CC - Item 1A - Attachment A - Complete 2022-23 Proposed BudgetFiscal Year 2022-23 CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA Proposed Annual Budget                                                         Submitted by Ben Kim, City Manager Prepared by the Finance Department  PROPOSED ANNUAL BUDGET  FISCAL YEAR 2022‐23  CITY OF ROSEMEAD  CALIFORNIA                                         About Rosemead Rosemead's appeal as a small town in the heart of an urban environment is  accomplished by valuing safety, honoring family and relationships, uniting in diversity,  and evolving for the future. These ideals are evident in Rosemead's 2030 Strategic Plan  goals which aim to revitalize public areas, including infrastructure and facilities;  enhance public safety; provide fun and educational opportunities for residents through  programs and services, and ensure the City's financial stability.               City of Rosemead  8838 E Valley Blvd  Rosemead, CA  91770  www.cityofrosemead.org     City of Rosemead Fiscal Year 2022‐23 Proposed Budget  TABLE OF CONTENTS   COMMUNITY VALUES ............................................ 1  CITY OFFICIALS .................................................... 2  CITY ORGANIZATIONAL CHART ................................ 3  CITY COMMISSIONERS ........................................... 4  COMMUNITY VISION AND GENERAL PLAN.................. 5  BUDGET AWARD .................................................. 7  ADOPTING RESOLUTIONS ............ (ADOPTED DOCUMENT ONLY)  CITY MANAGER’S BUDGET MESSAGE  BUDGET GUIDE   City Facilities Map .............................................. 1   Rosemead At a Glance ....................................... 2   Budget Guide ..................................................... 5   Other Related Information .............................. 13   FY 2022‐23 Comprehensive Financial Policies . 15   Glossary  ........................................................... 23   Acronyms ......................................................... 27  STAFFING   Summary of Authorized Staffing ........................ 1   History of Full‐Time Positions – Detail ............... 2   Position Distribution by Funding Source ........... 4   Summary of Part‐Time Positions / Hours .......... 5   Salary and Benefit Pay Components .................. 6   Summary of Personnel Costs ............................. 7   PERS Information for FY 2022‐23 ....................... 8  FINANCIAL SUMMARIES   Sources and Uses .................................................. 1   Budget Overview by Fund ..................................... 2   Estimated Ending Fund Balances – Graph ............ 7   Revenue by Fund .................................................. 8   Revenue by Source – General Fund ...................... 9   Operating Expenditures by Fund ........................ 10   Operating Expenditures by Dept – All Funds ...... 11   Expenditures by Department – General Fund .... 12     Expenditures by Category – General Fund .......... 13   Expenditure Summary by Fund/Dept/Division ... 14   Capital Equipment and Supplemental Items ...... 19  REVENUE DETAIL   Descriptions and Assumptions .............................. 1   Line Item  ............................................................... 9  CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP)   CIP Overview  ........................................................ 1   Recommended New Projects/Funding ................. 5   Active (Carryover) Projects ................................... 7   Completed / Deleted Projects ............................. 10   5‐Year CIP Plan – All Projects .............................. 11   Project Data Sheets – by Category    Streets ........................................................... 13    Transportation .............................................. 29    Park System .................................................. 33    Facilities ........................................................ 40    Water Quality and Environmental ................ 51    Other ............................................................. 53  DEPARTMENT DETAILS SEE DEPARTMENT TABS   City Council / Commissions / City Attorney   City Clerk   Administration   Finance   General Services   Public Safety   Public Works   Parks and Recreation   Community Development  SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS  OTHER AGENCIES   Rosemead Housing Development Corporation .... 1   Successor Agency .................................................. 4   1   City of Rosemead   Community Values – Our “Brand Platform”     WHO  we're for  People and businesses who seek the charms of a small town, in the heart of an  urban environment.  WHAT  we do  We are today's small town America ‐ traditional yet diverse, a true neighborhood  in an urban setting.  WHY  we do it  Because in Rosemead, neighbors share the traditional values and commitment to  community that makes small town life so appealing, without losing big city  advantages.  Our Community Personality ‐ These “adjectives” describe our traits as a community  WHO  we are  GROUNDED  Familiar, Down‐to‐Earth, Established   Rosemead is in touch with where it came from and always honors its roots.    WELCOMING  Neighborly, Warm, Friendly  Rosemead welcomes everyone who is committed to making the city better.   THRIVING  Vibrant, Up‐to‐Date, Flourishing  Rosemead is delivering what citizens need and want, and they are responding.  These “verbs” define the actions we take every day to deliver on Rosemead's community values  HOW  we do it  HONOR TRADITION  In Rosemead, we honor our long tradition of community spirit and civic engagement.  We preserve old traditions like the 4th of July Parade, and look to create new ones that  will keep our community vibrant and appealing.    UNITE IN DIVERSITY  Our multi‐cultural experience reflects contemporary American life. While we come  from different parts of the globe, we are united by the traditional values of hard work,  family and education that help our community thrive.    EVOLVE FOR THE FUTURE  As we honor tradition, we are a modern small town that keeps its eye on the future.  Our location in the heart of an urban environment means that we must continually  evolve to meet the changing needs of our residents and businesses.        2   City of Rosemead   City Officials  CITY COUNCIL                             Polly Low Sean Dang   Mayor Mayor Pro Tem                             Sandra Armenta Margaret Clark John Tang   Council Member Council Member Council Member        EXECUTIVE STAFF  City Manager – Ben Kim  City Clerk ..........................................................................Ericka Hernandez  City Attorney .................................................................. Rachel H. Richman  Assistant City Manager ..................................................................... Vacant  Chief of Police (LA County Sheriff’s Dept) ............................... Lt. Paul Shigo  Director of Community Development (Interim) ......................... Stan Wong  Director of Finance (Interim) ......................................... Paula Chamberlain  Director of Parks & Recreation ........................................ Thomas Boecking  Director of Public Works .......................................................Michael Chung   3   City of Rosemead Organzational Chart  City Council  City Manager  Community Development  Parks & Recreation  Finance  Public Works  Public Safety  Residents of Rosemead  Commissions  City Attorney  Assistant City  Manager  City Clerk   4   City of Rosemead   CITY COMMISSIONERS    BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSIONERS:  Paul Duran, Chair July 2021 ‐ June 2023  Can Hai Liu, Vice Chair July 2020 ‐ June 2022  Stephanie Garcia July 2020 ‐ June 2022  Larry Liu July 2021 ‐ June 2023  Katrina Yip July 2021 ‐ June 2023    PARKS COMMISSIONERS:  Vacant, Chair July 2021 ‐ June 2023  Qui Dang Nguyen, Vice‐Chair July 2021 ‐ June 2023  Martha Ruvalcaba July 2020 ‐ June 2022  Chase Sornoso July 2020 ‐ June 2022  Phieu Luu July 2021 ‐ June 2023      PLANNING COMMISSIONERS:  James Berry, Chair July 2021 ‐ June 2023  Steve Leung July 2020 ‐ June 2022  Daniel Lopez July 2021 ‐ June 2023  Lana Ung July 2020 ‐ June 2022  Vacant, Vice‐Chair July 2021 ‐ June 2023    TRAFFIC COMMISSIONERS:  Howard Masuda, Chair July 2020 ‐ June 2022  Ed Quintanilla, Vice‐Chair July 2021 ‐ June 2023  Michael Drange July 2021 ‐ June 2023  Emma Escobar July 2020 ‐ June 2022  Lucy Nguyen July 2021 ‐ June 2023      BEAUTIFICATION COMMISSION  The Beautification Commission was created in 2018 to facilitate a citizen‐based, community  “grassroots” effort to organize, promote and participate in service projects and programs  designed to beautify Rosemead.  Commissioners are appointed by the City Council and serve  staggered two‐year terms.  Commission meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the  month.  PARKS COMMISSION  The purpose of the five member Parks Commission is to assist in increasing accessibility to parks  and open spaces through various methods.  Commissioners are appointed by City Council.   Regular meetings of the Commission are on the first Tuesday of each month.  PLANNING COMMISSION  The Commission conducts public hearings, reviews policies and procedures, makes findings,  renders decisions, and makes recommendations to the City Council on a variety of matters  affecting the physical development of the City.  Commission meetings are held on the first and  third Monday of the month.  TRAFFIC COMMISSION  The Commission acts as an advisory board on matters relating to the movement and regulation  of traffic within the City and makes recommendations to Council of ways, means and methods of  improving traffic conditions within the City.  Commission meetings are held on the first Thursday  of the month.  PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION  This Commission was created in 2022 and has yet to be established.  Its purpose is to act as an  advisory board on matters relating to public safety, including understanding police and fire  operations, crime prevention, and emergency preparedness to enhance public safety and  improve the quality of life in Rosemead. The Commission meetings are held on the fourth  Thursday of the month.   5   City of Rosemead   Community Vision and General Plan  Envision Rosemead as a city where people have many options for housing, employment,  shopping, and recreation.  Envision a city where businesses create a strong economic foundation  for high‐quality municipal services, and where parks and recreational facilities offer opportunities  for a diverse population to exercise and interact.  Envision a city where schools and teachers  educate and inspire youth, and where the natural environment is protected and enhanced.  This  is the vision for Rosemead; the General Plan will help the City realize this vision.  Since its  incorporation in 1959, Rosemead has become an increasingly racially and ethnically diverse  community.  According to the 2020 U.S. Census, the City’s population was approximately 64  percent Asian and 30 percent Hispanic.  An important component of this General Plan will be to  address‐specific issues to meet the needs of Rosemead’s diverse population.  General Plan Visions  With this General Plan, the City seeks to:   Enhance the commercial areas along key corridors, and most specifically Garvey Avenue  and Valley Boulevard   Create an economically viable downtown that blends retail, office, and residential uses in  a walkable, attractive setting   Enhance parks and recreational space in underserved neighborhoods   Accommodate the demand for quality mixed‐use development that can contribute to  commercial growth and enhance opportunities for higher‐density residential  development   Protect homeowner investments and the availability of well‐maintained, relatively  affordable housing units   Minimize the impact of traffic associated with growth within the San Gabriel Valley and  broader region.  Adopted by City Council on October 14, 2008, and revised on April 13, 2010, the General Plan  establishes the framework for moving from the Rosemead of today toward the desired  community of the future.  This General Plan guides the City to the year 2025 by establishing goals  and policies that address land use, circulation, safety, and open space.  Each of these issues  affects quality of life in Rosemead and the economic health of the community. Incorporating  input from community leaders and businesses into the General Plan works to retain the qualities  that make the City unique, responds to the dynamics of growth in the Los Angeles region, and  meets the changing needs of residents.   Implementation of the General Plan will ensure that future development projects in the City are  consistent with the community’s goals, and that adequate urban services are available to meet  the needs of all new development.  As Rosemead moves towards 2025, the City, its residents,  and the business community are committed to implementing a long‐range plan that enhances  the physical, economic, and human resources of this diverse and community‐oriented City.   6   City of Rosemead   Community Vision and General Plan (Continued)  The beginning of a new decade provided an opportunity to revisit the themes and goals of the  Vision 2020 Strategic Plan and imagine Rosemead forward into the next decade. The updated  2030 Strategic Plan will serve as a roadmap for implementing Rosemead’s ongoing vision as a  leader in service provision and continuous improvement and will be a framework for setting City  Council, staff, and budget priorities in the coming years.   From June to October 2021, the City engaged its residents, City Council, City management team  and staff, and other stakeholders through various meetings, working sessions, focus groups, and  surveys to craft the 2030 Strategic Plan.   In December 2021, the City Council adopted a 2030 Strategic Plan which focuses and values  safety, diversity, community, service, and family. This vision will assist in creating a safe,  welcoming, connected, and active city, a destination with thriving local businesses, well‐ maintained parks and infrastructure, and quality programming and services which support the  entire City. Our overall mission is for Rosemead to provide quality programs, services, and  support that builds relationships, increase opportunities, and make Rosemead a great place to  live, work, and play.   2030 Strategic Plan Vision   In the year 2030, Rosemead will be recognized as a welcoming and thriving community in the  heart of an urban environment.  Rosemead residents from culturally diverse backgrounds will  unite and get to know their neighbors through family‐oriented programs and services. The City’s  boundaries will be distinguished by its attractive appearance and commitment to sustainability.  Programs and services for Rosemead residents and businesses will include:  • A low crime rate and a general feeling of safety;  • Comprehensive recreational, educational, and cultural arts programs;  • Partnerships with local schools to support high‐quality education;  • Revitalization of our major corridors;  • Attractively landscaped and hardscaped public areas;  • Well‐maintained and renovated public facilities;  • A well‐balanced mix of local, regional, and national businesses, restaurants, and hotels;  • An array of housing options;  • An attractive downtown area; and  • Well‐maintained residential and business properties.    7   City of Rosemead   BUDGET AWARD                                  The California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO) presented an Excellence in  Operational Budgeting Award to the City of Rosemead, California for its annual budget for Fiscal  Year 2021‐22.  In order to receive this award, a governmental unit must publish a budget  document that meets the criteria for excellence established by CSMFO.    This award is valid for a period of one year only.  We believe our current budget continues to  conform to program requirements, and we will submit it to CSMFO for review and evaluation.   8   City of Rosemead   Adopting Resolutions                            (Included only in the Adopted Budget)                                         9       City of Rosemead   Adopting Resolutions                          (Included only in the Adopted Budget)      City of Rosemead, California  City Manager’s Message    TO:  THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL    FROM:   BEN KIM, CITY MANAGER    DATE:  JUNE 8, 2022     SUBJECT: BUDGET MESSAGE FOR 2022‐23 FISCAL YEAR  I am pleased to present the Proposed Operating and Capital Improvement Program Budgets for Fiscal Year  2022‐23.  This budget provides an overview and detailed information on each of the City’s departments  and describes the activities and programs included in the budget.  It also incorporates the City’s Capital  Improvement Program for the incoming budget year and the budget for the Rosemead Housing  Development Corporation.  As in prior years, the budget presents information pertaining to the Successor  Agency as “information only.”   As shown in the following chart, the City of Rosemead’s Proposed FY 2022‐23 Operating Budget, including  transfers, is $38,157,500 with an additional $13,169,000 within the Proposed Capital Improvement  Program (CIP).                    GENERAL FUND – The General Fund is balanced with a proposed budget (City operating and CIP) of  $27,712,200 balanced against $27,717,000 in estimated revenues.  Overall, General Fund revenues are  expected to exceed FY 2022‐23 appropriations by $4,800.  However, the estimated revenue does include  a $1.4 million transfer from the American Rescue Plan (ARP) State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF).   On April 26, 2022, the City Council accepted the $10 million standard revenue loss allowance provided  within the Final Rule of the American Rescue Plan Act which was then transferred from the ARP fund,  which received the funds, to the SLFRF fund which was established to track the expenditure of the $10  million.   GENERAL FUND REVENUE – Fiscal year 2022‐23 General Fund revenue is proposed at $27,717,000,  representing an increase of 8.3% over the FY 2021‐22 budgeted amount.  Excluding the transfer from the  SLFRF fund, operating revenue totals $26,317,000, representing an increase of 9.3% over the FY 2021‐22  budgeted amount.  The largest increases from the prior year are taxes and use of property with reductions  reflected in licenses, permits, and fees.  The following table presents the change in revenue by category.     Fiscal Year 2022-23 Proposed Budgets Estimated  Beginning  Fund Balance Revenue and  Transfer In Operating  Budget and  Transfers Out Capital  Improvement  Program Estimated  Ending Fund  Balance General Fund      25,600,000            27,717,000            27,652,200                    60,000            25,604,800  Special Revenue Funds      26,882,400            13,862,300            10,377,800            13,109,000            17,257,900  Internal Service Fund            733,100                    52,000                  127,500                              ‐                    657,600  Total      53,215,500            41,631,300            38,157,500            13,169,000            43,520,300         2  City Manager’s Budget Message  FY 2022‐23                  TAXES – Taxes, which represent over 78% of the City’s General Fund revenues, are expected to increase  10.1% over last year’s budgeted amount.  Property tax and property tax in‐lieu of vehicle license fees  represent 52% of tax revenue and 41% of total General Fund revenue.  These two sources are based on  assessed property value and its growth was not impacted by the Pandemic.  Sales tax represents 24% of  total General Fund revenue and although the revenue source was impacted by the Pandemic, not to level  first anticipated.  Budgeted at $6.5 million, sales tax has reached its highest level.  Transient occupancy  tax was most impacted by the Pandemic but has partially recovered with the budgeted amount of $2.2  million just $100,000 less than received in FY 2018‐19, its highest year.    USE OF PROPERTY – The increase in this category is primarily related to a one‐time catch up of prior lease  increases due from the Housing Development Corporation and the on‐going increased rate for the lease.  More details on revenue descriptions, estimate assumptions, and historical trends are located within the  Revenue Detail section of this document.  GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES – The appropriations request for FY 2022‐23 is $27,712,200 and is comprised  of a $27,652,200 operating budget and a $60,000 portion of the Capital Improvement Program which is  8.4% greater than the adopted FY 2021‐22 budget.  The budget amount includes the incorporation of all  negotiated salary and benefit increases, various contract and utility increases, $147,100 in new expenses,  $521,800 in proposed new programs, and $624,000 in one‐time services and equipment purchases.  A  complete listing of these ‘Capital Equipment and Supplemental Budget Requests’ may be found on page  19 in the Budget Summaries Section.    Proposed operating appropriations by department are as follows:    Department Proposed Budget  Legislative $       792,500   City Clerk  1,133,200   Administration 1,594,900   Finance 962,600   General Services   1,423,500   Public Safety 11,495,300   Public Works 4,407,100   Parks & Recreation 3,952,600   Community Development  1,890,500   Total General Fund Depts $  27,652,200     GENERAL FUND REVENUE FY 2021 Actual FY 2022  Budget FY 2023  Proposed Change in  $ Change  in % Taxes 18,919,144  19,527,100 21,508,800 1,981,700 10.1% Intergovernmental 456,602        155,000       195,800       40,800       26.3% Permits, Licenses, Fees 2,492,894    2,451,200   2,348,000   (103,200)    ‐4.2% Fines & Forfeitures 620,782        624,300       605,300       (19,000)       ‐3.0% Use of Property 267,992        385,700       671,400       285,700     74.1% Charges for Services 472,068        918,200       926,700       8,500          0.9% Miscellaneous 59,461          26,000         61,000         35,000       134.6% Operating Revenue 23,288,942  24,087,500 26,317,000 2,229,500 9.3% Transfer In ‐                 1,500,000   1,400,000   (100,000)    ‐6.7% Total Revenue 23,288,942  25,587,500 27,717,000 2,129,500 8.3%        3  City Manager’s Budget Message  FY 2022‐23    This growth is primarily attributable to the following areas –      Salaries – The budget incorporates the cost of the City’s recently negotiated labor agreements  including the 2% across‐the‐board increase for all employees effective June 27, 2022 and all  anticipated merit‐based step increases due during the fiscal year.   Retirement costs – CalPERS retirement contributions rates remained stable (14.03% compared to  14.02%), while the required payment for unfunded accrued liability (UAL) increased by nearly  $100,000 (spread across all funds).  The UAL payment may be paid to CalPERS monthly or annually,  however, if the annual payment option is selected the FY 2022‐23 annual payment of $750,800 is  reduced by nearly $25,000.  The $25,000 savings from this prepayment have been incorporated  into the proposed budget.     Material, services, and supplies –  Across multiple departments costs have increased based on  contract provisions or the general increase in the cost of goods and services.   Utilities – The cost of electricity, water, and natural gas has been proposed $93,000 greater than  the current budget based on FY 2020‐21 actuals and FY 2021‐22 year‐to‐date actuals.   City Council – A $5,000 budget has been included for the Mayor’s Annual State of the City event.   Commissions – A $8,500 budget has been included for the Annual Commissioner Recognition  event and Beautification awards and $6,500 has been added in Commission stipends for the newly  created Public Safety Commission.   City Clerk – A $30,000 increase to the budget has been included for translation services of public  hearing notices.  Overall, the department budget has decreased due to the reduction of expenses  related to election costs need in FY 2021‐22 but not FY 2022‐23.   City Attorney – An increase in the City Attorney’s budget has been budgeted based on historical  costs and a requested 5% CPI increase to hourly rates as provided in Section 5 of the City’s Legal  Services Agreement with Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP.  The last requested rate increase was  in 2020 .   Administration / Human Resources – Additional resources have been added to support this  function including $30,000 in legal services for personnel related matters, $10,000 for consulting  services for other human resources issues, $7,000 for occupational health services, $30,000 for  brokerage and consulting firm services for a review/brokerage of benefit providers, and $20,100  for employee engagement activities.  The $25,000 budget for the annual holiday employee  recognition event has also been transferred from the General Services budget to Human  Resources for a total employee special events/employee engagement program of $45,100.     Finance – The Finance Department has requested one‐time funding for refresher training of its  financial/payroll software systems ($20,000) and a replacement check encoder ($5,000).   Additionally, the departments costs for salary and benefits charged to the General Fund have  increased due to a reallocation of personnel costs from special revenue funds to the General Fund  due to limited administrative funding in the restricted funds.         4  City Manager’s Budget Message  FY 2022‐23   General Services – The General Services budget has increased due primarily to the addition of  $218,300 in partial funding for school resource officers should the City Council decide to continue  the contribution for FY 2022‐23 and the one‐time $150,000 cost for security cameras at all City  facilities.  The proposed budget also includes a $57,000 increase in funding to the OPEB Trust  account based on the most recent actuarial report.   Public Safety – The public safety contract with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department  increased 1.43% for the Deputy Sheriff Service Unit, 2.29% for a Bonus‐I Deputy, and 4.09% for a  Sergeant for FY 2022‐23.  The total contract cost is $189,100 more than budgeted for FY 2021‐22.   An additional $30,000 has also been included for funding of the recently increased FLOCK system.   Other costs include a $30,000 cost increase to crossing guard services and a $5,000 increase in  contract animal control services.    Public Works – A budget request of $250,000 has been added for a new graffiti removal program,  however the use of an in‐house crew versus contract service has yet to be determined therefore,  there are no new positions requested at this time for this program.  Also included is a $20,000  request for additional permit inspection services, and one‐time expenses of $30,000 for the  purchase of a stump grinder, $20,000 increase in traffic engineering services to address a backlog,  $25,000 for a city traffic (speed) study.   Parks and Recreation – This budget includes a $40,000 request for contract services for the  community garden, $100,000 for additional Christmas decorations, and $84,000 for other parks  equipment and facility maintenance/repairs as detailed in the ‘Capital Equipment and  Supplemental Budget Request’ page.  Other changes include increases to the cost of the contract  food service for senior meals due to the continued need and increased cost of service, class  instruction based on anticipated increase in services, and community events and advertising due  to increased costs of goods and services.   Community Development – There are no significant budget changes to this department, however,  there are seven new positions proposed for the purpose of bringing building and safety services  in‐house.  The budget is currently reflected under contract services but will be moved to salaries  and benefits as the positions are hired.   Contingency – $300,000 in contingency funds for unplanned expenditures and potential future  capital project funding continues to be budgeted in the General Services budget.    OTHER FUNDS – The City has 21 Special Revenue funds that are restricted in their use based on the purpose  for which the revenue is collected.  Collectively, the funds are proposed at $10,377,800 in operating  appropriations and $13,109,000 in capital improvement program appropriations, offset by $13,862,300  in restricted revenue estimated for FY 2022‐23 and the use of available fund balance.  Most revenue  estimates for these funds are provided by outside sources as discussed in the Revenue Detail section of  this document.  The foundation for increasing this year’s recommended Capital Improvement Program  was a review of the fund balances of all special revenue funds, FY 2021‐22 year‐end estimates, FY 2022‐ 23 revenue projections, and current CIP obligations as detailed in the ‘Special Revenue Funds’ section of  this document.  The City also has two Internal Service funds which together, are proposed at $52,000 in  revenue (transfer from the General Fund and interest earnings) and $127,500 in proposed expenditures  for capital equipment and improvements.         5  City Manager’s Budget Message  FY 2022‐23  CAPITAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET REQUESTS – New for this year’s budget document is a listing  of capital equipment and supplemental budget requests from departments to provide a quick view of  additions to current programs, new programs and costs, and one‐time expenditures.  STAFFING – The fiscal year 2022‐23 budget includes a proposed citywide staffing level of 67 full‐time  positions.  Upon adoption, the FY 2021‐22 budget authorized a staffing level of 56 full‐time employees,  however, during the year three positions have been added and one 3/4‐time position was converted to  full‐time bringing the current staffing level to 60 full‐time positions. There are seven new full‐time  positions recommended based on the May 31, 2022 City Council agenda item regarding Building and  Safety operations and the direction to bring those services in‐house.  The salary and benefit costs have  been budgeted within the contract service line‐item and as the transition is made between the contract  service and in‐house staff, budgeted amounts will be moved to the appropriate object numbers within  the division.  The positions and salary ranges were determined by a recent position and salary survey and  are recommended as follows:   No of Positions Position Title Group Monthly Salary Range  1  Building Official MMPC $ 8,579   ‐  $ 11,193  1  Plan Checker REA $ 6,073   ‐  $ 7,924  2  Building Inspector REA $ 5,496   ‐  $ 7,172  3  Permit Technician  REA $ 4,405   ‐  $ 5,747    CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM – The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) section has been enhanced  again this year to include project worksheets for each new and continuing project in addition to the  summary charts for new projects and/or additional funding for FY 2022‐23, a listing of continuing projects,  a listing of completed/deleted projects, and a comprehensive listing of all projects in the 5‐Year CIP.    CIP projects include building, upgrading, or replacing City infrastructure such as residential and arterial  streets, traffic signals, parks, and public facilities.  The FY 2022‐23 Proposed CIP adds $13,169,000 to the  current program for a total Capital Improvement Program Plan consisting of 45 projects in the amount of  $53,310,600.  The General Fund will be contributing $60,000 to the Program as partial funding for the  annual Preventative Pavement Maintenance program and serves as part of the Maintenance of Effort  (MOE) requirements for certain special funds.  In addition to this year’s contribution, the General Fund is  also obligated for projects previously approved but have not yet been completed in the amount of  $481,260.  Following is a summary of the proposed CIP plan by category:                These improvements are funded primarily by transportation related special revenue funds including  American Rescue Plan funds, the street light district, and grants.  As reflected in the following chart, the  primary funding sources for the FY 2022‐23 added projects is the American Rescue Plan SLFRF funds,  Summary by Categor Active CIP 2022‐23 Total Streets 22,835,850     5,744,000       28,579,850      Transportation 15,000,000     250,000          15,250,000      Park System 1,105,750       2,005,000       3,110,750        Facilities 1,000,000       3,410,000       4,410,000        Water Quality & Env 200,000           ‐                   200,000           Other 1,760,000       1,760,000        Total  40,141,600    13,169,000    53,310,600            6  City Manager’s Budget Message  FY 2022‐23  RMRA, Prop C and Gas Tax.  Use of the street light fund for  new and continuing projects is allowable due to the  approval of Senate Bill No. 1307 which allows Rosemead to  use its Street Lighting Act of 1919 revenue in accordance  with Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972 regulations.  The  City’s light district is part of the 1% property ad valorem tax  and not an additional assessment to our residents.  ROSEMEAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION – The City,  through the Rosemead Housing Development Corporation  (RHDC) owns and operates two Senior Housing facilities.  The funding source of the RHDC is a combination  of the rents collected from tenants and contributions from the Successor Agency to former Community  Development Commission to cover any operating shortfalls and lease obligations to the City.  Changes this  year include a reorganization of the accounting structure to become more transparent in the reporting of  operating costs of the facilities, the increase in the annual lease amount due to the General Fund in  accordance with the lease agreement including a catch‐up for past years, and the inclusion of $400,000  for repair/replacement of the elevator at the Angelus Apartments.  The cost of the elevator repairs will  be included in future ROPS submissions for reimbursement as maintenance is listed as an allowable cost  within the accepted recognized obligations listing.   FINANCIAL POLICIES – As part of the annual budget process, the Financial Policies contained within the  Budget Guide section of this document are reviewed and updated as needed.  There are two  recommended additions to the Budget Policies section this year.  The first is a policy to budget for the  City’s OPEB liability at the level recommended within the required actuarial report.  The second  recommendation is a policy to allow the Finance Director/City Treasurer to determine the method of  payment for the City’s annual unfunded pension liability annual contribution.  The payment may be made  annually or monthly with a discount given if paid annually.    CONCLUSION – The Proposed Budget document has been compiled with the cooperation of all City  Departments and coordinated by the Finance Department.  An enormous amount of data is compiled to  accomplish the accurate layering of revenue estimates, anticipated expenses, cost allocations, and salary  calculations for a City with multiple programs and funds.  In the end, the FY 2022‐23 Proposed Budget is  staff’s best estimate of a spending plan for the coming year.  As always, staff will continue to monitor the  City’s fiscal health throughout the year and report upon any changing conditions.  I would like to conclude by recognizing the contributions of the Department Directors and their staff  members who worked on the developing this year’s budget and for those providing services to Rosemead  residents on a daily basis.  I would like to give special thanks to Paula Chamberlain, Interim Finance  Director; Tess Anson, Finance Manager; and Danielle Garcia, Public Works Fiscal and Project Manager for  their work in creating this document.  Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to the Mayor and City  Council for their leadership, prudent fiscal policy decisions, and support crucial to achieving the City’s  goals.    Respectfully,    Ben Kim  City Manager  City of Rosemead   The following topics may be found within this section of the budget document:   PAGE #  MAP OF CITY FACILITIES ...................................................................................................................... 1  ROSEMEAD AT A GLANCE ..................................................................................................................... 2   BUDGET PROCESS ...................................................................................................................... 5   BUDGET CALENDAR ................................................................................................................... 5   BUDGET DOCUMENT INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 6   BUDGETARY CONTROL ................................................................................................................ 7   BUDGETARY BASIS ..................................................................................................................... 8   BUDGET STRUCTURE & FUNDS ..................................................................................................... 8   LIST OF FUND NUMBERS AND TITLES ............................................................................................. 9   FUND DESCRIPTIONS ................................................................................................................ 10   ALLOCATED COSTS ................................................................................................................... 12  OTHER RELATED INFORMATION   APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT (GANN) ............................................................................................... 13   ANNUAL AUDIT OF FINANCIAL RECORDS ....................................................................................... 14   DEBT LIMIT ............................................................................................................................ 14   DEBT OBLIGATIONS ................................................................................................................. 14  2022‐23 FINANCIAL POLICIES ............................................................................................................ 15  GLOSSARY OF BUDGET TERMS ............................................................................................................ 23  ACRONYMS ..................................................................................................................................... 27  Fiscal Year 2022-23 City of Rosemead 1 FY 2022‐23 Budget  MAP OF CITY FACILITIES                             1. Garvey Park 7933 Emerson Place 2. Rosemead Park 4343 Encinita Avenue 3. Zapopan Park 3018 N. Charlotte Avenue 4. Rosemead Community Center 3936 N. Muscatel Avenue 5. Sally Tanner Park 8343 E. Mission Drive 6. Guess Park 8555 E. Mission Drive 7. Klingerman Park 8800 Klingerman Street 8. Jay Imperial Park 2361 & 2362 Pine Street 9. Emerson School 7544 Emerson Place 10. Sanchez Elementary & Temple Intermediate Schools 8470 Fern Avenue 11. Janson School 8628 Marshall Street 12. Rice School 2150 Angelus Street 13. Savannah School 3720 Rio Hondo Avenue 14. Shuey School 8472 Wells Street 15. Willard School 3152 Willard Avenue 16. Bitely School 7501 Fern Avenue 17. Jess Gonzalez Sports Complex 8471 Klingerman Street 18. Muscatel Jr. High School 4201 W. Ivar Avenue 19. Garvey Community Center 9108 Garvey Avenue 20. City Hall 8838 E. Valley Boulevard 21. Garvey Gymnasium 7954 Dorothy Avenue 22. Public Safety Center 8301 Garvey Avenue 23. Garvey Intermediate 2720 Jackson Avenue 24. Splash Zone at Garvey Park 3233 Kelburn Avenue 25. Rosemead Aquatic Center 9155 E. Mission Drive 26. Rosemead Skate Plaza 9155 E. Mission Drive 27. Rosemead Corporation Yard 2714 River Avenue MAP OF CITY FACILITIES 24 1 Emerson Place 16 Fern Avenue N Jackson Avenue Del Mar Avenue Kelburn Ave san Gabriel Boulevard Charlotte Avenue Angelus Avenue Delta StreetWillard Avenue Walnut Grove Avenue Muscatel Avenue Ivar Street Encinita Avenue Rio Hondo Avenue 9 23 5 6 18 26 25 Wells Street 14 Valley Boulevard Marshall Street 11 20 4 13 SAN BERNARDINO FREEWAY Dorothy Street 21 3 22 Fern 12 15 Avenue 10 17 Garvey Avenue 19 Klingerman Street 7 Rush Street River Avenue City Facilities School Facilities 27 2 8 City of Rosemead 2 FY 2022‐23 Budget  ROSEMEAD AT A GLANCE  INCORPORATION  August 4, 1959  GOVERNMENT  Rosemead is a General Law city which operates  under a Council‐Manager form of municipal  government.  The City Council consists of five  members elected at large for overlapping four‐ year terms.  The Mayor is selected from the City  Council members and serves a one‐year term.   The City Council appoints the City Manager, City  Attorney and City Clerk.  In addition, the City  Council appoints the members of all advisory  Commissions, Boards and Committees.  The City  Council also acts as the Board of Directors of the  Rosemead Housing Development Corporation.  COUNTY  Los Angeles County  LOCATION  The City is located in the San Gabriel Valley  region of the state and is approximately 13 miles  east of downtown Los Angeles, 50 miles west of  San Bernardino County, and 36 miles north of  Orange County.    EDUCATION  Rosemead is served by three school districts –  Garvey, Rosemead, and El Monte Districts  POPULATION  50,511  (2022 CA Dept Of Finance Est)  AREA  5.2 sq miles   ELEVATION  318 feet  RECREATION FACILITIES  6 Parks – Garvey, Rosemead, Jay Imperial,  Klingerman, Sally Turner, and Zapopan  2 Community Centers – Rosemead Community  Recreation Center and Garvey Community  Center  2 Pools – Rosemead Aquatic Center and Splash  Zone at Garvey Park   PLACES OF INTEREST  Dinsmore Heritage House and Cultural Center;  Savannah Pioneer Cemetery   ZIP CODES AREA CODE  91770‐91772 626                  City of Rosemead 3 FY 2022‐23 Budget    HISTORY – John Guess and his wife, Harriet, arrived in the San Gabriel Valley in 1852 in an ox‐drawn wagon  from Arkansas.  They settled in 1855 on a 100‐acre ranch called Savannah on the site of what is now  Savannah School.  Others followed, including Frank Frost and Leonard Rose.  Rose purchased 500 to 700  acres to breed and train horses and called his place Rose's  Meadow, which was shortened to Rosemead and gave the  city its name.  Small truck farms and chicken and rabbit  ranches became popular and the city incorporated in 1959.   The quiet, pastoral lands are now crowded with businesses,  industries, shops and some 54,000 people.  Once a lush  green pasture extending from the Los Angeles River east to  the Pomona area, Rosemead was indeed a fine place for  early settlers to raise fruits, vegetables, grain, and feed.   Today, the city boasts that its goals include the improvement of quality of life offered in Rosemead in a  business‐friendly atmosphere conducive to continued economic growth and prosperity.  The city offers a  desirable and affordable community in which to live and a dynamic and expanding business sector that is  an economic growth engine for West Coast commerce.  CITY SERVICES – The City is a contract city, contracting out services such as police, sanitation, tree  maintenance, building and safety, and information technology.  Fire and Library services are provided by  Los Angeles County funded by a portion of the 1% property tax  levy.  Five private‐owned water companies service Rosemead’s  residents and businesses.  The Gas Company and Southern  California Edison provide services for natural gas and electricity,  respectively.  Consolidated Disposal Services provides sanitation  service and Athens Services provides citywide street sweeping  services.  EDUCATION – Public schools serving residents of Rosemead are under the authority of independent school  districts, but the City works closely with the districts to provide quality educational opportunities for  grades K‐12.  Garvey School District, Rosemead School  District, and El Monte Union High School District serve  residents of Rosemead.  There are 9 public elementary  schools, 3 middle schools, and 1 high school.  Rosemead  is also home to Don Bosco Technical Institute, a private  Catholic high school for boys.  The City of Rosemead  shares the cost of providing crossing guard services for  15 location sites.  The City funds 50% of the cost and the  Garvey School District and Rosemead School District  share the remaining 50%.   ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – The City of Rosemead welcomes business, and that strategic attitude,  coupled with current projects underway or in the pipeline, will increase revenue in future years.  As these  projects come online, the City’s economic base is broadened and diversified, ensuring greater fiscal  stability, as well as increased revenue to the City’s budget.  The Garvey Avenue Specific Plan, approved in  City of Rosemead 4 FY 2022‐23 Budget  2018, sets a foundation for future investment by streamlining the development approval process further  confirming the City’s business friendly philosophy.  INFRASTRUCTURE – The City’s vision is to attractively landscape and hardscape public areas and update  and maintain public facilities.  Each year Rosemead makes significant investments in maintaining,  expanding, and improving civic infrastructure for the benefit of residents and businesses.  Based on the  2018 Pavement Management Plan, the City has a city‐wide Pavement Condition Index (PCI) of 75.6, which  is higher than neighboring cities.  The FY 2022‐23 Capital Improvement Program includes a project to  update the Pavement Management Plan.  TRANSPORTATION  Accessible Freeways: Interstate 10, Interstate 605, Interstate 710  Bus and rail service:  METRO, Montebello Bus Lines, Dial‐A‐Ride, Rosemead Explorer (Shuttle Bus)  Los Angeles International Airport 24 miles Ontario International Airport 31 miles  John Wayne International Airport 38 miles Bob Hope (Burbank) Airport 22 miles   HOUSING – For 2021‐22, there were 9,781 residential and 687 commercial/industrial parcels in the City.   The median price of a single‐family home sold in Rosemead in 2021 was $732,500, an 11.15% increase  over 2020 (HdL Associated).  In 2020, 49.8% of the residential properties were owner‐occupied.    INCOME – In 2020, Rosemead’s estimated median household income was $60,006 annually, with 86.5%  of the population living above the poverty line.  Of Rosemead residents, 92% have computers in the home  and 84.5% have broadband internet subscriptions.  POPULATION – Rosemead’s current estimated population is just over 50,500.  As of July 1, 2021,  approximately 26% of the population is under the age of 18, 18% of residents are 65 years or older; 58%  are foreign born; 64% are Asian, 30% are Latino, 4% are White and 2.0% are in all other groups.  10‐YEAR POPULATION GROWTH (PER CA DEPT OF FINANCE)   Year Estimate  2013 54,645  2014 54,735  2015 54,778  2016 54,745  2017 54,629  2018 54,723  2019 54,394  2020 54,471  2021 50,823  2022 50,511       Note: Source for all 2020 housing, income, and demographic data is from the U.S. Census Bureau  QuickFacts (V2021) site.     City of Rosemead 5 FY 2022‐23 Budget  THE BUDGET    BUDGET PROCESS  The budget process is initiated through a joint effort on behalf of the City Manager’s office and the Finance  Department.  Budget instructions are disseminated to the department directors.  Revenue budget  projections are produced with the cooperative efforts of the departments and Finance.  The department  projections are based upon current services provided within their respective departments, and Finance is  responsible for projecting the remaining revenue sources, such as taxes, interest income, and revenue  from other governments.  The Finance Department provides departments with the projected salary and  benefits costs for their respective department based upon current staffing levels and any MOU‐driven  changes.   Rosemead uses a combined program and line‐item budget format.  This is designed to provide for a  comprehensive management control and fiscal planning system and is aimed at achieving goals and  objectives at operational levels which are consistent with the needs and wants of the community.  The budget  process is generally an incremental one, which starts with a historical base budget with adjustments  recommended as needed based on department justification.  An automated budget module is made available to departments to input their requests in detail. Each  department submits justification for expenses, such as additional personnel, capital, professional services,  and travel and meetings.  The Finance Department provides staff with the required tutorial and training  for this portion of the budget process.  After the department deadline for budget input, the Finance  Department reviews the citywide and department budgets with the City Manager.  Meetings are held with  department directors to discuss budgetary concerns, program requests, and to help establish funding  priorities.  Based upon the City Manager’s recommendations, the Finance Department prepares a  proposed budget document for the City Council budget workshops/public hearings.  City Council adopts  the budget by June 30 for the fiscal year start date of July 1.   Department Directors, along with the Finance Department, is responsible for monitoring revenue and  expenditures throughout the year.  Amendments to revenue estimates or appropriations are presented  to the City Council as needed or with the Mid‐Year Budget Review.    BUDGET CALENDAR  Altogether, budget preparation takes approximately seven months.  Work typically begins in February (in  the year prior to the first fiscal year of the budget), when staff prepares the calendar and instructions and  culminates, in August, with the publication of the Adopted Budget.  The following schedule outlines the  major steps and dates involved in preparing and processing the annual budget:    February Instructions and worksheets are distributed to departments.  Preliminary salary  projections started.  City of Rosemead 6 FY 2022‐23 Budget   CIP requests are due to Public Works Director for review.  The CIP includes purchases of  major repairs and maintenance to public facilities (public works projects).  Purchases of  equipment costing more than $5,000 should be included in department budgets as capital  outlay.   Requests to for personnel additions, deletions, or modification are due to the City  Manager and Finance.    March  The Mid‐year Budget Report/Budget Amendments are presented for council approval.   Department budget worksheets are submitted and entered into system.  The first draft  of revenue estimates is completed by Finance with input from departments.     Budget Narratives, Strategic Plans, and Work Goals are completed and submitted to  Finance.   Consolidated CIP Requests from Public Works with updated CIP worksheets are submitted  to Finance.    April Budget meetings with City Manager and Department Directors are held to review  department budget submissions and make agreed upon changes.  Also, the City Manager  reviews CIP recommendations and/or Personnel requests for inclusion determination.   Preliminary budget information is distributed to staff.    May The Proposed Budget is printed and distributed.  A City Council Workshop(s) is held and  the City Council makes final recommendations to the City Manager.      June The budget resolutions and related actions are adopted by the City Council.    BUDGET DOCUMENT INTRODUCTION  A local government budget is a plan to match existing resources with the needs of the community.  The  functions of local government stem from three levels of policy direction: federal, state, and local.  Within  this intergovernmental system, local government is the workhorse of domestic policy.  Local government  has the responsibility to provide basic public services such as maintaining streets and roadways, providing  traffic management systems, maintaining parks, providing community services, and ensuring public  safety.  Local government must also fulfill certain state and national policy objectives such as  transportation and environmental protection while implementing the expectations and values of its  citizens.  For local governments, the primary tool used to coordinate these requirements is the budget.   The City of Rosemead’s Budget provides the residents of Rosemead with a plan for matching available  resources to the services, goals, and objectives specified in the budget document.     The budget document serves two distinct purposes.  One purpose is to present the City Council and public  with a clear picture of the services that the City provides.  The other purpose is to provide City  Management and Staff with a financial and operating plan that conforms to the City’s accounting system.   The information below provides additional details for each of the sections within the document.  City of Rosemead 7 FY 2022‐23 Budget  Introduction – Includes the Table of Contents, list of City Officials and City Commissions, citywide  organizational chart, the City’s Community Vision and General Plan, CSMFO budget award, and adopting  resolutions.  City Manager’s Budget Message – Provides and overview of the City’s budget with summary data of  revenue, expenditures, staffing, and overall economic environment.  General Information – Provides general information about the City, its governmental structure, services,  provided, demographic profile, budget development, and financial policies.  Budget Summaries – Includes estimated fund balances, summary data and graphs of revenue,  expenditures, with information at the fund, department, and division level.  Revenue – Includes a detailed listing of the individual revenue accounts by fund along with revenue details  and assumptions for major sources.  Staffing – Provides a listing of all authorized full and part‐time positions, minimum and maximum monthly  salaries, position allocation, employee benefits summary, and CalPERS data.  Department Details – Contains budget information by department including an organizational chart,  overview, goals and performance measures and accomplishments.  It also provides a departmental  summary of expenditures and division summaries including funding sources.  Other Agencies – Provides an overview of and budget information for the Rosemead Housing  Development Corporation and the Successor Agency to the former Community Development Corporation.   The Successor Agency is accounted for in a Trust and Agency Fund and is therefore, provided only as  information and not officially adopted by the City Council.  Capital Improvement Program – Overview of the City’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP), including FY  2021‐22 planned projects and funding sources.    Appendix – Includes the Glossary of Budget Terms and Acronyms    BUDGETARY CONTROL  Budget control is maintained at the departmental level for the General Fund and Fund level for all other  funds.  Expenditures are budgeted at the line‐item level according to fund and operational area.  The City  Manager has the authority to approve appropriation transfers between programs or departments.  In no  case may total expenditures of a particular fund exceed that which is appropriated by the City Council  without a budget Council approved budget amendment.  The Finance Director is authorized to reallocate  the budget to more detailed levels of control for administrative purposes.  This includes changes between  major program categories (e.g.., Salaries & Wages, Supplies & Expenses including Capital Outlay, or Capital  Improvements) within a department.  Department Directors are responsible for monitoring departmental revenue and expenditures throughout  the year to ensure compliance with the adopted budget.  Departments are assisted with monitoring data  through the City’s use of an encumbrances accounting system that encumbers the full amount of a  City of Rosemead 8 FY 2022‐23 Budget  purchase or contract upon processing the purchase order.    The City Council approves any revisions that increase the total budgeted expenditures or revenues of any  department and fund, and any changes to staffing levels, including budgeted permanent and as‐needed  full‐time equivalent positions.  The City Council may amend the budget by resolution any time during the  fiscal year, but amendments have typically been presented with the Mid Year Budget Review.  BUDGETARY BASIS  The budget is prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.  The budget for  governmental funds has been prepared on a modified accrual basis.  The modified accrual basis recognizes  expenditures when the related fund liability is incurred.  Revenues are recognized when they become  both measurable and available.  “Measurable” means the amount of the transaction can be determined  and “available” means collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter to be used to pay  liabilities of the current period.   Amounts expended to acquire capital assets are recorded as expenditures in the year that resources were  expended, rather than as fund assets.  The proceeds of long‐term debt are recorded as other financing  sources rather than as a fund liability.  Amounts paid to reduce long‐term indebtedness are reported as  fund expenditures.  BUDGET STRUCTURE & FUNDS  The City’s accounts are organized on the basis of funds and account groups, each of which is considered  a separate accounting entity.  The operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self‐ balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund equity, revenues, and expenditures.   Government resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds based upon the purposes  for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activities are controlled.  The various  funds are grouped into generic fund types and broad fund categories:  The City has the following fund type categories:     GOVERNMENTAL FUND TYPES  The governmental funds include the General, Special Revenue, Debt Service, and Capital Project  Funds.  Governmental Funds are reported using the current financial resources measurement focus  and the modified accrual basis of accounting.    PROPRIETARY FUND TYPES  The proprietary funds, which include the Enterprise and Internal Service Funds, are used to account  for the City's business‐type activities.  Proprietary funds are reported using the economic resources  measurement focus and the full accrual basis of accounting.  Revenues are recorded when earned,  and expenses are recorded at the time liabilities are incurred, regardless of when the related cash  flows take place.    TRUST and AGENCY FUND TYPES  The Agency Funds are custodial in nature and do not involve measurement of results of operations.   City of Rosemead 9 FY 2022‐23 Budget  Agency Funds operate as a clearing mechanism.  Cash resources are collected, held for a brief period,  and then distributed to the proper recipients.  The City budget process does not include fiduciary  funds because the resources of these funds are not available to support the City’s programs.  The City  maintains two agency funds including the Successor Agency to the former Community Development  Commission.     Within these categories are specific fund types as follows:  GENERAL FUND is the primary fund used to account for all general revenues of the City (e.g., property,  sales, and transient occupancy taxes).  In general, these funds are allocated at the discretion of the  City Council.  This revenue is used to support citywide services such as public safety, community  services, planning and community development, and administrative support services.     SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS are used to account for the proceeds of revenues that are designated for  specific or restricted uses (other than special assessments, expendable trusts, or major capital  projects).     CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS are used to account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition  or construction of major facilities with a project cost of $25,000 or more and a useful life of at least  five year.      INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS are used to account for a variety of business services provided by one City  department (or division) to other City departments.  Information Technology Replacement and  Equipment Replacement Funds are built through Internal Service Funds.      LIST OF FUND NUMBERS AND TITLES GENERAL GOVERNMENT FUNDS:  101 General Fund  SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS:  201 State Gas Tax  202 RMRA SB1  205 TDA Art III – Pedestrian and Bikeway  215 Proposition A Local Return  220 Proposition C Local Return  225 Measure R Local Return  226 Measure M Local Return  227 Measure H Grant  228 American Rescue Plan – SLFRF  229 Measure R – Highway Capital  230 Air Quality Management District  231 Measure W – Safe Clean Water Program  232 Grant Fund  233 SLFRF – Revenue Loss  245 Street Lighting District  250 Development Impact Fee – Traffic  251 Development Impact Fee – Public Safety  252 Development Impact Fee – Gen’l Gov’t  253 Development Impact Fee – Parks  260 Community Development Block Grant  275 HOME   281 HDC Senior Housing (RHDC)    CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS:  301 Capital Projects     City of Rosemead 10 FY 2022‐23 Budget  INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS:  501 Equipment Replacement  505 Technology Replacement  FIDUCIARY FUNDS:  316 Successor Agency  615 Trust & Agency – General  FUND DESCRIPTIONS  101 GENERAL FUND – This is the primary fund used to account for all general revenues of the City (e.g.,  property, sales, and transient occupancy taxes).  In general, these funds are not restricted and may  be allocated at the discretion of the City Council.  This revenue is used to support citywide services  such as public safety, community services, planning and community development, and  administrative support services.    SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS  201 STATE GAS TAX – Highway User Tax Act (HUTA) (Gas Tax) monies are collected by the State under  the title of Motor Vehicle Fuel License Tax and distributed to the City based on population.  Funds  may be used to construct and maintain streets and highways.  202 RMRA SB1 – The Road and Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 was created to address deferred  maintenance on the state highway system and the local street and road system.  Funds may be used  for road maintenance and rehabilitation: a) Safety projects; (b) Railroad grade separations; (c)  Complete street components, including active transportation purposes, pedestrian and bicycle  safety projects, transit facilities, and drainage and stormwater capture projects in conjunction with  any other allowable project; and (d) Traffic control devices.  205 TDA ART III – PEDESTRIAN/BIKEWAY GRANT – The Pedestrian and Bikeway Trail grant is distributed  by the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority for sidewalks, bike trails and similar  projects that encourage transportation methods other than vehicle‐related.  City policy has been to  use this money for construction of sidewalks, pedestrian access to schools, parks, or commercial  areas.  210 FEDERAL HIGHWAY GRANTS – Provides funds from Federal Highway/Transportation Acts which are  used for pre‐approved highway projects.  Application and funding processes are administered by  Caltrans.  215 PROPOSITION A LOCAL RETURN– Proposition A funds are a result of the County one‐half cent sales  tax increase approved by voters in 1980 which is allocated to cities based on population.  The  revenue can only be used for transit or transit‐related projects.  The City has three years in which  to use its annual allocation, or the money must be returned to the LA METRO.      220 PROPOSITION C LOCAL RETURN– 80% of the 2 cent Sales and Use Tax collected in the County of Los  Angeles because of Proposition C.  Monies are used by the cities for public transit, to increase safety  and improve road conditions by repairing and maintaining streets heavily used by public transit.   The METRO must approve all projects.  225 MEASURE R LOCAL RETURN – A county‐wide one‐half percent sales tax to fund transportation  projects.  Receipts can be used to synchronize traffic signals, repair potholes, keep senior, student,  City of Rosemead 11 FY 2022‐23 Budget  and disabled bus fares low and provide community traffic relief.  The tax receipts are used primarily  to improve public transit and street maintenance projects.  226 MEASURE M LOCAL RETURN – A county‐wide one‐half percent sales tax to fund transportation  projects.  Receipts may be used to fund several highways, transit, local street, walking and biking  programs.  Funding is to improve freeway traffic flow/safety; repair potholes/sidewalks; repave  local streets; earthquake‐retrofit bridges; synchronize signals; keep senior/disabled/student fares  affordable; expand rail/subways/bus systems; improve job/school/airport connections; and create  jobs.  227 MEASURE H – These funds are the result of the passage of an LA county Ballot initiative raising the  sales tax rate by ¼ of a cent.  The revenue is to provide services for the homeless, including funding  for mental health services, substance abuse treatment, health care, job training, transportation,  outreach, and homelessness prevention.   228 AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN – SLFRF – On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed the American Rescue  Plan Act of 2021, which contains $1.9 trillion in overall national spending to support relief and  economic recovery efforts.  The Act provides a total of $250 billion in assistance to states, counties,  municipalities, territories, and tribal governments to cover expenses, make up for lost revenue and  east the overall economic impact from the COVID‐19 pandemic.  This fund accounts for the City’s  portion of these funds dedicated within SLFRF categories to be obligated by December 2024 and  fully expended by December 2026.  229 MEASURE R – HIGHWAY CAPITAL – Funds provided by LACMTA for major regional projects.   230 AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT FUND – This fund is used to account for revenues received  from the Air Quality Management District pursuant to AB 2766.  Funds from the registration of every  motor vehicle registered or renewed each year in California are distributed directly to the cities in  AQMD's jurisdiction for mobile source emission reduction programs.   231 MEASURE W – SAFE CLEAN WATER PROGRAM – Accounts for funds collected from a parcel tax of  2.5 cents per square foot impermeable area.  Tax receipts will be used to improve water quality,  increase local supply, and enhance the community.  232 GRANT FUND – Accounts for non‐repayable funds disbursed or given by Federal, State, County, and  Special District Entities.  Grant funds are used to fund a specific project or program which requires  some level of compliance, reporting, and auditing.  245 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT – Monies collected by ad valorem property tax to provide for energy  cost and maintenance of the (citywide) Rosemead Lighting District.  SB 1307 (Sept 2020) expanded  to use of these funds to include those authorized under the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972.  25x DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE –Development Impact Fees are imposed upon development projects  pursuant to Government Code 66066 for mitigating the impact of the development on the ability of  the City to provide specified public improvements and services.  The City prepared a Development  Impact Fee Study and the Study identified four categories of capital facilities and equipment  required to serve and accommodate new development; and provided a summary of the portion of  each improvement category’s costs that can be funded by new development.  The four categories  City of Rosemead 12 FY 2022‐23 Budget  established by Ordinance 949 are:   Fund 250 – Traffic Facilities; Fund 251 – Public Safety Facilities; Fund 252 – General  Government Facilities; Fund 253 – Park Facilities.   260 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND – Designed to account for those monies received  from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, Community Development  Block Grant Programs are to be expended for economic studies and economic development of the  community.  275 HDC HOME PROGRAM – Pursuant to the HOME Investment Partnerships Act, the Department of  Housing and Urban Development (HUD) allocates regular HOME funds to the City for the purpose  of expanding the City’s supply of decent, safe, sanitary, and affordable housing for very low‐ and  low‐income families.  The source of revenue is from program income offered by the Department of  Housing and Urban Development (HUD).  281 HDC SENIOR HOUSING – Operating revenues and expenditures of the Rosemead Housing  Development Corporation for senior housing apartments are accounted for in this fund.  CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS  301 CAPITAL PROJECTS –Used for the acquisition or construction of major facilities (project costs exceed  $25,000 and life of at least five years).  INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS  501 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND – Charges to departments for the replacement of equipment.  505 TECHNOLOGY REPLACEMENT FUND – Charges to departments for the replacement of technology  equipment.   FIDUCIARY FUNDS  316 TRUST & AGENCY FUND – Used to account activity of the Successor Agency to the former  Community Development Corporation.   615 TRUST & AGENCY FUND – Used to account for assets held in a trustee or agency capacity.  Included  are such items as payroll withholding taxes, voluntary withholdings, developer deposits, etc.  ALLOCATED COSTS The following divisions are allocated as defined –   Workers’ Compensation is charged to the Risk Management budget and allocated to departments based  on allocated salaries and cost of the Worker’s Comp Premium supplied by CJPIA.  The Motor Fleet division, including the transfer to the Vehicle Replacement Internal Service Fund, is  allocated to departments assigned City vehicles based estimated cost per vehicle.  The Information Technology division, including a transfer to the Information Technology Replacement  Internal Service Fund, is allocated to all departments based on the number of computers in each  department.   City of Rosemead 13 FY2022‐23 Budget  OTHER RELATED INFORMATION    APPROPRIATIONS (GANN) LIMIT   Article XIII B of the California Constitution (enacted with the passage of Proposition 4 in 1979 and modified  with the passage of Proposition 111 in 1990) restricts the appropriations growth rate for cities and other  local jurisdictions.  The legislation provides that the governing body shall annually establish its  appropriations limit by resolution.    The appropriations limit is calculated by determining appropriations financed by proceeds of taxes in the  1978/79 base year and adjusting the limit each subsequent year for changes in the cost of living and  population.  This appropriation limit is the maximum limit of proceeds from taxes the City may collect or  spend each year.  Budgeted appropriations are limited to actual revenues if they are lower than the limit.   The appropriation limit may be amended at any time during the fiscal year to reflect new data.    The City annually calculates the Gann Limit according to legally established procedures (California  Government Code Section 9710).  The City conforms and adheres to all Gann Limit and related  requirements.  The City Council adopts by resolution the City’s Gann appropriations limit prior to the fiscal  year and adopts by resolution certifying the City is in conformance with Gann requirements.  The adoption  of the appropriations limit by resolution of the City Council is to be completed prior to the beginning of  the new fiscal year.   Annually during the City’s financial audit, the auditors apply agreed‐upon procedures to ensure the City  meets the requirements of Section 1.5 of Article XIII‐B of the California Constitution.  The Appropriations Limit for FY 2021‐22 is $54,976,824 and the Appropriations Subject to the Limit is  $19,792,316; therefore, the City is $35,184,507 below its Appropriations Limit for FY 2021‐22.  Once City  Council input has been received regarding the FY 2022‐23 Proposed Budget, the FY 2022‐23 GANN Limit will  be calculated and presented for adoption.  The 2022‐23 GANN Limit will be reflected in the below chart within  the adopted version of the FY 2022‐23 Budget document.  This chart displays 6 years  of GANN data.              City of Rosemead 14 FY2022‐23 Budget  ANNUAL AUDIT OF FINANCIAL RECORDS  All cities are required to retain the services of an independent Certified Public Accounting (CPA) firm to  conduct an annual audit of the year’s financial transactions.  The City’s auditors are selected on a  competitive basis through a formal, public Request for Proposal (RFP) process.  The resulting report is a  Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) that includes an introductory section, the independent  auditor’s report, Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A’s), government‐wide financial  statements, fund financial statements, notes to the financial statements, and a statistical section.  The  reports are prepared in conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) for  governments and are usually available in January each year.  The City of Rosemead was awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting  from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada for 2020 and has  submitted its’ 2021 Report for consideration.  DEBT LIMIT MARGIN  Under state law, the City has a legal debt limitation not to exceed 15 percent of the total adjusted assessed  valuation of taxable property within the City boundaries.  In accordance with California Government Code  Section 43605, only the City’s general obligation bonds are subject to that legal debt limit.  The City has  no outstanding general obligation bonds.  The table below summarizes the City’s debt limit margin over a  four‐year period.                             DEBT OBLIGATIONS  The City does not have bonded debts; the Successor Agency for the Rosemead Community Development  Commission had total bonded debt outstanding of $20,390,000 at June 30, 2022.  Of this amount, all of it  is backed by future property tax increment revenue.  Principal and Interest payments for FY 2022‐23 are  $3,416,750.  See Successor Agency section for more details.    Computation of Debt Limit Margin FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 Assessed Valuation 4,656,776,448      4,883,474,391      5,112,497,588      5,236,291,677       Conversion Percentage 25% 25% 25% 25% Adjusted Assessed Valuation 1,164,194,112      1,220,868,598      1,278,124,397      1,309,072,919       Debt Limit Percentage 15% 15% 15% 15% Debt Limit 174,629,117         183,130,290         191,718,660         196,360,938          Total Net Debt Applicable to Limit     General Obligation Bonds ‐                         ‐                         ‐                         ‐                         Legal Debt Margin 174,629,117         183,130,290         191,718,660         196,360,938          City of Rosemead 15 FY2022‐23 Budget  2022‐23 COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL POLICIES    Financial policies shall be adopted by the City Council during the annual budget approval process and will  establish the framework for the overall fiscal planning and management of the City of Rosemead. These  policies set forth guidelines against which current budgetary performance can be measured and proposals  for future programs can be evaluated.  The financial policies also improve the City’s fiscal stability by  helping City officials plan fiscal strategy with a consistent approach.  Adherence to adopted financial  policies promotes sound financial management, which can lead to improvement in bond ratings, a lower  cost of capital, provide assurance to the taxpayers that tax dollars are being collected and spent per City  Council direction and provide a minimum of unexpected impacts upon taxpayers and users of public  services.  The Finance Director, with direction from the City Manager, shall be responsible for developing,  implementing, and managing these policies, as well as subsidiary policies, that execute these  comprehensive financial policies.  The City’s comprehensive financial policies shall be in conformance with  all state and federal laws, generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and standards of the  Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) and the Government Finance Officers Association  (GFOA).    FINANCIAL REPORTING POLICIES  The City’s accounting and financial reporting systems will be maintained in conformance with all state and  federal laws, generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and the Government Finance Officers  Association (GFOA).  Further, the City will make every attempt to implement all changes to governmental  accounting practices at the earliest practicable time.  An annual audit will be performed by an independent public accounting firm with an audit opinion to be  included with the City’s published Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (Annual Report).  The City’s Annual Report will be submitted to the GFOA Certification of Achievement for Excellence in  Financial Reporting Program.  The financial report should be in conformity with GAAP, demonstrate  compliance with finance related legal and contractual provisions, disclose thoroughness, and detail  sufficiency, and minimize ambiguities and potentials for misleading inference.  The City’s Annual Financial Report will also be submitted to national repositories identified by the City’s  bond trust agent as a continuing commitment to disclose thoroughness to enable investors to make  informed decisions.  The City’s Budget should satisfy criteria as a financial and programmatic policy document, as a  comprehensive financial plan, as an operations guide for all organizational units and as a communications  device for all significant budgetary issues, trends, and resource choices.  To provide a reasonable basis for making the City Manager and Finance Director (management’s) required  representations concerning the finances of the City of Rosemead, the City has established a  comprehensive internal control framework that is designed both to protect the City’s assets from loss,  theft, or misuse and to compile sufficient reliable information for the preparation of the City’s financial  statements in conformity with GAAP.  The Finance Director is given the responsibility and authority to  City of Rosemead 16 FY2022‐23 Budget  develop and maintain proper internal controls on all financial aspects of the City and maintain for  inspection all the books of the City.  Because the cost of internal controls should not significantly outweigh  its benefits, the City’s comprehensive framework of internal controls has been designed to provide  reasonable rather than absolute assurance that the financial statements will be free from material  misstatements.  The Finance Director, following City Council Policy, shall endeavor to maintain cash reserves sufficient to  fully fund the net present value of accruing liabilities including self‐insurance provisions, obligations to  employees for vested payroll and benefits and similar obligations as they are incurred.  The Finance Director shall prepare and present to the City Council twice a year, an analysis of interim  revenue and expenditure trends to allow evaluation of potential discrepancies from budget assumptions.  The City Council shall endeavor to avoid committing to new spending for operating or capital  improvement purposes until an analysis of all current and future cost implications is completed.  BUDGET POLICIES  Budgetary control is set at the fund level to ensure compliance with the budget as approved by the City  Council.  The City’s budget policy is set as follows:   The City’s Fiscal Year shall run from July 1 through June 30   All operating appropriations lapse at fiscal year‐end.  Outstanding encumbrance balances for  services or products ordered but not received by fiscal year‐end require re‐approval by the City  Council, typically as part of the First Quarter Budget Review.   All Capital Improvement Program project appropriations carry‐forward to the next fiscal‐year  unless it is an annual operating‐type project, closed through project completion or budget  adoption, or other action.  Funds from one project to another may not be transferred without City  Council approval.  Carry‐forward information shall also be reported as part of the First Quarter  Report.   City Council approval is required for all new appropriations that change the fund appropriation  total and budgetary changes between funds.  Amendments that change the fund appropriation  total must be approved by resolution of the City Council.   Council approval is required for additions of or modifications to existing authorized staffing.   Movement of positions from one department to another requires City Manager approval only.   City Manager approval is required for transfers between departments within the same fund.   Departments may transfer budget appropriations between objects and divisions within the same  department and fund.   First Quarter and Mid‐Year Budget Reviews will be prepared and submitted to City Council for  review.      City of Rosemead 17 FY2022‐23 Budget  OPERATING MANAGEMENT POLICIES  While the Finance Director, under the direction of the City Manager, is primarily responsible for the  development, implementation and evaluation of all financial management policies and procedures, all  departments participate in the responsibility of meeting policy goals, budget goals and ensuring the long‐ term financial health of the City.  Future work plans program initiatives and performance indicators will  be developed to reflect current policy directives, projected resources, and future service requirements.  The budget process is intended to weigh all competing requests for City resources within expected fiscal  constraints.  Requests for new, ongoing programs made outside the budget process will require City  Council action.  Budget development will use strategic multi‐year fiscal planning, conservative revenue forecasts, and  program cost accounting that requires every program to be reviewed annually in terms of meeting  intended objectives.  The process will include a diligent review of programs by staff, the Finance Director,  the City Manager, and advisory Commissions as directed by the City Council.  Revenues will not be dedicated for specific purposes, unless required by law or generally accepted  accounting practices (GAAP).  All non‐restricted revenues will be deposited in the General Fund (or other  designated fund as approved by the Finance Director) and appropriated by City Council.  Current revenues will fund current expenditures and a diversified and stable revenue system will be  developed and maintained to protect programs from short‐term fluctuations in any single revenue source.  Current operating expenditures for all fund types will include all allocable overhead operating costs.  As  much as possible, these expenses will be charged to individual budget program elements as internal  service fund charges.  Included within the allocated service charges to Governmental Fund types will be  funding adequate to maintain the approved capital program (unless financed through other debt  instruments).  City staff shall strive to identify entrepreneurial solutions to recover costs of operating programs.  The City shall strive to avoid returning to the City Council for new or expanded appropriations as much as  possible.  Exceptions may include emergencies, unforeseen impacts, mid‐year adjustments or new  opportunities.  Additions of personnel will only be requested to meet program initiatives and policy directives; after  service needs have been thoroughly examined and it is substantiated that additional staffing will result in  increased revenue or enhanced operating efficiencies.  To the extent feasible, personnel cost reductions  will be achieved through attrition.  All user fees and charges will be examined or adjusted at least bi‐annually to determine the direct and  indirect cost of service recovery rate.  The acceptable recovery rate and any associated changes to user  fees and charges will be approved by the City Council following public review.  Capital equipment is defined as a single item costing $5,000 or more.  The replacement of such items will  be accomplished through a life cycle of funding mechanism.  The rates will be revised annually to ensure  that charges to operating departments are sufficient for future replacement of vehicles and other capital  City of Rosemead 18 FY2022‐23 Budget  equipment (fleet, computers, communication equipment and copier systems).  The City shall endeavor to  maintain adequate cash reserves to fund 80% replacement of capital equipment.  Replacement costs will  be based upon equipment lifecycle financial analysis developed by each department and approved by the  Finance Director.  An acceptable alternative to capital purchases is leasing of vehicles or equipment.   Replacement funds will not be established for lease equipment and departments will be responsible for  budgeting lease payments within departmental budgets.  Non‐capital equipment replacement will be  accomplished through the annual budget process.  Grant funding will be considered a means to leverage City funds.  Inconsistent and/or fluctuating grants  should not be used to fund ongoing programs.  Programs financed with grant monies will be budgeted in  separate cost centers or funds, and the service program will be adjusted to reflect the level of available  funding.  In the event of reduced grant funding, City resources will be substituted only after all program  priorities and alternatives are considered.  Balanced revenue and expenditure forecasts will be prepared by the Finance Director, with input from  Department Directors, to examine the City’s ability to absorb operating costs due to changes in the  economy, service demands, and capital improvements.  The forecast will be updated annually.  The  Finance Director will present these estimates to the City Council at least once a year.  Alternative means of service delivery will be evaluated by the Finance Director to ensure that quality  services are provided to Rosemead residents at the most competitive and economical cost.  Departments,  in cooperation with the City Manager and Finance Director, will identify all activities that could be  provided by another source and review options/alternatives to current service delivery.  The review of  service delivery alternatives and the need for the service will be performed as directed by the City  Manager, City Council or on an “opportunity” basis.  Cash and Investment programs will be maintained in accordance with the State of California Government  Code and the adopted Rosemead Investment Policy and will ensure that proper controls and safeguards  are maintained.  City funds will be managed in a prudent and diligent manner with an emphasis on safety  of principal, liquidity, and financial return on principal, in that order.  Pursuant to State law and §2.20 of  the Rosemead Municipal Code, the Finance Director shall act as the City’s Treasurer.  The City Treasurer  will at least annually, review and if needed revise, the City’s Investment Policy.  The City Council shall  approve the City Investment Policy, and any proposed revisions, on an annual basis.  In addition to liquidity  and safety requirements, the City Treasurer will also consider the appropriateness of investment decisions  vis‐à‐vis debt management.  The City, through the Finance Director and the Finance Department, will follow an assertive, consistent,  but sensitive policy of collecting revenues, with proper internal controls, to meet the needs of the City  and follow all applicable state and federal laws.    CAPITAL MANAGEMENT POLICIES  A five‐year Capital Improvement Plan will be developed and updated annually, including anticipated  funding sources.  Capital improvement projects are defined as infrastructure or equipment purchases or  construction which results in a capitalized asset valued at $20,000 or more and having a useful  (depreciable) life of five years or more.  Although reflected in the CIP, only assets valued at $250,000 and  above will be considered a ‘capitalized asset’ for GASB purposes.  City of Rosemead 19 FY2022‐23 Budget  The capital improvement plan will attempt to include, in addition to current operating maintenance  expenditures, adequate funding to support repair and replacement of deteriorating infrastructure and  avoidance of a significant unfunded liability.  Proposed capital projects will be part of the City Budget Development Process and reviewed and  prioritized by a cross‐departmental team regarding accurate costing (design, capital, and operating) as  well as the Finance Director for overall consistency with the City’s goals and objectives. Financing sources  will then be identified for the highest‐ranking projects by the City’s Finance Director and approval of the  City Manager.  Capital project contract awards will include a fiscal impact statement disclosing the expected operating  impact of the project and when such cost is expected to occur.  Pay‐as‐you‐go Capital Improvement Plan financing should account for a minimum of 50 percent of all  capital improvement projects for each five‐year planning period. Pay‐as‐you‐go financing is defined as all  sources of revenue other than City debt issuance, i.e., fund balance contributions, developer  contributions, grants, endowments, etc.  Pay‐as‐you‐go financing should generally be considered as the  preferred option.  However, the potential for debt issuance that provides additional economic and/or  strategic values should be considered as recommended by the Finance Director.   The City shall endeavor to apply special revenue funds (e.g., Gas Tax, CDBG, Proposition A and C funds,  etc.) to capital projects before using general fund dollars.  DEBT MANAGEMENT POLICIES  The Finance Director will seek to maintain and, if possible, improve Rosemead’s current bond rating(s) in  order to minimize borrowing costs and preserve access to credit.  New debt issues, and refinancing of existing debt, must be analyzed for compatibility within the City’s  overall financial planning.  The review shall not be limited to cash flow analysis, potential for unexpected  revenue surprises, and the maintenance of the City’s bond ratings.  Annual debt service shall not produce  an inordinate impact upon future operations.  The Finance Director will ensure that City Debt Service costs within the General Fund should not exceed  12% of the City’s operating revenue in order to control fixed costs and ensure expenditure flexibility.   Improvement District, Special Revenue Funds and general obligation debt service is not included in this  calculation because it is paid by district property owners, service users or taxpayers and is not an  obligation of future general fund revenues.  General Obligation debt, which is supported by property tax revenues and grows in proportion to the  City’s assessed valuation and/or property tax rate increases, may be utilized if/when authorized by voters.   Other types of debt (e.g., parking, retirement, housing) may also be utilized when it is supported by  dedicated revenue sources (e.g., fees and user charges) and recommended by the Finance Director.  Debt financing should not exceed the useful life of the infrastructure improvement with the average  (weighted) bond maturities at or below twenty‐five years, unless otherwise authorized by Council.  City of Rosemead 20 FY2022‐23 Budget  A ratio of current assets to current liabilities of at least 2/1 will be maintained to ensure the City’s ability  to pay short‐term obligations.  When calculating debt service coverage for internal purposes, the minimum pay‐as‐you‐go capital  expense for each fund will be considered a part of the operating costs to be covered by pre‐debt service  revenues.  The City goal will be to maintain the required debt service coverage with this additional cost  factored into the equation.  Use of a 3‐year budget projection, including capital project requirements, will  provide assurance that all needs are considered by the Finance Director, any relevant Commission and  the City Council as revenue requirements are considered.  GENERAL FUND RESERVE POLICY  All fund designations and reserves will be evaluated annually by the Finance Director for long‐term  adequacy and use requirements in conjunction with development of the City’s balanced five‐year financial  plan.  The City’s General Fund Reserve Policy was approved by the City Council by adoption of Resolution  Number 2021‐55.  In accordance with that Policy, at the end of each fiscal year, the City shall maintain a  Committed Fund Balance with its General Fund equal to 40% of annual operating expenditures for  operating cash flow, contingencies, revenue volatility, and catastrophic events.    SPECIAL REVENUE FUND RESERVE POLICIES  In addition to cash specifically maintained in the General Fund, the City recognizes the potential need for  other Special Fund Reserve Policies as being available to meet sudden negative fiscal impacts in the short  term.  As recommended by the City Finance Director, any Special Revenue Fund Reserve Policies shall be  approved by the City Council.  All Reserve Polices shall follow Governmental Accounting Standards Board  (GASB) pronouncements.   OTHER RESERVE DESIGNATIONS  As various financial liabilities and internal service funds are developed, other ‘reserve funds’ may need to  be established to prevent extended disruption of service in the event of natural disasters or other  interruptions of revenue collection.  Examples of these reserve types can include funds such as: Liability  Self‐Insurance Funds, Workers’ Compensation Self‐Insurance Funds, Other Employee Pension Benefits  Funds, Information Technology Funds, Equipment Replacement Fund, Fixed Asset Replacement Funds as  well as others.  These should be utilized as City operations move forward into the future and/or covered  by other agreements, contracts, or membership in special Joint Power’s Arrangements.  Determination of adequate reserves will be reviewed annually by the Finance Director and guided by the  following:  Fleet/Equipment Management and Information Technology reserves will be maintained based upon  lifecycle replacement plans to ensure adequate fund balance required for systematic replacement of fleet  vehicles, buildings, computer and related equipment, and operational contingencies.  Operating  departments will be charged over the useful life of the asset used.  The City shall endeavor to stabilize  funding by maintaining reserves equal to the current replacement cost of each asset class’s life  expectancy.  Reserves will not be maintained for leased vehicles or equipment.  City of Rosemead 21 FY2022‐23 Budget  ONE TIME REVENUE WINDFALLS  One‐time revenue windfalls should be designated as a reserve or used for one‐time expenditures.  The  funds should not be used for on‐going operations.  To the extent such funds are not required for current  expenditures, one‐time expenditures and/or capital improvements, such funds should be maintained as  operating reserves, used to reduce debt, or fulfill unfunded liabilities.  GENERAL FINANCIAL GOALS   The City of Rosemead, upon approval of the City Council, will follow these General Financial Goals:   Guiding Principles   Always live within your means.   Employ cost recovery as much as possible when setting fees for “individualized” services.   Use general fund reserves only for one‐time expenditures or temporary stop‐gap measures.   When in doubt, contract out (and go out to bid when contracts reach a maximum of 5 years  in length or otherwise required by Purchasing Polices).   Provide for transparency and public input.   Strive to develop a budget that consists of ongoing revenues sufficient to sustain ongoing  operational expenditures.  Revenues   To investigate new revenue sources, particularly those that will not add to the tax burden of  residents or local businesses.   To seek Federal and State grants and reimbursements for mandated costs whenever possible.   To maximize the availability of revenue proceeds through responsible collection and auditing  of amounts owed the City.  Operational Efficiencies   To implement internal operating efficiencies whenever possible using technology as a primary  means to achieve this goal.   To utilize private contractors when the same or higher level of service can be obtained at a  lower total cost.   To staff each department according to adopted service levels, and to utilize consultants and  temporary help instead of hiring staff for special projects or peak workload periods.   To enter into joint operating arrangements with other agencies to provide services more cost  effectively.   To increase the use of volunteers.  Infrastructure   To provide sufficient routine maintenance each year to avoid a deferred maintenance  backlog.  City of Rosemead 22 FY2022‐23 Budget  Employee Development   To attract and retain competent employees by providing a professional work environment,  safe working conditions, adequate training opportunities, and competitive salaries as finances  may allow.  Economic Development   To aggressively pursue new developments and businesses that add to the City’s economic  base, particularly those that generate sales tax and transient occupancy tax revenue and  address the communities shopping needs.   To promote a mix of businesses that contribute to a balanced community.   To develop programs that enhance and retain existing businesses.   To charge the Successor Agency to the former Community Development Commission its fair  share of the cost of City support services.  New Services   To add new services only when a need has been identified and a permanent funding source  developed.   To require agreements for specific services and monitor effectiveness on an ongoing basis.  Capital Improvement Management   To establish a five‐year plan that systematically plans, schedules, and finances capital projects  to ensure cost‐effectiveness as well as conformance with established policies.    To establish a project manager for projects who will prepare the project proposal, ensure that  required phases are completed on schedule, authorize all project expenditures within the  adopted project budget, ensure that all regulations and laws are observed, and periodically  report project status.   To plan for new facilities only if construction and maintenance costs will not adversely impact  the operating budget.  ANNUAL REVIEW OF FINANCIAL POLICIES   The City Council shall review and approve the financial policies on an annual basis, as recommended by  the Finance Director upon consultation with the City Manager.               City of Rosemead 23 FY2022‐23 Budget  City of Rosemead   GLOSSARY OF BUDGET TERMS  ACCOUNT:  Up to a sixteen‐digit numerical code  of which digits one through three represent the  fund number, four through seven the division  number, eight through eleven the object  number, and twelve through sixteen the project  number.  ACCRUAL ACCOUNTING:  A basis of accounting in  which revenues are recognized in the period in  which they are earned and become measurable,  and expenses are recognized in the period  incurred instead of when cash is received or  spent.  ACTUARIAL VALUATION:  The determination, as  of a point in time (the actuarial valuation date),  of the service cost, total OPEB liability, and  related actuarial present value of projected  benefit payments for OPEB performed in  conformity with Actuarial Standards of Practice  unless otherwise specified by the GASB.  ADA: Americans with Disability Act.  The ADA  prohibits discrimination based on disability in  employment, State and local government, public  accommodations, commercial facilities,  transportation, and telecommunications.  AGENCY FUND:  A fund normally used to account  for assets held by a government as an agent for  individuals, private organizations, or other  governments and/or other funds.  ANNUAL BUDGET:  A plan of financial operation  embodying an estimate of proposed means of  financing them, the term usually applies to a  single fiscal year.  ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT:  A financial report  applicable to a single fiscal year.  APPROPRIATED BUDGET: The expenditure  authority created by the appropriate governing  authority (City Council).  APPROPRIATION:  A legal authorization granted  by the governing authority to make expenditures  and to incur obligations for specific purposes.  An  appropriation is usually limited in amount and in  the time within which it may be expended.  ASSESSED VALUATION:  A valuation set upon real  estate or other property by a government as a  basis for a tax levy.  AUDIT:  A systematic collection of the sufficient,  competent evidential matter needed to attest to  the fairness of management's assertions in its  financial statements or to evaluate whether  management has efficiently and effectively  carried out its responsibilities.  AUDITOR'S REPORT:  A statement by the auditor  describing the scope of the auditing standards  applied in the examination and setting forth the  auditor's opinion on the fairness of presentation  of the financial information in conformity with  GAAP or some other comprehensive basis of  accounting.  BUDGET:  A plan of financial operations  embodying an estimate of proposed  expenditures for a given period and the  proposed means of financing them.  BUDGET AMENDMENT:  A legal procedure  utilized during the fiscal year by the City Council  to revise a budget appropriation.  BUDGETARY BASIS:  The form of accounting  utilized throughout the budget process.  City of Rosemead 24 FY2022‐23 Budget  BUDGET CALENDAR:  The schedule of key dates  or milestones, which the City follows in the  preparation and adoption of the budget.  BUDGET TRANSMITTAL LETTER:  Included in the  opening section of the budget, it provides the  Council and the public with a general summary  of the most important aspects of the budget,  changes from previous years, and the views and  recommendations of the City Manager.  CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP):  A plan  for capital expenditures to be incurred each year  over a fixed period of years to meet capital needs  arising from the long‐term work program or  other capital needs.  CAPITAL OUTLAY:  Expenditures resulting in the  acquisition of or addition to a government's  general fixed assets.  CASH MANAGEMENT:  Cash management refers  to the activities of forecasting the inflows and  outflows of cash, mobilizing cash to improve its  availability for investment, establishing and  maintaining banking relationships, and investing  idle funds to achieve the highest interest and  return.  COVID‐19:  An illness caused by a virus that can  spread from person to person.  COST‐OF‐LIVING ADJUSTMENTS:  Salary changes  intended to adjust salary payments for the  effects of inflation.  CONSUMER PRICE INDEX (CPI):  A measure of  inflation determined by the increase in the price  of products compared to those of a base year.   DEBT FINANCING:  Borrowing funds as needed  and pledging future revenues to make (finance)  current expenditures or capital projects.  DEPRECIATION:  Expiration in the service life of a  capital asset attributable to wear and tear,  deterioration, action of the physical elements,  inadequacy, or obsolescence.  ENCUMBRANCES:  Commitments related to  unperformed (executory) contracts for goods or  services.  Used in budgeting, encumbrances that  represent the estimated expenditures to result if  unperformed contracts in process are  completed.  EXPENDITURE:  The outflow of funds paid or to  be paid for a service, supply, or asset.  This term  applies to all funds.  FIDUCIARY FUNDS:  The trust and agency funds  used to account for assets held by a government  unit in a trustee capacity or as an agent for  individuals, private organizations, other  government units and other funds.  FISCAL YEAR:  The 12‐month period to which the  annual operating budget applies and at the end  of which a government determines its financial  position and the results of its operations.  FLSA:  Fair Labor Standards Act.  The FLSA  requires employers to pay covered employees  who are not otherwise exempt at least the  federal minimum wage and overtime pay for all  hours worked over 40 in a workweek.  FULL‐TIME EQUIVALENT (FTE):  The amount of  time, 2,080 hours per year, worked by a full‐time  employee.  FUND:  A separate accounting entity with a self‐ balancing set of accounts in which cash and  other financial resources, all related liabilities  and residual equities, or balances and changes  therein are recorded and segregated to carry on  specific activities or attain certain objectives in  accordance with special regulations, restrictions,  or limitations.  FUND BALANCE:  The difference between the  assets (revenues and other resources) and  liabilities (expenditures incurred or committed  to) for a particular fund.  City of Rosemead 25 FY2022‐23 Budget  GENERAL FUND:  The primary governmental  fund used to account for all financial resources,  except those required to be accounted for in  another fund.  This main operating fund should  always be reported as a major fund per GASB  Statement 34.  GOAL:  A statement of broad direction, purpose,  or intent.  GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTING STANDARDS  BOARD (GASB):  The GASB is to establish and  improve standards of state and local  governmental accounting and financial reporting  by issuing Statements, Interpretations, Technical  Bulletins, and Concept Statements defining  GAAP.  GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS:  Distinguished by their  measurement focus on determining financial  position and changes in financial position.  GRANT:  Contributions or gifts of cash or other  assets from another government entity to be  used or expended for a specified purpose.  INFRASTRUCTURE:  All City owned facilities  supporting the operation of the governmental  unit, including streets, roads, bridges, curbs and  gutters, parks, water and sewer lines, storm  drains, water pump stations and reservoirs,  water wells, all government buildings, and  related facilities.  INTERFUND TRANSFERS:  Amounts transferred  from one fund to another.  MAJOR FUND:  Per GASB Statement 34, the focus  of governmental and proprietary fund financial  statements is on major funds.  When individual  governmental and enterprise funds either meet  certain major fund criteria or are particularly  important to financial statement users, they  should be presented in a separate column in the  financial statements.  NON‐MAJOR FUND:  Individual governmental  and enterprise funds that do not meet the major  fund criteria as defined by the GASB Statement  34.  All non‐major funds should be aggregated  and presented in a single column.  OBJECT:  An individual revenue or expenditure  account.  OBJECTIVE:  The desired output which can be  measured and achieved within a given time  frame.  It is a statement of specific direction,  purpose or intent based on the needs of the  community and the goals established for a  specific program.  OPEB LIABILITY:  The portion of the actuarial  present value of projected benefit payments  that is attributed to past periods of member  service in conformity with the requirements of  the GASB Statements.  OTHER POSTEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (OPEB):   Benefits (such as death benefits, life insurance,  disability, and long‐term care) that are paid in  the period after employment and that are  provided separately from a pension plan, as well  as healthcare benefits paid in the period after  employment, regardless of the manner of which  they are provided.  OPEB does not include  termination benefits or termination payments  for sick leave.  PENSION PLAN:  An arrangement through which  pensions are determined assets dedicated for  pensions (if any) are accumulated and managed,  and benefits are paid as they come due.  POST EMPLOYMENT:  The period after  employment.  PROGRAM DETAIL:  Budget presentation by  major account categories.  PROGRAM MEASURES:  Specific quantitative  measures of work performed within an activity  or program, Also, a specific quantitative measure  City of Rosemead 26 FY2022‐23 Budget  of results obtained through a program or  activity.  PROGRAM SUMMARY:  The major activities of  each City department with accompanying  budget totals.  PROGRAM:  A group of activities, operations or  organizational units directed to attaining specific  purposes or objectives.  PROPRIETARY FUNDS:  Sometimes referred to as  commercial‐type funds.  All assets, liabilities,  equities, revenues, expenses, and transfers  relating to the government's business and  activities are accounted for through this fund.  RESERVE:  An account used to indicate that a  portion of fund equity that is legally restricted  for a specific purpose.  REVENUES:  Total amounts available for  expenditures including estimated revenues,  fund transfers and beginning fund balances.  Also  referred to as “resources."  RISK MANAGEMENT:  An organized attempt to  protect an organization's assets against  accidental loss in the most cost‐effective  manner.  SUCCESSOR AGENCY:  The City’s Successor  Agency is an entity that was created by AB‐X1 in  2012 to serve as the successor to the then  dissolved redevelopment agency of the City of  Rosemead.  In this capacity, the successor  agency has all authority, rights, powers, duties,  and obligations previously vested with the  former redevelopment agency.  The successor  agency is charged, generally, with carrying out  the enforceable obligations of the former  redevelopment agency, repaying outstanding  debts of the former redevelopment agency, and  disposing of the former redevelopment agency’s  non‐housing property and assets.    The County of Los Angeles, Supervisorial District  One Consolidated Oversite Board is the City’s  Successor Agency as defined by law and is the  “designated local authority” to serve as the  successor agency with a 7‐member Board.  This  Board is the Successor Agency for 23 of the Cities  located in the San Gabriel Valley.  SUBVENTIONS:  Revenues collected by the State  (or other level of government) which are  allocated to the City on a formula basis.  The  major subventions received by the City come  from the State of California and include motor  vehicle in‐lieu, cigarette taxes in‐lieu and  gasoline taxes.  TASK:  A three‐digit number used to describe the  function of a project.  UNENCUMBERED BALANCE:  The amount of an  appropriation that is neither expended nor  encumbered.  It is essentially the available funds  for future purchases.                    City of Rosemead 27 FY2022‐23 Budget  City of Rosemead   ACRONYMS  ACFR Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (formerly referred to as CAFR)  ACEC American Council of Engineering Companies  ADA Americans with Disabilities Act  AQMD Air Quality Management District  APA American Planning Association  APWA American Public Works Association  ASCAP American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers  ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers  BOE Board of Equalization  CAFR Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (this term is no longer used effective March 2020 per GFOA)  CALED California Association for Local Economic Development  CCAC City Clerks Association of California  CCCA California Contract Cities Association  CDBG Community Development Block Grant  CERT Community Emergency Response Team  CIP Capital Improvement Project  CJPIA California Joint Powers Insurance Authority  CPI Consumer Price Index  CPRS California Park & Recreation Society  CRM Citizens Relationship Management  CSMFO California Society Municipal Finance Officers  FAR Floor Area Ratio  FICA Federal Insurance Contributions Act  GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles  GASB Government Accounting Standards Board  GDP Gross Domestic Product  HUD Department of Housing and Urban Development  HUTA Highway User Tax Act  HVAC Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning  ICMA International City Manager’s Association  City of Rosemead 28 FY2022‐23 Budget  City of Rosemead   ACRONYMS (Continued)  ICSC International Council of Shopping Centers  LAEDC Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation  LAFCO Los Angeles Formation Commission  LAIF Local Agency Investment Fund  LARA Los Angeles Regional Agency  LASD Los Angeles Sheriff Department  MOU Memorandum of Understanding  MPLC Motion Picture Licensing Corporation  NLC National League of Cities  NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System  NRPA National Recreation and Park Association  OPEB Other Postemployment Benefits   PARS Public Agency Retirement Services  PCI Pavement Condition Index  PERS Public Employees’ Retirement System  PMP Pavement Management Program  RAC  Rosemead Aquatic Center  RCRC  Rosemead Community Recreation Center  RMRA  Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program  RHDC Rosemead Housing Development Corporation  ROPS  Recognized Obligation Payments Schedule  RPTTF Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund  SA Successor Agency  SB 1 Senate Bill No. 1  SCE Southern California Edison  SCMAF Southern California Municipal Athletic Federation  SRO School Resource Officer  STAR Success Through Awareness & Resistance   TDA Transportation Development Act   TOT Transient Occupancy Tax  City of Rosemead 29 FY2022‐23 Budget                                                        Authorized Authorized Adopted Proposed 2019‐20 2020‐21 2021‐22 2022‐23 Genl Fund Other Administration 7799 7.301.70 City Clerk 2233 2.001.00 Finance 5566 5.420.58 Public Safety 3888 8.000.00 Public Works 23 20 21 21 13.05 7.95 Parks & Recreation 9888 7.800.20 Community Development 11 6 5 12 12.00 0.00 60 56 60 67 55.57 11.43 2022‐23 Funding Senior Code Enforcement Officer (1), Code Enforcement Officer (2), and Public Safety Supervisor (Manager) positions were transferred from the Community Development Department to the Public Safety Department in 2020‐21. Management Analyst Position was moved from Community Development to Administration mid‐FY 2020‐21. Administration 13%City Clerk 5%Finance 9% Public Safety 12% Public Works 31% Parks &  Recreation 12% Community  Development 18% 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 59 59 53 53 53 55 56 57 60 56 60 67 Positions by Funding SourcePositions by Department History of Authorized Positions General Fund 83% Other Funds 17% Staffing 1 FY 2022‐23 Budget Adopted Adopted Amended Proposed 2019‐20 2020‐21 2021‐22 2022‐23 Min Salary Max Salary City Manager's Office City Manager 1111218,000  218,000   Assistant City Manager 1111160,188  208,248   Administrative Assistant 1111 48,480    63,240     Executive Asst to the City Mgr 1111 59,388    77,472     Human Resources Analyst 0122 63,204    82,476     Human Resources Manager 1111 89,568    116,880   Human Resources Specialist 1000 ‐            ‐            Management Analyst 0011 63,780    83,196     Senior Management Analyst 1111 69,336    90,468     7799 City Clerk City Clerk 1111122,050  122,050   Deputy City Clerk 1111 66,600    86,904     Administrative Assistant 0011 48,480    63,240     2233 Finance Finance Director 1111145,176  188,736   Finance Manager 1111 95,976    125,220   Accountant 0011 68,820    89,796     Management Analyst 0111 63,780    83,196     Senior Accounting Specialist 3222 53,004    69,156     5566 Community Development Community Development Director 1111140,604  182,784   Administrative Assistant 1111 48,480    63,240     Assistant Planner 1111 60,504    78,936     Associate Planner 1111 68,676    89,616     Building Inspector 0002 TBD Building Official 0001 TBD Code Enforcement Officer 1000 53,700    70,056     Housing Project Coordinator 1000 ‐            ‐            Management Analyst 1100 ‐            ‐            Permit Technician 0003 TBD Plan Checker 0001 TBD Planning & Economic Development Manager 1111 95,736    124,908   Public Safety Supervisor 1000 ‐            ‐            Senior Code Enforcement Officer 2000 ‐            ‐            11 6 5 12 Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreation Director 1111133,704  173,820   Administrative Specialist 1111 53,316    69,564     Recreation Coordinator 3333 50,580    65,988     History of Authorized Full‐Time Positions by Department City of Rosemead Annual Staffing 2 FY 2022‐23 Budget Adopted Adopted Amended Proposed 2019‐20 2020‐21 2021‐22 2022‐23 Min Salary Max Salary History of Authorized Full‐Time Positions by Department City of Rosemead Annual Recreation Manager 1000 ‐            ‐            Recreation Supervisor 3333 66,576    86,868     9888 Public Safety Public Safety Manager 0111 87,900    114,672   Administrative Analyst 0011 58,248    76,008     Administrative Assistant 1100 48,480    63,240     Code Enforcement Officer 1333 53,700    70,056     Public Safety Supervisor 1111 79,872    104,232   Senior Code Enforcement Officer 0222 67,584    88,188     3888 Public Works Public Works Director 1111145,716  189,432   Administrative Analyst 1100 58,248    76,008     Administrative Assistant 0011 48,480    63,240     Administrative Specialist 1111 53,316    69,564     Associate Civil Engineer 1000 ‐            ‐            City Engineer 0011122,050  122,050   Civil Engineering Assistant 1000 ‐            ‐            Facilities Technician 1111 47,256    61,656     Maintenance Lead Worker 5555 52,596    68,628     Maintenance Worker 9999 45,804    59,784     Management Analyst 1100 ‐            ‐            Public Works Fiscal and Project Manager 0011 76,272    99,516     Public Works Inspector 1000 ‐            ‐            Public Works Manager 1111 93,648    122,172   23 20 21 21      Totals 60 56 60 67 Staffing 3 FY 2022‐23 Budget 101 201 202 215 220 225 226 228 230 245 260 275 General Gas Tax RMRA Prop A Prop C Meas R Meas M SLFRF AQMD St Lt D CDBG HOME City Manager 0.95      ‐        ‐       0.05      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        Assistant City Manager 0.76      ‐        ‐       0.05      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐       0.15     0.04      Administrative Assistant 1.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        Executive Asst to the City Mgr 1.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        Management Analyst 0.59      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐       0.25     0.16      Senior Management Analyst 1.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        Human Resources Analyst 1.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐       1.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        Human Resources Manager 1.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐             Total ‐ City Mgr 7.30      ‐        ‐       0.10      ‐        ‐        ‐       1.00      ‐        ‐       0.40     0.20      City Clerk 1.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        Deputy City Clerk 1.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        Administrative Assistant ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐       1.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐             Total ‐ City Clerk 2.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐       1.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        Finance Director 1.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        Accountant 0.55      ‐        ‐       0.05     0.05     0.05      ‐       0.25      ‐        ‐       0.05      ‐        Finance Manager 0.87     0.02      ‐       0.02     0.02     0.02      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐       0.05      ‐        Management Analyst 1.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        Senior Accounting Specialist 2.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐             Total ‐ Finance 5.42     0.02      ‐       0.07     0.07     0.07      ‐       0.25      ‐        ‐       0.10      ‐        Public Safety Manager 1.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        Administrative Analyst 1.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        Code Enforcement Officer 3.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        Public Safety Supervisor 1.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        Sr Code Enforcement Officer 2.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐             Total ‐ Public Safety 8.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        Public Works Director 0.40     0.10     0.10     0.10      ‐       0.10     0.10      ‐        ‐       0.10      ‐        ‐        Administrative Assistant 0.55      ‐        ‐       0.30      ‐       0.15      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        Administrative Specialist 1.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        City Engineer ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐       1.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        Facilities Technician 0.80      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐       0.20      ‐        ‐        Maintenance Lead Worker 3.40     1.60      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        Maintenance Worker 5.65     2.40      ‐       0.30     0.25      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐       0.40      ‐        ‐        Public Works Fiscal & Proj Mgr 0.75     0.05     0.05      ‐        ‐       0.02     0.03      ‐       0.05     0.05      ‐        ‐        Public Works Manager 0.50     0.20      ‐        ‐        ‐       0.10      ‐        ‐        ‐       0.20      ‐        ‐             Total ‐ Public Works 13.05  4.35     0.15     0.70     0.25     0.37     0.13     1.00     0.05     0.95      ‐        ‐        Parks & Recreation Director 1.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        Administrative Specialist 1.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        Recreation Coordinator 2.80      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐       0.20      ‐        Recreation Supervisor 3.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐             Total ‐ Parks & Recreation 7.80      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐       0.20      ‐        Community Dev Director 1.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        Administrative Assistant 1.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        Assistant Planner 1.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        Associate Planner 1.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        Building Inspector 2.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        Building Official 1.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        Permit Technician 3.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        Plan Checker 1.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        Planning & Econ Dev Mgr 1.00      ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐             Total ‐ Community Dev 12.00   ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐        ‐             Total ‐ All Funds 55.57 4.37 0.15 0.87 0.32 0.44 0.13 3.25 0.05 0.95 0.70 0.20 Position Distribution by Funding Source City of Rosemead Staffing 4 FY 2022‐23 Budget 3/4 Time Positions No of Full‐Time No of Full‐Time No of Full‐Time No of Full‐Time Position Positions Equivalent Positions Equivalent Positions Equivalent Positions Equivalent Finance Accountant 0 0 1 0.75 0000 Public Safety Community Service Officer 1 0.75 000000 Park and Recreation Senior Recreation Leader 1 0.75 1 0.75 1 0.75 1 0.75 Pre‐School Teacher 3 2.25 3 2.25 3 2.25 3 2.25 Totals 5 3.75 5 3.75 4 3.0 4 3.0 Part‐Time Hours Position City Manager Office Specialist ‐ Admin 1,200      1,200      1,200      1,000       Office Specialist ‐ HR 1,200      1,200      1,200      1,000       Public Safety Community Service Officer (CSO) 8,320      4,000      4,000      4,000       CSO ‐ Parking Control 2,080      2,000      2,000      2,000       Public Works Admin Intern ‐ Engineering 2,080      990         1,040      1,000       Maintenance Worker 2,200      2,200      2,200      2,000       Parks & Recreation Aquatic Facility Attendant 7,336      4,306      4,306      4,300       Asst Pool Mgr/Life Instructor 5,392      5,083      5,083      5,080       Lifeguard Swim Instructor 5,991      5,991      5,991      6,000       Lifeguard  9,913      9,913      9,913      9,900       Recreation Leader 39,598   53,434   53,434   53,370    Community Development Administrative Intern 2,080      2,080      2,800      2,000       Totals 87,390   92,397   93,167   91,650    Part‐time positions are budgeted based on the number of hours and the number of positions that varies on seasonal programs per fiscal year.  The above numbers are estimated hours. City of Rosemead Summary of Authorized Part‐Time Positions 2020‐21 Adopted 2019‐20 Adopted Proposed 2022‐23Adopted 2021‐22Adopted 2020‐21Adopted 2019‐20 2022‐23 Proposed 2021‐22 Adopted Authorized 3/4 positions receive the following benefits: Medical (Kaiser Single Plan rate); participation in CalPERS retirement system; annual wellness plan ($150/yr); bilingual pay ($75/mo); social security & medicare Staffing 5 FY2022‐23 Budget Group Salary/Benefit Components Employer Paid Rate All Full time Salary Increase Basded on survey (suspended) Employees Retirement ‐ Tier 1 ‐ 2.7% @ 55 14.03% Retirement ‐ Tier 2 ‐ 2% @ 55 10.87% Retirement ‐ Tier 3 ‐ PEPRA ‐ 2% @ 62 7.47% Social Security / Medicare 7.65% PARS Enhanced Retirement (hired before 7/1/2010) 1.39% Deferred Compensation (hired before 7/1/2010) 1% to 5% based on yrs of svc Cafeteria Plan (Health Dental Vision) $ 1,700/mo Add'l Health Contribution ‐ no cash value $ 100/mo Bilingual Pay $ 75/mo Life Insurance ‐ $100,000 0.403 per $1,000/coverage Short Term Disability $0.37 per $10/coverage Long Term Disability  (66 2/3% Salary Continuation) $0.86 of $100/earnings Wellness Program $300/yr General Svcs Vacation Time Buyback Up to 60 hours/yr Vacation Time Buyback Up to 60 hours/yr Vehicle Allowance (Group A) $ 300/mo Management Incentive Pay 6% of Base Salary Technology Allowance $100/mo Vacation Time Buyback Up to 60 hours/yr Vehicle Allowance $ 500/mo Obj Title Description 5005 Salaries & Wages 5010 Part‐Time Salaries & Wages 5015 Stipend 5025 Overtime 5105 Social Security/Medicare 5110 Workers' Comp 5115 Retirement Contributions 5130 Cafeteria Benefit 5140 Unemployment Compensation 5145 Leave Buyback 5199 Other Employee Benefits Salary and Benefit Object Number Descriptions Amount paid to City Council ($1,119/mo) and Commissioners ($100/meeting) 3/4 Part Time Receive only the following benefits: Medical (Kaiser single rate); participation in CalPERS retirement system; annual wellness plan ($150/yr); bilingual pay ($75/mo); social security & medicare Salary costs for 3/4 part‐time and hourly employees Salary costs for full‐time employees, includes special pays Mid‐Mgmt, Prof &  Confidential Executive Summary Only ‐ See Memorandums of Understanding on City's website for details ‐ With any variances, the MOU overrides City of Rosemead Salary and Benefit Pay Components  –  In addition to the above, additional benefits are provided to the 3 specific groups as shown below: Beginning in FY 2021‐22 ‐ LTD/STD & Life Insurance costs Cost of annual buyback program as described above. All costs are shown within the General Services (1325) budget Based on historical costs and charged to General Services  Cost of medical, dental, vision, and any unused benefit taken in cash/def comp for tier 1 ‐ no cash back for tier 2 Cost of hours worked in excess of regular work schedule for non‐exempt personnel CalPers retirement contributions, PARS enhanced retirement (prior to FY 2021‐22), and City paid deferred compensation Workers' Compensation Insurance purchased through JPIA and allocated to departments based on employee salary and category (Labor/non labor) Employer's share of FICA/Medicare for all employees incl part‐time Staffing 6 FY2022‐23 Budget By Personnel Object No.  FY 2020  Actuals   FY 2021  Actuals   FY 2022 Budget   FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22   FY 2023  Proposed  % Chg FY22  to FY23 5005 Salaries & Wages 3,794,857     4,074,142     4,460,800     3,619,255     5,120,700     14.79% 5010 Part‐Time Salaries & Wages 1,090,293     576,518         1,626,000     643,996         1,748,300     7.52% 5015 Stipend 79,838           78,358           97,200           65,036           103,200         6.17% 5025 Overtime 46,179           18,587           39,500           43,763           46,300           17.22% 5105 Social Security/Medicare 335,392         340,350         416,100         294,114         456,625         9.74% 5115 Retirement Contributions 1,625,595     1,088,475     1,313,400     965,011         1,461,400     11.27% 5130 Cafeteria Benefit 1,209,793     1,228,900     1,263,700     903,149         1,333,500     5.52% 5199 Other Employee Benefits 6,996              ‐                 94,700           62,256           115,800         22.28% TOTAL 8,188,943     7,405,330     9,311,400     6,596,580     10,385,825   11.54% By Fund  FY 2020  Actuals   FY 2021  Actuals   FY 2022 Budget   FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22   FY 2023  Proposed  % Chg FY22  to FY23 101 General Fund 7,381,043     6,518,443     8,146,900     5,966,195     8,884,425     9.05% 201 Gas Tax 92,289           114,982         225,600         152,340         365,400         61.97% 202 Road Maintenance & Rehab 571                92,806           126,000         94,674           33,600           ‐73.33% 215 Proposition A Local Return 250,535         238,093         196,600         99,035           157,200         ‐20.04% 220 Proposition C Local Return 128,115         139,501         85,700           40,008           55,000           ‐35.82% 225 Measure R 53,883           51,997           85,500           44,486           68,900           ‐19.42% 226 Measure M 1,564             12,909           28,000           9,006             30,700           9.64% 228 American Resue Plan ‐                  ‐                 62,900            ‐                 373,000         493.00% 230 AQMD ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 7,500             0.00% 245 Street Lighting District 78,527           61,478           190,700         116,835         245,800         28.89% 260 CDBG 112,195         106,767         130,600         56,378           131,300         0.54% 270 HOME Grant 44,010           14,650           32,900           17,623           33,000           0.30% 315 Successor Agency 46,213           53,705            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 0.00% TOTAL 8,188,943     7,405,330     9,311,400     6,596,580     10,385,825   11.54% City of Rosemead Summary of Personnel Costs  Full Time 50% Part Time 17% Benefits 32% Overtime 1% General  Fund 86% All Other 14% Costs by Funding SourceStaffing Costs by Category Staffing 7 FY 2021‐22 Budget Group Normal Rate UAL Current Year  Required  Payment UAL Current Year  Prepayment  Amount UAL June 30, 2020 Misc Plan ‐ Tier 1 14.030% 742,241                717,551                9,249,444              Misc ‐ Tier 2 10.870% 5,297                    5,121                    43,434                   Misc ‐ PEPRA 7.470% 3,247                    3,139                    38,402                   Totals 750,785                725,811                9,331,280              Future Years ‐ Normal Rate Estimate Group 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 2026‐27 2027‐28    Tier 1 14.000% 14.000% 14.000% 14.000% 14.000%    Tier 2 10.900% 10.900% 10.900% 10.900% 10.900%    PEPRA 7.500% 7.500% 7.500% 7.500% 7.500% Future Years ‐ Unfunded Liability Annual Estimate Group 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 2026‐27 2027‐28    Tier 1 803,000                865,000                905,000                943,000                965,000                    Tier 2 5,900                    6,600                    7,200                    7,800                    7,900                        PEPRA 3,500                    3,700                    4,000                    4,200                    4,200                     Totals 812,400                875,300                916,200                955,000                977,100                 CalPERS Participant Data as of June 30, 2020 Group/Tier Active Transferred Separated Retired Total    Tier 1 34413147153    Tier 2 8 11 1 1 21    PEPRA 16 5 9 0 30 Totals 58 57 41 48 204 City of Rosemead PERS Information for 2022‐23 Annual Valuation Report Data as of June 30, 2020 (report as of July 2021) 2022‐23 Tier 1 59% Tier 2 14% PEPRA 27% Active 28% Transferred 28% Separated 20% Retired 24% Active Members by Tier Members by Category Staffing 8 FY2022‐23 Budget SOURCES Estimated Estimated Operating Estimated Avail Balance Revenue & Budget & FY 2022‐23 Avail Balance Fund Name 6/30/2022 Transfers In Transfers Out CIP 6/30/2023 101 General Fund 25,600,000           27,717,000           27,652,200           60,000                   25,604,800            Special Revenue Funds 201 Gas Tax 1,762,400              1,504,500              993,600                 1,019,500              1,253,800               202 Road Maintenance & Rehabilitation 401,100                 1,210,900              34,300                   1,500,000              77,700                    205 TDA Art‐3 ‐ Ped & Bikeway ‐                          51,000                    ‐                          51,000                    ‐                           215 Prop A 819,700                 1,353,000              1,422,500               ‐                          750,200                  220 Prop C 691,200                 1,104,500              56,500                   1,300,000              439,200                  225 Measure R 554,400                 830,500                 76,000                   690,000                 618,900                  226 Measure M 524,800                 947,000                 31,300                   1,256,000              184,500                  227 Measure H ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           228 American Rescue Plan 7,565,700               ‐                          379,000                 2,520,000              4,666,700               229 Measure R Highway Capital ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           230 AQMD 462,800                 72,000                   122,600                  ‐                          412,200                  231 Clean Water Program 513,900                 571,000                 530,000                  ‐                          554,900                  232 Other Grants ‐                          348,000                 148,000                 200,000                  ‐                           233 State & Local Fiscal Recovery Funds 10,000,000            ‐                          1,400,000              3,804,200              4,795,800               245 Street Lighting District 2,437,800              1,352,100              1,013,600              67,500                   2,708,800               250 DIF ‐ Traffic 67,000                   11,200                    ‐                          50,000                   28,200                    251 DIF ‐ Public Safety 10,900                   2,100                      ‐                          10,000                   3,000                      252 DIF ‐ General Government 77,800                   13,300                    ‐                          75,000                   16,100                    253 DIF ‐ Parks 331,700                 55,000                    ‐                          300,000                 86,700                    260 CDBG ‐                          2,255,100              1,989,300              265,800                  ‐                           275 HOME Grant 661,200                 2,181,100              2,181,100               ‐                          661,200                  Total 26,882,400           13,862,300           10,377,800           13,109,000           17,257,900            Internal Service Funds 501 Equipment Replacement 532,600                 2,000                      ‐                           ‐                          534,600                  505 Technology Replacement 200,500                 50,000                   127,500                  ‐                          123,000                  Total 733,100                 52,000                   127,500                  ‐                          657,600                  TOTAL ‐ ALL CITY FUNDS 53,215,500                41,631,300                38,157,500                13,169,000                43,520,300                 Housing Development Corporation 280 HDC Senior Housing 415,000                 1,033,600              1,023,600              400,000                 25,000                    Total 415,000                 1,033,600              1,023,600              400,000                 25,000                    Trust Funds 315 Successor Agency ‐                          4,147,000              4,147,000               ‐                           ‐                           Total ‐                          4,147,000              4,147,000               ‐                           ‐                           TOTAL ‐ ALL FUNDS 53,630,500                46,811,900                43,328,100                13,569,000                43,545,300                 USES Budget Summaries Budget Summaries 1 FY 2022‐23 Budget F101 F201 F202 F205 F215 State RMRA Local Proposition General Gas Tax SB1 TDA A Est Fund Balance at 6/30/22 25,600,000        1,762,400          401,100               ‐                      819,700               Estimated Revenues: Taxes 21,508,800         ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Intergovernmental 195,800              1,486,500          1,200,900          51,000                1,323,000           Permits, Licenses, Fees 2,348,000           ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Fines & Forfeitures 605,300               ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Use of Money & Property 671,400              10,000                10,000                 ‐                      5,000                   Charges for Services 926,700              8,000                   ‐                       ‐                      25,000                 Miscellaneous 61,000                 ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Total Revenues 26,317,000        1,504,500          1,210,900          51,000                1,353,000           Requested Appropriations: Legislative 792,500               ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       City Clerk 475,400               ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Administration 2,125,600          6,500                   ‐                       ‐                      31,300                 Finance 1,039,700           ‐                       ‐                       ‐                      9,700                   General Services 1,423,500           ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Public Safety 11,495,300        49,100                 ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Public Works 4,407,100          938,000              34,300                 ‐                      1,263,500           Parks & Recreation 3,952,600           ‐                       ‐                       ‐                      118,000               Community Development 1,890,500           ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Debt Service ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Capital Improvement Projects 60,000                1,019,500          1,500,000          51,000                 ‐                       Capital Improv Proj ‐ Carryover ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Total Appropriations 27,662,200        2,013,100          1,534,300          51,000                1,422,500           Revenues over (under) approp (1,345,200)         (508,600)            (323,400)             ‐                      (69,500)               Other financing sources (uses): Transfers in 1,400,000           ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Transfers out 50,000                 ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Total other sources (uses)1,350,000           ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Change in fund balance 4,800                  (508,600)            (323,400)             ‐                      (69,500)               Est ending fund balance at 6/30/23 25,604,800        1,253,800          77,700                 ‐                      750,200              Budget Overview by Fund Budget Summaries Special Revenue City of Rosemead Budget Summaries 2 FY 2022‐23 Budget F220 F225 F226 F227 F228 Proposition Measure Measure Measure American CRMHRescue Plan Est Fund Balance at 6/30/22 691,200              554,400              524,800               ‐                      7,565,700           Estimated Revenues: Taxes ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Intergovernmental 1,097,000          823,000              932,000               ‐                       ‐                       Permits, Licenses, Fees ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Fines & Forfeitures ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Use of Money & Property 7,500                  7,500                  15,000                 ‐                       ‐                       Charges for Services ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Miscellaneous ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Total Revenues 1,104,500          830,500              947,000               ‐                       ‐                       Requested Appropriations: Legislative ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                      80,400                 City Clerk ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Administration ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Finance 9,700                  9,700                   ‐                       ‐                      127,800               General Services ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Public Safety 22,700                 ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Public Works 24,100                66,300                31,300                 ‐                      170,800               Parks & Recreation ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Community Development ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Debt Service ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Capital Improvement Projects 1,300,000          690,000              1,256,000           ‐                      2,520,000           Capital Improv Proj ‐ Carryover ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Total Appropriations 1,356,500          766,000              1,287,300           ‐                      2,899,000           Revenues over (under) approp (252,000)            64,500                (340,300)             ‐                      (2,899,000)          Other financing sources (uses): Transfers in ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Transfers out ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Total other sources (uses)‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Change in fund balance (252,000)            64,500                (340,300)             ‐                      (2,899,000)          Est ending fund balance at 6/30/23 439,200             618,900             184,500              ‐                      4,666,700           Special Revenue Budget Overview by Fund Budget Summaries City of Rosemead Budget Summaries 3 FY 2022‐23 Budget F229 F230 F231 F232 F233 Measure RAir Quality Safe Clean Highway Capital Mgmt Dist Water Grants SLFRF Est Fund Balance at 6/30/22 ‐                      462,800              513,900               ‐                      10,000,000         Estimated Revenues: Taxes ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Intergovernmental ‐                      70,000                570,000              348,000               ‐                       Permits, Licenses, Fees ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Fines & Forfeitures ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Use of Money & Property ‐                      2,000                  1,000                   ‐                       ‐                       Charges for Services ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Miscellaneous ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Total Revenues ‐                      72,000                571,000              348,000               ‐                       Requested Appropriations: Legislative ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       City Clerk ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Administration ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Finance ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       General Services ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Public Safety ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Public Works ‐                      122,600              530,000              148,000               ‐                       Parks & Recreation ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Community Development ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Debt Service ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Capital Improvement Projects ‐                       ‐                       ‐                      200,000              3,804,200           Capital Improv Proj ‐ Carryover ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Total Appropriations ‐                      122,600              530,000              348,000              3,804,200           Revenues over (under) approp ‐                      (50,600)              41,000                 ‐                      (3,804,200)          Other financing sources (uses): Transfers in ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Transfers out ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                      1,400,000           Total other sources (uses)‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                      (1,400,000)          Change in fund balance ‐                      (50,600)              41,000                 ‐                      (5,204,200)          Est ending fund balance at 6/30/23 ‐                      412,200             554,900              ‐                      4,795,800           Special Revenue City of Rosemead Budget Summaries Budget Overview by Fund Budget Summaries 4 FY 2022‐23 Budget F245 F25x F260 F275 F501 F505 Street Development Equipment Technology Lighting Dist Impact Fees CDBG HOME Replacement Replacement Est Fund Balance at 6/30/22 2,437,800     487,400          ‐                 661,200         532,600         200,500          Estimated Revenues: Taxes 125,000          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  Intergovernmental 1,217,100      ‐                 2,243,100     2,181,100      ‐                  ‐                  Permits, Licenses, Fees ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  Fines & Forfeitures ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  Use of Money & Property 10,000           1,600              ‐                  ‐                 2,000              ‐                  Charges for Services ‐                  ‐                 12,000            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  Miscellaneous ‐                 80,000            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  Total Revenues 1,352,100     81,600           2,255,100     2,181,100     2,000              ‐                  Requested Appropriations: Legislative ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  City Clerk ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  Administration ‐                  ‐                 1,922,500     2,181,100      ‐                 127,500          Finance ‐                  ‐                 14,800            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  General Services ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  Public Safety ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  Public Works 1,013,600      ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  Parks & Recreation ‐                  ‐                 52,000            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  Community Development ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  Debt Service ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  Capital Improvement Projects 67,500           435,000         265,800          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  Capital Improv Proj ‐ Carryover ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  Total Appropriations 1,081,100     435,000         2,255,100     2,181,100      ‐                 127,500          Revenues over (under) approp 271,000         (353,400)        ‐                  ‐                 2,000             (127,500)        Other financing sources (uses): Transfers in ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 50,000            Transfers out ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  Total other sources (uses)‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 50,000            Change in fund balance 271,000         (353,400)        ‐                  ‐                 2,000             (77,500)          Est ending fund balance at 6/30/23 2,708,800     134,000         ‐                 661,200        534,600        123,000         Internal SvcSpecial Revenue Budget Overview by Fund Budget Summaries City of Rosemead Budget Summaries 5 FY 2022‐23 Budget Housing  TOTAL Development Successor  CITY Corporation Agency Est Fund Balance at 6/30/22 53,215,500        415,000               ‐                       Estimated Revenues: Taxes 21,633,800         ‐                      4,131,000           Intergovernmental 13,738,500        599,400               ‐                       Permits, Licenses, Fees 2,348,000           ‐                       ‐                       Fines & Forfeitures 605,300               ‐                       ‐                       Use of Money & Property 743,000              429,500              16,000                 Charges for Services 971,700              10,000                 ‐                       Miscellaneous 141,000              4,700                   ‐                       Total Revenues 40,181,300        1,043,600          4,147,000           Requested Appropriations: Legislative 872,900               ‐                       ‐                       City Clerk 475,400               ‐                       ‐                       Administration 6,394,500           ‐                       ‐                       Finance 1,211,400           ‐                       ‐                       General Services 1,423,500           ‐                       ‐                       Public Safety 11,567,100         ‐                       ‐                       Public Works 8,749,600           ‐                       ‐                       Parks & Recreation 4,122,600           ‐                       ‐                       Community Development 1,890,500          1,023,600          730,200               Debt Service ‐                       ‐                      3,416,800           Capital Improvement Projects 13,169,000        400,000               ‐                       Capital Improv Proj ‐ Carryover ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Total Appropriations 49,876,500        1,423,600          4,147,000           Revenues over (under) approp (9,695,200)         (380,000)             ‐                       Other financing sources (uses): Transfers in 1,450,000           ‐                       ‐                       Transfers out 1,450,000           ‐                       ‐                       Total other sources (uses)‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Change in fund balance (9,695,200)         (380,000)             ‐                       Est ending fund balance at 6/30/23 43,520,300        35,000                 ‐                       Budget Overview by Fund Budget Summaries Other Agencies City of Rosemead Budget Summaries 6 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Budget Summaries Comparison of Estimated Ending Fund Balances  ‐  5  10  15  20  25  30 SLFRF ARP General Fund Millions FY 2022 FY 2023  ‐  500  1,000  1,500  2,000  2,500  3,000 DIF Street Lighting Measure M Measure R Prop C Prop A RMRA Gas Tax Thousands FY 2022 FY 2023  ‐  100,000  200,000  300,000  400,000  500,000  600,000  700,000 AQMD Clean Water Prog HOME Equip Repl Tech Repl FY 2023 FY 2022 General Funds Grant & Other Funds Capital Improvement Funding Sources Est Fund Balances Budget Summaries 7 FY 2022‐23 Budget All Funds FY 2020  Actual FY 2021 Actual FY 2022  Budget FY 2022  YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed 101 General Fund 22,955,755       23,288,942       25,587,500       17,857,292       27,717,000        201 Gas Tax 1,294,631         1,298,898         1,325,000         974,066            1,504,500          202 RMRA SB1 990,569            1,010,982         1,064,300         731,769            1,210,900          205 Local Transportation (TDA)‐                     87,242               41,700                ‐                     51,000                215 Proposition A 1,161,627         1,185,681         1,140,300         1,144,939         1,353,000          220 Proposition C 938,777            923,499            925,600            945,794            1,104,500          225 Measure R  702,279            692,879            698,000            712,809            830,500             226 Measure M 783,277            785,400            794,030            806,978            947,000             227 Measure H ‐                     10,000                ‐                     5,000                  ‐                      228 American Rescue Plan ‐                      ‐                     17,878,600        ‐                      ‐                      229 Measure R Highway Capital ‐                     71,413                ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      230 Air Quality Management District 77,091               565,406            75,000               35,636               72,000                231 Clean Water ‐                     700,628            571,000            571,385            571,000             232 Grant Fund ‐                      ‐                     435,800             ‐                     348,000             233 State & Local Fiscal Recovery Funds ‐                     10,000,000       10,000,000        ‐                      245 Street Lighting District 1,187,016         1,294,831         1,325,000         1,077,809         1,352,100          25x Development Impact Fees 156,589            78,976               71,000               89,041               81,600                260 CDBG 569,631            980,668            2,324,600         128,548            2,255,100          270 HOME 204,840            719,119            2,135,400         240,429            2,181,100          505 Internal Services 164,500            352,186            50,000               51,334               52,000                CIP Carryover ‐                      ‐                     See CIP Section ‐                     See CIP Section    Total City Revenues 31,186,581       34,046,751       66,442,830       35,372,828       41,631,300        RHDC 920,603            929,288            917,400            621,247            1,033,600          Successor Agency 3,664,001         4,206,086         4,025,900         827,759            4,147,000             Total Revenues 35,771,185       39,182,125       71,386,130       36,821,834       46,811,900        City of Rosemead Budget Summaries Revenue Summary by Fund City Revenue  by Fund Budget Summaries 8 FY 2022‐23 Budget Source FY 2020  Actual FY 2021 Actual FY 2022  Budget FY 2022  YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Taxes 18,503,951        18,919,144        19,527,100        13,280,171        21,508,800         Intergovernmental 209,360              456,602              155,000              238,100              195,800               Permits, Licenses, Fees 2,115,420          2,492,894          2,451,200          2,827,454          2,348,000           Fines & Forfeitures 612,334              620,782              624,300              454,759              605,300               Use of Property 760,968              267,992              385,700              322,448              671,400               Charges for Services 595,367              472,068              918,200              658,814              926,700               Miscellaneous 158,355              59,461                26,000                75,545                61,000                 Transfer In ‐                       ‐                      1,500,000           ‐                      1,400,000           Total 22,955,755        23,288,942        25,587,500        17,857,292        27,717,000         City of Rosemead Budget Summaries Revenue Summary by Source ‐ General Fund Detail of Tax  Revenue General Fund  Revenue by Source Budget Summaries 9 FY 2022‐23 Budget Fund FY 2020  Actual FY 2021  Actual FY 2022  Budget FY 2022  YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed General Fund 22,042,229        21,908,271        25,514,200        18,827,857        27,652,200         Special Revenue Funds 201 Gas Tax 908,698              529,931              780,500              452,425              993,600               202 RMRA SB1 571                     116,010              206,600              120,632              34,300                 205 Local Transportation (TDA)‐                      87,242                 ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       215 Proposition A 1,106,823          1,180,881          1,467,300          930,511              1,422,500           220 Proposition C 518,577              512,575              88,500                42,340                56,500                 225 Measure R  225,591              367,374              137,300              45,986                76,000                 226 Measure M 8,241                  67,276                43,700                9,589                  31,300                 227 Measure H ‐                      10,000                 ‐                      5,000                   ‐                       228 American Rescue Plan ‐                       ‐                      10,312,900        10,000,000        379,000               229 Measure R Highway Capital ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       230 Air Quality Management Distric ‐                      45,536                10,100                12,824                122,600               231 Safe Clean Water ‐                      231,247              502,500              192,234              530,000               232 Grant Fund 62,749                715,559              152,600              67,299                148,000               233 State & Local Fiscal Recovery ‐                       ‐                      1,500,000           ‐                      1,400,000           245 Street Lighting District 654,661              640,143              800,100              623,211              1,013,600           25x Development Impact Fees ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       260 CDBG 752,651              785,753              1,974,600          384,897              1,989,300           270 HOME 136,543              192,199              2,135,400          68,018                2,181,100           4,375,104          5,481,727          20,112,100        12,954,965        10,377,800         Internal Service Funds 501 Equipment Replacement 118,154              89,591                32,000                67,697                 ‐                       505 Technology Replacement 159,529              166,213              120,000              15,304                127,500               277,683              255,805              152,000              83,001                127,500               Total City Operating Budget 26,695,016        27,645,802        45,778,300        31,865,823        38,157,500         City of Rosemead Budget Summaries Operating Expenditure Summary by Fund FY 2022‐23 Proposed  Expenditures by Fund Budget Summaries 10 FY 2022‐23 Budget Departments: FY 2020  Actual FY 2021 Actual FY 2022  Budget FY 2022  YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed 1100 Legislative 655,109              679,007              731,900              610,495              792,500               1115 City Clerk 775,611              913,950              1,219,000          1,068,018          1,213,600           1205 Administration 1,512,705          1,563,765          4,929,900          1,724,638          5,350,700           1305 Finance 539,286              500,134              902,400              649,688              1,039,700           1325 General Services 468,614              764,139              1,239,800          765,593              1,423,500           2000 Public Safety 9,571,318          10,304,211        11,161,500        8,292,992          11,567,100         3000 Public Works 7,068,751          7,191,487          7,851,950          5,076,162          8,749,600           4000 Parks & Recreation 2,734,807          1,720,164          3,686,150          1,995,642          4,122,600           5000 Community Development 2,445,703          2,320,336          1,833,100          1,541,209          1,890,500           6000 Capital Proj ‐ Non CIP 854,104              918,321               ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       0000 Non‐departmental 69,009                770,289              12,222,600        10,141,387        2,007,700           Total City Budget 26,695,016        27,645,802        45,778,300        31,865,823        38,157,500         City of Rosemead Budget Summaries Operating Expenditure Summary by Department ‐ All Funds Proposed Operating Expenditures  by Department ‐All Funds Budget Summaries 11 FY 2022‐23 Budget Departments: FY 2020  Actual FY 2021  Actual FY 2022  Budget FY 2022  YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed 1100 Legislative 655,109              679,007              731,900              610,495              792,500               1115 City Clerk 775,611              913,950              1,212,300          1,068,018          1,133,200           1205 Administration 1,151,208          1,262,362          1,464,600          1,399,964          1,594,900           1305 Finance 481,673              421,625              738,400              588,034              962,600               1325 General Services 468,614              764,139              989,800              765,593              1,423,500           2000 Public Safety 9,532,456          10,265,554        11,097,100        8,248,461          11,495,300         3000 Public Works 4,237,788          3,975,885          4,034,050          2,702,301          4,407,100           4000 Parks & Recreation 2,640,440          1,699,033          3,517,550          1,971,082          3,952,600           5000 Community Development 2,054,124          1,768,205          1,728,500          1,473,910          1,890,500           6000 Capital Proj ‐ Non CIP 45,206                160,053               ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Total City Budget 22,042,229        21,909,813        25,514,200        18,827,858        27,652,200         City of Rosemead Budget Summaries Operating Expenditure Summary by Department ‐ General Fund  General Fund Proposed Operating Expenditures  by Department Budget Summaries 12 FY 2022‐23 Budget Category:FY 2020  Actual FY 2021  Actual FY 2022  Budget FY 2022  YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits 7,403,472          6,556,378          8,433,300          6,205,885          9,137,000           Salary & Benefit ‐ Contra Accts (272,413)            (284,826)             ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       Operations & Maint 4,721,519          4,776,335          5,844,550          3,934,292          7,078,300           Public Safety Contract 8,385,016          8,725,867          9,236,700          6,874,810          9,425,800           Utilities 898,924              987,519              1,004,000          885,056              1,097,500           Allocations 168,426              315,242              475,900              396,425              511,300               Insurances 699,187              798,897              880,700              880,212              817,600               Capital Outlay 38,098                34,399                265,550              214,702              220,500               Recovered Costs ‐                       ‐                      (676,500)            (563,525)            (685,800)             Transfers Out (to IT Repl)‐                       ‐                      50,000                 ‐                      50,000                 Operating Expenditures 22,042,228        21,909,810        25,514,200        18,827,857        27,652,200         Capital Projects ‐                       ‐                      825,760              14,040                60,000                 Total General Fund Exp 22,042,228        21,909,810        26,339,960        18,841,897        27,712,200         City of Rosemead Budget Summaries Expenditure Summary by Category ‐ General Fund General Fund  Proposed Expenditures by Category Budget Summaries 13 FY 2022‐23 Budget Fund Dept Division FY 2020  Actual FY 2021  Actual FY 2022  Budget FY 2022  YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed 101 GENERAL FUND City Council/Legislative 1105 City Council 359,093         331,411         392,200         300,401         392,600          1110 Commissions 15,331           14,344           35,100           15,536           50,300            1120 City Attorney 280,685         333,252         304,600         294,558         349,600          655,109         679,007         731,900         610,495         792,500          Administration 1205 City Administration 786,100         823,701         1,047,100     1,141,492     1,082,300      1315 Information Technology 116,850         117,813          ‐                 9,414              ‐                  1310 Human Resources 248,258         320,848         417,500         249,058         512,600          1,151,208     1,262,362     1,464,600     1,399,964     1,594,900      City Clerk 1115 City Clerk 391,024         419,853         532,200         354,906         475,400          1320 Risk Management 384,587         494,097         680,100         713,112         657,800          775,611         913,950         1,212,300     1,068,018     1,133,200      Finance 1305 Finance 481,673         421,625         738,400         588,034         962,600          General Services 1325 General Services 468,614         764,139         989,800         765,593         1,423,500      Public Safety 2005 Public Safety Administration 454,490         292,612         248,200         91,767           267,600          2010 Law Enforcement 8,565,473     8,739,157     9,479,400     6,952,906     9,688,500      2015 Code Enforcement 58,570           580,196         738,600         674,580         800,400          2020 Parking Control 190,064         175,562         195,600         140,827         198,500          2025 Crossing Guards 57,218           35,675           166,200         118,903         196,200          2030 Animal Regulation 95,074           45,529           101,000         48,719           110,000          2035 Emergency Preparedness 111,568         396,824         168,100         220,759         234,100          9,532,456     10,265,554   11,097,100   8,248,461     11,495,300    Public Works 3005 Public Works Administration 224,245         226,470         219,200         195,994         199,800          3010 Field Services 289,211         288,378         439,500         289,682         691,100          3015 Facility Maintenance 339,743         363,409         638,550         394,587         644,600          3020 Motor Fleet 66,046           99,757            ‐                 (256)                ‐                  3025 Solid Waste 12,043           15,797           17,000           8,016             17,000            3030 Parks & Open Spaces 2,570,229     2,337,792     2,025,600     1,477,371     2,123,000      3035 Engineering 641,723         569,919         590,500         316,648         654,200          3036 Project Management 94,547           74,362           103,700         20,258           77,400            3040 Public Transit ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  4,237,788     3,975,885     4,034,050     2,702,301     4,407,100      City of Rosemead Budget Summaries Expenditure Summary by Fund/Department/Division City of Rosemead Budget Summaries 14 FY 2022‐23 Budget Fund Dept Division FY 2020  Actual FY 2021  Actual FY 2022  Budget FY 2022  YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed City of Rosemead Budget Summaries Expenditure Summary by Fund/Department/Division City of Rosemead Parks & Recreation 4001 Parks & Rec Administration 443,668         439,604         564,600         461,523         754,100          4005 Recreation 366,588         261,825         481,150         344,631         577,500          4010 Youth & Adult Sports 38,624           21,420           156,600         23,722           191,200          4015 Aquatics 759,361         428,734         923,600         478,596         1,043,000      4020 Instructional Classes 185,401         22,083           264,400         75,158           301,000          4025 Community Center Operations 448,217         290,043         536,000         209,694         615,500          4030 Senior Services 160,517         139,178         188,900         73,908           227,100          4040 Community Events 226,476         96,145           393,300         303,849         233,200          4045 Dinsmoor Heritage House 11,588            ‐                 9,000              ‐                 10,000            2,640,440     1,699,033     3,517,550     1,971,082     3,952,600      Community Development 5101 Community Dev Administration ‐                  ‐                 302,800         165,151         362,800          5105 Planning 751,726         853,115         619,700         466,666         721,700          5110 Building 709,805         915,090         806,000         842,093         806,000          5115 Code Enforcement 546,014          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  5205 CDBG 46,578            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  5210 HOME ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  2,054,124     1,768,205     1,728,500     1,473,910     1,890,500      6005 Capital Projects ‐ Non CIP 45,206           158,513          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  TOTAL ‐ GENERAL FUND 22,042,229   21,908,271   25,514,200   18,827,857   27,652,200    201 GAS TAX FUND 1305 Finance 2,625             2,700             2,800             2,700             6,500              2025 Crossing Guards 4,453             8,919             41,600           37,371           49,100            3005 Public Works Administration 6,275             7,251             24,500           12,013           26,600            3010 Field Services 358,004         244,381         383,500         203,337         551,300          3020 Motor Fleet 47,256           51,795           60,200           36,593           30,000            3030 Parks & Open Spaces 232,965         198,247         210,000         144,448         287,700          3035 Engineering 20,293           16,639           57,900           15,962           42,400            6005 Capital Projects ‐ Non CIP 236,825          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  908,698         529,931         780,500         452,425         993,600          202 ROAD MAINTENANCE & REHABILITATION 3005 Public Works Administration 56                   7,251             12,400           11,132           26,600            3010 Field Services 65                   45,315           79,900           38,154            ‐                  3030 Parks & Open Spaces 340                46,775           71,400           52,577            ‐                  3035 Engineering 110                16,669           42,900           18,769           7,700              571                116,010         206,600         120,632         34,300            205 TDA ART‐3 ‐ PED & BIKEWAY ‐                 87,242            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  Budget Summaries 15 FY 2022‐23 Budget Fund Dept Division FY 2020  Actual FY 2021  Actual FY 2022  Budget FY 2022  YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed City of Rosemead Budget Summaries Expenditure Summary by Fund/Department/Division City of Rosemead 215 PROPOSITION A LOCAL RETURN 1205 City Administration 118,167         104,327         30,900           18,729           31,300            1305 Finance 15,445           24,918           41,900           20,796           9,700              3005 Public Works Administration 57,040           40,805           61,800           19,171           53,400            3010 Field Services 65,887           67,077           37,500           20,929           39,100            3020 Motor Fleet ‐                 480                1,700              ‐                  ‐                  3030 Parks & Open Spaces 11,904           11,669           41,300           24,764           38,000            3035 Engineering 12                   2,357              ‐                 312                 ‐                  3040 Public Transit 812,259         929,248         1,134,200     820,274         1,133,000      4030 Senior Services 19,509            ‐                 108,000         5,538             108,000          4040 Community Events 6,600              ‐                 10,000            ‐                 10,000            1,106,823     1,180,881     1,467,300     930,511         1,422,500      220 PROPOSITION C LOCAL RETURN  1305 Finance 17,945           27,999           41,900           16,776           9,700              2005 Public Safety Administration 34,409           29,738           22,800           7,160             22,700            3010 Field Services 71,038           74,666           23,800           18,144           24,100            3030 Parks & Open Spaces 11,903           11,693            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  3035 Engineering 19                   2,805              ‐                 261                 ‐                  3040 Public Transit 335,150         363,377          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  4030 Senior Services 48,112           2,298              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  518,577         512,575         88,500           42,340           56,500            225 MEASURE R 1105 City Council ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  1305 Finance 10,354           14,534           25,000           13,329           9,700              3005 Public Works Administration 37,483           27,499           43,100           18,092           39,800            3025 Engineering 49,938           28,340           69,200           14,565           26,500            6005 Capital Projects ‐ Non CIP 127,817         297,000          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  225,591         367,374         137,300         45,986           76,000            226 MEASURE M 1305 Finance ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  3005 Public Works Administration 1,643             13,270           24,500           7,441             26,600            3035 Engineering ‐                 7,604             19,200           2,148             4,700              6005 Capital Projects ‐ Non CIP 6,598             46,402            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  8,241             67,276           43,700           9,589             31,300            227 MEASURE H 1205 City Administration ‐                 10,000            ‐                 5,000              ‐                  ‐                 10,000            ‐                 5,000              ‐                  228 AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN 0000 Non‐departmental ‐                  ‐                 10,000,000   10,000,000    ‐                  1115 City Clerk ‐                  ‐                 6,700              ‐                 80,400            Budget Summaries 16 FY 2022‐23 Budget Fund Dept Division FY 2020  Actual FY 2021  Actual FY 2022  Budget FY 2022  YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed City of Rosemead Budget Summaries Expenditure Summary by Fund/Department/Division City of Rosemead 1305 Finance ‐                  ‐                 8,600              ‐                 26,700            1310 Human Resources ‐                  ‐                 8,600              ‐                 101,100          1325 General Services ‐                  ‐                 250,000          ‐                  ‐                  3035 Engineering ‐                  ‐                 39,000            ‐                 170,800          ‐                  ‐                 10,312,900   10,000,000   379,000          230 AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT (AQMD) 3020 Motor Fleet ‐                 45,536           10,100           12,824           114,900          3035 Engineering ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 7,700              ‐                 45,536           10,100           12,824           122,600          231 SAFE CLEAN WATER PROGRAM 3010 Field Services ‐                 109,200         125,000         114,529         125,000          3035 Engineering ‐                 122,047         377,500         77,705           405,000          ‐                 231,247         502,500         192,234         530,000          232 OTHER GRANTS 000x Non‐departmental (Cares ‐ COVID) 62,749           608,479          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  3035 Engineering ‐                  ‐                 48,000            ‐                 148,000          5105 Planning ‐                 107,081         104,600         67,299            ‐                  62,749           715,559         152,600         67,299           148,000          233 STATE AND LOCAL FISCAL RECOVERY FUNDS (SLFRF) 0000 Non‐departmental ‐                  ‐                 1,500,000      ‐                 1,400,000      ‐                  ‐                 1,500,000      ‐                 1,400,000      245 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT 1305 Finance 3,010             239                12,800           1,190              ‐                  3005 Public Works Administration 6,058             22,101           12,400           18,314           42,100            3010 Field Services 526,681         560,064         600,000         483,834         700,000          3015 Facility Maintenance ‐                  ‐                 45,500           32,703           48,100            3030 Parks & Open Spaces 73,659           57,740           129,400         87,170           181,000          3035 Engineering ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  6005 Capital Projects ‐ Non CIP 45,254            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 42,400            654,661         640,143         800,100         623,211         1,013,600      250 DEVELOPMENT IMPACT ‐ TRAFFIC ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  251 DEVELOPMENT IMPACT ‐ PUBLIC SAFETY ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  252 DEVELOPMENT IMPACT ‐ GEN'L GOVT ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  253 DEVELOPMENT IMPACT ‐ PARKS ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  260 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) 0000 CDBG COVID‐19 6,260             161,810         722,600         141,387         607,700          1205 City Administration 30,107           187                65,400           36,513           78,200            1220 CDBG Program ‐                 203                1,105,000     181,111         1,236,600      Budget Summaries 17 FY 2022‐23 Budget Fund Dept Division FY 2020  Actual FY 2021  Actual FY 2022  Budget FY 2022  YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed City of Rosemead Budget Summaries Expenditure Summary by Fund/Department/Division City of Rosemead 1305 Finance 8,233             8,120             31,000           6,864             14,800            3005 Public Works Administration 2,240              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  3035 Engineering 23,398            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  4001 Parks & Recreation Administration 300                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  4005 Recreation ‐                  ‐                 30,000           4,278             30,000            4030 Senior Services 19,846           18,833           20,600           14,744           22,000            5105 Planning 45,367           63,164            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  5205 CDBG 224,495         204,271          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  6005 Capital Projects ‐ Non CIP 392,405         329,165          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  752,651         785,753         1,974,600     384,897         1,989,300      275 HOME GRANT 1205 City Administration 14,826           14,584           33,600           21,432           33,500            1230 HOME ‐ Administration ‐                 5,818             2,101,800     46,586           2,147,600      5105 Planning 9,546             9,792              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  5210 HOME ‐ Community Development 112,172         162,005          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  136,543         192,199         2,135,400     68,018           2,181,100      INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 501 Equipment Replacement 1315 Information Technology 38,867           5,890              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  3020 Motor Fleet 79,287           83,702           32,000           67,697            ‐                  118,154         89,591           32,000           67,697            ‐                  505 Technology Replacement 1310 Information Technology 159,529         166,213         120,000         15,304           127,500          159,529         166,213         120,000         15,304           127,500          TOTAL ‐ CITY OPERATING BUDGET 26,695,016   27,645,803   45,778,300   31,865,823   38,157,500    Capital Improvement Program 834,765         1,540             9,244,750     1,007,635     13,169,000    CIP Carryover Funding ‐                  ‐                 36,076,719    ‐                  ‐                  TOTAL ‐ CITY BUDGETS 27,529,781   27,647,343   91,099,769   32,873,458   51,326,500    Housing Development Corporation 906,715         866,856         917,400         625,314         1,423,600      Successor Agency 1,697,101     1,574,119     4,025,900     1,248,593     4,147,000      TOTAL ‐ CITY and AGENCIES 30,133,596   30,088,318   96,043,069   34,747,366   56,897,100    Budget Summaries 18 FY 2022‐23 Budget Details Additions New Program Non‐Recurring City Council State of the City Special Event 5,000                City Commissions Commission Recognition & Beautification Awards 8,500                City Clerk Translation Services 30,000              Administration HR ‐ Health Benefits Brokerage & Consulting Firm 30,000              HR ‐ Legal Services ‐ Personnel Related 30,000              HR ‐ Consulting Services ‐ HR 10,000              HR ‐ Occupational Health Services 7,000                HR ‐ Employee Special Events 20,100              IT ‐ Additional IT Contract Svcs as Needed 30,000               Finance Tyler Incode Training 20,000               Replacement Check Encoder 5,000                  General Services Contribution ‐ SRO 218,300            Security Cameras 150,000             Public Safety Consultant Svcs ‐ Update of Local Hazard Mitigation Plan 60,000               Public Works Increase in Permit Inspection Svcs for permitted projects 20,000              Graffiti Removal Contract Svc/Crew 250,000            Stump Grinder 30,000               Increase in Traffic Engineering Svcs to address backlog 20,000               City Traffic (Speed) Study 25,000               Parks & Recreation Community Garden Contract 40,000              Christmas Decorations 100,000             Gym Floor Resurfacing 3,500                  Beck Control System Updates at RAC & Splash 6,000                  Pool Vacuum @ RAC 4,000                  Pool Vacuum @ Splash 2,000                  Playground Equipment ‐ Garvey Center 10,000               Playground Padding ‐ Garvey Center 25,000               Floor Refinishing at Garvey Center 10,000               Tint for Pyramid Sky Lights at RCRC 5,000                  Window Covering for Rooms 1 & 4 at RCRC 5,000                  Chairs at Garvey Center (150 @ $30/ea) 4,500                  Refrigerator Replacement at Garvey 5,500                  Storage Equipment for Workroom 3,500                  Community Development ‐ Planning Consultant Svcs ‐ Update of Various Sections of the Zoning Ord 100,000             Sub‐Total by Category 147,100           521,800           624,000             Sub‐Total by Fund ‐ General Fund City of Rosemead Capital Equipment & Supplemental Budget Requests Budget Summaries 1,292,900 City of Rosemead Budget Summaries 19 FY 2022‐23 Budget Details Additions New Program Non‐Recurring City of Rosemead Capital Equipment & Supplemental Budget Requests Budget Summaries City of Rosemead AQMD Alternative Fuel Pool Vehicles (2) 80,000               Grants Changeable Message Boards (4) 80,000               Technology Replacement Fund Replacement Computers 15,000               Backup Storage 15,000               Replacement Servers Systems 97,500               Sub‐Total by Fund ‐ All Other Funds 287,500             Total  ‐ All Capital & Supplemental Requests 2,873,300 Budget Summaries 20 FY 2022‐23 Budget Revenue 1 FY 2022‐23 Budget          General Fund   Fiscal Year 2022‐23 revenues are based on a  combination of factors including analysis of historical  revenue receipts, anticipated changes in the local  economic environment, projected City development,  estimates provided by consultants and other  agencies charged with distributing revenues.  A total of $27.7 million in operating revenue and  transfers is projected in the General Fund for Fiscal  Year 2022‐23.  This amount is comprised of $26.3  million in operating revenue and $1.4 million as a  Transfer‐in from the SLFRF fund.  The assumptions  used by the City to budget this year’s revenue  estimates are explained below.  TAXES –   $21,508,800 – 78% OF TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE  Property Taxes – Sec/Unsec (4005); Residual RPTTF (4006); All Other (4027) – $3,552,300 – 13% of total  General Fund Revenues – Property tax revenue continues to be the City’s largest source of income providing  over 13% of total General Fund revenue for FY 2022‐23.  As the chart on the right shows, the majority of the  property tax collected is allocated between various schools, the County of Los Angeles, and certain special  districts including the Fire and Library Districts. The City, classified as a “low property tax city”, receives less  than 7 cents of every local tax dollar levied on property within the City limits.  General – Property tax is imposed on real property (land and permanently  attached improvements such as buildings) and tangible personal property  (movable property) located within the State.  The California property tax is  ad valorem – based on the value of property rather than on a fixed amount  or benefit to the property or persons.  Property taxes are levied at one  percent of assessed value, as established in 1978 by California’s Proposition  13.  The County of Los Angeles administers the property tax program and  charges a Property Tax Administrative Fee to cities for its efforts.   No‐Low Property Tax Cities – Prior to the adoption of Proposition 13, there  were numerous cities in California that either levied no general property  taxes or which levied very low rates.  Rosemead was one of these cities.   Because the property tax allocation after Prop 13 was based on the allocation  prior to the proposition passage, these “no‐low cities” would not receive a  portion of the 1% levy, potentially hampering the ability to fund essential  services.  To remedy this unintended consequence of the proposition, the Legislature adopted AB 1197 which  Revenue 2 FY 2022‐23 Budget  called for the phasing in of the equivalent of a 7% share of the general levy that would be taken from the  county’s share and transferred to the qualifying cities.  The 7% was phased in over a seven‐year period  beginning in 1989‐90.  With the adoption of the Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund (ERAF) shifts, the  original 7% shifted from the County’s general levy was reduced to approximately 6.6% beginning in FY 1995‐ 96.  Growth – Property tax revenue continues to increase  year over year due to the addition of several mixed‐use  projects and new home developments, the annual  increase in existing home and business property values,  and resale of existing properties, all of which result in  increased assessed values and property tax revenues.   The chart to the right provides a history of the City of  Rosemead’s property assessed value for the past 10  years.    Estimate – Property Tax revenue is estimated at $3.55 million, an increase of $179,300 over the FY 2021‐22  Budget and $174,500 over FY 2020‐21 actuals.  The category is comprised of three components –  Secured/Unsecured, Residual RPTTF, and Other.  The estimated for the Sec/Unsecured is based on data from  the City’s property tax consultant HdL and Company.  The  Residual RPTTF is based on a calculation supplied by HdL  and a review of historical receipts.  Other property tax  consists of late fees, penalties, and homeowner’s  exemption, and its estimate is based on a review of  historical receipts.  In prior year’s, all three components  were combined and netted against the Property Tax  Administrative Fee assessed by Los Angeles County.   Beginning with FY 2021‐22, the administrative fee is  expensed within the General Services Division.  Property Taxes In‐Lieu of VLF (4020) – $7,680,700 – 28% of total General Fund revenue – Established in 1935  as a uniform statewide tax, the VLF is a tax on the ownership of a registered vehicle in place of taxing vehicles  as personal property. In 2004, the Legislature reduced the VLF tax rate and eliminated state general fund  backfill to cities and counties. Instead, cities and counties now receive additional transfers of property tax  revenues in lieu of VLF.  When the VLF revenue was  ‘swapped’ with property tax, the replacement was dollar‐ for‐dollar.  However, unlike the VLF, which increased  based on license fee growth, the In‐lieu is based on  assessed value and grows as property values increase.  The  revenue is in addition to and is tracked separately from  other property tax revenue and remitted to the City in two  equal payments.  The 2022‐23 estimate is based on  information provided by the City’s property tax  consultant.  Revenue 3 FY 2022‐23 Budget  Property Transfer Tax (4025) – $100,000 – The Property  Transfer Tax is imposed on the transfer of real property.   Section 11901 et seq. of the Revenue and Taxation Code  authorizes a tax of $.55 per $500 of the sales value,  exclusive of any lien or encumbrance remaining at the  time of sale.  This tax is collected on an ongoing basis by  the Los Angeles County Auditor‐Controller, concurrent  with a similar assessment on behalf of the County and  remitted to the City on a monthly basis.  The estimate is  based on a review of historical receipts and current trend.  Sales and Use Tax (4030) – $6,505,800 – 23% of total General Fund revenue – In accordance with the California  Revenue and Taxation code and the Bradley‐Burns Uniform Sales Taxation Code and the Bradley‐Burns Uniform  Sales and Use Tax Law of 1955, the State of California imposes a sales and use tax on taxable sales in the State.  This tax is based on the sales price of any taxable transaction relating to taxable personal property. The City of  Rosemead receives a 1% share of all taxable sales generated within its borders, as well as a portion of the State  and County pools.  The taxes are collected and remitted to the  California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA),  which administers the program.  In Los Angeles County, States Tax  is assessed at the rate of 9.5% of the transaction value.  Included  in this rate is one percentage point for local sales tax (the City’s  General Fund), 2.25 percentage points dedicated towards transit  efforts in LA County, and .25 percentage points for LA County  homeless services.  The CDTFA remits eight estimated payments  per year and four adjusting to actual “clean up” entries per year  to the City.  Sales tax is the City’s second leading source of General Fund revenues and is estimated to be approximately  $6.5 million for FY 2022‐23.  Fourth quarter receipts (Oct‐Dec 2021) revealed that sales were 36.1% higher  than the same quarter last year (adjusted for aberrations).  General consumer goods continued the rebound  from the pandemic impacts of a year ago with strong returns from specially stores and other sectors boosting  group returns 31%.  With dining areas reopening receipts  increased 55% for all restaurant categories and with  record prices at the pumps plus continued increases in  consumption, service station receipts increased 67%.  A  larger allocation from the countywide use tax pool further  contributed to the increased receipts.  For calendar 2021,  the three largest sectors were consumer goods at 34%,  followed by restaurants at 20%, and pools at 18%.  As in the case with Property Tax, the City utilizes an  outside expert consultant specializing in sales tax analysis and forecasting for its estimated year‐end and  budgeted amounts.    Transient Occupancy Tax (4035) – $2,200,000 – 8% of total General Fund revenue – Provides for amounts  received from the motel and hotel operators in the City and constitutes a 10% tax on the rent charged to each  Revenue 4 FY 2022‐23 Budget  transient (less than 31 days occupancy) occupant.   Revenue in this category reached its peak in FY 2017‐18  and FY 2018‐19 at $2.3 million in each year.  Not  unexpectedly, the pandemic had a substantial impact on  travel, thus drastically reducing the taxes received from  local hotel occupancy.  From its high of $2.3 million,  revenue fell to $1.8 million in FY 2019‐20 and fell further  to $1.4 million in FY 2020‐21.  However, the City has seen  a rebound in this area as the budget for FY 2021‐22 was  established at $1.6 million and is expected to complete the fiscal year at $2.0 million.  The FY 2022‐23 estimate  of $2,200,000 is $600,000 more than the FY 2021‐22 budget, $200,000 more than the year‐end estimate, and  is based on a trend analysis of rebounding receipts.  Franchise Fees:  Utilities (4115), Trash Hauler (4145), Cable TV (4120) – $1,470,000 – 5% of total General Fund  revenue – The City of Rosemead receives Franchise Fees from several classes of businesses for the right to use  public rights‐of‐way and easements for operations, including electric, natural gas, cable television, and the  private refuse hauler.  The fees received by the City are generally a percentage of gross receipts derived from  operation of the franchise.  This revenue category has been  significantly strengthened over the years through a ten‐ year agreement with the City’s solid waste and recycling  hauler, Republic Services.  Other significant contributors in  this category include SCE and the Gas Company.    The FY 2022‐23 revenue estimate of $1,470,000 is  $120,000 more than the FY 2021‐22 budget, nearly  $155,000 more than the FY 2020‐21 actual and is based on  the revenue trend of the source.  INTERGOVERNMENTAL –   $195,800 – 1% OF TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE  This category includes revenue received from other governmental entities including federal state and county  grants, and the remaining portion of motor vehicle license fees.  Beginning in FY 2020‐21, only annual grants  used for operating costs are included in this category, all other grant revenue, and corresponding expenses,  have been moved to the Grant Fund (F232).  Also beginning in FY 2021‐22, the annual Supplemental Law  Enforcement Services Account (SLESA) Grant (previously recorded under State Grants) is recorded in its own  object number, and the mandated cost reimbursements  (previously recorded in Other Reimbursements) has been  moved to this category.  History for both revenue sources  have been moved to the new object numbers for  comparison purposes.  The estimate for FY 2022‐23 is $195,800 which includes  the $100,000 base amount for SLESA, trend analysis of the  remaining portion of motor vehicle license fees,  mandated costs reimbursement, and homeowners’  exemption revenue.  Revenue 5 FY 2022‐23 Budget    PERMITS, LICENSES, FEES  $2,348,000 – 8% OF TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE  This category consists of building and plan checking,  public works, industrial waste, occupancy, and  security/film permits and animal licenses.  These  combined revenue sources represent approximately 8%  of the General Fund revenue and are projected to be  $100,000 less than the amount budgeted in FY 2021‐22  and $145,000 less than FY 2020‐21 actuals.  The year‐end  estimated remains strong at $3.3 million based on current  activity.  The estimated amount for FY 2022‐23 is $2,348,000 based on departmental analysis of historical data  and current activity.  FINES & FORFEITURES  $605,300 – 2% OF TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE  This category includes parking citations, court fines, and  administrative citations issued by Code Enforcement.   The category is just 2% of total General Fund revenues  and is budgeted at $605,300 for FY 2022‐23.  The new  estimate is $19,000 less than the FY 2021‐22 budgeted  estimate and $15,000 less than the FY 2020‐21 actuals.   The FY 2022‐23 estimates are based on departmental  review of historical data and current trends.  USE OF PROPERTY   $671,400 – 2% OF TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE  This category includes facility and property rentals, and  interest earnings from invested cash.  This category  represents 2% of total General Fund revenue.  The  estimate for FY 2022‐23 is $671,400 which is $285,700  more than budgeted for FY 2021‐22 and $403,000 more  than FY 2020‐21 actuals.  The FY 2022‐23 increase is due  primarily to an increase in lease payments and a one‐time  catchup payment from the Housing Development  Corporation for City property used for senior housing along with anticipated increased use of public facilities  as the pandemic lessens.  Beginning in FY 2021‐22, a separate object number (Interest Earnings – GASB 31  Adjustment) was added to account for year‐end entries reflecting change in investment value.  CHARGES FOR SERVICES  $926,700 – 3% OF TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE  This category consists of charges for services provided to the community from all departments.  The primary  source of revenue in this category is recreation program fees, miscellaneous development related planning  Revenue 6 FY 2022‐23 Budget  and building fees, and reimbursement of services provided to the Rosemead Housing Development  Corporation (RHDC) and Successor Agency (SA).    Beginning in 2021‐22 reimbursment for services provided  to RHDC and SA were reclassified from a reduction of  expenses to revenue.  Prior to FY 2021‐22, these service  reimbursements were shown as a ‘contra’ expense in the  General Fund and an expense to the RHDC and SA.  These  services, which represent the cost of city personnel  providing services to the two agencies, are reflected in  the ‘Reimbursement from Other Agencies’ account within  the General Fund.  The estimate for FY 2022‐23 is $926,700 and is based on historical trends, the current economic environment,  planned or anticipated change in development or programming as determined by department directors.  The  cost of services provided to the RHDC and SA have been reduced to reflect current estimated staff hours  dedicated to these services and current salary and benefit costs.  TRANSFERS IN  $1,400,000 – 5% OF TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE  New for FY 2022‐23 is a planned Transfer‐In from the American Rescue Plan Fund State and Local Fiscal Recover  Fund which is a federal plan to aid cities deal with the financial impact of the Covid‐19 pandemic.  The City  elected to accept the $10 million standard allowance for revenue loss which will be used to cover revenue  shortfalls and fund identified items not previously funded due to revenue loss caused by the pandemic.  Other Funds     201 STATE GAS TAX   Description: The State Streets and Highway Code provides for cities to receive apportioned and allocated  amounts of gas and diesel fuel taxes.   Estimate Basis:  Provided by the League of California Cities analyst     202 ROAD MAINTENANCE & REHABILITATION (SB 1)   Description:  Revenue and interest obtained as the City's share of The Road Repair and Accountability  Act of 2017, Senate Bill 1. Funds are used towards maintenance and rehabilitation and safety  improvements on streets, roads, and bridges.   Estimate Basis:  Provided by the League of California Cities analyst    205 TDA ART III – BIKE & PED   Description: Public Utilities Code Section 99401 provided for funding for pedestrian and bikeway  projects.  Estimate Basis:  Provided by LA METRO    Revenue 7 FY 2022‐23 Budget  215 PROPOSITION "A" LOCAL RETURN   Description:  Revenue and interest obtained as the City's share of voter approved sales tax increases  used to enhance public transportation, exclusive of that being used to administer the program.   Estimate Basis:  Provided by LA METRO    220 PROPOSITION "C" LOCAL RETURN   Description:  Revenue and interest obtained as the City's share of voter approved sales tax increases  used to enhance public transit, including congestion management programs, bikeways and bike lanes,  street improvements, etc., exclusive of that used to administer the program.   Estimate Basis:  Provided by LA METRO    225 MEASURE "R"   Description:  A half‐cent sales tax increase approved by the voters in 2009 to finance new transportation  projects and programs and enhance those already in the pipeline. The City receives a portion of the  funding and interest on the funds.   Estimate Basis:  Provided by LA METRO    226 MEASURE “M”   Description:  A half‐cent sales tax increase approved by the voters in 2016 to finance new transportation  projects and programs and enhance those already in the pipeline. The City receives a portion of the  funding and interest on the funds.   Estimate Basis:  Provided by LA METRO    228 AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN – STATE & LOCAL FISCAL RECOVERY FUND   Description:  Federal program to support relief and economic recovery efforts for which the  City will  receive $17,878,653 with allowable uses identified in the ARPA Final Rule.  Estimate:  $8.9 million was received in FY 2020‐21 but accounted for as deferred revenue but will be  recognized in FY 2021‐22.  The second tranche is to be received in May 2022 (FY 2021‐22).    229 MEASURE R – HIGHWAY CAPITAL   Description:  Awarded LACMTA Measure R funding for Rosemead’s portion of the SR‐710 Mobility  Improvement Projects.  Estimate Basis:  Grant award – reimbursement basis    230 AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT (AQMD)   Description:  Health and Safety Code Section 44225 authorizes an air quality control district to impose a  $4.00 fee on vehicle registrations to finance programs designed to reduce air pollution from motor  vehicles. Cities are allocated 40% of the revenues less administrative costs based upon population size.   Estimate Basis:  AQMD    Revenue 8 FY 2022‐23 Budget  231 MEASURE “W” – Safe Clean Water Program   Description:  Revenue derived from a County parcel tax for the Safe Clean Water Program.   Estimate Basis:  Annual allocation is determined by Los Angeles County    232 GRANTS  Description:  Accounts for the receipt and expenditure of non‐repayable funds given by Federal, State,  County, and Special District Entities not accounted for elsewhere.  Estimate Basis:  Grant award notifications    233 STATE & LOCAL FISCAL RECOVERY – Revenue Loss   Description:  This fund represents uses of the $10 million standard allowance for revenue loss to be used  for activities, expenditures, projects, and budget shortfalls as approved by the City Council.  Estimate Basis:  City Council accepted the one‐time $10 million standard allowance for revenue loss in  FY 2021‐22    245 STREET LIGHT   Description:  Revenue collected by the ad valorem property tax to pay for energy costs and maintenance  of the district.  In 2020, SB 1307 was passed by the State Legislature allowing use of these fund to expand  to used allowed under the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972.  Estimate Basis:  Current receipts and growth of assessed value    25x DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES – Traffic, Public Safety, General Government, Parks  Description: Fees charged to developers of new houses, commercial buildings, and mixed‐use buildings  to offset the impact the new construction and projects will have on the community.   Estimate Basis: Trend analysis     260 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FUND   Description: This is the allocation of the block grant funds that are used for housing, public safety, and  economic development in low‐income target areas, exclusive of administrative fees.   Estimate Basis:  Notice of allocation received from HUD    275 HOME PROGRAM  Description: To expand the City’s supply of decent, safe, sanitary, and affordable housing for very low‐  and low‐income families.   Estimate Basis:  Notice of allocation received from HUD     Account No. Description FY 2019‐20 Actual FY 2020‐21 Actual FY 2021‐22 Adopted  FY 2021‐22 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2022‐23 Proposed % Inc  B to B GENERAL FUND TAXES 101‐0000‐4005 Property Tax ‐ Sec/Unsec 3,064,430       2,812,253       2,903,000        2,417,350       3,027,300      4.3% 101‐0000‐4006 Property Tax ‐ Residual RPTTF ‐                   401,751          320,000            186,797          350,000         9.4% 101‐0000‐4020 Property Tax in Lieu of VLF 6,877,753       7,200,303       7,344,300        3,687,326       7,680,700      4.6% 101‐0000‐4025 Property Transfer Tax 74,060            86,484            100,000            105,674          100,000         0.0% 101‐0000‐4027 Property Tax ‐ All Other ‐                   163,332          150,000            134,673          175,000         16.7% 101‐0000‐4030 Sales and Use Tax 5,430,222       5,534,244       5,759,800        4,547,423       6,505,800      13.0% 101‐0000‐4035 Transient Occupancy Tax 1,785,219       1,405,397       1,600,000        1,209,496       2,200,000      37.5% 101‐0000‐4115 Franchise Fees ‐ Utilities 492,935          538,357          560,000            593,921          640,000         14.3% 101‐0000‐4120 Franchise Fees ‐ Cable TV 168,057          166,349          170,000            82,751            180,000         5.9% 101‐0000‐4145 Franchise Fees ‐ Trash Hauler 611,275          610,675          620,000            314,760          650,000         4.8% Total ‐ Taxes 18,503,951     18,919,144     19,527,100      13,280,171     21,508,800    10.1% INTERGOVERNMENTAL 101‐0000‐4028 Supplemental Law Enforcement Svcs 100,000          156,727          100,000            161,285          100,000         0.0% 101‐0000‐4205 Federal Government Grants 22,864            141,717           ‐                     ‐                    ‐                  ‐ 101‐0000‐4210 State Government Grants 42,890            30,889             ‐                    7,749               7,800              ‐ 101‐0000‐4007 Homeowners Prop Tax Relief ‐                   13,024             ‐                    6,418               13,000            ‐ 101‐0000‐4220 Motor Vehicle License Fee 43,607            39,872            40,000              62,648            65,000            62.5% 101‐0000‐4221 Mandated Cost Reimbursement 17,714            11,482            10,000               ‐                   10,000            0.0% 101‐5105‐4290 SB2 Planning Grant ‐                   62,893            5,000                 ‐                    ‐                  ‐100.0% Total ‐ Intergovernmental 227,074          456,602          155,000            238,100          195,800         26.3% PERMITS, LICENSES, FEES 101‐0000‐4106 Business Licenses ‐ SB1186 CASp ‐                   29,643            5,200                6,066               3,000              ‐42.3% 101‐0000‐4105 Business Licenses 193,062          98,578            200,000            179,476          105,000         ‐47.5% 101‐0000‐4190 Security/Film Permits ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    32,801             ‐                  ‐ 101‐0000‐4199 Other Licenses and Permits 100                   ‐                    ‐                     ‐                    ‐                  ‐ 101‐2030‐4110 Animal Licenses 51,995            51,494            50,000              44,646            50,000            0.0% 101‐3035‐4130 Public Works Permits 350,079          304,852          400,000            308,024          400,000         0.0% 101‐3035‐4135 Industrial Waste Permits 111,233          92,956            96,000              67,817            90,000            ‐6.3% 101‐5110‐4125 Building Permits 1,408,950       1,915,370       1,000,000        2,188,624       1,000,000      0.0% 101‐5110‐4126 Plan Checking ‐                    ‐                   700,000             ‐                   700,000         0.0% Total ‐ Permits, Licenses, Fees 2,115,419       2,492,894       2,451,200        2,827,454       2,348,000      ‐4.2% FINES & FORFEITURES 101‐0000‐4605 NSF Penalty Fee 255                  710                  300                    99                    300                 0.0% 101‐0000‐4635 Administrative Citations ‐ Code 69,295            86,620            100,000            54,843            85,000            ‐15.0% 101‐2005‐4440 Impound Fees 24,250            22,750            24,000              17,250            20,000            ‐16.7% 101‐2020‐4620 Parking Citations 439,042          447,064          400,000            348,694          400,000         0.0% 101‐2020‐4625 Court Fines 79,493            63,638            100,000            33,873            100,000         0.0% Total ‐ Fines & Forfeiture 612,334          620,782          624,300            454,759          605,300         ‐3.0% USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY 101‐0000‐4705 Interest Earnings 148,488          159,747          125,000            102,679          150,000         20.0% 101‐0000‐4706 Interest Earnings ‐ GASB 31 Adj 291,077          (125,667)          ‐                     ‐                    ‐                  ‐ 101‐0000‐4710 Rentals ‐ Property 217,813          217,813          218,200            119,139          372,600         70.8% Revenue Detail City of Rosemead Revenue Detail 9  FY 2022‐23 Budget Account No. Description FY 2019‐20 Actual FY 2020‐21 Actual FY 2021‐22 Adopted  FY 2021‐22 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2022‐23 Proposed % Inc  B to B Revenue Detail City of Rosemead 101‐4005‐4330 Rentals ‐ Facility 4,920               325                  2,500                6,100               6,000              140.0% 101‐4010‐4330 Rentals ‐ Facility 42,778            9,153               20,000              52,778            81,800            309.0% 101‐4015‐4330 Rentals ‐ Facility 18,477            5,463               5,000                2,963               15,000            200.0% 101‐4025‐4330 Rentals ‐ Facility 37,416            1,160               15,000              38,789            46,000            206.7% Total ‐ Use of Money & Property 760,968          267,992          385,700            322,448          671,400         74.1% CHARGES FOR SERVICES ‐ LEGISLATIVE, ADMINISTRATION, SUPPORT 101‐0000‐4425 Candidate Filing Fees ‐                    ‐                   9,000                 ‐                    ‐                  ‐100.0% 101‐0000‐4495 Notary Fees 660                  375                  400                    330                  400                 0.0% 101‐0000‐4496 Copying Fees 271                  71                    100                    52                    100                 0.0% 101‐0000‐4497 Subpoena Fees 45                    770                  100                    30                    100                 0.0% 101‐0000‐4499 Passport Fees 14,574            2,744               15,000              6,202               6,500              ‐56.7% Subtotal ‐ Charges for Services 15,549            3,960               24,600              6,615               7,100              ‐71.1% CHARGES FOR SERVICES ‐ RECREATION FEES 101‐0000‐4450 Special Event Ins Admin 5,535               356                  1,500                4,517               7,500              400.0% 101‐0000‐4475 Vendor Participation Fees 14,617            251                  250                    175                  1,000              300.0% 101‐4005‐4306 Seasonal Day Camp 4,195               410                  2,500                4,146               6,000              140.0% 101‐4005‐4307 Summer Kids Camp 14,849            15,470             ‐                    1,135               27,200            ‐ 101‐4005‐4335 Excursions 2,428                ‐                   1,000                 ‐                   7,700              670.0% 101‐4005‐4435 Rec ‐ Military Hero Banner Project 150                   ‐                   150                     ‐                   600                 300.0% 101‐4010‐4310 Youth Sports 15,745            11,834            8,000                29,738            26,900            236.3% 101‐4010‐4315 Adult Sports 1,187                ‐                   500                    5,838               12,000            2300.0% 101‐4015‐4305 Classes ‐ Aquatic 123,050          46,544            50,000              113,508          140,000         180.0% 101‐4015‐4320 Swimming Lessons 6,470               10,860            2,500                11,201            33,000            1220.0% 101‐4015‐4325 Aquatic Center Use 45,648            1,940               20,000              13,506            20,000            0.0% 101‐4020‐4305 Classes 148,211          19,895            60,000              89,995            100,000         66.7% 101‐4030‐4335 Excursions 10,114             ‐                   2,000                3,088               12,800            540.0% 101‐4030‐4490 Senior Lunch Program 5,532                ‐                   1,000                3,745               12,000            1100.0% 101‐4040‐4340 Admissions 31,127            1,660               2,500                530                  7,500              200.0% 101‐4040‐4813 Community Garden Fees 466                  1,160               500                    2,025               2,400              380.0% Subtotal ‐ Charges for Services 429,324          110,379          152,400            283,146          416,600         173.4% CHARGES FOR SERVICES ‐ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 101‐0000‐4395 Sale of Plans & Specs 290                   ‐                    ‐                     ‐                    ‐                  ‐ 101‐5105‐4345 Filing Certification Fees 5,618               5,849               6,000                9,652               6,000              0.0% 101‐5105‐4355 Site Plan Review 49,680            56,650            4,500                55,220            50,000            1011.1% 101‐5105‐4360 Environmental Service Fees 2,340               1,530               3,000                1,710               3,000              0.0% 101‐5105‐4365 Development Review 47,555            23,726            40,000              30,398            30,000            ‐25.0% 101‐5105‐4385 Other Planning Fees 8,329               9,497               7,500                7,405               10,000            33.3% 101‐5105‐4400 Building Plans Maintenance 9,887               11,647            8,000                14,324            12,000            50.0% 101‐5105‐4470 Publication Fee 10,800            4,000               8,000                4,590               6,000              ‐25.0% Subtotal ‐ Charges for Services 134,498          112,899          77,000              123,299          117,000         51.9% CHARGES FOR SERVICES ‐ PUBLIC SAFETY 101‐2025‐4415 Reimbursed Svcs ‐ Crossing Guards ‐                   44,593            103,900            45,356            122,600         18.0% 101‐2025‐4626 Reimbursed Svcs ‐ SRO 106,450           ‐                   136,800             ‐                    ‐                  ‐100.0% Subtotal ‐ Charges for Services 106,450          44,593            240,700            45,356            122,600         ‐49.1% Revenue Detail 10  FY 2022‐23 Budget Account No. Description FY 2019‐20 Actual FY 2020‐21 Actual FY 2021‐22 Adopted  FY 2021‐22 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2022‐23 Proposed % Inc  B to B Revenue Detail City of Rosemead CHARGES FOR SERVICES ‐ PUBLIC WORKS 101‐0000‐4405 Maintenance Reimbursements 6,577               65,558            30,000              6,937               20,000            ‐33.3% 101‐0000‐4420 Property Repair Reimbursements 411                  52,128            2,000                5,315               2,000              0.0% 101‐0000‐4505 Maint Dist #1 Assessment 2,733               3,589               2,700                1,231               3,700              37.0% 101‐0000‐4520 Tree In‐Lieu Fees 6,000                ‐                   20,000              2,100               5,000              ‐75.0% 101‐3035‐4370 Map Review ‐                   31,100            15,000               ‐                   15,000            0.0% 101‐3035‐4390 Engineering Services 275                  47,862            15,000              15,636            20,000            33.3% Subtotal ‐ Charges for Services 15,996            200,237          84,700              31,219            65,700            ‐22.4% CHARGES FOR SERVICES ‐ MISCELLANEOUS 101‐0000‐4711 Reimb from Other Agencies ‐                    ‐                   338,800            169,179          197,700         ‐41.6% Subtotal ‐ Charges for Services ‐                    ‐                   338,800            169,179          197,700         ‐41.6% MISCELLANEOUS 101‐0000‐4435 Other Reimbursements ‐                   27                     ‐                     ‐                    ‐                  ‐ 101‐0000‐4805 Miscellaneous Revenue 13,917             ‐                   15,000              40,722            20,000            33.3% 101‐0000‐4806 Cash Short & Over (105)                  ‐                    ‐                    ‐ 101‐0000‐4807 Charge Point Power Usage Revenue 3,613                ‐                   4,000                5,560               6,500              62.5% 101‐0000‐4808 Staff Uniforms 20                    16                     ‐                     ‐                  ‐ 101‐0000‐4810 Contrib / Donations ‐ Private 15,646            15,522            5,000                12,750            15,000            200.0% 101‐0000‐4811 Contrib / Donations‐Backpack Prog ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    5,891               15,000            ‐ 101‐0000‐4812 Contrib / Dream Scholarship ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    619                  500                 ‐ 101‐0000‐4814 Contrib/Donations‐Emp Spec ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    9,003               2,500              ‐ 101‐4040‐4805 Miscellaneous Revenue 460                  20,575             ‐                     ‐                    ‐                  ‐ 101‐4040‐4810 Contrib / Donations ‐ Private 640                  18,380            2,000                1,000               1,500              ‐25.0% Total ‐ Miscellaneous 34,191            54,520            26,000              75,545            61,000            134.6% OTHER FINANCING SOURCES 101‐0000‐4810 Sale of City Property ‐                   4,940                ‐                     ‐                    ‐                  ‐ 101‐0000‐4860 Transfer In ‐                    ‐                   1,500,000         ‐                   1,400,000      ‐6.7% Total ‐ Other Financing Sources ‐                   4,940               1,500,000         ‐                   1,400,000      ‐6.7% TOTAL ‐ GENERAL FUND 22,955,755     23,288,942     25,587,500      17,857,291     27,717,000    8.3% GAS TAX 201‐0000‐4205 Federal Government Grants 9,880               106,774           ‐                     ‐                    ‐                  ‐ 201‐0000‐4225 Gas Tax 2103 379,914          362,695          418,900            325,959          487,400         16.4% 201‐0000‐4230 Gas Tax 2105 281,055          276,961          307,800            229,265          337,700         9.7% 201‐0000‐4235 Gas Tax 2106 164,197          160,054          176,400            134,639          193,000         9.4% 201‐0000‐4240 Gas Tax 2107 354,885          374,775          391,400            260,407          460,900         17.8% 201‐0000‐4242 Gas Tax Loan Repayment 61,941             ‐                    ‐                     ‐                   ‐ 201‐0000‐4410 Street Sweeping Reimbursements 8,000               8,000               8,000                8,000               8,000              0.0% 201‐0000‐4705 Interest Earnings 27,259            2,138               15,000              8,296               10,000            ‐33.3% 201‐3035‐4245 Gas tax 2107.5 7,500               7,500               7,500                7,500               7,500              0.0% Fund Total 1,294,631       1,298,898       1,325,000        974,066          1,504,500      13.5% Revenue Detail 11  FY 2022‐23 Budget Account No. Description FY 2019‐20 Actual FY 2020‐21 Actual FY 2021‐22 Adopted  FY 2021‐22 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2022‐23 Proposed % Inc  B to B Revenue Detail City of Rosemead ROAD MAINTENANCE & REHABILITATION 202‐0000‐4241 Gas Tax 2030 954,273          1,007,811       1,044,300        720,864          1,200,900      15.0% 202‐0000‐4705 Interest earnings 36,296            3,171               20,000              10,904            10,000            ‐50.0% Fund Total 990,569          1,010,982       1,064,300        731,769          1,210,900      13.8% TDA ART‐3 ‐ PED & BIKEWAY 205‐0000‐4299 Other Intergovernmental ‐                   87,242            41,700               ‐                   51,000            22.3% Fund Total ‐                   87,242            41,700               ‐                   51,000            22.3% PROPOSITION A LOCAL RETURN 215‐0000‐4705 Interest Earnings 16,495            833                  7,500                3,131               5,000              ‐33.3% 215‐3040‐4215 County Government Grants 66,087            69,560             ‐                     ‐                    ‐                  ‐ 215‐3040‐4265 Local Return ‐ Prop A 1,066,934       1,108,558       1,097,800        1,131,214       1,323,000      20.5% 215‐3040‐4460 Fare Box Revenue 12,111            6,730               25,000              8,083               20,000            ‐20.0% 215‐4030‐4455 Bus Pass Revenue ‐                    ‐                   10,000              2,510               5,000              ‐50.0% Fund Total 1,161,627       1,185,681       1,140,300        1,144,939       1,353,000      18.7% PROPOSITION C LOCAL RETURN 220‐0000‐4705 Interest Earnings 28,235            1,828               15,000              7,474               7,500              ‐50.0% 220‐3040‐4270 Local Return ‐ Prop C 885,024          919,509          910,600            938,320          1,097,000      20.5% 220‐0000‐4455 Bus Pass Revenues 20,769            1,848                ‐                     ‐                    ‐                  ‐ 220‐3040‐4460 Fare Box revenue 4,749               315                   ‐                     ‐                    ‐                  ‐ Fund Total 938,777          923,499          925,600            945,794          1,104,500      19.3% MEASURE R 225‐0000‐4705 Interest Earnings 39,460            2,292               15,000              9,136               7,500              ‐50.0% 225‐3040‐4275 Local Return ‐ Measure R 662,819          690,587          683,000            703,673          823,000         20.5% Fund Total 702,279          692,879          698,000            712,809          830,500         19.0% MEASURE M 226‐0000‐4705 Interest Earnings 37,442            2,939               20,000              10,747            15,000            ‐25.0% 226‐3040‐4276 Local Return ‐ Measure M 745,836          782,461          774,030            796,231          932,000         20.4% Fund Total 783,277          785,400          794,030            806,978          947,000         19.3% MEASURE H 227‐1205‐4277 Local Return Measure H ‐                   10,000             ‐                    5,000                ‐                  ‐ Fund Total ‐                   10,000             ‐                    5,000                ‐                  ‐ AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ‐ SLFRF 228‐0000‐4205 American Rescue Plan ‐                    ‐                   17,878,600       ‐                    ‐                  ‐100.0% Fund Total ‐                    ‐                   17,878,600       ‐                    ‐                  ‐100.0% MEASURE R ‐ HIGHWAY CAPITAL 229‐0000‐4278 Measure R ‐ Highway Capital ‐                    ‐                    ‐                     ‐                    ‐                  ‐ Fund Total ‐                    ‐                    ‐                     ‐                    ‐                  ‐ Revenue Detail 12  FY 2022‐23 Budget Account No. Description FY 2019‐20 Actual FY 2020‐21 Actual FY 2021‐22 Adopted  FY 2021‐22 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2022‐23 Proposed % Inc  B to B Revenue Detail City of Rosemead AQMD 230‐0000‐4260 AB2766 Revenue 69,738            70,986            70,000              34,230            70,000            0.0% 230‐0000‐4705 Interest Earnings 7,352               427                  5,000                1,407               2,000              ‐60.0% Fund Total 77,091            71,413            75,000              35,636            72,000            ‐4.0% SAFE CLEAN WATER PROGRAM 231‐0000‐4705 Interest Earnings ‐                   694                  1,000                1,380               1,000              0.0% 231‐3035‐4216 Measure W ‐ Safe Clean Water ‐                   564,711          570,000            570,005          570,000         0.0% Fund Total ‐                   565,406          571,000            571,385          571,000         0.0% GRANTS 232‐0000‐4204 Comm Power Resiliency Alloc ‐                    ‐                    ‐                     ‐                   300,000         ‐ 232‐0000‐4210 State Government Grants ‐                   671,227           ‐                     ‐                    ‐                  ‐ 232‐0000‐4261 STPL Exchange ‐                    ‐                   248,200             ‐                    ‐                  ‐100.0% 232‐3035‐4279 Local Roadway Safety Plan ‐                    ‐                   48,000               ‐                   48,000            0.0% 232‐3040‐4281 Measure M Subregional Program ‐                    ‐                   35,000               ‐                    ‐                  ‐100.0% 232‐5105‐4213 LEAP Grant ‐                   29,401            80,000               ‐                    ‐                  ‐100.0% 232‐5105‐4290 SB2 Planning Grant ‐                    ‐                   24,600               ‐                  ‐100.0% Fund Total ‐                   700,628          435,800             ‐                   348,000         ‐20.1% SLFRF ‐ REVENUE LOSS 233‐0000‐4860 Transfer In ‐                    ‐                   10,000,000      10,000,000      ‐                  ‐100.0% Fund Total ‐                    ‐                   10,000,000      10,000,000      ‐                  ‐100.0% STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT 245‐0000‐4006 Property Tax ‐ Residual RPTTF ‐                   141,277           ‐                    65,618            120,000         ‐ 245‐0000‐4007 Homeowners Prop Tax Relief ‐                   5,034               2,481               5,000              ‐ 245‐0000‐4510 Street Light Assessment 1,145,113       1,145,154       1,300,000        998,337          1,217,100      ‐6.4% 245‐0000‐4705 Interest Earnings 41,903            3,366               25,000              11,372            10,000            ‐60.0% Fund Total 1,187,016       1,294,831       1,325,000        1,077,809       1,352,100      2.0% DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE ‐ TRAFFIC 250‐0000‐4525 Development Impact Fees 19,312            11,809            5,000                13,731            11,000            120.0% 250‐0000‐4705 Interest Earnings 757                  56                    400                    202                  200                 ‐50.0% Fund Total 20,069            11,866            5,400                13,934            11,200            107.4% DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE ‐ PUBLIC SAFETY 251‐0000‐4525 Development Impact Fees 3,484               1,672               3,000                1,955               2,000              ‐33.3% 251‐0000‐4705 Interest Earnings 135                  10                    100                    33                    100                 0.0% Fund Total 3,619               1,682               3,100                1,988               2,100              ‐32.3% DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE ‐ GENL GOV 252‐0000‐4525 Development Impact Fees 24,308            11,682            10,000              13,657            13,000            30.0% 252‐0000‐4705 Interest Earnings 959                  68                    500                    236                  300                 ‐40.0% Fund Total 25,267            11,750            10,500              13,893            13,300            26.7% Revenue Detail 13  FY 2022‐23 Budget Account No. Description FY 2019‐20 Actual FY 2020‐21 Actual FY 2021‐22 Adopted  FY 2021‐22 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2022‐23 Proposed % Inc  B to B Revenue Detail City of Rosemead DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE ‐ PARKS 253‐0000‐4525 Development Impact Fees 103,624          53,395            50,000              58,216            54,000            8.0% 253‐0000‐4705 Interest Earnings 4,011               284                  2,000                1,010               1,000              ‐50.0% Fund Total 107,635          53,679            52,000              59,226            55,000            5.8% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 260‐0000‐4205 Federal Government Grants 561,238          980,668           ‐                     ‐                    ‐                  ‐ 260‐0000‐4206 CDBG Allocation ‐                    ‐                   738,400            102,977          709,000         ‐4.0% 260‐0000‐4207 CDBG Reprogrammed ‐                    ‐                   863,600             ‐                   926,400         7.3% 260‐0000‐4212 CDBG ‐ COVID ‐                    ‐                   528,600            11,584             ‐                  ‐100.0% 260‐0000‐4214 CDGB COVID Reprogrammed ‐                    ‐                   194,000            8,370               607,700         213.2% 260‐4030‐4490 Senior Lunch Program 8,392                ‐                    ‐                    5,617               12,000            ‐ Fund Total 569,631          980,668          2,324,600        128,548          2,255,100      ‐3.0% HOME ADMINISTRATION 275‐0000‐4217 Grants ‐ HUD 49,219            279,423          337,500            18,530            341,100         1.1% 275‐0000‐4218 HOME Reprogrammed ‐                    ‐                   1,790,400        42,100            1,840,000      2.8% 275‐0000‐4435 Other Reimbursements 148,350          438,934           ‐                    177,560           ‐                  ‐ 275‐0000‐4705 Interest Earnings 7,270               762                  7,500                2,240                ‐                  ‐100.0% Fund Total 204,839          719,119          2,135,400        240,429          2,181,100      2.1% EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 501‐0000‐4465 ISF Services Allocation ‐                   100,900           ‐                     ‐                    ‐                  ‐ 501‐0000‐4705 Interest Earnings ‐                   721                   ‐                    2,001               2,000              ‐ 501‐0000‐4815 Sale of City Property ‐                   41,920             ‐                    48,940             ‐                  ‐ Fund Total ‐                   143,541           ‐                    50,941            2,000              ‐ TECHNOLOGY REPLACEMENT 505‐0000‐4465 ISF Services Allocation 164,500          208,600           ‐                     ‐                    ‐                  ‐ 505‐0000‐4705 Interest Earnings ‐                   45                     ‐                    393                   ‐                  ‐ 505‐0000‐4860 Transfer In ‐                    ‐                   50,000               ‐                   50,000            0.0% Fund Total 164,500          208,645          50,000              393                  50,000            0.0% TOTAL ‐ CITY 31,186,579     34,046,750     66,442,830      35,372,827     41,631,300    ‐37.3% HDC ‐ SENIOR HOUSING 281‐5220‐4705 Interest Earnings ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    8,472               10,000            ‐ 281‐5220‐4705 Interest Earnings 32                    6                       ‐                    5                       ‐                  ‐ 281‐5220‐4710 Rentals ‐ Property 183,491          185,147          187,200            156,425          181,000         ‐3.3% 281‐5220‐4712 Contribution from Successor Agency ‐                   241,473          247,900            212,117          228,000         ‐8.0% 281‐5220‐4805 Miscellaneous Revenue 1,703               1,390               2,300                3,152               2,100              ‐8.7% 281‐5225‐4705 Interest Earnings 46                    8                       ‐                    6                       ‐                  ‐ 281‐5225‐4710 Rentals ‐ Property 279,640          287,406          288,600            238,812          238,500         ‐17.4% ROSEMEAD COMMUNITY HOUSING CORPORATION Revenue Detail 14  FY 2022‐23 Budget Account No. Description FY 2019‐20 Actual FY 2020‐21 Actual FY 2021‐22 Adopted  FY 2021‐22 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2022‐23 Proposed % Inc  B to B Revenue Detail City of Rosemead 281‐5225‐4712 Contribution from Successor Agency ‐                   211,000          189,100             ‐                   371,400         96.4% 281‐5225‐4805 Miscellaneous Revenue 2,455               2,860               2,300                2,258               2,600              13.0% Total ‐ Operating Revenue 467,366          929,288          917,400            621,247          1,033,600      12.7% 281‐0000‐4860 Transfers In 453,238           ‐                    ‐                     ‐                    ‐                  ‐ TOTAL ‐ RCHC 920,603          929,288          917,400            621,247          1,033,600      12.7% SUCCESSOR AGENCY ‐ Merged Capital Projects 316‐0000‐4010 Property Tax Increment 3,634,145       4,204,501       4,008,400        819,674          4,131,000      3.1% 316‐0000‐4705 Interest Earnings 29,856            1,585               2,500                8,025               15,000            500.0% 316‐0000‐4707 Interest Earnings ‐ Fiscal Agency ‐                    ‐                   15,000              60                    1,000              ‐93.3% Fund Total 3,664,001       4,206,086       4,025,900        827,759          4,147,000      3.0% SUCCESSOR AGENCY ‐ Obligation Retirement Fund 316‐0000‐4010 Property Tax Increment ‐                    ‐                    ‐                     ‐                    ‐                  ‐ 316‐0000‐4705 Interest Earnings ‐                    ‐                    ‐                     ‐                    ‐                  ‐ 316‐0000‐4707 Interest Earnings ‐ Fiscal Agency ‐                    ‐                    ‐                     ‐                    ‐                  ‐ Fund Total ‐                    ‐                    ‐                     ‐                    ‐                  ‐ TOTAL ‐ SUCCESSOR AGENCY 3,664,001       4,206,086       4,025,900        827,759          4,147,000      3.0% SUCCESSOR AGENCY Revenue Detail 15  FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Revenue Detail This Page Intentionally Left Blank Revenue Detail 16  FY 2022‐23 Budget       Each year, portions of the City budget are devoted to projects that maintain and improve the  City’s physical infrastructure of streets, sidewalks, buildings, parks, right‐of‐way landscaping,  streetlights, and traffic signals.  Most of these projects are paid from “dedicated funds,” monies  that are mandated for use in capital improvements and cannot be used for operating expenses  of the City.  These restricted funds include transportation related funds, grants, streetlight  district, and development impact fees which, for the most part, cannot be used for City  operations.  In addition, some General Fund monies are also used to build and maintain the  physical infrastructure of the City or as matching funds required for some of the restricted fund  and grant guidelines.  The amount of General Fund money budgeted for CIP projects is balanced  with the City’s other programmatic needs approved by the City Council.  CIP Process   CIP project proposals with estimated costs of $20,000 or more and having a useful life of  five or more years, are submitted by each department.   The Finance Department determines available resources for funding CIP projects.   CIP requests are analyzed by staff to determine need and funding availability.   The proposed CIP is reviewed by the City Manager.   The CIP is presented to the City Council for review, amendment, and adoption.  Capital Management Policies   The City’s Capital Management Policies are included within the City’s Comprehensive Financial  Policies which are reviewed annually and presented in the Budget Guide section of the budget  document.  The following is an abbreviated version of those policies –    A five‐year Capital Improvement Plan will be developed and updated annually, including  anticipated funding sources.     Although projects may be reflected in the CIP, only assets valued at $250,000 and above  will be considered a ‘capitalized asset’ for GASB purposes.   The capital improvement plan will attempt to include, in addition to current operating  maintenance expenditures, adequate funding to support repair and replacement of  deteriorating infrastructure and avoidance of a significant unfunded liability.   Proposed capital projects will be part of the City Budget Development Process and  reviewed and prioritized by a cross‐departmental team for overall consistency with the  City’s goals and objectives.     Pay‐as‐you‐go Capital Improvement Plan financing should generally be considered as the  preferred option for funding the CIP and should account for a minimum of 50 percent of  all capital improvement projects for each five‐year planning period    The City shall endeavor to utilize special revenue funds (e.g., Gas Tax, CDBG, Prop C, etc.)  for the funding of capital projects before using general fund dollars.  Fiscal Year 2022-23 City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program    Capital Improvement Program 2 FY 2022‐23 Budget  The CIP Section of the Budget Document  This section contains an overview of the CIP, financial tables showing proposed new projects and  additional funding for existing projects for FY 2022‐23, a list of the existing projects with funding  obligations, projects removed from the CIP (completed, annual, or deleted), the 5‐Year CIP plan  by funding year, and data (details) sheets, which includes the project description and justification,  for each project within the CIP.  The Active Capital Improvement Program  The total Capital Plan adopted through FY 2021‐ 22 includes 30 projects with a total funding  allocation of $45,417,133.  Of these projects, two  are classified as annual projects which do not  carryforward year‐to‐year, three projects have  been or will be completed prior to current year‐ end, and three projects were cancelled.   Cumulatively, these projects total $5,275,533  and will not be carried forward to the FY 2022‐23  CIP.  Excluding these projects, the City’s Active CIP at June 30, 2022 will be $40,141,600.   The FY 2022‐23 Capital Improvement Program   The plan provides for the appropriation of $13,169,000 for new projects and additions to existing  projects.  The Program has $40,141,600 in previously appropriated active projects for a total FY  2022‐23 Capital Improvement Plan of $53,310,600.  This plan is divided into six categories –  Streets, Transportation, Park System, Facilities, Water Quality & Environmental, and Other.   Streets – As proposed, the Streets category consists of 16 projects, including two annual  projects, and three new projects, with total appropriations of $28,579,850, including  $5,744,000 in new funding.   Transportation – As proposed, the Transportation category consists of 3 projects, including  one annual project, and one new project, with total appropriations of $15,250,000.   Parks System – As proposed, the Parks System category consists of 10 projects, including 5  new projects, with total appropriations of $3,110,750, including $2,055,000 in new funding.   Facilities – As proposed, the Facilities category consists of 11 projects, including 7 new  projects, with total appropriations of $4,410,000, including $3,410,000 in new funding.   Other – As proposed, this category consists of five new projects totaling $1,760,000.             City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program    Capital Improvement Program 3 FY 2022‐23 Budget  The FY 2022‐23 Capital Improvement Program by Category                   Funding of the CIP:        Annual Programs within the CIP  There are three programs within the Capital Improvement Programs which are considered more  of annual maintenance than construction – the Preventative Pavement Maintenance Program  (previously known as Annual Street Slurry Seal Program), the Annual Sidewalk Replacement  Program, and Traffic Infrastructure Maintenance Program.  Unlike other projects in the CIP,  appropriations for these programs, considered maintenance activities, lapse at the end of each  year and are new appropriations are requested for the new year as necessary.  City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program    Capital Improvement Program 4 FY 2022‐23 Budget  Carryover Funding  In accordance with the FY 2022‐23 Financial Policies, unexpended appropriations for the capital  improvement program carryforward to the new year, however, to aid in tracking CIP expenses  and remaining appropriations, once the fiscal year has been closed, an appropriation request will  be presented to the City Council for approval carryover funding for the open projects.  Completed Projects  The following projects have been completed, and once all invoices have been paid, any remaining  funding will be removed from the CIP and returned to available fund balance within the  respective funding sources:   Project #21028 –  Walnut Grove Ave Resurfacing & Colored Concrete Crosswalk  budgeted at $1,624,100    Project #21032 –  Various Residential Street Resurfacing budgeted at $1,619,700   Project #24012 –  Bollard Installation at Encintas and Pitkin Intersection budgeted  at $41,100  Projects Removed from the CIP   Project #39005 –  New Gazebo & Landscaping at RCRC budgeted at $300,000   Project #39008 –  Emergency Electrical Generator at RCRC budgeted at $285,000   Project #41015 – Duff Park Improvements budgeted at $805,033    Type Description Funding Source Amt by  Source Project Total Pg 1 Streets New Pavement Management Plan Measure R 50,000             50,000             14 New Street Light Master Plan & Improvements Street Light District 67,500             67,500             15 New Residential Street Resurfacing / FY 22‐23 RMRA 1,300,000        1,300,000        16 Addition Gas Tax 769,500            Prop C 900,000           1,669,500        18 Addition ADA Curb Ramps  (Proj #28008) TDA Art‐3 51,000             51,000             22 Addition RMRA 200,000            Prop C 400,000            Measure R 300,000            Measure M 1,006,000        1,906,000        24 Addition Rosemead Blvd / I‐10 Freeway Ramp Improv DIF ‐ Traffic 50,000             50,000             25 Annual Preventative Pavement Maint General Fund 60,000              Measure R 340,000           400,000           27 Annual   Sidewalk Replacement Measure M 250,000           250,000           28 Transportation Annual   Traffic Infrastructure Maintenance (Annual) Gas Tax 250,000           250,000           30 Parks New Various Park System Projects ‐ SLFRF      Rosemead Walking Trail SLFRF ‐ Categorical 500,000           500,000           34      Zapopan Park Walking Trail SLFRF ‐ Categorical 420,000           420,000           34      Garvey Park Splash Zone Improvements SLFRF ‐ Categorical 200,000           200,000           34      Garvey Park Parking Lot Reconstruction SLFRF ‐ Revenue Loss 360,000           360,000           34      Rosemead Park Parking Lots Resurfacing SLFRF ‐ Revenue Loss 275,000           275,000           34 Addition Dog Park at Garvey Park (Proj #41022) DIF ‐ Parks 225,000           225,000           28 Facilities New City Hall Elevator & ADA Improvements SLFRF ‐ Revenue Loss 134,200            CDBG 265,800           400,000           41 New City Hall Interior Renovations SLFRF ‐ Revenue Loss 450,000            DIF ‐ General Govt 75,000             525,000           42 New SLFRF ‐ Revenue Loss 1,700,000         SLFRF ‐ Categorical 300,000            DIF ‐ Public Safety 10,000             2,010,000        43 New Acoustic Panels (RCRC & Garvey Gym) DIF ‐ Parks 75,000             75,000             44 New Community Power Resiliency Grant 200,000           200,000           45 New Various Facility Projects ‐ SLFRF      Council Chambers / Conference Room UpdatesSLFRF ‐ Categorical 50,000             50,000             46      City Facilities Master Key Lock Replacement SLFRF ‐ Revenue Loss 175,000           175,000           46 FY 2022‐23 Recommended New Projects/ Funding Capital Improvement Program City of Rosemead Annual    Public Safety Center Upgrades (Construction) Walnut Grove Avenue Resurfacing Phase II (Proj  #21030) Citywide Arterial Street Improvement  (Proj #43010) Capital Improvement Program 5 FY 2022‐23 Budget Type Description Funding Source Amt by  Source Project Total Pg 1 FY 2022‐23 Recommended New Projects/ Funding Capital Improvement Program City of Rosemead Other New Various Other Projects ‐ SLFRF      Record Database Management Plan SLFRF ‐ Categorical 300,000           300,000           54      Permitting System (Comm Dev) SLFRF ‐ Categorical 500,000           500,000           54      Wireless Broadband / Parks & Facilities SLFRF ‐ Categorical 250,000           250,000           54      Irrigation System Master Plan SLFRF ‐ Revenue Loss 460,000           460,000           54      Parks & Facilities Master Plan SLFRF ‐ Revenue Loss 250,000           250,000           54 13,169,000  13,169,000   Fund Name and Number Amount General Fund ‐ F101 60,000              Gas Tax ‐ F201 1,019,500         RMRA ‐ F202 1,500,000         TDA Art‐3 ‐ F205 51,000              Prop C ‐ F220 1,300,000         Measure R ‐ F225 690,000            Measure M ‐ F226 1,256,000         SLFRF ‐ Categorical ‐ F228 2,520,000         Grants ‐ F232 200,000            SLFRF ‐ Revenue Loss ‐ F233 3,804,200         Street Light District ‐ F245 67,500              DIF ‐ Traffic ‐ F250 50,000              DIF ‐ Public Safety ‐ F251 10,000              DIF ‐ General Govt ‐ F252 75,000              DIF ‐ Parks ‐ F253 300,000            CDBG ‐ F260 265,800            TOTAL ‐ FUNDING SOURCES OF NEW PROJECTS 13,169,000    Funding Sources of the New Projects Capital Improvement Program 6 FY 2022‐23 Budget Proj No Project Name  Authorized  Budget  Fiscal Year Fund  No.Fund Name  Proj to Date  Exp at  6/30/21   Remaining  Budget  STREET IMPROVEMENTS 21029 75,000           2019 225 Measure R 36,549                        38,451  1,100,000     2021 232 Grant (HSIP)‐                         1,100,000  1,175,000     Total 36,549                   1,138,451  21030 674,000         2019, 2021 226 Measure M ‐                           674,000  14,500           2021 232 Grant (CalRecycle ‐                              14,500  688,500        Total ‐                  688,500         21031 547,000         2019, 2021 201 Gas Tax ‐                            547,000  886,800         2020 202 RMRA ‐ SB1 ‐                            886,800  (Includes $175,000 transferred from Proj #26007)675,000         2020 220 Prop C ‐                            675,000  300,000         2019 225 Measure R ‐                            300,000  600,000         2019, 2020 226 Measure M ‐                            600,000  83,500           2021 232 Grant (CalRecycle ‐                              83,500  3,092,300     Total ‐                  3,092,300      24010 Sidewalk ADA Master Plan 55,000           2020 225 Measure R ‐                              55,000  24013 Mission Drive Pedestrian Hybrid  Beacon System 388,050         2022 232 Grants ‐  Measure M ‐                            388,050  28008 ADA Curb Ramps 60,000           2020 225 Measure R ‐                              60,000  43009 Walnut Grove Street Light  Installation 390,000         2022 225 Measure R          390,000  21031 943,000         2022 202 RMRA ‐ SB1 ‐                            943,000  1,461,000     2022 220 Prop C ‐                         1,461,000  1,170,000     2022 225 Measure R ‐                         1,170,000  1,413,000     2022 226 Measure M ‐                         1,413,000  4,987,000     Total ‐                  4,987,000      49013 Rosemead Blvd / I‐10 Freeway  Ramp Improvements 6,000,000     2021 229 Measure R Capital ‐                         6,000,000  49014 Walnut Grove Ave / I‐10 Freeway  Ramp Improvements 6,000,000     2021 229 Measure R Capital ‐                         6,000,000  Total ‐ Streets     22,835,850              36,549      22,799,301  TRANSPORTATION 49015 Adaptive Traffic Responsive  Control System 9,000,000     2021 229 Measure R Capital ‐                         9,000,000  49016 Traffic Signal Arterial  Improvements 6,000,000     2021 229 Measure R Capital ‐                         6,000,000  Total ‐ Transportation 15,000,000    ‐                  15,000,000    City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Carryover Projects Walnut Grove Ave Resurfacing  (Phase II) Valley Blvd Resurfacing Project  (Phase I & II) Safe Routes to School ‐ Sidewalk  Gap Closure ‐ Delta Ave from  Mission to Wells Citywide Arterial Street  Improvements Capital Improvement Program 7 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Carryover Projects Proj No Project Name  Authorized  Budget Fiscal Year Fund  No.Fund Name  Proj to Date  Exp at  6/30/21   Remaining  Budget  PARK SYSTEM 39002 Picnic Shelter Roof Replacement  at Garvey Park 75,000           2022 245 Street Light  District ‐                              75,000  39004 Lighting Upgrade at Jess Gonzalez  Sports Complex 100,000         2022 245 Street Light  District ‐                            100,000  39007 Resurfacing of the Garvey Park  Tennis Courts 50,000           2022 245 Street Light  District ‐                              50,000  41022 Dog Park at Garvey Park 290,375         2018 101 General Fund 29,525                     260,850  290,375         2018 232 LWCF Grant ‐                           290,375  580,750        Total 29,525                     551,225  41023 Playground Equipment Repl  (Garvey & Rosemead Parks) 300,000         2022 245 Street Light  District ‐                            300,000  Total ‐ Park System 1,105,750     29,525            1,076,225      FACILITIES 31020 Public Safety Center Upgrades   (Design only) 50,000           2020 101 General Fund 29,590                        20,410  31023 Garvey Park Main Office  Renovation 200,000         2020 101 General Fund ‐                            200,000  39003 Rosemead Park Restroom  Renovation 350,000         2022 260 CDBG ‐                            350,000  39006 Roof Repairs at Garvey Park Main  Office & Gym 400,000         2022 245 Street Light  District ‐                            400,000  Total ‐ Facilities 1,000,000     29,590            970,410         WATER QUALITY & ENVIRONMENTAL 49011 Storm Water Catch Basin Upgrade 200,000         2021 231 Measure W ‐                            200,000  Total ‐ Water Quality & Environme 200,000         ‐                  200,000         TOTAL ACTIVE PROJECTS 40,141,600   95,664            40,045,936    Annual Projects 600,000          Completed Projects 3,285,500      Deleted Projects 1,390,033      Total Projects Removed from CIP 5,275,533      Total Adopted CIP 45,417,133    Capital Improvement Program 8 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Carryover Projects Fund No. Fund Name Approved CIP P‐T‐D '21 Obligation 101 General Fund 540,375          59,115            481,260          201 Gas Tax 547,000          547,000          202 RMRA ‐ SB1 1,829,800      1,829,800      220 Prop C 2,136,000      2,136,000      225 Measure R 2,050,000      36,549            2,013,451      226 Measure M 2,687,000      2,687,000      229 Measure R ‐ Highway Capital 27,000,000    27,000,000    231 Measure W 200,000          200,000          232 Grants 1,876,425      1,876,425      245 Street Lighting 925,000          925,000          260 CDBG 350,000          350,000               Total Obligations by Fund 40,141,600    95,664            40,045,936    Fund No. Fund Name Approved CIP 101 General Fund 344,500           201 Gas Tax 600,000           202 RMRA ‐ SB1 1,926,600       205 TDA Article 3 41,700             225 Measure R 619,700           226 Measure M 600,000           232 Grants 843,033           245 Street Lighting 300,000                Total Obligations by Fund 5,275,533       Fund No Grantor Project Number and Project Amount Amount 229 Measure R ‐ Highway Capital 49013 ‐ $6M; 49014 ‐ $6M; 49015 ‐ $9M; 49016 ‐ $6M 27,000,000    232 Measure M (Metro Alloc) 24013 ‐ $388,050 388,050          232 Cal Recycle 22030 ‐ $14,500; 21031 ‐ $83,500 135,500          232 HSIP 21029 ‐ $1,100,000 1,100,000      232 LWCF 41022 ‐ $290,375 290,375               Total Grant Fund Revenue Carryover 28,913,925    RELEASED FUNDING GRANT REVENUE DUE FUND OBLIGATIONS Capital Improvement Program 9 FY 2022‐23 Budget Category Proj No Project Name  Fiscal Year  Initiated / Last  Amended  Fund  No.Fund Name  Project Budget  Streets 21034 Annual Program 101 General Fund 60,000               202 RMRA 340,000            Total             400,000  Streets 24009 Sidewalk Replacement Annual Program 225 Measure R 200,000            Total 600,000            Streets 21028 2019, 2020, 2021 202 RMRA ‐ SB1          1,586,600  2021 232 Grant (CalRe)              37,500  Total          1,624,100  Streets 24012 Bollard Installation at Encintas  and Pitkin Intersection 2021 205 TDA Art III 41,700               Streets 21032 2020, 2022 201 Gas Tax 600,000            225 Measure R 419,700            226 Measure M 600,000            Total          1,619,700  3,285,500         Park System 39005 New Gazebo & Landscaping at  RCRC 2022 245 Street Light  District 285,000            Park System 41015 Duff Park Improvements 2018 101 General Fund 284,500            2018 232 Urban Greening Gr 520,533            Total 805,033            Facilities 39008 Emergency Electrical Generator at  Community Center (RCRC) 2022 232 Grant  (Cal OES) 300,000            1,390,033      Amount Removed from CIP 5,275,533      CANCELLED PROJECTS COMPLETED PROJECTS Walnut Grove Ave Resurfacing &  Colored Concrete Crosswalk City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Completed / Deleted Projects ANNUAL PROGRAMS (No Carryover of Funds) Annual Preventative Maintenance  Program Various Residential Street  Resurfacing Capital Improvement Program 10 FY 2022‐23 Budget Proj # Project Actuals thru  FY 2020‐21 2021‐22  Adopted  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY 2022‐23 FY 2023‐24 FY 2024‐25 FY 2025‐26 FY 2026‐27 STREETS New Pavement Management Plan 50,000             New Street Light Master Plan and  Improvements 67,500            662,500          New Various Residential Street  Resurfacing  (FY 22‐23)1,300,000       21029 SR2S Sidewalk Gap Closure ‐  Delta Ave from Mission to Wells 36,549          ‐               1,138,451       21030 Walnut Grove Ave Resurfacing  (Phase II)‐                ‐               688,500         1,669,500       21031 Valley Blvd Resurfacing Project (Phase I & II)‐                ‐               3,092,300       24010 Sidewalk ADA Master Plan ‐                ‐               55,000            24013 Mission Drive Pedestrian Hybid  Beacon System 388,050          28008 ADA Curb Ramps ‐                ‐               60,000           51,000             28009 Walnut Grove Street Light Installation 390,000          43010 Citywide Arterial Street  Improvements ‐               4,987,000    ‐                  1,906,000       49013 Rosemead Blvd / I‐10 Freeway Ramp  Improvements ‐                ‐               6,000,000      50,000             49014 Walnut Grove Ave / I‐10 Freeway  Ramp Improvements ‐                ‐               6,000,000       Annual Street Programs 21034 Preventative Pavement Maint (Annual Program ‐ No Carryover)‐                 $400,000  Adopted ‐ No  Carryover  ‐                  400,000         400,000         400,000         400,000         400,000          24009 Sidewalk Replacement Program   (Annual Program ‐ No Carryover)‐                 $200,000  Adopted ‐ No  Carryover  ‐                  250,000         250,000         250,000         250,000         250,000          TRANSPORTATION New Traffic Infrastructure Maint  (Annual Program)‐                ‐                ‐                  250,000         50,000           50,000           50,000           50,000            49015 Rosemead Adaptive Traffic Project ‐                ‐               9,000,000       49016 Traffic Signal Arterial Improvements ‐                ‐               6,000,000       PARK SYSTEM New Rosemead Walking Trail ‐                ‐                ‐                  500,000          ‐                  ‐                  New Zapopan Park Walking Trail ‐                ‐                ‐                  420,000          ‐                  ‐                  New Garvey Park Splash Zone  Improvements ‐                ‐                ‐                  200,000          ‐                  ‐                  New Garvey Park Parking Lot  Reconstruction ‐                ‐                ‐                  360,000          ‐                  ‐                  New Rosemead Park Parking Lots (2)  Resurfacing ‐                ‐                ‐                  275,000          ‐                  ‐                  City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program FY 2022‐23 Five‐Year CIP Plan Capital Improvement Program 11 FY 2022‐23 Budget Proj # Project Actuals thru  FY 2020‐21 2021‐22  Adopted  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY 2022‐23 FY 2023‐24 FY 2024‐25 FY 2025‐26 FY 2026‐27 City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program FY 2022‐23 Five‐Year CIP Plan 39002 Picnic Shelter Roof Replacement at  Garvey Park ‐               75,000         ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  39004 Lighting Upgrade at Jess Gonzalez  Sports Complex ‐               100,000       ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  39007 Resurfacing of Garvey Park Tennis  Courts ‐               50,000         ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  41022 Dog Park at Garvey Park 29,525          ‐               551,225         250,000          ‐                  ‐                  41023 Playground Equipment Repl  (Garvey & Rosemead Parks)‐               300,000       ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  FACILITIES New City Hall Elevator and ADA  Improvements ‐                ‐                ‐                  400,000          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  New City Hall Interior Renovations ‐                ‐                ‐                  525,000          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  New Public Safety Center Upgrades  (Construction)‐                ‐                ‐                  2,010,000       ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  New Acoustic Panels (Garvey Gym)‐                ‐                ‐                  50,000             ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  New Community Power Resiliency ‐                ‐                ‐                  200,000          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  New Council Chambers / Conference  Room Updates ‐                ‐                ‐                  50,000             ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  New City Facilities Master Key Lock  Replacement ‐                ‐                ‐                  175,000          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  31020 Public Safety Center Upgrades  (Design Only)29,590          ‐               20,410            ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  31023 Garvey Park Main Office Renovation ‐               200,000          ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  39003 Rosemead Park Restroom Renovation ‐               350,000       ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  39006 Roof Repairs at Garvey Park Main  Office & Gym 400,000       ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  WATER QUALITY & ENVIRONMENTAL 49011 Storm Water Catch Basin Upgrade ‐                ‐               200,000          ‐                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  OTHER New Record Database Management Plan  (GIS)‐                ‐                ‐                  300,000          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  New Permitting System (Planning, Building  & Safety)‐                ‐                ‐                  500,000          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  New Wireless Broadband / Parks & City  Facilities ‐                ‐                ‐                  250,000          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  New Irrigation System Master Plan ‐                ‐                ‐                  460,000          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  New Parks & Facilities Master Plan ‐                ‐                ‐                  250,000          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  TOTAL ‐ Capital Improvement Program 95,664         6,262,000   33,783,936   13,169,000    1,362,500     700,000         700,000         700,000          Capital Improvement Program 12 FY 2022‐23 Budget Capital Improvement Program Project No. TBD Category:Requesting Dept: 45,000$             Project Status:    Phase:    Timeline: 5,000             Origination Yr: FY 22‐23 Yr Last Amendments: NA 50,000$        Est Start Date: FY 22‐23 Est Completion Date: FY 22‐23    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. 201                 Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 225 Measure R ‐                  ‐                ‐               50,000         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              50,000           ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  Unfunded ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                  ‐                ‐               50,000         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              50,000           Funding Allocation Location                                          |                                             Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Project Description Justification The plan includes a comprehensive condition assessment of all   City roadway asphalt pavement, identifying pavement  deficiencies, assigning a Pavement Condition Index,  preparation of a maintenance/repair plan, and a year‐by‐year  budget for the entire roadway system. The plan will update the City's current Pavement  Management Plan that was prepared in 2018. The  plan will be used as basis of design for future  roadway pavement rehabilitation projects. Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Pavement Management Plan STREETS PUBLIC WORKS Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 14 FY 2022‐23 Budget Project No. TBD Category:Requesting Dept: ‐$                   Project Status: 55,000              Phase: 650,000            Timeline: 25,000          Origination Yr: FY 22‐23 Yr Last Amendments: NA 730,000$      Est Start Date: FY 22‐23 Est Completion Date: FY 23‐24    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. 201                 Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 245 Street Light Dist ‐                  ‐                ‐               67,500        662,500       ‐                ‐                ‐              730,000         ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  Unfunded ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                  ‐                ‐               67,500        662,500       ‐                ‐                ‐              730,000         Funding Allocation Location                                          |                                             Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Project Description Justification The project scope includes preparation of a lighting analysis  and assessment for all City streets and parks, identifying  lighting deficiencies, development of lighting standards,  operation & maintenance plan and improvements, and  installation of streetlights as recommended. (budget assumes  40 streetlights).  The project addresses potential lighting deficiencies  on City streets and parks improving public safety. In  addition, the project will develop lighting standards,  inventory, and operation and maintenance plan  which will optimize the management of the City's  lighting systems. Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Street Light Master Plan and Improvements STREETS PUBLIC WORKS Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 15 FY 2022‐23 Budget Project No. TBD Category:Requesting Dept: ‐$                   Project Status: 60,000              Phase: 1,200,000         Timeline: 40,000          Origination Yr: FY 22‐23 Yr Last Amendments: 1,300,000$   Est Start Date: FY 22‐23 Est Completion Date: FY 22‐23    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 202 RMRA ‐                  ‐                ‐               1,300,000    ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              1,300,000     ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  Unfunded ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                  ‐                ‐               1,300,000    ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              1,300,000     City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Various Residential Street Resurfacing  FY 22‐23 STREETS PUBLIC WORKS Project Description Justification The project scope includes cold milling of existing asphalt  pavement, construction of rubberized asphalt overlay,  replacing of curb & gutter, adjusting utility manholes/vaults to  grade and restoring traffic striping and pavement markings. Based on recommendations from the City’s  Pavement Management Plan, residential streets  identified with a “Very Poor” to “Poor” asphalt  pavement condition rating with a Pavement  Condition Index (PCI) between 7 to 59 are  recommended for pavement rehabilitation. Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information Funding Allocation Location                                          |                                             Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 16 FY 2022‐23 Budget Project No. 21029 Category:Requesting Dept: ‐$                   Project Status: 55,000              Phase: 1,100,000         Timeline: 20,000          Origination Yr: FY 18‐19 Yr Last Amendments: FY 20‐21 1,175,000$   Est Start Date: FY 18‐19 Est Completion Date: FY 22‐23    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. 201                 Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 225 Measure R 36,549           ‐               38,451         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              75,000           232 Grant (HSIP)*‐                  ‐               1,100,000    ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              1,100,000     ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  Unfunded ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total 36,549           ‐               1,138,451    ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              1,175,000     City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Safe Routes to School ‐ Sidewalk Gap Closure ‐ Delta Ave from Mission Dr to Wells St STREETS PUBLIC WORKS Project Description Justification The project will install Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)  compliant concrete sidewalk and curb ramps, colored concrete  crosswalks, parkway trees, restoration of damaged driveways  and curb & gutter, and relocation of fence and walls  encroaching into public right of way.  The project will take place on Delta Avenue between  Mission Drive and Wells Street, and will create a  continuous sidewalk on both sides of Delta Avenue  to enhance safety for pedestrians including Shuey  Elementary school students that currently walk on  the roadway due to lack of continuous sidewalks. Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information Funding Allocation Location                                          |                                             Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 17 FY 2022‐23 Budget Project No. 21030 Category:Requesting Dept: ‐$                   Project Status: 189,000            Phase: 2,112,000         Timeline: 57,000          Origination Yr: FY 19‐20 Yr Last Amendments:‐ 2,358,000$   Est Start Date: FY 22‐23 Est Completion Date: FY 22‐23    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 201 Gas Tax ‐                  ‐                ‐               769,500       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              769,500         220 Prop C ‐                  ‐                ‐               900,000       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              900,000         226 Measure M ‐                  ‐               674,000       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              674,000         232 Grant (CalRe)*‐                  ‐               14,500         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              14,500           Unfunded ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                  ‐               688,500      1,669,500    ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              2,358,000     City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Walnut Grove Avenue Resurfacing Phase II STREETS PUBLIC WORKS Project Description Justification Updated Description ‐ The project includes asphalt concrete  pavement cold mill and overlay, full depth asphalt concrete  reconstruction, installation of ADA curb ramps, replacement of  sidewalk,  curb and gutter, and restoration of traffic loops,  striping, and pavement markings from Marshall St to San  Gabriel Blvd. In addition, the project will evaluate the  feasibility and implementation of bicycle lanes. Based on the City’s Pavement Management Plan and  site assessments the Walnut Grove Ave asphalt  pavement from Hellman Ave to Garvey Avenue is  deteriorated and recommended for rehabilitation. Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information Funding Allocation Location                                     |                                        Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 18 FY 2022‐23 Budget Project No. 21031 Category:Requesting Dept: ‐$                 Project Status: 193,000          Phase: 2,841,300       Timeline: 58,000        Origination Yr: FY 18‐19 Yr Last Amendments: FY 20‐21 3,092,300$ Est Start Date: FY 21‐22 Est Completion Date: FY 22‐23    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. Funding Sources Actuals thru  FY 2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 201 Gas Tax ‐                ‐               547,000       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              547,000         202 RMRA‐SB1 ‐                ‐               886,800       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              886,800         220 Prop C ‐                ‐               675,000       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              675,000         225 Measure R ‐                ‐               300,000       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              300,000         226 Measure M ‐                ‐               600,000       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              600,000         232 Calrecycle Grant*‐                ‐               83,500         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              83,500                Total ‐                ‐               3,092,300    ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              3,092,300     City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Valley Boulevard Resurfacing Phase I & II STREETS PUBLIC WORKS Project Description Justification The project includes asphalt concrete pavement cold mill and  overlay, full depth asphalt concrete reconstruction,  installation of ADA curb ramps and City entry monuments,  replacement of sidewalk,  curb and gutter, and restoration of  traffic loops, striping, and pavement markings on Valley Blvd  from the east to west City limits. In addition, the project will  evaluate the feasibility and implementation of bicycle lanes. The pavement on Valley Blvd was last resurfaced in  1998.  Based on the City’s Pavement Management  Plan and site assessments, the asphalt pavement is  deteriorated and recommended for rehabilitation.  Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information Funding Allocation Location                                                  |                                             Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 19 FY 2022‐23 Budget Project No. 24010 Category:Requesting Dept: 50,000$            Project Status: ‐                     Phase: ‐                     Timeline: 5,000             Origination Yr: FY 19‐20 Yr Last Amendments: FY 21‐22 55,000$        Est Start Date: FY 22‐23 Est Completion Date: FY 22‐23    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 225 Measure R ‐                  ‐               55,000         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              55,000           ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  Unfunded ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                  ‐               55,000         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              55,000           City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Sidewalk ADA Master Plan STREETS PUBLIC WORKS Project Description Justification The sidewalk master plan will identify the street segments  where sidewalk is either missing or not compliant with  Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. The master  plan will also identify street intersections and other locations  where ADA curb ramps are missing or not compliant with ADA  standards. The master plan will serve as a guide for identifying  and budgeting for future capital improvement projects.  Develop a sidewalk and curb ramp master plan to  identify improvements that comply with the ADA  standards and the City's Complete Streets Policy.   Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information Funding Allocation Location                                                  |                                             Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 20 FY 2022‐23 Budget Project No. 24013 Category:Requesting Dept: ‐$                   Project Status: 35,000              Phase: 318,050            Timeline: 35,000          Origination Yr: FY 21‐22 Yr Last Amendments: N/A 388,050$      Est Start Date: FY 21‐22 Est Completion Date: FY 23‐24    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. 245                 Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 232 Grants‐Meas M ‐                  ‐               388,050       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              388,050         ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                  ‐               388,050       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              388,050         2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 2026‐27 Total Planned expenditures per year 35,000        211,830      141,220       ‐              388,050         City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Mission Drive Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon STREETS PUBLIC WORKS Project Description Justification The project scope includes the design and installation of a  hawk pedestrian hybrid (PHB) crosswalk, curb ramps, curb and  gutter, sidewalk, sign replacement, AC rehabilitation and  striping at the intersection of Newby Avenue and Mission  Drive in the City of Rosemead. The project is funded through a  Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority  (LACMTA) Measure M Multi‐Year Subregional Program grant.   The purpose of the project is to enhance the existing  Mission Drive and Newby Avenue intersection  crosswalk to improve pedestrian safety in and  around the intersection.   Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information Funding Allocation Location                                                  |                                             Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Funding Reimbursement Agreement Schedule from LACMTA Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 21 FY 2022‐23 Budget Project No. 28008 Category:Requesting Dept: ‐$                   Project Status: ‐                     Phase: 105,000            Timeline: 6,000             Origination Yr: FY 19‐20 Yr Last Amendments: FY 21‐22 111,000$      Est Start Date: FY2 22‐23 Est Completion Date: FY2 22‐23    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 225 Measure R ‐                  ‐               60,000         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              60,000           205 TDA Art‐3 ‐                  ‐                ‐               51,000         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              51,000           ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  Unfunded ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                  ‐               60,000        51,000         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              111,000         City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title ADA Curb Ramps STREETS PUBLIC WORKS Project Description Justification This project will involve saw‐cutting and removal of concrete  sidewalk and curb & gutter, and construction of new  Americans with Disabilities (ADA) curb ramps including  detectable warning panels.  In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities  (ADA) regulations, the project will construct  ADA  curb ramps at street intersections where none exist.  The ADA curb ramps will be installed in high  pedestrian areas, primarily in the vicinity of schools  and commercials districts in order to improve  accessibility for individuals in wheelchairs and the  visually impaired.  Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information Funding Allocation Location                                                  |                                             Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 22 FY 2022‐23 Budget Project No. 43009 Category:Requesting Dept: ‐$                   Project Status: ‐                     Phase: 370,000            Timeline: 20,000          Origination Yr: FY 21‐22 Yr Last Amendments: NA 390,000$      Est Start Date: FY 21‐22 Est Completion Date: FY 22‐23    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 225 Measure R ‐                  ‐               390,000       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              390,000         ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  Unfunded ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                  ‐               390,000       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              390,000         City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Walnut Grove Street Light Installation STREETS PUBLIC WORKS Project Description Justification The project scope includes the installation of 25 new concrete  street light poles (30 feet height) with solar LED fixtures on  Walnut Grove Avenue from Marshall Street to Valley  Boulevard.  The project will replace the SCE owned street light  fixtures mounted on power poles that were removed  during the Walnut Grove Utility Underground  project. Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information Funding Allocation Location                                                  |                                             Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 23 FY 2022‐23 Budget Project No. 43010 Category:Requesting Dept: ‐$                   Project Status: 477,000            Phase: 6,310,000         Timeline: 106,000        Origination Yr: FY 21‐22 Yr Last Amendments: NA 6,893,000$   Est Start Date: FY 22‐23 Est Completion Date: FY 23‐24    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 202 RMRA ‐                 943,000      200,000       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              1,143,000     220 Prop C ‐                 1,461,000   400,000       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              1,861,000     225 Measure R ‐                 1,170,000   300,000       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              1,470,000     226 Measure M ‐                 1,413,000   1,006,000    ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              2,419,000     Unfunded ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                 4,987,000    ‐               1,906,000    ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              6,893,000     City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Citywide Arterial Street Improvements STREETS PUBLIC WORKS Project Description Justification The Project includes asphalt concrete pavement cold mill and  overlay, full depth asphalt concrete reconstruction, installation  of ADA curb ramps, replacement of sidewalk,  curb and gutter,  and restoration of traffic loops, striping, and pavement markings  on San Gabriel Blvd, Temple City Blvd, New Ave, Lower Azusa  Rd, Jackson Ave, Del Mar, and Mission Dr.  In addition, the  project will evaluate the feasibility and implementation of  bicycle lanes. Based on the City’s Pavement Management Plan and  site assessments the City's arterial streets are  deteriorated and recommended for pavement  rehabilitation.  Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information Funding Allocation Location                                                  |                                             Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 24 FY 2022‐23 Budget Project No. 49013 Category:Requesting Dept: 170,000$          Project Status: 700,000            Phase: 4,780,000         Timeline: 400,000        Origination Yr: FY 21‐22 Yr Last Amended: FY 21‐22 6,050,000$   Est Start Date: FY 22‐23 Est Completion Date: FY 23‐24    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 229 Measure R HCP*‐                  ‐               6,000,000    ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              6,000,000     250 DIF ‐ Traffic ‐                  ‐                ‐               50,000         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              50,000                Total ‐                  ‐               6,000,000   50,000         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              6,050,000     2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 2026‐27 Total Planned expenditures per year 100,000      600,000      1,000,000   3,000,000   1,300,000    ‐              6,000,000     City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Rosemead Boulevard / I‐10 Freeway Ramp Improvements STREETS PUBLIC WORKS Project Description Justification The project includes geometric realignment and adding lanes  to Rosemead Boulevard (SR‐164) and Glendon Way  (approximate postmile: Route 164, LA 5.7) and I‐10 Freeway  WB On and Off Ramps at Rosemead Boulevard (approximate  postmile: Route 10, LA 26.8). The project will increase roadway capacity, improve  traffic flow, and reduce congestion at the  intersection, which will continue to worsen as traffic  volumes increase over time. Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information Funding Allocation Location                                                  |                                             Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Funding Reimbursement Agreement Schedule from LACMTA Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 25 FY 2022‐23 Budget Project No. 49014 Category:Requesting Dept: 160,000$           Project Status: 700,000             Phase: 4,790,000         Timeline: 350,000          Origination Yr: FY 21‐22 Yr Last Amendments: FY 21‐22 6,000,000$    Est Start Date: 2022 Est Completion Date: 2027    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. 201                 Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 229 Measure R HCP*‐                  ‐               6,000,000   6,000,000     ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                  ‐               6,000,000    ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              6,000,000     2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 2026‐27 Total Planned expenditures per year ‐               80,000        250,000      170,000      1,500,000   4,000,000  6,000,000     City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Walnut Grove Avenue / I‐10 Freeway Ramp Improvements STREETS PUBLIC WORKS Project Description Justification The project includes geometric realignment to Walnut Grove  Avenue and I‐10 Freeway WB On and Off Ramps (approximate  postmile: Route 10, LA 26.3). The project will to increase capacity, improve traffic  flow, and reduce congestion at the intersection,  which will continue to worsen as traffic volumes  increase over time. Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information Funding Allocation Location                                                  |                                             Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Funding Reimbursement Agreement Schedule from LACMTA Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 26 FY 2022‐23 Budget Project No. 21034 Category:Requesting Dept: ‐$                   Project Status: 20,000              Phase: 370,000            Timeline: 10,000          Origination Yr: FY 22‐23 Yr Last Amendments: NA 400,000$      Est Start Date: FY 22‐23 Est Completion Date: FY 22‐23    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total for  Current FY 101 General Fund ‐                 60,000        ‐               60,000        60,000        60,000        60,000        60,000        60,000           225 Measure R ‐                 ‐               ‐               340,000      340,000      340,000      340,000      340,000     340,000         202 RMRA ‐                 340,000      ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                 ‐               ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  Unfunded ‐                 ‐               ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                 400,000      ‐               400,000      400,000      400,000      400,000      400,000     400,000         Funding Allocation Location                                          |                                             Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Project Description Justification The project will involve the application of asphalt emulsion  seal coat or microsurfacing on the pavement surface and  restoration of the traffic striping and pavement markings.  Based on recommendations from the City’s  Pavement Management Plan, The project wll provide  preventative maintenance by add a wearing surface  and help prevent water from infiltrating and  damaging the street pavement.  Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Annual Preventative Pavement Maintenance   (Annual Program) STREETS PUBLIC WORKS Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 27 FY 2022‐23 Budget Project No. 24009 Category:Requesting Dept: ‐$                   Project Status: 15,000              Phase: 225,000            Timeline: 10,000          Origination Yr: Annual  Yr Last Amendments: 250,000$      Est Start Date: FY 22‐23 Est Completion Date: FY 22‐23    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. 201                 Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total for  Current FY 226 Measure M ‐                 200,000      ‐               250,000      250,000      250,000      250,000      250,000     250,000         ‐                 ‐               ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                 ‐               ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                 ‐               ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  Unfunded ‐                 ‐               ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                 200,000      ‐               250,000      250,000      250,000      250,000      250,000     250,000         Funding Allocation Location                                          |                                             Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Project Description Justification The Project consists of removing and replacing existing  damaged concrete sidewalks, curbs, and gutters at various  locations within City.  Replace damaged or uplifed sidewalk sections  citywide. The City's sidewalks can often be damaged  or displaced by parkway tree roots, creating  potential trip hazards for residents and pedestrians.  This is an ongoing project to remove and repair  damaged sidewalk sections and reduce the number  of trip hazard claims.  Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Sidewalk Replacement Program FY 22‐23 (Annual Program) STREETS PUBLIC WORKS Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 28 FY 2022‐23 Budget Transportation Capital Improvement Program 29 Project No. TBD Category:Requesting Dept: ‐$                   Project Status:    Phase: 240,000            Timeline: 10,000          Origination Yr: Annual  Yr Last Amendments: NA 250,000$      Est Start Date: FY 22‐23 Est Completion Date: FY 22‐23    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total for  Current FY 201 Gas Tax ‐                 200,000      ‐               250,000      50,000        50,000        50,000        50,000        250,000         ‐                 ‐               ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                 ‐               ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                 ‐               ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  Unfunded ‐                 ‐               ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                 200,000      ‐               250,000      50,000        50,000        50,000        50,000        250,000         Funding Allocation Location                                          |                                             Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Project Description Justification The project will involve repair and replacement of city wide  traffic calming devices including traffic signals, inroad lights,  rapid flashing beacons, and radar speed limit sensors. The project will repair/replace inoperable or aging  traffic calming devices to improve pedestrian and  roadway safety. Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Traffic Infrastructure Maintenance (Annual Program) TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC WORKS Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 30 FY 2022‐23 Budget Project No. 49015 Category:Requesting Dept: 100,000$           Project Status: 1,500,000         Phase: 6,950,000         Timeline: 450,000          Origination Yr: FY 21‐22 Yr Last Amendments: FY 21‐22 9,000,000$    Est Start Date: FY 21‐22 Est Completion Date: FY25‐26    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. 201                 Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 229 Measure R HCP*‐                  ‐               9,000,000     ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                9,000,000       ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                  ‐               9,000,000    ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              9,000,000     2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 2026‐27 Total Planned expenditures per year ‐               900,000      2,100,000   3,000,000   3,000,000    ‐              9,000,000     City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Adaptive Traffic Responsive Control System TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC WORKS Project Description Justification The project will replace the existing traffic signal controllers  with 2070 ATC traffic signal controllers and firmware at  signalized intersections along Garvey Avenue, Valley  Boulevard, San Gabriel Boulevard, Walnut Grove Avenue and  Rosemead Boulevard as needed and provide fiber optic cable  connectivity to all of these traffic signal intersections. The purpose of the project is to improve traffic  operations, mobility, and safety for the major  arterials that run through the City. Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information Funding Allocation Location                                                  |                                             Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Funding Reimbursement Agreement Schedule from LACMTA Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 31 FY 2022‐23 Budget Project No. 49016 Category:Requesting Dept: 100,000$           Project Status: 600,000$           Phase: 4,950,000$       Timeline: 350,000$        Origination Yr: FY 20‐21 Yr Last Amendments: FY 21‐22 6,000,000$    Est Start Date: FY 21‐22 Est Completion Date: FY 25‐26    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 229 Measure R HCP*‐                  ‐               6,000,000    ‐              6,000,000     ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                  ‐               6,000,000    ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              6,000,000     2021‐22 2022‐23 2023‐24 2024‐25 2025‐26 2026‐27 Total Planned expenditures per year ‐               500,000      1,000,000   3,000,000   1,500,000    ‐              6,000,000     City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Traffic Signal Arterial Improvements  TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC WORKS Project Description Justification The project will upgrade the traffic signal system, and other components at major intersections throughout the  City to improve traffic operations and mobility. The project contributes to mobility and operational  benefits in the arterials between I‐10 and I‐210  consistent with the purpose and need of the 710 Gap  Closure project. Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information Funding Allocation Location                                                  |                                             Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Funding Reimbursement Agreement Schedule from LACMTA Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 32 FY 2022‐23 Budget Park SystemCapital Improvement Program 33 Project No. TBD Category:Requesting Dept: 1) Rosemead Walking Trail ‐ $ 500,000 Replacement of current walking trail. 2) Zapopan Park Walking Trail ‐ $ 420,000 Replace deteriorated walking trail. 3) Garvey Park Splash Zone Improvements ‐ $ 200,000 4) Garvey Park Parking Lot Reconstruction ‐  $360,000 Reconstruct deteriorated pavement and replace striping. 5) Rosemead Park Parking Lots (2) Resurfacting ‐ $ 275,000 ‐$                   Project Status: 175,000            Phase: 1,490,000         Timeline: 90,000          Origination Yr: FY 22‐23 Yr Last Amendments: NA 1,755,000$   Est Start Date: FY 22‐23 Est Completion Date:    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. 201                 Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 228 SLFRF ‐ Categorical ‐                  ‐                ‐               1,120,000    ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              1,120,000     233 SLFRF ‐ Rev Loss ‐                  ‐                ‐               635,000       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              635,000         ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  Unfunded ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                  ‐                ‐               1,755,000    ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              1,755,000     Project Description Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information Funding Allocation These projects have been identified and preliminary approved to be funded by SLFRF Funding.  As the scope of these  projects are developed, the project will be split from this generic project to a project specific account. Costs in this  category are placeholders only and will be refined in the development stage of the projects. Cold Mill and AC overlay of deteriorated pavement resurfacing of two parking lots serving Rosemead Park. Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Various Park System Projects ‐ State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds PARK SYSTEM Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 34 FY 2022‐23 Budget Project No. 39002 Category:Requesting Dept: ‐$                   Project Status: ‐                     Phase: 70,000              Timeline: 5,000             Origination Yr: FY 21‐22 Yr Last Amendments: NA 75,000$        Est Start Date: FY 22‐23 Est Completion Date: FY 22‐23    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 245 Street Light Dist ‐                 75,000         ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐              75,000           ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  Unfunded ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                 75,000         ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐              75,000           City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Picnic Shelter Roof Replacement at Garvey Park PARK SYSTEM PARKS & RECREATION Project Description Justification The project scope includes replacing existing picnic shelter  roofs/shingles for all existing picnic shelters located at Garvey  Park.  The Parks & Recreation department is requesting to  replace all existing picnic shelter roofs due to their  current deteriorated condition. The rental of canopy  shelters is a community amenity for events and  parties at the park and also contributes as a revenue  source.  Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information Funding Allocation Location                                                  |                                             Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 35 FY 2022‐23 Budget Project No. 39004 Category:Requesting Dept: ‐$                   Project Status: 5,000                 Phase: 90,000              Timeline: 5,000             Origination Yr: FY 21‐22 Yr Last Amendments: NA 100,000$      Est Start Date: FY 22‐23 Est Completion Date: FY 22‐23    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 245 Street Light Dist ‐                 100,000       ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐              100,000         ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  Unfunded ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                 100,000       ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐              100,000         City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Lighting Upgrade at Jess Gonzalez Sports Complex PARK SYSTEM PARKS & RECREATION Project Description Justification The project scope includes an update to the field lighting  system at the Jesse Gonzalez Sports Complex to an automatic  system that can be controlled remotely.  The Parks & Recreation department is requesting to  upgrade the existing field lighting at the Sports  Complex to an automated system that is similar to  upgraded lighting systems used at other City  facilites.   Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information Funding Allocation Location                                                  |                                             Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 36 FY 2022‐23 Budget Project No. 39007 Category:Requesting Dept: ‐$                   Project Status: ‐                     Phase: 48,000              Timeline: 2,000             Origination Yr: FY 21‐22 Yr Last Amendments: N/A 50,000$        Est Start Date: FY 22‐23 Est Completion Date: FY 22‐23    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 245 Street Light Dist ‐                 50,000         ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐              50,000           ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  Unfunded ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                 50,000         ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐              50,000           City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Resurfacing of the Garvey Park Tennis Courts PARK SYSTEM PARKS & RECREATION Project Description Justification The project scope includes resurfacing the existing five (5)  tennis courts at Garvey Park. Resurfacing of the courts  includes preparing the existing court surface, power washing,  repairing cracks, leveling depressions and new striping.  Additionally, pickleball court striping will be installed.  The Parks & Recreation department is requesting  the improvements due to the deteriorated existing  conditions of the courts and the growth of the sport  of pickleball.  Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information Funding Allocation Location                                                  |                                             Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 37 FY 2022‐23 Budget Project No. 41022 Category:Requesting Dept: ‐$                   Project Status: 108,000            Phase: 712,750            Timeline: 10,000          Origination Yr: FY 18‐19 Yr Last Amendments:‐ 830,750$      Est Start Date: FY 21‐22 Est Completion Date: FY 22‐23    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. 101                 Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 101 General Fund 29,525           ‐               260,850       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              290,375         323 Urban Greening ‐                  ‐               290,375       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              290,375         253 DIF ‐ Parks ‐                  ‐                ‐               225,000       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              225,000         ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  Unfunded ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total 29,525           ‐               551,225      225,000       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              805,750         City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Dog Park at Garvey Park PARK SYSTEM PARKS & RECREATION JustificationProject Description Funding Allocation Location                                                  |                                             Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information California State Public Resources Code defines a critically  underserved community as an area that “has less than three  acres of usable parkland per 1,000 residents”. According to the  California State Parks Park Access Report, 75% of Rosemead’s  54,417 residents lived in areas with less than 3 acres of parks or  open space per thousand residents. The Garvey Dog Park will  add approximately 0.35 acres of green space for residents to  enjoy. The project will construct a new dog park including  fencing, landscaping, irrigation, and drinking  fountains at Garvey Park. Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 38 FY 2022‐23 Budget Project No. 41023 Category:Requesting Dept: ‐$                   Project Status: ‐                     Phase: 290,000            Timeline: 10,000          Origination Yr: FY 21‐22 Yr Last Amendments: NA 300,000$      Est Start Date: FY 22‐23 Est Completion Date: FY 22‐23    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 245 Street Light Dist ‐                 300,000       ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐              300,000         ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  Unfunded ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                    300,000       ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐              300,000          City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Playground Equipment Replacement at Garvey & Rosemead Park PARK SYSTEM PARKS & RECREATION Project Description Justification The project scope includes an assessment and evaluation of all  playground equipment for potential replacement at Garvey &  Rosemead Park. The Parks & Recreation department is requesting an  assessment to evaluate the condition of existing  deteriorated playground equipment at Garvey &  Rosemead Park. Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information Funding Allocation Location                                                  |                                             Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 39 FY 2022‐23 Budget FacilitiesCapital Improvement Program 40 Project No. TBD Category:Requesting Dept: ‐$                   Project Status: 15,000              Phase: 380,000            Timeline: 5,000             Origination Yr: FY 22‐23 Yr Last Amendments: 400,000$      Est Start Date: FY 22‐23 Est Completion Date: FY 22‐23    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 233 SLFRF ‐ Rev Loss ‐                  ‐                ‐               134,200       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              134,200         260 CDBG ‐                  ‐                ‐               265,800       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              265,800         ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  Unfunded ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                  ‐                ‐               400,000       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              400,000         Funding Allocation Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Project Description Justification Renovate City Hall elevator to serve as a passenger and ADA  compliant elevator and renovate basement restrooms to  comply with ADA requirements.   The City Hall  elevator serves as a service elevator  and does not comply with ADA requirements. In  addition, the City Hall basement restrooms do not  meet ADA requirements. Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title City Hall Elevator and ADA Improvements FACILITIES PUBLIC WORKS Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 41 FY 2022‐23 Budget Project No. TBD Category:Requesting Dept: ‐$                   Project Status: 30,000              Phase: 490,000            Timeline: 5,000             Origination Yr: FY 22‐23 Yr Last Amendments: NA 525,000$      Est Start Date: FY 22‐23 Est Completion Date: FY 22‐23    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 233 SLFRF ‐ Rev Loss ‐                  ‐                ‐               450,000       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              450,000         252 DIF ‐ Gen'l Govt ‐                  ‐                ‐               75,000         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              75,000           ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  Unfunded ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                  ‐                ‐               525,000       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              525,000         Funding Allocation Location                                          |                                             Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Project Description Justification The project scope involves renovation of the City Hall  Basement office area including new paint, flooring,   offices/cubicles, storage area, ceiling, lighting, and sprinkler  system. The City Hall  basement office area which  acommodates Public Works,  Finance, Human  Resources, and IT staff is outdated and in need of  renovation.  In addition, there is a portion of the  office that is located under low ducts with  approximately 6'‐6" clearance, this area should be  used for offices or occupiable space per building  code. Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title City Hall Interior Renovations FACILITIES PUBLIC WORKS Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 42 FY 2022‐23 Budget Project No. TBD Category:Requesting Dept: ‐$                   Project Status:    Phase: 1,950,000         Timeline: 50,000          Origination Yr: FY 22‐23 Yr Last Amendments: NA 2,000,000$   Est Start Date: FY 22‐23 Est Completion Date: FY 23‐24    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 228 SLFRF ‐ Categorical ‐                  ‐                ‐               300,000       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              300,000         233 SLFRF ‐ Rev Loss ‐                  ‐                ‐               1,700,000    ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              1,700,000     251 DIF ‐ Public Safety ‐                  ‐                ‐               10,000         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              10,000           ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  Unfunded ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                  ‐                ‐               2,010,000    ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              2,010,000     Funding Allocation Location                                          |                                             Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information The project scope includes construction of a  secured parking lot with gated keypad entry and  lighting; locker room; redesign of lobby/public  counter, office space and meeting room; updated  communication systems and computer technology;  new doors; carpeting and paint; landscaping;  monument sign; flag pole; EV charging station; and  temporary holding area for animals.  This request is to upgrade the Public Safety Center to a more  functional Sheriff Substation. Currently, Los Angeles County  Sheriff deputies assigned to the City of Rosemead commute  from the Temple Station. Due to the lack of amenities and  security features, the Public Safety Center is not adequate as a  headquarters for Sheriff's deputies and is not conducive to the  Sheriff's investigate work and responsiveness. Project Description Justification City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Public Safety Center Upgrades (Construction) FACILITIES PUBLIC WORKS Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 43 FY 2022‐23 Budget Project No. TBD Category:Requesting Dept: ‐$                   Project Status: ‐                     Phase: 45,000              Timeline: 5,000             Origination Yr: FY 22‐23 Yr Last Amendments: NA 50,000$        Est Start Date: FY 22‐23 Est Completion Date: FY 22‐23    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 253 DIF ‐ Parks ‐                  ‐                ‐               75,000         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              75,000           ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  Unfunded ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                  ‐                ‐               75,000         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              75,000           Funding Allocation Location                                          |                                             Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Project Description Justification The requested acoustic panels would be installed in Room 2 at  RCRC and would help contain sound to the room from user  groups and classes and from traveling in the facility.  The  panels inside Garvey Park Gym would help absorb the sound  from user groups, classes and private rentals.  Acoustic panels would greatly benefit the Garvey  Park Gym and Rosemead Community Recreation  Center by providing a better recreation experience  for our community.   Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Acoustic Panels (Rosemead Community Recreation Center & Garvey Gym) FACILITIES PARKS & RECREATION Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 44 FY 2022‐23 Budget Project No. TBD Category:Requesting Dept: ‐$                   Project Status: 15,000              Phase: 182,000            Timeline: 3,000             Origination Yr: FY 22‐23 Yr Last Amendments: NA 200,000$      Est Start Date: FY 22‐23 Est Completion Date: FY 22‐23    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 232 Grant (CalOES)*‐                  ‐                ‐               200,000       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              200,000         ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  Unfunded ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                  ‐                ‐               200,000       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              200,000         Funding Allocation Location                                          |                                             Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Project Description Justification The project scope includes replacement of twenty five traffic  signal back‐up batteries, procurement of changeable message  signs to be deployed during power outages, and the purchase  of power outage preparedness supplies including, lanterns  batteries, and blankets. The City was awarded a Community Power Resiliency  grant from CalOES in the amount of $300,000 to  improve the City's preparedness measures in  response to power outage events.  Of the grant  award, $100,000 is in the operational budget and the  remaining $200,000 in this CIP. Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Community Power Resiliency FACILITIES PUBLIC WORKS Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 45 FY 2022‐23 Budget Project No. TBD Category:Requesting Dept: ‐$                   Project Status: ‐                     Phase: 225,000            Timeline: ‐                 Origination Yr: FY 22‐23 Yr Last Amendments: NA 225,000$      Est Start Date: FY 22‐23 Est Completion Date:    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. 201                 Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 228 SLFRF ‐ Categorical ‐                  ‐                ‐               50,000         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              50,000           233 SLFRF ‐ Rev Loss ‐                  ‐                ‐               175,000       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              175,000         ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  Unfunded ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                  ‐                ‐               225,000       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              225,000         City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Various Facility Projects ‐ State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds FACILITIES Project Description These projects have been identified and preliminary approved to be funded by SLFRF Funding.  As the scope of these  projects are developed, the project will be split from this generic project to a project specific account. 1) Council Chambers / Conference Room Updates ‐ $50,000       Technology and logistical improvements for Council Chambers and Conference Room; 2) City Facilities Master Key Lock Replacement ‐ $ 175,000      Replace master key locks with card reader access at all City facilities Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information Funding Allocation  Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 46 FY 2022‐23 Budget Project No. 31020 Category:Requesting Dept: ‐$                   Project Status: 45,000              Phase: ‐                     Timeline: 5,000             Origination Yr: FY 19‐20 Yr Last Amendments: 50,000$        Est Start Date: FY 19‐20 Est Completion Date: FY 21‐22    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 101 General Fund 29,590           ‐               20,410         ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐              50,000            ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  Unfunded ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total 29,590           ‐               20,410         ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐              50,000            City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Public Safety Center Upgrades (Design) FACILITIES PUBLIC SAFETY Project Description Justification Planning: Design: Construction: Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information Funding Allocation Location                                                  |                                             Visual The project scope includes design of a secured  parking lot with gated keypad entry and lighting;  locker room; redesign of lobby/public counter, office  space and meeting room; new doors; carpeting  paint; landscaping; monument sign; flag pole; EV  charging station; and temporary holding area for  animals. The project will include design scope only,  the project construction scope will be included in a  future proposed project. The Public Safety department is requesting to upgrade the Public  Safety Center at Zapopan Park to a more functional Sheriff  Substation. Currently, Los Angeles County Sheriff deputies  assigned to the City of Rosemead commute into Rosemead from  the Temple Station located on Las Tunas Drive in the City of  Temple City. Due to the lack of amenities and security features,  the Public Safety Center is not adequate as a headquarters for  Sheriff's deputies and is not conducive to the Sheriff's investigate  work and responsiveness. Project Mgmt: Total: Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 47 FY 2022‐23 Budget Project No. 31023 Category:Requesting Dept: ‐$                   Project Status: 10,000              Phase: 185,000            Timeline: 5,000             Origination Yr: FY 21‐22 Yr Last Amendments: FY 21‐22 200,000$      Est Start Date: FY 21‐22 Est Completion Date: FY 22‐23    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 101 General Fund ‐                  ‐               200,000       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              200,000         ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  Unfunded ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                  ‐               200,000       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              200,000         City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Garvey Park Main Office Renovation FACILITIES PARKS & RECREATION Project Description Justification The project includes the reconfiguration of the floor plan, new  tiles, paint, updating lighting fixtures, minor restroom  remodeling, and dining/kitchen improvements.  The project will renovate the aging interior of the  Garvey Park Main Office to better facilitate community  center activities and programs.  Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information Funding Allocation Location                                                  |                                             Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 48 FY 2022‐23 Budget Project No. 39003 Category:Requesting Dept: ‐$                   Project Status: 30,000              Phase: 310,000            Timeline: 10,000          Origination Yr: FY 21‐22 Yr Last Amendments: FY 21‐22 350,000$      Est Start Date: FY 22‐23 Est Completion Date: FY 22‐23    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 260 CDBG ‐                 350,000       ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐              350,000         ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  Unfunded ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                 350,000       ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐              350,000         City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Rosemead Park Restroom Renovation FACILITIES PARKS & RECREATION Project Description Justification The project includes the renovation of the Rosemead Park  Restrooms that are adjacent to the snack bar. The scope  consists of upgrading deteriorating structures and inclusion of  ADA compliant fixtures.  The Parks & Recreation department is requesting  the improvements due to the deteriorated existing  conditions of the restrooms and to allow for the  facilities to be accessible. Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information Funding Allocation Location                                                  |                                             Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 49 FY 2022‐23 Budget Project No. 39006 Category:Requesting Dept: ‐$                   Project Status: ‐                     Phase: 380,000            Timeline: 20,000          Origination Yr: FY 21‐22 Yr Last Amendments: 400,000$      Est Start Date: FY 22‐23 Est Completion Date: FY 22‐23    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 245 Street Light Dist ‐                 400,000       ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐              400,000         ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  Unfunded ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                 400,000       ‐                ‐                ‐              ‐                ‐                ‐              400,000         City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Roof Repairs at Garvey Park Main Office & Gym FACILITIES PARKS & RECREATION Project Description Justification The project scope includes the replacement of existing roofs at  the Garvey Park Main Office and Gym facilities. It is  recommended that in conjuction with the replacement of the  roof at the Garvey Park Main Office that the air conditioning  units be replaced.  The Parks & Recreation department is requesting  the improvements due to the deteriorated existing  conditions of the roofs and poor performance of ac  units.  Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information Funding Allocation Location                                                  |                                             Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 50 FY 2022‐23 Budget Water Quality & Environmental Capital Improvement Program 51 Project No. 49011 Category:Requesting Dept: ‐$                   Project Status: ‐                     Phase: 200,000            Timeline: ‐                 Origination Yr: FY 20‐21 Yr Last Amendments: FY 21‐22 200,000$      Est Start Date: FY 21‐22 Est Completion Date: FY 22‐23    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 231 Measure W ‐                  ‐               200,000       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              200,000         ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  Unfunded ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                  ‐               200,000       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              200,000         City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Storm Water Catch Basin Upgrade WATER QUALITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PUBLIC WORKS Project Description Justification The project includes the installation of two hundred fifty‐six  (256) trash capture devices on existing stormwater catch  basins to prevent infiltration of trash from entering the  stormwater system and waterways. To facilitate the City's efforts of improving  stormwater quality and reduce storm water debris  and pollution in accordance with Regional Water  Quality Control Board regulations and MS4 permit  requirements. Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information Funding Allocation Location                                                  |                                             Visual Planning: Design: Construction: Project Mgmt: Total: Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 52 FY 2022‐23 Budget OtherCapital Improvement Program 53 Project No. TBD Category:Requesting Dept: 1) Record Database Management Plan ‐ GIS ‐ $ 300,000 2) Permitting System (Planning, Building and Safety, Public Works) ‐ $ 500,000 3) Wireless Broadband / Parks & City Facilities ‐ $ 250,000 4) Irrigation System Master Plan ‐ $460,000 5) Parks & Facilities Master Plan ‐ $ 250,000 ‐$                   Project Status: 1,510,000         Phase: 237,500            Timeline: 12,500          Origination Yr: FY 22‐23 Yr Last Amendments: NA 1,760,000$   Est Start Date: FY 22‐23 Est Completion Date:    Impact on Future Operating Costs: Annual Amount $ Fund No. Funding Sources Actuals thru FY  2020‐21 2021‐22  Budget 2021‐22  Amendments FY  2022‐23 FY  2023‐24 FY  2024‐25 FY  2025‐26 FY  2026‐27 Total 228 SLFRF ‐ Categorical ‐                  ‐                ‐               1,050,000    ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              1,050,000     233 SLFRF ‐ Rev Loss ‐                  ‐                ‐               710,000       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              710,000         ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                  Unfunded ‐                  ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               ‐                       Total ‐                  ‐                ‐               1,760,000    ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐              1,760,000     City of Rosemead Capital Improvement Program Project Data Sheet Project Title Various Other Projects ‐ State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds OTHER Project Description These projects have been identified and preliminary approved to be funded by SLFRF Funding.  As the scope of these  projects are developed, the project will be split from this generic project to a project specific account. Costs in this  category are placeholders only and will be refined in the development stage of the projects. Analysis of City parks and facilities to determine condition, deficiencies, community needs and  development of projects and associated costs. Project Cost Summary Priority Quick Reference Information Implement wireless broadband internet service at all City parks and facilities for public use.  – Estimated  amount – Requires formal bid. Funding Allocation City wide survey and inventory of all infrastructure/facility assets, develop GIS maps/database, and file  management system. – Estimated amount – Requires formal bid. Replacement of the current system to improve efficiency of operations. – Estimated amount – Requires  formal bid. Planning: Work Product: Construction: Construction Mgmt: Total: Assess city wide irrigation system, explore recycled water opportunities, identify deficiencies, implement  water efficient fixtures ‐ Parks, Community Centers, City Hall, and medians. Funding Restricted to this Project * New Existing Annual 4 - Deferrable 2 - Necessary 3 - Desirable On HoldPlanningDesignUnder Construction Cancelled Minimal Increase Minimal Decrease 1 - Essential Capital Improvement Program 54 FY 2022‐23 Budget 2022‐23 Budget ‐ General Fund 2022‐23 Budget ‐ Other Funds Total Department Budget Number of Council Members Number of Divisions City Council: Added a budgeted amount for Mayors State of the City special event City Commissions: Increase budget estimate based on historical costs and a 5% CPI increase as requested by  the City Attorney and provided for in the contract agreement 3 5 City Council / Commissions / City Attorney City of Rosemead Significant Changes: $ 0 $  792,500 Organizational Chart: $  792,500 Department Budget Summary: Increase in stipend and benefits for addition of Public Safety Commission; added funding  for Commissioner Recognition special event and beautification awards City Attorney: Council/Commissions/Attorney 1 FY 2022‐23 Budget 2019‐20  Actual 2020‐21  Actual 2021‐22 Estimate City Council Council Meetings Held 26 26 24 Commissions ‐ Meetings Held Beautification Commission 477 Parks Commission 466 Planning Commission 91113 Traffic Commission 679 Public Safety Commission (new for 2022‐23)na na na City of Rosemead City Council / Commissions / City Attorney Work Performance Measurements Council/Commissions/Attorney 2 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed % Incr Salaries and Benefits 243,412           232,858          256,200          182,902          263,500          3% Operations and Maintenance 391,797           430,434          454,900          410,267          504,100          11% Allocated / Recovered Costs 19,900             15,714            20,800            17,326            24,900            20% Capital Outlay ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                   0%      Total Expenditures by Category 655,109           679,006          731,900          610,495          792,500          8% Expenditures by Division 1105 ‐ City Council 359,093           331,411          392,200          300,401          392,600          0% 1110 ‐ Commissions 15,331             14,344            35,100            15,536            50,300            43% 1120 ‐ City Attorney 280,685           333,251          304,600          294,558          349,600          15%      Total Expenditures by Division 655,109           679,006          731,900          610,495          792,500          8% Funding Sources:FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed 101 General Fund 655,109           679,006          731,900          610,495          792,500          8%      Total by Funding Source 655,109           679,006          731,900          610,495          792,500          8% City of Rosemead City Council / Commissions / City Attorney Budget Summary By Major Categories FY 2022‐23 Proposed Expenses by Division FY 2022‐23 Proposed Expenses by Category Expense History by Fiscal Year Council/Commissions/Attorney 3 FY 2022‐23 Budget Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits 5015 Stipend 67,538        67,538        67,200        52,856        67,200         5105 Social Security/Medicare 9,085           9,000           9,400           6,857           6,900            5115 Retirement Contributions 52,203        41,477        42,800        29,246        43,100         5130 Cafeteria Benefit 101,345      103,195      102,000      79,257        105,000       5199 Other Employee Benefits ‐                ‐               2,500           1,574           2,500            Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits 230,171      221,210      223,900      169,790      224,700       Operations and Maintenance 5239 Special Events ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               5,000            5240 Legislative Advocate 84,180        84,090        84,000        72,725        84,000         5435 Travel & Meetings 31,384        7,929           55,000        31,684        50,000         5465 Membership Dues 370              100              5,500           662              1,000            5605 General Supplies (6,912)         2,368           3,000           8,214           3,000            Total ‐ Operations & Maint 109,022      94,487        147,500      113,285      143,000       Allocated Costs 5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 10,200        2,500           2,100           1,749           1,500            5905 Technology Svcs Allocation 9,700           13,214        18,700        15,577        23,400         Total ‐ Allocated Cost 19,900        15,714        20,800        17,326        24,900         TOTAL GENERAL FUND 359,093      331,411      392,200      300,401      392,600       Total ‐ CITY COUNCIL 359,093      331,411      392,200      300,401      392,600       Obj # Description 5015 5239 5240 5435 5465 5605 General Supplies ‐Provide funds for general office supplies, indexes, folders, commission awards, plaques, and event supplies, etc. Membership Dues ‐ Provide funds for memberships in organizations. Object Account Descriptions City of Rosemead City Council Division 1105 Legislative Advocate ‐ Provides for  Advocacy and Lobbying efforts on City Issues. Travel and Meeting Expense ‐Provide funds for attendance at the League of California Cities Conferences, Contract Cities Seminars, and other conferences as authorized by the City Council. An allocation for travel and mileage reimbursement is budgeted for each Councilmember. The City Council consists of five City Council Members who are elected at large by the citizens of Rosemead and are on a rotational Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem term. The Council, as the legislative body, represents the citizens of Rosemead to formulate Citywide policy, enact local legislation, adopt budgets, and appoint the City Manager, City Attorney, and City Clerk. The Council conducts City Council meetings and study sessions as required. The Council establish policies and ordinances to ensure the development and maintenance of a balanced and stable community for citizens, by servicing the community with resourceful, efficient, progressive and professional leadership. Stipend ‐ Councilmembers receive $1,118.64 per month per City Ordinance No. 841. Special Events ‐ Budget of Mayor's State of the City event City Council 4 FY 2022‐23 Budget Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits 5015 Stipend 12,300        10,820        30,000        12,180        36,000         5105 Social Security/Medicare 941              828              2,300           932              2,800            Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits 13,241        11,648        32,300        13,112        38,800         Operations and Maintenance 5239 Special Events ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               8,500            5605 General Supplies 2,090           2,696           2,800           2,424           3,000            Total ‐ Operations & Maint 2,090           2,696           2,800           2,424           11,500         TOTAL GENERAL FUND 15,331        14,344        35,100        15,536        50,300         Total ‐ COMMISSIONS 15,331        14,344        35,100        15,536        50,300         Obj # Description 5015 5239 5605 General Supplies ‐Provide funds for general office supplies, indexes, folders, commission awards, plaques, and event supplies, etc. Each Commission plays an important part in City government. Appointees to commissions perform a public service to their community and have both an obligation and an opportunity to provide wise input that will help shape their government. The role of commissions is to provide policy recommendations to the City Council. The City has four paid commissions ‐Beautification, Planning, Parks, and Traffic ‐with appointments made by the City Council. Object Account Descriptions City of Rosemead Commissions Division 1110 Planning Commissioners are provided a stipend of $100 per meeting (maximum 2 meetings per month); all other Commissioners are paid $100 per meeting (maximum 1 meeting per month). Special Events ‐ Budget for annual Commissioner Appreciation Event Commissions 5 FY 2022‐23 Budget Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Operations and Maintenance 5202 Retiree Health 1,909           4,350           4,600           4,197           4,600            5205 Legal Services 278,776      328,901      300,000      290,361      345,000       Total ‐ Operations & Maint 280,685      333,251      304,600      294,558      349,600       TOTAL GENERAL FUND 280,685      333,251      304,600      294,558      349,600       Total ‐ CITY ATTORNEY 280,685      333,251      304,600      294,558      349,600       Obj # Description 5202 5205 Legal Services ‐Provide funds for City Attorney contract. Contract costs are based on hourly rates for services provided with annual increases based on CPI. Increase in FY 2022‐23 proposed budget is based on historical costs and 5% CPI increase as requested by the City Attorney. City of Rosemead City Attorney Division 1120 The City Attorney is appointed by the City Council, attends City Council and Planning Commission meetings, provides legal advice and opinions on all matters affecting the City, prepare/review resolutions and ordinances initiated by the City, prepare or review contracts, agreements, and other documents between the City and other parties, and acts as City Prosecutor. Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP has been the City's contract City Attorney since 2009. Object Account Descriptions Retiree Health ‐ Expense for former City Attorney. City Attorney 6 FY 2022‐23 Budget 2022‐23 Budget ‐ General Fund 2022‐23 Budget ‐ Other Funds Total Department Budget 2022‐23 Proposed Full Time Staffing 3 Number of Divisions 2 Increases: Reductions: Reduction in contract/Prof/Tech Svcs cost due to no need of election related services for FY 22‐23. Overall reduction in insurance premiums from CJPIA. American Rescue Plan ‐ Full cost of new position added in FY 2021‐22 funded by ARP funds. General Fund ‐Created new account for translation services and added $30,000 funding for translation of Public Hearing notices mailed to residents and Press Releases. Increase in software maintenance for current level of Granicus services. Significant Changes: CITY CLERK City of Rosemead Department Budget Summary: 80,400                          $  1,213,600 Department Organizational Chart: $  1,133,200 City Clerk 1 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead City Clerk City Clerk 2 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed % Incr Salaries and Benefits 316,427          302,185          314,600          250,926          417,100          33% Operations and Maintenance 759,984          895,064          1,073,000       957,536          943,700          ‐12% Allocations 13,800            21,500            32,000            26,656            12,600            ‐61% Capital Outlay ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                   0% Recovered Costs (314,600)         (304,800)         (200,600)         (167,100)         (159,800)         0%      Total Expenditures by Category 775,611          913,949          1,219,000       1,068,018       1,213,600       0% Expenditures by Division 1115 ‐ City Clerk 391,024          419,852          538,900          354,906          555,800          3% 1320 ‐ Risk Management 384,587          494,097          680,100          713,112          657,800          ‐3%      Total Expenditures by Division 775,611          913,949          1,219,000       1,068,018       1,213,600       0% Funding Sources: FY 2020  Actuals   FY 2021  Actuals   FY 2022 Budget   FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22   FY 2023  Proposed  101 General Fund 775,611          913,949          1,212,300       1,068,018       1,133,200       ‐7% 228 American Rescue Plan ‐                    ‐                   6,700               ‐                   80,400            1100%      Total Funding Sources 775,611          913,949          1,219,000       1,068,018       1,213,600       0% Full Time Staffing History 22233 City of Rosemead City Clerk / Risk Management Budget Summary By Major Categories 776 914  1,219 1,214   ‐  200  400  600  800  1,000  1,200  1,400 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 BFY 2023 PThousandsFY 2022‐23 Proposed Expenses by Division FY 2022‐23 Proposed Expenses by Category Expense History by Fiscal Year City Clerk 3 FY 2022‐23 Budget Obj # Description 5250 5299 5385 5435 5440 5450 5452 5465 5605 5625 5665 5699 City of Rosemead City Clerk Division 1115 Object Account Descriptions Other Professional/Technical Services ‐  Online Passport Appointment services  Software License/Maint ‐ Monthly website maintenance costs and contract for livestream system  with Granicus.  Moved from 5385 (Office Equipment & Repairs) Books & Periodicals ‐ Provide funds for books and periodicals to preserve historical records. Postage ‐ Provide funds for postage for passports. Other Supplies (Prior to FY 2021‐22) ‐ Provide funds for  General Municipal Election Services. Office Equipment & Repairs ‐ Provide funds for maintenance of office equipment.  Travel and Meeting Expense ‐Provide funds for the City Clerk and Deputy City Clerk to attend various meetings and seminars relating to the business and operation of the City Clerk's office, CCAC Annual conference, Master Municipal Clerks Academy, Risk Management Academy by CJPIA and New Law and Elections Seminar. Advertising ‐ Provide funds for election publication costs related to 2022 General Municipal Election. Legal Advertising ‐Provide funds for legal publication costs for ordinances, resolutions, bids and all public hearing notices. Membership Dues ‐Provide funds for CCAC membership, IIMC membership and miscellaneous memberships for the City Clerk and Deputy City Clerk. General Supplies ‐Provide funds for office supply items such as folders, archived paper, indexes, folders, passport supplies etc.  Translation Services ‐As requested by the City Council, cost of public hearing notices translated to other languages. City Clerk 4 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits 316,427      302,185      307,900      250,926      336,700       Operations and Maintenance 60,797        96,167        192,300      77,324        126,100       Allocated Costs 13,800        21,500        32,000        26,656        12,600         Total ‐ General Fund 391,024      419,852      532,200      354,906      475,400       Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries and Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages 181,204      189,441      193,200      160,149      213,600       5105 Social Security/Medicare 14,970        15,299        16,500        13,259        17,800         5115 Retirement Contributions 75,746        52,994        53,600        43,224        60,400         5130 Cafeteria Benefit 44,507        44,451        40,800        31,790        40,800         5199 Other Employee Benefits ‐                ‐               3,800           2,504           4,100            Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits 316,427      302,185      307,900      250,926      336,700       Operations and Maintenance 5250 Software License/Maint ‐                ‐               10,000         ‐               50,000         5275 Census Education and Outreach A 6,054           18,712         ‐                ‐                ‐                5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 1,515           1,385           2,500           2,353           1,500            5385 Office Equip Repair & Maint 26,361        58,387        35,000        8,488            ‐                5435 Travel & Meetings 2,904           1,447           5,500           1,689           5,500            5440 Advertising/Publishing 4,232           348              10,000        1,206            ‐                5450 Legal Advertising 12,417        10,860        30,000        24,305        30,000         5451 Election Related Svcs ‐               90,000        10,127         ‐                5452 Translation Services ‐                ‐                ‐               25,704        30,000         5465 Membership Dues 455              550              1,000           559              1,600            5605 General Supplies 3,422           3,076           4,500           1,543           4,500            5625 Books & Periodicals 1,499           1,027           800              794              1,000            5665 Postage 725              375              2,000           556              2,000            5697 Claims 403               ‐               1,000            ‐                ‐                5699 Other Supplies 811               ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ Operations & Maint 60,797        96,167        192,300      77,324        126,100       City of Rosemead City Clerk Division 1115 The City Clerk is the local official who supervises and coordinates City elections; Serves as the Filing Office for City appeals; Prepares and updates the City’s Conflict of Interest Code, and Serves as the local Filing Office for the Fair Political Practices Commission; Receives and opens all sealed bids and formally releases bid bonds; Receives, processes, and maintains claims, public record requests, and summonses; Directs the retention and destruction of official records in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.   City Clerk 5 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead City Clerk Division 1115 Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Allocated Costs 5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 4,100           4,300           5,800           4,831           4,800            5905 Technology Svcs Allocation 9,700           17,200        26,200        21,825        7,800            Total ‐ Allocated Cost 13,800        21,500        32,000        26,656        12,600         TOTAL GENERAL FUND 391,024      419,852      532,200      354,906      475,400       F 228 ‐ American Rescue Plan 5005 Salaries & Wages ‐                ‐               6,700            ‐               51,500         5105 Social Security/Medicare ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               4,000            5110 Workers' Comp Allocation ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               1,200            5115 Retirement Contributions ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               3,900            5130 Cafeteria Benefit ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               18,500         5199 Other Employee Benefits ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               1,300            Total for Fund ‐                ‐               6,700            ‐               80,400         Total ‐ CITY CLERK ‐ OTHER FUND ‐                ‐               6,700            ‐               80,400         Total ‐ CITY CLERK ‐ ALL FUNDS 391,024      419,852      538,900      354,906      555,800       City Clerk 6 FY 2022‐23 Budget Goals of the 2030 Strategic Plan by Category B6 B8 → → → Performance and Workload Measures 2020‐21  Actual 2021‐22 Estimate 2022‐23 Estimate 1 Public Records Received 221 214 250 2 Translation Services (translation of materials & the public)180 200 220 3 Agendas Produced (City Council)22 29 24 4 Legal Advertising 27 40 50 5 New Passports processed 20 165 200 Key Performance Indicators 1 Average  response on Public Records Request 7 days 4 days 6 days 2 Average translation provided per day (in person/via phone)6108 3 Number of meetings held (City Council)22 29 24 4 Required legal publishing of Public Hearings, Bids, RFP's, Ordin 27 40 25 5 Average passport appointment duration 45 min 45 min 45 min Outcome Measurement 1 Total number of translations provided 2‐4 per day 2‐4 per day 2‐4 per day 2 Respond to public within the 10 days requirement 97% 98% 98% 3 Total number of Agenda Packets Produced 26 24 24 4 Total number of Legal Advertising completed 27 40 50 Accomplishments 1 Upgraded the Chamber's audio system and added capacity for handheld microphones 2 Coordinated the Beautification Commissioner Installation of Little Free Library Project at City Parks. 3 Recertification of City Hall as passport agency. 4 Coordinated training on Brown Act, Public Meetings, and Public Records to Commissioners and City staff. Objectives to Complete the Strategic Goals Continue to promote and conduct voter outreach events to include understanding of new County voting system to the community by providing informational workshops. Work Performance Measurements 2022‐23 Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives City of Rosemead City Clerk Continue implementation of the records retention program to all City departments and the maintenance of the City’s records management system for transparency effort. Expand the ability to digitize city records to each Department by providing additional training and support using the City’s electronic document management system.  Continue coordinating Beautification efforts with the Beautification Commission to enhance the aesthetics of the community by implementing new smaller clean‐up projects citywide in addition to the annual events. Create a set of civic education workshops to educate the community about how they can get  involved in city governance and activities. Ensure all City information, literature and outreach is engaging and available in the languages  most commonly spoken in the City. City Clerk 7 FY 2022‐23 Budget Description When Expected Result Voter Education and Registration Outreach Ongoing Reach out to Rosemead voters, including those whose primary language is not English, and ensure they have all the tools available to exercise their right to vote and information of the County's new Voting System. Maintain City’s Municipal Code Ongoing Ensure the City’s laws and codes are in effect and current. Continue Updating Records Retention  Schedule Update/Destruction of Obsolete  Records Ongoing Annual review and update to the City’s records retention schedule and the destruction of obsolete records that meet their retention date. Citizen Participation on Beautification  Projects Ongoing Expand participation of citizens, school districts, faith‐ based organizations, and community‐based organizations through public outreach meetings, events, and social media. Implement an online  Public Records  Request software 2022‐23 Implement a records request management platform to improve workflows between city departments. Reduce response time, centralize communication, redact sensitive information efficiently and improve transparency. Beautification Effort Events 2022‐23 Beautification Commission will begin hosting quarterly clean‐up events in an effort to beautify and maintain a clean city.  City of Rosemead City Clerk Division 1115 Work Plan Maintain the document imaging system and  continue to add new documents by each  city department. Ongoing Make City records accessible to the public through the City’s website; therefore, promoting a “green” and transparent City. Provide frequently requested records in the City’s documents imaging system for retrieval by the public. Provide each City department the ability to scan their own records in to the document management system for archival and retrieval of city records. City Clerk 8 FY 2022‐23 Budget Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund 5405 Insurance ‐ Liability 369,295         484,000         566,800         568,186         544,600          5407 Insurance ‐ Pollution Liability ‐                   ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  2,800              5408 Insurance ‐ Workers' Comp ‐                   ‐                  219,400         219,326         211,400          5409 Insurance ‐ WC ‐ Retrospective A ‐                   ‐                  (18,800)          (18,825)          (51,600)           5410 Insurance ‐ Property 329,892         314,897         113,500         113,443         119,400          5411 Insurance ‐ Liab ‐ Retrospective A ‐                   ‐                  (4,400)            (4,438)            20,400            5412 Insurance ‐ Liab ‐ Excess Dist ‐                   ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  (31,000)           5415 Insurance ‐ Other ‐                   ‐                  4,200             2,520             1,600              Total ‐ Operations & Maint 699,187      798,897      880,700      880,212      817,600       Allocated Costs 5110 Workers' Comp Allocation (314,600)     (304,800)      ‐                ‐                ‐                5416 Recovered Costs ‐ Workers' Comp ‐                ‐               (200,600)     (167,100)     (159,800)      Total ‐ Allocated Cost (314,600)     (304,800)     (200,600)     (167,100)     (159,800)      TOTAL GENERAL FUND 384,587      494,097      680,100      713,112      657,800       Total ‐ RISK MANAGEMENT 384,587      494,097      680,100      713,112      657,800       Obj # Description 5405 5408 5409 5410 5411 5415 5416 Recovered Costs ‐ The Workers' Comp Premium is allocated to employees based on payroll Liability Insurance CJPIA ‐ The amount charged by CJPIA for Liability Insurance Coverage. Liability ‐ Retrospective Adj ‐ An additional fee or credit for past liability experience. Property Insurance ‐Includes coverage for All‐Risk, Vehicles, Mechanical Breakdown, and the CJPIA Admin Fee Other Insurance ‐Includes coverage for Crime, Pollution Legal Liability, and Underground Storage Tanks. Workers' Comp CJPIA ‐ The amount charged by CJPIA for Workers' Comp Insurance Coverage. WC ‐ Retrospective Adj ‐ An additional fee or credit for past workers' comp experience The City of Rosemead is one of more than 120 members of the California Joint Powers Insurance Authority which is one the largest municipal self‐insurance pools in the state. The purpose of the CJPIA is to provide liability protection for its members from losses and lawsuits and works. It works with members to reduce the frequency and severity of claims and through risk analysis and continued education, helps its members to identify exposures and prevent losses. Through the CJPIA, Rosemead secures coverage for Workers' Compensation, Liability, Property, and other insurances.    Annual contributions, which provide the pool with necessary resources for the defense and payment of claims, are calculated based on an actuarial study of member claim experience. Retrospective computations are based on the ongoing claim development of past coverage period and can result in either an additional deposit or a refund for members.  Adjustments are typically calculated once a year in Oct. City of Rosemead Risk Management Division 1320 Object Account Descriptions City Clerk 9 FY 2022‐23 Budget → Description When → Implement the Risk Management Evaluation performed by CJPIA Ongoing → Maintain a Health and Safety committee to review policies and insurance claims Ongoing → Update Risk Management Administrative Policies 2022‐2023 2020‐21  Actual 2021‐22  Estimate 2022‐23 Estimate Performance and Workload Measures 1 New general liability claims received 31 7 10 2 General liability claims closed 27 6 5 Key Performance Indicators 1 Review and Address Loss Cap pending items 10 items 4 items 10 items 2 Update Risk Management Policies 12 policies 1 policy 4 policies Outcome Measurement 1 Contract Management Program and  Retention Schedule updated 111 1 2 Continue evaluation and review of Administrative Risk Management Policies. City of Rosemead Risk Management Division 1320 2022‐23 Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives Maintain a safe working environment for all team members and strive to reduce and eliminate the number of preventative illnesses and injuries. Performance Working with CJPIA Representative to implement risk management measures identified in the Risk Management  Evaluation Report. Expected Result Performance and Workload Measures Review and update necessary Risk Management policies to assure compliance with current State and Federal laws. To improve the City's risk management effort through the regular review of policies and claim to ensure the City is being proactive to reduce potential liability. Continue assessing and updating areas involving Risk Management that include review of Administrative Policies for the safety of the City and employees. Work Plan City Clerk 10 FY 2022‐23 Budget Object Expenditures: FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed % Incr Salaries and Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages 181,204         189,442         199,900         160,149         265,100         33% 5105 Social Security/Medicare 14,970           15,299           16,500           13,259           21,800           32% 5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 4,100             4,300             5,800             4,831             6,000             3% 5115 Retirement Contributions 75,746           52,994           53,600           43,224           64,300           20% 5130 Cafeteria Benefit 44,507           44,451           40,800           31,790           59,300           45% 5199 Other Employee Benefits ‐                   ‐                  3,800             2,504             5,400             42% 320,527         306,486         320,400         255,757         421,900         32% Operations and Maintenance 5250 Software License/Maint ‐                   ‐                  10,000            ‐                  50,000           400% 5275 Census Education and Outreach A 6,054             18,712            ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  ‐‐ 5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 1,515             1,385             2,500             2,353             1,500             ‐40% 5385 Office equip Repair & Maint 26,361           58,387           35,000           8,488              ‐                  ‐100% 5405 Insurance ‐ Liability 369,295         484,000         566,800         568,186         544,600         ‐4% 5407 Pollution Liability Insurance Prem ‐                   ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  2,800             ‐‐ 5408 Insurance ‐ Workers' Comp ‐                   ‐                  219,400         219,326         211,400         ‐4% 5409 Insurance ‐ WC ‐ Retrospective A ‐                   ‐                  (18,800)          (18,825)          (51,600)          ‐‐ 5410 Insurance ‐ Property 329,892         314,897         113,500         113,443         119,400         5% 5411 Insurance ‐ Liab ‐ Retropective Ad ‐                   ‐                  (4,400)            (4,438)            20,400           ‐‐ 5412 Insurance ‐ Liab‐Excess Distr ‐                   ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  (31,000)          ‐‐ 5415 Insurance ‐ Other ‐                   ‐                  4,200             2,520             1,600             ‐62% 5435 Travel & Meetings 2,904             1,447             5,500             1,689             5,500             0% 5440 Advertising/Publishing 4,232             348                 10,000           1,206              ‐                  ‐100% 5450 Legal Advertising 12,417           10,860           30,000           24,305           30,000           0% 5451 Election Related Svcs ‐                   ‐                  90,000           10,127            ‐                  ‐100% 5452 Translation Services ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  25,704           30,000           ‐‐ 5465 Membership Dues 455                 550                 1,000             559                 1,600             60% 5605 General Supplies 3,422             3,076             4,500             1,543             4,500             0% 5625 Books & periodicals 1,499             1,027             800                 794                 1,000             25% 5665 Postage 725                 375                 2,000             556                 2,000             0% 5697 Claims 403                 1,000              ‐                   ‐                  ‐100% 5699 Other Supplies 811                  ‐                   ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  ‐‐ 759,984         895,064         1,073,000      957,536         943,700         ‐12% Allocations 5905 Technology Svcs Allocation 9,700             17,200           26,200           21,825           7,800             ‐70% 9,700             17,200           26,200           21,825           7,800             ‐70% Recovered Costs 5110 Workers' Comp Allocation (314,600)        (304,800)         ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  ‐‐ 5416 Recovered Costs ‐ Workers' Comp ‐                   ‐                  (200,600)        (167,100)        (159,800)        ‐‐ (314,600)        (304,800)        (200,600)        (167,100)        (159,800)        ‐‐ Total All City Clerk / Risk Mgmt 775,611         913,950         1,219,000      1,068,018      1,213,600      0% City of Rosemead City Clerk ‐ All Division / Funds Combined Divisions 1115 and 1320  City Clerk 11 FY 2022‐23 Budget This Page Intentionally Left Blank City of Rosemead City Clerk City Clerk 12 FY 2022‐23 Budget 2022‐23 Budget ‐ General Fund 2022‐23 Budget ‐ Other Funds Total Department Budget 2022‐23 Proposed Full Time Staffing 8 Number of Divisions 5 →Modified salary allocations due to funding restrictions within certain funds → → → → City of Rosemead Significant Changes: Department Organizational Chart: Department Budget Summary: 4,363,500                     $  5,958,400 $  1,594,900 Added capital equipment purchases/ implementation costs (computer replacements, backup storage,  and replacement servers) funded by the General Fund and Technology Repl Fund ($157,000) Moved budget related to Employee Holiday Party from General Services to HR ($25,000) Added one Human Resource Analyst position funded by American Rescue Plan funds ADMINISTRATION Added additional ongoing funding for personnel related legal services, additional HR consulting  services, health benefit brokerage and consulting firm for assessment/brokerage of health benefits  offered to City employees, occupational health services, and employee special events ($97,100) Administration 1 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed % Incr Salaries and Benefits 1,179,109       1,222,943       1,427,200       1,372,442       1,551,200       9% Operations and Maintenance 399,756          548,569          4,330,900       707,853          4,576,000       6% Allocated Costs 15,500             29,463             41,400             34,486             39,500             ‐5% Capital Outlay ‐                    ‐                   120,000          15,304             112,500          ‐6% Transfers Out ‐                    ‐                   50,000              ‐                   50,000             0%      Sub‐Total 1,594,365       1,800,975       5,969,500       2,130,085       6,329,200       6% Recovered Costs/Contra accts (75,400)           (75,400)           (317,000)         (264,061)         (370,800)         ‐     Total Expenditures by Category 1,518,965       1,725,575       5,652,500       1,866,024       5,958,400       5% Expenditures by Division City Manager            904,268             938,028          1,078,000          1,165,221          1,113,600 3% CDBG 36,367             162,200          1,893,000       359,010          1,922,500       2% HOME 14,826             14,584             2,135,400       68,018             2,181,100       2% Human Resources            248,258             320,548             426,100             249,058             613,700 44% Information Technology            315,247             289,915             120,000               24,717             127,500 6%      Total Expenditures by Division 1,518,965       1,725,275       5,652,500       1,866,024       5,958,400       5% Funding Sources: FY 2020  Actuals   FY 2021  Actuals   FY 2022 Budget  FY 2021 YTD 4‐30‐21  FY 2023  Proposed  101 General Fund 1,151,208       1,262,361       1,464,600                1,399,964 1,594,900       9% 215 Proposition A 118,167          104,327          30,900                           18,729 31,300             1% 227 Measure H ‐                   10,000              ‐                                   5,000 ‐                   ‐ 228 American Rescue ‐                    ‐                   8,600                                      ‐   101,100          1076% 260 CDBG 36,367             162,200          1,893,000                   359,010 1,922,500       2% 275 HOME 14,826             14,584             2,135,400                     68,018 2,181,100       2% 501 Equipment Replacement 38,867             5,890                ‐                                          ‐    ‐                   ‐ 505 Technology Replacement 159,529          166,213          120,000                        15,304 127,500          6%      Total Funding Sources 1,518,964       1,725,575       5,652,500       1,866,024       5,958,400       5% Number of Full Time Staffing 67788 City of Rosemead Administration Budget Summary By Major Categories Administration 2 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits 728,814      767,737      943,100      1,068,399   992,500       Operations and Maintenance 34,687        21,101        55,000        32,276        51,000         Allocated Costs 22,600        34,863        49,000        40,817        38,800         Sub Total ‐ General Fund 786,101      823,701      1,047,100   1,141,492   1,082,300    Salaries & Benefits ‐ Contra (22,000)       (22,000)        ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ General Fund 764,101      801,701      1,047,100   1,141,492   1,082,300    Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries and Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages 473,729      551,565      603,400      816,529      653,600       5010 Part Time Salaries & Wages 16,518        17,092        22,600        5,553           21,000         5025 Overtime 723              328              1,000           683              1,000            5095 Salaries & Wages ‐ Contra (53,400)       (53,400)        ‐                ‐                ‐                5105 Social Security/Medicare 34,969        39,244        43,600        40,887        46,300         5115 Retirement Contributions 176,799      126,376      154,400      120,986      153,100       5130 Cafeteria Benefit 101,477      108,532      106,900      77,321        105,500       5199 Other Employee Benefits ‐                ‐               11,200        6,441           12,000         5195 Salaries & Benefits ‐ Contra (22,000)       (22,000)        ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits 728,814      767,737      943,100      1,068,399   992,500       Operations and Maintenance 5435 Travel & Meetings 24,510        4,718           20,000        11,968        20,000         5440 Advertising/Publishing 372              219              5,000           458              1,000            5455 Printing & Binding ‐               7,322           5,000            ‐               5,000            5465 Membership Dues 3,475           2,507           4,000           3,117           4,000            5605 General Supplies 6,064           6,335           7,000           7,118           7,000            5665 Postage ‐                ‐               3,000            ‐               3,000            5698 Other Expenditures 265               ‐               11,000        9,615           11,000         Total ‐ Operations & Maint 34,687        21,101        55,000        32,276        51,000         City of Rosemead City Manager's Office Division 1205 To implement City Council policy direction, provide overall project supervision, promote economic stability through business development and retention, promote organizational stability through financial and human resources management, provide legislative support, and public relations support for the City organization; and oversee community outreach efforts. Also, to plan, administer, and coordinate technology throughout the City. Administration 3 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead City Manager's Office Division 1205 Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Allocated Costs 5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 11,000        12,800        18,800        15,660        14,900         5905 Technology Services Alloc 11,600        4,900           7,500           6,248           22,400         5910 Equipment Replacement Alloc ‐               17,163         ‐                ‐                ‐                5911 Motor Fleet Allocation ‐                ‐               22,700        18,909        1,500            Total ‐ Allocated Cost 22,600        34,863        49,000        40,817        38,800         TOTAL GENERAL FUND 786,101      823,701      1,047,100   1,141,492   1,082,300    F 215 ‐ Prop A Fund 5005 Salaries & Wages 72,866        70,845        21,200        12,504        22,400         5105 Social Security/Medicare 4,378           4,000           1,300           607              1,300            5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 1,500           1,900           700              583              500               5115 Retirement Contributions 29,404        18,284        5,200           3,704           4,700            5125 Auto Allowance 914              1,092            ‐                ‐                ‐                5130 Cafeteria Benefit 9,106           8,206           2,100           1,172           2,000            5199 Other Employee Benefits ‐                ‐               400              159              400               Total for Fund 118,167      104,327      30,900        18,729        31,300         F227 ‐ Measure H 5718 Homeless Prev & Diversion Prog ‐               10,000         ‐               5,000            ‐                Total for Fund ‐               10,000         ‐               5,000            ‐                Total ‐ ADMIN ‐ OTHER FUNDS 118,167      114,327      30,900        23,729        31,300         Total ‐ ADMIN ‐ ALL FUNDS 904,268      938,028      1,078,000   1,165,221   1,113,600    Administration 4 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead City Manager's Office Division 1205 Obj # Description 5435 5440 5455 5465 5605 5665 5940 Memberships Dues – Provide funds for San Gabriel Valley City Manager’s Association dues,  International City Manager’s Association dues for the City Manager and Assistant City Manager,  California City Management Foundation dues, ICSC, and miscellaneous memberships. Printing & Binding ‐Provide funds for printing of materials, including City’s information brochures  and postcards. Object Account Descriptions Travel and Meeting Expense ‐ Provide funds for the attendance at ICSC LA, ICSC Vegas, CALED, ICMA,  CCMF, CA Contract Cities, League of CA Cities, miscellaneous, and Eddie award. Advertising ‐ Provides funds to purchase city pins, city promotional items, and for social media. General Supplies ‐ Provide funds for all office supplies that are not easily attributed to a particular  department.  Also, provides for books and publications of long‐range value to the Administrative and  Council offices. Other Expenditures ‐ Provide funds for other miscellaneous expenses. Postage ‐ Provide funds for postal expenses for the mailings of City brochures. Administration 5 FY 2022‐23 Budget Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F260 ‐ CDBG Fund 5005 Salaries & Wages 26,971        138              43,100        23,377        52,100         51xx Benefits 3,135           49                22,300        13,136        26,100         Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits 30,107        187              65,400        36,513        78,200         Operations and Maintenance 5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs ‐                ‐               50,700        31,551        60,900         5709 Affordable Housing Program ‐                ‐               600,500       ‐                ‐                5711 Emergency Rental Assistance ‐                ‐               15,000         ‐               16,000         5712 Commercial Facade Improvemen ‐                ‐               195,400       ‐               95,400         5713 Homeless Services ‐ Family Prom ‐                ‐               5,000            ‐               5,000            5714 Fair Housing ‐                ‐               15,000         ‐               11,300         5716 Handyman Grants ‐               203              132,700      108,785      499,500       5717 Senior Nutrition Program ‐                ‐               39,400        39,400        38,000         5721 Lead Testing & Abatement ‐                ‐               51,300        1,375            ‐                5722 Homeownership Assistance Prog ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               510,500       Total ‐ Operations & Maint ‐               203              1,105,000   181,111      1,236,600    F260 ‐ CDBG Covid 5005 Salaries & Wages 1,000           6,217            ‐                ‐                ‐                51xx Benefits 125              2,026            ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits 1,125           8,242            ‐                ‐                ‐                Operations and Maintenance 5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 5,135            ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5545 Admin Expense ‐               30,321        149,000      20,510        91,500         5705 Program Expense ‐               123,247      573,600      120,877      516,200       Total ‐ Operations & Maint 5,135           153,568      722,600      141,387      607,700       Total ‐ ADMIN ‐ CDBG 36,367        162,200      1,893,000   359,010      1,922,500    Obj # Description 5299 Object Account Descriptions Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs ‐ CDBG Consultant Costs City of Rosemead CDBG Division 1220/0007 To provide funding for a wide variety of activities including housing rehabilitation, commercial façade improvement, public works Improvement, and public service activities (i.e. fair housing, senior nutrition, summer youth employment, etc.). Administration‐ CDBG 6 FY 2022‐23 Budget Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F270 ‐ F275 HOME Fund 5005 Salaries & Wages 13,274         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                51xx Benefits 1,551            ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5005 Salaries & Wages ‐                ‐               20,900        11,028        21,700         51xx Benefits ‐                ‐               12,700        7,178           11,800         Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits 14,826         ‐               33,600        18,207        33,500         Operations and Maintenance 5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs ‐               14,584         ‐               3,225            ‐                5706 CHDO Set Aside ‐                ‐               50,600         ‐               101,800       5707 Owner Occupied Rehab Loans ‐                ‐               420,000      2,243           405,800       5708 First Time Home Buyer ‐                ‐               100,000      2,243            ‐                5709 Affordable Housing Funds ‐                ‐               1,431,200    ‐                ‐                5711 Emergency Rental Assistance ‐                ‐               100,000      42,100         ‐                5722 Homeownership Assistance Prog ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               1,640,000    Total ‐ Operations & Maint ‐               14,584        2,101,800   49,811        2,147,600    Total ‐ ADMIN ‐ HOME 14,826        14,584        2,135,400   68,018        2,181,100    City of Rosemead HOME Division 1205/1230 To provide funding for affordable housing activities. Administration‐ HOME 7 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Operations and Maintenance 116,850      117,812      267,000      273,474      320,800       Recovered Costs ‐                ‐               (317,000)     (264,061)     (370,800)      Transfer Out ‐                ‐               50,000         ‐               50,000         Total ‐ General Fund 116,850      117,812       ‐               9,413            ‐                Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Operations and Maintenance 5250 Software License/Maint ‐                ‐               134,000      159,432      161,800       5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 114,204      115,425      116,000      89,750        144,000       5605 General Supplies 2,646           2,387           15,000        22,688        15,000         5840 IT Equipment ‐                ‐               2,000           1,604            ‐                Total ‐ Operations & Maint 116,850      117,812      267,000      273,474      320,800       Allocated Costs 5961 Recovered Costs ‐ Info Tech Alloc ‐                ‐               (317,000)     (264,061)     (370,800)      Total ‐ Allocated Cost ‐                ‐               (317,000)     (264,061)     (370,800)      Transfers Out 5960 Transfer Out ‐                ‐               50,000         ‐               50,000         Total ‐ Allocated Cost ‐                ‐               50,000         ‐               50,000         TOTAL GENERAL FUND 116,850      117,812       ‐               9,413            ‐                F501 ‐ Equipment Replacement 5950 Depreciation Expense 38,867        5,890            ‐                ‐                ‐                Total for Fund 38,867        5,890            ‐                ‐                ‐                City of Rosemead Information Technology Division 1315 To provide strategic planning, development, research, staff coordination, purchasing, implementation, maintenance, and evaluation of citywide technology and information system technologies, including data, voice, phone system, and technology capital infrastructures. Provide maintenance for the City on current hardware/software platforms in use by the City and provide software updates and application training support. Administration‐ IT 8 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Information Technology Division 1315 Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F505 ‐ Technology Equipment Replacement 5250 Software License/Maint 57,341        82,576         ‐                ‐                ‐                5605 Department Supplies 4,328            ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5630 Small Tools & Equipment ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               15,000         5840 IT Equipment 76,370        65,254         ‐                ‐                ‐                5845 Software Support 8,500           9,500            ‐                ‐                ‐                5950 Depreciation Expense 12,991        8,883            ‐                ‐                ‐                5980 Capital Equipment ‐                ‐               120,000      15,304        112,500       Total for Fund 159,529      166,213      120,000      15,304        127,500       Total ‐ IT ‐ ALL FUNDS 315,247      289,915      120,000      24,717        127,500       Obj # Description 5250 5299 5605 5630 5960 5961 5980 Software Licenses/ Maint ‐  Provide funds for Tyler module and other city programs Small Tools and Equipment ‐ Purchase / replacement of computers and related equipment Capital Equipment – Provide funds for server upgrades, backup storage, and workstations  Object Account Descriptions Other Professional/Technical Services – Provide funds to contract service provider for  operations and special services related to equipment upgrades General supplies – Provide for computer supplies and IT equipment for all departments  within the City Transfer Out ‐ Amount transferred to the Technology Replacement Fund to fund future  expenses Recovered Costs ‐  Technology Allocation ‐ The amount allocated to departments for  technology support and general software licenses Administration‐ IT 9 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits 195,371      249,350      320,400      209,603      295,400       Operations and Maintenance 44,687        59,198        79,500        24,794        197,300       Allocated Costs 8,200           12,000        17,600        14,661        19,900         Total ‐ General Fund 248,258      320,548      417,500      249,058      512,600       Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries and Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages 114,147      160,704      189,100      124,714      172,900       5010 Part‐Time Salaries & Wages 16,907        11,834        22,600        14,179        21,000         5105 Social Security/Medicare 10,667        14,377        16,600        9,686           13,600         5115 Retirement Contributions 12,283        18,880        47,600        34,012        44,800         5125 Auto Allowance 3,645           3,345            ‐                ‐                ‐                5130 Cafeteria Benefit 30,726        40,210        40,800        24,990        39,600         5199 Other Employee Benefits 6,996            ‐               3,700           2,023           3,500            Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits 195,371      249,350      320,400      209,603      295,400       Operations and Maintenance 5135 Tuition Reimbursements 4,315            ‐               10,000         ‐               10,000         5250 Software License/Maint ‐                ‐               26,130        8,163           16,600         5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 21,981        21,713        11,370        1,121           54,600         5435 Travel & Meetings 3,348            ‐               4,000           250              5,000            5461 Training & Development (citywid 662              417              7,000           5,215           10,000         5465 Membership Dues 490              475              4,000           200              2,000            5550 Recruiting Expense 5,859           26,655        14,000        8,709           14,000         5551 Occupational Health Svcs ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               7,000            5605 General Supplies 823              2,439           3,000           1,136           3,000            5608 Employee Special Events ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               45,100         City of Rosemead Human Resources Division 1310 To administer the City’s Human Resources program by developing and maintaining sound practices and procedures; providing advice and assistance to other Departments relative to personnel matters; maintaining the City’s classification and compensation plan; conducting recruitment and selection activities; providing new employee orientation and job‐related training; conducting labor relations activities including employee discipline matters, employer/employee negotiations, and administering the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding; administering the employee benefits program; administering the employee performance evaluation system; and maintaining employee records. Administration ‐ HR 10 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Human Resources Division 1310 Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed 5645 Software 7,211           7,499            ‐                ‐                ‐                5726 Supplemental Items ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               30,000         Total ‐ Operations & Maint 44,687        59,198        79,500        24,794        197,300       Allocated Costs 5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 4,300           4,600           6,400           5,331           4,300            5905 Technology Services Alloc 3,900           7,400           11,200        9,330           15,600         Total ‐ Allocated Cost 8,200           12,000        17,600        14,661        19,900         TOTAL GENERAL FUND 248,258      320,548      417,500      249,058      512,600       F228 ‐ American Rescue Plan Salaries and Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages ‐                ‐               8,600            ‐               67,100         51xx Benefits ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               34,000         Total ‐ Salaries & Wages ‐                ‐               8,600            ‐               101,100       TOTAL ALL FUNDS 248,258      320,548      426,100      249,058      613,700       Obj # Description 5250 5299 5435 5465 5550 5551 5605 5608 5726 Object Account Descriptions Software License/Maint ‐ Provides funds for Neogov annual license fee Contract/Prog/Tech Svcs ‐ Cost of professional recruiters and HR Consultants Travel & Meetings ‐ Funds for attendance at various meetings. Membership Dues ‐ SCPLRC and ICMA membership dues Recruiting Expense ‐ Advertising for current recruitments, background checks, physicals, etc General Supplies ‐ Provides funds for departmental office supplies Occupational Health Services ‐ Pre‐employment medical evaluation, Drug  Alcohol testing, required  vaccinations, etc  Employee Special Events ‐ Funding for a variety of special events for City employees including the  Health & Wellness Fair, Employee Appreciation Luncheon, Employee Holiday Recognition Event, etc  as well as City polo shirts and promotional products Supplemental Items ‐ Brokerage and consulting services for review of employee benefits provided Administration ‐ HR 11 FY 2022‐23 Budget Object Expenditures: FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed % Incr Salaries and Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages 697,965         784,495         886,300                  988,153 989,800         12% 5010 Part‐Time Salaries & Wages 33,425           28,926           45,200                      19,732 42,000           ‐7% 5025 Overtime 733                328                1,000                              683 1,000             0% 5105 Social Security / Medicare 52,329           58,159           66,400                      53,625 71,500           8% 5110 Workers' Compensation 16,800           19,300           27,900                      23,241 22,900           ‐18% 5115 Retirement Contributions 220,322         164,006         220,300                  168,006 228,400         4% 5125 Auto Allowance 8,720             9,720              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 ‐ 5130 Cafeteria Benefit 141,820         158,011         163,400                  109,767 176,700         8% 5199 Other Employee Benefits 6,996              ‐                 16,700                         9,236 18,900           13% 1,179,109     1,222,943     1,427,200     1,372,442     1,551,200     9% Operations and Maintenance ‐ 5135 Tuition Reimbursements 4,315              ‐                 10,000                               ‐   10,000           0% 5250 Software License/Maint 57,341           82,576           160,130                  167,596 178,400         11% 5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 141,320         151,722         178,070                  125,647 259,500         46% 5435 Travel & Meetings 27,858           4,718             24,000                      12,219 25,000           4% 5440 Advertising/Publishing 372                219                5,000                              458 1,000             ‐80% 5455 Printing & Binding ‐                 7,322             5,000              ‐                 5,000             0% 5461 Training Classes Citywide 662                417                7,000                           5,215 10,000           43% 5465 Membership Dues 3,965             2,982             8,000                           3,317 6,000             ‐25% 5545 Admin Expense ‐ City Svcs ‐                 30,321           149,000                    20,510 91,500           ‐39% 5550 Recruiting Expense 5,859             26,655           14,000                         8,709 14,000           0% 5551 Occupational Special Events ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 7,000             ‐ 5605 General Supplies 13,860           11,161           25,000                      30,941 25,000           0% 5608 Employee Special Events ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 45,100           ‐ 5630 Small Tools & Equipment ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 15,000           ‐ 5645 Software 7,211             7,499              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 ‐ 5665 Postage ‐                  ‐                 3,000              ‐                 3,000             0% 5698 Other Expenditures ‐                  ‐                 11,000                         9,615 11,000           0% 5705 Program Expenses ‐                 123,247         573,600                  120,877 516,200         ‐10% 5706 CHDO Set Aside ‐                ‐               50,600        101,800      101% 5707 Owner Occupied Rehab Loans ‐                ‐               420,000      2,243          405,800      ‐3% 5708 First Time Home Buyer ‐                ‐               100,000      2,243          ‐                 ‐100% 5709 Affordable Housing Funds ‐                  ‐                 2,031,700                         ‐   ‐                 ‐100% 5711 Emergency Rental Assistance ‐                  ‐                 115,000                    42,100 16,000           ‐86% 5712 Commercial Facade Improvements ‐                  ‐                 195,400          ‐                 95,400           ‐51% 5713 Homeless Services ‐ Family Promise ‐                  ‐                 5,000              ‐                 5,000             0% 5714 Homeless Services ‐ Fair Housing ‐                  ‐                 15,000            ‐                 11,300           ‐25% 5716 Handyman Grants ‐                 203                132,700                  108,785 499,500         276% 5717 Senior Nutrition Program ‐                  ‐                 39,400                      39,400 38,000           ‐4% 5718 Homeless Prevention & Diversion Pro ‐                 10,000            ‐                               5,000 ‐                 ‐ 5721 Lead Testing & Abatement ‐                  ‐                 51,300                         1,375 ‐                 ‐100% 5722 Homeownership Assistance Program ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 2,150,500     ‐ City of Rosemead Administration ‐ All Division / Funds Administration ‐ All 12 FY 2022‐23 Budget Object Expenditures: FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed % Incr City of Rosemead Administration ‐ All Division / Funds 5726 Supplemental Items ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 30,000           ‐ 5840 IT Equipment 76,370           65,254           2,000             1,605              ‐                 ‐100% 5845 Software 8,500             9,500              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 ‐ 5940 Other Expenditures 265                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 ‐ 5950 Amortization Expense 51,859           14,773            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 ‐ 399,756         548,569         4,330,900     707,853         4,576,000     6% Allocations 5905 Technology Services Allocation 15,500           12,300           18,700                      15,577 38,000           103% 5910 Equipment Replacement Allocation ‐                 17,163            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 ‐ 5911 Motor Fleet Allocation ‐                  ‐                 22,700                      18,909 1,500             ‐93% 15,500           29,463           41,400           34,486           39,500           ‐5% Capital Equipment ‐ 5980 Capital Equipment ‐                  ‐                 120,000                    15,304 112,500         ‐6% Transfers Out 5960 Transfers Out ‐                  ‐                 50,000            ‐                 50,000           0% Sub‐Total All Administration 1,594,365     1,800,975     5,969,500     2,130,085     6,329,200     6% 5961 Recovered Costs ‐ Info Tech Allocatio ‐                  ‐                 (317,000)               (264,061)(370,800)       ‐ 5095 Salaries & Wages ‐ Contra (53,400)         (53,400)          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 ‐ 5195 Benefits ‐ Contra (22,000)         (22,000)          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 ‐ Total ‐ All Administration 1,518,965     1,725,575     5,652,500     1,866,024     5,958,400     5% Administration ‐ All 13 FY 2022‐23 Budget A4 Hold regularly scheduled safety trainings for staff and provide expanded safety programs and education in  City publications for residents. B1 Create a communications plan with an internal PIO team to promote the City’s programs, services, and  progress of the implementation of the Strategic Plan. B2 Create a quarterly multi‐lingual community newsletter to share news and City information and publicize the  City’s programs and services. B7 Hold multi‐lingual open houses at City Hall to promote and educate the community about the City’s services  to residents and businesses. B9 Continue and expand trainings for staff to learn about different aspects of the organization to provide quality  services, including directing inquiries to appropriate departments and/or personnel. E1 Reinstate quarterly City Manager’s lunch to engage all staff and inform them about City efforts, initiatives,  efforts, programs, and accomplishments. E2 Create an Organizational Succession Plan that identifies opportunities for promoting talent within the  organization. E3 Establish a Professional Development program that includes relevant and appropriate training and education  for full and part‐time staff to achieve their goals. E4 Develop a professional advancement plan that describes the roles and necessary requirements of every  position in the organization. The plan will also outline the interaction relationships between positions. E5 Create an organizational chart that demonstrates how the staff across departments and positions relate to  each other. E6 Design and implement a mentorship program that informs and connects staff across different departments  and staff levels. E7 Create a staff cross‐training program that includes opportunities to interact with staff from different  departments to learn about advancement within the organization. E8 Establish a staff recognition and appreciation program that celebrates the accomplishments of staff at all  levels and departments, through an employee of the quarter campaign, spotlights at City Council meetings,  and organizational publications. E9 Create staff team building activities and events that promote interaction and encourage socialization   between staff across different departments. F5 Establish a cross‐functional team with representatives from all City departments to identify and pursue grant  funding opportunities and partnerships. G5 Hire a Public Information Officer to support marketing and distribution of information related to activation  events and economic development. Goal F ‐ Finance Goal G ‐ Activation and Economy City of Rosemead Administration 2022‐23 Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives Goal A ‐ Safety Goal  B ‐ Responsive, Inclusive City Goal  E ‐ Employee Retention Goals of the 2030 Strategic Plan by Category Departmental Data 14 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Administration 2022‐23 Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives City Manager's Office → Continue to deal with impacts of COVID‐19 emergency to include staff and community safety, re‐open the City’s economy in conjunction with County and State Health mandates, and work to bring a sense of normalcy back to the Rosemead Community and City Hall. →Continue communications between the City and its residents and businesses and increase awareness of City services and programs, through online, digital and print communications. →Enhance parks and recreational opportunities by maximizing and enhancing the use of existing facilities and programs, and actively seeking the acquisition or leasing of new open green space. →Enhance public safety and quality of life by providing oversight of the City’s law enforcement services contract with the County of Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department.   → Look for ways to make City operations more efficient and effective in the “post” COVID‐19 era and deal with the long‐lasting effects this emergency had on the Community. Also, prepare for any subsequent waves of the virus and prepare City Hall for such an eventuality. Human Resources →Review and amend employee handbook and policies. →Recruit and retain a highly‐skilled and diverse workforce. →Optimize workforce effectiveness through staff development and training. →Maintain a safe working environment for all team members and shrive to reduce and eliminate the number  of preventive illnesses and injuries. →Enhance and modernize the organization. Objectives to Complete the Strategic Goals Departmental Data 15 FY 2022‐23 Budget 2020‐21 2021‐22 City Manager's Office Average Number of City Meetings (formal and informal) Attended               402  TBD  Number of Community Events Attended                  49  TBD  Information Technology Respond to Internal IT Services Tickets  1,335 est  1,300 est  Ticket Response Time  10 mins  10 mins  Support Public Hearings (City Council meetings)                 20                   20  Equipment Replacement ‐ New System                  30                210  Equipment Repair System                  20                   20  Software Rollouts/upgrades systems               200                200  City of Rosemead Administration Performance and Workload Measures Departmental Data 16 FY 2022‐23 Budget City Manager's Office →Improve public awareness of the City's programs and services through social media and outreach  events.   →Enhance the City's public image through social media and targed marketing, and attendance at  workshops, conferences, and community events. →Boost public engagement and awareness by planning and developing a comprehensive  communication program that includes media, public affairs and publications.   →Collaborate with community groups, County of Los Angeles, Sheriff's Department and other state  and national agencies to deal with the Covid‐19 emergency and subsequent economic ramifications. → Continue efforts to increase economic development within the City by meeting and working with  current and new businesses, attending meetings, making strategic contacts, developing leads, and  pursuing new opportunities.  Information Technology →Continue to enhance the City's information technology infrastructure and security, including the  upgrade of the City's server hardware.   →Identify the City's risk and develop a technology plan/roadmap.  →Update the City's website so that it is more customer friendly to use, and incorporate additional  online features and services. Housing → Promote the City's federally funded programs, including residential owner occupied rehabilitation  loan and grants, commercial business assistance, and home buyer assistance. →Develop a homeless plan and  participate in regional homeless capitation through agencies such as  the SGVCOG. →Continue to provide social service resources for residents, homeless and persons facing hardship.   City of Rosemead Administration Accomplishments Departmental Data 17 FY 2022‐23 Budget Description When Expected Results City Manager's Office Aggressively pursue economic development  to enhance local shopping and dining  options, encourage new high quality and  affordable housing stock, beautify  commercial corridors, create jobs, and  increase General Fund revenues to sustain  service levels and maintain public facilities. Ongoing Assist in re‐opening Rosemead economy  after COVID‐19 emergency; expand  technology and online services to promote  economic development, transparency, and  services for regular business and for any  future emergencies  Aggressively pursue economic development  to enhance local shopping and dining  options, encourage new high quality and  affordable housing stock, beautify  commercial corridors, create jobs, and  increase General Fund revenues to sustain  service levels and maintain public facilities. Ongoing Create an Overlay Zoning District for  opportunity sites along the I‐10 Freeway  with freeway ingress and egress off ramps. Continue to make Rosemead a safer and  more secure community by combating  crime and preparing for emergencies.  Ongoing Evaluate increasing Sheriff’s Department’s  patrol visibility by exploring non‐traditional  patrol programs.  Continue to make Rosemead a safer and  more secure community by combating  crime and preparing for emergencies.  Expand engagement through community  policing, fire safety, and public safety. Continue efforts to enhance the condition  and general appearance of the City’s public  infrastructure and the public right‐of‐way,  as well as private properties within the  community. Ongoing Provide Wi‐Fi infrastructure to facilitate  Citywide Internet Access.  Continue efforts to enhance the condition  and general appearance of the City’s public  infrastructure and the public right‐of‐way,  as well as private properties within the  community. Ongoing Enhance parks and recreational  opportunities by adding a second  community garden.  Actively seek the  acquisition or leasing of new open green  space. Make improvements to existing parks and  explore the acquisition or use of additional  properties for prospective new parks  facilities; and adjust recreation programs to  meet the changing needs of the  community. Ongoing Enhance parks and recreational  opportunities by adding a second  community garden.  Actively seek the  acquisition or leasing of new open green  space. City of Rosemead Administration Work Plan Departmental Data 18 FY 2022‐23 Budget Description When Expected Results City of Rosemead Administration Work Plan Monitor and track the progress of the  Strategic Plan.Ongoing Work with the City’s management team to  ensure projects are in progress and provide  the community with updates regarding  action items that are in progress. Human Resources Continue to increase efficiency through  the implementation of better business  practices. Ongoing Provide excellent customer service to  both internal and external customers. Develop citywide training programs.  Ongoing Ensure employees are trained as part of  succession planning & staff  development. Update the Employee Handbook and  Administrative policies.Ongoing Complete a review and amend the  Employee Handbook and Administrative  policies. Information Technology Support the upgrade of existing  technology systems (Server upgrades,  core software upgrades, and desktop  replacements).  Ongoing Improve service to the employees and  community, and improve redundancy  for disaster preparedness.  Departmental Data 19 FY 2022‐23 Budget This page left blank City of Rosemead ADMINISTRATION Administration 20 FY 2022‐23 Budget 2022‐23 Budget ‐ General Fund 2022‐23 Budget ‐ Other Funds Total Department Budget 2022‐23 Proposed Full Time Staffing 6 Number of Divisions 1 → → → → 5726 ‐ Supplemental Items ‐ The department is requesting $20,000 for refresher training of the Tyler  Financial/Payroll/HR system and $5,000 for a replacement check encoder for automatic transmission  of remitted checks to the City bank account. 5250 ‐ Softward License/Maint ‐ Costs for annual software costs have been moved from 'Other  Financial Services to this object number. Staffing costs within the General Fund have increased due the reallocation of salary costs from other  funds to the General Fund based on an analysis of time spent on operations available administrative  allowances within those funds in addition to the MOU provision changes granted to all positions. Significant Changes: FINANCE Department Organizational Chart: Staffing costs also the conversion of the 3/4 time Accountant position to full time as approved in mid  FY 2021‐22 with the additional 25% charged to the ARP fund. City of Rosemead Department Budget Summary: 77,100                          $  1,039,700 $  962,600 Finance 1 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Finance Finance 2 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed % Incr Salaries and Benefits 497,413          553,645          784,700          570,210          889,400          13% Operations and Maintenance 220,086          132,016          83,800            51,239            106,000          26% Allocated Costs 18,800            23,900            33,900            28,239            44,300            31% Capital Outlay ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                   0% Subtotal 736,299          709,560          902,400          649,688          1,039,700       15% Salaries and Benefits ‐ Contra (197,013)         (209,426)          ‐                    ‐                    ‐                   0%      Total Expenditures by Category 539,286          500,134          902,400          649,688          1,039,700       15% Expenditures by Division Finance 539,286          500,134          902,400          649,688          1,039,700       15%      Total Expenditures by Division 539,286          500,134          902,400          649,688          1,039,700       15% Funding Sources: FY 2020  Actuals   FY 2021  Actuals   FY 2022 Budget   FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22   FY 2023  Proposed  % Incr 101 General Fund 481,673          421,625          738,400          588,034          962,600          30% 201 State Gas Tax 2,625              2,700              2,800              2,700              6,500              132% 215 Proposition A 15,446            24,918            41,900            20,796            9,700              ‐77% 220 Proposition C 17,946            27,999            41,900            16,776            9,700              ‐77% 226 Measure R 10,354            14,534            25,000            13,329            9,700              ‐61% 226 Measure M ‐                    ‐                   8,600               ‐                   26,700            210% 245 Street Lighting District 3,010              239                  12,800            1,190               ‐                   ‐100% 260 CDBG 8,233              8,120              31,000            6,864              14,800            ‐52%      Total Funding Sources 539,286          500,134          902,400          649,688          1,039,700       15% Number of Full Time Staffing 55566 City of Rosemead Finance Department Budget Summary By Major Categories FY 2022‐23 Proposed Appropriations by Category FY 2022‐23 Proposed Appropriations by Funding Source Finance 3 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Fund Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits 443,925      480,535      626,800      514,004      816,500       Operations and Maintenance 217,461      129,316      81,000        48,539        103,300       Allocated Costs 17,300        21,200        30,600        25,490        42,800         Sub Total ‐ General Fund 678,686      631,051      738,400      588,034      962,600       Salaries & Benefits ‐ Contra (197,013)     (209,426)      ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ General Fund 481,673      421,625      738,400      588,034      962,600       Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries and Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages 272,282      330,646      363,900      339,446      522,900       5010 Part‐Time Salaries & Wages ‐                ‐               31,500        14,070         ‐                5025 Overtime 2,223            ‐               3,000           135              3,000            5095 Salaries/Benefits ‐ Contra (197,013)     (209,426)      ‐                ‐                ‐                5105 Social Security/Medicare 21,603        26,748        32,200        28,026        40,200         5115 Retirement Contributions 60,703        47,993        99,000        69,464        132,700       5130 Cafeteria Benefit 87,114        75,149        89,900        59,140        107,600       5199 Other Employee Benefits ‐                ‐               7,300           3,723           10,100         Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits 246,913      271,109      626,800      514,004      816,500       Operations and Maintenance 5215 Accounting & Auditing 38,200        47,634        36,100        23,555        38,100         5220 Other Financial Services 16,742        33,899        23,300        17,527        13,600         5250 Software License/Maiant ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               8,000            5255 Bank Fees 26,346        7,794            ‐                ‐                ‐                5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 121,412      28,755        1,000           2,702           1,000            5435 Travel & Meetings 3,965           2,055           7,000           820              7,000            5455 Printing & Binding ‐               474              500              744              500               5465 Membership Dues 610              595              900              595              900               5605 General Supplies 8,779           8,109           7,200           2,399           8,000            5630 Small Tools & Equipment 234               ‐               5,000            ‐               1,000            5698 Other Expenditures ‐                ‐                ‐               198              200               City of Rosemead Finance Department Division 1305 The Finance Department manages the fiscal operations of the City and maintains financial records in conformance with generally accepted accounting principles and in compliance with State and Federal laws. The Department's primary functions include maintaining effective systems for financial planning, disbursement control, budget development and implementation, budget monitoring, revenue administration, accounting and reporting, cash management, purchasing, and investing of idle cash. Finance 4 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Finance Department Division 1305 Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed 5726 Supplemental Items ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               25,000         5710 Community Events 1,173            ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ Operations & Maint 217,461      129,316      81,000        48,539        103,300       Allocated Costs 5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 7,600           8,900           11,900        9,913           11,600         5905 Technology Svcs Allocation 9,700           12,300        18,700        15,577        31,200         Total ‐ Allocated Cost 17,300        21,200        30,600        25,490        42,800         TOTAL GENERAL FUND 481,673      421,625      738,400      588,034      962,600       F201 ‐ Gas Tax Fund Salaries and Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               2,300            510x Benefits ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               1,500            5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 2,625           2,700           2,800           2,700           2,700            Total for Fund 2,625           2,700           2,800           2,700           6,500            F 215 ‐ Prop A Fund 5005 Salaries & Wages 10,675        15,896        20,400        9,329           6,000            5010 Part‐Time Salaries & Wages ‐                ‐               7,000           2,694            ‐                510x Benefits 4,371           8,322           13,600        8,023           3,500            5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 400              700              900              750              200               Total for Fund 15,446        24,918        41,900        20,796        9,700            F220 ‐ Prop C Fund 5005 Salaries & Wages 12,244        17,873        20,400        8,438           6,000            5010 Part‐Time Salaries & Wages ‐                ‐               7,000           510               ‐                510x Benefits 5,302           9,426           13,600        7,079           3,500            5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 400              700              900              750              200               Total for Fund 17,946        27,999        41,900        16,776        9,700            F225 ‐ Measure R Fund 5005 Salaries & Wages 7,018           8,355           14,100        5,097           6,000            5010 Part‐Time Salaries & Wages ‐               1,900           2,722            ‐                510x Benefits 3,136           5,679           8,500           5,093           3,500            5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 200              500              500              417              200               Total for Fund 10,354        14,534        25,000        13,329        9,700            F228 ‐ American Rescue Plan 5005 Salaries & Wages ‐                ‐               8,600           18,300         510x Benefits ‐                ‐                ‐               7,900            5110 Workers' Comp Allocation ‐                ‐                ‐               500               Total for Fund ‐                ‐               8,600            ‐               26,700         Finance 5 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Finance Department Division 1305 Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F245 ‐ Street Lighting Fund 5005 Salaries & Wages 1,944           8,500            ‐                510x Benefits 866              39                4,000           940               ‐                5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 200              200              300              250               ‐                Total for Fund 3,010           239              12,800        1,190            ‐                F260 ‐ CDBG Fund 5005 Salaries & wages   6,392           4,141           20,100        2,523           9,400            510x Benefits 1,541           3,379           10,200        3,758           5,100            5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 300              600              700              583              300               Total for Fund 8,233           8,120           31,000        6,864           14,800         Total ‐ FINANCE ‐ OTHER FUNDS 57,613        78,510        164,000      61,655        77,100         Total ‐ FINANCE ‐ ALL FUNDS 539,286      500,134      902,400      649,688      1,039,700    Obj # Description 5215 5220 5299 5435 5455 5465 5605 5630 Contract/Prof/Tech Services – Provide funds for contracted tax consultant to compile the ACFR statistical section, and financial consultant and Tyler AP fee collection. Object Account Descriptions Accounting & Auditing – Provide funds for auditing requirements as mandated by municipal ordinance, State and Federal regulations. Includes all expenses related to the audit performed by the City's auditors.  Provides funds for the annual GASB reports from CalPERS. Other Financial Services – Provide funds for contracted tax consultant for quarterly sales tax review, online credit card processing fees for business licenses, annual business license software fee, CSMFO budget review fee, and CSMFO ACFR review fee. Provide funds for annual GASB 67 & 68 actuarial report for PARS, annual GASB 75 actuarial report for OPEB, accounting software enhancement, and Milliman PARS actuarial. Travel and Meeting – Provide funds for attending various professional meetings, California Municipal  Finance Officer’s Association's conferences for the Finance Director and Finance Manager, attendance of the annual CSMFO and CMTA conferences for the Finance Director, PERS training, annual  tax seminar for Finance Department staff, business license training. General Supplies – Provide funds for forms W‐2 and 1099s, check stock, banker bags, office supplies, printers, safe vault and filing cabinets. Membership Dues – Provide funds for various membership, California Society of Municipal Financier Officers Association (CSMFO) and Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for the Finance Director and Finance Manager. Printing & Binding – Provide funds for the printing and duplication of the budget and ACFR. Small Tools & Equipment – Small equipment to improve efficiency of the department. Finance 6 FY 2022‐23 Budget Object Expenditures: FY 2019 Actuals FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021 Budget FY 2021 YTD 4‐30‐21 FY 2022  Adopted % Incr Salaries and Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages 310,555         376,910         456,000                    364,833 570,900         25% 5010 Part‐Time Salaries & Wages ‐                   ‐                  47,400                        19,996 ‐                  ‐100% 5025 Overtime 2,223              ‐                  3,000                               135 3,000             0% 5105 Social Security / Medicare 24,476           30,538           40,200                        30,566 44,100           10% 5115 Retirement Contributions 64,012           58,442           123,400                      84,232 141,000         14% 5130 Cafeteria Benefit 96,148           87,754           105,700                      66,181 119,000         13% 5199 Other Employee Benefits ‐                   ‐                  9,000                            4,267 11,400           27% 497,413         553,645         784,700         570,210         889,400         13% Operations and Maintenance 5215 Accounting & Auditing Svcs 38,200           47,634           36,100                        23,555 38,100           6% 5220 Other Financial Services 16,742           33,899           23,300                        17,527 13,600           ‐42% 5250 Software License/Maint ‐                   ‐                   ‐                                        ‐   8,000             0% 5255 Bank Fees 26,346           7,794              ‐                                        ‐    ‐                  0% 5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 124,037         31,455           3,800                            5,402 3,700             ‐3% 5435 Travel & Meetings 3,965             2,055             7,000                               820 7,000             0% 5455 Printing & Binding ‐                  474                 500                                   744 500                 0% 5465 Membership Dues 610                 595                 900                                   595 900                 0% 5605 General Supplies 8,779             8,109             7,000                            2,399 8,000             14% 5630 Small Tools & Equipment 234                  ‐                  5,000                                   ‐   1,000             ‐80% 5698 Other Expenditures ‐                   ‐                  200                                   198 200                 0% 5726 Supplemental Items ‐                   ‐                   ‐                                        ‐   25,000           0% 5710 Community Events 1,173              ‐                   ‐                                        ‐    ‐                  0% 220,086         132,016         83,800           51,239           106,000         26% Allocations 5110 Workers' Compensation 9,100                11,600              15,200                              12,662 13,100              ‐14% 5905 Technology Services Allocation 9,700                12,300              18,700                              15,577 31,200              67% 18,800           23,900           33,900           28,239           44,300           31% Total ‐ All Finance 736,299         709,560         902,400         649,688         1,039,700      15% 5095 Salaries & Wages ‐ Contra (197,013)        (209,426)         ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  0% Total All Finance ‐ Net of Contra 539,286         500,134         902,400         649,688         1,039,700      15% City of Rosemead Finance Department ‐ All Divisions / Funds Finance 7 FY 2022‐23 Budget F1 F2 F3 F4 → → → → → → → → → 1 Business License Renewals Processed 2 3 4 5 6 7 Review and update financial policies and ensure the continuation of monitoring internal controls to  safeguard the City’s assets. City of Rosemead Finance Continue to provide excellent and timely external and internal customer service. 2022‐23 Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives Goals of the 2030 Strategic Plan by Category Provide quarterly financial status reports to City staff and City Council. Conduct outreach to inform the community about the City’s finances and when budgets are presented to the  City Council. Establish a long‐term plan to support facility and infrastructure maintenance. Pursue bonding opportunities to implement Capital Improvement Projects. Continue to strive for award of the Government Finance Officers Association’s (GFOA) achievement award  for Excellence in Financial Reporting. Continue to monitor and maintain a positive General Fund fund balance. Prepare 1st Quarter and Mid‐Year budget reports supplemented with other financial updates as necessary to  keep the City Council informed of financial matters of the City. Continue to ensure all financial reports are accurate and timely. Implement imaging for all financial documents. Enhance and modernize the department responsibilities. Complete the external audit process and preparation of the Annual Financial  Report with an unmodified audit opinion by December 31 51                564             100%100% 2019‐20 2020‐21 Performance and Workload Measures 898            12                64                14              39              13,630      95              49              2,847          727             7,994          60                4,092         400            Goal F ‐ Finance Objectives to Complete the Strategic Goals Number of Contracts Issued Number of Purchase Orders Issued Number of Cash Receipts Register Transactions b. Part‐time employees a. Full‐time employees Average Number of Employees Paid Number of Accounts Payable Checks Processed b. Web Renewals a. Manual Renewals Strive for transparency in all financial reporting. Finance 8 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Finance 1 2 4 3 4 5 6 7 6 Complete all required audits timely and accurately. Ongoing Assurance of fiscal accountability and  transparency Enhanced Financial Operations to become more efficient and effective and plan for future financial  improvements. Prepared 1st Quarter and Mid‐Year budget reports for City Council review. Description When Expected Result Work Plan Updated various policies and procedures. Reviewed documentation and made recommendations for use of American Rescue Plan funds. Continue to achieve and maintain a structurally  balanced General Fund budget.Ongoing A fiscally sound City Continue updating departmental and citywide  policies and procedures Ongoing Explore bonding opportunities for capital  improvement projects.Ongoing Additional funding sources for CIP Completed required annual audits for the City's Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR), Single Audit,  and MTA Local Returns within the due dates with unqualified audit opinions. Received the Operating Budget Excellence Award from CSMFO for the FY 2021‐22 document. Redesigned budget document to enhance transparency. Awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Financial  Officer's Association (GFOA)  for the City's FY 2019‐20 ACFR. Accomplishments Completed required annual audits for the City's Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR), Single Audit,  and MTA Local Returns within the due dates with unqualified audit opinions. Best practices operations within the  department Prepare the Proposed and Adopted budget  documents for FY 2022‐23 Ongoing Provide accurate and timely data for basis  of financial decisions Finance 9 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Finance This Page Intentionally Left Blank Finance 10 FY 2022‐23 Budget 2022‐23 Budget ‐ General Fund 2022‐23 Budget ‐ Other Funds Total Department Budget 2022‐23 Proposed Full Time Staffing 0 Number of Divisions 1 Increased Increased Moved Moved Added Moved Added Update OPEB Trust Contribution to match actuarial recommendation Significant Changes: General Services City of Rosemead Department Budget Summary: ‐                                 $   1,423,500 The purpose of this section is to provide general operating services to all departments, not attributable to any single department, such as telephone, postage, copying, training, professional organization membership, retiree health care, and City dues to regional and national organizations. Department Organizational Chart: $   1,423,500 Department Description: Retained $300,000 of contingency funding for unplanned expenses or projects Benefit Administrative costs moved from 'Admin Expense' account to avoid confusion with other use  of that account Retiree health based on current actuals and trend Employee Special Events is now funded entirely within Administration ‐ Human Resources Social Media Archive Subscription from Contract Services to Software License/Maint Capital Equipment ‐ funding for security cameras at all City facilities Contribution to Rosemead schools for portion of School Resource Officer cost in event recent  agreement continues into FY 2022‐23 General Services 1 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed % Incr Salaries and Benefits 47,955            39,718            356,300          98,327            119,800          ‐66% Operations and Maintenance 266,429          559,386          686,500          503,804          956,200          39% Utilities 154,229          165,035          197,000          163,462          197,500          0% Capital Outlay ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                   150,000          0%      Total Expenditures by Category 468,614          764,139          1,239,800       765,593          1,423,500       15% Expenditures by Division General Services 468,614          764,139          1,239,800       765,593          1,423,500       15%      Total Expenditures by Division 468,614          764,139          1,239,800       765,593          1,423,500       15% Funding Sources: FY 2020  Actuals   FY 2021  Actuals   FY 2022 Budget   FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22   FY 2023  Proposed  % Incr 101 General Fund 468,614          764,139          989,800          765,593          1,423,500       44% 228 American Rescue Plan ‐                    ‐                   250,000           ‐                    ‐                   ‐100%      Total Funding Sources 468,614          764,139          1,239,800       765,593          1,423,500       15% Number of Full Time Staffing 00000 Exp by Category City of Rosemead General Services Budget Summary By Major Categories Exp by Fiscal Year  ‐  0  0  1  1  1  1  1  2  FY 2020  FY 2021  FY 2022 B  FY 2023 BMillions General Services 2 FY 2022‐23 Budget Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries and Benefits 5105 Social Security/Medicare 177                  ‐                   ‐                  262                 3,800              5115 Retirement Contributions 2,476              ‐                   ‐                  372                 700                  5145 Leave buy back 45,303           39,718           50,000           47,909           50,000            5199 Other Employee Benefits ‐                   ‐                  2,500             8,500              5200 Excess/Replacement Benefit ‐                  56,300           47,284           56,800            Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits 47,955           39,718           106,300         98,327           119,800          Operations and Maintenance 5140 Unemployment Compensation ‐                  35,518           10,000           11,135           10,000            5201 OPEB Trust Contribution ‐                  130,000         56,000            ‐                  113,000          5202 Retiree Health ‐                  173,824         168,000         164,337         178,500          5203 Reimb from OPEB Trust ‐                  (174,306)        (168,000)         ‐                  (178,500)         5206 Benefit Administration ‐                   ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  56,000            5250 Software License/Maint ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  4,788             4,800              5255 Bank Fees ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  5,357              ‐                   5256 Credit Card Fees ‐                  40,000           25,610           40,000            5257 Property Tax Admin Fee ‐                  37,935           38,700           37,616           39,200            5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs ‐                  24,805           24,800           43,618           13,200            5389 Leases ‐ Copiers ‐                  221                 50,000           43,096           54,300            5465 Membership Dues 46,545           46,132           52,700           45,368           52,900            5545 Plan Administration Exp 116,692         133,111         54,800           35,462            ‐                   5546 Bad Debt Expense ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  12,767            ‐                   5599 Other Purchased Services 9,707             13,553           14,500           10,499           14,500            5600 Contribution‐SROs ‐                   ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  218,300          5605 General Supplies 76,481           68,087           31,000           18,802           24,000            5608 Employee Special Events ‐                   ‐                  10,000           22,274            ‐                   5630 Small Tools & Equipment ‐                   ‐                  9,400             9,385              ‐                   5665 Postage 13,582           14,290           14,000           13,690           16,000            5940 Other Expenditures 3,423             56,216            ‐                   ‐                   ‐                   5975 Contingency ‐                   ‐                  280,600          ‐                  300,000          Total ‐ Operations & Maint 266,429         559,386         686,500         503,804         956,200          Utilities 5420 Util ‐ Telephone/Internet 154,229         165,035         197,000         163,462         197,500          Total ‐ Utilities 154,229         165,035         197,000         163,462         197,500          Capital Outlay 5980 Capital Equipment ‐                   ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  150,000          Total ‐ Utilities ‐                   ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  150,000          TOTAL GENERAL FUND 468,614         764,139         989,800         765,593         1,423,500       City of Rosemead General Services Division 1325 General Services 3 FY 2022‐23 Budget Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed City of Rosemead General Services Division 1325 F228 ‐ American Rescue Plan Salaries and Benefits 5026 Premium Pay ‐                   ‐                  150,000          ‐                   ‐                   5027 Covid Sick Time Mandate ‐                   ‐                  100,000          ‐                   ‐                   Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits ‐                   ‐                  250,000          ‐                   ‐                   TOTAL AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ‐                   ‐                  250,000          ‐                   ‐                   TOTAL ‐ ALL FUNDS 468,614         764,139         1,239,800      765,593         1,423,500       Obj # Description 5145 5200 5140 5201 5202 5203 5206 5250 5256 5257 5299 5389 5465 5545 5599 5600 5605 5665 5975 Postage ‐ Citywide postage cost Contribution ‐ SRO ‐ Amount setaside for contribution for School Resource Officer Benefit Administration ‐ Excess Benefits Admin, PARS 125 C Admin, PARS Admin, PARS ARS, PARS  valuation, PERS Health admin, and HDL Sales tax audit Software License/Maint ‐ Amount paid for Social Media Archive Subscription (moved from 5299) Contingency ‐ Amount provided for unplanned projects or emergencies Object Account Descriptions Leave Buy Back ‐ Provide funds for employees who want to cash out allowable vacation hours Excess/Replacement Benefit ‐ Amounts paid to PARS for a retirement replacement/enhancement  benefit and to PERS for excess retirement benefits (moved from 'Retirement Contributions') Unemployment Compensation ‐ Cost of unemployment claims filed by former employee ‐ paid in‐ lieu of unemployment insurance OPEB Trust Contribution ‐ Amount paid to the Trust for future retiree health obligations based on  actuarial study Retiree Health ‐ Amount paid for retiree health based on employee agreements and PERS  requirements Reimb from OPEB Trust ‐ Amount requested each year to  cover the costs of retiree health Credit Card Fees ‐ Cost charged by bank for credit card processing (moved from Finance) Property Tax Admin Fee ‐ Amount charged to the City by the County of Los Angeles for processing  property tax (previously netted against revenue) Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs ‐ Cost of consultant to prepare fee study Leases ‐ Copiers (moved from 'General Supplies) Memberships Dues ‐ Provide funds for CCCA, COG, LAFCO League of Cal Cities membership, LAFCO  League L.A. County membership, LAFCO fees, miscellaneous memberships, NLC, Sam’s Club, SCAG,  Plan Admin Expense ‐ See Object #5206 Other Purchased Services ‐ Offsite storage and record destruction costs General Supplies ‐ Provide funds for all office supplies that are not easily attributed to a particular  department. City Hall supplies, City logo envelopes, toner supplies, office paper supplies, employee  General Services 4 FY 2022‐23 Budget 2022‐23 Budget ‐ General Fund 2022‐23 Budget ‐ Other Funds Total Department Budget 2022‐23 Proposed Full Time Staffing 8 Number of Divisions 7 → → → → →Emergency Preparedness ‐ Supplemental Items ‐ Consultant services of $60,000 to update the Local  Hazard Mitigation Plan / Moved costs for donation sponsored backback project to its own account. Animal Regulations ‐ Increase in contract costs for software used for animal licensing ($4,000) and  contracted animal control services ($5,000) Public Safety City of Rosemead Significant Changes: Department Organizational Chart: Department Budget Summary: 71,800                          $  11,567,100 $  11,495,300 LASD Contract ‐ Cost of Sheriff's contract increased 1.43% for the Deputy Sheriff Service Unit, 2.29%  for Bonus‐I Deputy, and 4.09% for Sergeant over FY 2021‐22 contract amount.   Law Enforcement ‐ Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs ‐ Budget increased by $30,000 for additional FLOCK  services approved in FY 2021‐22 also moved $130,000 to 'Contract Svc‐Add'l LASD Svcs' object number  and combined with existing $60,000 budget for services provided outside the contract (special  events). Crossing Guards ‐ Increase of $30,000 based on contract costs and anticipate full school year of  service.   Public Safety 1 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed % Incr Salaries and Benefits 509,033          915,273          1,078,500       819,138          1,161,400       8% Operations and Maintenance 9,004,033       9,267,567       9,995,000       7,400,550       10,307,700     3% Allocated Costs 58,253             110,227          88,000             73,304             98,000             11% Capital Outlay ‐                   11,144              ‐                    ‐                    ‐                   ‐      Total Expenditures by Category 9,571,318       10,304,211     11,161,500     8,292,992       11,567,100     4% Expenditures by Division Public Safety Administration            488,899             322,351             271,000               98,926             290,300 7% Law Enforcement 8,565,473       8,739,157       9,479,400       6,952,906       9,688,500       2% Code Enforcement              58,839             580,196             738,600             674,580             800,400 8% Parking Control            190,064             175,562             195,600             140,827             198,500 1% Crossing Guards              61,671               44,593             207,800             156,274             245,300 18% Animal Regulation              95,074               45,529             101,000               48,719             110,000 9% Emergency Preparedness            111,568             396,824             168,100             220,759             234,100 39%      Total Expenditures by Division 9,571,587       10,304,211     11,161,500     8,292,992       11,567,100     4% Funding Sources: FY 2020  Actuals   FY 2021  Actuals   FY 2022 Budget   FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22   FY 2023  Proposed  101 General Fund 9,532,456       10,265,554     11,097,100              8,248,461 11,495,300     4% 201 Gas Tax 4,453               8,919               41,600                           37,371 49,100             18% 220 Prop C 34,409             29,738             22,800                             7,160 22,700             0% 232 Grants ‐                    ‐                                          ‐    ‐                   ‐ 260 CDBG ‐                    ‐                   ‐      Total Funding Sources 9,571,318       10,304,211     11,161,500     8,292,992       11,567,100     4% Number of Full Time Staffing 338880% City of Rosemead Public Safety Budget Summary By Major Categories Department Budget by Category Department Budget by Division Public Safety 2 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Fund Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits 398,009      199,802      174,100      31,128        180,200       Operations and Maintenance 8,629           14,739        3,000           1,413           3,000            Allocated Costs 47,853        66,927        71,100        59,226        84,400         Total ‐ General Fund 454,490      281,468      248,200      91,767        267,600       Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries and Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages 136,578      58,043        61,300        1,668           74,800         5010 Part‐Time Salaries & Wages 106,407      86,258        62,500        20,104        62,800         5105 Social Security/Medicare 12,522        6,093           6,500           525              6,700            5115 Retirement Contributions 98,594        27,874        22,000        8,006           23,800         5130 Cafeteria Benefit 43,907        21,534        20,400         ‐               10,500         5199 Other Employee Benefits ‐               1,400           824              1,600            Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits 398,009      199,802      174,100      31,128        180,200       Operations and Maintenance 5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 685              64                 ‐                ‐                ‐                5435 Travel & Meetings 172               ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5540 Uniform Cleaning 186               ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5605 General Supplies 2,611           1,119           3,000           1,119           3,000            5630 Small Tools & Equipment ‐               13,556         ‐                ‐                ‐                5655 Uniforms 4,975            ‐                ‐               293               Total ‐ Operations & Maint 8,629           14,739        3,000           1,413           3,000            Allocated Costs 5905 Technology Services Alloc 21,300        24,500        37,200        30,988        46,700         5910 Equipment Replacement Alloc 3,653           36,727         ‐                ‐                ‐                5911 Motor Fleet Allocation ‐                ‐               30,500        25,407        34,600         5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 22,900        5,700           3,400           2,832           3,100            Total ‐ Allocated Cost 47,853        66,927        71,100        59,226        84,400         5980 Capital Equipment ‐               11,144         ‐                ‐                ‐                TOTAL GENERAL FUND 454,490      292,612      248,200      91,767        267,600       City of Rosemead Public Safety ‐ Administration Division 2005 To direct day‐to‐day operations of the Public Safety business unit; develop goals and objectives for all Public Safety team members; and coordinate staff to provide the most efficient and effective service. Public Safety‐Admin 3 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Public Safety ‐ Administration Division 2005 Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F 220 ‐ Prop C Salaries and Benefits 5010 Part‐Time Salaries & Wages 29,655        26,842        20,900        6,199           21,000         51xx Benefits 4,754           2,897           1,900           960              1,700            Total for Fund 34,409        29,738        22,800        7,160           22,700         Total ‐ ALL FUNDS 488,899      322,351      271,000      98,926        290,300       Obj #Description Object Account Descriptions None needed Public Safety‐Admin 4 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Fund Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Operations and Maintenance 8,565,473   8,739,157   9,479,400   6,952,906   9,688,500    Total ‐ General Fund 8,565,473   8,739,157   9,479,400   6,952,906   9,688,500    Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries and Benefits ‐                   ‐                   ‐                   ‐                   ‐                   Operations and Maintenance 5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 115,497       ‐               170,000      30,000        60,000         5515 Contract Svc‐Law Enforcement 8,385,016   8,725,867   9,236,700   6,874,810   9,425,800    5520 Contract Svc‐Add'l LASD Svcs 57,706        11,624        60,000        46,466        190,000       5530 Prisoner Maintenance 172               ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5540 Uniform Cleaning ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5605 General Supplies ‐               102               ‐               27                 ‐                5630 Small Tools & Equipment 4,932           1,565           4,700            ‐                ‐                5698 Other Expenditures ‐                ‐                ‐               1,551           4,700            5710 Community Events 2,149            ‐               8,000           53                8,000            Total ‐ Operations & Maint 8,565,473   8,739,157   9,479,400   6,952,906   9,688,500    Allocated Costs ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                TOTAL GENERAL FUND 8,565,473   8,739,157   9,479,400   6,952,906   9,688,500    Obj #Description 5299 5515 5520 5520 Various expenses such as monthly Area Watch meetings and National Night Out. LASD Contract and Liability Trust fund contract amount.   City of Rosemead Law Enforcement Division 2010 To provide city‐wide police services through a contract with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department to conduct Sheriff patrol services, crime enforcement, traffic enforcement, and special event support. Under separate contracts with the Sheriff’s department, provide youth intervention and education through the STAR program. Object Account Descriptions Funding for FLOCK system Provides funds for attending various special City events Public Safety‐Law Enforcement 5 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Fund Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits 25,576        18,738        44,000        23,790        44,200         Operations and Maintenance 161,488      153,924      150,300      115,953      153,300       Allocated Costs 3,000           2,900           1,300           1,083           1,000            Sub Total ‐ General Fund 190,064      175,562      195,600      140,827      198,500       Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries and Benefits 5010 Part‐time salaries & wages 24,311        17,812        41,700        21,936        41,900         5105 Social Security/Medicare 353              258              700              744              700               5115 Retirement Contributions 912              668              1,600           1,111           1,600            Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits 25,576        18,738        44,000        23,790        44,200         Operations and Maintenance 5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 160,557      149,219      148,000      113,398      148,000       5540 Uniform Cleaning 472               ‐               300               ‐               300               5605 General Supplies 459              4,705           1,000           2,555           4,000            5655 Uniforms ‐                ‐               1,000            ‐               1,000            Total ‐ Operations & Maint 161,488      153,924      150,300      115,953      153,300       Allocated Costs 5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 3,000           2,900           1,300           1,083           1,000            Total ‐ Allocated Cost 3,000           2,900           1,300           1,083           1,000            TOTAL GENERAL FUND 190,064      175,562      195,600      140,827      198,500       Total ‐ ALL FUNDS 190,064      175,562      195,600      140,827      198,500       Obj # Description 5299 City of Rosemead Parking Control Division 2020 Provide parking compliance and enforcement for the City.  Object Account Descriptions Other Professional/Technical Services – Funding for contract parking control services (Data Ticket) Public Safety‐Parking 6 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Fund Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits 54,039        526,823      693,200      644,136      763,700       Operations and Maintenance 130              16,173        33,200        20,281        26,700         Allocated Costs 4,400           37,200        12,200        10,163        10,000         Total ‐ General Fund 58,570        580,196      738,600      674,580      800,400       Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries and Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages 34,604        270,802      404,700      376,368      451,000       5010 Part‐time Salaries & Wages 280              40,324         ‐                ‐                ‐                5025 Overtime ‐                ‐                ‐               10,577         ‐                5105 Social Security/Medicare 3,481           25,443        37,600        32,953        39,800         5115 Retirement Contributions 2,542           104,642      119,800      106,437      139,900       5130 Cafeteria Benefit 13,133        85,612        122,400      111,411      123,600       5199 Other Employee Benefits ‐                ‐               8,700           6,391           9,400            Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits 54,039        526,823      693,200      644,136      763,700       Operations and Maintenance 5250 Software License/Maint ‐                ‐               10,000        10,000        10,000         5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs ‐               14,882        10,000        4,217           10,000         5460 Training Classes 95                 ‐               2,000            ‐               2,000            5465 Membership Dues ‐                ‐               700              570              700               5540 Uniform Cleaning 35                 ‐               1,500            ‐                ‐                5605 General Supplies ‐               482              4,000           3,703           2,000            5655 Uniforms ‐               810              5,000           1,791           2,000            Total ‐ Operations & Maint 130              16,173        33,200        20,281        26,700         Allocated Costs 5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 4,400           37,200        12,200        10,163        10,000         Total ‐ Allocated Cost 4,400           37,200        12,200        10,163        10,000         TOTAL GENERAL FUND 58,570        580,196      738,600      674,580      800,400       City of Rosemead Code Enforcement Division 2015 To enforce the City’s Land Use and Development Code and the Municipal Code in a fair, sensitive, and timely manner; maintain and improve the quality of the community’s neighborhoods and commercial areas and enforce codes relating to property maintenance, zoning, public nuisances, signs, lighting, noise, and development; and work with all City departments and a myriad of outside agencies. The Code Enforcement business unit both responds to resident complaints and conducts a proactive inspection program. Public Safety‐Code Enforcement 7 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Code Enforcement Division 2015 Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F260 ‐ CDBG Fund 5005 Salaries & Wages 163               ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5105 Social Security/Medicare 14                 ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5115 Retirement Contributions 31                 ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5130 Cafeteria Benefit 61                 ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Total for Fund 269              ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐OTHER FUNDS 269               ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐  ALL FUNDS 58,839        580,196      738,600      674,580      800,400       Obj # Description 5250 5299 Data Ticket citation processing costs Object Account Descriptions Software License/Maint ‐ Agreement for CRM Code Enforcement Model (moved from object code  5299 beginning FY 2021‐22) Public Safety‐Code Enforcement 8 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Fund Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Operations and Maintenance 61,671        44,593        207,800      156,274      245,300       Allocated Costs ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Transfer Out ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Sub Total ‐ General Fund 61,671        44,593        207,800      156,274      245,300       Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Operations and Maintenance 5575 Contract Svc ‐ Crossing Guard 57,218        35,675        166,200      118,903      196,200       Total ‐ Operations & Maint 57,218        35,675        166,200      118,903      196,200       TOTAL GENERAL FUND 57,218        35,675        166,200      118,903      196,200       F201 ‐ Gas Tax 5575 Contract Svc ‐ Crossing Guard 4,453           8,919           41,600        37,371        49,100         Total for Fund 4,453           8,919           41,600        37,371        49,100         Total ‐  ALL FUNDS 61,671        44,593        207,800      156,274      245,300       Obj # Description 5575 Contract Svcs ‐ Crossing Guard ‐ Beginning in FY 2021‐22, full contract cost is shown with  reimbursement from the school district recognized as revenue.  Prior to FY 2021‐22, the contract  cost shown here was netted against the reimbursement. Object Account Descriptions City of Rosemead Crossing Guards Division 2025 In partnership with Rosemead and Garvey School Districts, provide safety and control at key crosswalk intersections at each school site. Public Safety‐Crossing Guards 9 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Fund Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Operations and Maintenance 95,074        45,529        101,000      48,719        110,000       Allocated Costs ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ General Fund 95,074        45,529        101,000      48,719        110,000       Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries and Benefits ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Operations and Maintenance 5250 Software License/Maint ‐                ‐               5,000           450              9,000            5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 10,000         ‐               10,000        10,100        10,000         5460 Training Classes 2,375            ‐               2,000            ‐               2,000            5525 Animal Control Svcs 80,406        44,707        80,000        36,840        85,000         5605 General Supplies 2,012           717              3,000           1,329           3,000            5630 Small Tools & Equipment 281              104              1,000            ‐               1,000            Total ‐ Operations & Maint 95,074        45,529        101,000      48,719        110,000       Allocated Costs ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                TOTAL GENERAL FUND 95,074        45,529        101,000      48,719        110,000       Obj # Description 5250 5299 5460 5525 5605 5630 Software License/Maint ‐ Animal License Software maintenance (Moved from 5299) City of Rosemead Animal Control Division 2030 Provide animal care, control, sheltering, and licensing services in the City. City staff will respond to all animal related field service requests, including injured and deceased animal calls. Partner with private and non‐profit entities to provide veterinary care, sheltering, and adoption services for impounded animals, and low‐cost vaccination and neutering services to the public. Manage all required licensing of animals in the City.  Object Account Descriptions Other Professional/Technical Services ‐ Provide funds for California Welfare Association fees. Training Classes ‐ Provide funds for training for employees. Small Tools & Equipment ‐ Provide funds for purchase or replacement of tools and equipment. General Supplies ‐ Provide funds for various department supplies. Animal Control ‐ Provide funds service for various contracts Rosemead Animal Hospital, D&D disposal  services, VIDA Animal Rescue, and Emergency Pet hospital of Glendora. Public Safety‐Animal Control 10 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Fund Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits ‐               141,672      145,100      113,507      151,100       Operations and Maintenance 111,568      253,452      20,300        105,003      80,900         Allocated Costs ‐               1,700           2,700           2,249           2,100            Total ‐ General Fund 111,568      396,824      168,100      220,759      234,100       Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries and Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages ‐               80,219        87,900        68,782        90,900         5105 Social Security/Medicare ‐               5,619           6,700           4,994           7,100            5115 Retirement Contributions ‐               35,307        28,300        22,518        30,900         5130 Cafeteria Benefit ‐               20,528        20,400        16,062        20,400         5199 Other Employee Benefits ‐                ‐               1,800           1,152           1,800            Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits ‐               141,672      145,100      113,507      151,100       Operations and Maintenance 5465 Membership Dues 2,749           2,749           2,800           2,749           3,400            5605 General Supplies 9,351           11,486        15,000         ‐                ‐                5606 Backpack Donation Program Expe ‐                ‐                ‐               10,949        15,000         5630 Small Tools & Equipment 1,060            ‐               2,500            ‐               2,500            5637 COVID‐19 72,731        123,173       ‐               91,304         ‐                5638 COVID Meals‐Great Plate 25,676        116,044       ‐                ‐                ‐                5726 Supplemental Items ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               60,000         Total ‐ Operations & Maint 111,568      253,452      20,300        105,003      80,900         Allocated Costs 5110 Workers' Comp Allocation ‐               1,700           2,700           2,249           2,100            Total ‐ Allocated Cost ‐               1,700           2,700           2,249           2,100            TOTAL GENERAL FUND 111,568      396,824      168,100      220,759      234,100       Obj # Description 5606 City of Rosemead Emergency Preparedness Division 2035 Implement and execute emergency preparedness tasks coordinated by the Public Safety Supervisor and incorporate an inter‐departmental task force consisting of representatives from all departments. Coordinate emergency planning efforts with outside agencies. Emphasize emergency response coordination, staff and volunteer training, communication systems, recovery efforts, public information, neighborhood self‐help programs, Emergency Plan development and revision, and public education presentations. Object Account Descriptions Expenses related to donation sponsored backback give away program (moved from General Supplies acct) Public Safety‐Emergency Prep 11 FY 2022‐23 Budget Object Expenditures: FY 2021  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed % Incr Salaries and Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages 171,182         409,064         553,900                    446,818 616,700         11% 5010 Part‐Time Salaries & Wages 160,653         171,236         125,100                      48,239 125,700         0% 5025 Overtime ‐                   ‐                   ‐                               10,577 ‐                  ‐ 5105 Social Security / Medicare 16,899           37,802           51,900                        39,339 54,700           5% 5115 Retirement Contributions 103,259         169,498         172,500                    138,326 197,000         14% 5130 Cafeteria Benefit 57,039           127,673         163,200                    127,473 154,500         ‐5% 5199 Other Employee Benefits ‐                   ‐                  11,900                          8,366 12,800           8% 509,033         915,273         1,078,500      819,138         1,161,400      8% Operations and Maintenance 5250 Software License/Maint ‐                  15,000                        10,450 19,000           27% 5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 286,740         164,165         338,000                    157,715 228,000         ‐33% 5435 Travel & Meetings 172                  ‐                   ‐                                        ‐    ‐                  ‐ 5460 Training Classes 2,470              ‐                  4,000                                   ‐   4,000             0% 5465 Membership Dues 2,749             2,749             3,500                            3,319 4,100             17% 5515 Contract Svc ‐ Law Enforcement 8,385,016      8,725,867      9,236,700             6,874,810 9,425,800      2% 5520 Special Events Patrol LASD 57,706           11,624           60,000                        46,466 190,000         217% 5525 Animal Control Svcs 80,406           44,707           80,000                        36,840 85,000           6% 5530 Prisoner Maintenance 172                  ‐                   ‐                                        ‐    ‐                  ‐ 5540 Uniform Cleaning 693                  ‐                  1,800                                   ‐   300                 ‐83% 5575 Contract Svc ‐ Crossing Guard 61,671           44,593           207,800                    156,274 245,300         18% 5605 General Supplies 14,433           18,611           26,000                          8,735 12,000           ‐54% 5606 Backpack Program ‐ Donation ‐                   ‐                   ‐                               10,949 15,000           ‐ 5630 Small Tools & Equipment 6,274             15,225           8,200              ‐                  3,500             ‐57% 5637 Covid‐19 Related Exp 72,731           123,173          ‐                               91,304 ‐                  ‐ 5638 Covid 19 Meals 25,676           116,044          ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  ‐ 5655 Uniforms 4,975             810                 6,000                            2,085 3,000             ‐50% 5698 Other Expenditures ‐                   ‐                   ‐                                 1,551 4,700             ‐ 5710 Community Events 2,149              ‐                  8,000                                 53 8,000             0% 5726 Supplemental Items ‐                   ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  60,000           ‐ 9,004,033      9,267,567      9,995,000      7,400,550      10,307,700   3% Allocations ‐ 5110 Workers' Compensation 33,300           49,000           20,300                        16,910 16,700           ‐18% 5905 Technology Services Allocation 21,300           24,500           37,200                        30,988 46,700           26% 5910 Equipment Replacement Allocation 3,653             36,727            ‐                                        ‐    ‐                  ‐ 5911 Motor Fleet Allocation ‐                   ‐                  30,500                        25,407 34,600           13% 58,253           110,227         88,000           73,304           98,000           11% Capital Equipment 5980 Capital Equipment ‐                  11,144            ‐                                       ‐   ‐                  ‐ Total All Public Safety 9,571,318      10,304,211   11,161,500   8,292,992      11,567,100   4% City of Rosemead Public Safety ‐ All Division / Funds Public Safety‐All Funds 12 FY 2022‐23 Budget A1 Expand the neighborhood watch program to include and rotate among all neighborhoods in the City and  i hl bi hl i f ll ihb h dbl k CiA2Include Sheriff and Public Safety staff attendance at all neighborhood watch community meetings. A3 Increase the visibility of Sheriff through expanded patrols throughout the City. A5 Provide crime statistics to residents via social media to keep the community better informed. Public Safety Administration →Expand the neighborhood watch program to include and rotate among all neightborhoods in the City and  organize monthly or bi‐monthly meetings of all neighhood block Captains.   →Provide crime statistics to residents via social media to keep the community better informed.   →Continue to foster a positive working relationship with the Chamber of Commerce, school districts, church  groups, and social and civic organizations within the City of Rosemead. →Continue to establish a team strategy of all public safety personnel to maximize the efficiency and  effectiveness of services. Law Enforcement →Increase the visibility of Sheriff through expanded patrols throughout the City.   →Include Sheriff and Public Safety staff attendance at all neighborhood watch community meetings.   →Maintain public safety programs based on prevention, intervention, and suppression methods. → Focus on crime prevention and education by; maintaining an effective Community Area watch program,  increasing the use of social media, providing direction within the Connections forum, and improving the  Coffee/Tea with the Chief event.  Animal Control →Implement and improve new animal control procedures and user‐friendly services through increased training  and updated equipment and software for the safety and convenience of both residents and animals. Emergency Preparedness →Continue to educate employees on emergency response responsibilities with in‐house training and  encouraging participation in the National Night Out event. →Bolster the City's Disaster Preparedness and assist the community in personal preparations by updating and  improving emergency planning documents. Goal A ‐ Safety Objectives to Complete the Strategic Goals City of Rosemead Public Safety 2022‐23 Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives Goals of the 2030 Strategic Plan by Category Departmental Data 13 FY 2022‐23 Budget 2019‐20 2020‐21 Law Enforcement Issued Traffic Citations            2,316             1,916  Issued Parking Citations                    5                     5  Traffic Collision Incidents Reported by Fatality                    2                     2  Traffic Collision Incidents Reported by Injury               159                113  Traffic Collision Incidents Reported by Non‐Injury               350                255  Arrests Reported by LASD for Drunk Driving                  14                     8  Percentage of Response on Citation Appeals/Complaints within 5 Days 100% 100% Suspected Child Abuse Reports Followed Up within One Business Day 100% 100% Parking Control Citations issued for Street Sweeping            4,237             6,479  Citations issued for Other Violations            2,692             3,502  Crossing Guards Crossing Guards Location Sites for Rosemead School District                    7                     7  Crossing Guards Location Sites for Garvey School District                    8                     8  Animal Regulation New Animal Licenses Processed               326                303  Renewal of Animal Licenses Processed            1,738             2,653  Emergency Preparedness Meetings Held by Staff                    3                   10  Meetings Held by CERT                    3                     4  Meetings Held by HAM (Radio Operators)                   5                     9  Meetings Held by Community Meetings                    5                     9  City of Rosemead Public Safety Performance and Workload Measures Departmental Data 14 FY 2022‐23 Budget Parking Control →Restructured the scheduling of the part‐time Community Service Officers from a random availability  list for 3 shifts per day to establish consistency and manageability. Animal Regulation →Restructured the process of conducting animal care and control duties within the City at an expected  annual cost savings. Emergency Preparedness →Successfully submitted a Notice of Intent for a California Office of Emergency Services Flood  Mitigation. City of Rosemead Public Safety Accomplishments Departmental Data 15 FY 2022‐23 Budget Description When Expected Results Public Safety Administration Continue to make Rosemead a safer and more  secure community by combating crime and  preparing for emergencies through Public  Education and Communication.                              Ongoing Increase community awareness of Public Safety  services, and facility. Expanded crime prevention  efforts through maintaining a Community Area  Watch Program, use of "Nixle" Social media to  promote Crime Prevention and Community  Safety, providing direction to the Connections  Forum meetings, and improving the Coffee/Tea  with the Chief Program Continue to make Rosemead a safer and more  secure community by combating crime and  preparing for emergency by utilizing the  Community Service Officers Ongoing Community Service Officers to provide an  increase presence at public facilities. Use of  Community Service Officers in parking  enforcement, traffic support, facility security, and  support of animal control. Modification of  deployment hours to maximize efficiency and  effectiveness.  Continue to make Rosemead a safer and more  secure community by combating crime and  preparing for emergency by  training and  educating employees. Ongoing Employee education, drills, and response to  community problems and emergencies are  heightened. Increased deployment of CSO's in  emergent situations for assignments not  requiring a Deputy Sheriff. Law Enforcement Continue to make Rosemead a safer and more  secure community by combating crime and  preparing for emergencies with education.Ongoing Increased community involvement through  programs such as Public Safety Connections  meetings, Neighborhood Watch, Coffee/Tea with  the Chief, and Community Area Watch programs.   Continue to make Rosemead a safer and more  secure community by combating crime and  preparing for emergencies with the Sheriff’s  Department patrol visibility. Ongoing Utilization of all available Sheriff department  resources to strategically patrol the community  and improve visibility.  Address specific areas of  concern in order to free‐up available resources.   Increased use of the Public Safety Center facility  as a “sub‐station” to minimize travel outside of  the City and establish an increased visual  presence and quicker response of Sheriff vehicles  within the City’s boundaries at all hours. City of Rosemead Public Safety Work Plan Departmental Data 16 FY 2022‐23 Budget Description When Expected Results City of Rosemead Public Safety Work Plan Continue to make Rosemead a safer and more  secure community by combating crime and  preparing for emergencies maximizing  available resources. Ongoing Improved law enforcement services and maintain  efficient response times, resulting in a safer City.  Increased communication with the Community  Services Officers and Code Enforcement in  addressing both quality of life and enforcement  related matters.  Use of the Special Assignment  Team and general patrol deputies to act in  response to crime trends and community  concerns. Use of trained reserve officers and  volunteers in support roles at city events.  Increased use of available data to address areas  of concern. Code Enforcement Continue to make Rosemead a safer and more  secure community by combating crime and  preparing for emergencies by enhancing the  administration citation process.  Improved compliance on Code Enforcement  violations while reducing the City’s cost of  enforcement.  Increased compliance from  properties where a public nuisance exists.  Ability  to pro‐actively address complaints of gambling  and unlawful massage establishments via the City  code/administrative citation process.  Continue to make Rosemead a safer and more  secure community by combating crime and  preparing for emergencies by taking a  proactive approach to Code Enforcement. Improve compliance with municipal code by  working with resident to inform them on ways to  become compliant in regarding to code  violations. Parking Control Continue to make Rosemead a safer and more  secure community by combating crime and  preparing for emergencies by coordinating  staff schedules to improve cost effectiveness  and efficiency. Improved city‐wide coverage, increased presence  at known problem areas and times of day, and  efficient use of service hours.  Continue to make Rosemead a safer and more  secure community by combating crime and  preparing for emergencies by coordinating  with other departments and services. Increased cooperation and coordination with  Public Works to ensure proper signage is visible,  properly placed and marked, and made to  minimum standards.  Continue to report  trash/bulky items and abandoned shopping carts  utilizing the mobile CRM application. Departmental Data 17 FY 2022‐23 Budget Description When Expected Results City of Rosemead Public Safety Work Plan Continue to make Rosemead a safer and more  secure community by combating crime and  preparing for emergencies with in service  training and equipment.  Implementation of new electronic parking  citation devices will minimize errors on citations.  Increased communication and after‐action  reviews immediately following incidents to  provide fair and consistent enforcement. Crossing Guards Continue to make Rosemead a safer and more  secure community by combating crime and  preparing for emergencies. Coordinating with  the School Districts to ensure that adequate  coverage is provided at each school site. Continued monitoring and adjustments of the  program based on customer feedback and inter‐ agency discussions.  Increased safety at each  street crossing’s for families going to and from  each school site. Animal Regulation Continue to make Rosemead a safer and more  secure community by combating crime and  preparing for emergencies.   Continued improvement of response times and  service. Increased efficiency and user friendliness  of the license renewal process by updating  existing software system.    Continue to make Rosemead a safer and more  secure community by combating crime and  preparing for emergencies. Continued relationship with the Rosemead  Animal Hospital, Volunteers in Defense of  Animals, and the San Gabriel Valley Emergency  Animal Hospital to provide both responsive and  cost‐efficient services. Emergency Preparedness Continue to make Rosemead a safer and more  secure community by combating crime and  preparing for emergencies by improving  emergency response.  More efficient employee response to resolve City  emergencies.  Increased awareness by scheduled  training and Semi‐Annual drills.   Continue to make Rosemead a safer and more  secure community by combating crime and  preparing for emergencies by updating plans,  procedures and training. Increased compliance with revised plans,  procedures, and training to all State and Federal  regulations. Continue to make Rosemead a safer and more  secure community by combating crime and  preparing for emergencies. By expanding the  CERT program and its volunteers, including  HAM operators.  Improved disaster preparedness and community  response for our residents and businesses. Departmental Data 18 FY 2022‐23 Budget 2022‐23 Budget ‐ General Fund 2022‐23 Budget ‐ Other Funds Total Department Budget 2022‐23 Proposed Full Time Staffing 21 Number of Divisions 9 → → → → City of Rosemead Significant Changes: Department Organizational Chart: Department Budget Summary: 4,342,500                     $  8,749,600 $  4,407,100 Engineering ‐ Increased $40,000 for professional services for permit inspections svcs and traffic  engineering svcs to address backlog; added $25,000 for a City Traffic Study; increased required  industrial waste & sewers expense by $30,000 Parks & Open Spaces ‐ $10,000 decrease in overtime based on trend; $55,000 increase to water and  gas utilities based on trend; added $30,000 for the purchase of a stump grinder Motor Fleet ‐ Based on trend, vehicle repairs & maintenance and lease costs are reduced while fuel  costs have increased ‐ net decrease of $4,200  Public Works Field Services ‐ Budget increased by $250,000 for anticipated increase in  graffiti removal efforts.  Use  of in‐house crew versus contract service is yet to be determined Public Works 1 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed % Incr Salaries and Benefits 2,365,056       2,210,180       2,370,900       1,700,381       2,629,800       11% Operations and Maintenance 3,472,543       3,279,315       4,196,750       2,274,196       4,643,600       11% Utilities 1,009,055       1,148,810       1,115,000       961,167          1,220,000       9% Allocations 138,374          183,300          246,200          205,085          221,400          ‐10% Capital Outlay 83,723             369,883          82,000             67,697             190,000          132% Recovered Costs ‐                    ‐                   (158,900)         (132,364)         (155,200)         ‐      Total Expenditures by Category 7,068,751       7,191,487       7,851,950       5,076,162       8,749,600       11% Expenditures by Division 3005 Public Works Administration            335,039             344,647             397,900             282,158             414,900 4% 3010 Field Services 1,310,886       1,389,081       1,689,200       1,168,608       2,130,600       26% 3015 Facility Maintenance            339,743             363,409             684,050             427,291             692,700 1% 3020 Motor Fleet            192,589             281,270             104,000             116,859             144,900 39% 3025 Solid Waste              12,043               15,797               17,000                 8,016               17,000 0% 3030 Parks & Open Spaces         2,901,000          2,663,916          2,477,700          1,786,331          2,629,700 6% 3035 Engineering            735,494             766,380          1,244,200             446,369          1,509,400 21% 3036 Project Management              94,547               74,362             103,700               20,258               77,400 ‐25% 3040 Public Transit         1,147,408          1,292,625          1,134,200             820,274          1,133,000 0%      Total Expenditures by Division 7,068,751       7,191,487       7,851,950       5,076,162       8,749,600       11% Funding Sources: FY 2020  Actuals   FY 2021  Actuals   FY 2022 Budget   FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22   FY 2023  Proposed  101    General Fund 4,237,788       3,975,885       4,034,050                2,702,301 4,407,100       9% 201    Gas Tax 664,794          518,313          736,100                      412,353 938,000          27% 202    RMRA SB1 571                  116,010          206,600                      120,632 34,300             ‐83% 215    Prop A 947,102          1,051,636       1,276,500                   885,449 1,263,500       ‐1% 220    Prop C 418,110          452,541          23,800                           18,405 24,100             1% 225    Measure R 87,421             55,840             112,300                        32,657 66,300             ‐41% 226    Measure M 1,643               20,874             43,700                             9,589 31,300             ‐28% 228    American Rescue Plan ‐                    ‐                   39,000                                    ‐   170,800          338% 230    AQMD ‐                   45,536             10,100                           12,824 122,600          1114% 231    Safe Clean Water ‐                   231,247          502,500                      192,234 530,000          5% 232    Grants Fund ‐                    ‐                   48,000                                    ‐   148,000          208% 245    Street Lighting District 606,398          639,904          787,300                      622,021 1,013,600       29% 260    CDBG 25,638              ‐                    ‐                                          ‐    ‐                   ‐ 501    Equip Repl 79,287             83,702             32,000                           67,697 ‐                   ‐100%      Total Funding Sources 7,068,751       7,191,487       7,851,950       5,076,162       8,749,600       11% Number of Full Time Staffing 23 23 20 21 21 City of Rosemead Public Works Budget Summary By Major Categories Public Works 2 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Public Works Budget Summary By Major Categories Public Works Adopted Budget by Category Public Work Adopted Budget by Funding Source Public Work Expenditure and Budget History Public Works 3 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits 184,402      185,270      120,000      114,455      113,800       Operations and Maintenance 369               ‐               1,500           155              2,200            Allocated Costs 39,474        41,200        97,700        81,384        83,800         Total ‐ General Fund 224,245      226,470      219,200      195,994      199,800       Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries and Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages 123,510      129,126      78,900        77,035        76,500         5025 Overtime ‐                ‐                ‐               422              800               5105 Social Security/Medicare 10,115        9,451           6,000           6,506           5,600            5115 Retirement Contributions 28,481        19,050        19,300        13,919        15,100         5125 Auto allowance 2,477           3,435            ‐                ‐                ‐                5130 Cafeteria Benefit 19,818        24,209        14,300        15,629        14,300         5199 Other Employee Benefits ‐                ‐               1,500           943              1,500            Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits 184,402      185,270      120,000      114,455      113,800       Operations and Maintenance 5250 Software License/Maint ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               700               5435 Travel & Meetings 297               ‐               1,500           155              1,500            5655 Uniforms 72                 ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ Operations & Maint 369               ‐               1,500           155              2,200            Allocated Costs 5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 6,300           2,000           2,400           1,999           1,700            5905 Technology Services Alloc 33,174        39,200        59,600        49,647        54,500         5911 Motor Fleet Allocation ‐               35,700        29,738        27,600         Total ‐ Allocated Cost 39,474        41,200        97,700        81,384        83,800         TOTAL GENERAL FUND 224,245      226,470      219,200      195,994      199,800       City of Rosemead Public Works ‐ Administration Division 3005 To administer and provide support for the City’s public works functions and responsive customer service to the Community and other City business departments; to provide highly responsive service to City management, the City Council, and the Traffic Commission; to provide budget and personnel management for the department, and administer contract public works services; Plan, budget, and oversee the City’s capital improvement program; to oversee environmental programs and ensure compliance with regulatory agencies, and to develop policies and new programs that improve the City’s public works services. Public Works‐Admin 4 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Public Works ‐ Administration Division 3005 Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F201 ‐ GAS TAX 5005 Salaries & Wages 3,619           5,434           16,900        7,591           18,700         51xx Benefits 2,656           1,817           7,600           4,422           7,900            Total For Fund 6,275           7,251           24,500        12,013        26,600         F202 ‐ RMRA ‐ SB1 5005 Salaries & Wages 41                5,434           8,500           7,779           18,700         51xx Benefits 15                1,817           3,900           3,352           7,900            Total For Fund 56                7,251           12,400        11,132        26,600         F215 ‐ PROP A 5005 Salaries & Wages 29,177        23,811        38,100        8,604           34,100         51xx Benefits 27,863        16,994        23,700        10,567        19,300         Total For Fund 57,040        40,805        61,800        19,171        53,400         F225 ‐ MEASURE R 5005 Salaries & Wages 20,699        17,143        27,500        11,140        26,400         51xx Benefits 16,784        10,356        15,600        6,952           13,400         Total For Fund 37,483        27,499        43,100        18,092        39,800         F226 ‐ MEASURE M 5005 Salaries & Wages 1,155           9,929           16,900        4,114           18,700         51xx Benefits 488              3,342           7,600           3,327           7,900            Total For Fund 1,643           13,270        24,500        7,441           26,600         F245 ‐ STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT 5005 Salaries & Wages 3,428           5,434           8,500           1,867           18,700         51xx Benefits 2,630           1,817           3,900           1,735           7,900            Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits 6,058           7,251           12,400        3,602           26,600         Other Services 5257 Property Tax Admin Fee ‐               14,850         ‐               14,712        15,500         Total Other Services ‐               14,850         ‐               14,712        15,500         Total For Fund 6,058           22,101        12,400        18,314        42,100         F260 ‐ CDBG 5005 Salaries & Wages 1,175            ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                51xx Benefits 1,065            ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Total For Fund 2,240            ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐  OTHER FUNDS 110,794      118,177      178,700      86,163        215,100       Total ‐ ALL FUNDS 335,039      344,647      397,900      282,158      414,900       Public Works‐Admin 5 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits 164,341      176,219      246,000      232,684      271,200       Operations and Maintenance 116,046      107,659      161,100      46,669        411,300       Allocated Costs 4,400           4,500           12,400        10,329        8,600            Capital Outlay 4,425            ‐               20,000         ‐                ‐                Total ‐ General Fund 289,211      288,378      439,500      289,682      691,100       Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries and Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages 87,817        101,221      133,500      124,933      143,100       5025 Overtime 13,948        9,324           10,000        16,373        20,000         5105 Social Security/Medicare 7,323           8,773           10,800        10,666        11,500         5115 Retirement Contributions 33,026        20,343        40,200        33,789        43,700         5130 Cafeteria Benefit 22,227        36,559        48,400        43,672        49,700         5199 Other Employee Benefits ‐                ‐               3,100           3,252           3,200            Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits 164,341      176,219      246,000      232,684      271,200       Operations and Maintenance 5250 Software License/Maint ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               8,300            5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 31,370        37,964        57,000        19,935        54,000         5330 Grounds Repair & Maintenance 5,376           407              10,000         ‐               6,000            5360 Curbs & Sidewalks Repair & Main 747              14,787        20,000        3,652           15,000         5390 Equipment Rental 3,939           100              1,500           2,100           2,000            5435 Travel & Meetings ‐                ‐               3,000            ‐               3,000            5460 Training Classes 740               ‐               4,000           380              4,000            5540 Uniform Cleaning ‐                ‐               2,900            ‐               2,900            5605 General Supplies 25,278        20,575        22,000        9,826           26,000         5630 Small Tools & Equipment 70                370              1,100           422              1,100            5655 Uniforms 9,923           11,798        9,600           2,319           9,000            5660 Traffic Signs & Markers 38,602        21,657        30,000        8,035           30,000         5726 Supplemental Items ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               250,000       Total ‐ Operations & Maint 116,046      107,659      161,100      46,669        411,300       Allocated Costs 5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 4,400           4,500           12,400        10,329        8,600            Total ‐ Allocated Cost 4,400           4,500           12,400        10,329        8,600            City of Rosemead Field Services Division 3010 To coordinate the City’s graffiti abatement activities and enhance community beautification efforts; to manage and monitor the City’s graffiti hotline; and establish a no tolerance policy for graffiti in the City. Oversee the minor repair and maintenance of streets, marking, and traffic control device signage. Public  Works‐Field Services 6 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Field Services Division 3010 Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Capital Outlay 5820 Machinery & Equipment 4,425            ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5980 Capital Equipment ‐               20,000         ‐                ‐                Total ‐ Capital Outlay 4,425            ‐               20,000         ‐                ‐                TOTAL GENERAL FUND 289,211      288,378      439,500      289,682      691,100       F201 ‐ GAS TAX 5005 Salaries & Wages 28,423        49,160        99,400        69,132        126,100       51xx Benefits 54,827        48,733        89,100        63,813        105,000       5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               75,000         5350 Street Maint & Repair 50,270        18,814        50,000        8,556           30,000         5355 Street Sweeping 218,400      109,200      105,000      57,264        125,000       5360 Curbs & Sidewalks Maint & Repai 6,085           17,972        40,000        4,242           25,000         5380 Vehcile Repairs & Maintenance ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               7,100            5388 Leases‐Vehicles ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               3,100            5605 General Supplies ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               5,000            5660 Traffic signs & markers ‐               502               ‐               330              50,000         Total for Fund 358,004      244,381      383,500      203,337      551,300       F202 ‐ RMRA ‐ SB1 5005 Salaries & Wages 38                13,261        12,700        9,995            ‐                51xx Benefits 27                14,850        12,200        9,113            ‐                5605 General Supplies ‐               10,815        5,000           1,861            ‐                5660 Traffic signs & markers ‐               6,389           50,000        17,185         ‐                Total for Fund 65                45,315        79,900        38,154         ‐                F215 ‐ PROP A 5005 Salaries & Wages 28,666        34,002        14,400        11,131        15,800         51xx Benefits 27,301        28,115        13,100        9,797           13,300         5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 9,920           4,960           10,000         ‐               10,000         Total for Fund 65,887        67,077        37,500        20,929        39,100         F220‐PROP C 5005 Salaries & Wages 34,167        39,149        12,300        9,547           13,100         51xx Benefits 36,872        35,517        11,500        8,596           11,000         Total for Fund 71,038        74,666        23,800        18,144        24,100         F231‐SAFE CLEAN WATER PROGRAM 5355 Street Sweeping ‐               109,200      125,000      114,529      125,000       Total for Fund ‐               109,200      125,000      114,529      125,000       F245 ‐ STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT 5130 Cafeteria Benefit ‐               49                 ‐                ‐                ‐                5341 Electrical Maint & Repair ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               50,000         Public  Works‐Field Services 7 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Field Services Division 3010 Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed 5365 Contract  ‐ Traffic Signal Maint 132,134      136,527      190,000      120,132      190,000       5370 Contract ‐ Street Light Maint 47,795        2,105           10,000         ‐               10,000         5305 Utilities ‐ Electricity 346,751      421,383      400,000      363,702      450,000       Total for Fund 526,681      560,064      600,000      483,834      700,000       Total ‐  OTHER FUNDS 1,021,675   1,100,703   1,249,700   878,926      1,439,500    Total ‐ ALL FUNDS 1,310,886   1,389,081   1,689,200   1,168,608   2,130,600    Obj #Description Object Account Descriptions 5390 Equipment Rental – Provide funds for various construction and building machinery, equipment, and  fencing. 5360 Curbs & Sidewalks Repair & Maint – Provide funds for curb painting of address within the residential  areas. 5330 Grounds Repair & Maintenance – Provide funds for repairs and maintenance cause by vandalism to  traffic lights, streetlights, and regulatory signs. 5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Services – Agreement for regulatory traffic sign inventory, welding services,  Encampment cleanup, and shopping cart retrieval services. 5660 Traffic Signs & Markers – Provide funds for purchase of Traffic signs & markers supplies for the City  use. 5630 Small Tools and Equipment – Provide funds for purchase or replacement of tools and equipment. 5605 General Supplies – Provided funds for basic hardware needed in Field Services. 5460 Training Classes – Provide funds for attending various safety and educational workshops for skills  enhancement. 5435 Travel & Meeting – Provide funds for attending professional meetings. Public  Works‐Field Services 8 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits ‐                ‐               176,200      134,064      188,800       Operations and Maintenance 339,743      354,855      453,350      253,027      449,500       Allocated Costs ‐                ‐               9,000           7,497           6,300            Total ‐ General Fund 339,743      354,855      638,550      394,587      644,600       Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries and Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages ‐                ‐               97,200        73,142        104,500       5025 Overtime ‐                ‐               4,000           3,372           4,000            5105 Social Security/Medicare ‐                ‐               7,500           5,428           8,100            5115 Retirement Contributions ‐                ‐               32,600        25,261        36,100         5130 Cafeteria Benefit ‐                ‐               32,700        25,277        33,800         5199 Other Employee Benefits ‐                ‐               2,200           1,583           2,300            Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits ‐                ‐               176,200      134,064      188,800       Operations and Maintenance 5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 61,817        64,480        80,000        49,536        80,000         5325 Custodial 211,413      222,528      275,000      158,309      275,000       5340 Facilities Maint & Repair 53,016        57,203        83,850        37,110        80,000         5390 Equipment Rental 1,000           776              1,000            ‐               1,000            5460 Training Classes ‐                ‐               1,500            ‐               1,500            5605 General Supplies 12,498        9,868           12,000        8,072           12,000         Total ‐ Operations & Maint 339,743      354,855      453,350      253,027      449,500       Allocated Costs 5110 Workers' Comp Allocation ‐                ‐               9,000           7,497           6,300            Total ‐ Allocated Cost ‐                ‐               9,000           7,497           6,300            Capital Outlay 5820 Machinery & equipment ‐               8,554            ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ Capital Outlay ‐               8,554            ‐                ‐                ‐                TOTAL GENERAL FUND 339,743      363,409      638,550      394,587      644,600       City of Rosemead Facility Maintenance Division 3015 To provide maintenance and repair of City facilities and parks. The services provided include; safety evaluations, emergency repairs, painting,minor repairs to park equipment, and electrical repairs. Public  Works‐Facility Maintenance 9 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Facility Maintenance Division 3015 Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F245 ‐ STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT 5005 Salaries & Wages ‐                ‐               24,300        17,329        26,200         51xx Benefits ‐                ‐               21,200        15,374        21,900         Total for Fund ‐                ‐               45,500        32,703        48,100         Total ‐  OTHER FUNDS ‐                ‐               45,500        32,703        48,100         Total ‐ ALL FUNDS 339,743      363,409      684,050      427,291      692,700       Obj #Description 5605 – General Supplies – Provides funds for department supplies including supplies use for Parks &  Recreation events. 5460 Training Classes – Provide funds for safety and educational workshops and training courses for skills  enhancement. 5390 Equipment Rental – Provide funds for the rental of special equipment. 5340 Facilities Maint & Repair – Provide funds for supplies and equipment for the City facilities repairs and  maintenance cause by vandalism to the City facilities. 5325 Custodial – Provide funds for Janitorial services. 5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Services – Provide funds for contract agreements for variety of City services  including HVAC, elevator, alarm system, pest control, and waste cleanup at City facilities. Object Account Descriptions Public  Works‐Facility Maintenance 10 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Operations and Maintenance 66,046        55,657        158,900      132,108      155,200       Allocated Costs ‐               44,100        (158,900)     (132,364)     (155,200)      Total ‐ General Fund 66,046        99,757         ‐               (256)              ‐                Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries and Benefits ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Operations and Maintenance 5380 Vehicle Repairs &Maintenance 29,836        20,846        45,500        25,117        33,900         5388 Leases ‐ Vehicles ‐               86,900        77,096        81,100         5605 General Supplies 108              709              500               ‐               1,000            5610 Gasoline & Diesel Fuel 36,090        34,102        26,000        29,895        39,200         5825 Vehicles 12                 ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ Operations & Maint 66,046        55,657        158,900      132,108      155,200       Recovered Costs 5910 Equipment Replacement Alloc ‐               44,100         ‐                ‐                ‐                5962 Recovered Costs ‐ Fleet Alloc ‐                ‐               (158,900)     (132,364)     (155,200)      Total ‐ Allocated Cost ‐               44,100        (158,900)     (132,364)     (155,200)      TOTAL GENERAL FUND 66,046        99,757         ‐               (256)              ‐                F201 ‐ GAS TAX 5380 Vehicle Repairs &Maintenance 17,098        29,622        4,200           2,981            ‐                5388 Leases ‐ Vehicles ‐                ‐               28,000        17,999         ‐                5610 Gasoline & Diesel Fuel 30,158        22,173        28,000        15,614        30,000         Total for Fund 47,256        51,795        60,200        36,593        30,000         F215 ‐ PROP A 5380 Vehicle Repairs &Maintenance ‐               480              1,700            ‐                ‐                Total for Fund ‐               480              1,700            ‐                ‐                City of Rosemead Motor Fleet Division 3020 To assist departments with routine maintenance and repair of City vehicles and equipment; to coordinate the purchase of City vehicles and equipment; sell surplus rolling stock and equipment; ensure compliance with federal, state, and regional regulations; and monitor safety compliance measures regarding City vehicles and equipment. Public Works‐Motor Fleet 11 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Motor Fleet Division 3020 Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F230 ‐ AQMD 5380 Vehicle Repairs &Maintenance ‐                ‐               1,200           335               5388 Leases ‐ Vehicles ‐                ‐               8,900           12,489        34,900         5825 Vehicles ‐               45,536         ‐                ‐               80,000         Total for Fund ‐               45,536        10,100        12,824        114,900       F501 ‐ Equipment Replacement 5825 Vehicles 79,287        83,702        32,000        67,697         ‐                Total for Fund 79,287        83,702        32,000        67,697         ‐                Total ‐  OTHER FUNDS 126,543      181,513      104,000      117,115      144,900       Total ‐ ALL FUNDS 192,589      281,270      104,000      116,859      144,900       Obj #Description 5388 Leases – Vehicles – Provide funds for vehicle lease and upfront aftermarket equipment lease vehicles  (moved from Fund 501‐Equipment Replacement Fund, Object #5825 beginning FY 2021‐22) 5380 Vehicles Repairs & Maintenance – Provide funds for routing maintenance, repairs, and car washes of  City owned vehicles. Object Account Descriptions Public Works‐Motor Fleet 12 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Operations and Maintenance 12,043        15,797        17,000        8,016           17,000         Allocated Costs ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ General Fund 12,043        15,797        17,000        8,016           17,000         Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries and Benefits ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Operations and Maintenance 5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 1,964            ‐               2,000            ‐               2,000            5465 Membership Dues 9,028           8,490           10,000        8,016           10,000         5535 Hazardous Material Disposal 1,051           7,306           5,000            ‐               5,000            Total ‐ Operations & Maint 12,043        15,797        17,000        8,016           17,000         Allocated Costs ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                TOTAL GENERAL FUND 12,043        15,797        17,000        8,016           17,000         Obj #Description City of Rosemead Solid Waste Division 3025 To coordinate the City’s sanitation, recycling, and environmental programs; to ensure compliance with federal, state, and regional regulations; coordinate the participation with the Los Angeles Regional Agency; manage the City’s non‐exclusive franchise agreement for sanitation services; to promote environmental responsibility among City residents and businesses, and participate in programs and analyses affecting sanitation and environmental programs. 5535 Hazardous Material Disposal – Provide funds for removal of hazardous waste and materials. 5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Services – Provide funds to pay the cost of permit fee to LA County for the  disposal of hazardous materials. Object Account Descriptions Public Works‐Solid Waste 13 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits 1,412,088   1,098,177   721,800      535,137      760,900       Operations and Maintenance 432,838      456,689      471,200      271,799      471,200       Utilities 662,303      727,427      715,000      597,465      770,000       Allocated Costs 63,000        55,500        87,600        72,971        90,900         Capital Outlay ‐                ‐               30,000         ‐               30,000         Total ‐ General Fund 2,570,229   2,337,792   2,025,600   1,477,371   2,123,000    Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries and Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages 647,360      571,531      383,600      279,778      417,700       5010 Part‐Time Salaries & Wages 17,239        1,771           12,300        6,648           11,700         5025 Overtime 28,018        7,646           20,000        7,570           10,000         5105 Social Security/Medicare 55,245        45,634        34,900        25,688        37,200         5115 Retirement Contributions 416,956      254,964      121,300      93,262        134,100       5130 Cafeteria Benefit 247,270      216,631      140,800      114,066      140,800       5199 Other Employee Benefits ‐                ‐               8,900           8,123           9,400            Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits 1,412,088   1,098,177   721,800      535,137      760,900       Operations and Maintenance 5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 135               ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5330 Grounds Repair & Maintenance 286,643      286,688      300,000      198,336      300,000       5335 Contract Svc ‐ Tree Maint 72,002        100,943      100,000      44,343        100,000       5340 Facilities Maint & Repair 1,706           2,574           5,000           851              5,000            5380 vehicles Repairs & Maintenance ‐                ‐                ‐               933               ‐                5390 Equipment Rental 1,081           136              1,500            ‐               1,500            5435 Travel & Meetings ‐                ‐               700              208              700               5460 Training Classes 459              550              1,500           220              1,500            5465 Membership Dues 60                87                500              60                500               5605 General Supplies 51,094        52,715        50,000        19,945        50,000         5630 Small Tools & Equipment 19,658        12,997        12,000        6,903           12,000         Total ‐ Operations & Maint 432,838      456,689      471,200      271,799      471,200       City of Rosemead Parks & Open Spaces Division 3030 To provide maintenance and repair of City facilities and parks.The services provided include safety evaluations, emergency repairs, painting,minor repairs to park equipment, and electrical repairs. Public  Works‐Parks Open Spaces 14 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Parks & Open Spaces Division 3030 Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Utilities 5305 Utilities ‐ Electricity 386,509      351,575      400,000      333,729      400,000       5310 Utilities ‐ Water 261,184      359,678      300,000      244,006      350,000       5315 Utilities ‐ Natural Gas 14,610        16,174        15,000        19,730        20,000         Total ‐ Utilities 662,303      727,427      715,000      597,465      770,000       Allocated Costs 5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 63,000        55,500        31,100        25,906        23,100         5911 Motor Fleet Allocation ‐                ‐               56,500        47,065        67,800         Total ‐ Allocated Cost 63,000        55,500        87,600        72,971        90,900         Capital Outlay 5980 Capital Equipment ‐                ‐               30,000         ‐               30,000         Total ‐ Capital Outlay ‐                ‐               30,000         ‐               30,000         TOTAL GENERAL FUND 2,570,229   2,337,792   2,025,600   1,477,371   2,123,000    F201 ‐ GAS TAX Salaries and Benefits 5105 Salaries & Wages ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               40,000         50xx Benefits ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               32,700         5330 Grounds Repair & Maintenance 117,753      113,784      100,000      77,443        100,000       5335 Contract Svc ‐ Tree Maint 114,791      79,183        100,000      65,834        100,000       5336 Tree Maintenance Supplies 420              819              10,000        918              10,000         5605 General Supplies ‐               4,460            ‐               253              5,000            Total For Fund 232,965      198,247      210,000      144,448      287,700       F202 ‐ RMRA ‐ SB1 5005 Salaries & Wages 197              27,261        38,400        28,094         ‐                51xx Benefits 143              19,514        33,000        24,484         Total For Fund 340              46,775        71,400        52,577         ‐                F215 ‐ PROP A 5010 Part‐Time Salaries & Wages 10,365        9,852           36,700        21,481        34,400         50xx Benefits 1,539           1,816           4,600           3,283           3,600            Total For Fund 11,904        11,669        41,300        24,764        38,000         F220 ‐ PROP C 5010 Part‐Time Salaries & Wages 10,365        9,545            ‐                ‐                ‐                50xx Benefits 1,539           2,147            ‐                ‐                ‐                Total For Fund 11,903        11,693         ‐                ‐                ‐                Public  Works‐Parks Open Spaces 15 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Parks & Open Spaces Division 3030 Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F245 ‐ STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT 5005 Salaries & Wages 30,325        27,460        69,500        46,365        75,300         50xx Benefits 43,334        30,279        59,900        40,805        60,700         5341 Electrical Maint & Repair ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               45,000         Total For Fund 73,659        57,740        129,400      87,170        181,000       Total ‐  OTHER FUNDS 330,771      326,123      452,100      308,960      506,700       Total ‐ ALL FUNDS 2,901,000   2,663,916   2,477,700   1,786,331   2,629,700    Obj #Description Object Account Descriptions 5435 Travel & Meeting – Provide funds for attending various professional meetings. 5299 Grounds Repairs & Maintenance – Provide funds for the upkeep and maintenance of all the City parks  including contract services for landscaping. 5335 Gas Tax Contract Svc – Tree Maint – Agreement for upkeep, repairs, and planting of trees throughout  the City 5630 Small Tools – Provide funds for the purchase or replacement of tools and equipment. 5605 General Supplies – Provide funds for the department supplies including hardware, landscape,  irrigation, and supplies use for Parks & Recreation events. 5465 Membership Dues – Membership dues for Pest Applicator Profession Association 5460 Training Classes – Provide funds for attending various safety and educational workshops for skills  enhancement. Public  Works‐Parks Open Spaces 16 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits 140,034      182,671      219,100      187,544      191,700       Operations and Maintenance 497,389      379,048      367,000      125,438      459,600       Allocated Costs 4,300           8,200           4,400           3,665           2,900            Total ‐ General Fund 641,723      569,919      590,500      316,648      654,200       Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries and Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages 88,947        119,168      129,600      114,409      113,800       5010 Part‐Time Salaries & Wages 16,149        12,892        16,700        11,057        15,000         5105 Social Security/Medicare 7,521           10,200        11,600        9,976           10,300         5115 Retirement Contributions 6,739           9,724           29,000        25,831        26,900         5130 Cafeteria Benefit 20,677        30,687        29,600        24,799        23,500         5199 Other Employee Benefits ‐                ‐               2,600           1,473           2,200            Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits 140,034      182,671      219,100      187,544      191,700       Operations and Maintenance 5250 Software License/Maint ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               2,600            5265 Contract Svc ‐ NPDES 137,098      34,536        100,000      12,172        100,000       5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 312,875      277,516      205,000      47,185        220,000       5460 Training Classes 470              175              4,000            ‐               4,000            5465 Membership Dues ‐                ‐               1,000            ‐               1,000            5495 Industrial Waste & Sewers 44,433        64,161        50,000        65,111        80,000         5605 General Supplies 2,513           2,661           5,000           970              5,000            5650 IT Supplies ‐                ‐               2,000            ‐               2,000            5726 Supplemental Items ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               45,000         Total ‐ Operations & Maint 497,389      379,048      367,000      125,438      459,600       City of Rosemead Engineering Division 3035 To provide adequate physical infrastructure through planning, design and construction throughout the City, including streets and sidewalks by planning and completing capital improvement projects;  provide site development review to ensure compliance with local, state, and federal regulations; provide plan check and inspection services for public works permits and utility work permits; analyze traffic and right‐of‐way activities in the City; respond to public inquiries regarding traffic, parking, drainage, and other public works related items; work with other City departments and outside agencies on regional and sub‐regional projects, and provide support to the Traffic Commission. Public  Works‐Engineering 17 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Engineering Division 3035 Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Allocated Costs 5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 4,300           3,300           4,400           3,665           2,900            5910 Equipment Replacement Alloc ‐               4,900            ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ Allocated Cost 4,300           8,200           4,400           3,665           2,900            TOTAL GENERAL FUND 641,723      569,919      590,500      316,648      654,200       F201 ‐ GAS TAX 5005 Salaries & Wages 5,406           11,649        14,500        9,917           27,000         51xx Benefits 2,658           4,990           8,400           6,045           15,400         5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 12,229         ‐               35,000         ‐                ‐                Total For Fund 20,293        16,639        57,900        15,962        42,400         F202 ‐ RMRA ‐ SB1 5005 Salaries & Wages 79                11,611        14,500        10,247        4,700            51xx Benefits 32                5,058           8,400           6,274           3,000            5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs ‐                ‐               20,000        2,248            ‐                Total For Fund 110              16,669        42,900        18,769        7,700            F215 ‐ PROP A 5005 Salaries & Wages 8                  1,607            ‐               226               ‐                51xx Benefits 4                  751               ‐               86                 ‐                Total For Fund 12                2,357            ‐               312               ‐                F220 ‐ PROP C 5005 Salaries & Wages 13                1,859            ‐               189               ‐                51xx Benefits 6                  946               ‐               72                 ‐                Total For Fund 19                2,805            ‐               261               ‐                F225 ‐ MEASURE R 5005 Salaries & Wages 6,020           8,109           12,200        9,181           13,000         51xx Benefits 2,826           3,354           7,000           5,384           7,500            5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 41,092        16,877        50,000         ‐               6,000            Total For Fund 49,938        28,340        69,200        14,565        26,500         F226 ‐ MEASURE M 5005 Salaries & Wages ‐               27                2,400           1,236           2,800            51xx Benefits ‐               12                1,800           912              1,900            5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs ‐               7,565           15,000         ‐                ‐                Total For Fund ‐               7,604           19,200        2,148           4,700            Public  Works‐Engineering 18 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Engineering Division 3035 Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F228 ‐ AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN 5005 Salaries & Wages ‐                ‐               39,000         ‐               124,400       51xx Benefits ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               46,400         Total For Fund ‐                ‐               39,000         ‐               170,800       F230 ‐ AQMD 5005 Salaries & Wages ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               4,700            51xx Benefits ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               3,000            Total For Fund ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               7,700            F231 ‐ SAFE CLEAN WATER PROGRAM 5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs ‐               122,047      175,000      77,705        200,000       5300 Regional Proj Contribution ‐                ‐               200,000       ‐               200,000       5435 Travel & Meetings ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               2,500            5605 General Supplies ‐                ‐               2,500            ‐               2,500            Total For Fund ‐               122,047      377,500      77,705        405,000       F232 ‐ Grants Fund 5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs ‐                ‐               48,000         ‐               48,000         5605 General Supplies ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               20,000         5980 Capital Equipment ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               80,000         Total For Fund ‐                ‐               48,000         ‐               148,000       F245 ‐ Street Lighting District 5005 Salaries & Wages ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               27,000         51xx Benefits ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               15,400         Total For Fund ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               42,400         F260 ‐ CDBG 5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 23,398         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Total For Fund 23,398         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐  OTHER FUNDS 93,771        196,461      653,700      129,721      855,200       Total ‐ ALL FUNDS 735,494      766,380      1,244,200   446,369      1,509,400    ‐                Public  Works‐Engineering 19 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Engineering Division 3035 Obj #Description 5299 Gas Tax Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs – Provide funds for project management of CIPs 5650 IT supplies – Provide funds for technology upgrade. 5605 General Supplies – Provide funds for department office supplies. Object Account Descriptions 5495 Industrial Waste & Sewers – Provide funds for the cost of services for the issuance, plan checks, and  inspection of industrial waste and sewers performed by the County of Los Angeles Engineering department. 5465 – Membership Dues – Membership for APWA and ASCE. 5460 Training Classes ‐ Provide funds for attending various safety and educational workshops for skills  enhancement. 5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Services –Provides for the contract services engineering services. 5265 Contract Svc – NPDES ‐ provide funds to comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination  System (NPDES) Legislation requirement update, update the Storm Drain Element of the Infrastructure  Management Report, transfer existing City storms drains to the Los Angeles County Flood Control District  and for the Association Storm Water Organization membership. 5300 Regional Proj Contribution – Provide funds for Upper Los Angeles River Group Regional Water quality  projects 5299 Safe Clean Water Program Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs ‐ Provide funds for project management of CIPs 5299 Measure M Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs ‐  Provide funds for project management of CIPs 5299 Measure R Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs ‐ Provide funds for project management of CIPs 5299 RMRA Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs ‐ Provide funds for project management of CIPs Public  Works‐Engineering 20 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits 50,600        52,332        82,000        14,760        56,500         Operations and Maintenance 39,126        20,730        20,000        4,083           20,000         Allocated Costs 4,821           1,300           1,700           1,416           900               Total ‐ General Fund 94,547        74,362        103,700      20,258        77,400         Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries and Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages 34,066        35,555        55,000        6,169           37,500         5105 Social Security/Medicare 3,046           2,524           4,200           519              3,000            5115 Retirement Contributions 3,194           5,664           12,500        6,617           8,000            5125 Auto Allowance 1,321           752               ‐                ‐                ‐                5130 Cafeteria Benefit 8,972           7,838           9,200           1,420           7,200            5199 Other Employee Benefits ‐                ‐               1,100           35                800               Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits 50,600        52,332        82,000        14,760        56,500         Operations and Maintenance 5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 39,126        20,730        20,000        4,083           20,000         Total ‐ Operations & Maint 39,126        20,730        20,000        4,083           20,000         Allocated Costs 5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 4,821           1,300           1,700           1,416           900               Total ‐ Allocated Cost 4,821           1,300           1,700           1,416           900               TOTAL GENERAL FUND 94,547        74,362        103,700      20,258        77,400         Obj #Description City of Rosemead Project Management Division 3036 To provide To provide oversight and management of the administration of street maintenance contracts and capital improvement projects. Object Account Descriptions 5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Services – Provide funds for project management of CIPs Public Works‐Project Mgmt 21 FY 2022‐23 Budget Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F215 ‐ PROP A 5380 Vehicle Repairs & Maint 1,247           2,684           5,000            ‐                ‐                5388 Leases ‐ Vehicles ‐                ‐               11,200         5435 Travel & Meetings ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5440 Advertising/Publishing 1,742           437              2,000            ‐               2,000            5465 Membership Dues 15,590        15,535        16,000        15,530        16,000         5470 Contract Svc ‐ Transportation 793,679      678,502      1,100,000   804,744      1,115,000    5825 Vehicles ‐               232,091       ‐                ‐                ‐                Total for Fund 812,259      929,248      1,134,200   820,274      1,133,000    F220 ‐ PROP C 5470 Transportation Services 335,150      363,377       ‐                ‐                ‐                Total for Fund 335,150      363,377       ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐  OTHER FUNDS 1,147,408   1,292,625   1,134,200   820,274      1,133,000    Total ‐ ALL FUNDS 1,147,408   1,292,625   1,134,200   820,274      1,133,000    Obj #Description City of Rosemead Public Transit Division 3040 To provide public transportation services to Rosemead residents; manage the City’s public transit; program coordinator; oversee funding sources for public transportation programs; conduct analyses and studies on the City’s public transit program; participate in regional and state agencies that affect public transit; and effectively publicize the City’s transit program to residents and business. Object Account Descriptions 5465 Contract Svc – Transportation ‐Provide funds to a private transportation company for operations of  Explorer and Dial‐A‐Ride (These services are allocated to Prop A only beginning FY 21‐22) 5465 Membership Dues – Provide funds for the annual membership of the San Gabriel Valley Council of  Government (SGVCOG) 5440 Advertising/Publishing – Provide funds for Park & Recreation brochure Public Works‐Public Transit 22 FY 2022‐23 Budget Object Expenditures: FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed % Incr Salaries and Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages 1,174,335      1,248,940      1,347,800                 939,152 1,528,500      13% 5010 Part‐Time Salaries & Wages 54,117           34,060           65,700                        39,187 61,100           ‐7% 5025 Overtime 41,967           16,971           34,000                        27,738 34,800           2% 5105 Social Security / Medicare 100,706         100,324         112,700                      81,519 129,400         15% 5115 Retirement Contributions 581,624         381,790         372,000                    280,026 411,300         11% 5125 Auto Allowance 5,575             5,925              ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  ‐ 5130 Cafeteria Benefit 406,733         422,171         409,100                    311,069 431,400         5% 5199 Other Employee Benefits ‐                   ‐                  29,600                        21,691 33,300           13% 2,365,056      2,210,180      2,370,900      1,700,381      2,629,800      11% Operations and Maintenance 5250 Software License/Maint ‐                   ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  11,600           ‐ 5257 Property Tax Admin Fee ‐                  14,850            ‐                               14,712 15,500           ‐ 5265 Contract Svc ‐ NPDES 137,098         34,536           100,000                      12,172 100,000         0% 5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 533,926         552,138         717,000                    200,691 715,000         0% 5300 Regional Proj Contribution ‐                   ‐                  200,000          ‐                  200,000         0% 5325 Custodial 211,413         222,528         275,000                    158,309 275,000         0% 5330 Grounds Repair & Maintenance 409,773         400,880         410,000                    275,779 406,000         ‐1% 5335 Contract Svc ‐ Tree Maint 186,793         180,126         200,000                    110,177 200,000         0% 5336 Tree Maintenance Supplies 420                 819                 10,000                             918 10,000           0% 5340 Facilities Repair & Maintenance 54,722           59,776           88,850                        37,961 85,000           ‐4% 5341 Electrical Maint & Repair ‐                   ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  95,000           ‐ 5350 Street Repair & Maintenance 50,270           18,814           50,000                          8,556 30,000           ‐40% 5355 Contract Svc ‐ Street Sweeping 218,400         218,400         230,000                    171,793 250,000         9% 5360 Curbs & Sidewalks Repair/Maint 6,832             32,759           60,000                          7,893 40,000           ‐33% 5365 Contract Svc ‐ Traffic Signal Maint 132,134         136,527         190,000                    120,132 190,000         0% 5370 Contract Street Light Maint 47,795           2,105             10,000            ‐                  10,000           0% 5380 Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance 48,181           53,632           57,600                        29,366 41,000           ‐29% 5388 Leases ‐ Vehicle ‐                   ‐                  135,000                    107,583 119,100         ‐12% 5390 Equipment Rental 6,020             1,011             4,000                            2,100 4,500             13% 5435 Travel & Meetings 297                  ‐                  5,200                               363 7,700             48% 5440 Advertising/Publishing 1,742             437                 2,000              ‐                  2,000             0% 5460 Training Classes 1,669             725                 11,000                             600 11,000           0% 5465 Membership Dues 24,678           24,112           27,500                        23,606 27,500           0% 5470 Contract Svc ‐ Transportation 1,128,829      1,041,879      1,100,000                 804,744 1,115,000      1% 5495 Industrial Waste & Sewers 44,433           64,161           50,000                        65,111 80,000           60% 5535 Hazardous Material Disposal 1,051             7,306             5,000              ‐                  5,000             0% 5540 Uniform Cleaning ‐                   ‐                  2,900              ‐                  2,900             0% 5605 General Supplies 91,491           101,804         97,000                        40,926 126,500         30% 5610 Gasoline & Diesel 66,248           56,275           54,000                        45,509 69,200           28% 5630 Small Tools & Equipment 19,728           13,367           13,100                          7,324 13,100           0% 5650 IT Supplies ‐                   ‐                  2,000              ‐                  2,000             0% 5655 Uniforms 9,996             11,798           9,600                            2,319 9,000             ‐6% City of Rosemead Public Works ‐ All Divisions / Funds Public Works‐All Funds 23 FY 2022‐23 Budget Object Expenditures: FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed % Incr City of Rosemead Public Works ‐ All Divisions / Funds 5660 Traffic Signs & Markers 38,602           28,548           80,000                        25,550 80,000           0% 5726 Supplemental Items ‐                   ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  295,000         ‐ 3,472,543      3,279,315      4,196,750      2,274,196      4,643,600      11% Utilities 5305 Utilities ‐ Electricity 733,260         772,958         800,000                    697,431 850,000         6% 5310 Utilities ‐ Water 261,184         359,678         300,000                    244,006 350,000         17% 5315 Utilities ‐ Natural Gas 14,610           16,174           15,000                        19,730 20,000           33% 1,009,055      1,148,810      1,115,000      961,167         1,220,000      9% Allocations 5110 Workers' Compensation 105,200         95,100           94,400                        78,635 71,500           ‐24% 5905 Technology Services Allocation 33,174           39,200           59,600                        49,647 54,500           ‐9% 5910 Equipment Replacement Allocation ‐                  49,000            ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  ‐ 5911 Motor Fleet Allocation ‐                   ‐                  92,200                        76,803 95,400           3% 138,374         183,300         246,200         205,085         221,400         ‐10% Capital Equipment 5820 Machinery & Equipment 4,425             8,554              ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  ‐ 5825 Vehicles 79,299           361,329         32,000                        67,697 80,000           150% 5980 Capital Equipment ‐                   ‐                  50,000            ‐                  110,000         120% 83,723           369,883         82,000           67,697           190,000         132% Recovered Costs 5962 Recovered Costs‐Fleet Allocations ‐                   ‐                  (158,900)                 (132,364) (155,200)        ‐ Total All Public Works 7,068,751      7,191,487      7,851,950      5,076,162      8,749,600      11% Public Works‐All Funds 24 FY 2022‐23 Budget A6 Develop a maintenance plan for all City facilities, including lighting and camera equipment reviews to  determine if updates or maintenance are required. A7 Explore grant funding to install additional cameras in parks and other public facilities to help deter crime. C1 Continue ongoing improvements to streets and infrastructure in the City. C2 Maintain or enhance crosswalks, lighting, and public sidewalks, and review current lighting standards to  determine whether they need to be revised and/or updated. C3 Continue to seek grant and other funding opportunities for street improvements and infrastructure  enhancements. C4 Review the City’s existing bike plan to determine the feasibility of including bicycle infrastructure as an  element of street improvement projects. C5 Develop and support projects which incorporate multi‐modal transportation systems. C8 Develop a five‐year Capital Improvement Project (CIP) program C9 Develop and/or update maintenance and repair management plans for all City facilities, including all parks  and park facilities. C10 Continue to organize community clean‐up events that involve residents and businesses. Goal  C ‐ Infrastructure and Facilities Goal A ‐ Safety City of Rosemead Public Works 2022‐23 Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives Goals of the 2030 Strategic Plan by Category Departmental Data 25 FY 2022‐23 Budget 2020‐21 2021‐22 Field Services Graffiti Removal (square feet)55,043          57,186  Number of Graffiti Removal Requests 2,660            1,605  Number of Potholes Filled 20                  20  Number of Curb Repairs 5                    4  Motor Fleet  Number of Fleet Repairs 22                  13  Parks & Open Spaces Number of Trees Trimmed 198               342  Number of Tree Removals 52                  44  Trash ‐ Dumped on Right‐of‐Way 10,483            5,963  Number of Shopping Carts Picked Up 427               316  Number of Parks Equipment Repair/Vandalism 163               214  Facility Maintenance Number of Plumbing Calls 31                  41  City of Rosemead Public Works Performance and Workload Measures Departmental Data 26 FY 2022‐23 Budget →City completed the Walnut Grove Underground Rule 20A Project →City completed the Walnut Grove Avenue Resurfacing Phase I Project →City completed the Bollard Installation Project at Encinita and Pitkin Project →City completed the Citywide Sidewalk, Curb & Gutter Replacement Project →City completed the Various Residential Street Resurfacing Project →SB 1383 Program Implementation and Ordinance Adoption →Design Phase of the Dog Park Project is completed →Design Phase of the Sheriff Substation Project is completed →Design Phase of the Delta Avenue Sidewalk Gap Closure Project is completed →Local Roadway Safety Plan Grant Award →Mission Beacon Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon Project Grant Award City of Rosemead Public Works  Accomplishments Engineering Division Departmental Data 27 FY 2022‐23 Budget Description When Expected Results Public Works Administration Provide administrative support to  department operations, citizen advisory  commissions, and other departments. Ongoing Improved awareness of department  operations and services in the community,  and to other City staff. Contract Management – transportation,  trash, landscape maintenance, fleet, etc. Ongoing Cost savings; increased efficiency; and,  improved programs, facilities, and fleet. Grant Management Ongoing Improved awareness of other  programs/services, and increased  opportunities for grant funding. Staff Development Ongoing Development opportunities for employees  including increased responsiveness to  residents from cross‐training. Field services Promote zero tolerance for graffiti in the  City and ensure a 48‐hour removal of  observed/reported graffiti. Ongoing Improved community beautification and  maintenance of City assets. Manage and operate a City graffiti hotline  and online graffiti reporting system.Ongoing Increased access for residents to report  graffiti in the City. Ensure that streetlights are in proper  working condition through regular  communication with Southern California  Edison. Ongoing Improved community beautification and  maintenance of City assets. Contract for repair and maintenance of City  streetlights as needed.Ongoing Improved streetscape appearance and  visibility in the City. Manage City street sweeping operations. Ongoing Improve aesthetics and reduce amount of  debris to storm drains. Ensure that City sidewalks, public rights‐of‐ way, streets, and surrounding hardscape  are in a proper condition. Ongoing Improved community beautification and  maintenance of City assets. Ensure that City street traffic signals are in  proper working condition.Ongoing Improved community beautification,  dependability of City assets, and traffic  safety. Maintain a tracking mechanism for public  service order requests.Ongoing Increased efficiency, responsiveness to the  public. Manage Bulk‐Item Pick‐up Program Ongoing Improve aesthetics, and City cleanliness. City of Rosemead Public Works Work Plan Departmental Data 28 FY 2022‐23 Budget Description When Expected Results City of Rosemead Public Works Work Plan Manage City Signage Replacement Program Ongoing Increased vehicle and pedestrian safety. Manage on‐call services agreements to  perform routine services like sidewalk and  street repair work. Ongoing Increased efficiency and cost savings for  street repair projects. Striping, markings, and curb numbers. Ongoing Improved safety and beautification of  the City. Provide both routine and special  maintenance of 41 City‐owned traffic  signals, 4 shared traffic signals, and 8 State‐ owned traffic signals. Ongoing Minimize disruption and delay to the  public on City roadways.  Respond to  outages and downed signal complaints  the same day that they are reported. Respond to requests for signage and  striping modifications from general public  and the City Traffic Commission. Ongoing Improved street appearance and  reduction in traffic accidents. Continue to survey existing street signs,  integrate into City GIS system and  implement replacement program. Ongoing Improved street appearance and  reduction in traffic accidents. Annual school route repainting Ongoing Improved visibility of street markings  near schools prior to start of school  year. Maintain road striping and markings and  perform maintenance of these assets. Ongoing Increase vehicle and pedestrian safety. Facility Maintenance Ongoing Manage maintenance and janitorial services  for City owned facilities.Ongoing Improved community aesthetics and safety. Complete modernization improvements at  City facilities.Ongoing Improved facilities aesthetics. Facility accessibility improvements. Ongoing Improved access to public facilities. Utility usage at facilities. Ongoing Ensure areas are safe for facility users. Repair and replace facility amenities. Ongoing Improve facility appearance and user  safety. Motor Fleet Purchase vehicles listed in City’s vehicle  replacement schedule.Ongoing Improved appearance of City vehicles and  ability to use dependable equipment. Departmental Data 29 FY 2022‐23 Budget Description When Expected Results City of Rosemead Public Works Work Plan Manage safety and maintenance schedule  for all in‐service City vehicles.Ongoing Better maintained city vehicles and safer  vehicles for staff to use. Pursue grant funds for alternative fuel  vehicle's Ongoing Set an environmental standard in the  community and reduce costs for vehicle  replacement. Solid Waste Participate in LA Regional Agency programs  and meetings.Ongoing Compliance with state recycling program  requirements. Evaluate services provided for solid waste  and recycling collection services.Ongoing Improved services for Rosemead  community and improved compliance with  state environmental mandates. Evaluate services provided for solid waste  and recycling collection services.Ongoing Educate and promote the recycling  programs to residents and businesses  within the City to comply with state  regulations. Parks & Open Spaces Manage landscape maintenance for City  owned parks and right of way areas.Ongoing Improve Community aesthetics. Landscape beautification improvements at  City facilities.Ongoing Improve Community aesthetics while  conserving water. Park accessibility improvements. Ongoing Improve access to parks and public areas. Utility usage at parks. Ongoing Ensure areas are landscaped and safe for  park users while conserving water. Repair and replace park amenities. Ongoing Improve park appearance and park user  safety. Repair and improve irrigation equipment. Ongoing Improved community aesthetics and  water usage. Engineering Administer the Capital Improvement  Program for the City.Ongoing Improved coordination on projects and  better scheduling of upcoming work. Provide customer assistance to the general  public and other departments.Ongoing Provide a high level of service in an  appropriate time frame. Administer Public Works permitting  process.Ongoing Ensure that City standards are met for  construction work taking place within  the public right‐of‐way. Departmental Data 30 FY 2022‐23 Budget Description When Expected Results City of Rosemead Public Works Work Plan Provide staff assistance to the City’s Traffic  Commission and City Council.Ongoing Coordinate projects and traffic study  requests from the general public and  City officials. Participate in regional efforts to meet new  storm water permit requirements, including  involvement in an enhanced watershed  management program. Ongoing Ensure City compliance with state  mandated clean water programs. Participate and maintain compliance with  regional, State, and Federal funding and  legislation. Ongoing Ensure staff is aware of potential grant  funding and local return program  regulation changes. Improve public outreach and education for  storm water pollution prevention  programs. Ongoing Ensure City compliance with state  mandated clean water programs. Manage industrial waste inspection  program with LA County.Ongoing Ensure business compliance with fats, oils,  and grease disposal regulations. Provide site development and planning  review.Ongoing Ensure local and state regulations are met  and adequate infrastructure exists to  support development.  Public Transit Provide customer assistance and support to  residents using transit services.Ongoing Convenient access to transit program,  resolution of transitory complaints, and  continued monitoring of transit service  contractor. Continue to promote transit programs and  evaluate enhancement opportunities.Ongoing Improved accessibility for City residents. Participation in regional transportation  planning programs and agencies.Ongoing Represent Rosemead’s interest in improved  transportation planning and services. Manage Proposition A, Proposition C, and  Measure R program funds with possible  sale of excess funds. Ongoing Ensure compliance with Metro grant  requirements. Departmental Data 31 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Public Works This page left blank Public Works 32 FY 2022‐23 Budget 2022‐23 Budget ‐ General Fund 2022‐23 Budget ‐ Other Funds Total Department Budget 2022‐23 Proposed Full Time Staffing 8 Number of Divisions 9 → → → → → → Part time staffing ‐ Increases due to minimum wage increase on January 1, 2022 and updated salary resolution  effective March 22, 2022 Parks and Recreation City of Rosemead Significant Changes: Department Organizational Chart: Department Budget Summary: 170,000                        $  4,122,600 3,952,600                     Community Events & Advertising ‐ Increase costs based on current costs of standard events with 2 minor events  added for the year. Class Instruction ‐ Increase  based on anticipated increase in services ‐ partially offset by increase to related  revenue Supplemental List Items ‐ Non Recurring included Christmas decorations for $100,000 and a variety of facility  refurbishments and equipment replacement for $84,000 Supplemental List Items ‐ New Programs include Community Garden Contract for $40,000 Contract Svc‐Food Services ‐ Increased due to the continued need for additional food services for the Senior  Nutrition Program and increased contract cost Parks and Recreation 1 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed % Incr Salaries and Benefits 1,860,956       1,279,838       2,392,700       1,222,522       2,673,800       12% Operations and Maintenance 752,759          292,769          896,100          359,425          1,162,400       30% Utilities 82,391             95,057             92,000             124,129          130,000          41% Allocated Costs 38,700             52,500             91,800             76,469             115,900          26% Capital Outlay ‐                    ‐                   213,550          213,097          40,500             ‐81%      Total Expenditures by Category 2,734,807       1,720,164       3,686,150       1,995,642       4,122,600       12% Expenditures by Division Parks & Rec Administration            443,968             439,604             564,600             461,523             754,100 34% Recreation 366,588          261,825          511,150          348,909          607,500          19% Youth & Adult Sports              38,624               21,420             156,600               23,722             191,200 22% Aquatics            759,361             428,734             923,600             478,596          1,043,000 13% Instructional Classes            185,401               22,083             264,400               75,158             301,000 14% Community Center Operations            448,218             290,043             536,000             209,694             615,500 15% Senior Services            247,984             160,309             317,500               94,190             357,100 12% Community Events            233,076               96,145             403,300             303,849             243,200 ‐40% Dinsmoor Heritage House              11,588                        ‐                   9,000                        ‐                 10,000 11%      Total Expenditures by Division 2,734,807       1,720,164       3,686,150       1,995,642       4,122,600       12% Funding Sources: FY 2020  Actuals   FY 2021  Actuals   FY 2022 Budget   FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22   FY 2023  Proposed  101 General Fund 2,640,440       1,699,033       3,517,550                1,971,082 3,952,600       12% 215 Proposition A 26,109              ‐                   118,000                          5,538 118,000          0% 220 Proposition C 48,112             2,298                ‐                                          ‐    ‐                   ‐ 260 CDBG 20,146             18,833             50,600                           19,022 52,000             3%      Total Funding Sources 2,734,807       1,720,164       3,686,150       1,995,642       4,122,600       12% Number of Full Time Staffing 89888 City of Rosemead Parks and Recreation Budget Summary By Major Categories Parks and Recreation 2 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits 346,455      371,846      404,800      340,099      462,500       Operations and Maintenance 50,505        9,558           60,300        38,540        169,100       Allocated Costs 44,100        58,200        99,500        82,884        122,500       Capital Equipment 2,608            ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ General Fund 443,668      439,604      564,600      461,523      754,100       Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries & Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages 231,256      240,251      255,500      217,660      296,200       5025 Overtime ‐                ‐                ‐               2,345           2,500            5105 Social Security/Medicare 19,742        19,262        20,500        16,979        22,300         5115 Retirement Contributions 23,482        40,316        62,400        51,637        73,700         5125 Auto Allowance 6,075           6,075            ‐                ‐                ‐                5130 Cafeteria Benefit 65,900        65,941        61,200        48,179        62,100         5199 Other Employee Benefits ‐                ‐               5,200           3,300           5,700            Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits 346,455      371,846      404,800      340,099      462,500       Operations and Maintenance 5250 Software License/Maint ‐               6,000           707              6,900            5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 34,153         ‐                ‐                ‐               40,000         5435 Travel & Meetings 6,549           2,200           5,900           2,441           10,700         5465 Membership Dues 3,630           3,170           3,900           3,190           4,400            5565 Entertainment Lic Agreements 2,086           2,364           3,500           2,409           3,600            5605 General Supplies 727              586              41,000        29,342        3,500            5645 Software 3,360           1,237            ‐               452               ‐                5726 Supplemental Items ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               100,000       Total ‐ Operations & Maint 50,505        9,558           60,300        38,540        169,100       Allocated Costs 5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 5,400           5,700           7,700           6,414           6,600            5905 Technology Services Alloc 38,700        51,500        78,300        65,224        93,100         5910 Equipment Replacement Alloc ‐               1,000            ‐                ‐                ‐                City of Rosemead Administration Division 4001 To provide administrative and clerical support to all Parks & Recreation Divisions. The Administrative Division pursues written reports, reviews program policies and procedures, completes special projects and programs, purses grant funding, and has oversight of master plan projects related to Parks and Recreation facilities. Parks and Recreation‐Admin 3 FY  2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Administration Division 4001 Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed 5911 Motor Fleet Allocation ‐                ‐               13,500        11,246        22,800         Total ‐ Allocated Cost 44,100        58,200        99,500        82,884        122,500       5980 Capital Equipment 2,608            ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                TOTAL GENERAL FUND 443,668      439,604      564,600      461,523      754,100       F 260 ‐ CDBG 5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 300               ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Total for Fund 300               ‐               ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ ALL FUNDS 443,968      439,604      564,600      461,523      754,100       Obj # Description 5250 5435 5465 5565 Entertainment License Agreement ‐Agreement for ASCAP, BMI, MPLC, and Movie fees 5605 General Supplies ‐ Funding for new stree holiday decorations Membership Dues ‐ Memberships for various agencies such as CPRS, NRPA, and SCMAF Object Account Descriptions Software License/Maint ‐ Funding for Creative Cloud for Director's and Administrative Specialist's  Adobe Travel & Meetings ‐ Provide funds for CPRS Annual Conference, Annual Staff Retreat, and SCMAF  Institute Conference Parks and Recreation‐Admin 4 FY  2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits 328,553      222,691      430,900      308,168      530,400       Operations and Maintenance 20,234        14,434        33,700        20,417        44,000         Capital Outlay ‐                ‐               13,550        13,547         ‐                Allocated Costs 17,800        24,700        3,000           2,499           3,100            Total ‐ General Fund 366,588      261,825      481,150      344,631      577,500       Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries & Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages 67,216        70,569        73,700        71,962        138,900       5010 Part‐Time Salaries & Wages 187,613      106,978      286,900      183,246      295,900       5025 Overtime ‐                ‐                ‐               221              5,000            5105 Social Security/Medicare 9,670           8,319           13,200        9,083           15,800         5115 Retirement Contributions 37,543        13,297        31,500        23,738        41,700         5130 Cafeteria Benefit 26,512        23,527        24,000        18,729        30,100         5199 Other Employee Benefits ‐               1,600           1,189           3,000            Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits 328,553      222,691      430,900      308,168      530,400       Operations and Maintenance 5140 Unemployment Compensation ‐                ‐                5340 Facilities Maint & Repair 3,575           3,069           2,600           5,529           7,400            5387 Leases ‐ Property 4,893           4,956           5,200           7,980           8,200            5435 Travel & Meetings ‐                ‐               500               ‐               500               5455 Printing & Binding 422               ‐               500               ‐                ‐                5605 General Supplies 4,743           5,576           8,000           3,424           7,500            5655 Uniforms 1,692           834              1,800           1,110           1,800            5715 Excursions 4,910            ‐               15,100        2,374           15,100         5726 Supplemetal Items ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               3,500            Total ‐ Operations & Maint 20,234        14,434        33,700        20,417        44,000         Capital Outlay 5980 Capital Equipment ‐                ‐               13,550        13,547         ‐                Total ‐ Allocated Cost ‐                ‐               13,550        13,547         ‐                City of Rosemead Recreation Division 4005 The General Recreation Division provides seasonal and year‐round recreational opportunities to Rosemead youth including after‐school recreation and seasonal day camps. Evening and weekend park supervision and field monitoring are also included in the General Recreation Division.  Parks and Recreation‐Recreation 5 FY  2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Recreation Division 4005 Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Allocated Costs 5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 17,800        24,700        3,000           2,499           3,100            Total ‐ Allocated Cost 17,800        24,700        3,000           2,499           3,100            TOTAL GENERAL FUND 366,588      261,825      481,150      344,631      577,500       F 260 ‐ CDBG 5010 Part‐Time Salaries & Wages ‐                ‐               15,100        45                17,100         51xx Benefits ‐                ‐               900              211              1,000            5719 Summer Youth Emp Program ‐                ‐               14,000        4,022           11,900         Total for Fund ‐                ‐               30,000        4,278           30,000         Total ‐ ALL FUNDS 366,588      261,825      511,150      348,909      607,500       Obj # Description 5340 5387 5605 5715 5719 Leases ‐ Property ‐ Funding to lease Guess Park, Jay Imperial Park, Zapopan Park, and Other  Miscellaneous Parks Object Account Descriptions Facilities Maint & Repair ‐ Provide funds for cost of floor resurfacing for the Gym CDBG Summer Youth Emp Program ‐ This programs provides work experience for young people  between the ages of 15 and 18.  The annual program helps build valuable job skills, develops  leadership skills and offers youth the opportunity to learn what it means to be involved in their  community General Supplies ‐ Provide funds for department office supplies and supplies used for  Recreation's special events Excursions ‐ Allocate funding to Spring Break Camp, Summer Family Excursions,  Thanksgiving Break Camp, Summer Weekly Day Camp, and Winter Day Camp Parks and Recreation‐Recreation 6 FY  2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits 20,141        3,830           127,100      7,828           143,500       Operations and Maintenance 15,183        8,490           29,500        15,894        47,700         Allocated Costs 3,300           9,100            ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ General Fund 38,624        21,420        156,600      23,722        191,200       Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries & Benefits 5010 Part‐Time Salaries & Wages 19,146        3,641           120,700      7,441           136,300       5105 Social Security/Medicare 278              53                1,800           108              2,000            5115 Retirement Contributions 718              137              4,600           279              5,200            Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits 20,141        3,830           127,100      7,828           143,500       Operations and Maintenance 5340 Facilities Maint & Repair 1,205           192              1,500           448              1,500            5435 Travel & Meetings 31                345              1,300           140              1,300            5505 Class Instruction ‐               1,455           2,200           11,768        22,200         5605 General Supplies 12,854        4,698           19,600        3,307           19,600         5630 Small Tools & Equipment 1,094           1,800           4,900           230              3,100            Total ‐ Operations & Maint 15,183        8,490           29,500        15,894        47,700         Allocated Costs 5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 3,300           9,100            ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ Allocated Cost 3,300           9,100            ‐                ‐                ‐                TOTAL GENERAL FUND 38,624        21,420        156,600      23,722        191,200       City of Rosemead Youth & Adult Sports Division 4010 The Youth and Adult Sports Division is responsible for provision of year‐round sports activities for residents of all ages including youth, middle school, and adult sports. This division will offer a variety of youth and adult sports opportunities that include leagues, instructional camps, clinics, and national competitions.  Parks and Recreation‐Youth and Adult Sports 7 FY  2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Youth & Adult Sports Division 4010 Obj # Description 5340 5435 5505 5605 5630 Class Instruction ‐ Provide funds for golf, tennis, and kendo classes in Garvey Park and volunteer and  contract instructor for SSCI screening General Supplies ‐ Provide funds for basketball and volleyball clinic supplies, smart sports program,  youth futsal, and youth basketball and volleyball; program Small Tools & Equipment ‐ Provide funds for AED machines, replacement of basketball, volleyball,  and futsal equipment and supplies Facilities Maint & Repair ‐ Provide funds for Gym floor cleaning supplies and additional safety  padding Travel & Meetings ‐ Provide funds for CPRS Regional and District workshops and SCMAF Institute  training Object Account Descriptions Parks and Recreation‐Youth and Adult Sports 8 FY  2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Expenditures FY 2019 Actuals FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021 Budget FY 2021 YTD 4‐30‐21 FY 2022  Adopted Salaries and Benefits 470,651      219,661      649,000      226,655      656,000       Operations and Maintenance 151,819      80,116        178,900      124,730      254,700       Utilities 82,391        95,057        92,000        124,129      130,000       Allocated Costs 38,000        33,900        3,700           3,082           2,300            Capital Outlay 16,499         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ General Fund 759,361      428,734      923,600      478,596      1,043,000    Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries & Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages 126,888      70,429        121,100      55,734        71,500         5010 Part‐Time Salaries & Wages 223,854      87,637        420,300      123,978      498,800       5105 Social Security/Medicare 13,010        7,138           17,900        6,512           15,300         5115 Retirement Contributions 64,580        29,618        46,200        22,719        39,700         5130 Cafeteria Benefit 42,320        24,839        40,800        16,745        29,100         5199 Other Employee Benefits ‐               2,700           966              1,600            Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits 470,651      219,661      649,000      226,655      656,000       Operations and Maintenance 5340 Facilities Maint & Repair 12,072         ‐               17,900        14,576        25,100         5345 Pool Maintenance 35,752        39,002        51,800        29,663        51,800         5435 Travel & Meetings 30                 ‐               1,100           195              1,900            5460 Training Classes ‐                ‐               700               ‐               700               5505 Class Instruction 81,506        37,745        85,000        64,421        140,000       5605 General Supplies 17,439        3,370           18,200        15,875        19,000         5655 Uniforms 5,020            ‐               4,200            ‐               4,200            5726 Supplemental Items ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               12,000         Total ‐ Operations & Maint 151,819      80,116        178,900      124,730      254,700       Utilities 5305 Utilities ‐ Electricity 37,207        37,532        40,000        44,570        45,000         5310 Utilities ‐ Water 15,345        13,618        17,000        18,756        20,000         5315 Utilities ‐ Natural Gas 29,840        43,907        35,000        60,803        65,000         Total ‐ Operations & Maint 82,391        95,057        92,000        124,129      130,000       City of Rosemead Aquatics Division 4015 To provide recreational aquatic programs including summer recreation swim, lap swim, aqua aerobics, special events including luau and dive‐in movies. The Division oversees maintenance of Rosemead and Garvey Pools. Parks and Recreation‐Aquatics 9 FY  2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Aquatics Division 4015 Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Allocated Costs 5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 38,000        33,900        3,700           3,082           2,300            Total ‐ Allocated Cost 38,000        33,900        3,700           3,082           2,300            Capital Outlay 5820 Machinery & Equipment 16,499         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ Capital Outlay 16,499         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                TOTAL GENERAL FUND 759,361      428,734      923,600      478,596      1,043,000    Total ‐ ALL FUNDS 759,361      428,734      923,600      478,596      1,043,000    Obj # Description 5340 5345 5435 5460 Training Classes ‐ Provide funds for staff certifications 5505 5605 Class Instruction ‐ Provide funds for swim instructors who teach both at RAC and Splash Zone Pool Maintenance ‐ Agreement for RAC and Splash dry chemicals and chlorine and RAC equipment  maintenance Facilities Maint & Repair ‐ Provide funds for filter service at RAC and Splash, heater service at RAC,  various RAC and Splash tools and repairs Travel & Meetings ‐ Provide funds for SCCPOA meetings and membership and staff training supplies Object Account Descriptions General Supplies ‐  Provide funds for department general and office supplies, dive in movie, luau,  pumpkin dive and State and County fees Parks and Recreation‐Aquatics 10 FY  2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits 71,710        12,254        126,900      42,554        178,600       Operations and Maintenance 108,391      4,330           135,200      30,688        85,200         Capital Outlay ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               35,000         Allocated Costs 5,300           5,500           2,300           1,916           2,200            Total ‐ General Fund 185,401      22,083        264,400      75,158        301,000       Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries & Benefits 5010 Part‐Time Salaries & Wages 45,111         ‐               89,400        24,384        115,600       5105 Social Security/Medicare 2,126            ‐               6,800           1,028           7,800            5115 Retirement Contributions 20,201        4,249           20,100        10,808        29,200         5130 Cafeteria Benefit 4,272           8,005           10,600        6,334           26,000         Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits 71,710        12,254        126,900      42,554        178,600       Operations and Maintenance 5505 Class Instruction 103,431      4,330           130,000      29,707        80,000         5550 Recruiting Expense 494               ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5605 General Supplies 4,466            ‐               5,200           981              5,200            Total ‐ Operations & Maint 108,391      4,330           135,200      30,688        85,200         Capital Outlay 5980 Capital Equipment ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               35,000         Total ‐ Capital Outlay ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               35,000         Allocated Costs 5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 5,300           5,500           2,300           1,916           2,200            Total ‐ Allocated Cost 5,300           5,500           2,300           1,916           2,200            TOTAL GENERAL FUND 185,401      22,083        264,400      75,158        301,000       Obj # Description 5505 5605 General Supplies ‐ Provide funds for Play‐School supplies Class Instruction ‐ Provide funds for class instructors who teach both at RCRC and Garvey Center.   Payment is based on portion of revenue collected Object Account Descriptions City of Rosemead Instructional Classes Division 4020 The Contract Classes Division provides classes covering a variety of cultural, physical fitness, special interest, and self‐improvement subjects (Contract instructors are paid a percentage of the fees collected for their class). The Play School program is also operated from this division at Garvey Center and Rosemead Park. Parks and Recreation‐Instructional Classes 11 FY  2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits 396,092      232,993      516,700      196,957      559,700       Operations and Maintenance 16,571        13,888        17,100        10,905        48,700         Allocated Costs 21,000        30,000        2,200           1,833           1,600            Capital Outlay 14,554        13,161         ‐                ‐               5,500            Total ‐ General Fund 448,218      290,043      536,000      209,694      615,500       Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries & Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages 63,841        71,207        72,700        12,728        70,700         5010 Part‐Time Salaries & Wages 282,286      118,153      376,900      161,889      425,800       5105 Social Security/Medicare 10,143        8,373           12,600        3,269           11,600         5115 Retirement Contributions 17,112        12,632        32,500        15,393        31,600         5130 Cafeteria Benefit 22,710        22,629        20,400        3,075           18,500         5199 Other Employee Benefits ‐                ‐               1,600           602              1,500            Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits 396,092      232,993      516,700      196,957      559,700       Operations and Maintenance 5340 Facilities Maint & Repair 515              316              900              708              2,900            5435 Travel & Meetings 463               ‐               500              250              500               5605 General Supplies 12,069        11,621        13,700        9,947           15,300         5655 Uniforms 3,524           1,951           2,000            ‐               2,000            5726 Supplemental Items ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               28,000         Total ‐ Operations & Maint 16,571        13,888        17,100        10,905        48,700         Allocated Costs 5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 21,000        30,000        2,200           1,833           1,600            Total ‐ Allocated Cost 21,000        30,000        2,200           1,833           1,600            Capital Outlay 5820 Machinery & Equipment 14,554        13,161         ‐                ‐                ‐                5980 Capital Equipment ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               5,500            Total ‐ Capital Outlay 14,554        13,161         ‐                ‐               5,500            TOTAL GENERAL FUND 448,218      290,043      536,000      209,694      615,500       Total ‐ ALL FUNDS 448,218      290,043      536,000      209,694      615,500       City of Rosemead Community Center Operations Division 4025 The division is responsible for oversight of the Garvey Center and Rosemead Community Recreation Center for public use for receptions, events, meetings, and to facilitate contract classes. Parks and Recreation‐Community Center Operations 12 FY  2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Community Center Operations Division 4025 Obj # Description 5340 5435 5605 Travel & Meetings ‐ Provide funds for CPRS Regional and District workshops and SCMAF Institute  training General Supplies ‐  Provide funds for department office supplies, Sparkletts water, and family movie  and game night Object Account Descriptions Facilities Maint & Repair ‐ Provide funds for Ice‐Machine maintenance Parks and Recreation‐Community Center Operations 13 FY  2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits 98,282        83,802        80,400        66,106        86,100         Operations and Maintenance 58,535        54,476        107,100      6,636           139,900       Allocated Costs 3,700           900              1,400           1,166           1,100            Total ‐ General Fund 160,517      139,178      188,900      73,908        227,100       Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries & Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages 46,487        44,094        44,700        36,716        48,000         5010 Part‐Time Salaries & Wages 3,166            ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5025 Overtime ‐                ‐                ‐               833               5105 Social Security/Medicare 3,454           3,004           3,200           2,543           3,400            5115 Retirement Contributions 27,751        18,898        15,000        11,829        16,300         5130 Cafeteria Benefit 17,424        17,805        16,400        13,486        17,300         5199 Other Employee Benefits ‐                ‐               1,100           700              1,100            Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits 98,282        83,802        80,400        66,106        86,100         Operations and Maintenance 5560 Contract Svc ‐ Food Services 32,543        49,143        71,600        2,832           103,400       5605 General Supplies 878              509              1,000           628              1,000            5710 Community Events 7,723           4,789           11,000        3,176           12,000         5715 Excursions 17,392        35                23,500         ‐               23,500         Total ‐ Operations & Maint 58,535        54,476        107,100      6,636           139,900       Allocated Costs 5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 3,700           900              1,400           1,166           1,100            Total ‐ Allocated Cost 3,700           900              1,400           1,166           1,100            TOTAL GENERAL FUND 160,517      139,178      188,900      73,908        227,100       City of Rosemead Senior Services Division 4030 The Senior Services Division provides services to seniors to include lunch services, social activities, excursions, special events, instructional classes for ongoing personal development, health & medical screenings to assist seniors with personal wellness. Also, to partner with clubs, community organizations, and El Monte‐Rosemead Adult School to meet the social, physical, and recreational needs of local seniors. Parks and Recreation‐Senior Services 14 FY  2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Senior Services Division 4030 Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F215 ‐ PROP A 5715 Excursions 19,509         ‐               28,000        1,111           28,000         5725 Bus Pass Subsidy ‐                ‐               80,000        4,427           80,000         Total for Fund 19,509         ‐               108,000      5,538           108,000       F220 ‐ PROP C 5725 Bus Pass Subsidy 48,112        2,298            ‐                ‐                ‐                Total for Fund 48,112        2,298            ‐                ‐                ‐                F260 ‐ CDBG 5005 Salaries & Wages 8,416           9,605           11,200        7,964           12,000         51xx Benefits 11,430        9,229           9,400           6,780           10,000         Total for Fund 19,846        18,833        20,600        14,744        22,000         Total ‐  ALL FUNDS 247,984      160,309      317,500      94,190        357,100       Obj # Description 5560 5710 5715 Excursions ‐ Provide funds for senior excursions 5715 Prop A ‐ Excursions ‐ Funding for senior trips within LA County 5725 Prop A ‐ Buss Pass Subsidy ‐ Provide buss pass subsidy for seniors (moved from Prop C to Prop A  fund) Contract Svc ‐ Food Services ‐ Contract for meals for seniors Community Events ‐ Provide funds for various senior events such as bingo & movie day,  Halloween and holiday party, monthly arts and crafts supplies, Salute to Seniors event,  senior health fair, spring breakfast, summer beach party, and Sweethearts Jamboree Object Account Descriptions Parks and Recreation‐Senior Services 15 FY  2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits 13,125        4,127            ‐               2,243            ‐                Operations and Maintenance 212,050      92,018        193,300      102,056      233,200       Allocated Costs 1,300            ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Capital Outlay ‐                ‐               200,000      199,550       ‐                Total ‐ General Fund 226,476      96,145        393,300      303,849      233,200       Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries & Benefits 5010 Part‐Time Salaries & Wages 12,477        3,923            ‐               2,132            ‐                5105 Social Security/Medicare 181              57                 ‐               31                 ‐                5115 Retirement Contributions 468              147               ‐               80                 ‐                Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits 13,125        4,127            ‐               2,243            ‐                Operations and Maintenance 5440 Advertising/Publishing 22,929        11,758        45,200        30,276        55,200         5605 General Supplies 1,019           2,864           500              (21)               2,000            5665 Postage 5,869           2,985           9,300           9,177           12,400         5710 Community Events 182,234      74,411        138,300      62,624        163,600       Total ‐ Operations & Maint 212,050      92,018        193,300      102,056      233,200       Allocated Costs 5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 1,300            ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ Allocated Cost 1,300            ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Capital Outlay 5981 Capital Outlay ‐ Carryover ‐                ‐               200,000      199,550       ‐                Total ‐ Allocated Cost ‐                ‐               200,000      199,550       ‐                TOTAL GENERAL FUND 226,476      96,145        393,300      303,849      233,200       City of Rosemead Community Events Division 4040 The Community Promotions / Special Events division strives to provide high quality annual citywide special events including Easter Eggstravaganza, July 4th Parade and Celebration, Rosemead Summer Concerts, Moon Festival, Fall Fiesta, Trunk or Treat, Christmas Tree Lighting and Dinner with Santa. These events serve tens of thousands of residents annually. This division is also responsible for the quarterly publication of the Parks and Recreation Community Guide as well as all department marketing and promotions. Parks and Recreation‐Community Events 16 FY  2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Community Events Division 4040 Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F215 ‐ PROP A 5440 Advertising/Publishing 6,600           10,000         ‐               10,000         Total for Fund 6,600            ‐               10,000         ‐               10,000         Total ‐  ALL FUNDS 233,076      96,145        403,300      303,849      243,200       Obj # Description 5440 5665 5710 5820 5440 Prop A ‐ Advertising/Publishing ‐ Provide funds for promotional items for special events,  translations, and brochures. Machinery & Equipment ‐ Provide funds for a special event stage Advertising/Publishing ‐ Provide funds for promotional items for special events, translations, and  brochures. Object Account Descriptions Community Events ‐ Provide funds for various events such as 4th of July, 6 summer concerts, Dinner  with Santa, Easter Eggstravaganza, Fall Fiesta, Holiday Tree lighting, Memorial Day, Moon festival,  Parks Make Life better event, Trunk or Treat, Holiday Sleigh Ride & Scavenger hunt, Easter  Scavenger hunt, and 5K run and bike ride Postage ‐ Provide funds for postage Parks and Recreation‐Community Events 17 FY  2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Operations and Maintenance 11,588         ‐               9,000            ‐               10,000         Allocated Costs ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ General Fund 11,588         ‐               9,000            ‐               10,000         Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries & Benefits ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Operations and Maintenance 5330 Grounds Repair & Maint ‐                ‐               5,000            ‐               5,000            5340 Facilities Maint & Repair 8,132            ‐               4,000            ‐               4,000            5605 General Supplies 3,456            ‐                ‐                ‐               1,000            Total ‐ Operations & Maint 11,588         ‐               9,000            ‐               10,000         TOTAL GENERAL FUND 11,588         ‐               9,000            ‐               10,000         City of Rosemead Dinsmoor Heritage House Division 4045 The division is accountable for providing maintenance and oversight of the facility and grounds of the Dinsmoor Heritage House Cultural Museum. This effort is done in cooperation with the local heritage society. Parks and Recreation‐Dinsmoor Heritage House 18 FY  2022‐23 Budget Object Expenditures: FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed % Incr Salaries & Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages 550,178            512,231            578,900                         402,763 637,300            10% 5010 Part‐Time Salaries & Wages 773,652            320,332            1,309,300                     503,116 1,489,500        14% 5025 Overtime ‐                     ‐                     ‐                                      3,400 7,500                ‐ 5105 Social Security / Medicare 59,260              46,860              77,100                              40,161 79,400              3% 5110 Workers' Compensation 96,300              110,100            20,700                              17,243 17,200              ‐17% 5115 Retirement Contributions 198,177            123,689            216,700                         139,350 242,200            12% 5130 Cafeteria Benefit 183,389            166,626            177,500                         109,557 187,500            6% 5199 Other Employee Benefits ‐                     ‐                    12,500                                6,931 13,200              6% 1,860,956        1,279,838        2,392,700        1,222,522        2,673,800        12% Operations and maintenance 5250 Software License/Maint ‐                     ‐                    6,000                                     707 6,900                15% 5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 34,153               ‐                     ‐                                             ‐   40,000              ‐ 5330 Grounds Repair & Maintenance ‐                     ‐                    5,000                                         ‐   5,000                0% 5340 Facilities Repair & Maintenance 25,498              3,577                26,900                              21,260 40,900              52% 5345 Pool Maintenance 35,752              39,002              51,800                              29,663 51,800              0% 5387 Leases ‐ Property 4,893                4,956                5,200                                  7,980 8,200                58% 5435 Travel & Meetings 7,073                2,545                9,300                                  3,025 14,900              60% 5440 Advertising/Publishing 29,529              11,758              55,200                              30,276 65,200              18% 5460 Training Classes ‐                     ‐                    700                                             ‐   700                    0% 5465 Membership Dues 3,630                3,170                3,900                                  3,190 4,400                13% 5505 Class Instruction 184,937            43,529              217,200                         105,897 242,200            12% 5560 Contract Svc ‐ Food Services 32,543              49,143              71,600                                2,832 103,400            44% 5565 Entertainment License Agreements 2,086                2,364                3,500                                  2,409 3,600                3% 5605 General Supplies 58,566              29,224              107,700                            63,484 74,100              ‐31% 5630 Small Tools & Equipment 1,094                1,800                4,900                                     230 3,100                ‐37% 5645 Software 3,360                1,237                 ‐                                         452 ‐                    ‐ 5655 Uniforms 10,237              2,785                8,000                                  1,110 8,000                0% 5665 Postage 5,869                2,985                9,300                                  9,177 12,400              33% 5710 Community Events 189,957            79,200              149,300                            65,800 175,600            18% 5715 Excursions 41,811              35                      66,600                                3,485 66,600              0% 5719 Summer Youth Emp Prog ‐                     ‐                    14,000                                4,022 11,900              ‐15% 5725 Bus Pass Subsidy 48,112              2,298                80,000                                4,427 80,000              0% 5726 Supplemental Items ‐                     ‐                     ‐                                             ‐   143,500            ‐ 5820 Machinery & Equipment 31,053              13,161               ‐                                             ‐    ‐                    ‐ 5830 Furnitures & Fixtures 2,608                 ‐                     ‐                                             ‐    ‐                    ‐ 752,759            292,769            896,100            359,425            1,162,400        30% Utilities 5305 Utilities ‐ Electricity 37,207              37,532              40,000                              44,570 45,000              13% 5310 Utilities ‐ Water 15,345              13,618              17,000                              18,756 20,000              18% 5315 Utilities ‐ Natural Gas 29,840              43,907              35,000                              60,803 65,000              86% 82,391              95,057              92,000              124,129            130,000            41% Allocations 5905 Technology Services Allocation 38,700              51,500              78,300                              65,224 93,100              19% 5910 Equipment Replacement Allocation ‐                    1,000                 ‐                     ‐                     ‐                    ‐ 5911 Motor Fleet Allocation ‐                     ‐                    13,500                              11,246 22,800              69% 38,700              52,500              91,800              76,469              115,900            26% Capital Equipment 5980 Capital Equipment ‐                     ‐                    13,550              13,547              40,500              199% 5981 Capital Outlay ‐ Carryover ‐                     ‐                    200,000            199,550             ‐                    ‐100% ‐                     ‐                    213,550            213,097            40,500               Total 2,734,807        1,720,164        3,686,150        1,995,642        4,122,600        12% City of Rosemead Parks and Recreation ‐ All Divisions / All Funds Parks and Recreation‐All Funds 19 FY  2022‐23 Budget B3 Include opportunities for input at all City‐hosted events so residents and businesses can provide feedback  about city services, programs, and events. B4 Organize more cultural events which recognize and celebrate the diversity of Rosemead. B5 Continue and expand the Rosemead Anti‐Hate Campaign. B10 Research and evaluate the creation of a Youth Advisory Commission. C11 Incorporate more art in public spaces in the City. D1 Continue to explore and evaluate opportunities for new parks and other green space in the City. D2 Update and expand park amenities, events, and programs so they are more accessible and inclusive, focusing  on key segments of the population including youth, seniors, those with special needs, and residents who are  not English speakers. D3 Provide case management services and emotional development/support to seniors and youth in the  community. D4 Expand community outreach to identify additional programming needs of residents. D5 Continue to look for funding opportunities to expand parks and facilities. D6 Create partnerships with community organizations and sports teams to enhance City sports facilities and  parks programming. D7 Update the Field Allocation Policy. D8 Develop cultural arts programming and/or a Cultural Arts Commission to create and sponsor arts and culture  events in the City. D9 Create an Art Walk event to highlight artists in the Rosemead community. D10 Study and evaluate the expansion of the Splash Zone. D11 Research a location to have a dedicated soccer field. F6 Coordinate between the Finance and Parks and Recreation Departments to create a streamlined approach  linking Parks and Recreation registration and financial software. Parks & Recreation →Include opportunities for input at all City‐hosted events so residents and businesses can provide feedback about city services, programs, and events.   Goals of the 2030 Strategic Plan by Category City of Rosemead Parks & Recreation 2022‐23 Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives Objectives to Complete the Strategic Goals Goal  B ‐ Responsive, Inclusive City Goal  C ‐ Infrastructure and Facilities Goal  D ‐ Parks and Programs Goal  F ‐ Finance Departmental Data 20 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Parks & Recreation 2022‐23 Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives →Research and evaluate the creation of a Youth Advisory Commission.   →Continue and expand the Rosemead Anti‐Hate Campaign. →Incorporate more art in public spaces in City.   →Continue to explore and evaluate opportunities for new parks and other green space in the City.  → Update and expand park amenities, events, and programs so they are more accessible and inclusive, forcusing on key segments of the population including yotuh, seniors, those with special needs, and residents  who are not English speakers.  →Provide case management services and emotional development/support to seniors and youth in the community.  →Expand community outreach to identify additional programming needs of residents.  →Continue to look or funding opportunities to expand parks and facilities. →Create partnerships with community organizations and sports teams to enhance City sports facilities and  parks programming.   →Update the Field Allocation Policy.   →Develop cultural arts programming and/or a Cultural Arts Commission to create and sponsor arts and culture  events in the City.  →Create an Art Walk event to highlight artisits in the Rosemead community. →Study and evaluate the expansion of the Splash Zone.   →Research a location to have a dedicated soccer field.   →Coordinate between the Finance and Parks and Recreation Departments to create a streamlined approach  linking Parks and Recreation registration and financial software.  Departmental Data 21 FY 2022‐23 Budget 2020‐21 2021‐22 Parks & Recreation  Youth program participants               100 400 Older adult program participants               130 525 Recreation class participants               500             2,000  Trip participants                   ‐                     95  Number of community events                  11                   12  Revenue generated by Parks and Recreation. $      65,000  $   387,000  New recreation programs offered.                    3                     1  Number of facility reservations.                   ‐                  200  Number of instructional classes.               250                400  Number of senior lunches served.          45,360           35,000  →Offered safe and socially distant special events.  →Provided a senior lunch drive‐thru twice a week.  Accomplishments Performance and Workload Measures Parks & Recreation City of Rosemead Departmental Data 22 FY 2022‐23 Budget Description When Expected Results Parks & Recreation Administration Continued implementation of Master Plan  projects.Ongoing Initiate lease options with SCE. Continued implementation of Strategic Plan  strategies.Ongoing Continue to increase park and open space  Researching funding for land acquisition Ongoing Initiate and complete Duff School Project.  Connect ActiveNet system to Tyler for ease  of financial records and deposits and  increased customer service. Ongoing Research and apply for national awards,  certifications, and designations through  various professional organizations. Ongoing Implement department social media and  marketing tools for increased promotions Ongoing Increase social media following and  awareness of events and programs. General Recreation  Implement a variety of seasonal day camps  that are aligned with local school district  planning schedules for summer, winter and  spring. Ongoing Increased participation in youth recreation  programs.  Continue to promote after school drop in  recreation program Ongoing Increased youth participation in programs.   Develop and research a plan to provide a  new youth program for residents Ongoing Expand services at Garvey Park Youth Center Youth & Adult Sports Introduce adult sports programming. Ongoing Expand services at Garvey Park Youth Center Introduce programming for special needs  youth. Introduce a challenger sports program for  special needs youth Aquatics Continue to expand corporate swim  program.Ongoing Increased revenues. Contract out routine maintenance Ongoing Consistent maintenance operations and  preventative care of the Splash Zone and RAC. Increase facility rental promotions Ongoing Instructional Classes Review instructional class offerings and  expand at Garvey Center, RCRC, and Garvey  Park Recreation Center. Ongoing Increased variety of class offerings and class  participation. City of Rosemead Parks & Recreation Work Plan Departmental Data 23 FY 2022‐23 Budget Description When Expected Results City of Rosemead Parks & Recreation Work Plan Research and implement participant and  instructor liability insurance Ongoing Increase contract class revenue  Community Center Operations Develop strategies for expanded use of  community centers to focus on efficiency  and revenue generation. Ongoing Expanded recreational opportunities for  Rosemead families. Review and update existing department  wide policies and procedures to improve  efficiencies Ongoing Increased facility‐related revenues. Research and identify facility upgrades Ongoing Begin facility enhancements and upgrades to  interior and exterior  Senior Services More effectively market senior programs to  Rosemead (particularly, those in our senior  housing complexes) to increase awareness  of and participation in programs. Ongoing Increased participation of resident seniors in  the senior instructional class programs,  events, and the daily lunch program. Enhance Senior Lunch Program to include  improved environment, better quality  meals, and festive activities (i.e., music,  crafts, games, etc.). Ongoing Implement a calendar of social service  opportunities for seniors Investigate social service programs to be  offered at Garvey Center Ongoing Community Events Improve attendance/participation at  Special Events through quality activities,  attractions, and entertainment. Ongoing Create a multi‐tier sponsorship program for  various levels of support Develop sponsorship program for special  events.Ongoing Create marketing campaigns specific to events  and promotions Create a department wide volunteer  program to service various divisions Ongoing Dinsmoor Heritage House Continue to increase awareness of and  access to the Dinsmoor House.Ongoing Improve promotional efforts regarding  Dinsmoor Gardens.  Offer special events  that attract more rental uses. Ongoing Increased awareness and use of the Dinsmoor  Gardens and continued physical improvement  of the facility by local residents. Departmental Data 24 FY 2022‐23 Budget 2022‐23 Budget ‐ General Fund 2022‐23 Budget ‐ Other Funds Total Department Budget 2022‐23 Proposed Full Time Staffing 12 Number of Divisions 3 → → → →Building ‐ Added 7 new positions for the above conversion from contract to in‐house services Planning ‐ Supplemental Items ‐ A one‐time cost of $100,000 for consultant services to update various  sections of the Zoning Ordinance Community Development City of Rosemead Significant Changes: Department Organizational Chart: Department Budget Summary: ‐                                 $  1,890,500 $  1,890,500 Planning ‐ Contract/Professional/Technical Svcs has typically been a placeholder for cost of anticipated  needed studies or additional services through the year. The budget request has been reduced  to  match the trend and the cost of anticipated studies have been moved to 'Supplemental Items'  Building ‐ Based on May 31, 2022 City Council direction, the cost of contract services budgeted will be  replaced with the cost of in‐house staff during the FY 2022‐23 implementation year Community Development 1 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed % Incr Salaries and Benefits 1,322,878       777,003          749,400          527,237          840,000          12% Operations and Maintenance 1,095,826       1,502,195       1,024,100       964,326          987,300          ‐4% Allocated Costs 27,000             41,138             59,600             49,647             63,200             6% Capital Outlay ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                    ‐                   ‐      Total Expenditures by Category 2,445,703       2,320,336       1,833,100       1,541,209       1,890,500       3% Expenditures by Division 5101 Community Dev Administration                       ‐                          ‐               302,800             165,151             362,800 20% 5105 Planning 806,639          1,029,177       724,300          533,965          721,700          0% 5110 Building            709,805             915,090             806,000             842,093             806,000 0% 5115 Code Enforcement            546,014                        ‐                          ‐                          ‐                          ‐   ‐ 5205 CDBG            271,073             204,271                        ‐                          ‐                          ‐   ‐ 5210 HOME            112,172             171,797                        ‐                          ‐                          ‐   ‐      Total Expenditures by Division 2,445,703       2,320,336       1,833,100       1,541,209       1,890,500       3% Funding Sources: FY 2020  Actuals   FY 2021  Actuals   FY 2022 Budget   FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22   FY 2023  Proposed  101 General Fund 2,054,124       1,768,205       1,728,500               1,473,910 1,890,500       9% 232 Grants ‐                   107,081          104,600                       67,299 ‐                   ‐100% 260 CDBG 269,862          267,435           ‐                                         ‐   ‐                   ‐ 275 HOME 121,717          177,615           ‐                                         ‐   ‐                   ‐      Total Funding Sources 2,445,703       2,320,336       1,833,100       1,541,209       1,890,500       3% Number of Full Time Staffing 10 11 6 5 12 100% Proposed Budget by Category Proposed Budget by Division City of Rosemead Community Development Budget Summary By Major Categories Community Development 2 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits ‐                ‐               294,900      160,403      356,600       Operations and Maintenance ‐                ‐               2,200            ‐                ‐                Allocated Costs ‐                ‐               5,700           4,748           6,200            Total ‐ General Fund ‐                ‐               302,800      165,151      362,800       Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries and Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages ‐                ‐               189,800      103,738      238,800       5025 Overtime ‐                ‐                ‐               982               ‐                5105 Social Security/Medicare ‐                ‐               16,100        8,730           17,100         5115 Retirement Contributions ‐                ‐               44,500        26,518        57,400         5130 Cafeteria Benefit ‐                ‐               40,800        19,180        38,900         5199 Other Employee Benefits ‐                ‐               3,700           1,255           4,400            Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits ‐                ‐               294,900      160,403      356,600       Operations and Maintenance 5435 Travel & Meetings ‐                ‐               1,000            ‐                ‐                5465 Membership Dues ‐                ‐               700               ‐                ‐                5605 General Supplies ‐                ‐               500               ‐                ‐                Total ‐ Operations & Maint ‐                ‐               2,200            ‐                ‐                Allocated Costs 5110 Workers' Comp Allocation ‐                ‐               5,700           4,748           5,300            5911 Motor Fleet Allocation ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               900               Total ‐ Allocated Cost ‐                ‐               5,700           4,748           6,200            TOTAL GENERAL FUND ‐                ‐               302,800      165,151      362,800       Obj # Description 5435 5465 City of Rosemead Community Development ‐ Administration Division 5101 To administer and provide administrative support to the Community Development Department including the Planning Commission and Council Subcommittees such as the Commercial Task Force and Housing Development Subcommittee. The Administrative Division also oversees the City's homelessness response plan and participates in the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments Homelessness Working Group. Object Account Descriptions Travel & Meetings ‐ Attend ICSC and APA conferences Membership Dues ‐CALED, ICSC and APA Memberships for Director; MMACS membership for Admin Asst Community Dev‐Admin 3 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits 653,426      677,169      440,300      355,005      471,400       Operations and Maintenance 60,000        124,308      111,300      54,934        181,300       Allocated Costs 38,300        51,638        68,100        56,727        69,000         Total ‐ General Fund 751,726      853,115      619,700      466,666      721,700       Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries and Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages 366,186      422,501      248,200      213,649      273,600       5010 Part‐Time Salaries & Wages 27,229        21,964        33,300        13,725        30,000         5025 Overtime 1,257           1,289           1,500           249               ‐                5105 Social Security/Medicare 32,886        36,701        23,500        18,865        25,200         5115 Retirement Contributions 118,587      83,429        67,600        55,710        76,000         5125 Auto Allowance 2,803           4,992            ‐                ‐                ‐                5130 Cafeteria Benefit 104,479      106,294      61,200        48,875        61,200         5199 Other Employee Benefits ‐               5,000           3,932           5,400            Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits 653,426      677,169      440,300      355,005      471,400       Operations and Maintenance 5250 Software License/Maint ‐                ‐               26,000        7,107           26,000         5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 1,723           2,559           60,000        32,664        27,500         5452 Translation Services ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               2,500            5435 Travel & Meetings 4,555           1,310           9,000           5,130           9,000            5465 Membership Dues 18,593        6,860           5,800           2,993           5,800            5475 Recording & Filing 4,827           4,551           7,500           4,594           7,500            5605 General Supplies 3,250           2,604           3,000           2,446           3,000            5726 Supplemental Items ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               100,000       City of Rosemead Planning and Economic Development Division 5105 The Planning and Economic Development Division is responsible for implementing the City’s General Plan and Zoning Code which regulates the type of land uses within the City. Planning helps guide the orderly development of the community and ensures that new development is attractive and compatible with the surroundings and consistent with the City’s codes and policies. The Division reviews and processes development entitlement applications for compliance with zoning and subdivision regulations as well as conditional use permits. Planning staff provides technical and administrative support to the City Council and Planning Commission. The Planning Division is also responsible for economic development activities and promoting the City as a desirable place for business and development. Business license applications and film permits are also processed through the Division. Community Dev ‐ Planning 4 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Planning and Economic Development Division 5105 Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed 5940 Other Expenditures 27,051        106,424       ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ Operations & Maint 60,000        124,308      111,300      54,934        181,300       Allocated Costs 5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 11,300        10,500        8,500           7,081           6,700            5905 Technology Services Alloc 27,000        39,300        59,600        49,647        62,300         5910 Equipment Replacement Alloc ‐               1,838            ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ Allocated Cost 38,300        51,638        68,100        56,727        69,000         TOTAL GENERAL FUND 751,726      853,115      619,700      466,666      721,700       F232 ‐ GRANTS 5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs ‐               107,081      104,600      67,299         Total for Fund ‐               107,081      104,600      67,299         ‐                F260 ‐ CDBG Fund 5005 Salaries & Wages 21,728        38,644         ‐                ‐                ‐                5010 Part‐Time Salaries & Wages 85                 ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                51xx Social Security/Medicare 23,555        24,520         ‐                ‐                ‐                Total for Fund 45,367        63,164         ‐                ‐                ‐                P270‐HOME 5005 Salaries & Wages 7,703           3,695            ‐                ‐                ‐                51xx Social Security/Medicare 1,842           2,122            ‐                ‐                ‐                Total for Fund 9,546           5,818            ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ OTHER FUNDS 54,913        176,062      104,600      67,299         ‐                Total ‐ ALL FUNDS 806,639      1,029,177   724,300      533,965      721,700       Obj # Description 5250 5299 5435 5465 5475 5299 F232 ‐ Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs ‐ Agreement for Housing Element funded by LEAP grant Membership Dues ‐ Memberships for American Planning Assoc, CA Assoc Local Economic Development, LAEDC,  ARC GIS, and Assessor  Recording & Filing ‐ Provides funds for newspaper publication, notification mailings and postings Object Account Descriptions Software License/Maint ‐ Provide funds for Digital Map Contract/Prog/Tech Svcs ‐Provide funds for planning projects and studies, economic development studies, General Plan/ Housing Element Implementation Travel & Meetings ‐Attendance at ICSC, American Planning Association Conference, and Planning Commissioners Academy Community Dev ‐ Planning 5 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               TBD Operations and Maintenance 709,805      915,090      806,000      842,093      806,000       Allocated Costs ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ General Fund 709,805      915,090      806,000      842,093      806,000       Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries and Benefits ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐               TBD Operations and Maintenance 5250 Software License/Maint ‐                ‐               5,000           4,638           5,000            5485 Contract Svc ‐ Bldg Permits 399,688      463,716      470,000      511,961      470,000       5490 Contract Svc ‐ Plan Checks 303,458      445,241      329,000      324,039      329,000       5605 General Supplies 2,051           1,586           2,000           1,456           2,000            5940 Other Expenditures 4,609           4,547            ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ Operations & Maint 709,805      915,090      806,000      842,093      806,000       TOTAL GENERAL FUND 709,805      915,090      806,000      842,093      806,000       Obj # Description 5250 5485 5490 Software License / Maint ‐Cost of Building Services software (Moved from Other Expenditures beginning FY 2021‐22) Contract Svc‐Bldg Permits ‐Cost of contract service for Building and Safety activities. The budget will be moved to 'Salaries and Benefits' as in‐house positions are hired. Contract Svc‐Plan Checks ‐Cost of contract service for Plan Checking activities. The budget will be moved to 'Salaries and Benefits' as in‐house positions are hired. City of Rosemead Building & Safety Division 5110 The Building and Safety Division is charged with regulating construction and occupancy of buildings in accordance with local, county, state, and federal laws. The Division provides plan checks and inspection services for residential and commercial properties. Building and Safety also manage building permit records and provides public information regarding code requirements and property history information. Object Account Descriptions Community Dev‐Bldg Safety 6 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits 503,245       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Operations and Maintenance 17,969         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Allocated Costs 24,800         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ General Fund 546,014       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries and Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages 224,196       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5010 Part‐Time Salaries & Wages 41,132         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5025 Overtime ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5105 Social Security/Medicare 19,036         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5115 Retirement Contributions 153,100       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5130 Cafeteria Benefit 65,780         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits 503,245       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Operations and Maintenance 5140 Unemployment Compensation 976               ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 5,347            ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5435 Travel & Meetings 895               ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5460 Training Classes ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5540 Uniform Cleaning ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5605 General Supplies 10,117         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5655 Uniforms 634               ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ Operations & Maint 17,969         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Allocated Costs 5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 24,800         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ Allocated Cost 24,800         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                TOTAL GENERAL FUND 546,014       ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                City of Rosemead Code Enforcement Division 5115 To enforce the City’s Land Use and Development Code and the Municipal Code in a fair, sensitive, and timely manner; maintain and improve the quality of the community’s neighborhoods and commercial areas and enforce codes relating to property maintenance, zoning, public nuisances, signs, lighting, noise, and development; work with all City departments and a myriad of outside agencies. The Code Enforcement business unit both responds to resident complaints and conducts a proactive inspection program. Community Dev‐Code Enforcement 7 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits 45,778         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Operations and Maintenance ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Allocated Costs 800               ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ General Fund 46,578         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries and Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages 23,531         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5105 Social Security/Medicare 1,851            ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5115 Retirement Contributions 18,210         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5130 Cafeteria Benefit 2,186            ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ Salaries & Benefits 45,778         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Operations and Maintenance ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Allocated Costs 5110 Workers' Comp Allocation 800               ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ Allocated Cost 800               ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                TOTAL GENERAL FUND 46,578         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                F260 ‐ CDBG Fund 5005 Salaries & Wages 1,013           6,824            ‐                ‐                ‐                51xx Benefits 7,064           3,996            ‐                ‐                ‐                5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 90,999        48,411         ‐                ‐                ‐                5605 General Supplies ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5705 Program Expenses 77,687        65,520         ‐                ‐                ‐                5720 Community Contributions 45,404        77,159         ‐                ‐                ‐                5940 Other Expenditures 2,328           2,361            ‐                ‐                ‐                Total for Fund 224,495      204,271       ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐  OTHER FUNDS 224,495      204,271       ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ ALL FUNDS 271,073      204,271       ‐                ‐                ‐                City of Rosemead CDBG Division 5205 To provide funding for a wide variety of activities including housing rehabilitation, Commercial Façade Improvement, Public Works Improvement, and public service activities (i.e. fair housing, senior nutrition, summer youth employment, etc).  The Program was transferred to Administration  in 2021. Community Dev‐CDBG 8 FY 2022‐23 Budget Expenditures by Category (General Fund Only) Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed Salaries and Benefits ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Operations and Maintenance ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Allocated Costs ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ General Fund ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Details (All Funds) Object Expenditures FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed F101 ‐ General Fund Salaries and Benefits ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Operations and Maintenance ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Allocated Costs ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                TOTAL GENERAL FUND ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                F275 ‐ CDBG Fund 5005 Salaries & Wages 997              6,056            ‐                ‐                ‐                50xx Benefits 19,542        3,476            ‐                ‐                ‐                5605 General Supplies 89                260               ‐                ‐                ‐                5705 Program Expenses 91,545         ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5705 Program Expenses ‐               161,803       ‐                ‐                ‐                5706 CHDO Set Aside ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5707 Owner Occupied Rehab Loans ‐               101               ‐                ‐                ‐                5708 First Time Home Buyer ‐               101               ‐                ‐                ‐                5709 Affordable Housing Funds ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5711 Emergency Rental Assistance ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                5722 Homewonership Assistance Prog ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                ‐                Total for Fund 112,172      171,797       ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐  OTHER FUNDS 112,172      171,797       ‐                ‐                ‐                Total ‐ ALL FUNDS 112,172      171,797       ‐                ‐                ‐                City of Rosemead HOME Program Division 5210 To provide funding for affordable housing development. The Program was transferred to Administration in 2021. Community Dev‐Home Program 9 FY 2022‐23 Budget Object Expenditures: FY 2020  Actuals FY 2021  Actuals FY 2022 Budget FY 2022 YTD 4‐30‐22 FY 2023  Proposed % Incr Salaries and Benefits 5005 Salaries & Wages 645,355         477,720         438,000                    317,387 512,400         17% 5010 Part‐time Salaries & Wages 68,446           21,964           33,300                        13,725 30,000           ‐10% 5025 Overtime 1,257             1,289             1,500                            1,231 ‐                  ‐100% 5105 Social Security / Medicare 56,550           41,456           39,600                        27,595 42,300           7% 5110 Workers' compensation 39,600           12,900           14,200                        11,829 12,000           ‐15% 5115 Retirement contributions 327,777         96,580           112,100                      82,228 133,400         19% 5125 Auto Allowance 3,575             6,075              ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  ‐ 5130 Cafeteria Benefit 180,319         119,020         102,000                      68,055 100,100         ‐2% 5199 Other employee benefits ‐                   ‐                  8,700                            5,188 9,800             13% 1,322,878      777,003         749,400         527,237         840,000         12% Operations and Maintenance 5140 Unemployment compensation 976                  ‐                   ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  ‐ 5250 Software License/Maint ‐                   ‐                  31,000                        11,745 31,000           0% 5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 98,069           158,051         164,600                      99,962 27,500           ‐83% 5435 Travel & meetings 5,450             1,310             10,000                          5,130 9,000             ‐10% 5452 Translation Services ‐                   ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  2,500             ‐ 5465 Membership dues 18,593           6,860             6,500                            2,993 5,800             ‐11% 5475 Recording & filing 4,827             4,551             7,500                            4,594 7,500             0% 5485 Contract Svc ‐ Building 399,688         463,716         470,000                    511,961 470,000         0% 5490 Contract Svc ‐ Plan Checking 303,458         445,241         329,000                    324,039 329,000         0% 5605 General supplies 15,508           4,450             5,500                            3,902 5,000             ‐9% 5655 Uniforms 634                  ‐                   ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  ‐ 5705 Program expenses 169,232         227,322          ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  ‐ 5707 Owner Occupued Rehab Loans ‐                  101                  ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  ‐ 5708 First Time Home Buyer ‐                  101                  ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  ‐ 5720 Community contributions 45,404           77,159            ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  ‐ 5726 Supplemental Items ‐                   ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  100,000         ‐ 5940 Other expenditures 33,988           113,332          ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  ‐ 1,095,826      1,502,195      1,024,100      964,326         987,300         ‐4% Allocations 5905 Technology services allocation 27,000           39,300           59,600                        49,647 62,300           5% 5910 Equipment replacement allocation ‐                  1,838              ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  ‐ 5911 Motor Fleet Allocation ‐                   ‐                   ‐                   ‐                  900                 ‐ 27,000           41,138           59,600           49,647           63,200           6% Capital Equipment 5980 Capital Equipment ‐                   ‐                   ‐                                       ‐   ‐                  3% Total All Administration 2,445,703      2,320,336      1,833,100      1,541,209      1,890,500       City of Rosemead Community Development ‐ All Divisions / Funds Community Dev‐All Funds 10 FY 2022‐23 Budget A8 Hire a part‐time social worker or case manager to provide outreach services to homeless individuals,  coordinating work with all City staff including Public Works and the Sheriff Department. A9 Explore grant opportunities and continue to work with San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments (SGVCOG)  and other regional partners to address homelessness. C6 Create a parking structure to address parking issues in the City. C7 Create preferential parking districts in residential areas. G1 Create a vibrant annual food event that supports local restaurants and draws residents and visitors from  other places across the region. G2 Engage with the Rosemead Chamber of Commerce to create connections and reinforce support for local  businesses. G3 Establish a cultural arts activation program to activate and beautify the commercial corridors. G4 Identify a designated location that can become the heart of the City and where the community can celebrate  its diverse cultures. H1 Create shared areas, green space, and park amenities through new development projects. H2 Explore art in public places opportunities for large development projects. H3 Explore the option for housing development to benefit students, seniors, and young adults. H4 Create an incentive program to attract and retain businesses. H5 Streamline the development process by establishing design standards along the Design Overlay Zones for by‐ right approval. H6 Attract new business by streamlining the alcohol licensing permit process. H7 Implement an in‐lieu fee to build affordable housing. H8 Explore adding residential uses as permitted uses along major commercial corridors and specifically Valley  Boulevard. H9 Create opportunities to establish a vibrant food hall that includes small, locally grown restaurants and  communal spaces for customers to enjoy. H10 Identify the appropriate planning tools to encourage mixed use development that includes housing along the  commercial corridors. Planning & Economic Development →Adopt and implement the Freeway Corridor Mixed‐Use Overlay →Adopt the Housing Element Update (6th Cycle) for planning period 2021 to 2029 City of Rosemead Community Development 2022‐23 Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives Goal A ‐ Safety Goal  C ‐ Infrastructure and Facilities Goal G ‐ Activation and Economy Goal  H ‐ Land Use and Zoning Goals of the 2030 Strategic Plan by Category Objectives to Complete the Strategic Goals Departmental Data 11 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Community Development 2022‐23 Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives →Continue to use the Planning Division website more efficiently to provide the public with updated  information including a list of active projects and their status →Promote the Commercial Façade Program to assist the business community →Produce new marketing materials for economic development purposes →Continue to provide resources and assistance to the business community on the City’s website and social  media outlets →Conduct groundbreakings and grand opening events and continue to promote businesses  Building →Continue to improve customer service with technology enhancements such as “virtual inspection card” and  “electronic inspection correction notices.”   →Improve on the on‐line resource library available on the City website and continue to improve handouts in  various languages. →Continue to support Code Enforcement and Law Enforcement efforts by efficiently processing building code  related cases.  →Establish “self‐check” lists for plan review and field inspections to reduce plan re‐submittals and re‐ inspections.  →Continue to participate in City‐wide events to distribute educational information on building requirements. →Continue scanning building records (permits, documents, studies, etc.) for records retention. Departmental Data 12 FY 2022‐23 Budget 2020‐21 Actuals 2021‐22 YTD Planning Discretionary Applications                  31                   19  Administrative Applications               308                268  New Business Licenses               400                491  Building  Plan Checks               835                654  Permits            1,612             1,694  Inspections            5,337             3,847  City of Rosemead Community Development Performance and Workload Measures Departmental Data 13 FY 2022‐23 Budget Planning Division → Processed the Freeway Corridor Mixed‐Use Overlay utilizing SB 2 Grant funds, which was approved  and adopted by the City Council in September 2021.  The Freeway Corridor Mixed‐Use Overlay  streamlines both the approval process and California Environmental Act environmental review process  and provides more opportunities for the development of underutilized properties along areas  adjacent to the I‐10 Freeway on‐and off‐ramps. → Processed the 6th Cycle Housing Element for planning period 2021 to 2029 utilizing primarily the LEAP  Grant, which was approved and adopted by the City Council in January 2022.  The City was required to  adequately facilitate the improvement and development of housing to meet the existing and  projected housing needs of all economic segments of the community.   → Processed a city‐wide Live/Work Ordinance to incorporate live/work units in all  residential/commercial mixed‐use zones, which was adopted by the City Council in August 2021.  Live/work units will prepare the City for future changes to the post‐pandemic workforce and provide  cost‐efficient alternative workspace and housing options that will provide an incentive for individuals  to work and live in the City and contribute to the City's economy.   → Processed an Urgency Senate Bill 9 Ordinance, which was approved by the City Council in January  2022.  The Ordinance seeks to improves the State’s efforts by addressing issues that the State did not previously consider or further strengthened the State’s efforts. →Processed an amendment to the Zoning Code to streamline the permitting process for alcohol  licensing, which was approved by the City Council in March 2022. →Improved inspection card for the ease of scheduling inspections online. →Improved grading inspection requirements to streamline the Building process. →Continue to support code enforcement efforts by processing 44 new building code related cases and  closing a total of 67 cases, reducing the building code case load to 214 open cases. City of Rosemead Community Development Accomplishments Building Division Departmental Data 14 FY 2022‐23 Budget Description When Expected Results Administration Provide administrative support to the  department and Planning Commission Ongoing Ensure development projects continue to  move forward; increased efficiency at the  Community Development's public counter Building & Safety contract management Ongoing Streamline building services and customer  service SGV Homeless Diversion Program Grant Through  December 2021 Assist families facing homelessness with  rental assistance and referrals Homelessness Response Plan Ongoing Conduct community education; provide  resources and information to internal  homeless taskforce Staff development Ongoing Provide development opportunities for  staff; improved customer service and  response time Planning and Economic Development Implement Freeway Corridor Overlay Zone July 2022 Attract new quality developments and  generate additional tax revenues Implement programs and actions adopted  in the 6th Cycle Housing Element Update  for planning period 2021 to 2029 July 2022 Create housing opportunities to meet the  existing and projected housing needs of all  economic segments of the community Explore residential and  residential/commercial mixed‐use  opportunities along commercial corridors July 2022 Assist the City in meeting the Regional  Housing Needs Allocation of 4,612 units for  planning period 2021‐2029. Implement efforts to assist the business  community on recovering economically  from the impacts of the COVID‐19  d July 2022 Attract new businesses and retaining  existing businesses Monitor economic trends and compatibility  with commercial space, particularly within  mixed use projects Ongoing Coordinate with commercial brokers to  attract new business concepts Coordinate commercial real estate activities  and meetings; market available sites to  brokers and potential retail tenants  Ongoing Participate in industry conventions such as  Innovating Commerce Serving Communities  and the West San Gabriel Valley Association  of Realtors City of Rosemead Community Development Work Plan Departmental Data 15 FY 2022‐23 Budget Description When Expected Results City of Rosemead Community Development Work Plan Develop a streamlined process for  development/entitlement applications  through pre‐application review sessions  with Building, Engineering and Planning Ongoing Move projects faster from entitlement  phase to construction Building and Safety Continue to digitize building permit files as  time and budget permit. Ongoing Electronic storage of documents will save  on staff time searching through paper files.  It will also provide an efficient document  retrieval system for better customer service  to the community, realtors and developers. Continue to provide excellent customer  service to developers, contractors and  property owners  Ongoing Continued quality commercial and  residential development  Departmental Data 16 FY 2022‐23 Budget Fund No Fund Name Page No. 201 State Gas Tax 2 202 Road Maintenance & Repair Accountability (RMRA ‐ SB1) 4 205 TDA Art III ‐ Pedestrian/Bikeway 7 215 Proposition A8 220 Proposition C10 225 Measure R12 226 Measure M14 227 Measure H17 228 American Rescue Plan ‐ SLFRF 18 229 Measure R ‐ Highway Capital 20 230 Air Quality Management District (AQMD) 21 231 Safe Clean Water Fund (Measure W) 23 232 Grants 24 233 SLFRF ‐ Revenue Loss 27 245 Street Lighting District 28 25x Development Impact Fees 30 260 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 32 275 HOME 34 Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of revenues that are designated  for specific or restricted uses  Fiscal Year  2022‐23 1 Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE 1,294,631     1,298,898     1,325,000     1,358,151     1,504,500      EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS By Category Personnel            97,589           121,782           235,900           199,234           376,600  Operations          574,283           408,149           544,600           388,771           617,000  Capital          236,825                      ‐          1,147,000        1,147,000        1,019,500           908,698           529,931        1,927,500        1,735,005        2,013,100  By Department Finance               2,625                2,700                2,800                2,700                6,500  Public Safety               4,453                8,919             41,600             37,371             49,100  Public Works          664,794           518,313           736,100           547,934           938,000  Capital Projects          236,825                      ‐          1,147,000        1,147,000        1,019,500           908,698           529,931        1,927,500        1,735,005        2,013,100  Revenue Over (Under) Expense          385,933           768,966          (602,500)        (376,854)        (508,600) Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE DETAIL 0000‐4205 Federal Government Grants 9,880             106,774          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  0000‐4225 Gas Tax 2103 379,914         362,695         418,900         421,322         487,400          0000‐4230 Gas Tax 2105 281,055         276,961         307,800         311,376         337,700          0000‐4235 GasTax 2106 164,197         160,054         176,400         177,698         193,000          0000‐4240 Gas Tax 2107 354,885         374,775         391,400         423,959         460,900          0000‐4242 Gas Tax Loan Repayment 61,941            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  3035‐4245 Gas Tax 2107.5 7,500             7,500             7,500             7,500             7,500              0000‐4410 Street Sweeping Reimburseme 8,000             8,000             8,000             8,000             8,000              0000‐4705 Interest Earnings 27,259           2,138             15,000           8,296             10,000            TOTAL REVENUE 1,294,631     1,298,898     1,325,000     1,358,151     1,504,500      EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS DETAIL FINANCE 1305‐5005 Salaries & wages ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 2,300              1305‐51xx Benefits ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 1,500              1305‐5299 Other Prof/Tech Svcs 2,625             2,700             2,800             2,700             2,700              PUBLIC SAFETY 2025‐5575 Crossing guard services 4,453             8,919             41,600           37,371           49,100            PUBLIC WORKS Public Works Administration 3005‐5005 Salaries 3,897             5,636             16,900           9,398             18,700            3005‐51xx Benefits 2,378             1,615             7,600             5,475             7,900              Highway User Tax Act (HUTA) (Gas Tax) monies are collected by the State under the title of Motor Vehicle Fuel License Tax and distributed to the City based on population. Funds may be used to construct and maintain streets and highways.  Revenue Estimates provided by League of California Cities Analyst City of Rosemead Gas Tax FUND DESCRIPTION FINANCIAL ACTIVITY FINANCIAL SUMMARY 1305 2000 3000 ‐ Fund 201 ‐ Gas Tax 2 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Gas Tax ‐ Fund 201 ‐ Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed Field Services 3010‐5005 Salaries & wages 28,423           49,160           99,400           85,592           126,100          3010‐51xx Benefits 54,827           48,733           89,100           79,007           105,000          3010‐5299 Other Prof/Tech Svcs ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 75,000            3010‐5350 Street repair & maintenance 50,270           18,814           50,000           40,000           30,000            3010‐5355 Street Sweeping 218,400         109,200         105,000         105,000         125,000          3010‐5360 Curbs & sidewalks repair & ma 6,085             17,972           40,000           30,000           25,000            3010‐5380 Vehicle repairs & maintenance ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 7,100              3010‐5388 Leases ‐ Vehicles ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 3,100              3010‐5605 General supplies ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 5,000              3010‐5660 Traffic signs & markers ‐                 502                 ‐                 500                50,000            Motor Fleet 3020‐5380 Vehicle repairs & maintenance 17,098           29,622           4,200             4,200              ‐                  3020‐5610 Leases ‐ Vehicles ‐                  ‐                 28,000           28,000            ‐                  3020‐5610 Gasoline & Diesel Fuel 30,158           22,173           28,000           28,000           30,000            Parks and Open Spaces 3030‐5005 Salaries & wages ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 40,000            3030‐51xx Benefits ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 32,700            3030‐5330 Grounds repair & maintenance 117,753         113,784         100,000         100,000         100,000          3030‐5335 Tree maintenance 114,791         79,183           100,000         10,000           100,000          3030‐5336 Tree maintenance supplies 420                819                10,000           2,500             10,000            3030‐5605 General supplies ‐                 4,460              ‐                 500                5,000              Engineering 3035‐5005 Salaries 5,406             11,649           14,500           12,278           27,000            3035‐51xx Benefits 2,658             4,990             8,400             7,484             15,400            3035‐5299 Other Prof/Tech Svcs 12,229            ‐                 35,000            ‐                  ‐                  Total Operations 664,794         518,313         736,100         547,934         993,600          CAPITAL PROJECTS 6005‐5225 Engineering 488                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  6005‐5395 CIP Related Expenses 236,338          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  6005‐5983 CIP Projects ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 1,019,500      6005‐5984 CIP Carryover ‐                  ‐                 1,147,000     1,147,000      ‐                  Total Capital Projects 236,825          ‐                 1,147,000     1,147,000     1,019,500      TOTAL EXPENDITURES 908,698         529,931         1,927,500     1,735,005     2,013,100      Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 385,933         768,966         (602,500)       (376,854)       (508,600)        FUND BALANCE, Beginning of Yr 984,410         1,370,343     2,139,309     2,139,309     1,762,455      FUND BALANCE, End of Year 1,370,343     2,139,309     1,536,809     1,762,455     1,253,855      FUND BALANCE HISTORY 0.98 1.37 2.14 1.54 1.76 1.25  ‐  1  1  2  2  3 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 2022 Bud 2022 Est 2023 BudMillions Gas Tax 3 FY 2022‐23 Budget Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE 990,569         1,010,982     1,064,300     1,085,369     1,210,900      EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS By Category Personnel                  571             98,806           131,600           125,237             34,300  Operations                     ‐               17,204             75,000             44,000                      ‐    Capital                     ‐                        ‐          3,756,400        3,756,400        1,500,000                   571           116,010        3,963,000        3,925,637        1,534,300  By Department Public Works                  571           116,010           206,600           169,237             34,300  Capital Projects                     ‐                        ‐          3,756,400        3,756,400        1,500,000                   571           116,010        3,963,000        3,925,637        1,534,300  Revenue Over (Under) Expense          989,998           894,972      (2,898,700)    (2,840,268)        (323,400) Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE DETAIL 0000‐4241 Gas Tax 2030 954,273         1,007,811     1,044,300     1,074,465     1,200,900      0000‐4705 Interest Earnings 36,296           3,171             20,000           10,904           10,000            TOTAL REVENUE 990,569         1,010,982     1,064,300     1,085,369     1,210,900      EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS DETAIL PUBLIC WORKS Public Works Administration 3005‐5005 Salaries  41                   5,434             8,500             9,631             18,700            3005‐51xx Benefits 15                   1,817             3,900             4,151             7,900              Field Services 3010‐5005 Salaries  38                   13,261           12,700           12,375            ‐                  3010‐51xx Benefits 27                   14,850           12,200           11,284            ‐                  3010‐5605 General supplies ‐                 10,815           5,000             4,000              ‐                  3010‐5660 Traffic signs & markers ‐                 6,389             50,000           40,000            ‐                  Parks & Open Spaces 3030‐5005 Salaries  197                27,261           38,400           34,783            ‐                  3030‐51xx Benefits 143                19,514           33,000           30,312            ‐                  Engineering 3035‐5005 Salaries  79                   11,611           14,500           12,687           4,700              3035‐51xx Benefits 32                   5,058             8,400             7,767             3,000              3000 FINANCIAL ACTIVITY City of Rosemead Road Maintenance Repair Accountability ‐ SB1 FUND DESCRIPTION The Road and Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 was created to address deferred maintenance on the state highway system and the local street and road system. Funds may be used for road maintenance and rehabilitation: a) Safety projects; (b) Railroad grade separations; (c) Complete street components, including active transportation purposes, pedestrian and bicycle safety projects, transit facilities, and drainage and stormwater capture projects in conjunction with any other allowable project; and (d) Traffic control devices. Revenue Estimates provided by League of California Cities Analyst FINANCIAL SUMMARY ‐ Fund 202 ‐ Road Maint Repair 4 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Road Maintenance Repair Accountability ‐ SB1 ‐ Fund 202 ‐ Acct No Description  FY 2019‐20  Actuals  FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed 3035‐5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs ‐                 20,000           2,247              Total Operations 571                116,010         206,600         169,237         34,300            CAPITAL PROJECTS 6005‐5982 CIP Projects ‐ Non Capital ‐                  ‐                 340,000         340,000          ‐                  6005‐5983 CIP Projects ‐                  ‐                 943,000         943,000         1,500,000      6005‐5984 CIP Carryover ‐                  ‐                 2,473,400     2,473,400      ‐                  Total Capital Projects ‐                  ‐                 3,756,400     3,756,400     1,500,000      TOTAL EXPENDITURES 571                116,010         3,963,000     3,925,637     1,534,300      Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 989,998         894,972         (2,898,700)    (2,840,268)    (323,400)        FUND BALANCE, Beginning of Yr 1,356,437     2,346,435     3,241,407     3,241,407     401,139          FUND BALANCE, End of Year 2,346,435     3,241,407     342,707         401,139         77,739            FUND BALANCE HISTORY 1.36 2.35 3.24 0.34 0.40 0.08  ‐  1  1  2  2  3  3  4 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 2022 Bud 2022 Est 2023 BudMillions Road Maint Repair 5 FY 2022‐23 Budget This page left blank Special Revenue Funds 6 FY 2022‐23 Budget Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE ‐                 87,242           41,700           41,700           51,000            EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS By Category Capital Projects                     ‐               87,242             41,700             41,700             51,000                      ‐               87,242             41,700             41,700             51,000  By Department Capital Projects                     ‐               87,242             41,700             41,700             51,000                      ‐               87,242             41,700             41,700             51,000  Revenue Over (Under) Expense                     ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐    Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE DETAIL 0000‐4299 SB821 Bike/Pedestrian Program ‐                 87,242           41,700           41,700           51,000            0000‐4705 Interest Earnings ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  TOTAL REVENUE ‐                 87,242           41,700           41,700           51,000            EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS DETAIL Capital Projects 6005‐5395 CIP Related Expense ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  6005‐5982 CIP Projects ‐ Non Capital ‐                  6005‐5983 CIP Projects ‐                 87,242           41,700           41,700           51,000            6005‐5984 CIP ‐ Carryover ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  TOTAL EXPENDITURES ‐                 87,242           41,700           41,700           51,000            Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  FUND BALANCE, Beginning of Yr ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  FUND BALANCE, End of Year ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  Grant is Reimbured Upon Expenditure of Funds for Approved Projects by LA METRO FINANCIAL ACTIVITY City of Rosemead TDA ‐ ART III Pedestrian/Bikeway FUND DESCRIPTION The Pedestrian and Bikeway Trail grant is distributed by the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority for sidewalks, bike trails and similar projects that encourage transportation methods other than vehicle‐related. City policy has been to use this money for construction of sidewalks, pedestrian access to schools, parks or commercial areas. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ‐ Fund 205 ‐ TDA ‐ ART III 7 FY 2022‐23 Budget Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE 1,161,627     1,185,681     1,140,300     1,347,500     1,353,000      EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS By Category Personnel          258,535           246,193           203,400           129,627           161,500  Operations          848,288           934,688        1,263,900        1,145,530        1,261,000        1,106,823        1,180,881        1,467,300        1,275,157        1,422,500  By Department Administration          118,167           104,327             30,900             23,188             31,300  Finance            15,445             24,918             41,900             25,747                9,700  Public Works          947,102        1,051,636        1,276,500        1,196,222        1,263,500  Parks and Recreation            26,109                      ‐             118,000             30,000           118,000        1,106,823        1,180,881        1,467,300        1,275,157        1,422,500  Revenue Over (Under) Expense            54,804                4,800          (327,000)           72,343            (69,500) Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE 3040‐4215 County Government Grants 66,087           69,560            ‐                  3040‐4265 Local Return ‐ Prop A 1,066,934     1,108,558     1,097,800     1,330,000     1,323,000      4030‐4455 Bus Pass Revenue ‐                  ‐                 10,000           4,000             5,000              3040‐4460 Fare Box Revenue 12,111           6,730             25,000           8,500             20,000            0000‐4705 Interest Earnings 16,495           833                7,500             5,000             5,000              TOTAL REVENUE 1,161,627     1,185,681     1,140,300     1,347,500     1,353,000      EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS ADMINISTRATION 1205‐5005 Salaries  73,779           71,937           21,200           15,481           22,400            1205‐51xx Benefits 44,388           32,390           9,700             7,707             8,900              FINANCE 1305‐5005 Salaries  10,675           15,896           20,400           11,550           6,000              1305‐5010 Part‐time Salaries ‐                  ‐                 7,000             3,335              ‐                  1305‐51xx Benefits 4,770             9,022             14,500           10,862           3,700              PUBLIC WORKS Public Works Administration 3005‐5005 Salaries  29,734           24,178           38,100           10,653           34,100            3005‐51xx Benefits 27,306           16,627           23,700           13,083           19,300            Field Services 3010‐5005 Salaries  28,666           34,002           14,400           13,781           15,800            3010‐51xx Benefits 27,301           28,115           13,100           12,130           13,300            1205 ‐ Fund 215 ‐ City of Rosemead Proposition A FUND DESCRIPTION Proposition A funds are a result of the County one‐half cent sales tax increase approved by voters in 1980 which is allocated to cities based on population. The revenue can only be used for transit or transit‐related projects. The City has three years in which to use its annual allocation or the money must be returned to the LA METRO.   FINANCIAL SUMMARY 1305 3000 FINANCIAL ACTIVITY 4000 Prop A 8 FY 2022‐23 Budget ‐ Fund 215 ‐ City of Rosemead Proposition A Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed 3010‐5299 Other Prof/Tech Svcs 9,920             4,960             10,000            ‐                 10,000            Motor Fleet 3020‐5380 Vehicle Repairs & Maintenanc ‐                 480                1,700              ‐                  ‐                  3020‐5388 Leases ‐ Vehicles ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  Parks & Open Spaces 3030‐5010 Part‐time Salaries 10,365           9,852             36,700           26,596           34,400            3030‐51xx Benefits 1,539             1,816             4,600             4,065             3,600              Engineering 3035‐5005 Salaries  8                     1,607              ‐                 280                 ‐                  3035‐51xx Benefits 4                     751                 ‐                 105                 ‐                  Public Transit 3040‐5380 Vehicle Repairs & Maintenanc 1,247             2,684             5,000              ‐                  3040‐5388 Leases ‐ Vehicles ‐                  ‐                 11,200            ‐                  3040‐5435 Travel & Meetings ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  3040‐5440 Advertising/Publishing 1,742             437                2,000              ‐                 2,000              3040‐5465 Membership Dues 15,590           15,535           16,000           15,530           16,000            3040‐5470 Contract Svc ‐ Transportation 793,679         678,502         1,100,000     1,100,000     1,115,000      3040‐5825 Vehicles ‐                 232,091          ‐                  PARKS and RECREATION Senior Services 4030‐5715 Excursions 19,509            ‐                 28,000           10,000           28,000            4030‐5725 Bus Pass Subsidy ‐                  ‐                 80,000           20,000           80,000            Community Events 4040‐5440 Advertising 6,600             10,000            ‐                 10,000            TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,106,823     1,180,881     1,467,300     1,275,157     1,422,500      Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 54,804           4,800             (327,000)       72,343           (69,500)          FUND BALANCE, Beginning of Yr 687,761         742,565         747,365         747,365         819,707          FUND BALANCE, End of Year 742,565         747,365         420,365         819,707         750,207          FUND BALANCE HISTORY 688 743 747  420  820  750   ‐  100  200  300  400  500  600  700  800  900 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 2022 Bud 2022 Est 2023 BudThousands Prop A 9 FY 2022‐23 Budget Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE 938,777         923,499         925,600         1,115,774     1,104,500      EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS By Category Personnel          135,315           146,901             88,500             52,421             56,500  Operations          383,262           365,675                      ‐                        ‐                        ‐    Capital                     ‐                        ‐          2,136,000        2,136,000        1,300,000           518,577           512,575        2,224,500        2,188,421        1,356,500  By Department Finance            17,945             27,999             41,900             20,770                9,700  Public Safety            34,409             29,738             22,800                8,864             22,700  Public Works          466,222           454,838             23,800             22,787             24,100  Capital Projects                     ‐                        ‐          2,136,000        2,136,000        1,300,000           518,577           512,575        2,224,500        2,188,421        1,356,500  Revenue Over (Under) Expense          420,200           410,924      (1,298,900)    (1,072,647)        (252,000) Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE 3040‐4270 Local Return ‐ Prop C 885,024         919,509         910,600         1,108,300     1,097,000      4040‐4455 Bus Pass Revenues 20,769           315                 ‐                  3040‐4460 Fare Box Revenue 4,749             1,848              ‐                  0000‐4705 Interest Earnings 28,235           1,828             15,000           7,474             7,500              TOTAL REVENUE 938,777         923,499         925,600         1,115,774     1,104,500      EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS FINANCE 1305‐5005 Salaries  12,244           17,873           20,400           10,447           6,000              1305‐5010 Part‐Time Salaries ‐                  ‐                 7,000             631                 ‐                  1305‐51xx Benefits 5,702             10,126           14,500           9,692             3,700              PUBLIC SAFETY Public Safety Administration 2005‐5010 Part‐Time Salaries 29,655           26,842           20,900           7,675             21,000            2005‐51xx Benefits 4,754             2,897             1,900             1,189             1,700              PUBLIC WORKS Field Services 3010‐5005 Salaries  34,167           39,149           12,300           11,820           13,100            3010‐51xx Benefits 36,872           35,517           11,500           10,644           11,000            Parks & Open Spaces 3030‐5010 Salaries  10,365           9,545              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  3030‐51xx Benefits 1,539             2,147              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  2000 3000 FINANCIAL ACTIVITY City of Rosemead Proposition C FUND DESCRIPTION 80% of the 2 cent Sales and Use Tax collected in the County of Los Angeles because of Proposition C. Monies are used by the cities for public transit, to increase safety and improve road conditions by repairing and maintaining streets heavily used by public transit.  The METRO must approve all projects. FINANCIAL SUMMARY 1305 ‐ Fund 220‐ Prop C 10 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Proposition C ‐ Fund 220‐ Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed Engineering 3035‐5005 Salaries  13                   1,859              ‐                 234                 ‐                  3035‐51xx Benefits 6                     946                 ‐                 89                    ‐                  Public Transit 3040‐5470 Transportation services 335,150         363,377          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  Senior Services 4030‐5725 Bus Pass Subsidy 48,112           2,298              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  Total Operations 518,577         512,575         88,500           52,421           56,500            CAPITAL PROJECTS 6005‐5395 CIP Related Expenses ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  6005‐5983 CIP Projects ‐                  ‐                 1,461,000     1,461,000     1,300,000      6005‐5984 CIP Carryover ‐                  ‐                 675,000         675,000          Total Capital Projects ‐                  ‐                 2,136,000     2,136,000     1,300,000      TOTAL EXPENDITURES 518,577         512,575         2,224,500     2,188,421     1,356,500      Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 420,200         410,924         (1,298,900)    (1,072,647)    (252,000)        FUND BALANCE, Beginning of Yr 932,813         1,353,013     1,763,937     1,763,937     691,290          FUND BALANCE, End of Year 1,353,013     1,763,937     465,037         691,290         439,290          FUND BALANCE HISTORY 0.93 1.35 1.76 0.47 0.69 0.44  ‐  0  0  1  1  1  1  1  2  2  2 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 2022 Bud 2022 Est 2023 BudMillions Prop C 11 FY 2022‐23 Budget Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE 702,279         692,879         698,000         832,808         830,500          EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS By Category Personnel            56,683             53,497             87,300             56,934             76,000  Operations            41,092             16,877             50,000             25,000                      ‐    Capital Projects          127,817           297,000        2,633,151        2,633,151           690,000           225,591           367,374        2,770,451        2,715,085           766,000  By Department Finance            10,354             14,534             25,000             16,503                9,700  Public Works            87,421             55,840           112,300             65,431             66,300  Capital Projects          127,817           297,000        2,633,151        2,633,151           690,000           225,591           367,374        2,770,451        2,715,085           766,000  Revenue Over (Under) Expense          476,687           325,505      (2,072,451)    (1,882,277)           64,500  Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE 3040‐4275 Local Return ‐ Measure R 662,819         690,587         683,000         823,672         823,000          0000‐4705 Interest Earnings 39,460           2,292             15,000           9,136             7,500              TOTAL REVENUE 702,279         692,879         698,000         832,808         830,500          EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS FINANCE 1305‐5005 Salaries   7,018             8,355             14,100           6,311             6,000              1305‐5010 Part‐Time Salaries ‐                  ‐                 1,900             3,370              ‐                  1305‐51xx Benefits 3,335             6,179             9,000             6,822             3,700              PUBLIC WORKS Public Works Administration 3005‐5005 Salaries   21,257           17,143           27,500           13,791           26,400            3005‐51xx Benefits 16,226           10,356           15,600           8,607             13,400            Engineering 3035‐5005 Salaries   6,020             8,109             12,200           11,367           13,000            3035‐51xx Benefits 2,826             3,354             7,000             6,666             13,500            3035‐5299 Other Prof/Tech Svcs 41,092           16,877           50,000           25,000            ‐                  Total Operations 97,775           70,374           137,300         81,934           76,000            CAPITAL PROJECTS 6005‐5225 Engineering ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  6005‐5395 CIP Related Expenses 127,817         297,000          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  6005‐5982 Non Capital ‐ CIP ‐                  ‐                 200,000         200,000         340,000          3000 FINANCIAL ACTIVITY City of Rosemead Measure R FUND DESCRIPTION Highway User Tax Act (HUTA) (Gas Tax) monies are collected by the State under the title of Motor Vehicle Fuel License Tax and distributed to the City based on population. Funds may be used to construct and maintain streets and highways.  Revenue Estimates provided by LA METRO FINANCIAL SUMMARY 1305 ‐ Fund 225 ‐ Measure R 12 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Measure R ‐ Fund 225 ‐ Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed 6005‐5983 CIP Projects ‐                  ‐                 1,979,700     1,979,700     350,000          6005‐5984 CIP Carryover ‐                  ‐                 453,451         453,451          ‐                  Total Capital Projects 127,817         297,000         2,633,151     2,633,151     690,000          TOTAL EXPENDITURES 225,591         367,374         2,770,451     2,715,085     766,000          Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 476,687         325,505         (2,072,451)    (1,882,277)    64,500            FUND BALANCE, Beginning of Yr 1,634,486     2,111,173     2,436,678     2,436,678     554,402          FUND BALANCE, End of Year 2,111,173     2,436,678     364,227         554,402         618,902          FUND BALANCE HISTORY 1.63 2.11 2.44 0.36 0.55 0.62  ‐  1  1  2  2  3  3 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 2022 Bud 2022 Est 2023 BudMillions Measure R 13 FY 2022‐23 Budget Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE 783,277         785,400         794,030         946,978         947,000          EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS By Category Personnel               1,643             13,309             28,700             11,872             31,300  Operations                     ‐                  7,565             15,000                      ‐                        ‐    Capital Projects               6,598             46,402        3,287,000        3,287,000        1,256,000                8,241             67,276        3,330,700        3,298,872        1,287,300  By Department Public Works               1,643             20,874             43,700             11,872             31,300  Capital Projects               6,598             46,402        3,287,000        3,287,000        1,256,000                8,241             67,276        3,330,700        3,298,872        1,287,300  Revenue Over (Under) Expense          775,036           718,124      (2,536,670)    (2,351,894)        (340,300) Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE 3040‐4276 Local Return ‐ Measure M 745,836         782,461         774,030         936,231         932,000          0000‐4705 Interest Earnings 37,442           2,939             20,000           10,747           15,000            TOTAL REVENUE 783,277         785,400         794,030         946,978         947,000          EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS PUBLIC WORKS Public Works Administration 3005‐5005 Salaries   1,205             9,929             16,900           5,094             18,700            3005‐51xx Benefits 438                3,342             7,600             4,119             7,900              Engineering 3035‐5005 Salaries    ‐                 27                   2,400             1,530             2,800              3035‐51xx Benefits ‐                 12                   1,800             1,129             1,900              3035‐5299 Other Prof/Tech Svcs ‐                 7,565             15,000            ‐                  ‐                  Total Operations 1,643             20,874           43,700           11,872           31,300            CAPITAL PROJECTS 6005‐5395 CIP Related Expenses 6,598             46,402            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  6005‐5982 Non Capital‐ CIP ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 250,000          6005‐5983 CIP Projects ‐                  ‐                 2,013,000     2,013,000     1,006,000      6005‐5984 CIP Carryover ‐                  ‐                 1,274,000     1,274,000      ‐                  Total Capital Projects 6,598             46,402           3,287,000     3,287,000     1,256,000      TOTAL EXPENDITURES 8,241             67,276           3,330,700     3,298,872     1,287,300      3000 FINANCIAL ACTIVITY City of Rosemead Measure M FUND DESCRIPTION A county‐wide one‐half percent sales tax to fund transportation projects. Receipts may be used to fund several highways, transit, local street, walking and biking programs. Funding is to improve freeway traffic flow/safety; repair potholes/sidewalks; repave local streets; earthquake‐retrofit bridges; synchronize signals; keep senior/disabled/student fares affordable; expand rail/subways/bus systems; improve job/school/airport connections; and create jobs. FINANCIAL SUMMARY ‐ Fund 226 ‐ Measure M 14 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Measure M ‐ Fund 226 ‐ Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 775,036         718,124         (2,536,670)    (2,351,894)    (340,300)        FUND BALANCE, Beginning of Yr 1,383,626     2,158,662     2,876,786     2,876,786     524,892          FUND BALANCE, End of Year 2,158,662     2,876,786     340,116         524,892         184,592          FUND BALANCE HISTORY 1.38 2.16 2.88 0.34 0.52 0.18  ‐  1  1  2  2  3  3  4 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 2022 Bud 2022 Est 2023 BudMillions Measure M 15 FY 2022‐23 Budget This page left blank Special Revenue Funds 16 FY 2022‐23 Budget Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE ‐                 10,000            ‐                 5,000              ‐                  EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS By Category Personnel                     ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐    Operations                     ‐               10,000                      ‐                  5,000                      ‐    Transfer Out                     ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐               10,000                      ‐                  5,000                      ‐    By Department Administration                     ‐               10,000                      ‐                  5,000                      ‐                        ‐               10,000                      ‐                  5,000                      ‐    Revenue Over (Under) Expense                     ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐    Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE 0000‐4205 Measure H Local Return ‐                 10,000            ‐                 5,000              ‐                  0000‐4705 Interest Earnings ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  TOTAL REVENUE ‐                 10,000            ‐                 5,000              ‐                  EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS ADMINISTRATION 1205‐5718 Homeless Prev & Diversion ‐                 10,000            ‐                 5,000              ‐                  TOTAL EXPENDITURES ‐                 10,000            ‐                 5,000              ‐                  Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  FUND BALANCE, Beginning of Yr ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  FUND BALANCE, End of Year ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  1205 FINANCIAL ACTIVITY City of Rosemead Measure H ‐ Fund 227 ‐ FUND DESCRIPTION The measure approved by voters in March 2017, is a quarter of one percent (0.25%) increase to Los Angeles County’s sales tax to provide an ongoing revenue stream – an estimated $355 million per year for ten years — to fund services, rental subsidies and housing in a comprehensive regional approach to combat homelessness. FINANCIAL SUMMARY Measure H 17 FY 2022‐23 Budget Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE ‐                  ‐                 17,878,600   17,878,600    ‐                  EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS By Category Personnel                     ‐                        ‐             312,900           312,900           379,000  Operations                     ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐    Capital Projects                     ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐          2,520,000  Transfer Out                     ‐                        ‐        10,000,000      10,000,000                      ‐                        ‐                        ‐        10,312,900      10,312,900        2,899,000  By Department City Clerk                     ‐                        ‐                  6,700                6,700             80,400  Finance                     ‐                        ‐                  8,600                8,600             26,700  Human Resources                     ‐                        ‐                  8,600                8,600           101,100  General Services                     ‐                        ‐             250,000           250,000                      ‐    Engineering                     ‐                        ‐               39,000             39,000           170,800  Capital Projects                     ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐          2,520,000  Non‐Departmental                     ‐                        ‐        10,000,000      10,000,000                      ‐                        ‐                        ‐        10,312,900      10,312,900        2,899,000  Revenue Over (Under) Expense                     ‐                        ‐          7,565,700        7,565,700      (2,899,000) Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE 0000‐4205 American Rescue Plan ‐                  ‐                 17,878,600   17,878,600    ‐                  0000‐4705 Interest Earnings ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  TOTAL REVENUE ‐                  ‐                 17,878,600   17,878,600    ‐                  EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS CITY CLERK 1115‐5005 Salaries    ‐                  ‐                 6,700             6,700             51,500            1115‐51xx Benefits ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 28,900            ADMINISTRATION ‐ Human Resources 1310‐5005 Salaries    ‐                  ‐                 8,600             8,600             67,100            1310‐51xx Benefits ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 34,000            FINANCE 1305‐5005 Salaries    ‐                  ‐                 8,600             8,600             18,300            1305‐51XX Benefits ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 8,400              FINANCIAL ACTIVITY 0000 City of Rosemead American Rescue Plan ‐ Fund 228 ‐ FUND DESCRIPTION On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, which contains $1.9 trillion in overall national spending to support relief and economic recovery efforts. The Act provides a total of $250 billion in assistance to states, counties, municipalities,territories, and tribal governments to cover expenses, make up for lost revenue and east the overall economic impact from the COVID‐19 pandemic. This fund will account for the City’s portion of these funds to be received over two fiscal years and expended by 2026. FINANCIAL SUMMARY 1115 1305 1310 1325 3035 6005 American Rescue Plan 18 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead American Rescue Plan ‐ Fund 228 ‐ Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed GENERAL SERVICES 1325‐5026 Premium Pay ‐                  ‐                 150,000         150,000          ‐                  1310‐5027 Covid Sick Time Mandate ‐                  ‐                 100,000         100,000          ‐                  ENGINEERING 3035‐5005 Salaries    ‐                  ‐                 39,000           39,000           124,400          3035‐51xx Benefits ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 46,400            312,900         312,900         379,000          CAPITAL PROJECTS 6005‐5983 CIP Projects ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 2,520,000      ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 2,520,000      NON DEPARTMENTAL  0000‐5960 Transfer Out ‐                  ‐                 10,000,000   10,000,000    ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 10,000,000   10,000,000    ‐                  TOTAL EXPENDITURES ‐                  ‐                 10,312,900   10,312,900   2,899,000      Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures ‐                  ‐                 7,565,700     7,565,700     (2,899,000)     FUND BALANCE, Beginning of Yr ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 7,565,700      FUND BALANCE, End of Year ‐                  ‐                 7,565,700     7,565,700     4,666,700      FUND BALANCE HISTORY 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.57 7.57 4.67  ‐  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 2022 Bud 2022 Est 2023 BudMillions American Rescue Plan 19 FY 2022‐23 Budget Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE ‐                  ‐                 27,000,000    27,000,000    ‐                  EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS By Category Personnel                     ‐                        ‐                          ‐                        ‐                        ‐    Operations                     ‐                        ‐                          ‐                        ‐                        ‐    Capital Projects                     ‐                        ‐         27,000,000      27,000,000                      ‐                        ‐                        ‐         27,000,000      27,000,000                      ‐    By Department Capital Projects                     ‐                        ‐         27,000,000      27,000,000                      ‐                        ‐                        ‐         27,000,000      27,000,000                      ‐    Revenue Over (Under) Expense                     ‐                        ‐                          ‐                        ‐                        ‐    Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE 0000‐Measure R Capital Funds ‐                  ‐                  ‐                    ‐                  ‐                  0000‐0000 Carryover Revenue ‐                  ‐                 27,000,000    27,000,000    ‐                  TOTAL REVENUE ‐                  ‐                 27,000,000    27,000,000    ‐                  EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS CAPITAL PROJECTS 0000‐5984 CIP Carryover ‐                  ‐                 27,000,000    27,000,000    ‐                  TOTAL EXPENDITURES ‐                  ‐                 27,000,000    27,000,000    ‐                  Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures ‐                  ‐                  ‐                    ‐                  ‐                  FUND BALANCE, Beginning of Yr ‐                  ‐                  ‐                    ‐                  ‐                  FUND BALANCE, End of Year ‐                  ‐                  ‐                    ‐                  ‐                  0000 FINANCIAL ACTIVITY City of Rosemead Measure R Highway Capital Projects ‐ Fund 229 ‐ FUND DESCRIPTION Measure R is a half‐cent sales tax approved by Los Angeles County voters in November 2008 to provide funding to be used for public transportation purposes for a period of 30 years. In 2008, LACMTA adopted the Measure R Ordinance and Expenditure Plan that allocated projected revenues for various transportation purposes and established four subfunds (transit capital, highway capital, operations, and local return) along with an expenditure plan for each including the 710 North Mobility Study. The City applied, and was granted funding for four major projects which are detailed in the City's Capital Improvement Program. This allocation is separate from, and in addition to, the City's Measure R Local Return Funds accounted for in Fund 225. It is also remitted to the City on a reimbursement basis.  FINANCIAL SUMMARY Measure R ‐ Highway Capital 20 FY 2022‐23 Budget Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE 77,091           71,413           75,000           41,000           72,000            EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS By Category Personnel                     ‐    ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 7,700              Operations                     ‐                        ‐               10,100             16,050             34,900  Capital Equipment                     ‐               45,536                      ‐                        ‐               80,000                      ‐               45,536             10,100             16,050           122,600  By Department Public Works                     ‐               45,536             10,100             16,050           122,600                      ‐               45,536             10,100             16,050           122,600  Revenue Over (Under) Expense            77,091             25,877             64,900             24,950            (50,600) Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE 0000‐4260 AB2766 Revenue 69,738           70,986           70,000           38,500           70,000            0000‐4705 Interest Earnings 7,352             427                5,000             2,500             2,000              TOTAL REVENUE 77,091           71,413           75,000           41,000           72,000            EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS PUBLIC WORKS Motor Fleet 3020‐5380 Vehicle Repairs & Maint ‐                  ‐                 1,200             1,000              ‐                  3020‐5388 Leases ‐ Vehicles ‐                  ‐                 8,900             15,050           34,900            Engineering 3035‐5005 Salaries    ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 4,700              3035‐51xx Benefits ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 3,000              CAPITAL EQUIPMENT 3020‐5825 Vehicles ‐                 45,536            ‐                 80,000            TOTAL EXPENDITURES ‐                 45,536           10,100           16,050           122,600          Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 77,091           25,877           64,900           24,950           (50,600)          FUND BALANCE, Beginning of Yr 334,964         412,055         437,932         437,932         462,882          FUND BALANCE, End of Year 412,055         437,932         502,832         462,882         412,282          3000 FINANCIAL ACTIVITY FUND BALANCE HISTORY City of Rosemead Air Quality Management District (AQMD) ‐ Fund 230 ‐ FUND DESCRIPTION This fund is used to account for revenues received from the Air Quality Management District pursuant to AB 2766. Funds from the registration of every motor vehicle registered or renewed each year in California are distributed directly to the cities in AQMD's jurisdiction for mobile source emission reduction programs.  FINANCIAL SUMMARY 335 412 438 503 463 412   ‐  200  400  600 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 2022 Bud 2022 Est 2023 BudThousands AQMD 21 FY 2022‐23 Budget This page left blank Special Revenue Funds 22 FY 2022‐23 Budget Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE ‐                 565,406         571,000         572,005         571,000          EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS By Category Personnel                     ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐    Operations                     ‐             231,247           502,500           192,234           530,000  Capital Projects                     ‐                        ‐             200,000           200,000                      ‐                        ‐             231,247           702,500           392,234           530,000  By Department Public Works                     ‐             231,247           502,500           192,234           530,000  Capital Projects                     ‐                        ‐             200,000           200,000                      ‐                        ‐             231,247           702,500           392,234           530,000  Revenue Over (Under) Expense                     ‐             334,159          (131,500)         179,771             41,000  Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE 3035‐4216 Measure W ‐ Safe Clean Water ‐                 564,711         570,000         570,005         570,000          0000‐4705 Interest Earnings ‐                 694                1,000             2,000             1,000              TOTAL REVENUE ‐                 565,406         571,000         572,005         571,000          EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS PUBLIC WORKS Field Services 3010‐5355 Contract Svc ‐ Street Sweeping ‐                 109,200         125,000         114,529         125,000          Engineering 3035‐5299 Other Prof/Tech Svcs ‐                 122,047         175,000         77,705           200,000          3035‐5300 Regional Proj Contribution ‐                  ‐                 200,000          ‐                 200,000          3035‐5435 Travel & Meeting ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 2,500              3035‐5605 General Supplies ‐                  ‐                 2,500              ‐                 2,500              CAPITAL PROJECTS 6005‐5983 CIP Projects ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  6005‐5984 CIP Carryover ‐                  ‐                 200,000         200,000          ‐                  TOTAL EXPENDITURES ‐                 231,247         702,500         392,234         530,000          Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures ‐                 334,159         (131,500)       179,771         41,000            FUND BALANCE, Beginning of Yr ‐                  ‐                 334,159         334,159         513,930          FUND BALANCE, End of Year ‐                 334,159         202,659         513,930         554,930          3000 FINANCIAL ACTIVITY City of Rosemead Measure W ‐ Safe Clean Water ‐ Fund 231 ‐ FUND DESCRIPTION Accounts for funds collected from a parcel tax of 2.5 cents per square foot impermeable area. Tax receipts will be used to improve water quality, increase local supply, and enhance the community. FINANCIAL SUMMARY Measure W 23 FY 2022‐23 Budget Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE ‐                 700,628         3,135,258     1,981,224     348,000          EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS By Category Personnel                     ‐    ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  Operations            62,749           715,559           152,600             67,299           148,000  Capital Projects                     ‐                        ‐          2,734,458        1,913,925           200,000             62,749           715,559        2,887,058        1,981,224           348,000  By Department COVID            62,749           608,479                      ‐                        ‐                        ‐    Public Works                     ‐                        ‐               48,000                      ‐             148,000  Community Development                     ‐             107,081           104,600             67,299                      ‐    Public Works                     ‐                        ‐          2,734,458        1,913,925           200,000             62,749           715,559        2,887,058        1,981,224           348,000  Revenue Over (Under) Expense                     ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐    Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE 0000‐4202 Land & Water Conservation ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  0000‐4204 Community Power Resiliency ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 300,000          0000‐4208 Urban Greening Grant ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  0000‐4209 Cal Recycle ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  0000‐4210 State Government Grants ‐                 671,227          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  0000‐4211 HSIP Transportation Grant ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  0000‐4261 STPL Exchange ‐                  ‐                 248,200          ‐                  ‐                  3035‐4279 Local Roadway Safety Plan ‐                 48,000            ‐                 48,000            3040‐4281 Measure M Subregional Progra ‐                  ‐                 35,000           35,000            ‐                  5105‐4213 LEAP Grant ‐                 29,401           80,000           67,299            ‐                  5105‐4290 SB2 Planning Grant 24,600            ‐                  ‐                  0000‐0000 Carryover Revenue **‐                  ‐                 2,699,458     1,878,925      ‐                  TOTAL REVENUE ‐                 700,628         3,135,258     1,981,224     348,000          EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS COVID ‐ 19 0001‐5136 Laboratory Test 4,086             99,870            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  0002‐5205 Legal Services 10,592           20,897            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  0002‐5340 Facilities Maint & Repair 1,208             25,619            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  0002‐5440 Advertising 1,830             3,840              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  0002‐5605 General Supplies 5,758             20,785            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  0003‐5515 Law Enforcement ‐                 270,000          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  FINANCIAL ACTIVITY City of Rosemead Grants ‐ Fund 232 ‐ FUND DESCRIPTION Accounts for non‐repayable funds disbursed or given by Federal, State, County, and Special District Entities. Grant funds are used to fund a specific project or program which requires some level of compliance, reporting, and auditing and often times, matching funds from local sources. FINANCIAL SUMMARY 3000 0000 3000 5000 Grant Fund 24 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Grants ‐ Fund 232 ‐ Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed 0004‐5560 Contract Svc ‐ Food Services ‐                 27,308            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  0004‐5840 IT Equipment ‐                 22,991            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  0005‐5140 Unemployment compensation 39,275           17,169            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  0005‐5705 Program Expense ‐                 100,000          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  PUBLIC WORKS ‐ Engineering 3035‐5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs ‐                  ‐                 48,000            ‐                 48,000            3035‐5605 General Supplies ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 20,000            3035‐5980 Capital Equipment ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 80,000            COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 5105‐5299 Other Prof/Tech Svcs ‐                 107,081         104,600         67,299            CAPITAL PROJECTS 6005‐5395 CIP Related Expenses ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  6005‐5982 Non Capital ‐ CIP ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 200,000          6005‐5983 CIP Projects Costs ‐                  ‐                 688,050         388,050          ‐                  6005‐5984 CIP ‐ Carryover ‐                  ‐                 2,046,408     1,525,875      ‐                  TOTAL EXPENDITURES 62,749           715,559         2,887,058     1,981,224     348,000          Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (62,749)         (14,931)         248,200          ‐                  ‐                  FUND BALANCE, Beginning of Yr ‐                 (62,749)         (77,679)         (77,679)         (77,679)          FUND BALANCE, End of Year (62,749)         (77,679)         170,521         (77,679)         (77,679)          ** Note:  Revenue budget for carryover adjusted to show anticipated revenue for carryover projects. Grant Fund 25 FY 2022‐23 Budget This page left blank Special Revenue Funds 26 FY 2022‐23 Budget Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE ‐                  ‐                 10,000,000   10,000,000    ‐                  EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS By Category Operations                     ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐    Capital Projects                     ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐          3,804,200  Transfer Out                     ‐                        ‐          1,500,000                      ‐          1,400,000                      ‐                        ‐          1,500,000                      ‐          5,204,200  By Department Capital Projects                     ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐          3,804,200  Non‐Departmental                     ‐                        ‐          1,500,000                      ‐          1,400,000                      ‐                        ‐          1,500,000                      ‐          5,204,200  Revenue Over (Under) Expense                     ‐                        ‐          8,500,000      10,000,000      (5,204,200) Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE 0000‐4860 Transfer In ‐                  ‐                 10,000,000   10,000,000    ‐                  TOTAL REVENUE ‐                  ‐                 10,000,000   10,000,000    ‐                  EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS NON DEPARTMENTAL  0000‐5960 Transfer Out ‐                  ‐                 1,500,000      ‐                 1,400,000      CAPITAL PROJECTS 6005‐5983 Capital Projects ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 3,804,200      TOTAL EXPENDITURES ‐                  ‐                 1,500,000      ‐                 5,204,200      Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures ‐                  ‐                 8,500,000     10,000,000   (5,204,200)     FUND BALANCE, Beginning of Yr ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 10,000,000    FUND BALANCE, End of Year ‐                  ‐                 8,500,000     10,000,000   4,795,800      0000 FINANCIAL ACTIVITY City of Rosemead State & Local Fiscal Recovery Funds ‐ Revenue Loss ‐ Fund 233 ‐ FUND DESCRIPTION The Final Rule of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 provided the option of calculating the revenue loss attributable to the pandemic or accept a standard allowance of $10,000,000. The City elected to accept the $10 million standard allowance but expressed it desire to separately track the use of these funds rather than placing it into the General Fund. This fund will track expenditures expressly identified for its use and the transfer (if any) to the General Fund for budget deficits. FINANCIAL SUMMARY American Rescue Plan 27 FY 2022‐23 Budget Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE 1,187,016     1,294,831     1,325,000     1,077,808     1,352,100      EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS By Category Personnel            82,727             65,278           200,100           152,874           298,100  Operations          526,681           574,865           600,000           594,712           715,500  Capital Projects            45,254                      ‐          1,210,000           925,000             67,500           654,661           640,143        2,010,100        1,672,586        1,081,100  By Department Finance               3,010                   239             12,800                      ‐                        ‐    Public Works          606,398           639,904           787,300           747,586        1,013,600  Capital Projects            45,254                      ‐          1,210,000           925,000             67,500           654,661           640,143        2,010,100        1,672,586        1,081,100  Revenue Over (Under) Expense          532,355           654,688          (685,100)        (594,778)         271,000  Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE 0000‐4006 Prop Tax ‐ Residual RPTTF 122,747         141,277          ‐                 65,618           120,000          0000‐4007 Homeowners Prop Tax Exempt ‐                 5,034              ‐                 2,481             5,000              0000‐4510 Street light assessment 1,022,367     1,145,154     1,300,000     998,337         1,217,100      0000‐4705 Interest Earnings 41,903           3,366             25,000           11,372           10,000            TOTAL REVENUE 1,187,016     1,294,831     1,325,000     1,077,808     1,352,100      EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS FINANCE 1305‐5005 Salaries  1,944              ‐                 8,500              ‐                  ‐                  1305‐51xx Benefits 1,066             239                4,300              ‐                  ‐                  PUBLIC WORKS Public Works Administration 3005‐5005 Salaries  3,706             5,636             8,500             2,312             18,700            3005‐51xx Benefits 2,352             1,664             3,900             2,148             7,900              3005‐5257 Propert Tax Admin Fee ‐                 14,850            ‐                 14,712           15,500            Field Services 3010‐5305 Electricity 346,751         421,383         400,000         420,000         450,000          3010‐5341 Electrical Maint & Repair ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 50,000            3010‐5365 Traffic Signal Maintenance 132,134         136,527         190,000         160,000         190,000          3010‐5370 Street Lighting Maintenance 47,795           2,105             10,000            ‐                 10,000            Facilities Maintenance 3015‐5100 Salaries ‐                  ‐                 24,300           21,455           26,200            3015‐51xx Benefits ‐                  ‐                 21,200           19,034           21,900            FINANCIAL SUMMARY City of Rosemead Street Lighting District ‐ Fund 245 ‐ FUND DESCRIPTION Monies collected by ad valorem property tax based on $.2607 per $1,000 of assessed property value to provide for energy cost and maintenance of the Rosemead Lighting District, whose boundaries, except for the Southern California Edison Company property, coincide with the city’s boundaries. FINANCIAL ACTIVITY 1305 3000 Street Lighting District 28 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Street Lighting District ‐ Fund 245 ‐ Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed Parks & Open Spaces 3030‐5005 Salaries 30,325           27,460           69,500           57,404           75,300            3030‐5025 Overtime ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  3030‐51xx Benefits 43,334           30,279           59,900           50,520           105,700          Engieering 3035‐5005 Salaries ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 27,000            3035‐51xx Benefits ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 15,400            Total Operations 609,407         640,143         800,100         747,586         1,013,600      CAPITAL PROJECTS 6005‐5225 Engineering 750                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  6005‐5395 Construction Services 44,504            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  6005‐5983 CIP Projects ‐                  ‐                 1,210,000     925,000         67,500            Total Capital Projects 45,254            ‐                 1,210,000     925,000         67,500            TOTAL EXPENDITURES 654,661         640,143         2,010,100     1,672,586     1,081,100      Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 532,355         654,688         (685,100)       (594,778)       271,000          FUND BALANCE, Beginning of Yr 1,845,557     2,377,912     3,032,600     3,032,600     2,437,822      FUND BALANCE, End of Year 2,377,912     3,032,600     2,347,500     2,437,822     2,708,822      FUND BALANCE HISTORY 1.85 2.38 3.03 2.35 2.44 2.71  ‐  1  1  2  2  3  3  4 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 2022 Bud 2022 Est 2023 BudMillions Street Lighting District 29 FY 2022‐23 Budget Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE 156,589         78,976           71,000           89,040           81,600            EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS Capital Projects                     ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐             435,000  Revenue Over (Under) Expense          156,589             78,976             71,000             89,040          (353,400) Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE 0000‐4525 DIF ‐ Traffic Facilities 19,312           11,809           5,000             13,731           11,000            0000‐4705 Interest Earnings 757                56                   400                202                200                 0000‐4525 DIF ‐ Public Safety Facilities 3,484             1,672             3,000             1,955             2,000              0000‐4705 Interest Earnings 135                10                   100                33                   100                 0000‐4525 DIF ‐ General Govt Facilities 24,308           11,682           10,000           13,657           13,000            0000‐4705 Interest Earnings 959                68                   500                236                300                 0000‐4525 DIF ‐ Park Facilities 103,624         53,395           50,000           58,216           54,000            0000‐4705 Interest Earnings 4,011             284                2,000             1,010             1,000              TOTAL REVENUE 156,589         78,976           71,000           89,040           81,600            EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS CAPITAL PROJECTS 6005‐5983 Capital Improvement ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 50,000            6005‐5983 Capital Improvement ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 10,000            6005‐5983 Capital Improvement ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 75,000            6005‐5395 Capital Improvement ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 300,000          TOTAL EXPENDITURES ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 435,000          Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 156,589         78,976           71,000           89,040           (353,400)        FUND BALANCE, Beginning of Yr 163,095         319,685         398,661         398,661         487,701          FUND BALANCE, End of Year 319,685         398,661         469,661         487,701         134,301          City of Rosemead Development Impact Fees ‐ All Funds ‐ Funds 250 ‐ 251 ‐ 252 ‐ 253 ‐ FUND DESCRIPTION Development Impact Fees are imposed upon development projects pursuant to Government Code 66066 for mitigating the impact of the development on the ability of the City to provide specified public improvements and services. The City prepared a Development Impact Fee Study and the Study identified four categories of capital facilities and equipment required to serve and accommodate new development; and provided a summary of the portion of each improvement category’s costs that can be funded by new development. The four categories of capital facilities and equipment that will be funded by the development impact fee established by Ordinance 949 are:  Fund 250 – Traffic Facilities; Fund 251 – Public Safety Facilities;  Fund 252 – General Government Facilities; Fund 253 – Park Facilities  252 253 253 FINANCIAL SUMMARY 250 250 251 251 252 FINANCIAL ACTIVITY 250 251 252 253 Development Impact Fees 30 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Development Impact Fees ‐ All Funds ‐ Funds 250 ‐ 251 ‐ 252 ‐ 253 ‐ F253 PARKS FUND BALANCE HISTORY F250 TRAFFIC F251 PUBLIC SAFETY F252 GENERAL GOVERNMENT 30  111  219  269 278  33   ‐  50  100  150  200  250  300 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 2022 Bud 2022 Est 2023 BudThousands7  27  52  62 66  4   ‐  20  40  60  80 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 2022 Bud 2022 Est 2023 BudThousands6  21  41 46  55  16   ‐  10  20  30  40  50  60 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 2022 Bud 2022 Est 2023 BudThousands 1 4  7  10 9  1   ‐  2  4  6  8  10  12 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 2022 Bud 2022 Est 2023 BudThousands Development Impact Fees 31 FY 2022‐23 Budget Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE 569,631         980,668         2,324,600     886,658         2,255,100      EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS By Category Personnel          115,295           109,367           133,000             72,278           133,100  Operations          244,951           347,222        1,841,600           464,380        1,856,200  Capital          392,405           329,165           350,000           350,000           265,800           752,651           785,753        2,324,600           886,658        2,255,100  By Department COVID ‐ 19               6,261           161,810           722,600           230,000           607,700  Administration            30,106                   390        1,170,400           274,607        1,314,800  Finance               8,234                8,120             31,000                8,499             14,800  Public Works            25,638                      ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐    Parks and Recreation            20,146             18,833             50,600             23,552             52,000  Community Development          269,862           267,435                      ‐                        ‐                        ‐    Capital Projects          392,405           329,165           350,000           350,000           265,800           752,651           785,753        2,324,600           886,658        2,255,100  Revenue Over (Under) Expense         (183,020)         194,915                      ‐                        ‐                        ‐    Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2020‐21 YTD 4‐30‐21 FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE DETAIL 0000‐4205 Federal Government Grants 561,238         980,668          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  0000‐4206 CDBG Allocation ‐                  ‐                 738,400         661,087         709,000          0000‐4207 CDBG Reprogrammed ‐                  ‐                 863,600         200,000         926,400          0000‐4212 CDBG‐COVID ‐                  ‐                 528,600         11,584            ‐                  0000‐4213 CDBG ‐COVID Reprogrammed ‐                  ‐                 194,000         8,370             607,700          4030‐4490 Senior Lunch Program 8,392              ‐                  ‐                 5,617             12,000            TOTAL REVENUE 569,631         980,668         2,324,600     886,658         2,255,100      EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS DETAIL COVID‐19 0007‐5005 Salaries  1,000             6,217              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  0007‐5105 Benefits 126                2,026              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  0007‐5299 Other Prof/Tech Svcs 5,135              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  0007‐5545 Admin Expenses ‐                 30,321           149,000         80,000           91,500            0007‐5705 Program Expenses ‐                 123,247         573,600         150,000         516,200          ADMINISTRATION City Manager's Office 1205‐5005 Salaries  26,971           148                43,100           28,943           52,100            1205‐5105 Benefits 3,135             39                   22,300           16,264           26,100            FINANCIAL ACTIVITY 1205 City of Rosemead Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) ‐ Fund 260 ‐ FUND DESCRIPTION Designed to account for those monies received from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, Community Development Block Grant Programs are to be expended for economic studies and economic development of the community.  Funds are reimbursed from HUD upon expenditure drawdown. FINANCIAL SUMMARY 0000 4000 5000 1305 3000 CDBG 32 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) ‐ Fund 260 ‐ Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2020‐21 YTD 4‐30‐21 FY 2022‐23  Proposed CDBG 1220‐5299 Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs ‐                  ‐                 50,700           50,000           60,900            1220‐5709 Affordable Housing Program ‐                  ‐                 600,500          ‐                  ‐                  1220‐5711 Emergency Rental Assistance ‐                  ‐                 15,000            ‐                 16,000            1220‐5712 Commercial Façade Improvem ‐                  ‐                 195,400          ‐                 95,400            1220‐5713 Homeless Svcs ‐ Family ‐                  ‐                 5,000              ‐                 5,000              1220‐5714 Fair Housing ‐                  ‐                 15,000            ‐                 11,300            1220‐5716 Handyman Grants ‐                 203                132,700         130,000         499,500          1220‐5717 Senior Nutrition Program ‐                  ‐                 39,400           39,400           38,000            1220‐5721 Lead Testing & Abatement ‐                  ‐                 51,300           10,000            ‐                  1220‐5722 Homeownership Assistance Pr ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 510,500          FINANCE 1305‐5005 Salaries  6,232             4,141             20,100           3,124             9,400              1305‐5105 Benefits 2,002             3,979             10,900           5,375             5,400              PUBLIC WORKS 3005‐5005 Salaries  1,175              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  3005‐5105 Benefits 1,064              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  3035‐5299 Other Prof/Tech Svcs 23,398            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  PARKS AND RECREATION Recreation 4005‐5010 Part‐Time Salaries ‐                  ‐                 15,100           56                   17,100            4005‐5105 Benefits ‐                  ‐                 900                262                1,000              4005‐5719 Summer Youth Empl Prog ‐                  ‐                 14,000           4,980             11,900            Senior Services 4030‐5005 Salaries 8,416             9,605             11,200           9,860             12,000            4030‐5010 Part‐Time Salaries ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  4030‐5105 Benefits 11,730           9,229             9,400             8,394             10,000            COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planning 5105‐5005 Salaries 21,728           39,530            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  5105‐5010 Part‐Time Salaries 85                    ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  5105‐5105 Benefits 23,554           23,634            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  CDBG 5205‐5005 Salaries 1,013             6,824              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  5205‐5105 Benefits 7,064             3,996              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  5205‐5299 Other Prof/Tech Svcs 90,999           48,411            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  5205‐5605 General Supplies ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  5205‐5705 Program Expenses 77,687           65,520            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  5205‐5720 Community Contributions 45,404           77,159            ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  5205‐5940 Other Expenditures 2,328             2,361              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  CAPITAL PROJECTS 6005‐5225 Engineering Services 9,835              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  6005‐5395 CIP Related Expenses 382,570         329,165          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  6005‐5983 CIP Projects ‐                  ‐                 350,000         350,000         265,800          TOTAL EXPENDITURES 752,651         785,753         2,324,600     886,658         2,255,100      Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (183,020)       194,915          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  FUND BALANCE, Beginning of Yr (23,791)         (206,812)       (11,896)         (11,896)         (11,896)          FUND BALANCE, End of Year (206,812)       (11,896)         (11,896)         (11,896)         (11,896)          CDBG 33 FY 2022‐23 Budget Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE 204,840         719,119         2,135,400     270,190         2,181,100      EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS By Category Personnel            44,910             15,350             33,600             22,541             33,500  Operations            91,634           176,849        2,101,800           247,649        2,147,600  Capital                     ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐             136,543           192,199        2,135,400           270,190        2,181,100  By Department Administration            14,826             14,584        2,135,400           270,190        2,181,100  Community Development          121,717           177,615                      ‐                        ‐                        ‐    Capital Projects                     ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐             136,543           192,199        2,135,400           270,190        2,181,100  Revenue Over (Under) Expense            68,297           526,920                      ‐                          ‐                      ‐    Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed REVENUE DETAIL 0000‐4205 Federal Government Grants 49,219           279,423          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  0000‐4207 Home Reprogrammed ‐                  ‐                 1,790,400     42,100           1,840,000      0000‐4211 Grants ‐ HUD ‐                  ‐                 337,500         18,530           341,100          0000‐4435 Other Reimbursements 148,350         438,934          ‐                 177,560          ‐                  0000‐4705 Interest Earnings 7,270             762                7,500             32,000            ‐                  TOTAL REVENUE 204,840         719,119         2,135,400     270,190         2,181,100      EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS DETAIL ADMINISTRATION City Manager's Office 1205‐5005 Salaries  13,324            ‐                 20,900           13,654           21,700            1205‐51xx Benefits 1,501              ‐                 12,700           8,887             11,800            1205‐5299 Contract/Prog/Tech Svcs ‐                 14,584            ‐                 3,225              ‐                  Home 1230‐5706 CHDO Set Aside ‐                  ‐                 50,600           50,600           101,800          1230‐5707 Owner Occupied Rehab Loans ‐                  ‐                 420,000         50,000           405,800          1230‐5708 First Time Home Buyer ‐                  ‐                 100,000         50,000            ‐                  1230‐5709 Affordable Housing Funds ‐                  ‐                 1,431,200      ‐                  ‐                  1230‐5711 Emergency Rental Assistance ‐                  ‐                 100,000         93,824            ‐                  1230‐5722 Homeownership Assistance ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 1,640,000      City of Rosemead HOME ‐ Combining Fund 270 and 275 ‐ FUND DESCRIPTION Pursuant to the HOME Investment Partnerships Act, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) allocates regular HOME funds to the City for the purpose of expanding the City’s supply of decent, safe, sanitary and affordable housing for very low and low income families. The source of revenue is from program income offered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). 275 275 FINANCIAL SUMMARY 5000 FINANCIAL ACTIVITY 275 1205 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 HOME 34 FY 2022‐23 Budget City of Rosemead HOME ‐ Combining Fund 270 and 275 ‐ Acct No Description FY 2019‐20  Actuals FY 2020‐21  Actuals FY 2021‐22  Budget FY 2021‐22  Y/E Est FY 2022‐23  Proposed COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planning 5105‐5005 Salaries  7,816             3,892              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  5105‐51xx Benefits 1,729             1,925              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  Home 5210‐5005 Salaries  997                6,056              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  5210‐51xx Benefits 19,542           3,476              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  5210‐5605 General Supplies 89                   260                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  5210‐5705 Program Expenses 91,545           161,803          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  5210‐5707 Owner Occupied Rehab Loans ‐                 101                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  5210‐5708 First Time Home Buyer ‐                 101                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  TOTAL EXPENDITURES 136,543         192,199         2,135,400     270,190         2,181,100      Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 68,297           526,920          ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  FUND BALANCE, Beginning of Yr 66,071           134,367         4,046,047     4,046,047     4,046,047      Restatement (Loans) 3,384,760      FUND BALANCE, End of Year 134,367         4,046,047     4,046,047     4,046,047     4,046,047      FUND BALANCE HISTORY 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 275 66 134  4,046 4,046  ‐‐  ‐  500  1,000  1,500  2,000  2,500  3,000  3,500  4,000  4,500 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 2022 Bud 2022 Est 2023 BudThousands HOME 35 FY 2022‐23 Budget This page left blank 36 FY 2022‐23 Budget AND This page left blank Other Agencies 2 FY 2022‐23 Budget Division Descriptions: Funding: 2022‐23 Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives: − − Work Plan: Rosemead Housing Development Corporation Under the auspices of the Community Development Department, the Rosemead Housing Development Corporation (RHDC) is charged with maintaining affordable housing units for low‐income seniors living in the community. The Corporation operates two apartment complexes for low‐income seniors – Angelus Senior Apartments, located at 2417 Angelus Avenue, were constructed in 1995 on a parcel which is owned by the City of Rosemead and leased to the HDC for 35 years beginning in 1995. It has 50 one‐bedroom units and one two‐bedroom unit. The Garvey Senior Housing Complex, located at 9100 Garvey Avenue, was constructed in 2002 also on a parcel of land owned by the City and leased to the HDC for 55 years beginning in 2002.  It has 64 one‐bedroom and eight two‐bedroom units. Review rent and recertification policies, including rental increase guidelines and reporting. Conduct financial auditing and reporting for compliance. Senior Housing The RHDC receives its funding from tenant rents for two senior housing apartments and subsidies from the Successor Agency. Both complexes operate under an Assistance and Operating Agreement between the RHDC, the City of Rosemead, and the Community Development Commission (CDC – now the Successor Agency) obligating the CDC to reimburse the HRDC for any shortfalls occurring between the gross receipts of rents collected and the permitted operating expenses. As operational costs have continued to increase, and tenants’ rents have remained relatively constant, the reliance on the subsidy from the Successor Agency has become more important. Through the elimination of redevelopment agencies in 2012, this obligation was submitted and subsequently approved by the State of California Department of Finance as an enforceable obligation, which will ensure ongoing funding for the RHDC in the future. As such, revenues and expenditures in this fund will typically balance at the end of each fiscal year. Administer and oversee the contract with property management company to ensure compliance  with affordability requirements, lease‐up, maintenance, and reporting to the HDC Board. Expected ResultWhenDescription Division: 5220/5225 Ensure ongoing occupancy of two affordable  senior complexes (Angelus and Garvey)Ongoing Maintain lease‐up and rental income Housing Development Corp 3 FY 2022‐23 Budget 2019‐20  Actuals 2020‐21  Actuals 2021‐22 Budget 2021‐22 YTD Apr 2022 2022‐23  Proposed % Incr Funding Sources 0000‐4705   Interest Earnings ‐                 ‐                 ‐                8,472            10,000          0% 5220‐4705   Interest Earnings 32                 6                     ‐                5                     ‐                0% 5220‐4710   Rentals ‐ Property 183,491       185,147       187,200       156,425       181,000       ‐3% 5220‐4712   Contrib fr Successor Agency ‐                241,473       247,900       212,117       228,000       ‐8% 5220‐4805   Miscellaneous Revenue 1,703            1,390            2,300            3,152            2,100            ‐9% 5225‐4705   Interest Earnings 46                 8                     ‐                6                     ‐                0% 5225‐4710   Rentals ‐ Properties 279,640       287,406       288,600       238,812       238,500       ‐17% 5225‐4712   Contrib fr Successor Agency ‐                211,000       189,100        ‐                371,400       96% 5225‐4805   Miscellaneous Revenue 2,455            2,860            2,300            2,258            2,600            13% 0000‐4712   Contrib fr Successor Agency 453,238        ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                0% Total ‐ Revenue 920,603       929,288       917,400       621,247       1,033,600    13% Expenditure Summary ‐ By Division 5220    Angelus Operations/CIP 441,099       408,152       437,400       280,412       411,100       ‐6% 5225    Garvey Operations 465,616       458,704       480,000       344,926       612,500       28% Total ‐ Expenditures 906,715       866,856       917,400       625,338       1,023,600    12% Revenue over Expense 13,889          62,432           ‐                (4,091)           10,000          0% Rosemead Housing Development Corporation Senior Housing Budget Summary & Details (F281) Rents 41% Successor Agency 59% Other 0% Revenue by Source Angelus 40% Garvey 60% Expenditures by Division 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 FY 2020 Actual FY 2021 Actual 2022 Budget 2022 YTD 2023 BudgetMillionsRevenueExpenses 59 97 130 166 187 227 287 341 355  417   ‐  100  200  300  400  500 ThousandsFund Balance HistoryOperating Revenue to Expense Housing Development Corp 4 FY 2022‐23 Budget 2019‐20  Actuals 2020‐21  Actuals 2021‐22 Budget 2021‐22 YTD Apr 2022 2022‐23  Proposed % Incr Rosemead Housing Development Corporation Senior Housing Budget Summary & Details (F281) Senior Housing Project ‐ Angelus Operations Division  (5220) Operations & maintenance 5220‐5215   Accounting & Auditing 1,940            1,584            2,000            1,787            2,000            0% 5220‐5340   Facilities Repair & Maint 422               387               15,000           ‐                 ‐                ‐100% 5220‐5387   Leases ‐ Property 91,200          91,200          91,200          45,600          91,200          0% 5220‐5410   Property Insurance ‐                 ‐                14,500          7,250            13,200          ‐9% 5220‐5545   Admin Expense ‐ City Svcs 113,100       116,150       86,400          43,176          56,600          ‐34% 5220‐5554   Admin Expense‐General‐HDC 74,385          61,332           ‐                56,985          74,500          0% 5220‐5555   Contract Svc ‐ Property Mgmt 25,092          25,092          228,300       20,910          32,600          ‐86% 5220‐5557   Utilities Expense ‐ HDC 34,391          32,015           ‐                34,010          45,000          0% 5220‐5558   Operating/Maint Exp ‐ HDC 100,568       80,392           ‐                70,329          94,000          0% 5220‐5698   Other Expenditures ‐                 ‐                 ‐                365               2,000            0% Total ‐ Operations 441,099       408,152       437,400       280,412       411,100       ‐6% Senior Housing Project ‐ Garvey Operations Division  (5225) Operations & maintenance 5225‐5215   Accounting & Auditing 1,495            2,499            2,000            1,712            2,000            0% 5225‐5387   Leases ‐ Property 92,200          92,200          92,200          46,100          243,400       164% 5225‐5410   Property Insurance ‐                 ‐                24,500          12,250          22,400          ‐9% 5225‐5545   Admin Expense ‐ City Svcs 113,100       116,150       86,400          43,176          56,600          ‐34% 5225‐5554   Admin Expense‐General‐HDC 105,554       116,106        ‐                102,446       116,100       0% 5225‐5555   Contract Svc ‐ Property Mgmt 35,423          35,424          264,900       29,520          46,000          ‐83% 5225‐5557   Utilities Expenses ‐ HDC 21,201          28,544           ‐                26,199          40,000          0% 5225‐5558   Operating/Maint Exp ‐ HDC 84,771          67,781           ‐                83,523          84,000          0% 5225‐5698   Other Expenditures 11,872           ‐                10,000           ‐                2,000            ‐80% Total ‐ Operations 465,616       458,704       480,000       344,926       612,500       28% Capital Projects 5225‐5983   CIP ‐ Elevator Repair/Replacement ‐                 ‐                 ‐                400,000        Total ‐ Housing 906,715       866,856       917,400       625,338       1,423,600    55% Housing Development Corp 5 FY 2022‐23 Budget Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2010A In July 2010, the Commission issued $11,230,000 in Merged Project Area Tax Allocation Bonds. The bonds mature in amounts ranging from $200,000 to $1,135,000 with interest rates ranging from 3.00% to 5.00% through December 1, 2023. The bonds were issued to provide funds to finance the costs of certain redevelopment projects within the Merged Project Area including infrastructure improvements and the acquisition of land. Principal is payable annually on December 1. Interest is payable semi‐annually on June 1 and December 1.  As of June 30, 2022, the outstanding balance is $2,235,000. 2016 Subordinate Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds In October 2016, the Successor Agency to the Rosemead Redevelopment Agency (Successor Agency) issued the 2016 Subordinate Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds in the amount of $24,230,000 for the purpose of refunding, on a current basis, all of the outstanding Rosemead Community Development Commission Redevelopment Project Area No. 1 Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 2006A, initially issued in the principal amount of $14,005,000, and the Rosemead Community Development Commission Redevelopment Project Area No. 1 Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds, Series 2006B, initially issued in the principal amount of $24,230,000. Interest is payable semi‐annually on April 1 and October 1. As of June 30, 2022, the outstanding balance is $18,155,000. Subject to the approval of the oversight board and the State of California Department of Finance (DOF), remaining assets can only be used to pay enforceable obligations in existence at the date of dissolution (including the completion of any unfinished projects that were subject to legally enforceable contractual commitments). Successor agencies are allocated property tax revenue in the amount that is necessary to pay the estimated installment payments on enforceable obligations of the former redevelopment agencies until all enforceable obligations of the prior redevelopment agencies have been paid in full and all assets have been liquidated. Most notable inclusions on the current ROPS is funding for debt service, contributions to two senior housing projects  City of Rosemead Successor Agency  to the Former Community Development Commission  –   –   –   – Informational Only  –   –   –   – On December 29, 2011, the California Supreme Court upheld AB lX 26 that provided for the dissolution of all redevelopment agencies in the State of California. This action impacted the reporting entity of the City that previously had reported the former Agency within the reporting entity of the City as a blended component unit. In June 2012, the Legislature adopted AR 1484, which amended portions of AB lX 26 and added certain new provisions.  AB lX 26 and AB 1484 are collectively referred to herein as the "Bill." The Bill provides that upon dissolution of a redevelopment agency, either the city or another unit local government will agree to serve as the "successor agency" to hold the assets until they are distributed to other units of state and local government. The successor agency is defined as being a separate legal entity from the City. On January 10, 2012, the City Council elected to become the Successor Agency for the former Redevelopment Agency (Rosemead Community Development Commission) in accordance with the Bill as part of City resolution number 2012‐04. The assets and activities of the Successor Agency for the former Agency are reported in a fiduciary fund (private‐purpose trust fund) in the financial statements of the City. Successor Agency 6 FY 2022‐23 Budget Funding Sources 2019‐20  Actuals 2020‐21  Actuals 2021‐22 Budget 2021‐22 Y‐E Est 2022‐23  Adopted % Incr 0000‐4010    Property Tax Increment 3,634,145    4,204,501    4,008,400    4,008,400    4,131,000    3% 0000‐4705    Interest Earnings 29,856          1,585            2,500            16,000          15,000          500% 0000‐4707    Interest Earnings ‐ Fiscal Agent ‐                 ‐                15,000          200               1,000            ‐93% Total ‐ Revenue 3,664,001    4,206,086    4,025,900    4,024,600    4,147,000    3% By Category 2019‐20  Actuals 2019‐20  Actuals 2020‐21 Budget 2020‐21 Y‐E Est 2021‐22  Proposed % Incr     Personnel 46,213          53,705           ‐                 ‐                 ‐                0%     Operations 506,922       480,280       609,900       603,211       730,200       20%     Debt Service 3,348,966    3,332,204    3,416,000    3,416,000    3,416,800    0% Total ‐ Successor Agency 3,902,101    3,866,189    4,025,900    4,019,211    4,147,000    3% By Division 5230 CDC Administration 3,351,896    3,332,204    3,419,000    3,418,930    3,419,800    0% 6015 CDC Capital Projects 96,967          81,512          169,900       163,281       127,800       ‐25% 0000 Non Departmental 453,238       452,473       437,000       437,000       599,400       37% Total ‐ Successor Agency 3,902,101    3,866,189    4,025,900    4,019,211    4,147,000    3% Revenue over Expense (238,100)      339,897        ‐                5,389             ‐                0% Expenditure Line Items 2019‐20  Actuals 2020‐21  Actuals 2021‐22 Budget 2021‐22 Y‐E Est 2022‐23  Adopted Personnel 6015 5255   Salaries & Wages 46,213          53,705           ‐                 ‐                 ‐                0% Total ‐ Personnel 46,213          53,705           ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 Operations 0000  5963   Contrib to Housing Dev Corp 453,238       452,473       437,000       437,000       599,400       37% 5230  5255   Bank Fees 2,930             ‐                3,000            2,930            3,000            0% 6015  5205   Legal Services 2,816            2,142            5,000             ‐                5,000            0% 6015  5215   Accounting & Auditing 4,010            3,609            5,300            3,681            5,300            0% 6015  5545   Admin Expense ‐                 ‐                127,000       127,000       84,700          ‐33% 6015  5299   Contract/Prof/Tech Svcs 43,928          22,056          32,600          32,600          32,800          1% Total ‐ Operations 506,922       480,280       609,900       603,211       730,200       20% Debt Service 5230  5925   Principal 2,205,000    2,295,000    2,405,000    2,405,000    2,530,000    5% 5230  5930   Interest Expense 1,143,966    1,037,204    1,011,000    1,011,000    886,800       ‐12% Total ‐ Debt Service      3,348,966       3,332,204       3,416,000       3,416,000       3,416,800 0% Total ‐ Successor Agency 3,902,101    3,866,189    4,025,900    4,019,211    4,147,000    3% City of Rosemead Successor Agency Budget Summary & Details  (F316)  –   –   –   – Informational Only  –   –   –   – ExpenditureSummary Successor Agency 7 FY 2022‐23 Budget The Successor Agency (SA) prepares the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedules (ROPS) and the Oversite Board (OB) approves all actions as it has the fiduciary responsibility to holders of enforceable obligation as well as to the local agencies that would benefit from property tax distributions from the former redevelopment project area. Property tax revenues are now being used to pay required payments on existing bonds, the subsidy to the two senior housing complexes, and other related obligations. The remaining property tax revenues that exceed the enforceable obligations are being allocated to cites, counties, special districts and school and community college districts thereby providing critical resources to preserve core public services. City of Rosemead Successor Agency  to the Former Community Development Commission  –   –   –   – Informational Only  –   –   –   – Expenditures by Category Expenditures by Fiscal Year Debt Svc 82% Operations 3% RHDC 15% 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 2020 2021 2022 2022 Y/E Est 2023 PropMillions Successor Agency 8 FY 2022‐23 Budget