Q&A - Server Upgrade and Migration RFP No. 2022-23 CITY OF ROSEMEAD To all prospective consultants under Request for Proposal No. 2022-23 This document details the questions/comments received for clarification during the period of Thursday, August 25, 2022, through Thursday, September 1, 2022. 1: Was the equipment list developed by the City’s current managed IT provided? Answer: Yes, the requirements were provided to Dell and the equipment list is based on their recommendation. Any hardware recommendations that can match the hardware specifications Dell provided will be sufficient. 2: Is the City’s current managed IT provider expected to submit a response to this RFP? Answer: No 3: If the City’s IT provider submits a response, would the City see a benefit in having them complete the work? Answer: No 4: Will the City’s current IT provider be involved in the server migration? Answer: IT’s involvement will be minimal to assist with questions or information as necessary. 5: Can you confirm that you are looking to consolidate DHCP, DNS and Group Policy from RMSERVICES AND RMDC1 onto the new Domain Controller at City Hall? Answer: Yes 6: Can you confirm the City Hall Host will contain 6 VMs – New DC, Laserfiche, HDL Prime, IIS, SQL, and Print Server or are the domain services DHCP, DNS, and Group Policy to reside on the VMHost OS and the VMs will contain the other 5 servers listed in 1 xv.? Answer: We would like to host 2 Windows VMs on the Domain Controller, one VM for Laserfiche/HDL Prime/HDL permit/IIS/SQL, and one VM for the print server. 7: We do not supply physical equipment, but we do supply people to install the equipment. Answer: With respect to the RFP, the City is looking for overall staffing and equipment all in one. 8: Are you looking for a quote to complete the entire job or will you consider a quote based on Time and Material? Answer: The quote would be for the entire project, please see SCOPE OF SERVICES on page 10. 9: Does the City Manager have a technical background? Is this his recommended process and hardware? Answer: No MAYOR: SEAN DANG MAYOR PRO TEM: JOHN TANG COUNCIL MEMBERS: SANDRA ARMENTA MARGARET CLARK POLLY LOW City of Rosemead 8838 E. VALLEY BOULEVARD ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 TELEPHONE (626) 569-2100 FAX (626) 307-9218 10: Are you looking to pay a company to manage the servers after the deployment? or are you just looking for a warranty type agreement? Answer: Warranty type agreement, with a 30-day window for support after the project is completed as required. 11: Do you want to include the cost of decommissioning the old servers? Answer: No 12: Would you consider moving your servers to the cloud? Answer: No 13: Do you have a network diagram we can look at? Answer: No 14: Will you allow us to install our monitoring agent to track help and run maintenance? Answer: No 15: Is 365 domain integration with Active Directory desired? Answer: Please see SCOPE OF SERVICES on page 10. 16: Are your printers managed by the server? Answer: Yes 17: Do you prefer one cloud hosting service over others? Answer: N/A 18: When do you want the project to be complete? Answer: The goal is to complete this project by the end of October 2022. 19: What is your Budget? Answer: Our current IT budget includes other IT related projects; therefore, we are seeking competitive bids. 20: Does your network have several VLANs? Answer: N/A 21: Do you have multiple locations with several Firewalls? MPLS? Answer: Yes 22: Do you host any Websites for internal or external use? Answer: Yes, HDL Prime is internal and external. 23: Do you have and Client/Server applications that require a lot of bandwidth? Answer: We have the necessary bandwidth. 24: Are the users expected to work remotely? Will they need VPN access? Answer: No 25: Will your current IT vendor help? And at what phases of the project? Answer: IT Vendor will help with any questions about configurations. Laserfiche and HDL vendors will also assist with migration. 26: What Firewall do you use? (The model and age) Answer: The Firewall is current. Further information will be disclosed upon award of RFP. 27: Do you use redirected profiles? Answer: No 28: Will you need us to reconfigure all the workstation profiles? Answer: No 29: What is the purpose of the project? Why did you decide to go to the cloud? Answer: Please read the SCOPE OF SERVICES on page 10. We are migrating and updating from older software/hardware to current hardware/software. 30: How do we go about being added to your vendor/bidder list for future needs? Answer: By registering as a vendor on PlanetBids, the City’s vendor portal, you can select categories that apply to your business and will be notified when new RFP’s matching your selections are posted. Please see link to register to PlanetBids https://pbsystem.planetbids.com/portal/54150/portal-home 31: Can you please send us a copy of this pending IT/TELCOM RELATED BID, or is there a web link you can provide? Answer: Please see this link for the Server Upgrade and Migration RFP http://www3.cityofrosemead.org:8081/weblink/0/edoc/57504/RFP%20No.%202022- 23%20Server%20Upgrade%20and%20Migration.pdf. Also, please see question 30. 32: Also, what about smaller non-bid items (p-card type purchases, refurbished parts, hard to find items, end of life band-aids, etc)? Answer: For smaller non bid items we go directly through IT. 33: Does that go through the IT folks directly, or does it funnel back around to the Procurement side??? Answer: It goes directly through IT. Date: September 7, 2022 Received by: ___ Jennifer Pineda, Management Analyst