CC - Item 4E - Approval of Traffic Commission Recommendations for Traffic Improvements at Onley Street and Vane AvenueROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BEN KIM, ACTING CITY MANAGER fel----- DATE: MARCH 8, 2022 SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS AT THE INTERSECTION OF OLNEY STREET AND VANE AVENUE SUMMARY At the October 7, 2021, Traffic Commission Meeting, staff presented recommendations to improve the existing traffic conditions at the intersection of Olney Street and Vane Avenue. After discussion and presentation of the item, the Traffic Commission approved the Staff recommendations for the area. Public Works Field Services staff will complete all recommended items. If necessary, additional materials and supplies may be purchased at a minimal expense to complete the recommended work and staff would utilize the approved Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Traffic Signs and Markers available funds. BACKGROUND Staff completed a traffic review and recommended appropriate traffic improvements at the intersection of Olney Street and Vane Avenue. The City of Rosemead received a resident request to review the existing traffic conditions at the intersection of Olney Street and Vane Avenue. The resident reported that vehicles do not come to a complete stop at the intersection. After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), based on the traffic review and engineering judgment, it was determined that traffic improvements would benefit the intersection of Olney Street and Vane Avenue to encourage drivers to come to a complete stop at the existing three way stop intersection. AGENDA ITEM 4.E City Council Meeting March 8, 2022 Page 2 of 4 DISCUSSION During the October 7, 2021, Traffic Commission Meeting, staff provided a presentation regarding the existing roadway conditions at the intersection of Olney Street and Vane Avenue. The traffic review included an analysis of the existing roadway conditions, review of approximately 5.5 years of available collision data, a peak hour intersection turning movement count, field observations of the stop as well as an examination of the field conditions. Olney Street: Within the City of Rosemead, Olney Street runs east west and is considered a major collector road with a posted speed limit of 25 mph. Olney Street is approximately 30 feet wide with one lane in each direction. Parking is available on the north and south side of Olney Street except for Wednesdays from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., due to street sweeping. This segment of Olney Street travels through single family residential zoning, per the Rosemead General Plan. See Figure 2 for an existing conditions diagram. Vane Avenue: Within the City of Rosemead, Vane Avenue runs north south and is considered a local road with a prima facie speed limit of 25 mph. Vane Avenue is approximately 25 feet wide with one lane in each direction. Parking is allowed on both the east and west side of Vane Avenue, except for Wednesdays from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., due to street sweeping. This segment of Vane Avenue runs through single family residential zoning, per the Rosemead General Plan. Staff obtained collision data from the computerized collision records system maintained by the State of California called the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records Systems (SWITRS). A review of all collisions that occurred at the intersection of Olney Street and Vane Avenue was conducted over a 5.5 years period between January 2016 through May 2021. According to the review of the collision history, there was a total of 1 collision at the intersection of Olney Street and Vane Avenue within the 5.5 years period. The collision was reported as a rear end collision caused by an improper turn. To determine what type of turning movements are encountered at intersection of Olney Street and Vane Avenue during the typical heaviest peak hours, traffic counts were taken at this intersection during the hours of 7:00 a.m. — 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. — 6:00 p.m. on September 2, 2021. Counts were taken when school is back in session with in-person classes. During the collection of the Peak Hour counts, it was observed that some vehicles were running through or performing a "California Stop" at the existing All -Way Stop located at the intersection of Olney Street and Vane Avenue. This indicates a need to make the signs more visible to motorist. A field investigation was conducted which included site observations and a count of all pedestrian who cross each individual leg of the intersection of Olney Street and Vane Avenue. The counts were conducted on September 2, 2021 during the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., and 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Detailed pedestrian counts can be found within the Technical Report for Attachment A. City Council Meeting March 8, 2022 Page 3 of 4 STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Traffic Commission voted 5-0 to approve the staff recommended measures at the intersection of Olney Street and Vane Avenue. It is recommended that the City Council authorize approval for the following measures at the intersection of Olney Street and Vane Avenue: 1. Install new larger STOP Signs (3606) along with an All Way (RI -3P) plaque mounted under each STOP Sign at the Intersection of Vane Avenue and Olney Street as shown. a. Larger STOP Signs: Larger 36"x36" STOP signs will increase the driver's awareness of the intersection. The visibility of intersections and ability of approaching drivers to perceive them can be enhanced by installing larger signs at intersections. This should follow the guidelines per CAMUTCD Table 2B.1. b. All Way (RI -3P) Plaque: An All Way plaque will increase the driver's awareness that all directions of travel are required to stop at the intersection. (R1 -3P) 18"x6". 2. Install red retroreflective strips on all the STOP posts, per CAMUTCD Section 2B.10, paragraph 6. a. Retroreflective strips are strips installed on posts that match the background of the sign which aids to enhance the visibility of the STOP Signs and is beneficial when additional attention needs to be drawn to a stop sign especially during nighttime conditions. 3. Refresh STOP legend and bar at STOP locations (high visibility paint) at the intersection of Vane Avenue at Olney Street. a. STOP Pavement Legend and bar: a STOP pavement legend and bar provides further awareness for driver's that they are approaching an intersection that requires a vehicle to make a complete Stop. 4. Repaint the yellow painted crosswalk (high visibility paint) ladder stripe for the west leg at the intersection of Vane Avenue at Olney Street. 5. Add red curb between crosswalk Striping and driveway to the west on the south side of Olney Street. Vehicles parked in this area will block the view of a pedestrian waiting on the curb to cross. Per CVC no cars should park or block a crosswalk. CVC:21970 FINANCIAL IMPACT The City of Rosemead Public Works Field Services Division can complete the recommended items utilizing approved Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Traffic Signs and Markers available funds in account City Council Meeting March 8, 2022 Page 4 of 4 202-3010-5660. All recommended items will be carried out by in-house staff. If necessary, additional materials and supplies may be purchased at a minimal expense to complete the tasks. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT The project is consistent with the City of Rosemead's Strategic Plan Goal C - Infrastructure and Facilities, which is to enhance streets, sidewalks, and public infrastructure; coordinate with relevant utility agencies regarding safety and enhancements; and modernize facilities by expanding the use of wireless network technology and renewable energy. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: Michael Chung, P. . Director of Public Works Attachment A: October 7, 2021 Traffic Commission Staff Report Attachment B: October 7, 2021 Traffic Commission Minutes Attachment A October 7, 2021 Traffic Commission Staff Report ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION TO: TRAFFIC COMMISSION FROM: GLORIA MOLLEDA, CITY MANAGER DATE: OCTOBER 7, 2021 STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: TRAFFIC REVIEW AT THE INTERSECTION OF OLNEY STREET AND VANE AVENUE SUMMARY On behalf of the City of Rosemead, engineering staff completed a traffic review and recommended appropriate traffic improvements at the intersection of Olney Street and Vane Avenue. The City of Rosemead received a resident request to review the existing traffic conditions at the intersection of Olney Street and Vane Avenue. The resident reported that vehicles do not come to a complete stop at the intersection. ANALYSIS As part of this traffic review an investigation of the intersection's collision history over a 5.5 -year period, a peak hour intersection turning movement count, field observations of the stop as well as an examination of the existing roadway conditions were evaluated. The placement of all traffic control devices is dictated by engineering judgment and based on guidelines found in the CAMUTCD (California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) and the CVC (California Vehicle Code). Olney Street: Within the City of Rosemead, Olney Street runs east -west and is considered a major collector road with a posted speed limit of 25 mph. Olney Street is approximately 30 feet wide with one lane in each direction. Parking is available on the north and south side of Olney Street except for Wednesdays from 8:00 AM to 12:00 Noon, due to street sweeping. This segment of Olney Street travels through single family residential zoning, per the Rosemead General Plan. See Figure 2 for an existing conditions diagram. Vane Avenue: Within the City of Rosemead, Vane Avenue runs north -south and is considered a local road with a prima facie speed limit of 25 mph. Vane Avenue is approximately 25 feet wide with one lane in each direction. Parking is allowed on both the east and west side of Vane Avenue, except for Wednesdays from 8:00 AM to 12:00 Noon, due to street sweeping. This segment of Vane Avenue runs through single family residential zoning, per the Rosemead General Plan. City Traffic Commission Meeting October 7, 2021 Page 2 of 3 Collision data was obtained from the computerized collision records system maintained by the State of California called the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records Systems (SWITRS). A review of all collisions that occurred at the intersection of Olney Street and Vane Avenue was conducted over a 5.5 -year period between January 2016 through May 2021. According to the review of the collision history, there was a total of 1 collision at the intersection of Olney Street and Vane Avenue within the 5.5 -year period. The collision was reported as a rear end collision caused by an improper turn. To determine what type of turning movements are encountered at intersection of Olney Street and Vane Avenue during the typical heaviest peak hours, traffic counts were taken at this intersection during the hours of 7-9am and 4-6pm on September 2nd, 2021. Counts were taken when school is back in session with in-person classes. During the collection of the Peak Hour counts, it was observed that some vehicles were running through or performing a "California Stop" at the existing All -Way Stop located at the intersection of Olney Street and Vane Avenue. This indicates a need to make the signs more visible to motorist. A field investigation was conducted which included site observations and a count of all pedestrian who cross each individual leg of the intersection of Olney Street and Vane Avenue. The counts were conducted on September 2nd, 2021 during the hours of 7:00am to 9:00am, and 4:00pm to 6:00pm. Detailed pedestrian counts can be found at the end of this document in the Attachments. STAFF RECOMMENDATION After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), based on the traffic review and engineering judgement, it was determined that traffic improvements would benefit the intersection of Olney Street and Vane Avenue to encourage drivers to come to a complete stop at the existing three way stop intersection. A detailed traffic report and proposed figure diagram is attached as Attachment A to this staff report, please refer to the proposed diagram (Figure 6) in the attachment. Below is a detailed list of the recommendations, these improvements are also shown on Figure 6 of Attachment A: 1. Install new larger STOP Signs (3606) along with an All Way (R1 -3P) plaque mounted under each STOP Sign at the Intersection of Vane Avenue and Olney Street as shown. • Larger STOP Signs: Larger 365'x36" STOP signs will increase the driver's awareness of the intersection. The visibility of intersections and ability of approaching drivers to perceive them can be enhanced by installing larger signs at intersections. This should follow the guidelines per CAMUTCD Table 2B.1. City Traffic Commission Meeting October 7, 2021 Page 3 of 3 • All Way (111-3P) Plaque: An All Way plaque will increase the driver's awareness that all directions of travel are required to stop at the intersection. (R1 -3P) 18"x6". 2. Install red retroreflective strips on all the STOP posts, per CAMUTCD Section 213.10, paragraph 6. • Retroreflective strips are strips installed on posts that match the background of the sign which aids to enhance the visibility of the STOP Signs and is beneficial when additional. attention needs to be drawn to a stop sign especially during nighttime conditions. 3. Refresh STOP legend and bar at STOP locations (high visibility paint) at the intersection of Vane Avenue at Olney Street. • STOP Pavement Legend and bar: a STOP pavement legend and bar provides further awareness for driver's that they are approaching an intersection that requires a vehicle to make a complete Stop. 4. Repaint the yellow painted crosswalk (high visibility paint) ladder stripe for the west leg at the intersection of Vane Avenue at Olney Street. 5. Add red curb between crosswalk Striping and driveway to the west on the south side of Olney Street. Vehicles parked in this area will block the view of a pedestrian waiting on the curb to cross. Per CVC no cars should park or block a crosswalk. CVC:21970 Prepared by: Jana Robbins, Contract Traffic Engineering Division Attachments: A. Attachment A - Technical Engineering Report B. Attachment B — Courtesy Notification Attachment TRANSTEch To: City of Rosemead, Department of Public works FROM: Traffic Engineering, Trandecb Engineers, lne. DATE: September 29, 2021 SUNECT: Traffic Review at the Intersection Olney Street and Vane Avenue On behalf of the Clry of Rosemead, engineering staff completed a traffic reand recommended appropriate traffic Improvements at the Intersection of Olney street antl vane Avenue. The cry of Rosemead received a resident request to review the existing traffic conditions at the intersection of Olney street and vane Avenueme resident reported that vehicles do not come to a complete stop at the Intersection . As a potential solution, the resident requested flashing stop signs at the Olney Street and vane Avenue intersection . As pa ft of this traffic review an investigation of the intersection's collision history over a 5.5 year period, a peak hour intersection turning mvement count, field observations of the stop as well as an examination of the existing roadway ontril were evaluated The placement of all traffic control devices is dictated by engineering judgment and based on guidelines found in the CAMUTCD (California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) and the Cram (California Vehicle Code). w� CITY OF ROSEMEAD �� Prepared By: Tranrtern E none era, l nc I Pa ge t of 13 EXISTING CONDITIONS Olney Street: Within the CITy of Rosemead, Olney Street runs east west and 15 sonsldered a major collector road with a posted speed halt of 25 mph Olney Street is approximately 30 feet wide with one lane in each Chapter. Parking Is available on the north and south side of Olney Street except for Wednesdays from &00 AM to 12:00 Noon, due to street sweeping This segment of Olney Street travels through single family residential zoning, per the Rosemead General Plan. See Figure 2 for an existing conditions diagram. Vane Avenue: Within the City of Rosemead, Vane Avenue runs north south and is Considered a local road with a prima facie speed Ilm it of 25 mph. Vane Avenue Is approximately 25 fees wide with one lane In each direction. Parking is allowed on both the east and west side of vane Avenue, emodatfor Wednesdays from 900 AM to 12:00 Noon, due to street sweeping. This segment Of Vane Avenue runs through single family residential zoning, perthe Rosemead General Plan. ry gktp City OF ROSEMEAD Prepared Ey'. Trandech maineem. Inc. I Casa l of l3 Sma W-4rsn©AV zpoubien�mw sF ® School ocavall own, a Cosy upsa. with mimfid aNunn maNo ov©� Tdrx far Me 2ISound Yellow Sanford Stmed Chcowar aony _and manAdd arc Wrs Limit 12 11 sign ® Ahead lwsul wa in ins sen LIMIT zs ry gktp City OF ROSEMEAD Prepared Ey'. Trandech maineem. Inc. I Casa l of l3 TE MW REPORT IWKREV MA77HE ds[rnoxawRSI1Fn P110 VON[ AVENUE VIMPES OF DISTIING CONOMONS AIk4 OIY Oi FO1FMF411 %eptrtd Ay,PmMAErNlnxn,�rt. PaR 3JI t3 TEOHNIAL REPORP TRAFFIC REVIEW AT ME marboall ON Croof FRUIT AND VANE AVENUE COLLISION INVESTIGATION Collision data was obtained from the computerized Collision records system maintained by the State of California called the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records Systems (SWITRS). A review of all collisions that occurred at the interaction of Olney Street and Vane Avenue was conducted over 5,5yearperiod between January 3016 through May 3021. Based on the information provided, a summary breakdown of the number ofcollisions within the studied segment are shown below, In Table 1, 2021—O Collisions 2018-0 collisions 2020—O collisions 2012-0 collisions 2019—I Collision 2016—o collisions Table I: Olney Street Collision History Acmiona to the review ofthe collision history, there was a total of l collision at the lntersetlon ofolney Street and Vane Avenue within the 5.5 year period The Collision was reported as a rear end collision used by an Improper turn. See Figure 3 for a visual representation of the Collisions at the inbosetlon of Olney Street and Vane Avenue during the selected period. ♦f _____ LITy OF MOSfMEAO PoSparMayhansteeh Earneers.lnc I Page Gof33 I a, Fu=. -7 A NRI=Mde. V.... Acmiona to the review ofthe collision history, there was a total of l collision at the lntersetlon ofolney Street and Vane Avenue within the 5.5 year period The Collision was reported as a rear end collision used by an Improper turn. See Figure 3 for a visual representation of the Collisions at the inbosetlon of Olney Street and Vane Avenue during the selected period. ♦f _____ LITy OF MOSfMEAO PoSparMayhansteeh Earneers.lnc I Page Gof33 TECHNICAL REPORT: TRAFFIC REVIEW AT THE INTERSECTION OLNEY STREET AND VANE AVENUE PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT To determine what type of turning movements are encountered at intersection of Olney Street and Vane Avenue during the typical heaviest peak hours, traffic counts were taken at this intersection during the hours of 7-9am and 4-6pm on September 2"d, 2021. Counts were taken when school is back in session with in-person classes. Figures 4 and 5 depict the highest 1 -hour period during each peak hour. Figure 4 below exhibits the peak hour volumes for the AM Peak hour of 7:30-8:30 am at the intersection of Olney Street and Vane Avenue. Olney Street and Vane Avenue N Highest 1 Hour in AM PEAK (7:30-8:30a m ) 1 � � 63 I 6 41 3 I I Figure 4: AM Peak Hour Count 7:30-8:30am Figure 5 below exhibits the highest one hour during the PM Peak which is from 4:45-5:45 pm at the intersection of Olney Street and Vane Avenue /1 Olney Street and Vane Avenue N Highest 1 Hour in PM PEAK (4:45-5:45pm) N N q 1 � � 99 f�l 9 52 —� i i Figure 5: PM Peak Hour Count 4:45-5:45pm CITY OF ROSE MEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 5 of 13 TECHNICAL REPORT: TRAFFIC REVIEW AT THE INTERSECTION OLNEY STREET AND VANE AVENUE FIELD OBSERVANCE OF VEHICLES AT STOP SIGN During the collection of the Peak Hour counts, it was observed that some vehicles were running through or performing a "California Stop" at the existing All -Way Stop located at the intersection of Olney Street and Vane Avenue. This indicates a need to make the signs more visible to motorist. PEDESTRIAN COUNT A field investigation was conducted which included site observations and a count of all pedestrian who cross each individual leg of the intersection of Olney Street and Vane Avenue. The counts were conducted on September 2"d, 2021 during the hours of 7:00am to 9:00am, and 4:00pm to 6:00pm. Detailed pedestrian counts can be found at the end of this document in the Attachments. Table 2 shows the number of pedestrians crossing the studied area hourly. Only the west leg has a marked crosswalk. Table 2 Hourly Pedestrian Count North Leg East Leg West Leg 7am-8am 2 - - 8am-9am 3 - 1 4pm-5pm 3 1 - 5pm-6pm 3 - 1 Total Pedestrians 11 1 2 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 6 of 13 TECHNICAL REPORT: TRAFFIC REVIEW AT THE INTERSECTION OLNEY STREET AND VANE AVENUE RECOMMENDATIONS After a thorough review of existing field and traffic conditions and per the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD), California Vehicle Code (CVC), based on the traffic review and engineering judgement, it was determined that traffic improvements would benefit the intersection of Olney Street and Vane Avenue to encourage drivers to come to a complete stop at the existing three way stop intersection. The following measures will increase driver awareness of the intersection and stop. The improvements are listed below and shown on Figure 6: 1. Install new larger STOP Signs (36x36) along with an All Way (R1 -3P) plaque mounted under each STOP Sign at the Intersection of Vane Avenue and Olney Street as shown. • Larger STOP Signs: Larger 36"x36" STOP signs will increase the driver's awareness of the intersection. The visibility of intersections and ability of approaching drivers to perceive them can be enhanced by installing larger signs at intersections. This should follow the guidelines per CAMUTCD Table 213.1. • All Way (R1 -3P) Plaque: An All Way plaque will increase the driver's awareness that all directions of travel are required to stop at the intersection. (R1 -3P) 18"x6". 2. Install red retroreflective strips on all the STOP posts, per CAMUTCD Section 213.10, paragraph 6. • Retroreflective strips are strips installed on posts that match the background of the sign which aids to enhance the visibility of the STOP Signs and is beneficial when additional attention needs to be drawn to a stop sign especially during nighttime conditions. 3. Refresh STOP legend and bar at STOP locations (high visibility paint) at the intersection of Vane Avenue at Olney Street. • STOP Pavement Legend and bar: a STOP pavement legend and bar provides further awareness for driver's that they are approaching an intersection that requires a vehicle to make a complete Stop. 4. Repaint the yellow painted crosswalk (high visibility paint) ladder stripe for the west leg at the intersection of Vane Avenue at Olney Street. 5. Add red curb between crosswalk Striping and driveway to the west on the south side of Olney Street. Vehicles parked in this area will block the view of a pedestrian waiting on the curb to cross. Per CVC no cars should park or block a crosswalk. CVC:21970 CVC:21970 (a) No person may stop a vehicle unnecessarily in a manner that causes the vehicle to block a marked or unmarked crosswalk or sidewalk. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 7 of 13 TECHNICAL REPORT: TRAFFIC REVIEW AT THE INTERSECTION OLNEY STREET AND VANE AVENUE (b) Subdivision (a) does not preclude the driver of a vehicle facing a steady circular red light from turning right or turning left from a one-way street onto a one-way street pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 21453. CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 8 of 13 n+�(n OW of NosEMMID �� Prepared By: Trans&eh Opneery Inc I Paye 9dll TECHNICAL REPORT: TRAFFIC REVIEW AT THE INTERSECTION OLNEY STREET AND VANE AVENUE ATTACHMENTS Turning Movement Counts Stop Observance Olney Street at Vane Avenue CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 10 of 13 TEI REPO" TRAFFIC MP EW AT UE I WERPEADON TOO 51TEET AND 'AN RAIUJUC TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT iI \��y I 1.11 PERMIT, PRO,.o dl WR 3 EL WE ®����m:®�m�=��:x�ee�o ER WL El I A NT 11 NL I ME iI \��y EL WR 3 EL WE ®����m:®�m�=��:x�ee�o ER WL El I A NT 11 NL I ME AM TATED PEAK HEAR PRLLMEI iI \��y EL WR 3 EL WE ER WL El I A NT 11 NL I ME AM TATED PEAK HEAR PRLLMEI IR ME IT M IT I 1.1111's r 11 ME CITY OF ROSEMEAD `�5i/ prerAliBVTPanneeh EnglneeoLe. I FR E1oH3 TECHNICAL REPORT: TRAFFIC REVIEW AT THE INTERSECTION OLNEY STREET AND VANE AVENUE ATTACHMENT 2: STOP OBSERVANCE OLNEY STREET AT VANE AVENUE Table X: Summary of Vehicles not making a Complete Stop at the All -Way Stop located at — Olney at Vane Hour: Northbound Southbound Eastbound Along Westbound Along 7am-8am Along Vane Along Vane Olney Olney Number of x 1 3 5 Vehicles that Rolled Through All -Way Stop (California Stop) Number of x 4 6 5 Vehicles that Ran the All -Way Stop Total Vehicles x 5 9 10 Table X: Summary of Vehicles not making a Complete Stop at the All -Way Stop located at — Olney at Vane Hour: Northbound Southbound Eastbound Along Westbound Along 8am — 9am Along Vane Along Vane Olney Olney Number of x 2 4 2 Vehicles that Rolled Through All -Way Stop (California Stop) Number of x 5 7 5 Vehicles that Ran the All -Way Stop Total Vehicles x 7 11 7 Vine at Olney PM Table X: Summary of Vehicles not making a Complete Stop at the All -Way Stop located at — Olney at Vane Hour: Northbound Southbound Eastbound Along Westbound Along 4pm — Spm Along Vane Along Vane Olney Olney Number of x 3 3 5 Vehicles that Rolled Through All -Way Stop (California Stop) Number of x 3 2 3 Vehicles that Ran the All -Way Stop Total Vehicles x 6 5 8 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 12 of 13 TECHNICAL REPORT: TRAFFIC REVIEW AT THE INTERSECTION OLNEY STREET AND VANE AVENUE Table X: Summary of Vehicles not making a Complete Stop at the All -Way Stop located at — Olney at Vane Hour: Northbound Southbound Eastbound Along Westbound Along Spm — 6pm Along Vane Along Vane Olney Olney Number of x 2 4 2 Vehicles that Rolled Through All -Way Stop (California Stop) Number of x 5 4 11 Vehicles that Ran the All -Way Stop Total Vehicles x 7 8 13 CITY OF ROSEMEAD Prepared By: Transtech Engineers, Inc. I Page 13 of 13 Attnohmcn13 AA A OSE EA& Traffic Commmoinn Courtevv classification NOILLL 1611GNYUY LIVEN beat on 1TwicadoOccopper 2021, at the hour of Pauper, or swa0wnfinr nIIron inuwmny coolant, the Renemend franc Commission will hold a p9lic meeting forte Nippon of ,,,wia the Tyree Conditions a[ the Intersection of Olney straw Intl Voice Avenue. conn efrmtto pates, the and, Intl effieN of the public Intl e,Ploreae wasde wasdi,u ng drapes, m lasers, the following precautions will be supposed at III public meetings, a protective ®a covering most be wom and social dlslanlmr; will buobewW. Yen I%being notf W of this meeting Sooner ymv propeq is within pwlmlte no the lma ion- Weenmonge your mnmeass mgarding traffic, safety In tills area . C'Hxni wkhNs to ommuent how do Io by silkg (626) 569-2100 or in Ill or pobliuvmmcaf ptphoomnwdorg by 00p,, wl ,,de, lirw Allmmmens us public ramd and will cooperated mine official record oftlm City. tents n mtwnentsinua be Iddmssed to'. City of IC'moad Public Works Depmwent 88389. Vn11c HoWcard Rowasa], California 9 177 umrwn. Dkeam,nf9udlw W,,kn Agaiq only eomai nR remlwo by Ina p, , on Thursday. October7, 2021, will acceptedwe appreciate your concern for namesaPAy mthe City ofR,avast.,agudimr;,lusty, please emat in, Perm wall., DepaCI (626.569-2s0. per Llomwtion please call'. Pam cbtnncr bids asset rotor do llama, nl'. 11huyWil. vu's'. Dd del them ohstlL. An go,, 626569-2150 Attachment B October 7, 2021 Traffic Commission Minutes Minutes of the Regular ROSEMEAD TRAFFIC COMMISSION MEETING October 7, 2021 The regular meeting of the Rosemead Traffic Commission was called to order by Chair Masuda at 7;00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 8838 E. Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Chair Masuda INVOCATION: Vice Chair Quintanilla PRESENT: Commissioner Drange, Commissioner Escobar, Commissioner Nguyen, Vice Chair Quintanilla and Chair Masuda ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins, Director of Public Works Michael Chung, Administrative Assistant Daniel Nguyen and Deputy City Clerk Natalie Haworth INTRODUCTION OF NEW DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS: Michael Chung, Director of Public Works gave a brief introduction about himself. 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS Chair Masuda made a clarification that one of the public comment letters for Agenda Item 3A deals with a portion of the street to be discussed in the meeting, however, addresses the west side of Rosemead Boulevard. Therefore, the item is not specific to the agenda item. The City received the following Public Comment via email; Contact information is filed with the Public Works Department There are two signs on the north side of Newby Avenue that clearly say, NO STOPPING OR PARKING - ANY TIME. When Muscatel Middle School is in session, people park on the north side of Newby Avenue in the morning while dropping their children off at school and again in the afternoon when picking their children up. When there is an event at the school both sides of the street will be filled with cars. This makes it difficult to get in or out of the driveway. 2. CONSENT CALENDAR Chair Masuda asked Traffic Commissioners if anyone would like to make revisions or additions to the minutes of June 3, 2021, or September 9, 2021. Commissioner Drange made a motion, seconded by Vice Chair Quintanilla, to accept consent calendar. Vote resulted in: Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of October 7, 2021 Page 1 of 9 Yes: Drange, Escobar, Nguyen, Quintanilla, Masuda No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 3. NEW BUSINESS A. TRAFFIC REVIEW ALONG NEWBY AVENUE BETWEEN ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD AND MISSION DRIVE Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins provided a brief description of the item and presented a PowerPoint presentation of the studies that were conducted. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins stated the resident reported speeding vehicles traveling along Newby Avenue. The resident also reported that both residents in the community and students from Rosemead High School walk the Newby Avenue corridor. As a potential solution, the resident requested that speed humps be placed along Newby Avenue between Rosemead Boulevard and Mission Drive. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins explained that the City of Rosemead currently does not have a speed hump policy in place, therefore other traffic calming measures were evaluated as part of the traffic engineering recommendations. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins explained as part of the traffic review, engineering staff looked at the existing roadway conditions, collision data, an average daily traffic count (ADT), and a 24-hour speed survey On behalf of the City of Rosemead, Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins provided recommendations for traffic calming measures along Newby Avenue between Rosemead Boulevard and Mission Drive. Commissioner Nguyen asked for clarification on the 24-hour speed survey on whether it was conducted on a weekday or weekend. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins answered the 24-hour speed survey was conducted on a weekday when school was in session, more specifically, it took place on Thursday, September 9, 2021. Chair Masuda asked if Commissioner Escobar had any questions. Commissioner Escobar responded she had no further questions and agreed with staff recommendations. Vice Chair Quintanilla also agreed with staff recommendations, mentioning it would mostly be a refresh and repainting of existing pavement legends and markings. Chair Masuda commented the yellow markings on the pavement were barely visible and need a refresh and repaint. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of October 7, 2021 Page 2 of 9 Commissioner Escobar made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Nguyen, to accept Staff recommendations. Vote resulted in: Yes: Drange, Escobar, Nguyen, Quintanilla, Masuda No: None Abstain: None Absent: None B. TRAFFIC REVIEW ALONG DRIGGS AVENUE AND HEGLIS AVENUE SOUTH OF WHITMORE STREET Staff received three public comments on this item. Chair Masuda read aloud the public comment received from Rosemead Resident via phone, expressing concerns for her homebound mother who resides on Heglis Avenue. Resident explained that due to her mother's declining vision and hearing, it is difficult for her mother to detect oncoming vehicles and mentioned it would be nice to have a sidewalk built along Heglis Avenue. Chair Masuda read aloud the public comment received from Sherry Quarnstrom via email, expressing her disapproval for the installation of red curb and if approved, to paint the south side instead. Chair Masuda read aloud the public comment received from the Valdes' via email, expressing their disapproval to the installation of red curb. Resident suggested installation of a speed bump, traffic mirror, and improving street lighting. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins introduced Staff recommendations by providing a brief description of the item and presented a PowerPoint presentation of the studies that were conducted. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins stated the resident request was for the City to review the curve and requested a speed hump be installed. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins explained that the City of Rosemead currently does not have a speed hump policy in place, therefore other traffic calming measures were evaluated as part of the traffic engineering recommendations. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins explained as part of the traffic review, engineering staff looked at the existing roadway conditions, collision data, an average daily traffic count (ADT), and a 24-hour speed survey. There were no reported collisions in the 5 % year collision data. There was 53 vehicles recorded from the average daily traffic count (ADT) during the 24-hour period, which was taken on Thursday, September 9, 2021, when school was in session. The 24-hour speed survey on Driggs Avenue showed 85% of drivers were driving 24 mph or less. On behalf of the City of Rosemead, Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins provided recommendations for traffic measures along the curve where Driggs Avenue meets Heglis Avenue south of Whitmore Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of October 7, 2021 Page 3 of 9 Street. It was proposed to install red curb and a solid double yellow line along the curve with raised pavement markers (RPMs) along the yellow center lines. Also, to install Chevron Alignment signs along the curve to provide additional emphasis and guidance. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins explained that if the double yellow line was added, there would not be enough parking on both sides since the street is too narrow. It was staff recommendation to paint the red curb on the north side to avoid taking away parking spaces. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins explained that if the City would like to consider installing the red curb on the opposite side, the City should poll the five houses along the curb on the south side for their opinion. In response to Commissioner Drange's question regarding a Chevron Alignment sign, Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins explained and identified the Chevron Alignment sign as the yellow sign with a sideways "V' shape as indicated on the presentation. In response to Commissioner Drange's question about RPMs or raised pavement markers, Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded that RPMs are the little buttons on either side of the yellow stripes that become reflective at night. Commissioner Nguyen asked about the five houses we would be polling that could be affected by the installation of a red curb and if we would just be asking for their preference, Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded that if the City wanted to move the red curb to the south side, the City should ask all the residents along the curb since it would essentially be taking away all their parking in front of their house. Commissioner Nguyen asked if that is common practice or would it be exhaustive in terms of resources. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded that the only way for the recommendation to add the yellow center stripe is to remove the north side or south side since the street is not wide enough. When coming down from Driggs Avenue, the curve is significant to where it could make it difficult to see a person walking on the street. There are also trees on the north side as well, which was why the north side was recommended. Vice Chair Quintanilla commented that we should notify the residents along the curve if we are considering switching sides for the red curb and allow them the opportunity to speak on the decision. Vice Chair Quintanilla asked if the City could look into sidewalks for this area and tree trimming. Director of Public Works Chung responded staff could look into the sidewalks. As for the tree trimming, the impact to that would be taking out the green space north of the red curb, but that would be the impasse of the property owner. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of October 7, 2021 Page 4 of 9 Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded if recommended to the City, staff could look into sidewalks, however, it would be an extensive and expensive project. The City would usually have it included in a CIP program as part of a whole overall city. As there is an impasse to the residents, the residents would have to give up a portion of their lawn to make a sidewalk. Vice Chair Quintanilla asked what about just tree trimming to help reduce the visual constraints. Director of Public Works Chung asked Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins if the trees were identified as a constraint. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded yes, especially as you come from Driggs Avenue to the curve, there is a big tree there that could have the limbs removed and trimmed to help with the vision constraint. The City will need to check if it belongs to Public Works, if it's in the City's right of way, or if it belongs to the resident. In response to Vice Chair Quintanilla's question about the double yellow center line, Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded that the double yellow line still allows you to turn across it, but you are not allowed to pass. Since the street is so narrow, the double yellow line could not be painted unless one side is removed for parking. If parking on the north side is removed, that would leave the lane 12 foot wide and the one on the south side would be 18 feet. You need 8 feet for parking. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins explained the option would be to either pick it or hold off and ask the residents if that is a consideration, Or you keep the red curb on the north side to have that yellow stripe. Commissioner Nguyen commented she is in favor of taking time to poll the residents. Commissioner Drange commented if it is the assumption that people will walk on the south side of the street. Reason being that if you add a double yellow line at the curve people would likely drive closer to the center due to the parking on the south side. Chair Masuda commented that it is a narrow street. He recalled his experience driving on that street approaching the curve and how he ended up driving closer to the center due to the parked cars along the curb. For safety and visibility, adding a red curb would seem like it would help. Chair Masuda agreed that the resident's concern regarding the placement of the red curb and to move it to the other side something to consider and to poll the residents to see if they agree. In response to Chair Masuda's question if she knew how many parking spaces are on the south side, Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded there is probably three spaces. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins recommended that if there is concern, to bring back the agenda item and have the City send out a letter to each of the residents along the curve, The resident who sent in the request did not identify which side of the street he walks on, so maybe that is something we need to find out as well. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of October 7, 2021 Page 5 of 9 Chair Masuda commented there was only one person when he was going south on Heglis Street and that person was walking in the middle of the street. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins commented there is not a lot of traffic on this street and no reported collisions, but maybe something to ask these residents and if it turns out nothing is done, it will go as usual. A Chevron Alignment sign can still be installed, but no center yellow lines. In response to Chair Masuda's question if there was consideration to put up a slow curve sign, Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded they could look into adding it, however, since there were only 53 vehicles, they did not want to add too much signage. Chair Masuda recommended that this item be referred to the residents to get feedback on the red curb and proceed from there as that would determine on the installation of the yellow double line on the curve. Chair Masuda asked if it could be recommended that the City send out notices to the residents on the south side, but to agree on the installation of the Chevron Alignment sign and wait on the painting of the red curb and yellow line based on the responses. Chair Masuda asked if that suggestion could be an option rather than voting down the recommendation or accepting it, and to hold off until we hear back from the residents. Vice Chair Quintanilla asked to confirm if that meant to renotify the residents about having the red curb on the south side of the curve rather than on the north side. Chair Masuda confirmed that statement as the recommendation. Chair Masuda asked if a motion is needed to make the recommendation to reissue a notice to the residents about having the red curb on the south side of the curve rather than on the north side, and to be addressed in a future agenda. Chair Masuda responded to Director of Public Works Chung to make it clear to not to approve the staff recommendation for the red curb. Director of Public Works Chung responded the whole item would have to be pulled if Commission would like to poll the residents and modify the recommendations. Commissioner Nguyen suggested to motion to table the agenda item to the next meeting pending further clarification from the residents. Commissioner Drange asked if we need to state in the motion for the City to poll the residents. Vice Chair Quintanilla responded to table the item and send it back to staff for further review. Rosemead Trac Commission Meeting Minutes of October 7, 2021 Page 6 of 9 Chair Masuda commented it seems the red curb issue is holding the decision and if the tree trimming is an issue as well, we can add that recommendation to the modifications depending on the preferences of the residents. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded the Public Works staff can trim the trees if it is in the City's right of way. If the trees are on private property, a notice would have to be sent out. Chair Masuda asked in terms of the process are we looking at redoing the same recommendations except for moving the red curb to the south side and sending out notification letters to the residents. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded the recommendations should be left as is and to poll the six houses on the south side and the two on the north side. Notice letters with a response date can be sent out to these residents and we can update the commissioners on the results, Based on the votes, we can proceed on whether we need to review the red curb or if we can approve it. Chair Masuda asked for a motion to poll the residents affected by the red curb between Heglis Street and Driggs Avenue to see what their preference is in terms of painting the red curb on the south side of the curve. Administrative Assistant Nguyen confirmed with Commission regarding the motion to table the agenda item. Commissioner Drange made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Nguyen, to direct Staff to take a poll of the residents affected and bring back for discussion at a future meeting. Vote resulted in: Yes: Drange, Escobar, Nguyen, Quintanilla, Masuda No: None Abstain: None Absent: None C. TRAFFIC REVIEW AT THE INTERSECTION OLNEY STREET AND VANE AVENUE Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins provided a brief description of the item and presented a PowerPoint presentation of the studies that were conducted. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins stated the resident requested the City to review the intersection and requested flashing stop signs be installed. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins explained as part of the traffic review, engineering staff looked at the existing roadway conditions, collision data, and a peak hour intersection count taken on Thursday, September 2, 2021, Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of October 7, 2021 Page 7 of 9 On behalf of the City of Rosemead, Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins provided recommendations for traffic measures at the intersection of Olney Street and Vane Avenue to encourage drivers to come to a complete stop at the existing three way stop intersection. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins proposed to install new 36x36 Stop Signs with ALL WAY stop plaque and retroreflective strips, repaint the yellow painted crosswalk, refresh STOP legend and bar at STOP locations, and add red curb between crosswalk striping and driveway to the west on the south side of Olney Street. Commissioner Escobar agreed with staff recommendations. Vice Chair Quintanilla asked if it was considered to add the painted crosswalk with yellow ladder along Vane Street, perpendicular to the proposed yellow painted crosswalk for more visibility. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded it was looked into, however, since the crosswalk has no sidewalk, it does not have ramps. Adding a new crosswalk would require adding ADA compliant ramps, which is expensive especially when there is no sidewalk to connect it to. Since the recommendation is to repaint the existing yellow crosswalk, we do not fall under the ADA ramp restriction. Traffic Engineer Jana Robbins responded to Chair Masuda's question and confirmed that the vehicles making the California stop were from the east and west direction. Commissioner Escobar made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Nguyen, to accept Staff recommendations. Vote resulted in: Yes: Drange, Escobar, Nguyen, Quintanilla, Masuda No: None Abstain: None Absent: None 4. STAFF REPORTS None 5. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Drange asked who to send a traffic concern he received via email regarding Del Mar Avenue. Director of Public Works Chung responded the email can be forwarded to him. Chair Masuda commented generally traffic concerns are forwarded to Public Works for review and determined if it will be added onto the agenda. Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of October 7, 2021 Page 8 of 9 Commissioner Drange commented that in the last meeting he asked for a copy of the City's Bicycle Plan for Traffic Commission to review and if he needs to formalize that request. Director of Public Works Chung responded he will have Public Works staff look into and bring it up in a future staff report once the information is gathered. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:18 p,m. The next Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for November 4, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. and will take place at the Rosemead City Hall, City Council Chambers, 8838 East Valley Boulevard. Howard Masuda Chair ATTEST: Michael Chung, Director of Public Works Rosemead Traffic Commission Meeting Minutes of October• 7, 2021 Page 9 of 9