ADDENDUM 5, ROSEMEAD, WALNUT GROVE STREET LIGHT INSTALLATION, 6-9-22 CITY OF ROSEMEAD CALIFORNIA ADDENDUM #5 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARD DRAWINGS FOR WALNUT GROVE AVENUE STREET LIGHT INSTALLATION PROJECT No. 43009 Date Issued: June 9, 2022 Addendum 5, Page 1 of 2 Addendum for: Walnut Grove Avenue Street Light Installation, Project No. 43009 Addendum No.: 5 Addendum Date: June 9, 2022 Issued by: City of Rosemead Reminder 1: Please sign Addenda Acknowledgement on page CBF-4 of Bid Package Section Titled “Contract Bid Forms”. Entire Contract Bid Forms section shall be submitted as Bidder’s Proposal. Reminder 2: The bids are due at 10:30 AM, Wednesday, June 22, 2022. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any irregularity, and to take all bids under advisement for a period of sixty (60) calendar days. Notice Inviting Bids of Bid Documents, page 2, California Contractor’s License requirements is updated as follows: Bidders shall be licensed in accordance with the provision of Chapter 9, Division 111 of the Business and Professions Code of the State of California. Bidder shall have a Class “A” license in good standing at the time Bids are received. Addendum 5 removes Bid Schedule on page CBF-2 of Bid Documents and replaces with Attachment A - Revised Bid Schedule per Addendum 5. Bidders shall submit this revised bid schedule to be considered responsive. Addendum 5 also removes Appendix A - Project Plans from the bid documents to its entirety. The bid documents no longer indicates a brand name, or a manufacturer name for the proposed solar powered street light system (except the pole specifications) consisting of solar powered LED light fixtures/luminaires and all related appurtenances. Addendum 5 incorporates Attachment B - Performance Requirements for the Proposed Solar Powered Street Light System to the bid documents. All bidders are required to furnish to the City the proposed brand name/manufacturer name for the proposed materials, products, and/or equipment as well as all required documents meeting the performance requirements on this document, as part of their bid, to be considered responsive. In conformance with General Provisions, Section 4-1.6, all bidders shall furnish data including complete calculations, technical specifications, and/or published documents and any and all information as required on Attachment B - Performance Requirements for the Proposed Solar Powered Street Light System as part of their bid submittals, and all cost of furnishing this information shall be included in the bid, no additional compensation will be allowed. All bidders shall submit for the City’s review and approval a Schedule of Values (SOV) for the lump sum bid item of the Work. The Schedule of Values shall: a. Subdivide the Work into its respective parts, b. Include values for all items comprising the Work, and Addendum 5, Page 2 of 2 c. Serve as the basis for monthly progress payments made to the Contractor throughout the Work. The City shall be the sole judge of acceptable numbers, details, and description of values established. If, in the opinion of the City, a greater number of SOV items than proposed by the Contractor are necessary, the Contractor shall add the additional items so identified by the City. When requested by City, the Contractor shall provide substantiating data in support of scheduled values. Monthly progress payment amounts for Lump Sum items shall be determined from the monthly updates of the Schedule activities. This addendum also provides responses to the following questions received: Question 1: Are the concrete poles specified for this project intended to be decorative or uninformative purpose, or are we able to use stainless steel or aluminum poles also? Response 1: Contractor shall use the pole specification provided on the bid for concrete pole. The City may also consider other pole manufacturers such as Ameron so long as the specifications on the “Equal” material submittal meets the specifications provided. The City will not consider stainless steel or aluminum poles on this project. Question 2: Will insurance carriers on the list of approved surplus lines of insurance with a higher rating be acceptable and the admitted requirement waived? If yes, provide acceptable rating to have the admitted waived. Response 2: Acceptable insurers. All insurance policies shall be issued by an insurance company currently authorized by the Insurance Commissioner to transact business of insurance or is on the List of Approved Surplus Line Insurers in the State of California, with an assigned policyholders’ Rating of A- (or higher) and Financial Size Category Class VII (or larger) in accordance with the latest edition of Best’s Key Rating Guide, unless otherwise approved by the Agency’s Risk Manager. Insurance carriers on the list of approved surplus line insurers would be acceptable. Attachments: Attachment A - Revised Bid Schedule per Addendum 5 Attachment B - Performance Requirements for the Proposed Solar Powered Street Light System For all other questions, please contact via email: Okan Demirci, PE Project Manager City of Rosemead E: okan.demirci@transtech.org ATTACHMENT A - REVISED BID SCHEDULE PER ADDENDUM 5 CBF - 2 REVISED BID SCHEDULE PER ADDENDUM 5 SCHEDULE OF PRICES FOR WALNUT GROVE AVENUE STREET LIGHT INSTALLATION PROJECT No. 43009 NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT EST. QTY. UNIT PRICE ITEM COST 1 Furnish and install a complete solar powered street light system in full compliance with the Performance Requirements as per Addendum 5 - Attachment B, system shall include poles, foundation, mast arm, anchor bolts, fixtures/luminaires, and all related appurtenances for a complete system installation. LS 1 $___________ $__________________ TOTAL BID AMOUNT IN NUMBERS $_______________ TOTAL BID AMOUNT IN WORDS: _______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ The award of Contract shall be based on the TOTAL BID AMOUNT. In the case of discrepancies in the amount of bid, unit prices shall govern over extended amounts, and words shall govern over figures. Full compensation for the items listed to the right as Items A, B, C, D and E are considered as inclusive in each Bid Item listed above in the Bid Schedule as applicable, and no additional and/or separate compensation will be allowed. A. Mobilization / Demobilization B. Traffic Control C. NPDES, WWECP, and Best Management Practices (BMPs), Public Convenience and Safety D. Construction Staking by Land Surveyor E. Clearing and Grubbing The bid prices shall include any and all costs, including labor, materials, appurtenant expenses, taxes, royalties and any and all other incidental costs to complete the project, in compliance with the Bid and Contract Documents and all applicable codes and standards. The City reserves the right to add, delete, increase or decrease the amount of any quantity shown and to delete any item from the contract and pay the contractor at the bid unit prices so long as the total amount of change does not exceed 25% (plus or minus) of the total bid amount for the entire project. If the change exceeds 25%, a change order may be negotiated to adjust unit bid prices. All other work items not specifically listed in the bid schedule, but necessary to complete the work per bid and contract documents and all applicable codes and standards are assumed to be included in the bid prices. ATTACHMENT B - PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROPOSED SOLAR POWERED STREET LIGHT SYSTEM The City of Rosemead will install solar powered street lights on Walnut Grove Avenue, from north of Guess Street, near the Rubio Wash, in the north, to north of Marshall Street in the south, a distance of about 1,480 ft. This segment is classified as a Collector Road with low pedestrian conflicts. The electric utilities were recently undergrounded in this section and the SCE poles were removed. Since then, no new lighting has been installed. This project involves installation of solar powered lighting which will eliminate the need for electrical power sources and service cabinets, as well as a lot of the associated new conduits. The City also desires to keep the footprint of the equipment small within reason, but ensure that the product will perform as intended and meet all operational parameters as referenced on this document. The product also must meet all standard lighting requirements and back it up with a replacement and repair warranty. To ensure this, the manufacturer must provide proof of experience and performance history. Since this technology is fairly new, it is also understood that there are no standardization in the market yet, and there are a variety of products available which would be difficult to compare directly. Based on these requirements, the following parameters are being incorporated to the bid, which are primarily performance based. All bidders are required to furnish to the City the proposed brand name/manufacturer name for the proposed materials, products, and/or equipment meeting the performance requirements on this document, as part of their bid, to be considered responsive. In conformance with General Provisions, Section 4-1.6, all bidders shall furnish data including complete calculations, technical specifications, and/or published documents and any and all information as required on this document as part of their bid submittals, and all cost of furnishing this information shall be included in the bid, no additional compensation will be allowed. 1. The Contractor/Vendor shall provide a full photometric simulation using AGi32 or equivalent software showing how the lighting fixtures will meet all lighting standard, IES RP-8-21 “Recommended Practice for Lighting Roadway and Parking Facilities” (dated November 2021) requirements for the given roadway classification. The analysis shall indicate clearly what values are being attained for luminance, uniformity ratios, lumens/watt, and total lumen output per fixture. These shall match all test data provided for the lighting system and fixtures. Poles shall be placed in a uniform staggered pattern at regular intervals to the extent possible to maintain aesthetics of the street. Pole spacing requirements shall be as follows: 130’ minimum distance and 170’ maximum distance for staggered pattern. 2. The Contractor/Vendor shall provide a system engineering analysis for the specific project location (City of Rosemead), producing an Energy Analysis which shows how much (and with what equipment) energy can be obtained in the winter and summer. The street lights shall operate as follows: Dusk to dawn operation throughout the year and all seasons and weather conditions, meeting all lighting requirements from item 1. The performance parameters shall not vary over time during operation, irrespective of the number of non-sun days. 3. PERFORMANCE AND SOLAR CALCULATIONS 1. Sizing Criteria and Project Requirements for Rosemead, CA: a) Sun Hours (Insolation) based on global coordinates: 3.25 kWh/m² per day. b) Longest Night: 14 hours c) Must be able to demonstrate through solar study, energy calculations, and system sizing the ability to achieve a minimum of 41 watts all night at full brightness d) Wind zone: 90 mph 2. Manufacturer shall submit detailed information on how the sizing was calculated including the formula with details on all factors included. Sizing shall demonstrate that the worst case SOC will support the proposed light level all year long. 3. Manufacturer shall provide a photometric layout meeting the specified standard or the specified light levels and uniformity. Light Loss Factor shall be consistent with specification. 4. Photometry must be based on “worst case” calculated light levels in winter – accounting for any anticipated Anti-Blackout or Energy Management adjustments 4. The light fixtures shall meet the following requirements: 1. Input voltage shall be 12 / 24 VDC 2. Fixture efficacy shall be greater than 100 lumens per Watt. 3. CCT shall be 4000K or lower and CRI shall be 70 or higher. 4. Fixture shall include full cutoff optics and no light shall be directed towards the right of way. 5. Manufacturer shall provide IESNA (Illuminating Engineering Society of North America) LM-80 (Lumen Depreciation of LED chip) independent test data for the proposed fixtures for a minimum of 10,000 hours and reported TM-21 data showing lumen maintenance of over 92% at 60,000 hours at 40o C as a part of the bid. If the fixture and solar panel is one integrated unit, the tests shall be conducted for the whole unit. 6. The fixture shall function normally between -10°C and +50°C 7. Products IP rating shall be IP 65 or IP 66 (as applicable) on all electrical components (LED, Driver, Surge protector) 8. Product certifications shall be UL 5. The remote monitoring systems shall meet the following requirements: 1. System shall have independently monitored and controlled Power and Load Inputs. 2. Manufacturer must have over 50,000 units or substantial amount installed on remote monitoring 3. Communications to the system shall be available via Cellular or Zigbee wireless. 4. System shall support and deliver 3 years of real-time monitoring. 5. Controllers shall continuously send data to the cloud including monitoring the voltage and current of every port on the system including status indicators such that they provide a complete view of the system and its internal operations. 6. System operation must be accessible via Smart phone, SMS or Internet- connected computer from anywhere in the world, for all functionality. 7. Controllers shall utilize a bi-directional connection to the cloud allowing the cloud to transmit new programming information to the controller. This connectivity shall allow end users to have control over the functions of the controller. 8. All features of the controller shall be remotely changeable over the Internet. There shall be no adjustable settings that require a visit to the close proximity of the controller. 9. The Level of Data Detail to be provided shall include monthly, daily, and hourly charts for high-level analysis and deep dive troubleshooting, as required. 10. All historical data will be kept within the system to allow for historical analysis and degradation analysis of lights, battery, and solar panels. 11. The monitoring service shall track the weather information of the site and reports it real-time in order to allow users to compare weather with system performance. 12. The system shall run tests to identify if and where in the circuitry a short circuit has occurred. It shall isolate that particular circuit to enable continued operation of rest of the system. 13. The system shall have the capability of running a dimming and light test, remotely from the Cloud to ensure that the light is set up properly and will operate correctly 14. The system shall have the capability to identify a failed solar panel through open circuit voltage test. 15. The system shall have the capability to define a fully customized light profile The system should have the capability to change the light profile on a real- time basis at any time, remotely. 6. The battery system shall meet the following requirements: 1. Entire power center shall be CE, or UL approved, and battery manufacturing assembly to comply with UL 2054 2. Battery shall be Nickle Metal Hydride (NiMH) 3. Batteries non-hazardous and approved for shipping via ground, air, or sea 4. Battery bank nominal voltage shall be 24V 5. Battery bank shall have a nominal capacity >1200wh 6. Battery recommended temperature range shall meet -40°F and +158°F 7. Meet air, sea, ground transportation standards IATA, ICAO, IMDG, DOT 8. Certifications and Industry Standards ISO9001, UL, CE, TUV, DIN, BCI, JIS 9. The battery shall have a minimum warranty for 10 years of full operation 7. Quality Assurance 1. Manufacturer: Minimum 10 years of experience in manufacture of solar powered lighting systems 2. Manufacturer must demonstrate sufficient financial reserves to satisfy all outstanding warranty liability 3. All solar engines must be individually tested at manufacturing to assure proper operation 4. Solar lighting as a system must have successfully completed testing by an independent United States laboratory • Solar lighting manufacturer must provide completed and passed testing results in the submittal package 5. Manufacturer must demonstrate substantial amount of installation Worldwide. 6. Manufacturer must show it has been in existence in the US for at least 5 years and have had at least two installed public works project of the luminaires and solar panels as a system that are at least 3 years old. 7. Manufacturer shall submit references for two such projects with name of agency, current contact name, position, phone number and email. 8. The manufacturer shall not have had any large scale failures or malfunction of any of its products or components on any project and bids from manufacturers with such history shall be rejected. 8. The installed system, and all its components (except for light fixtures), shall have a warranty of minimum of 10 years on all equipment, parts and labor, such that if the system or any of its components do not function as specified by the City, the bidder shall replace or repair, the components, parts or the whole system, as selected by the City. Separately, the light fixtures themselves shall have a warranty of a minimum of 10 years (this ten year warranty shall apply to those products whose lights fixtures and solar panels are integrated into a single module). 9. The installed system shall be resistant to vandalism, tampering and damage. 10. Street light poles shall be 28’3” octagonal concrete poles (30' mounting height) and meet all County of Los Angeles standards. The bid shall include pole, foundation, 6’ mast arm, anchor bolts, and engineered plans/shop drawings including foundation design stamped by California Licensed Engineer. See following page for the pole specifications. Contractor shall furnish this material, or provide alternate material as part of its bid to be considered equal.