CC - Item 5B - Minutes of July 12, 2022MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JULY 12, 2022 The regular meeting of the Rosemead City Council was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Dang at 7:02 p.m., in the Rosemead City Council Chamber located at 8838 East Valley Boulevard, Rosemead, California. PRESENT: Mayor Low, Mayor Pro Tem Dang, Council Members Armenta and Clark ABSENT: None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council Membti{'lark INVOCATION was led by Mayor Pro Tem Dang STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Kim, City Director of Finance Chau, Director of Parks Chung, and City Clerk Hernandez 1. GENERAL ELECTION MAE A. Adoption of Solution Noi• the Genal al Elect The CifjCouncil _ conic results of Ger"..Mun Richman, AssisWity Manager Bruckner, cation Boecking, D# for of Public Works Declaring the Results of olution No. 2022-44 certifying the which was consolidated with the i and held on Tuesday, June 7, 2022. City "" cil adopt Resolution No. 2022-44, entitled: A RE TIO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEM CAL ORNIA, RECITING THE FACT OF THE GENERA _ _ UNICIPAL ELECTION HELD ON JUNE 7, 2022, ICLA THE RESULTS AND SUCH OTHER MATTERS AIR ED BY LAW City Clerk Hernandez reported the Los Angeles County Register -Recorder Clerk conducted and certified the canvass of votes returned for each respective office. Based upon the County certification election results, Margaret Clark, Sandra Armenta and Steven Ly were elected as members of the Rosemead City Council for another four year term. Mayor Low congratulated Council Member -Elect Armenta, Council Member -Elect Clark, and Council Member -Elect Ly on their re-election. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting AGENDA ITEM 5.B Minutes of July 12, 1022 Page 1 of 17 Council Member -Elect Clark thanked her family and residents who went out and voted. Appreciated the election process and the freedom we have in this country. She stated she looks forward to working for the residents for another four years to address many issues. Council Member -Elect Armenta expressed appreciation of the City and vowed to be the residents voice and hear all concerns. She reiterated she will continue to fight to make Rosemead a better place to live and work in. Mayor Pro Tem Dang congratulated Council Member -Elect Armenta, Council Member -Elect Clark and Council Member-ElectI-&the re-election win. He noted that their experience and history and civic dt!Js"commendable. Thanked all the residents that went out to vote and exercise&— oice. Mayor Pro Tem Dang opened for comments from the public, Mayor,, ACTION: Moved by Mayor Low Resolution No. 2022-44 by title. The AYES: Armenta, Clark, Da ,pnd Low; B. Administration of Oath' Member Elect Margaret Member EllCa Stteven Ly e Comm7 or this item. There being no closed the p comment portion. ided by Mayor P uTem Dang to adopt as caqVAout by them wing roll call vote Certificate of Election to Council elect Sandra Armenta and Council congr"ted Co ue �xiiber-lArmenta on her re-election and for beim a voice social media and advocating for people with e . Cl cngratulatihis mother, Council Member -Elect Margaret herr ' ,ark a' " 'n istered the Oath of Office to Margaret Clark Council Meilftr ClarVbanked her family and her church and expressed appreciation of the oneoine st'Dort Wident. Khfi " administ*d the Oath of Office to Council Member -Elect Sandra Armenia to asses the off sof Council Member. Council MW Armenta thanked Mrs. Sandy (Kin) San for her support during her campaign. Mrs. Armenia stated she had a lot of community support, and encouragement from family and friends. She reiterated she was blessed to be elected since 2009 and to continue to represent the City of Rosemead and residents. The following Elected Officials, School Board Members and Business Members congratulated and presented congratulatory certificates to Council Member Armenta, Council Member Clark and Council Member Ly: Councilmember Katherine Lee of City of Alhambra – District 1 Mayor Henry Low, Councilmember Yvonne Yin of City of Monterey Park Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2022 Page 2 of 17 • Councilmember Carina Rivera, Councilmember Denise Menchaca and Councilmember John Wu • Garvey School District Superintendent Anita Chu, President Ving Ngo, Vice President Maureen Chin, Board Clerk Bobbie Bruesch and Board Member John Nunez. • Rosemead School District Superintendent Alex Ruvalcaba (via zoom), Board President Nancy Armenta, Board Member Ron Esquivel, Board Member John Quintanilla, and Board Member Veronica Pena (via zoom). • Senator Susan Rubio's Office 22nd District, Representative Laura Brantley • Assemblymember Mike Fong's Office 49d' District, Representative Rene Romero • Republic Services Municipal Repres e Danika Mendoza • Rosemead Chamber of Commerc T' esident Paul Chen • City of South El Monte sent con atoijl x ificates on behalf of their City Council t Council Member Armenta rec zed friends and past coworkers in attendance. Recognized her dad Jesus Armen d sister Nancy Arme d her late mother. She shared that her mother taught to beblic servants ;be the voice for those who can't snealcthemselves. Council Member Clark i eryone f re-election, thanked her family, friends, and constituents f eir back at � 1 p.m. p.m. to a reception. Meeting Member Ly's Seat While on Active cil Member Steven Ly was ordered by the United States active duty for 400 days. As of the certification of the . en Municipal Election of June 7, 2022, Mr. Ly was e City Council for a new four-year term. While he continues leave, the City Council is asked to discuss and/or provide whether to make an appointment to fill Council Member Ly's Recommendation: That the City Council take the following actions: 1. Discuss and provide direction on whether to make an appointment to Council Member Ly's seat, during his continued military leave. 2. If the Council determines to make an appointment, that the Council vote to make an appointment City Clerk Hernandez reported that while Council Member Steven Ly continues to be in active duty; he was re-elected to serve another four-year term. The City Council Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2022 Page 3 of 17 2. was asked to discuss and/or provide direction in considering whether to make an appointment to fill Council Member Ly's seat. Council Member Clark stated there was no reason why Mr. John Tang could not continue to serve as an appointed City Council Member during Mr. Ly's ongoing military leave. Council Member Armenta asked how many days were left for Mr. Ly's leave. City Clerk Hernandez stated there was no specific date of return, but that his leave was tentative until mid-August or September. Council Member Armenta agreed with to continue serving during Mr. Ly's lea Mayor Low stated that Mr. Ly's leave. Mayor Pro Tem Dang concurred Member Ly's recommmdation to ACTION: Moved by Mayor John Tang to serve as Council was carried out by_* followi NOES: None _40 IN Clark to appoint John Tang that Mr'T� serve during his military continue Council Member Armenta to appoint s military leave. The motion ata, Clark, Dang and Low; City Cf ' ernande, %Wminist6kre Oath of Office to John Tang to assume the office of dikincil Meager. MAdkWmbe�-jang c6t_*-W-at6V Council Member Armenta and Council Member to ` e -election" e City Council. Thanked the City Council for their suppo ppoi "," him back to continue serving the residents. Tem opened for Public Comments. Bobbie Bru `1 arvey School District Board Clerk asked the City Council to look intopartnerinwith the School District or the County to provide services to children that are considered isolates. Isolated children are usually bullied or excluded in social settings. Ms. Bruesch urged the City Council to assist in some type of service to help isolate children not become violent against other people. Council Member Clark asked if staff could look into the matter. Council Member Armenta asked staff to about the Ad -Hoc Youth Committee, and if it could be brought back. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2022 Page 4 of 17 There being no further comments, Mayor Pro Tem Dang closed the Public Comment period. 3. PRESENTATIONS A. Recognition of Rosemead Resident, Maria Ponce's 1081h Birthday Celebration City Council recognize resident Maria Ponce for her 1081h birthday celebration. Joe Martinez thanked the City Council for recognizing his grandmother for her longevity. Council Member Armenta congratulated Inez grandmother and stated she is an intricate part of Rosemead. v __ Mayor Low congratulated Mrs P " "d to contmue^_ith good health Council Member Tang extend rs. Ponce birthday wishes on her milestone birthday. Mayor Pro Tem Danger __ ed congrat birthday wishes and invited the City Council to present a coma' certifici Mrs. Ponce. Mr. Martinez,accepted the °` ificaY ._ aehalf of iils:grandmother Maria Ponce. B. Proclamafion De" _' g July Pains -Make Life Better Month" in the City ofRmemead N& for of P _ n Bong thanked the City Council for proclaiming ke L " " etter i i f Rosemead. The Parks and Recreation Departmettf. sirives make R ad a great place to live, work and play by providing q*` pro , services, special events, and parks and facility planning. Membm,pIark that ed Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking and his the 41h ofjy celebration. There were at least 10,000 people at the carnival M Council W Armenta stated she started as a Parks and Recreation kid and worked up to'`Ia Recreation Supervisor. As a product of the Parks and Recreation program. The Parks and Recreation Program continues to offer essential services to children and families that use the programs. Thanked Parks and Recreation staff for the 4' of July celebrating after a two-year break due to the pandemic. Mayor Low commended the Parks and Recreation staff for their ongoing work to run the program and events throughout the year. Council Member Tang reiterated that Parks and Recreation play a vital role in the community and a critical role in improving the quality of life for visitors and Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2022 Page 5 of 17 residents. Thanked Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking for his leadership and his staff. Mayor Pro Tem Dang congratulated Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking for the 4`h of July celebrations. Parks and Recreation plays a vital role and thanked the staff for their work in the department that provides a place and environment for kids to enjoy. The City Council proclaimed the month of July as "Parks Make Life Better Month" in the City of Rosemead and presented a proclamation to Director of Parks and Recreation Boecking. 4. PUBLIC HEARING - None 5. CONSENT CALENDAR Council Member Armenta pull sent Calendar Item, and Mayor Low pulled Consent Calendar Item E for se discussion. It -M Zm ACTION: Moved by Council Member Clark rc� 4^d by Council ber Armenta to approve the Consent Calend _ B, and the exception of D aril E. The motion was carried out by the followi I vote AVWArmenta, Clark, Dang, Low and Tang; NOES: None w A. Claims • Resolution No. A THE`1TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF %SE WNW ,ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS DE DS IN SUM OF $2,668,686.78 CHECKS N TKMP m RED .L =1563 THROUGH NUMBER 111667, DRAFTS NUMBED THROUGH NUMBER 5857 AND EFT NUMBED 40 THROUGH NUMBER 51167 INCLUSIVELY Resolution No. 2022-45. B. Minutes Recommendation: That the City Council approve the regular meeting minutes of June 28, 2022. C. Dog Park at Garvey Park - Project No. 41022 — Award of Construction Contract As part of the City's Fiscal Year 2017-18 Capital Improvement Program, the City Council approved the Dog Park at Garvey Park Project. The Project consists of demolition and grading, construction of fencing, decomposed granite walking path, Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2022 Page 6 of 17 103 shade structures, landscaping, irrigation, an infiltration drainage swale, ADA parking stalls, and installation of dog park amenities. On June 22, 2022, the City received and publicly opened six (6) sealed bids. After staff conducted a comprehensive bid analysis, the apparent lowest bid was submitted by R Dependable Construction, Inc. in the amount of $640,008.01. Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a construction contract with R Dependable Construction, Inc. in the amount of $640,008.01. In addition, authorize an amount of $52,500 (8%) as a contingency to cover the cost of unforeseen construction expenses, for a total construction budget of $692,508.01. AIPAC'S 2022 Outreach Summer El Paso, Texas The City Council will consider who wishes to attend the AI; August 26-28, 2022 in El Paso, Recommendation: of any Council Ma Leadership Retreat, Council The cice whichMr be City Clerk pay for a c Abhouizh the City Lea " Retreat, August 26-28, 2022 – Wing the attendance of any Council Member '2022 Outreach SQ—' er Leadership Retreat, a theattendant City expense, in " me AIPA C 2022 Outreach Summer City. o. Texas. be used to pay for the sing the City up to $350. and the flight cost $285, on the agenda if no city funds were ained that under the City's travel policy, any funds used ce robe approved for conferences taking place out of state. cost be reimbursed later, the City prepaid for Council light and any expenses incurred during the conference. ACTION: Mov- "cil Member Armenta and seconded by Council Member Clark to approve the Cc Lse = ndar Item D. The motion was carried out by the following roll call vote AYES: Armenia, Clark, Dang, Low and Tang; NOES: None E. Annual Services Level Authorization with Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Rosemead contracts with the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department for law enforcement services. The Annual Service Level Authorization (ASLA) is provided annually and identifies the service levels and costs under the Municipal Law Enforcement Services Agreement (MLESA). The current MLESA was approved in 2019 and will expire in June 2024. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2022 Page 7 of 17 Recommendation: That the City Council approve and authorize the City Manager to execute the Annual Service Level Authorization Forms and any additional necessary documentation. Mayor Low asked Chief of Police Lieutenant Shigo, if he could provide a log that shows how many miles the Sheriff deputy's patrol. Chief of Police Lieutenant Shigo stated he would find out if the Sheriffs could track mileage. The current patrol tracking system is through minutes. He explained the total minutes are tracked for each car that is assigned to a Deputy working per shift. Mayor Pro Tem Dang inquired if there was high crime areas and patrol activity. He Garvey Avenue. He reiterated that havi explain to residents when they ask abgAt'e6 Chief of Police Lieutenant analyst at the station. ACTION: Moved by CouncilM,ember Clark a approve the Consent Calendar . The moti vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Calendar=. and 6. MATTERS A. Discus& Wof the a map available to the City Council on concerns about hot spots along .ich a map will help civic leaders ted by Council 1bl carried out by the NOES: None by their crime Armenta to ine roll call In Decem*;020, tt peconstru ' of the Rosemead Park Walking Trail (Trail) x templet r 201VYa community petition was filed at City Hall fety rns o ewfly reconstructed Trail. In response to the commun -titio� January 21, the City Council directed staff to develop options to ove Trail and address the community concerns. At the Aril 27, 202 Co _ y meeting, staff presented options to improve the Trail. ever, none cYtlte opti" s were approved by City Council. On September 29, 20�'�he City Cgcil directed staff to develop a Trail Subcommittee to assist in idenri&aaddit**-- 1 potential options for improvements to the Trail. The Trail rmed a thorough evaluation of potential options and has nded option. Recommendation: That the City Council discuss the options and provide direction to staff to proceed with one of the following options: • Option 1 - Acceptance of the existing Trail; or • Option 4 — Grind existing concrete base and install a new synthetic layer. Director of Public Works Chung presented the subcommittee's evaluation of options and staff recommendations on the Rosemead Park Walking Trail (trail). He Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2022 Page 8 of 17 explained that in October of 2008, the original walking trail was completed, which included a six-foot wide, half-inch thick pervious synthetic layer, supported by a four - inch -thick concrete base and bordered by three-inch concrete headers. Although, the Trail served the community for over ten years; due to signs of deterioration in the summer of 2020, the trail was reconstructed. At that time, the design team expressed concerns about drainage issues, and ponding water on the concrete base, and therefore recommended installing an impervious layer. That resulted in a significantly stiffer trail compared to the 2008 trail. On January 12, 2021, a community petition was filed stating safety concerns due to the stiffness of the trail. In response to the co . y petition, by July 26, 2021, the City Council directed staff to develop options—14- rove the trail and present options to the Parks Commission to select a re 'mnded option. In April 2021, staff presented three options for City Coi acceptance of the existing trail with one layer to the existing layer a complete removal and reconst dollars. City Council expresses` hazard, while option three was too other options and de, the trail. The subco Member John Tang, and outreach efforts. approval. Option one included st impa Mption two was to add a softer dst of $165, and Option three, was the of the new trail "at a cost of about a million erns that option twomay create a tripping wnsive,:C' -Coil direct '� "staff to re-evaluate ecommend othe __ ions to improve Member Sandra Armenta, Council Luu, which held three meetings The sub evaluati " 'ncl h of the trail, record drawings and cons docutrts revie datrothe previously developed options; outr -ac h former taff invo n the design and construction of the 2008 and 2020 trail, each to vendors NcTe ntractors to determine best improvement of S ctihe synthetic layer installed in 2008 is d and Monger a current synthetic walking trail market. To achieve - r tram ace, the i lation of a minimum one -and -a -half-inch depth pervious s ' ' is lift recommended. During the evaluation there were uestions of h e 20 it was pervious and how it drained. It was determined he concrete ers th ere constructed, were constructed with approximately a qr-inch wi enings called joints, located approximately every six feet along each " f the ete row headers. They served as drainage eyelets. The subcoiii' a evaluated several tasks and the design that challenged or the constraint that was faced with if we wanted to achieve a softer layer; we needed an inch and a half thick synthetic layer, but we only have a half inch depth of space to accommodate that one and a half inch. One option evaluated was option A, which was to remove the existing half inch layer and replace it with an inch and a half - tapered layer with varying depth. Further evaluation we discovered that the slope at the crown on the synthetic layer would exceed 2% which is not conforming with ADA. In addition, because of the varying thickness of the trail, it will also vary the stiffness so the center will be soft, and the edges will be harder. For those reasons we did not develop this option any further. Option B was to increase the height of the concrete headers bordering the synthetic trail by an inch that would accommodate Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2022 Page 9 of 17 that, would add an inch to the depth and accommodate the inch and a half with synthetic later. But after further evaluation, a few issues that were determined, there were errors along the trail where it abuts concrete or walkways and sidewalks; this would create a tripping hazard. The subcommittee didn't think this was a feasible option and didn't further develop it. The last option evaluated was option four, which was to remove the half-inch synthetic layer and to accommodate the inch and a half synthetic layer new layer by proposing and grinding off an inch of the existing concrete base to accommodate the synthetic layer. By doing this, we create a drainage issue because the new synthetic layer is pervious which means water can go through it. Looking at certain low points of the walking trail, it was proposed to install one inch diameter weep holes that will drain any rainvaper on top of the trail. This option achieves the project goal which is to install t At trail to address safety concerns from the community. s - Mayor Pro Tem Dang opened for City Clerk Hernandez read a cl have been a Rosemead resident stay healthy by creating the rose I find the trail easy antj.r mfort that may be used for- of Sincerely, Virginia An There k portion Mayor * stated tl* some safety issuetsked� `' _actor Low statddm terms submitted via iUr by > and I'm pleased'wi,th trail as a se * .geed to improve t directed for other Virginia Tillis, "I efforts to help us citizen in my 70s trail. Any funds I mportant means. Dang closed the comment > initially expressed concerns about the trail's Works Chung if there were any existing safety there were no safety issues on areas of an issue or a tripping hazard. safety, the trail is safe. DireNex bli-orks Chung affirmed the current trail is functional and should last ayears. There is a group of residents using the trail has expressed they cmg joint and back pain. Therefore, the goal is to bring before the City Council an option that could implement a softer trail to address the resident issues. Mayor Low reiterated that a new material was chosen because of the draining problem in the old trail. Director of Public Work Chung explained that the design team that developed the 2020 trail was concerned with drainage. Therefore, they spec out an impervious layer type material. Before that, the 2008 trail, with discussions with former staff, had no ponding or drainage issues. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2022 Page 10 of 17 Mayor Low asked about the weep hopes Mr. Chung mentioned in his presentation. Director of Public Works Chung explained the proposed weep holes were inch - diameter holes the contractor would drill through the concrete base for four inches. And that would release water from the bottom of the concrete base, only on the low points of the trail. During the preliminary investigation, staff identified five low points. We were going to install a series of four weep holes in two rows, for eight in total, and in five locations, which would equate to about 40 weep holes for the entire trail. Mayor Low stated you rely on the trail to slant c, even with the joints already on the trail Mz " Director of Public Works Chung ex deepening the concrete base so morejWmatcan a propose installing weep holes to Mayor Low asked what the Director of Public Wos Chung than five maybe ten y� Mayor Low stated they used a sliAilar ways for the water will drain, proposed design that we're ilate. But to address that, we life expectancy of - d*�jg I was. It'll last longer in a running trail in 2008, and Direc � Publi rks Ch he - t aware of their material, but it may perform track t a "different specification and usually harder material for in .. -.tom ` ember - g th ectO` of Public Works Chung for his leadership on the _ end re taking t e to do his due diligence. Thanked Council Member a for `' 'cipating in the subcommittee and leading the charge, and ing to uncover lot o s that we thought we knew but didn't know. So going to the questing on m ` drainage, we were under the impression or assumption th e was pr , "drainage given that the walking trail that was installed in 2008 alrea � the intructure for drainage. We realized during the search that it didn't have tha er"si�inaee. Director of Public Works Chung replied that staff identified openings at the bottom of the concrete base but discovered that it was monolithic. Because there was no ponding and 2008, we thought there were openings at the bottom of this concrete base to release the water. But based on further evaluation and discussions with former staff, there were no drainage or ponding issues. Further evaluation, staff identified openings every seven feet on each side of the concrete header, serving as drainage outlets for the 2008 trail. Option four, we are deepening the concrete base and the depth of these openings. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 12, 1022 Page 11 of 17 Council Member Tang inquired about option four that the new drainage element is to address a ponding issue. Director of Public Works Chung replied only on the low points of the trail. Mayor Low asked if you deepen the concrete trail, you still rely on the joints to release water. Director of Public Works Chung explained that if we were to deepen the concrete, the joints at the concrete headers would not serve as drainage outlets. That's why we are introducing the one -inch diameter weep hole =,, Mayor Low reiterated that you're only doing at the low point, and you still need drainage at the high point. Director of Public Works Chung lffithat wateFiknot going to stay at the high points of the base. It'll flow to Tw points through the weep holes and percolate into the ground. Based on gravityw, the weight of the water. Mayor Pro Tem Dan ued that Mayo o - describing thAyp will have 300 feet of water flow unt es the low' or until it reaches the weep holes. So that 300 feet of just gr low flow, oing to be a slow drip; because of that long distance, the song"ncerns s not escaping the pan quickly enough, and re going t ve Iulow po _ -with weep holes, where water may sow poin Counci Vbe; Cl Mated she d like to hear what Council Member Armenta had to sasheen the co ttee. emb- = enta ' ctor of Public Works Chung for his due diligenc sear Stated s It vindicated because when she reached out to the staff th-' 4Wrked a trail back in 2008, they were adamant that there was per drainag" a reit that when she came before the City Council about the concerns,, ould h e had to remove the whole sub -base if there were a oa 11 dr e problem'. cause of how the trail was reconstructed in 2020, it is because of thNtoo g lem and other errors from the 2020 trail. For 12 years, no comp `: -de about the trail. Reiterated that some residents would not like the trtoo soft but getting a petition less than a week after the completion of the 2020 trail was concerning. The design engineer and the program manager at the time were a couple of inches off on their estimates. Director of Public Works Chung affirmed with Council Member Armenta's comment that there was an estimated error in the original specs of the trail. Council Member Armenta stated that mistake after mistake resulted in why the trail is being discussed today. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2022 Page 12 of 17 Council Member Clark stated that she agreed with Council Member Armenta I favor for option four. Mayor Pro Tem Dang thanked the subcommittee for their work on the trail and for providing recommendations. He opined that the existing trail is a little firmer, but there is no safety hazard. Although some of the senior residents felt it wasn't as soft as the previous trail, he noted that there were ADA concerns by putting a softer trail. He stated that a person in a wheelchair would have issues using the trail if it's too soft; the wheels would sink into the material. Also, recognize that the park has certain low points, where there are ponding issues, and the park is not mathematically flat. Suggested that perhaps raising a trail, so it do 't have as many significant low points, and doing the grading around that are w e it back up, so you don't have a tripping hazard. You changed the topograp_ cent to the trail at the adjacent low point and raised a pan instead of drillin �_ $500,000 cost is a high amount of money to fix the trail, and could or projects in the city. Council Member Tang stated t%wii for fixing the trail-' high; however, hearing the residents' concerns and loo the original petitioere is no mention of ponding. He expressed concernor P ,em Dang' s estion to raise the trail at the low points, ause the trail a too hard. 4=6W on the Director of Public Works ass the trail i " , iflcantly harder anvalidates some residence concerns that - them is _ Council M r Armenta grate ~ urpose ire renovation of the walking trail w imrlar tot tra For 12 years, there were no comp - about` r 008 tra if it cies possible that the design engineer, project ger, ari#ormer s f the 2020 `trail made a mistake and let the company syad say a was no drainage; therefore, that is why the uld n - Beca if it was constructed just the way it was in ouli' a been a warranty because the joints worked as drainage are classied as dra Pro TefitDana r r_, ed he had some ADA concerns with a softer trail. ACTIOved by Cott it Member Armenta and seconded by Council Member Tang to proceed with on 4,-- d existing concrete base and install a new synthetic layer. The ` motion was c o;+ the following roll call vote AYES: Armenta, Clark, Tang; NOES: Dang; an _ AIN: Low B. COVID-19 Update This is a recurring item that will be on the agenda to update the City Council on items related to COVID-19. Recommendation: That the City Council discuss and provide further direction. City Manager Kim reported the Los Angeles County Department of Health order continues to require masks on all forms of public transportation within the county Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2022 Page 13 of 17 health care settings, state and local correctional facilities and detention centers, shelters and cooling centers, and any other location where it is the policy of the business or the venue. The City of Rosemead has 12,515 positive COVID-19 cases with 191 deaths. The City of Rosemead is partnering with Wealth By Health to provide a COVID-19 vaccination clinic at the Rosemead Community Center on Sunday July 17. The City of Rosemead also partnered with Chinatown Service Center will provide a COVID-19 vaccination clinic at our Rosemead Community Center on Wednesday, July 28. Furthermore, City employees and the public are no longer required to wear masks; however, they are highly recommended. The City will continue monitoring the health and safety protocols the LA County Health Department recommended. As transmission cas ' f COVID-19 are on the rise, the County would be going to the high level, reqt-4 ' "mask mandates. Mayor Pro Tem Dang inquired about thow,iippjceypox virus. City Manager Kim replied staff "onitoring thee= er and would provide an update in the weekly, but cases 'ot been extreme kOVID-19. 7. MATTERS FROM MAYOR -4 CITY A. City Council Nominationjl open for ointm Mayo Mayor Pro Tem. V of •App—ointment of Mayor — City Clerk Presiding _. . ,_ • Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem — New Mayor Presiding i ern opene tion for Mayor AIL CouncilMe Arm v ominated Council Member Sean Dang for Mayor. There ming no other's mahotity Clerk Hernandez closed nominations. ACTION kLmbe_ Co" `" it Member Armenta and seconded by Council Member Low to appoint Coun Dang asMayor. The motion was carried out by the following nta, Clark, Dang, Low and Tang; NOES: None ;m Incoming Mayor Dang thanked his colleagues for the nomination and support to serve as the next Mayor of the City. Incoming Mayor Dang opened the nominations for Mayor Pro Tem. Council Member Polly Low nominated Council Member Steven Ly for Mayor Pro Tem. Since he is still on military leave, she asked if it was appropriate for John Tang to take his place. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2022 Page 14 of 17 City Attorney Richman explained it would be more appropriate to nominate John Tang as Mayor Pro Tem and then clarify with Mr. Steven Ly if he would want to be Mayor Pro Tem upon his return. Council Member Armenta inquired if there was a return date for Mr. Ly. City Clerk Hernandez stated she had not been notified of Mr. Ly's official return date. Council Member Low stated that based on the rotation if Mr. Ly does not want to be the Mayor Pro Tem when he returns, somebody else could be nominated as Mayor Pro Tem. _.. Council Member Tang stated he had been could not disclose return date. He did nota Pro Tem seat._ Incoming Mayor Dang opined Mayor Pro Tem seat, it can be City Clerk Hemand Tang as Mayor Pro City Attorney until Steve _ be May _— to reserve the ;d at that time. the mid record. ,ation with Mr. Ly and that he to talk to Mr. Ly of the Mayor if he does decline the Member U# to appoint John John Tang is being appointed Len he returns Steven Ly would ACTION: Mo Coun*Member enta and seconded by Council Member Low to appoint Council er Jo fang as M Pro Tem until Mr. Steve Ly returns and would res t as M— e n was carried out by the following roll call Vnta.`k Dan " a ane: NOES: None Council staff for their work on the 4`h of July event. stated she received a call from a resident expressing concerns about Rbftpadftk restrooms during the Farmers Market event. City Manager Kim explained the restroom would be going through some renovations with CDBG funds. Director of Public Work Chung stated the project is in the design phase, and staff has addressed the cleaning issue. Council Member Armenta stated a new house construction placed ashplant on the sidewalk instead of concrete. Asked the staff to look into it. Thanked City staff for their work on the 4`h of July celebrations. Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2022 Page 15 of 17 Incoming Mayor Dang thanked City Council for the mayoral nomination. Also, welcome aboard the new directors, and look forward to working with them. Incoming Mayor Pro Tem Tang thanked staff for the 4h of July parade and events at the park. Thanked Council Member Armenta for co-chairing the subcommittee and Park commissioner Nguyen for their leadership and support on the trail. Also thanked Council Member Low on her leadership as mayor and welcomed Incoming Mayor Dang as the new mayor. Council Member Clark stated she attended Fort City Manager Frank Tripepi's funeral and acknowledged his work as city ir_ in the City of Rosemead for 30 years.10 E Council Member Armenta stated Mrs- ripepi wa sidered the godfather of city managers. Because of him, the Ci _ "fired the Ma store, the parking lot where two restaurants are now, and the le Tree Hotel site. , Incoming Mayor Dang read the wing ment on futmer City Manager, Frank T. Tripepi.' ON Y R Mr. Frank G. Tripepi f # meadChylo ager, passed away on Sunday, June 19'h at the age of 74. Fr be long c ' to local government in 1971. In 1972, he w Jired by the of Ro as the assistant City Manager. He was then prity Man at 25 in X974 and served a long and succe enure this reti ,. 002 Frank was " ely rte' cted for � local government expertise and professional joaWutions' el and greater Southern California. He also � own is me atencouragement of emerging leaders in the field. Y �'he City of Ro ad, ouncil, and City staff extend our heartfelt condolences te`� Fends and to ones o e Tripepi family. His service and commitment to the co m iry will a s have a special place in Rosemead. He is in our thoughts, and we td `;_s opp y: u' ity to express our profound gratitude for his service to the city. You will bji� Frank! Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2022 Page 16 of 17 8. ADJOURNMENT Incoming Mayor Dang adjourned the meeting in memory of former City Manager, Frank T. Tripepi and in memory of the two El Monte Police Officers, Corporal Michael Paredes, and Officer Joseph Santana at 10:37 p.m. The next City Council meeting will take place on July 26, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. in the Rosemead City Hall Council Chamber. Ericka - tlez, City Clerk APPROVED: Sean Dang, Mayor Rosemead City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of July 12, 2022 Page 17 of 17