CC - Item 5E - 2021 General Plan and Housing Element Annual Progress ReportsROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BEN KIM, ACTING CITY MANAGER�� DATE: APRIL 12, 2022 SUBJECT: 2021 GENERAL PLAN AND HOUSING ELEMENT ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORTS SUMMARY California Government Code § 65400 requires the filing of both a General Plan and Housing Element Annual Progress Report (APRs) by April 1" of each year, for the prior calendar year, with the State Office of Planning and Research (OPR) and the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). On March 31, 2022, City staff filed both APRs with OPR and HCD. In order to comply with state law, the APRs must be presented in a public meeting where the public may provide oral testimony and written comments. OPR does not require that the APRs be approved by the local legislative body or receive public comment prior to the annual April 1 St submittal deadline, and revised APRs may be resubmitted at any time. The General Plan Annual Progress Report (Attachment "A") summarizes the status of the City's General Plan and progress in its implementation. The Housing Element Annual Progress Report (Attachment `B") summarizes low- to above moderate -income residential building activity; Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) progress; and progress of the housing program implementation for the 2021 calendar year. The Housing Element Annual Progress Report was prepared on forms provided by HCD, using definitions adopted by HCD. DISCUSSION The City of Rosemead General Plan is a long-range planning program that is designed to guide the orderly growth and development of the City over the long-term. The General Plan communicates the City's vision of its future and establishes a policy framework to govern decision-making concerning the physical development of the community. It also provides assurances that the community at large will be supported by an adequate range of public services and infrastructure systems. APRs provide local legislative bodies with information regarding the implementation of the General Plan and the Housing Element for their city or county. The APRs are strictly reporting AGENDA ITEM 5.E City Council Meeting April 12, 2022 Page 2 of 2 documents that do not create or modify any City of Rosemead goals or policies found within the General Plan or Housing Element. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council: 1. Receive and file the 2021 APRs; and 2. Direct the Community Development Department to resubmit the 2021 APRs to ORP and HCD, if there are any modifications. FISCAL IMPACT None STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT The APRs are consistent with Goal B: Rosemead provides quality services, programming, and events in an engaging and culturally sensitive manner that support the changing needs of our population. Submitting the APRs does not impact the Strategic Plan. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: AnnLao, Associate Planner Submitted by: Lily Valenzuela, Planning and Economic Development Manager Attachment A: 2021 General Plan Annual Progress Report Attachment B: 2021 Housing Element Annual Progress Report Attachment A 2021 General Plan Annual Progress Report /�RPpRATED GENERAL PLAN ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 2021 PREPARED BY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION MARCH 31, 2022 2021 General Plan Annual Progress Report General Plan Status and Implementation Compliance with State General Plan Guidelines Each element of the City of Rosemead General Plan is in compliance with the guidelines for the content of local general plans that were issued by the Governor's Office of Planning and Research. The City is in the process of updating the Housing Element in preparation for the 6th Regional Housing Need Assessment (RHNA) Cycle, as well as the Public Safety Element to satisfy SB 379 and integrate environmental policies throughout the General Plan. Housinq Element The Housing Element was adopted in 2013. The Housing Element covers the planning period from January 1, 2014, through October 1, 2021. Currently, the City is in the process of updating the Housing Element in preparation for the 6th Regional Housing Need Assessment (RHNA) Cycle. No amendments were made in 2021. Implementation: • Update of the Housing Element in preparation for the 6th RHNA Cycle o In 2021, the City was in the process of completing the Housing Element Update. Public Hearings for the adoption of the Housing Element were scheduled for the beginning of 2022. Land Use Element The Land Use Element was adopted in 2010. The Land Use Element focuses on the built environment and pulls together issues and goals from the other elements, laying out the framework for balancing development with broader community aims. General Plan Amendments: General Plan Amendment 19-02, Approved July 13, 2021 o General Plan Amendment 19-02 changed the existing Rosemead General Plan land use designation from Commercial to Mixed -Use: Residential/Commercial (30 du/ac) for the development of a new residential/commercial mixed-use development. General Plan Amendment 19-03, Approved September 7, 2021 o The Freeway Corridor Mixed -Use (FCMU) Overlay encompasses six geographic areas within the City of Rosemead. The areas total approximately 60 acres (186 parcels) and were selected based on proximity to the Interstate 10 (1-10) Freeway, location along primary City corridors, and adjacency to public transit lines. FCMU Overlay areas are located along Del Mar Avenue, San Gabriel Boulevard, Walnut Grove Avenue, Valley Boulevard, Temple City Boulevard, and 2021 General Plan Annual Progress Report Rosemead Boulevard. The FCMU Overlay identifies special provisions for land use, development standards, urban design, community benefits, and by -right uses, in addition to those in the existing underlying base zone, to support appropriate mixed-use and residential development. The FCMU Overlay also identifies public and private realm improvements that will further enhance the aesthetic and character of these areas. Implementation: Ordinance 998 o AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FOR THE APPROVAL OF MCA 21- 01, AMENDING TITLE 17 ( ZONING) OF THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING DEFINITION FOR SMALL LOT AND AMENDING THE DEFINITION FOR LOT AREA TO SECTION 17.04.050; AMENDING SECTION 17. 12. 010.0 TO INCLUDE SMALL LOT SUBDIVISION IN THE R-3 ZONING DISTRICT; AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF 17.12. 020 INCLUDING TABLE 17.12.020. 1 PERTAINING TO RESIDENTIAL USES AND SMALL LOT SUBDIVISION; AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF 17. 12. 030 INCLUDING TABLE 17.12. 030. 1 PERTAINING TO RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS INCLUDING SMALL LOT SUBDIVISION; ADDING SECTION 17.12. 030.B.2. g FOR SMALL LOT SUBDIVISION IN THE R-3 ZONING DISTRICT; AMENDING SECTION 17.136.030.A TO ADD SMALL LOT SUBDIVISION IN SITE PLAN AND DESIGN REVIEW REQUIREMENT Ordinance 999, Approved July 13, 2021 o AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FOR THE APPROVAL OF ZONE CHANGE 19-02, AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF THE SUBJECT SITE TO INCLUDE RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN OVERLAYS (RC-MUDO/D-O) TO THE EXISTING MEDIUM COMMERCIAL (C-3) ZONE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MIXED-USE PROJECT CONSISTING OF 12 COMMERCIAL CONDOMINIUM UNITS TOTALING 18,646 SQUARE FEETAND 42 RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM UNITS (SEVEN OUT OF THE 42 UNITS WILL BE LOWER-INCOME). THE SUBJECT SITE IS LOCATED AT 3001 WALNUT GROVE AVENUE AND 8589 GARVEY AVENUE (APNS: 5288-001-040, 041, 042, AND 043). Ordinance 1000, Approved July 27, 2021 o AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FOR THE APPROVAL OF MCA 21-02, AMENDING TITLE 17 (ZONING) OF THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING DEFINITIONS TO SECTION 17.04.050 DEFINITIONS - GENERAL OF CHAPTER 17.04, ADDING LIVE/WORK AS A PERMITTED USE IN ALL MIXED-USE LAND USE DESIGNATIONS IN THE CITY, ADDING LIVE/WORK AS A PERMITTED USE TO SECTION 17.28.030.C.1 PERMITTED USES, ADDING SECTION 17.30.210 LIVE/WORK TO CHAPTER 17.30 STANDARDS FOR SPECIFIC LAND USES WHICH ESTABLISHES DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR LIVE/WORK UNITS, AND MODIFYING THE APPROVAL REQUIREMENT FOR OUTDOOR DINING IN THE RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY ZONES FROM A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE USE PERMIT K 2021 General Plan Annual Progress Report • Ordinance 1001, Approved September 7, 2021 o AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA APPROVING ZONE CHANGE 19-03 AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP AND APPROVING MUNICIPAL CODE AMENDMENT 19-02 AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF TITLE 17. FOR THE FREEWAY CORRIDOR MIXED-USE OVERLAY Circulation Element: The Circulation Element was adopted in 2010. The Circulation Element addresses issues related to vehicular circulation, parking management, public transit, walking, biking, and trails. No amendments were made in 2021. Implementation: • Walnut Grove Ave Phase I Resurfacing & Colored Crosswalk Installation Project (Mission and Ivar): o Project Description: The project consists of asphalt concrete overlay, asphalt concrete reconstruction, sidewalk replacement, curb and gutter replacement, striping and appurtenances from Northerly City Limit to Marshall Avenue. Additionally, the project includes the installation of colored concrete crosswalks at intersections along Walnut Grove Avenue from Marshall St. to the northerly city limit. Location: Walnut Grove Ave from Marshall St to the northerly City limit Pre -Construction: Construction Phase: Status: Construction phase expected to be completed by the end of April 2022. • Mission Drive Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon System Project: o Project Description: The project scope includes the design and installation of a hawk pedestrian hybrid (PHB) crosswalk, curb 3 2021 General Plan Annual Progress Report ramps, curb and gutter, sidewalk, sign replacement, AC rehabilitation and striping at the intersection of Newby Avenue and Mission Drive in the City of Rosemead. The project is funded through a Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA) Measure M Multi -Year Subregional Program grant. Location: Mission Drive and Newby Avenue Intersection Status: The agreement with LACMTA was executed and funds have been programmed for FY 21-22 for planning and design phase. The project was RFP for design services was released in March 2022. • Traffic Review of Signage and Markings On San Gabriel Boulevard Near Hellman A Venue And The Eb 1-10 Freeway On -Ramp - Approved, November 9, 2021 1. Remove the existing mast arm signage for northbound traffic along San Gabriel Boulevard and on the approach to the intersection and replace with larger signs (54x45) for Multi -Lane Roads. To make the sign easier for motorists to read the lane designations, it is recommended to add ONLY HELLMAN below the right turn arrow on the sign. It is also recommended to remove the Thru/RT symbol on the mast arm sign and replace with a thru arrow with the 10 FWY EAST in larger font to avoid confusion for vehicles that aim to turn onto Hellman Avenue. The approach sign should be moved to the start of the right turn only lane (150' to 300' in advance); 2. Re -paint existing Right Arrow and "ONLY" Pavement Legend for the right -only lane along San Gabriel Boulevard. Add Pavement Legend "ONLY" approximately 80 -feet before Hellman Avenue, directly under the RT ARROW to say "ONLY" Legend, to indicate to drivers this lane is only for turning onto Hellman Avenue; 3. Install "Through Arrow with "FWY" pavement legend approximately 20 -feet south of Hellman Avenue and again approximately 80 -feet south of Hellman Avenue; 4. Install lane line extension through the intersection for the right turning lane to Hellman Avenue to help guide vehicles to making the right onto Hellman Avenue; 5. Install approximately 25'& 15' of red curb along the east side of San Gabriel Blvd, approximately 150' & 250' south of the intersection, respectively. This will prohibit any parking within 300' of the intersection of San Gabriel Blvd and Hellman Avenue; 4 2021 General Plan Annual Progress Report 6. Install approximately 100' of wide dotted white lane line following the wide solid white lane line for the right turn lane; and 7. Install 36"x36" regulatory sign Thru Traffic Merge Left W74(CA), this sign may be used in advance of the R3 -7R sign. • Traffic Review at The Intersection of Ramona Blvd And Burton Ave — Approved, November 9, 2021: 1. Install new larger STOP Signs (36x36) along with an All Way (R1 - 3P) plaque mounted under each STOP Sign at the Intersection of Ramona Boulevard and Burton Avenue. 2. Install red retroreflective strips on all the STOP posts. 3. Refresh STOP legend and bar at STOP locations (high visibility paint) at the I intersection of Ramona Boulevard and Burton Avenue. 4. Repaint the yellow painted crosswalk to white (high visibility paint) ladder stripe for the west leg at the intersection of Ramona Boulevard and Burton Avenue. 5. Install STOP Ahead (W3-1) Symbol Sign along Burton Avenue (high visibility paint)." • The project management contract has been awarded for the four Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority (LACMTA) grants for mobility improvement (710 Projects) to relieve congestion on local streets along the SR -710 alignment between Interstate 10 and 210. • The City executed agreements with the state to program $48,000 in grant funding for the Local Road Safety Plan (LRSP). The LRSP is a pre -requisite to apply for and obtain future HSIP grant funding for the next call -for - projects. The RFP for planning and engineering services for the development of a plan was released in 2022. Resources Management Element: The Resources Management Element was adopted in 2010. The Resources Management Element examines both the natural and human -made environments, and establishes policies to protect those resources that distinguish and define Rosemead. Topics addressed in this element include parks, recreation, open space, community facilities, air quality, water resources and conservation, and energy conservation. No amendments were made in 2021. Implementation: • Completed construction of Community Garden located at 3212-3232 Del Mar Avenue, February 2021 5 2021 General Plan Annual Progress Report Provided recreation programs for all ages Including virtual/outdoor contract classes, virtual/outdoor/drive-thru special events and activities, Year-round, 2021 • Researched additional funding sources to fund the project, Year-round 2021 • Grant application for the proposed Dog Park at Garvey Park was awarded by the State of California Department of Parks and Recreation, Year-round 2021 o The project is currently in the design phase. Public Safety: The Public Safety Element was adopted in 2010. The Public Safety Element identifies hazards present in the community and defines ways for proper planning and emergency response services to mitigate the hazards including flooding. Currently, the City is in the process of updating the Public Safety Element to satisfy SB 379 and integrate environmental policies throughout the General Plan. No amendments were made in 2021 Implementation: • Community Area Watch Meetings, Year-round, 2021 o Due to COVID-19, Community Area Watch Meetings were held virtually and were recorded and posted on the City's YouTube Chanel as well. • The City of Rosemead continued to conduct its weekly Monday evening radio check -ins with its Amateur Radio Members, Year-round, 2021 • The City of Rosemead Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) assists in mutual aid requests with our surrounding cities when requested. • Great Shake -Out, October 21, 2021 o The exercise drill provided opportunities for Staff to practice "duck, cover, and hold on", and review their workstations for any potential hazards. The drill also tested the city-wide intercom system. Noise Element: The Noise Element was adopted in 2010. The Noise Element identifies community noise concerns and includes policies and programs to minimize noise impacts in Rosemead. No amendments were made in 2021 n 2021 General Plan Annual Progress Report Implementation: No activity took place in 2021 pertaining to this General Plan Element. Attachment B 2021 Housing Element Annual Progress Report » g m m_ a\ g y « \ƒ R ƒ E kA ƒ f ƒ ƒ o R o CD > / E % 2 = § / Cl) ƒ ƒ 2 O \ CD 0 o R ( R. k � to $ \ � m $ 3 \ \ k \ \ \ z e 0 $ < £ I ( % : ) m R 2 m ) § ƒ 2 , : 2 _ _ ; , E m ) m 'a ■ $ ■ @ g � z � ■ Jurisdiction Rosemead Reporting Year 2021 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) Planning Period 5th Cycle 1011512013-10115/2021 ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Housing Element Implementation (CCR Title 25 §6202) Note: "+" indicates an optional field Cells in grey contain auto -calculation formulas Table A Housing Development Applications Submitted TABLE A Project Identifier Unit Types Date Total Total Application Proposed Units - Affordability by Household Incomes Approved Disapproved Streamlining Density Bonus Applications Application Notes Submitted Units by Units by Status Project Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Was APPLICATION Unit Category Tenure Date Very Low- Moderate- Moderate- SUBMITTED Was a Density Was a Density Application Very Low- Low -Income Low -Income Above Total Total Please indicate Prior APN' Current APN Street Address Local Jurisdiction Project Name' (SFASFD,2 to Income Non Income IncoTotal PROPOSED Pursuant to GC Bonus requested Bonus approved Submitted+ Income Deed Deed Non Deed APPROVED DISAPPROVED the status of the Notes` Tracking ID' , 4,5+,ADU,MH) R=Renter IModerate- Deed Deed Non Deeme d Units by Project 65913.4(b)? for this housing for this housing (see Restricted Restricted Restricted ncome Units by project Units by Project application. O=Owner Restricted Restricted Restricted (SB 35 development? development? instructions) Streamlining) MK i 5282-005-018 2728 Bartlett Ave ADU 0 4/29/20211 1 1 1 t:1 1 No No N/A Approved 8594-012-019 3857 Rio Hondo Ave ADU 0 5/24/2021 1 1: 1 No No N/A Approved 5390-014-052 37381varAve ADU 0 5/24/2021 1 _._1 1 No No N/A Approved 5286-016-038 7457 Whitmore St ADU R 5/25/2021 1 _ _ f1' 1 No No N/A Approved 8595-014-007 3137 Heglis Ave ADU R 5/25/2021 1 ':1 1 No No N/A Approved 5371-006-033 3839 Delta Ave ADU R 5/25/2021 1 '.1: 1 No No N/A Approved 5372-018-031 4539 Walnut Grove Ave ADU R 5/26/2021 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 8594-007-011 9256 Steele Street ADU 0 5/26/2021 1 1' 1 No No N/A Approved 5283-021-050 2526 Angelus Ave ADU 0 6/1/2021 1 1i 1 No No N/A Approved 5287-023-013 3234 Kelbum Ave ADU O 6/3/2021 1 1'. 1 No No N/A Approved 8592-011-042 4212 Claudia Ave ADU 0 6!7/2021 1 3: 1 No No N/A Approved 5287-019-009 7911 Dorothy ADU 0 6/8/2021 1 1. 1 No No N/A Approved 5287-026-028 3259 Alanreed Ave ADU R 6/14/2021 1 1' 1 No No N/A Approved 5284-024-042 2413 Kelbum Ave ADU R 6/14/2021 1 1' 1 No No N/A Approved 5282-025-011 2706 Muscatel Ave SFD 0 6/24/2021 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5288-003-054 3220 Delta Ave ADU R 6/28/2021 1 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5373-033-021 8443 Grand Ave ADU R 7/1/2021 1 =1 1 No No N/A Approved 8593-016-021 3517 Marybeth Ave ADU 0 7/6/2021 1 : 1. 1 No No N/A Approved 5285-002-025 2712-14 Lindy Ave ADU R 7/6/2021 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5289-018-084 3177 Rosemead Place ADU 0 7!7/2021 11 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5284-012.007 8051 Graves Ave ADU 0 7/7/2021 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 8593-017-011 3536 Marybeth Ave ADU 0 7/13/2021 1 : 1: 1 No No N/A Approved 5284-016-027 2655-57 Pine St ADU R 7/13/2021 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5289-003-026 3332 Walnut Grove Ave ADU R 7/22/2021 1 f. 1 No No N/A Approved 5282-005-011 2656 Bartlett Ave ADU R 7/22/2021 1 1: 1 No No N/A Approved 5282-018-003 2514 Palley Ave ADU R 7/28/2021 1 11 1 No No N/A Approved 5373-033-015 4922 Earle Ave SFD 0 7/28/2021 1 1: 1 No No N/A Approved 5283-037-003 8256 Keim St ADU R 8/3/2021 1 1: 1 No No N/A Approved 6592-010-027 4029 Rio Hondo Ave ADU R 8/4/2021 1 ' 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5371-006-043 3803 Delta Ave ADU 0 8/5/2021 1 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5283-033-012 2222 Charlotte Ave ADU R 8/9/2021 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5372-015-018 4456 Earle Ave ADU 0 8/9/2021 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5286-029-016 3220 Evelyn Ave ADU R 8/10/2021 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5371-005-027 3862 Charlotte Ave ADU R 8/12/2021 1 Ti 1 No No N/A Approved 5390-007-078 3737 Muscatel Ave ADU 0 8/16/2021 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 8593-023-001 3803 Temple City Blvd ADU 0 8/16/2021 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5286-034-028 3311 Isabel Ave ADU R 8/17120211 1 1 1 11 1 No No N/A A roved 8594-016-007 9037 De Adalena ADU 0 8/23/2021 1 1 1 No No N/A A proved 5287-014-028 7939 Hellman Ave ADU R 8/24/2021 1 1 1 No No N/A A roved 8594-006-028 9119 Guess St ADU 0 8/24/2021 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5286-013-027 3248 Stevens Ave ADU 0 8/24/2021 1 1' 1 No No N/A Approved 5284-019-007 2547 Falling Leaf Ave ADU R 8/30/2021 1 1: 1 No No N/A Approved 5390-017-088 3643 Lee St ADU 0 8/30/2021 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 8593-004-010 9553 Guess St ADU 0 8/31/2021 1 ii 1 No No N/A Approved 8592-013-048 4314 Encinita Ave ADU R 9/2/2021 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5372-011-023 4521 Delta Ave ADU 0 9/8/2021 1 1`. 1 No No N/A Approved 5285-011-030 2432 New Ave ADU R 9/9/2021 1 1': 1 No No N/A Approved 8593-024-042 3836 Temple City Blvd ADU R 9/13/2021 1 1` 1 No No N/A Approved 5289-006-040 3214 Burton Ave ADU R 9/14/2021 1 1i 1 No No N/A Approved 8593-009-D16 9521 De Adalena St ADU 0 9/20/2021 1 1: 1 No No N/A Approved 5390-013-026 8908 Guess St ADU 0 9/20/2021 1 1'. 1 No No N/A Approved 5286-014-033 3340 Prospect Ave ADU R 9/22/2021 1 1. 1 No No N/A Approved 5389-012-052 8719 Faircrest Dr ADU O 9/27/2021 1 1' 1 No No N/A A proved 5391-004-036 8733 Scott St ADU O 9/27/2021 1 1' 1 No No N/A Approved 8593-014-008 9425 Olney St ADU O 9/28/2021 1 1' 1 No No N/A Approved 5288-008-030 3233 Charlotte Ave ADU O 9/30/2021 1 1' 1 No No N/A Approved 5287-033-005 7834 Whitmore Ave ADU R 9/30/2021 1 1. 1 No No N/A Approved 5286-035-018 7617 Hellman Ave ADU R 10/4/2021 2 2 2 No No N/A Approved 5371-015-031 3639 Charlette Ave ADU R 10/4/2021 1 1'. 1 No No N/A Approved 5390-004-038 8621 Olney St ADU R 10/7!2021 1 1' 1 No No N/A Approved 5281-031-047 1044 La Press Ave ADU 0 10/19/2021 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5287-016-006 3423 Brighton Ave ADU R 10/21/2021 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 8594-018-007 9146 De Adalena St ADU 0 10/26/2021 1 1' 1 No No N/A Approved 5285-010-017 7539 Garvalia Ave ADU 0 10/26/2021 1 1' 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5391-008-021 8733 Hovey St ADU R 10/28/2021 1 1: No No N/A Approved 5286-029-012 7757 Emerson PI ADU R 11/3/2021 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 8593-018-020 9464 Olney St ADU 0 11 /8/2021 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 8595-006-025 3216 Rosemead PI ADU 0 11/10/2021 1 1'. 1 No No N/A Approved N V,11 001 p . 5286-036-008 7728 Columbia Ave ADU R 11/10/2021 1 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 8593-032-006 9752 Guess St ADU 0 11/15/2021 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5390-017-050 8825 Glendon Way ADU R 11/16/2021 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5391-011-046 8930 Lawrence Ave ADU 0 11/22/2021 1 1: 1 No No N/A Approved 5287-013-008 3429 Lafayette St ADU 0 11/22/2021 2 2 2 No No N/A Approved 8595-010-015 3146 Rosemead PI ADU 0 11/23/2021 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 8594-017-014 9019 Marshall St ADU R 11/29/2021 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5285-032-011 7650 Fern Ave SFD R 12/1/2021 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5285-032-011 7650 Fern Ave ADU R 12/1/2021 1 11 1 No No N/A Approved 5287-027-002 8140 Hellman Ave ADU R 12(7/2021 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 8595-014-010 3123 Heglis Ave ADU R 12/9/2021 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5282-012-013 2522 Muscatel Ave ADU O 12/13/2021 1 1 1 No No N/A Approved 5286-007-017 7435 Columbia St ADU 0 12/13/2021 1 1'. 1 No No N/A Approved 5283-003-014 2718 Earle Ave SFD 0 12/15/2021 1 1'. 1 No No N/A Approved 5283-003-014 2718 Earle Ave ADU 0 12/15/2021 1 1'. 1 No No N/A Approved 9593-033-012 3823 Strang Ave ADU 0 12/15/2021 1 _.1- 1 No No N/A Approved 8595-009-002 9107 Whitmore St ADU 0 12/16/2021 1 1: 1 No No N/A Approved 8594-017-002 9060 De Adalena Street ADU 0 12/20/2021 1 1 1 No No NIA Approved 5287-023-028 3237 Falling Leaf Ave ADU 0 12/20/2021 2 2 2 No No N/A Approved 5372-014-038 4438 Delta Ave ADU 0 12/21/2021 1 :. 1i 1 No No N/A Approved 5283-009-003 2708 Gladys Ave ADU R 12/22/2021 11 1 No No N/A Approved 010 TABLE A2 TAB 1 1 of 7 Table A2 Annual Building Activity Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units Project Identifier Unit Types Affordability by Household Incomes - Completed Entitlement 1 2 3 4 5 6 Unit Category Tenure Very Low- Very Low- Low- Income Moderate- Moderate- Above Entitlement Local Jurisdiction Low- Income # of Units issued Prior APN' Current APN Street Address Project Name`(SFA,SFD,2 to Income Deed Income Non Non Deed Income Deed Income Non Moderate- Date Approved Tracking ID R=Renter Deed Restricted Entitlements 4,5+,ADU,MH) Restricted Deed Restricted Restricted Restricted Deed Restricted Income O=Owner Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below 0 0 7 0 0 0 38 45 GPA 19-02, ZC 19- 5288-001-040 5288-001 040 3001 Walnut Grove 02, Tentative Tract 5+ R 7 35 7/13/2021 42 Ave Map 82870, DR 19- 08, and CUP 20-08 8592-015-066 8592-015-066 9238 Pitkin St DR 21-01 SFD R 1 11/15/2021 1 5390-015-076 5390-015-076 8856 Guess St DR 21-02 SFD R 1 8/16/2021 1 5285-030-022 5285-030-022 7731 Wasola St DR 21-03 SFD R 1 10/4/2021 1 5282-019-015 5282-019-015 2447-49 La Presa B00-013-463 ADU O Ave 0 5286-034-013 5286-034-013 3306-16 Jackson B00-014-017 ADU O Ave 0 5287-011-006 5287-011-006 8129-31 Hellman B00-013-758 ADU R Ave 0 8593-031-017 8593-031-017 3744-46 Brookline B00-013-885 ADU R Ave 0 5288-015-018 5288-015-018 3402-04 Rockhold B00-014-097 ADU O Ave 0 5289-008-068 5289-008-068 3361-63 Muscatel B00-014-028 ADU O Ave 0 8592-016-038 8592-016-038 9353-55 Pitkin St B00-014-073 ADU O 0 5372-013-029 5372-013-029 4616-18 Delta Ave B00-014-082 ADU O 0 5372-014-042 5372-014-042 4430-32 Delta Ave B00-013-723 ADU O 0 5289-004-053 5289-004-053 3139-41 Burton B00-013-750 ADU O Ave 0 5289-004-062 5289-004-062 3143-45 Burton B00-013-753 ADU O Ave 0 5287-011-014 5287-011-014 8114-16 Artson St B00-013-796 ADU O 0 5284-025-025 5284-025-025 2550-52 Denton B00-013-960 ADU O Ave 0 5284-020-001 5284-020-001 2513-15 Falling B00-014-009 ADU O Leaf Ave 0 8595-011-012 8595-011-012 3020-22 Rosemead B00-013-805 ADU O 0 5288-006-042 5288-006-042 3150-54 Angelus B00-014-098 ADU R Ave 0 5285-034-019 5285-034-019 7726-28 Newmark B00-014-338 ADU R Ave 0 8594-016-025 8594-016-025 9116-18 Ralph St B00-013-933 ADU O 0 5286-015-027 5286 015-027 3254-58 Prospect B00-014-331 ADU O Ave 0 5389-010-057 5389-010-057 4553 Muscatel Ave B00-014-141 ADU O 0 TABLE A2 TAB 1 7 of 7 5391-003-038 5391-003-038 4407-09 Muscatel B00-013-437 ADU O Ave 0 5391-010-015 5391-010-015 4400-02 Muscatel B00-013-891 ADU O Ave 0 8593-013-007 8593-013-007 3624-26 Rio Hondo B00-013-938 ADU O Ave 0 5371-013-054 5371-013-054 3655-57 Rockhold B00-014-235 ADU O Ave 0 8593-011-001 8593-011-001 9510-12 De B00-013-797 ADU O Adalena St 0 8594-007-037 8594-007-037 3914-16 Hart Ave B00-014-333 ADU O 0 3328-32A Perospect B00-014-559 R 5286-014-007 5286-014-007 ADU 0 5283-026-026 5283-026-026 8415-19 B00-014-267 ADU R Klin erman St 0 5372-010-020 5372-010-020 4445-47 Delta Ave B00-014-586 O ADU 0 5288-015-007 5288-015-007 3432-34 Earle Ave B00-014-237 O ADU 0 5284-012-006 5284-012-006 8047-49 Graves B00-014-622 R ADU Ave 0' 8594-013-016 8594-013-016 9351-53 De B00-014-281 O ADU Adalena St 0 5286-034-012 5286-034-012 3300-02 Jackson B00-014-285 R ADU Ave 0 389-005-037 r 5389-005-037 4883-85 Halkett B00-014-254 ADU O Ave 0 5390-017-042 5390-017-042 3642-46 Muscatel B00-012-516 R Ave ADU 0' 5285-029-006 5285-029-006 7706-08 Wasola St B00-014-250 ADU O 0 5285-026-057 5285-026-057 7640-42 B00-014-157 ADU O Highcliff 0' 8593-024-042 8593-024-042 3836-38 Temple B00-012-474 ADU R City Blvd 0 8593-024-041 8593-024-041 3832-34 Temple B00-012-479 ADU R City Blvd 0 5391-006-042 5391-006-042 4109-11 Bartlett B00-013-781 ADU O Ave 0 8593-020-009 8593-020-009 3637-39 Temple B00-014-063 ADU O City Blvd 0' 5286-031-014 5286-031-014 7707-09 Emerson B00-014-233 R ADU P 0 289-013-070 5289-013-070 8836-38 Ramona B00-014-139 O r ADU Blvd 5285-004-012 5285-004-012 2711-13 Dequine B00-014-528 O ADU Ave 0' 8594-014-004 8594-014-004 9239-41 De B00-013-585 R ADU Adalena St 0 8594-013-015 8594-013-015 9355-57 De B00-014-130 O ADU Adalena St 0 5286-036-006 5286-036-006 4618-20 Earle Ave B00-013-543 ADU O ° i01 5282-019-020 5282-019-020 2423-25 La Presa B00-014-645 ADU O Ave 0 5288-020-034 5288-020-034 3335-37 Angelus B00-013-959 ADU O Ave 0' 5283-020-036 5283-020-036 2436-38 Charlotte B00-012-920 ADU O Ave 0 8594-028-014 8594-028-014 9346-48 Glendon B00-014-277 ADU O Way 0 8595-015-002 8595-015-002 9122-24 Whitmore B00-013-320 ADU O S 0' 5389-005-036 5389-005-036 8526-30 Grand B00-014-068 ADU R Ave 0 5371-012-051 5371-012-051 8540-42 Shea PI B00-014-759 I ADU O 1 0 8593-029-015 8593-029-015 3524-26 Brookline B00-014-813 R I 1 ADU Ave 0 TABLE A2 TAB 1 i �f 17 5284-004-026 5284-004-026 8103-05 Garvalia B00-014-849 R ADU Ave 0 5371-005-028 5371-005-028 3877-79 Delta Ave B00-014-221 O ADU 10, 5391-015-021 5391-015-021 9127-29 Bentel B00-014-574 R ADU Ave 0 5391-005-003 5391-005-003 8646-48 Edmond B00-014-690 O ADU Drive 0' 5283-037-007 5283-037-007 8236-38 Keim St B00-014-718 ADU O 0 8592-009-015 8592-009-015 4202 Rio Hondo B00-014-498 O ADU Ave 0 8908-12Ave Guess B00-014-518 O 5390-013-026 5390-013-026 ADU 5284-019-038 5284-019-038 2546-50 Kelburn B00-014-011 R ADU Ave 0 5284-019-038 5284-019-038 2546-50 Kelburn B00-014-012 R ADU Ave 0 5390-017-038 5390-017-038 8828-30 Marshall B00-014-807 ADU R S 0 5390-017-038 5390-017-038 8828-30 Marshall B00-014-808 ADU R S 0 5283-036-022 5283-036-022 8253-55 Keim St B00-014-780 ADU R 0 8593-024-013 8593-024-013 3827-31 Brookline B00-014-651 ADU R Ave 0 8593-024-013 8593-024-013 3827-31 Brookline B00-014-652 R ADU Ave 0' 5283-021-050 5283-021-050 7624-26 Columbia B00-014-121 R ADU St 0' 5391-001-027 5391-001-027 8617-19 Rio Dell B00-014-317 O ADU Ave 0' 5371-008-030 5371-008-030 3828-30 Earle Ave B00-014-606 O ADU 0 5371-015-013 5371-015-013 3612-16 Delta Ave B00-014-607 O ADU '0 8594-014-006 8594-014-006 9247-53 De B00-013-669 R ADU Adalena St 0' 8593-005-017 8593-005-017 9436-38 Steele St B00-014-208 ADU O 0' 5289-015-050 5289-015-050 3425-27 Ivar Ave B00-014-767 ADU O Oi 5289-009-055 5289-009-055 3209-11 Muscatel B00-014-051 O ADU Ave 0 8242-46 B00-013-562 R 5283-034-020 5283-034-020 ADU Klingerman St 0', 5282-014-009 5282-014-009 2518-20 Bartlett B00-014-215 O ADU Ave 0 5282-014-010 5282-014-010 2512-14 Bartlett B00-014-199 O ADU Ave 0` 8594-020-009 8594-020-009 9347-49 Marshall B00-014-526 ADU R S 0 8593-006-021 8593-006-021 9427-29 Ralph St B00-014-568 ADU R 01 5285-010-012 5285-010-012 7500-02 Fern Ave B00-014-758 ADU O 0r 5391-008-010 5391-008-010 4133-35 Muscatel B00-013-893 R ADU Ave 0 8594-017-002 8594-017-002 9060-62 De B00-013-419 O ADU Adalena St 0' 5287-025-021 5287-025-021 3340-46 Eckhart B00-014-790 O ADU Ave 0' 5286-014-020 5286-014-020 3345-47 Jackson B00-013-922 O ADU Ave 0 5282-005-018 5282-005-018 2728-30 Bartlett B00-014-943 O ADU Ave 0' 5372-013-039 5372-013-039 4629-31 Earle Ave B00-014-979 O ADU 0 5391-011-033 5391-011-033 4202-04 IvarAve B00-014-796 ADU O 0s 5287-019-009 5287-019-009 7911-13Dorothyorothy B00-015-081 O ADU 0 8593-010-022 8593-010-022 9423-25 De B00-014-832 O I I 1 ADU Adalena St 0 TABLE A2 TAB I 5391-004-004 5391-004-004 8718-20Edmond B00-014-679 O .,.' ADU D r 0 5373-033-021 5373-033-021 8439-43 Grand B00-015-220 ADU R Ave 0 5286-016-002 5286-016-002 7512-14 Emerson B00-012-299 ADU O 7 0 5391-002-018 5391-002-018 4422-24 Walnut B00-014-545 ADU O Grove Ave 0' 5285-033-014 5285-033-014 7660-62 Newmark B00-013-456 ADU O Ave 0: 5287-014-032 5287-014-032 3414-16 Kelburn B00-014-894 ADU O Ave 0 8592-020-081 8592-020-081 4552-56 Sultana B00-014-710 ADU O Ave 0 5389-013-001 5389-013-001 4614 Muscatel Ave B00-015-125 ADU O 0' 5288-015-014 5288-015-014 3419-21 Rockhold B00-013-887 ADU O S 0 5282-020-002 5282-020-002 2506-08 Walnut B00-014-809 ADU O Grove Ave 0 5390-013-026 5390-013-026 8908-12 Guess St B00-015-423 ADU O 0 5289-004-053 5289-004-053 3139-41 Burton B00-013-749 SFD O Ave 0' 5289-004-062 5289-004-062 3143-45 Burton B00-013-751 SFD O i Ave 0 5287-025-016 5287-025-016 3314-16 Eckhart B00-013-530 SFD O Ave 0 5286-014-007 5286-014-007 32 Prospect B00-013-650 SFD R 0' Ave 5286-014-007 5286-014-007 e 32 Prospect B00-013-651 SFD R Av 5390-017-042 5390-017-042 3642-46 Muscatel B00-012-515 SFD R Ave 0' 3836-38 Temple B00-012-473 8593-024-042 8593-024-042 City Blvd SFD R Oi 3832--34d Temple B00-012-478 8593-024-041 8593-024-041 SFD R 5289-013-070 5289-013-070 8836-38 Ramona B00-014-104 SFD O Blvd 0 Rio Hondo B00-014-509 8593-010-032 8593-010-032 Ave2 SFD R 5389-005-036 5389-005-036 8526-30 Grand B00-014-067 SFD R Ave 0 5287-018-021 5287-018-021 3359 Kelburn Ave B00-012-746 SFD O 0` 8593-024-013 8593-024-013 3827-31 Brookline B00-014-650 SFD R Ave 5283-034-020 5283-034-020 8242-46 B00-013-561 SFD R Klin erman St 0 8593-010-022 8593-010-022 9423-25 De B00-014-831 SFD O Adalena St 0: 5286-016-002 5286-016-002 7512-14 Emerson B00-012-298 SFD O PI 0 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit B00-014-422 p 2 Bld 2 5+ 0 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit B00-014-423 O 11 Bld 2 5+ 0 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit 1 B00-014-418 5+ O Bld 2 0 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit B00-014-419 5+ O 12 Bld 2 0 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit B00-014-438 5+ O 3 Bld 2 0' 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit B00-014-439 5+ O 6 Bld 2 0' 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit B00-014-440 5+ O 7 Bld 2 0 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit B00-014-441 5+ 0 10 Bld 2 0 TABLE A2 TAB 1 4 of '7 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit B00-014-443 5+ p 5 BId 2 0 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit B00-014-444 5+ O 8 Bld 2 0 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit B00-014-445 5+ O 4 BId 2 0 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit B00-014-446 5+ O 9 Bld 2 0 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8451 Lumen Unit B00-014-442 5+ p 28 BId 1 0 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8451 Lumen Unit B00-014-416 5+ O 25 Bdl 1 0 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8451 Lumen Unit B00-014-417 5+ p 31 Bldq 1 0' 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8451 Lumen Unit B00-014-420 5+ O 26 Bld 1 0 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8451 Lumen Unit B00-014-421 5+ O 30 Bld 1 0 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8461 Lumen Unit B00-014-434 5+ O 24 Bld 8 0 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8461 Lumen Unit B00-014-435 p 23 Bld 8 5+ 0 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8451 Lumen Unit B00-014-436 5+ O 27 Bld 1 0 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8451 Lumen Unit B00-014-437 5+ O 29 Bld 1 0' 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8452 Lumen Unit B00-014-424 5+ O 14 Bld 3 0 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8456 Lumen Unit B00-014-425 5+ O 15 BId 4 0 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8456 Lumen Unit B00-014-426 5+ O 16 BId 4 0` 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit B00-014-427 5+ O 13 Bld 3 0 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8460 Lumen Unit B00-014-428 5+ O 17 Bldg5 0 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8460 Lumen Unit B00-014-429 5+ O 18 Bld 5 0' 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8464 Lumen Unit B00-014-430 5+ O 19 Bld 6 0 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8464 Lumen Unit B00-014-431 5+ O 20 BId 6 0 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8467 Lumen Unit B00-014-432 5+ O 21 Bld 7 0 5288-003-057 5288-003-057 8467 Lumen Unit B00-014-433 O 22 Bld 7 5+ 0' 5285-004-021 5285-004-021 2712-14 New Ave B00-009-582 SFD R 0 5390-009-023 5390-009-023 8735 Ralph St B00-009-645 SFD O 0 5390-009-023 5390-009-023 8735 Ralph St B00-009-645 SFD O 0< 3846 Brookline SFD R 8593-033-022 8593-033-022 Ave B00-009-736 0' 3846 Brookline SFD R 8593-033-022 8593-033-022 Ave B00-009-736 0 SFD R 0 5287-011-026 5287-011-026 8133-35 Artson St B00-010-701 8594-007-027 8594-007-027 9261 Guess St B00-010-918 SFD O 0 SFD O 0 8593-003-016 8593-003-016 9541-43 Guess St B00-011-520 8056-60 Emerson SFD R 5287-030-058 5287-030-058 PI B00-011-556 0 8056-60 Emerson SFD R 5287-030-058 5287-030-058 PI B00-011-558 0' 8056-60 Emerson SFD R 5287-030-058 5287-030-058 PI B00-011-560 0 7708-12 Columbia SFD R 5286-036-004 5286-036-004 St B00-011-021 0 5284-015-037 5284-015-037 2619-21 Pine St B00-012-061 I SFD 1 O 1 1 0' 5284-015-037 5284-015-037 2619-21 Pine St I IBOO-012-062 I SFD 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0' TABLE A2 TAB 1 Ir P P7 7442-44 Whitmore v vi i 5286-018-009 5286-018-009 Ave B00-011-809 SFD R 0' 8594-011-024 8594-011-024 9303-05 Ralph St B00-012-432 SFD O 0 5372-011-020 5372-011-020 4535-37 Delta Ave B00-011-543 SFD O 0 3320-24 Prospect SFD R 5286-014-036 5286-014-036 Ave B00-012-246 0` 3320-24 Prospect 5286-014-036 5286-014-036 Ave B00-012-247 SFD R 0, 3320-24 Prospect 5286-014-036 5286-014-036 Ave B00-012-248 SFD R 0 8594-007-018 8594-007-018 9316 Steele St B00-012-945 SFD R 0: 5283-036-038 5283-036-038 8263-67 Keim St B00-012-891 SFD O 0` 5283-036-038 5283-036-038 8263-67 Keim St B00-012-892 SFD O 0 5286-016-008 5286-016-008 7428-34 Emerson B00-012-815 SFD O 0' 3157-59 Muscatel SFD O 5289-009-051 5289-009-051 Ave B00-013-621 0 3157-59 Muscatel SFD O 5289-009-051 5289-009-051 Ave B00-013-622 0; 8593-020-024 8593-020-024 9626 Marshall St B00-012-462 SFD O 0 3254-56 Alanreed 5287-028-015 5287-028-015 Ave B00-012-973 SFD O 0; 5390-009-023 5390-009-023 8737 Ralph St B00-009-648 ADU O 0 2608-10 ADU 5284-029-012 5284-029-012 Strathmore Ave B00-010-334 R 0'. 7855-57 Dorothy 5287-019-004 5287-019-004 St B00-010-993 ADU O 0 8594-007-027 8594-007-027 9263 Guess St B00-010-919 ADU O 5371-006-044 5371-006-044 3756 Charlotte Ave B00-009-856 ADU R 0' 5285-036-008 5285-036-008 2743 Evelyn Ave B00-010-349 ADU O 0 8594-012-008 8594-012-008 9357-59 Ralph St B00-011-317 ADU R 0 2514-16 Evelyn 5285-029-009 5285-029-009 Ave B00-010-373 ADU R 0 7442-44 Whitmore 5286-018-009 5286-018-009 St B00-012-605 ADU R 0 5389-003-051 5389-003-051 4842-44 Earle Ave B00-012-114 ADU O 0' 8594-011-024 8594-011-024 9303-05 Ralph St 800-012-433 ADU O 0' 3358-60 Kelburn 5287-022-009 5287-022-009 Ave 800-011-717 ADU R 0' 8302-06 Graves 5283-036-008 5283-036-008 Ave B00-011-602 ADU R Oi 8037-39 Newmark 5284-015-028 5284-015-028 Ave B00-012-460 ADU O 0 8594-011-045 8594-011-045 9211-13 Ralph St B00-011-622 ADU O 0= 8594-011-045 8594-011-045 9211-13 Ralph St B00-011-622 ADU O 0' 8594-007-026 8594-007-026 9265-67 Guess St B00-012-586 ADU R 0 5372-010-029 5372-010-029 4475-79 Delta Ave B00-010-912 ADU O 0 8309-11 Dorothy 5288-020-026 5288-020-026 Ave B00-013-167 ADU O 0 8800-02 Ramona ADU 5289-013-074 5289-013-074 Blvd B00-011-370 R 0 9041-43 Hershey 8595-004-009 8595-004-009 St B00-012-202 ADU O 0 3443-45 Charlotte 5288-013-010 5288-013-010 Ave B00-013-314 ADU O 0' 8594-015-026 8594-015-026 3818-20 Hart Ave B00-012-873 ADU O 0 5286-033-004 5286-033-004 3243-47 Isabel Ave B00-013-233 ADU R 0' 3823 Walnut Grove 5371-012-061 5371-012-061 Ave B00-013-362 ADU R 0 5389-003-037 5389-003-037 4802-06 Earle Ave B00-013-395 ADU 0 0` TABLE TAB 1 ADU 5288-019-023 5288-019-023 3303-05 Delta Ave B00-012-641 R 0 7842-44 Hershey ADU 5287-019-047 5287-019-047 St B00-011-658 O 0' 3152-56 Jackson ADU 5286-023-031 5286-023-031 Ave B00-013-570 O 0 5389-017-008 5389-017-008 4428-30 Ivar Ave 800-013-690 ADU O 0' 7518-20 Melrose ADU 5285-015-021 5285-015-021 Ave B00-013-708 R 0 9001-03 Hershey ADU 8595-004-001 8595-004-001 St 800-013-710 R 0' 3337-41 Bartlett ADU 5289-007-072 5289-007-072 Ave 800-013-628 R 0 8593-004-003 8593-004-003 3855-59 Ellis Ln B00-013-273 ADU O 0 3950-52 Rio Hondo ADU 8593-001-006 8593-001-006 Ave 800-013-588 R 0' ADU 5371-013-036 5371-013-036 3658-60 Earle Ave B00-011-982 R 0 4716-18 Willard ADU 5389-004-034 5389-004-034 Ave B00-013-818 R 0 3306-16 Jackson ADU 5286-034-013 5286-034-013 Ave B00-014-017 R 0 3402-04 Rockhold ADU 5288-015-018 5288-015-018 Ave 800-014-097 O 0' 3361-63 Muscatel ADU 5289-008-068 5289-008-068 Ave 800-014-028 O 0 3150-54 Angelus ADU 5288-006-042 5288-006-042 Ave 800-014-098 R 0 7726-28 Newmark ADU 5285-034-019 5285-034-019 Ave B00-014-338 R 0 8415-19 ADU 5283-026-026 5283-026-026 Klingerman St 800-014-267 R 0 ADU 5372-010-020 5372-010-020 4445-47 Delta Ave 800-014-586 O 0' 2423-25 La Presa ADU 5282-019-020 5282-019-020 Ave 800-014-645 O 0 0,' 0 0' 0` 0 0 0 0 0' 0' Oi 0` 0 0; 0' 0 0 0 0 TABLE A2 TAB 2 1 of 9 Table A2 Annual Building Activity Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units Project Identifier Affordability by Household Incomes - Building Permits 7 8 9 Very Low- Very Low- Low- Income Low- Income Moderate- Moderate- Above Building Permits # of Units Issued Current APN Street Address Project Name+ Income Deed Income Non Deed Non Deed Income Deed Income Non Moderate- Date Issued Building Permits Restricted Deed Restricted Restricted Restricted Restricted Deed Restricted Income 0 0 0 0 0 0 150 150 GPA 19-02, ZC 19- 3001 Walnut Grove 02, Tentative Tract 5288-001-040 0 Ave Map 82870, DR 19- 08, and CUP 20-08 8592-015-066 9238 Pitkin St DR 21-01 0 5390-015-076 8856 Guess St DR 21-02 0 5285-030-022 7731 Wasola St DR 21-03 0 5282-019-015 2447-49 La Presa 1 01/11/2021 1 Ave 5286-034-013 3306-16 Jackson 1 01/11/2021 1 Ave 5287-011-006 8129-31 Hellman 1 01/26/2021 1 Ave 8593-031-017 3744-46 Brookline 1 02/18/2021 1 Ave 5288-015-018 3402-04 Rockhold 02/18/2021 1 1 Ave 5289-008-068 3361-63 Muscatel 02/22/2021 1 1 Ave 8592-016-038 9353-55 Pitkin St 1 02/23/2021 1 5372-013-029 4616-18 Delta Ave 03/01/2021 1 1 5372-014-042 4430-32 Delta Ave 03/01/2021 1 1 5289-004-053 3139-41 Burton 1 03/02/2021 1 Ave 5289-004-062 3143-45 Burton 03/02/2021 1 1 Ave 5287-011-014 8114-16 Artson St 03/03/2021 1 1 5284-025-025 2550-52 Denton 03/04/2021 1 1 Ave 5284-020-001 2513-15 Falling 03/09/2021 1 Leaf Ave 1 8595-011-012 3020-22 Rosemead 03/09/2021 1 1 PI TABLE A2 TAB 2 2 of 9 5288-006-042 3150-54 Angelus 1 03/11/2021 1 Ave 5285-034-019 7726-28 Newmark 1 03/15/2021 1 Ave 8594-016-025 9116-18 Ralph St 03/15/2021 5286-015-027 3254-58 Prospect 03/17/2021 1 Ave 5389-010-057 4553 Muscatel Ave 1 03/18/2021 5391-003-038 4407-09 Muscatel 1 03/18/2021 1 Ave 5391-010-015 4400-02 Muscatel 1 03/23/2021 1 Ave 8593-013-007 3624-26 Rio Hondo 1 03/25/2021 1 Ave 5371-013-054 3655-57 Rockhold 1 03/30/2021 1 Ave 8593-011-001 9510-12 De 04/08/2021 1 Adalena St 8594-007-037 3914-16 Hart Ave 1 04/26/2021 1 3328-32 1 04/27/2021 1 5286-014-007 erospect A 5283-026-026 8415-19 1 05/03/2021 1 Klin erman St 5372-010-020 4445-47 Delta Ave 1 05/03/2021 1 5288-015-007 3432-34 Earle Ave 1 05/06/2021 1 5284-012-006 8047-49 Graves 1 05/11/2021 1 Ave 8594-013-016 9351-53 De 1 05/12/2021 1 Adalena St 5286-034-012 3300-02 Jackson 1 05/24/2021 1 Ave 5389-005-037 4883-85 Halkett 1 06/01/2021 1 Ave 5390-017-042 3642-46 Muscatel 1 06/01/2021 1 Ave 5285-029-006 7706-08 Wasola St 1 06/02/2021 1 5285-026-057 7640-42 Highcliff St 1 06/02/2021 1 8593-024-042 3836-38 Temple 1 06/07/2021 1 City Blvd 8593-024-041 3832-34 Temple 06/07/2021 1 City Blvd 1 5391-006-042 4109-11 Bartlett 1 06/10/2021 1 Ave 8593-020-009 3637-39 Temple 1 06/14/2021 1 City Blvd 5286-031-014 7707-09 Emerson 1 06/16/2021 1 PI 5289-013-070 8836-38 Ramona 1 06/17/2021 1 Blvd TABLE A2 TAB 2 3 of 9 5285-004-012 2711-13 Dequine 1 06/21/2021 1 Ave 8594-014-004 9239-41 De 1 06/22/2021 1 Adalena St 8594-013-015 9355-57 De 1 06/23/2021 1 i, Adalena St 5286-036-006 4618-20 Earle Ave 1 06/29/2021 1 5282-019-020 2423-25 La Presa 1 06/29/2021 1 Ave 5288-020-034 3335-37 Angelus 1 07/01/2021 1 Ave 5283-020-036 2436-38 Charlotte 1 07/08/2021 1 Ave 8594-028-014 9346-48 Glendon 1 07/12/2021 1 Way 8595-015-002 9122-24 Whitmore 1 07/21/2021 1 St 5389-005-036 8526-30 Grand Ave 1 07/26/2021 1 5371-012-051 8540-42 Shea PI 1 07/26/2021 1 8593-029-015 3524-26 Brookline 1 07/26/2021 1 Ave 5284-004-026 8103-05 Garvalia 1 07/28/2021 1 Ave 5371-005-028 3877-79 Delta Ave 1 08/02/2021 1 5391-015-021 9127-29 Bentel Ave 1 08/19/2021 1 5391-005-003 8646-48 Edmond 1 08/26/2021 1 Drive 5283-037-007 8236-38 Keim St 1 09/02/2021 1 8592-009-015 4202 Rio Hondo 1 09/08/2021 1 Ave 8908-12Guess 1 09/09/2021 1 5390-013-026 Ave, 5284-019-038 2546-50 Kelburn 1 09/13/2021 1 Ave 5284-019-038 2546-50 Kelburn 1 09/13/2021 1 Ave 5390-017-038 8828-30 Marshall 1 09/13/2021 1 St 5390-017-038 8828-30 Marshall 1 09/13/2021 1 St 5283-036-022 8253-55 Keim St 1 09/20/2021 1 8593-024-013 3827-31 Brookline 1 09/21/2021 1 Ave 8593-024-013 3827-31 Brookline 1 09/21/2021 1 Ave 5283-021-050 7624-26 Columbia 1 09/27/2021 1` St 5391-001-027 8617-19 Rio Dell 1 09/28/2021 1 Ave 5371-008-030 3828-30 Earle Ave 1 09/29/2021 1` TABLE AJ'TAB 2 4 of 9 5371-015-013 3612-16 Delta Ave 1 09/29/2021 1' 8594-014-006 9247-53 De 1 10/04/2021 1 Adalena St 8593-005-017 9436-38 Steele St 1 10/06/2021 1 5289-015-050 3425-27 Ivar Ave 1 10/06/2021 1 5289-009-055 3209-11 Muscatel 1 10/11/2021 1; Ave 8242-46 1 10/18/2021 1 5283-034-020 Klingerman St 5282-014-009 2518-20 Bartlett 1 10/18/2021 1 Ave 5282-014-010 2512-14 Bartlett 1 10/18/2021 1 Ave 8594-020-009 9347-49 Marshall 1 10/18/2021 1' St 8593-006-021 9427-29 Ralph St 1 10/18/2021 1 5285-010-012 7500-02 Fern Ave 1 10/18/2021 1 5391-008-010 4133-35 Muscatel 1 10/21/2021 1 Ave 8594-017-002 9060-62 De 1 10/25/2021 1 Adalena St 5287-025-021 3340-46 Eckhart 1 11/01/2021 1 Ave 5286-014-020 3345-47 Jackson 1 11/02/2021 1 Ave 5282-005-018 2728-30 Bartlett 1 11/08/2021 1 Ave 5372-013-039 4629-31 Earle Ave 1 11/10/2021 1 5391-011-033 4202-04 Ivar Ave 1 11/10/2021 1 5287-019-009 7911-13 Dorothy St 1 11/15/2021 1 8593-010-022 9423-25 De 1 11/15/2021 1 Adalena St 5391-004-004 8718-20 Edmond 1 11/22/2021 1 Dr 5373-033-021 8439-43 Grand Ave 1 11/29/2021 1 5286-016-002 7512-14 Emerson 1 12/01/2021 1 PI 5391-002-018 4422-24 Walnut 1 12/01/2021 1' Grove Ave 5285-033-014 7660-62 Newmark 1 12/02/2021 1 Ave 5287-014-032 3414-16 Kelburn 1 12/02/2021 1 Ave 8592-020-081 4552-56 Sultana 1 12/07/2021 1 Ave 5389-013-001 4614 Muscatel Ave 1 12/14/2021 1 5288-015-014 3419-21 Rockhold 1 12/15/2021 1 St TABLE A2 TAB 2 7n, &.' 5282-020-002 2506-08 Walnut 1 12/21/2021 1i Grove Ave 5390-013-026 8908-12 Guess St 1 11/18/2021 1' 5289-004-053 3139-41 Burton 1 3/2/2021 1 Ave 5289-004-062 3143-45 Burton 1 3/2/2021 1 Ave' 5287-025-016 3314-16 Eckhart 1 3/18/2021 1 Ave 5286-014-007 3328-32 Prospect 1 4/21/2021 1 Ave 5286-014-007 3328-32 Prospect 1 4/21/2021 1 Ave 5390-017-042 3642-46 Muscatel 1 6/1/2021 1 Ave 8593-024-042 3836-38 Temple 1 6/7/2021 1 City Blvd 8593-024-041 3832-34 Temple 1 6/7/2021 1 City Blvd 5289-013-070 8836-38 Ramona 1 6/17/2021 1 Blvd 8593-010-032 Rio Hondo 1 7/22/2021 1 Ave2 5389-005-036 8526-30 Grand Ave 1 7/26/2021 1 5287-018-021 3359 Kelburn Ave 1 8/18/2021 1 8593-024-013 3827-31 Brookline 1 9/21/2021 1 Ave 5283-034-020 8242-46 1 10/18/2021 1 Klingerman St 8593-010-022 9423-25 De 1 11/15/2021 1 Adalena St 5286-016-002 7512-14 Emerson 1 12/1/2021 1 PI 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit 2 10/13/2021 1 Bld 2 1 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit 10/13/2021 1 11 Bld 2 1 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit 1 1 10/13/2021 1 Bld 2 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit 10/13/2021 1 12 Bld 2 1 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit 3 10/13/2021 1 Bld 2 1 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit 6 10/13/2021 1 1 Bld 2 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit 7 10/13/2021 1; Bld 2 1 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit 10/13/2021 1 10 Bld 2 1 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit 5 10/13/2021 Bld 2 1 1 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit 8 10/13/2021 1 Bld 2 1 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit 4 10/13/2021 1 Bld 2 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit 9 1 10/13/2021 Bld 2 5288-003-057 8451 Lumen Unit 1 10/26/2021 28 Bld 1 5288-003-057 8451 Lumen Unit 1 10/26/2021 25 Bdl 1 5288-003-057 8451 Lumen Unit 1 10/26/2021 31 Bldg 1 5288-003-057 8451 Lumen Unit 10/26/2021 1 26 Bld 1 5288-003-057 8451 Lumen Unit 1 10/26/2021 30 Bld 1 5288-003-057 8461 Lumen Unit 10/26/2021 1 24 Bld 8 5288-003-057 8461 Lumen Unit 1 10/26/2021 23 Bld 8 5288-003-057 8451 Lumen Unit 1 10/26/2021 27 Bld 1 5288-003-057 8451 Lumen Unit 10/26/2021 1 29 Bld 1 5288-003-057 8452 Lumen Unit 1 11/16/2021 14 Bld 3 5288-003-057 8456 Lumen Unit 1 11/16/2021 15 Bld 4 5288-003-057 8456 Lumen Unit 11/16/2021 1 16 Bld 4 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit 1 11/16/2021 13 Bld 3 5288-003-057 8460 Lumen Unit 11/16/2021 1 17 Bld 5 5288-003-057 8460 Lumen Unit 1 11/16/2021 18 Bld 5 5288-003-057 8464 Lumen Unit 11/16/2021 1 19 Bld 6 5288-003-057 8464 Lumen Unit 11/16/2021 1 20 Bld 6 5288-003-057 8467 Lumen Unit 1 11/16/2021 21 Bld 7 5288-003-057 8467 Lumen Unit 11/16/2021 1 22 Bld 7 5285-004-021 2712-14 New Ave 5390-009-023 8735 Ralph St 5390-009-023 8735 Ralph St 8593-033-022 3846 Brookline Ave 8593-033-022 3846 Brookline Ave 5287-011-026 8133-35 Artson St 8594-007-027 9261 Guess St 8593-003-016 9541-43 Guess St 6 of 9 1' TABLE A2 TAB 2 I rif 0 8056-60 Emerson 0 5287-030-058 PI 8056-60 Emerson 0 5287-030-058 PI 8056-60 Emerson 0 5287-030-058 PI 7708-12 Columbia 0 5286-036-004 St 5284-015-037 2619-21 Pine St 0 5284-015-037 2619-21 Pine St 0- 7442-44 Whitmore 0- 5286-018-009 Ave 8594-011-024 9303-05 Ralph St 0 0 5372-011-020 4535-37 Delta Ave 3320-24 Prospect 0' 5286-014-036 Ave 3320-24 Prospect 0 5286-014-036 Ave 3320-24 Prospect 0 5286-014-036 Ave 8594-007-018 9316 Steele St 0` 5283-036-038 8263-67 Keim St 0' 5283-036-038 8263-67 Keim St 0 5286-016-008 7428-34 Emerson 0 3157-59 Muscatel 0 5289-009-051 Ave 3157-59 Muscatel 0 5289-009-051 Ave 8593-020-024 9626 Marshall St 0' 3254-56 Alanreed 0! 5287-028-015 Ave 5390-009-023 8737 Ralph St 0` 2608-10 0 5284-029-012 Strathmore Ave 0 5287-019-004 7855-57 Dorothy St 8594-007-027 9263 Guess St 01 0' 5371-006-044 3756 Charlotte Ave 5285-036-008 2743 Evelyn Ave 0' 8594-012-008 9357-59 Ralph St 0` 2514-16 Evelyn 0' 5285-029-009 Ave 7442-44 Whitmore 0 5286-018-009 St 0 5389-003-051 4842-44 Earle Ave 8594-011-024 9303-05 Ralph St 0' 3358-60 Kelburn 0' 5287-022-009 Ave 8302-06 Graves 0 5283-036-008 Ave TABLE A2 TAB 2 8 of 9 8037-39 Newmark 0; 5284-015-028 Ave 8594-011-045 9211-13 Ralph St 0 8594-011-045 9211-13 Ralph St 01 0' 8594-007-026 9265-67 Guess St 0` 5372-010-029 4475-79 Delta Ave 8309-11 Dorothy 0 5288-020-026 Ave 8800-02 Ramona 0 5289-013-074 Blvd 9041-43 Hershey 0 8595-004-009 St 3443-45 Charlotte 0 5288-013-010 Ave 8594-015-026 3818-20 Hart Ave 0 0 5286-033-004 3243-47 Isabel Ave 3823 Walnut Grove OI 5371-012-061 Ave 0': 5389-003-037 4802-06 Earle Ave 0 5288-019-023 3303-05 Delta Ave 7842-44 Hershey 0 5287-019-047 St 3152-56 Jackson 0 5286-023-031 Ave 5389-017-008 4428-30 Ivar Ave 0 7518-20 Melrose 0 5285-015-021 Ave 9001-03 Hershey 0' 8595-004-001 St 3337-41 Bartlett 0 5289-007-072 Ave 8593-004-003 3855-59 Ellis Ln 0i 3950-52 Rio Hondo 0 8593-001-006 Ave 0 5371-013-036 3658-60 Earle Ave 4716-18 Willard 0' 5389-004-034 Ave 3306-16 Jackson 0 5286-034-013 Ave 3402-04 Rockhold 0 5288-015-018 Ave 3361-63 Muscatel 0 5289-008-068 Ave 3150-54 Angelus 0! 5288-006-042 Ave 7726-28 Newmark 0 5285-034-019 Ave TABLE A2 TAB 2 9 of 9 8415-19 0 5283-026-026 Klingerman St 5372-010-020 4445-47 Delta Ave 0 2423-25 La Presa 0 5282-019-020 Ave 0 0 0' 0' 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0' OI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0! 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TABLE A2 TAB 3 1 OF 9 Table A2 Annual Building Activity Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units Proiect Identifier I Affordability by Household Incomes - Certificates of Occupancy 10 11 12 Certificates of # of Units issued Very Low- Very Low- Low- Income Low- Income Moderate- Moderate- Above Occupancy or other Certificates of Current APN Street Address Project Name+ Income Deed Income NonDeed Deed Non Deed Income Deed Income Non Moderate- forms of readiness Occupancy or Restricted Restricted Restricted Restricted Deed Restricted Income (see instructions) Date other forms of Restricted Issued readiness 0 0 0 0 0 0 73 73 GPA 19-02, ZC 19- 3001 Walnut Grove 02, Tentative Tract 0 5288-001-040 Ave Map 82870, DR 19- 08, and CUP 20-08 8592-015-066 9238 Pitkin St DR 21-01 0 5390-015-076 8856 Guess St DR 21-02 0 5285-030-022 7731 Wasola St DR 21-03 0 5282-019-015 2447-49 La Presa 0 Ave 5286-034-013 3306-16 Jackson 0 Ave 5287-011-006 8129-31 Hellman 0 Ave 8593-031-017 3744-46 Brookline 0 Ave 5288-015-018 3402-04 Rockhold 0 Ave 5289-008-068 3361-63 Muscatel 0 Ave 8592-016-038 9353-55 Pitkin St 0 5372-013-029 4616-18 Delta Ave 0 5372-014-042 4430-32 Delta Ave 0 5289-004-053 3139-41 Burton 0 Ave 5289-004-062 3143-45 Burton 0 Ave 5287-011-014 8114-16 Artson St 0 5284-025-025 2550-52 Denton 0 Ave 5284-020-001 2513-15 Falling 0 Leaf Ave 8595-011-012 3020-22 Rosemead 0 PI TABLE A2 TAB 3 5288-006-042 3150-54 Angelus _D Ave 5285-034-019 7726-28 Newmark 0 Ave 8594-016-025 9116-18 Ralph St 0; 5286-015-027 3254-58 Prospect 0 Ave 5389-010-057 4553 Muscatel Ave 0; 5391-003-038 4407-09 Muscatel 0` Ave 5391-010-015 4400-02 Muscatel 0` Ave 8593-013-007 3624-26 Rio Hondo 0` Ave 5371-013-054 3655-57 Rockhold 0' Ave 8593-011-001 9510-12 De 0' Adalena St 8594-007-037 3914-16 Hart Ave 0' 3328-32 Prospect 0 5286-014-007 Ave 5283-026-026 8415-19 0 Klinger an St 5372-010-020 4445-47 Delta Ave 5288-015-007 3432-34 Earle Ave 0` 5284-012-006 8047-49 Graves 0 Ave 8594-013-016 9351-53 De 0 Adalena St 5286-034-012 3300-02 Jackson 0 Ave 5389-005-037 4883-85 Halkett 0 Ave 5390-017-042 3642-46 Muscatel 0 Ave 5285-029-006 7706-08 Wasola St 0' 5285-026-057 7640-42 Highcliff St D' 8593-024-042 3836-38 Temple 0- City Blvd 8593-024-041 3832-34 Temple 0 CityBlvd 5391-006-042 4109-11 Bartlett _0 Ave 8593-020-009 3637-39 Temple 0` City Blvd 5286-031-014 7707-09 Emerson 0; PI 5289-013-070 8836-38 Ramona 0 Blvd TABLE A2 TAB 3 3OF9 5285-004-012 2711-13 Dequine 0' Ave 8594-014-004 9239-41 De 0; Adalena St 8594-013-015 9355-57 De 0` Adalena St 5286-036-006 4618-20 Earle Ave 0 5282-019-020 2423-25 La Presa 0; Ave 5288-020-034 3335-37 Angelus 0. Ave 5283-020-036 2436-38 Charlotte 0 Ave 8594-028-014 9346-48 Glendon 0` Way 8595-015-002 9122-24 Whitmore Oi St 5389-005-036 8526-30 Grand Ave 0 5371-012-051 8540-42 Shea PI 0 8593-029-015 3524-26 Brookline 0 Ave 5284-004-026 8103-05 Garvalia 0' Ave 5371-005-028 3877-79 Delta Ave 0 5391-015-021 9127-29 Bentel Ave 0 5391-005-003 8646-48 Edmond 0 Drive 5283-037-007 8236-38 Keim St 0 8592-009-015 4202 Rio Hondo 0 Ave 8908-12Guess 0 5390-013-026 Ave 5284-019-038 2546-50 Kelburn 0' Ave 5284-019-038 2546-50 Kelburn 0' Ave 5390-017-038 8828-30 Marshall 0 St 5390-017-038 8828-30 Marshall 0' St 5283-036-022 8253-55 Keim St 0 8593-024-013 3827-31 Brookline 0 Ave 8593-024-013 3827-31 Brookline 0 Ave 5283-021-050 7624-26 Columbia 0 St 5391-001-027 8617-19 Rio Dell 0 Ave 5371-008-030 3828-30 Earle Ave 0I TABLE A2 TAB 3 4OF9 5371-015-013 3612-16 Delta Ave 0 8594-014-006 9247-53 De 0' Adalena St 8593-005-017 9436-38 Steele St 0 5289-015-050 3425-27 Ivar Ave 0 5289-009-055 3209-11 Muscatel 0 Ave 8242-46 5283-034-020 0 Klingerman St 5282-014-009 2518-20 Bartlett 0` Ave 5282-014-010 2512-14 Bartlett 0 Ave 8594-020-009 9347-49 Marshall 0 St 8593-006-021 9427-29 Ralph St 0 5285-010-012 7500-02 Fern Ave 0 5391-008-010 4133-35 Muscatel 0 Ave 8594-017-002 9060-62 De 0 Adalena St 5287-025-021 3340-46 Eckhart 0 Ave 5286-014-020 3345-47 Jackson 0 Ave 5282-005-018 2728-30 Bartlett 0 Ave 5372-013-039 4629-31 Earle Ave 0' 5391-011-033 4202-04 Ivar Ave 0 5287-019-009 7911-13 Dorothy St 0 8593-010-022 9423-25 De 0 Adalena St 5391-004-004 8718-20 Edmond 0' Dr 5373-033-021 8439-43 Grand Ave 0 5286-016-002 7512-14 Emerson D PI 5391-002-018 4422-24 Walnut 0 Grove Ave 5285-033-014 7660-62 Newmark 0' Ave 5287-014-032 3414-16 Kelburn 0 Ave 8592-020-081 4552-56 Sultana 0 Ave 5389-013-001 4614 Muscatel Ave 0 5288-015-014 3419-21 Rockhold 0 St TABLE A2 TAB 3 5282-020-002 2506-08 Walnut 0 Grove Ave 5390-013-026 8908-12 Guess St 0 5289-004-053 3139-41 Burton 0 Ave 5289-004-062 3143-45 Burton 0 Ave 5287-025-016 3314-16 Eckhart 0 Ave 5286-014-007 3328-32 Prospect 0 Ave 5286-014-007 3328-32 Prospect 0 Ave 5390-017-042 3642-46 Muscatel 0+ Ave 3836-38 Temple 0 8593-024-042 City Blvd 3832-34 Temple 0 8593-024-041 Citv Blvd 5289-013-070 8836-38 Ramona 0' Blvd 3802 Rio Hondo 0 8593-010-032 Ave 5389-005-036 8526-30 Grand Ave 0; 5287-018-021 3359 Kelburn Ave 0` 8593-024-013 3827-31 Brookline 0 Ave 8242-46 0 5283-034-020 Klingerman St 8593-010-022 9423-25 De 0 Adalena St 5286-016-002 7512-14 Emerson 0 PI 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit 2 0' Bld 2 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit 0 11 Bld 2 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit 1 0' BId 2 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit 0 12 Bld 2 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit 3 0 Bld 2 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit 6 0 Bld 2 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit 7 0 Bld 2 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit 0 10 Bld 2 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit 5 0 Bld 2 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit 8 0 Bld 2 TABLE A2 TAB 3 6OF9 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit 4 0 Bld 2 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit 9 0 Bld 2 5288-003-057 8451 Lumen Unit 0 28 Bld 1 5288-003-057 8451 Lumen Unit p 25 Bdl 1 5288-003-057 8451 Lumen Unit 0' 31 Bldg 1 5288-003-057 8451 Lumen Unit 0 26 Bld 1 5288-003-057 8451 Lumen Unit 0 30 Bld 1 5288-003-057 8461 Lumen Unit 0 24 Bld 8 5288-003-057 8461 Lumen Unit 0 23 Bld 8 5288-003-057 8451 Lumen Unit 0 27 Bld 1 5288-003-057 8451 Lumen Unit 0 29 Bld 1 5288-003-057 8452 Lumen Unit 0 14 Bld 3 5288-003-057 8456 Lumen Unit 0 15 Bld 4 5288-003-057 8456 Lumen Unit 0 16 Bld 4 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit 0 13 Bld 3 5288-003-057 8460 Lumen Unit 0 17 Bld 5 5288-003-057 8460 Lumen Unit 0` 18 Bld 5 5288-003-057 8464 Lumen Unit 0 19 Bld 6 5288-003-057 8464 Lumen Unit 0 20 Bld 6 5288-003-057 8467 Lumen Unit 0 21 Bld 7 5288-003-057 8467 Lumen Unit 0 22 Bld 7 5285-004-021 2712-14 New Ave 1 10/8/2021 1' 5390-009-023 8735 Ralph St 1 2/3/2021 1 5390-009-023 8735 Ralph St 1 2/3/2021 1 1 1 8593-033-022 3846 Brookline Ave 3/26/2021 1 1 8593-033-022 3846 Brookline Ave 3/26/2021 1 1 5287-011-026 8133-35 Artson St 4/26/2021 8594-007-027 9261 Guess St 1 7/16/2021 1 1 1 8593-003-016 9541-43 Guess St 8/18/2021 TABLE A2 TAB 3 8056-60 Emerson 1 1 5287-030-058 PI 8/17/2021 8056-60 Emerson 1 1 5287-030-058 PI 8/17/2021 8056-60 Emerson 1 1 5287-030-058 PI 8/17/2021 7708-12 Columbia 1 1 5286-036-004 St 6/3/2021 5284-015-037 2619-21 Pine St 1 6/23/2021 1 5284-015-037 2619-21 Pine St 1 6/23/2021 1I 7442-44 Whitmore 1 1 5286-018-009 Ave 3/30/2021 8594-011-024 9303-05 Ralph St 1 2/18/2021 1 1 1 5372-011-020 4535-37 Delta Ave 3/10/2021 3320-24 Prospect 1 1 5286-014-036 Ave 3/22/2021 3320-24 Prospect 1 1 5286-014-036 Ave 3/22/2021 3320-24 Prospect 1 1 5286-014-036 Ave 3/22/2021 8594-007-018 9316 Steele St 1 10/27/2021 1 5283-036-038 8263-67 Keim St 1 10/21/2021 1' 5283-036-038 8263-67 Keim St 1 10/21/2021 5286-016-008 7428-34 Emerson 1 3/26/2021 1 3157-59 Muscatel 1 1 5289-009-051 Ave 10/20/2021 3157-59 Muscatel 1 1 5289-009-051 Ave 10/20/2021 8593-020-024 9626 Marshall St 1 12/7/2021 1 i 3254-56 Alanreed 1 1 5287-028-015 Ave 9/9/2021 5390-009-023 8737 Ralph St 1 2/3/2021 1 2608-10 1 1 5284-029-012 Strathmore Ave 4/13/2021 1 1 5287-019-004 7855-57 Dorothy St 7/14/2021 8594-007-027 9263 Guess St 1 7/16/2021 1 1 1 5371-006-044 3756 Charlotte Ave 2/5/2021 5285-036-008 2743 Evelyn Ave 1 10/4/2021 1 8594-012-008 9357-59 Ralph St 1 4/20/2021 1 2514-16 Evelyn 1 1 5285-029-009 Ave 4/22/2021 7442-44 Whitmore 1 1 5286-018-009 St 4/13/2021 1 1 5389-003-051 4842-44 Earle Ave 1/14/2021 8594-011-024 9303-05 Ralph St 1 2/18/2021 1 3358-60 Kelburn 1 1 5287-022-009 Ave 5/21/2021 8302-06 Graves 1 1 5283-036-008 Ave 7/1/2021 8037-39 Newmark 1 1 5284-015-028 Ave 7/1/2021 8594-011-045 9211-13 Ralph St 1 10/7/2021 1 8594-011-045 9211-13 Ralph St 1 10/7/2021 1' 1 1 8594-007-026 9265-67 Guess St 1/11/2021 1 1' 5372-010-029 4475-79 Delta Ave 4/20/2021 8309-11 Dorothy 1 1 5288-020-026 Ave 1/20/2021 8800-02 Ramona 1 1 5289-013-074 Blvd 10/21/2021 9041-43 Hershey 1 1 8595-004-009 St 5/12/2021 3443-45 Charlotte 1 1 5288-013-010 Ave 3/29/2021 8594-015-026 3818-20 Hart Ave 1 5/13/2021 1 1 1 5286-033-004 3243-47 Isabel Ave 19/23/2021 5/6/2021 3823 Walnut Grove 1 1 5371-012-061 Ave 1 1 5389-003-037 4802-06 Earle Ave 9/23/2021 1 1 5288-019-023 3303-05 Delta Ave 9/30/2021 7842-44 Hershey 1 1 5287-019-047 St 9/27/2021 3152-56 Jackson 1 1 5286-023-031 Ave 9/21/2021 5389-017-008 4428-30 Ivar Ave 1 1/19/2021 1' 7518-20 Melrose 1 1 5285-015-021 Ave 3/2/2021 9001-03 Hershey 1 1 8595-004-001 St 6/15/2021 3337-41 Bartlett 1 1 5289-007-072 Ave 6/23/2021 8593-004-003 3855-59 Ellis Ln 1 7/2/2021 1 3950-52 Rio Hondo 1 1 8593-001-006 Ave 3/12/2021 1 1 5371-013-036 3658-60 Earle Ave 12/20/2021 4716-18 Willard 1 1 5389-004-034 Ave 3/25/2021 3306-16 Jackson 1 1 5286-034-013 Ave 6/23/2021 3402-04 Rockhold 1 1 5288-015-018 Ave 8/11/2021 3361-63 Muscatel 1 1 5289-008-068 Ave 10/21/2021 3150-54 Angelus 1 1 5288-006-042 Ave 4/6/2021 7726-28 Newmark 1 1 5285-034-019 Ave 8/16/2021 TABLE A2 TAB 3 9OF9 8415-19 5283-026-026 Klingerman St I 1 12/20/2021 1 5372-010-020 4445-47 Delta Ave 1 9/30/2021 1 2423-25 La Presa 5282-019-020 Ave 1 11/2/2021 0 0` 0 0'' 0 0 0 0`' 0 0; 0` 0 0 0 0 0' 0'i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0`,' 0 0 0' 0 0 0+ 0` 0 0` 0` 0 0 0 0< 0 0 0` 0 0 TABLE A2 TAB 4 1 OF 5 Table A2 Annual Building Activitv Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units Housing without FinancialTerm Project Identifier Streamlining Infill Housing with Financial Assistance Assistance or Deed of Affordability Demolished/Destroyed Units Density Bonus and/or Deed Restrictions Restrictions or Deed Restriction 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Number of Other For units affordable without Total Density Bonus Applied to Incentives, List the incentives, How many of the Was Project APPROVED using Assistance Programs Deed Restriction financial assistance or deed restrictions, explain how the Term of Affordability or Number of Demolished/Des the Project (Percentage Concessions, Waivers, concessions, waivers, and Did the project receive a Current APN Street Address project Name` units were GC 65913.4(b)7 Infill Units? for Each Development Type locality determined the units Deed Restriction (years) Demolished or Demolished/Dest troyed Units Increase in Total Allowable or Other Modifications modifications reduction or waiver of Extremely Low (SB 35 Streamlining) Y/N` (may select multiple - (may select multiple were affordable (if affordable in perpetuity Destroyed Units toyed Units Owner or Renter Units or Total Maximum Given to the Project (Excluding Parking parking standards? (Y/N) Income?` Y/N see instructions) see instructions) (see instructions) enter 1000)` Allowable Residential Gross (Excluding Parkin ( 9 g Waivers or Parking Floor Area) Waivers or Parking Modifications) Reductions) 0 0 0 0 GPA 19-02, ZC 19 - Development 5288-001-040 3001 Walnut Grove 02, Tentative Tract N N DB 50 35.0% 1/2/1900 Standards Yes Ave Map 82870, DR 19- Modification 08 and CUP 20-08 8592-015-066 9238 Pitkin St DR 21-01 N Y 5390-015-076 8856 Guess St DR 21-02 N Y 5285-030-022 7731 Wasola St DR 21-03 N Y 5282-019-015 2447-49 La Presa N Y Ave 5286-034-013 3306-16 Jackson N Y Ave 5287-011-006 6129-31 Hellman N Y Ave 8593-031-017 3744-46 Brookline N Y Ave 5288-015-018 3402-04 Rockhold N Y Ave 5289-008-068 3361-63 Muscatel N Y Ave 6592-016-038 9353-55 Pitkin St N Y 5372-013-029 4616-18 Delta Ave N Y 5372-014-042 4430-32 Delta Ave N Y 5289-004-053 3139-41 Burton N Y Ave 5269-004-062 3143-45 Burton N Y Ave 5287-011-014 8114-16 Artson St N Y 5284-025-025 2550-52 Denton N Y Ave 5284-020-001 2513-15 Falling N Y Leaf Ave 8595-011-012 3020-22 Rosemead N Y PI 5288-006-042 3150-54 Angelus N Y Ave 5285-034-019 7726-28 Newmark N Y Ave 8594-016-025 9116-18 Ralph St N Y 5286-015-027 3254-58 Prospect N Y Ave 5389-010-057 4553 Muscatel Ave N Y 5391-003-038 4407-09 Muscatel N Y Ave 5391-010-015 4400-02 Muscatel N Y Ave 8593-013-007 3624-26 Rio N Y Hondo Ave 5371-013 054 3655-57 Rockhold N Y Ave 8593-011-001 9510-12 De N Y Adalena St 8594-007-037 3914-16 Hart Ave N Y 5286-014-007 3328-32Prospect N Y A 5283-026-026 8415-19 N Y Klingerman St 5372-010-020 4445-47 Delta Ave N Y 5288-015-007 3432-34 Earle Ave N Y 5284-012-006 8047-49 Graves N Y Ave 8594-013-016 9351-53 De N Y Adalena St 5286-034-012 3300-02 Jackson N Y Ave TABLE A2 .B. 5389-005-037 4883-85 Halkett N Y 5391-015-021 Ave N Y 5390-017-042 3642-46 Muscatel N Y 5391-005-003 Ave N Y 5285-029-006 7706-08 Wasola St N Y 5285-026-057 7640-42 Highcliff N Y 8592-009-015 St N Y 8593-024-042 3836-38 Temple N Y 5390-013-026 City Blvd N Y 8593-024-041 3832-34 Temple N Y 5284-019-038 City Blvd N Y 5391-006-042 4109-11 Bartlett Ave N Y 8593-020-009 3637-39 Temple N Y City Blvd 5286-031-014 7707-09 Emerson N Y PI 5289-013-070 8836-38 Ramona N Y Blvd 5285-004-012 2711-13 Dequine N Y 8593-024-013 Ave N Y 8594-014-004 9239-41 De N Y 8593-024-013 Adalena St N Y 8594-013-015 9355-57 De N Y 5283-021-050 Adalena St N Y 5286-036-006 4618-20 Earle Ave N Y 5282-019-020 2423-25 La Presa N Y Ave 5288-020-034 3335-37 Angelus N Y Ave 5283-020-036 2436-38 Charlotte N Y Ave 8594-028-014 9346-48 Glendon N Y Way 8595-015-002 9122-24 Whitmore N Y St 5369-005-036 18526-30 Grand N Y 8593-029-015 3524-26 Brookline N Y Ave 5284-004-026 8103-05 Garvalia N Y Ave 5371-005-028 3877-79 Delta Ave N Y 5391-015-021 9127-29 Bentel N Y Ave 5391-005-003 8646-48 Edmond N Y Drive 5283-037-007 8236-38 Kelm St N Y 8592-009-015 4202 Rio Hondo N Y Ave 5390-013-026 8908-12Guess N Y Ave 5284-019-038 2546-50 Kelburn N Y Ave 5284-019-038 2546-50 Kelburn N Y Ave 5390-017-038 8828-30 Marshall N Y St 5390-017-038 8828-30 Marshall N Y St 5283-036-022 8253-55 Kelm St N Y 8593-024-013 3827-31 Brookline N Y Ave 8593-024-013 3827-31 Brookline N Y Ave 5283-021-050 7624-26 Columbia N Y St 5391-001-027 8617-19 Rio Dell N Y Ave 5371-008-030 3828-30 Earle Ave N Y b6f I-uI o-uI6 5283-034-020 8593-010-022 9423-25 De N Y Adalena St 5391-004-004 8718-20 Edmond N Y Dr 5373-033-021 8439-43 Grand N Y 5288-015-014 Ave N Y 5286-016-002 7512-14 Emerson N Y 5282-020-002 PI N Y 5391-002-018 4422-24 Walnut N Y 5390-013-026 Grove Ave N Y 5285-033-014 /bbu-tie NewmarK Ave 5287-014-032 3414-16 Kelburn N Y Ave 8592-020-081 4552-56 Sultana N Y Ave 5389-013-001 4614 Muscatel Ave N Y 5288-015-014 3419-21 Rockhold N Y St 5282-020-002 2506-08 Walnut N Y Grove Ave 5390-013-026 8908-12 Guess St N Y 5289-004-053 3139-41 Burton N Y Ave 5289-004-062 3143-45 Burton N Y Ave 5287-025-016 3314-16 Eckhart N Y Ave 5286-014-007 3328-32 Prospect N Y Ave 5286-014-007 3328-32 Prospect N Y Ave 5390-017-042 3642-46 Muscatel N Y Ave 8593-024-042 3836-38 Temple N Y City Blvd 8593-024-041 3832-34 Temple N Y City Blvd 5289-013-070 8836-38 Ramona N Y Blvd 8593-010-032 3802 Rio Hondo N Y Ave 5389-005-036 8526-30 Grand N Y Ave 5287-018-021 3359 Kelburn Ave N Y 8593-024-013 3827-31 Brookline N Y Ave 5283-034-020 8242-46 N Y Klingerman St 8593-010-022 9423-25 De N Y Adalena St 5286-016-002 7512-14 Emerson N Y PI 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit N Y 2 Bld, 2 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit N Y 11 Bld 2 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit N Y Bldg2 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit N Y 12 Bld_ 2 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit N Y 3 Bld 2 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit N Y 6 Bld 2 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit N Y 7 Bld 2 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit N Y 10 BIdg2 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit N Y 5 BIdg2 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unil N Y 8 BIdg2 TABLE A2 .B. OF 5 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit N Y 4 BIdg2 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit N Y 9 Bid 2 5288-003-057 8451 Lumen Unit N Y 28 Bld 1 5288-003-057 8451 Lumen Unit N Y 25 Bdl 1 5288-003-057 8451 Lumen Unit N Y 31 Bid 1 5288-003-057 8451 Lumen Unit N Y 26 Bid 1 5288-003-057 8451 Lumen Unit N Y 30 Bld 1 5288-003-057 8461 Lumen Unit N Y 24 Bld 8 5288-003-057 8461 Lumen Unit N Y 23 Bldg8 5288-003-057 8451 Lumen Unit N Y 27 Bldg1 5288-003-057 8451 Lumen Unit N Y 29 Bld 1 5288-003-057 8452 Lumen Unit N Y 14 BIdg3 5288-003-057 8456 Lumen Unit N Y 15 Bld 4 5288-003-057 8456 Lumen Unit N Y 16 Bldq4 5288-003-057 8448 Lumen Unit N Y 13 Bld 3 5288-003-057 8460 Lumen Unit N Y 17 Bldgs 5288-003-057 8460 Lumen Unit N Y 18 Bldq5 5288-003-057 8464 Lumen Unit N Y 19 BIdg6 5288-003-057 8464 Lumen Unit N Y 20 Bld 6 5288-003-057 8467 Lumen Unit N Y 21 Bldg? 5288-003-057 8467 Lumen Unit N Y 22 Bldq7 5285-004-021 2712-14 New Ave N Y 5390-009-023 8735 Ralph St N Y 5390-009-023 8735 Ralph St N Y 3846 Brookline N Y 8593-033-022 Ave 3846 Brookline N Y 8593-033-022 Ave N Y 5287-011-026 8133-35 Artson St 8594-007-027 9261 Guess St N Y N Y 8593-003-016 9541413 Guess St 8056-60 Emerson N Y 5287-030-058 PI 8056-60 Emerson N Y 5287-030-058 PI 8056-60 Emerson N Y 5287-030-058 PI 7708-12 Columbia N Y 5286-036-004 St 5284-015-037 2619-21 Pine St N Y 5284-015-037 2619-21 Pine St N Y 7442-44 Whitmore N Y 5286-018-009 Ave 8594-011-024 9303-05 Ralph St N Y N Y 5372-011-020 4535-37 Delta Ave 3320-24 Prospect N Y 5286-014-036 Ave 3320-24 Prospect N Y 5286-014-036 Ave 3320-24 Prospect N Y 5286-014-036 Ave 8594-007-018 9316 Steele St N Y 5283-036-038 8263-67 Keim St N Y 5283-036-038 8263-67 Keim St N Y 5286-016-008 7428-34 Emerson N Y 3157-59 Muscatel N Y 5289-009-051 Ave 3157-59 Muscatel N Y 5289-009-051 Ave 8593-020-024 9626 Marshall St N Y 3254-56 Alanreed N Y 5287-028-015 Ave 5390-009-023 8737 Ralph St N Y 2608-10 N Y 5284-029-012 Strathmore Ave TABLE A2 TAB 4 7855-57 Dorothy N Y 5287-019-004 St 8594-007-027 9263 Guess St N Y N Y 5371-006-044 3756 Charlotte Ave 5285-036-008 2743 Evelyn Ave N Y 8594-012-008 9357-59 Ralph St N Y 2514-16 Evelyn N Y 5285-029-009 Ave 7442-44 Whitmore N Y 5286-018-009 St N Y 5389-003-051 4842-44 Earle Ave 8594-011-024 9303-05 Ralph St N Y 3358-60 Kelburn N Y 5287-022-009 Ave 8302-06 Graves N Y 5283-036-008 Ave 8037-39 Newmark N Y 5284-015-028 Ave 8594-011-045 9211-13 Ralph St N Y 8594-011-045 9211-13 Ralph St N Y N Y 8594-007-026 9265-67 Guess St N Y 5372-010-029 4475-79 Delta Ave 8309-11 Dorothy N Y 5288-020-026 Ave 8800-02 Ramona N Y 5289-013-074 Blvd 9041-43 Hershey N Y 8595-004-009 St 3443-45 Charlotte N Y 5288-013-010 Ave 8594-015-026 3818-20 Hart Ave N Y 3243-47 Isabel N Y 5286-033-004 Ave 3823 Walnut N Y 5371-012-061 Grove Ave N Y 5389-003-037 4802-06 Earle Ave N Y 5288-019-023 3303-05 Delta Ave 7842-44 Hershey N Y 5287-019-047 St 3152-56 Jackson N Y 5286-023-031 Ave 5389-017-008 4428-30 Ivar Ave N Y 7518-20 Melrose N Y 5285-015-021 Ave 9001-03 Hershey N Y 8595-004-001 St 3337-41 Bartlett N Y 5289-007-072 jAve 8593-004-003 3855-59 Ellis Ln N Y 3950-52 Rio N Y 8593-001-006 Hondo Ave N Y 5371-013-036 3658-60 Earle Ave 4716-18 Willard N Y 5389-004-034 Ave 3306-16 Jackson N Y 5286-034-013 Ave 3402-04 Rockhold N Y 5288-015-018 Ave 3361-63 Muscatel N Y 5289-008-068 Ave 3150-54 Angelus N Y 5288-006-042 Ave 7726-28 Newmark N Y 5285-034-019 Ave 8415-19 N Y 5283-026-026 Klingerman St N Y 5372-010-020 4445-47 Delta Ave 2423-25 La Presa N Y 5282-019-020 Ave Jurisdiction Rosemead Reporting Year 2021 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) Planning Period 5th Cycle 10/15/2013 - 10/15/2021 ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Housing Element Implementation (CCR Title 25 §6202) TABLE B This table Is auto -populated once you enter your jurisdiction name and current year data. Past year information comes from previous Al Please contact HCD if your data is different than the material supplied here Table B Regional Housing Needs Allocation Progress Permitted Units Issued by Affordability 1 2 3 4 Income Level RHNA Allocation by Income Level 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total Units to Date (all years) Total Remaining RHNA by Income Level VeryLow Deed Restricted 153 5 4 4 3 20 193 Non -Deed Restricted - - - - Deed Restricted 88 3 2 2 3 9 21 6Low Non -Deed Restricted - - - - Moderate Deed Restricted 99-51 !d4 48 Non -Deed Restricted 51Above Moderate 262 - - - 82 66 59 102 309 Total RHNA 602 Total Units 1 81 61 61 61 61 1421 661 591 1021 4011 248 Note: units serving extremely low-income households are included in the very low-income permitted units totals and must be reported as very low-income units. Please note: For the last year of the 5th cycle, Table B will only include units that were permitted during the portion of the year that was in the 5th cycle. For the first year of the 6th cycle, Table B will include units that were permitted since the start of the planning period. Please note: The APR form can only display data for one planning period. To view progress for a different planning period, you may login to HCD's online APR system, or contact HCD staff at apr@hcd.ca.gov. TABLE C Jurisdiction Rosemead ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Housing Element Implementation (CCR Title 25 §6202) Note: 'Y' indicates an optional field Cells In grey contain auto -calculation formulas J Reporting Year 2021 (Jan. 1 -Dec. 31) Planning Period 5th Cycle 10/15t2013 -10115/2021 Table C Sites Identified or Rezoned to Accommodate Shortfall Housing Need and No Net -Loss Law Project Identifier Date of Rezone RHNA Shortfall by Household Income Category Rezone Type Sites Description 1 2 3 4 5 1 6 7 6 9 10 11 APN Street Address Project Name' Local Jurisdiction Tracking ID` Above Moderate- Rezone Type Parcel Size Date of Rezone Very Low -Income Low -Income Moderate -Income Income Parcel General Plan Designation Zoning Minimum Density Allowed Maximum Realistic Description of Existing Density Allowed Capacity Vacant/Nonvacant Uses Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below TABLE D ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Housing Element Implementation (CCR Title 25 §6202) Jurisdiction Rosemead Reporting Year 2021 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) Table D Program Implementation Status pursuant to GC Section 65583 Housing Programs Progress Report Describe progress of all programs including local efforts to remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing as identified in the housing element. 1 2 3 4 Name of Program Objective Timeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation Owner Occupied To aid in the maintenance and preservation 2014-2021 Ongoing implementation of program with the approval of: Rehabilitation Program of the City's exiting affordable housing Handyman Grant — 1 stock and to promote, increase, and maintain homeownership for low- and Emergency Grant- 1 moderate -income. Down Payment Assistance Provide new homebuyers with loans for 2014-2021 Ongoing Program down payment of homes. Design Assistance To provide assistance in efforts to maintain 2014-2021 and preserve the existing housing stock. Ongoing Code Enforcement Preserve health and safety through code 2014-2021 enforcement standards. Ongoing Flood Hazard and Flood Internal consistency with other General 2014-2021 Management Information Plan Elements. Completed (2014) - reviewed annually and updated as needed (Compliance with AB 162 Infill Housing Development Increase housing stock and encouraging 2014-2021 Ongoing development on underutilized sites. New Residential Encourage the development of a range of 2014-2021 Ongoing Construction Programs housing types in a range of prices affordable to all Rosemead residents. Land Assemblage and Write- a) Provide funding for developments with at 2014-2021 a) Ongoing as funding allows b) Completed (2014) - updated annually Down least 20 percent of the units for low and moderate-income households. b) Prepare an Opportunity Sites list that includes available funding sources and make them available for public review at the Planning counter and on the City's website. Community Housing Increase housing stock and provide 2014-2021 Development Organization affordable housing units. Ongoing as funding allows CHDO Construction Adequate Sites Monitoring a) Maintain an up-to-date inventory of 2014-2021 a) Completed - updated annually b) Ongoing adequate housing sites for each income category. b) Evaluate identified capacity and identify additional sites as necessary. Opportunity Sites Marketing a) Continue maintaining an updated listing 2014-2021 a) Completed - updated annually b) Ongoing and Outreach of opportunity sites, using GIS to visually catalogue and display information about each site and the surrounding properties. b) Initiate contact with the West SGV Association of Realtors regarding residential development opportunities involving lot consolidation. Accessory Dwelling Units Update the Rosemead Municipal Code and 2014-2021 Updated ADU Ordinance in 2020 to reflect new state laws. develop standards for Accessory Dwelling Units. Development of Housing for a) Target funds from CDBG, HOME and 2014-2021 Ongoing Extremely Low-Income other sources to assist in the development Households of ELI units as necessary. b) Implement priority processing procedure for ELI housing development projects. Outreach for Persons with Develop an outreach program providing 2014-2021 Completed (provided through an ongoing contract by the Southern California Housing Developmental Disabilities information on housing options for persons Rights Center), with developmental disabilities through a variety of traditional and electronic media, as well as through faceto-face interaction. 1 Rental Assistance Continue participating in the HACoLA 2014-2021 Ongoing Section 8 program, Mobile Home Park Provide loans to low-income mobile home 2014-2021 Ongoing - HCD funds and administers this program; no mobile home parks have been Assistance Program (MPAP) park residents as funding is available. assisted in 2020. Fair Housing Program Support and promote equal housing 2014-2021 Completed (provided through an ongoing contract with the Southern California Housing opportunity services for Rosemead Rights Center). residents throughout the planning period. Conduct seminars at least once annually. TABLE E Jurisdiction Rosemead ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Note: Y' indicates an optional field Cells in Reporting Period 2021 (Jan.1-Dec. 31) Housing Element Implementation forrmula9reycontain auto -calculation Planning Period 5th Cycle 10115/2013 - 1 0/1 512021 (CCR Title 25 §6202) Annual Progress Report January 2020 Jurisdiction Rosemead Reporting Period 2021 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) Planning Period 5th Cycle 10/15/2013 - 1 0/1 512021 ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Housing Element Implementation (CCR Title 25 §6202) TABLE F Note: 'Y' indicates an optional field Cells in grey contain auto -calculation formulas Table F Units Rehabilitated, Preserved and Acquired for Alternative Adequate Sites pursuant to Government Code section 65583.1(c) Please note this table is optional: The jurisdiction can use this table to report units that have been substantially rehabilitated, converted from non -affordable to affordable by acquisition, and preserved, including mobilehome park preservation, consistent with the standards set forth in Government Code section 65583.1, subdivision (c). Please note, motel, hotel, hostel rooms or other structures that are converted from non-residential to residential units pursuant to Government Code section 65583. 1 (c)(1)(D) are considered net -new housing units and must be reported in Table A2 and not reported in Table F. Units that Count Towards RHNA Units that Do Not Count Towards RHW Note - Because the statutory requirements severely limit what can be Listed for Informational Purposes Only counted, please contact HCD to receive the password that will enable you to populate these fields. The description should adequately document how each Activity Type unit complies with subsection (c) of Government Code Section 65583.1 Extremely Low- Extremely Low Very Low- income' Very Low -Income' Low -Income' TOTAL UNITS' Income` Income` Low -Income+ TOTAL UNITS' Rehabilitation Activity 2 2 Preservation of Units At -Risk Acquisition of Units Mobilehome Park Preservation Total Units by Income 2 2 Annual Progress Report January 2020 TABLE G NOTE: This table must only be filled out if the housing element sites Jurisdiction Rosemead inventory contains a site which is or was owned by the reporting Note: "+" indicates an optional field jurisdiction, and has been sold, leased, or otherwise disposed of Cells in grey contain auto -calculation Reporting Period 2021 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) during the reporting year. formulas Planning Period 5th Cycle 10/15/2013 - 10/15/2021 ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Housing Element Implementation (CCR Title 25 §6202) Jurisdiction Rosemead an. 1 - ec. Reporting Period 2021 31) ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Housing Element Implementation (CCR Title 25 §6202) For Los Angeles County jurisdictions, please format the APN's as follows: 9999-999-999 TABLE H Note: 'Y' indicates an optional field Uens in grey contain auto -calculation formulas Table H Locally Owned Surplus Sites Parcel Identifier Designation Size Notes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 APN Street Address/Intersection Existing Use Number of Units Surplus Designation Parcel Size (in acres) Notes Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below Jurisdiction Rosemead Reporting Year 2021 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) Planning Period 5th Cycle 10/15/2013 - 10/15/2021 Building Permits Issued by Affordability Summary Income Level 0 Current Year Very Low Deed Restricted 0 Non -Deed Restricted 0 Low Deed Restricted 0 Non -Deed Restricted 0 Moderate Deed Restricted 0 Non -Deed Restricted 0 Above Moderate 45 150 Total Units 01 150 Note: Units serving extremely low-income households are included in the very low-income permitted units totals Units by Structure Type Entitled Permitted Completed SFA 0 0 0 SFD 3 16 28 2to4 0 0 0 5+ 42 31 0 ADU 0 103 45 MH 0 01 0 Total 45 150 73 Housing Applications Summary Total Housing Applications Submitted: 137 Number of Proposed Units in All Applications Received: 503 Total Housing Units Approved: 502 Total Housing Units Disapproved: 0 Use of SB 35 Streamlining Provisions Number of Applications for Streamlining 0 Number of Streamlining Applications Approved 0 Total Developments Approved with Streamlining 0 Total Units Constructed with Streamlining 0 Units Constructed - SB 35 Streamlining Permits Income Rental Ownership Total Very Low 0 0 0 Low 0 0 0 Moderate 0 0 0 Above Moderate 0 0 0 Total 0 1 0 1 0 Cells in grey contain auto -calculation formulas Jurisdiction Rosemead Reporting Year 2021 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31) ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) Reporting (CCR Title 25 §6202) Please update the status of the proposed uses listed in the entity's application for funding and the corresponding impact on housing within the region or jurisdiction, as applicable, categorized based on the eligible uses specified in Section 50515.02 or 50515.03, as applicable. Total Award Amount $ 150,000.00 Total award amount is auto -populated based on amounts entered in rows 15-26. Task $ Amount Awarded $ Cumulative Reimbursement Task Status Requested Other FundingNotes Housing Element update (6th $150,000.00 Cycle) $103,011.50 In Progress Local Awaiting HCD General Fund Certification Non -Deed Restricted 0 Moderate Deed Restricted 0 Non -Deed Restricted 0 Above Moderate 38 Total Units 45 Summary of entitlements, building permits, and certificates of occupancy (auto -populated from Table A2) Completed Entitlement Issued by Affordability Summary Income Level Current Year Very Low Deed Restricted 0 Non -Deed Restricted 0 Low Deed Restricted 7 Non -Deed Restricted 0 Moderate Deed Restricted 0 Non -Deed Restricted 0 Above Moderate 38 Total Units 45 Building Permits Issued by Affordability Summary Income Level Current Year Very Low Deed Restricted 0 Non -Deed Restricted 0 Low Deed Restricted 0 Non -Deed Restricted 0 Moderate Deed Restricted 0 Non -Deed Restricted 0 Above Moderate 150 Total Units 150 Certificate of Occupancy Issued by Affordability Summary Income Level Current Year Very Low Deed Restricted 0 Non -Deed Restricted 0 Low Deed Restricted 0 Non -Deed Restricted 0 Moderate Deed Restricted 0 Non -Deed Restricted 0 Above Moderate 73 Total Units 73