CC - Item 5B - Minutes of August 25, 2020MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL, AND SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION REGULAR JOINT MEETING AUGUST 25, 2020 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Armenta at 7:00 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Armenta, Mayor Pro Tem Low, Dang and Ly ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Molle( Richman, Chief of Police Lieutenant Duong, I Interim Director of Finance Miller, Director o Works Daste, and City Clerk Hernandez PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INVOCATION was led by Council 1. PUBLIC CO 2. PRESENTA astant City M of Community I and Recreation B it Mernfex Dang Clark (teleconferenced), Kim, City Attorney pment Frausto-Lupo, Director of Public A. =L ggeles ourit l erif�ern Station Department Annual Report Caption `Da -id Flores -introduced the newest members of the Rosemead Special Assignment Team Deputy Jackie Morales, Deputy Mario Garcia, Deputy Ryan Douglas, and Deputy 11� as. He then turned to Lieutenant Tony Duong to jumnt the Anne -Report. In hi�pesentatiori; Chief Duong provided a summary from January 1st through June 3 b!Vb§AC ?,= of the crime statistics, overview of noteworthy incidents, operations? ftkng missions, different crime strategies, and explained challenges moving forward in Rosemead. Mayor Armenta commended and thanked Lieutenant Duong and the Rosemead Team for keeping the City safe. Although there are a lot more activities going on during COVID, it appears that some of the percentages have gone down in Rosemead. Council Member Clark expressed that was a great presentation and appreciates Chief Duong and the Rosemead Team's efforts. Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting AGENDA ITEM 5.11 Minutes of August 25, 2020 Page I of 28 Council Member Ly thanked Chief Duong and the Rosemead Team for all that they do during this difficult time, fighting for the communities and ensuring that its safe. He inquired about the response time. He noted that his predecessor, Chief Kusayanagi, had previously discussed the concerns of response times north of the freeway versus south of the freeway; asked if they are still seeing response times increased dramatically because of the traffic that crosses the 10 -freeway intersection. Chief Duong stated that with the stay-at-home order, traffic has been light the past four months and has not noticed a change in response time. Council Member Ly expressed that he would likeWee that get evaluated quarterly. He added, as people slowly get back to the= new normal routine, it would be interesting to see if there are increased response times south of the freeway. Council Member Ly brought up a p�ftious discuQ to in house our full team — the Chief, Sergeant, the Special Assinnent Team and even our Patrol Team at the Public Safety Center to make it_a true substation or even a mini station. He inquired when it would be available for Council review. City Manager Molle( the designs are ready Chief Duong confirmed and the architect_ is cum Co at thy- facility at City mall, which will be iat thin &fi is going on the riexFagenda, noting from Q.41 f Duong was also included. int desigi ft been submitted and approved, y there__was concern about the Sherriff's if that issue has been resolved. ipment has been purchased and is stored ;rsonnel from the Sheriffs Department. Council Member Ly emphasized that setting up a mini station in Rosemead itself would complement the ability to have the overall size of force protection of the Temple Statori which -would improve response time and do wonders for our cofrimtnity. He rated that if he hears any complaints about the deputies, it's usually regarding the response time. He believes the Rosemead Team does a great job and a lob oferedi goes to Chief Duong as he engages with the public. For example, there has beef a lot of feel -good work such as the drive-by birthdays and other celebrations that the Rosemead Team have been a part of, stated that those are the type of community policing we want to see. Council Member Ly strongly believes that having the mini station at the Public Safety Center would improve the response time dramatically and more importantly, it will bring the Special Assignment Team to Rosemead. He inquired why not much of the actual team works at the Public Safety Center when there is a place for the deputies to work out of. Chief Duong stated the main reason was the internet situation. For example, it would take 20 minutes to send two emails out. He added, he stopped working out of the Rosemead Substation due to the volume of emails that caused delayed responses and did not help for efficient working. Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2020 Page 2 of 28 Council Member Ly stated that was an eye opener and always thought the Chief of Police works out in Rosemead. However, he was shocked that the Rosemead Team had to work out of the Temple Station due to the current setup at the Public Safety Center. If that is the case, the Deputy Team cannot properly serve the community if they are not in the community itself. Council Member Ly thanked Chief Duong for working with the team to get the Public Safety Center upgraded so we can have our full team centralized here in Rosemead. He added, there are two fire stations in the City, and does not see why we can't have a substation or mini station for Police services in our community. Chief Duong noted that when the internet issue_ Was brought up, City Manager Molleda immediately addressed and took car"f it In response to Council Member Ly's concerns about deputies being somewhat permanently stationed out of the substation, his initial intent was to conserve arrd attempt to save as much money as possible for the city when hearoved the architectural plans and was not thinking at that time to have deputy personnel permanently stationed out of there. He asserted that type of update -would have been a huge added cost and required much more space. Council Member Ly Chief Duong replied that t change out of Temple Stat that we canAalkabout that S, team there Would that he WA un to our City, cod the in-depth rE Flores, Chief 1 and= _deploying the rece--,Drol good work how much the Pu best cc would be at the4hini station. t plan would still have all the deputy personnel respond to W. ublic Safety Center. He added or and -revise the architectural plan. yrs belief that if we want to reduce patrol and afety Center a true substation and having the )f action. Flores for the introduction and shared Qat we had that many Rosemead Special Deputies dedicated led Chief Duong for the excellent presentation and appreciates ind analysis of the numbers. He further recognized Captain and the Rosemead Team for always thinking about the city ies, stretching out resources and chaperoning our Mayor at le opined they are doing a fantastic job, and to keep up the Mayor Pro Tem Low commended the Chief for leading his team in taking care of the city, especially dealing with the riots and carrying out a lot of preventive measures. She expressed she was happy to see that some of the response times have decreased and would like to see the team continue to improve on that. Mayor Pro Tem Low was very pleased with the report and noted that the city has done more in terms of safety; indicated support for Chief Duong having more police presence in the city — by doing so, there was a period where there was no crime in the city and hopes we can continue to do that. She inquired if the total number of collisions have gone down in the city due to less traffic on the streets. Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2020 Page 3 of 28 Chief Duong responded that could be a major factor. He added that he worked in Rosemead a few years ago, and it would take about fifteen minutes on a regular afternoon shift driving from Temple Station to the Rosemead substation, now it would take approximately five minutes. Mayor Pro Tem Low referred to page 3 of the statistics report and noticed the numbers have gone up; asked what we can do to help with robbery and assaults. Chief Duong expressed that regarding assaults, most of the domestic violence were family related, neighbor related, or acquaintance related. He believes that it has a lot to do with the COVID-19 pandemic where people are stressed financially and emotionally, and now they must stay home, sat � propensity for violence within the home or around the home goes up. He added,it is not okay to assault anybody but it's part of the issue. Regarding robbery, �would continue to analyze when these robberies occur. For instance, if m6 of thWoccur on a Thursday afternoon, they would redeploy both our tea rn� d7the reserve deputies during that time to hopefully prevent any robberiesfrom happening at that dime. He voiced that any robberies are not good, but it is jest o% of our total part ones crimes. Mayor Pro Tem Low noted that rric pandemic and questioned if robbery Chief Duong stated that- angst potential target. If residents=ar homes or steal cars. To a cera crime 1 that aspect,., Mayor Armenta expressed that many times =their_Ao lQyed 11. opke ark working from. home during this :rdlary "has increased. are home_,_ now, which limits the suspect's it is lesshkely for people to break into the he helieves gWandemic has helped reduce has shown that when family life is stressful, �t against themselves, or others and that Mayor Armenta praised_the Rosemead team for their diligent work, especially their efforts to ad4kss looting and rioting concerns. She shared that she received text messages from residents informing her of a potential target at the Montebello Mall, notag that businesses such as Macy's, Olive Garden and Lucille's fall within Rosemead. MayosMrmenta then informed the City Manager, who immediately shared_ this information with our Chief of Police, so the Rosemead Team was present, `reedy to protect every single business that was targeted for looting. She added, she t.y appreciates the Rosemead Team, for working so hard and putting their life in danger to protect our city and residents during these difficult times. Mayor Armenta refers to slide seven and shared briefly of the ongoing investigation of an illegal activity going on at a storefront selling cannabis, which has been present for some time. Chief Duong was very informative of their approach and provided details of their sting operation. Mrs. Armenta was ecstatic when she received the email that they collected enough evidence to close the business; emphasized that Chief Duong has shown strong leadership to ensure everything is being looked at and nothing falls through the cracks. Mayor Armenta stated that Chief Duong, Captain Flores and all the Rosemead Team were very instrumental in ensuring that illegal activity was not happening at that store front. She also Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2020 Page 4 of 28 acknowledged their hard work to ensure that our city is safe and expressed gratitude for protecting our residents and businesses. Chief Duong expressed thanks to Sergeant Carbaj al and members of the Rosemead Team for their hard work. He stated that these group of deputies work late without notice, come in early with very late notice and they are extremely hardworking and very dedicated to the city. Mayor Armenta further thanked Sergeant Carbajal for ensuring her father safety when her street was blocked off due to an incident. Captain Flores added a note regarding the statistics.. He appreciated the comments recognizing how they classify a number off �n s. In other words, if you have numerous victims, it just adds stacks upiA tie ,numbers. Back in 2019, Temple Station led the County in reducing crim.eby reducing it 19.6% which is more than any other station in the County. So png into 2M even a decrease from there, although it's less than 2%, Temple Station was at historic lows and is Number #1 in the County at reducing crime, mostly due to the worlUf_our field deputies. He added, the deputies are motivated, atad continue to protect theresidents and business community. Captain Flores further=§�how COVIN has affected residential burglaries. He stated it has gone but dowry -other areas o�Temple Station jurisdiction, it has caused commercial burglaries to go Wbecause nw one was working. There were more cars on_-th street be&us_e peop wyVere_n't driving_ as much which caused auto thefts to- go =up die also eAA4sizd that we= have'very talented deputies who receive multiple 4awards for cl ti g-thieve§W have stolen vehicles, and he is very pro rd Qf his teM. to Captait especially Armenl .ad. our 3. PUBLIC 4. CONSENT CALENDAR �eogr��zed those were very difficult statistics to beat in beat tW sfats even more this year. He expressed thanks Duong, afi the Rosemead Team for doing a fantastic job, fficult times. ed that we appreciate all that they all do for the City of its, and our businesses. ACTION: Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Low and seconded by Council Member Dang to approve Consent Calendar Items A, B, and D through G. Mayor Pro Tem Low pulled Item C for separate discussion. Motion was carried out by the following vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Dang, Low, Ly ABSENT: None A. Claims and Demands • Resolution No. 2020-30 Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2020 Page 5 of 28 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $554,777.09 NUMBERED 106977 THROUGH NUMBER 107017 INCLUSIVELY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2020-30. • Resolution No. 2020-31 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMAND IST THE SUM OF $1,561,485.73 NUMBERED--AAM-50 THROUGH NUMBER 107190 INCLUSIVELY _. Recommendation: Adopt • Resolution No. 2020-32 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROS AD, CERTAIN CLAIMS �. D $192515234.60 JMB` NUMBER 107285 TN-CLUSI1 o.2020-31. COUNCIL OF THE DRNIA, ALLOWING SDS -IN THE SUM OF 107ML THROUGH Recommendation: dopt Res6ldffil No. 2020432. • Resolution So, =2020-13 SACRk FTNCLUSPMLY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2020-13 SA. B. Approval of Minutes Recommendation: That the City Council adopt the regular meeting minutes of February 11, 2020, regular meeting minutes of July 14, 2020, and Special meeting minutes of July 14, 2020. D. Submittal of Amended ROPS 20-21 The Successor Agency's Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for FY 20-21 Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2020 Page 6 of 28 E. F. CROPS FY 20-21") has been approved by the State Department of Finance ("DOF") and the First District Countywide Oversight Board ("COB"). An amendment to the Agency's ROPS 20-21 is necessary to cover all expenditures related to its contractual obligation to reimburse the Rosemead Housing Development Corp. ("RHDC") for any shortfall in net operating revenues, and to receive the full amount of the Administrative Cost Allowance for Agency administrative expenses. Recommendation: That the City Council approve Successor Agency Resolution 2020-14 SA, entitled: Rosemead Park Walking Trail The Rosemead Park Walling Council as part of the`521 Improvement Program�CIP) published on May 14, 20g deadline Two bids were recei that thy=apparentMow bid s1 $376;�5, had a�emati the mathematical effift be wai Access NW In& iir the a responsive bid OR AGENCY ?VELOPMENT AMENDED T SCHEDULE %L THROUGH i ect No. 490W7 Award of Contract Trail Replaeem n� Project was approved by the City )19-20 adop�udget and included in the Capital The Notice Ifii t g Bids (NIB) for this project were unci Mai I, 202-x; with a June 2, 2020, submission ved. Auer ren ew of4i eived bids, it was determined l mittecf 0 U Pacific, Inc. in the amount of cAex Vbn the l document. Staff recommends that ve"a minor discrepancy, and the corrected bid by mount of $374,242.03 be determined to be lowest ion: 71* the City Council take the following actions: Waive minor discrepam on Access Pacific, Inc.'s submitted bid; and 2 Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Access Pacific, Inc., for the bid amount of $374,242.03. In addition, authorize an amount of $37,424.20 (10%) as a contingency to cover the cost of unforeseen construction expenses, for a total contract amount of $411,666.23. Approve Resolution No. 2020-33 to Authorize the Execution of the Safe, Clean Water Program Municipal Transfer Agreement No. 202OMP66 In November 2018, Los Angeles County voters passed Measure W, a special parcel tax of 2.5 cents per square foot of impermeable area to fund local water quality projects and programs. Measure W created the Safe, Clean Water (SCW) Program which will provide local, dedicated funding for stormwater and urban runoff programs and projects that intend to increase the local water supply, improve water quality, and protect public health. Forty percent (40%) of the parcel tax revenues are allocated to the Municipal Program. Under the Municipal Program, cities will Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2020 Page 7 of 28 receive direct funding that is proportional to the revenues that are generated within its boundaries. Pursuant to Los Angeles County Flood Control District Code Section 16.05.A.1. prior to the receipt of SCW Program funds, municipalities must enter into an agreement with the Los Angeles County Flood Control District (District) to transfer funds. Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute the Transfer Agreement between the Los Angeles County Flood Control District and the City of Rosemead for a term that shall expire at the end of Fiscal Year 2023-24, approve Resolution No. 2020-33, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE LOS ANGELES REGION SAFE, CLEAN WATER PROGRAM, MUNICIPAL TRANSFER AGREEMENT WITH THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT G. City Council Designation and Appointment of Interim Finance Director/Treasure as a Retired Annuitant Position The City has been trying to recruit a permanent Finance Director for several months. However, with the current COVID-19 issues and other factors, the City has been unable to fill the position. Until the City can fill the position, staff requests the City Council appoint a Retired Annuitant to the position of Interim Finance Director/Treasurer as authorized per California Government Code Sections 7522.56 and 21221(h) and to ensure adequate staffing during this state of emergency. Recommendation: That the City Council take the following actions: 1. Approve the position of Interim Finance Director/Treasurer and authorize the position as a Retired Annuitant Position per California Government Code Sections 7522.56 and 21221(h), and, 2. Approve the appointment and authorize the City Manager to sign the agreement on behalf of the City with Scott G. Miller as the Interim Finance Director/Treasurer. ITEMS PULLED FOR SEPARATE DISCUSSION C. Second Reading of Ordinance No. 995 and Adoption for the Approval of MCA 20- 01, Amending Title 17 (zoning) of the Rosemead Municipal Code to Comply with New State Provisions for Accessory Dwelling Units On July 14, 2020, the City Council introduced for first reading, by title only, Ordinance No. 995, by amending Title 17 (Zoning) of the Rosemead Municipal Code to Comply with new state provisions for accessory dwelling units (ADU's). Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2020 Page 8 of 28 Recommendation: That the City Council approve the second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 995 by title only, entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FOR THE APPROVAL OF MCA 20-01, AMENDING TITLE 17 (ZONING) OF THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO COMPLY WITH NEW STATE PROVISIONS FOR ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS (ADUs) Mayor Pro Tem Low pulled this item for separate discussion. Mayor Pro Tem Low voiced that she would hk_ to further discuss the 1,000 square feet versus the 1,200 square feet differejW forAdd tional Dwelling Units (ADUs) and a few comments from Council Member Dana. Council Member Dang stated - afy the State allowed IM square feet and the Director proposed 1,000 square f & mitation as one of the i ins. The second item was more clarification on page five M new construction of SQQsquare feet square feet and felt it filfneeds to be p language says,_ `_`A one detached wever, the table.references 1,000 Mayor Pro Tem Low expressed YhM4e could begin by clarifying the table. Council=Momber Dang describes the narrative which says a new construction of 800 sgpxe feet, theriin that sane continumseht gence, it asks you to follow the standards on table 17.3:0.190, whWi. roughly talks about maximum floor area where it says it ahloz 1,400 square feet forthe ADU. He states that the narrative does not match_the tab - and sugg+e�ted to strike off the 800 square feet and reference the table bit elf. Planning anM- onomic Development Manager Valenzuela stated that it was added to the ordinancelm that section. Coal Member Ding stated that the sentence, "ADU shall conform to the standard on the table" was added however, but the original language with the 800 square feet was left `mut andpressed that would help with clarification. Planning and Economic Development Manager Valenzuela stated that can be omitted. Mayor Pro Tem Low inquired if the whole sentence would be struck out. Council Member Dang clarified and asked staff to strike out "one detached new construction of 800 square feet ADU' and leave the second sentence to reference back to the table. Council Member Dang would also like to discuss item 8C where it indicates "exterior stairways shall be proposed in the location that limits visibility from Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2020 Page 9 of 28 public right-of-way". He stated that he does not recall reading that in State code and inquired if it was introduced by staff and presented before the Planning Commission. Planning and Economic Development Manager Valenzuela replied it is not in the State code, but it was introduced by staff. She added, it was first introduced to the Planning Commission, and in the draft ordinance, then brought to the City Council at the last meeting. Council Member Dang questioned if the language was only embedded in the text or was it highlighted in the PowerPoint before the Planning Commission, and that these are the things staff introduced which is not W State code. Mrs. Valenzuela stated that staff did not Mayor Pro Tem Low questioned wB happe She added, the way it reads, if tAe ust have seen from the street. -- Mrs. Valenzuela indicated if that's the oily with the applicant to screen it with land a Council Member Dang looking product, code is technics these deign -staff exanibl it coulc a secona §Wy over feet from Iheaack.. you puM9 n may cause a There will b minimize the Mould have del rate. it ac ly present that item. ne were to propose that. irways, then it cannot be :or a cornerlot3 -staff would work some sort of method. Wressed hat he is confident that staff will produce a good - Td for people that do not use Code very often, the zoning onfi t between the city and `the developer. If you follow there should=nate aye- when you introduce it. For ne-story "=in the Eton = and the applicant requests to put garage, HoMMver, the garage may have zero setback or four dtled,you are not going to be able to put a stairway on these men ng 6-M sides, it will be visible from the street once . C6MAMMeAer Dang noted that these Code provisions signers/architects, and they do not know how to design it. V and forth between designer/architect, and we are trying to "& He added, if these things were introduced by staff, it lighted where the Planning Commissioners can see and be just embedded in the Code. Planning and economic Development Manager Valenzuela stated that it was a Code sectiortrthat was from the prior ADU ordinance which staff transferred over. Council Member Dang stated he understands and he's not trying to give staff a difficult time. When the State provided the new ADU regulations in January 2020, anything before gets tossed out; you may follow these or develop your own. He noted that staff elected to copy fragments or bulk of it from the prior text and transferred it in. He advised staff to analyze what was transferred versus January 2020, and if there's differences like this one, it needs to be brought up before the Planning Commission so they can make their decision. He added, if we don't do this, it wouldn't be a public forum and it would be something that's embedded. Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2020 Page 10 of 28 Mayor Pro Tem Low recapped Council Member Dang's analysis — First this is not required by State law and second, by having this in there, the designer will interpret this ordinance as something they're supposed to do, and they should not assume that they can come in and alter things that's written in here. She added, we as a city should discuss whether we really want to have this requirement there. Mayor Armenta questioned if it was a common practice to not highlight things that's different from the State code. Planning and Economic Development Manager Valenzuela stated that the intent of the stairs being disguised is because this is an accessory use, and not the main dwelling. Staff took that from the prior Code _ad_Wansferred it. Also, staff sent it to the State just to see if that aligns, which it Whe added, if the Council wishes to remove it, staff is okay with that as well Mayor Armenta understands w echoed that the Planning Comm that line of work. She added, th like staff to present items to Coi for staff, we would be going into mo have staff present Sh6vould like to the parameters for th96& ,-. City Attorney Richman was currgp$J�the Code,_ she que ;puncil Meme Dang is coming from and r may not necessarily know unless you are in be discussed later to- see how Council would ;ioners. If -_that has been=the common practice Vit of m�anaging oflO we are going to dlsc�ith the City Attorney and see what > would be a tricky one for staff because if it ions why they would consider highlighting Mayor %Tem Loftuestioned irwe want to leave this as is in the Code, take it out or add nmethltig that gives the designer/architect an understanding that they oan=eome and gk4*s to a Zw any misinterpretation. Mayor Armenta noted�liat we had discussion about interpretations and whoever the director is, if p to ffi ftiterpretation but when everything is written down then Us pretty muc%guidelifi versus more of an interpretation. CitWorney Riehnan expressed that if the Council wishes to make changes, it just turns back Into a first reading, then it goes to the next meeting for the adoption. Mayor Pro'fLow expressed that she took a step back and wanted to discuss this matter with the rest of the Council because there will be a lot of people doing ADUs and wanted to ensure we are doing it right. Mayor Armenta echoed support for Mayor Pro Tem Low's opinion; stated we want to make sure that guidelines are being followed and prevent any misinterpretation of the ordinances. Council Member Clark stated that staff has done a great job and would like to leave this part in because if there's a situation where the person cannot do it, unless they have the stairs visible, then they could come to the city and either apply for a variance or work it out with staff. Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2020 Page 11 of 28 Mayor Armenta explained that we are going to see if anyone wants to make a motion and vote on that. She referred back to City Attorney Richman's note that it would have to come back as first reading and then do the whole process. She inquired if the majority of Council felt comfortable proceeding forward, and how the language should be. Mayor Pro Tem Low expressed that she would be okay leaving it in there if we can add verbiage to clarify that they could discuss it further with staff. Mayor Armenta questioned if there is a way to add Mayor Pro Tem Low's comments to ensure developers and architects aiVWare there's leeway and options to discuss with staff. City Attorney Richman suggested design possible without having 1 allowing that". She added, she is u if anyone else has other thoughts Council Member Ly expressed that and this becomes the new_first reading: he would like to share Wien time is a -v ,oult change it to say, "if there is no be Vfs 1e, then staff will consider ble draftingt right now and inquired Nq would requite a -,second reading, led; he has a statemeritfrom a resident Mayor Pro Tem Low brob& up-prev ous discussion of the 1,200 square feet versus the 1,000 sere foot size; noted at the lasbmeetink she was supportive of the 1,000 square feed,= &-er, she has seconct_houft_ about it. She would like to ensure that the ADU is n"gger than the main hou�ople want to build an ADU for a familynd having=x,200 square feet would be more comfortable, and believes square footageh wouW1h used if residents are going through the trouble of building UShe believes the,270 scare feeds seasonable and noted that is the max of the Stateavv,: If it'd_=xaot bigger than the primary residence, then we should allow people to too that. She added, it does=not mean that everyone is going to build 1,200 square feet, ho=wever, it would be allowed. People can still build whatever they need, but we lfiM that flexibility for family. Mayyor �Armenta f*eed with Mayor Pro Tem Low that the ADU should not be big9er1%an the miri house. She questioned how the ratio is calculated. Planning and cbnomic Development Manager Valenzuela stated that for attached garage, it is limited to 50%, but they can build up to 800 square feet. For detached, it's either 150-850 square feet or 1,000 square feet. Council Member Dang expressed that there are some hidden bells and whistles to that because the ADU would have to be in the back of the house, and it cannot be in front. For example, if the front building is 800 square feet, you would not be able to build the ADU because it would be bigger than the front. In rare instances, where the house is set way back, almost in the rear, has two driveways. In those instances, the architect would build a brand new big main house in the front, and the existing one would get converted into the ADU. Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2020 Page 12 of 28 Council Member Dang opined that the 1,200 square feet is important because when you build a three-bedroom house, that's the borderline threshold to make it comfortable. If you do a 1,000 square feet home with three -bedrooms, the rooms would be very small and would not be comfortable to fit a king-sized bed or queen size bed with a nightstand. He then references a conversation he had with John Reskin from the Olson Company. Mr. Reskin expressed that the going rate for new homes he's building is between 1,200 to 2,000 square feet, and if you want a three-bedroom house, the smallest his company will ever do is 1,150 square feet, because anything smaller becomes uncomfortable and no one will buy it. So that's why 1,200 square feet is sort of a magic number if you want to build a three- bedroom house. Mayor Armenta expressed that we are going away from the intent of an ADU and what she is hearing being described as Aa se�and home and not so much as an additional unit, and that may be why the %n W_7*any would not build anything smaller than 1,150 square feet because - they are sel--ling individual homes. She added, she is not saying that it'sil-WIMcurate, but should take into consideration about ADU, not as a separat&AAW e because then they could just subdivide the property and build two differentUrn,es. Council Member Dang Wicated back in � 6_ -they developed this: ordinance very similar to this and th&S s term a "second_ dwelling unit", but because they use that official title, a lofc��heeal jurisdicti�were imposing full side yard and rear yard of 50 feet setback anc� the ate fouizt .at was not helping in creating these dwelling units that &fbmia rbg needs,M_ hey changed the official title to Addttarral=Dwelling Unit {ADUo locasdicffin can't impose big rear yard requirements. ThdgW that it's ADU, we are pitting the side yard at 4 feet. The intent is =tp _create a second umt� the term ADU was really used as a zoning mechanism tQ allow�_setbacks le added, it is not written to be bigger than the iWhadwelliAg or -subdivided and iffiour ordinance, it says we cannot subdivide eitneWe believnit woul& a lot easier to follow the State's language, and if there are things tha�f&riot need to be included, we should not embed it in to create more problenms, jA loV&architects follow the State language for other cities, and we do not want them to see Rosemead get caught on this particular provision. ~ro Tem Low noted that whether it is called an ADU, she sees this home for a fan rly so prauiding a little more room can provide a more comfortable place to live. 3 Council Member Dang expressed that 1,200 square feet ADU attached to a garage would appear as a big mass and may be a concern. He recommended to say "1,200 square feet detached ADU and not connected to a garage." This way, it would not create that big massing effect when you join it with a two -car garage. Mayor Armenta believes that would be reasonable and asked Council Member Ly to read the public comment he received. Council Member Ly reads Public Comment from Barbara Murphy, Rosemead resident: Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2020 Page 13 of 28 Council Member Ly, unfortunately you were not present at the July 14th City Council meeting. I'm emailing you regarding the Amendment 20-01 limiting ADUs to 1,000 square feet. Reasons why I think an ADU should be allowed up to 1,200 square feet: 1. Increases revenue of City's public tax, planning and building permits, and school tax. 2. Today's residences are different, most small houses are 800 to 1,000 square feet on large lots that were built in the 40s, 50s and 60s. Houses had no laundry rooms, perhaps room for a small washing machine. Clothes were dried on clotheslines in the backyard, houses have one TV set in the living room, bedrooms were small, only a bed, a dresser _afi nightstand. Today's families are different. Kids' bedrooms need space fbiA desk, computers, PlayStation, and TV. In house laundry rooms are a mush dames today are multi -generational. An ADU of 1,200 square feet wot��lpailies with grandparents in the original house, their son, wife end two children"e ADU. 3. A difference of 200 square f gffi indistinguisha� e_from the street. There are two 1,200 square foot ADIN"fi my street and you can barely see them. 4. When residents find out thi #hey cannot build a 1,200�square foot ADU, they will decide not to build!L all I personally know _this for a fact. I'm sending you this ir�~at you can=make the Council revisit this issue at the August 25th City Couh§l �rneftg. At theNW 14, 2020, Council meeting, the Mayor said that she wantOWe X QNuare fe 0mit to keep the continuity of the community What does that mean? Dave any street in the city and you will see -i small house �maxed with megamanpons, small houses painted white, blue, green, even p'n Some axe Gladder &Wc AWs have stucco. Fencing, lots of chain links, lots oft Nght iron ainted different colors. Front yard with so many fruit trees you cannot O the house, ,edges across the front, six to eight feet tall. Where's the kinuity? Nave,_ MRoseme _ rty years, I've seen a lot of changes, most of tle�ood. War an immrg�community, and they bring new ways and ideas, which is� a good thin, regards, Barbara Murphy. .Mayor Armenta Thanked Council Member Ly and noted that her comments at that uncil meeting were very clear. She expressed that there were a ton of mini mansions before she was elected, and Council decided to stop that. However, she cantogo ba lOhnd have these homes torn down. She asked what is the wish of a the Counts..' Mayor Pro Tem Low made a motion, second by Council Member Dang, to amend the ordinance to allow a 1,200 square feet ADU that are detached. Mayor Armenta noted that there is a motion on the floor to have a detached ADU up to 1,200 feet of square feet. Council Member Dang clarified that it should read, "detached from the main house/detached from any garage". Planning and Economic Development Manager Valenzuela suggested the term freestanding. Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2020 Page 14 of 28 City Attorney Richman questioned if the changes would only reflect on the chart where it stated 1,000 square feet. She clarified that it would update to "1,200 square foot detached, freestanding, and not attached to a garage". Council Member Dang responded that it should be fine if you update the table. Mayor Pro Tem Low added that she's okay with that and expressed that the 200 square feet difference may appear as numbers to us, but this would provide more space for families. Council Member Ly recommended combi is no consensus on it. If there is consensus to get polled, and if there are three votes,: we would have to vote the ordinance all a it as first reading. He then suggested loin least three votes for each of the items= >> City Attorney Richman clarified74W' 1,200 s (not attached to any accessory use) U th; would be added. Council Member C Council Maher Dang exAa because =fhe cad , add it to workshop, or rumpus room. T the definition. P1 term the changes into one unless there n it makes sense for the Council update the ordinance. He added, aument and at this point, vote on W_each point to see if there are at feet for a Wached freestanding vides more than one bedroom" can be included. th&reasono the word "accessory use" is ffim laundry room, exterior laundry room, y the word"accessory" is used, it broadens accessory use includes a garage. Valenzuela stated yes, it is included. Council Member Ly expre-fed that if you are just using the word "garage" in there, eMone is goirWo find a- loophole. He recommended letting staff and the City Attorney figure outthe correct language we should use. City AttornA@ man states we are doing that because for this to be a first reading she would h iW6 read the changes in, otherwise we have to come back for the first reading. She prefers to get those words to read them into the changes and then Council can adopt it as first reading and come back at the next meeting for the second reading. Council Member Ly noted the City Attorney knows the intent of what Council wants and asked that she come up with a language that makes sense legally, then run it by the rest of the Council for the official motion to amend. City Attorney Richman reads the first item which will show on the chart that says, "1,200 square feet for a detached freestanding unit (not attached to any accessory use) ADU that provides more than one bedroom". Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2020 Page 15 of 28 Mayor Pro Tem Low goes over the second item 4A, which removes the first sentence that reads "one detached new construction 800 square feet ADU." Seeing no objection for item one and two, Mayor Armenta moved onto the third item. Mayor Pro Tem Low discussed the second sentence of item 8C that reads "if an ADU is located on the second floor of the primary dwelling unit, or accessory structure, the external stairs shall be proposed in a location that limits visibility from the public right-of-way". Council Member Clark expressed that she wdplftot like to see that deleted as it is clear enough that they can work with staf€ __ Mayor Pro Tem Low questioned i architect or designer can come wog City Attorney Richman discussed tk Development Manager Valenzuel" end of the right -of way from the pri warrants." Council Member Dang '1wir6dGiR architectcan bring their prc�pQ�sed p staff ccrM� ft'6 de xheir input Council�M er Clan& voiced that U could add �age that indicates that the th the City if needed. language with theWning & Economic -read ft(there would be a "comma at the �t�ubic right-of-way, unless a design so strike off this section, an ,,r discussion. At that time, d take away the leverage. cpessed that=there should not be leverage because the ordiftge " from the State is not to empower the local on people: The whole point of this ADU is supposed to I we should not be imposing. Isa rees and believes the State is mandating a lot of things not believe that's a good argument. If we can put as much c)uld, especially if we can make it more compatible to our Ly the language reads, people can say I can't do it this way, hem work it out, however if you don't have it in there, you just took away any leverage. Mayor Armenta noted that would be any other guidelines and ordinances that we have. She questioned if Council Member Clark was saying that anybody has an ability to go back and challenge our ordinances. Council Member Clark responded no, this was obviously put in by staff to make it more aesthetically pleasing and believes we should leave it in there. If someone says they can't do this and they can ask for help, and maybe apply for a variance. She emphasized that this should not be taken out and believes its good thing to have. Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2020 Page 16 of 28 Council Member Ly inquired about the cost for a variance. Planning and Economic Development Manager Valenzuela stated that with ADUs, you cannot require any discretionary approval, so that would not be okay. Council Member Dang questioned if that is a State ordinance. Planning and Economic Development Manager Valenzuela answered yes, it is a State ordinance. Council Member Ly noted that since there is no variance, then they do not have the ability to work with staff to fix these things________; y Planning and Economic Development 11�&Mdenzuela states yes, if you want to add that statement, and if warrargoa that would hole_ staff. Council Member Dang suggests delete it and trust stdMQmake things pleasing. Council Member Clark explained that this is bund new and o spmething we are used to. She added that= she would be � adding the "uthe design so warrants" to give some wiggle. room but bA Ryes it should be left in there. Council Member Dang stated that this is a hou-e _nd we've been building houses, so this product is not new. Mayor _ enta advised to rem apt the languag"nd questioned what should be included. "unless a design so warrants". CouncifTMo ber 1 _informed Council Member Clark that the question was directed for iio staff to=sort out. C%._Attorney R�nan read the verbiage options, "It would be limited visibility froepublic right-of-way, unless the design so warrants." Or the second option, "Shall WropoEW_ n a location that limits visibility to the greatest extent feasible from the public right-of-way" because that gives more of a directive to the architect and gives soe3 authority to staff. Council Member Clark stated that she likes that instead. Mayor Armenta thanked Council Member Clark for her comment and asked what the will of Council is. Council Member Dang clarified that we can't move exterior staircase wherever we want because it changes the floor plan. For example, shifting it 5 feet may change the entrance to come through the kitchen. It is a difficult process, and if you ask someone to move the staircase, it might flip the whole design inside out. He trusts staff to make things aesthetically pleasing and does not see a reason why we should Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2020 Page 17 of 28 have this in here because it will cause confusion to the designers and homeowners. He added, the term "limit visibility" is such a gray area. Because there are so many variations, so it's very hard to design like this. If you want something aesthetically pleasing, rely on the Planning staff to do so. Council Member Clark noted the "greatest extent feasible" and inquired what's the wiggle room for that? She added that she likes that language and believes it should be kept. Mayor Armenta agreed with Council Member Dang because this says limits, it does not say "should not be seen from the public right-of-way," it says, "limits visibility" and that's a very gray area, because it does no_t specifically say 80% or 20%. She added, we want to make sure that the lggufte is interpreted and ensures a cohesiveness moving forward. f Mayor Pro Tem Low voiced that slid was okay removing it because it's not clear and may cause confusion to the arcFrilect/designer. Council Member Clark expressed that the feasible" is what gives us wiggle rGOM._ If sl they will have to movok waterline then eve like to have this as a�lty, and they ca expressed that if this isn't adcl-ed-=ua._there, she Mayor Armpta. inquired if=there is d4W on MaydtTfo Tem I Council Member wners, led, if tl 8C is unclear, clarificatixon a ddition of "to the greatest extent Leone states tlafihey can't do this, Wt require it. SheWded, she would figure it out if they can or not. She tav not vote for the ordinance. 0311 second sentence for 8C. ina the second sentence of 8C. agrees that a Code should be as clear as possible if the intent finance where -we give ADUs more by -right use in the City, �Yyear so that we're saving the residents as much money as that are -building these are not developers, just mom and pop family -members and/or a second family are living in the back. a belief by the majority Council that the second sentence of he supports that removal as well. He requested for further a the exterior stairs on the second floor ADU. Mayor Pro Tem Low stated yes, the exterior stairway should not be seen from the public street. Mayor Armenta used an analogy such as trash cans. Trash cans are not supposed to be visible from the street, but there are people that don't quite have the area to hide the trash cans because it's not allowed, but we make provisions for that. Council Member Ly questioned if staff would have any type of flexibility or some sort of leverage in their approval process of the project if this language is removed. He added, he is not bothered if the staircase is showing, however, he would like to ensure its aesthetically pleasing. Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2020 Page 18 of 28 Planning & Economic Development Manager Valenzuela responded that if the language is removed and staff has a case where someone is proposing it and it's visible, we can only make a recommendation and it's up to the property owner/designer to either mitigate that issue or say it's not in your code. Council Member Ly inquired what power does staff have to ensure the house looks nice. Planning & Economic Development Manager Valenzuela stated it would be through the plan check process and staff would look at the design too. For ADUs however, the State does not give staff as much_ ftlan power. Mayor Armenta asked staff for recomi change item 8C to ensure that staff has Planning & Economic Developmer would prefer that the language jQW( to and point out to a designer or w hide the staircase, and design the std added, that would give -us more of an Mayor Armenta questiop.ec Planning & Economic Devi add the :sentence a Ahe end Mayor Armenta expro see it thrA"eir tie ievOW46ns and questioned how staff would more leeway and design powers. Manager Va�ela expressed that staff in because it giveKus something to go back ,hitect. Staff can work with you, but try to ,ase so Tit`s not visible from the street. She d ch6ft&anvthin2 from 8C. Valeri la expressed that she would Richman proposed. ed that sheTalso wants to take staff into consideration and cctive. Although Council is the one voting on the policies, zre that it comes to fruition, so she would like to find the Council Member LyWfterated that he is not bothered if the staircase shows if it looks aestheticW, pleasing He understands Council Member Dang's perspective *"inks he's right, that forms are important, and we must allow for the creation ofWs because=fie have multi -generational families in this community, and we would 40ing - c sservice to our community if we don't provide that ability for multicultural -lilies to stay in place. People who grew up in Rosemead want to stay so we should allow for that. He read 8A," For the construction of a new ADU, the ADU shall match or compliment the primary residence in architectural design color and materials." If that line is in there, and it applies to second story exterior structures as well, he believes that would give staff teeth in. He understands staff's concern to hide the stairs, however, he does not think it's our mission or responsibility to hide the stairs. He added, it may be within our jurisdiction as Council and subsequent entities to make the stairs aesthetically pleasing. He expressed that he would be comfortable moving the language if 8A's intent ensures the aesthetic component. Mayor Pro Tem Low questioned if he meant to include the stairways as part of the architectural design. Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2020 Page 19 of 28 Council Member Ly answered that is correct. Council Member Dang agreed that would give staff enough teeth in. For example, if the front house is Spanish the back house must be Spanish style as well. He added, you would make it nice and make it match. Mayor Pro Tem Low noted that would give staff a lot more tools and leeway of looking at the design overall, not just the stairs. Council Member Dang noted that the last sentence is not needed and explained that the "public way" does not only mean street,;-Walso alley. For reference, if a residence backside is an alley, and they wan------, i ld an ADU on top of the garage, they would not be able to hide it from the street or alley. He added, he does not want the resident to go through a varix prop w and realize they would not be able to do so. Instead, he prefers that he residentcores in to discuss with staff and ensure that it's done in an architecturally pleasing manner. Council Member Ly agreed wi Mayor Pro Tem sentence of 8C. City Attorney Richman changes would be, now a it Member Dang' d stick with strflna this second Mayor JWkTem Low asked to re44all the changes. it has discussed what the with the changes would be Cr�ttorney Rbrchanges that received consensus. On 4A, the first senten=s bem-shuck and 8G the Last sentence is being struck. On page seven, the table fwmaximus floor area for detached ADUs, the second bullet is now going to sta�j,200 square feet for a detached freestanding structure (not attached to any accessotMe) ADUthat provides more than one bedroom." Mayor Pro Tem W made a motion with all changes. She questioned if this would be the vrst reading. City Attorikb$&hman answered that's correct, since she read them in the record, this will be for the new first reading. Mayor Armenta stated that a motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Low with the changes read by our City Attorney Richman as first reading, and second by Council Member Dang. ACTION: Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Low and seconded by Council Member Dang to introduce for first reading Ordinance No. 995, with the changes read by City Attorney Richman, entitled: Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2020 Page 20 of 28 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FOR THE APPROVAL OF MCA 20-01, AMENDING TITLE 17 (ZONING) OF THE ROSEMEAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO COMPLY WITH NEW STATE PROVISIONS FOR ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS (ADUs) The motion was carried out by the following roll call vote AYES: Armenta, Dang, Low, and Ly; NOES: Clark 5. MATTERS FROM CITY MANAGER & STAFF A. Coronavirus Relief Fund Summary The City of Rosemead has been allocated $671,24 in Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) as part of the $2 trillion_�ariavielief,,, rus Aid, Rand Economic Security (CARES) Act. This report= M&ides a summary t=nA, status of the CRF programming, guidelines, and fuallocation. Recommendation: That t ie City Coun�o &d and file the re-_Port City Manager MolledaKstaffed a ..March 27, Q20, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES)flops signed into law providing over $2 trillion economic r0Jg package toWpondlo the public idba and economic impacts of COVII9-lnart, the CA&S Apt allocated $150 billion for the Coronavirus Relietutto_ assist the state; vocal aricrtrbal governments to navigate the d (CRF) impact v, e COV 19 outbrW3 Jurisdictions with a population over 500,000 received lHict Glpayments frim the U.S. Department of the Treasury Tr usury). The 6DRIa ung alifornia Mies are to receive CRF funding through the State Department o Finance (DOF). 1VIs. Molleda asserted that the total CRF allocationtc�Rosemead is $671,227,yand to -date Rosemead has received the first of six schedulednstallment5_in the amount of $111,871 on July 30; noted additional installments are anticipated n the forthcoming months. ThEW. is inten04 to provide ready funding to address unforeseen financial needs and risks -z created by the COVID-19 public health emergency, subject to the Treasury's -e and in compliance with the State's public health requirements. The funds rnu_st be used for necessary expenditures incurred due to the COVID-19 public health emergency and cannot be used for ineligible expenses, such as to backfill lost revenues or capital infrastructure. The funds must also be used for expenses incurred between March 1, 2020, and December 30, 2020, and any unspent funds must be returned. According and pursuant to Treasury's CRF expenditure eligibility guidelines, the following initial allocations for the $671,227 CRF monies have been prepared: Medical Expenses - Testing $11000 Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2020 Page 21 of 28 Public Health Expenses - Communication/enforcement-public health orders $40,000 - Protective supplies (PPE/cleaning) $155000 - Disinfection of public areas $205000 - Technical assistance on mitigation (legal) $805000 Substantially Dedicated Payroll Expenses - Public safety (LA County Sheriff's Dept.) $200,000 - Part-time employees COVID-19 activities $103000 - Contract employees COVID-19 activities $46,227 Comply w/ Public Health Measures & Mitigate= Mcts - Senior food delivery = $20,000 - Telework computers/scanners _ $305000 Economic Support Small business grants - - $100,000 Total $671,227 It is noted that DOF is requiring that by Septgfter 1St, the CIEr,_ecipients submit an expenditure reportgand a plan on hfikthe funds will be spendDAt the time of writing this report, DAF has- not yet rer Wd the reporting guidelines; however, staff will monitor andWbmrf he,report as appropriate. DOF has also stated that any recipient funds not_ spent b��Jctober A' may be reallocated to other jurisdictions pr to the Stag staff w l%wye the potential opportunity to secure any unspent fund y other r pient(s sho ld it be available. Lastly, the second phaseWOES ROES /ZMALS ActlA ng its Wthrough congress and staff will monitoffi�anv add &nal funding opportunities. ead can expect to receive funding from the ied nothing is certain at this time. Congress is on recess and until they come back to session, vote on the HEROES Act. clarified that the House is there, but the Senate is on recess. Mayor Armenta asked if we know what the remaining five installations of funding will be allocated for? City Manager Molleda responded we do not because we scrambled to put this together since the funding needed to be spent in such a short amount of time; indicated we are already starting to look at other possible allocations such as additional testing, more part-time and contract employees, as well as Public Safety contracts. Mayor Armenta inquired if these funds could also be used for rental assistance programs. Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2020 Page 22 of 28 Ms. Molleda stated I believe the funds can be used for rental assistance programs. Mrs. Armenta was happy to hear there are a lot of opportunities for this funding. B. COVID -19 Update This is a recurring item that will be on the agenda to update the City Council on items related to COVID-19. Recommendation: That the City Council discuss and provide further direction. City Manager Molleda informed Council that e -closed applications for business assistance and rental assistance; noted we �- d a total of 21 business assistance applications and 26 rental/utilities appli�s �olleda stated as of yesterday, we have a total of 728 COVID-19 cages in the Cif-5 shared that staff has been very helpful in providing temporary outdoor d_ring permits as requested by Council Member Dang. City the Di it for 1 is b;ft strict when a- business requests a design that meets certain adhered to, so sidewalks criteria was determined, if the city followed Mollearesponded that it depends on the city, noting we reviewed Pies protocols to help determine what would work best for Rosemead; cor of Cornunity Development can send the Rosemead criteria to Terence. May6f AWenta ked when it comes to a shopping center for example, Rosemead Place, w HU I A-- of parking lots — is it possible to section off the parking lot for restauWs that do not have indoor seating? Also, if it is possible, has staff reached out to the plaza property owners to advise them of this opportunity? Director of Community Development Frausto-Lupo stated it is possible to section off the parking lot and that temporary outdoor dining permits have been shared with the property owners via mass emails; emphasized staff is working hard to not only walk them through the process but to expedite it as well; indicated Lucille's and Olive Garden's outdoor dining is in their parking lot areas. Mayor Armenta inquired if the city is asking for a higher insurance. Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2020 Page 23 of 28 Mrs. Frausto-Lupo explained from what she understood that it is not expensive for a business to request a Certificate of Insurance as it is about $100; stated we do request that restaurants name the city as an additional insured. Mayor Pro Tem Low expressed she would appreciate if staff would continue to be proactive in reaching out to more businesses to take advantage of the temporary outdoor dining permits. Mrs. Armenta opined some businesses such as mom and pops, are less inclined to participate because they cannot afford the extra costs of equipment needed. Council Member Dang indicated he informed the owner of the Vietnamese restaurant across the street about the outdooW dining and helped them with the drawing to submit; attested to Planning staff expediting the process as this restaurant's outdoor dining was imple�cl ftin a week of submittal; gave kudos to Planning staff, especially L Valenzuela,-Tor going above and beyond. Mayor Armenta stated she knows the Governor is lo6ng3_ at removing counties from the monitoring watch list, AMU Orange County way recently taken off that list. Explained whether schools are removed fiftthe monitoringlist is determined on a different calculation in the span��ys (an average no -(consecutively). Mrs. Armenta shared =_she learned there ire different factors that are taken into consideration such astF 1-Iow many positive_ cases and deaths in the County? How many people are an ICU Q&hgw many beds are available? She inquired if LA County is removed fr6Wffiat list, � the Plato reopen City Hall? City hftager Mdlleda replied a plan iri Place while vve follow cities t=determine which ones= she will -siare�the rcfts during 6. MAMRS FROM MUOR A. Digftsion on P already txied opening, so we already have guidelines. pity Clerk Hernandez to survey surrounding )en and which are working remotely; stated ouncil comments. COUNCIL Ordinance This itepre�erited to the City Council at the request of Mayor Armenta. She would like to -discuss a pool maintenance ordinance. Recommendation: That the City Council discuss and provide further direction. Mayor Armenta noted she requested this item as she sits on the San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control; stated it came to her attention that Rosemead tested positive for the West Nile Virus as there are a lot of pools not being maintained; the Mosquito and Vector Control are asking cities to consider adopting a pool maintenance ordinance. Council Member Clark stated former Los Angeles County Board of Supervisor Zev Yaroslaysky's wife passed away from the West Nile Virus in 2018; opined we Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2020 Page 24 of 28 often think it won't happen to me, but you never know; indicated support and moved to adopt this ordinance. Mayor Pro Tem Low indicated that this ordinance seems to primarily address swimming pools; that being said, I don't know how many swimming pools in Rosemead are not taken care of; what caused the problem are the smaller puddles of water that people don't pay attention to because they don't realize it's an issue; focus on how do we educate residents to take care of these small puddles and pools. Mayor Armenta stated we could have the Vector Control come out and educate residents; uses a droid that takes pictures of all the unkept pools, you'd be surprised at how many there are; could ask the Board to seed that data for Council's reference. Mayor Pro Tem Low posed the questi we monitor this and know when reside Mayor Armenta that is the Control, they monitor, send we adopt the ordinance, how do re not maintained? Being part of the SGV Mosquito and Vector and take pictures Council Member Dang referenced gage 2 f 3the proposdd ordinance, stating Administrative citations and fines assoGrated with it. First one $500, Second one - $1,000, Third one I, Q=O,- indicated su� for having a mosquito ordinance; expressed concern that`the fnerthe first citataton is pretty high — he does not want to burden the City ManagWvith professing rekgWs' appeals. the GbWae an Administrative citation. Mayor Pxo Tem Low:, asked if JWvector control expects every city to have the same ordinance? template, and the city can make any desired or Pro Tem Low opine_ the ordinance should address those puddles of water riot just p0619._ In response to Mayor Pro Tem Low, Council Member Clark referenced page 1 of the propb$q ordinance, which defined "Pool" as any swimming pool, whether above-groiJi or in -ground. For purposes of this chapter, "pool" also includes any above -ground or in -ground hot tub or spa, ornamental pond, fountain, bird bath, or any other man-made structure or fixture capable of collecting water. In effort to address Council Member Dang's concern, Mrs. Clark pointed out that "City manager" means the City Manager and/or his or her authorized designee(s). Suggested we could have Code Enforcement go out if needed, it doesn't have to be the City Manager. Mayor Armenta also suggested our Assistant City Manager could also be a designee. Council Member Clark said if Council wishes it could be $250 instead of $500. Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2020 Page 25 of 28 City Attorney Richman interested to know how these amounts were determined; clarified as a General Law city, we have some restrictions on our citation amounts; we cannot just pick anything because it could be turned over as an excessive fine; opined our highest citation amount is $500, but she will have to verify. Mayor Pro Tem Low asked if the money collected from the fines goes to the city? Mayor Armenta opined if the City Manager is issuing the citations, then the fine would go to the city. City Attorney Richman stated we have to get a Ader to establish protocol. Council Member Ly stated the intent makes bfise; direct the City Attorney to draft an ordinance that fits Rosemead's needy and th & ll be enforceable by the city. City Attorney Richman res ordinance to compare what back to Council at a future i Council Member Dag the Vector Control offs for free? Inquired once cannot facilitate inspec there anv repercussions? ber District, hd tver, the=- indeiM6 would appreciate, if she could look at the iay already be in our Muntcipal Code, then bring it seting _ _ if we are �� fines and keeping it, then why is eir services dEh as flying drones throughout the city Ns compiled, "happens if we are short staff and 111 specific =erne, — is the city on the hook, are sponded .o0ears ba�en we were going through the ;ompanieWe under the authority of the Municipal Water ►eater companies themselves did not have the power to had hey diely on the cities to do so. A report is just a the SGV Mosquito and Vector Control is a special A paid through property tax money, so we are paying expressed concern for having drones flying into people's Mayor Armenta stated she would be happy to reach out the Vector Control's Executive Director for more information to assist the City Attorney. B. Council Comments Council Member Clark stated since Council has already expressed support for the revisions to AB 109 (Cooper), which is on the ballot; requested an item be added on the next agenda to support Proposition 20 "Keep California Safe", which is the revisions of those laws. City Manager Molleda affirmed we will bring that item back on the next agenda. Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2020 Page 26 of 28 Council Member Ly opined based off of the Chief's report, it is a stressful time for all of us — residents and employees; thanked staff for taking care of our residents and business community's needs; expressed he was happy to be back home from training. Council Member Dang thanked staff and said to keep up the good work. Mayor Pro Tem Low thanked staff for all their efforts; thanked the Chief and his team for protecting the city. Shared she went to eat at a restaurant for the first time in awhile and enjoyed being out of her house. Mayor Armenta noted that a lot of the you exit Temple City Boulevard on the from making a left onto Olney Street i do their part in beautifying the cityft the city need to ensure we are praW rights-of-way as well. edge coming up out of the curb; when ��the middle part that prevents you U of�eeds. We are asking residents to intainiiii4 it curbs and weeds, but we what we preach by upkeeping the city's Mayor Pro Tem Low asked if sta�ly relies on people calling in to report overgrown weeds or off ti? Assuming_ e da not have the manpower to monitor those things on a dais= City Manager Molleda reponde�e correct e do not have the manpower; however, taf h been ins cted thgNkse_ are th%# they need to look at as they are dri-ing aroundloing their dailyut3es m Mayor nta noted =she asked!M Clerk Hernandez to survey surrounding cities such as Alhambra�abriel, Temple City, El Monte, South El Monte, and Montebello, to deermine_hrch ones fare open and which are working remotely; opineds_ infornaton will buseful to determine once we are ready to reopen. Noted the fllowing� )_Alhambra has regular business hours and no staff working remotely; 2) tThe citiesfl Monte, South El Monte and Montebello's Department Leads are not ing remotely; and 3) The cities of San Gabriel, Temple City and Monterey Park aiimorking�remotely. Mayor Fro Tern lMcw inquired if the Mayor's concern is the city continuing to provide `services efficiently. Mayor Armenta clarified my concern is more so what if there is a decision that cannot be made my mid-level management — that responsibility should not fall on that employee, rather the director. Mayor Pro Tem Low shared with her company the communication between the engineer and the manager is very open and Nothing to do with our staff being capable to work remotely; just information to help us compare and look to the future. Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2020 Page 27 of 28 Council Member Ly emphasized staff is overseen by the City Manager; suggested the City Manager provide a report via the Council Weekly Update to explain each Department's schedules and how it impacts the city. Mayor Armenta shared someone suggested we do the same concept of the Little Free Library where you can take a book, but instead it can be veggies and we can place it in our community garden to help those who might need it. Commended Parks staff for hosting a fun and successful drive-thru movie event. 7. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Armenta adjourned the meeting at 10:38 p.m.,_ i memory of Howard O'Neil and James "Jimmy" O'Neil, a father and son that pass� within a week of each other. The next regular scheduled meeting will take place o, September 8, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. Rosemead City Council and Successor Agency Regular Joint Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2020 Page 28 of 28 lerk