CC - Item 5E - Adopt Resolution No. 2022-51 - Approving the Application for Caltrans Local Highway Safety Improvment Program (HSIP) Cycle II Grant Funding�° ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL * Wf STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BEN KIM, CITY MANAGER DATE: SEPTEMBER 13, 2022 SUBJECT: ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 2022-51, APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR CALTRANS LOCAL HIGHWAY SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (HSIP) CYCLE 11 GRANT FUNDING SUMMARY The Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) is one of the core federal -aid programs. The purpose of the HSIP program is to achieve a significant reduction in traffic fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads, including non -State-owned public roads. To apply for the HSIP funds, an agency must have a completed Local Roadway Safety Plan (LRSP) or an equivalent of the LRSP. The City of Rosemead has completed its LRSP and has identified a potential project for HSIP grant funding consideration. The proposed project includes safety improvements to signalized intersections including traffic signal retroreflective backplates, high visibility crosswalks, and pedestrian countdown signal heads. The estimated cost of the project is approximately $3,384,400 and there is a required 10% local match of $338,440. Staff is recommending that the City Council adopt Resolution 2022-51 approving the City's application for the Caltrans Local HSIP Cycle 11 grant funding. DISCUSSION The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), was signed into law by President Biden on November 15, 2021. Under IIJA, the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP), codified as Section 148 of Title 23, United States Code (23 U.S.0 §148), is a core federal -aid program to States for the purpose of achieving a significant reduction in fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads. California's Local HSIP focuses on infrastructure projects with nationally recognized crash reduction factors (CRFs). Local HSIP projects must be identified on the basis of crash experience, crash potential, crash rate, or other data -supported means. One of the eligibility requirements to apply for HSIP grant funds for the local agency is to have a completed LRSP. The LRSP provides a framework for identification, analysis, and prioritization of roadway safety improvements on local roads. The LRSP was developed using the process outlined by Caltrans to provide a systematic approach to recommend safety improvements. The plan is data driven, using a comprehensive analysis of five years of collision data. The collision AGENDA ITEM 5.E City Council Meeting September 13, 2022 Page 2 of 3 analysis provides various citywide collision statistics, such as collisions per year; collisions involved with vehicles, pedestrians, bicycles, or property; types of injury collisions; and collision causes. The process results in a list of improvements and actions that address the areas of highest need, as supported by the data. To apply for the HSIP funds, an agency must complete an LRSP or an equivalent of the LRSP, such as Systemic Safety Analysis Report (SSAR) or Vision Zero Action Plan. The LRSP must be updated and validated at least every five years. When an agency submits an HSIP funding application, the agency must self -certify that an LRSP has been completed. The agency must provide a copy of the safety plan upon request. On April 26, 2022, the City Council awarded a professional services agreement to Kimley Horn in the amount of $48,619.94 to provide professional services for planning and engineering service for the preparation of LRSP. Kimley Horn finalized the City's LRSP, which is a requirement to HSIP grant application. The completed LRSP is being presented for adoption by the City Council at the September 13, 2022, City Council Meeting under proposed Resolution No. 2022-50. As part of its scope of services for LRSP preparation, Kimley Horn developed and recommended a project to be applied under HSIP grant program and prepared the required technical data for the grant application. The proposed project to be applied under HSIP grant program has the following proposed improvements: • Retroreflective backplates for all 62 signalized intersections • High visibility crosswalks at 40 signalized intersections • Pedestrian countdown signal heads at 40 signalized intersections The above proposed improvements are consistent with Local Roadway Safety Plan recommendations and will improve overall pedestrian and vehicle safety citywide. Furthermore, the proposed improvements will improve roadway safety with relatively minimal costs, resulting in a favorable benefit cost ratio which is a key grant award criterion under the HSIP grant program. The total project estimate of the above proposed improvements is $3,384,400, including a required 10% local match of $338,440. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Resolution 2022-51 approving the City's application for grant funds from Caltrans Local Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 11 and approve the proposed project recommendation to be submitted as part of the grant application. FINANCIAL IMPACT Currently, there is no fiscal impact in authorizing the application for grant funds from Caltrans Local Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 11. If the application for grant funds City Council Meeting September 13, 2022 Paee 3 of 3 is successful, staff will return to Council to appropriate the 10% local match requirement in the amount of $338,440. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT The project is consistent with the Strategic Plan's guiding principal for fiduciary responsibility of providing for transparency in financial management of City's finances and providing quality of life enhancement. PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Submitted by: Michael Chung, P.E. Director of Public Works Attachment A: Resolution 2022-51 Attachment A Resolution No. 2022-51 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-51 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR CALTRANS LOCAL HIGHWAY SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (HSIP) CYCLE 11 GRANT FUNDS WHEREAS, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), aka Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), was signed into law by President Biden on November 15, 2021. Under IIJA, the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP), codified as Section 148 of Title 23, United States Code (23 U.S.0 §148), is a core federal -aid program to States for the purpose of achieving a significant reduction in fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads.; and, WHEREAS, the Division of Local Assistance (DLA) manages California's local agency share of HSIP funds; and, WHEREAS, one of the eligibility requirements to apply for HSIP grant funds for the local agency is to have its LRSP document finalized, which provides a framework for identification, analysis, and prioritization of roadway safety improvements on local roads. WHEREAS, on April 26, 2022, the City Council awarded a professional services agreement to Kimley Hom to provide professional services for planning and engineering service for the preparation of LRSP. Kimley Horn finalized the City's LRSP, which is a requirement to HSIP grant application. WHEREAS, as part of its scope of services for LRSP preparation, Kimley Horn recommended a project to be applied under HSIP grant program and prepared the required technical data for the grant application. The proposed project includes retroreflective backplates for all 62 signalized intersections, high visibility crosswalks at 40 signalized intersections, pedestrian countdown signal heads at 40 signalized intersections. The total project estimate of the above proposed improvements is $3,384,400. The required local match to be funded by City local funds is $338,440 (10% of total project estimate). THE ROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager or his designee to submit the application for Caltrans Local Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 11 grant funds SECTION 2: The City Clerk is directed to certify the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 13`h day of September, 2022. APPROVED AS TO FORM: Rachel Richman, City Attorney STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CITY OF ROSEMEAD SS: Sean Dang, Mayor ATTEST: Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk I, Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk of the City of Rosemead, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2022-51, was adopted by the Rosemead City Council at a duly noticed council meeting held on September 13, 2022, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Ericka Hernandez, City Clerk