Creative Management Solutions, Inc.CITY OF ROSEMEAD A CREATIVE MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS, INC. Work Proposal. September 22, 2008 CRE47II/EMANAGL7b USOLMONS, INC • HUMAN RESOURCE CONSULTANTS,- September 22, 2008 Matthew E. Hawkesworth Assistant City Manager City of Rosemead 8838 E. Valley Boulevard Rosemead, CA 91770 City-Wide Classification, Total Com ensatio and Performance Evaluation Stud RFP# 2008-04: Dear Mr. Hawkesworth: Thank you for providing us with the opportunity to present our proposal to conduct a • Classification and Total Compensation Study for the City of Rosemead. Human Resources staff has addressed our questions related to the City's current compensation and benefits practices. The goals of the study and work requirements have been clearly identified in the City's Request-For-Proposal. This program will afford the opportunity to validate the City's market positioning with agencies that are part of an approved labor market definition and to consider total compensation practices. The work plan provides for the analysis of current full-time and part-time positions in order to establish appropriate job classifications and range assignments. Using an independent consultant will facilitate an effective analysis of all of the major compensation and benefits elements that are part of total compensation. We look forward to the opportunity to work with the City on this critical project. I can be reached at (714) 281-7300 if you should have any questions. Our fax number is (714) 281-3149 and you can also contact me directly via e-mail at barrycros@adelphia.net. Sincerely, IBR C. r~,~ n. Barry C. Newton, CCP and Managing Director Creative Management Solutions, Inc. (CMS) • 1 8205 East Somerset • Anaheim, Ca 92808-2315 . (714) 777-2409 . Fat (774) 281-3149 . WWW.CreafivemgtsolLdons.com City of Rosemead Classification, Total Compensation, and Performance Appralsal Study. CMS Work Agreement 0=2/08 A PROJECT INTRQDUCTION'LL The City of Rosemead is a General Law City incorporated in 1959 and located in the San Gabriel Valley. This municipality operates under a City Council/City Manager form of government. The City serves a population of over 60,000 residents and provides a range of in- house and contract services through nine departments. The City is seeking an independent total compensation analysis of its 65 regular full-time positions and 140 part-time positions. Under the City's classification plan, there are benefited and non-benefited part-time positions. All employees having full-time or three quarter time status are par of the merit compensation plan. The City's labor agreement provides that the City's salary ranges to be 4% of the market average as of July 1st of each year. The study will entail a job analysis of these positions to establish appropriate classifications, including essential functions, qualifications and modification of its job descriptions to depict current job functions, qualifications guidelines, and physical standards. The Consultant will be asked to present recommendations concerning the labor market definition and total compensation elements as part of the process. The total compensation analysis will include the collection and presentation • of market data, using approved benchmarks, and the presentation of oral and written recommendations related to the City's program. The work will be coordinated with the City Manager's Office, and.designated parties, and will include planning and orientation meetings and the documentation of classification and compensation procedures. This program is designed to achieve a number of important goals. First, the City will have current and representative classification specifications that can be used for recruitment, selection, training, and performance appraisal purposes, and will achieve conformance with ADA Guidelines. Second, appropriate survey benchmark jobs will be identified that will maximize the number of valid survey matches that can be drawn from the marketplace. Third, internal salary relationships charts will be available for establishing appropriate differentials for the City's classifications and recognizing the value of more unique job classifications. Fourth, the City's five-step pay structure will be evaluated to achieve an appropriate balance between market rates and internal job value and the City's benefit practices will be analyzed in relation to the marketplace to determine the extent to which the benefit elements and employer contributions are consistent with the labor market. Fifth, the impact of classification and compensation changes will be considered and action plan presented for the implementation of necessary equity adjustments, given consideration of the City's financial resources and labor practices. Finally, the Performance Appraisal Plan will be analyzed and improved, followed by training and orientation sessions with City Staff. • Creative Management Solutions, Inc City of Rosemead Classification, Total Compensation, and Performance Appraisal Study. CMS Work Agreement 0922108 . • B WORK PLAN I. Phase One: Project Planning and Communications Initiate project planning meetings with the Assistant City Manager and designated management personnel, and brief employee representatives as to the goals of the study and work plan. 2. Collect and review organizational and background materials, including the City's existing class specifications, salary resolutions related to different bargaining units, Personnel Rules, memorandums of understanding, and benefit summaries in order to develop a more complete understanding of the current total compensation plan, and to establish the City's labor market definition and factors to be evaluated in the survey. Review the Citys health and welfare plan contributions and certification and premium pay practices as part of total compensation. 3. Discuss job analysis procedures for reviewing the position description questionnaires and classification recommendations, and create employee and management appeals process. 4. Draft communications letter to introduce the study goals, work plan, and timeline for the • study; consider intranet and web-based applications for accessing study forms. 5. Conduct four orientation meetings with employees on scheduled date to provide overview of study and to explain how to complete the position questionnaires. II. Phase Two: Job Analysis and Employee Interviews 1. Review completed position description questionnaires and prepare follow-up inquiries for interviews with employees and supervisors; use City-provided records to verify status of received questionnaires. 2. Conduct interviews with managers, supervisors, and at least one employee in each of the City's job classifications; multiple incumbents may be interviewed at the same time in the same job classification for highly populated jobs. 3. Obtain work documents as needed to clarify employee responsibilities and job requirements; use related fact-finding techniques to establish job requirements, including physical standards. 4. Provide periodic status report to address major progress, as requested. Creative Management Solutions, Inc. (CMS) 2 0 City of Rosemead Classification, Total Compensation, and Performance Appraisal Study. CMS Work Agreement: 09=08 III. Phase Three: Development of Draft Class Specifications 1. Submit draft model class specification to show organization and format to be used for remaining jobs. 2. Write class specifications by studying position questionnaires, interview notes, organization charts, and related City documents. 3. Depict job identification information, distinguishing characteristics, essential functions, and qualifications, as well as physical standards. 4. Review and update preliminary class specifications to achieve greater consistency in experience, education, and certification requirements by occupational grouping and job level. 5. Determine benchmark job classifications that will be part of compensation analysis. 0 • IV. Phase Four- Presentation of Classification Plan and consideration of Management and Employee Appeals 1. Develop classification study analysis, including the job classifications by family and occupational grouping, and prepare Classification Maintenance Manual and Guidelines. 2. Recommend assignment of each position to the appropriate classification on the basis of position description questionnaires, interviews, and supporting data. 3. Presented update class specifications for review by City Manager's Office. 4. Consider and address management and employee concerns related to the recommendations using approved procedures. 5. Provide periodic status report to address major progress, as requested. Creative Management Solutlo Inc 3 City of Rosemead Classification, Total Compensation, and Perfonnance Appraisal Study: CMS Work Agreement 09/22108 V. Phase Five- Market Compensation Analysis 1. Contact survey participants to assure that valid data has been presented; address questions concerning benchmark job matches, salary plans, and benefit practices. 2. Present separate salary comparisons for each benchmark classification, based upon at least four benchmark job classifications, in relation to the prevailing market rate, given earlier planning discussions. 3. Conduct analysis of premium pay, health and welfare, paid time off, and long-term income contributions and present City's practices in relation to the market. 4. Show City's market positioning by job classification and occupational grouping. 5. Present study results related to the City's total compensation positioning, when accounting for salary and benefits plans. VI. Phase Six: Job Evaluation and Setting of Internal Salary Relationships 1. Establish the City's compensable job' evaluation factors, definitions, and levels, in conformance with the provisions of the Equal Pay Act, based on the Rosemead classifications, and considering skill, mental effort, responsibility, and working conditions, and recognizing changes in ADA and FMI A regulations, as well as OSHA standards. 2. Evaluate each job in order to establish internal hierarchy of classifications, using whole job method, factor comparison method, or point factor method of job evaluation, given prior management approval, and based upon factors such as scope and impact of responsibilities, knowledge, interfaces, supervision exercised and received, budgetary authority, and working conditions, as identified in the Classification Plan. 3. Develop internal salary relationships charts to depict appropriate differentials between classifications in job families, occupational groupings, and departments, so as to avoid and correct potential pay compaction issues. 4. Prepare and present guidelines associated with proper salary range differentials between classifications that can be used for future comparisons, including benchmark jobs acid directly related jobs; explain other criteria related to job evaluation factors and staffing levels to help distinguish separations in jobs. 5. Provide periodic status report to address major progress, as requested. • • Creative Management Solutions, Inc. (CMS) 4 0 • City of Rosemead Classification, Total Compensation,.and Performance Appraisal Study: CMS Work Agreement 09=08 VII. Phase Seven: Salary Range Recommendations and Cost Impact Analysis 1. Evaluate market survey rates in accordance with the City's target compensation rates and internal job value. 2. Analyze City's current pay structure design and determine whether it should be used or whether plan modifications should be adopted to improve alignment with City's Classification plan, job families, and market practices. 3. Assign jobs to salary ranges based upon results of internal job evaluation and market analysis. 4. Identify internal pay equity and compression issues, and recommend strategies to resolve compaction issues or to address pay rates not falling with pay ranges; consider placement in new ranges while validating the applicability of the City's Personnel Rules or past bargaining practices. 5. Prepare master Position Allocation Summary by employee name, job classification, and current and proposed pay range allocation, using City's personnel and payroll records. 6. Conduct cost analysis of current and proposed salary ranges, equity adjustments, and position within. new range, including timetable and methods for enacting pay adjustments. 0 Creative Management Solutions, Inc. (CMS) - 5 City of Rosemead Classification, Total Compensation, and Performance Appraisal Study: CMS Work Agreement: 09W08 VIII. Phase Eight: Preliminary and Final Classification and Compensation Plan Reports 1. Compile and submit Preliminary Classification and Total Compensation Report for review by management representatives, containing study background, findings, and recommendations, as well as study tables and supporting exhibits. 2. Develop and present Compensation Plan Implementation and Maintenance Guidelines for reclassification requests, pay structure updates, and related actions. 3. Consider and respond to questions related to speck classification changes and the implementation of revisions to compensation and/or benefit program practices from management and employees as part of the review process. 4. Analyze and respond to employee and management concerns, including potential appeals, and explain rationale for study recommendations in digest format. 5. Prepare updated Classification and Total Compensation Report to incorporate any staffing changes and review with City Manager's Office to address relevant information that may be needed in presenting the study results to the City Council. 6. Develop and present Final Classification and Total Compensation Report to the City Manager and members of the City Council and submit software files for archiving and future use. Creative Management Solutions, Inc. (CMS) 6 • 11 is City of Rosemead Classification, Total Compensation, and Performance Appraisal Study. CMS Work Agreement 0922108 IX. Phase Nine: Performance Appraisal Focus Group and Planning Meetings 1. Form Performance Appraisal Committee, Focus Groups, or similar forum to review current performance appraisal plan goals, procedures, and strengths and deficiencies of form design, rating practices, and content of the evaluation forms. 2. Study elements of forms, rating criteria, use of benchmarks, definitions, ratings, accessibility of information, calendars, sample comments, and rating distributions to identify system needs and improvements. 3. Consider and respond to questions related to specific appraisal plan changes and develop new forms, instructions, guidelines, and reference materials to improve the efficiency and defensibility of the plan and incorporate feedback from stakeholders. X. Phase Ten: Performance Appraisal Orientation and Training Sessions • 1. Develop Performance Appraisal Orientation Program materials for general employees as part of indoctrination in new plan design and evaluation practices; review and edit these materials following discussions with City Manager/Human Resources and management representatives. 2. Create Performance Appraisal Supervisory and Management Training materials related to performance appraisal form design, procedures, effective use of rating measures and comments sections, goal setting, disciplinary procedures, and other documentation methods; review and edit performance appraisal materials prior to presentation. 3. Conduct initial hall-day training program for department heads and representatives of the City Manager's Office; conduct a half-lay training program for supervisors and managers (these employees can attend one of three scheduled sessions); conduct one-hour orientation session for general employees (who would attend one of four scheduled sessions). 4. Initiate debriefing session with Human Resources and City Manager's Office to address any final remaining questions or comments related to the Performance Appraisal Plan. • Creature Management Solutions, Inc. (CMS) 7 City of Rosemead Classification, Total Compensation, and Performance Appraisal Study: CMS Work Agreement 0922108 • I Classification and Compensation: Project Planning, Introductory Communications, and Orientation Sessions; Creation of Total Compensation Elements and Benchmarkin Process II Classification: Job Analysis and Employee Interviews as Part of Classification IV V Compensation., Completion of Market Total Compensation Analysis VI Compensation: Internal Job Evaluation and Establishment of Appropriate Pro ect-Phase. ^ 7e Weeks antl binit s_of_EoFit letion , . = . I Second and Third Weeks of October II First Two Weeks of November III Third and Fourth Weeks of November and First Two Weeks of December IV Third and Fourth Weeks of December V Four Weeks of January VI First and Second Weeks of February VII Third and Fourth Weeks of February VIII First Week of March IX Second and Third Weeks of March X Fourth Week of March A Creative Management Solutions, Inc. (CMS) $ • • City of Rosemead Classification. Total Compensation, and Performance Appraisal Study: CMS Work Agreement 0922/08 The above services can be provided at a total cost not to exceed $52,920, based upon the required elements presented in this plan, including all telephone, labor, travel, administrative and minor reproduction and material expenses. This proposal is valid for a period of 90 days. The total cost of the study is separated below, in order to identify separate costs associated with the phases of the classification analysis and total compensation analysis. .Major Stud Elements.. Not-To-Exceed Cost . A. Classification Stud $29,295 B. Compensation Stud $15,255 C. Performance Appraisal System $8,370 Work will be billed at the completion of each phase, based on work completed to date for the tasks associated with, each phase. The scope of the work and project timeline provided can be modified at the mutual consent of the City of Rosemead and the Consultant, and the types of • services performed and costs can be adjusted as well. The payment schedule in relation to the total project cost is presented as follows: Phase I- 5%, Phase II-15% (two installments), Phase III- 30% (two installments), Phase IV- 5%, Phase V- 10%, Phase VI- 5%, Phase VII- 5%, and Phase VIII-10%, Phase IX- 5%, and Phase X- 10%. Payment is due within 30 days of the receipt of each invoice. Creative Management Solutions, Inc. (CMS) 9 City of Rosemead Classification, Total Compensation, and Performance Appraisal Study CMS Work Agreement 0922108 • E ADDITIONAL PROPOSAL. DATA a. Creative Management Solutions, Inc. is a California Corporation that specializes in classification, compensation and performance management services. The staff consists of four employees, with operations centered in Anaheim, California. The organization has been in business since 1989 and was originally founded as a sole proprietorship. The firm has served over 150 clients in the public, prorate and non-profit sectors. The fine has conducted similar studies for over 60 cities such as Anaheim, Brea, Buena Park, Colton, Corona, Covina, El Monte, Huntington Beach, Lake Forest, Long Beach, Los Alamitos, Mission Viejo, Newport Beach, Orange, Palo Alto, Paso Robles, San Clemente, San Dimas, San Jose, Santa Ana, Santa Maria, Stanton, Tustin, Vista, Whittier, and Yorba Linda. b. Examples of recent projects related to the assignment are as follows: City of Aliso Memo- City-v,de Classification Study, 2007. City of Anaheim- Management Unit Compensation Study, 2000. Planning Department Studies, 2001 and 2008. Performance Appraisal Plan Design and Training, 2000. City of Brea selected Classification and Compensation Analyses, 1992-2007. City of Buena Park- selected Classification and Compensation Analyses and City-Wide Classification Review, 198972008. City of Corona- Citywide Classification and Compensation Study, 2001-2002. - City of Lake Forest- Class, Compensation and Benefits Studies, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2008 and Performance Appraisal System Plan Designs, Upgrades, and Training-1999, 2003, and 2008. • City of Los Alamitos- Management and Separate Unit Compensation Studies, 2004-2008. Performance Appraisal Plan Design and Training for management and City Manager, 2006. City of Rancho Cucamonga- Selected Classification and Compensation Analyses, 2001- 2008. City of San Dimas- City-wide Classification and Compensation Study, 2002 and 2006. City of Stanton- Classification and Compensation Analyses,1999-2005, Citywide study, 2006. City of Vista- Classification and compensation analysis of selected positions, 2003-2006. Riverside County Transportation Commission- Agency Classification and Compensation Studies- 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, and 2007. Performance Appraisal Plan Design and Training, 1999 and 2004. Transportation Corridor Agencies- Agency wide and individual Classification and Compensation Studies, 1999-2008. C. The Consultant shall provide evidence of insurability, including Automotive, Workers' Compensation, General Liability, and Errors and Omissions Insurance in an amount not less than $1 million. The Consultant shall satisfy the City's requirements related indemnification, and avoidance of conflicts of interest. Creative Management Solutions, Inc. (CMS) 10 • • City of Rosemead Classification, Total Compensation, and Performance Appraisal Study: CMS Work Agreement 09=08 d. Additional Proposal Data: Recent References City of Lake Forest Marsha Davis, Human ResourceslRisk Manager 25550 CommerCentre Drive Lake Forest, CA 92630 (949) 461-3455 mdavis@ci,lakefbrestca.us City of Placentia Steve Pischel, Director of Administrative Services 401 E. Chapman Avenue Placentia, CA 92870 (714) 993-8141 spischel@placenta.org • City of Rancho Cucamonga George Rivera, Human Resources Officer 10500 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 807 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 (909) 477-2700 George. R ivera@cityofrc. u s • Creative Management Solutions, Inc. (CMS) 11 City of Rosemead Classification, Total Compensation, and Performance Appraisal Study: CMS Work Agreement 09122108 • e. As the chart indicates on the next page, Barry Newton will serve as Project Manager and Senior Consultant. Any of the employees that are shown in the resumes may be asked to assist with the study in order to better meet the City's needs and project timelines. Barry Newton will be at all planning and presentation meetings, evaluate the job descriptions, market salary data, internal salary relationships, pay structures, and total compensation plan contributions, and make recommendations for consideration by the City and its Associations. Mr. Newton will also be responsible for supervising and coordinating any tasks completed with the assistance of CMS staff. All CMS employees are cross-trained to perform a variety of compensation tasks. PROJECT WORK TEAM Barry Newton Managing Director (Project Manager/Senior Consultant yT I Cindy Harary Consultant .+F T4' I Larisa Cole Consultant • f. Role of Project Manager- Directs, coordinates, and participates in all project phases and tasks and coordinates work of consulting staff. Acts as primary client relationship manager. Role of Consultants- Participate in completion of project tasks and coordinate the collection and evaluation of information. The estimated allocation of work hours on the project will be as follows: Barry Newton, Project Manager. 60% Cindy Harary, Consultant: 20% Larisa Cole, Consultant: 20% Total =100% g. None of the work on this project will be performed by sub-contractors. All of the study work will be performed by employees of Creative Management Solutions, Inc., whose resumes have been presented. Creative Management Solutions, Inc. (CMS) 12 • • City of Rosemead Classification, Total Compensation, and Performance Appraisal Study: CMS Work Agreement 09/22/08 h. GOVERNING LAW The Agency and Consultant understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties, and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the municipal, superior, or federal district court with jurisdiction over the Agency. i. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the obligations of the parties described in this Agreement. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations, and statements, oral or written, are merged into this Agreement and shall be of no further force or effect. Each party is entering into this Agreement based solely upon the representations set forth herein and upon each party's own independent investigation of any and all facts such party deems material. i. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT is The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of Consultant warrants and represents that he/she has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Consultant and has the authority to bind Consultant to the performance of its obligations hereunder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. City of Rosemead Creative Management Solutions, Inc. By: By: t> . ?c Matthew E. Hawkesworth, Assistant City Manager Barry Newt n, Managing Director Date • Creative Management Solutions, Inc. n`t/22/Qg Date 13 City of Rosemead Classification, Total Compensation, and Performance Appraisal Study: CMS Work Agreement 09122188 • As founder of Creative Management Solutions, Inc., Mr. Newton specializes in classification, compensation management, and performance appraisal systems. Mr. Newton, and other associates of the firm, develop and implement customized plans, strategies and training programs for a diverse range.of clients. The firm was originated in 1989 and has served over 150 clients in the private, public and non-profit sectors since that time. Mr. Newton has a broad variety of corporate, administrative and consulting experience, including human resources management and compensation specialist positions with General Dynamics Corporation, Hay Management Consultants, California Institute of Technology and the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority. As a human resources consultant with over 30 years of experience in the field, Mr. Newton has worked with a diverse range of private and public sector clients. Examples of • private sector clients include Behr Process Corporation, Kingston Technology, Epicor Corporation, Knott's Berry Farm, Kwikset Corporation, Matda Healthcare, McGaw, Inc., National Bank of Southern California, National Education Corporation, Princess Cruises, Ricoh Electronics, Inc., and ViewSonic Corporation. Illustrations of public and non-profit sector clients have included over 60 cities, including major cities such as Anaheim, Long Beach, Palo Alto and San Jose, and coastal communities such as Encinitas, Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, and San Clemente, and smaller cities such as La Palma, Los Alamitos, and Stanton. Mr. Newton has worked with the Riverside County Transportation Commission, Transportation Corridor Agencies, Orange County Sanitation District, California State University at Fullerton, Goodwill Industries of Orange County, Orange County Head Start, and the Orange County Performing Arts Center. He serves as the Administrator for CalPACS, the on-line compensation and benefits database representing over 130 agencies in California. Mr. Newton holds a Master's degree with a specialization in management from the University of Southern California and a Bachelor's degree in the behavioral sciences from the University of California, Berkeley. He is a Certified Compensation Professional (CCP) as designated by the World At Work (formerly known as the American Compensation Association). He has been an instructor in Compensation Administration, Performance Appraisal, and Human Resources Management classes at the U.C. Irvine and U.C. Riverside Extension Programs for over 20 years. He has also served as a guest lecturer in the human resources practices with the Employers Group, CaIPELRA, PIHRA, SCPMA, and various professional organizations. Creative Management Solutions, Inc. (CMS) 14 0 • City of Rosemead Classification, Total Compensation, and Performance Appraisal Study: CMS Work Agreement 092=8 Ms. Cole has acquired over 16 years of professional and technical experience as a Compensation Specialist with PacifiCare Health Systems and Pacific Life Insurance Company and Consultant with CMS. She has a wide range of human resources experience in administering classification, compensation, benefits, and performance appraisal programs, and incentive programs. She has also worked closely with all levels of employees and management in supporting organizational pay strategies and policies. She has conducted job analyses, coordinated and conducted oral interviews, drafted and revised class specifications, and completed and administered compensation and benefits surveys. Ms. Cole has researched incentive plans for manufacturing, health . care and service industry applications and coordinated executive level annual focal performance review processes. She has also conducted executive compensation and total compensation surveys and administered deferred compensation plans. She has prepared and delivered a broad range of management reports and presentations. Ms. Cole has assisted CMS with a variety of different classification, compensation, and performance evaluation programs with local governments, educational institutions, and special districts such as the Cities of Anaheim, Corona, El Monte, Lake Forest, Mission Viejo, Palo Alto, Rancho Cucamonga, San Jose, Whittier, and Yorba Linda, as well as the Orange County Fire Authority, Santa Monica College, and Transportation Corridor Agencies. She has also served a diverse range of private sector organizations . from different industries such as the Califomia Credit Union League, Inland Empire Health Plan, Kingston Technology Company, Knox Company, Ricoh Electronics, Inc., Unified Western Grocers, Waft Property Management, and Wybridge Restaurant Group. She obtained her Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration from the University of Southern California and is currently completing coursework toward the attainment of her professional designation as a Certified Compensation Professional with the World At Work (formerly known as American Compensation). She is also a member of the Orange County Compensation and Benefits (OCCABA). . • Cneatrve Management Solutions, Inc (CMS) 15 City of Rosemead classification, Total Compensation, and Performance Appralsal Study: CMS Work Agreement: 0922/08 • Ms. Harary has acquired over 14 years of human resources professional, technical and administrative support experience in the public sector and over five years of professional consulting work with CMS. She has a wide range of human resources experience in classification, compensation, benefits, employment, performance appraisal, opinion research, and training and development programs. Ms. Harary has conducted job analysis, coordinated and conducted oral interviews, drafted and revised class specifications, completed and administered compensation and benefits surveys, coordinated and administered performance evaluation plans, and prepared and presented related management reports and exhibits. . Examples of public sector clients that Ms. Harary has assisted have included the Cities of Anaheim, Corona, El Monte, Lake Forest, Palo Alto, Pico Rivera, Rancho Cucamonga, Santa Maria, Whittier, and Yorba Linda. Other public sector illustrations include California Baptist University, Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District, Orange County Fire Authority, and the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District. Examples of private and non-profit sector organizations that Ms. Harary has assisted include Goodwill Industries of Orange County, Kingston Technology Company, Orange County Head Start, - Ricoh Electronics Inc., and Yoshinoya Restaurants. Ms. Harary obtained her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Journalism from California State University at Long Beach and acquired her professional certification in Human Resources Management through the California State University at Long Beach Extension Program. • Creative Management Solutions, Inc. (CMS) 16 0