CC - Item 3L - Striping ModificationsROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: OLIVER CHI, CITY MANAGER &(;--e% DATE: FEBRUARY 10, 2009 SUBJECT: HELLMAN AVENUEIRAMONA BOULEVARD AT WALNUT GROVE AVENUE STRIPING MODIFICATIONS SUMMARY The Traffic Commission reviewed a request to make street striping modifications on Ramona Boulevard at Walnut Grove Avenue. Commissioners expressed concerns that existing street striping conditions at this location cause delays due to the lack of separate left and right turning lanes. After visiting this site, staff concurred with these findings and recommended that striping modifications be made to create a dedicated right-turn lane and a combined left-turn/through traffic lane. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council approve the Traffic Commission's recommendation and authorize staff to take necessary steps to implement traffic safety enhancements at the intersection of Ramona Boulevard and Walnut Grove Avenue. DISCUSSION Field review of the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Ramona Boulevard showed that westbound vehicles experience traffic delays when waiting for left turning vehicles. Currently there is no street striping to delineate left turning traffic from through or right turning traffic. In the event that a left turning vehicle is waiting at a red light this prevents other right turning vehicles from proceeding and making a right turn. Based on field observations at the location, the City's traffic engineer agreed that the existing street markings do impede the flow of traffic for right turning vehicles. If approved, staff will proceed with the following traffic improvements: • Modify street markings to create one dedicated right turn lane and one left turn/through traffic lane. • Install signage to correspond with street markings. • Add red curbing to create adequate room for right turning vehicles. ITS e APPROVED FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: V City Council Meeting February 10, 2009 Page 2 of 2 FINANCIAL REVIEW Funding for this work is included in the Fiscal Year 2008-09 budget. Public Notice This agenda item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: M Chris Marcarello Deputy Public Works Director Su Bri City Manager Attachments: (1) December 4, 2008 Traffic Commission Agenda Report and Minutes (2) Intersection Diagram with Proposed Modifications ATTACHMENT 1 ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONERS FROM: JOANNE ITAGAKI, TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DEPUTY DATE: DECEMBER 4, 2008 SUBJECT: HELLMAN AVENUE►RAMONA BOULEVARD AT WALNUT GROVE AVENUE - STRIPING REVISION SUMMARY Commissioner Lewin requested staff review the striping at the intersection of Hellman Avenue/Ramona Boulevard at Walnut Grove Avenue. Commissioner Lewin specifically was concerned with the striping on the east leg (westbound traffic) of the intersection. He indicated there appears to be a need to provide additional travel lanes on Ramona Boulevard to allow right turning vehicles and through traffic the ability to travel around left turning vehicles. Staff Recommendation It is staff's recommendation that the Traffic Commission concur with the proposed change in the striping on Ramona Boulevard to provide a westbound left turn lane and a shared through-right turn lane at Walnut Grove Avenue. It is further recommended that staff be directed to have the striping modification placed on the schedule for striping crews. BACKGROUND The intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Hellman Avenue/Ramona Boulevard has been reviewed and analyzed several times over many years. More recently, the traffic signal operation was modified to provide as much time as possible to traffic traveling on Walnut Grove Avenue. Due to the nature of the intersection and Caltrans' control over the ramps on Hellman Avenue, the City has made several adjustments to the traffic signal timing. As part of the signal modifications, traffic striping was also modified. The northbound left turn pocket on Walnut Grove Avenue at Hellman Avenue/Ramona Boulevard was lengthened. The Traffic Commission also approved the lengthening of the southbound left turn pocket which the City Council also approved. The southbound lengthening Traffic Commission Meeting December 4, 2008 Page 2 of 2 requires modification to the raised center median and was to be included in appropriate capital improvement projects of the City Engineer. Discussion Field review of the intersection of Walnut Grove Avenue and Hellman Avenue/Ramona Boulevard indicated that westbound vehicles do experience "problems" if left turning vehicles are stopped. There is no striping to delineate left tuming vehicles from through or right tuming vehicles. Therefore, if a left turning vehicle is waiting at the red light, a right turning vehicle cannot turn until a green light comes on. The proposed striping modification on Ramona Boulevard at Walnut Grove Avenue would provide for two westbound travel lanes. One would be a dedicated left turn lane and the other would be a shared through-right turn lane. Exhibit A will be available at the Traffic Commission meeting to depict the recommended striping modification. Staff Recommendation It is staffs recommendation that the Traffic Commission concur with the proposed change in the striping on Ramona Boulevard to provide a westbound left tum lane and a shared through-right turn lane at Walnut Grove Avenue. It is further recommended that staff be directed to have the striping modification placed on the schedule for striping crows. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by:: Joanne Itagaki Traffic Engineering Deputy Exhibit A: Striping Modification on Ramona Boulevard at Walnut Grove Avenue (available at the Traffic Commission meeting) Minutes of the Regular ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING December 4, 2008 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Vice-Chairman Masuda at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Deary INVOCATION: Commissioner Lewin ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS PRESENT: Vice-Chairman Masuda, Commissioner Deary, Commissioner Lewin, Commissioner Russell OFFICIALS ABSENT: Chairman Knapp OFFICIALS PRESENT: Deputy Public Works Director Marcarello, Field Services Manager Ornelas, Senior Management Analyst Hentabli, and Traffic Engineer Itagaki. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES November 6, 2008 - Regular Meeting Commissioner Lewin made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Deary, to approve the minutes along with clarifications. Vote resulted in: Yes: Deary, Lewin, Masuda, Russell No: None Abstain: None Absent: Knapp 2. PUBLIC COMMENT FROM THE AUDIENCE -None 3. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS A. JACKSON AVENUE/GARVALIA AVENUE - PROPOSED STOP SIGN INSTALLATION SUMMARY In September 2008, the Traffic Commission reviewed a request regarding speeding on Jackson Avenue between Fern Avenue and Graves Avenue. Residents also asked for the installation of stop signs to slow traffic. Staff analyzed the intersection of Jackson Avenue/Garvalia Avenue for the installation of a multi-way stop. The California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD) guidelines were not satisfied. However, after discussion regarding the intersection of Jackson Avenue/Garvalia Avenue, the Traffic Commission determined that vehicles traveling on Jackson Avenue could not be seen from Garvalia Avenue. Based on those concerns staff concurred that there were existing visibility constraints at the location and based on that finding, it was initially Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of December 4, 2008 Page I of 4 recommended that the stop signs not be installed. These issues could not be addressed through the installation of parking restrictions or the trimming of trees. Therefore, the Traffic Commission recommended to the City Council the installation of STOP signs on Jackson Avenue at Garvalia Avenue. The City Council has requested that this item be brought back to the Traffic Commission. Staff Recommendation Based on the discussion made by the Traffic Commission and field observations of the intersection in September 2008, the Traffic Commission recommended the City Council install STOP signs on Jackson Avenue at Garvalia Avenue. City staff concurs with the recommendation of the Traffic Commission. Commissioner Lewin made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Russell, to direct City Staff to place an Intersection Advance Warning Signs near Jackson Avenue and Garvalia Avenue; to talk to corner neighbors and ask them to trim down trees and shrubs; and to talk to appropriate neighbors about parking on Garvalia Avenue instead of Jackson Avenue. In addition the Traffic Commission asked that after the installation of the sings and trimmings of the trees had been completed that Staff bring this item back for further review and discussion. Vote resulted in: Yes: Deary, Lewin, Masuda, Russell No: None Abstain: None Absent: Knapp 4. NEW BUSINESS A. HELLMAN AVENUE/RAMONA BOULEVARD AT WALNUT GROVE AVENUE - SUMMARY Commissioner Lewin requested staff review the striping at the intersection of Hellman Avenue/Ramona Boulevard at Walnut Grove Avenue. Commissioner Lewin specifically was concerned with the striping on the east leg (westbound traffic) of the intersection. He indicated there appears to be a need to provide additional travel lanes on Ramona Boulevard to allow right turning vehicles and through traffic the ability to travel around left turning vehicles. Staff Recommendation It is staff's recommendation that the Traffic Commission concur with the proposed change in the striping on Ramona Boulevard to provide a westbound left turn lane and a shared through-right turn lane at Walnut Grove Avenue. It is further recommended that staff be directed to have the striping modification placed on the schedule for striping crews. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of December 4, 2008 Page 2 of 4 Commissioner Lewin made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Deary, to accept staff's recommendation with the modification to add a Left Turn and Through Lane combined and dedicate a Right Turn Only Lane with the appropriate signs posted. Vote resulted in: Yes: Deary, Lewin, Masuda, Russell No: None Abstain: None Absent: Knapp 5. STAFF REPORTS Deputy Public Works Director Marcarello introduced to the Traffic Commission the new Associate Engineer Rafael Fajardo. Mr. Marcarello also mentioned to the Traffic Commission that the next Regular Traffic Commission meeting was scheduled for January 1, 2009 and asked that the meeting be cancelled due to the holidays. He suggested that the meeting be adjourned to January 14th or January 151h. 6. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Deary advised the Traffic Commission of his visit to 4824 Earl Avenue and Mission Inn and reported that the stories Sheryl Blum had told during a previous meeting were true. He felt there was a lot of miscommunication between Mrs. Blum and representatives from the Mission Inn. Deputy Public Works Director Marcarello stated he had spoken to Mrs. Blum and advised her that the City was still working on this issue. Commissioner Lewin wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Vice-Chairman Masuda advised the Commission that the pavement markers had been placed on Walnut Grove. 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m. The next meeting will be scheduled on a later time and will take place at the Rosemead City Hall, City Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard. Howard Masuda Vice-Chairman ATTEST: Chris Marcarello, Deputy Public Works Director Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of December 4, 2008 Page 3 of 4 Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of December 4, 2008 Page 4 of 4 i ATTACHMENT 2 Ed 0 El I -(-jl R0 z D m O< D z D z D z D p N r (n Z I I* m W ~ OX mo r w z r w z r w n o z Z x cZi to w v ZZ z v 0 ° z O r~* ~ c 0 -p Z m v C x ~ 0 -0 ~ N D N - T7 0 W z m D = Z v ° n c i i - ~ z N r~ WALNUT sROVE ti = m > ~ D D N A m OI 10 -0 r ;a 2s M C) o0 N N~ m o z m ~ z m ° v ~ c A A C W ~ W z x Z C) N m -4 III--- N 'rn N L` 0 I ;q I I o ~ - LJ a ~ Lit, i .R -IZaW° ~ W r ~ > y Z r C A 0 L > y Z~ ° z y m n N ' to > 18 I q C ; J aox n >D (5' i 12' 1 18' } s` m x z c z O ;0 AVENUE v ,I I N ~ J It It ~ I m m x x 18' I 10' 10' w v m r r m i" V p p 5. 0() 0 j D v v v la' 18' N W ~*1 0) J II J 0 D