PC - Item 3A - Exhibit H - 17.21.020 Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Land Uses and Permit Requirements17.21.020 Garvey Avenue Specific Plan Land Uses and Permit Requirements. Table, Uses in the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan District, identifies the uses allowed in each such zoning district, and identifies the land use permits required, if any, to establish each use subject to section 17.08.050. Where the last column in Table (Specific Use Regulations) includes a section reference number, the regulations in the referenced section apply tothe use in addition to those shown in Table Table Uses in the Garvey Avenue Specific Plan District Page 1 of 7 EXHIBIT H GSP - GSP - GSP GSP - Specific Regulations OS/P I R/C I MU* I Allowed Uses Key: P Permitted Use Conditional CUP Conditional Use Permit Required AUP Administrative Use Permit Required — Use Not Permitted TUP Temporary Use Residential Single -Family Dwellings — P — — Two -Family Dwellings (Duplex) — P Multi -Family Dwellings — P — — Multi -Family Dwellings (as part of a — — — P A mixed use project application Mixed Use Project) must be accompanied by an economic feasibility study prepared by reputable economic or marketing professional or firm. Economic feasibility study's findings must supportthe proposed mixed use project, the land use mix components of the project, and theextent of the land use. City of Rosemead staff will evaluate and determine the marketing professional/firm credentials to prepare such study. The Community Benefit Incentive is not applicable to this economic feasibility study. Second Dwelling Unit (as defined — P — — See RMC Section 17.30.190 by § 17.30.190) (Second Dwelling Units) Artist Live/Work Space — AUP — P Single -Room Occupancy (as — CUP — CUP See RMC Section 17.30.200 (Single defined by § 17.30.200) Room Occupancy) Residential accessory uses and — P — P See RMC Section 17.32 (Accessory structures Structures) and Section 17.12.030 Home Occupations, including — P — P Cottage Food Operations (Accessory) Care Uses Page 1 of 7 EXHIBIT H Transitional and Supportive Housing — P — — Child Care Home, Large Family (9 to 14) — AUP — — See RMC Section 17.30.160 (Large and Small Family Child Day Care Home Facilities) Child Care Home, Small Family (8 or fewer) — P — — See RMC Section 17.30.160 (Large and Small Family Child Day Care Home Facilities) Residential Care Facilities (6 or fewer) — P — — Residential Care Facilities (7 or more) — CUP — — Public and Civic Colleges and Universities — — — P Cultural Institutions CUP CUP CUP CUP Park and Recreation Facilities P P P P For lighted facilities, see RMC Section 17.68.060 Places of Religious Assembly — CUP CUP CUP Public Utility Facilities AUP AUP AUP AUP Telecommunication Facilities/Wireless Telecommunication Facilities CUP CUP CUP CUP Educational Institution (Private) — CUP CUP CUP Community Garden P P P P Open Space, Public P — — — Hiking Trails, Public P — — — * Medical Office, and Office uses are prohibited on ground floors in the GSP-MU Zone. If permitted within the zoning area, Medical Office and Office uses are permitted on upper floors. Commercial Animal Grooming Services -- P P P No overnight boarding of animals allowed. Veterinary -- P P P Drive -Through Businesses -- -- AUP -- See RMC Section 17.30.110 Eating and Drinking Establishments: No Alcohol Beverage Sales -- P P P Eating and Drinking Establishments: With "On Sale" ABC License -- -- CUP CUP See RMC Section 17.30.040 (Alcohol Beverage Sales) A sit-down restaurant with the minimum requirement of 1.000 s.f. of floor area or larger is permitted to serve beer/wine with the approval of an AUP, provided that a valid license from the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control is obtained. A regional or national chain restaurant larger than 6,000 s.f. is Page 2 of 7 Page 3 of 7 permitted to serve alcohol without a CUP, provided that a valid license from the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control is obtained. Sidewalk Dining (accessory use to -- P P P 1) Location Requirements: eating and drinking establishments) (a) A sidewalk dining, where permitted, may be located on the public right-of-way adjacent to the restaurant serving the sidewalk dining. Approval for sidewalk dining may be granted after review of the application by appropriate City departments and issuance of an encroachment permit or license agreement. (b) All sidewalk dining shall leave clear space for pedestrian movement between the outer edge of the dining and the curb line. Sidewalk dining located at street intersections shall provide a 15' clear space radial to the corner. If pedestrian traffic is especially heavy, the Public Works Director may require additional clear space to ensure adequate room for pedestrian movements. (c) No sidewalk dining shall be located within 15' of a bus stop or bus shelter. 2) Physical Design Requirements: (a) All furnishings of sidewalk dining including, but not limited to, tables, chairs and decorative accessories, shall be Page 3 of 7 Page 4 of 7 readily movable. (b) No part of sidewalk dining may be permanently attached to public space. The person to whom the business license for the dining is issued shall repair any damage done by the dining to public property. (c) When a sidewalk dining or the adjacent restaurant is occupied, no exit door shall be locked, bolted, or otherwise fastened or obstructed so that the door cannot be opened from the inside. (d) Chairs and tables shall be arranged so as to provide for clear access to an exit. No part of an aisle shall be used in any way that will obstruct its use as an exit or that will constitute a hazardous condition. (e) Sidewalk dining shall not be arranged so as to restrict the use of emergency exits, fire escapes on adjacent buildings and access to fire hydrants. (f) Freestanding or table mounted shade umbrellas shall be kept in good repair and may be used only where space permits. (g) Freestanding heating or misting equipment may be used only where space permits. Page 4 of 7 Page 5 of 7 (h) Freestanding lamps are not permitted. Flashing or moving lights are not permitted. Table candles may be used. Electric wiring shall not be placed in pedestrian areas. (i) Awnings shall be kept in good repair. (j) Seating and accessories and other components of the sidewalk dining shall be maintained in a neat and safe manner. (k) The height of a railing, fence, or planter (including plantings) used to establish boundaries of seating areas shall be at least 24" in height but not higher than 36". Planters and/or plantings shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner, and shall not encroach past the approved sidewalk dining area. (1) Plank -style picnic tables with bench seating are not permitted. 3) Dining Operation Requirements: (a) Sidewalk dining shall be operated and maintained in accordance with the applicant's building plans approved by the Community Development Director and the Public Works Director. Page 5 of 7 Page 6 of 7 (b) The owner(s) shall be responsible for the removal of all wrappings, litter, and food, and shall provide thorough and sanitary cleaning for sidewalk dining area and the immediate surroundings of such area each day after the eating and drinking establishment closes. (c) Sidewalk dining shall not operate earlier than 8:00 a.m. or later than 12:00 a.m. (midnight). (d) If alcoholic beverages are permitted in the sidewalk dining area by an Administrative Use Permit (AUP) or Conditional Use Permit (CUP), a landscape separation shall be required to prevent the passing and/or carrying of alcoholic beverages out of the sidewalk area and signs noting such requirement shall be posted in conspicuous locations. Health/Fitness Club (Small) -- P P P Health/Fitness Club (Large) -- AUP AUP AUP Medical Office Prohibited medical services: -- -- P P extended care, specifically, convalescent health or nursing care; medical or custodial care provided in cases of prolonged illness or rehabilitation. Office -- P P P Parking, Commercial (Non- P AUP AUP -- accessory) Tour Bus Parking (Accessory - Hotel Two parking spaces designed for only) -- -- -- P and identified as "tour bus parking only" are required to be provided Page 6 of 7 Page 7of7 by a hotel facility in the GSP-MU zone. Personal Service (General and -- P P P Studio) Repair Service (including bicycles, -- P P P excluding automotive) Retail Sales (General) Prohibited Retail Uses: building -- P P P materials and supplies sales, firearms sales, liquor stores, second hand stores, and pawn stores. Tutoring Services (Small) -- P P P Tutoring Services (Large) -- AUP AUP AUP Page 7of7