CC - Item 6B - Report and Discussion Regading The City Manager's Office Fiscal Year 2023 Work PlanROSEMEAD CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: BEN KIM, CITY MANAGER _1�� DATE: SEPTEMBER 13, 2022 SUBJECT: REPORT AND DISCUSSION REGARDING THE CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE FISCAL YEAR 2023 WORK PLAN SUMMARY The City Manager's Office is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the City, including direct oversight over the following programmatic areas: public safety, emergency preparedness, animal licensing, code enforcement, business licensing, human resources, intergovernmental relations, information technology, and HUD programs (CDBG and HOME). As the lead department in implementing the City's 2030 Imagine Rosemead Strategic Plan ("the Plan"), the City Manager's Office has several initiatives underway to accomplish the objectives of the Plan as well as additional efforts to enhance organizational efficiency and effectiveness. This update is intended to serve as a summary of those efforts for the current fiscal year. Therefore, it is recommended that the City Council receive and file this report. The City Manager's Office is currently working on several projects designed to create organizational efficiencies and enhance customer service. Below is a brief summary of projects planned or currently being worked on: Access Control & Camera System Upgrade On September 1, 2022, the City posted a Bid on the City's online bid platform, PlanetsBids, to solicit proposals from qualified vendors to furnish and install an access control system and to assess and replace cameras at twelve City facilities, including all hardware and software required to operate the system. It is anticipated that this item will be brought before the City Council for consideration in October/November 2022. AGENDA ITEM 6.11 City Council Meeting September 13, 2022 Page 2 of 4 New City Website The City Manager's Office has prepared a Request for Proposal ("RFP") for qualified vendors to design a new City website. In August 2017, the City entered into an agreement with West Interactive Services Corporation, dba CivicLive, to design, host, and maintain the City's website (www.cityofrosemead.or¢). The website went live later that year and while it continues to be a functional site, the website's design is limited in terms of navigation and how information is presented to the public. Current trends in website design have necessitated a rethinking of the City's website format and platform. Further, the initial five-year contract period with CivicLive will end in June 2023, and the City will need to determine whether to keep the current site or embark in a new direction. It is recommended that the City Council provide direction on the City website and any new features and functions that would elevate the public's interaction with the City and provide the greatest benefit to the Rosemead community. City Network Server Upgrade On August 25, 2022, the City posted an RFP on PlanetBids seeking qualified vendors to furnish and install five new servers to replace obsolete equipment that has exceeded their lifecycle and to improve operational efficiency and redundancy of the City's information technology architecture. It is anticipated that this item will be brought before the City Council for award October/November 2022, City Council Meeting. Purchasing Policy Review The City is in discussion with the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing ("NIGP") for consultant services to review and recommend changes to the City's Purchasing Policy ("the Policy"). NIGP offers professional procurement consultation and support services, and is the industry leading expert on public procurement practices. It is anticipated that NIGPs review of the City's Policy will enhance organizational efficiency and effectiveness by advancing the City's Policy to current industry standards while creating new cost saving opportunities for the strategic sourcing of goods and services. If the engagement proceeds, it is anticipated that NIGP will complete its assessment this fall, and the City Council will have an opportunity to review its recommendations. Weekly Highlights from Rosemead City Hall The City Manager's Office is currently reviewing applications to create an online electronic bulletin for news and information about City programs, services, and projects. The "news blast" is designed to keep the community "in the know" about the latest and greatest offerings from the City Council Meeting September 13, 2022 Page 3 of 4 City that is timelier and more topical than a quarterly newsletter. Information and topics will include: City events, new business openings, emergency preparedness tips, recreation classes and programs, City project updates, and more. The weekly highlights are City Hall news you can use. Permitting System Upgrade The City is also in the early process of evaluating a new Citywide permitting system to create a one -stop -shop for residents and businesses. Any new system will have the functionality to improve access through web portals, increase mobility and workflow, integrate with existing City departments, and create more informed decision-making. Staff will be meeting with prospective vendors to determine overall functionality and make a recommendation to the City Council on a solution that best addresses the City's and community's needs. In addition to the projects stated above, the City Manager's Office is also overseeing the following projects: • New animal licensing system • Business Registry Process • Citywide policies and procedures review • Emergency Operations Center trainings • Local Hazard Mitigation Plan update • Enhanced employee engagement events • Intergovernmental Relations — Legislative Tracking STAFF RECOMMENDATION That the City Council receive and file this report. FISCAL IMPACT There is no impact to the General Fund to receive and file this report. The City Council will be requested to make recommendations or award contracts as projects proceed through the normal course of business. STRATEGIC PLAN IMPACT Several of the initiatives outlined will accomplish the policy goals and activities outlined in the 2030 Strategic Plan. City Council Meeting September 13, 2022 Page 4 of 4 PUBLIC NOTICE PROCESS This item has been noticed through the regular agenda notification process. Prepared by: Michael Bruckner Assistant City Manager