General liability insurance. CONTRACTOR shall maintain commercial general liability insurance with coverage at least as broad as Insurance Services Office form CG 00 01, in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate, for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage. The policy must include contractual liability that has not been amended. Any endorsement restricting standard ISO "insured contract" language will not be accepted. Automobile liability insurance. CONTRACTOR shall maintain automobile insurance at least as broad as Insurance Services Office form CA 00 01 covering bodily injury and property damage for all activities of the CONTRACTOR arising out of or in connection with Work to be performed under this AGREEMENT, including coverage for any owned, hired, non -owned or rented vehicles, in an amount not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit for each accident. Workers' compensation insurance. CONTRACTOR shall maintain Workers' Compensation Insurance (Statutory Limits) and Employer's Liability Insurance (with limits of at least $1,000,000). CONTRACTOR shall submit to AGENCY, along with the certificate of insurance, a Waiver of Subrogation endorsement in favor of AGENCY, its officers, agents, employees, and volunteers. Additional insured status. General liability policies shall provide or be endorsed to provide that AGENCY and its officers, officials, employees, and agents, and volunteers shall be additional insureds under such policies. This provision shall also apply to any excess/umbrella liability policies. Any changes, deletions, or additions will be made by addendum numbered subsequently. Professional liability (errors & omissions) insurance. CONTRACTOR shall maintain professional liability insurance that covers the Services to be performed in connection with this AGREEMENT, in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 per claim and in the aggregate. Any policy inception date, continuity date, or retroactive date must be before the effective date of this AGREEMENT and CONTRACTOR agrees to maintain continuous coverage through a period no less than three (3) years after completion of the services required by this AGREEMENT. 4 1 P a g e City of Rosemead — Mobile Concert Stage Request for Proposal No. 2021-10 K. CITY'S RESPONSIBILITY Upon awarding the contract, the City shall provide the selected CONTRACTOR with any pertinent ordinances and resolutions or any other information mutually agreed upon that will assist the CONTRACTOR with completing the contract requirements. L. PROPOSAL EVALUATION AND CRITERIA Proposals will be evaluated on the proposer's ability to provide services that meet the requirements outlined in this RPF. The City reserves the right to make such investigations as it deems necessary to determine the proposer's ability to provide services meeting a satisfactory level of performance following the City's requirements. The proposer shall furnish such information and data for this purpose as the City may request, at no cost to the City. Interviews and presentations by one, several, or all of the proposers submitting a proposal may be requested if deemed necessary to understand and evaluate the proposer's capabilities and qualifications. The adequacy, depth, and clarity of the proposal will influence its evaluation to a considerable degree. The final selection of the CONTRACTORS will be based on the following criteria: 1. Narrative describing methodology and protocols. 2. Understanding the scope of services. 3. Quality of proposal. 4. Ability of the CONTRACTOR to provide the full range of requested services. 5. Demonstrated professional skills and credentials of staff to be assigned to this agreement. 6. Related experience and expertise. 7. CONTRACTOR's ability to execute the contract in a timely manner. 8. References. 9. Cost as compared to related service requirements (lowest cost will not be the sole determining factor). The award of a contract will be based on a combination of the aforementioned criteria and costs. M. DISCRETION AND LIABILITY WAIVER 1. Proposers shall carefully read the information contained in this RFP and submit a complete response to all requirements and questions as directed. Incomplete proposals may be considered non-responsive and may be rejected at the City's discretion. 5 1 P a g e City of Rosemead — Mobile Concert Stage Request for Proposal No. 2021-10 2. All information, documentation, and other materials submitted in response to this solicitation are considered non -confidential and/or non-proprietary and are subject to public disclosure after the solicitation is completed. 3. Proposers shall prepare and develop proposals at their sole cost and expense. 4. The City makes no representations of any kind that an award of a contract will be made as a result of this RFP or subsequent RFP. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, waive any formalities or minor technical inconsistencies, and/or delete any item/requirements from this RFP when deemed to be in City's best interest. 5. Failure to comply with all requirements contained in this RFP may result in the rejection of a proposal. 6. A proposal may be modified or withdrawn in person at any time before the scheduled due date, provided a receipt for the withdrawn proposal signed by the proposer's authorized representative. The City reserves the right to request proof of authorization to withdraw a proposal. 7. The City may evaluate the proposals based on the anticipated completion of all or any portion of the project. The City reserves the right to divide the project into multiple parts, reject any proposals and re -solicit for new proposals, or reject any proposals and temporarily or permanently abandon the project. 8. The City may, in the evaluation of proposals, request clarification from proposers regarding their proposals, obtain additional material or literature, and pursue other avenues of research as necessary to ensure that a thorough evaluation is conducted. 9. By submitting a proposal in response to this RFP, the CONTRACTOR accepts the evaluation process, acknowledges and accepts that determination will require subjective judgments by the City and waives all right to protest or seek any legal remedies whatsoever regarding any aspect of this RFP. 10. The City of Rosemead expects the highest level of ethical conduct from proposers, including adherence to all applicable laws and local ordinances regarding ethical behavior. 11. If an agreement cannot be reached with the highest -ranked proposer, City reserves the right to terminate negotiations with that party and enter into negotiations with the next highest -ranked proposer. 12. Finalists in the selection process may be asked to attend an interview once the RFP process is complete. 13. Acceptance of any proposal is contingent upon the proposer's certification and agreement by 61 Page City of Rosemead — Mobile Concert Stage Request for Proposal No. 2021-10 submittal of its offer to comply and act in accordance with all provisions of the City's Municipal Code. All proposals submitted shall be binding for 60 days from the date of submittal. 71 Page City of Rosemead — Mobile Concert Stage Request for Proposal No. 2021-10 ATTACHMENT A MOBILE STAGE SPECIFICATIONS The Mobile Stage will be able to handle all types of events and performances. It will include a hydraulically operated canopy for sun and rain protection during performances and extra security when closed. Weather and vandal resistant materials must be used throughout the rugged stage body. The low - maintenance materials will provide a highly durable, non -corrosive exterior body panels, frame, and a non-skid weather -resistant stage floor. The size specifications are listed in a range. If the unit offers a different feature that functions as the describe specification, must indicate how that specification meets the requirements in the proposal. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: • Stage shall feature fast set-up with minimal labor. • Stage shall open in one continuous motion, raising and extending the roof canopy, and lowering two stage deck sections, by push-button hydraulic actuation. • Stage shall feature auto leveling capabilities. • Audience sightlines shall be open and unobstructed through the elimination of corner support columns and an open doorway roof support structure. • Stage deck size shall be between the sizes of 24 ft. long by 14 ft. deep and 40 ft. long by 24 ft. deep. • Roof canopy shall extend beyond main stage edges on all sides. Roof canopy shall be pitched away from audience for controlled rainwater run-off. • Roof shall be capable of rapid lowering in the event of sudden severe weather. A simplified operation design shall provide faster raising and lowering times. • Stage operation shall be electrically powered for quiet, environmentally friendly, and safe operation. • Weather -resistant materials shall be used throughout the stage, including a non -steel surface stage deck. • Stage shall meet D.O.T. regulations established for over -the -road vehicles. • Two sets of wide portable stairs with handrails will be removable, without tools, for storage. Stairs must meet ADA Code for the rise, run and enclosed risers to be acceptable. CONSTRUCTION & MATERIALS: FRAME • Stage decks shall be comprised of three sections, two (2) hydraulic folding, and one (1) fixed at center to form a flat stage deck area. Once fixed center deck is leveled, hydraulic folding decks shall hydraulically power down and lock into position. 8 1 P a g e City of Rosemead — Mobile Concert Stage Request for Proposal No. 2021-10 UNDERCOATING The mainframe will be undercoated with material that will remain tenacious, pliable and adherent over a wide range of temperatures. The undercoat will resist cracking and chipping when exposed to road vibrations, rocks, and gravel. PREMIUM ANTI -CORROSION PROTECTION Anti -corrosion materials will be used for highly corrosive climates. All -steel frame members will be coated for corrosion protection and a long life. This will also include perimeter stage rail, galvanized deck hinges, stainless steel screws, and pump compartment and control panel hinges. PINTLE RING COUPLER The coupler capacity will be between 9,400 and 60,000 lbs. Capacity of the pintle ring coupler will be determined by the size for the mobile stage proposed. The pintle coupler will need to connect to the tongue at the front of the backbone frame. HYDRAULIC LEVELING/SUPPORT JACKS A 24VDC electrical system will power four (4) up to 17,500 Ib. maximum lift capacity hydraulic operated adjustable mainframe jacks that will be capable of adjusting the stage. Jacks will swivel to prevent damage during transit. In addition to the swivel jacks, two (2) additional mainframe drop legs will be included to help support the live load on the main stage. Precision bubble -type levels will be attached to the stage frame for ease of leveling. A total of four (4) levels will be installed, with two (2) sets of two (2) at opposite corners. MOBILE SOUND SHELL STAGE STRUCTURE Will meet or exceed minimum live load code requirements of 125 lbs. psf. and a minimum wind load requirement of 46 mph. SUSPENSION A 21,000 Ib. triple axel, heavy-duty, steel leaf, suspension, equipped with six (6) wheel electric brakes and six (6) highway rated tires. Fenders will be installed over the tires on both sides of the mobile stage to protect it from road dirt and debris. NOTE: RV style torsion beam suspension will not be accepted. D.O.T. STANDARDS The Mobile Stage will comply with all D.O.T. regulations established for over -the -road vehicles. HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE Mobile stage must be handicap accessible and must meet ADA Code and guidelines. INTERIOR BODY Sound Shell body panels will be constructed of an integral structure, long -life Fiber -Glass Reinforced Plywood (FRP), for vandal resistance, weather ability, and superior acoustical properties. Interior rear wall and end wall panels will be seamless, purlin free one-piece construction. To help reduce damage from body flexing, these FRP panels must reinforce the structural strength of the unit. 91 Page City of Rosemead — Mobile Concert Stage Request for Proposal No. 2021-10 EXTERIOR BODY Sound Shell body panels will be covered with a smooth high gloss coating that will offer a durable vandal resistant surface and to make maintenance of the Mobile Stage body simple. Color will be molded into the resin surface of the FRP to prevent scratching and fading of the color. Exterior will be white, and the interior will be a medium neutral gray to help highlight the flesh tones of the performers and to remain cool in direct sunlight. The coating will provide weather resistance to alkali, acid, and UV degradation. Panels will be bolted to the Sound Shell frame with self-locking and self-sealing. Bolts will be spaced at a length that will best contribute to maximum structural rigidity. FRP panels will be easily repairable if damaged in the field. A heavy aluminum rub rail will extend around the bottom perimeter of the body. The aluminum rub rail will protect the FRP and the Mobile Sound Shell frame. The rub rail will require no maintenance or painting when scratched. The aluminum rub rail will be easily repairable in the field. STAGE DECK Made from plywood on aluminum or a higher -grade material, a seamless three-part composite, for its ease of maintenance, weatherproof durability, and superior acoustics. The plywood will be coated with a rugged weatherproof material to help eliminate the need for periodic refinishing. The top surface will be textured for added slip resistance. Deck surface will be free of bolts, rivets, large gaps, and exposed piano hinges at the folding deck as a trip safety concern. Deck perimeter will have an aluminum channel with provision for stairs, skirting, or additional deck attachments. The deck will be medium neutral gray in color to match the interior wall, roof, and end panels. The deck must remain cool to the touch when in direct sunlight. NOTE: Dark colored stage decks are not acceptable due to safety concerns. NOTE: Stage designs that require the set-up of hinged fold -in deck sections to square off the stage deck to achieve the full rated stage length will not be accept due to time constraints. HYDRAULIC STAGE DECK Electrically powered hydraulic cylinders to allow for easy raising and lowering of the folding stage deck by a person. Welded steel folding deck frame will have adjustable support legs that automatically deploy out when the platform deck is lowered. Support legs will have both coarse and fine adjustments for precise leveling of the platform deck. NOTE: Independent legs, aluminum tubing, and scaffolding jacks are not acceptable since they add additional time when setting up and retrieving loose parts. STAGE DECK SUPPORT TRUSS Full length truss understructure supports fold downstage deck. Hinged truss with links to mainframe will automatically deploy as the deck is lowered to ensure a level straight deck. 101 Page City of Rosemead — Mobile Concert Stage Request for Proposal No. 2021-10 ROOF AND CANOPY When open, the canopy eve will completely cover and extend 1'-6" past stage deck. Canopies must be capable of extending at least 1'-6" past the stage deck to provide complete coverage. Anything below 1'-6" will not be accepted. HYDRAULIC CANOPY Precision variable position hydraulic cylinders will have a pilot operated safety check valves to allow the hydraulically locking canopy to position itself into different positions to enhance the stage performance visually and acoustically. Canopy hydraulic lines will be enclosed in steel end columns, at both sides of the stage, to prevent tampering and potential damage. Sound shell canopy will have built-in secondary automatic mechanical safety locks as a back-up to the hydraulic safety check valves to prevent the canopy collapse in the event of a hydraulic cylinder and line failure. NOTE: Canopy system must have similar safety features to help prevent the collapse of the canopy onto the crowd below. If the safety features are considered an equal, provide information on how your safety features will avoid a canopy failure. Failure to provide this information may cause your bid to be considered non-responsive. CANOPY TRUSS STRUCTURE The steel truss structure will be fully design engineered to handle the load of the roof, lighting & stage equipment, other equipment, and natural events. For example, the light & sound equipment will be installed from the ground level and safely lifted overhead, require a minimum equipment load capacity of 1,200 Ib. at the canopy leading edge for safety. Will not accept the installation of any vertical upright corner post that are used as secondary supports. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM The operation of the Mobile Stage roof, canopy and deck will be a self-contained hydraulic system which will be operated by a remote -control pendant. The unit will have a locking control panel and a security latch for the hydraulics and control system. All hydraulic lines will be flexible enough to allow for stage movement during tow and set-up. The Mobile Stage Sound Shell mechanical components will include a battery, battery charger, hydraulic pump, and fluid reservoir which will be located in a locking, weather -tight aluminum compartment. All mechanical components will be conveniently located for ease of service and protected from weather conditions. 111Page City of Rosemead — Mobile Concert Stage Request for Proposal No. 2021-10 12VDC ELECTRICAL The stage will be equipped with all ICC road lights and license plate bracket with light. Marker lights and stage 12VDC marker lights will have a rugged die-cast aluminum housing for protection. The stage will have a connector cable, connector, and towing vehicle receptacle. All 12VDC wiring will be run through a protective loom. All DOT required lights will be LED. Hydraulic system will be powered by one (1) 12V deep -cycle marine batteries (12VDC) equipped with a battery charger. The deep -cycle batteries and charger will be in a mechanical locking compartment at the rear of the stage. The deep -cycle batteries will provide power to the electric hydraulic pump that operates the hydraulic cylinders and the handicapped lift. Fully charge batteries will open and close the mobile stage and the handicapped access lift at least a minimum of ten (10) times. When the power cable is hooked up to the AC electric power, the 12VDC/5 Amp. charger can be plugged into an outlet in the locking compartment to charge the batteries. After approximately eight (8) hours of charging, the batteries will be fully charged. The handicapped access lift is 12VDC powered and will run while the charger is charging. Neither the deep -cycle batteries nor the charger will require removal from the stage during the charging process. An extension cord to the charger will provide a maintenance charge without hooking up the mobile stage main power cable. 11OW60HZ ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Sound Shell will be equipped with a 125 Amp./220/110V load center with three (3) 20 Amp. breakers and 50'6/4 W cable with 15 Amp. Receptacles will be located at each inside end of the start and in the mechanical compartment. U -ground plug connector. ENCLOSED 8,000 WATT GENERATOR 120V/240V 66.6 Amp 60Hz diesel powered, air-cooled generator is frame mounted into built-in locker box compartment. The generatorwill be mounted on a 4 point focalized vibration isolators to eliminate vibration virtually. Includes hour meter, electric start, and fuel tank. Sound: Lower than National Park Service Sound Level Requirements (60 dB(A) at 50 ft). EXTERIOR FINISH The Sound Shell will be gloss white overall. CLEANING Interior and exterior of Sound Shell may be completely hosed out for easy maintenance. SPARE TIRE Full-size spare tire and wheel match the vehicle's original tire dimensions. 121Page City of Rosemead — Mobile Concert Stage Request for Proposal No. 2021-10 DESIGN STANDARDS The Mobile Sound Shell will be engineered to the following codes and regulations: • Department of Transportation • OSHA Sealed professional engineer's letter will be required with bid certifying deck and wind load capability. Drawings and dimensions of the stage, deck, road height and width and all options must be submitted with the bid. Attached documents are stating that the submitted bid meets all required safety, traffic and other regulatory requirements from both the state and the federal government. OPERATION MANUAL: Two (2) operation manuals shall be supplied at time of delivery. ON-SITE TRAINING: On-site training on all stage operations shall be provided by a Factory Authorized Representative within two (2) weeks of stage delivery within Continental United States. WARRANTY: Warranty certificate, for a minimum of one (1) year, shall be supplied bound with manuals with terms and conditions of warranty stated on certificate. SERVICE: Warranty service provided by manufacturer shall be through on-site factory service or contract service through a local contractor at the discretion of the manufacturer. Regular scheduled maintenance shall be provided by owner through local resources. Standard wear components such as tires, brakes, bearings, light bulbs, hydraulic fluid, batteries, electric system components, and hydraulic system components, shall be locally available through automotive or industrial supply houses. Manufacturer shall maintain availability of all standard wear components or alternatives for a period of ten (10) years for supply to the customer. Deck panels shall be repairable by owner/operator and most automotive or truck body shops if ever damaged. Repair kit must be available from manufacturer. All equipment offered under these specifications to be new. USED, SHOPWORN, DEMONSTRATOR, PROTOTYPE, OR DISCONTINUED MODELS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. NOTE: Stage shall require no hand tools or involve loose nuts & bolts during set-up or take down for transport. 131 Page City of Rosemead — Mobile Concert Stage Request for Proposal No. 2021-10 ATTACHMENT B CITY OF ROSEMEAD — OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT/UPGRADES MOVIE SCREEN Electric/motorized screen for outdoor stage operation. The movie screen will have the following features: • Designed for easy installation. • Motor in -the -roller design. • Front access panel of the case. • Preset adjustable limit switches to stop the screen at the desired viewing level automatically. • Includes a standard control module. • Projector Canopy Hardware NOTE: Movie Projector is not required. Optional Wireless Remote — 3 -button control infrared transmitter with receiver. 2 -AAA batteries included. A single touch control that operates up to 50 ft. away. DRUM RISER Sturdy, lightweight and compact. BANNER HARDWARE PACKAGE Extends and supports a vertical canopy banner on either side of the stage. The bars will swing out and lock into place then folds inwards for transport. VERTICLE HANGING MESH BANNERS—TWO (2) QTY Custom printed in full color on vinyl mesh material. Banners will be wind resistant and lightweight. EXTERIOR STAGE GRAPHICS Graphics will be wrapped around the unit so that it will be visible in any direction when the stage is on the road or setting up for an event. Will be able to withstand natural elements, has UV protection, and be able to remove graffiti while providing low cleaning maintenance for City staff. FOLDING CANOPY MARQUEE Banner mounted above the front upper canopy edge with LED lighting that will provide a full-length nighttime illumination when the stage is powered. MOBILE AV CABINET All-purpose storage cabinet with cord management slots, an aluminum cabinet that will hold up to 900 lbs. Shelves that can be used as an audio/video cabinet. STORAGE LOCKERS 141 Page City of Rosemead — Mobile Concert Stage Request for Proposal No. 2021-10 Curbside storage lockers and/or mechanical components lockers. Compartments will have sweep out floor for easy cleaning. Doors will be aluminum and will have locking ring latches for vandal resistance. INTERIOR STAGE GRAPHICS A custom designed on the interior walls where the graphics will be visible when the stage is open and set up during an event. Cost for basic graphics in those areas. WIRELESS REMOTE CONTROL Will allow untethered operation of the Mobile stage by reducing the setup time through improved efficiency while enhancing operational safety. A compact remote control will operate the stage through discrete frequency and ID codes to offer safety/protection when operating the stage canopy, stage deck, and optional hydraulic leveling/support jacks through the wireless remote. The wireless remote control will allow the stage operator to roam freely around the stage during stage setup and tear -down to maintain an optimum viewing angle. ENCLOSED GENERATOR 12,000 WATT A 120V/240V 60Hz diesel powered, the air-cooled generator will be frame mounted in an exterior soundproofing compartment. The generator will be mounted on a 4 point focalized vibration isolators to eliminate vibration virtually and include an hour meter, electric start, and fuel tank. 161Page Attachment B Century Industry, Inc. Quote CenturYeIndustries 299 Prather Lane PO Box C Sellersburg, IN 47172 Phone 812-246-3371 sumit Dcenturyindustries.com City of Rosemead Parks & Recreation Dept. 3936 Muscatel Ave. Michelle McRae 1 2/1/2022 1 90 DAYS MSM3200 "ShowMaster" 3000 SERIES 32ft long enclosed stage body' 18" deep steel channel mainframe 60,000 Ib. capacity pintle towing coupler 17,500 Ib capacity crank tongue jack Triple axle suspension with (6) highway rated tires, electric brakes (4) 25,000 Ib capacity corner leveling jacks Frame mounted level gauges Rugged, all-weather FRP sound shell enclosure 32ft fold -down stage deck with skid resistant surface pattern, leveling legs, 1251b. live load capacity, hydraulic operation Stage canopy extends beyond main stage for maximum protection, hydraulic operation with secondary safety locks. Self-contained 12VDC hydraulic system with remote operation pendant Curb -side frame -mounted locking compartments for hydraulic and electrical systems (2) diamond plate steel stairs with enclosed risers and hand rails Highway lighting package with DOT marker and signal lights AC electric system with power cable, breaker panel, receptacles, and (2) rows of dual tube fluorescent stage lighting Neatural medium gray stage deck color to reduce heat build-up from the sun Neatural medium gray stage interior for reduced glare and enhanced neutral appearance OPTION 6 1 MSM3200 -BASE UNIT (14'x 32') $ 98,271 90550 1 Hydraulic Leveling/Support System $ 9,671 42018 1 PRO -1 LED Light Pkg., Qty.8 $ 7,269 42101 1 LED Light Support Bars, (Per Pair) $ 1,114 42201 1 Electrical Stage Upgrade Package #1 $ 3,378 10209 1 Handicapped ADA Lift $ 9,362 TIR2002 1 Spare Tire $ 1,300 90449 1 Drum Riser $ 2,154 91102 1 Banner Hardware Pkg. $ 1,806 91103 1 Verticle Hanging Mesh Banners, (Qty.2) $ 1,440 70003 1 Interior Graphics - Standard Pkg. $ 4,978 70002 1 Exterior Graphics -(32') Upgrade Pkg. $ 7,397 51110 1 AV Cabinet (Built -In) $ 4,380 90551 1 Wireless Remote Control $ 2,222 51006 1 12,000 Watt Enclosed Generator - Diesel $ 16,617 56060 1 Stage Skirt 60 LF $ 2,340 1 Training (1 -Day) On -Site $ 2,000 $175,699 Sales Tax 9.5% $16,501 Shipping CA 7 350 TOTAL $199,550 LIMITED WARRANTY AND REMEDY: Century warrants to the original Purchaser that those products manufactured by Century and used in the manner for which they are intended shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year after delivery. Notwithstanding the foregoing, purchaser is responsible for return shipping for service. Items manufactured by others are subject to their respective manufacturer's warranty if any. Century does not make any other representations or warranties, express or implied, and disclaims all other warranties including, but not limited to, any implied warranty of merchantability and warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. Purchaser agrees that Century is not liable for incidental, consequential, or special damages of any kind. EXCLUSIVE VENUE/ APPLICABLE LAW: Purchaser agrees to the exclusive venue and jurisdiction of the State and Federal Courts located in Clark County, Indiana for any action involving this Agreement or the goods which are the subject matter of the same. This Agreement shall be construed according to the laws of the State of Indiana. The parties hereto each knowingly and voluntarily agree to waive any right to a trial by jury with respect to any action involving this Agreement or its subject matter, including without limitation any manufactured goods. *TERMS: Net 30 Days Cash or Wire Transfer for Payment No Credit Cards Approximate Production Lead Time: TBD Price Does Not include any applicable Federal, State, or local taxes. Customer is responsible for licensing trailer and registration fees. Price Quote Good for 90 Days. Certificate of Origin (CO) released upon "Payment in Full" WIRE TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS Wire to: WesBanco Bank Inc 1 Bank Plaza Wheeling, WV 26003 1-800-90S-9043 ABA#: 043400036 Account Name: Century Industries LLC Account#: 4572003941 PURCHASER AGREES that a 1%% per month service charge or the maximum legal rate, whichever is less, shall be added to unpaid invoices from the due date thereof, plus reasonable collection and attorneys' fees if placed for collection. Upon default by Purchaser, Century shall be entitled to retain any Deposit and enforce all remedies available to it as a seller under I.C. 26-1-2-703. Purchaser acknowledges that the goods manufactured by Century constitute specially manufactured goods and are not suitable for sale to others in the ordinary course of business. Purchaser agrees to maintain these goods in a safe condition and to operate the same in a safe manner. Purchaser agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Century and its officers, directors, employees, agents or subcontractors from and against any and all claims, demands and causes of action asserted by any other person or entity, and all resulting damages, liabilities, costs, losses and expenses of any kind (including reasonable attorney's fees), arising directly or indirectly from any acts by the purchaser or any of its employees, agents, or customers in connection with the purchase, ownership or use of the subject matter of this Agreement. All estimates for production time are estimates only and Century makes no warranty or representation concerning production times. Purchaser agrees receipt and use of manufactured product(s) constitutes agreement to these terms. This represents the entire agreement of the parties; any changes, amendments, modifications, additions or alterations made by Purchaser without the express written acceptance of Century are rejected. Attachment C MSM3200 ShowMaster 3000 Series Specifications ow aster MOBILE COMMUNITY STAGES MOBILE SOUND SHELL COMMUNITY STAGES Add a professional dimension to your outdoor events while saving time and man power. Century's ShowMaster Mobile Community stages offer a mobile acoustic shell stage featuring unmatched sound, lighting and visual controls, permitting a range of outdoor special events and performances throughout your entire community. An onboard, self-contained hydraulic actuation system permits fast, easy, one-person push-button setup for a stage that is ready to go whenever needed. A choice of stage models permits you to select the stage size bests suited to your event and performance profile needs. ShowMasterTM Mobile Stage Features Smooth, Seamless Shell - rugged, damage -resistant stage enclosure with an attractive professional appearance providing a visual backdrop, weather, protection, sound and lighting control, plus security between events. Acoustically active panels enhance audience experience during outdoor performances. Neutral gray interior color enhances skin tones while reducing glare. Smooth, seamless body panels are ideal for large, highly visible promotional graphics. All -Weather Stage Deck - exclusive, seamless, composite Duradeck provides a sound dampened textured surface. Folding front stage deck is the same length as the rear main deck, permitting one-person setup, as no additional assembly is required to achieve the full rated stage width. Stage deck height is adjustable using the built-in leveling jacks. Neutral gray deck color remains cool indirect sun unlike black stage decks. Full -Length Stage Canopy - extends beyond the front edge of the folding stage deck and the stage sides, providing maximum coverage and weather protection for the stage area on the three crucial sides, while also position the stage lighting beyond the end of the stage for optimum illumination of the stage area and performers. Safety Features - ShowMaster stages incorporate numerous safety features including dual canopy locking systems, control safety switches, and the industry's highest independently certified wind -load capacity. SWmi/Waster Series 2000 Mobile Sound Shell I 1 r�_ddirPl Lack Side View Gentury,,-� Indtarin, MSM2060 Series ShowMester Mobile Sound Shell Y l an F 1�Oi,5lcle Wall Pel a Supp I Tnr Front View 24',t 2$ Canopy Pnril=i..,; Top View ShowMasterTm Mobile Stage Standard Features Self-contained hydraulic system — with remote control pendant, deep -cycle batteries, and battery charger , for fast, easy, one-person set up. Powered protective canopy - extends beyond the front edge and sides of the stage for full coverage, includes automatic mechanical and hydraulic dual - safety canopy locking systems Powered stage deck - all-weather folding stage deck that is equal in length to the main rear stage deck Highway Rated Tires - includes electric brakes on four wheels Heavy-duty tandem axle suspension - equalizer system allows towing over curbs and rough ground Pintle towing coupler —rugged lunette ring coupler (ball coupler available on request) Heavy-duty Tongue Jack — mounted on trailer tongue Rugged support frame — dual 18" deep steel -channel backbone main-frame Crank leveling/support jacks - four (4) 25,0001b capacity, corner jacks pivot for extra ground clearance during towing and reduced cranking during setup. Breaker panel — 125 amp capacity, (3) 20 amp breakers, 50ft of 10/3 W cable, receptacles at each inside end of stage, and in mechanical compartment LED stage lighting —two rows of dual -tube LED stage lights mounted at front edge of canopy and at the canopy hinge line providing maximum stage and performer illumination. Storage lockers — two curb -side compartments with locking hardware for equipment and systems security Stairs — (2) sets of steel stairs with enclosed ADA tread -plate treads, adjustable leveling legs, and removable safety handrails on two sides. DOT required - signal, marker lights, reflectors, and license light, with 12VDC connector cable Stage operation training - provided by factory representative (continental United States) Model Stage Deck Size MSM2400 14'D x 24'L MSM2800 14' 24',t 2$ Canopy Pnril=i..,; Top View ShowMasterTm Mobile Stage Standard Features Self-contained hydraulic system — with remote control pendant, deep -cycle batteries, and battery charger , for fast, easy, one-person set up. Powered protective canopy - extends beyond the front edge and sides of the stage for full coverage, includes automatic mechanical and hydraulic dual - safety canopy locking systems Powered stage deck - all-weather folding stage deck that is equal in length to the main rear stage deck Highway Rated Tires - includes electric brakes on four wheels Heavy-duty tandem axle suspension - equalizer system allows towing over curbs and rough ground Pintle towing coupler —rugged lunette ring coupler (ball coupler available on request) Heavy-duty Tongue Jack — mounted on trailer tongue Rugged support frame — dual 18" deep steel -channel backbone main-frame Crank leveling/support jacks - four (4) 25,0001b capacity, corner jacks pivot for extra ground clearance during towing and reduced cranking during setup. Breaker panel — 125 amp capacity, (3) 20 amp breakers, 50ft of 10/3 W cable, receptacles at each inside end of stage, and in mechanical compartment LED stage lighting —two rows of dual -tube LED stage lights mounted at front edge of canopy and at the canopy hinge line providing maximum stage and performer illumination. Storage lockers — two curb -side compartments with locking hardware for equipment and systems security Stairs — (2) sets of steel stairs with enclosed ADA tread -plate treads, adjustable leveling legs, and removable safety handrails on two sides. DOT required - signal, marker lights, reflectors, and license light, with 12VDC connector cable Stage operation training - provided by factory representative (continental United States) Model Stage Deck Size MSM2400 14'D x 24'L MSM2800 14'D x 28'L Century Industries 812/246-3371 www.centuryindustries.com 2 ShowMaster Series 3000 Mobile Sound Shell I t" LELI 513q� -- - �_I7hhnl} -- Side View Century,'�F',,industrles MSM3000 Series ShowMaster Mobile Sound Shell s Fnkhrg _ R C'Orlr'p'r' I I i 6�w MW a E Ac�i.lstak�ln Front View 14' 32',P 36' Top View ShowMasteCm Mobile Stage Standard Features Self-contained hydraulic system — with remote control pendant, deep -cycle batteries, and battery charger , for fast, easy, one-person set up. Powered protective canopy - extends beyond the front edge and sides of the stage for full coverage, includes automatic mechanical and hydraulic dual - safety canopy locking systems Powered stage deck - all-weather folding stage deck that is equal in length to the main rear stage deck Highway Rated Tires - includes electric brakes on six wheels Heavy-duty tri - axle suspension - equalizer system allows towing over curbs and rough ground Pintle towing coupler — rugged lunette ring coupler Eball coupler available on request) Heavy-duty Tongue Jack — mounted on trailer tongue Rugged support frame — dual 18" deep steel -channel backbone main-frame Crank leveling/support jacks - four (4) 25,0001b capacity, corner jacks pivot for extra ground clearance during towing and reduced cranking during setup. Century Industries 812/246-3371 WeriP�iEt4- Breaker panel — 125 amp capacity, E3) 20 amp breakers, 50ft of 10/3 t cable, receptacles at each inside end of stage, and in mechanical compartment LED stage lighting — two rows of dual -tube LED stage lights mounted at front edge of canopy and at the canopy hinge line providing maximum stage and performer illumination. Storage lockers — two curb -side compartments with locking hardware for equipment and systems security Stairs — (2) sets of steel stairs with enclosed ADA tread -plate treads, adjustable leveling legs, and removable safety handrails on two sides. DOT required - signal, marker lights, reflectors, and license light, with 12VDC connector cable Stage operation training - provided by factory representative (continental United States) Model Stage Deck !ize] MSM3200 14'D x 32'L MSM3600 14'D x 36'L www.centuryindustries.com 3