CC - Item 3A - Minutes 9-9-08Minutes of the REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING September 9, 2008 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Tran at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. FLAG SALUTE: Council Member Clark INVOCATION: Council Member Low ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS PRESENT: Council Member's Nunez, Mayor Tran. Pro Tern OFFICIALS PRESENT: City Manager Chi, City Attorney,( Assistant City Manager Hawkesworth, Director of Finance Montgomery-Scott, Economic Development Administrator Marcarello, and City Clerk Molleda. City Mana§e'- aeki, of Parks a d Recreation t Public Works Officer 1. PUBLIC COMMENT FROM THE Julie Gentry - addressed City Council and zoning on 8915, 8909, and 8903 Nevada A, developers. efr_ ~ would be changing the I be opening the doors to Staff clarified that hayftbee",q an erroWprinted on the aft general plan and it would be corrected. Marlene Shinen - spoke i`r} and aAit sent to Margaret Clark by Peter Wallen. She stated Global ettle_, nt under' uthoriza 6 of Wal-Mart paid Save Our Community $400,000 in m. - stated that on a q- sous meeting he had asked for how many businesses had been aked if tharinform ion was available. He also asked if the new shuttle was now ors for ridi Q it. Dr. Lillian Sac odressed Council in regards to improving access to City Hall for people with physical disablit as required by the Disability Act. Holly Knapp - thanked the City for being sponsors to their People for People Golf Tournament. Also asked that the City put back in the Council Chamber the pictures of the previous Council Members who served the City of Rosemead. Marlene Shinen - read a letter for Dr. Lillian Sacco which spoke against the City Charter. Rosemead City Council Meeting ,r NO. p Minutes of September 9, 2008 _.lyJ. Page I of 6 Anna Torres - address the City Council in regards to Park Monterey on Garvey Avenue. She informed Council that three of the mobile homes had received letters informing them that they would have to move by next year. Gilbert Ramirez - spoke in regards to Park Monterey and stated he was very concern about the newspaper article that had been published and had addressed the relocation of the residents in Park Monterey. 2. PRESENTATIONS A Plaque of Recognition was presented to Deputy Bob Chivas for his 7 years-tff the Rosemead Special Assignment Team. A Certificates of Congratulations was presented to Sergeant Mark ,,1,howevVR as not able to attend tonight's meeting. Sergio Nava, Oscar Magan, and Nora Mnguia, r presented a power point presentation to Council the ue. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes August 26, 2008 - Special B. Resolution nt of $1 and 2008-62, for payment of City .95 numbered 59739 through 59797 Council .0iliei'441`kr madiFZa1inotion, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Nunez, to approve the Yes: Clark] LoWNunez, Taylor, Tran No: Non V Abstai . None Abse None 4. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF A. Rosemead Boulevard Relinquishment On December 11, 2007, the City Council directed staff to look further into the possible relinquishment of State Route 19 (Rosemead Boulevard) within city limits. In addition, the City Council approved a capital project in the City's Fiscal Year Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of September 9, 2008 Page 2 of 6 2009 budget to help with the process, including updating a roadway condition assessment prepared in 2005 and possibly engaging an outside consultant to help assist in negotiations with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). As part of the City Council's direction, staff has prepared a resolution that will authorize the City Manager to proceed with the relinquishment process and engage Caltrans in negotiations related to the process. Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Approve Resolution No. 2008-63, authorizing the Cltt' Wriager or designee, to ask our State Legislators to introdutegislation that proposes the relinquishment of State Route i'AauthO y of Rosemead city limits. 2. Designate the City Manager, or design , as the ed representative to act as the City'sr Ares tative in all4totiations related to the relinquishment o oseme d Boulevard. 3. Authorize staff to solicit pro~ %ato up d to the Rosemi oulevard Condition assessment study pd it 2005. Brian Lewin -stated he was glad to see this item back on the ag a and stated he supported staff's recommendations. Juan Nunez -Asked what good this would bri" toit°e Ctt . He them there was a lot of trash on Garvey Boulevad. r Mayor Pro Tern Nunez m de' (motion, secon'de'd by recommendations. Vole su to"&, n: Yes: No: 8772 staff and told Member. Low, to approve staff's nment & Dance License for VIP Restaurant located at Mmowner mitted a request for an Entertainment and Dance license forthe ated at 8772 Valley Blvd.(see Attachment A). This n existing full service restaurant serving lunch, dinner and s. The owner wishes to provide dancing and entertainment for customers, occasional weddings, and corporate events. The restaurant currently has a parquet wood dance floor, along with a stage, speakers and audio equipment in the banquet room. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of September 9, 2008 Page 3 of 6 On October 3, 2005, the Planning Commission approved Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 05-1021 and associated Resolution 05-47, which approved the on-site sale of sell beer & wine on the subject property (see Attachment B). However, on October 12, 2005, an appeal was filed by Mayor Jay T. Imperial, and the CUP went before the City Council on two occasions. The appeal was first scheduled to be heard at the November 22, 2005 City Council meeting, but was continued at the applicant's request (see Attachment C). The item was subsequently heard at the December 27, 2005 City Council meeting, where the appeal was denied and the CUP was approved by adoption of Resolution No. 2005-41 achments et D & E). On September 15, 2008, the Planning Commission will r d6va separate request by the applicant to expand the hours of operation by tw ours wh' h if granted, will permit the business to remain open until 1 a.m posed t °th current closing time of 11 p.m. o To date, staff has not received any nega r arks o, complaints reg,~rng the existing restaurant from the Alcoholic Bever ge_Cont I' BC) or frorrtFEhe Los Angeles County Sherriffs Department. , Recommendation: That the Gh ouncil approvkh Entertainment and Dancing License request, subject to thetieviously approved eorr„¢ifons in CUP 05-1021. Mayor Pro Tem Nunez made a motion, secontfed bfflauncil.Member Low, to approve the Entertainment and Dancing License request, s b}~' t thPi reviously approved conditions in CUP 05.1021. Vote resulte'dflZ Yes: Clark Low, N"fiez, Taylor, No: on ' Abstain: Non 5. MATTERS FROM'MAYOR &YCI~Y/COUNCIL District Bond Measure 0 antl`, Rosemead School Board Member Dennis McDonald submitted a ,eft that the Rosemead City Council consider supporting the Rosemead of District's Bond Measure 0, which is slated to be considered by the voters coming November. Bond Measure 0 seeks to issue $30 million in bonds for classroom modernization efforts. Recommendation: That the City Council provide direction regarding this matter. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of September 9, 2008 Page 4 of 6 Mayor Pro Terri Nunez made a motion, seconded by Council Member Low, to support Bond Measure 0. Vote resulted in: Yes: Clark, Low, Nunez, Taylor, Tran No: None Abstain: None Absent: None B. Murder Reward Information At the August 26, 2008 City Council meeting, Council that an item be agendized related to the status of the conviction of any person or persons responsible for tv Rosemead. Since then, staff has been working with the Wo MAng Department to formulate a plan for distribu' n.of the Based upon these discussions, the Sheri 's , epartn cadets distribute the material to residents and bdwsin1i of each incident. In turn, staff would recommendUo I pay for all costs associated with)copying of the in41 for duplication would be minima Distribution of the material is directed by the City Council. reward requested arrest and e City of County Chas offered Whave ,s located within 300 feet City Council that the City onal handouts. The cost 17.2008 unless otherwise the City),C~ouncil approve the distribution plan for the Council Member Taylor made~a ration °,_secondeed by Mayor Pro Tern Nunez, to approve the distribution olart=forAhe rewat, -nfor aftoi Vote resulted in: Yes: Cla'rk Low`iNt, Taylor, Tran No: Non Abstain: None Absent: None C. Gal Ppdttry Proposed Renovation it Member Taylor has requested that the Cal Poultry proposed renovation be ized for discussion by the City Council. On May 15, 2008, staff advised the City Council in closed session, that Mr. Quan Phu (owner of Cal Poultry located at 8942 Garvey Avenue) was requesting that he be able to renovate his facility to incorporate a more robust air filtration system to help alleviate any potential odors generated by the use. Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of September 9, 2008 Page 5 of 6 During that closed session meeting, the City Council provided staff with direction related to processing his project. Given that direction, Mr. Phu has recently submitted an application for a municipal code amendment that would allow for live poultry slaughtering and related retail sales in a light manufacturing (M-1) zone. Staff is currently processing this application and will be scheduling it for the Planning Commission's and ultimately the City Council's consideration in October. Recommendation: That the City Council provide direction as it relates to the future processing of the Cal Poultry proposed renovation Phyllis Turry - spoke against the Cal Poultry business and added that if to become M1 then nothing would stop another business asking to also b No action was taken on this item. Mayor Tran recessed the meeting to Closed Session at 6. Conference with Legal The Council reconvened action taken. 7. ADJOURNMEN The City Council=meet g to take olao'~ on SeAXE ATTEST: Gloria Molleda, City Clerk The City Council will recess to is allowed v. City of Rosemead There was no reportable The next City Council meeting is scheduled Rosemead City Council Meeting Minutes of September 9, 2008 Page 6 of 6